1 03 - css introduction

CSS Introduction Colin Gourlay & Kevin Vanderbeken

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CSS Introduction

Colin Gourlay & Kevin Vanderbeken

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(the presentation layer)

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What is CSS?

Where can CSS be used?

CSS Syntax - selectors, properties & values

Selecting HTML elements

Inheritance & the cascade

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what is CSS?

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CSS = Cascaded Style Sheets

• A way to customise the presentation of your HTML.

• A language designed to allow us select and style the elements on our page.

• Like HTML, it has gone through various changes.• Also like HTML, it is not a programming language.• It can allow us to present our content in multiple

formats for multiple devices.

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why do we use CSS?

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less work

better type & layout controls

smaller documentsand faster downloads

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less work

better type & layout controls

smaller documentsand faster downloads

more accessible sites

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less work

better type & layout controls

smaller documentsand faster downloads

reliable browser support

more accessible sites

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less work

smaller documentsand faster downloads

reliable browser support

more accessible sites

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smaller documentsand faster downloads

reliable browser support

more accessible sites

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a great example...


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where can you use CSS?

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embedded style sheets

inline styles

external style sheets

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<html> <head> <title>Document Title</title> </head> <body> <h1 style="color: red;"> Introduction </h1> </body></html>

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embedded style sheets

inline styles

external style sheets

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<html> <head> <title>Document Title</title> <style type="text/css"> h1 { color: red; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>Introduction</h1> </body></html>

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embedded style sheets

inline styles

external style sheets

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<html> <head> <title>Document Title</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheet.css" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <h1>Introduction</h1> </body></html>

h1 { color: red;}


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CSS syntax

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selectors, properties & values

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selector { property: value; } selector {     property1: value1;     property2: value2;     property3: value3;}

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h1 { color: orange; } p {     color: #000000;     font-size: 12px;     font-family: Arial;}

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h1 {}


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#article {}

<p  id="article">...text...</p>

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.tab {}

<li  class="tab">...text...</li>

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inheritance & the cascade(a.k.a. the BIG concepts)

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p.bold { font-weight: bold;}

<p  class="bold"> <a href="http://www.google.com"> Google </a> is an excellent search engine.</p>



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document structure

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all elements contained within another element are its descendants

title, style and head are descendants of html

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a direct descendant is called a child element

body is a child of html

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a containing element is called the parent element

html is the parent of body

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the trail of parents leading back to the root are an element’s ancestors

p, body and html are ancestors of img

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all elements with the same parent are siblings

h1, p, p, h2, etc are siblings

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If we wanted all text elements to be shown in verdana font, we apply one rule to the


body { font-face: Verdana; },

Then all the decendant text elements inside the body tag get that style applied.

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the cascade

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 the closer the style sheet is to the content, the more

weight it is given

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rules can still conflict...

...but the cascade still applies

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<li class="myHappyShoes"> One of many happy shoes</li><li id="happyShoe" class="myHappyShoes">     A <a href="http://shoe.com/">happy shoe</a></li><p class="myHappyShoes">Happy shoes paragraph</p>

.myHappyShoes { color: yellow; }

.myHappyShoes { color: green; }li.myHappyShoes { color: orange; }#happyShoe { color: red; }li#happyShoe { color: violet; }li#happyShoe a { color: blue; }



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about CSS & web standards


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how’s our speed?

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next week...

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