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  • 09/24/2017 Rev 12The Undefended Maiden givesBirth

    Dr. Barry Gumm

    This book is for sale at http://leanpub.com/09242017rev12

    This version was published on 2013-09-20

    This is a Leanpub book. Leanpub empowers authors andpublishers with the Lean Publishing process. LeanPublishing is the act of publishing an in-progress ebookusing lightweight tools and many iterations to get readerfeedback, pivot until you have the right book and buildtraction once you do.

    ©2013 Dr. Barry Gumm


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  • Contents

    Chapter Three - Star & Planet Positions . . . . . 1

  • Chapter Three - Star &Planet PositionsCharts & Star Positions

    With thanks to Stellarium.org we have produced some con-stellation charts of the 09/24/2017 around 7 am Israel time. Stellarium.org allows you to download their program freeof charge.  It is a wonderful program.  Also we use a Natalchart of the same date produced with permission fromMarket Analyst Software which is 7am approximately IranTime on the 24th September 2017. Below

    We have both Western and Arabic Constellations charts.

    Figure 3. Western Constellation chart of 09/24/2017

  • Chapter Three - Star & Planet Positions 2

    Figure 3.1 Arabic Constellation chart of 09/24/2017

  • Chapter Three - Star & Planet Positions 3

    Charts Figure 3.2 Natal Chart of 09/24/2017

  • Chapter Three - Star & Planet Positions 4

    Positions of the Planets andStars

    As at 09/24/2017 or Non USA 24/09/2017

    · Moon is under her feet (Virgo’s feet) in Scorpio

    · Sun is Clothing or bathing the woman (Virgo) in sunshine

    · From the top right (natal chart)  Venus, Mars andMercuryare between 150 degrees and 180 degrees Virgo, 

    · JUPITER is in Virgo, JUPITER is between her (Virgo’s)Legs (she is giving birth to Jupiter, as it were).

    9 other stars in Leo (making up a total of 12) 9 Stars+ Mercury, Venus and Mars equals 12 Stars to matchRevelations 12 verses 1 & 2

    Other -

    The star called Spica in the Western Constellation Chart iscalled the Undefended One in the Arabic Chart and is inVirgo’s Hand.

    From which I made the title of the book.

    Therefore both the Arabic and Western Constellationscharts match incredibly well with the first two verses ofRevelations chapter twelve restated below for reference.

    “And a great sign (wonder) - [warning of future eventsof ominous significance] appeared in heaven: a womanclothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and

  • Chapter Three - Star & Planet Positions 5

    with a crown like garland (tiara) of twelve stars on herhead.

    2 She was pregnant and she cried out in her birth pangs, inthe anguish of her delivery.” AMP

    Therefore the Sign in the Night Sky (Heavens) match upperfectly with Rev 12 v 1 & 2.

    However there is much more in this alignment than firstmeets the eye. For the faith filled person that maybe allone wants to know.

    For the person who wants to know more we will show anddemonstrate there is much more to this and we start withthe displacement factor in chapter four.

    Table of ContentsChapter Three - Star & Planet Positions