(09) parole and probation administration(word)


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1. Selection of offenders for probation

This phase is known as the post-sentence investigation ofCourt referrals. This covers the period after conviction but before the grant of probation.

2. Supervision and Treatment of Selected Offenders

This phase covers the period following the grant of probationbut before termination of the case thru successful completionof the probation period or revocation and commitment to ajail or prison.

InvestigationTo provide the court with relevant information and judicious recommendations for the selection of offenders to be placed on probation

What is Probation?By probation, a person who is convicted of a criminal offenseis not sent to prison by the sentencing court. Instead, he/sheis released and place under the supervision of a probationofficer subject to the conditions which the court may impose

Is Probation a right? No, it is mere privilege.

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Who cannot be granted Probation? Those:

sentenced to serve a prison term of more than six (6) years; convicted of any crime against the national security or the public order; previously convicted of an offense which is punished by imprisonment of

more than 30 days and/or a fine of Php 200.00 or more; who have once been placed on probation under this law; already serving sentence;

Who cannot be granted Probation? Those: sentenced to a probationable penalty but appealed the same; convicted of an offense against the Omnibus Election Code and Wage

Rationalization Act; and convicted of illicit trafficking or pushing of Dangerous Act.

Will Probation be automatically granted to oneWhose sentence is six (6) years or less?

No, the application may be denied by the court if: after determination, he/she is in need of rehabilitation which could be

provided by prison/jail; risk that the offender will likely commit another crime; and depreciate the seriousness of the crime committed.

Where shall an application for Probation be filed? The application shall be filed with the court that tried and sentenced the offender.

When should an application for Probation be filed? Anytime before the offender starts serving his sentencebut within fifteen (15) days from the promulgation ornotice of the judgment of conviction.

May an offender be released from confinement whilehis application for Probation is pending? Yes, the applicant may be released under the bail he postedin the criminal case, or under recognizance.

How many times can one be granted Probation? Only once.

How long is the period of Probation? Not more than two (2) years if the sentence of the offenderis one (1) year or less; and not more than six (6) years if thesentence is more than one (1) year.

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To effect the rehabilitation and reintegration of the probationers as productive, law-abiding and socially responsible members of the community.

Conditions of Probation Mandatory Discretionary

What will happen if a probationer violates the conditions of Probation?

The court may modify the conditions of probation or revokethe same. If the violation is serious, the court may order the probationer to serve his prison sentence. The probationer mayalso be arrested and criminally prosecuted if the violationis a criminal offense.


It is an individualized community-based three pronged approach to crime prevention and treatment of offenders with Restorative Justice as its philosophical foundation, Therapeutic Community as the treatment modality, and Volunteers as lead community resource

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TherapeuticCommunity Ladderized Program Manual

Volunteer ProbationAide Manual

Restorative JusticeHandbook

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TherapeuticCommunity Ladderized Program Manual

Volunteer ProbationAide Manual

Restorative JusticeHandbook

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Total Probation Caseload Handled (2009-2013)

Year Investigation Supervision

2009 9,624 34,050

2010 7,034 29,523

2011 8,634 30,385

2012 8,810 29,768

2013 9,187 29,236

Average 8,658 30,592

Total Probation Caseload Handled = Carry-Over + New Referrals Received

Total New Referrals Received (2009-2013)

Year Investigation Supervision

2009 9,045 9,393

2010 6,453 6,785

2011 8,208 8,421

2012 8,202 7,696

2013 8,620 8,583

Total 40,528 40,878

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Court Disposition on Probation Applications(2009-2013)

Year Granted Denied

2009 5,296 490

2010 6,183 607

2011 7,222 769

2012 6,294 563

2013 7,632 667

Total 32,627 3,096


Gender Number

Male 26,208

Female 3,028

Total 29,236

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Age Level Number

Below-20 85

21-30 12,009

31-40 9,431

41-50 5,427

51-60 1,877

61-Above 407

Total 29,236


Educational Attainment Number

No formal schooling 452

Elementary undergraduate 7,796

Elementary graduate 3,599

High School undergraduate 6,408

High School graduate 4,281

College undergraduate 3,678

Collage graduate 2,128

Vocational 894

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Total 29,236

DISTRIBUTION OF PROBATIONERS BY OCCUPATION Group I – Officials of Government and Special Interest Organizations, Corporate Executives, Managers, Managing Proprietors and SupervisorsGroup II – ProfessionalsGroup IV – ClerksGroup V – Service Workers and Shop and Market Sales Workers Group VI – Farmers, Forestry Workers and Fishermen Group VII – Trades and Related WorkersGroup VIII – Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers Group IX – Laborers and Unskilled Workers Group X – Special Occupations Group XI – Unemployed


Occupation Groups Number

I 0

II 168

III 67

IV 299

V 4,782

VI 4,817

VII 3,621

VII 3,963

IX 2,832

X 4,522

XI 4,165

Total 29,236

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Family Economic Status Number

More than Adequate 700

Adequate 5,460

Inadequate 18,796

Below Poverty Level 4,280

Total 29,236

More than Adequate – the family income is more than sufficient for the basic requirements of its members

Adequate- the family income is equal to the basic requirements of the family

Inadequate – the family income is above the poverty level but insufficient for the family’s

basic needs, considering the social standing of its members

Below Poverty Level – monthly family income below Php 6,274.00 for a family of five

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Average Monthly Income Number

Below – 2,000 6,081

2,001-5,000 10,437

5,001-10,000 8,946

10,001-20,000 2,924

20,001-above 149

No Income 699

Total 29,236


Crimes Number

Against Public Interest 342

Relative to Opium and Other Prohibited Drugs


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Against Person 6,468

Against Property 5,538

Against Chastity 1,523

Against Security 690

Against Honor 538

Against Special Laws 4,937

Against Public Officer 67

Against Ordinance 28

Against Public Morals 22

Against Multiple Crime 107

Total 29,236


Year Estimated Savings


2009 621,412,500

2010 538,794,750

2011 554,526,250

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2012 543,266,000

2013 533,557,000

Total 2,791,556,500


Probation Assists The Government

It reduces the population of prisons and jails.

It cuts enormous expense in maintaining jails.

It reduces recidivism and overcrowding in jails and prisons.

It saves the government a total of Php 2.8 Billion in terms of prisoners maintenance in jails and prisons all over the country.

It reduces the burden on the police forces and institutions of feeding and guarding detainees.

Probation Assists The Government

It makes the offenders taxpayers instead of taxeaters.

It lessens the clogging of courts.

It lightens the load of prosecutors.

It adheres to the concept of Restorative Justice. Thus, a total of Php 137.923 Million has been paid to clients’ victim and/or their heirs.

Probation Protects Society

From the excessive costs of detention.

From the high rate of recidivism of detained offenders.

Probation Protects The Victim

It provides restitution.

It preserves justice.

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Probation Protects The Family

It does not deprive the wife and children of husband and father.

It maintains the unity of the home.

Probation Helps The Offender

It maintains his earning power.

It provides rehabilitation in the community.

It restores his dignity.

Probation Justifies The Philosophy of Men

That life is sacred

That all men deserve a second time

That an individual can change

That society has a moral obligation to lift the fallen



Pursuant to Act No. 4103, otherwise known as “The Indeterminate

Sentence Law,” as amended

Purpose of the Law

To uplift and redeem valuable human material to economic usefulness; and

To prevent unnecessary and excessive deprivation of personal history.

Under Section 5 of said Act, it is the duty of the Board of Pardons and Parole to look into the physical, mental and moral record of prisoners who are eligible for parole and to determine the proper time of release of such prisoners on parole.

Eligibility for Review of a Parole Case

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An inmate may be eligible for review by the Board provided: The Inmate

is serving an indeterminate sentence the maximum period of which exceeds one (1) year;

has served the minimum period of the indeterminate sentence;

Disqualifications for Parole

Punished with death penalty or life imprisonment;

Convicted of treason, conspiracy or proposal to commit treason or espionage;

Convicted of misprision of treason, rebellion, sedition or coup d ‘etat;

Convicted of piracy or mutiny on the high seas or Philippine waters;

who are habitual delinquents;

who escaped from confinement or evaded sentence;

granted conditional pardon by the President of the Philippines shall have violated any of the terms thereof;

whose maximum term of imprisonment does not exceed one (1) year or those with definite sentence;

convicted of offenses punished with reclusion perpetua, or whose sentences were reduced to reclusion perpetua by reason of Republic Act No. 9346 amending Republic Act No.7659; and

convicted for violation of the laws on terrorism, plunder and transnational crimes.

Factors to be Considered in Review of Parole Cases

Degree of prisoner’s institutional rehabilitation and his behavior or conduct;

Previous criminal record and the risk to other persons;

Gravity of the offense and the manner in which it was committed, and prisoner’s attitude towards the offense and degree of remorse;

Evidence that the prisoner will be legitimately employed upon release, or has a place where he will reside; and

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Age of the prisoner and the availability of after-care services for the prisoner who is old, seriously ill or suffering from a Physical disability.

Grant of Parole

If it finds the following circumstances are present:

Fitted by his training for release

Reasonable probability that, if released, he will live and remain at liberty without violating the law; and

Will not be incompatible with the welfare of society.


What is Commutation of Sentence?

It is the reduction of the period of prison sentence. A substitution of a less penalty for the one originally imposed.

What is Pardon?

It is an act of mercy or grace by the President granted to a convicted lawbreaker which reaches both the punishment for the offense and the guilt of the offender.

What are the kinds of Pardon?

Absolute pardon – total extinction

Conditional Pardon – partial extinction

What is a Presidential Reprieve?

Withholding of the execution of a sentence for an interval of time.

Basis of the power of the Chief Executive

Section 19, Article VII of the Philippine Constitution

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“Except in case of impeachment or otherwise required provided therein, the President may grant reprieves, commutations, and pardons and remit fines and forfeitures, after conviction by final judgment.”

Basis of the Board of Pardons and Parole power in recommending to the President the grant of Executive Clemency

Executive Order No. 83, dated January 11, 1937


Served at least one-third (1/3) of the definite or aggregate prison term

Served at least one-half of the minimum of the indeterminate prison term or aggregated of the minimum of the indeterminate

Qualifications for Conditional Pardon

Served at least one-half (1/2) of the maximum of the original Indeterminate and/or definite prison term

Qualifications for Absolute Pardon

Served his/her maximum sentence

Granted final release and discharge

Granted court termination of probation

Total Probation Caseload Handled = Carry-Over + New Referrals Received

Total Parole/Pardon Caseload Handled (2009-2013)

Year Investigation Supervision

2009 1,140 18,164

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2010 1,207 14,403

2011 4,621 14,213

2012 2,115 14,337

2013 3,979 14,166

Average 2,612 15,057

Total Probation Caseload Handled = Carry-Over + New Referrals Received

Total New Referrals Received Parole/Pardon (2009-2013)

Year Investigation Supervision

2009 1,073 5,655

2010 1,144 2,802

2011 4,601 2,551

2012 1,766 2,409

2013 3,204 2,188

Total 11,788 15,605

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Year Ongoing



Final Release and Discharge




2009 93.20 6.01 0.79

2010 88.95 9.50 1.55

2011 87.01 11.27 1.72

2012 89.38 9.11 1.51

2013 92.62 6.15 1.23

Average 90.23 8.41 1.36

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