08.ebs r12.1 hcm 8 compensation workbench

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  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -1-

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    Oracle $%&usiness 'uite (12 "uman Capital )ana*ement +"C), $ssentials

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    Compensation /orbench

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


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  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


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  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


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    Key Content Contribtors

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  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


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    (127 Oracle "()'

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


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    )odule7 Compensation /orbench

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

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    -o understand this module you should hae hand%on noled*e of

    folloin* Core "( features

    @ /or 'tructure Components

    @ Core "( /orforce )ana*ement

    @ $lement description and Ain 'etup

    &asic Bnoled*e of Fast Formula

    @ Definin* (atin* 'cale

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -#-

    Module Objectives

    Plan Enrollment RequirementsStandard Rates

    Life Events

    Eligibility Profiles

    Total Compensation Statement

    Compensation or!benc" for Managers #$dministrators

    Profile Options for C%

    Perform %udgeting

    Manage Promotion and Rating

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -$-

    Plan Types

    @Determine the cate*ory of compensation offerin*s

    @)ust choose the Option -ype of Compensation /orbench3

    @-he Compensation Cate*ory specifies if the plan type is for salary bonus orstoc

     Plan &efinition' Types and (ears

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

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    Compensation Plan

    @Compensation /orbench plan is a collection of *roup of arious tass

    that are aailable to mana*ers at the same time processed at sametime and use the same hierarchy and approal chain.

    @-ypical compensation plans include salary increases lined to a yearlyfocal reie period scheduled bonuses and stoc option *rants. Onecan also define plans for promotionsEob chan*es and performance


    @!n case of multiple plans across different business *roups then all shouldbe associated ith one *lobal plan. One create a sin*le bud*et for the*lobal plan hich you can distribute across the local plans in their localcurrencies.

    @One can *roup different plans of same plan type in a business *roupunder one *lobal plan and allocate money to all plans usin* sin*lebud*et.

     Plan &efinition' Types and (ears

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -11-

     Plan &efinition' Types and (ears

    +,-otal Compensation# Pro*ram and Plans # Plans.

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

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     Plan &efinition' Types and (ears

    @ Gear periods must be defined foreach compensation obEect

    @ Gear periods can be defined aseither Calendar3 or Fiscal3

    @ /ithin Gear3 periods may beused to specify time ithin ayear 

    @ )ost commonly used ith?uarterly bonuses3

    @ &ud*et/orsheet periods maybe defined for the ithin yearperiods

    @ +, -otal Compensation #Heneral Definitions # 9dditional'etup # Pro*ramPlan Gears

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -13-

    Module Objectives

    Plan &efinition' Types and (ears

    Standard Rates

    Life Events

    Eligibility Profiles

    Total Compensation Statement

    Compensation or!benc" for Managers #$dministrators

    Profile Options for C%

    Perform %udgeting

    Manage Promotion and Rating

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -14-

     Plan Enrollment Requirements

    @ Plan enrollment re?uirements are setup to determine the aailabilityperiod of Compensation /orbench in 'elf%'erice for a plan.

    @ One can use plan enrollment re?uirements to enter items such asthe7

    @  9ssi*ned life eent date

    @ Plan year or ithin year period for the compensation plan

    @ Close enrollment date@ $nrollment coera*e and actiity rate start and end dates

    @ &ud*et and orsheet characteristics and aailability periods

    @ 'uperisor or position hierarchy to use for bud*ets

    @ Dates on hich performance ratin*s or Eob chan*es become effectie

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -1!-

     Plan Enrollment Requirements

    +, -otal Compensation # Pro*rams and Plans # Plan $nrollment(e?uirements

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -1&-

    Module Objectives

    Plan &efinition' Types and (ears

    Plan Enrollment Requirements

    Life Events

    Eligibility Profiles

    Total Compensation Statement

    Compensation or!benc" for Managers #$dministrators

    Profile Options for C%

    Perform %udgeting

    Manage Promotion and Rating

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -1"-

    Standard Rates


    @ 4sed to display calculations to help the mana*er or to allo input

    from the mana*er to complete a calculation

    @  9ctiity -ypes determine ho the standard rate is used by C/& andhere the information ill be displayed

    @ )any standard rates can be defined for a sin*le comp plan durin*implementation

    @ 'tandard (ates are used to record a ariety of compensationamounts such as

    @ or!s"eet %udget

    @ -he orsheet bud*et is the amount that a mana*er sees on hisher

    orsheet to allocate to hisher direct reports.

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -1#-

    Standard Rates@ or!s"eet $mount

    @ -his rate is re?uired and represents the amount a mana*er enters on the

    orsheet in money or shares. 9ttachin* an element entry to this rate ill

    forard this amount to the payroll system.

    @ Distribution %udget

    @ -he distribution bud*et is the bud*et that a mana*er *ies another mana*er to

    further distribute don the reportin* hierarchy.

    @%udget Reserve

    @  9 bud*et resere allos mana*ers to hold bac money in a bud*et for later

    use. Only if you use bud*ets should this rate be defined.

    @ Recommended $mount

    @ (ecommended amount help mana*er to distribute the tar*et amount to the

    employees@ Eligible Salary

    @ $li*ible 'alary is the salary used for C/& calculations

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -1$-

    Standard Rates

    +, -otal Compensation # (atesCoera*e Definitions # 'tandard (ates

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -2%-

    Module Objectives

    Plan &efinition' Types and (ears

    Plan Enrollment RequirementsStandard Rates

    Eligibility Profiles

    Total Compensation Statement

    Compensation or!benc" for Managers #$dministrators

    Profile Options for C%

    Perform %udgeting

    Manage Promotion and Rating

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -21-

    Life Events

    @ 'eeded life eent type


    @ Gou must define separate lifeeents for 'alary &onus and'toc plans

    @ Aife eents are attached to the

    plan enrollment re?uirements@ /hen the plan is processed the

    eents are assi*ned directly toeach person

    @ +, -otal Compensation #

    Heneral Definitions# 9dditional'etup # Aife $ent (easons

    Life Events

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -22-

    Module Objectives

    Plan &efinition' Types and (ears

    Plan Enrollment RequirementsStandard Rates

    Life Events

    Total Compensation Statement

    Compensation or!benc" for Managers #$dministrators

    Profile Options for C%

    Perform %udgeting

    Manage Promotion and Rating

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -23-

     Eligibility Profiles


    @ $li*ibility profiles are defined to determine employee eli*ibility for

    compensation and benefits plans

    @ Folloin* -ab (e*ions are present to define the eli*ibility.@ Personal@ $mployment@ Deried Factors

    @ (elated Coera*e@ Other 

    @ /hen you define more than one alue for a criterion at least one ofthe alues must be present in the person=s record for them to beeli*ible. "oeer hen you use multiple criteria in an eli*ibility profile+for e;ample a /or Aocation and an Or*anization, the person mustmeet at least one alue for each criterion.

    @ &$7 $li*ible Profile (ule profile controls the 9D –O( rules beteenmultiple eli*ibility defined for a plan.

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -24-

    Compensation # Heneral Definitions # $li*ibility Profiles # Participant

     Eligibility Profiles

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -2!-

    Module Objectives

    Plan &efinition' Types and (ears

    Plan Enrollment RequirementsStandard Rates

    Life Events

    Eligibility Profiles

    Compensation or!benc" for Managers #$dministrators

    Profile Options for C%

    Perform %udgeting

    Manage Promotion and Rating

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -2&-

     Total Compensation Statement


    @ -otal Compensation 'tatements is used to communicatecompensations reards and benefits to your employees andcontin*ent orers. -hey can use this statement to ie their totalcompensation for a specified period often one year throu*h aneasy%to%use self%serice interface

    @ Compensation administrator or an "( professional can ieemployee statements before you mae the statements aailable toemployees

    @  9dministrator can print statements for *roups of employees at asin*le time. -he enhanced printin* ability enables to efficiently printand distribute -otal Compensation 'tatements to employees ho do

    not hae online access

    @ !t is I step setup process to *enerate the total compensationstatement for the eli*ible employee.

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -2"-

     Total Compensation Statement

    @ I steps to Define the total compensation statement.

    @ +, -otal Compensation # -otal Compensation 'etup /izard

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -2#-

     Total Compensation Statement

    /elcome Aetter  -otal Compensation 'tatement

     +, -otal Compensation setup /izard # -otal Compensation statement.

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -2$-

    Module Objectives

    Plan &efinition' Types and (ears

    Plan Enrollment RequirementsStandard Rates

    Life Events

    Eligibility Profiles

    Total Compensation Statement

    Profile Options for C%

    Perform %udgeting

    Manage Promotion and Rating

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -3%-

     C% for Managers # $dministrators

    Roles and Responsibilities of or!benc" $dministrator 

    @Creates and !dentifies Plans – Plans ould mean if it3s a &onus $ent or

    a 'alary !ncrease $ent

    @ 9llocate &ud*ets for )ana*ers. !n short Comp &en 9dmin ould createthe &ud*et allocate it to the respectie )ana*ers and )ana*ers oulddistribute it to the $mployees based on performance

    @4pdate employeemana*er information

    @4pdate plan information

    @(efresh Plan and Person !nformation

    @&ac out a Compensation Plan

    @Post compensation 9ards to employee records@Close out a compensation orbench plan

    @Henerate otification to )ass

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -31-

     C% for Managers # $dministrators@ C/& 9dministrator can update employee salary proposal and

    assi*nment records such as &ase 'alary Pay 9nimalization FactorPlan eli*ibility status orsheet amount eli*ible salary etc.

    @ +, "( Professional # Compensation /orbench for 9dministrators #$mployee 9dministration

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -32-

     C% for Managers # $dministrators@ C/& 9dministrator 9ccess Control under )ana*er information -ab

    @ +, "( Professional # Compensation /orbench for 9dministrators

    # $mployee 9dministration

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -33-

     C% for Managers # $dministratorsRoles and Responsibilities of Manager 

    @ 9llocate the bud*et don the hierarchy

    @Proide 9ards shared 'alary increase or assi*nment attributeschan*es to the employee reportin* to him

    @ 9pproe the 9ctions of subordinate mana*ers

    @+, )ana*er 'elf serice # Compensation orbench

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -34-

     C% for Managers # $dministrators

    @  9llocation of Compensation to the $mployees

    @ +, )ana*er 'elf serice # Compensation orbench

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.

    © 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -3!-

     C% for Managers # $dministrators

    @ Compensation 'ummary aailable to the )ana*ers

    @ +, )ana*er 'elf serice # Compensation orbench

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -3&-

    Module Objectives

    Plan &efinition' Types and (ears

    Plan Enrollment Requirements

    Standard Rates

    Life Events

    Eligibility Profiles

    Total Compensation Statement

    Compensation or!benc" for Managers #$dministrators

    Perform %udgeting

    Manage Promotion and Rating

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -3"-

     Profile Options for C%

    Compensation /orbench proides the folloin* sample confi*urableprofile options

    Profile ConfigurableLevels


    "(7 Compensation/orbench


    'ite Ges

    &$7 C/&'ummary Aeel

    'ite 9ll $mployees

    &$7 $li*ible Profile(ule

    'ite O(

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -3#-

    Module Objectives

    Plan &efinition' Types and (ears

    Plan Enrollment Requirements

    Standard Rates

    Life Events

    Eligibility Profiles

    Total Compensation Statement

    Compensation or!benc" for Managers #$dministrators

    Profile Options for C%

    Manage Promotion and Rating

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -3$-

    Perform %udgeting


    @ Compensation /orbench proides to *eneral styles of bud*etin*

    @  9utomatic &ud*etin*7% 4se this type of bud*et if you predetermine

    bud*ets prior to *iin* mana*ers access. 9uto%issuin* bud*ets *ies the

    compensation professional control oer the amount a mana*er can

    allocate to reportin* employees and creates a uniform compensation

    distribution across the enterprise

    @ (oll%Don &ud*etin*7% 4se this type of bud*et if you predetermine theinitial bud*et only and line mana*ers complete the bud*etin* tas. 9s acompensation administrator you publish the initial bud*et ith thehi*hest%leel mana*er or ith multiple loer mana*ers. )ana*ers roll thebud*ets don the hierarchy by distributin* the bud*et

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -4%-

    @ C/& 9dministrator publish the bud*et the hi*hest leel mana*erhich in turn uses the &ud*et -as to pass it to the belo hierarchy

    @ +, "( Professional # Compensation /orbench for 9dministrators# $mployee 9dministration

    Perform %udgeting

    P f % d i

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -41-

    Perform %udgeting

    @ Hroup "ead (eceies the &ud*et !nformation from the C/& 9dministrator. Hroup "ead plans and allocates bud*ets to thereportin* mana*ers.

    @ +, )ana*er 'elf serice # Compensation orbench   # 'etbud*et

    @ )ana*er uses set bud*et tas to distribute the bud*et to hisher directreportin* mana*er

    P f % d ti

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -42-

    Perform %udgeting

    @ &ud*et 9llocation by C/& )ana*er 

    @ +, )ana*er 'elf serice # Compensation orbench   #'et


  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -43-

    Module Objectives

    Plan &efinition' Types and (ears

    Plan Enrollment Requirements

    Standard Rates

    Life Events

    Eligibility Profiles

    Total Compensation Statement

    Compensation or!benc" for Managers #$dministrators

    Profile Options for C%

    Perform %udgeting

    M P ti d R ti

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -44-

    Manage Promotion and Rating

    @ Compensation /orbench proide the feature to process apromotion or complete a performance ratin* and ranin* in

    conEunction ith processin* a pay increase bonus or stoc aard.@ !n case performance mana*ement system is used to mana*e

    performance appraisal mana*er can ie complete appraisal detailsdirectly from C/& allocation orsheet.

    C"ec!list item for Manager' +n case C% Plan consists of ,ob

    C"ange- Promotion and Performance Rating +tem only@ +, )ana*er 'elf serice # Compensation orbench

    M P ti d R ti

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -4!-

    Manage Promotion and Rating

    @ Job Chan*e Promotion -as

    @ +, )ana*er 'elf serice # Compensation /orbench  # Job

    Chan*e Promotions

    M P ti d R ti

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -4&-

    Manage Promotion and Rating

    @ Performance (atin* -as

    @ +, )ana*er 'elf serice # Compensation /orbench  #

    Performance (atin*

    M P ti d R ti

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    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -4"-

    Manage Promotion and Rating@ Job Chan*ePromotion and Performance (atin* -as summary

    @ +, )ana*er 'elf serice # Compensation /orbench  # (eie

    and 'ubmit

  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -4#-


  • 8/15/2019 08.EBS R12.1 HCM 8 Compensation Workbench


    Thank You