074. cpa2: ingeus-deloitte ptd (post tender discussion) q&a

 PTD Questions Ingeus CPA 2 East Midlands Action: Please enter your response after the relevant PTD question and return to [REDACTED] on your letter headed paper. If you are adding any additional documents (e.g. a revised implementation plan), please ensure that they also have a signed and dated declaration statement attached. PTD Declaration I should like to clarify minor aspects of my offer to deliver the Work Programme in CPA 2 submitted in the tender document of 13 th April 2011. I agree should my clarification be accepted by DWP, I will be bound by all the details contained in the original proposal pack and to the additional points below. Part 5.1: Delivery Strategy Could you please provide further details to give assurance that all customer groups needs in the CPA will be met? Ingeus-Deloitte’s delivery strategy is designed to meet the needs of all customers (as detailed in section 5.1 of the ItT). Principally, this will be achieved by offering a service that is personally tailored for each customer, however there are also elements of our strategy that will be of particular relevance to certain customer groups: Customer Group Specifically Relevant Elements of our Str ategy JSA 25 + JSA 18-24 Our experience informs us that customers on JSA are relatively closer to work than other customer groups. To maximise speed to placement, we will offer an industry- leading vacancy-matching service . This will utilise our Adapt software, which filters vacancies according to customers’ skills, experience and goals. Underpinning this will be our Employer Services Team, which will employ Employer Account Managers who will generate and manage vacancies with thousands of local and national employers. They will also arrange bespoke employer routeways which will combine pre-employment training and guaranteed interviews for customers with specific employers. Our experience of delivering programmes such as Gateway to Work informs us that many young people lack the skills necessary to enter and sustain in work. This group will benefit particularly from the services offered by our Vocational Routeways providers, who will deliver an i ntegrated package of vocational skills and employability training. These providers have been selected on the basis of the quality of their training and their

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PTD QuestionsIngeusCPA 2 – East Midlands


Please enter your response after the relevant PTD question and return to[REDACTED] on your letter headed paper. If you are adding anyadditional documents (e.g. a revised implementation plan), pleaseensure that they also have a signed and dated declaration statementattached.

PTD DeclarationI should like to clarify minor aspects of my offer to deliver the WorkProgramme in CPA 2 submitted in the tender document of 13 th April 2011. Iagree should my clarification be accepted by DWP, I will be bound by all thedetails contained in the original proposal pack and to the additional points


Part 5.1: Delivery Strategy

Could you please provide further details to give assurance that all customergroups needs in the CPA will be met?

Ingeus-Deloitte’s delivery strategy is designed to meet the needs of allcustomers (as detailed in section 5.1 of the ItT). Principally, this will beachieved by offering a service that is personally tailored for each customer,however there are also elements of our strategy that will be of particularrelevance to certain customer groups:


Specifically Relevant Elements of our Strategy

JSA 25 +JSA 18-24

Our experience informs us that customers on JSA arerelatively closer to work than other customer groups. Tomaximise speed to placement, we will offer an industry-leading vacancy-matching service. This will utilise our Adapt software, which filters vacancies according to customers’skills, experience and goals. Underpinning this will be our

Employer Services Team, which will employ EmployerAccount Managers who will generate and manage vacancieswith thousands of local and national employers. They willalso arrange bespoke employer routeways which willcombine pre-employment training and guaranteed interviewsfor customers with specific employers. Our experience ofdelivering programmes such as Gateway to Work informs usthat many young people lack the skills necessary to enterand sustain in work. This group will benefit particularly fromthe services offered by our Vocational Routeways providers,who will deliver an integrated package of vocational skills

and employability training. These providers have beenselected on the basis of the quality of their training and their

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track record in supporting disadvantaged customers intowork. In selecting these providers, we also considered theimpact of local growth industries and sought to reflect this inthe Routeways offered. We will also offer our Step Ahead programme for young people which aims to help them set

goals, develop positive behaviours and increase motivation.JSA Ex-IB Many customers in this group will still suffer from health

problems, but have recently started to search for sustainablework. We will offer a Getting Started workshop that willencourage them to think about their job goals, and theirsuitability with regard to their health condition. They will alsobe able to access our integrated Heath and Wellbeing  service which incorporates one-to-one appointments withspecialist Health Advisors and a suite of workshops such asCoping with Pain and Stress Management .

JSA Seriously


We have put together the Accessible Community Experts  

(ACE) Network to provide the best specialist advice tocustomers with multiple, complex problems. This comprisessubcontractors with specialisms in areas such as learningdisabilities, mental health, debt and offending. All of thesesubcontractors were selected on the quality of the advicethey offer and the depth of expertise they hold. They willwork from Lead Providers’ premises as a key part of a ‘one-stop-shop’ that will deliver a holistic package of servicesunder one roof. Customers in this group will also be able toaccess our Engage module, which is designed to provideholistic support for the most disadvantaged through methodssuch as: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy; peer support;confidence building; and horizon-broadening exercises.


As customers have been assessed as being in the ESASupport Group, they are likely to have more advanced healthneeds than any other group. Many will benefit from our Steps to Work module which provides integrated health andemployability support. Customers will receive advice fromhealth professionals on condition management and one-to-one employability support from Specialist Health Advisors.Support will be offered in areas such as pain management,

improving mobility and tackling the root causes ofdepression. This module will seek to empower customers totake control of their health situation and move into decent,lasting jobs.


Customers in this group have been assessed as being readyfor work within a 3-6 months period. Through our Health and Wellbeing service, we will offer one-to-one counselling andsupport from Specialist Health Advisors. We also recognisethat the transition into work can be very challenging for thisgroup so they will be able to receive specialist support oncein work, and undertake an assessment of the suitability of

the job and any reasonable adjustments that could be madebefore starting work. Customers in this group will also be

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likely to benefit particularly from the services offered by theACE Network.

IB and IS We will seek to provide an engaging service that willmotivate all voluntary customers on their journey intosustainable work. For those with caring responsibilities

(including carers and lone parents), we will offer a flexibleservice, with: appointments at times to suit customers’convenience; remote jobsearching support through Invisage ;e-learning training packages through Learndirect ;comprehensive geographical coverage, including outreachlocations in community locations; and six days a week phonesupport for in-work customers.

Part 5.2 (3): Management Structure

Please provide a detailed organisation chart for delivery within this CPAto include locations and supply chain partners.

Please see attached PDF.

In addition please expand on your rationale for your chosenmanagement structure being best suited for delivery within this CPA.

Our management structure features centralised corporate teams and amanagement team based permanently in the CPA. Centralised teams will befocussed on supporting all of our CPA based management teams. Our localmanagement structure in the East Midlands comprises redacted all employedby Ingeus. Each of these managers will work closely with management teamsfrom our four Lead Providers. Together these management teams will providefull coverage across this large and diverse CPA. In line with our deliverystrategy for the East Midlands, Deputy Operations Managers will work acrossIngeus delivery sites, whilst Contract Managers will work across the areas wehave subcontracted to our Lead Providers.

Feature of the CPA Why management structure is best suited fordelivery within this CPA

Large geographic area Deputy Operations Managers (and Lead Providerequivalents) will work across a small number ofdelivery sites – this will ensure they do not spendtime travelling between numerous locations. Italso ensures that each Deputy OperationsManager has a thorough understanding of localneeds and delivery challenges.

High number of keystakeholders e.g. sixLEPs

Our highly experienced Director for the EastMidlands will provide strategic leadership acrossthe CPA and will engage with JCP regionalCustomer Service Directors, LEPs and senior

representatives from local authorities. At a locallevel, Deputy Operations Managers, and Lead

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Provider equivalents, will be the consistent pointof contact for stakeholders, such as JCP and localauthority frontline staff. This will enable highlyeffective, practical working relationships with localstakeholders.

Diverse customer needsacross the CPA

Deputy Operations Managers, and Lead Providerequivalents, will be based across one or two ofthe most closely located delivery sites. This willensure that Deputy Operations Managers have athorough understanding of the local geography,transport infrastructure, employment opportunitiesand local customers’ needs which varyconsiderably across parts of the CPA. Forexample, local infrastructure and employmentsolutions will be very different in Nottinghamcompared with Skegness.

In-house andsubcontracted delivery

Deputy Operations Managers will support thedelivery of services across a small number ofIngeus sites. Lead provider equivalents will besupported by Ingeus Contract Managers in areaswhere Ingeus is not delivering. This ensures thatwe are able to effectively monitor and manage theperformance of our subcontractors, share bestpractices between Ingeus and our Lead Providersand achieve consistency of service across theCPA. Operations Managers will provide additionalpractical advice and support to Deputy OperationsManagers, Lead Provider equivalents and ContactManagers.

Strong localmanagement teams inexistence

Ingeus and each of our Lead Providers in the EastMidlands have experienced and highly capablelocal management teams in place. This meansdecisions can be made on the ground bymanagers with local knowledge and expertise. Italso gives us the flexibility to adapt our deliverymodel to respond to local customer andstakeholder needs. For example, in the East

Midlands this may involve making changes to ourdelivery to support the needs of the large ethnicminority populations in areas such as Leicester.

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Part 5.4: Delivery Locations

Please provide a comprehensive list of proposed delivery site addresses in the CPA including those of your supply chain

Can you provide an assurance that your entire range of Work Programme services will be available to all customers in theCPA regardless of location?

Below is an updated list of Ingeus-Deloitte and our supply chain’s proposed delivery locations. In some locations, it is our intention

to deliver from serviced offices for the first few months which will subsequently be replaced by the leased premises listed below.Both serviced and leased options are listed below, though these are currently being negotiated and are thus subject to changebefore contract start.

Outreach locations are also listed, though addresses are not listed as these will be finalised as and when it is needed during WorkProgramme delivery. All other sites are core delivery sites, which were selected on their accessibil ity, suitability and proximity tocommercial locations. All customers across the CPA will be able to access all core modules of Ingeus’ Every Day Counts deliverymodel, regardless of location.




Ingeus UK Ltd Prime Contractorfor the whole CPA

Lead Provider -End-to-Endservice

Chesterfield- St Mary's Court, St Mary's Gate, Chesterfield,

S41 7TD

Derby- The Old Courthouse, 18-20 St Peters Churchyard, Derby, DE11NN

Derby - Becket St, Derby, DE1 1JP




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Mansfield- Chaucer House, Commercial Street, Mansfield, NG18 1SY

Newark- Aura Commerce & Technology Centre, Manners Road,Newark, NG24 1BS

Northampton- Ground Floor, Charles House, 61 Derngate,Northampton, NN1 1UE

Nottingham- 55 Maid Marian Way, Nottingham, NG1 6GE

Worksop- Dukeries Business Centre

31-33 Retford Road, Worksop S80 2PU





Northampton East













TNG (part ofAvantaEnterprises Ltd)

Lead Provider -End-to-Endservice

Boston - 51-53 High Street, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 8SP Leased

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Gainsborough - Unit 2B Britannia House, Marshall Yard, BeaumonteStreet, Gainsborough, DN21 2ER

Grantham - Suite 1The George Shopping Centre, Grantham, NG316LH

Lincoln - 25 Tentercroft Street, Lincoln, LN5 7DB

Louth - Unit 5 Meridian House, 41 Eastgate, Louth, LN11 9PL

Skegness - Heath Road, Wainfleet Road Industrial Estate, Skegness,PE25 3 SJ

Sleaford - 1 Mill House, Carre Street, Sleaford, NG34 7TW

Spalding- Broad Street Business Centre, Spalding, PE11 1TB

Stamford -1 Scotgate Mews, Stamford, PE9 2FX

Market Rasen














Intraining Ltd Lead Provider -End-to-Endservice

Coalville- Unit 7 and 8 Enterprise House, Ashby Road, Coalville,Leicestershire, LE67 3LA

Hinckley- Suite 4, 2nd

Floor, 1 Castle Street, Hinckley, Leicestershire,LE10 1DA



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Leicester- Humber House, 81 Humber stone Gate, Leicester, LE1 1WB

Loughborough- Shenton House, 23 Leicester Road, Loughborough,LE11 2AE

Melton Mowbray

Market Harborough







Papworth Trust Lead Provider -End-to-Endservice

Corby- 1 Earltrees Court, Corby, Northants NN17 4AX

Kettering- 8 Orion Park, Kettering, Northants NN15 6PP

Wellingborough- 6th

Floor, 12 Sheep Street, Wellingborough, NorthantsNN8 1BL






Derbyshire andNottinghamshireChamber of


Lead Provider – End-to-endservice

Personal/ VocationalRouteways

Bradbury Community House, Market Street, Glossop, SK13 8AR

Outreach in Buxton

Chesterfield- DNCC, Commerce Centre, Canal Wharf, Chesterfield,Derbyshire, S41 7NA

Derby- DNCC, Commerce House, 2 Victoria Way, Pride Park, Derby,





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Derbyshire, DE24 8AN

Nottingham- DNCC, Ashfield School, Sutton Road, Kirkby in Ashfield,

Nottinghamshire, NG17 8HP

Nottingham- DNCC, 8 Experian Way, NG2 Business park, Nottingham,

Nottinghamshire NG2 1EP

Swadlincote- DNCC, George Holmes Business Centre, George

Holmes Way, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE11 9DF




The Big TrainingCompany

Personal/ VocationalRouteways

Mansfield- Chadburn House, Weighbridge Road, Mansfield,Nottinghamshire, NG18 1AH

Newark- 36 Castlegate, Newark Nottinghamshire, NG24 1BG



Business in theCommunity(BITC)

Personal/ VocationalRouteways

Nottingham From a range of employeroffices

BTCV Personal/ VocationalRouteways

Chesterfield- The Old Methodist Church, 10a Marsden Street,Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S40 1JY 

Derby- Sitwell House, Sitwell, 9 Sitwell Street, Derby, DE1 2JD



Co-operativeCommunityAction (CCA)

Personal/ VocationalRouteways

Nottingham- 42 Gregory Boulevard, Hyson Green, Nottingham, NG76BG


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Personal/ VocationalRouteways

Chesterfield- Chesterfield College, Infirmary Road, Chesterfield, S417NG

Chesterfield- Tapton House, Brimington Road, Chesterfield, S41 0TD



CommunityEnterprise Derby

Personal/ Vocational


Derby- Community Action Derby, 4 Charnwood Street, Derby, DE12GT


Concept CareSolutions

Personal/ VocationalRouteways

Northampton- No 3 Notre Dames Mews, Northampton NN1 2BG  Leased

Enable Personal/ VocationalRouteways

Worksop- The Crossing, Newcastle Street, Worksop, S80 2AT Leased


Personal/ VocationalRouteways

Nottingham- Central Office, Val Roberts House, 25 Gregory Boulevard,Nottingham, NG7 6NX

Mansfield- The Heath, Fritchley Court, Mansfield, Nottingham, NG183QE



GroundworkDerby and


Personal/ Vocational


Derbyshire- Bridge Centre, 43 Cromford Rd, Langley Mill, Derbyshire,NG16 4EF

Derbyshire- Toolbox, Market Place, Somercotes, Derbyshire DE554HT

Derby- 158-162 Abbey St, Derby DE22 3SS




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JHP Personal/ VocationalRouteways

Nottingham- 4th Floor, Market Square House, St James' Street,Nottingham, NG1 6FJ

Nottingham- 26 Eldon Business Park, Eldon Road, Chilwell,Nottingham, NG9 6DZ

Northampton- Suite 12, Collingwood Business Centre, Lower HardingStreet, Northampton, NN1 2JL

Northampton- Evans Business Centre, Regents Pavilions, 4Summerhouse Road, Moulton Park, Northampton, NN3 6BJ





Learn Today Personal/ VocationalRouteways

Northampton- 56 Lorne Road, Northampton, NN1 3RN Leased


Personal/ VocationalRouteways

Nottingham- Idle Valley Rural Learning Centre, Off Great North Road,Retford, Nottingham, DN22 8SG.

Worksop- College Main Site, Carlton Road, Worksop, Nottingham, S817HP

Worksop- Shireoaks Triangle, Worksop, Nottingham, S81 8AL




Pitman Training Personal/ VocationalRouteways

Derby- Pitman Training, 5 Derwent Court, Macklin Street, Derby DE11SG

Derby- Pitman Training, 30 Curzon Street, Derby, DE1 1LL




Personal/ VocationalRouteways

Derby- Floor 4, St Peter’s House, Gower Street. Derby, DE1 1SB Leased

TBG Learning Personal/ Derby- St Peter’s House, Gower Street, Derby DE1 1SB Leased

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VocationalRouteways Nottingham- 15 Middle Pavement, Nottingham, NG1 7DX Leased

Action for BlindPeople

AccessibleCommunityExperts Network(SpecialistProvision ofservices for debtand FinancialServices)

Outreach from lead providersites, see above

Citizens AdviceBureau

AccessibleCommunityExperts Network(SpecialistProvision ofservices for debtand FinancialServices)

Outreach from lead providersites, see above

Clarion WorkFocus

AccessibleCommunityExperts Network(SpecialistProvision of

services for thosewith auralimpairment)

Outreach from lead providersites, see above

Ufi Ltd (LearnDirect)

AccessibleCommunityExperts Network

Outreach from lead providersites, see above

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(SpecialistProvision ofservices fortraining courses)

Leicestershireand RutlandProbation Trust

AccessibleCommunityExperts Network(Specialist

Provision ofservices for ex-offenders)

Outreach from lead providersites, see above

Royal MencapSociety

AccessibleCommunityExperts Network(SpecialistProvision ofservices for thosewith learningdisabilities)

Outreach from lead providersites, see above

Phoenix Futures AccessibleCommunityExperts Network(SpecialistProvision ofservices forsubstancemisuse)

Outreach from lead providerdelivery sites, see above

InBiz Ltd (part of Self- Employment Outreach from Ingeus

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AvantaEnterprises Ltd)

Routeways delivery sites, see above

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Part 5.5 (1): Volume Fluctuations and Customer Group ChangesCan you provide details of strategies in place with Ingeus and yourproposed supply chain to deal with circumstances of fluctuating

volumes and changes to customer groups?

Details of how Ingeus-Deloitte and our supply chain will deal withcircumstances of fluctuating volumes and changes to customer groups are tobe found in our Work Programme tender response. A summary of thisinformation is provided below. 

Staff Volume increase : Ingeus’ Performance & Analysis Team will

perform ongoing detailed labour market analysis to enable us topredict upcoming spikes in referrals. Should we anticipate asignificant increase in customer volumes, our Human Resources(HR) Team will contact all members of our pre-vetted applicantsand potential Deloitte secondees to ensure that named availablecandidates and HR processes are in place for immediaterecruitment. This will enable us to manage caseload sizes andtherefore maintain minimum performance levels.

Volume decrease : Should customer volumes decrease, in the firstinstance we will redistribute caseloads evenly across Advisors. Ifthis does not prove sufficient as a remedial measure due toduration or deficit of referrals, we will subsequently examine the

possibility of immediate redeployment of staff to areas of higherreferral within the CPA, e.g., Derby to Nottingham. Should this notbe feasible due to an even distribution of low referrals, staff will betemporarily redeployed to support roles, working remotely whereconvenient, similar to our current strategy of reassigning staff fromour Pathways to Work contracts to corporate functions.

Property Volume increase : In addition to in-principle agreements with oursupply chain to co-locate from each other’s premises, wherenecessary we will temporarily increase opening hours and staggerstaff hours so that customer appointments are distributed over agreater period of time and resources are freed. Should referralsremain persistently high, we will be able to secure larger oradditional premises through a reserve list maintained on anongoing basis by our Head of Property & Facilities. This approachwill enable us to provide the appropriate facilities required todeliver minimum performance levels.

Volume decrease : Resources and premises will be able toaccommodate decreased customer volumes and are likely to bemaintained in the anticipation of a future increase.


Volume increase : Should customer volumes increase so asextend beyond some subcontractors’ capacity, we will weight thedistribution of referrals to suppliers with spare capacity whilst

ongoing contract management will ensure that no member of thesupply chain is adversely affected. Should customer volumesexceed our supply chain’s total capacity, we will be able to enlistimmediately the services of one or more of the additionalmembers of the Partner Network in the East Midlands. Our

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In addition to these strategies, the following remedial measures will be takento ensure that minimum performance is maintained following fluctuations in

customer volumes:

Performance managementOur performance management processes have been designed to enablesubcontractors and individual members of staff achieve strong performance inall circumstances, including times when customer volumes rise or fall. Forexample, subcontractor performance will be measured (among other KPIs) onthe basis of a percentage conversion rate from starts to jobs. This approach(rather than relying purely on job outcome volumes) is designed to supportperformance above minimum expectations regardless of volume fluctuations.In the case of individual members of staff, job outcome targets may be

increased if volumes and caseload sizes increase. Again, this will supportperformance at or above minimum levels.

Delivery modelIngeus-Deloitte’s delivery model has been designed to provide flexibility incases of volume fluctuations. It is intended that all core elements of our modelwill remain in place in cases of volume fluctuations. However, the method ofdelivery may change and additional modules may be added. For example, inthe case of a significant increase in volumes, we may increase group activitiesand peer support methods. This will help Employment Advisors manage theincreased workload and benefit from the increased customer interaction.

Changes to customer groupsOur initial response to question 5.5 outlines our ability to change features ofour delivery model in response to changes in customer groups. This includesour ability, through our Continuous Improvement Team, to design newmodules of delivery to take into account the needs of new groups. It alsoincludes our ability to draw on the expertise of our Partner Network ofpreferred suppliers which includes specialist providers who are able tosupport customers with specific needs. All additional members of the Partner  Network are able to deliver at immediate notice and Ingeus’ Facilities andContract Management teams will provide assistance with implementationwhere necessary. Expected performance standards will be set for each new

approach to supply chain management will assist allsubcontractors to provide services that sit within their capacity andcapabilities. In turn this will contribute to us achieving minimumperformance levels.

Volume decrease : In the event of reduced customer referrals,Ingeus will continuously manage referrals to ensure that theoperating needs of our supply chain are met. During periods of lowvolumes, our Contract Management Team will maintain a constantdialogue with subcontractors to ensure that each is receiving atleast the minimum flows to ensure ongoing delivery. Allredistribution of customer volumes will be fully informed by robustfinancial analysis which will be shared with our subcontractors.

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customer group (and maintained for existing groups), to provide an ongoingfocus on minimum performance levels for each individual customer group.

Part 6.2a (1): TUPE – Managing the Transfer

Please provide further details as to how potential changes to employee termsand conditions would be dealt with. In addition please provide a chronologicalplan of events for dealing with TUPE transfer of staff.

In cases where TUPE applies to an individual resulting in their transfer toIngeus-Deloitte, we will endeavour to match or provide equivalent terms andconditions. Significant changes to a person’s terms and conditions will not bemade (unless agreed with the individual), however in some circumstancesIngeus-Deloitte may need to make minor alterations which could includeworking hours, dress code and/or location of work. For example sometransferring employees may be required to work from a different location from

that of their previous employer. Ingeus-Deloitte will work with the additionalincumbent prime to ensure that transferees are allocated to an office locationwhich is most convenient to them. If this isn’t possible we will allocate theindividual to the nearest possible location. Ingeus-Deloitte may make minoralterations to a transferees working hours, for example an employee mayhave previously worked from 8-4. In consultation with the transferee we wouldseek to change their working hours from 9-5, which would be in line with otherIngeus-Deloitte employees.

Date Activity

5th April 11 Send emails to all outgoing providers explaining Ingeus-Deloitte’s position as preferred bidder in this region andprovide a timeline of events.

5th April 11 Make contact with the other Preferred prime to arrange ameeting to coordinate information and discuss transfer planfor the region.

6th  – 29th April11

1. Collect information from outgoing providers regardingemployee information of their staff affected by TUPE

2. Analyse all TUPE data received and identify gaps3. Hold initial meeting with the other preferred prime to

discuss TUPE strategy for the region4. Exchange information on supply chain and delivery

sites18th April - 6th May 11

1. Complete due diligence process and cost benefitanalysis for all incumbent CPA’s 

2. Conduct analysis of the differences in terms andconditions including annual leave and sick pay

6th May – 9th May

1. Complete TUPE allocation process with the otherpreferred prime and supply chain

2. All outgoing providers informed of measures9th May to 26th 

May 11

Hold face to face presentations with all TUPE transferees in

conjunction with their present employer. Designated HRManager to hold face to face meetings with transferees and

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agree transfer dates.27th May 11 Transfer letter issued to incoming TUPE staff, setting out

terms etc.1st June 11 – September 11

1. Transferees start delivering Work Programme2. Provide all staff with a full induction alongside non-

TUPE transferees3. Enrol all transferees in a change management


All employees will transfer to Ingeus-Deloitte from the 15 th June, however thiswill be an on-going process with the last TUPE cohort expected to havetransferred by the 2nd September. All TUPE transferees will have a one to onemeeting with their HR Manager and be enrolled into Ingeus-Deloitte’sinduction.

Part 6.2a (4): TUPE – Managing the Transfer 

Can you please detail how you will communicate and work with existingemployers to provide assurance that staff will be transferred in aneffective and smooth process?

All existing employers within the East Midlands received an email fromIngeus-Deloitte within one week of contract award, outlining our position as

preferred bidder (alongside A4E) within this CPA and providing an initialoverview of our TUPE transfer process. They have been provided with contactdetails of our central Human Resources team in addition to a designated HRManager who will be responsible for communicating weekly with employers.Once a transfer plan has been established between Ingeus-Deloitte and theadditional preferred bidder in this region, we will meet face to face with eachexisting employer to discuss our rationale for the allocation of staff and invitefeedback. Ingeus-Deloitte will attend employers consultation events, ensuringconsistent messages are disseminated.

Part 8.1a: Performance – Rationale

Please provide more specific detail relating to the CPA to show howyour activity and support links to the achievement of your performance.

The Ingeus-Deloitte Joint Venture provides a new and unique combination ofexpertise to deliver an uplift in performance throughout every year of our WorkProgramme delivery. In our four-page answer to Question 8.1a, we identifiedfour elements of the Work Programme specification which we will leverage toachieve strong performance and ten features of our Every Day Counts modelthat will drive performance improvement.

Specific features of our support that will lead to higher performance bymeeting the needs of the East Midlands include:

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Specific need across the EastMidlands

How Ingeus-Deloitte’s activities andsupport will meet these challenges to

create an uplift in job outcomeperformance

Overcoming English languageand cultural barriers: A numberof towns within the region havelarge concentrations of BMEgroups. For example, 50% ofpeople living in Leicester city arefrom ethnic minorities. The EastMidlands employment rate ofBME groups is 13% lower thanthat of White British customers.

In ethnically diverse areas such asLeicester and Northampton, Pakistaniand Bangladeshi customers haveemployment rates up to 20% lower thanthose of white British residents. Ingeushas a strong local track record ofworking with BME groups, andachieves parity of outcomes for BMEcustomers on our contracts inNottinghamshire.

 Ingeus’ in-house Working English course, assessed by Ofsted as ‘thebest in the country’, will offer anintegrated package of English languagetraining, work experience placementsand job-searching skills needed toenter sustainable employment.

Customers with English language willhave access to our skills matchingservices and culturally sensitive workexperience opportunities.

We will recruit staff members whospeak community languages (e.g.Bengali and Urdu).

All programme literature will beavailable in community languages.

Managing physical healthconditions: The East Midlandswill see a significant increase inthe number of active jobseekersas IB customers transfer to ESAand JSA. These customers are

particularly concentrated in theformer Coalfields areas in NorthDerbyshire and NorthNottinghamshire, Corby and theLincolnshire coastal area.

Every Day Counts offers an in-houseSteps to Work module and Health &Wellbeing service that providescustomers with access to trained healthprofessionals who will support ESA andIB groups in managing their health

conditions. The service is delivered byour team of specialist Health Advisorsand incorporates CBT-basedinterventions, workshops on RelaxationTechniques and Healthy Eating andweekly walking groups. One-to-onecounselling and support is alsoavailable.

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Travelling to employabilityprovision and work: Publictransport in the region isexpensive and often infrequent.This can impact on the financial

viability of employment,particularly in rural areas, asreflected in the high level of long-term unemployment in ruralLincolnshire. 

By utilising the existing infrastructureof Ingeus and our four Lead Providers,along with Ingeus-Deloitte’s two newpremises, we will be able to providefull geographical coverage across the

region from 25 fixed premises and aminimum of 13 outreach sites.Members of our ACE Network ofspecialist providers will also deliverservices from these premises,affording customers convenient andcoherent access to a wide range ofservices from the same location.

We will offer e-services through our jobsearching portal Invisage whichenables customers to independently job-search and undertake a range ofe-learning modules from any computerwith an internet connection.

Moving on from offendingbehaviours: The East Midlandsaccounts for 13% of the nationalprison population and 7% of thenational probation caseload andhas the 4th highest crime rate inUK. Approximately 68% of

offenders are unemployedcompared to 5% of the generalpopulation (2006 Governmentfigures). 

Our Employer Services Team will liaisewith employers and seek to replicateour partnership with Sainsbury’s, whorun a programme to recruit and supportex-offenders into work.

We have identified a pool of not-for-profit providers who will work from core

delivery sites to offer holistic supportthat customers can access whilstundertaking job-search activities.Leicestershire and Rutland ProbationTrust which act as the lead for all fiveprobation trusts in the region to providespecialist support to ex-offenders tobreak offending behaviour andpatterns.

Part 9.1: Implementation Plan

Can you please supply a revised detailed implementation plan whichrelates specifically to the CPA? You should include critical path andnamed roles and responsibilities where appropriate.

An updated copy of our Milestone Control Schedule is attached. ThisSchedule pulls together the milestones from all our underlying Gantt charts(CPA specific and central) and enables our Project Management Office toexercise programme-level control. At present, the critical path runs throughtwo project areas – IT and Supply Chain. Both HR and Property are no morethan a few days off the critical path.

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At the time of tender submission we provided a CPA specific Gantt chart. Thisis currently being updated by our Implementation Programme Director,REDACTED, Director for the East Midlands, REDACTED , and ProjectManager for the East Midlands, REDACTED. This details all key activities andmilestones as well as our resource allocation and the critical path.

This is as discussed with REDACTED from the DWP at a meeting on 12 April2011. A copy of the updated Gantt chart for the East Midlands will be sent tothe DWP in early May 2011.

Part 9.2 (1): Contingency Arrangements

Can you please explain how you will implement your proposals withoutaffecting your proposed supply chain’s ability to deliver any existing orrecently awarded contracts?

Details of how we will implement our proposals without affecting our supplychain’s ability to deliver any existing or recently awarded contracts can befound in our Work Programme tender. The information below relatesspecifically to how we have/will ensure our subcontractors are able toimplement contracts without impacting on existing contracts and is based onfeedback received regarding our tender response.

As part of Ingeus-Deloitte’s Partner Network selection process, we requestedinformation from all potential subcontractors relevant to their ability toimplement without adversely affecting any aspect of current delivery,including: annual turnover; total number of staff; existing infrastructure;performance and experience (including KPIs and customer groups deliveredto); and quality and compliance. Subsequent to this potential subcontractorswere visited by a member of our Business Development Team to discuss andrecord the organisation’s: maximum and minimum referral capacity; number,type and capacity of shared resources; Advisor caseload sizes; short termstrategy in event of dramatic volume fluctuations; recruitment and trainingprocesses; management structure; performance managementsystems/procedures; experience of TUPE; compliance; quality andperformance procedures; and partnership relations. This information wasentered into a secure database and used to assess each subcontractor’s

ability to uphold appropriate staffing and capacity levels across all contracts,which we have made a prerequisite for all supply chain selection.

Due to the robust selection criteria outlined above, we expect subcontractorsto have the capacity to manage Work Programme implementation without anegative impact on existing contracts. However, we have designed acomprehensive supply chain support process to provide facilitate the smoothimplementation of Work Programme contracts. This will minimise the impactcaused on existing and recently won contracts. Upon selection, eachsubcontractor is assigned a designated Contract Manager and made aware ofIngeus-Deloitte’s support options. Implementation in each of Ingeus-Deloitte’s

Contract Package Areas will be accompanied by ‘kick off meetings’ that seekto involve our supply chain in the implementation process and provide an

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open forum for feedback and discussion. We have also designed a readilyaccessible Q&A log for the purposes of clarification and additional support.Each subcontractor’s allocated Contract Manager will monitor eachorganisation’s progress, undertake regular meetings (it is anticipated that thiswill be weekly) at their premises to discuss implementation and is openly

available for contact. This one-to-one approach reinforces accountability andensures clear and definite lines of communication. Should a subcontractor beidentified as requiring additional support in order to maintain other delivery,their Contract Manager will meet with them to draw up an action plan thatbreaks Work Programme implementation down into achievable milestonesthat will not impinge upon other responsibilities. Should this not ease theobligations put upon subcontractors, we will examine other remedial activities,such as allocating Ingeus-Deloitte resources or, where appropriate,temporarily redistributing or withholding customer volumes.


In the capacity of: Chief Executive Officer

Name of organisation: Ingeus UK Limited

Date: 5th May 2011