
. - ' .. •. - THE ANt ' liOR · ..-[ o the Students and Friends of Hope! The Lokker-Rutgers Co., wishes to thank fOU for the liberal patronage we have re- ceived from you, and hope that we may have a continuance of the same in the fu- ture. Again thanking you we remain the student's Clothing and Shoe House. t The LOKKER-RUTGERSCO . .) n ll E. Eig h1 . t '

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· ..-[ o the Students and

Friends of Hope!

The Lokker-Rutgers Co., wishes to thank

fOU for the liberal patronage we have re­

ceived from you, and hope that we may

have a continuance of the same in the fu­

ture. Again thanking you we remain the

student's Clothing and Shoe House.


The LOKKER-RUTGERSCO . .)n ll E . Ei g h1 . t


Page 2: 07-01-1908

TH E A .' l" II OR




T il E I) I~ E P A H .·'. T 0 H Y : l' II 0 t > L

T H E S (' II 0 c i I. 0 F :\t l' S I C



Sdt>n ti !k


Voi ·e

English -Modern Language







The Western Theo/l)gical Seminary

of lht! Rt:formed Church of America is l()catt:d in Holland ad­

joining tht! College Campus. 'orps of Experie:t cc:d l t: strudors


Ott the Pcre ~tantu~tte Railway. 160 miles from Chicago. :u, miles from Grand

Hapids. EXPENSES 1\lou t~RATI~. For further information or year book apply to

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Pri c es Right. :!0? RIVEs~ STREET

O DO>OOOU.OOo000-00.. ·. 0~000000000000 o-o-v-o 0-GO>Oet-oOCOOG-O

I .... I Il" h "t'he ('oll ···e ~hrwuHln . T:"' 8tll St I .t: - _ 10 l ~ .... D, (~ ra1t uat.c :o Lhe ko :. ~nJ :-twe .i. r ~ • •

~~'OOOOOU-GOGGOOOC'»-000~0~ (>0"1>no.3-'Q4t~ -.-.n• ~

Page 3: 07-01-1908

T II f: A ;-.; c II CJ R

What to Do During Next Vacation LET US TELL YOU

\Ve w il l p a y your sa lary 11 r cot n mtss ·on o r bo th t:~ nJ t! n a b le you to e a rn mo re mo ney Jura ng t h e~ t h r l! t' m o11 tl·ts v aca u o n t h an o th e rs a r e rlhl e to ac~o rnpli .... h d11 n ng n ine m o n th s of la b o r. THESE A L{E f' ACl S . L e t tt s t" :< pl c. in .

H. H. D. Langereis, ~ublisher 1'& J obher C'umm. f,,utk Bldg. l'vr ner s.,. f) ! ,·is i•lll and Or It .\ w•.

Grand Rapids, Mich.

Chas. Hubbrad. timbrel Ia Hepa i ring. ~ ew •,, ,·c• rs , ~t·w I fa nd les, (' tc·.

HICY ~' L E [{ 1·:1' .\ li n~<; C IT I ZENS PHONE. 11!)6 COR. R l V E R a nd NINTH ST .

"GOI160ian" Bil UO Glotn6~ Student.~, w e will h<l\' s• >~ tl thi ng g rPat to ::;},.,,,. \·n u when yu• t re t u rn iu t lt e fal l . · · ' • >l l e.~ i ·m ·· hra u d d 11thes a re rit e real feature' "f I he rl t- \\· s t•a Pit· 'J'h • d~. i!..{llf' r 's den a t tit ' ' l'nll g i:w " Clothing .\Tak r .\· is like tbe reoonl iu g !-; la t io n of a .J lan·q ni \ \' ire lcss

'y~tP t ll. tlt a l c:atch c::; 11 p t ltC' 1lt •111g ht wa \·ps , .f th e cl cn·e rest Jre:-,se rs nf :\me ri ·a a nd t ra u ' tlli l"i th e m h:u:k again , s~a:-;n n afte r s e:ro n in th • s ha pe p f Jl\1 1t' h

soug ht fnr 1lothes ' t y I e.

THE FALL FASHIONS .\ t·e " C•>IlP<T\,.. from eoll:1 r l •l l l'•ltt r c llfT..; an d , ... , a ll nf th ei r c iP \' -o. . erne~s i · n' t in t ll eir ::;tylo l t::; i n lit ' uiglt qllalit y pf tit. t · ·i lo r i u~, it 's in the clr;1pe , f the g ,u·nh n t . it's i n th <· fi t t o r). L Pt u s .· lt P \\'

Wilt how cle,·er th Py a re when you re t urn to g ood c, Jd · H ope. ·•

Prices: $12.00 to $25.00

P. S . BOTE·ll (.~ {)()~iP 1\..N Y Clothers, H atters, F urnishers.

t n " PEsT r.l liiiTn ~TIP·: F:T. H:• t l. \ ~n. :\ ! ~e · n .

- -

Page 4: 07-01-1908



Attr4nr .. ~prr;:t itt llro ·•

VOLUMII!:AA .JUL Y 1908 NUM a ii!:R IC


I ,·,,t ll v ,,, 'I 'L•k t"r ••ur p;t-..,111;..! -. ir ~. · ... . I cunt•. t•• pk:td l••r tiJ, , ... v \\ It" :trt 11\.:trin.~ tltv t'\l..'lli ttg "i lilv and :t rl· aln.acl _, lt •••king- itit• • thl' '·''' IH· '•IIt •l ' 'i t h all it -. 111\-..tl'n. ( >ld hill-... . . . .. Jtf ... t·:t .... ·dd .... l:tr .... ,,fd h:t tttll ... :t\\ . tkut :ultnirat i•• ll l ,v ~.·au ..... v .,j

· lu: ir gr:11k11r. < 11.1 :t~ ~. · . ;..:r:tt t•kr -..till. j ... pk:tding in , ·ain I•• :tn liiii'I..''JIIIII-..1\i' .'"lith . i n \ flit'(.' -.. (lj H .' II ..... Ji t ·IJ t, Jll tll't' tlill'll Jlli -. -

jntt'J'ji i'V tl'• J. In c .. ,, ... jd~. r:t l ;..! thl.· rv--ult:tllt pil·tun: . that •• i th~.· iathl·r ... i·• r g ••ttv ll I" thv ... ,,n ..... . ""' tll\1 -- t. \\i th unl,ia -.. t·d tnind -.... \I t'\\ .'•'l lll ;..! lll:tlllJ"''" :tlld ,.]fi :l ;..!t' ill tJH: ir lrtll' C•IIHJitittJJ. .'\ .. tit't• llvr~.· -''lllll!.! tnanll•""l li)..!htint.: a)..!ain ... t dn·adiul adu r­~Jill· ... . t :t il lilt• ' 1111 ... Ill iiJl'; J' prt' 'i.'ll l ('11J11Jiti11n IJ11ll11J' t!Jl' ;' .ttftl'r ..... :- .:\ ., t in· : 11.rv "ld a ,t,: l..' at thl c l"'l.' ., j liiL·· .... , ·· nttli~.·t.

t ':ttl :til tl:<.· ia t ln·r .... hvc:ttt ... ~.· ., j th~.· i r 'irJ.llt' a11d dignit_,. c•• tll-• tt:t nd "ur · r~.· .... l•t·l't:- \\ ' ith tiH·:-.l' piL·tun·:-- l tl' it~n· u-.... ,,j t ill• i .. r-

:..:••lll'll iatht·r ... and Lh1. di ... rt' 'Jil'l'litll '"' ' ""· 11lll "i tilL· I"'L' iltat

lntnt ... \\it.hin u -.. \\1.' l11. ; 1 1~ t" 1111r ''' ~'~ '' '' itt ~ -.. i n· ~ 11 11r trilnt lt' · •f h•tl llll". It t _\11\l n!..! tnallh t ttJd a pk:t.

ll tl\\ ' \1.' 1' 11Jlli.' h IJi l ' ll lll:J \ lla\1..' tk ' l'J'\ l' cl hit tl' l' l'l' lll'II IJ, IJ•I

""l' rvJ"H:v-.. t•' l11.' r• ' ''~''- t.'l \ '" "hl'n lw i-.. I i' i 11!..!' i 11 t Ill' c••n' ir­t'"" that Ll\' i-.. tJ.,ill !.! r i!_!l ll . ll ar ... IJ and drt·adlnl t•• l,t·ar at all tttta· ... i ... th~.· ... c .. ur~ l' 11 i (h:t --t i ' l'lltt·nt. I n th\.· ltt.·igllt " i l'll.i".'­ttH· ttt. \lll tl h tr~..t n ld~.· ... t• • h var th~.· nn -..a, .. r, \\'••rd-. r~l t'"l'~'l'l.'-

11••11. <'• tJ •-..cil· lln: .... , 'l'llt... a hitrd lll<t ... l lT . and '-'ctll\ll' ll llll -.p~.. ·; d...:-.

\\itlJ :til 1111\\l' k ttllh' \ttil' t' . (lid <l ;..!l' ;tl,'\.'\1'1.' ' _\c t\ll h 11i ie•l';..! \.'l-

1111"' l11: r. :111d ld indtl\: -..-.. .tn:tk(· ... u ... all ... \\tl' that tht· "''rd .. ,,j .~

.. I,J a~~.· ..... i,l·:tk i:tl .... ~..·. 1:n1 tnnlt " ill ll••L

:t ~:tlll \ I II (• -. j, , r ~. · rr. and L'' •II\ ict i1111

th"' l' hL'\ttlld th n ·,·

Page 5: 07-01-1908


~cnre _n::lr:-. :111d tt•tJ. f . it t il· .... _, 111 pa t ll _, '' !t h th · t• •t ' t· r ing- ..... h : p.

t h l It n a r _, In l' k :--. .t 1 1 d ti ll: ll' 't r -d i 1 n 1 lll' d c.:~ t.·. T n tl .\ . \ \ l' c 1 • n -

r I.' ., ... • t h l' ·"'' ) 11 ... " : : \ ' l ' ,. I ) r ;..: . ' l l \' 11 I " l' i :t l h l ' ;- .... .

l!ut are tiH·rt• II•• n·a .. •ll t-.. ft~ r t ll i .. prL·' :t h ·n t d i .... r~.. · .. p~-.· ,·t i11r ulcl ag-e~ \ \ ' hy d .. ~.· ~ 1111t ~ttllllg' lllanhuttd j " ..... l l r :t 1"\ L' i11r thl'ir father ... ? . \ r e thl' .... l1i ldn·" in ;1 l'" Jll liti• •ll that t•nabk .... th<..·m l•l render r~..· .... l' l'l' l :' C e r ainh tbl·ir :tttdihlt l·r iv ..... ,,j di ... -co n t l'll t Ill\ ...... t It a,- ~..· "" I Il l ' llll' :t 11 i 11 g. Th t · i r ' (): n :.. a r~..· p kad i tH,:· day ancl night. \\ hy -.h, tttld t!ti ... IH· ~ \\ ' h :tt lt :t:o: c lt i l.th•tt HI :o:ttff~..· n·d that roh~ it i••n·•. -.-r 11i r~..· .. pt' l't t11r ,,Jd a !_!·~,.·: .\nd.

~t gain. why d•'l'~ n 1t n ld :tg'l ' (.'tl fl llll :utcl n ·• re n · .. JH.: <.."? . \r~-.· th •· ag-ed in our mid ... t 111<.'11 di!.!·niliul hy their mental :tclt ic,· ~..· nt l'11l ..... and ~pirit11al ,,., ,rth. llh ' ll \\·hu in tltt·ir tii11 L' lnH· li \···d li,· ~-.· ..: ,,j un..;l·lfi·-dl. magnanimt~u .... In n: a11d g·. u HI- w ill. nn·n wit · ~ .. ~..· t' h1 i-­~ct <•r:-. arl' built upt~n ht•rni c :-.vli-:':tcr ifi c l• ? l i al l \\' l' rL ,,· ~.· II.

titer<: Wlltt ld he lllttl11al lo \' l'. 'otllllt<..' tTia!i~nl. \\'i t lt lb h:tndttl inlht • nn· ... upu11 th ~..·

I i ' · <..' ~ of t It c cIt i I d n.·n . i ~ t h l ~ r l' a t l. au "',_. e1 i tit c..· d i .. r c..· ...- Ill'\.· t i 1 'r ,,)<) ag-e. l ~ arly in our li\· l·~· th i:-- dn·adiul l' \· il l1vgin ... t•• g11 :t\\' at o ur , ·itab. Th • ch ild i .. hardly il·l·ling- t h t· fir .... t intpul :-- l'' o i lr)\'l' in hi~ :'nul. whl·:t Cullllll<..' rciali ~m l'l111 1c..' ... l•• teac h h im l hat I i i l co 11 :' i ~ t :-: 11 n t i n d rea tn ,..; . h 11 t i n n · a I i t i l' '. T h l' ntt r .. l'i' ." rhyme i:-; barely upn11 h i ~ lip:-:. \\'hen all l•l•> ~•1n11 tit~.· h l·anlil1~­

:'lnilt· i:-: io1lo\\·l·cl I"· a hit l' l' t t·ar. a :' hi:' l ittk mi11d i:-- taxed

\\'ith a pr11bkn1. II i " :-;n ul. filkd with thl· .' t•n ;..:· 1li thL' l>ird. ~ c a r n· 1 y g-u "'h t' ~ i, H ' t It h i :-- n '' 11 c h i I ell i k l' ~ t r; t 111 :-; . \\' h lit h i ..... happy contentmcl1t i ~ lakc11 a\\'ay fnrc\·,: r. ~~~~:nan c l' . h~..· an·n ­

JH,nl g-ift. meant tn fl·~·d hi111 all thrc•ugh lik. pl·ri~ I H.' :' wltik tht child i~ . ..-till in hi :-: cradk. and then• j, It-it in lti:-: :-.cntl an achin~ ,·oid. \\'hilc hi " :'ttl>:-;<..•quent httn~LT 11f ~nul llltt :' l Ill' it·d " ·ith . ..;uch fnncl a :-: cold commerciali~m may g·i,·t• him. Ill· era\··~ fnr rnn!ance. httt h ! .... pl. .. ·acling~ an.· nnhl':trd. II~.· k1 ... a _..; kecl fo r bread. and i..; gin .. ' tl a ... tnn <.. ( ·ul1111ll' l'l'ial i~m·~ h:ttH'­iul inllu<.'llCt':' ' •Hlll lta,·c thc..·ir t·\· il effcd~ upo n hi ... Iii~..- . ( >11l y a little while a11clth '"· Inn: \\'ith which he mu ... t lc1\·l· t1ld a~e , ... nn llH>rt .

. \ _..;the child ~rn\\' o..; nlckr ht• lillt:' t (kal \\' itlt :111 ~-.·clucatinn

that i..; thurut!~hh· L'Oil l lll<..'t'C' ial. :\aturalh· •>hl'di c nt tn tlt t• . . -puet ~peak i ng- \\'i t hi 11 him . with a tl.'ncl l' r appnTi :tt ;•lll th :tt hl· l i,· ... ·:-. nn t for ~elf hut i11 a happy hrt~thcrltn• 'l(l with lti ... fdln \\' ­t'l' l'aturr..: . 1: ~· ,,·c·!•]. l =n t imate in ..:o ng t ltttt lh · J, ,, l .... ' t i .. kll"'' ' ' ·


T il t-: A~t'HO H 7

l• ltl c• , l d . l· ,l lll llll' t'Ciali~m l' llllr~ a~ tht• ntl>hL' r o f hi~ liie t rJ

c ru~h th~· m tJ -. il· . ;•nd t t> m ak <.· h im hlliC\' l' that h .: lllll ~ C Ji\· \! f,.r ~t.· li. :ind th a t the..· ,,·n r ld n\\'L' .... hi111 a li,·ing. It take:' from him <til that j ... ht·atniiul :'< 1 that tht• j " ·' ful tu ng-ttl' nf mu:-;ic 'Jll'ak:- ll•:l Jll t>n·. and JH>c..·try- tltl' ~··ttl 11! :til relig-ion-\\' ith e r~ in hi:' lif....' a:-; a flu\\' t•r that tH:,· ~..r t'omc..·~ irom the hud. The 'pirit oi · .. ~<..·ttin~ llll .. kiJJ, all hi~ nnhk a...;pira ti n n,;-;. and hi~ P ie j...; "t1.111 111 ·cl up in a llH' rt' l·:gtl . I It- kno\\·:o: not brother; Itt.· J.i:n,,,,·;: 1111t iatltl-r: ht• knnw~ 1111t l ' \'l'll ( ;nd . Can t h e chil:l 11•tlt ••r th~· i:t t lll. r \\ltnm hl· ha-... llt' \ .... '1' knc)\\' 11 ~ \\ ' h a t ha \' L' t it~.· , i11 e: lllllll llll ~ \\ ' hat l· h ild -.rill :- ing· .... in gkl· the ballad ni hi ... i :u h~..· r .. :- II~.· ,,.n 11ld -.unHtinH·~ it.·ign -..t o p tu li -.tt·n t o

n:ttttrl'· ... ' ''" 1ing .... Inti till' \\'nrld i..; t'H• hll'Y fn r a :'l)llg. Th"' )'•'t' t hid ... · him , :l t · t h e 11ati\{.' pa~.._j,lll .... ni hi .' ltt.art. hut :'cil'nce :t ncl C< llll:llll'rri :di-.ln ll'll him Lfllth i:-: all. i~..· clillg i' nnthin~. :": aturc l ~a~ 1111 :'<ttT l'd haunt f,q· him: im;q.~· ination i=-- 11 0 lnng-l'r :t :' \\l'c..' t n ·tn·at: ll l'et\l'n':-- l~t: nldil·tiun i..; turned to a cur=--C'. I l. . .'a\·t·n ha .... . t.:in·n him a ~ a ~..· hild \\'ith r ich hlt·:--:' ing-. ..;. li e ha.::. r, · 1 n a inc d a e h i I d i 11 ell· t • 1 I. . \ h n 'k c n I i i ·. a In\\' i < k a 1. a \\' c a k i1nag-inatj1111 . a '' 'ttl cra,·ing- fnr iond-th<.·.-: ~..· ar · hi :-; cndo\\'­

illt.lll. \\ ' hen l'1111llllt' tTial !:'m work~ ~uch ha,·n c . whe n it :ak ., rtll-11atll.'l' in1111 th · child·~ liic . \\'hln it tl'achc:' him tn 1 i , · t· f n r ~ t•1 i. a n d 111 a k c :-; h i 111 b I i n cl t u all t h a t i . ..- ~a c r l' d i n o I d a · • l' . ll\ · n ~ t u r: d n · ... ul t t h l ' c h i I d b l ' c n m c " un a b I c t n 3 h n w r~pl·t· t· i·nr nld :1g ·. Cnmmet'C iaJi,m. with it=-- hnnLful influ­

l..' !lc '"· .... uJ:•'n yllnth. i :' tilt.' t~ n·;tt ca u"' .. ' (If the: pt<·,·;-tlent di:--­

rt· ·' 1 w r l i: 1 r • d d a gT . l~ut ·tlH:re i:-; another na:-;lnl \\'hy the . .-n11:' ar · in rg-l'tting­

thc iathl~r:'. It i."' ~ad t11 ~t.·c that ccll1111ll' fTiali:-.m ha . ..- ~u ch a h :ull'ful i:nllnl'llC.' upnn n nr prumi~ing- y o uth. Far ~~Hider Yet

i t i:-; tt l "l'l' that man,· a 111an. t~ld in ~- ~..·ar~. and ncar the u1d ., f I i k . i ·'· n <.· i t h c r t h rr 1 u ~ h h i -"' a hi I i t y o r c haracte r an n h j c c t f n r ynuth'~ c ..;tf..•e m. C () nrerning- thi ..; ... l·co ncl rau~ .. • ui di ~ rc :-:p •ct j,1 r t•lcl :lg"L \\' L' mu.-; t ' peak carl·fully and with n little :',Ynl­

n~tth,- . ~ \ ·e find thi ~ l·au :-;t· in the cnn"picttnn=-- ah:-enc c in t>ld I .

; ~ :..!' l' it...;eti ,,f thn-.c '"•lt• Jnt· nt~ that naturally fn :--tcr thl' Io n : qf :t~l' . Tl~uugh t~tt r childho od i_..; ht·cnming- inch-eel a plnnd<..rccl \·hildhnucl. :'t ill ·' tll111g' manhtuHl c a nnllt iail to honor an nlcl :l !.!' t• charact•: ri z t.·d 1l\· llH.'ntal pn\'.' l·r. :\1) hoary head ha:-; C\ er ,.' .... l f:tiL·d tc' "in l'l';Pl't' t if ; l \\'l'rt' d~.. ~en· ing- o f hn nor hl'Can~L' · , j it ~ wi~d•111 1. l!ut iar too ,,i tcn lite rary aetmH.'ll and knuwl-

Page 6: 07-01-1908


cclg'\.' ar\.' !Jot llllr :--ire:-- pn:-- .... l':-- :--i t~ n-... ~~~. t: ltl, :-. piritllally. 1·:, (.: 11

~tfu:r th\.' .... nul lla:- :'nil it:- :o-tiiTP\\' , ancl the j•'-' =-- ui Iii~_· het\ l' IH: .. :n D\'l'rhu rdencd wi tit Cl n · . .... till Pld agl' in·q tJL' tlll_, 1. ... ttt 11 tlH: llo\\' \\'ith the dig-nit.' 11f :--piritual \\'urth. .\n.J . lt~ :--pcak it \\'ith kindly rL':'JH.'C t. I11H l'\ ' ( r_\ f:11 hl'r·:' 11Jd :tgL' i:-- (J'CI\\' JJL'd with llll.:->L'IIl:'ht1C:'.:-> and "httle-:'• Jllkcl hulllani ta rian J,,,'l' , ha:--t•d IIJII'll hcruit· tnoral ~:trrilic -.' and adtic\'L' JJ1cllt. I i all thL·:-- · c k n H . n l ;-; \\' l' r l' pre . .-L'll t i 11 1 d d :t g L' . ~ l mn g 111 a nl11 u H I c 1 111 I d 11 1 11 fail to hring- it..- f\.' :-pect. \\ ' ill old ag e dl'liiJ\.'I':t l L'l_, l'l'a'l' t•1 he th · nuHkl l>f o ur ,·nuth? \\ 'i ll old age hcr:-eli b 'l' llllll' thL cau:'e oi our 1111t lo,·ing· h\.·r ? F11L':-- withdut and within h\.·r 0\\11 rank,:-; are plt1!tckring· hl'r ui W\.'11 merited htlll• lr. l'•n n­lllLrciali=--m i:-- ,·nhhing- youth uf l hL· ability 111 l'l' \' \.'I'L'llLT tit~.·

:'acr.:d dig·nity n i old a~·c. and :-'L'COtllll ~. many of 11t1r ag-~.·d

:-ire:-. do nut p11~:\L' .-'::; thn:-.e ch arat' tL·ri .-- tic ,:-; \\'hiL·h natllr:tll_, a\\'akc:n re:--pL·ct. The:--c: ar · the t\\'o g-rcat JTa :'ll 11 ~ '' h~ th'-' :'O il ~ arL f()rg-cttin~ lhl' iathl'r:--.

Hut th...: pictur · i=-- JHil \\'hull~ dark. There i..- li~· in in tit ~.· ha~kgruund. Truly~ ( )JtJ ;\ g'L', \\ \.' J, ,, L' thl'L. :-till ! ThL· ,· in.::­

oi a drah \\"(lrld han .. • n ol takl'n all thL' \' irllll' and pllrity fru111 our Ji,·e..:. and thl' llalllL o i Jn ,·c and hnn11r that < ;.,t) kindlt- .... in en: ry b():'nm ha=-- nut ~ ·t dit•d tcJ a :'lll()ttldl'ring- L'llll>er. < >it e 11 =-' y m p a t h L' t i c t l: a r =-' g u :--h t n (I u r e y e =-- . a n d r •U r ' · u in.· :-: IIIL' Ihn\er than you,- ow11 heap UJ>flll y l)u rich I>IL. :--;.; ing.-. ~ ., J> Jc

tributc: did y u u hear lt l ,·our father:'. Yu u \\ill nut p;h:-. irc11n

ll :' unrl.'waniL•d. Frum the iu ll nt·:-!'- ni ()llr hear t:- \\'L' are Cllll1-pelll'cl tn ,:-;peak. IJut what _\llll h ear fn•m u ur l ip =-' i:-' J,ut a ta:'IL· oi thL ~ ml·~ lt~>licr pa,:-;,:-;iutJ..;. Yuuth' =-- and childhutttl' :-' JHIL'tr~

of ~oul i~ not yl't who lly lo:-:t. \ \'e arc urged to lllmur old ag·~.· ),ecau ."'L' it 1.' nur (J\\' 11

mo:-.t ..:.acn.:d hu p .:- . Only ye=--tt·rd :ty a ,:-; children w · -..I I HHI upun the dawn (If our Ji,·e;.;. a nd \\'l'r"- gazing in "PL' II - IlltHllhl'd

\\'tmdcrlllL' llt upon thn:-:e \\'h o had g-n)\\'11 uld. ltliiJ-ing up"n t h L' ...: un :-; d 1 ,j t h L' i r I i ' · L';.;. un cl '-' r :--tan d i n g n P t t h L' cIt a n g c. TIt I.' lott .. :ring :--tep. th L =--ih·er luL·ks. and the IL'ar-di 111n: \.·d '-'.' '-' 111 :td" u ,:-; ..:ad indeed. and uld a~e I>L'Ca tll l' t11 u..- a ll :tllntin.:..! .... j>L'Cl L' !'. J;u t the :.J>irit (J i 1111r llnt111r t'alllL' with a · ~ radual "Tu\\'th:

:-.... ~

a 11 d n 1 l\ , . i 11 11 11 h i a =-- e d ' · i =-- i u 11 we =-'\ 'L' i 11 t It l' e ' ·t· n i 11 g , 1 i I i i L r a t 11 c r a goal t pr ..:;-;~ fqr\\'ard tu than a h a rrier l l l =-- hnn . llo tHH'l'cl :--II'L' =-'. yuur cht:crfulnc,.;=-- ha =-- made...· it :-n. Te11 11il.'. d ''L'~ ,.,nr calm npu.::c .... a, d tat th rc 1,:-; :-u little :---n rr() \\' ''L' \ tl n• l ~ hl'l' \.'


TilE A!'i ' HOR 9

-.. rnn · \'L' :tr:' and t ... ' tl. 11r t' uld age :-'o much more ~n,· iahk than ,·,ltlth: \\·L, ft'L' I nnr :--hip aln·ady ttl:-::--ed abo ut nn the hilln\\':-' .· f ca n ·. ''hill: 'n·tr fr;~il h:1rk i:' driftin~ :'lnwh· in the harbo r. . . . c.:lt1:-;e tn h t•r 11111t1ring~ \\'ith all the... d a n !.!"l' r h\.·hincl her. Ynu r ·

p l' r i w I n f I i L· 111 t1 =-- t h a ' · <.' p lea .... u r e ,:-; o f w h i c h \\" e 11 t' ' · c..· r c1 rca 111 . Ynur llt.'\\' L' n nclitinn=-' h:t\' <.' hnHlg-ht \\'ith thL·m He\\· CllJil_,._

IJlt•nt' .. \h! tho.' L' g-nlclln day-..! we :-- hall :'onn tread l1J>tl11 1 hem a~ n 1f haii ''"Td g-rl)t111cl ~

J·:,Tr t.ry •ttg 111 cl•• j11-.1in• ' "t h e ,·:tlt n· ni ~1111 the iather ... ,, !th tl\1r .... ,(. .... :1nd i1nag·inati•111 =--ranning tht• hi-.tlll'Y 11i Y'lllr

.J\.' l'cl:--. \\'l' i~h-ad in1111 nur ·''lllt~~ m anJtqnrJ a la-..ting t n•phy til

·' 1 ) \1 r 111l' 111 ~ ' r y . . \ ' In 11 ~ a' ' · i n ttl' a 11 d t r 11 t h r uk w i t h i n u ...: : :' ' lnng a =-' J,, ,.l. ni ~_·nttntr _, . -..\\Tib n 11 r h•l:'tnn .... \t Htr nallH':-' a11 d char:tcll·r ~'i ll hl· c lHT i::-- ht·d \\·ith ht 111 11 r ;n nur Ji,·e=-'. Yt n tt· ,Jtnut' nf , .;c.:t,lr_,. h :t\\' hl' l' ll l11\HI. hut 1111r ~nng:-: ni prai:' ... ' will he t'\' l' ll a" lnud. :tnd ..:t tn g- in unhrnkl' n hannn ny . .\nd wh ik life i:-. gin.' n u..; _ in enclk .-. .- train .\ merira',:-; youth will hL.'<tr h .,magc tn L' \·rry :'ire whtl h:t~ h .. :en ,-inwm:-' . \\'ho~r liic i..: a

:l,,hJt llltHi<:l in r youn~ manhuod. a11cl wllll:-'l' ch aracll'r IW' .. Jtn\\' 11 in l' \·en· ;~ct.

The n~cl ag\' ni which we :-:peak. characterized by tn('ntal ptn\Tr. digniti ccl hy .- piritual mellnwtil'=-':', and crn\\'ncd "ith n n:-:elti..-h :ind ht•rnic achic,·enH·nt. 1m . .; kit u:-; a heritag-e =--ur­pa,=-- ing rich. meriting n11r la=-'ting- prai~c . Thn)ugh it:.- iatdt-1<.':-':-' :'l'rYiL·(: \\' l' ha \T inherited a matchl~..·:-::-; country-a land t :i in·cdnm ,,·ho:-:c nanH.' . .-hall rwt pcri=--h frnm the earth. Jt i,:-; t hrcH1g-h tht· drnrt..- of you the father . .- that w .. • JHl..: ~<':'..., ~

... _,:--tem ni Jllllral=-- permeating- o ur Ji,· c~. and of rl'lig-inu..:. in .... ti ­l~1tinn' 1)\· which q ur country and we our~ch·c~ arc gu ided t11 itJ llnw aftt..•r l·ha.-.t ity. and arc :-aYed fro m c:dl. Frnm Y'~ \1 ,-~· han.· kanH·d ci,· ic purity and hon c~ty that no c. rrn p ti n n h :t:' hcen ahk to dc=--troy. I ~peak tn ynu wh n .. -.;c han,l ..- h a n .: l'L'­mainl'd utJ ."' taint·d with bribery . Yo u who ha\·e lo\·cct yt ur <:Pttntry a ,:-; ynur~t·h· cs . Ynu who a~ =--n ldit•r,:-; l)i' :--iat<.:~men n r l'lllllllll ' ll citizt•n .... ha\·c ...:tL' ('rccl forth~ hcact n-lights thtlt : nee !_!"uickcl _nHJr iathL'l'=-'-hL·acn n-lig-ht...; upnn th ' pr. monln ric' ni time. thl· purc-~nukd rL·Ii~icnt:' helid nf the Pilgrim s. thL' c nc ju ;-; ti ·c that li,·t·cl in the hl'art~'nr 1H1r .\mcri can fath ' r~ lnng i>...·fn rc the RL'\' tliuti<~n. and the 111l1tual lcn·e and he lpf111-11l'=-'' tha t · ha ..; li g-ht L' d th i,:-; \\'nrlcl irtllll it,:-; carlic~ t hi3tn ry. The.;e ckmrnt.' ,·ou ha\·e ,,.<., I prc . .-cn cd. You h:.t\'C h ' \.' 11

Page 7: 07-01-1908

10 T 11 ,.; A ~ r 11 o w

IIH'Il inri~Ttl. Thi .... ,,, , .,Ill i .... 1111r tr:Jnitt·-a r~··J 'I V --t thai ·'"tt t ('a~: h 11 :-'. t h c _, n 1111 g tlll' 11. i 1 ' f 1 • II 11 '\ • i 11 _, ' 111 r p" t h " a~ . \\ · l' :t d d lh -r<.:tt• a pn,m i ... c - ••llt ,,1- J,,, ~.· 1-11r _, tl \11" llll'i tt.,ri~..· ..... til~. · pr ~·--l'lli

f..!"L'll c.:rati••n \\"ill \\ith all Jllt•ral :tnd ph_, _~ic:tl \a).,r g-11ard thi' l"lllllltl"\ "·:-. w~.· lian· In 'n11r nv•· .... , 111"!1 J;fc , -": ; h:t ' , :~ P l ' tl ii ,

t'xamplc .... ,,·nnh~ .,f hl'ing ft~ll••\\" · · d . Th l'rl' '''ll h~l\t' ln·ard the ·· ry nf t!rl' \\"ici,,,,·ed a nd t ltv f:ltiH · r 1 ~.· .. ~ - a11d f,,r jtt---tin :-;ake ynu ha,·c pkad~..·cl i1n· j11 .... t in· at the J,ar. In ~"llr na­tiun;d liic Y•HI kt\l.'. i•n,ght _,.1111r ("j, il \\ .ar 1111 1 f••r th .· -.akl'

of hallk·. hut to \\"eld :\Clrth and ~outh in a unittcl hn•thc.·r­ltflod. Y •HI "tntc.·::--mL·n h:-t, · ~.· p!nured thl' JH ),::--ihilitil'-.. ,,j a

\\" c> rId a t pea c e. a n d "" i t h a I I a g lll' t r i I> una I a"" _, ' HI r L' a m p i n g

!,!Tonnd yon han: "'' n a pri ed~.·...:., 'ictnry. l~11th in pnhli~..· and pri,·at: liiL. hnnnn·d nr nnlaudc.·cl. pl·rh:tp .... l' \"llt unn .. tic -.·•1. \'ll\1 han~ \\"Dll rrl,,rinu~ ,-irtnrit'.' . Ynllr.; i:-' a 11li!,.!"lJt\ trit1111plt . ;..... .. --•mg: our:; the qui et ,-,lin· ,,f appreciaLinn. Tt• -'"'''' \\t..' IH·i n!.!· a tribute l>urtt ,,j lite :-'nul. li•Jttri ::-- hl·d hy tlte fire 11l patrinti.;nt and relig-inn. g-lo\\"ing in tit· h• l::--tHll ',f l'\"l'l"_\" _, •lllll;.,!" tnan "h•• dare.; to rail hilll :'l'li .\m ,: ric.:an . \\ "c ctll that tr ihutv In ' t· .

. \ nd we are enabled tt) bring tlti"' trihull' hcc;~u:-:L· ' ' '''- tllC' parent.;. h:t\"C' kept tt:-' 11111r:-tlly pun· in (' :trly ,·cn tth. Y1111 h ·t \"l· broug-ht u-. up in relig-inu::-- hnllH.' .... . Y " u h:l\· .. · ta\l~l ll "' l t •

n >n .... id~..· r with n·,·erl·nn· the great cnm111andmc.·nt. "llt~nnr th_,. iath T and tit _,. motltcr. tlt;n thy clay:-: n~ ay hl' )1111 '-!" in tit~.· l:tnd \\"hich tht Lnrcl. thy (;ud . gi\"l'th the.·... Ft ll" tlti .... \\"l' tlt :tnk _\"lilt.

Ther~.·i••n·. yt•u ng tll l' tt. ht' l.':t \1 ::--l' lin• f :ttiH · r~ ha,· ~..· tir:--t )o,·t"d u:-:. let u:-: n .·p:ty titl'lll \\" ith hnnnr. :\d\\' j ... t•ttr ''PP"r­tunity to pay nur r<.'"P ~'t'l. The nH•rtling· ni II lii" Ji,·~,.· ... i, p-, ... ..., _

in~: t lw nn• n-day i:-: llPt far di--tant. ~it 11tt1 and \\"l.'l'Jl '''l'l" the dt•:!d pa:-:t. lk ye lllC'tt. :\lt•tt ptll"t..•- .... nukd and ,-inu•'\1'. \\"ho kno\\" not hut tn h t~ nnr nld ;q.!·l··_.; l11>ary ltv;td'. .\ I itllltl.'­llll'll in a tlt)hk fi ·.!"hl. dri,·inP.- fnr.•,·t·r h:tdo\\\·ard and :t\\":t_'" I • •

dt•il'at and ruin hint that dan•:-- t•• rai'c.. nn1..' tin ;.[c.· r in l"oln ­tt·mpt. :\len nf \\"hntlt old a~t· will :-;;•y . "Yc..· han· IH'l' ll "-,,rtlt~ -..(•li.:-- . :\l ore )tn·L· 111 , .t,u r IHl:-'Olll::--. \lc•rl· , ·ig"r in ycl tJr cltar · flet ,•r . .-. :\ Inn' lift- in your .'Ott ! ~ . L i,·e. ~ltl· ll. in tiH' h\.1111\t ( .j

,-nuth It the h no r of old ag-e. T.i,-e. th~..·n. in tlw lllll• ilit,· ,,i J,n·e ln merit for , .,Htr.'t"h·c .... in the..· llL'a r fulttt"l' a ~ltlrit~t t -­n.·c, ,mpt·n-.e.

T h tt :-' i :-' ' . tt r ! ' : , .... not d cad . :\ g-c d .-' 1 r ... · ~. ' o u h ·t ' "l' c 11 n 1 :...


I• ' th t..· l''."t..·;Jting (If liie. Y ou arc quil•tly drifting- in your irail hark:-- 11 ·:!"n·r. lll'arcr ltl the moori11~. and th l' end oi ihc , •. y;::;_:t·. ~ -·an· r l~· the rc.·:-' t nf tin· ::--ai111 ..... and the prclltli..:ed land. :\~,.· ;trl· r lttllll t'. Ll·l th~..- rt.. l1c Cttlltiort in ynur :-'nul:-;. lk <t-'~un·d th:at in yt>ll i~ fultilkcl the :-:acrcd prolll i:o'c, " .-\t c,·cning- ­t i m~..· it ... I i:t II 1 H · I i g h t... Th ink n n t n i tit .. · .... ll11 3e t and n i ~ h t hdun• \Pl:l . hnt think rath er nf the mnrro\\-·:-' dawn. :\eiLhL·r ihink thnt ; _,-., u are pa~::--ing- \\"ithnut our ::--ympat hy . It i:-' true· c· • •llllllt ' l"l'i:di ... ll l lln·, . ·qt•n, 11 1 111·•!.-f• 1111r ... n!ll.;; 11\•1 ll'prt\11..; !Ill()

11Ur c.: ~ l':-- LtHJ 11l ind ttl ~l· ~· an~ tlt "ng ~acn·d in nld a~c . bur our 1 , irt\IL' ,til-l triumph'. and 11ttr 1• >\ "l ' ,till hid..- u::-- :-'peak \\"ith , ,.,,.. ,, ,., • .,1 ,.. " "I I ' ··~ !" "I!!' ! "'' . • \. ;-: ,- ~~ U !!!.:t: l!l O !"C \ U!..! doubt .. ·., ln ·i!t ·r ~:~~un~ manlt .. n d ltnl'::-- y11 u. r ... -c ~..· i' L' upo n ,-o ur h~..· ad...: " t: r du1it-~: ... t hl<..· ~ .... ·n;.: and l l t·a,·c-n':-: henedit·tin n.

I scrrio t o f P indar P eak

Hy Jl~nry K. Pa~ma, ' II )

Continued from June Anchor

In a ht' tlll of the rna cl the ycmng- :--tnre - k~..· ~..· per O\"Crt 1qk

l . ttc\· lll-nclc •n. ht·r \\"hitt· hnnnct cn rt"le::--::--ly :-; lung- o\·er ht·r ha~..·k. \\"hi~e on nn · arm :-he carri~..· cl a ha~kct. fillc I " ·ith rc­i rc..·,hm~..•qt.; i11r ll a nnah Linnt'_,-. : \ :-' he !"tnppecl hi:-: auto. the ' n!tt h hailed h er ,,.ad,- : - ...... - -

"(;ping thi:-: \\"a_'" . Lu~..·y; L ..: l'l'. I a 111 a 111 i I i I 1 1 n a i n · today ! ..

t me tl"j ,.l' ,., •n ..... - a ride. y 0 \1

" .\nd. :\lr. l~rn\\"n·:-' auto!" c.•xclaimcd the young g-irl. ,- j,· a cillu:-'~,- : "and \\"ltcre did y u :-;hake of( my de,·otccl s Ja ,·c? l'rckrrl'd "tn \\alk l'ack. _·nu ~ay? \\"ell. a litt l l' l'Xcrci~e \\"ill clu him g-q•HI. .\rc y cnl g"llillg throug-h the \\"tfHb?" the girl a--k~..· d in nn~,.· breath.

":\,,_ Lucy. I am guin~ to dri \"l' n\·cr the mountain. The •ll hcr da,· I madt· an a<""r~...·~..·mcnr \\"ith :\lr. l~rown. to run hi:-: - ;--,

au tc) r<1tt1~cl the cune (Ill l'inclar-Jleak ... n :tf rtC'd Cray. \\"ith h t ' "'it a 11 c y.

"I lnrr il>lc! impn:'~ihh· !" t-ried \ 1 i~=-- Lucy. grn\\"1ng ,·cry pale. The n , ·cry emphatically:

"llut . l tdl ,-,.u, 1-"nnimtr. \ ti ll :--hall 1111t dn it!" :\nd h e r - -"" ( , i ~..· <.· :-;a n k . a:-: ~ It l' <! d d l' d i 11 a w h i :-: p C' r :

"( ;n f,y \\"tty 11f the \\"<Hlcl:-:. Fo:-tinH'r : d11 . for YC1t1r kind tlwther·=-- 'ake ...

Page 8: 07-01-1908

T H 1; /\. ~ c· II 0 R

c x cit . m c n t I aid h c r ~ m a II. w h it c h a 11 d • 111 h i ' . TIt L' ' "ut h l • H 'k it hct\\C<.'n h i~ broad p ai n .... and :--aid L·a lmly:

":\o. g-irl. I ~annot go any o ther wa' . Y"u k'''''' 1111t \\hat lln .... L'. ='lhntld I go hy \\:ty nf tilL' \\tHlll"' ...

"l!nt ,·nu'll ~L'l kilkd. g-n1n~· In \\a\ ,,j til· '''''~llllain . . n '"d... !-i I! c ..:a id can tl' .-tly.

'':\1,· In:':-: w endel hl' ~ till gn•:ticr ii I did n.,t. .. r~.·j·~invd lh: . . \\'ith a :-: lig-htly trcmblin~· , -nice.

F n r t h ~.- 1111 ) n t<.'ll t L \I L' y I k 11 c). m \\'a ::- a I a It 1..;..... S h l' d i d 11 ( tl fully c c H n p n.' h c n d F n r t i 111L' r · !-i 111 y =-- t L' rio u ;-; \\'' ' r cl--. T h i :-.. \\";t:' cntin.·ly diffL·rcnt frnm hi' ti:-..ual. hant~.·ring· \\ a \· nf .-.pcak-1ng-. ~hc tried to th'nk. hut. un :d>k t <.·nlk-ct h1.T th t~ug-ht.-..

~h<.· a;o;kcd 111 an .. nut \\'hat


c ml>a rra '=-'cd nw nn c r.: cnuld _n 111 lo.-..L' de a rl'r than ' < 111 r lik.

"Ytlll ... an"' ' ' ' t.•n ·d < ;r;"· "ith ~_·tl ll \ ' IL'lt :l tl. "l.i-...t• 11. L !tc ~ .' he hcgan. " ·llilc firmer h e ilt'ld th<.· ~111all hand that :-'trtt~gkd hard to free it !-iclf. "I mack an a~rL' <.'l11l'llt \\'itlt .lt'l'llL I l!rt l\\'11 til hrin•r hi~ autn rnund t hl' ntr\'l ui l 'indar fln·k. I i I i:t ii ;-..

t n dt it. c'Lhcr fnr lack o f CtHtragt' , 11r ft,r .;:onH.· ntiHT rC'a:-' n.

I lllt 1 ;-; t q u i t ~ h a d < k 1<.' c . a n d 11 <. • ' l' r ~ L. e : ' ' t a g a i ' i. I i I ..... : 1 L' -

cccd. l~rn\\'n Jea,·c=--." "It i.' cruel! it i:' hl'ndi ... h." <.-ri t· d tlw !llaich-n \' <. h t'llll'tll ly.

•·nut ynu mn:-'t no t g-n. F lrtiml'r. fnr c,·cn if ynu :-: h •'uld 1111t li,·c up to the :-:tipulntinn...; (If till' a~rn' l lll' lll--··

~ topping- nhruptly. :-..hL' hit her l ip=-- <111d hlu...;IH: cl :--c :trkt.

"\\ ' hat if I "'ho11 ld tHll g.,~ .. in ::. i:-'l<.'d F•1rtinwr. TIH·ir <.' ' 't' ~ m ct. and h L' r =-' q u a i I c d un d c r It i .... :-..l' :t r c h i 11 g- g 1 an r l' . . "0, I cannot- ! do nnt kn n\\', .. l.u cy lknd ,nt :'l:tllltlH'H'cl

t·on iu :'<.' ell y. • 11 a\\'k\\'ard pau.'c i:-: :-' uC'd. Tht•n .... ll ;-~ king· PIT all h:t'h -

ftll:H ··'· till' y n\in:-•: !.,!'i ·J =-'!'''!".' d ! ·rntilledh·: "lhtt if ynu 111\1:-'l g-n. I'll g n \': ith yntt. " ''Only :1:-' iar :1~ Thrcc !'inc-: ." C••rrtTted ( ;ra,·. "Ly \\'ay o f Pindar-Pl'ak." coolly i n:--i .-~ ted l. l!c\·. 1-' o~r­

timl'r (;ray felt unable to cnpe \\' itlt Lhi=-- it•tnin;Pl :-:tul>hllr'1 · llC:O:~ . f[j~ 1110!-i{ eJ0 qU<.' Ilt pJcacJing":-' \\'ere 11f l!t) ;t\':til. ('llll!--<.'­CJUCtltf_\'. \\'ith a d eep ..-igh. ttllcl "'i "'hin g- \\'ith all hi:' heart that there w ere n cithLt· mnnnlain .~ . nor land :t!.,!'l'llh. nnr atll•llw•­hilc~. h e ~tarted llll' machine. and. \\'ith the hra\·t• ~( rl IH hi-.. ..: ic!e. beg-an the ascent.


Tu..: ANCIIOH 13

.\ :-.. IH .. : \\L'lll through thL· llll'aclu\\:-.. \' <.T_\' lti:--urcly. Jeruel 1:111\\11 caught :--i~!n •ti th~.· aut11 jtl :-- L a:' it hL·gan t11 dimh the lll tHlJII ;t ill.

"( ;'" 'd ... f>_, '-' · cdd mat·hinL·.' · he lllllf'lllttn·cl. "thi:-- i:-. yflur

l~t-...t t rip. lnll I'll ~.· barge Lht· <.:11:--:t lllll:-t ell 'l' riull~ Ill 11ld Hc n­dt~ll. The hrakt· \\' i ll hL· j11:-..t :--lad' t' IH HJgh: :t nd. if tiH: lh,wldL.·r ,..., 111 it:-- plan·. th ; ..... \\'ill pn'' l' Ft~rt i nttT (;ray ';-; la . ., t tr ip al:-'o . l11 n·~ard f,, !ti m . ''~:- IIIJc ,.l'ry g"L'Ill'rtlll:-' . . \ hand:--tJllll' cn,,:-.. ' rt·~'t t· d ''" r hi l'n•kt' ll lumt· .... ,,·ill l1111k .;:t _\'li ~lt Llhlllg'h ." hL·. 1. ! lll L' k ll' d . .. I : 11 1 It"' d • 111 • " It a t i... t h i :-.. ;. .. It L' t· ·' t' l a i 111 e cl i n :-..11 r ­

pri--1.· . \\hil(· IH· ntl, ht·d hi-... L'~l· ..... and l ~tukt·d kl'L' nly a t t hL.· .. J,.\\ h · 111"' ill;.!" ;dttll. l' 11a l)k t11 di--t · n~ui-..h ,· 1<.-a t·h·. IH: tollk a . . . ...

p:t ir ui fi eld gl ;:---...t·:-- frutn hi:-. l"•rk c t. a 11d iul'lh:'t·d lht.•nl tlll tht.· t!l :tch inc. ' ( htly fur a ie\\' ~t· cuncl=-- h · l~tukt·, J. Th ·n tht· _.l a=---.t·:-.. dr!IJ>Jl<.'cl fr•lfll hi:-- tt'l'lllhling- hand ... .

"(;rca~ l;11d !" h~.· criL.·d in h11n••r. "it i=-- L11cy lkndtHl that i-. \\'ilh h itJl. :\o\\· t' \ l'~'.' thing- i:-- lu:-- l. Till.' \Try \\'<l lllctll, ior \\'lto:-' L' Jl"·''l':--:-..ittll I plannL·d a nd l t tikc l. l11:-..t 1)\· 111\' n\\'n :-'lll-p:d ity. ,.-.u,) that I \\'a:-. IP gin· that ra:-..t'<d the machinL· t•Hia,·. J)id n't I l11.·ar tht• girl .... ay :--hc \\'a :-: going ttl ll a nna h l .i llll(.' \' ':-.. : ..

I lL· d;i ... pt.·d hi:-- hL·ad hL·t \\'L' L' ll hi:-- hand:-' and :-..tnucl a;-; OIH' dazL·cl. Tltt·n. t<.·aring !IIi' hi:-- t'Pc.tt and :--ll<•L'=-'. hL· :-..<:t hi . f<t ~e

!IJ\\'ard tht• nl<Hlntaitl and IH:g a n to run wildly 1111. jt11npin~

il'llt'l':-... IL·a p inp; t>\ L'l' ...;t n ·am-.. a nd brunk iL·t :-. . hur~ ting- thrnug-h l•ru .-.: h and hriar. ig1tc1 ring- th~.· th~tl'll:-- t hat cut hi=-- ~kin and to re.: hi=-- c)t,thing- 111 llll: rL.· :--hrl.'d:-:. ~0\\' hl' n·aclt~d t hl· narrc>\\' -..u·;p oi \\·nud - lancl that hnrdl'red 1111 l'indar- l'utk . Like a 'Jll'C tn· hL· g-lided ht•nca lh th<: :-..takly tn'l':-.. . hi=-- iont iall dead­l'ni n~· liJ>tl;, th<.· thick ca rp'-·t oi pin<.'- lll'L.'dlc:-... Suddenly he pl ungl'cl Ill acllt~ng- in to a :--mall l·k-:tring-. IIi ... iont :-:a nk int•> a .JL·ca_,cd :-:llllll J>. <liHI . \\' it h a dull lhud. hL' pit c hL·d \·ioll.'ntly ••il fti ... ian·. tl irL·nly in in1111 ,,j llannah l. i tlll l'~ ·=-- humhl ·hut.

Thl'rL' on the pnrclt . up,,n an d)d lllattrL':-'~. hL·r hand.; i~tldl'd upt ;n her ...;;unkcn h(I'O lll. and the li,· idnL· .;~ of cll':tth ,L·ttl i n~ un hl'r iace. lay thc ptJn r. l•ml'ly \\'Olllan. Th e noi~c

•>i l~rn\\' 11·:-.. iall a\\·a kl' lll'<l hl't' frr1111 ht·r .... tupt~r. ~he opL·ncd hl'r t'_\'l'~ :--l t l\\ ly. hut . tq 'un hLhtdding- tlw prcJ;o;tratc land ag-ent. :1 'i(llt.•nt ..... hnck ra n thrnu~·h hL.•r irall tL.'. \\ ' ith a ring- <•f Jny 111 h~:r \\'l'ak ,.,,ict·. :-- h · rried:

"J l' rtll"l !"

Page 9: 07-01-1908

11 ' f' It i . ,\ :' ( if ( 1 I(

Tlw ,.,11 11d t ,j tlw Ia 1 i I' IIIIIJWI 1 • •11!d It 1 ' I•·•·' 'I•' ;r • , .. ,

t·rril)lc- c·t'lt ct "I''''' .lt · riJt ·l 1:1•1 '.\11 tlt :tll 1l1i •h irt:..!' ·· ··man ... \ ••'( t •. ~ r<·lf · h~·t) l'J'IJll l' 'IJ ''" ' llll' ;._:l ll ll lld . I ll' lll11'd II ~ hl.·:td

• I i. " ,c··· lw J,,n,·l\ \\'•llll:t tJ H · : t~ '' '"~ "111 ll l' r c·; , . ,, t:t ·~··. :t rJJ , ... .

• I l ll

.' ·ar a~·~ , .:t iJ H · I'l l'"' ltillt " . ,,, :1 t . rril ,: < ' t-ll·· : • i•'{. !li­·ta :· , rJ t.,,,,,<J·tw• ' ll"J .. , . •1111'1 111••tt. I j , c:-r .. ·· In :. II • f,•l\111•1 -. . I !t· -..pran;..: 111 Ja i .... kl·t. ;tttd. J,•n tn d llt ;.! a \'. a~. 1•1\\ar.J

t h t • 11 • ' 11111 1 :t i 11 IH k l' 11 l l11' , !, i 11 • r 1 1 \ • { • r It i .._ --I t" · tl d \ · r · 1 ll ~ tl 1 h \. · ..... tltid-. c c•,Jln·;~k,J 11 :111 i r,llll tit· n·prnadtilll t·~ t· ... ,,j th;· \\•li ll :tll

Jt,. had \\ r · dt;.!v t!. \\ it) ing ihl' l·l· r ... j, ir: tti•,n lt'll itl hi -- ta n ·. l:rr ·,,. ,, ..•. ,'. ·d

a:·• •lltttl. "Ill ·.., ' '1'1 11. ilt:t l had Ln·n t lt rt·a t · ni n~ a 'l :titt·rnt~ •:i . n., ,., ''-l.'llJ t·d n·;uh· ltl lntr-..t i11rth. Til· -.k, \\'lll'k1..·d \\ildh. - . lJ,Ii. IJ ·l•t\\' ll''t tiH: It-a~ · z~·plty r -.ti rrcd tlt l· h ca'-' a··n•1-..1•!' '-n:. J.,,qJ · ~n~ il)H\;.t·t l. till' :-igltl cd t il t· IJit lttntain llr,,u~ht 1,:. ... ·!~ t••

th~· :an.J a~t.· tll· ... mi nd t h · p u rp ..... ~. eli h i:-- c•1111 in;.! . . \ ,· i-.i••n 11i •J> i I ~cntb ·n ·... ima•ri1H:d riclH: -.. ~·r· ,,,·ckd • J\1 ni l t t.·rr.,r ... • t1 . .., ~...· ~ n ~ ct t'ill't.. \\ 'i th :t cur~c.· lw :- iknn•d till· tn• tt iLl''"'lll' \ •1ic '-:

• ·· .. : 1 '., : i 1: i n . I I a ~ t i I y h t.· l'., tt111l t.'ll \.. . .... d t" :- · r a m l . ~ " u i n, : t r d . C ,;-a•::t;t:l .'. h• •\'.1..'\ · c:· . tlt l.· Cl't'l'llt ~l"l' \\' l':Prl' difti l·lll t. !.1 · l !!l' J•;: l..' d u ·"" kd~l.· aimu -..t pc rp l· rt dicul:trl.'. Th": ... 11 .. n :-ltrul•~. :. a: h~·i :!:rll·'l hi •11 in thl.· lir:- t p;t r t ni hi-. llll\\ :tr I j•ll\r:tt ~

11• . ·,~; ,;; ~;:q pl'arcd l'tlti r l.l.\. ~'" •H tillll' , Ill' \\' t~Uid :,!a :n a i"· '-. -il.:l..: ~. •1 .~ iip !Jack a g-rc.·att·r di:-tancl.·. Finalh hl· -.. : 11 d •• ,, 11 and

':. itl ll~ hi ... hand-.. in tk·pair. Thl'n . n-.l!lg ag-;tlll h "· , l.·l lul

"I mu ~t ;...!' l' l l• • t lH· :--llillll1i t. tt nn1't ht.· d•lll\.' ~ .. \\ ' ith a \' i ~ l. I J" r 11 i r • 'Ill :-h L' <.-r < k s p l' r a t ion . lt 1..' !lung- 11 : :-- h 1 1 1.' a~ a : 11 :- i

t>c.: hard g-ranite wa'l. Iii:-. bi,HHf-,Jtut '-'.' '-':- :dlllt"t hu l ~~..· I iriJ 11 thl.·ir ... n:kt• t:-. \\'hilc \\'ilh h i:- fin;...,l.'r .. hl.· :--l'l'. t l\:ht. ·l ti:~.: na.·<.d r11c l· a -.. ,,·i th thc cia\\':- 11i a \';i ld c at. Till.· ~harp llint t'll hi::. IJ~d·t..· i1..'l..'l. hut he CJ nly g"lt a :-hnl hi:- ttTih. 1·:' '-' i'\ llllt .. ck 'Ji hi .. IJ•H ly \\·a:- tl'll:-\.·. t'\\.T.' fihrt.· thrilkd . . \t ka -.. ; ill.· :;·tinl.d till.: .... u mm it. Ju:- t th ~..·1 1. l1,\\ d,, \\· n a t tlw l!.,r; ,, ql. J '-rut·l

I ~ n , '' ·n :-a \\' a ' · i '· i d I b .. h , 1 i I i g-h t 11 i n ~ . , , h i l. It " :, .. i 1 • ~ I• ' -. ,. '-' d immc.:cliatl'i; h~ a l'•ttd 1wal ui thtll l•kr. T h•·uglt -, ill :1 11 ll••ttr ir .. m :-ttn .... ct. a dn'p glnt•m :dread.' ~L ll kd "' l 'l' tl i · ·u:lla in :~11 I , · ,til e~ . Tht· l:tnd :l',.!'L' tt l Ct~ltld h :trdl ~ di~ii:1~ui ... lt t it-...· li l~t· IH•ttider in th l' middle uf tht• rPad. \\ ' i!lt T it: 11 :- rvll ·'·t lt It · :--

rlra ~·g-l· d tht· Sl t :nc ltl\\ :t rd thL· t·d ;..:"·· l\ ttt j~::--t . a ... 1 ·: J' ll r;~~ ~ ~l· d

- .

" 15

t o\ r111l it int11 tht· ya\·.11in~· .tb~ :-:--. th \: n ·gn1ar lHtffings ui an anto i~..· ll upo n hi"' \:ar. ( )uick h· he lnnkcd ro und for a hidin <,.. - - .:-, pl an·. hut lht• :--nlitan · .-..nmmit altonkcl tHllle: tht' ab,·:--:o' rL-..;:. itH:d th · 11 11 i ~ i'tln.at. ' rouchilt~;· o n hand;-; and fc..: · t. h l.· tried tn dc :-- (l'IHl. h11t IH..· itlt ·r hi:' hand nnr f1 ld l i<•ttlld a :'ttp­jlll rt. ~o. ~:la:-'pin~· lti;-; arms around th~..· s t<ll tl'. h e careful!\· l<l\n' rl'd h i:- l>"d-" until 11tl\' ht•:ul and :--hould c.: rs rem aine~ l ' i~ihiL. th.~-· 11 . tllnn1gh the.: i1h·re a;o;ing gloom . thl' land agent limly caugln .... ig ht uf tht.· aut\). :-lo\\'ly C• >ming- d11\\'1l the :--l o p~ In i t. t H.' :-. 1 tq t It t· d 1 ; \ ' l.T. a I i g u n· i n \\' It i t e k a Itt' d ia r i or \\' a r cl.

:·il .. i 'l\l-..1~: ...... ·ann in g- dw r11ad lw i11rl' IH:r. .\ lil' r cc. ll;-t:-h flf li ..!'lllnin~· 1it ill' ali a r •1tt11d. alid t'i tl..· in:kd the.: \\'hit1..' ti n-ure in : t

t ~ ~

blni:-h gl<:an1. Tt> .knh.· l l~r• >\\' 11 it 'l't'lllu l a:-- ii a gua rdi~!t

:lltgcl ncdtpit·cl th. · :-cat \\'ith l-'1 1rtim..:r < ;ra\·. :'\ u \\' the a~Jt•)

b (: g an to: ito~ nc dt l\\'11\\·a rd i.L:-lt.'l' and iastcr. Yn ung- c;r~ty

:.pp lil·d t(t~..· J,ra . 1... i."t i>··, \\ 1 ·, l ri·k "''rl:t•d \'. til. ft1r tlw

111 e c han ; :-- t:n ~It t' d. l' d I >t i t k ~· I ) h · t h t' s 1 ' t. L' c1 n f t he car. To n:,·c r~t· \\'a :-. tnt> extr 'Ill ·ly cl:l ng~·r.,us t o try on thi . .;; nnrrow . ~lt~pin~ tr<t~ k . l lan ging 1111 the ho\\ ldcr. l~rnwn hehcld the :' ruith.·"'·" ~..· f(urt:-- of hi ~ .-i,·al. The11. fnr tht• fir:-.t tim e the dang'l' r o f hi ~ t> \\'11 :--i tuati o n da\\·ncd upn n him . \\·a~ the ro ad ..,· idt• t'llt•:ugll to kt th • auto pass hy the :--to ne ? If not-a c c d d s h i ' .c r r a n u p t h.... 1 an d ;:q .. •: c n r ~ h ack . The b o ul d c.· r w a . ..:

..:" d tt ngl'rou .'ly n l':t r th e edge ni th<· rock. gut there \\'a ;-; ll'J

li:ti\.' i11r furthl'r tl11ntght. Down :'\\'oopcd t h e machine . )ray , idr all iLs :-p1..·c.:d . handli n ~ it in a ma!'teriul \\'ay. :\o \\' it ro undl'd the cun·e. till' irnnt \\'heel.' :-hut pa:-;t the stone, hut t lt"· rear-a .· i<: ju .~t gra z c.·d the rnugh hnuldcr. .\nd n o \\' a

h t,ar:-c cry. l ik 1..· tha t ni a \\'ild hea:--t in peril o i denth r e nds th: tll!titHlll .... st illnc.· :-:..;; . Fnrt i mer ( ~ r;l\· ·:{ C.:\' l'~ ne\·er ~ ,,. c n ·cd . -;"rc•nJ tht..• dangt•nnt-. rnad bcft~r~ him. h i~ g-rip 011 the.: :-;tca ring-­~t·a r nc\·er n• lax~· d. ( l nl~. hy the fl a:--h of lig-htning. for o ne in di,·is ihk lllllllH.' tll. Lucy lkndo n sa\\' Jc.·ruc.·l lh o \\'n·3 \\'h it· iac~ . di:--tortt·d by the iury llf hell and the ang-uish < f deat!1. ri .. t • ahn \· 1..• the l'dg·~..· 11 f th..: rock. and then di~appea r tng-c th~..· :·

\\ i t h the hu .~t· hnuld1..T in tlh' deep al>y~s .

I Ia !J an h •l llf' lattT the machiiH.' :-' ttlpped in fr nt nf llannah · Lin il t.' .. ' ·:-- cotuq .. ~~..· . 1:nrt imcr ;ray juntped nut. inl­lcl\\'l' cl hy Lucy lk nci•Hl. bo th runn ing tn the rear f the !HHt :-: l' ttl ~l..'arch f1ll' tht· unlucky l ~n,\\· n. l'r c.: . .:entl y they r~..· -

1 urncd . the \' otlllt hl'aring in hi!' arms the apparently l i fe l e!'~


Page 10: 07-01-1908

l h T if E A ~ ,. 11 o 1<

l••nn 111 :t !ll:tnlvlltlrl.:d a11d nnn:~lvd :dJ!'u-.. J, ~. ,,,ll,J n ·c, ,., 11 i­t i • •n. 1 I ' l:t i d t h c tt n I r t · nat · 111 a 11 Ill' a r t h 1..' t i _, i 11 t!.' " .,1 ;~a 11 •

l~ut a:-: h~..· :-:t' "lJ H'd dCI\\t t. Jl' rul'l l~r.,\\· n·~ lt:tnd t1n n h cllltdtt·d till· ~..·h:trtl1 1111 Furti tt1 t' r (;ray·:-: \\':tt c h -c ltain. l' rt ck r .t ht· :--ll'tlllt.!

pn .. ' '"lll'l' .. r thl.' " ·' ing nt :tn ·, ting~..: r:-- the )t,~..·k. ,,·hil·lt tht• \fHJn~· 111 l'rt..'lt :llll had ll t' \'1..'1' ht'l..'ll eti1J1..· (tl <ljll..'l l. 1111\\' 11JH' I1l'd \~ jiJ1 ~ I 1\\·ang·. It di :-:l'l•>.' cd : 1 IJ ·. autiiul. !,!'irli:-=lr fan-. .tnd tlll tlt v i11sidl' th e in--cripti"rl. "lla nna h 111 J. IL"

.\ t tilt' ':tl11l' till H' tht• l'~l' ... ni tlh• )'•lt JI' \\' 11111 : '11 it• I tlJl'' ll tltv cl1 :: n: :. ~ht· )p, 1.-td ·},, , , !.: .. .... . cd ft·l l•h

' · \\ ' ltct·~..· did y ou c.,l , J it ?"

"1~ :-t d..; oi ,Jd lknn lll ~h :tq• · , :-:·tie 111 h i-. prl\·a·t· .,(fin·."

ctll:'\\'l'recl the: _U llltlg' !11:111 . a ... tcmi-..h~..· d .

~J,.\\· 1~ I !a nnah Li nnt'\ · ... t\t' ... tttrn t·d t'J •Pll th~..· clyi11 ·.~· l:rilcl ag-t·nt. Forti11ll' l' Cr1~ a,:,_ It t• \\· ill n :.'\' 1..•r j,.r .. · ~..·t t lt:tt J, ,,).; toi n : irt~ll.'ol 11..'1'1' ' rand. n·p t:oach \\' il l' n ·hj ,· Jr lhl' ;"\\llllt:lll t'l' l,!·ard~..·tl .knrl•l J: r , l\\' 11. Tlw \\Tt'td~t·d .... in11v r lll:tdl' a rni ~·lll\ ... . l'd tll't 11 • :--p1..·ak J,ut () JlJ:, tht.· r :t ttlc: ni dt• :ltli w;t, ;11 h i' tlrr•':t .

Thl'n a .... jngular th ing- hap •t' lll.'tl. Tilt· \\tli tt:t ll ~T:t .... p\·d 1~ 1'1 1 \\lt ':-- lt;!nd . ;~nd. a .... iltc l'•olcl -.!art• nf rvp r.,a~..·h lllt·!kd irll• • a J,,,,J; "i in tini tt· t ·ndt·r:r~..· ... ,, :--ht· '' hi:--J'I.: r~..·d:

.. _kntv l. ·'"ll .~n·ath· \\ I'IIIH.!l' cl tll l'. hut I i• • r .~· i,· · ~~·~!. i"r .'''tl r•tH' 1..· -..a rd . ."•tt l J, ,,·vcl 1111..' ...

Th ~..· ' l"rm had p:t--'t·d "' l'r and tht· ... ettirt~· :'1111 lll·,.kt.· thrnu:.rlt tht· ri itl d l'l 'll l! l-. tr:tn-..ic•rn1itlt!_. tltt• i .. n ..... l path int~r a J,<·atlliitrl .. ;d ·1 , arch t·d i--k. !l-ading far a\\';!,. ir11,, int·t'hhlt­

~·''"·'·· ll :tnnah l. :ntH: y· .. l'ak ia t· t· ... Jt,,rH· :1:-- ;1: ;tlin: "itlt th~..· IH·aut.' and lu -- 1 · t · '' · ti:L· ;.!irl iarL' in th~..· It ,ckt·L. .\ 11d t ltu-.. P' "•r l hnt··h :. nd ./vrtttl l:r• •\\' 11 L• ,;..:-t· thcr p :t ...... l'cl , ,n t" th1..· !J i~h .,. t-:1 n1 ·~al : , Jt~... 111 n:n·i , · ~..· iu:--tin· j,,r tltl.' \\'1'1111"' dunl'


t .. IH·r t~,- 1!11· :t•ld a;.!c·nt: h 1..·. Itt ht· t't~lld<:nl lll'd t•' iulltJ\\ 111

tilv i• ·· ·-· ·· ~ - ., : ·! ·u. trtht r J,c·arit•l. :-- =·, · · · .. F r·=. 1·r ( ;ra,· It d l .t tc \· l~vllcl tl ll ttl till' a IIIII

I : 1, : .. . , , • ... ! . ·• 1 · - ·· ' ' rt·l·,,,t·n ·t lru111 tht· t•trcn .... ,,j Lint tr ·rr.i ~:, . · ·. ·.~--=·: ·' ., ilu· ca r. Turnin~ ;l\\· a~ f rt~Jll it. :--lit· -.aid I j 11 ; I ' • • :

- .

~ -



~..·l"qncn t ly than the :--trnng- \\'ind or earth-quake. Thu :-: it :-:eenH·d \\'ith the l\\·o ynHng penple a:; the\· \\'alkc I

-.. i!l'u tly :-:;c!e by :-:idt•. Only. at parting. y o ung- Fnrtimt.r spoke: "l.ucy. today Jl'nH~ l l~ rn\\'n lost hi:-: \\'ag-er. IJ a\·e I

\\ llll ::-..

.\nd th · maiden :-:imply :tll:--\\'en.·cl : "Yt·~. Fnrti m t·.·. \'tl\l ha,·c ...


\\ ' illialll \\ ' a ln>orcl. 'oR

\ly ... rh jcn is 1111t a-. oh:-:rnre :1' it ... •Hmd:-:. Indeed. \\l'

:tn: all ;t\\'~tn.' that in human liie my::ll'ry i:-: \·,: ry cnmm n. ln the~l' cJn,· ~. Jt,,\\. t' \· ~,.· r. 11\\'ing- to the ~tt·ady pn>g-n·~~ of scietH' t'. ''T arc:: apt tCI n·~·arcl my . ..;tl'ry a:-: rapidly ,·ani:-:hing. \\' e ar .: inclint·d t•' t1atll'r tll!r,..;e ln :' that :--tH>n the dl·,·cJt ,pml·nt nf the uni,·L·r:-·e \\'ill he n•dt~c ... ·d l•l a -'y:-:tern 1.\i "infinitesimal in crc­nwtll-- ... :tllcl tha t tht•Jl \\' l' :-:halJ llllCkr:--tallcl it a ll. nut. thlltlg"h ••u r li<..·ld , ,f knn\\'kdg-c i:-: t'nn:-:tantly hl·ing· <.:~ten ded. yet nur ))11\\"<..'r tn Cdlllpreh.·nd i=- ;o;trangcly limite d. On c\·cry hand p roh It· tns :-: u g'g'l'-' t t h l.'lll :-:c 1 n ·,..; \\'hi c h ha ttlc L h c ke(·ll e,..;t thinker. \'k the hiolngist. \\ ' hence clid liic ari ~c: and h ..' can o nly rcier yon to an infinite. int:t1111prehcm-ihlc Being. r t o an i11:--c nttahk it ITt' . . \ :-:k him. \\' hat is life ? and he will tell )'dll it i=-- inclclin;tbl ...'. ( )r con:-:icll.'r the mystery of the future. \\ .hat han• the t:nming yl.'ar:-: in . ..; torl.' for u . .;? \\'e do tH t know. l ~ ,· cn tomorro\\' is a . ...;ealcd book. And \\'hat of eter­nity ? The pastor, s ta nding by the open gra ,·c. repeat~ the ftn·mtrla. " I >ust thou art. to du=--t ~halt thou r~turn." But tlti~ clictttlll rcier:-: Pnly to th<..· ho dy. \\' hither g-oe~ the :-:ptnt 1 hat h a=-- ldt that ;..; tark. lifelc~~ ira me? Rc,·clatinn speak." tJ f the soul'~ fntnn• :-:tate nn ly in figurati,·c term~. Sci ~nce and phi lo:--oph y can o ffer on 1 y ntg-nt theurics on i mm rtal ity. \nd \\'e are ft>rcccl tn ~ay. " \\' e do t ll.lt know the sour~ future

ahoclc ... Lt <ll·parts into till' g-r•at L"nkn \\'n. \\' e turn tn the Past and a::k. \\ ' lh•nce did I conll.'? and the Pa~t. like a ...;ol<..mn ~phinx. n nly ::tare~ and i=-- dumb. \\ ' c turn to the Future. and a~k .. \\' hith er am J g-ning: hut that my~tie guardian o f o ur dc:-:tii1y is si lent a:-; the toml.

Thl'r • is perhaps nul nne of us \\'hn ha :::. n t be(n troubled l>cc au ,..;e (> f mystery. It i.' one oi the dark thing:-: f life. lt!'

Page 11: 07-01-1908

1 T H E A • · t' II o I~

tt--e . ..; arc tltll a l\\·ay.:-- :tpp:tn.•ttt. .\tan tl• •c .' nnt <: n .·n like tu

admi t that t h t rl' i .... :--11 ttntd t tint It~.· ca tl)t•d CtllllJH'L'h-.· IHI. • • I

" .\ tn .... t llll'll.". :-a~ ;-; t; i;-; hn p ~herl••t·k. ··take ll':i~l tt• tl ll"t' ul \\' tta t

i' plain. a;-; ii tltat \\·a:' ll i lltl u,~..·. lntt JHi/.Zk tltt·ir tlt"ugl n -.. ,,·ith thli ' L' , ·a:-:t ck p th . ..; and aby.-, :--L' ' \\"hidt 1111 lt tt t llan un d~..· r­

:--t andi n g can iatll•llll... ~tan·;-; cu rin~ity i;-; unl>• •11t11kd. lit•\\ a11~i •lll.:-- he -i:-; 111 p ry illtt> hi.- d ,• . ..:tiny ! Tlh· :-- u•lllt:-..a_,· ~..· r and thL' tlrack h a\"l' al\\"ay::-. had their <kn)tl'L':-; . Tn tit ~.· fact 11f t~t,· :.- t c n· \\"l' aJ., u allrihu t t' panni t •llr llli .,cry. ··1 c•ntld hl' lll~ t clt l.t appier." :-;ay ... tht· trn uhkd ~filii. "'if tlwr .. · \\" L' l'l' tllll " ' 1

· 1 t · l . I.L' .. .\ I att dt•:' i re-. 111u cIt un c L' rl :un t \ · . :-- n llllll" 1 Illy:' l ' • ." 111 1 .

fr~,. • a~..· n· .... ;-; tn th~· tr<:t• oi kntt\\· kd ;~L' . i~..· .. ·ling- cn n fid'"·nt that it ,, , ,u Jd hl.· \\"l'll j,, r h im c.: n .·n td hL' cqu:tl in kilt)'.\ kdg ~..· t n lli-. t•nt n i;-;ck n ~ r ,·;nPr.

l ~ut le i 11 :-: a"k <lur:-;~,.·1\ \. .... " .\re \\'l' ju:'t i tiecl in claiming that I l l ~ :-lt' 1' _\' i ;' t 1 j t1 :' l ' :- .. ('a 1' l i Ill l h till g' It l 11; a_\" l' h ;t II :.,! l' I l II r t l j> i 11 i I t\1.

I ~ h :-~ 11 prl':-:cnt a ft•\\· fact" t n ::-. J11,,,. tint my:-: tl'ry i..: •1t1L' 11 i l!la n· ... chiei inn'llli\·~· :-: I•' cfft~rt ~ltld p 1·n .!.!·n·..::-- . In tilt• li r,t plan·. i t i.:-- <tn in rentin: t• l -..cie n titic in\T~ti!.!'ati•lll. \\ <. a r · tt~ld that it \\· ill take hali a d11ZL' tt year-- tt> dig th~..· l'an:u n a

c;t n;d. and \\'· :--ay. "It i:: a ,lliJ'l'lld••u-- t!tHkrtal · ing."' l'.ut. in

:It' ,·allt•y . ..: q j th ,• ~ ik ancl th e Euphrate ·. hand-.. 11f arch ­·•.•nlclo·i:-:t' ha\·(• hl't·n di .. ·n·itP" l"l'llt~t n· :titer l"l' Jll tll' \' l •l \111 -c \.. ........ :---;--.. :-.. ... ...

C"P\' l't' t he ruin:-: f)f aJH.'it·nt eitic". \\ ' hy all thi-.. ~,..• (;'nr:: .\II It •

di .. ~nl\·L· r the '<'Crc~;-;. th .· my~tl'!'il'.' o f pa:-: t :tg-t• ... . \ g :tin :-' ttp-

1 H > "t' llll' 11 i rt II n I h l' h l ' g' i 1111 i 1l .t.!· h ~ I d k Il l J \\. 11 :t IJ I lll' 1 11 .\ :-- I l r j l' .._ II f the .... tar. .... ~ttpJHl'l' th e CrL':ttl)r had :-- u pp lit·d u .:-- \': ith a titltc.:­tabk oi th .. · h l'a,·e ttly h1\diL':-' and :1 dia~r:tnl 11 i th~..·i:· t.·••ttr:--t· .. . \\ ' t :-' lwu ld th l' ll lt :-tn.: nn plac'-· i11r !•h ..:t•n·:tlllril':'. and llH: ll

Jil · c Cnt ;ernint:-: and l...::eplt•r \\'ou!d ha\' L' mi ..; .: ·d t lwir npp••r­t un i t ' ·. ( ) r. i i t It l' . \ n· h i 1 '-' <.: t n i L h <..' l -n i ' · , · r :' ... · h :11 I :-- t ti11l! i ttl' tl t • 1 u :-: a copy of hi:: plan n f co n:--tru cti t lll. t h<.: rl' \\'111lld tHI\\' l ~t.' tltl itllL'rl' :--t in tlll n ri<.· .: ( , j creatio n. :tnd nalltc-.. like Dar\\in :tn d ~PL'IlCt..' r co uld n c ,·er h <.~ ' c :tcq ui r ,·d th t·ir ia tne. To ,,·hat pur­po-.<..· i.-; tit(• ,,.•Htd<.'riul pn·.:--en t a eti,·ity td .-.cient i:--t.:--: ~"!Ill' 11i

tltt·m. t1) I>L" :-'tti'l', lahPr fur kntl\\·ledg-L' dirL·t·tl_,. p r a ctiL·al. :l .'.

f n r i n ..... t a Ill' ~· . t • l ti 11 d t he c u r <: n i a d i..: ·a -..e. I ~ ttl t I w 111 <t j 1 1 r i t.' <•i th<:m \\'ork . merdy t n di :-:cn\·L·r truth. ~ly :-- t e r :• :-' l' J'\' L'::-. a -.. :1 t'<,n . .;; tant c hal iL· ng L· tn the ir effnrt~ . Cradualh it ,·itld ... ia n aftt·r fact t11 t hl' t':l;..!'l'r in,· t•:-: ti ~·ator. hu t ~tra i t.!." lll\\' :1\' offt·r -. . .


• ·•

- ,

TH~ AN <: II O R 19

him n ... ·\\· qlll''l iun..: and IlL' \\' pnd,Jetn~ a:' a hnit tn iunh ' r rt·:-- t:~l rch .

. \nd. j .... 1111 t tht• :--~.· arch i••r truth ~me t)i the no hl c=--r acun­t i e ~ o f m ~· n ? ~ i r \ \ · i II i a 111 H a 111 i It o n d l' cl a red t h a t. \ n ' r c h · • ,rfcn·d th l· <:hP·L·e h ,· t \\'l'l'n truth a nd th t: pur:-;uit n i truth . h e \\'onld \\'idt CJ tlt ltt•:--itatinn cho••.' c the pur~ uit n f truth. Truth !rn·h· fl.' \ L':t!t..•d i:-' , ·a lna hk: hut that :-:a me truth. acq uirl'd ihn •u;..!h pain-. t:tking ii! \'L' :--tig:ttit•n. i-. tnnn: Yalu:tblc. Th ~

k ;t'''" kdgl' 11f tru t h tllL' rt' ly cnlightl'll~ and gi\'l' ."' u:-: a crcc.J: t it l ' ! HI r:--tt it (I i t ru th . h t' ... ; c k.. L'nl i ~ h t t•n in g u::. :- t i 111 ul ate:-: ttl \\11rth~ :t<.' ti,· i t ~. Fr,T Ctll l1 111ttllicatin n "f truth ..;.:~ti,fiL'" cun­.. ... ity: thL· pur-uit "i truth IHtild:-: characLL' r .

~~~~ t~ nl.' ,., -= cil.•ntific in,·L·-..tig-at iun d111..:-' my ... tcry :--l·n ·c a ..... . 111 int't..' llli\·L·. IHtt :tl.-o ''' efi',>rL dirt·c t ly pranical. .\n ill­, , ~ atchl'tl h:1 ll -game. \\' l' knt l\\' , draw:-: littl\! allL"ntiun. I t :trPu ..... t· ... JVit lw r intcre~t nu r hard play. The t1 \lt <.:ume 1:-' !Ill)

l , · idvnt. l'•nttra ... t \\'ith thi :-: tht· hC1tly-t..:utltl.':-'tl'·d game. ~o t · t he rapt att L' Ilt inn u i the "'ia n ... ·· and the f\!arfu l enL"rgy o f th play ... · r:-:. \\ ' 11\· i:-: it: l kcau:-'L' ui t hl' un~ertaint,· ni the re.-.ult. . -T akt• a\\·ay that. cltH I t h e g-ame lu;o;l':-: hali it:-' zc:-:t. ~ 1 t h e ;..!·allll'=-' fli Iii~..-. in 11nk r lt ) call in rt h al l our cner!!Y· must ha\·L' an cklllt' llt oi ttnccrta!nt,·.

Furth ... ·nnun:. lll~:--tc ry L' llcuurag-es Lffdrt by cotH.:ealing­iutut·c L'\ il t~r calatnity. T o mon-o\\· may br ing- uncxJ>t.:cted lii i-i,lrtut:c: but Ctlllling- mi.:--iortun~..· caniHlt di:-:tu rh o r di . .;­h l':l rtc 11 ll..: . bl.•t•a u .-;e i 1 i~ h i ddt•n. n \1 t' you a 11 s \\'<..: r. my=' tl r .Y al:--n (·onn·a)..; future =--un·c: :-:. True ._' tH>tlg h, hut man nat ur­~dly till:-: th l· unklttl\\ n iutnr<: ,,·ith bright , - j ~inn ~ o i ho pL'. Im agine. i11r t•xatnpll'. a father a nd mothtr gath ered around 1 he lTadk of a 11 in iant dtild. T 'hcir fact.' .' b ·a nt with pride Hnd j11y. That littk o ne i;-; the l)hj cct o f all their ambi tio il, and thL'Y :t n .: enlhu :- ia. tic ~t!Hltll t h l' br!ghl pr(l:-'pect;-; uf their child. l~ut. \\'l'rl.' its iutttrl' car~cr re\·l'alcd tt~ t h em . their happinc . ..:' might he turned ll) :-:m-ru \\' and tk:-:pundcncy. PLr­hap:-; that hahe. when g-row n to maturity. \\'ill he a ra~ca l , bringing- di.:--gra<.·e upon hi:-: parent:-:. Or it may he that after a k \\' m•Htth..; that fair hl<..l3~nm \\'ill h e nipJh' d hy the cru ~ J

inl:-'l of death. \\ ' l' rc tit<: parent: aware that ::-. u ch a futun· wa:-- in :-:ttlre ior thl'ir littll' one, lh)\\' bitter \\'ould b e tht: tltuught ,f that dn.-adiul day tu come. li t~\\' ,·ain would ~e\!m ;t)J l hL·i r \\llt'k ;tttd L':Jrt• ! Dut the kind \'L'jJ uf Jll\":' lcl'\· hid <.'.'

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:w TH I:: A:-J l' HO"R

the a\\"aitin~· e ,· il. \\' e paint the blank c tn\·a."':' ni till' futun: ~ c..·a r :-; with :--c.:c..·nc.:~ t .i JH..'c ll..:~· and :-- uc.:cc..·:-;~ a nd .i••_, .. and \\1.: p lan a nd :-;t r i,·e a :-- ii th e fu l tillmc..•JH ui tl\1 1' , ·i:-;inn:-- ,,· .... ·n· a;-;-..urcd.

Jn ~till a nc..) tller \\·ay j ... 1 11_\':--Jt...'r~ an inr<.·nti\'l'. It gi'~ .... c•ppPrtunity io r faith . :\J _,·."'tvn· j .... a !'tun ll>ling--hi •H:k l•• rc:t ­-.:"n: to fa ith . hc•\\'c.:\· ~· r. it i ~ dail ~· l> rc.:;ul. :\ nd wh i ·11 i:-; g-rcall' r . knt l\\' lt·dg-c nr faith ? \\ ' ho lead~ t lk' gn·a t llltl\'l' lllctlt:' ,,f th e.: \\'nr ld. or \\'h t) 111akc.:~ t he hcr\>- thc man \\'h n rca:--tHI:'. nr t h<. m a n wh n tnt~t:-;? \\ ' h il-h i~ the g-reater :-;tim ulu.' t n act inn­an ,· ncyc lnpcdia. o r the..· .... ·p i;-;t k" df I 'aut? 1-.: lltl\\·kdgc..· i " a guidt· rather than an impeliing· iurn:. 1-( nn\\'lc.:dgc..· i . .- inditrc..·r­<.' nt and t'l)lcl. Fait h in ... pii·c:--. " Faith i:-; the ,· ic tnr~ ... Fai th tt .. tll:-C'<.'tHI:.- the bnutl<l ' 11f "'l'll:-'L' ancl intc..•llect. Ja ,· . .- hc >ld upn n .. t hin.f.,!':-' hot eel inr. t h « l tt~· l • un-. c..•,.' lt ." a nd g-inb 1111 tht.• tln~tht ­ing-. \\'a ,·ering- mortal \\'ith tiH: C«llt\·ictH 11 and th e ~tt.·adia .. t ... I ll''~ c>i the..· 111artyr.

:\ . .- w e I o k upo n lift' . \\" C :'<.'c t hing-:-; that :.-<.·c..· m <dt• lg't'tlll·r <.' \' il. ~nnn \\· .: C't nclttck 1h <tl the c.:nnditin n . .- of tH tr l' ll \·in• ll­mt·nt nnll d t•a-.:i ly he iml'nl\·ecl upn n . Y c.:t condit ;nn ~ wh it·h ,,·c..· r<: g-anl a:-; c \·il arc fte n :'•HtiTl' '-' •>f g re:H gnnd . ~~~ "'' h my.:;tcry . 1t i ... :-;onH·thing \\'l' :uc cnn . ..;tantl y :--tr i, in[-!" 111 cll'ar ~' " ·a ' · : n ... · ' · t' n h c I c ;-; :-; i t i ;; a h k :-- ;-; i n g-. 1f t h e r c "'e r c n ., t h i 11 t! h i cl i n,11; our tiiHi c r.' tanding. \\'ntl ld n~lt li fe ln . .:e all it:' n ri g in :;lity : \\ 'nuld it nn t lack the c- ln nn ••i th<· unkn n \\'n a n d t lw prt~ ­irwnd: ··1 \\'nuld fain knn\\' ... :.- ay=-- ni~lhlp ll all. " :Ill that I need. :lnd all that I may.-C;nd':-; :--ec ret.~ I lca,·e t n him:--df.­l t i ' h:lpp,· fnr m e tha t ( ;nd make:-; me nf hi ~ co urt and tl tH

nf _hi :.- cn11ncil." .\n d in the l~onk of Prr)\·e rh =-- \\' ... ' rc;v l. " I t i..: the ;.!'ltll'_" nf (;nd tc cnn ·cal a thing-: hu t the hnnor o f kint!· .... i..: t•• ..;<•:trch Pitt a mattt.•r." The Creator thrfl tt !.,!·h hi .' .. ;tenet.·. a ~ w<: ll a :-; thro u f_!'h hi :-; n .·n·lation. throug-h wh :1t he ha .: cn'l­n ·akd nn It''=' than thrnu ~h \\'hat h e h :t:-; Ctllllllltt !li catcd. l)l •t h t!·lnriti t·rl hi m=--cli and g-a, ...... to man nnl' c.1 f hi:-; chi<: f incit~..·mc..· ttl .... . - .

'·f knn\\' 11 •11 \\'ha r tl \\' a it:-- me. C o I kindh· \' t.•il"' 111,. l'\' C-'.

:\n d n 'cr eadt ~ 1 cp n f ;ny -nn\\'ard "' ~"· If ,• make=' new .'n'nc:.: tn r i;-;c:

:\ Jtd e\· ·n· jn,· he .;:encl .... me. cnmc..·:-; :\ ..: \\' (' (.:l n n~l g-l:ld :.- urpri-..c.·.

.. ~0 lll f t!'O ll lll klln\\.;ll g, T \\'ou ld not if I mi~ht:

l'd t·a tlwr \\'a lk in th e <irtrk \\' it h ( ' ' '" Than gn ~tl•lll • in t lw li g-h t:

T'd t·:lther \\':llk h,· faith " ·i t h lli m Than g-n a lttnl' hy :.-i;.!,'h t."

' ,,

• ••


Tl IE ANCIIOR. Published by TilE ANCHOR ASSOClATfON, Hope College, Holland, Mich.

Aasi!'l t.aD&. Et.litor H cn r l K . P~& ... am. ' II) ~ti lton J . H ulTman. '!'!)

~ot•ie&.y Edit.or H arry P. A n k t•r . ' l•l

SubS<'riJILion .:\1aon ~owr Tcuoi:; E . U ouwt:os. 't'Kl


l':ditor- io-Cbi~r

Pf':T ER H . PI.El":'\ E . 'till

A lumni Editor Ni,.;~ H iltlal'.!" te~ •man. ' t'l!}

Exchange Editor .Jnhn H . Warnsbui .... ' Ill

Hu-.i nf"ss Maoauer \' 1<-Lor W. Dleltkiok . ' (I')


Local Ed itors Gl'tlr l!t' H . ~choltun . ' 11 Mi:-.~ Bata M . H~m i -.

A t.bletic F.di tor lleorr <~. R oo:...t . 'll!l

A s .. t . Ru ioe. ~ Munlll!£>r .J cao A . Vis. ' IU


Alhlre~~ all communicat.ionl! to 1' H ll A Nt..:Rnft, Fiope Colle"e. Hollantl . Mlcbl~ao. F o r At!Ye rt.i in~t Rat ·s apt•ly to Uusioc !'I M;,t.nar:er . Eo Prell a&. Lhe P ogt. o m cc at H olland. M ich lt:ao . as s«.>cond·claRs m ail matter .


T ilt• Chnr;d l"nill n gan: it:.: an nual Ct lll Cl' rt in Can1 '!.,!"i1..· l l ;tll 1111 .\lnnda_,. J u n e..· 1. The conrcrt \\'t\:' o i a , ·cry h igh ••nkr and wa..: t'll ll ~id crc..•cl <l g-reat trea t hy all whn h eard 't.

T!Jv fir..- t p a rt ni th t.· p n,g ra m cnn . .- i~ted oi t\\·c• cant:\ta:.: .-un g­ln· t lw < ' hPr:tl l 'ninn . Tht.· patriot ic bal lad . "l!arha r:t I : r i · t ..: h i l ' • .. " a :-; "' t 111 .~· fi r :-- t a n d \\' a :-- h i go h 1 y a p p r ~ c i a t c d . I t ~ '"It' tnrt- \\'l'l'l' l'arrit·d l1y :\lr:.-. F enton frPlll ;ran<l Rapid~ . The..· "II . ·m n tt • I )if•n y:-;u .- " " ·a:.: ne :-\ t . .-ttng-. Thi ;-; i" a , -<.·ry ~·l:t,-=ic~d l'i~..· c..·c.· and made a n c..·xct·llcnt c.·nntra:-; t tc> the mnn: t· ••Pul:tr " l~arh:tra Fr;t•tt.·hic. " The..· =--~-enncl part ni thl p ro-• . ~.:-ram cnn-=i'll'd c•f -.:,.J.,.- :tncl dtl<'l:' h,· :\lr. ancl ":\ lr< Fenton . The..· t.' llll' rtainllll'llt thc..·y g-a,·e \\et !" !'u rpa:---c..·d h~ n1111l' tlf thl.' 11 u.;:ic· ;tl num lH·r ... th1..· l.el'tlll'l' ·~~ur~l' iurni:-;h .. : cl u.;: during th l' ,.l'ar. .\ 11 ;1n· \'l'r~· ,,· il ling tn ccmt.·cdt• t hat th e..· C• llll" t.'rl w a . .: a g-P nd -...ucn· ... :.:. ( >nly o ne thing· ,,.<..' reg-rd . and that j, th:l t it \\a~ 111 t bett er ;-;u ppc•rtt•d hy th ~· ptnpk. Th i:.; j , pl·rhap:-; ,·cry l ··rg- l'l ~ d •• t.· tn thl' fact th ·tt la :-; t y<.:ar \\' hl' ll Hll(llht..•r cli r .... ·ctor \\ :1' 111 char~<.'. th e..· J)l'Ppk wert• di :-;:l ppPilltt·d w ith tht· pr~~ ­!.!T:•m \\ ' e ft·~· l c .... ·n :tin . h t~\\ l' \' \.' r. t h at ..... inn· the..· ' h t~ral l · n ;,,n

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:n. T II E A :-: c t1 0 J<

1::-- aga111 111 thl' hand.~ •~~" l ' rPi~..·:--.~llr ~~ l.trk. th~..· annual t:~tn­.._·,:n:-- ,, ill main lain thL' h igh :-'t:ttldard "hkh thi~. ,,n~..· r~..·~' ·h,: d

u;Hkr hi:- ll'atkr~h i p.


Tll 1 ,,.._. ,, hu h.._.ard l'n •i<::--:-•lr Zucldin ,,j Ch it:a~~~ I ·t.· tur~..· in ;tr11 : g tL llall un '" 1\ l'p!"L':'I..'lll~tt i\ · l; ,,,Trllllll'llt , ...... lh-nt••t.· ­

ra~..· , ·· wu· ~..· ,,~,.· 11 ll'J•~tid. l~y <.."lltlrt~..·:--\ ni th1..· l.ecture l"t•ttr .... l ·

;;1:1; 1ag-t.· tn<:ll t \\I..' \\·~· rc gin:n thi .... knur ·a . .- all L"Xlra t ltllllhl·r.

.\I r . Zllt.l,Jin i:-- a .... p ... ·:tk1..·r. whn. l ,y hi ... ltJI"I..' ·iul Jllall!H;r ,,f · p u u j 11 ~ tl! i 11 ~ .... · · Ill a k .._..... ' :111..· I i , t~..·n i ; ; h ·! 1 tl y. I 1 ~..· c r i l i c i ='' · .... ir ... ·t· h · '! !ld .... .._.,.l' l'l'h.lnll it i:' n c•t ;dltk -t ructi\l' L'l'll ll'l:--lll. II ~· d 11t.. -· !l••t ... t;nHI in. :t\\l' ,,f till' ft)JJ-..tittiii••n a:-- a thing- altn<•-1 .Ji,·inL'. and ;-;a_,:-- that. ··l·fllllplt..·tt' cnn:--tit:ll:,,nal n·' i:--i•lll i:-- :t

intnn· iact. l l · t11id "'that th~.._· ~..·knor;tl l..'tdkg .. · \\' ;t:-- 111•!

rl· pr~..·~ t·ni ~tti._· ~.._·: th;H ..... "·n :t tnr' \\' <.' 1'1..' 1111t pr•lJ'l'rly l'lu·tl'd. I [~,. • ...: a y;o; •ttt r ).!11\' t' l'llllll' llt i:-- no t tnt · t•• Lint.'t lln':-- tk li nitit~ll ,,j

"g,·•I\TI'Illlll' lll by th~,.· pc..•npk" if \\'L' l'•>nfc:' .~ ihat tin· nq.~rn and

!ht..' \\'orking· da:-':--l'~ are "p1..·npk... Jlru ie:':--\lr Zt11..: hlin i:- ~1 11

ath'tlt::lll..' oi "adult :--u fTra g-e ... and h ... · add . .- that the \\llllll.'ll t•1

,,:h<•lll n-1..' ~..·nlru .' t the r~..·lig-itHl:--. llloral.: nd intc·lkctu:tl t rain­ing tli thl..' yout h nf t h l..' land are aJ:--,, tit pcr:'nl~:-- with \\'hlllll t•> ~..· ntru :-:t the JW\\'L'r of the hallnt. li e \\(tttld h:t\t' \lltin).!· nt:Lchinc...' :-' .'n m:1de a~ l() Jt .... ·n·;.; .... itat~..· th ... · tt:-' e ttf brain:' in t lH: ir llperation. wh ic h \\'onld :'oi\'C.: the prohlt·m of th e illi tL·ratl' nne. Prnh:~ . .-n r Zue hl in pt>in ted o ut :-:trun~ ly that it \\' a:-- a ial .,c clnc trinc that th e IH:""t g-,n· L·rnm~..· nt i:' the g-cl\· .. : rni11 L' Il t ,,·hich gtl \·crn:' Jca;o;t. l 'n,·c..·rty . di :~..· a;o;e . ·i,·ic uglin e:--:'. im-11 h 'ra I i l y. lt c.. arc t h l' fa ttl t () f the :' tat l'. a 11 d it i ...... I h l ' d l1 t y I) r thL· :'tat~ ll> c ure the c..·,· il;-;. II ~..· tnld tb it wa:-- th1..· duty 11f all to be intcrc .. ;red in th1..• pn•hk111 .... u i ol!r tH·ighlull· . il)r "th~.·

death o i o 11r hn,ther;o; and .. i:-te r:- :11th~..· :-wc...·at :--h••JI:-- ma~ ~.ui't·ct ll:' iatal h ·." Demnt:ra<.'\· h 1..· ddinl'cl a:' .. ·o-nperation inr th • t:Ollllllt>n ,,. ·a l." \\'e \\'hn are apt lt ) In: cncru.'tl'd in t~ttr

ultra-cnn ~L'n· ati:-'111 111ay \\'ith p r11tit li:-:ten tc) the n•>k :--tllllld ·d In· :-: u c h a m an a~ I ' rnit·,;o;or Zueblin.


. \ t the June mee ting o f the ll clJh: 'ollt""l' l..'t•lllll'il ))r. :--.

... ..



' .,


l>r. :\larl.an·n·:-- rt..':-'<.':ll'l'IH' ' and puhlicati(ln:: ha,·t· " ·on hi111 nwmht•r:--hip:' in thl· ~i !~llla XI l:roth c rhnnd of ~cil' llC:<: .

thl· Jlhy.-i~..·i : ul:-- Clnb. the .\ m .. •rican :\ledi<:al . \ :':'nt:iatiPn and the \ c:-tdem,· ,,r Sci~..·nl·c .


Th~,.· \\' t'l.'k t•i cnlllllli..IKemcnt fc:-ti,· itiL':' \\· a~ \·en· pn•pt: rly inaug-uratt.·d f>_, thl' :\l~..·liphtmc ~c•ci .. ·ty in th~ir public cx r r­

~..·i .. l':' tl ll t!t1..· L'\L.'ning t>i June 12. arnt.·g:c Hall \\' Cl:' filled tn it., c:tpaeity. ancl tlw 1nnn~tLr audil'lll'L' \\'a .' amply re\\'ardl..'d

j,, r thl'ir )'1'1..' ' ·nee. Tht· :\1 cliphonl' S nc it:ty i;.; cnlll)'":-:ed n i Jll'L·p:tr:tlPr.' :--ltHknt ..... ~ l'l till' program \\'hirh "a, prl':-:cnt ccl Jl!ight be a crl'dit tc• hig-h1..·r da .... ::.ml·tl.

Th~..· prl·:--idt'lll ••i tht· :-'ociety 11pcnt·d t h ... · ext•rrJ:-'e..: in a ic...·\\· .- ... ·kct. \\'nnb. a11d a .-.::-:un·cl th1..· ;nulit·nt:L' . that the b1..·:'t tlw ...... cil..'ly c• •uld !-"i\'1..'. \\'nuld 1><.· pr .... ·~t'lltcd tu them . .\ ck\·cr

rt..·citatinn \\'a:-- n ·ndered by \\' cer.~ing- in a pk:t:--ing- ,,.a ,· . and \\hi c h pr••,t.·d It• h e an intrc,ductin n t·• the ur:ttit)ll \\'hi c: h

Page 14: 07-01-1908


"hn impan.~d him:-'cll a . ..; 111:-. 111<1:--L\."r. "11Jl"l1 t·c::-:.nlll'd 111 many comical :--ituatio ns. ~lartin \ "c rhurg- a~ the baro n. :-tnd J o hn \ ' nt\\'ink a:-:. the :'"r\'Clllt. aided hy Jal: b Althui~ . the :\layo r.

iorm cd the s<.Kial clC'ct <..· ircl c. \\'hilc :\l e x \ "an Bru nkhor:-:. t a nd <;cor;.!,'<.' name. \\'h o cnntenckd for the hancl c f an invi:..-ihiL·

maiden. fnrni~hed the anm~ell1L'llt. Each acqui tecl him:-' ...' lf l'r ·clitahly.

The c\·cn ing-' =-- <..·ntcrlainm e nt pro,·ed l t> be a :-'ttccc..;!' be­call:-'<.' the :\lcl iphtmian:-' ~nt crcd hearrily in their \\' rk . and ..:trud.: the pt >pnlar ,;;,trai n o f e n te rtainm e nt. \\' c \\'Cknntc the ir annual prog-r:-tm hccau~c \\' <..' ice! a~:-'urcd o f their ab ility tn rcn <kr it acc,.'pta bly.

BACCALAUREATE SERMON. ()n Sunday t.\·ening-. June 14. Dr. l ~aac <ro wcn n f

\\'ccha\\"kcn. :\. J .. pn·achccl the Baccalaureate ·" rnH n tn the ~l·ninrs. Dr. (;, >\\·en· =-- thoug-ht wa~ clear and c;un ·~t. lie ha." a pure ~tyle ancl po werful \'n ice. I I is cldivc ry i:-; straig-ht­fl)r\\'tlrcl a nd con,· incing-. I li ."' t<..'X t wa:-' :\umher~ 13 : 30. ·· .-\nd l 'alch ~tilled the p nplc hcfc )rC :\ln:-'t'=-'. and :-;aiel. Let u s gn up

a t o nce . and po :-'H'"'=-' it : fo r \\'C arc well ahk to o\· e rcom e it."


-l. \


I -\

• T II E :\ ~ l" il c ' H

l'n: li lllin:tr.' tt) lhc :-crmc•n. the ~criptur~ I ~,011 \\a~ n..:ad In I I r. j, .. , k 11. a I: t i 1·: I d l ' r . \. . \ . R;} n: 11 () rr l' red p ra _\(: r. T h l' l' h, . i r tit 1.. 11 .-a 11 ~. .. I : • d _, . \ rl T h 11 tt.. I)\" II an c k·l.

l ~ r. (;,, ,,l.lt IH: ~.;•n ),-' ~hc•wing tint nnr day i:- a day n f \'ctt n l' ilntiint. and that itt t lti . ..- \.:'nml>inatiDI1 indi,·idual char­·:dct" 1-.. d\\:trftl•tl. I ll' IH •intl'd o ut dearly that .\ m .. ·rica":-­;...::·~ · at<..· · , tt~.. · ~.. · d i:-- f11•· llllll ,,j initiati\'l', llll'll \\'hn darL' tu ~tand

;r! .. •t\' . 111vn \\ h11 h·r, l' q11·•'ilicat ic•1b :ittil1g- thun inr le;ukr­

... hip. Tlt c P"'' ,:r "j ti:L' tninc• r ity i:-. o!tcn di,rcgartled. whik it i .... ,; : ~.·•t tltl· Jl' '" l'r '·ltirh (~nd h <• n nr:--. \\' e are li,·ing- in tl;'"· .:r--t n r!~..· .... t agL· thl' \\'11rld ha:..- t'\' ll knnwn. En.·ry rolk;!'t• ~: r ::dl! •tv J:-• , nan ,•Inti' "I'JHH"lun itic~ . . \ II can he cnnqttl'fllf.'. T I: 'n· :t r l' ·- t :II .t.! i: t Pt... i 11 t h c Ian d \\' h P ~ i n 1 g-~ I e in r t h 1..' 111 a:-' Ll' r y. <:i ·;llt )' lt • 1 llt ~· ... ar~..· i_\in:~· hL•i•lJ"L: the r i"'ing kadl·r:..- ni tnd;-t_, .. ;t\'.;titin ·.r .,.J•Hi•tJ!. Tlt~..·rc: ar{' indH:--tr i;-t J and :--Ol:ial prnhlcnt:--· ... l!i ,·!l ·tr\ J·L·r plt-·,in~ Jnt· n·~ tninrb. Th<..' ... l' l';tll r•nJ_, he :..-nln·cl i•t !Ill' -..ell"''' 11i l>nHh -rh nud \\'hl·r~..· l "hri't i:-:. th<..· tL-aclt~.· r.

TllvP ''''ll' a ··r· tlw I rt'll l<..'IHI••tt' CJlll' ... :n11:-- nf intt'lllpl·rann·. ; \ ll d I : . l' • 1

: i !..!' ,, l . il'l i ~: i. 'll :-- l't Il l 11 i l" l :--. . \ I l l h l' '-l' 111 \1 't h l :- f 'I •: l' d . ( ·11 l_, !l . (. ll f II" h ; I h . ( I r \. i :- i I 111 • I ) i i d l ' a J-. l" a 1\ ..... \ . lT It I) p l' 1 II

I l'''ll' J' t h ·l:t. Ttl 11'1\ (.'an i(kal. .... aiel nr. ( ;()\\'(.'11 , i..; ttJ hit\"(.' a

:·~,· :t:-t dt j,, .. li,·i ')...:: .\nd tl<..· nnly JHH\' t•r tlt ·tt can m~kc: \1 '

rca liz\· ''llr i•k:· J., i~ ia:th: iai t h that n·:dizL· ... the purp• . .:c:' ,,j

1 >·d . ih:tl rv--t-. llj '' IJI Llh.' pn,mi:--\.' :-' ui (;()rl. that i~ a;;:--un·d ,,j

<; ·d':- pr•·-..vn r l'. and it·L·!~ ( ;, ,d ·:-- J'll\\'<..·r. l11 c!••'in~ I :r. t ;,, ,,.L'n adcln·:--..... cd thl· cb:--:-; directly. n·­

l !'i:td':·J,.:: t':•·m ui t lkir <kl,t t<> htttllanit~. and ni their J>l'Cul ia r l'l'"'i ••n,i: :ii il_, :1-.. c11lk:.: .. : gr:Hiuatc~. urg;ng them tu hL· C 11 11-

'!l il' :·c ,;· .... ;rnd. Jikl· L' :t kl, "i uld. tn enter cuur~tg'l'ott. ... ly inu> thl·

~..· .. ,, n i n :-- " i 1 i i l'

UA" CLASS EXERCISES. TIL· ··· , .. cl··- .... l' erl'i~L·~ arL· l'<tdt :Tar :t\\' aitl'd " ·ith a

~r,·at elva! ,f :tntiL·ipa j,ltt. Thi;..- .'l''tr \\:t:-- "" ex L" c:pti1111. and \ \ 1.: ' ' l'I'L' 1111l d; ... . 'l'l'''illtl'd. hut lti.~·hly pil' :t :-.ed \\';th the pr11-

:-·-r:u tt ~l' ' l'll. Til· til:tkL·-up (If thl' pn,gT;-tlll \\'a~ cxct•ll<..·nt in tlt:rt it wa..: 11111rt t'lllL'rlaining than u:--ttal. The cia.-':-' ntarch<..·d tr 1 tl1~.·ir .. ·at' an·,lmpaniL·<I o n thl· p1ann 1)\· .\ nna I~P=-' .' anrl \l··l· l·t.· l'n'l' .. \li'"' l .nkk<..T g a ,·e ·t ,·~..·ry pka:--ing- rc:nde rin!-!

.. j :111.' n::•di!t~· . .. T!tL· (""". and the ni~ltnp ." Fred \\'<..•er~in!.!'

Page 15: 07-01-1908

chi):--\: a n : ry itll .. : rc:-- t illg dtarach: r itJr tltL· -..ul,j n·t "i hi .; d :t:--.­u rauon. T uu r :--aittl L'. ( ht\L' rllllL' '' ~"'hi .' tiH·tll L' . Tht· audi ­

t..' IIL'L' ,,·a:-- ddi~lllL'd \\'ith !Itt..' quaint phiJ, ,. .. nplty 11i "\ lr:--.

\\ ' igg·~ ... tuld in an L' lllL'rtain i11g m: tt\1\t' r hy \li ..... -.. l n·llL' ~taplt.. ­

h tn tp. "Tht..· l.q.:, ... ·nd , ,i .\kc- h ill .. \\ :t' the: .... uhjL·rt "i the

"·1:\:-;:-- JhK' lll by . \nth • 'll~ l .uide: n ... . Tilt.· JHIL'tll :-- lt . l\\Ld ~.· .trdul

,, n rl.: . a nd a h igh d~..·gTtl' n i lite.: rar.' lllL' r !l. Th e t·la ....... pr• •piH'L' _\'.

\•. hirh llL' \<.: r i:til' tn pka ... t..· . \\·;, .... gi\L' Il hy 11 .. · ...... ~, ·1 Yll t l'l ll :t. \ l i~~ Bemi~ admirahl~ pla_,l·d a \iulill .... ,{ ,,_ -- ~ l' IL' Il :tdt.. l:ad llt..' .'.

~n·i .\ rtltnr ltLll' t:tk ,,: ldt p ! ~..· a ... t..·d il h · aucl i "· n c ~, · "it lt a Jll;llt"

. .. ! ..... ,"!I ark l:t 1\ ... ·iq~,· . .. T ill..'. , .. !'); , _ , '11 :11(' qua rll..'t .... . Ill'~

l \\'1) :--t· kctir)ll~ \\hidt \\' l'l' l .' \\L·II rt't't i,· ~.,·d. Tht..· pallt••m itu·d

r •: a d i n g- IJ i .. I I i : t " :: t h a .. " a :-- i 11 clu d ' ., 1 1 rt h :\I I \It L' I a 1 J u r i l t' • , - 1

: q prtJ ~ htn' it. ~kiliulJ_, arrall;_:t..d L' ' t..Tgr .. · ~..·n t t'l't ... a11:l :til

Indian \\'ig-\\'al11 g-a,· · a rl'~t!i:--tk rq>r~..· .... t· ttta ti'"' •li an l11d ian IJ .,ttH.' in thl· i.,rl':--l. Tilt· ·· ...... qu:t\\':-- .. a nd "i,r;l\ L'~ ·· "l'l'l' dr t..·:-- .... t..·d

:t' ln'CIIllll'.; _tru ... : I n dian:--. and L'<n·h pla~t..· d tht..·i r part \\'<:II. t ;i·:t 'l \ .<.:11 /.oc n :n .. \lar;.:arL·t \ \ ' al-..lt. \ · l· ,- ~, l~ki td, t..· k--t..·l. l~ a ta

i kmi~ and I relit' Stapll'kamp t..•adt d id l'Xl' t..·ll" 11t "c li' k in the ir part pf th l' r .. ·adi11g- ni the p nent. Thl' p :ltli ll tllitwd rt..·acl in;..!'

;rc.Hk it pu ... ~ibk fur th~..· l'nlirc cl:t ~ ...... to ha,·L· :--nnt ... · ~harL' in

t lt l· 'll ·n·~ =-- ni tht·ir da.-:-: da,· l'Xl' rl't:-- ·:-:.


( )n \l{lnda,· t..·,·e ning- c\·ery l iPllantlLT in llt~lland . "'' It

' d ' tnt..·d. came lltlt to hear the l'Xl.'r··i;-;c~ 11f til\.· l'llila~ l'luh. Throug-h the untiring cfft>rt~ of l 1 rnfl!:'~n r Raap thi:-: tlrgani/..,t­

tinn i:-- in a n : ry tiottri:'hi n g- c~.mditiun. Thl' quality uf th e e ntt·rt~inment g:i,·t•n i~ indicati\' l' oi the kind 1>f \\·nrk d•IIIL' d nrn--· th L: , .l!ar. ;..... .

Tlte t•p\: nn g- llllt lti>L!r of the pro~rattl \\'a:-- a p ian•> 'ol11 1)\· .\ li-..:-- . \nna .· c h~..·lk"' · l{c,·. 11. \ 't..· ldllta n t h~.. · n kd i11 prayt..•r.

In lti:-- ;..ddre..-~ o f WL'kumc :\ J r. l la\·t:rkamp. the prL':--ickn t l)i : he L'ilila;-;. :--pnkL· di thl' t> l>jt:ct ni thl· l'\' t· ttin~(~ t'lll\:l' tain ­

ln t:nt. and the iurthu· ambi tiun~ and hop ... ':- 11f tht..· :--Pcicty. I k \\a ~ ittllll\\' t:d by .\bel l{L'nkl'~ . whn rl'cit ·d :t palltl' tic pt:..•n · :.: tttitl\:<1 "JIL-t Jurl:-:jL·. " .\ pka . .- ing- , .l ,cal :--tll P \\ a:-- then g i\'l' ll

hy \ l i :.: .; E :-:tcll .. · l'nlk11 . \ dialtlg"lll' ~..·ntitkd . "( )p de l'ijn­hanl ·. " in!ln\\'cd. Thl' dratnati~ J'lT:'t lllac. \\ ' :tlnu lrtl. l ~cn~klr~ :t:; cl I l:h·L:rkalllp. j 1lay\:d th li r part:-: \\'d l. T he 11ratinn l)f tht..•

- •



1.. ,· cnin~· \\' :t :-- dcli,·<.·r ccl In· Th·nn· K. P;\ ...... ma. IIi ~ theme w a:-'. "I n elL: , .• ,t·t - .... t ~q~u , .a ;t dl· n j_l' i tll· r.·· Il l' paid a glnwin t!·

tr ihntc: t11 ) ) r . . \ . C. \ ' an J\. a altc and the :-;turch· hand f P'""l'L' r" ••i '47· Thl' <~rat ion. writ te n in a pka . .;ing: awl :--t' h t d:trh .q' k . w .t .... \\'ell dcli,·t•n •( l. Th t t..' \ ' \:r d readed mcn­

~ e l\\' ,' rk \\' <l' n :ad hy .kan .\ . \ ' i;;. Thl' climax o f till' pro­

~~ r a m \\'a ..: · n · a c! H' rl i 11 : h c 1 a~ t 11 t 11 n h L' r. a d i ;\log lll'. <: nt i t k cl. "( ; ~.·l cl ~! il·ri;-!·h ~.. :d < ;l· ,traft." Thn ;;<.' \\'ho tollk p~lr t in tht..·

r!i;tl c•g'll ' \\TI'l' J acnh I! ' l' lll :--tra . IL \ 1. Flikk<.·nw. k a\'llllllld ~ I ,·L· ng-.. . . ri~..· Te l' ·t - kc :tnd lknry Schut. Th l part ni th e tP i ... t..·r. pla _,·.: d b y \ Jr. ll e cm:-:tra. w.·ca,in n c d much lat ghu: r .

\ lth e~~tgh . lw pby J:t , t~..•d "l >llH.' thir t y-li\·l' minute;-;. the inten·<

11 11 th~..· part (If tltt..' :1.udicn ·c n c ,·l? r la~g- .... ·tl. Thl· ,·arit·d n :tt url! n f th e pro g-ram ~bowed that the Du tch

hn:.(uag-l· i -.. n 11t li 111itcd in th e u:-; ·~ t > which it can be put. It i-.. a pi t ~ 1hat it ' beauty ttnd , ·;_\lul' i.- ..:n littler ·cog-ni zl·d i n

l'ltr .\ nH'rican coll<:g-<.'.'·


ll tlJ>t' 'u lkg<.· i:-: ~Tarly g-i , · ing- it;-; ~tttclent:-: m o r e n p p,,r­

li tn ity l1• t..• n gag"l' in p rize n r atori ·al rnn tc :-:t~ . Thi~ yea r .\ rr .

.\ .. \. R ·t\'.t..' n •>i l~rc ll>klyn. :\ . Y .. tn adc ll ll l' 1111)1',' cnntl' -t p u:'­

._jJ, !t..· h ' ... ~rt..·rin~ tit~..· :--um of lift,· dn!ln r~ tu he ll:--l'd a .~ p r ize ..... . . . ·11tl· 1111h l'tlnditi•m cutailcd w a:-: tha l the g"l'll rnl thl' lllt..: o f t h ... · . . . ,q·:,l i••n-- -- h t •ulcl J,l "l~e:--p ... ·n fn r t~ld a gl' and authority." Fi,·~-...Jr"n~ "ra ti t~ n ~ \\' .... 'rt· deli,· · r~d t an apptTl·iatin.· au d it• nce in

\\ ' ina n t ':-: C h a pel ,) 1\ the aitenH •on nf June tf•. .\ 11'. J ••ll n II. \\ ' a rn:.:hui~. 't o . wo n til l' tir:-:t p riz\: 11 f S3n

,., ith hi .- u r a ti P n o n the !' tt hjcct. "Tht· l' rincipl ..: o i \'at inn al

J·:nclu r a :tt' L... \Jr. \\' arn--hui .• :--pe•kl' cml\·incingly in an in­

d it:l'llH' llt t~i t he -'pirit of l lll' ag-\:. Th e j u clg-<.~ \\'l'rl' unani­

ttlClll :-' i 1\ l ltt..•i r dt lli l'l' t> f h j 111 a.; \\'j llll l' l'. and t hl' . \ ncJH •r ex tend'

i~ ... h~..·:tni . < cr•n n r :nulatiot::--. . ... \lr. 111111 \\ 'idll' i'' · t !l. \\'h t ~<.· (l r :tti o n \\'a .' l'lltitkd .

"l.iil· ·~ ~ tlll.~l' t Clouded ... tied with \lr. (;corc '"c Roo~t fu r -~..·cull( ) p bt· t..· \\ ith it ... prize ,,f $20 . Th e :--tlhject nf "\lr. 1\. t~o~t ·­• , r a 1 : 1 •ll \\' a :-- . .. In t h l' S p i r i t l) f () u r Fa t h L' r ~ . " \\ · It l'll tlw p r i z - ..

\\' L'f'l t~"i\'L' ll the l lll' ll n n COtll111l'l1CCll1l' ll l l'\· enill~. "\) r. l~ a\'l'll ~ '

:t\\ ;~nkd t':tl' h $2n . i n:-' tl'acl t •f di,· idin~· th e priZl' h ,•t\\' L'l' ll d H'lll. The .. t111 r Cll l\ ;c.'1 ant :-- \\ere :\ l'l'"ll )) :dl·nhu rg-. ' t o . antl

Page 16: 07-01-1908

I edin \\ ' tdtt ·r ink. 'c )•J.

i••r <lid . \ g-~·." and ,: 1'\ ll'('.

T II E A ~ (' II II U

.\lr. Jbkllflllr;_ .. ~· ·:-; thL'IIH. \\:\ ..... " J)i:--rt'')H.'t:l ih :tl ui .\Jr. \\ ' • lltL· r ink \\tt:' ' ' l'atricuic

Tht• "" t'l' t' '"" ,,; thi .... q :ar· .... ~.·nnlt':--1. \\'h ich \\a~ ""'lllll'\\' h a t

, , :111 L'="Ji l ·r ill llll t :-inn· i t \\'a..; tilt· li r :-: 1 ,,j it. ... kind . pruJ ni . ..; ~.·;.;

:.~: ·val t hing' in illt \lrl' l'll lllt ..... t:..:: . .\ 1 r . l~a\Til ha :..:: :llllltJ\IIll' l' cl

Jl! :tl Ill' tilt' Jlll' ;, , r n ex t ,-~,.· ar i' tu ),c. "Tilt: ld c;tl Citi zt' Jl. ..

T h e . \nc h .. r L' ="' Jlrt':" "L' .... !It t• :--inc ·n · gra t itud <.· 11i til<.' -..til ­

e! t 11 t .... tn .\ I r . I ~ : t ' ' t ' ll • \\' It • 1 h :t :-- Ill' ~ d t ' i t p "" ... i h k f" r 1 h i..... t' 1111 t · ..... t

1 • • I a · h v I d , ·a c h ' t' a r.


Tnl':'da,· l '\' l'lling. at ~i :-.: q'c.:lock. tht• l>a nqllL' l hclttrcl \\ :t -..

'i'r~·a d inr tht· :--tllb and d aug-ln cr...; qj I ltljl l ' . \\' he• nc1 lnn ~~· r

· l;; iJ_, ,,·;Ilk tiH· C !ll i JHt:--. h11t \\'h" \\'ht·n p •l ..:: ..... il>lt· n .'I IJrll c1J1 <.' t ' :1

~ l' ~tr i••r a grand tlld i:tm ily n lllli41Jl. The g-ra du :tt .. ·:-: nf t h · JII'L'Jlar:llur.' clt.: partnH.'llt \\' L' t'l' in,·itl'cl thi" _\'l':Jr . and thl·r • \\' ;t"

:t l.' •lllljl<!ll)" ni .)OO \\· hn e 11j11~ ed thl' .!.!• Hid thing-.- pn•,·icled. Thl' hanqut·t \\' cl."" held in our :-: pat·iou :-; gymnet:-;iuJn \\'hi~· h

!J · ..... pre ,,· L·ri n ;.;~·i ul clll ;.;n many diH-~· rt' llt <ll'Ca:-;iun:-;, .\ltl:'l L'\· ~· ry '<.' l:t ion of t hl' l"nit~·d !'tatl'.-'. a .... \\' l' ll a:-: Chin ·1

and J :q>etlt. \\'l'rt· n ·pl'L'"L'Ilted hy thL· g-raduatl':-: \\'hn r<.'.""IHitHh:rl !• • l1n :..::t:..::. Th e nttm h~·r :ttt ..:- nding- the :\lumni l>anquL' t i:..:: in ­~·n· a . .-ing- L'arh yL·ar. and the a:.-:--ociatitlll h n pe:.- to mak<· .-\ luJnni d·,_, . ...; udt a fL·:ttun.· t hat l'\·ery graduaL <.' " ·ill do hi :.- tltlll ti:O:l t, t..'• •mc h:u:l..: tn <>lcl ll up'. at ll'a :-:t i11r that n n(' d:l\' 111 cnm­llil'JH'<.•m ·nt \\' ·ck .


'- :-~ ,..; t n f < d I c a 111 ~- t h c C < nnn H.·nc c nw n t t· :-.: L' r c i -..e :-; n n \\ · e d­n~,.·.:da,· e n •ning-. The <.'X<.'t'l' i ~ L·s 11i the :.-taid . :-; lurdy cl!HI .... JJH) ;,l\1:" S •ni r" nrL' al\\':ty~ impr~· . ..:::.-i , ·L'. and thi s _\'l'ar. \\'ith

idt•:tl \\'l'alh t.:• r. the capacity of ·arnq .. ~· i~· I iall \\'a:-; taxt•d t• > it :' t l llllCl:-' t. Tltc ~L·ni•>r' in cap and g ll\'\ 11. ,,· ith tit~.· ia c ult_, and

·· ·nl·il \\'t' rc !'L'alcd o n the stage. . \ ftL' r the in,·ocatinn . and a piano :..::t~lc> 1)\· .\li .... :..:: l ~ l>ba

<' lark. "Rnndn ·apricinsn" ni \l<.·tHkl...::;.;c•lllt. th ... · t>ratnn· 1><.'!-!·an. . . The :-;peakcr:-;. and their :.-nhjeL·t:-: \\' tTL' .. \ do li D . S c haeftr. " I n tht• Spirit n i t h e <;;une .. : .·\ nthnny IJn,·c rkamp. "~cie n cc ~1nd I l t.·rqi :'m· · : . \ rthnr J. :\ l i..-ner. " l·~ dttca t inn and .\Jqral ~" : \\ ' il -

.. ••


T H F. A N C' I I 0 R 29

liam \\ 'alnlc \rcl " .\ ly :..:: tl'ry an ln ccn ti,·e to Jlrogre:.-s": o rat ion ;u1cl , ·alt-dit·t••r.'. J J. \ ' a nckr ~chaai.

: \II tht: qration:' \\'Cre \\'<.'II \\'ritten. and d .. :lin~ rccl \\'ith an l'li i'IH.' ."tnl':.-;.; th:tt carril•d cnn,·ictin n. The plan of the :-:erie:-­

,f c•ratinn =-- \\'a:' t•' bring o ut the educational. th e philn . ..;ophic :•n d lhc ~ t· ic.·•uitic pha:·•'<.' . ..; of life and ~oci-:ty.

Tlw lll tt :-: ical :1\tmh ~.·r:.- o n the prngram \\' C.'rt' : \ "ocal . olt . "lnidin•" ui \ · t· nt; hy J o hn !'tasman: ,-i lin :-:olo. R Hnanc~· ( irnm second concerto. ( lp. 22) o f \\' icna\\'ski hy lkrnarcl l k\ ' rie:.-: ,-neal ,..;o lo . (a) "Life.·:· ( h ) "l~ ,·~ning-. " ( f LandtHl i-.~1 nta ld hy .\I i . ..:::..:: E:--tcllc :\1. K a llen .

. \itl' r Lltt' progra m o i n ratio n;.; and mtt...:: ic Dr. K o llen madL· a :--hc.rl addn.·...;_., to 1ht• mc.•mhc r:..:: f th e " .\ " cia . .:::-;, congratulat­

ing them .upo n lta,·ing- n.:ach ed thi:-: milc:::.tt•nc in tl1~· ir li\·L·:-: ~nd hicldin~r them l<mk ttp\\'arcl. Th e member,..; of t h t' cla ... .:. l h<:il Jll'tn~ h vd ,1,· ~-r the stage o ne hy tH: tn n•ccn·c th .: ir diplunt<• ...:: frnm the IPtlld o f the pre..;; idcnt.

Thl' degTL'l' o f t;achelnr o f .-\n:..:: was cnnit:rr •d upt) ll thl' ~.: Ja .... :-; o i '0K and tbat < f .\la :.- ter oi .\rb upnn (;<.·rrit Uo.;"c h. I ) . I I . .\ I 11 ~ :..:: k l 11 :-. J a c 1 d > l'c I g- r i 111 • ( ; l' n · i t I \ ·nn i n g-:-;. \ I art i n l~u i:-- :-=;trd ;in ti C . \ ' and T ~choCir .

The hcHH ,rar_, d l'gT<.' c of L. J I. 1). ,,·a . .- conkrred upn n

1~<.'\'. I ~ r. . \ l.n\nl 1-(uip ~' r P i Th e I Iag ue. :\ ctherland:'. The d, ·:: n ·t· ,,j 1. . I . I '· \\' :1..:: cP n ierrecl npnn R. Dt• :\Iarin.:; \ -an ~\\'indt·n·n . mini~ tcr nf inrcig-n affair:- in <hH·en \\ ' ilhdmina ' :--· l"Lhi·H:t. l~ n . . \I atthc"· 1-(,;lyn. '77. rcn1n. cl th .. • dcg-re<.: nf I 1. I)

Th e io llo\\ ing pnzc.:~ \\'t.:rc a\\·arcll'd: The t;cn rg-e l~irk ­htll·,·. j r .. pr ;Zl' in l ·:ngl i :-;h lill' raturt•. !:'2~ : =--nhjcct. " \\ ' illiam \\ •u ·d :-- \\ lllth." " ·a..; a\\'ardcd t \\ 'ynand \\ ' icher:-: . 'o0.

Th .. : (; Lnrg~· l ~irkh(lff. Tr .. priz · u f $2:; iPr the ht::-l L':':-ay 111 t l:c I l t1l land la ngu age . ;11 "Jact •h 1-(al...:: .\1 :' \ ·nl k .. ~d i ch tcr."

\ht· l .J. l{•·nl ·e.: ·o~ . Th e ~d r~. ~: t llltH'I Sloa n Fn reig-n \ I i...;...;ion pri z e 0 f ~2:; fu r

t he hc:-:t c:-::'a: nn "Jon Kc ii h Fak.nn cr" to .\ . 'T . La man. ·o'J. Th e I IL·nn· J;, l:--l' h prize~ fo r t•xamination:-- in Eng!i:..:: h

~.! I' : Jn ~ n!:i r a nd ;,nhn!!rapll\·. fir"'t pr :z ... n i. 1 ~. lc• .\li ... ..:: .\luri ,·l 1-'·•i'tnin <.· : ;.;ccnnd p.ri ze <; i ... 10. to R11hl·rt l'rut~tl...::m:t. \li ... :-­:\ lurie l F• l rlll i liC i :' the.: inurth lll l'lllht.·J· of tit<.· F Prt ui;lL' fa111i ly t •. t:lk t· th: :- "l'" cia:.::=-- pri ze.

Tht' !:Ln t.. d !ctiun \ '\:1:-0 pro nounced hy J. \\ '. I~L· a nblc .· . an d :)1, h •!..: .. \': l• tl..: II . th {' [t1l': \·- !lti rd il !l l'tt :ll Cn l~ll ~H'I H'l'lll C P t ca!ll '' t• ·:1' <. nd.

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1' li E A :-; l' II • I U

) -- ,..--_,

l .•l!l tlt ~ ~..· llu: ll ! L't•l t tt:l l' \\a:-- tht• ••t·\.·a~ l•lll t'i a happ~ r .' tllll"11 r.1;- ... :,.· .. n ·· ,, j al u :li!li. ThL· J, :i ll•IIIL' t h~..·Jd in l 'arn vg il· l lal l \\:t ...

lar~·~.· l .' :!t tc.ndc.:d and pnn t·d :1 !.!l a nd .... unc..·.,,.

\\ 11 It tIt'-' ;...: ra cl u at i c '" • , i t Itt · c l:t..... "i 1 • J' >:--!. t It L \I \ltt tll i ;~ d·IL d LJ. til thL·ir llltllli i..T . ~l' \' l' l' :tl ,,[ t h L'""'-' Il l ' \\ . \ ltll lllli \\Ill ;l'ch.: lt in th~..· iall :11td a few "ill take..· t:p tlt L·IIic>.:-!.' .

I~ L' ' · • ~ i d Il l ' y /~a 111 b t r a . · o J . '' a ~ 111 a r r i c..· d i 11 J ttiiL' 111 :\ I i .. ~ . \l inni<.· .:\ ic:-; of l'a tL·r~un . .:\. 1 .. \ Jr . Za11d~tra a nd hi :-; hr id l' " J•l'tll the.. ir IH•tll..'~ tll<Hll l 11 ll" lla11d and \ i c..: inity .

j ·L, .. I>. S chnl tl' ll , ·~J. lt :.1:-- ttll tL'l' c •n .... i•kra tin ll a ca ll t• • J, .... c..:ia ........ i c..: a I tllt :--:-: t ma r\' io r t ltc ~...· la :-~i:- pf I'd Ia. l u\\'a.

. \lr. _1 . ·. ll uckjc . ·uc•. h a .... b .. ·L·n rc.:-:q >p t•itHL·d ... tlJ lL'l'i ll tl·nd -~..·tn tJi :-dl''" l=-' in "i ntx Ct:ntt·r . l11wa. \\'it h a t·ai .... ~...· 11f $7~ in ,a Ja n.

1\.l:\' .. \lanin l~ni :-;a ard \\'a . .; n -c t·ntly marriL·d Ltl \ li :-:-i·: lic.:t l \ \ itt h.. r c•t t hi .... cii ' . :\ I r . l{ n i:-aard ha:' ta i, L'tl 11p hi:­. .. ' r k at c ; ra 11 < h i I !c.: . \ I ; t h.

l' n ·. 1:. :\ 1. \\ ' it:r~t11a. ~J . Ita~ undt:r c..:n tt.-'itkratilltl a \.·all l r I ! h \.' 1' l It I 1'1 1 h.' d cltt I r cJ I a l 11l·ll ; I , .:\ l ' h .

Thl· cnun cil uf ll npl' ' c>lll~l' at tht· la:--t ( ·, tJlltll t' ll <'L'llil..'llt

''' ti ic r !· ·cl til t: dq~T'-'t: ui P . 1>. li Jl•lll l{ t·\·. ~btt hn\· '' '"·'"· // · qf i ;r :tn d Rapid ..:. . \ I ich.

I >r . . \ . < >l~tnan~. ·~J. \\':L:- l'k ct .. :cl \ ' icl' I'IT~idt• llt ,, j th e ,;t• n~,_· r:tl ~\tll>cl uf t hL' l,d., rtlll'd ( 'hurch in .\ lltL·rica .

~dr . J;:nlc.::-; _1 . I ll' ''raker. 'oK. ha . ..; lcit jqr th t· .:\ L·t h l· rlan •l' ; • , :- i ; il h :~ t) c i" 1 c , ~- i c a I c I) 11 cl i t i "" :-- i 11 t h a t c c 11 1111 n ·. :\ I r. IJ t: '' '';: kt·r \';a :-: a tncm hcr 11i thl· ~l)c i"J ,, .. ,. da ' " wh idt wa~ 11 :....

--u r~.· .•,"' i t d h· <:t•n dtwtt·d ll\ l 1rnit· ... ...;c tr l 1imtll..·nt.

- •

.. :

T H F ,\ :-.: c H IJ H

LOCALS T,, thv ic ll' l..' .... t:- illld fidd -. ni \\ i~l'~> il"'ill. ttl th l' hl':ltl tiiui

J,· · n k-. 11i tltl' ll u d ... •·tl. ,, , thl· htllltldle:--:-- , - a~tc~ nf the l>aknta:= . i·~ th:...· ... ltn- ki-- .... l·d IH·airil :- ,.j l tlinoi"'. thl·~ ha,·e g(l n~..·. Thnt ':' :r honlt the..· \\Cl.\ l >iL·kL'llla \\'ou ld pttt it. Y .. ·=--. tlh.'Y arc g nnL'. · i !a·' :: n : "'' ], ' " ~ ~L· r itl'r~...·. They Ita ,.L. cl...·pancd. ~~ >lllL~ an·

111 "'- \\ • •rking-. ( >tlh r:-; a rc en~. g\.·d in -.om' occttp:tt it~n. ~Pil1L' i d " 'r. C ) i It . 'I'... :11 .._. l'ln pit '-' c.: d . ~ : i II "t h l' r :' to i I. a 11 cl t h c.: r e ... t kn·p I'll'.'

It "LTI It -.. a ... lltt ·tt~h :-{ltl1l' ni thc.: 1)1).' ~ are g-ettin~· poeti c. \\ l' !l :ul a l·t,l'r :· n·m \ ';ttl ~ i!'iL'!l i11 \\'l:il·h Itt: q1111tt ·d th·, ... ;: ; tl1 -

111••rt·d \\PI'!) .... IIi J .tll ll' ' r~u ..... cJI Lowell: ·· 1 ' :-;pr •:-c.: you wt md .. : r where h<.' . I L':ll t't t~..·ll fnr Lit <.' ~nul o ' llll'

J·>,ac t h wan· I h <.· m , ·:--t·li­\k:t n in' 1)\· that tit~..· ltnll oi 111t· . "

··~id.:i~..· ·· \\·a ... la.--t ~cc n cl i111 hing; onto a I'. :\ 1. tra in. II ~.·

-..ll •• ll tl·d a:- he dinll>~..·d (to the crnwd . ..:tanding- abo ut). "Cn t HI­j,_, L'. p r ttttrl , ..• ,.·Jd: l'n i guing ll•>tllL' ...

ll11-p,T ... tl...'ll"' t! ... ni ·· . \ n I ncicl~..·n t in a Railroad ar. II ~·

:•nrl I 1\.'L'llt'-lr:t \\' l' l'l.: ••n a \·c ry ~lnw train which Wl' llt :-;n ::-.l •l\\' <l•:tt " hik it wa .... lTII :-- :'ing the l llinni:-- ri\T r th ey threw out t!•t·ir h ,u,k , and linl':-. and cang ht t\\l'llt,·-ni:tL' fi..:h bd· •r L' th,· t:·a:n !•a. ! ,._,.l, ..., -..vd thl· hri d.t!·,· .

I i e u ... i 11 1.: \ ·l·l d lc it 11 :-; c a r I y 111 J un c. .. \ \ · It l' 11 I. i I a c :-; f. a=-- 1 1 11

1 h : I '' 11 II'\ : : r d I ~ 1• 11 •mt• d .' · I> ' · \ \ · a It \ \ · i t m a n .

I~ ....... y (L•• Jt •l'J-" \\ .hititl·r mid .... t inlling dew. \\ ' hilL ·,gl"'' tltl· h~...·a\· <.' 11=-' \\·itlt the la...:t -'tt•p:-; o f -Ja,·. l::tr. lltr••t•gh tlh·i r rn-..y depth ... dn' i ihn tt pttr ... u,· Tit,. - • ·:t:u·.' \\·ay:

• I•·L·- "T" l > t·~..·nthL·. 111 \\' t~rk in t lw pi t·kh- fac t•>r~ ...

• I

1 ; \.. '- l' · ' a' , ·: ~

.\!:lt •lll I. ll "l'fntan. thl· lln:--k _,. lad irct~n ( h· ~...·ri .... ~..·l. i:-: hl' !p-

111'..!' •• :t t IH i:tn n ~nwing lint which h L· \\'ill n t•,·t·r r l·:t p. and r··:q·11· .~ tha• ,., hi c h lw Ita:' 11l'\·cr :-;uw n.

Page 18: 07-01-1908

T 11 t-: A N <.: H o n

ji 111 I ) ~ kt' llla . ••ttr litt: rary ~cn1u~. pr ·111 ·ditatl' . .; \\Tll1ng a r,.,l)k lll l nature t'ntitkd. " \\' h,· th ~· .\ utttllln \\ ' ind:-- 1~1 11\\' in th'-' Fa i l."

J t' a 11 \ • i ~ \\' i II r. · 111 a 111 111 . \ 111l' r i c a t h i ~ ~ u 111 1 llt' r.

\ "l'nle ()g·g-l' l i;-; ca ll\' a;o; .. · ing- :'\";·i. hertl ~l ic h iga n \\'ith .;{ l'l'e• ) . .-cn pl'~. \ \ " <..· \\'i!--h hi 111 all ~ n cct·:--;o;.

The " .\ " ciR~;o; q uant·tte Cllnt,·mpl <! tl.' . .- ka,·ing- next \\' lt'k i .. r t!w i-"iji 1:--lalHI"' t11 t;1ke Jllll '-'ic k:--..-nll;o; iro111 the h catht' ll ui tha t r ·gion.

" Jilll" l k h:rak<T and "Tull \ .. \ · l·r I ltt l:-'t ,,· ill !-!•• 111 thl·

:'\ l' i ht·rla nd"' \\' i L h a lllag-ic Ia 11 tL·n• t•) l' lll igh t L' ll t iH· I )u tell l'••nc ... · rning- " ll ulla n cl . ~ l il'11ig-an. en nll~:--tret' kl' ll:· . \11 tht·ir

. pic ture:-' a nd ,· ic \\' ;o; arc \'l' ry intt•rt·:--ting L'xn· pt tl ll l'- thc plc ­turt· o i the ll o pL· "o lkgc iaculty .

The Anchor . .;taff. hdorc ;o;c h t~o l cJ,, .... ed. t: njoy,:d a t r ip

in)Jil ll o ll an d utlt into thL' hig· Jake a nd rdurn. Tht•y \\' l ' IT

the h o n o red g u e;-;t;-; of the loca l Board o f Trade. The h oa l nn \\'hich th e cxcur~ion \\'a . .- made \\'a . ..: th .: "~ l ary:· \\ 'e ce r­

tai llh· had a m e rrv t ime . ...

1lc inc:-; i~ in a quandary. Certain o f hi =-- cla~smatc;.;

n>nch fo r th e fo il wing. a n<.l he d o n't kn ,,. \\'hat to m a ke o f it:

Pr >f. Oim11ent whe11 cal lin g the ro ll said . \\'h en h e call lt' to ll cine:.-' n a m _, a nd n o rcsp n ,..;c \\' a:-; fort h coming. " J..; ll c int•s in ~ raafschaap o r merely d ead ?' '

It wa~ ...- urcly a :-; i~h t to ~cc th e general a nd prom i=--c uc Hl=-' bequeathing o f caps a nd o ther s tray a rticles. which occurr e d \\'hen the <I rmitoi·y was \'acated.

\\' c ha,·e h eard a 11 .-m rt · f rca ...; n s fo r n ot ~tay ing- t ' Cummen ccnH. n t , but \ · a ndc r La an·=-- is p c rha p;-; t h e mu;o;t

unique. Jl e said. "I mu~t go h o me o r the dead \\' ill all dry up. '\ ott . ..;c it i ~ \ 'ander Laan's pLasant duty to kee p thl'

gra~:.- green tn the cemeter y at ~~ n s kego n.

(;race \ 'an Z ocrc n a nd na,·c \'a n :trie n mainta in. that a

certain picnic at Sau gatuck was po . .-itin~ ly t h e : \\'cllc . .;t affair

n i th ' :.-ea~on-a itc r\\'a rd s . The deco ratio n :; o f poi~on s umach a rc ~a id t h a , ·e b ee n especia lly bee ming .

Q. Can y o u g-i,·c me a few p o int .. r~ n rai:-; in g beef cattle?

A. Yo u are in the wro ng pew. o ur iri e nd. Thi;-; i:' not

• • ... ,



•• •



T II F. .\ ~ (' II o H .H

, h t' p u hI ira · i "11 J.: 11 ' , " 11 a:' .. The ~ I i d 1 i;.! a n Farm c r ." T h ... h l' .- t

'' "' r;dl d t l i:-- tt) n.:a"''" in1m effect t11 c:ttt:--c. and ckdun ~•1111l' ­

;hi n~· it11· .'•HI h~ \\:ty ••i a<h·icc . i rt1111 til .. · hel'i ui tH il' n•x11

a cqn:tin ~ a ! l l' L' :--. \\ ' L· :--hnuld a •h ·il'L' \Ill\ l11 ked cahl':.- up1111

l:t c lL a I tlu i d unt i I :-- u d 1 t i 1; ~ l' ; ~ :-; i i. .... t· '-' 111 :-- I> t' :-- t lll ~! '" t' tl w 111 " ••P!e .'11l id ic~tl(l. t hl'n :d !a) \\' t hem tu L'a t gra~ .... fur a :'(.'a:--llll .

' I ht· :lnil n al-. Jll ll :--t lltll h ... · kcpl t~n thi;-; diet l(IU long-. hnw<.•,·e r .

t' :--plTia!l.' ii tlw ~..-a~:' i:-- tl' IH!cr and :--u~ c ull'nl. Ft·etl th l'lll i! , .a · 1· :! .11: , .:tl,ui/.ul carl•nrundu;n \ hir h 111~kl'" the lk ·dl

1i r11i a 11d :--11lid. I>" n•)t make the rathe r cu mnwn mi~take i kill ing- th ... ·1n t•H' yt•ung. lkci impr<.l\' l':' \\'ith age. Fnttrtl'l'll ,,r fiitet·n '~·:1r .. \\' l' think \\" ll llld be a gnnd ag·l'. Th i;.; ml'tbnd

i .. til l' l' l' -.t l. nnwn 111 u:-- .

S · l1 :1 <:i · r in hi .. trip tu · ·j ',llll'_dalld .. ha ..- hn•ught tn ligh t

il• ,· l..J:,,\\: Ii ~· !~l lll "Tht· . \ l' lleid i11 .\J ,HL'"' .\llll'l'i (all ..

Liber Pr!m\15. ·· !" h v11 \l !ll''!., :t' i I i Jit:•i;ll . \ c h :lil'.' a•··· n:n·; L•d \\ it 11 :t n••tif) 1

Tc· c lilnl1 :1 ""llla ll 111!1\lJlta ill :!lld .-.ra n t i t.· L' 'l'a 1!'-t' of the IICt.·an-

1 1:ar t·:t .. il· r t ha n ;.;c:tnning thi:.- \'l'r:--e. a;.; appl'ara ll Cl'."' ~trikt• u-.. ) I i h :trl.' tln·ir L'."t·:- may hl hold thL·!r lt1:'l cl)mradc~- ·ai cu~.

( >r J._, cu:--. 11r :.-nlllL' nthl'r Cll:'S. n r the Phryg-ian galleys: :'(,, g;; IIL'.' .. ·thl·y :--·.· . bu t a IIL· rd ni dl'l' l' hnn\·.,ing- th{' \· ai le.·.' =--· ~l'\"l'll t :tll c1nt·-. thl'Y d1a:'l. and . .-Poll ha,· i11g fatally hurt ·l'lll.

They ht·ar t•• tht·ir l't)JlJrad L':"'. \\'IHI in -. titttle :.-traig-ht a p o :--l

jllll l"! l'l ll. ~.,., H. r:p ,,fj' tht· hid <.·:-: and dis~l'c.:l. ~om<.· gath · r dry fuel.

~·•i lll' pl .• u· iz~::nq ~· .. dHIIl:- 1111 :-;htln.. and Jlli x i11 il1 · ~ rlJI.:I.

.\n d .... t,il n· itll i:tt \ 'L'Ili .-.ttn . a11d Sicily wi11c. thc,· gTP\\"

:'l 1"1 IJig"l' l': lf ,.pt· and c•,ura!,.!·t· rl'tllrll. and th e ,· ,., , i. c !11 .-.ttn·l\·t· a \\·l1i :.:

!t lll ~·l· r ...

Page 19: 07-01-1908

.3-t T 11 t-: ,\ :-; c H 11 r<

. i

J unl' i..- ,·;tricnt :-- ly tc...·nnc...·d. " Thc...· \ l untlt 11i 1{, )-.:t·:-- .'' "Tit1.·

.\ l 11nth uf l~r idc~ : · l'lc.. hu t lt ) :--t u dc...·nt:-- it i:-- prinw.rily . "Thl.' \ l1111th ui < ;1 lncl T imt." ...

T he ,,·u rthy .. _, .. cia:---... " ·hn :--lltl'l' !ta n .· a :-:..,uml·d tltc...· d i~­

n i ,. ni nTadna ; l.·:-: . m~uk llll'r n cH I t he..· ,' \ ' l.' ltin ~.:: uf hiiiL' X at . :-- . . . t li l' in,· it atio n n i t heir t·la-..~1ll:tll', \li:--:-- .\ lary t ·. '- "l.;k .. : r. ~c...· \ -

,·ra l :• u t•llllt>l>ik:-- \\l.'f" l. p rn\ ickd inr :t .. p in l•• .\ la rata\\:t. aitc...·r \ •: l!id1 ·t: irl·:.: h m cttt:-- ,,· ~.·n· ... .. ·ned at til<: h111ltL· ,j \ l i··" l.n kl, t·r.

• \ ~ . t i 11 • , ' 11 1 h l' 1.· ' · c..· 11 i !I g 11 i J \tit · 1 n . t It l' · · . \ .. d a ... ..., "' 1.· r · I ::tc...· ! · tai:~c... d . t h i~ tin ~ ~.· at thl' Jt, nll· ,, j .\ Ji..,'"' .\lal.· l k l'r ,·~.· in / 1 l' J <t !I d . . \ Ji C..' 11 j II~ l ' cl t h l'lll .., \.'1 \ ' l. ·.... ; I I ; I Ill a r :-- It Ill :t JJ11 \\

:-\,It t•• J, •• ;mtcl t) llc...' II\· thl.· 1-"t· ~.·, h mc...· ll c ia ....... to h ,·.

u i ' tt • .i''llrtH'.'c...'d i q Tl.· ntH·:-- :-- c...·~.· t : ~. :i l.'h u n J nth ( ,. : ka ... ;11H "~·, ,.,:f - ti mc...· " ,,.;.t ... tlt 1.· r ·~ t t!t. I .~

rna:-- t.

tlt1.· clt1.:.., . \ \" l.' l")'

< lcl Saturda,·. _illlll.' (, , tlw .\kliphc,.tian:-- L'll j•'."L'cl thc...·i r :nnt1 :·! "bu~t." ~~~ l':t"' c...•r \\"1.' 1"1.' the\· tc1 hc...·••i tl that t ltt.·, · ;1\\' llkl' :--.. - :--- . \' =111 t lw chi ... ·k cn..:. a 1td hcga 11 t h1.· da _,. at :; :t . 111. Tht·, · h·it I l ,)ll :.!nd · ~ n t hl.' 5 :2_:; : rain i() r \\"c...·:-:t <))!,·c..· . F :·•l ll l \\.c:- < )) j , · ,·

: ::l·_ dr· " ·c iU I ' q rt ~hc...· l d111 t. and 1 hcr-c...· ~pe nt i IH· d:1y ~.·njnyi nl-!

:hl'ltl ... l' :\· 1.·~ ;:~ c'n ly .\ ! l'l i p h c> ll itt ll ~ C '! ll. \\ ' h a t l'x - \ll'!;ph•mi<ln r!:• ..... t: • o! l"l'I~H' !~1 bl'r t h e: l' a l'l' - i t'l' \.', iuJJ - Jtc...·artt'tl. llll t'L' -'ll"(oti ll l'd ;d ~"t:- urc...· at t hi:- _\'l.' <:~rl y "b;J:o:t" ! l~ u t thi . ..; n.:ar it j.., r"·pnrkd t•1 lt; t ,·o:.· hc...·cn the "be~t c...•,·cr. ..

()n ~lnnday l'\·l.ning-. Jttnc...• '): t h e · Ia~~ ,1i ·<..,. ) w e rl' thl.' ltt :·. t:-: ,, f th,• ~en inr~. T he part y wa:-- cntirl'l y inin rmal. a nd '':! i h 1.· lllllltt:tl in<, ting- n f iric...•tt<l..: a ll :-- pc...·nt a pka~ant l' \' l'lling tl' ~l.ti H: r :tt t h ~ htl i llL' n f \ "ic t11r l~ kkkink. < )riginal .. .... :.u n t... " ,._ · rc...· :t i~.·: tturc... u f thc l'\' l.' lltng. Thl' "':--tttllt:' .. ,·a ri ·d all th ,• n:t \ !ru m i j~lpr ~ tlllji llt ~cl' : t c...· ~ iro 111 Shak ·:--pearl' and (;u;-;t~.· r

i : n• \': i l. 111 li i. tl :l <.tll i li tpL' r~c ma tio n:-- oi a tal king tilad tilll.' which. "h~.·n t:ll' h a nd: L' c1i til .... · wa:--lling· \".Ti ii).!L'I' \\· a~ tttrnecl . g-a\'l' :·u ·: It it:-: '.'~i r=u i :-cnclc... r i n~~ ui popular :-.11 ll g'~ in the wl'll k1111\\' ll ,- ,~in (li iriencl Tl• uni~. It mu--t h~.: :-;aid fn r tht· juninr~ that . It • · ·' l'l · i1 d t1 C t ( • d I h t' ll l , c..· 1\ · L :; \\ 1.' Jl . j 11 t h l ' p r . · ~ l 1 11 (.' L' fl f I h l' a t 1.:..!' \1 ..._ t

·: :': <.' r ch:--:-:. llll' ll . ;:nd prn\·u l t l ll' !ll "eh· ~.· :-:. \\"ortll\· to cl:O:!"\IIlll' the rnl~· •1i "l>ig-nilil.·d ~en inr" \\'hL'n cnllc!:!. .... ' tl)ll' ll " a)..!'ain in t hl' iall.

i'lw ~t·n i••r ". and thc...·i r lady and g-entlc...' nH:n iri t' nd~. madl' t ·:, -. t k l'arl, thc...·ir nndcZ\"{ Jlt:- ()Jl th~.: aitl'rll• HJ tl and .,. ·ning- n f

• •




T ll E ,\ ~ I ' II (I Tt

_l u 1t1.· I ll . Tlw clt:ih hreeze3 l'llttlcl not enol th ei r de...; i:-l' ll•

!:·p l.' , Ill' Ill•• :· \ · "'l>lo~\'.-•ll!l .. hc iu rl' til~·'· hec;tllll' h t)Jlo rc•l . \ :n! 11i. an I i:·, , !ll rc...' JHirt:- thc... ir " i:·dt l·~ \\·c...·rc fultillcd.

·1 h~.· t ·· l ·· lll~'JI' 'Iita n~ \':ith th~.· ir lady fri l' nrl:-: gathered un t h c..· 1 i t k :-- H· a lltl.' r .. ~ I a r y.. • m ~ rt t tt n Ia y . t h • t 3 t h . i 11 r a l r i p : :c, ,, ,: tiH· !:tl, l.·. Thl.'_\" h ad a t ruly mcrr_, tim<.· .

"I It t ....:,~ ·,.._ i.., :...:: rJ, :tJ ... , l l ~ra\T<i the tt ilht~.·ky IJth. and u n­\\ iliiP··· t11 1>~.· nntcl,,n~. 1)\· th~.· ir b rutl:L'r ~()cictic~ . u~nk ath·an-...... -: . '. :: t 1 i ·h ~· I'J'Jillrtl!il;t~ thi .-. ~ ... :ar atfurd;-; thl'm. and ht•canH.: 1: · - t- I f ihc...· he >.'~ at ( ·:l:--t ll' I 'ark . Thc...· hu,·~ ~hnwcd th1.·ir ·lJ'J> l'l'l·iati"!1 h.' t he~nn.1ghly vnjoy in g- thcm~cln.• :-:. ( >nc en· : h ~.·tl' IP- t hi .. hat - h c lt ~ul ... nch a ~~ n d rim e t hat ht• fc rg-t t t o Jc , .. k it•r i1 until lt 1. rl.•ach ed h um~.· . Th e g-irl~ ~hnwcd tht' ir ··JII·IItlHr"' .. a ic...· \\ pClillb in c...·ntert a ining-. a n d the nh· wi:-:h ,,f t:H: l:ti.t<: r i-. tln t kap _n:ar ,, .. ,,!tid eomc nitt' IH.: r.

Tlt · l:r:ttc...·rn ;d ~oc i~.·t ,. n n l: r· d:l\ , ju nc...· - . in a fttting-.. ... . ...

t!':lll!ll.' f n·lvhr~lt :l thc...· 7-Ph at:ni,Tr:--a t·_,. n i t h e ~nciety'3 o rg-ani -zatifln. . \ I ,;! IHJ I IL' l wltit:lt wa:-- a cr ·<l it tn the ..-oci ty ' :-: In n;.!'

r~T~~rd c> i till' pa ... t. \\ :1. ... h~.·lcl in \ ' a n Ra a lt c 11 :111. Jt w ;t ...

indl'l.d a " ~Jc,ricn~:-" banquet. ancl i t \\· a~ long- pa:- t tin1 fn :

1itt l.' ~ · hildrvn 111 Ill' in h c...·d \\·hen tht• i".-...ti,· i tic~ cncled \\· ith

t '·· · -...= 1t' · i·H· ni til· rnu~inn· ··Fraic...•r':-: ~on~ ... ~J >ClCC iorhi d3 ' t ..... . . ;, ~. ~ ..... . ~ . •ktai!c...-cl d .. ·-..c...-r ipti clll 11i (111 tlt:lt h appe ned . hu t the f lhn,· in ~ prngT:lllt i ... :--ttllici~.·nt t11 ...;u~gc~t t hl· llHlOcl in which the han­'l l! '-' i. r ... j,,un cl t hc...•n1 ~ l·h· c...·' nt t hc...· L'tHI of the fl•rt :--t. \\"c a l' '' ! lri :il F r :tt1.· r l' ;t ..... lll :t ·, pc1l' lll . " 1.11\"t'. l l t~ ll ' ' r ancl Truth:· " ·hic-h

;, t! ll' J1lo), t•• ,,j rlt ,· F rat t·rn:tl ~nr i cty .

Page 20: 07-01-1908

Til E r\ Nt" IIOk

vr cotiOI\ Et\jovnttl\t Comes with the reading of a nice pleasant NOVEL O"" STORY, if you prefer to call it thus.

PERSCRIPTION Take two hours time. A gocd hammock--A shady

neck-A clear CQDScience-A nooK bought at vAN­DER PLOEG'5--Mix w~II and t :lk~ eve;y day.

P. S. A pleasant side companion may intensify the effect of the remedy against fatigue and enn 1.1i. Guaranteed to cure, provided the BOOK ccmes from

Vander Ploeg's Book Emporium 1-l.JLLAN.), MICi-IIG~t\N


~fr. F. M. Van C:tm pen who has made t he photos fo r Hope CCllle~c graduates for : se ,·c ra l years, is :tgain wit h t h t: Hamilton <.;allery. He will put forth his bl!st effort to main~ain the reputation t t f the st udio fo r h igh class work.

Hamilton A rt Gnl!cry ';'CJ C nn a! St .1eet G rand H ap ids , ;\ ti c h.

,J AC()B ]{LQ()STER)J.t\.N, T hP ~rnci r· n ' " T "? ilr r ~h ~ p

J ;~(i E:\ .,1' EJG riT !l :--;Tn l:!~T

Ch~aniuJ! aud R e pairing neatl y d one. Trousers and Ov~rall s Cvr ·a le

Ca ll a ud see us.

"The Best is None too Goo~, EspeciaFy in Medicine."

R. M. DE PREE & Co., Druggists

.. .... '

·~· • ..

T II ·~ A ~ . II Q R 37 __________________________ , _______________________ __

For Up-to-date Picture Framing CALL O N US

'1-rOI'"lll)'s Pictt1re Store , . :1~ Ji~ 8t J1 ~t.

r~::=.~,~~':~~~:::., I FIRST STATE BANI{ -1

'Vith Savings Department. Ua pital $ 50,UUt1.00.

f Cornet· Ei;.{h l h . ' tre\'t an tl Centra: Ave., · Holland, 'Michiga n ~

""'"""'"""'"'~~~ ............ ,~~~ F nr a 11 iee, f re:-; Ia b" x n I 0 0 To

Ct·\ocola I es -A~II-

C. Blom, Jr. The Candy ~ 1:1 kcr.

i:-. W l ·:!~htlt :- t.. H ullu111l, \ kh . B() 11 Bo rt_

\XIe Appreciate Your Trade E \.ERYT I IL~ t I ~ Till·: PIU·(; L I ~J·:, \~I> PERF - ~ IE~

Gilds. D. srnitn, Druoolst !) Ea~t E iglr rlt ~treN, Ilolland, ~lic · lt

. -.--~- -· ~~--------- --------------Boo[e's Livery, Bus and Baggage Line

• 11 0t{~ E . l~ O l (~ U : AND ~OLD.

~~~!# ( ' tm trn l An~llllt-. · irizt! u:o~ Ph"u~ :n. n ... n Ph,nw ~o


Page 21: 07-01-1908

3H T II :·: A :-; l ' II 0 I<


~IIi l{i \' • •t·~t .

F*ishi::n.~ T~c~l.e

l'v1 RS. ]. C. BRO\v'N H 0 me 13 • I l< c d (.: !) 0 (! s. I c (. c n . :.l : 11 a ; d c l ; : I ! r

MOLENAAR & DE GOEDE HeaJquarte ra for

Choice Meats and Groce· ies

7 4 East Eigh~h S~reei Citizens Phor.c II 29







.. ' t' II 1:-: A :-; C II o R 39 ____ ......, __________________ ....,.,..,...._.

J I 0 Y 0 1· 1\ ~ \\" T l L\ T

f!;n llntt~ if\ us ks Tl te prize t •>a::t o f t II -' wor ltl- i 1 ht: n:o..-t th:J i c io )IIS Il l< o\'t-,(.' } k ll OWll t O t]H'

art nf hal\ i ng':' Try tit •m aud ht> convinelcl .

H 0 L L A N D , t-11 C H I G A N

lf J~'l ( 'A .1' ? S A l ' .E"' 1 0 U 111 0 j\7 E Y B I . Y I :\ <; Y ) t · It :--i l I T A T

· I U ' r "I' L~ R ~ ~ J.. J' .... D Y 1{ E ~1 A L EADING TAILORS. HATTERS ANt..> FURNISHER S


I c. A. Stevenson, The neW~hte ,Jeweler I b a~l· Ht for L. E . \Yaterwan and J ohu I l ollantl Foun tain P~ns

There's No Strain on Your Purse Strings If you buy your jewelry a nd watches of us. We carry a n as:;o~mc_nt tha t has a range in prict: to suit e\·ery purse and the same pnce . tn· duccmcnes are offered on the cheaper goods as on the more expenstve. Watches from $1.00 up.

Harllie~ the Je,,reler~ ~~~~rt:cr~~~~r~'"~,t~~~l

Y•Ht s u re ly need photo~ t o ex<·ltang e hefnre you g o home

At Lacey's Gallery 19 East Eighth Sfeet, HOLLAND

Specia 1

Page 22: 07-01-1908

40 T II F. A N c II tl r.:

Graham & Morton Lin6 The only Steel S ieaanship

Line between

Clli<~~tgo, St. ,Jost~])II , l~e 1atoa•

1-lctrbor, 1·1 t>i l•tJl(l , ~(tttg·e:t t 11eli,

l11terior l\1 icl•ig(tll l.~· N()rtl1er•• 111<.1 iclll~l l~oi 1 tts.

Summ.er Schedule:

B6nton Harbor and St. Josepl1 Divi· sion, three trips each way daily.

Holland Division, two trips each way daily.

Close connect ions are made with fhc G. R . H . & C . Ry.

and w ith all Steam R ai l road s .

.1. 1. ~lOHTOX, Pre ~ . and U<>n. -:\Tar., Beur1m llarlw r1 :\Iich. \\. II. MORT N~ Asst to P res. 1 hicagn, ll1. H. ~!EY ERI~ 11 G. P . & F. AgPnt, Chicago, I ll CHAR. A. FLOYD, Agt ., (hand Rnpicls, ~f ie' h. F R ED ZALS~f AN, Agt., Hollanrl, ~ : iC'h . _,

I p


• - ' .,

1 ~


t I .. I

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·- • - -I .,