05 vw full veh models

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  • 7/30/2019 05 VW Full Veh Models


    c a

    Full vehicle models a t VW(Abstract)

    In order to reach the objective of replacing real with virtual prototypes VW uses

    ADAMS in a w ide range of ap plica tions.

    This pa pe r gives you a process overview from generating/ modifying suspensionkinematics to using current data in full vehicle models including what purposes

    they a re used for.

    Gathering the subsystems:At the beginning of a new suspension layout the designer has to carry out his

    initia l studies w ithin MOGESSA/ Pro, a n Pro/ E ba sed extension which ena bles

    you to a dd a mecha nism to a Pro/ E a ssembly. The fina l de sign can be carriedover to ADAMS/ Ca r via a template interfa ce.

    The e ngine use d to b e crea ted w ithin ATS a VW-spe cific ADAMS/ Ca r ba sed

    environme nt for design a nd a na lysis of drivelines. In the future this functiona lity

    w ill be include d in ADAMS/ Driveline a nd ADAMS/ Engine.

    Other subsystems such as brakes, steering, tires or driver-models wereimplemented as far as the task required a deeper or different modelling.

    For NVH problems flex bodies were added to some templates (chassis,

  • 7/30/2019 05 VW Full Veh Models


    p p


    International ADAMS Users Conference 2000

    Full vehicle models

    a t VW

    Ma rtin Kieltsch / Berechnungsmethoden

  • 7/30/2019 05 VW Full Veh Models


    abcUsermeeting00.ppt 1537 2000-04-27

    Full vehicle models a t VWOverview

    Cha ssis (Rigid

    or flex body)

    Suspension DesignMogessa/ Pro



    Tire (Delft, Dura bility,Boehm)

    Road (2D, 3D)

    Driver (ADAMS, VW)

    Brakes (Std., ABS)

  • 7/30/2019 05 VW Full Veh Models


    abcUsermeeting00.ppt 1537 2000-04-27

    Full vehicle models a t VWSuspension design with Mogessa/ Pro

    = Create Control Part

    = Create Pro/E Assembliesusing real or dummy Pro/EParts

    = Define mechanism

    = Create Subsystem andperform suspension analysiswithin Pro/E

    = Export Car-


    = Rework Templates slightly(add communicators and mountparts)

  • 7/30/2019 05 VW Full Veh Models


  • 7/30/2019 05 VW Full Veh Models


    abcUsermeeting00.ppt 1537 2000-04-27

    Full vehicle models a t VWDriveline design w ith ADAMS/ ATS

    =MDI Marburg consulting project for VW

    = Based on ADAMS Car 4.x (ADAMS View 8.2)

    = Create - macros for engine, gearbox, clutch, enginemounts, driveline, ...

    = Perform analysis on Engine-Testrig in ATS

    = Save to database: Car Template / Subsystem

    = Convert the Template to Car 9.2

    = Rework Templates slightly (add communicators andmount parts)

  • 7/30/2019 05 VW Full Veh Models


    abcUsermeeting00.ppt 1537 2000-04-27

    Full vehicle models a t VWOther necessa ry Subsystems

    =Modifiedsteering SubsystemUses hooke joints instead of convel joints

    Rigid connection to suspension subframe

    =Modifiedchassis Subsystem

    Additional communicators


    Delft tire model (Property files from measurements on

    VW testground in Ehra-Lessien)

    Pacejka tire modelDurability option for handling tire models

    User tire models (tirsub)

    Boehm tire model (gfosub)

  • 7/30/2019 05 VW Full Veh Models


    abcUsermeeting00.ppt 1537 2000-04-27

    Full vehicle models a t VWOther necessa ry Subsystems

    =StandardBrake Subsystem

    Uses variables to calculate brake torque for standard

    brake system according to existing brake calculation


    Uses information supplied from other Subsystemssuch as Marker positions to determine regulator

    switch pressure

    = ABSBrake Subsystem

    Includes usersub to simulate a simple ABS

  • 7/30/2019 05 VW Full Veh Models


    abcUsermeeting00.ppt 1537 2000-04-27

    Full vehicle models a t VWOptional Subsystems

    = Subsystems containing flex bodies

    Its getting more and more common to use flexbody elements for twist beam rear axles,

    front/rear subframes or even whole chassis.

  • 7/30/2019 05 VW Full Veh Models


    abcUsermeeting00.ppt 1537 2000-04-27

    Full vehicle models a t VWExa mples: Wellige Teerstrae

    =Objectives: Comfort analysis, Load determination forFEM

    = Flex bodies: chassis, rear axle and front subframe

    = Lots of communicators necessary to connect flexbodies

    = Durability-Tire used

  • 7/30/2019 05 VW Full Veh Models


    abcUsermeeting00.ppt 1537 2000-04-27

    Full vehicle models a t VWExamples: Ground clearance

    =Objective: Check groundclearance on uneven surface on VWtestground for different vehiclespeeds and tracks

    = Full vehicle model includingengine/driveline

    = Model modified to use simplepath controller to maintain stayingin defined track

    = Collision check withADAMS/Animation, CAD (Pro/E,Tecoplan) or subroutine

  • 7/30/2019 05 VW Full Veh Models


    abcUsermeeting00.ppt 1537 2000-04-27

    Full vehicle models a t VWExa mples: Elchtest

    =Objective: Check critical handling manoeuvrefor concept vehicle with higher centre of mass

    =No controller used: Changed steering-demand to step function and manuallyoptimised steering angles to follow the giventrack layout

  • 7/30/2019 05 VW Full Veh Models


    abcUsermeeting00.ppt 1537 2000-04-27

    Full vehicle models a t VWExa mples: Rollover

    Objectives: Determine the first contact(location, forces) of chassis to road forcrash simulation; Determine influencessuch as slider speed or tire to road friction; Steering controller development for rampmaneuvre

    Full vehicle model from ADAMS Car with manually modelled slider-testrig Using durability tire option

    Using sphere to plane contact for chassis/road interaction

  • 7/30/2019 05 VW Full Veh Models


    abcUsermeeting00.ppt 1537 2000-04-27

    Full vehicle models a t VWExa mples: Ma noeuvres for critica l engine d isplacements

    = Objective: Check given list of differentmanoeuvres for most critical enginedisplacement

    = Full vehicle model includingengine/driveline

    = Using durability tire option withmeasured uneven roads

    = Using handling tire option on flat tracks

    = Export VDA transformation matrix for engine part toFREIA to check displacements of specific hardpoints orcomparison with measurements

  • 7/30/2019 05 VW Full Veh Models


    abcUsermeeting00.ppt 1537 2000-04-27

    Full vehicle models a t VWExa mples: Mea surement of engine displacements

  • 7/30/2019 05 VW Full Veh Models


    abcUsermeeting00.ppt 1537 2000-04-27

    Full vehicle models a t VWExa mples: Postprocessing w ith FREIA

  • 7/30/2019 05 VW Full Veh Models


    abcUsermeeting00.ppt 1537 2000-04-27

    Full vehicle models a t VWExa mples: Wheel envelope ma noeuvres

    = Objective: Determine criticalmanoeuvres for maximum size ofwheel space requirement

    =Simple full vehicle model

    = Depending on track usinghandling or durability tire option

  • 7/30/2019 05 VW Full Veh Models


    abcUsermeeting00.ppt 1537 2000-04-27

    Full vehicle models a t VWExa mples: Resulting whee l envelope