03 rl elementary unit01

หน่วยการเรียนรู ้ที É 1 It’s my life ชัÊนมัธยมศึกษาปีทีÉ 4 เรื Éองหลัก/หัวเรื Éอง Personal Identification เวลา 7 ชัÉวโมง สาระสําคัญ/ความคิดรวบยอด 1. มาตรฐานการเรียนรู ้และตัวชีÊวัด สาระที É 1 : ภาษาเพื Éอการสื Éอสาร มาตรฐาน 1.1 .4-6/1, 1.1 .4-6/2, 1.1 .4-6/4, 1.2 .4-6/1, 1.3 .4-6/1 สาระที É 2 : ภาษาและวัฒนธรรม มาตรฐาน 2.1 .4-6/1 สาระที É 4 : ภาษากับความสัมพันธ์กับชุมชนและโลก มาตรฐาน 4.1 .4-6/1, 4.2 .4-6/1, 4.2 .4-6/2 2. ความสัมพันธ์กับกลุ ่มสาระการเรียนรู ้อื Éน สังคมศึกษา ศาสนา และวัฒนธรรม; การงานอาชีพและเทคโนโลยี 3. ความรู - คําศัพท์ กิจกรรม Vocabulary & Reading - MP3 (n.): a computer file which stores high-quality sound in a small amount of space (ไฟล์คอมพิวเตอร์ทีÉเก็บเสียงทีÉมีคุณภาพสูง ในปริมาณพืÊนทีÉเล็กน้อย) - MP3 player (n.): an electronic device or a computer program for playing music which has been stored as MP3 files ( เครืÉองเล่นไฟล์ MP3) Unit 1 การพบปะ ทักทาย แนะนําตนเองและผู ้อืÉน การพูดถึงตนเอง เพืÉอนและครอบครัว การทําความรู ้จักกับ บุคคลต่าง และการบรรยายลักษณะบุคคลและสิÉงของ เป็นสิÉงทีÉนักเรียนต้องกระทําในชีวิตประจําวันเสมอ ใน หน่วยการเรียนรู ้นีÊ นักเรียนจะได้เรียนรู ้คําศัพท์ สํานวน วลี ประโยค และหลักไวยากรณ์ อ่านเรืÉองราวเกีÉยวกับ เพืÉอน พูดถามตอบเกีÉยวกับสิÉงของทีÉตนเองและเพืÉอนมี ฟังและพูดสนทนาเกีÉยวกับครอบครัว การพบปะและ ทักทาย การแนะนําตนเองและผู ้อืÉน การทําความรู ้จักกับบุคคลต่าง เขียนจดหมายเกีÉยวกับตนเองและ ครอบครัว ซึÉงจะเป็นพืÊนฐานให้นักเรียนนําไปใช้ในชีวิตประจําวันได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ เป้ าหมายการเรียนรู

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  • 1 Its my life 4 / Personal Identification 7 /

    1. 1 : 1.1 .4-6/1, 1.1 .4-6/2, 1.1 .4-6/4, 1.2 .4-6/1, 1.3 .4-6/1 2 : 2.1 .4-6/1 4 : 4.1 .4-6/1, 4.2 .4-6/1, 4.2 .4-6/2 2. ; 3. - Vocabulary & Reading - MP3 (n.): a computer file which stores high-quality sound in a small

    amount of space ( )

    - MP3 player (n.): an electronic device or a computer program for playing music which has been stored as MP3 files ( MP3)

    Unit 1

  • 14

    - games console (n.): A piece of electronic equipment that plays digital games; You connect it to a screen and game controller. ()

    - DVD player (n.): a device that plays DVD () - blog (n.): (also weblog) a diary (= regular record of your thoughts,

    opinions and experiences) that you put on the internet for other people to read ( )

    Vocabulary & Listening - husband (n.): the man a woman is married to () - grandparent (n.): the father or mother of a person's father or mother (

    ) - cousin (n.): (also first cousin) a child of a person's aunt or uncle, or,

    more generally, a distant (= not close) relation ( )

    - wife (n.): the woman a man is married to () - slim (adj.): (especially of people) attractively thin () - beard (n.): the hair that some men allow to grow on the lower part of

    their face () - moustache (n.): hair which a man grows above his upper lip () - pretty (adj.): quite, but not extremely almost () Grammar Focus (page 11) - family tree (n.): a drawing that shows the relationships between the

    different members of a family ()

    Grammar Focus (page 12) - contact (n.): a person one knows, especially who can get something

    done ( ) - wallet (n.): a small folding case for carrying paper money, credit

    cards and other flat objects, used especially by men ()

  • 15

    - moped (n.): a small motorcycle which also has pedals (= parts which you press with your feet to move forward) which can be used when starting it or travelling up a hill ()

    - purse (n.): a small container for money, usually used by a woman ()

    - inhaler (n.): a small device you use to breathe in particular medicines ()

    - lip salve (n.): a type of cream which is used to keep the lips soft or to help sore lips feel better ( )

    - earphones (n.): a piece of electronic equipment that you put on your ears so that you can listen privately to radio, recorded music, etc ()

    Listening & Writing - tidy (adj.): having everything ordered and arranged in the right

    place, or liking to keep things like this () - mess (n.) an untidy condition or dirty state () Real Time - stuff (n.) (informal) a substance or a group of things or ideas, etc.,

    often with a description of their general type or quality or saying who they belong to, without saying exactly what they are ( )

    - journey the act of travelling from one place to another, especially in a vehicle ()

    - Real Time - Pleased to meet you - Vocabulary & Listening

  • 16


    ( )

    Grammar Focus (page 11) -

    2-3 2-3

    Grammar Focus (page 12) -

    - (Moped) 16

    18 Real Time - Lena

    Jessica Louise Chris - (Manchester)

    2 Manchester City Manchester United 20 20

  • 17

    - - Meeting and greeting - Getting to know people - / - have got, there is, there are - Possessive s, Possessive pronouns 4. / - : : : : - 5. 6. : 7. 8. 1. () ( 1.1 .4-6/4) 2. ( Daniel)

    ( 1.1 .4-6/1, 1.1 .4-6/4) 3. ( 1.3 .4-6/1, 4.1 .4-6/1) 4. ( 1.2 .4-6/1, 4.1 .4-6/1) 5. () ( 1.1 .4-6/4) 6. () ( 1.3 .4-6/1)

  • 18

    7. ( 1.2 .4-6/1, 2.1 .4-6/1, 4.1 .4-6/1)

    8. ( 1.2 .4-6/1, 4.1 .4-6/1, 4.2 .4-6/1, 4.2 .4-6/2)

    1. / 1. Vocabulary & Reading 2 3

    8 2. Vocabulary & Listening 3 4

    10 3. Grammar

    Focus 13 11 4. Grammar Focus 5a

    12 5. Listening & Writing 10 13 6. Listening & Writing 12

    13 7. Real Time 9b 15 8. Real Time 11b 15 2. 1. Vocabulary & Reading 2 3

    8 60 2. Vocabulary & Listening 3 4

    10 60 3. Grammar Focus 13

    11 4. Grammar Focus 5a 12

  • 19

    5. Listening & Writing 10 13 60

    6. Listening & Writing 12 13

    7. Real Time 9b 15

    8. Real Time 11b 15 /


    60 - 1 Unit 1 Self-Evaluation 1 2 1. () ( 1.1 .4-6/4)

    Vocabulary & Reading 1. -

    2. -

    3. - Vocabulary & Reading 1 (Words2know) 8

  • 20

    - - - - 8


    - Words2know - Charlies blog blog

    blog blogger 4. - Charlies blog Lily Lily 1. - Vocabulary & Reading 2 8

    (Scanning) Charlies blog Lily 2. - Vocabulary & Reading 3 8 Charlies


    1. - Vocabulary & Reading 2


    - Vocabulary & Reading 3 1 ()

    2. - Vocabulary & Reading 2 3

    60 3. have/has got - Charlie blog Charlie Lily

    has got 8 Charlie Lily

  • 21

    3 5 (True) (False)

    1) Charlies got a goldfish. (F) 2) Charlies got a camera. (T) 3) Lilys got a sister. (F) 4) Charlies got a guitar. (T) 5) Lilys got 400 songs on her MP3 player. (F) 6) Lilys got a games console. (F) 7) Charlies got a mobile phone. (T) 8) Lilys got a skateboard. (F) -

    has/hasnt got - 1) Charlies got a goldfish. Lilys got a goldfish. 3) Lilys got a sister. Lilys got a brother. 5) Lilys got 400 songs on her MP3 player. Lilys got 500 songs on her MP3

    player. 6) Lilys got a games console. Charlies got a games console. 8) Lilys got a skateboard. Charlies got a skateboard. - s got

    Shes got. She has got. Grammar Focus 1. have got - have got Grammar2know 9 - Grammar Focus 4 has/have got

    () - Grammar Focus 5 9

    3 Charlie, Lily Andrew Grammar2know 3 5 ()

    - s is has Grammar Focus 6 9 1-3

  • 22


    - Grammar Focus 7 CD 1 Track 17 3-4

    2. - In

    my bedroom Ive got a/an. a/an

    - - Grammar Focus 8 9

    etc. - 3. - Grammar Focus 9a


    - Grammar Focus 9a Pauls got an MP3 player in his bedroom. Its got 300 songs on it. He hasnt got a guitar.


    In my bedroom Ive got .

    a games console a compute a games console a TV an MP3 player

  • 23

    / 1. Vocabulary 1, 2 6 Vocabulary & Reading 3

    8 2. Grammar 3-7 6 7 Grammar Focus 9


    2 2 1. ( Daniel)

    ( 1.1 .4-6/2, 1.1 .4-6/4) 2. ( 1.3 .4-6/1, 4.1 .4-6/1) Vocabulary & Listening 1. - Daniel

    2. - - Vocabulary & Listening 1 Have you got a big family? Have you got brothers or sisters? What are their names? 3. - Vocabulary & Listening 2 10

    4. -

  • 24

    1. - Vocabulary & Listening 3 10

    Daniel Daniel 3 Mark, Sarah Daisy 3 2

    - Vocabulary & Listening 3 10 CD 1 Track 19

    1. - 2 Vocabulary & Listening 3

    () - Vocabulary & Listening 4 2. - Vocabulary & Listening 3

    4 60 3. Danial - Vocabulary & Listening 4

    10 Daniel ( 1 )

    4. - Vocabulary & Listening 5

    (Words2know) 10

    - Vocabulary & Listening 5 (Words2know) Daniel 1-7

    - () 5. - 2


  • 25

    Shes slim. Shes got grey hair.

    She is slim. She has got grey hair.

    - Verb to be Verb to have Words2know Verb to be Verb to have

    - Vocabulary & Listening 6a 10 Daniel Words2know

    - - Vocabulary & Listening 6b 10


    Grammar Focus 1. family tree - Grammar Focus 7 11

    (family tree) Daniel 10 ()

    2. s - s Grammar2know 11 - Grammar Focus 8 11 family tree

    Grammar Focus 7 1-8 ()

    - Grammar Focus 9 11 Daniel ()

    - Grammar Focus 10 11 Apostrophes Daniel ()

    - Grammar Focus 11 11 CD 1 Track 21 1-4 3-4

  • 26

    - Grammar Focus 12 11 Daniel 1-6 ()

    1. - 2. - Grammar Focus 13 11





    / 1. Vocabulary 1-3 8 Vocabulary & Listening

    1-4 10 2. Grammar 4-8 8-9 Vocabulary & Listening

    5-6 10

    3 1 1. ( 1.2 .4-6/1, 4.1 .4-6/1) Grammar Focus 1. -

  • 27

    2. -

    Yes No

    3. - A B Grammar Focus 1


    - Grammar Focus 1 12 CD 1 Track 22 Rob Emma Street Survival Grammar Focus 1 A B

    - Grammar Focus 1 ()

    - Grammar Focus 2 Words2know 1

    - Words2know

    4. there is/there are - Grammar Focus 3 there is/there are

    Grammar2know 12 there is/there are Grammar Focus 1 ()

    - Grammar Focus 4 ()

    1. - Grammar Focus 5a


  • 28


    1. - Grammar Focus 5b 12

    Grammar Focus 5a

    2. Plural nouns - Grammar Focus 6 13

    Plural nouns Active Study Plural nouns Plural nouns ()

    3. Possessive pronouns - Grammar Focus 7 13

    Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns Grammar2know Possessive pronouns Street Survival Grammar Focus 1

    - Grammar Focus 8 13 1-8 Possessive pronouns 1 ()

    / 1. Vocabulary 1 2 10 Grammar Focus

    1-2 12 2. Grammar 3-7 10-11 Grammar Focus 3-8


    4 1 1. () ( 1.1 .4-6/4) 2. () ( 1.3 .4-6/1) Listening & Writing

  • 29

    1. -

    2. - Listening & Writing 9 13

    Rob Emma - Street Survival Grammar Focus 1 I dont remember.

    3. - Listening & Writing 10 13

    - Teenlife

    There is, There are - Jason Holly

    - Jason Holly 4. - 2 1. - Listening & Writing 10 13

    CD 1 Track 24 1. - Listening & Writing 10 () - 60 2. Jason Holly - Listening & Writing 11 13

    Jason Holly Jason has got a lamp on his desk but Holly hasnt got a lamp on her desk. Holly has got a dictionary on her desk but Jason hasnt got a dictionary on his desk.

  • 30

    Jason and Holly have got a computer on their desk. etc. -

    1. - 2. - Listening & Writing 12

    tidy a mess

    - 6


    5 1 1.

    ( 1.2 .4-6/1, 2.1 .4-6/1, 4.1 .4-6/1)

    2. ( 1.2 .4-6/1, 4.1 .4-6/1, 4.2 .4-6/1, 4.2 .4-6/2)

    Real Time 1. -

  • 31

    2. -

    exchange student

    3. - 14

    - Real Time 1 14 Lena

    Jessica 2 () - 4. - Real Time 2a 14 1-2

    CD 1 Track 25 ()

    5. - Real Time 3a Phrases2know

    CD 1 Track 25 ()

    - Real Time 3b 14 (Intonation) - CD 1 Track 26 Phrases2know

    - 3 Real Time 4 14 3-4

    6. - Real Time 5 14

    1 CD 1 Track 27 ()

  • 32

    - Real Time 6 2 CD 1 Track 28 ()

    - 2 CD 1 Track 28 3-4

    7. - 15

    - Real Time 7a 15 Phrases2know CD 1 Track 28 ()

    - Real Time 7b 15 CD 1 Track 29 Phrases2know (falling tone) Is this your first time in the UK?

    - Real Time 8 14

    1. - Real Time 9a 15

    Your name, Your age, Your home, Your brothers and sisters, Your favourite football team - Phrases2know

    Real Time 7a - Your name: Your age: Your home: Your brothers and sisters: Your favourite football team: - 1

  • 33


    - Real Time 9b 15 Phrases2know Real Time 7b 2-3

    1. -

    1. - 2. - Real Time 10a 15 Lena


    - Real Time 10b 15 a-d a-d ()

    - Real Time 11a 15 Real Time 9a

    - Real Time 11b 15 Real

    Time 11a Phrases2know Real Time 11b (Opening) (Closing)

  • 34

    1. - 4

    (Peer Review Checklist for Writing) 3

    2. - 3. - - /

    - 2-3 / 1. Writing 1-6 Speaking 7-9 12-13 Real Time

    11b 15 / 1. Real Life Elementary 8-15 2. Real Life Elementary 6-13 3. 4. 5. 6. - http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/MP3 - http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/M/MP3_player.html - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Console_game - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_console - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DVD_player 1. 2. / 3. /