03 neurology (22)

1: Migraine 2: Vitamin B 12 Deficiency 3: Visual Disturbance (Amaurosis Fugax) 4: Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) 5: Weakness in right arm and leg (Subdural Hematoma) 6: Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 7: Acute Vertigo (PICA) 8: Acute Stroke Counseling 9: Seizure And Subdural Hematoma 10: Acute Brain Syndrome/Acute Confusion/Delirium 11: Hyponatremia Delirium – HIDEMAP 12: Hyponatremia (Delirium) 13: Acute confusion in a Postoperative Patient (Delirium Tremens)?Post surgery Delirium 14: Delirium After Burn Injury(Book 134): 15: Delirium (Digoxin Toxicity) 16: Multiple Sclerosis (Optic Retrobulbar Neuritis) – Do it later 17: Multiple sclerosis 18: Cervical Spondylosis with C6 or C7 disc Prolapse 19: Encephalitis 21: Assessment of a comatose patient 22: Recurrent Falls/Assessment of Mechanical Falls

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Post on 10-Nov-2015




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  • 1: Migraine

    2: Vitamin B 12 Deficiency

    3: Visual Disturbance (Amaurosis Fugax)

    4: Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)

    5: Weakness in right arm and leg (Subdural Hematoma)

    6: Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

    7: Acute Vertigo (PICA)

    8: Acute Stroke Counseling

    9: Seizure And Subdural Hematoma

    10: Acute Brain Syndrome/Acute Confusion/Delirium

    11: Hyponatremia Delirium HIDEMAP

    12: Hyponatremia (Delirium)

    13: Acute confusion in a Postoperative Patient (Delirium Tremens)?Post

    surgery Delirium

    14: Delirium After Burn Injury(Book 134):

    15: Delirium (Digoxin Toxicity)

    16: Multiple Sclerosis (Optic Retrobulbar Neuritis) Do it later

    17: Multiple sclerosis

    18: Cervical Spondylosis with C6 or C7 disc Prolapse

    19: Encephalitis

    21: Assessment of a comatose patient

    22: Recurrent Falls/Assessment of Mechanical Falls

  • 1:

    You are a GP and a 35-year-old female came in due to headaches.

    o Task


    (on and off x 6 months; attack started

    yesterday, on the back of head, pulsating)

    Physical examination



    o History

    Do you need some painkillers? Since when are you having this

    pain? How bad is it?

    What type of pain is it? Is it pulsating, throbbing or a dull ache?

    Is it one sided of all over your head?

    When the pain starts, where does it start first?

    How does it progress? is it aggravated by movement, noise or


    Do you get any symptoms before the headache starts for

    example visual problems, changes in your sense of smell,

    nausea or vomiting? Is this the first time?

    How many episodes have you had previously? How long does it


    What relieves your pain? Is it worse in the morning? did you

    have fever recently?

    Any infection recently? Do you feel numbness or weakness in

    any part of your body? Did you hurt yourself in your head?

    Do you think your headache is related to food especially red

    wine, cheese, chocolate, bananas, Chinese food, coffee?

    How's your general health?

    Any history of HPN or DM? What is your occupation?

    Any stress at work or home? Any financial problems recently?

    How are your periods?

    When was your LMP? OCP?

    Do you think your headaches are related to your periods?

    Any family history of migraines? SADMA?

    o PEx:

    General appearance: pallor, jaundice, dehydration


    ENT: signs of runny nose or watery eyes; check for PEARL;

    signs of meningism;

    auscultate chest and heart; LN; palpate tummy

    CNS: motor weakness, paresthesias or sensory disturbances

    o DDx:


    cluster headache



    subdural hematoma

    temporal arteritis

    o Mx:

    You have a common condition called migraine. 10% of world's

    population suffers from migraine. It is more common in females.

    Usual age of onset is at a young age. The frequency of

    headaches reduces after the age of 50. The exact cause is not

    known but there trigger factors including: fatigue, hunger, strong

    odors, excessive noise, hormonal changes, and certain kinds of


    The mechanism is dilatation of the blood vessels outside the

    brain. There are three types: a. Classic (presents with an aura),

    b. Common, c. Atypical (abdominal migraine - commonly seen

    in kids).

    o Treatment focuses on two aspects:

    1. Treating the acute attack (rest in a quiet dark room, avoid

    reading/tv, cold packs to head, and medications)

    mild migraine: soluble aspirin 600-900mg q4 or PCM 500mg

    q4 + an antiemetic

    moderate: ergotamine + antiemetic (metoclopramide)

    severe: sumatriptan + antiemetic (metoclopramide or


    These medications are also available in the form of

    combinations (mersyndol - paracetamol + codeine +


  • If on OCP, review because it might aggravate migraine

    For prevention: lifestyle modification, avoid trigger factors, and

    >3 attacks/mo may give preventive medications such as beta-

    blockers, cyproheptadine, TCAs, calcium channel blockers x 6-

    12 months then taper and review

  • 2:

    A 65-year-old man is in your GP clinic with complaints of weakness and numbness

    of his legs and unsteady gait. He also complains of tiredness.


    o History

    (started since the last 3 months, weakness

    in both legs, numbness, unable to keep

    balance, tired, headache, pale, no fever,

    night sweats, weight loss, weather

    preference; had operation 10 years ago for

    removal of some part of stomach, alcohol

    2drinks/day for last 20 years)

    o Physical examination

    (pale, normal BMI, decreased power on both

    sides, loss of sensation on both sides,

    normal vibration and proprioception,

    unsteady gait)

    o Investigation

    (decreased Hgb, normal iron studies,

    decreased vitamin b12, folic acid normal,

    o Diagnosis and management


    o Stroke

    o Peripheral Neuropathy (Diabetes)

    o Alcohol

    o Brain tumor

    o Vitamin B 12 deficiency

    o Diet (vegetarian)

    o Decreased absorption: gastrectomy

    o Autoimmune:

    o Pernicious anemia:

    o Atrophic gastritis

    o Hypothyroidism, Diabetes

    o Less likely: MS, neurosyphilis, GBS, spinal cord



    o Anemia, weight loss and neurological symptoms

    o Manifests subacute combine degeneration of spinal cord

    o B12 >220mol pmol/L = deficiency unlikely

    o B12

  • Investigations:

    o FBE: Hgb low and MCV high

    o Vitamin B 12 low and folate level normal

    o Iron studies

    o Intrinsic factor antibody level + diagnostic

    o LFTs, TFTs, RFTs

    Dx and Mx:

    o From the history and PE, you have anemia caused by

    vitamin B 12 deficiency which caused the neurological

    symptoms. I will refer you to the hematologist and

    neurologist for further evaluation and management.

    o The treatment is replacement of vitamin B12 1000mcg

    injected intramuscularly every 2-3 days. The body stores

    can be recovered after 10-15 injections and maintenance is

    1000mcg every third month. If there is poor intake, oral

    vitamin B12 may also be given. I will also give you oral

    folate 5mg as co-therapy.

    o The prognosis depends on how long the person had

    symptoms and if it is in the first few weeks of the

    symptoms, complete recovery usually occurs and if it is

    delayed (>1-2months), it might not recover completely. If

    left untreated, it can result in progressive and irreversible

    damage to the nervous system

  • 3:

    You are an HMO and a 50-year-old woman is in the ED with complaint of loss of

    vision. She has past history of bypass surgery 2 years ago. She is hypertensive and

    is on ACE inhibitors.


    o History

    (Blurring of Vision, curtain dropping or falling


    o Physical examination

    (CAROTID BRUIT on CVS examination,

    neurologic and eye examination normal)

    o Diagnosis and management


    o Painless loss of vision

    o 20%

    o Anterior circulation

    o Usually lasts

  • 4:

    Variant 1:

    Trevor, aged 65 years presents to your GP clinic with his wife Margaret. He tells you

    he had funny turn this morning. He has completely recovered and made the

    appointment at his wifes insistence. He says he first noticed something was wrong

    when he answered the telephone call from his sister and found it difficult to speak.

    His wife reports that his words were muddled and he had difficulty making him

    understand. She thought he seemed confused at that time.


    o Further focused history

    (hard to understand what he said, words not

    coming out x 5 minutes to become normal;

    HTN on coversyl)

    o Examination findings from examiner

    (BMI 27, BP 150/90)

    o Probable diagnosis and treatment advice

    Variant 2:

    You are in ED and a 60-years-old woman comes to you complaining of left arm



    o History

    o Physical examination

    o Management

    Variant 3:

    A 60-year-old female came to the GP clinic with weakness of the right leg. She has

    diabetes type I which is well controlled.


    o Relevant history

    o Physical examination

    (130/90, normal funduscopy, cranial nerves

    intact, no bruit, tone slightly increased, 4/5


    o Diagnosis and management

    DDx (Stroke Mimics)

    o Syncope

    o Seizure

    o Migraine

    o Cerebral tumour and other SOLs

    o Hypoglycemia

    o Hyponatremia

    o Delirium

    o Head injury

    o Medically unexplained (somatisation)


    o Definition: transient neurologic dysfunction in the brain,

    midbrain, brainstem and optic nerve due to ischemia

    lasting 4 = high risk and should REFER


  • History

    o What happened? When? Arms, legs, face? Numbness or


    o Is it for the first time? How long did it last? Is it getting

    better or worse?

    o Was it sudden in onset?

    o Problem with vision (diplopia, blurring), speech, asymmetry

    of face? Headache? Loss of consciousness/confusion?

    Change in gait? Head injury? Chest pain? SOB?

    Palpitations? Vomiting? Spinning around? Waterworks?

    Bowel motions?

    o General health? Previous history of stroke, cadiac

    problems such as heart attack, valve disease,

    hypertension? Diabetes? Lipid levels? SADMA?

    Medication (warfarin, anti-hypertensives)

    o FHx and social history (lifestyle and stress)

    Physical examination

    o General appearance and BMI

    o Vital signs: especially BP (postural drop) and PR (rate and


    o Eyes and neck: PEARL, ophthalmoplegia, carotid bruits,

    JVP, funduscopy

    o CVS and peripheries

    o Neurologic exam: cranial nerves, motor, power, reflex

    especially plantar, tone, sensory, coordination

    o BSL and Urine dipstick, ECG


    o One of the vessels supplying a part of the brain is blocked

    by a clot for a brief period of time which causes a decrease

    in oxygen supply to that particular area of the brain

    temporarily. This is what we call a mini-stroke or TIA. Most

    symptoms disappear within an hour although they may last

    for 24 hours. It might have come from the heart or it is a

    clot that is formed from the vessel of the brain. It is due to

    fat deposits within the vessels called plaques. It is

    considered as a medical emergency and taken as a

    warning sign for future brain attacks.

    o Refer to ED or ADMIT to stroke unit ASAP so that you will

    be seen by a neurologist. The specialist will assess you

    and do some investigations.

    o I will arrange for urgent CT scan and carotid Doppler

    o Need to do FBS, lipid profiles, FBE, UEC, LFTs, ECG, 2d-

    echo, TFTs, clotting profile, HbA1c

    o 20% will get stroke in the next 6 months and 50% of these

    people are at risk of getting full-blown stroke within the next

    24-48 hours.

    o The specialist might consider starting you on clopidogrel or

    ASA + dipyridamol to decrease the risk of stroke in the

    future (30% decrease in the risk of future stroke after TIA).

    o We also need to address your risk factors. Lifestyle


    o Diabetic foot

    If treating as OP:

    o In low risk: arrange CT brain and carotid Doppler (for

    possible endarterectomy) within the next 24-48 hours.

    o Arrange all basic bloods: FBS, creatinine, cholesterol,

    TFTs, RFTs, ECG (TEE)

    o Refer patient to TIA clinic or neurologist within 7 days

    o Management:

    Cessation of smoking and lifestyle

    modification (weight reduction, exercise,


    Start antiplatelet therapy (asprin 100-300mg

    OD, clopidogrel 75mg OD or dipyridamol +

    ASA 200/25 mg BD;


    Anti-hypertensives: ACE inhibitors

    Monitor blood sugar

    End-arterectomy >70%

    Indications for carotid duplex ultrasound

    Bruit in the neck


    Crescendo TIAs (2 or more in 1 week and

    longer lasting)

    Internal carotid artery symptoms

    Hemispheric stroke

    Prior to major vascular surgery


    o major stroke risk factors in people who have atrial


    o CHF (1)

    o Hypertension (1)

    o Age >75 (1)

    o DM (1)

    o Stroke/TIA (2)

    0 low aspirin (81-325mg)

    1 Intermediate aspirin or warfarin

    >2 high risk - warfarin

  • 5:

    A 60-year-old man is in the ED where youre working as an HMO where he is

    complaining of weakness of his right arms and legs.


    o History

    (had history of fall 2 weeks ago, noted

    headache x 3 days after that and sometimes

    headache when bending forward, coughing

    or changing head direction; on warfarin;

    noted sudden onset of right-sided weakness)

    o Physical Examination

    o Diagnosis and management

    Risk factors

    o Elderly patient brain shrinks (cerebral atrophy)

    o Dementia

    o Alcoholic

    o Warfarin

    o Head injury (recurrent falls)


    o Weakness or numbness

    o Headache bending forward or when coughing or when

    changing head direction

    o Confusion

    o Drowsiness

    o Personality changes

    o Amnesia

    o Seizures


    o Can you tell me more about what happened? Is it getting

    worse or improving? Any change in your vision? Any

    problem with speech? Did you have any recent head

    injury? How did it happen? Any headache after that? Any

    N/V/changes in personality? Drowsiness or confusion?

    Episodes of fits? Difficulty in walking or ataxia? Any past

    history of heart disease, stroke, DM, increased lipids?

    Medications? Do you have enough support?

    Physical examination

    o General appearance

    o Vital signs

    o Eyes

    o CVS

    o CNS examination

    o BSL and dipstick


    o Subdural hematoma because of the head injury and you

    are also taking warfarin.

    o Admit. Referral to neurologist and CT scan.

    o Baseline laboratory examination including clotting profile

    and INR.


    o Small: careful observation until it heals by itself or

    temporary insertion of a small catheter and suctioning the


    o Large: craniotomy

  • 6:

    Variant 1:

    A 36-year-old male patient is in the ED with sudden pain on the back of the head

    while working in the fields. It is not relieved by Paracetamol.


    o History

    (headache going to the neck) o Physical examination

    (ptosis, dilatation of pupil, neck stiffness) o Management

    Variant 2:

    Rosemarie aged 27 years presents to your surgery with history of headache for last

    couple of month. She describes headache as feeling funny around her mouth then

    flashing bright lights, then a pounding headache always on right side of her head.

    The headache could last for several hours sometimes relieved by vomiting. For a

    few days afterwards, she feels tired and just a bit off. She had tried pain killers like

    panadol and ibuprofen with minimal relief. She is otherwise fit and healthy and has

    no previous medical problems and is not on any medications.


    o Focused history

    o Physical examination

    o Diagnosis and management advise


    o Migraine

    o Subarachnoid Hemorrhage:

    occipital headache + vomiting + neck

    stiffness; worst headache of my life

    o Trauma

    (Epidural) o Subdural hemorrhage

    o Tension headache

    o Tumors


    o Can you tell me a bit more about it? When did it occur?

    How severe? Where? Does it go anywhere (neck)?

    Character? N/V? Is it progressive? Is it the first time? Does

    anything make it worse? Photophobia?

    o Risk factors: Berry aneurysm (85%) - PCKD, bleeding

    disorder, AV malformations, head injury, hypertension

    o SADMA? General health?

    Physical examination

    o General appearance

    o Vital signs and BMI (BP increased, pulse decreased)

    o Eyes: 3rd nerve compression from PCA rupture; ptosis,

    absent light reflex, accommodation, diplopia (down and out

    eye, pupillary dilation) and papilledema

    o Neck stiffness

    o Cardiac examination

    o Abdomen: (PCKD)

    o Neurologic examination

    Dx and Mx:

    o SAH is a condition where blood leaks out of the blood

    vessel in the subarachnoid space that is one of the linings

    covering the brain. It is a medical emergency and requires

    immediate management. You will be seen by the

    neurosurgical team and investigations will be done

    especially non-contrast CT scan. If negative (10-20%), a

    lumbar puncture will be done (xanthochromia).

    o To confirm where the bleed is, a cerebroangiography will

    be done. This is a procedure in which a special dye is

    injected in the vessels through catheter and xray is taken to

    detect/check movement of the dye and site of hemorrhage

    is detected. We will also perform all baseline investigation.

    o Management involves stabilization of patients condition.

    oxygen and IV line, painkillers, medicine for vomiting/anti-

    emetic. Nimodipine to prevent spasm of vessels.

    o Surgery will be done the neurosurgeon will go for

    neurosurgical clipping to prevent bleed of aneurysm. A

    metal clip is used to close aneurysm around its neck.

    o Endovascular coiling: tiny coils are placed to block flow of

    blood into aneurysm to prevent hemorrhage.

  • 7:

    You are working in a primary care facility attached to a teaching hospital and a 50-

    year-old man is consulting you about intense dizziness. He is a previous patient who

    is overweight, and he is on medications for control of hypertension and

    hyperlipidemia. He appears unwell and distressed with slight drooping of left eyelid.

    His wife drove him to the hospital.


    o History

    (feel so dizzy I can hardly stand up,

    everything is spinning around since 1 hour

    while having breakfast when I felt pain on left

    side of the face; vertigo then numbness on

    left side of face, dizzy that I couldnt even sit

    up, no LOC, found it hard to get in and out of

    the car and falling on the left side and cannot

    keep balance; right leg numb, no problem

    swallowing, smoker x 10sticks/day; mother

    died of stroke)

    o PEx:

    (BP 145/85, PR: 80 regular, PEARL,

    funduscopy normal, nystagmus on Left, left

    horner syndrome, absent pain sensation to

    pinprick, and corneal reflex is absent,

    reduced pain and temperature on right side,

    vibration and position sense and light touch

    normal, hearing normal, tone, power and

    reflexes normal, incoordination and falls to

    left side)

    o Diagnosis and management with examiner


    o Stroke (PICA)

    o Acute labyrinthitis

    o BPPV

    o Meniere syndrome

    o Migraine

    o Cerebral tumor

    o Multiple sclerosis


    o Is my patient hemodynamically stable? Can you describe it

    for me please? Since when did this happen to you? Did it

    get better or worse? Did you try to stand or walk after this?

    Is it for the first time? Any association with headache? Any

    associated weakness of your arms, face or legs? Any

    problem with speech? Problem with vision? Neck stiffness?

    Episode of vomiting? Problem with swallowing? What

    about taste sensation? Did you have hoarseness of voice?

    Any recent head injury? Problem with hearing? Ringing

    sensation in your ear? Fever?

    o Chest pain, SOB or palpitation? Previous heart disease?

    What about your BP? What about your lipid levels? What

    about your blood sugar level? Do you have DM or PVD?

    Past history of similar condition? SADMA? Stress?

    o FHx of diabetes, hypertension or stroke

    Physical examination

    o General appearance

    o Vital signs and BMI (increased)

    o Neurological examination:

    o Inspection: head injury, facial asymmetry, muscle wasting,

    gait, Romberg test negative, incoordination of movements

    of left arm, and hand

    o Tone, power, reflex normal

    o Cerebellar signs positive

    o Sensation, pain and temperature decreased in contralateral


    o Vibration, joint position and light touch normal

    o Cranial nerves: horner syndrome

    o Eye movement: normal

    o Funduscopy normal

    o PEARL

    o Nystagmus positive on ipsilateral

    o Pain, sensory loss of ipsilateral

    o Direct, corneal reflex negative

    Dx and Mx:

    o Most likely the patient has PICA syndrome because of the

    obstruction of the blood supply to the brainstem and

    cerebellum. Vertigo is of central brainstem or cerebellar

    origin. Significance of crossed signs (numbness on

  • ipsilateral face and contralateral body) plus cardiovascular

    risk factors present in the patient.

    o It is a medical emergency. Immediate hospital admission

    and assessment by the specialist is necessary.

    o Investigations that are needed to be done are MRI/CT

    angiography (acceptable) to confirm the diagnosis. Other

    investigations are FBE, BSL, RFTs, Lipid Profile, LFTs,

    ECG, Echo.

    o Management is to advise about CV risk factors and the

    patient can be put on ASA and supportive treatment with

    active rehabilitation.

  • 8:

    A 60-years-old man is brought by his wife to the ED complaining of acute onset of

    weakness and numbness of the left side of the body and aphasia/dysphasia 1 hour

    ago. The symptoms are still present. He has a history of hypertension and a

    pacemaker was inserted a few years ago for heart block. His wife wants to discuss

    his condition with you.


    Explain the situation to the wife

    Explain about management plan and possible outcome

    Answer her questions


    Is my patient hemodynamically stable?

    Does the wife have a SPA or consent to discuss her husbands


    I understand that you are quite worried about your husband, but let

    me assure that he is in safe hands and we will do our best to help

    and treat his condition. Before anything else, do you have any

    particular concern that I can address? I will explain the condition,

    cause, risks and followup.

    Most likely he has a condition called stroke. It is a condition in which

    part of our brain stops functioning due to disturbance in the blood

    supply to that area of the brain (Draw diagram). The lack of blood

    flow can be due to blockage of the vessels by a clot which is a

    thrombus or embolus or leakage of blood which is called

    hemorrhage. This in turn leads to the symptoms that your husband is

    having now.

    There are certain risk factors for this to happen: hypertension,

    diabetes, smoking, aspirin/warfarin, head injury, peripheral vascular

    disease, lifestyle, dyslipidemia

    Ask about contraindication to thrombolysis: bleeding disorder or

    recent surgery, warfarin/ASA

    It is a serious condition and is a medical emergency so he needs to

    be admitted to the stroke unit ASAP to stabilize his condition. He will

    be assessed by a neurologist who will order some investigations. The

    most important is non-contrast CT scan or MRI to see the type of the

    stroke and other investigations like FBE, lipid profile, ECG, U&E,

    LFTs, RFTs, echocardiography.

    If it turns out to be ischemic stroke, he might be put on ASA and if

    within 3 hours of onset, a substance called rTPA can be used to

    dissolve the clot, but it will be decide by the specialist. However,

    there is a risk of intracranial hemorrhage in 5-7% of cases. If it is a

    hemorrhage, drugs can be given and/or surgery can be done.

    His condition will be stabilized and supportive treatment will be given.

    Good nursing care will be provided and this is the cornerstone of

    management. It is to maintain skin care (bed sores), feeding,

    hydration, proper positioning and monitoring of vital signs, giving

    painkillers, and anti-emetics.

    Is he going to improve? The outcome cannot be predicted at this time

    because it depends on the area involved and the amount of tissue

    damage. It can improve or the condition can progress further but we

    will try to give him the best quality of life by all possible means.

    Long term management: Following initial management, he will be

    under the care of a MDT for stroke rehabilitation to recover any lost

    function and return to independent living. This team will include

    neurologist, specially trained nurses, speech pathologist,

    physiotherapist, occupational therapist, social worker and GP for

    regular reviews and follow-ups.

    It is very important to control the risk factors to prevent further attacks

    and this is where your role is vital. Lifestyle modification: exercise,

    diet, control BP, sugar, and lipids, smoking cessation

    I can also arrange for cardiologist review to assess his pacemaker

    and other factors which can increase his risk

    Reading material. Support groups.

    You are not alone. All support is available for you

    Red Flag: FAST Facial asymmetry, Arms difficult to raise, Speech

    problems, and Time Call 000

  • 9:

    You are a GP in a small rural town and are asked to see a 22-year-old man who

    collapsed about an hour ago. He has now fully recovered.


    o Relevant history to try to determine the cause of the


    o Ask examiner for relevant physical findings

    o Explain to the patients what you this has likely happened

    and what it your immediate plan of action

    Differential Diagnosis

    o HOCM - rare?

    o Vasovagal syncope

    o Infection?

    o DM (hypoglycemia)

    o Trauma?

    o Neuro problems?

    o Cardiac?

    Focused History

    o When? Feeling of chest pain? Palpitations? Fever?

    Headache? History of trauma? Blurring of vision? Previous

    loss of consciousness? Changes in personality? LOC?


    o Ask for patients wife to describe scenario and take

    relevant history

    o PMHx/SADMA

    Physical Findings: all normal: ask for fundoscopic findings


    o Most likely this is a case of subdural hematoma which may

    have resulted from the accident you had. Veins from the

    brain bleed out which form a clot which if big enough may

    have caused you to have a fit and lose consciousness.


    o Skull x-ray and CT scan

    o FBE, UEC,

    o Urgent referral to a neurosurgeon/neurologist

    Syncopal disorders:

    o Common causes: cardiogenic disorders and postural

    o hypotension, which are usually drug-induced; vasovagal

    o Red flags: onset in older person, neurological S/sx,

    headache, tachycardia, irregular pulse, fever, drugs

    (social/prescribed), confusion (gradual onset), cognitive


    o Sudden onset: epilepsy, cardiac causes (SVT), TIAs,


    o Drugs: alcohol, antiepileptics, antihypertensives,

    barbiturates, benzodiazepines, OTC anticholinergics,

    peripheral vasodilators (ACE, ARBs, GTN, hydralazine,

    prazosin), SSRI, TCAs

  • 10:

    Variant 1:

    Your next patient in GP practice is an 85-year-old woman who was brought by her

    daughter because her mother was acutely confused over the past few days. (one

    case with DM and one with UTI)



    o (3 days and patient unable to recognize anyone,

    wondering around the house and at times became

    incontinent, + dark, cloud and smelly urine, on

    medications for BP and cholesterol)

    Explain plan of management

    Vatiant 2:

    Your next patient Mrs. Gladys George brought to your surgery by the staff from a

    Low level nursing facility. Mrs. George moved to the Nursing home one month ago,

    after being discharged from an old aged care psychiatry unit. Before her admission,

    she had been living independently at home. The precipitant for her admission was a

    fire in her flat. When the fire departments arrived Mrs. George was running around

    the premises of the building claiming she was Messiah and the blaze was started by

    demons. She was to taken to the hospital and was treated at an old age psychiatry

    unit. She had normal blood tests and MRI brain showed generalized atrophy

    consistent with age. The nursing staff thinks she had lost some weight. She had

    been wandering the halls at night on few occasions. She is agitated and seems

    confused. On one occasion she asked the staff are the Russians here yet -. One

    of the nurses think Mrs. George has been seeing some things.

    o Task

    o How will you manage Mrs. George

    Variant 3:

    (Feb 4, 2012): An elderly whos confused and has SOB is admitted in the rural

    hospital where youre working which is 300km away from the city. ECG and CXR

    showed right-sided heart failure. In the blood test, no abnormalities were detected.

    The daughter wants to talk to you.


    o Talk to the daughter

    o Counsel accordingly

    o (LHF SOB sec. backflow of blood into lungs and patient

    cannot breathe properly)

    o Sit upright, start furosemide to remove fluids CPAP if

    not working

    o Start high flow oxygen, explain about heart failure

    o Arrange cardiology consultation;

    o Investigation: Transthoracic Echocardiography to measure

    ventricular function

    Advice: Low-salt low fat diet, ideal weight, stop smoking/alcohol,

    control HTN, DM and lipids; ACEI, diuretic, beta-blockers when


    no indications to transfer to hospital

  • Features Delirium Dementia Acute Psychosis

    Onset Rapid Slow insidious Rapid Duration Hours to weeks Months to years Depends on response to


    Course over 24 hours

    Fluctuates worse at night

    Minimal variation Minimal variation

    Consciousness Reduced Alert Alert

    Perception Misperceptions common (esp. visual)

    Misperception rare May be misperception

    Hallucinations Common (visual) usually or auditory

    Uncommon Common, mainly auditory

    Attention Distractable Normal to impaired Variable may be impaired

    Speech Variable, may be incoherent

    Difficulty finding correct words

    Variable: normal, rapid or slow

    Organic Illness or drug toxicity

    One or both present Often absent Usually absent


    o Depression/Drugs/alcohol

    o Ears/Eyes

    o Metabolic (hyponatreamia, diabetes, hypothyroidism)

    o Emotion/encephalopathy (loneliness)

    o Nutrition (Vitamin B12/diet)

    o Trauma/tumor

    o Infections

    o Arteriovascular disease (CVA, MI)


    o LFTs, BSL, TSH, FBE, Blood culture, U&E, CXR, CT scan,

    urine MCS, ECG


    o What do you mean confused?

    o Did she have any fever?

    o Lumps or bumps?

    o Any headaches or early morning vomiting?

    o Did she lose consciousness at any time? Any weakness in

    any part of the body or any problem with speech? Any

    chest pain or shortness of breath?

    o How about her appetite and weight?

    o Has she lost any weight? Any weather preference? Any

    swelling all over the body? Any medical illnesses like

    diabetes or hypertension? SADMA? Any recent change in

    medications? Problems with waterworks? Any change in

    color? Any concerns with the bowel?

    o Whom does she live with at home? How is her mood?

    What does she do? Recent hospitalization


    o I would like to admit your mother to the hospital. I will

    arrange an ambulance for that. There are a lot of reasons

    for acute confusion or delirium.

    o From the history, I believe she has a UTI, but because she

    is also hypertensive, she might also be suffering from a

    stroke which is why we need to admit her to do some

    investigation for hypoxia (pulse oxymetry, saturation, ABG

    and CXR), sepsis or infection (FBE, blood culture, urine

    MCS, ESR/CRP), metabolic (BSL, U&E, arterial pH),

    cardiac (ECG, cardiac enzymes), CVA (CT scan). They will

    also review the medications.

  • 11)

    An 83-year-old man developed strange behavior, confusion and disorientation for

    the last couple of days. He lives in the nursing home. He is on some drugs:

    Indapamide (hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hyperglycemia), statin, imipramine. His

    physical examination is unremarkable. BSL is also normal. Blood test has done:

    Sodium 120mmol/L, Potassium 4.5mmol, Urea is normal, Creatinine is normal.


    o Explain the test results to the daughter, and the possible

    causes of his confusion.

    Low sodium level (135-145mEq/L)

    Pseudo hyponatremia:

    o Cause: DM If the sugar is high: Hyperglycemia.

    The fluid is high the sodium seems to be low but its


    Osmolality Formula:

    o 2 X Na + GGlu/18 + BUN/2.8

    If the glucose/sodium is high the osmolality is high. High

    osmolality hyponatremia

    If the osmolality is normal: True hyponatremia sodium goes

    low because of low osmolality.

    Causes: look for the extracellular FLUID volume.

    If ECF volume: HIGH

    o Cardiac failure, nephrotic syndrome, kidney/liver


    o Low: external causes: vomiting, diarrhea, blood loss,

    burns, sweating.

    Renal causes:

    Nephropathy, losing water along

    with sodium. Anti-diuretic hormone

    causes the losing of the sodium.


    Indapamide: Its not losing salt but it

    is losing the water.

    If ECF volume is NORMAL:

    o SIADH. The water retained in the body. It comes with

    anything in the brain, in the chest, small cell lung

    cancer, pneumonia, drugs (tricyclic anti-depressant


    o Hypothyroidism.

    o Psychogenic polydipsia.

    Need to ask the patient about the: BSL, Kidney problem, Liver

    problem, Diarrhea, Taking any drugs, Any problem with

    brain/chest, Any weather preferences, increase or decrease of

    the fluid


    Patient is having hyponatremic encephalopathy. When people

    have hyponatremia, it is going to give symptoms in the CNS.

    Symptoms come with sudden drop of the sodium.

    Isotonic/hypertonic. If the sodium drops slowly the fluid

    becomes hypertonic. Fluid always goes to the higher

    concentration thus losing the water which then goes to the

    cells especially the brain cells. It causes herniation of the brain.

    If we give the sodium too quickly, the cells will shrink quickly

    and the brain is going to die which is called central pontine

    myelinolysis. Dont replace it too quickly 0.5-1 mEq/hr.


    o Sodium level, Urine osmolality, serum osmolality, RFTs,

    LFTs, BSL, UEC.


    o Advice the patient we are going to replace it slowly.

    Treatment is to reverse the cause.

    o Give normal saline. (Vomiting, diarrhea)


    o Restrict the fluid. Patient can be given some normal

    saline and furosemide. (Give the sodium slowly

    pushes the water out)

    Severe hyponatremia: Hypertonic Saline

    o Symptoms: N/V headaches/ restless/ irritable/

    drowsy/ seizure/confusions/coma/death.

  • If you get dehydrated, serum osmolality goes up. When secreting

    ADH the urine becomes concentrated, urine osmolality is high. If

    serum osmolality is low, it means increase of the fluid, theres diluted

    urine the urine osmolality is low. If there is a lot of ADH/ SIADH,

    theres a lot of fluid in the body. But the water is not coming out.

    Urine osmolality is high. The body is trying to keep the water.

    Patient comes with confusion: If the patient has fever, problem with

    urine, Any sepsis, Any edema

    Address the drug it can be because of high/low fluid volume. We

    need to find out the cause. Ill be calling the registrar we will manage

    the condition accordingly.

  • 12:

    Your next patient in GP practice is an elderly man with a long history of

    hypertension and diabetes. He has developed tiredness, confusion, and hes

    behaving strangely for the last 2 days. Investigations show sodium is 120,

    potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, Urea and creatinine are all normal.


    Explain results to daughter

    o (indapamide, atenolol, imipramine, and meds for DM;

    good control)

    Explain possible causes and management

    Basic Investigations: According to HIDEMAP

    Hypoxia: pulse oximetry, oxygen saturation, ABG, CXR

    Infection: Sepsis: Blood culture, urine MCS, FBE, ESR/CRP, CXR

    Drugs: diuretics, benzodiazepines, morphine,

    Endocrine: e.g Diabetes

    Metabolic: ABG, BSL, urea and electrolytes

    Alcohol: LFTs

    Psychosis: MSE

    ECG: cardiac enzymes and ECG


    Does the daughter have authority to talk in behalf of the father?

    From the blood reports, your father has a condition called

    hyponatremia. There are some minerals in our body and one of it

    sodium and there is a low level of this in your fathers body. Low

    sodium means low osmolarity causing leakage of water into the brain

    cells leading to edema of the brain and this causes confusion, but

    there can be other reasons for confusion.

    Is your father on any medications? Does he take any alcohol? Any

    problem with his vision or hearing? How is his diabetes? Is it well

    controlled? Is he on any medications? Have you seen him gasping or

    having SOB or any sweet smell from the mouth? Any chance he

    could be lonely or depressed? Any headaches or early morning

    vomiting? Any chance he had a fall? How are his waterworks? Did he

    have any fever? Any problems with the heart or weakness or

    numbness of his body? Has he vomited or had diarrhea?

    Most likely, the hyponatremia was caused by the indapamide. This is

    a medication which affects the kidneys diluting capacity and

    increases sodium excretion. (Once the depletion occurs, there is

    non-osmotic release of ADH and causes water retention worsening


    At this stage, I will call the ambulance because your father needs

    urgent treatment. In the hospital he will be reviewed by a medical

    registrar. IV lines will be secured and blood taken for further

    investigations. They will start him on IV fluids (PNSS or hypertonic

    saline 3% for rapid correction). A cranial CT scan will also be


  • 13:

    You are an orthopedic resident called by the ward NOD to see a 65-year-old man

    who had a left knee replacement 2 days ago. He had been quite okay until today

    where he seemed to be confused, restless and agitated. He had become verbally

    aggressive and wants to pull out his drip and go home. His vital signs are BP

    130/90, PR 102 regular, T 38.3, RR: 30. Cardiorespiratory examination is difficult

    because patient is not cooperative. Per abdomen examination reveals some lower

    abdomen tenderness. CNS examination is normal as far as you can assess. You

    found the patient to be slightly confused and disoriented to time, place and person.

    You could not do the whole MMSE because of lack of cooperation. ECG is normal

    and you have asked the nurse to send the blood for troponin. Reviewing the medical

    record, you note that the patient is drinking 6 cans of beer per day. His preoperative

    biochemistry was normal except for elevated GGT, Hgb 120, MCV 110 with normal

    b12 and folate.


    Present and liaise with registrar who wants to know what is

    happening and what is the most likely diagnosis

    How you suggest to manage the patient

    o On reviewing the chart, patient drinks 6 cans of beers

    per day with mild anemia.

    o The most likely diagnosis is delirium tremens due to

    alcohol withdrawal following surgery over the last 2-3


    o What else could cause delirium?

    Hypoxia, infection, electrolyte disturbance,

    metabolic causes, or narcotic overdose due

    to pain relief.

    o What further tests would you like to organize?

    FBE, Blood culture, CXR, ABG, ESR/CRP,

    Urine MSU, BSL, U&E, LFTs. Review the

    drug chart and re-adjust pain relief and

    narcotics dosages. CT scan.

    o How do you manage the patient?

    If the patient is getting violent, I would like to

    call security (to make environment safe).

    Start high-flow OXYGEN!!!! Move patient to

    a quiet room with appropriate lighting and

    with one nurse looking after the patient.

    Consider involving relatives and friends.

    Physical restrains as per hospital protocol.

    Be prepared to sedate the patient

    (Diazepam PO or IM midazolam 2.5mg SD

    or olanzapine PO).

    o Monitor the vital signs and IV access, fluid balance,

    oxygen and pulse oximetry. Consider IV thiamine.

    (Condition 149): You are an intern called to the ward to see a patient who became

    acutely confused after a left total knee replacement. A few hours earlier, he started

    to behave in an irrational manner, became agitated and difficult to manage. Until this

    stage he had been making an uneventful postoperative recovery. His confusion has

    now culminated in the patient being disoriented, noisy, and difficult to restrain. The

    patients wife is with the patient and she has been unable to help.


    Assess the situation

    Formulate management plan

    Counsel patients wife as to the cause of the current problem

    A 60-years-old man became restless and shouting in the postop ward. He had knee

    replacement this morning and was uneventful. Morphine was given to relieve his

    pain. Investigations were done are results are pending. Patient has hallucinations

    and delusions and MMSE shows that hes disoriented. He has history of drinking 4-6

    cans of beer every night.


    Report to registrar about patients condition

    Answer his questions

    Assess situation

    Is my patient hemodynamically stable? I would like to start with

    DRABC and call for help and restrain patient as per hospital


    Ensure and assess DANGER (physical restraints); DRABC

    Institute pulse oximetry and put in high-flow oxygen.

  • Intravenous access: Insert IV cannula, collect blood samples

    for routine hematological and biochemical screens, BSL, blood

    culture if febrile

    PMHx (DM or CVD), drug use (alcohol),

    Case notes and nursing observation: any recent change in VS,

    fluid balance, recent drug administration, details of recent

    surgical procedure (complication, Blood loss), sleep pattern

    and behavior

    Comments in medical and nursing record and any abnormal

    laboratory investigations

    Physical examination

    Establish orientation

    Check vital signs and examine cardiorespiratory systems

    Look for evidence of sepsis (abdomen and wound)

    Look for evidence of VTE (legs, chest)

    Look for any neurological deficits

    Dipstick and BSL

    Causes of Confusion

    Hypoxia (very common cause particularly in elderly) ABG,

    CXR, ECG



    Metabolic (electrolytes, blood sugar estimation, arterial pH)

    Cardiac disease (ECG)

    CVA (neurologic examination)


    Opiate overdose or effect of other drugs

    Drug withdrawal (alcohol, benzodiazepines, narcotics)

    Exacerbation of pre-existing medical conditions (dementia,



    Reassure: The situation is under control

    The investigations may yield a cause for confusion

    Alcohol withdrawal is a common cause of postoperative

    confusion and should be easily controlled and problem self-


    Regular reviews with monitoring of VS, I&O and any changes

    in behavior

  • 14:

    You are a night intern in a general hospital and your next patient is a 25-year-old

    male student with 20% partial thickness burn sustained when throwing fuel over fire.

    The burns involving all the limbs are being managed conservatively and have been

    dressed under IV ketamine. You have been called because the patient is unable to

    sleep, restless and distressed and has pulled out the IV line delivering patient-

    controlled analgesia which is morphine 1mg/hr.


    Determine the cause of sleeping problem

    o (was out camping with friends, threw petrol over fire

    and caught burn; cannot remember how it happened;

    doesnt know how he got to hospital? feels being

    chased and saw angel of death; doesnt want to close

    eyes because something bad might happen; sees

    strange looking people and suddenly disappear;

    believes nurses are dangerous and think they are

    here to harm; believes that nurses are giving the

    wrong drugs; feels pain but cannot be bothered by the

    drips thats why I pulled them out; not under the

    influence of alcohol; no illicit drug use; no headaches)

    Perform MMSE

    Explain to the patient the nature of the problem and what can

    be done to help


    May I know a bit more about what happened? When did it

    happen? How were you brought to the hospital? Do you know

    which hospital you are admitted and for how long?

    I understand youre unable to sleep. May I know the reason for

    it? For how long is this happening to you? Do you hear voices

    when nobody else is around? Do you see things when nobody

    else is around you? Do you feel things or have any strange

    experience? Do you think somebody is trying to hurt you? By

    any chance, do you think of harming yourself or others?

    Do you feel pain at the moment? How is your general health?

    Do you feel feverish? Any headaches, SOB, racing of heart, or

    tummy pain? Hows your appetite? Do you have N/V? What

    about your waterworks or bowel motions? Any pain or burning

    sensation? Are you comfortable in this hospital environment?

    PMHx: Any condition like diabetes, thyroid, liver, kidney, or

    heart disease, anemia? CVA? Mental/psychiatric illness or

    neurologic disorder? Previous hospitalization? Previous similar

    episodes? SADMA?

    FHx of psychiatric illnesses? Hows your home situation?


    ORARL: problems with orientation, registration/recall, attention and


    Most likely you have a condition called delirium or acute brain

    syndrome. This is a common complication of major injuries and

    their treatment such as your burns. It will get better along with

    your recovery. Your visual problems and fears are part of it

    and do not mean that you have a mental illness like

    schizophrenia. We need to find out the cause. In your case,

    pain relief medication (ketamine/morphine) may be the cause,

    but we need to look for infection/sepsis, change in your vital

    signs, fluid balance, and do relevant investigations.

    I will let the nursing staff know about your concern so that they will take extra

    care for you and explain what they are doing (assign same staff each shift to

    care for the patient).

    Environmental disturbances like lighting and noise will be addressed

    for your benefit. If you want your family/friends to be here, I can help

    with that.

    You will also be seen by a physician registrar to give some

    medication to help with your sleep and arrange other painkillers if


    For sleep: short-acting benzodiapines (alprazolam, oxazepam,

    lorazepam); low-dose haloperidol or olanzapine IM for agitation

    Investigations: FBE, U&E, LFTs, ESR/CRP, blood culture if indicated,

    RFTs, BSL, CXR, ABG, ECG, urine MCS, TFTs, urine drug screen

  • 15:

    Your next patient in ED is a 70-year-old male brought in by ambulance because his

    son found him with worsening confusion and complaining of worsening nausea

    during his weekly visit. He is slightly demented but managed to live alone at his

    home with some help from meals on wheels and district nurse coming 2x per




    o (confusion, unable to recognize him, did not skip

    meals, no fever, headache, problem with heart rhythm

    and HTN on medications with digoxin, and fluid

    tablets/water pill; problem with vision)

    Physical examination

    o (VS normal except pulse is irregular, CNS

    unremarkable, chest, lungs and abdomen normal,

    urine dipstick negative, BSL normal)


    o (FBE normal, urine microscopy and normal, U&E

    (potassium increased, sodium normal, ABG), CT scan

    normal, RFTs normal, CXR negative, ECG showing

    AF), Digoxin level increased!!! Hyperkalemia-


    Diagnosis and management


    narrow therapeutic range

    indications: CHF & AF

    optimum dose with ACEI, loop diuretics and beta-blocker

    Contraindications: HOCM, WPW

    Cause hyperkalemia cardiac arrhythmias deaths


    Elderly patient


    Previous MI


    Increased calcium, decreased magnesium

    Decreased potassium potentiates digoxin toxicity

    pushes extracellular potassium shift

    Renal insufficiency

    Causes: deteriorating renal function, dehydration, electrolyte imbalances,

    drug interactions precipitates chronic toxicity

    Acute overdose or accidental exposure to plants containing cardiac

    glycosides may cause acute toxicity

    Hyperkalemia, hypernatramia, hypomagnesemia increase the toxic

    cardiovascular effects of digoxin because of their depressive effects on the

    Na+/K+ ATPase pump


    Yellow vision (xanthopsia)

    Irregular pulse





    Stop digoxin

    Check potassium

    Treat arrhythmia

    Digibind IV

    Do no combine with verapamil!



    Supportive correct fluid loss

    Correct hyperkalemia (insulin, HCO3, correct acidosis,

    resonium with laxatives)

    Management of Arrhythmias: atropine to counteract digoxin

    Digoxin FAB fragments: LMW antibodies which combine with

    digoxin and are then excreted in the urine (40mg vials, each

    binds about 0.6mg of digoxin)

  • 16:

    Mandy aged 35 years presents to your GP clinic. She tells you that she had

    intermittent blurring of vision for the last few weeks. She attributed this to stress at

    work and had not asked for help but yesterday evening she had similar episodes.

    She is otherwise fit and healthy. Mandy works as secretary in an office and has to

    work every day form 8-5.


    Focused history

    o (2 episodes, 30 pack years, lasting few minutes, no


    Physical examination

    o (looks well, 130/80, vitals normal, 80 minutes, regular,

    BMI 27; VA: R eye 6/12, L 6/6, visual fields normal;

    EOM normal; funduscopy blurring of disc margin in

    right side, no carotid bruit)

    Differential diagnosis and management advise

    Differential Diagnosis

    Atypical Migraine (without headache)


    Multiple sclerosis



    Retrobulbar Neuritis

    Usually woman with 20-40 years

    Loss of vision in one eye over a few days

    Retro-ocular discomfort with eye movements

    Variable visual acuity

    Usual central field loss (central scotoma)

    Afferent pupil defect on affected side


    Optic disc swollen if inflammation anterior in nerve

    Optic atrophy appears later

    Disc pallor is invariable sequel



    Lumbar puncture (oligloconal IgG in 80%)

    Visual evoked potentials: 80%


    Test visual field of other eye; consider MRI; most recover

    spontaneously but with diminished vision

  • 17:

    You are an HMO in ED and a 35-year-old woman presented with 2 weeks history of

    visual disturbances and pins and needles in the left hand and difficulty walking.


    o History

    o (Its a blur vision I cannot see properly. All over. I find

    difficulty identifying the colors as well. Started

    yesterday. Weakness of the left hand. The similar

    thing happened 10 years ago. Bowel is ok. But hard

    to control the bladder sometime. Right leg is also


    o Physical Examination findings

    o (Patient looks distressed. No dysmorphic feature.

    Ophthalmolplegia, diplopia. Pupils are normal. Visual

    acuity is decreased. Hearing is ok. Impaired co

    ordination. Spastic Para paresis in lower limbs with

    impaired reflexes. Upper limb: Impaired sensation)

    o Investigations if you think are necessary (MRI)

    o Diagnosis and Management


    o Demyelinating and inflammatory disease of the CNS

    o No peripheral nerve involvement and only UMN signs and symptoms

    o Most progressive neuro disability (20-50yo)

    o Involves Optic nerve, brainstem, periventricular areas, and spinal


    o Cause is unknown

    o Evidence that the disease is an autoimmune response to virus

    (EBV), bacteria or chemicals in genetically predisposed adults

    o Plaques in white mater

    o F>M

    o Onset: 17-35 years old but peaks at 40 years

    o Early onset (1 part of CNS involved

    o Episodes separated in time and space

    o Practically diagnosed after a second relapse or when MRI shows

    new lesions

    o Early diagnosis requires evidence of contrast-enhancing lesions or

    new T2 lesions on the MRI indicating dissemination in time


    o MRI initial, best and most reliable

    o CSF analysis increased protein and mononuclear cells; oligoclonal


    o Visual evoked potential

  • Treatment: Principles:

    o All patients should be referred to neurologist for confirmation of


    o Rule out depression and anxiety.

    Acute attacks:

    o Corticosteroids (methylprednisolone 1gm over 5 days) and plasma

    exchange Disease-modifying therapy

    o Severe: immunosuppresants (MTX, AZT, Cladribine, fingolimod)

    Prevention of relapse:

    o Interferon

    o Glatiramer (mimic myelin)

    o Natalizumab

    o Prednisolone 75mg once a day for 4 day or 50mg for 4 days.

    o If severe relapses (optic neuritis , brain stem signs): Hospitalized. IV

    therapy: methyl prednisolone 1 g in 200mL of saline daily for 3-5


    o For long term: methotrexate with folic acid or Cyclophosphamide.

    o Refer to neurologist

    o Refer to psychologist

    o Refer to physiotherapist if with spasticity

    o Support groups

    o * In classical trigeminal neuralgia only severe pain; but if with

    sensory multiple sclerosis


    o I understand from the notes you have visual problems. What do you

    mean by visual disturbances? Doctor theres blur vision, I cannot

    identify colors. Sometimes I have double vision as well.

    o Is it getting worse? Yes.

    o I also understand you have pins and needles in your left arm is it

    associated with weakness? Yes.

    o Do you have weakness anywhere else in your body? Yes weakness

    in my right leg as well. Is it difficult to walk? Yes when I walk I fall to

    one side, I had a few falls. Any Headache N/V? No. Any pain

    anywhere? Especially your eyes? Yes. Any neck stiffness? No. How

    about the water works? I cant control my bladder (urinary urgency).

    How about the bowel? Good no problem. Any past medical history?

    Same happen 10 years ago. Anything runs in the family? Myasthenia

    Gravis. Single, smoker, artist. Drinks alcohol occasionally

    Physical Examination

    o General appearance: She is distress.

    o No facial abnormality. Facial palsy drooping of eye lids

    o Eye: Ophthalmoplegia, visual acuity is decreased, visual fields are

    normal, theres double vision, pupils are normal. Fundoscopy: Optic


    o Cranial nerves: Id also like to check 5 to 12. No abnormality for all

    other cranial nerve.

    o Neurological examination of the upper and lower limbs: Spastic

    paraparesis in lower limb, increase reflexes, impaired coordination,

    (Heel and the shin test). Lower limbs: Theres impaired sensation.

    Gait: ataxic gait.

    Diagnosis and Management

    o Jane, from history and examination I suspect you have a condition

    called MS but to confirm the diagnosis Id like to order some

    investigation and refer you to the neurologist for further assessment

    investigation: lumbar puncture, Visual evoke potential, MRI.

    o If this is MS, it is an autoimmune disorder. Whats happening is

    demyelination (Nerve cells covered by sheath and it got destroyed).

    Its uncommon. More common in women, this disease has classical

    relapse and remission. Typically presents with pins and needles,

    bladder dysfunction etc. Depending on where the demyelination is in

    the brain. It is a serious condition but dont worry we will help you. It

    is not curable but manageable. Our aim is to slow the progression of

    the disease and increase the period btw relapses. Most likely the

    neurologist will put you on long term immune suppressants. Acute

    phases handled by steroid.

    o Refer to neurologist. Review frequently. Reading material

    o Red flags: Vision and other symptoms come up.

    Critical Errors:

    o Not referring to neurologist

    o Not doing MRI and Fundoscopy

  • 18:

    Variant 1:

    A middle-aged woman comes to your GP practice complaining of pain in the right

    shoulder associated with neck pain.


    o Focused History

    (No more than 2 minutes) last couple of

    months, in the shoulder and neck and

    traveling to neck, no trauma, painful in some


    o Perform Physical examination

    (Limited movement to the right side of the

    neck---pain on the lower cervical spine;

    Elbow flexion & extension of the wrist weak;

    numbness of thumb and index finger;

    Sensory loss of outer forearm & index finger


    o After 6 minutes, the examiner will stop you and you need to

    explain diagnosis and differential diagnosis and advise

    further investigation

    Variant 2:

    You are a GP and a middle-aged lady came in with shoulder pain for the last few



    o History

    (started 3 days ago, no trauma, sudden,

    shoulder or neck, BOV, headache, first time,

    computer analyst)

    o Physical examination

    (tenderness on C6-7, weakness of wrist

    extension and elbow extension, loss of

    sensation over 3rd finger)

    o Diagnosis and management

    o History

    o Pain question (SORTSARA): When did it start? Where? On

    a scale of 1-10, how bad is the pain? Travelling anywhere

    like the neck, back of head, between shoulder blades, arm,

    or forearm? Any diurnal variation? Constant or come and

    go? Any trauma? Any morning stiffness of the neck? Is the

    pain precipitated by activity? Does anything relieve the pain

    like painkillers or rest? Pain in the neck on one or both

    sides? Any precipitating factor? Any weakness in the hand

    or upper limbs? Numbness/tingling? Can you drive back

    (reverse) your car? Associated features: swelling, chest

    pain, SOB, thyroid disease? Headache? Ear pain? Any

    problems with gait or weakness of lower limb? Any

    problems with bowel or waterworks? PMHx of joint or neck

    problems? SADMA


    o Ask patient to release her gown for inspection

    o Inspection shoulder - On the same level: Any muscle

    wasting in the shoulder, Bulk of muscle, Contour of neck

    from the side, Lateral flexion to the neck or torticollis, Any

    neurocutaneus stigmata, no muscle wasting or any trauma,

    no abnormal contour of the spine, step deformity, squaring

    of shoulders, winging of scapula

    o Palpations of neck midline from the back---pain on the

    left or right side? From central to lateral digital of the

  • cervical spine and thoracic spine; temperature; Bulk of

    muscle of shoulders (trapezius and supraspinal muscle and

    lower part of head) if theres any pain; thyroid and LAD;

    Any area on the shoulder or forearm; Palpate

    temporomandibular joint


    o Turning the head up and down, to left and right 45 and 90

    degrees (flexion, extension) 6 movements

    o Examine shoulder with both hands flexion, extension,

    internal rotation, external rotation, circumduction

    o Elbow flexion extension

    o Wrist supination, pronation, flexion, extension, ulnar

    deviation, radial deviation

    o Hands all the joints

    o Thumb adduction, abduction, opposition

    Muscle power please resist my hand; Chicken wings



    NR Sensory Muscle Power loss Reflex

    C5 Outer arm Deltoid Arm abduction

    Biceps (C5,6)

    C6 Outer forearm/ thumb/index

    Biceps Elbow flexion wrist extension

    Biceps + brachio radialis (C5,6)

    C7 Hand/ middle & ring finger

    Triceps and finger extensors

    Elbow extension

    Triceps (C7-8)

    C8 Inner forearm/ little finger

    Long flexor fingers; long extensors; thumb

    Grip Fingers (C8)

    T1 Inner arm interossei Finger spread


    o Disc prolapse due to cervical spondylosis

    o Ankylosing spondylitis

    o Rheumatoid arthritis

    o Traumatic strain or sprain

    o Myopathy level C6

    Diagnosis and Management

    o From my examination finding, its most likely youre

    suffering from a degenerative condition with C6

    compression due to disc prolapse consistent with cervical


    o PRICE/heat/massage/warm hydrotherapy

    o Investigation: FBE, ESR, CRP, rheumatoid factor, HLA B27

    antigen, CT or MRI cervical spine

    o I need to refer you to orthopedic surgeon

    o Painkillers (NSAIDs x 2 weeks) and neck collar (especially

    at night; limited time)

    o Physiotherapy

    o Steroids

    o Surgery: limited role. Indications are: intractable pain or

    with neurologic deficit.

  • 19:

    You are working in ED and an 18-year-old male patient is brought in by his friend

    because of confusion and agitation since the last 12 hours. He also had an episode

    of seizure during this time. On examination, his GCS is 14, temperature is 38.5C,

    BP 140/90, PR 90/minute and RR 18. Neck stiffness is negative. Lumbar puncture

    has been done and results are as follows: Glucose level normal, protein increased,

    Gram stain negative, cell: lymphocytes 90%.


    Explain results of LP to friend

    Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis


    Encephalitis: meningitis + brain parenchyma

    Altered mental status/confusion/irrational

    Focal neurological deficits


    Predominant in meningitis


    Neck stiffness





    Electrolyte Imbalance (Hypo/Hyperglycemia)

    Brain abscess


    Substance abuse

    Head injury

    Organisms: mostly virus especially Herpes Simplex Virus


    CT/MRI: cerebral edema

    Lumbar puncture: predominantly lymphocytes (90%)

    PCR of CSF


    FBE and BSL, LFTs, Blood culture



    IV fluid


    IV lorazepam seizures


    From history and examination, most likely he has encephalitis.

    It is the infection of the brain substance and the covering

    (meninges) most likely due to a virus. It is a serious condition

    and needs immediate management. Therefore, we will keep

    him in the hospital and arrange urgent neurological

    consultation. In the meantime, I will be giving him oxygen, IV

    fluids, paracetamol for fever, intravenous lorazepam for active

    seizures. I would also take blood for baseline investigations

    such as FBE, ESR/CRP, BSL, LFTs, U&E, Blood culture.

    The treatment is mainly supportive and symptomatic, but the

    specialist will do further assessment and can order further

    investigations (EEG changes in temporal lobe and CSF PCR

    for HSV) before starting treatment.

    The specialist may prescribe IV acyclovir if HSV is suspected

    which is one of the main causes of this condition.

    Will he fully recover?

    o It is a serious condition but usually the outcome is

    good. Dont worry he is in safe and experienced


  • 20:

    A 30-year-old man is referred to your GP clinic as he is diagnosed with idiopathic

    epilepsy by his neurologist. He has been put on sodium valproate for treatment. He

    is a courier driver and getting married very soon.


    Explain the condition to the patient and talk about further


    Answer his questions


    Due to a fault somewhere in the complex electrical circuit of

    the brain and the nervous system results in brain being

    unable to work properly for a brief period

    Causes: unknown (but can be caused by damage from

    previous infections, scars from previous head injuries, tumors,

    excessive alcohol or drug use or genetic factors)

    Common: 1:100; M=F; seems to run in families

    Do you have any concerns?

    o Disorder in which a person is prone to having

    recurrent seizures which result from the release of the

    abnormal electrical impulses by the nerve cells of the

    brain. In your case, the cause is unknown and hence

    it is called idiopathic. It is a common condition and

    affects 1:50. Aim of the treatment is to achieve

    complete seizure-control by one medication which is

    called monotherapy and lifestyle management.

    o A single drug is initiated and the dose is adjusted

    accordingly until it controls the seizures and/or the

    side effects. 70-80% will have no seizures after

    treatment with first-line drugs. If the maximum

    tolerated dose fails to control the seizures, it needs to

    be replaced by another drug. The first drug is stopped

    once the therapeutic effect of the 2nd one is achieved.

    The 2nd part of the management is:

    o healthy lifestyle and avoidance of triggering factors

    like fatigue, physical exhaustion, stress, lack of sleep

    and excess alcohol, and avoidance of flashing/strobe

    lights and open fires.

    With proper treatment, most patients can achieve complete

    control of seizure and lead a normal life.

    Side effects: nausea, anorexia, vomiting,

    dizziness/drowsiness, tiredness or fatigue, gait disturbance like

    ataxia, visual disturbance, and most drugs can cause a rash.

    Sodium valproate:

    o hair loss, rare but serious liver toxicity (LFTs every 2

    months for 6 months after starting), NTD (spina bifida)


    o ginigival hyperplasia, hirsutism, fetal malformation (cleft lip

    and palate), CHD


    o anorexia, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, skin rash, tinnitus,

    diplopia, ataxia, tiredness and fatigue; safest in pregnancy

  • When to stop treatment?

    will be reviewed for the need of the drugs annually and they

    will be stopped if you are free of seizures for 2-3 years.

    Can I continue my work?

    I will be checking with vicroads because you have to be careful

    with driving. Each case has to be considered individually but

    the rule is if you are seizure-free for 1-2 years. The applicant

    applying for learners license should be seizure-free for 2 years

    then annual review for 5 years.


    contact centerlink, social support/worker; should not work close to

    heavy machinery, dangerous surroundings, heights, or near deep

    water; jobs not allowed: public transport (bus driver), police,

    military, aviation

    Can I play Sports?

    Avoid scuba diving, hand gliding, parachuting, rock climbing, car

    racing and swimming alone especially surfing; contact sports:

    relative CI

    Can I get married?

    Yes and you can expect to have normal sexual life and normal

    children and your children have a slightly increased chance of

    having epilepsy (3%).

    Red flags:

    Take special care with open fires, do not swim unsupervised

    Advice for carers:

    Dos: roll person on to his side with head turned to one side

    and chin up and call for medical help if convulsion lasts longer

    than 10 minutes

    Donts: move person unless necessary for safety, force

    anything into persons mouth, try to stop the fit

    Regular follow-ups: monitor medication levels and side effects

    of the drugs

    Refer to support groups

    Reading materials

    In female patients: interaction with OCP so increased doses; if

    patient wants to get pregnant (high-risk pregnancy) start

    patient on 5mg folic acid; planned pregnancy; NO

    contraindication for breastfeeding

  • 21:

    A young patient is brought to ED, he is unconscious. His airway is patent and

    breathing without difficulty. His blood pressure is stable and temperature is 37.5.


    o Examination and commentary

    o Differential diagnosis

    o Investigation you would like to arrange


    o Meningitis/encephalitis

    o CVA (SAH, stroke)

    o Epilepsy

    o Trauma

    o Drug/alcohol overdose (sedative hypnotics, tranquilizer,

    alcohol, antipsychotics)

    o Diabetic hyper/hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, uremia,

    hepatic coma

    o Multiorgan failure (adrenal)

    o CO narcosis

    o Psychiatric problem


    o Inspection for any bruises, lumps/bumps, bleeding, signs of

    trauma (raccoon eyes, battle sign, bleeding from ears,

    nose), jaundice, facial asymmetry,

    o CHECK PEARL (miosis: pontine lesions, opioid overdose;

    dilated: raised ICP; signs of multiorgan failure, funduscopy

    for raised ICP and diabetic/HTN changes), neck stiffness,

    mouth for tongue bite marks

    o Face: breathing pattern (metabolic acidosis DKA,

    hypoventilation, drug overdose),

    o Smell of the breath

    DKA: fruity smell,

    Alcohol: Fetor Hepaticus

    Uremic Coma o Peripheries: Tone, IV drug marks/insulin injection marks,

    snake bite, circulation, pulse oximetry, temperature,


    o Heart: arrhythmia

    o Urine dipstick and BSL


    o FBE, blood cultures, ESR/CRP, cranial CT scan, LFTs,

    blood or urine drug screen, Urea & Electrolytes, RFTs,

    lumbar puncture


    o Thiamine 100 mg IM

    o Oxygen

    o Naloxone 0.1 0.2 mg IV

    o Glucose (give IV bolus of glucose) 50 mls

    Causes of COMA

    CO narcosis CO2 narcosis; respiratory failure

    Overdose of drugs

    Alcohol, opioids, tranquilizers, antidepressants, CO, analgesics

    Metabolic Diabetes (hypoglycemia, DKA), hypothyroidism, hepatic failure, Addison failure (uremia),

    Apoplexy ICH (hematoma, head injury, cerebral tumor/abscess) Infratentorial (posterior fossa): cerebellar tumor, brainstem infarct/hemorrhage, wernicke encephalopathy Meningismus: SAH, meningitis Other: encephalitis; overwhelming infection Trauma

  • 22:

    A 70-year-old man comes in your GP clinic because of recurrent falls. He had stroke

    7 years ago and had weakness of left lower limb.


    o History

    (had 3 eps. for the last 3 mos, noted lightheadedness;

    gardening when he stood up; got up from bed and fell

    down; medications for BP, TCAs, and diuretic)

    o Physical examination

    o Provisional and Differential diagnoses

    o Management

    Task 2

    o History

    o Differential diagnosis to Examiner


    o Stroke

    o Dementia/delirium/Depression

    o Epilepsy

    o Hearing (vestibulococchlear)

    o Vision

    o CVS (arrhythmia, MI, anemia, BP)

    o Chest (PE)

    o GIT(bleeding and diabetes)

    o Musculoskeletal

    o PMHx: Medications: Polypharmacy


    o Can you tell me more about it?

    o Can you describe these falls for me?

    o You had a stroke 4 years ago. How is your general health after that?

    o Did you feel dizzy, lightheadedness or fainting before the fall? Any

    LOC in any episode?

    o Did you injure/hurt yourself? What did you do after you fell down?

    o Did you notice any weakness or numbness of your body? Any

    slurring of speech? Any BOV? Any shaking or jerking of your body?

    Did you bite your tongue or wet yourself?

    o Do you have any problem with your memory?

    o How is your mood lately? Any problem with hearing or vision?

    o Do you feel everything is spinning around you or any problem

    maintaining your balance?

    o Do you feel short of breath, chest pain or racing of your heart? What

    about your BP? What medications are you on?

    o Do you take your meals regularly? Hows your appetite? Any change

    in the color of the stools? Do you feel thirsty or passing urine more

    than normal?

    o Have you ever been diagnosed with diabetes?

    o Do you have any joint pain or problem with walking?

    o Do you live alone or with family? Can you manage your life by

    yourself? Financial problems? Do you have proper lighting and

    protection in your home?

    o PMHx: DM, hypertension, epilepsy, etc.; Drug History; SADA;


    o General appearance: anemia, dehydration, jaundice

    o Vital signs: POSTURAL DROP (drop of 15mmHg systolic or

    10mmHg diastolic)

    o Neurologic: gait, tone, power, reflexes, coordination, sensation

    o Eyes: Visual acuity, eye movements, visual fields fundoscopy

    o CVS: Carotid Bruit, Apex Beat, Murmurs

    o Abdomen


    o Most common cause of your recurrent falls is postural hypotension

    which is sudden change in blood pressure by changing position. In

    your case, this is most likely due to polypharmacy. It is important to

    change them or reduce the medications.

    o I would refer you to the fall clinic where you will be seen by MDT and

    assessment team.

    o Investigations: FBE, UEC, Ct scan, MSU, LFTs, ECG, etc..

    o Your BP will be monitored regularly.

    o Refer to ophtha and ENT for vision and hearing tests.

    o Occupational therapists

    o Physiotherapist (strenghtening exercises)

    o Social worker (financial, meals-on-wheels)

    o Admit and refer to falls clinic.