03 jsf2 basics with annotations

© 2011 Marty Hall Customized Java EE Training: http://courses.coreservlets.com/ Servlets, JSP, JSF 2.0, Java 6, Ajax, jQuery, GWT, Spring, Hibernate, RESTful Web Services, Android. Developed and taught by well-known author and developer . At public venues or onsite at  your location. JSF 2.0: Basics wi th An notations –  A Ver y Fas t Ov er v iew o f J SF 2.0 Dev elopment Originals of Slides and Source Code for Examples: http://www.coreservlets.com/JSF-Tutorial/jsf2/

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© 2011 Marty Hall

Customized Java EE Training: http://courses.coreservlets.com/ Servlets, JSP, JSF 2.0, Java 6, Ajax, jQuery, GWT, Spring, Hibernate, RESTful Web Services, Android.

Developed and taught by well-known author and developer. At public venues or onsite at  your location.

JSF 2.0: Basics with Annotations – A Very Fast Overview of JSF 2.0 Development

Originals of Slides and Source Code for Examples:


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Topics in This Section• JSF basics

 – Simplified flow of control – @ManagedBean and default bean names

 – Default mappings for action controller return values

 – Custom bean names

 – Using bean properties to handle request parameters

• More annotations – Annotations for bean scopes

• @SessionScoped, @ApplicationScoped• Other scopes

 – @ManagedProperty and dependency injection


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© 2011 Marty Hall

Customized Java EE Training: http://courses.coreservlets.com/ Servlets, JSP, JSF 2.0, Java 6, Ajax, jQuery, GWT, Spring, Hibernate, RESTful Web Services, Android.

Developed and taught by well-known author and developer. At public venues or onsite at  your location.


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Review from Previous Sections• faces-config.xml

 –  For this entire section: empty body (start/end tags only)• This tutorial section uses Java-based annotations and default

mappings of action controller values to results pages. Latertutorial sections will look at explicit values in faces-config.xml.

• web.xml

 –  Must have a url-pattern for *.jsf (or other pattern you choose) –  Usually sets PROJECT_STAGE to Development

• some-page.xhtml –  Use URL some-page.jsf (matches url-pattern)

• Installation and setup –  JSF 2.0 JAR files required; JSTL 1.2 JARs recommended 

• Omit them in Glassfish and other Java EE 6 servers

 –  These examples use Tomcat and Eclipse• But code is general to any JSF 2.0 implementation7

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faces-config.xml<?xml version="1.0"?>

<faces-config xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"






File is mostly empty, but the file must exist (in WEB-INF),

and you must have legal start and end tags that designateJSF 2.0.

There will be no content inside the tags for any of the

examples in this section. All examples in this section use

default bean names (derived from the bean’s class name

with the first letter changed to lower case) and default

results pages (derived from the action controller’s return


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web.xml<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<web-app … version="2.5">


<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>




<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name><url-pattern>*.jsf</url-pattern>










You must have a url-pattern for the FacesServlet, just as

in JSF 1.x. You can optionally set the PROJECT_STAGE,

which is recommended during development and testing.

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some-page.xhtml<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html">







You use facelets with xhtml syntax for all JSF 2.0 pages; you

never use old-style JSP syntax. You always have xmlns:h…,h:head, h:body, and h:form. In later sections we will see that

you sometimes also have xmlns:f... and/or xmlns:ui…

No @taglib entries needed.

Remember that the URL does not match the real filename:

you use blah.xhtmlfor the files, but blah.jsf for the URLs (or

whatever matches the url-pattern in web.xml).

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© 2011 Marty Hall

Customized Java EE Training: http://courses.coreservlets.com/ Servlets, JSP, JSF 2.0, Java 6, Ajax, jQuery, GWT, Spring, Hibernate, RESTful Web Services, Android.

Developed and taught by well-known author and developer. At public venues or onsite at  your location.

@ManagedBean Basics

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JSF Flow of Control

(Highly Simplified)



Uses <h:commandBu tton …action="#{someBean.someMethod}"/>

submit form

POST request Blah.jsf Instantiate





Run Action

Controller Method

forward result1.xhtml



resultN .xhtml




The pushbutton said action="#{someBean.someMethod}". So,

instantiate bean whose name is someBean. In this section, we will

declare bean with @ManagedBean, so that means to instantiate

bean whose class name is SomeBean. Later we will see that thebean could be session-scoped (or have other scopes), so this will

be called “Find Bean” instead of “Instantiate Bean”.

This is the exact method

name given in the

pushbutton’s action.

In this simple version, the page matches the return

value of the action controller method. E.g., if the

method returns "foo", then the system will forward to

foo.xhtml. In later sections, we will use navigation

rules in faces-config.xml that explicitly map the

action controller return value to a file.

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Main Points• @ManagedBean annotation


public class SomeName { … }

 – You refer to bean with #{someName.blah}, where beanname is class name (minus packages) with first letter

changed to lower case. Request scoped by default.•  And “blah” is either an exact method name (as with actionof h:commandButton), or a shortcut for a getter and settermethod (as with value of h:inputText).

• Return values of action controller method –  If action controller method returns "foo" and "bar" and

there are no explicit mappings in faces-config.xml, thenresults pages are foo.xhtml and bar.xhtml

• From same folder that contained the form13

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Example• Idea

 – Click on button in initial page – Get one of three results pages, chosen at random

• What you need – A starting page

• <h:commandButton…action="#{simpleBean.doNavigation}"/>

 – A bean• Class: SimpleBean (bean name above except for case)

• @ManagedBean annotation• doNavigation method returns 3 possible Strings

 –  "page1", "page2", or "page3"

 – Three results pages

• Names match return values of doNavigation method –  page1.xhtml, page2.xhtml, and page3.xhtml14

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start-page.xhtml<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"




<fieldset><legend>Random Results Page</legend>


Press button to get 1 of 3 possible results pages.


<h:commandButton value="Go to Random Page"action="#{simpleBean.doNavigation}"/>





This means that when you press button, JSF instantiates bean whose name is

simpleBean and then runs the doNavigation method. This is same format as in JSF


, but name of bean is automatically derived from Java class name.

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Reminder: Eclipse 3.6 Support

(Not Available in Eclipse 3.5)•  Add JSF 2.0 project facet

 – R-click project, Properties,Project Facets, check“JavaServer Faces 2”

• Note that the downloadable

Eclipse projects from JSF 2.0tutorial at coreservlets.comalready have this facet set.

 – The first time you do it, you

will have to give location of theJSF 2.0 (and JSTL) JAR files

• Benefits – Lots and lots of support for editing faces-config.xml

 – Visual previews of .xhtml files16

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Eclipse 3.6 Support: Issues

• Problems – web.xml file

• Creates a web.xml file with spurious entries, and withoutthe very valuable Development PROJECT_STAGE entry

 – Editing .xhtml files• By default, they open in normal HTML editor, not smart

editor that understands and previews the h: tags.• Solutions

 – web.xml file• Copy the version from jsf-blank or the annotations project

at coreservlets.com. Copy it back in after adding facet. – Editing .xhtml files

• R-click .xhtml files, choose Open With, Web Page Editor • Or (better), you can make it automatic by going to

Window, Preferences, General, Editors, File Associations,*.xhtml, make Web Page Editor the default17

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 package coreservlets;

import javax.faces.bean.*;


 public class SimpleBean {

 public String doNavigation() {

String[] results =

{ "page1", "page2", "page3" };





Declares this as managed bean, without requiring entry in


Since no name given, name is class name with first letter

changed to lower case (i.e., simpleBean). You can also do

@ManagedBean(name="someName"). See next section.

Since no scope given, it is request scoped. You can also

use an annotation like @SessionScoped. See upcoming


Since there are no explicit navigation rules in faces-config.xml,

these return values correspond to page1.xhtml, page2.xhtml, andpage3.xhtml (in same folder as page that has the form).

The randomElementmethod just returns an element from the array atrandom. Source code is in the downloadable Eclipse project. Later

example adds @ApplicationScopedto this code, but it has same basic

behavior without it.

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"





<div align="center">

<table border="5">

<tr><th class="title">Result Page 1</th></tr>



<h2>One. Uno. Isa.</h2>



I don’t actually have any dynamic

code in this simplistic example, but

it is a good idea to plan ahead and

always include these tags.

page2.xhtml and page3.xhtml are similar.

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© 2011 Marty Hall

Customized Java EE Training: http://courses.coreservlets.com/ Servlets, JSP, JSF 2.0, Java 6, Ajax, jQuery, GWT, Spring, Hibernate, RESTful Web Services, Android.

Developed and taught by well-known author and developer. At public venues or onsite at  your location.

Giving Custom Namesto Beans

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Main Point

• The name attribute of @ManagedBean@ManagedBean(name="customName")

public class SomeName { … }

 – You refer to bean with #{customName.blah}, where bean

name is exact value of name attribute.• Still request scoped by default.

• Still no entries in faces-config.xml


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• Idea (same behavior as last example) – Click on button in initial page

 – Get one of three results pages, chosen at random

• What you need (same except for bean name) – A starting page

• <h:commandButton…action="#{coolName.doNavigation}"/>

 – A bean• Name: SimpleBean2 (not related to bean name above)

• @ManagedBean(name="coolName")• doNavigation returns 3 possible Strings as before

 –  "page1", "page2", or "page3"

 – Three results pages as before

• Names matching method return values –  page1.xhtml, page2.xhtml, and page3.xhtml23

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"




<fieldset><legend>Random Results Page</legend>


Press button to get 1 of 3 possible results pages.


<h:commandButton value="Go to Random Page"action="#{coolName.doNavigation}"/>




Same as start-page.xhtml except for bean name.

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 package coreservlets;

import javax.faces.bean.*;


 public class SimpleBean2 extends SimpleBean {}


Uses the name “coolName” instead of “simpleBean2”.

Inherits the doNavigation method that returns "page1", "page2", or

"page3". This example shares the results pages with the last example:

page1.xhtml, page2.xhtml, and page3.xhtml.

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© 2011 Marty Hall

Customized Java EE Training: http://courses.coreservlets.com/ Servlets, JSP, JSF 2.0, Java 6, Ajax, jQuery, GWT, Spring, Hibernate, RESTful Web Services, Android.

Developed and taught by well-known author and developer. At public venues or onsite at  your location.

Using Beans to HandleRequest Parameters

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JSF Flow of Control

(Updated but Still Simplified)


submit form

POST request Blah.jsf Instantiate





Run Action

Controller Method

forward result1.xhtml



resultN .xhtml(Use


to display bean properties)

Run Setter 




Store results of business

logic in bean


Blah.xhtmlUses <h:commandBu tton …


and <h:inputText value="#{someBean.someProperty}" />

Bean getter methods are called

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Main Points

• Input values correspond to bean properties –  <h:inputText value="#{someBean.someProp}"/>

• When form is displayed, calls getSomeProp(). If value is otherthan null or empty String, puts value in textfield.

• When form is submitted, takes value in textfield and passes it tosetSomeProp.

 –  Validation and type conversion (if any) is first. See later section.

 –  Same behavior as with bean properties in JSF 1. x

• Beans are request scoped by default –  Bean is instantiated twice: once when form is initially

displayed, then again when form is submitted.

 –  Same behavior as with request-scoped beans in JSF 1. x.

• Can use #{bean.someProp} directly in output –  Instead of <h:outputText value="#{bean.someProp}"/>

 –  New behavior in JSF 2.029

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• Idea – Enter a bank customer id and a password 

 – Get either • Page showing first name, last name, and balance

 –  Various versions depending on balance

• Error message about missing or invalid data• What you need

 – Bean• Properties corresponding to request parameters

 –  Input form• ‘value’ attribute for h:inputText

 – Results pages

• #{someBean.someProperty}30

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"




<legend>Bank Customer Lookup (Request Scope)</legend><h:form>

Customer ID:

<h:inputText value="#{bankingBean.customerId}"/><br/>


<h:inputSecret value="#{bankingBean.password}"/><br/><h:commandButton value="Show Current Balance"






This value plays a dual role. When form is first displayed, bankingBean is instantiated and getCustomerId is

called. If the value is non-empty, that result is the initial value of the textfield. Otherwise, the textfield is

initially empty. When the form is submitted, bankingBean is reinstantiated (assuming request scope) and the

value in the textfield is passed to setCustomerId. This is the same behavior as in JSF 1.x.

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 public abstract class BankingBeanBase {

 protected String customerId, password; protected Customer customer;

 public String getCustomerId() { return(customerId); }

 public void setCustomerId (String customerId) {

this.customerId = customerId;


 public String getPassword() { return(password); }

 public void setPassword (String password) {

this.password = password;


These will be

automatically called by

JSF when form is


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 public Customer getCustomer() {


 public abstract String showBalance();



The action controller method(showBalance) will fill in the

customer based on the id

and password supplied.

Since the customer is filled in

by the action controller

method, not automatically by

JSF, a setter method

(setCustomer) is not strictly


This is an abstract method because I have three different versions: the basic one in

this example, a later one in this section that uses dependency injection for the

lookup service, and one in a later section on Ajax that does not return Strings

corresponding to results pages. In general, the action controller method just has to

take no arguments and return a String.

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 public class BankingBean extends BankingBeanBase {

 public String showBalance() {

if (! password .equals("secret")) {return("wrong-password");


CustomerLookupService service =

new CustomerSimpleMap();

customer = service.findCustomer(customerId );if (customer == null) {


} else if (customer.getBalance() < 0) {


} else if (customer.getBalance() < 10000) {return("normal-balance");

} else {




Filled in by JSF before

this action controller

method is called.

The customer is not filled in automatically by

JSF, since it is not directly part of the submitted

data, but rather indirectly derived (by the

business logic) from the submitted data. So, it is

filled in by this action controller method. Just asin JSF 1.x, beans are typically composed of

three parts: properties corresponding to the

input, action controller methods, and

placeholders for the results data.

There are five possible results pages: wrong-password.xhtml, unknown-customer.xhtml, negative-balance.xhtml, normal-balance.xhtml, and high-balance.xhtml. We are using the default mapping of return values to file names in all cases (rather than

explicit navigation rules in faces-config.xml).

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 public class CustomerSimpleMap

implements CustomerLookupService {

 private Map<String,Customer> customers;

 public CustomerSimpleMap() {

customers = new HashMap<String,Customer>();

addCustomer(new Customer("id001", "Harry",

"Hacker", -3456.78));

addCustomer(new Customer("id002", "Codie",

"Coder", 1234.56));

addCustomer(new Customer("id003", "Polly",

"Programmer", 987654.32));}


Provides some simple hardcoded test cases.

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(Continued) public Customer findCustomer(String id) {

if (id!=null) {


} else {




 private void addCustomer(Customer customer) {

customers.put(customer.getId(), customer);




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 public interface CustomerLookupService {

 public Customer findCustomer(String id);



 Although the previous class used hardcoded test cases from a Map, the interface makes it relatively easy to switch to other

ways of finding customers without making significant changes to the main JSF code. Dependency injection with

@ManagedProperty (later in this tutorial section) improves further on this idea of changing the implementation without changing

the Java code.

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"





<li>First name: #{bankingBean.customer.firstName}</li>

<li>Last name: #{bankingBean.customer.lastName}</li>

<li>ID: #{bankingBean.customer.id}</li>

<li>Balance: $#{bankingBean.customer.balanceNoSign}</li></ul>


38negative-balance.xhtml and high-balance.xhtml are similar.

In JSF 2.0 you can use #{result} instead of <h:outputText value="#{result}"/>.

Both approaches escape HTML characters, so use the shorter approach

shown here unless you need one of the options to h:outputText like escape

(with a value of false), rendered (with a computed value), id, converter, etc.

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"




…<h2>No customer found with id "#{bankingBean.customerId}"</h2>

<p>Please <a href="bank-lookup.jsf">try again</a>.</p>


39unknown-password.xhtml is similar.

Even though customerId came from the user and could contain

HTML characters, it is safe to use #{bankingBean.customerId}

instead of <h:outputText value="#{bankingBean.customerId}"/>.

The same HTML escaping is done for #{result} as for

<h:outputText value="#{result}"/>

R lt

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(Legal ID and Password)







R lt

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(Bad Inputs)


© 2011 Marty Hall

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Customized Java EE Training: http://courses.coreservlets.com/ 

Servlets, JSP, JSF 2.0, Java 6, Ajax, jQuery, GWT, Spring, Hibernate, RESTful Web Services, Android.Developed and taught by well-known author and developer. At public venues or onsite at  your location.

Controlling Bean Scopes

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Bean Scopes

• Idea – Designates how long managed beans will stay “alive”,

and which users and requests can access previous beaninstances.

• JSF 1.x scopes

 – Request, session, application – Specified in faces-config.xml

 – Request scope is the default

• JSF 2.0 scopes –  request, session, application, view, none, custom

 – Specified either in faces-config.xml or by one of the newannotations (e.g., @SessionScoped)

 – Request scope is still the default43

Annotations to Specify Bean

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 Annotations to Specify Bean

Scope• @RequestScoped

 – Default. Make a new instance for every HTTP request.

Since beans are also used for initial values in input form,this means bean is generally instantiated twice (oncewhen form is displayed, once when form is submitted).

• @SessionScoped – Put bean in session scope. If same user with same cookie

returns before session timeout, same bean instance isused. You should make bean Serializable.

• @ApplicationScoped – Put bean in application scope. Shared by all users. Bean

either should have no state or you must carefully

synchronize access.44

Annotations to Specify Bean

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 Annotations to Specify Bean

Scope (Continued)• @ViewScoped

 – Same bean instance is used as long as same user is on

same page (e.g., with event handlers or Ajax).• New scope in JSF 2.0.

• Bean should implement Serializable

• @CustomScoped(value="#{someMap}") – Bean is stored in the Map, and programmer can controllifecycle.

• New scope in JSF 2.0

• @NoneScoped – Bean is not placed in a scope. Useful for beans that are

referenced by other beans that are in scopes.

• New scope in JSF 2.045

JSF Flow of Control

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JSF Flow of Control

(Updated but Still Simplified)


submit formPOST request Blah.jsf 




Run ActionController Method

forward result1.xhtmlresult2.xhtml


resultN .xhtml(Use


to display bean properties)

Run Setter 




Store results of business

logic in bean


Blah.xhtmlUses <h:commandBu tton …


and <h:inputText value="#{someBean.someProperty}" />

If request scope, instantiate

bean. If other scope, possibly

return existing instance.

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Main Points

• You can use annotations to give scope – @RequestScoped (same as omitting scope)

 – @SessionScoped 

 – @ApplicationScoped 

 – @ViewScoped 

 – @CustomScoped  – @NoneScoped 

 – Traditionally placed after @ManagedBean@ManagedBean


public class SomePojo { … }


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 Application Scope: Main Points

• Useful for beans that have no state – Either navigation rules only (no getters/setters)

•  As in SimpleBean example earlier (this is rare in real life)

 – Or data structures used as properties in backing beans• See later section on @ManagedBeanProperty

• SimpleBean from first example – There was no state (no instance variables), just an action

controller method 

 – So, application scope prevents unnecessary objectinstantiation.

• In practice, instantiation of small objects is very fast, sothis “optimization” is probably not even measurable. Forlarge data structures (especially large Maps), this trick can

help significantly, though.48

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 package coreservlets;

import javax.faces.bean.*;



 public class SimpleBean { public String doNavigation() {

String[] results =

{ "page1", "page2", "page3" };




Since there is no state, all users can share the same

instance of this bean.

The xhtml pages and results were shown earlier in this section. One of

page1.xhtml, page2.xhtml, and page3.xhtml is displayed at random.

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Session Scope: Main Points

• Bean instance reused if  – Same user 

 – Same browser session• Usually based on cookies, but can be based on URL


• Useful for  – Remembering user preferences

 – Prefilling values from previous entries

 – Accumulating lists of user data (ala shopping carts)

• Normal Java session tracking rules apply – Custom classes should be Serializable

• Some servers save session data to disk on restart

• Distributed Web apps need this to replicate sessions50

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Session Scope: Example

• Idea – Small variation of banking example

 – Remember previously entered id • If end user comes back to input page, the ID they entered

last time is already filled in

• What you need – Add @SessionScoped for bean

 – Make bean Serializable

 – Optionally, add faces-redirect=true to end of returnvalues, to tell JSF to redirect (instead of forward) toresults pages

•  Allows users to access results pages directly


b k l k 2 ht l

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"




<legend>Bank Customer Lookup (Session Scope)</legend><h:form>

Customer ID:

<h:inputText value="#{bankingBean2.customerId}"/><br/>


<h:inputSecret value="#{bankingBean2.password}"/><br/>

<h:commandButton value="Show Current Balance"





Same as bank-lookup.xhtmlexcept for bean name and some minor changes to text.

B ki B 2 j

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import java.io.*;

import javax.faces.bean.*;



 public class BankingBean2 extends BankingBean

implements Serializable {@Override

 public String showBalance() {

String origResult = super.showBalance();

return(origResult + "2?faces-redirect=true");}



If a page uses the name bankingBean2 and

is accessed by the same user in the same

browser session, the same bean instance

will be used.

Results pages are negative-balance2.xhtml,

normal-balance2.xhtml, etc. By also appending

faces-redirect=true, JSF will redirect instead of

forward to the results pages, thus exposing the

URLs of the results pages and letting users

navigate directly to them later.

l b l 2 ht l

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"






<li>First name: #{bankingBean2.customer.firstName}</li>

<li>Last name: #{bankingBean2.customer.lastName}</li>

<li>ID: #{bankingBean2.customer.id}</li><li>Balance: $#{bankingBean2.customer.balanceNoSign}</li>




Same as normal-balance.xhtmlexcept for bean name.negative-balance2.xhtml and high-balance2.xhtml are similar.


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(Initial Access)







Results (User Returns in Same

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Results (User Returns in Same

Browser Session)


User directly entered this URL (or followed a link to it).

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Customized Java EE Training: http://courses.coreservlets.com/ 

Servlets, JSP, JSF 2.0, Java 6, Ajax, jQuery, GWT, Spring, Hibernate, RESTful Web Services, Android.Developed and taught by well-known author and developer. At public venues or onsite at  your location.

 Advanced Topic: Using@ManagedProperty


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@ g p y

Main Points• JSF supports simple dependency injection

 – That is, you can assign values to a managed bean

 property (i.e., a value the main bean depends on) withouthardcoding it into the class definition

• Not as powerful as with Spring, but still useful

 – @ManagedProperty lets you do this with annotations• @ManagedProperty(value="#{someBean}")

private SomeType someField;

 – <managed-property> lets you do it in faces-config.xml

• This is same as in JSF 1.x• Setter method for the property is required

 – E.g., in example above, you must have setSomeField • You can use “name” attribute of @ManagedProperty if

setter method name does not match field name58


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@ g p y

Secondary Points• You can instantiate beans at app load time

 – @ManagedBean(eager=true)

@ApplicationScoped  public class SomePojo { … }

• This is useful for the bean that you inject into the mainbean. The injected bean is often something shared like a

lookup service, whereas the main bean usually containsuser-specific data

• Unclear that annotation approach is better  – One of the points of dependency injection is to let you

change the concrete class without changing any Java code• This partially violates that principle

 –  faces-config.xml lets you specify Map elements

• The annotation does not59

@ManagedProperty: Example

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@ManagedProperty: Example

• Idea – Refactoring of banking example

 – Customer lookup service will be injected into main beanvia @ManagedProperty

 – Lookup service will be application scoped and created at

application load time• What you need

 – Main bean@ManagedProperty(value="#{lookupServiceBeanName}")

private CustomerLookupService service;

public void setService(…) { … }

 – Lookup service bean (the bean being injected)

• @ManagedBean(eager=true) A licationSco ed60

bank lookup3 xhtml

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"




<legend>Bank Customer Lookup</legend>


Customer ID:

<h:inputText value="#{bankingBean3.customerId}"/><br/>


<h:inputSecret value="#{bankingBean3.password}"/><br/>

<h:commandButton value="Show Current Balance"





Same as bank-lookup.xhtmlexcept for bean name and some minor changes to text.

BankingBean3 java

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 public class BankingBean3 extends BankingBeanBase {


 private CustomerLookupService service;

 public void setService(CustomerLookupService service) {

this.service = service;

} public String showBalance() {

if (!password.equals("secret")) {


}customer = service.findCustomer(customerId);

if (customer == null) {



There is now no explicit reference to the concrete class that

provides the lookup service. So, it is easier to change among testimplementations and real implementations without changing this

code. However, when you use annotations only, the bean name is

often tied closely to the bean name. The bean name need not be

the class name, but you still specify the name in the Java code.

So, it is not clear that the annotation-based way of doing

dependency injection is better than the JSF 1.x way of using


Even though you must put the @ManagedPropertybefore the

field (instance variable), the setter is what is called by JSF. If

the setter name does not match the field name, use

@ManagedProperty(name…, value…).

CustomerSimpleMap2 java

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 public class CustomerSimpleMap2

extends CustomerSimpleMap {



Since the lookup service is shared by all

instances of the banking bean, it is declared

application scoped. Since it might take some

time to initialize the Map, it is instantiated at

application load time via “eager”. You arerequired to have @ApplicationScoped if you

use eager=true.

The only reason for the subclass (instead of just putting the

annotations on CustomerSimpleMap) is so that I can use “eager” here

but not in previous example that used CustomerSimpleMap. Also note

that the lookup service is immutable (does not change), so we don’thave to worry about synchronizing access to it.

normal-balance3 xhtml

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"






<li>First name: #{bankingBean3.customer.firstName}</li>

<li>Last name: #{bankingBean3.customer.lastName}</li>

<li>ID: #{bankingBean3.customer.id}</li><li>Balance: $#{bankingBean3.customer.balanceNoSign}</li>



64Same as normal-balance.xhtmlexcept for bean name.negative-balance3.xhtml and high-balance3.xhtml are similar.

Results (Same Behavior as

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First Banking Example)







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Customized Java EE Training: http://courses.coreservlets.com/ 

Servlets, JSP, JSF 2.0, Java 6, Ajax, jQuery, GWT, Spring, Hibernate, RESTful Web Services, Android.Developed and taught by well-known author and developer. At public venues or onsite at  your location.


Common Beginner Problems

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Common Beginner Problems

• JSF tags appear to be ignored – You entered URL ending in blah.xhtml instead of blah.jsf 

• Error message about null source – You have XML syntax error in main page. For example:

• <h:commandButton action="…"> (instead of

<h:commandButton action="…"/> )• Note that Eclipse is moderately helpful in finding XMLsyntax errors

• Error message that view has expired

 – You went a very long time (e.g., during the lecture)without reloading the page or pressing a button.

 – Solution: copy the URL and paste it back into browser 


Highly Simplified

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JSF Flow of Control


submit formPOST request Blah.jsf  FindBean

returnvalue ChoosePage

Run ActionController Methodforward result1.xhtml



resultN .xhtml(Use


to display bean properties)

Run Setter 




Store results of business

logic in bean


Blah.xhtmlUses <h:commandBu tton …


and <h:inputText value="#{someBean.someProperty}" />

Bean getter methods are called


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• @ManagedBean – Bean name is class name with first letter in lower case

 – Give custom name with @ManagedBean(name="…")

• Mappings of results pages – By default, return values of action controller become base

names of results pages• Changing scope (request is default)

 – @SessionScoped, @ApplicationScoped 

• Sometimes use “eager” for application scoped data• Injecting one bean into property of another 

 – Put @ManagedProperty before a field 

 – You still need a setter method for that field 69

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Customized Java EE Training: http://courses.coreservlets.com/ 

Servlets, JSP, JSF 2.0, Java 6, Ajax, jQuery, GWT, Spring, Hibernate, RESTful Web Services, Android.Developed and taught by well-known author and developer. At public venues or onsite at  your location.
