03 - teixeira...coolhunters webcizenships 29072015 jadebteixeira 24 newwaystounderstandconsumers...

Innova&on to meet changing consumer needs J. André Teixeira, BSc, MSc, MBA, PhD Execu&ve Professor, Innova&on Antwerp Management School, University of Antwerp, Belgium Lorange Ins&tute of Business, Zurich, Switzerland 29072015 JAdeBTeixeira 1

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Innova&on  to  meet  changing  consumer  needs  

J.  André  Teixeira,  BSc,  MSc,  MBA,  PhD  Execu&ve  Professor,  Innova&on  

Antwerp  Management  School,  University  of  Antwerp,  Belgium  Lorange  Ins&tute  of  Business,  Zurich,  Switzerland  


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Five  Innova&on  Clichés  •  Think  out  of  the  box  

 •  Innova&on  is  a  must  

 •  Act  local,  think  global  

 •  Consumer-­‐led  innova&on  

 •  Follow  trends,  research  the  market  

29072015   JAdeBTeixeira   2  

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“Thinking  out  of  the  box”:  The  world’s  favourite  cliché  

JAdeBTeixeira   3  

2,  4,  8,  16,  32,  64,  128  


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JAdeBTeixeira   4  

   8,  5,  4,  9,  1,  7,  6,  3,  2  


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JAdeBTeixeira   5  

First  pre-­‐requisite  to  achieve  great  innova=on:    Avoid  fixedness  

Marilyn  Monroe’s  skirt  scene  

Einstein’s  tongue  

Peace  symbol  

Mickey  Mouse  profile  

Mercedes  logo  

Olympic  rings  

Eiffel  Tower  

Andy  Warhol’s  Che  Guevara  


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JAdeBTeixeira   6  

First  pre-­‐requisite  to  achieve  great  innova=on:    Avoid  fixedness  


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29072015   JAdeBTeixeira   8  

Nonsense  is  nonsense  only  when    we  have  not  yet  formed  

the  point  of  view  from  which  it  makes  sense  

 The  Dancing  Wu  Li  Masters:  An  Overview  of  the  New  Physics  

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Innova&on,  the  new  business  mantra  

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Innova&on,  the  new  business  mantra  

29072015   JAdeBTeixeira   10  

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The  other  mantra  is  “Global”  

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Can  innova&on  be  global  within  FMCGs?  

Some  food  for  thought  

There  is  no

 such  thing

 as  a  globa

l  consumer  

Huge  middle  classes  emerging  

Demographics  are  upside  down  Life  expe

ctancies  and  life  e

xpecta=ons  Habits  a

s  key  drivers  

29072015   JAdeBTeixeira   12  

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Consumers  are  essen&ally  local  

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Huge  middle  classes  emerging  

•  The  surge  of  an  Oriental  model  •  Globalized  Asian  product  profiles  •  GINI  coefficients  (wealth  distribu&on)  changing  rapidly  

•  Aspira&ons  becoming  more  domes&c  •  Fusion  is  the  name  of  the  game  

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Life  expectancy  and  life  expecta&ons  

%  Growth  1960-­‐2010  M/F  

Life  expectancy  2010  F  

Difference  to  Belgium  1960,  2010  F  

China   105.2   76.8   35.8,          5.9  

India   57.2   67.6   32.1,      15.1  

Brazil   31.9   76.0   16.7,          6.7  

Mexico   33.2   79.2   14.4,          3.5  

Turkey   43.0   74.2   21.3,          8.5  

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Life  expectancy,  expecta&ons  and  lifestyles  

•  If  you  were  50  in  1960  living  in  a  country  where  life  expectancy  was  60,  in  average  you  had  10  years  to  live.  

•  If  you  are  50  in  2015,  in  that  same  country  life  expectancy  is  now  80.  So,  you  have  in  average,  30  years  to  live.  

•  Deduct  20  (30  minus  10)  from  your  50  and  chances  are…  

•  Your  lifestyle  at  50  is  equivalent  to  that  of  a  30  year  old,  fihy  five  years  ago.  

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Demographics  reversed  

“Emerging”  markets?      Sales  in  China,  India,  Brazil:  #1,  2,  3  in  auto,  cell  phones,  toiletries,  etc.  

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Gender  blurring  

•  The  male    /  female  lines  are  being  progressively  erased  by  design  thinking  and  women’s  new  role  in  emerging  economies  

•  In  FMCGs,  this  tendency  is  most  remarkable  –  From  foods  for  “real  men  or  real  women”  to  foods  for  real  people  

–  Gender-­‐blind  fragrances  – Male  cosme&cs  

•  Fast  changes  in  role  playing  lead  to  a  new  legacy  being  built  

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Habit,  the  greatest  marke&ng  challenge  

"Become  your  customers’  habit  ...  not  their  choice.”              Neale  Mar=n  

             29072015   JAdeBTeixeira   19  

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Some  hypotheses  

•  Consumers  know  what  they  want.  They  do  not  know  what  they  will  want    

•  Social  mobility  brings  “scrimp  and  splurge”    

•  Func&on  follows  form  vs.  form  follows  func&on    

•  New  ways  to  understand  consumers    29072015   JAdeBTeixeira   20  

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Want  and  will  want  

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What  next?  

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“Scrimp  and  splurge”  

23  JAdeBTeixeira  

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Fast  track  innova&on  “Idea&on  Speed  Da&ng”©  S.I.T.  Consumer  engineering  “S&rring”  commimees  Mul&disciplinary  analysis  Foresight  labs  Habit  assessment  Mul&cultural  tools  Focus(ed)  groups:  

 Early  adopters    Opinion  formers    Trend  semers    Category  travelers  

Ethnographic  studies  Mnemonics  Rituals  Cloud  communi&es  Buzz  networks  Cool  hunters  Web  ci&zenships  

29072015   JAdeBTeixeira   24  

New  ways  to  understand  consumers  

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Emerging trend

Old News

User awareness 0  100  

Fireworks Bandwagon

Pre-obsolete Nostalgia

Users,  trends  and  NPD  

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Emerging trend

Old News

User awareness 0  100  

Fireworks Bandwagon

Pre-obsolete Nostalgia

Users,  trends  and  NPD  

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&&ve  Posi&on




 Not  differen


Price  Market   Premium  

Clients’  needs,  desire

s,  expecta&o





Extract  raw    materials  

Manufacture  goods  

Deliver  services  

Stage  experiences  Customiza=on  


The  economic  value  chain  of  goods,  services  and  experiences  

JAdeBTeixeira   27  

Emo=onal  iden=ty  and  Credibility  

29072015   JAdeBTeixeira   27  

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The  Paradigm  of  Innova=on  in  Consumer  Goods  involves  answers  to  4  ques=ons  


Innova=ve    Idea  





New  Users  

New  Benefits  

New  Channels/Geographies  

New  Occasions  

Answer  YES  to  one  or  more  of  these  ques=ons  and  you  will  probably  have  a    good  idea  

JAdeBTeixeira   28  29072015   JAdeBTeixeira   28  

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The  innova&on  paradox  

•  The  same  people  who  want  the  latest  gadget,  the  most  modern  technology,  the  best  medical  amen&on…….    

•  …..wish  everything  were  just  like  mother  nature  intended,  with  the  added  benefit  of:  

–   sustainability  –   ecological  balance  –   renewability  of  resources,  etc.  

JAdeBTeixeira  29   28-Nov-14 29072015   JAdeBTeixeira  

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The  food  innova&on  paradox  

•  The  same  folks  who  want  the  latest  

gadget,  the  most  modern  technology,  

the  best  medical  amen&on…….  


•  …..wish  their  food  tasted  just  like  

grandmother  made  it…  

–  and  very  few  grandmothers  were  

chemical  engineers…  

30 29072015   JAdeBTeixeira   30  

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Home  made  






y S



NWH * perception







*  NWH  :  Natural,  Wholesome,  Healthy  

31 29072015   JAdeBTeixeira  

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Mother  Nature’s  greatest  advantage  

32 29072015   JAdeBTeixeira  

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Consumer  expecta&ons  

•  “Natural”  driven  by  un-­‐natural  criteria  – Standard  dimensions  – Standard  colours  –  Instant  ripening  – Uniform  taste  and  smell  – Seasons  erased  

33  JAdeBTeixeira   28-Nov-14 29072015   JAdeBTeixeira  

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Consumer-­‐centricity  •  The  old  paradigm  was  a  one-­‐way  rela=onship:  Brands  

speaking  to  consumers  in  the  mainstream  media  was  the  voice.  The  new  paradigm  is  different;  it's  a  two-­‐way  rela=onship:  consumers  want  to  be  heard  and  the  brand  needs  to  respond  

•  Social  media  is  a  major  vehicle  •  Consumers  are  vo=ng  with  their  shopping  cart  for  brands  

that  demonstrate  that  they're  listening  to  the  poten=al  benefits  consumers  are  looking  for  in  products    

•  There's  recogni=on  that  if  a  brand  doesn't  evolve  to  address  consumer  needs,  they'll  be  lel  behind.  The  role  of  the  retailer  is  to  balance  their  needs  with  consumers  

•  Ingredients  are  a  major  concern  

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Consumer  Concerns  with  Food  Ingredients  

•  Three  types  of  concerns:  – Medically  driven  ingredient  concerns  (eg,  gluten-­‐free,  foods  for  people  with  diabetes)  

–  Ingredients  appropriate  for  specific  dietary  choices  and  lifestyles  (eg,  vegan,  kosher)  

–  Ingredients  that  represent  an  "absence  of  nega&ves"  (eg,  GMO  ingredients,  and  ar&ficial  sweeteners,  flavors,  and  preserva&ves)  

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Food  Science  and  Technology  •  The  ul&mate  value  adding  factor  in  the  economic  chain  of  foods  •  From  the  farm  to  the  plate  on  the  table,  many  areas  of  science  and  technology:  

–  Soil  Science  –  Meteorology  –  Plant  Science  –  Animal  Husbandry  –  Biotechnology  –  Agricultural  Engineering  –  Processing  Technology  –  Food  Engineering  –  Food  Science  and  Technology  (Chemistry,  Biochemistry,  Microbiology,  Physical  Chemistry,  etc...)  –  Nutri&on  –  Diete&cs  –  Sensory  Science  –  Anthropology  –  Social  Sciences  –  Neurobiology  –  Psychology  –  Home  Economics  –  Food  Law  

36 29072015   JAdeBTeixeira  

However,  the  science  and  technology  needed  to  feed,  sa&sfy  and  indulge  the    

world  popula&on  will  somehow  be  a  kind  of    “closet”  technology.  

So  far,  most  consumers  wanted  to  take  advantage  of  the  plen&ful  supplies,  the  safety,  the  variety  and  diversity  of  food  offerings,  

without  thinking  or  being  told  about  the  technology  behind  them.  

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&&ve  Posi&on




 Not  differen


Price  Market   Premium  

Clients’  needs,  desire

s,  expecta&o





Extract  raw    materials  

Manufacture  goods  

Deliver  services  

Stage  experiences  Customiza=on  


The  economic  value  chain  of  goods,  services  and  experiences  

JAdeBTeixeira   37  

Emo=onal  iden=ty  and  Credibility  

29072015   JAdeBTeixeira   37  

Transparency  from  the  

farm  to  the  dining  table  

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Food  Innova&on  

•  In  Food  innova&on,  the  consumer-­‐centric  approach  is  a  must  

•  Understanding  new  agendas  is  essen&al  

•  The  transparency  of  the  food  chain  is  cri&cal  

•  An&cipa&ng  trends  by  scanning  many  sources  

•  Example:  –  Emerging  food  trends:  

•  Whole  grains  becoming  the  new  normal  

•  African  heritage  cuisine  goes  mainstream  

•  Plant  foods,  old  and  new  •  Personalised  flavour  preferences  through  herbs  (Baharat,  Provence,  etc.)  

•  Cultural  condiments  (kimchi,  pickled  vegetables,  preserved  lemons,  etc.)  

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Major  predic&ons  affec&ng  Food  NPD  •  Moving  from:  

 •  Internal  R&D  

 •  Problem  solving  

 •  Compe==on  

 •  Teams  of  specialists  

 •  Disease  response  

 •  Unhealthy  but  convenient  

 •  Lab  science  

 •  Lifelong  employment  

 •  Recyclable  packaging  

 •  Breeding  and  cul=va=on  

 •  Measuring  taste  

 •  Acceptable  performance  (heart,  

diges=ve,  beauty,  etc.)    

•  Moving  towards:    

•  Networked  innova=on    

•  Dilemma  sensemaking    

•  Compe==on  and  coopera=on    

•  Transdisciplinary  individuals    

•  Beper  than  healthy    

•  Portable  and  nutri=ous    

•  Embedded  innova=on    

•  Serial  careers    

•  Smart  packaging    

•  Synthe=c  design    

•  Modeling  sensory  percep=on    

•  New  fron=ers  of  performance  (cogni=ve,  visual  acuity,  etc.)  

29072015   JAdeBTeixeira  

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Ea&ng  and  Believing  •  Shared  values:  Consumers  want  to  know  that  a  food  company  has  similar  values  related  to  issues  

such  as  sustainability  and  social  consciousness.  

•   Trust  and  ultra  transparency:  Consumers  want  to  trust  a  food  company,  which  is  proven  by  transparency  taken  to  even  greater  levels.  

•  Cleaner  and  clearer  food  labels:  Clean  food  labels  with  few  ingredients  are  in  demand,  but  consumers  want  these  labels  to  be  even  more  simple  and  clear.  

•  Third-­‐party  cer&fica&ons:  Consumers  want  proof  of  sustainability.  

•  Food  supply  chain  traceability:  People  want  to  know  where  food  ingredients  come  from,  down  to  the  specific  farm.  

•  Profit  to  be  associated  with  doing  good:  The  fastest-­‐growing  brands  are  linking  profits  made  by  customer  purchases  with  doing  good,  such  as  suppor&ng  a  village  or  dona&ng  items  to  low  socioeconomic  popula&ons.  

•  Grocery  store  chains  to  partner  with  them  in  promo&ng  health:  Consumers  want  to  know  that  their  grocery  store  is  on  their  side,  helping  them  achieve  their  total  health  goals.  

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Changing  Consumer  Needs  

Ea&ng  and  


Shared  values  

Trust  and  Ultra-­‐


Clearer  food  labels  

Third  party  cer=fica=ons  

Food  supply  chain  


Profit  associated  with  doing  


Grocery  stores  as  

promoters  of  health  

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US  Na&onal  Restaurant  Associa&on  trends  for  2015  (1300  chefs  surveyed)  

•  Among  the  top  100  food  trends  (those  which  at  least  50%  of  chefs  iden&fied  as  a  hot  trend),  whole  grains  placed  prominently  throughout  the  list:  

•  #4  Healthful  kids’  meals  •  #5  Natural  ingredients/minimally  processed  food    •  #11  Non-­‐wheat  noodles/pasta  •  #12  Gluten-­‐free  cuisine  •  #13  Ancient  grains  •  #14  Whole  grain  items  in  kids’  meals  •  #17  Nutri&on  •  #26  Non-­‐wheat  flour  (e.g.  millet,  barley,  rice)  •  #27  Simplicity/back  to  basics  •  #34  Quinoa  •  #39  Ethnic  Flour  (e.g.  teff)  •  #41  Nose-­‐to-­‐tail/root-­‐to-­‐stalk  cooking  (e.g.  using  en&re  animal/plant)  •  #46  Black/forbidden  rice  •  #80  Farro  •  #94  Asian  noodles  (e.g.  soba)  

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US  Na&onal  Restaurant  Associa&on  trends  for  2015  (1300  chefs  surveyed)  

•  New  to  the  list:  Focus  on  natural  ingredients  and  minimally  processed  food  (#5)    

•  Grain-­‐based  meal:    building  blocks  of  meatless/vegetarian  items  (#32)  and  ethnic  cuisine  (such  as  ethnic  inspired  breakfast  items,  #16,  or  ethnic  fusion  cuisine,  #61)  

•  One  unifying  theme  for  2015  is  grain  variety.  Indeed,  while  the  gluten-­‐free  fad  is  losing  some  of  its  steam  compared  to  previous  years  (-­‐7%)    

•  Chefs  are  including  other  ancient  grains  (such  as  naturally  gluten-­‐free  quinoa,  amaranth,  millet,  and  teff),  as  well  as  pasta  made  from  non-­‐wheat  sources,  such  as  brown  rice,  buckwheat,  or  quinoa    

•  Asian  noodles  (such  as  the  tradi&onal  soba  noodle,  made  from  whole  grain  buckwheat)  are  also  gaining  popularity  (+5%)  this  year  

•  Whole  grain  items  in  kid’s  meals  (the  most  popular  kids’  meal  trend  behind  healthful  kids  meals)  took  #14  in  the  top  20  food  trends,  placing  above  fruit/vegetable  kids’  side  items  (#19),  kids’  salads  (#43),  and  oven-­‐baked  items  in  kids’  meals  (#53)  

•  From  exo&c  ingredients  and  ethnic  flours,  to  the  classic  pantry  staples  (56%  named  oatmeal  as  a  perennial  favorite),  whole  grains  are  stepping  into  the  spotlight  in  2015  

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TRENDS  IN  FOOD  R&D  So,  how  is  R&D  coping?  

45 29072015   JAdeBTeixeira  

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Food  R&D  and  Innova&on  •  Seamless  integra&on  of  Agricultural  Sciences  with  Food  Science  and  


•  Technologies  consumers  do  not  know  they  will  want    

•  Availability,  Acceptability  and  Affordability    

•  Capitalizing  on  food  origin  (Australia,  a  great  “D.O.C.”)    

•  Consumer-­‐centric,  not  necessarily  consumer  driven    

•  Fact-­‐based  real  science    

•  Crusade  against  the  fact-­‐free  environments    

•  Alert  against  “pop  science”    29072015   JAdeBTeixeira   46  

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We  are  going  to  starve  to  death,  but  we  will  be  perfectly  “healthy”  

by  the  =me  we  die    

Food  is  like  love.  All  you  need  is  sanita=on,  varia=on  and  


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