02 implications of human population

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  • 8/14/2019 02 Implications of Human Population



    Implications of Human Population

  • 8/14/2019 02 Implications of Human Population


    Topics Covered Introduction

    Population & Environment

    History of Population Explosion Quality of Life

    Resource Availability

    Necessary Inputs for Improving Quality of Life

    Population Growth & Environmental Deterioration

    Concept of Environmental Management

    Agenda for Global Environmental Protection

    Environmental Management in a Socio-Economic Context

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    Introduction Biodiversity in Rain Forests Vs. Biodiversity in Polar


    Varying Food Habits in Different Regions

    Natural Ecosystems capable of MaintainingThemselves in a Stage of Dynamic EquilibriumUnless Disturbed by an External Factor

    Input is cyclic in the form of Renewable Resourcefor the Ecosystem

    Consumption of the Renewable Resource is theOutput.

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    Introduction This Concept of Balance is based on the Law of Conservation

    of Mass & Energy akin to 1st

    Law of Thermodynamics

    No Matter or Energy can be Produced but can be Convertedfrom One Form to Another.

    Resource I/p to the System Resource O/p from the System= Accumulation of the Resource

    E.g. Rainwater and its harvesting leading to Water


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    3rd Joint Conference of AmericanSociety of Civil Engineers

    Discussions on Interactive Relationships between the Population and Resourcesalong with Associated Management Requirements

    Concerns on Population Rise in Third World Countries

    Resources were scarce to meet their demands

    Focus on Minimal Level of Quality of Life Achievement Uniformly Throughout theWorld

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    Population & Environment

    Development Leads to Environmental Damage

    Growing Population Pressurizes Environmental Resources

    Environmental Damage can be Minimized through Advanced Planning and Careful Implementation

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  • 8/14/2019 02 Implications of Human Population


    History of Human PopulationExplosion

    Emergence of Improved Agricultural Practicesleading to Increased Produce

    Industrial Revolution after a Considerable TimeGap

    Advances in Medicine and Pharmacy leading to

    Better Disease Control

    Improved Life Expectancy

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    Quality of Life Adequate Diet in Quality & Quantity

    Easy Availability of Potable Water and Adequate Sanitation Facility

    Adequate Housing

    Availability of Continuous Generation of Economic Opportunities inProportion of Growing Population

    Adequate Medical Care

    Sufficient Social, Financial and Personal Security

    Daily Needs Conveniences

    Cultural & Recreational Opportunities

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    Resource Availability Air, Land and Ocean are Primary Resources

    Land and Ocean Require considerableEngineering & Technological Inputs to DeriveSecondary Resources from Them

    Land used for specific following requirements Forest Maintenance

    Production of Food

    Urban Development

    Industrial Plants, Timber Production, Mineral Extraction Wildlife Habitat

    Disposal of Waste residues

    Recreation of various types

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    Resource Availability

    Land tilling involves use of large amount of Capital,

    Labour, Fertilizer, Energy, Water, Transport & OtherRelated Resources

    Present Developments Largely Dependent on Non-Renewable Energy Resources

    Excessive Utilization of Such Resources Detrimental forEnvironment

    Solution is: Proper Resource Allocation

    More Sophisticated Planning

    Encompassing Social, Environmental and Economic Needs

    Multiple Use of Natural Resources

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    Necessary Inputs for ImprovingQuality of Life

    Population Growth Directly Impacts Economic Growth

    Inputs for Sustaining Economic Conditions: Physical Systems Necessary for Support of all Physiological &

    Industrial Activities E.g. Food, Space, Fresh Air, Clothing, Housing, Raw Materials, Fossil

    Fuels, Land, Fresh Water, Oceans and Forests

    Social Necessities E.g. Peace & Social Stability, Education, Employment, Steady

    Technological Progress

    Population Inversely Proportional to ResourceAvailability

    Mismanagement of Resources

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    Population Growth &Environmental Deterioration

    Mortality Rate Vs. Birth Rate

    Preservation Rate should be morethan Deterioration Rate

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    Concept of EnvironmentalManagement

    Problems of Unemployment, Inflation, Shortage of Energy, Globalization,

    Resource Crunch and Technology

    Production of Materials like New Polymers, Insecticides, Pesticides,Fluorocarbons etc.

    Domestic Waste a Damper

    Rural Sanitation & Rural upliftment

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    Objective of EM

    Management of Natural Resources Exploitation

    Pollution Control for Environmental Quality

    Maintenance of Ecological Balance Through Multiple Resource Use

    Preservation of Biodiversity

    Adoption of Cleaner Technology to Minimize Adverse Effects of Environment

    Formulation & Implementation of Environmental Regulation & Laws

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    Components of EM Efficient & Cost Effective Control Measures for Atmospheric, Aquatic and Land


    Adoption of Efficient, Cost Effective and Low Waste Generating ProductionTechnologies

    Implementation of Cleaner Technology of Production

    Adopting Recommended Tools for EM such as:

    Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

    Environmental Audits (EA)

    Environmental Management System (EMS)

    Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA)

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    Components of EM Environmental Promotional Measures for Awareness

    Training for Environment Through Schools, Colleges and other Institutes

    Control Measures for Population Growth

    Control for Over Consumption & Over Exploitation of Resources

    Efforts for Establishing Social Equity

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    EM in Socio-Economic Context Agenda 21 of the Rio-De-Janeiro Conference Elaborates on Specific

    Areas of Environments

    Reduction in Health Problems by avoiding food Media Contamination(E.g. Soft Drinks)

    Environmental Stress and Security problems Major Contributors to

    Social Conflicts

    Incorporating Environmental Planning in all National DevelopmentProgrammes

    Waste Minimization instead of Disposal

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    Contamination Problems with

    Specific Reference to Hazardous

    Waste A Problem of Process Industries like Metallurgical, Paper,Sugar, Textile, Pharmaceutical, Chemical, etc.

    Formulation of Good Waste Management Programme andPollution Abatement Strategies can help

    Greater Political Will Required

    Waste Reduction & Minimization Onsite

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    Essential Components of OnsiteWaste Minimization

    Waste Recycling

    Materials Recovery (Salvages)

    Waste Re-use

    Reduction at Source through Better Processes and Housekeeping

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    Pollution Abatement StrategiesA Basis for PEP

    Exploring Alternative Raw Materials (Fly Ash)

    Reuse and Recycle of Waste

    More Emphasis on Byproduct rather than Scrap in case ofChemicals

    Use of Cleaner Technologies and Waste Prevention Programmes

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    Ecological Regrouping ofIndustries

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    An Introduction to Environmental ManagementDr. A. S. Bal

    Environmental Studies Joseph Benny

    A Textbook of Environmental Studies ChatwalG.R. & Harish Sharma




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