01syntheticgastritisimagegenerationvialossfunction ... · diagnosis of gastritis/non-gastritis....

Instructions for use Title Synthetic Gastritis Image Generation via Loss Function-Based Conditional PGGAN Author(s) Togo, Ren; Ogawa, Takahiro; Haseyama, Miki Citation IEEE Access, 7, 87448-87457 https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2925863 Issue Date 2019-07-01 Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/75023 Rights(URL) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Type article File Information 01SyntheticGastritisImageGenerationViaLossFunction-basedConditionalPGGAN.pdf Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP

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Page 1: 01SyntheticGastritisImageGenerationViaLossFunction ... · diagnosis of gastritis/non-gastritis. Gastritis is a key factor for the onset of gastric cancer, and gastritis can be diag-nosedbygastricX-rayimages

Instructions for use

Title Synthetic Gastritis Image Generation via Loss Function-Based Conditional PGGAN

Author(s) Togo, Ren; Ogawa, Takahiro; Haseyama, Miki

Citation IEEE Access, 7, 87448-87457https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2925863

Issue Date 2019-07-01

Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/75023

Rights(URL) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

Type article

File Information 01SyntheticGastritisImageGenerationViaLossFunction-basedConditionalPGGAN.pdf

Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP

Page 2: 01SyntheticGastritisImageGenerationViaLossFunction ... · diagnosis of gastritis/non-gastritis. Gastritis is a key factor for the onset of gastric cancer, and gastritis can be diag-nosedbygastricX-rayimages

Received June 20, 2019, accepted June 27, 2019, date of publication July 1, 2019, date of current version July 17, 2019.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2925863

Synthetic Gastritis Image Generation via LossFunction-Based Conditional PGGANREN TOGO , (Member, IEEE), TAKAHIRO OGAWA , (Senior Member, IEEE),AND MIKI HASEYAMA , (Senior Member, IEEE)Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-0814, Japan

Corresponding author: Ren Togo ([email protected])

This work was supported in part by the JSPS KAKENHI under Grant JP17H01744 and Grant JP19J10821.

ABSTRACT In this paper, a novel synthetic gastritis image generation method based on a generativeadversarial network (GAN) model is presented. Sharing medical image data is a crucial issue for realizingdiagnostic supporting systems. However, it is still difficult for researchers to obtain medical image datasince the data include individual information. Recently proposed GAN models can learn the distribution oftraining images without seeing real image data, and individual information can be completely anonymizedby generated images. If generated images can be used as training images in medical image classification,promoting medical image analysis will become feasible. In this paper, we targeted gastritis, which is a riskfactor for gastric cancer and can be diagnosed by gastric X-ray images. Instead of collecting a large amount ofgastric X-ray image data, an image generation approach was adopted in our method. We newly propose lossfunction-based conditional progressive growing generative adversarial network (LC-PGGAN), a gastritisimage generation method that can be used for a gastritis classification problem. The LC-PGGAN graduallylearns the characteristics of gastritis in gastric X-ray images by adding new layers during the training step.Moreover, the LC-PGGAN employs loss function-based conditional adversarial learning so that generatedimages can be used as the gastritis classification task. We show that images generated by the LC-PGGANare effective for gastritis classification using gastric X-ray images and have clinical characteristics of thetarget symptom.

INDEX TERMS Generative adversarial network, anonymization, deep learning, data sharing, medical imageanalysis.

I. INTRODUCTIONWith the development of image recognition technologies,there have been expectations of their applications to clinicaldevices in the field of medicine [1]. Although recent machinelearning-based image recognition techniques have showngood prospects as diagnostic supporting systems [2], the use-fulness of these techniques is still limited. There have beenmany studies in which machine learning techniques wereapplied for world-renowned inspections (e.g., CT, MRI, andmammography; hereafter called major inspections) [3]–[5].In major inspections, well-equipped research environmentssuch as large-scale annotated medical image datasets havealready been established [6], [7], and we can easily accesssuch large-scale public clinical datasets containing dataobtained from all over the world [8]. However, there have

The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript andapproving it for publication was Sudhakar Radhakrishnan.

been few studies on regional inspections that are executedin a certain limited area (hereafter called minor inspections).In minor inspections, it is difficult to obtain high-qualityannotated clinical data since there are different types of imag-ing equipment, which affect the quality of images, in medi-cal facilities and the detailed annotation requires specialistknowledge. Moreover, new imaging methods have frequentlybeen developed for minor inspections and even if we canconstruct an annotated clinical dataset from such data, updat-ing training data becomes a fundamental function unlike thatfor established major inspections. It is necessary to preparea new dataset that is adapted to the new imaging methods.Hence, minor inspections suffer from a lack of high-qualityaccessible data, and data-driven approaches are needed toapply machine learning techniques.

Sharing data is one of the effective data-driven approachesthat can solve the problems of a lack of high-quality data andthe need to update training data [9]. However, preservation

87448 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. For more information, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ VOLUME 7, 2019

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of patient privacy should be the top priority in the processto share clinical information [10]. In the field of medicine,it has been considered that privacy information and con-venience of data have an inverse proportional relation, andthat is one of the challenging problems. Clinical image datainclude not only privacy information but also identifierssuch as social security number, gender, age, and occupation,and such data should be treated carefully. The possibilityof re-identification increases when amount of data becomessmall. Although the removal of identifiers has been per-formed for anonymization [11], attention has not been paidto anonymization of image data. In order to accelerate theuse of machine learning-based support for minor inspections,simplified approaches considering privacy prevention issuesare required.

In recent years, medical image generation methods thatenablemeaningful synthetic information to be generated haveattracted much attention [12], [13]. The wide availability ofsynthetic data may allow researchers to develop and vali-date more sophisticated image recognition techniques [14].Namely, since image generation methods learn the distri-bution of training data without referring to real images,anonymization of individual information can be realized [15].The use of synthetic data will contribute to image recognitiontasks for minor inspections that require sharing and updatingclinical data.

In this study, we targeted gastric X-ray images for thediagnosis of gastritis/non-gastritis. Gastritis is a key factorfor the onset of gastric cancer, and gastritis can be diag-nosed by gastric X-ray images [16], [17]. In some East Asiancountries including South Korea and Japan, which have thehighest gastric cancer mortality rates in the world, gastriccancer mass screening based on gastric X-ray inspectionshas been started [18]. Although gastric X-ray inspection is atraditional and important modality, it is still minor inspectioncompared to CT or MR inspections. Data-driven approachesare needed to introduce machine learning techniques in thefield of gastric cancer mass screening [19].

We propose LC-PGGAN, a Loss function-based Condi-tional Progressive Growing Generative Adversarial Network,in this paper. The proposed method learns the distribution ofthe target data and realizes image generation following thedistribution from a latent space. Therefore, generated syn-thetic images are not associated with individual patient imageinformation, and they can easily be used by researchers todevelop supporting systems. The LC-PGGAN consists of twonovel points. The first one is a progressive growing networkarchitecture. GANs easily fall into a mode of collapse inwhich all input noise vectors are mapped to the same outputimage, and optimization fails to make progress. We solvethis problem by making our networks progressively learnthe target distribution from low resolution to high resolution.The second novel point is loss function-based conditionaladversarial training. Typical conditional GANs try to generatelabel-domain images by using multiple networks and one-hotvector representation. Then a discriminator plays the role

of discrimination of conditional information in addition tothe task of real-fake discrimination. However, it becomesdifficult to implement stable training when the class domainclassification task is difficult. Inmedical images, there alwaysexist abnormal and normal samples, and their differences aresubtle. We have designed our method to control the condi-tional information based on adversarial loss functions, whichis the most efficient way for performing training. Namely,efficient training is realized by adding new loss functionsin the high resolution step. Although conventional one-hotvector representation approaches force the model to traina different domain classification task in the early trainingstage, our model does not have to perform such a difficulttask in the early stage. This contributes to the realization ofefficient training of the adversarial network. For improvinggastritis classification performance using anonymized gen-erated images, we mix images generated by LC-PGGANthat have conditional information and images generated byPGGAN that have rich diversity. The threemain contributionsof LC-PGGAN are summarized below:• Generating anonymized synthetic medical image data• Enabling stable training based on the progressive grow-ing network architecture

• Controlling conditional information based on the condi-tional loss function for efficient training

The rest of this paper is arranged as follows. We brieflyreview related works in Sec. II. In Sec. III, we show the detailsof our synthetic image generation approach. Experimentalresults are provided in Sec. IV. We conclude our paper inSec. V.

II. RELATED WORKSIn this section, we begin with an explanation of the basic con-cept of GANs in II-A, and we review more specific relevantworks on medical data synthesis in II-B.

A. GENERATIVE ADVERSARIAL NETWORKA GAN is an implicit generative model that competitivelylearns neural networks firstly proposed by Goodfellow et al.in 2014 [20]. A basic GAN consists of two neural networkmodels, a generative model G that learns the unseen trainingdata distribution and a discriminative model D that learns toclassify whether samples come from the training data distri-bution. When given the prior distribution of the latent vari-able z following the latent distribution pz(z), the generator Gtakes z as an input vector and outputs a sample G(z). On theother hand, the discriminator D takes a sample x as an inputand outputsD(x), which represents the probability that is realdata. Those two models are trained simultaneously with astochastic gradient descent (SGD) [21] algorithm, and theirtraining procedures can be seen as a two players’ mini-maxgame with the following objective function:



V (D,G) = Ex∼pdata(x)[logD(x)]

+Ez∼pz(z)[log(1− D(G(z)))], (1)

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where the discriminator D tries to maximize V (D,G), whilethe generator G tries to minimize it. In other words, the dis-criminator D distinguishes the images in x ∼ pdata from theones of G(z), while the generator G generates samples to foolthe discriminator D.

The concept of GANs has been applied to varioustasks. In conditional image generation, supervised andunsupervised domain transformations of images have beenexplored. For instance, pix2pix proposed by Isola et al.learns an image-to-image translation task using paired datasamples [22]. However, this approach requires a large numberof paired samples despite the difficulty of obtaining annotatedpaired samples. In order to address this problem, unpairedimage-to-image translation frameworks have been pro-posed by many researchers (e.g., UNIT [23], CoGAN [24],CycleGAN [25], and DiscoGAN [26]). Moreover, recentdomain classification-based GANs that control the charac-teristics of generated images by operating a latent distribu-tion have shown promising results [27]. When given a largedataset for the training that is easy to access, conventionalmethods have already achieved the generation of high-qualityimages.

B. DATA SYNTHESIS IN MEDICAL IMAGESIn medical image applications, preservation of patient privacyis the top priority, and this strict regulation makes accessingand collecting clinical data much more difficult than access-ing and collecting data for natural images. Data synthesisapproaches have recently been used to overcome this prob-lem. Noseong et al. proposed an anonymization techniquefor clinical table data using GANs, and their synthesizedtables can be shared without any concern about informationleakage [28]. The advantage of generating synthetic imagesby GANs is that the generated images can preserve only thecharacteristics of training data that are effective for imagerecognition tasks without having any individual information.In other words, there is no one-to-one relationship betweenreal images and synthetic images in a GAN-based approach,which makes it difficult to re-identify the anonymized infor-mation. Therefore, it can be considered that anonymizationusing generative models is a useful and safe approach forrealization of data sharing.

Even if we can access medical datasets, they are oftenhighly imbalanced with a paucity of data from rare con-ditions. Hojjat et al. tried to address this problem ofan imbalance by synthesized images in chest pathol-ogy classification [29]. They employed a Deep Convo-lutional GAN [30] architecture for generating syntheticchest X-ray images. The classification performance wasimproved with synthetic images for balancing the dataset,though the resolution of synthetic images was lowerthan that of real images. In image-to-image translationapproaches, Pedro et al. proposed a synthetic retinalimage generation method motivated by the above-mentionedassumption [14].

FIGURE 1. Examples of gastric X-ray images used in this study: (a) animage with gastritis and (b) an image without gastritis (non-gastritis).

III. PROPOSED IMAGE GENERATION METHODIn this section, a gastritis image generation method,Loss function-based Conditional Progressive Growing GAN(LC-PGGAN), is presented. Firstly, in Subsec. III-A,we explain the data production for gastritis image generationusing gastric X-ray images. In Subsec. III-B, the details ofour progressive growing network architecture are provided.Finally, we explain how to train our model in Subsec. III-C.

A. DATA PRODUCTIONIn this subsection, we propose an approach toward the realiza-tion of gastritis image generation using gastric X-ray imageswith consideration of clinical settings. Figure 1 shows exam-ples of gastric X-ray images used in this study: where (a) isa sample with gastritis and (b) is a sample without gastri-tis (hereafter called non-gastritis). A stomach with gastritishas coarse mucosal surface patterns and non-straight folds,whereas a stomach without gastritis has uniform mucosalsurface patterns and straight folds. Gastric X-ray imageshave a high resolution (e.g., 1, 024 × 1, 024 or 2, 048 ×2, 048 pixels), for which computational costs are high. Inour previous investigation, we found that a patch-divisionis the best approach for the gastritis classification problemusing gastric X-ray images since the differences betweengastritis and non-gastritis images are in local regions of theimages [31]–[33]. If we use resized gastric X-ray images forgastritis classification, extracted image features cannot showthe characteristics of gastritis/non-gastritis. Therefore, we usedivided patch images for the generation of synthetic imagesin the same manner as that in our previous works.

Firstly, we divide gastric X-ray images into multiplepatches. Let Fi(i = 1, 2, . . . , I ) ∈ Rd×d denote gastric X-rayimages for the image generation, where I is the number oftraining images, and their class labels are denoted as yi ∈{1,−1}. Specifically, Fi is divided into H × W patches (Hand W being the numbers of patches in the vertical direc-tion and horizontal direction, respectively), and we defineX (h,w)i ∈ Rd×d (h = 1, 2, . . . ,H ;w = 1, 2, . . . ,W ) which

represent patches extracted from Fi. Next, we classify thedivided patches X (h,w)

i into the following three kinds of data:• A: data including gastritis patches,

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FIGURE 2. Examples of extracted patches (299 × 299 pixels).

FIGURE 3. Details of the architecture of the progressive growing network. According to the training progression, new layers areadded.

• N : data including non-gastritis patches,• O: patches from outside the stomach.

It should be noted that the region annotation of the stomachin this study was defined manually by a radiological technol-ogist since the accuracy of automated stomach region esti-mation methods for gastric X-ray images is still insufficientfor clinical use [34]. Image level labels are assigned for eachgastric X-ray image, and divided patchesX (h,w)

i have the samelabel of Fi. Examples of extracted patches (299×299 pixels)are shown in Fig. 2. The datasets A, N and O are used forthe following adversarial training procedure.

B. PROGRESSIVE GROWING NETWORK ARCHITECTUREIt is necessary to detect the fine differences between abnor-mal and normal characteristics when trying to generate

synthetic gastritis/non-gastritis images for a classificationtask. However, abnormal (gastritis) characteristics in a gastricX-ray image are often only subtly different from normal(non-gastritis) characteristics in gastric X-ray images and aredifficult to understand. In order to detect the subtle differ-ences between abnormal and normal images, we employ aprogressive growing network architecture motivated by Pro-gressive Growing GAN (PGGAN) [35]. PGGAN is a repre-sentative generative model in high-quality image generationtasks. PGGAN’s training starts with low resolution images,and then progressively increases the resolution by adding newlayers to the generator and the discriminator. The architectureof PGGAN is shown in Fig. 3. In order to stabilize the trainingprocesses, some chips (e.g., mini-batch standard deviation,equalized learning rate, and pixel-wise feature vector normal-ization) are introduced into PGGAN. Employing PGGAN’s

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FIGURE 4. Overview of the proposed method. In the low resolution step, a PGGAN-based learning strategy is employed, and in the highresolution step, the conditional adversarial learning is employed.

learning process enables our networks to detect the charac-teristics of symptoms from coarse to fine.

In LC-PGGAN, we train our networks with a low spa-tial resolution of 4 × 4 pixels. The details of our networkarchitecture are shown in Fig. 4. In the low resolution step,LC-PGGAN learns the broad outlines of training images.As the training advances, layers are incrementally added tothe generator and the discriminator to reach the high reso-lution images. In the high resolution step, our LC-PGGANlearns the detailed regions of training images. By adopt-ing these progressive training procedures, the generator canlearn the characteristics of gastritis/non-gastritis shown inthe training images. Conditional information is also addedto generated synthetic images in the high resolution step,and this is another novel point of the proposed method.The conditional adversarial learning is explained in detail inSubsec. III-C.

C. LOSS FUNCTION-BASED CONDITIONAL ADVERSARIALLEARNINGIn training for a typical GAN, a generator learns only asingle training distribution. There always exist two pairs ofgastritis and non-gastritis images in gastric X-ray inspection.By utilizing this property, generation of synthetic gastritisimages can be realized, thus contributing to the improvementof gastritis classification performance.

Let a generator G and a discriminator D have parametersθG and θD, respectively. LC-PGGAN utilizes three data dis-tributions, A, N and O, to consider the above-mentionedsituations. Then let xa, xn, and xo denote mini-batches ofA, N , and O, respectively. Note that the method for thefollowing image generation is a method that tries to generate‘‘gastritis’’ images. Generation of ‘‘non-gastritis’’ images canbe realized by simply replacing the feeding data A with N .

At the beginning of the training in the low resolution step,the objective function JD,G of LC-PGGAN is

JD,G(θD, θG) = LA + LG, (2)

where the loss function LA is defined as:

LA = −Exa∼αxa [logD(xa)], (3)

where αxa represents the prior distribution ofA and xa repre-sents the mini-batch ofA. If the discriminatorD can correctlyclassify xa as real images, D(xa) becomes larger, namely,LA becomes smaller. Next, the loss function LG(z) is definedas:

LG = −Ez∼αz [log(1− D(G(z)))], (4)

where a synthetic image G(z) is generated by feeding a noisevector z that is sampled from a latent distribution αz to thegenerator G. The generator G tries to fool the discriminatorD, and LG(z) becomes larger when G(z) passes through thediscriminator D. We minimize Eq. (2) by optimizing the twoloss functions LA and LG simultaneously.

In this way, we feed the data A as training images to thediscriminator D, and the generator G learns the outline ofgastritis images in the low resolution step. However, somegenerated synthetic images are still not effective as trainingdata for the classification problem since the generator Glearns only a one-class data distribution. To generate morehigh-quality synthetic gastritis images for enhancing the gas-tritis classification performance, we feed other data distribu-tions to our adversarial learning, and update our objectivefunction in the high resolution step. In the high resolution step(the 256×256 pixels resolution step), we update our objectivefunction as follows:

JD,G(θD, θG) = LA + LG + λ(LN + LO), (5)

where λ represents a weight coefficient, and λ is a constantused during the high resolution training step. Note that theloss function LN is

LN = −Exn∼αxn [log(1− D(xn))], (6)

where αxn represents the prior distribution of the data N . Inthe same manner as LN , the loss function LO is

LO = −Exo∼αxo [log(1− D(xo))], (7)

where αxo represents the prior distribution of the dataO. Theloss functionsLN andLO provide conditional information tothe generatorG and the discriminatorD. Specifically, the dis-criminatorD should judge a generated ‘‘gastritis’’ imageG(z)

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as a fake image, but ‘‘non-gastritis’’ and ‘‘outside’’ imagesare judged as fake images by the updated loss function JD,G.The introduction of constraints on our objective functionaffects the training of the generator G. In the low resolutionstep, the generator G focuses on detecting only the outlineof the ‘‘gastritis’’ distribution. On the other hand, in the highresolution step, the generatorG has to generate more realistic‘‘gastritis’’ samples since samples similar to ‘‘non-gastritis’’and ‘‘outside’’ samples are rejected by the trained discrimi-natorD. Consequently, the generation of ‘‘abnormal’’ imagesfor gastritis classification can be realized.

By the training procedures of the progressive growingnetwork architecture and loss function-based conditionaladversarial learning of our LC-PGGAN, our generator canproduce images that have conditional information. Althoughimages generated by LC-PGGAN have conditional informa-tion for gastritis classification, a variety of training data isalso an essential element in the classification task. Therefore,wemix the images generated by PGGAN that have rich diver-sity and the images generated by LC-PGGAN that have con-ditional information for training of the gastritis classificationmodel.

The most important aspect is that images generated byLC-PGGAN do not have one-to-one correspondence to realimages. One of the bottlenecks of medical image analysis isthat medical images should be treated with high confiden-tially. This problem must be solved to accelerate research onmedical image analysis, particularly for minor inspections.Images generated by LC-PGGAN can contribute to a solutionof this challenging problem since it can be used as data thatdo not include individual information.

IV. EXPERIMENTIn this section, we quantitatively and qualitatively evaluatesynthetic images generated by LC-PGGAN. Experimentalsettings are shown in Subsec. IV-A, and quantitative andqualitative evaluation results are shown in Subsec. IV-B.

A. EXPERIMENTAL SETTINGSAs clinical data, 815 (240 gastritis and 575 non-gastritis)patients’ gastric X-ray images were used. The ground truthof gastritis/non-gastritis was determined by endoscopic andX-ray image interpretation results with double-checkingby clinicians. Gastric X-ray images were gray-scale and2,048 × 2,048 pixels, and they were divided into multiplepatches of 299× 299 pixels with a sliding interval of 50 pix-els. The sizes of the patches were experimentally determined.In the image generation procedure, these patches were resizedfor training. We randomly selected 100 gastritis and 100 non-gastritis gastric X-ray images from our original data, andwe constructed our training data for image generation. Inother words, 200 gastric X-ray images were allocated astraining data. The numbers of divided training patches ofthe data A, N and O were 45,127, 42,785 and 48,385,respectively. Synthetic image generation was implementedusing data forA,N andO. The remaining 615 X-ray images

were allocated to test data. Test data were also divided intomultiple patches in the same manner as that for training data,namely, 1,225 patches were extracted from each test gastricX-ray image. Estimated labels of gastritis/non-gastritis weredetermined for each patch, and the final image level estima-tion result was determined by the simplest majority votingmethod.

Many evaluation metrics such as Inception score [36],Fréchet Inception distance (FID) [37], and SlicedWassersteindistance (SWD) [35] have been proposed for evaluation ofthe quality of generated images. However, these metrics arenot suitable for the evaluation of images for classificationproblems. A classification-based metric, known as GAN-train, for the evaluation of generated images was proposedby Shmelkov et al. in 2018 [38]. GAN-train evaluates theclassification performance of a classifier trained on generatedsynthetic images and tests the performance on a set of realimages. If an optimal GAN model that perfectly captures thetarget distribution can generate a set of images, they are indis-tinguishable from the original training set. Assuming this sethas the potential of the same classification performance inGAN-train. Since anonymized generated images were usedfor gastritis classification in our study, we used GAN-train asour evaluation index.

In the experiment, the support vector machine (SVM) [39]was used as an estimator for the gastritis classification taskin GAN-train. In terms of gastritis classification accuracy,a deep learning-based estimator is the first choice. However,such an estimator has many parameters and the classifi-cation performance heavily relies on the settings of theparameters. Therefore, we employed the simplest SVM asour estimator to fairly evaluate the effectiveness of gener-ated images. The types of features also affect the classifica-tion performance. Hand-crafted features are an old-fashionedapproach, and we therefore extracted high-level semanticfeatures from pre-trained deep models, namely, pre-trainedVGG-16 [40], Inception-v3 [41] and, ResNet-50 [42] mod-els, in the experiment. Specifically, 4,096-dimensional fea-tures were extracted from the fully connected layer (fc_7)of VGG-16, and 2,048-dimensional features were extractedfrom the pool_3 layer of Inception-3 and the flatten layerof ResNet-50, respectively. The features of generated andreal images that were obtained were used for the SVM-basedevaluation.

As comparative methods, synthetic images generatedby an original PGGAN and a basic deep convolutionalGAN (DCGAN) [30] were used. In this GAN-train exper-iment, we generated 10,000 patches from latent distribu-tions through learned image generation models. From thisset, we randomly sampled 5,000 generated positive/negativepatches and constructed GAN-train data. Note that the SVMtraining data ‘‘LC-PGGAN + PGGAN’’ is constructed byrandomly sampled from 20,000 (10,000 from LC-PGGANand 10,000 from PGGAN) patches. Sensitivity (Sen), speci-ficity (Spe), and harmonic mean of Sen and Spe (HM) wereutilized for the evaluation. These criteria can be defined as

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FIGURE 5. Examples of patches generated by LC-PGGAN.

TABLE 1. Classification performance of LC-PGGAN and the comparativemethods with VGG-16 features.


Sen =TP

TP+ FN, (8)

Spe =TN

TN + FP, (9)

HM =2× Sen× SpeSen+ Spe

, (10)

where TP, TN, FP and FN are the numbers of true positivesamples, true negative samples, false positive samples andfalse negative samples, respectively.

In the experiment, it took one week to train our net-works with two NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080Ti GPUs. Themini-batch size of LC-PGGAN and PGGAN was changeddepending on the available memory budget (4× 4: 32, 8× 8:32, 16× 16: 16, 64× 64: 16, 128× 128: 16, and 256× 256:8). In the comparative methods, PGGAN was trained withthe above two GPUs, and DCGAN was trained with a singleNVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080Ti GPU.

B. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe goal of our method is the generation of realistic syntheticimages for sharing and updating clinical data easily. It isexpected that anonymized synthetic data will be as effectiveas real data for classification problems.We compared the gas-tritis classification performance using synthetic data as quan-titative evaluation. Results of the classification performancein GAN-train are shown in Tables 1-3. From the results,

TABLE 2. Classification performance of LC-PGGAN and the comparativemethods with Inception-v3 features.

TABLE 3. Classification performance of LC-PGGAN and the comparativemethods with ResNet-50 features.

we can see that LC-PGGAN outperformed the comparativemethods in gastritis classification performance despite thefact that the performance does not outperform when realimages were used as training data. Although PGGAN showeda certain level of classification performance, its performancewas not as high as the performance of LC-PGGAN. More-over, collaborative use of LC-PGGAN and PGGAN showedthe best performance in Inception-v3 and ResNet-50 features.On the other hand, we can see that the model trained ongenerated images by DCGAN cannot correctly classify realdata. Overall, we confirmed that the progressive growingnetwork architecture is effective for detecting the real datadistribution since DCGAN does not have such a networkarchitecture.

Next, we discuss the visual quality of the generated images.Generated patch samples are shown in Figs. 5-7. Each fig-ure includes generated gastritis and non-gastritis sample

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FIGURE 6. Examples of patches generated by PGGAN.

FIGURE 7. Examples of patches generated by DCGAN.

patches. As shown in Fig. 2, characteristics of gastritis arecoarse mucosal surface patterns and non-straight folds, andthose of non-gastritis are uniform mucosal surface patternsand straight folds. We can see that the images generated byLC-PGGAN can correctly detect these characteristics. In par-ticular, we can see that the images generated by LC-PGGAN(in Fig. 5) have more specific characteristics of gastritis/non-gastritis. Also, the images generated by PGGAN (in Fig. 6)have the same characteristics as those of real data. In addition,we can see that generated images have wide varieties. Thismay contribute to the improvement in gastritis classificationperformance. On the other hand, the images generated byDCGAN (in Fig. 7) have some noise.Generally, GANs easily face the mode collapse problem

caused by the meshing of the training progress of a generatorand a discriminator. If mode collapse occurs, the learned gen-erator produces only similar images. In the proposed method,we updated our loss function JD,G to JD,G during the training.Despite this regularization, LC-PGGAN achieved successfulgeneration of high-quality synthetic images.

This study has some limitations. The classification per-formance of real gastritis/non-gastritis images in this studyis not of a sufficient level for clinical applications. In the

experiment, instead of using deep neural networks thatrequire complicated parameter tuning processes, we used thesimplest SVM models as our estimator since we focused onthe evaluation of the quality of generated images. We havealready achieved high classification performance using realimages based on deep learning [33], and this attempt usingsynthetic images is the next step for data sharing.

V. CONCLUSIONWe have presented a synthetic gastritis image generationmethod with progressive growing adversarial learning, whichis a novel high-quality image generation method for real-izing sharing and updating of clinical data for machinelearning techniques more easily. Besides the fact that ouranonymized generated images were useful for gastritis clas-sification, we confirmed our these images had characteristicsof gastritis/non-gastritis like real data.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors would like thank Katsuhiro Mabe of the Hako-date National Hospital and Nobutake Yamamichi of TheUniversity of Tokyo. Data obtained from The University ofTokyo Hospital in Japan were used.

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REN TOGO (S’16–M’19) received the B.S. degreein health sciences from Hokkaido University,Japan, in 2015, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degreesfrom the Graduate School of Information Sci-ence and Technology, Hokkaido University, Japan,in 2017 and 2019, respectively. He is also Radio-logical Technologist. His research interest includesmachine learning and its applications.

TAKAHIRO OGAWA (S’03–M’08–SM’18)received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees inelectronics and information engineering fromHokkaido University, Japan, in 2003, 2005, and2007, respectively, where he is currently an Asso-ciate Professor with the Faculty of InformationScience and Technology. His research interestincludes multimedia signal processing and itsapplications. He has been an Associate Editor ofthe ITE Transactions on Media Technology and

Applications. He is a member of the EURASIP, IEICE, and Institute of ImageInformation and Television Engineers.

MIKI HASEYAMA (S’88–M’91–SM’06) receivedthe B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electronicsfrom Hokkaido University, Japan, in 1986, 1988,and 1993, respectively. She joined the GraduateSchool of Information Science and Technology,Hokkaido University, as an Associate Professor,in 1994, where she is currently a Professor with theFaculty of Information Science and Technology.She was a Visiting Associate Professor withWash-ington University, USA, from 1995 to 1996. Her

research interests include image and video processing and its developmentinto semantic analysis. She is a member of the IEICE, ITE, and the Infor-mation Processing Society of Japan IPSJ. She has been the Vice-Presidentof the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, Japan (ITE).She has been the Editor-in-Chief of the ITE Transactions on Media Tech-nology and Applications. She has also been the Director of the InternationalCoordination and Publicity of The Institute of Electronics, Information, andCommunication Engineers (IEICE).

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