011a - other notions and fundamental principles of the ordine gesÙ redentore (jesus redeemer order)...

Elaborate N°2 OTHER NOTIONS AND FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF THE ORDINE GESÙ REDENTORE (JESUS REDEEMER ORDER) FOR THE EVANGELIZATION OF THE WORLD 1 : Summary - As for the Lord God, One and Trine Page 1 - As for the God Whole-One-Absolute, the Absolute Conscience and the man 3 - As for Jesus Redeemer " 6 - As for the Archangels and to the Angels " 10 - As for the Holy Writings " 11 - As for the Blessed Virgo Mary, Our Lady " 12 - As for the Divine Spark or Drop in the man " 13 - As for the Conscience or Soul, to the feelings and the heart of the man " 14 - As for the man's mind " 14 - As for the man's thought " 17 - As for the evolution and to the Conscience or Soul of the man " 20 - As for the silence and to the meditation " 20 - As for the duality Good – Evil " 21 - As for the Religions " 23 - As for Lucifer – Satan and his Devils " 24 - As for the life conceived by God for the existence of the Beings in the worlds of the Matter " 26 - As for the liberty of choice, for the free will and for the consequences of ours actions " 31 - As for the Heaven or Paradise and the Hell 34 - As for the Day of the Judgment and to the Resurrection of the Flesh " 35 - As for the manifold incarnations of the man (the Reincarnation) " 36 - As for the Justice and to the Peace " 37 AS FOR THE GENTLEMAN GOD: HE IS ONE AND TRINE 2 : 1 Complement to the paragraphs N°1and 3 of the Articles of partnership of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) 2 Vangelo di Giovanni chapters 14-17 ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-45, Armenia 1

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Elaborate N°2




- As for the Lord God, One and Trine Page 1

- As for the God Whole-One-Absolute, the Absolute Conscience and the man “ 3

- As for Jesus Redeemer " 6

- As for the Archangels and to the Angels " 10

- As for the Holy Writings " 11

- As for the Blessed Virgo Mary, Our Lady " 12

- As for the Divine Spark or Drop in the man " 13

- As for the Conscience or Soul, to the feelings and the heart of the man " 14

- As for the man's mind " 14

- As for the man's thought " 17

- As for the evolution and to the Conscience or Soul of the man " 20

- As for the silence and to the meditation " 20

- As for the duality Good – Evil " 21

- As for the Religions " 23

- As for Lucifer – Satan and his Devils " 24

- As for the life conceived by God for the existence of the Beings in the worlds

of the Matter " 26

- As for the liberty of choice, for the free will and for the consequences of ours

actions " 31

- As for the Heaven or Paradise and the Hell “ 34

- As for the Day of the Judgment and to the Resurrection of the Flesh " 35

- As for the manifold incarnations of the man (the Reincarnation) " 36

- As for the Justice and to the Peace " 37


1 Complement to the paragraphs N°1and 3 of the Articles of partnership of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order)2 Vangelo di Giovanni chapters 14-17 ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-45, Armenia



1. The Lord God exists, but the men don't see because you/he/she is a Spirit 3 ;

nevertheless, who looks for him/it it finds him/it with certainty; in fact, God said: “….Everything you

experiments it conducts you to me, because I am your destiny 4 ".

"I appear hidden to your eyes yet I am manifest to whom wants to find me…” .

In spite of this the Tall one manifested the Father, the Mother Holy Spirit 5 and the son Jesus to

become visible and comprehensible to the men 6 . All of this that exists has been thought and

realized in itself by God, included men because He is absolute 7 ; the Lord God is Spirit and

sustains all of this that He has manifested in Himself; therefore there is no place or individual

where He is not. The I AM is also within us 8 , but we must look for Him and then we will also find

the Kingdom of the Skies 9 . The intimate Nature of God is Love 10 and therefore the Alliance and

the Salvation of which they speak the Religions belong to the absolute Reality and to our Reality;

then the eternal life in the Kingdom of the Skies is assured to all those people who they live the

Gospels, with all the heart, the mind and the soul, even though with the human limits. The rest

makes it God, as Jesus told the disciples, when they understood difficult how much difficult was to

be saved 11 . The Salvation is also gotten for the active participation of man 12 because as Saint

Augustine said " He who has created you without you it won't save you without you ". Salvation is

at the same time a Divine gift. To the Kingdom of God it will enter for worth of the Redemption

operated by Jesus the Son of God 13 , that improved to this purpose and it completed the Sacred

Writings of all the Religions with His evangelical Doctrine and He ransomed us with the offer of His

body and His blood, that Eucharist 14 became. Jesus spoke to us of a Celestial Father good and

just . The Christ rescue us one for one, as soon as the Father entrusts us to Him 15 ; The

Evangelization is gotten for Christ, with Christ and in Christ, of which all the men can become

friends, to whatever ethnic group or religion they belong 16 ;

2. Some Religions teach that the Lord God is endless, almighty and omniscient. If it is

endless it means that it doesn't have limits of any kind and that neither matter or beings can be

separate from Him, otherwise he could not be endless. Actually, if it existed also one only grain of

sand outside of Him, He would be limited from this existence. The Tall one - not having limits - and

3 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 28th , Amrita4 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 2665 Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, page 101, Macroedizioni6 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 40, Armenia7 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 71 (Dio), Mediterranee8 Deuteronomio 30, 11-14 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 23rd , March 28th and July 17th , Amrita 9 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated June 1st , Amrita10 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee11 Vangelo di Matteo 19, 23-2612 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 30th and August 29th , Amrita13 Isaia 42, 1-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 3, 17 and 17, 4-8 ; Vangelo di Giovanni 10, 14-18 ; Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40 and 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli14 Vangelo di Marco 14, 22-2615 Vangelo di Giovanni 17, 6-19 16 Vangelo di Giovanni 10, 14-16 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161, Mediterranee



possessing that endless love, that extraordinary mind and creative strength and the powers and

the will to realize them - He has shown to be almighty and omniscient. From these only qualities,

with which it is not wanted to define Him not to limit Him, any man of our epoch ( End of the second

Millennium and beginnings of the third ), looking about in some book of science, he/she can

imagine, with his/her small intelligence, how much perfection He can have, and as the intelligence

of the Creator can be vast, and how much His creativeness is incomparable as it is it the Beauty of

the Nature. It derives of it that this man of the twenty-first century that writes, also at the light of the

discoveries of the Science, he can conclude that the Celestial Father is really the God Absolute,

that is also Mother 17 , as they teach some Religions, and that therefore He is also perfect;

3. If God is Absolute as me I firmly believe, then also the very Holy Trinity must be seen in

the optics of an Only transcendent God, present in the heart of every of us 18 . It derives of it that

the Father, the Mother and the Son Jesus are manifestations of the sole God 19 ; the Mr. God has

made such demonstrations to become visible and comprehensible to the men 20 . Of the Celestial

Father they speak to us the Lord Jesus in the Gospels and the Old Testament; of God-Mother Holy

Spirit they speak to us the Lord Jesus 21 and the prophet Isaiah 22 . The Great Mother Holy Spirit

appeared to Melania and Massimino, two little shepherds, on September 19,1846, at La Salette, in

France 23 . Such Apparition has amiss been attributed to Our Lady Mary. Every one can realize it

reading the discourse of the Beautiful Lady, as they called Her the two little Shepherds. To a

mystical that meditated on the Very Holy Trinity, because he didn't succeed in understanding It it

has been shown a hatstand with three hats similar to a bowler hat, as a demonstration that the

Father, the Mother Holy Spirit and the Son Jesus are Manifestations of the sole God that manifests

Him to us at His choice as Father as Mother or as Son 24 .



How we do to reconcile the existence of the Absolute One with our existence? We would

not know it, if the celestial Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 had not explained it, speaking to us

of the virtual shattering of the Feeling of God in the Feelings of the beings, speaking to us of the

One in the many and of the Feeling of conscience, divided in unity of Feelings 27 .

17 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee18 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated August 30th , September 4th and November 24th , Amrita 19 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-4520 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 40, Armenia21 Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 101-105, Macroedizioni22 Isaia 49, 15 and 66, 12-1323 Giuseppe Barbero, La Vergine a La Salette, page 18 and next, San Paolo24 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-45 (Dio: Unità o Trinità), Armenia25 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dai mondi invisibili, pages 211-242 (L’Assoluto), Mediterranee26 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 63 (Coscienza Assoluta), Mediterranee 27 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 257-263 (I diversi sentire), Mediterranee



The shattering of the One in the Many consists in the "….it is this circumscriber oneself of

the Feeling One in unity of feelings which gives the illusion of something that stays in a precise

point of the time, but it is not so… ". These unity of “to feel“ originate from a situation or preceding

occurrence and they flow in a following occurrence, in the man's intimate 28 during its existences in

the worlds of the Matter (the physicist, the astral one and the mental one 29 ).

In the Divine Plan, in the absolute Reality, instead, nothing passes, because everything is

immovable, felt forever an only time in an eternal instant 30 . This shattering of feelings can be

understood for analogy with the thought: the man can think to one person at a time, for instance,

while God, has only instead all of His children present in an eternal instant 31 . The feelings of men

instead is a sequence of so many different feelings 32 . This shattering of the divine feeling can be

understood for analogy with the thought: the man can think to one thing at a time, maximum to two

when he/she knows well one of it, for instance by heart, while God can contemporarily think about

all; besides the Lord has present contemporarily all His children, while we see only those near us33. But the explanation that reconciles the one existence, that is Absolute 34 , with the existence of

the many ones it has been given by the Lord God same, when He has answered to this question:

Who are you?:

" I am Spirit and Matter and nothing of everything this. I am male and female and nothing of

everything this. I am not even a self, because in Me doesn't exist, distinction separation, limitation:

actually I include the Whole ...To exist is to feel to exist. I AM the absolute existence. Therefore to

feel to exist is to feel Me…. So I AM the substance that constitutes you and the Spirit that animates

yourself, since you are in Me and I AM in you, my child….I make part of Myself every being and to

everyone I give Myself without reservations me, up to the point that every distinction you and I,

every separation, is alone deceptive, and they are that much necessary to make you exist, to give

the Absolute Conscience to the being. This I AM 35 ".

But to make to become the man a saint the road is very long: our Divine Spark must be

embodied on the Earth a lot of times in different human beings among them and having always

great degrees of Mind and of Spirit 36 . These existences on the Earth and in the three other worlds

of the Cosmos 37 have an overall middle duration of over fifty thousands years 38 . Up to a point of

28 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 122 (Frantumazione dell’Uno nei molti”, Mediterranee29 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 217-221 (Piani o mondi akasico, astrale, fisico, e mentale), Mediterranee30 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 103-104 (Eterno Presente), Mediterranee31 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 22nd , Amrita32 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 259 ( Il sentire), Mediterranee33 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 22nd, Armenia 34 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 33-34 (Assoluto), Mediterranee35 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee36 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 209 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee37 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee38 Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, page 185, Mediterranee



the human life, if we want to progress in our spiritual path toward our sublime destiny, we must love

God really and to put Him at the first place in our life 39 .

God's explanation, Absolute Conscience, founds itself upon the feeling to be All-one and

therefore the feeling beyond the separation and of the sequencing; that is a Conscience not

conditioned by the time and by the space and that it contains the All-One 40 .

In God it will be found the beatitude that they feel the saints. Nevertheless, there is no need

to become holy to enjoy a little of happiness or at least of internal peace. There is no need to

become holy for not to feel more involved in the confusion and in the hurry to do or to achieve this

or that, if it is understood that we are not alone, that Someone loves us, and that this Someone is

within us and with us, always. Anyway the man might be, the Lord accepts us as we are, also when

we keeps on being wrong, especially if we are busy in to try to be useful to the others, to the

service of God, not to earn something on the Earth or in the Life after Death, but for the pleasure to

do it.

When we don't look for anything and we don't have need anymore that of the necessary

one, when we are happier for what it is had; when they don't interest us anymore the things that

the publicity wants to induce us to buy it, when in the other one you see a friend, then you feel

yourself somehow that you don't know how to explain beyond the Good and the Evil, because you

are aware of to be one tessera of that endless spiritual mosaic that is God.

The Good keeps on liking you but what it is undesirable you accept it as due thing, a

necessary teaching, from which it will come you something of good and so on. Better you feel

always yourself, until one day you understand that you don't feel more yourself separated by the

Whole that surrounds yourself and that you make part of it 41 .

The Lord God told in India (Hinduism or Brahmanism) four thousands years ago about in

the person of Krishna: << Also those people who adore others gods and they offer them, with

faith, the sacrifice, them really to Me they sacrifice, o son of Kunti, although not according to the

prescribed rule… 42 >>. Of it derives that we can deduce from it that << Whoever is the god that

you pray, always Me you will pray >>.

God has said of Himself also:

a. “ I AM Spirit. I AM everywhere. I AM in everything. There is nowhere where I AM not …43


b. “ I AM in everything and everyone; therefore I AM in your neighbour, in your friend and

in you enemy alike. Wherever I AM, there is love, for I AM love … 44 .

39 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 20th , Amrita40 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 215, Mediterranee41 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 5th , Amrita42 Sri Aurobindo, Lo Yoga della Bhagavad Gita, Canto 9°, verse 23, page 209, Mediterranee 43 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 28th , Amrita44 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 17th , Amrita



Absolute Conscience. (you see "Conscience ultracosmic"). A conceptual figuration of

the absolute Conscience can be risked, and that is: the relative " feelings" they would be as the

cells that compose the Absolute Conscience, which nevertheless, as more times I have said, it

transcends the summation of the "feelings" that, in a certain sense, they constitute Her 216d (you

see "Cosmic Conscience", same page, 192f). Logical phases from the Absolute one to the relative

one, 239f, 76h, 275h and ss. 45 .

The Lord God is the Father and the Mother of all the creatures and He is the Absolute

Conscience and therefore the Lord is also all of us and all that that exists, but then Him everything

transcends. "The Spirit of God is everywhere, in everything and in everyone. It does not exists any

place where God is not…46 The ultimate goal is the perfection 47 ".

The Lord Jesus is the Conscience Cristica 48 , or He who reassume in Itself all the beings,

all the things and all the Matters of the Cosmos 49 .

Since the man is part of the Christ 50 , the Redemption and the Salvation they originate from

the intimate of us, by genetics way in order that all of us be One, us in the Son of God and the Son

in God, all united by the love 51 . The Holy Spirit is the Great Mother that appeared at La Salette in

France to Melania and Massimino, two little shepherds on September 19th 1846, but the apparition

it has amiss been attributed to Our Lady Mary 52 .

The Spirit of God is to the meantime , the Comforter and our Internal Teacher 53 and the

Great Mother 54 .


The Son of the man or the Son of God, Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah, the Divine

Presence in the man 55 , has been the greatest hero that has lived in Earth because it challenged

without weapons a State and at the meantime the religion of the State Israel, without considering

all the affairs that the dominant classes had interwoven, also knowing the end that the Jews let to

the Prophets did, that is to say the death, with the exception of Elijah that was abducted in sky with

a wagon and horses of fire 56 .

45 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 63 (Coscienza Assoluta), Mediterranee46 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 28th , Amrita47 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 20th , Amrita48 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita49 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 63-64 (Coscienza Cosmica), Mediterranee ; Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiografia di uno Yogi, page 141 and next, Astrolabio50 Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 2051 Vangelo di Giovanni 17 ; Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 146/148 (Amore come potere di unione), Mediterranee52 Giuseppe Barbero, La Vergine a La Salette, page 18 and next, San Paolo53 Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 25-2654 Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 101-105, Macroedizioni55 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee56 2 I Re 2, 7-18



The man Jesus of Nazareth was born because all the people of the Earth had shown, not to

be able of to live according to the Commandments of their Religions 57 . As Israel regards, the

Mosaic Law had been modified by the Pharisees up to the point to distort it entirely 58 .

The Lord God embodied Himself in the man Jesus of Nazareth 59 to show us that it was

possible to be transmuted from carnal beings to spiritual beings 60 ; until then the doors of the

Heaven owed stay closed; from over two thousand years they are open now for worth of the Lord


To realize the purpose of the Incarnation was necessary, first of all, to correct the Mosaic

Law 61 and to complete it with a new Doctrine, that that taught Jesus, the Christ, in His ancient and

modern Gospels that explained the Decalogue 62 , the Law of the Sinai.

The redemption of the Christ also had the aim of making us understand which it was the

purpose of the human life on the Earth.

From the Gospels emerges the request to pray, to fast, to put oneself on in tuning with the

Celestial Father through the silence and the meditation for a lasting conversion that allows us to

make our part, that is our own job in the spiritual life 63 that starts with the repentance and the


To make our own part means to evangelically live; it also means to know ourselves to

improve us 64 , becoming aware of the truth of the own internal being 65 . The auto psychoanalysis66 is the beginning of a long process of self knowledge 67 to improve ourselves, for changing the

style of life and contemporarily it ia a process of cleaning and of purification for the work of the

Mother Holy Spirit; all of this to widen the conscience of the man; this process is not separated by

the study of the Sacred Writings. Such purification and amplification of conscience correspond to

the evoluti0nary process of our Conscience or rather to our spiritual evolution 68 .

The knowledge of ourselves asks for a great commitment, a “…continuous awareness (You

see) of the one’s own being; it means to apply constantly such awareness in the search for truth of

the one’s own being …69 “.

The man-God Jesus of Nazareth taught His style of life to men that wanted to save

themselves and He declared that everything is possible to those people that look for the tuning with

God, not for their ability, but because to God everything is possible 70 .

57 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia 58 Vangelo di Matteo, chapters 5, 6, 7, 15, 19 and 2359 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated April 25th 1988, MIR60 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia61 Vangelo di Matteo, chapters 5, 6, 7, 15, 19 and 2362 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 7°, page 123, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy63 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 30th and August 29th , Amrita64 Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 17-19, Macroedizioni65 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee66 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 37 (Autopsicanalisi), Mediterranee67 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 35-36 (Autoconoscenza), Mediterranee68 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee69 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 54, Mediterranee70 Vangelo di Matteo 19, 23-26



The Tall One talking to Eileen Caddy invites us to speak to Him and to listen to Him, when

we look for guidance and for answers on Life’s mysteries 71 .

The dominant classes of Israel didn't have interest to replace their Oral Tradition with the

uncomfortable style of life of the Messiah and they didn't want to convert them to His teaching,

despite the miracles that He did they showed that God was with Him 72 .

The heroism of the Christ is shown by the Gospels, especially from that of Maria Valtorta:

despite He knew that He would have been killed 73 , He continued fearless His Mission, without

shakings, despite that the danger became clear more and more.

The Lord Jesus is the man that the Celestial Father put at the first place in His life and

always did His will. The Christ, after the crucifixion, returned to the life within the term that said,

three days, defeating the death and so He was glorified 74 .

Jesus is the Teacher of all men, as they affirms it in the East for His divine teaching

( everlasting teachings 75 ).

Jesus is the eternal Redeemer and Savior that drags us all up to the sun of God, that is in

God, as he has seen a mystical contemporary.

The Lord Jesus constitutes for the men of all the ages an example to imitate: He was a man

as us, but He holds on himself in continuous contact with the Celestial Father that gave Him His

power and knowledge; Jesus was a man like us, but it was obedient and subdued, despite that it

was aware of His Divinity 76 . He was a person, good, humble, loyal, kind and available with

everybody, but it was intransigent on the principles and on the obedience to the Laws of God.

Nevertheless it was sweet and comprehensive with whom repented of one’s sins. Jesus was a

man as us, but He was able of to love because He was the Man-God; therefore in His body the

Power of the Spirit of God manifested itself, because the love is the key of the Sky and the poster

that it points out your road; the love is not possessive, it never forces anybody to do what it doesn't

desire, even if it deals with its good.

The love is patient and comprehensive with everybody and respects the liberty of each 77 .

The Lord Jesus was a man as us, but He found, in the meditation and in the prayer 78 , the courage

and the strength to make to be processed without defending Himself and to suffer the Passion, that

culminated with the Crucifixion. But resources after a few more than two days with His same Spirit79 .

71 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 21st, Amrita ; Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61,Mediterranee72 Vangelo di Giovanni 3, 1-273 Vangelo di Matteo 12, 38-4274 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, vol. 10°, pages 171-175, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy75 Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiografia di uno Yogi, page 448, Astrolabio76 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-45, Armenia77 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori; Messages dated May 2nd and July 21st , Amrita78 Vangelo di Matteo 26, 36-4679 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 10°, page 171-175, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy



The winner of the death made him kill to show us His love and to show that He had the

power to also give back the life to Himself 80 .

The Christ was a victorious lion and made only him a lamb in the last three days of His

terrestrial life, but also in that days it showed His strength and His hardness, especially on the


Jesus is the brightest example of every time for all the young people, especially for those

people that feel like improving the world, because they don't bear the injustices, the dishonesties

and the turpitudes of it.

To improve the world needs before to know us and to improve ourselves; only so every man

can improve the world 81 .

We always have to make our part in the spiritual life, because no one it is able or he/she

wants to do it for us 82 ; we would stay forever otherwise spiritual children, incapable to walk alone

in the dangerous roads of this world and incapable to cover those of the Sky.

Nevertheless, after two thousand years we have shown not to have assimilated yet or

known the inherent lesson in the life of the Messiah in Palestine, because the state of the world is

worsened up to unbearable levels, since egoism reigns. Therefore the time has come that a big

number of men makes an examination of conscience to discover their errors of behaviour to make

up one’s mind to ask help to the Redeemer. We men must do it; for the liberty that has been given

us there it impends to us the burden to make the first footstep 83 ; He will help only us at His

conditions: if we will do that is what He has commanded us. Who will go to divulge His Gospel, it

won't be never alone 84 , even in the day of the hardest test because the Mother Holy Spirit will

teach us what we must say 85 . For that day, we must live.

To whom wants to follow Him, the Lord Jesus sets two fundamental conditions to become

His disciples: they are those to disown itselves and to take our cross to follow Him 86 .

We have to accept us as we are after having discovered our vices, defects and other

spiritual poverties by means of the self knowledge 87 , because the “The sole way for overcoming

the own limits is that to become conscious of them 88 “.

Therefore to take the cross means to accept us as we are through the self knowledge.

80 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 10°, page 171-175, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy81 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee82 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 30th and August 20th , Amrita83 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 29th , Amrita 84 Vangelo di Matteo 28, 16-2085 Vangelo di Luca 12, 4-1286 Vangelo di Matteo 16, 24-2687 Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 17-19, Macroedizioni ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 35-36 (Autoconoscenza), page 37 (Autopsicanalisi) and pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee88 Cerchio Firenze 77, La voce dell’ignoto, page 47, Mediterranee



The cross can also symbolize the pain in the life of the man, the duality, the time and the

space and the life in the worlds of the Matter that it has been projected for each one of us by the

Sirs or Teachers of the karma 89 and that we have to accept it.

The cross also represents our limits, our vices and our defects (our spiritual poverties).

The human Self (or small Self or Self inferior) contributes to hide to ourselves also the

inherent vices and defects in our nature or personality. And this is badly because not knowing

how really we are, we cannot be freed from such vices and defects (spiritual poverties) by

means of the to know the Truth of ourselves 90 , that is from the being aware of vices and

defects that we have, knowledge that trigger off a natural process that free us from our self or me

and from our egoism 91 ; for such a process we have thank God 92 .

The Evangelization also consists, rather it starts, with ourselves, through the acceptance of

the aforesaid two conditions, all anything else other than easy; for the second, that is to know

ourselves which is our cross it takes honesty, but also courage, because we are everything

anything else other than shin bones of saint, even if we make the holy Communion every day. If we

accept ourselves as we are in the process of auto knowledge and if we live as Jesus has taught us

it will come true His promise: " I am the resurrection and the life…who lives and believes in me

even if it dies he/she will live. Who believes in me it won't die for ever… 93 ".

The whole Doctrine of Jesus is fundamental for the amplification of our conscience, but they

deserves particular relief:

- the revelation of the Spirit of God as Consoler and Internal Teacher of the man, the union

of all in the very Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Mother Holy Spirit, the Commandments of the love,

the prayer and the faith they are knowledges of particular importance in the relationship man / God;

- the reality of the thought, the freeing effectiveness of the Truth 94 and the importance of

the prayer and the meditation to find the tuning with the Divinity 95 ;

- the classification of the loves, which is important to make a compass to be able to quietly

sail in the seas of the life:

1."The Lord loves, your God, with all of your heart, with all of your soul and with all of your

mind "; this is the most important commandment; of it derives that the Lord God always owes to

have put at the first place by every man 96 , always, also in the family. Who contravenes to this

order he/she is built some idols, from the money, to the job and the power, from the success, to the

89 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 266 (Signori o Maestri del karma), Mediterranee90 Vangelo di Giovanni 8, 31-32 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated January 23rd , Amrita91 Cerchio Firenze 77, La voce dell’ignoto, pages 45-50, Mediterranee92 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 27th , Amrita93 Vangelo di Giovanni 11, 25-2694 Vangelo di Giovanni 8, 31-3295 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 72-73, Mediterranee ; Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 17th and August 31st , Amrita 96 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 20th , Amrita



things and to the same human beings of the same family; the Lord God is the Father of everybody;

therefore any other one can have called this way 97 .

2. The second commandment is this: " It loves the neighbour as yourself same", because

"the whole Law and the whole teaching of the prophets depend on these two commandments 98 ;


Archangels and Angels are realities of the life, recognized by all the Religions.

Archangels and Angels preside at all the functions of the life of the Cosmos, so much of that

of the Matter of the planet Earth, as for that of the living beings.

Archangels and Angels assure the perfect carrying out of the conceived and realized life by

the Lord God and regulated with bodies of laws of which we know only little 100 .

Archangels and Angels are perfect and happy collaborators of God and friends, guides and

protectors of the living beings; every man has a Guardian Angel and other Angels that help

him/her, as those of the families and of the communities from them found. The Angels are

innumerable, but only the Lord God exactly knows how many They are.

The Head of the faithful Angels to God is St. Michael Archangel; in the Not time of the

Eternity St. Michael, the Commander of the faithful Angels to God, defeated Satan. According to

the Christian tradition " The Archangel is represented in attitude of victorious warrior that trampled

the adversary in form of repugnant monster." Always according to such tradition St. Michael

Archangel appeared more times in the Gargano where He consecrated a cave to God; this Cave is

found in the Monte Sant'Angelo and it is known as "The Celestial Basilíca" 101 . I have gone in

pilgrimage at the Celestial Basilíca; I preserve the vivid memory of a place with one "Presence"

ultra mundane. To everybody I advice to go in pilgrimage to the Celestial Basilica. The pilgrims, a

very few kilometers of distance from Monte Sant'Angelo, will find San Giovanni Rotondo the place

where he lived and operated Padre Pio from Pietrelcina, or San Pio from Pietrelcina.

To mend the enormous damages caused by the man to the Nature and to bring the

harmony on the Earth is essential to recognize the existence of Archangels and Angels and to

restart to live, as the ancient ones, together with the Angels, respecting them and being them

thankful 102 .

97 Vangelo di Matteo 23, 998 Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-4099 You see: Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, Mediterranee; Paola Giovetti, Angeli, Mediterranee; Giuditta Dembech, Gli Angeli con noi, L’Ariete100 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-159 (Leggi), Mediterranee101 Paola Giovetti, Angeli, page 56 (Monte S. Angelo o San Michele al Gargano) and fotograph after page 56, Tavola XIII, Mediterranee102 You see Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, Mediterranee



We have forgotten Their functions and their celestial powers, but we can return friends,

both turning to Them as they made up to the first decades of the XIX° century, without any fear,

provided that we do it with reverence.

They will be delighted to take back the relationship that we have interrupted because They

love God and the Creation, us included, despite all the troubles that we make. They are happy,

when They can help us to become spiritual beings, but as always, it is up to us to make the first

footstep 103 , since also They respect our liberty of choice.

Archangels and Angels carry out an important role in the life because they are the

Performers of the will of God.


All the Writings of the true Religions are sacred, but, where it needs, we will propose that

they are improved and completed by the Gospels, because the Lord Jesus gave us the tallest

guide, never received before by the Humanity, as the Son of the Spirit of God, He is the God with

us, the Emmanuele 104 or the Lord with us, waited by Israel, that He has renewed deeply with the

Word, and with the example of His same life, the Sacred Writings of all peoples to redeem them

and to save them, as it was prophesied in the Old Testament 105 .

As for the canonical Gospels it will be kept in mind of the precise statements and the

contained explanations in the Revelation to Jakob Lorber 106 .

In the Gospels is seen the announcement of the birth of John the Baptist 107 , the

Annunciation of the birth of Jesus to the B.V. Mary 108 , the apparition of an Angel to St. Joseph 109 ,

the prophecy of Zechariah 110 , John's Baptist last testimony, the Precursor 111 and those of Simeon

and of Anna 112 , the two voices from Heaven 113 ; the testimony of the Magi 114 .

The Lord Jesus confirmed that the Chief of the men is the Messiah, that is He same;

therefore He told His disciples: " To me every power has been given in Sky and in Earth. Therefore

you go, you make to become my disciples all the men of the world; baptize you them in the name

of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; teach them to obey all of this that I have

103 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 30th and August 29th , Amrita104 Isaia 7,14 (page 1566 della Bibbia di Gerusalemme)105 Isaia chapter 42 ; Geremia 23, 5-6106 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, For an instance in pages 157-194), Armenia 107 Vangelo di Luca 1, 5-25108 Vangelo di Luca 1, 26-38109 Vangelo di Matteo 1, 18-25110 Vangelo di Luca 1, 67-79111 Vangelo di Giovanni 3, 22-36112 Vangelo di Luca 2, 25-38113 Vangelo di Matteo 3, 17 and 17, 5114 Vangelo di Matteo 2, 1-12



commanded you. And you know that I will be always with you, every day, all days up to the end of

the world 115 ".

The evangelist Mark also reports that the Christ said: "You go all over the world and you

bring the Message of the Gospel all the men. Who will believe and he/she will be baptized it will be

safe; but who won't believe he/she will be condemned. And those that will have faith will make

miraculous signs; they will chase away the demons invoking my name; they will speak new

languages; they will take in hand the snakes and they will drink poisons without having some evil;

they will place the hands on the sick and they will recover them 116 ".


Our Lady was also, " full of Holy Spirit ", because conceived by a sterile woman Anna. The

birth of Maria was announced to the husband of Anna, Gioacchino, from an Angel. Gioacchino at

with the shepherds, was withdrawn for a long time for the shame not to have descendants 117 .

The B.V. Mary - for Her innumerable personal worths of new Eva 118 , of Mother of Jesus

Christ and His Disciple woman - She has entirely a particular place in the heart of God. Her

intercessions have the power of the maternal love. The miracles that are attributed Her are

innumerable from over two thousand years (21-3 -2012).

For Her Holiness 119 the B.V. Mary occupies a special place in the History of the Salvation,

for Her Apparitions all over the world 120 , as well as for Her Evangelical activity, after the

Resurrection of the Son Jesus. For such reasons, She will be revered, beloved and considered,

our Teacher, Mother and Co-Redeemer woman 121 . Particularly we remember you Her Apparitions

at Lourdes, Fatima and Medjugorje; these last ones they had beginning in 1981 and they are still in

progress (March 21st 2012).

The first forty four paragraphs of the first volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta

they illustrate Her Holiness, that of St. Joseph, their sufferings and the help that they gave to their

Son Jesus.


115 Vangelo di Matteo 28, 16-20116 Vangelo di Marco 16, 15-48117 I Vangeli apocrifi, a cura di Marcello Craveri, pages 216-219, Einaudi Tascabili118 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol.1°, pages 82 and next, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy119 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol.I°, pages 1-91, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 120 Paola Giovetti, Le Apparizioni della Vergine Maria, San Paolo121 Maria Valtorta, L?Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol.I°, page 96, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy122 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 207 (Goccia o Scintilla Divina – Spirito – Sé), Mediterranee



The Divine Spark is a virtual cell of the Spirit of God that animates the man 123 ; the Divine

Spark is a virtual fraction of the Spirit Saint, that cannot be separate from God, in how much

autonomous is not from Him. They understood well what the Divine Spark of God is in the man the

Wise men of Israel: " …a torch of the Lord that scans all the secrets recesses of the heart 124 ".

God is the Love 125 and consequently He is the Justice also and therefore all Souls must be

equal to His eyes 126 , but when the man, after feeling himself/herself separate from God starts to

behave badly, that is selfishly, he/she automatically and progressively loses the divine Light, since

progressively he/she looks very much like more and more to a Demon and the Darkness they enter

him/her. But when the man is converted the contrary one happens, and his/her behaviours they

become conforming to the Divine Laws and then they stimulate the Light of God that disperses the

Darkness or It prevents them to enter us 127 .

The Spark Divine form with the Conscience or Soul the Ego of the man 128 . God's Spirit in

the man, the Divine Spark, is eternal and therefore It is not created. Who feels separated by God

with the thought, it creates from himself/herself the deceptive separation 129 , since the thought is a

creative strength 130 . Then, all men for the mentality that they are formed - also because of the

culture and of the egoism that they have innate - for the motives explained in the followings

paragraphs, devoted to the mind and the thought, if they think about being separate from God, in

conclusion, they create inside of them this deceptive separation, from which it derives the

strengthening of the egoism and the egocentrism, cause of all the bad actions and consequently of

his/her sufferings, that are inflicted to them for corrective ends 131 , by the Sirs or Teachers of the

Karma 132 .



The man is a whole of bodies: physical body, astral body, body ethereal, mental body and

Body Akasico or Conscience or Soul 133 ; such bodies are animate by the Divine Spark; the man

also has a psyche formed by the bodies astral and mental 134 . The Conscience or Soul, the psyche

and the heart carry out a fundamental role for the spiritual growth of the man.

123 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee 124 Proverbi 20, 27125 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee126 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 16th , Amrita127 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated November 12th and 24th , Amrita 128 Cerchio Firenze77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Ego), Mediterranee129 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th , Amrita130 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 140-141, Mediterranee ; Amadeus Voldben, I prodigi del pensiero positivo, page 17, Mediterranee131 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49 (Karma), Mediterranee132 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 266, Mediterranee133 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 28-20 (Anima) and pages 58-60 (corpo akasico, corpo astrale, corpo eterico, corpo fisico e corpo mentale), Mediterranee 134 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 230 (Psiche), Mediterranee



The Akasico body, the Conscience or Soul it can be defined as the complex of the moral

values of a person 135 values founded on the Commandments of the love 136 and on the other

teachings of Jesus Christ, that illustrate the Decalogue 137 .

The terrestrial life of the Messiah concluded it with the gift of His life, with which He

demonstrated that the Incarnation was founded upon a true and eternal love for the man 138 .

The man's Conscience, when It is developed, It doesn't make Itself influence from the

valuelesses of the materiality of the life because the Conscience of the Christ acts in the man

through the Guardian Angel also; this internal Guide makes to affirm the Conscience or Soul of the

man on the material impulses caused by the human Self or Me and by the egoism. This can

happen when the man has succeeded in dominating his/her human Self, or better, when he/she is

dead to himself/herself; when its decisions don't depend on the Environment anymore, from the

culture, from the mentality, from the affairs and captious reasonings of the Self and similar mental

processes. When the man has the Conscience developed he listens only to the I AM within him 139

and therefore he/she becomes unselfish.

The Lord God waits for this spiritual metamorphosis of the man in order that the man itself

dedicate its life to God becoming His hands and feet 140 for His works.

The heart is considered the centre of the man’s good or bad feelings and it is in the heart of

the man itself where the Lord God waits for His sons men 141 .


The Mind it is a composite body of fundamental importance for the life of the man; actually

the man continually thinks, but he/she hardly checks his/her thoughts. We don't know the

potentialities of our mind yet; the individuals' mind it is said intellectual mind, instinctive mind, and

supernormal 142 ; the mind it is said also aware mind and unconscious mind. In the intellectual mind

we have the intellect that gives us the ability to think and to knowingly to reason 143 ; in the intellect

the aware psychic processes develop them, the ability to think and to reason, to conceive, to

intend, to want and to imagine. In the mind they are still also there anxieties, worries, restlessness,

fears, obsessions, torments and other more that they transform itselves in negative states of

beings as the sadness, the fear or the terror. In the mind they are also there positive thoughts and

135 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, pages 100-101, Mediterranee136 Levitico 19, 18 ; Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 36-40137 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 ; Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 7°, page 123, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy138 Vangelo di Matteo 26, 26-28139 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 28th , July 21st , August 30th and September 4th , Amrita140 141 Eileen Caddy , Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 29th , July 21st , August 30th and September 4th , Amrita 142 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 212, Mediterranee143 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 208 (Intelletto), Mediterranee



the joy, the serenity and the peace. Psychiatrists and psychologists can explain better the mental


Intelligence has been defined as "the general ability that allows to adjust to the environment

and that in the human being, it manifests it in the behaviours and in the degree of elaboration of

the mental processes." And the intelligent person is the one "That he/she has the ability to intend,

to think, to judge... of person endowed with particular intellectual abilities..... of animal that shows a

certain degree of intelligence, that it knows in certain measure, to understand, to learn, to

remember.....144 ".

The electronic brains have affinity with our mind because, as the mind, they recognize what

they have already experimented; nevertheless the mind it is able of completing some significant

improvements, because on the base of knowledges of the past, it can conceive a new notion that

didn't belong to its baggage of knowledges 145 .

In the mind we also hide all of this that we don't like of ourselves (our vices and defects),

because owing to our culture we choose to ignore the discovery of the vices and defects that we

bring us inside, preferring to those the eternal values that there have been taught to us. Then we

forget such discovery and with the hidden truth it is ended with to ignore the truth of ourselves.

It behaves us so because we don't know the mechanisms of the mind; the Ordine Gesù

Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) intends to contribute to spread its knowledge.

Truth is freeing for divine gift 146 ; who becomes disciple of Jesus “… it will know the truth

and the truth it will make you free…147 ".

In such way we delay or we not allow the realization of the purpose for which we were born

in the planet Earth, that is the overcoming of our small self or me and of our vices and defects

through the knowledge of the reality-truth of ourselves, because the truth of ourselves frees us

from the small self and from the egoism 148 . It behaves us so because we don't know the

mechanisms of the mind; the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) intends to

contribute to spread its knowledge. Truth is freeing for divine gift 149 ; who becomes disciple

of Jesus “… it will know the truth and the truth it will make you free…150 ".

The reality of ourselves must be discovered as soon as possible through the self

psychoanalysis 151 . The transmutation of our defects in virtues, happens for the commitment and

the honesty that we put in to know ourselves in to discover the reasons for our thoughts and our

behaviours. In his/her life the man must voluntarily choose to cover the way of the Good observing

144 Dizionario Zingarelli, Zanichelli145 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché, pages 147-148, Edizioni Mediterranee146 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated January 23rd , Amrita147 Vangelo di Giovanni 8, 31-36148 Vangelo di Giovanni 8, 31-36 ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 45-61 ( Conosci te stesso), Mediterranee ; Maestro perché?, pagine 121-130; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi) ; La voce dell’ignoto, page 47, Mediterranee149 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated January 23rd , Amrita150 Vangelo di Giovanni 8, 31-36151 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 37 (Autopsicanalisi), Mediterranee



the Divine Commandments as the Lord God taught us since the Antiquity 152 , but without doing

violence to itselves, for free persuasion and choice to do the Good. In this process of betterment of

ourselves also help us the Guardian Angels and the same Religions, for instance with the

confession, that can directly be done to God as I do me. But it is with the constant, aware attention

to our thoughts and the motions of the conscience and of the heart that we can free us of our

defects and limits accepting them.

The occurrences or cosmic situations 153 of the daily life also help us to self analyze

ourselves. Actually, in every moment, the man, that is the thinker, must decide among to act Good

and the to act Badly a lot of times every day. Becoming aware of our way to be and to act without

looking for attenuating, but trying to discover as we are really that we can be freed by our vices and

defects (our limits) by the knowledge of the truth of ourselves.

Not only the mind, but the rest of the man is very complex; in his/her intimate he/she has

two subjects even that oppose each other: on one side the Ego, formed by the Divine Spark and by

the Conscience 154 , on the other side the human Self 155 with the egoism. The Ego or Self superior

makes the man alike to the Creator. The second subject is the human self or self inferior that it

feels separated by God and by all of this that surrounds it 156 . The inferior Self makes us alike to

Satan, since it is selfish and egocentric and therefore rebellious for nature to the Divine

Commandments, the human self tries to satisfy all of its desires without taking care of the others.

The competition among these two impalpable subjects ( the Ego, formed by the Divine

Spark and the Conscience and the human Self ) happens in the small internal world of the man,

that is also it an indeterminate impalpable thing. The two itselves belong to three worlds ultra

physicals (the Divine Spark belongs to the world of the Spirit; to the world Akasico belongs the

Conscience, the small conscience of the human being. The human self it is a part of mind of the

man and therefore of the mental world.

From the competition of such itselves of the man ( the Ego and the Self or Me) derive our

choices when we think, we speak and we act. The choice is always among the Good or the Evil;

there is a third way, the choice of not to act, but also this is an evil, perhaps worse to act badly

because we avoid to act for fear.

The competition among the two Itselves of the man continually happens during its

terrestrial life. In reality in every moment of the daily life of the man a fight develops it among the

strengths of the Light from a part and the strengths of the Darkness, from the other.

The strengths of the Light, that is of the Good, they are represented by ours Itself superior

(the Ego, formed by Divine Spark and by the Conscience or Soul) and from the Guardian angel

that it guides us stimulating us to behave well, that is according the Conscience. 152 Deuteronomio 30, 15-20 (Le due vie)153 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 120-122 (Fotogrammi) ; Oltre l’illusione, pages 162-165, Mediterranee154 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Ego), Mediterranee155 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (Io), Mediterranee156 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 215 (Senso di separatività), Mediterranee



The strengths of the Darkness, that is of the Evil, they are represented by the self human or

small Self; in certain cases a Demon the man incites from the mental plane or world or from the

astral plane or world to behave badly him/her.

We know that our mind it also works when we sleep and that it has faculties of which we

are not aware or that we ignore, for instance the paranormal faculties.

Mental activity can become very important and useful, if it is direct to purposes of Good 157 ,

but it is dangerous contrarily; it can be said that the life of thought of the man has, in any case, a

remarkable importance for himself/herself and for the others. The mental body and the astral body

form the psyche 158 of the man, which has a complex of functions not yet well known.

The man, therefore, is a whole of which are also making parts the Heart, that is the sacred

Temple of the Lord God 159 .


"The thought is the effect of the to think, to reflect, to imagine and similar ". The thought can

also be divided in negative thought and positive thought. After the Spirit (Spark or Divine Drop or

Self), with which - rare exceptions excepted aware relationships are not had - there is the

Conscience or Soul, with which we can have an aware relationship, but perhaps it is the thought or

the faculty to think the gift that does us more to resemble to God, because it allows us to

coordinate all of our abilities and faculties and even to create 160 . The mind it knows few the

tiredness, except that we exceeds in to think.

The Science doesn't have yet completely explored our mind and the thought, so much great

they are also their creative potentialities.

The thought is a measurable strength, but it belongs to the reality of another world, the

mental world 161 , even if the thought can act in the planet Earth.

The thought gives a great power to the man, but we must dominate if we want to spiritually

grow, since it is an energy that can unite us so much to the Sky, as for the Hell (which places are

not, but states of being 162 ).

The Lord Jesus implicitly taught us the reality of the thought and particularly the strength

and the dangerousness of the negative thought, when He said: "Whoever looks at a woman to

desire her, he has already committed adultery with her in his heart 163 ".

157 Amadeus Voldben, I prodigi del pensiero positive, pages 67-80, Mediterranee 158 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 230 (Psiche), Mediterranee159 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 158-159, Mediterranee160 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 140-141, Mediterranee161 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pagina 145 (Intelletto e Intelligenza) e pagina 121 (Piano mentale) ; Maestro perché?, pagine 147-184 ( I poteri della mente), Edizioni Mediterranee162 Jakob Lorber ( Jesus’s scribe), Il Signore parla, page 176, Amrita163 Vangelo di Matteo 5, 27-28



For the principle of liberty inherent in the life it is to us to choose among the daily

occurrences the Good or the Evil. It is in base to such choices that we can grow in Conscience.

If it is positively thought about the Good of the others with charity, this it will unite us to the

God One and Trine, that is our Father and Mother and to the strengths of the Good and in such

way we will become also a part of the Kingdom of the Skies, that is also a mental State 164 ;

instead, if we think negatively only to ourselves, without charity for the others we unite us to the

strengths of the Evil, that is to Satan and to his Devils.

If we feel us One with God and with our brothers we changes completely state of being and

the doors of our heart open to the love because we takes an interest for the other ones having

stopped thinking about ourselves. In such way we foresee and we understand their needs. In such

state of being we try to do the will of God 165 .

If, instead, we keep on negatively thinking, making us oppress from the personal worries or

we keep on criticizing the others, to be intolerant, to say disagreeable things, to be egoist and not

to be comprehensive 166 , then, for us, they “open” the doors of the Hell with us and we could not

be happy 167 .

The Lord God said of the thought: << Always remember that “as a man thinketh, so he will

be “. You hold within you all power and when you are ready to use it rightly it is all yours. The

seeds you sow will spring forth; so see that those seeds are positive, loving ones, that they are

pure, good and unadulterated. As you think, so do you create; this is My law. This is a principle

which needs to be understood and put in practice in everyday living Remember that it is not

enough to take an handful of seeds and scatter them on the ground. When you want a good crop

you take time to prepare the ground, to dig and nourish it before the planting takes place. So it is

with the soul; it needs to be prepared before the seeds of the Spirit are planted in it. Many souls

think that if they go to church once a week, say their prayers at night and spend a few minutes in

quite with Me that is enough to carry them through this life. That is like raking over the top of the

ground, planting seeds in unprepared soil and hoping they will grow. So it is with a soul whose

heart and mind are not stayed on Me, whose faith is not strong, who allows doubts and fears to

come in. When the time for testing comes, that soul will be unable to withstand. Therefore be

grateful for the training you have been given 168 >> .

This way being the things, we must pay much attention to our thoughts, because our future

life depends on us, from the way according to which we build it, day for day, with our thoughts and

our actions or omissions. Of everything, in the Sky, is kept in mind in an invisible, but mighty

memory, for reasons for justice and for making us grow in conscience, according to the law of

164 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated June 1st , Amrita165 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 82-83, Mediterranee166 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated March 6th , August 18th and November 12th , Amrita167 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 9th, Amrita168 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 140-141, Mediterranee



cause and effect: " what you do, to you it will be done (karma); or: what you sow you will pick up,

don’t forget it 169 ".

This also happens because the thought, God and Jesus teach it us, it is an energy able of

transforming and to creating; then, the thought is a real reality for which we must watch out a lot of,

since we also sin and create with the thought only 170 . There is no doubt therefore that the man

can emanate positive or negative energies, as the history of the world shows and particularly that

of our epoch ( End of the second Millennium and beginnings of the third ).

Unfortunately, those positive are few while those negative are very many. But we can

change our energies in a fraction of second, all it takes is wanting to do it. It is only a matter of

understanding, of conversion of the heart, of mentality and of good will, so much for us how much

for Satan and his malignant Devils.

The Salvation, therefore it derives also from an internal knowledge of each men of itself

same; the Salvation derives also from a correct evaluation of the daily occurrences of our life

(Cosmic Situations, Frames is seen 171 ) to think and to act well.

It is also important to know ourselves, but also the to understand the sense and the

purpose of our life in the material worlds of the Cosmos (the physicist, the astral one and the

mental one). After which is necessary to choose between the Evil and the Good, or between the

hate and the love or between the unhappiness and the happiness. Who understands his/her own

errors and his/her own intimate and true nature and it opts for the Good you/he/she will be helped

to repent him and to convert him from the Beings of the Sky.

When the gifts of the remorse and the repentance arrive, then he becomes for the

conversion of our thought mature, of our desires, of our passions, of our affairs and of our egoisms.

Who succeeds in repenting him of his/her sins and it is converted Jesus it chooses, the Savior of

everybody and it changes his/her style of life.

Changing style of life we also change our thoughts, that is our energies or vibrations. When

these vibrations become good, we are attracted by the positive energies of the Christ, of the

Archangels, of the Madonna, of the Angels, of the Founders of the Religions, of the Saints and of

the Correct ones of all the Religions.

Speaking to terms of energies: behaving well we improve radically, even though slowly, our

state of being, before of finding the unity with the Lord God 172 .

Illuminations excepted, of the type of that had St. Paul on the road of Damask, the

conversion it asks for a lot of time, measurable in terms of years or decades and it must last the

whole life. Contemporarily the process of cleaning / purification of our bodies happens thanks to

the Great Mother Holy Spirit, which culminates with the Christic Redemption 173 . 169 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del karma), Mediterranee170 Vangelo di Matteo 5, 27-28 ; Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 140-141, Mediterranee171 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 120-122 (Fotogrammi), Mediterranee 172 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 29th , Amrita173 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 ( The Christ’s return), Mediterranee




The purpose of the life conceived and realized by the Lord God was that to gather all the

Demons that are dispersed in the meanders of the heaviest Matter 174 . It considered the overall

strengths of the man, among which those of the human Self or Me and the egoism it must not have

been so easy for God to find the key for making the Demons returning in the Sky, from where they

voluntarily went away from God itself 175 .

The idea of base, from God, it consisted of conceiving and to realize the life as we know it

creating the universe, the creatures and the man with a valid rule for everybody: life was subdued

to the principle of liberty and that of the improvement of the whole creatures to save the fallen

Spirits through the man 176 . All the living creatures, to start from those inferior they would have

profited of the Law of the Evolution: " Process for which life, through forms more and more

organized, it always expresses great degrees of Mind and of Spirit 177 " (my note: for Spirit you

intend Conscience). After a series of existences in the three Kingdoms of the Nature (Mineral,

Vegetable and Animal), the inferior Creatures gradually widen their own mind and their own

Conscience what effect of the evolutionary process. The man will profit of such increase of

conscience 178 .

Naturally the law of Evolution is valid for the man also; such law provides the reincarnation

of the man and the correction of his/her wrong behaviours, with the law of the Karma or Law of

Cause and of Effect 179 .

The Lord God through the life of the Beings, by Himself conceived and realized, " …draws

the conscience out the brute Matter on the strength of which everything exists… So the prodigy of

the existence is the prodigy of the conscience… 180 ".


For silence we intend a state of the mind difficult to achieve; it is gotten when we have

succeeded in making to keep silent our egoistic and egocentric thoughts and when we remain in

listening. The silence can also follow an intense prayer or after that we are turned to the Divinity

without material or selfish intentions; or when we plan humanitarian initiatives of whatever type,

also scientific or to discover the Truths of the life, of whatever kinds they are. Under such mental

174 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia 175 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163, Armenia176 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162-163, Armenia177 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione, Mediterranee178 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 28-29 (Anima), Mediterranee179 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 209 (Karma), Mediterranee180 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee



conditions of listening in silence intuitions, telepathic messages and visions can be had, for

instance during the meditations.

For meditation we intend a state of the mind intent to deepen a truth, a subject or a religious

matter or the Mysteries of the Life. Under such conditions they are possible telepathies and visions

that illuminate whatever matter for which it can also say that to meditate means to think well

intensely about something of Good or of beautiful regarding the life of the Cosmos or of the Spirit.

We consider the silence and the meditation " means " of communication. In such case, the

brain or the mind or all and two together, they become an instrument transceiver (a two way radio)

with which the man also communicates with the divine world, and vice versa.


The Good and the Evil are implicitly or expressly defined in the Leviticus (you will Love the

your neighbour as yourself 181 ) in the Decalogue 182 and in the Commandment to love God ( Listen,

Israel: the Lord is our God, the Lord is one a sole God. You will love gladly the Lord your God, with

all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strengths 183 . It behaves well who obeys the

God’s Commandments while it behaves badly who doesn’t obeys the God’s Commandments 184 .

Then the Lord God pointed out to the man where he/she could find same God: not out of

itself, but in himself/herself 185 ; the Lord also pointed out the two roads of the life to the man, that

of the Good and that of the Evil (The man would have found life and happiness in the first road and

death and bad luck in the second road 186 ).

The Good it can be defined the obedience to laws and divine Commandments, the love,

the fidelity and the loyalty toward the Lord God and the others. The Good also consists in the

frequent search of the tuning with the Lord God 187 , for a true job on ourselves, in the intimate, also

to know who we are really. Of it derives that it cannot be enough some daily prayers, neither the

Sunday frequency in the Churches 188 to turn the carnal man into a spiritual man and to make

him/her deserving of the reunion with his/her Creator. As we are succubus of the pleasures of the

world and the flesh, it is necessary to ask help to Jesus Redeemer, because He is He who it

dominated the human self or me - with the consequent sense of separation from God and from the

Creation (beings and things) 189 - and the flesh.

The Lord Jesus, for us, it is the model of the man to imitate to the best of our possibilities.

When the man doesn't behave as the Christ behaved in Palestine he/she infringes the divine Laws

181 Levitico 19, 18182 Deuteronomio 30, 15-20 (Le due vie)183 Deuteronomio 6, 4 - 9184 Deuteronomio 30, 15-20 (The two roads)185 Deuteronomio 30, 11-14186 Deuteronomio 30, 15-20 (The two roads)187 Eieen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 72-73, Mediterranee188 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 140-141, Mediterranee189 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 215 (Senso di separatività), Mediterranee



and therefore he/she must be corrected for his/her same Good, by the karma law 190 by means of

new incarnations on the Earth.

The punishments are commensurate to the Evil that is done to the other living beings or to

the damages that it has been done to the Environment or to the things 191 ; the punishments are

established by the Sirs or Teachers of the Karma 192 .

The punishments consist in the tribulations and distress and therefore in the physical or

psychic pain. The Old Testament contains numerous passages in which it speaks of the pain as

teaching 193 .

The Good it can be also defined as all of this that accelerates the process of education /

formation 194 to teach to the man - through the reflections induced by the sufferings - to

understand the reasons for the pain and, therefore, of the adversities and illnesses that he/she has

suffered. The punishments stop when the man understands that the only way to avoid the

punishments is that to obey to the Divine Commandments (Decalogue 195 and Commandments of

the love 196 ) looking for the Author of it, the Lord God.

The Evil makes part of the relative world, but it does not make part of the God’s Reality197 .

The Evil it can be defined all that that impedes the evolution of the man 198 .

From the obedience to the Divine Commandments, that is from the Good, they derive

peace and serenity 199 .

From the disobedience to the Divine Commandments, that is from the Evil, they derive

punishments and anguish 200 .

The process of learning finishes with the redemption operated by the Lord Jesus with

his/her Mother's aid, the Co-Redeemer woman or the Virgo Mary. Such process corresponds to the

evolutionary process of the individual, provided by the Process of Evolution 201 and from the Law of

Evolution 202 .

190 Geremia 2, 29-30 e 18, 11-12 ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 75-77 (Dolore), Mediterranee ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49, Mediterranee191 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del Karma), Mediterranee192 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 266 (Signori del Karma), Mediterranee193 Il Libro di Giobbe ; Carlo Maglietta, Perché il dolore? La risposta della Bibbia, Gribaudi ; Carlo Carretto, Perché Signore?, Morcelliana EDB194 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 40 (Bene), Mediterranee195 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22196 Levitico 19, 18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9197 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 173 (Male), Mediterranee198 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 172 (Male), Mediterranee ; Cerchio Firenze, Dai mondi invisibili, pages 109-115 (Bene e Male), Mediterranee199 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del Karma), Mediterranee200 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del Karma), Mediterranee201 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee202 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 210 (Legge di Evoluzione), Mediterranee



The Evil may be defined the non-observance of the Laws and the Commandments of God,

the sense of separation from God, from the others living beings and from the Nature and, shortly,

from all of this that delays the man's repentance, its conversion and its redemption, since the aim

of the human life is the reunion of every man with the Creator, when the man same recognizes

himself/herself in the Absolute One. The Evil had origin in Lucifer, become Satan after its rebellion,

it continued with the other Demons, with Eva and Adam and then with all other men made

exception for the Lord Jesus and Our Lady Mary.


God is our Father and Mother 203 , He asks us to love Him because He is love 204 and He

commands us to love us each other 205 . The Lord Jesus completed these commands, ordering us

to also love the enemies and to pray for our persecutors 206 ; subsequently the Messiah confirmed

the quoted Commandments of the Old Testament 207 .

In the Bible they are several the passages from which the fatherly and maternal love of God

emerges for Israel, defined His people. We know, however that the Tall Lord is love 208 and

therefore He loves all the creatures equally, because to His eyes we are all equal ones 209 ;

therefore, He must love equally all the other peoples as He loves Israel. The Lord as God Mother,

confirmed such deduction with Her speech at La Salette, in France, to Melania and Massimino, two

little shepherds on September 19th 1846.

In his First Letter St. John apostle textually wrote: "…God is love; who is in the love it

resides in God and God it resides in him…In the love there is not fear, on the contrary the perfect

love drive away the fear, because the fear supposes a punishment and he who is afraid of it

he/she is not perfect in the love…. If one said <<I love God>>, and his/her brother hated… that he

sees, he/she cannot love God that he/she doesn't see. This is the commandment that we have

from Him: who God loves he/she loves his/her brother also 210 .

It derives from how much above that the Religions that didn't exhort the believers to the

love, to the harmony, to the collaboration, to the solidarity, to the brotherhood and the mutual

pardon they would not be religions of divine inspiration, but of the Antichrist 211 , that is of Satan.

For such reason it must be spoken of infernal Sects, when those people who represent them or

they direct, are superb, factious and aggressive people that foment dissensions and conflicts with

203 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee204 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee205 Deuteronomio 6, 4 ; Levitico 19, 18 e 19, 34206 Vangelo di Matteo 5, 43-48207 Vangelo di Matteo 22, 36-40208 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee 209 Sapienza 11, 24 ; 1 Giovanni 4, 7-21 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated March 16th and May 16th , Amrita 210 1 Giovanni 4, 7-21211 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee



other civilizations or religions, because they are able of to hate the others. Very many examples of

infernal Sects are found in the Islam of the Jihad 212 .

The true Religions are, instead you represent, or directed by people, humble, myths and

good person that seek the dialogue, the harmony and the peace, because they are able of to love

the others.

That being stated it is easy to recognize the people that are of God from those that are of

Satan: it can be understood by their words and by their behaviours, as the Lord Jesus taught us213 .

But it is essential that the religions do more: stipulates alliances to fill their doctrinal gaps

and to cooperate to the safeguard of the inalienable rights of the man in all the Nations of the world214 ; the brotherly collaboration among religions will improve the world and will be of example to

everybody, especially if their works were from them done "All together, in their whole ".


Satan is the exact one contrary of God, since it hates and he is the Antichrist 215 . Satan is

not a human invention, but he also uses of this fable, probably from himself suggested: it hides

behind this fable, because so it is him easier to use the man that doesn't believe in his existence or

that he/she doesn't know how to defend himself/herself. To Jakob Lorber Jesus said: "…You

generally intend with Satan the whole material creation and with "devils" what is separate 216 ".

Satan can be defined the Spirit of the Evil and the prince of the Darkness and of the men

that live in the Darkness that /they are innumerable in this epoch ( End of the second Millennium

and beginnings of the third ).

Satan and all his Devils, compared to the Lord God, to His Holy Spirit and to the Lord Jesus

are almost a nothing, but they continue to exist because God doesn't destroy the transgressors of

His Laws, but He saves them 217 . Nevertheless, the Divinity - for materially developing on the Earth

Its Salvation projects – She must operate through the man also which on planet Earth he is Its

hands and feet 218 ; therefore we are useful to the Father and to the Son so as they are useful the

workers of the building enterprises to build the buildings drawn by architects and engineers. We,

are therefore in Earth the workers of the Divinity, but if we don't accept to make the part that it has

212 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, Oscar Mondadori213 Vangelo di Matteo 7, 15-20 and 12, 33-37214 International Conventions for protection of the inalienable rights and the fundamental freedoms of the man215 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee216 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 158, Armenia 217 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 162-163, Armenia218 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated October 31th (Mani e piedi di Dio), Mediterranee



been entrusted to us choosing the road of the Good 219 we collaborate with Satan hindering the

plans of God and of Jesus 220 .

Also Satan must use us to oppose the divine Plans of Redemption and Salvation. Of it

derives that Satan also needs us . We are free to accept or to refuse the proposals of the Sky or

those of the Darkness and to behave well us or badly in all the occurrences of the daily life. To act

for the Good or for The Evil depends only on us, from our choices and from the will to carry out

them. If we act well we acquire worths in Sky, if we act badly we acquire demerits, but in to serve

Satan, that is the Evil, will have painful corrections by the Karma law 221 to have infringed the

Commandments thinking and acting badly. Besides, thinking and acting badly, we will delay the

mystic wedding of our Soul or Conscience with the Conscience of Jesus, cosmic Event, which

corresponds to the happiness of the Kingdom of the Skies living on Earth also.

We can help the Kingdom of the Skies or that of the Darkness, but if we surrender to the

temptations of Satan, we assume there some serious responsibilities to have violated the divine

Laws and therefore we must bear the adversities and necessary illnesses to correct us 222 . Not a

cruel and unfair Destiny, the chance or the misfortune, therefore, are the causes of our tribulations,

but our same transgressive behaviours or the sins of the past they are the causes of the pain of the

present 223 , since the peace and the calm derive from to do the Good; while to make the Evil they

derive punishments and anguish 224 .

Actually, for the law of cause and of effect, or of the retaliation or of the karma, the worths

will be compensated with gifts of the Sky, especially if our choices have been made for the

pleasure to be useful, without interest some, not even spiritual. Instead, the egoisms, that is the

Evil, will be correct with tribulations for educational aims, since for above mentioned law all of this

that we do, of Good or of Evil, to us it will be done 225 .

Those people that are selected by the Lord Jesus to complete a certain work, if then they

abdicate, or, after having put hand to the plow, they turn back them 226 and they stop ploughing,

then the field - that it also symbolizes their heart it logically stays uncultivated and the spiritual work

remains suspended. It is so that we can also oppose the Plans of Redemption and Salvation of

God for many decades also, because it takes time, also a lot of time, to correct a person with a

conscience not enough evolved .

It is clear, therefore, that men are jointly liable with the kingdom of the Darkness of the

delays in the realization of the Plans of Salvation of Jesus Redeemer for the individual Redemption

219 Deuteronomio 30, 15-20 (Le due vie)220 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated January 9th 1986, Edizioni MIR221 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del Karma), Mediterranee222 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49, Mediterranee223 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dai mondi invisibili, pages 164-168 (Peccato, Karma, Dolore), Mediterranee224 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49, Mediterranee225 Cerchio Firenze, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del Karma), Mediterranee226 Vangelo di Luca 9, 61-62



of men and in general for all the peoples of the Earth 227 . It is clear, therefore, that Satan can

oppose the plans of Salvation of the Lord Jesus with our collaboration only, but not because Satan

be stronger than the Christ; Satan is not it, neither he can be it, because his spirit corresponds to a

smaller black sun of the gold Sun of Jesus; Satan and his followers are without power and creative

strength also 228 , neither citizenship in the Divine Kingdom, while the power of Jesus is divine. At

Fatima we had the demonstration of it, because the gold Sun, that appeared there was not the sun

of our solar system; for me it was the Spirit of Jesus 229, that also the contemporaneous mystic

persons can see in vision.

The Evil and the Malignant one are a terrible reality against which we must fight, as you

peoples, religions and individuals. The Saints are aware of it; They have tried the hardness of the

struggle with the angel of the Evil and his Devils. Satan is a very dangerous enemy, although he

has the strength of the desperate ones.

He also has that unbelievable haughtiness that doesn't allow him to admit his defeat, also

because hw continue to find an excessive number of allies among billion of carnal men. It is also

for our collaboration that the head of the rebellious Angels keeps on hoping and to fight against the

plain of Salvation of the Lord Jesus.

Satan, the Tempter, is father and the mother of all the egoisms, the lies, the quarrels, the

dissensions and the conflicts, as well as of all the wars included those of the Islam 230 .

Satan and the Devils act with the deception from the Life after Death against us; they use

us without our knowledge. The Devils have lost the Divine Light; of the Divine Light It remains to

them a dwarfish quantity only, that is the least necessary quantity to allow them to stay alive. That

because it were possible the Redemption of the Devils that Son Jesus Cristo makes by means of

life and the man 231 and of its life in the four planes of the Cosmo: physical, astral, mental and

akasico 232 .

In conclusion, Satan cannot do anything else other than to hinder the Plans of God and

Jesus, but he can never prevent the realization of them. For the Salvation also the Word of God

reassures on the subject us men 233 . The examples of the Saints and the Just ones also show that

God saves in spite of Satan, the perverse and malignant Slaver of the men, when they are still

preys of their passions and the carnal temptations. But there is more: also Satan and the other

Demons are tools of God 234 even if they don't realize of it.

227 Isaia, chapter 56228 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 160, Armenia229 Luigi Gonzaga De Fonseca, Le meraviglie di Fatima, pages 85-87, San Paolo230 In this Catechism you see “ Contribute to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous mistakes of interpretations of fundamental themes of the God’s Revelation to the prophet Mohammed committed with malice and wickedness by the Islamic Fundamentalists “ (Elaborate n°4). You see also the Elaborate 4 bis “Inauspicious consequences of the Islamic radical Arab on the peace of the world” 231 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 162-163, Mediterranee 232 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee233 Isaia 51, 6-8 and 55, 10-11234 Libro di Giobbe 1, 6-12





The life conceived and realized by God for the man it is very complex, but the Lord has not

left the man alone to live it because He is also in each one of us 235 to help us to live well this life of


The life of the man is very complex, it was said, not only because the man when it is in the

planet Earth, the plan or world physical, lives contemporarily also in the astral plan for the feelings,

emotions and desires that he/she feels; but the man also lives contemporarily in the mental plan for

the activity of thought and in the plan akasico for the suggestions of the conscience.

The life of the man is also very complex for its physical needs and because he/she must

interact with other men, women and animals in the environment in which has been lowered; its life

is also subject to the temptations and the assaults and attacks of Satan and its Devils 236 .

For a complex of motives they are many the doubts and the questions that living appears

to the mind of every man, but not being alone - in how much God is within us - we can ask Him to

clarify our doubts and to answer to our questions. The only thing that we must do is that to

recognize Him and to accept Him 237 and to ask Him for help as devoted sons.

God, therefore, can answer to "… all the questions to help to resolve problems and to guide

and to direct our footsteps…238 " and for explaining us the Mysteries of the life 239 .

God is Love, Light and Knowledge also; He is the Father and the Mother of all the living

beings 240 . The Creation is fruit of the imagination, intelligence, power and creative will of God. The

Lord God is eternal, almighty, omniscient, endless, perfect and shortly He endowed with all the

virtues and positive qualities, among which the discernment. Him, living under conditions of

Present Eternity, it is certain that it foresaw the possibility that Satan and the rebellious Angels

would have been able to use badly the free will and to also profit of the divine powers that He had

given them (creative power and force 241 ), but without total autonomy from Him (this wise

precaution His winning weapon it shows itself Him, or at least, one of its weapons 242 ).

The Tall One positively thinks always, looking for the best in every situation, because it is

the Wise. The Tall One thinks and it always acts in terms of totality, of affectionate parentalness, of

generosity and of mercy in the justice. Therefore, it is certain that Him, in an eternal instant, taken

the necessary precautions, well before the rebellion of a part of the Angels, and then attended the

235 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 17th , Amrita236 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Messages dated December 25th 1991 and February 25th 1992, MIR237 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated October 21st , Amrita 238 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 21st , Amrita 239 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61, Mediterranee240 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn pages 103-104, Mediterranee ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163, Armenia241 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 160, Armenia242 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 160-163, Armenia



decisions of Lucifer and of all the other Angels foreseeing the possibility of one fall of theirs, but

leaving them free to choose whether to behave them.

When Lucifer and his companions of bad luck decided to betray God’s trust, the Lord,

instead of annihilating the rebels 243 being almighty, it studied the way instead to save them with His

love and He found it in the Life that we know, but before it deprived Satan of the power and the

creative strength with the purpose to prevent him to make other damages.

The Creator proposed himself therefore of embracing again all the rebellious Angels

through that marvellous adventure that is the Life in the four floors or worlds of the Cosmos that He

had created with the man 244 , inventing for the rebels the remorse, the repentance and the pain as

balms for their Souls. These balms are given to each man which shows to be ready at the right

moment to draw benefit from them .

To such purpose the Lord God created the universe with all the living beings, among which

the man, the being more similar to Him same, the Creator 245 . Also to the man the Lord God kept

on granting the liberty of choice between the Good and the Evil. Actually, it was too much important

to grant them also the free will, since God didn't want to create some beings succubus, obedient

and faithful by strength, to be beloved of an imposed love. Contrarily, He wanted some children

that loved Him for them free choice and therefore from immediately, if they had chosen to obey to

His Commandments or to act Good, as it made Abram.

We know that the Archangel Michael 246 and the Lord Jesus they have defeated Satan, but

we also know that this last has continued his struggle in the worlds of the Matter, that is in the first

three floors of the Cosmos (physical world, astral world and mental world 247) because men on the

Earth are never they themselves 248 . Satan does not want to realize that the Creator is not even

brush against by this war. While the skein of the time was unraveled Satan it got many successes

among men, whose nature was material and therefore prone to enjoy of the pleasures of the world

and the flesh.

The man's Self 249 , for the one who falls in the mud of the sin, it is stronger than the Ego of

the man himself; the Ego of the man sinner is formed by its scarce conscience and by its Divine

Spark 250 ; such supremacy lasts for a long time - measurable in centuries - because of the slavery

that derives from the pleasures of the senses. To the men sinner they need, therefore, some or

many incarnations in different human individuals 251 , before freeing themselves from such slavery;

243 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 162-163, Armenia244 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia245 Genesi 1, 27 ; Jakob Lorber, IL Signore parla, pages 157-163, Armenia246 Albert J Hebert, S.M., L’Arcangelo Michele, Edizioni Segno247 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65, Mediterranee248 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 162-163, Mediterranee249 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (Io), Mediterranee250 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Ego), Mediterranee251 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, pages 45-70 (La ruota delle nascite e delle morti), Mediterranee ; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee



it is very difficult to free us from the slavery of the human Self (Me), also because of the sense of

separation of the man 252.

These successes of the human Self, the Me, towards of the Ego of the men itselves seem

to overcome every limit of ferocity in this epoch ( End of the second Millennium and beginnings of

the third ) and in such way they keep on making to hope for Satan, even though madly, in a victory

of the Matter, that is his, on the Spirit and therefore on God.

Satan - strong of the power of the Darkness that he created for himself, at the base of

which there is a serious error, that to feel himself separate from God 253 - it continues his struggle

without hope some of victory. We don’t understood why Satan he doesn't realize that the

separation from God it is an idea of his, an appearance of the relative Reality, because in the

Absolute Reality everything is in God and everything it is supported by His Spirit 254 ; but perhaps

Satan he doesn't realize even that himself is a tool of the project of Salvation of God 255 . Then, the

fact to be stronger than the men in the worlds of the Matter doesn't mean at all that the Demon is

autonomous from God, but only that he continues to be confined in the Matter after he was

expelled from the Divine Plan up to when all Demons will be redeemed by means of the man by

the Lord Jesus 256 .

The expulsion from the Divine Plan of Lucifer, when it became Satan, can be examined

under the profile of the actions and the reactions (the Law of cause and of effect 257 ): when the

Creator understood that Satan, wanted to become His antagonist in the Matter, that is in the

Worlds of the Perception (the Relative Reality 258 ) He let him do it despite that the God of the love

conceives only the union, the communion of the beings, the embrace between them and never the

separation, that produces or it can produce opposition, dissensions and conflicts. Later, however,

the Lord God conceived the life in the Cosmos with the man to allow the Demons to redeem

oneself, through the life of the men, being them become imprisoned in the worlds of the Matter

( Planes physical, astral e mental of the Cosmos 259 ).

It can also be said that the love is disgusted by the hate and vice versa. Satan and the

other rebels, private of the energy and of the force creative, they " fell " in the Cosmos, that is in

the Matter, and there very many among them they are still relegated because they are wicked and

liars for nature. For such reasons it is important to try to understand the people that we frequent

and it is still more important to practise the virtues and to cultivate the Knowledge.

252 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 215 (Senso di separatività), Mediterranee253 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th , Amrita254 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 278-279 (Spirito), Mediterranee255 Libro di Giobbe 1, 6-12256 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162-163, Armenia257 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 209 (Legge di causa e di effetto), Mediterranee258 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pagina 184 (Mondi della Percezione) e pagine 235-237 (Realtà), Mediterranee259 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee



In the Matter the Devil he perhaps believes himself to be the lord of the men, because it

dominates them for a long time, but it is not the lord of them, on the contrary only the dominator-


For Satan it is easy to dominate in this world who is enslaved of the sin because the sins

feed the passion insane of the men as the excessive love for itselves or for the people and the

things that they idolize, contravening to the Commandments of God 260 .

The nature and the strength of the Enemy of God and ours it is such that when we succeed

in lifting the head from the so many false problems that we set there, Satan makes us revert back

with negative or malignant thoughts or with the discharges of its malefic energies with his assaults

and attacks, as Our Lady Mary teaches us from Medjugorje 261 . We don't succeed in also lifting

the head because the man prays few, many almost never pray and others never. Nevertheless,

sooner or later, God's Word, sowed in the hearts of the men, it reaches the purpose that same God

is established with His Plans of Salvation 262 . At that point the man changes radically and for

Satan there are less and less possibilities to hurt him, because the Lord God “delivers” the man,

that has become ready to be realized, to His Son Jesus, so that He redeems him and save him

from the chains of the Evil and from the Malignant one 263 .

This happens because God loves His children and passionately desiring embrace them

again in the Divine Plan the Lord same has assured the Salvation to whoever he/she repents,

mends itself, repent itself and he/she is converted, because all the children's union with the Father

belongs to the Plans of God 264 . After we have been taken in care by the Lord Jesus and by His

Mother, Our Lady Mary, Satan is still able to do us some evil with his negative and malignant

thoughts or with its discharges of energies wicked , but he cannot enslave us anymore; not at all!,

since also our personal commitment makes us grow more quickly, from the moment in which the

Lord Jesus has started to take care of us the day that the Celestial Father has entrusted us to Him,

as He did with the disciples in Palestine over two thousand years ago 265 .

Satan made himself prince of the Matter 266 , but despite the big number of people that the

Lord Jesus has already redeemed, he doesn't want to understand that the life in the worlds of the

Matter is instrumental to the transmutation of the material beings in spiritual beings, him included.

And therefore Satan continues to oppose to God, also because, perhaps, he hopes to fight for ever

against God, but so it will not be because on the objective plan it exists God only 267 .

260 Levitico 19, 18 ; Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 (Decalogue) and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9261 Maria di Nazareth, Messages from Medjugorje, Message dated December 25th 1991 and February 25th 1992, MIR262 Isaia 51, 4-8 and 55, 6-11263 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee 264 Isaia 46, 9-13 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 29th , Amrita265 Vangelo di Giovanni 17, 12-21 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita266 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia267 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71-72 (Dio), Mediterranee



The Lord Jesus showed to men the way to free oneself of the yoke of the polarities and the

passions for the pleasures of the world and the flesh 268 . Jesus, the Christ, taught also us that true

life is that of the Spirit 269 and that the physical body of the man is the cocoon of the butterfly, that is

of the immortal Divine Spark and of the Conscience, that is the man's Ego. And so much the Son

Jesus Christ liked to God, that same God opened the doors of the Heaven to the men that

evangelically live.

The Messiah also embodied the Word of God that is Light or Divine Knowledge 270 . The

Light that illuminated the human errors inserted in the Sacred Writings; the Christ taught us very

many things, included that that the eternal Life consists of knowing the Celestial Father and

Himself the Son 271 .

Satan, despite must know all of this, it doesn't consider that the God Love, endless and

transcendent, omnipotent and omniscient you/he/she cannot even be grazed from his hate and

from his spiteful envy and of the other Demons, neither from the Evil that it is not objective,

because it is a part only some cosmic Reality, that is relative.

The angel of the Evil keeps on cultivating all the vices and all the unhealthy passions as if

Jesus had not been born. The Demon is wicked for choice and conviction. He doesn't have any

respect for anybody and so much less for us men; for him we are less than nothing.

The wickedness, the haughtiness and the greed of power of Satan dull its egocentric and

selfish intelligence; I don't know if he realizes that also he is instrumental to the Good 272 . Also the

man, in the worlds of the Matter, especially in the planet Earth, thinks and acts in terms of personal

convenience for to satisfy which the others are not seen as brothers, but as draughts, soldiers,

servants and tools to be used for his/her own aims. There is no substantial difference among Satan

and men, that are hostile to Jesus. And it is easy to behave as enemies of the Lord, also without

realizing it. Also for this motive there is so much Evil in the world.

As it is not possible that Satan and the other rebellious Angels are not intelligent, we might

deduce of it that they have their intelligence darkened by the hate and by the envy, by to think

about itselves only and to their insane, useless and hateful plans of victory on God.

Satan and his Demons, have not wanted to realize yet, after many millennia of defeats, that

love cannot be won; love " it never accepts a no as answer "; “ Love is the greatest uniting power

in the universe. Love opens all doors…273 . It is love, that is same God 274 , that realizes the unity of

all beings and of all things in God same helped by Christ

268 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia269 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia270 Vangelo di Giovanni 1 (Prologo) ; Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli271 Vangelo di Giovanni 17, 1-3272 Libro di Giobbe 1, 6-12273 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 146, Mediterranee274 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee



Then it might be deduce of it, that the Devils have also darkened the ability to discern, to

understand the difference that there is between the endless greatness of God and their littleness,

included that of all men that have a state of being similar to theirs.

It is possible that in a certain way, different from the human ones, the rebellious Angels or

Demons be preys also them of the capital vices. And us - on our behalf, surrendering to the

temptations and to the demands of the human self , the me - we feed the egoism of Satan and his

Demons with all of our mental energies, our thoughts, our desires and our insane carnal passions.



Men have the liberty of choice, but don't have the total free will, since it would be

incompatible with the absolute liberty of God. According to the teaching of the spiritual Teachers of

the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77), the liberty of choice of the man is relative to the

occurrences of the daily life, that are called "cosmic situations" or “frames” 275 , but it cannot be an

absolute liberty 276 .

The man with its four bodies (physical, astral, mental and akasico or of the conscience)

contemporarily lives its daily occurrences on the four different plans of existence of the Cosmos

(the physical, the astral one, the mental one and the Akasico or of the conscience planes). The

man is animated always by its Divine Spark 277 .

The life that we live depends on a linking together of causes and effects, that we contribute

to create ourselves with our living.

Men live their daily occurrences together with other men and animals, so each one of us is

conditioned in those occurrences from the other living beings and from the same environment, that

we are not able to influence (for instance the atmospheric time). Of it derives that the total free will

implies absolute liberty that no man has, not even the more powerful person of the Earth. However

we always have liberty of choice between every thing and its contrary, since life founds itself upon

the duality. It has been said from the Lord God that "… every thing of the relative world exists

because his contrary exists. But I AM the explanations of the contraries because I transcend them278 ".

The physical world is different from the world of the sensations, emotions and wishes (the

astral world); both they are different from the world of the thought (the mental world); all three

these worlds they are different from the world of the conscience (Akasico); these four worlds

(physical, astral, mental and akasico or of the conscience) they form the Cosmos in which the275 Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, pages 181-183; Mediterranee ; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 120-122 (Fotogrammi), Mediterranee276 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 161-162 (Libero arbitrio, Libertà, Libertà assoluta e libertà relativa, Mediterranee277 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee278 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee



evolutionary process of the life develops itself to always give great degrees of Mind and of

Conscience to the beings 279 .

The first three planes or worlds of the Cosmos (physical, astral and mental) form a zone,

that of the perception, that exists in operation of the second one, that of the to feel of conscience280 .

The experiences done by men during their cosmic life in the zone of the perception are all

addressed to the amplification of their conscience (Evolution and Evolution of the self-conscience281 ).

To be able to live his/her complex life in the worlds of the Matter the man has been

endowed with four bodies, the physical, the astral one, the mental one, the akasico or of the

conscience or Soul, all sustained by his/her eternal body, the Drop or Divine Spark – Spirit – Self282 . Of these bodies it is tangible only that physical one, but the existence of the other bodies can

be inferred by the reactions of the physical body to the sensations, emotions and wishes of the

astral body, to the thoughts and the feelings. In every case everybody we know that we have

sensations, emotions, thoughts and feelings, but we know also that any surgeon has ever found

them in a physical body, since they are ultra physical bodies, even if the science, can find today

traces of them with very sensitive tools.

The process of the cosmic perception (planes or worlds physical, astral and mental) must to

be subject to the contrary ones, to the duality, in strength of which "…everything exists because its

contrary exists… ". The explanation of the contrary ones is God, that transcends the duality and

from the brute Matter draws the conscience 283 .

The life of the worlds of the Matter (physical, astral and mental) is done so that the man can

always choose between the Good and the Evil. Temptations are had, therefore, both to act well

and to act badly. For the acting well the Lord God has given us a personal guide, the Guardian

Angel 284 , that helps us to choose well for our love.

For the acting badly we have many allies, Satan and his Devils and many men and women,

but thee Lord Jesus has said that for Satan we have to understand generally speaking the whole

material creation with its pleasures and with Devils that it is “separated” 285 ; ours "human Me " or

small Self , has been created by the mind for error 286 ; for the man the pleasures of the world and

of the flesh are almost irresistible.

279 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee280 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee281 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione and Evoluzione dell’autocoscienza) and page 210 (Legge di Evoluzione), Mediterranee282 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 207 (Goccia o Scintilla Divina – Spirito – Sé), Mediterranee283 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee284 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 28 (Angelo custode), Mediterranee285 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 158, Armenia286 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (Io), Mediterranee



The human Self or inferior Self or small Self or Me: when our Conscience starts to develop

itself the Me become another enemy of us, because it hinders the amplification of such conscience

of ours, since the Me has the same nature of the Demons: it is selfish, egocentric and overbearing.

We, however, are always free to choose between the Good and the Evil; if we choose the

Evil, we will bring damages and pains to someone, damages and pains that we will personally

“pay” after, with sufferings physical and psychic equal or similar to those that we have inflicted to

the others.

The karmic lessons they will be imparted us at the moment in which we will be able to

understand them for divine mercy 287 , also centuries later when we will not remember our

misdeeds anymore because we are another person and for the law of the forgetfulness 288 .

Therefore, if we will choose the Good and we will make good actions we will have in change good

actions; at least we will have peace and calm instead that bad actions and therefore punishments

and anguish as it teaches us the mantra of the karma 289 . We always have liberty of choice, also to

put the hand on the plow to work the field of our heart and then to return to commit sins, but we will

personally be responsible of it 290 . Nevertheless, any man will have forever the Hell within itself,

because the love of God is stronger than our wickedness and His fond plans of Salvation they

always realize them 291 .

The Lord God or the Lord Jesus don't condemn us to eternal punishments, but they operate

for helping us to widen our conscience teaching us to evangelically live. If we suffer or if we are

suffering this it exclusively depends on us because personally we create our future according to

the style of life that we have. If we choose to evangelically live according to the Commandments of

God 292 we will feel well there; if we choose to selfishly live we will feel badly there 293 . Therefore

we are ourselves with our way to live that we create our life; we create it above all with our

thoughts, as the Lord God has told us at Findhorn in the XX° century 294 . We are ourselves,

therefore, with our way of living that we create our internal peace or our anguishes 295 . For such

reasons it can be said that we create for ourselves a paradisiacal life or an infernal life.

The divine Potter 296 limits Him to make to model the individuals, that is us men, by the Sirs

or Teachers of the Karma 297 at every new incarnation on the basis of what we have thought and do

or not do only with the purpose to widen our conscience and therefore our altruism.

287 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 158 and page 46 (n°7), Mediterranee288 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 157 (Legge dell’oblio), Mediterranee289 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del Karma), Mediterranee290 Ezechiele chapter 18291 Isaia 46, 9-13292 Deuteronomio 30, 15-20293 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del Karma, Mediterranee294 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 140-141, Mediterranee295 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del Karma), Mediterranee296 Geremia 18, 1-10297 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 266 (Signori o Maestri del Karma), Mediterranee



Our life depends on ourselves for the liberty that we have to choose between the Good and

the Evil 298 ; such liberty, that is the Free will, that has been given us by the Creator; ourselves

therefore with our thoughts and our behaviours we model our futures states of beings of the so-

called Heaven or of the so-called Hell; actually the Heaven and the Hell as places they don't exist

because they are states of being that we always carry them within us 299 , but the Hell is carried

within us up to when we will not become, but the Hell we carry it within us only, up to when we will

become unselfish persons that is to say almost saints.


Brothers men, don’t worry with regard to the eternal Hell, because it doesn't exist neither as

place nor as a state of being; the Hell is not a place but a state of being, as a state of being is the

Paradise; the man always carries them all within itself both the so-called Paradise and the so-

called Hell. I don't tell it myself, the Lord Jesus has told it in the XIX° century to His Austrian scribe

Jakob Lorber: <<Nobody goes to the Hell or in the Sky, but each carries them both inside of itself300 >>, but the Hell is not eternal like the Paradise; as a matter of fact the Hell is limited to the

period of time necessary to the man for becoming almost a saint, not more. This period of time

lasts beyond fifty thousands years with many incarnations as man or woman in different places of

the planet Earth 301 .

The Lord God has confirmed to Eileen Caddy in the XX° century that the Hell and the

Heaven they are states o being with these words: << Try to see my hand in everything, to

understand that nothing happens by chance and that there is no such thing as luck or good

fortune. Realise that you draw to yourself all the very best or the very worst in life: it can be peace,

serenity and tranquillity or it can be chaos and confusion. It comes from within, from your state of

consciousness; therefore do not blame your surrounding. A snail carries its all with it, even its

house. You carry all within, and it is reflected without 302 >>.

Brothers men, stay calm also for how much it regards the Day of the Judgment of Matteo

25, 31-46 according to which the Lord Jesus will send the bad ones to the Hell and the good ones,

the Righteous, in the Heaven, both because these places don't exist, and because even such Day

of the Judgment it doesn't exist since God and the Christ love us and therefore they save us with

298 Deuteronomio 30, 15-20 (Le due vie) ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 40 (Bene) and pages 172-173 (Male), Mediterranee299 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 176, Armenia ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 14th , Amrita 300 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 176, Armenia ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 14th , Amrita301 Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, page 185, Mediterranee302 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 14th , Amrita



the reincarnation 303 and the corrections of our egoisms with the law of the karma 304 with a series

of existences in the Cosmos at the end of which we will have become almost holy.

The Hell in the form of sufferings, anguishes, chaos and confusion can disappear from the

selfish and egocentric life of the man if the man itself starts to altruistically live obeying to the

Commandments of love 305 and of those of Jesus 306 ; what needs to whom suffers and lives in the

chaos or distressfully it is the repentance, the conversion and therefore a new style of life, that

pointed out by the Lord Jesus in His Gospels.

To whom starts to evangelically live, that is altruistically, takes over a state of being of

peace; as a matter of fact Jesus as greeted His Apostles after the Resurrection two thousand

years ago with a : << Peace to you 307 >>. The perpetual joy to be alive will arrive after when will

be admitted at the Divine Plane. The Lord God said me “ Everything in Me is joy “ ( 7-27-2005 ).



The Lord Jesus said: <<That I have never talked to you of one day of general awakening

and judgment it is thing of which you should remember; I have spoken however to you of a special

day of the judgment for every man (separately) and this in the moment in which its soul leaves the

terrestrial carnal covering. But in truth this awakening doesn't bring to each an immediate eternal

life, on the contrary to someone also the eternal death: it is necessary however to consider that the

word "eternal" you must not interpret as a time continuous and without end. With the day of the

judgment I don't intend one terrestrial day, on the contrary one spiritual day in the Life after Death.

When you will have left the body and you will have entered the kingdom of the spirits, that will be

your day of the judgment and Me I will redeem you from the bond of the matter, and this is what I

intend when I speak of the day of the judgment. The day of the judgment is for the all the righteous

one day of resurrection to the eternal life, that is the most perfect rebirth of the spirit.

It is also however one day of judgment for all those people who don't want to welcome me

in itself in spirit, truth and therefore also in complete love. But comes in the Life after Death, the

people won't despise anymore as they do in earth, the light of the life and the truth…The Gospels

as you know them contain a lot of inaccuracies and contradictions especially in the literal meaning,

that that is of My highly tyrannical intervention in the so-called one "day of the judgment", thing that

doesn't correspond at all to the Gospel of John, that is the only exact: follow therefore only the

Gospel of John 308 >> (our note: the following verses are seen: 5,19-46; 8,15-18 and 12,46-50).

303 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 214 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee304 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49, Mediterranee305 Levitico 19, 18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo, 22, 36-40306 You see the Gospels307 Vangelo di Luca 24, 36 ; Vangelo di Giovanni 20, 26308 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-182, Armenia



<< As for the resurrection of the flesh, with the word "flesh" they are to intend the deeds

that the soul has practiced in life. The valley of Josaphat points out the state of internal peace of

the soul, if his to act has always been correct. In this peace that is not disturbed from any

terrestrial love, from any desire or lust, and that it can be compared to a calm mirror of water in

which you can see reflected the images of the distant and near objects, consists, note, the

beginning of the true universal judgment of the soul, its awakening through My spirit and together

also its resurrection to the eternal life.

In this state the soul already sees the good fruits of its deeds and starts to cheer up him of

it more and more; and in this to reflect and to consider consists, note, the true resurrection of the

flesh. Here so: a human and momentary body is sowed in the earth and revives then as immortal

and eternal body. If you think in this connection to your material body, you commit really a great

error; if however you report yourself instead to the good deeds of the soul, that constitute its true

body, you surely reach the truth in this way.

Because you see every good deed that the soul completes on this earth towards its

neighbour, it passes as everything it passes on this earth, but it remains in the soul and it forms the

spiritual dress of it: because if you have satiated a hungry, quench the thirst who is thirsty, dressed

a naked person, consoled a prisoner, this doesn't last only the time and the moment in which you

complete the action, but forever! You can forget to have completed these good actions,

nevertheless in the day of the judgment, when you will be reawakened at the eternal life, these

good actions will be with you, not in the form of terrestrial and momentary actions, on the contrary

in the form of durable fruits for ever. And this you see is the true resurrection of the flesh!....309..>>.


The reincarnation means the "Transmigration of the Individuality 310 in a body fit to express

the achieved evolution, to the purpose to achieve evolution 311 ".

The Evolution is a " Process for which life, through forms more and more organized, it

always expresses great degrees of Mind and of Spirit 312 ". (my note: for Spirit you understand

Conscience ).

The Lord Jesus told His Austrian scribe Jakob Lorber: << Nobody will want to affirm to be

able to reach the perfecting during this brief terrestrial life. But this truth, well note to the ancient

fathers of the Earth (Greek and Indians) it has been modified and then completely corrupted first

by the avid teachers of the peoples and then by the priests, that are full of egoism and of desire of

dominion; since the true doctrine of the transmigration of the souls would not have yielded them

offers and affairs, they allowed that it was believed that the human soul can regress to the animals

309 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 182-183, Armenia310 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 208 (Individualità), Mediterranee311 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 214 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee312 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee



and there a lot of sufferings, and from this suffering only the priests are able to free them in

exchange for great offers.

In this way they have risen the polytheism, the paganism, the completely distorted faith of

the transmigration of the souls in bodies of animals and a lot of other coarse stupidities.

If also God has always sent true Teachers among the people made by now blind, they

have gotten few, since here on the earth it must be leaved intact to the human soul the free will,

without which a man would become a real animal, and so it is necessary to have patience with the

humanity to make it reach to a best light in another world.

But troubles to all the true teachers priests and prophets, that know well the ancient and

pure doctrine for itselves, but that for their greed and avarice they persist to conceal it to the

people; they won't escape My anger!

You have heard to speak of a transmigration of the souls. The Far East believes it today

still you with certainty. But among them this faith is very contaminated, because they believe that

the human souls return in an animal body. But it is well afar to be this way: That the soul of the

man of this world it is formed from the mineral kingdom, vegetable and animal finally reaching the

human soul, it is thing that has been you in big part already shown; as it has also been shown you

with what order this happens. But back even the less perfect human soul doesn't return, to the

except - but only in appearance - that in the spiritual kingdom for its humiliation and for the

possible consequent improvement…. 313 >>.


1. To bring harmony in the world is essential a radical change in the mentality of men, till

now founded upon the wrong sense of separation 314 from that All-One-Absolute that is God 315 .

The sense of separation is at the origin of all the criticisms of all the sufferings and of all the

conflicts and the wars 316 ; therefore the Evangelization will also consist of cooperating to form with

the tools of the communication a society, a culture, an economy and a finance founded upon the

equality of the love of God for all men 317 , as well as on the Justice and on the Mercy of the

Gospels, because without justice there cannot be the Peace. And without Justice and Peace

terrestrial life degrades it to intolerable levels, up to become a Hell. In this epoch ( End of the

second Millennium and beginnings of the third ) on the Earth there are so many Hells because of

the unbridled egoisms of the majority of the men, consequential from their wrong mentality.

313 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 184-185, Armenia 314 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 215 (Senso di separatività), Mediterranee315 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 33-34 (Assoluto) and pages 296-297 (Tutto – Tutto è perfetto – Tutto-Uno-Assoluto), Mediterranee316 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 12th , Amrita 317 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 16th , Amrita



2. The new mentality of the men and the other changes that will evangelically derive from

the way of living must found upon the Revelation of the Messiah, according to which there is not

separation but unity among the children, the Celestial Father and all the things in Jesus Christ 318 .

For such reasons all of us must hope in a best world, because we know how much the Father-

Mother-God and His Son Jesus love the man and how much faithful they are to their promises 319 ;

therefore, the history of the Salvation helps us to hope both in the possibility to contribute to create

with our positive thoughts 320 and our good behaviours a best world, both in the Redemption of

Jesus Christ 321 . Our part also consists of always seeking the best in the daily occurrences of our

life, making every thing with love, also when the situations appear desperate, as in this epoch

( End of the second Millennium and beginnings of the third ) 322 ;

3. The Evangelization will free the peoples and the single individuals, from the idolatries of

the money, of the success, of the power as well as from the materialism, from the consumerism

and from the pseudos atheistic cultures that are derived from the societies of the profit, of the

possession and of the to take. The system of life that it is derived of it is revealed source of

slaveries and of material and moral poverties, as well as of physical and moral sufferings, what

effects of our behaviours contrary to the precepts of the Decalogue 323 and the Laws of the love 324

negative behaviours that are corrected with the Law of the Karma 325 during new incarnations on

the Earth. With the Christian mentality that will derive from the Evangelization, it will be possible to

live according to the law of the to Give, founding economic systems based upon the production of

necessary things and not on the profit, on the publicity and not on the push to consume more and

more, which is why to the families money now is not enough never, even with the salary of the wife,

because spent in useless or superfluous things that impoverish everybody;

4. From the Christian style of living it will derive a new way to conceive the life because we

will set there objective of spiritual growth and new family and social relationships that will be

founded upon the love, on the service and on the mutual respect, rather than on the sex and on

the conveniences. The Christian economic and social systems will be founded on the sharing and

on the sense of the duty, fruit of the love of the one for the others;

5. This liberation will be more difficulty if we will keep on living in the cities, especially in

the megalopolis, where they cohabit rich and miserable, and in the bidonvilles, according to the

rules of the culture of the Evil, where the miserable ones become miserable more and more,

especially in the poor Countries and the rich ones more and more rich. The civilization of this

318 Vangelo di Giovanni chapters 1, 14 and 17 ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 298 (Unità del Tutto), Mediterranee 319 Genesi 15-25; Abram’s history320 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 6th , Amrita321 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (Il “ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee322 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated March 14th and 21st , April 20th and October 1st , Amrita 323 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22324 Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40325 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49, Mediterranee



epoch ( End of the second Millennium and beginnings of the third ) must be considered a

barbarism, for the number of the injustices, of the conflicts and of the violences that are consumed

in it. They are civil those Countries where the people live according to justice and in peace and

where life is the simplest possible, where the contact with the nature makes to feel how much the

Divinity is near to the men;

6. This liberation will be impossible for those people that they won't listen to the

suggestions of Our Lady from Medjugorje (among which are quoted:

a. " your hearts are turned to the terrestrial things and these they hold back

you “(note of mine: from the growth in conscience) ;

b. "you ask the effusion of the Holy Spirit ";

c. " you switch off the televisions, you leave aside the useless things and converted

you ";

d. " don’t you pray for habit " 326 . If the men won't pray with the heart, they won't

ask the effusion of the Holy Spirit on them, if they will keep on holding turned on

the televisions, making themselves to be tried by the publicity to buy useless or

futile things, or they will read newspapers, books or other publications that give

scandal and they offend the innocence of their children, the innocence of the

young people and the modesty of everybody, the things cannot improve in the

world. By that the urgency and the necessity to found small Communities, where

be possible to establish systems of cohabitation, scholastic and productive

compatible with the principles of evangelical solidarity, keeping in mind the ethical

values, also of scientific nature, achieved by the humanity in the last twenty

centuries. To such aim in the Communities of the Christian Civilization it will be

done recourse to committees of researchers in the various branches of the to


7. To contribute to build a best world, in alternative to that today in force, it is essential to

acquire an unselfish mentality to change the actual ways to act founded upon the law of the do ut

des (I give you if you give me).

8. To realize a best world, it needs, first of all, to start to improve ourselves and to make to

radiate the way to think of the Christ around us; to the rest it will think the Providence 327 ;

9. So that this happens it is necessary that the life Christian projects of life are diffused

and illustrated also by special Media of communication, so that the people can always have liberty

of choice and find always in the television programs, newspapers and a similar means of

communication contents, images and languages conforming to an evangelical education, so that

men can form themselves a new mentality. In the Communities of the Christian Civilization the man

326 Maria of Nazareth, Messages from Medjugorje: Messages dated May 2nd 1985 ; May 9th 1985 and February 13th 1986, MIR327 Vangelo di Matteo 6, 25-34



will have an unselfish mentality and an unshakable faith, that the people will make aware, which

will choose the culture and the evangelical style of life. In such way it can be contributed to

pacifically change the systems and the social and economic structures and the same institutions,

from the family, to the United Nations, according to the justice of the Gospels;

10. In all the Communities and Christian organizations that we will co-operate to build in the

world, men can live in peace and they will cooperate to the common Good helping each other;

11. The Evangelization will also consist of cooperating to spread the knowledge and the

awareness, that Satan is the Antichrist 328 ; the Antichrist, all the Devils and very many men are

enemies of the Lord Jesus 329 ;

12. Our disciples will imitate the Lord Jesus in everything, to the best of their possibilities

and they will openly speak and without fear 330 , also because the Spirit will teach them what they

must say 331 . Our disciples must always remember the answer that the Messiah told James and

John children of Zebedee: " …. If one of you want to be the first one he makes himself servant of

all… 332 .

328 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee329 Vangelo di Matteo 12,30 and Vangelo di Luca 9, 49-50330 Vangelo di Matteo 10, 26-29331 Vangelo di Luca 12, 11-12332 Vangelo di Marco 10, 35-45