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  • 7/27/2019 007 Lifestyle - Bond Body


  • 7/27/2019 007 Lifestyle - Bond Body


    Table of ContentsIntroduction 6




    WEEKS 1-8:



    YOU LISTED! 15Diet 16


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    WHAT THIS DOES 29Cardio and Keeping Fat Gain To A Minimum 31


    YOU'LL FEEL THE DIFFERENCE 33Warm-ups 34Miscellaneous Ideas 35


    What To Do Afterward 37

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    Your Diet After The 8 Weeks 40AFTER THE 8 WEEKS 41AND THEN MAINTAIN YOUR DIET 43

    Exercise After The 8 Weeks 44CARDIO 45

    Overview of the Plan 46Conclusion 47Exercise Glossary 48




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    This guide is for entertainment purposes only. No claim or opinion in

    this guide is intended to be, nor should be construed to be, medical

    advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional before starting

    any diet or exercise program.

    The author of the ebook and LivingLikeJamesBond.com make no

    representations about the suitability of the information contained in

    this guide for any purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use of its

    contents remains with the recipient. In no event shall the author of

    this book and or LivingLikeJamesBond.com be liable for any direct,

    consequential, incidental, special, punitive or other damages


    By reading and following the principles in this guide, you

    acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to be bound

    by these terms and conditions.

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    IntroductionIn August of 2008, I decided I needed some change in my life.

    I quit my job, sold my stuff, and left to travel the world and

    accomplish big, focused goals in my life.

    The first stop in my travels was Panama. My goal: work my ass off

    and pile more muscle on my body than I had ever done before. This

    way, I could travel for months afterward without having to worry

    about bodybuilding goals.

    I knew it could be done. I had spent months before my trip

    researching the best methods to build muscle quickly and efficiently.

    And after eight weeks, I can proudly say I accomplished my goal.


    My philosophy on bodybuilding has changed drastically because of

    my experiments in Panama.

    I firmly believe that, for the majority of people, two focused, all-out

    eight week sessions of bodybuilding is all we need each year.

    The famous Steve Reeves -- who had one of the most proportioned,

    impressive physiques of all time -- remarked that, during his career

    as a muscled Hollywood actor, he would only work out heavily roughly

    three months out of the year. The rest of the year, he simply did light

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    work to maintain his frame. He was also a big fan of what he called

    "power walking" to stay in shape.

    When you truly put your mind to it, it's amazing what you can

    accomplish with your physique in only eight weeks. I was able to put a

    little more than 10 pounds of new muscle on my frame, and have had

    no trouble maintaining it in the months after.


    There are a lot of books and guides out on the market that advertiseputting on 20 or 30 or more pounds of muscle in only eight weeks.

    What these marketers don't tell you is that these gains -- if at all true

    -- are from something called "muscle memory."

    Muscle memory, simply put, is the term used for muscle that you

    once had, that your body doesn't struggle to put back on after a long

    period of inactivity.

    I'm sure you've heard about bodybuilders that didn't work out for

    years, lost their muscle, and suddenly had a huge comeback in just a

    short period of time (think Arnold in the late Terminator movies).

    They were able to put all this muscle back on because of muscle


    In fact, some of the most "shocking" posts on online Bodybuilding

    Forums are the ones by guys who say they didn't work out for a long

    time, got out of shape, and suddenly piled 20 pounds of muscle back

    on in a month. Again: muscle memory in action.

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    That's not to say that lots of hard work and dedication isn't involved

    in putting that muscle back on. But, these guys are simply getting

    back into shape, and aren't building new muscle. The latter is much,

    much harder, as you may already know.



    The majority of lifters rely too much on "scientific findings," and not

    enough on real world results and experience.

    I value completely what science gives us, and it has definitely helped

    the bodybuilding scene.

    But what I find is that too many lifters follow what is touted as the

    "latest scientific study" on muscle building, don't gain much or any

    muscle, and don't understand what went wrong.

    Building muscle doesn't have to be a science. It boils down to simply

    hard work and smart eating.

    Science has provided us the basis for what constitutes "hard work"

    and "smart eating." Now it's our job to experiment and found out what

    works best.

    My experience has shown me what works and what doesn't. I'm nowsharing my experience with you. For that reason, I don't cite any

    scientific studies in this manual. I'd rather tout what actually worked

    for me, and not what an out-of-shape scientist found in lab


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    This is not made to be an all-inclusive bodybuilding guide. This is

    simply what I did to pile on lots of muscle in an eight week time span.

    Consider it a glorified case study.

    Use it as a guideline for your own plan. I will present lots of ideas in

    this book that you've likely never heard before; or heard before and

    never paid attention to; or maybe heard in one form or another, but

    now understand.

    I can guarantee there is information in here that you won't findanywhere else. I've been lifting weights for several years and always

    had very slow progress. The tips I lay out in this manual are what

    helped me actually put on real muscle in a short amount of time, for

    the first time in my life.

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    The Work Outs


    Most people overcomplicate their workouts. In fact, most trainers

    overcomplicate their workouts.

    The simple fact of the matter is this: the harder you work in the

    shorter amount of time, the better results you'll get.

    Again, all your results come down to hard work. Not much else. If you

    exert yourself, and push yourself to the limit, you'll grow a lot.

    What I'm getting at is that a 1-minute set of upright rows done for 12

    grueling, screaming reps could end up giving you more value than 20

    or 30 minutes of various back exercises done at the moderate tempo

    most people opt for.

    But what if you took the level of intensity from your exhausting 12-

    rep set, and then applied it to 20 or 30 minutes worth of exercise?

    You'll grow more than you've ever grown in your life.


    Most people already know how muscles grow. However, here's a very

    quick, non-scientific breakdown for you.

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    Every time you use your muscles, they develop little micro-tears.

    Eventually, those micro-tears heal themselves.

    When your muscles rebuild, with proper nutrition, they'll actually

    grow bigger, to be able to handle bigger loads in the future.

    The more you load your muscles -- with weight and tension -- the

    more you'll "damage" your muscles, and the bigger they'll re-grow.


    There are really three stages in a lift that you can take advantage of

    to exhaust a muscle group. Most people focus only on one.

    The first stage -- and most common -- is concentric motion, or a

    concentric lift. "Concentric" simply means shortening a muscle on the

    lift, or in other words, the "lifting up" portion of the exercise. When

    you do a bicep curl, the portion where you raise the barbell up is the

    concentric portion.

    The second stage -- and most forgotten -- is eccentric motion, or an

    eccentric lift. This is the "negative" portion of a lift. When you lower

    the barbell back down in your bicep curl, that is the eccentric portion

    of a lift. Most people simply drop the weight back down, using

    momentum from gravity, and completely ignore the muscle'sfunction. This is a huge mistake.

    The third stage is static holds. This is where you hold a weight in

    place while contracting your muscles. It's most effective in the middle

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    range of an exercise -- the midpoint between a full concentric

    contraction, and a full eccentric detraction.

    These three stages were listed in order. When doing any lift, you will

    first exhaust the concentric portion; then after a few reps, will

    exhaust the eccentric portion; and then the static portion will become

    completely exhausted.

    In other words, once you're unable to do any more concentric lifts,

    you'll still be able to do eccentric lifts; and once you're unable to do

    any more eccentric lifts, you'll still be able to do static holds.

    Most people only take a half-hearted attempt at exhausting their

    muscles through the concentric portion of a lift. Think about how

    much more of a work-out you can get in -- and in less time -- if you

    were to exhaust all three stages listed above.

    You likely already know how to exhaust your muscles through

    concentric lifts. I highly recommend doing the concentric portion of a

    lift as fast as possible -- this seems to provide the most "bang for the

    buck" than lifting slowly.

    To exhaust the eccentric portion, simply lower the weight back down

    as slowly as possible. I'm talking spending at least 5 seconds lowering

    the weight back down to its starting position.

    Once you can't do any more concentric lifts, cheat a little bit to get theweight to its "peak" contraction. Then do some eccentric detractions --

    slow, slow, slow -- until you can't do any more.

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    Once that's done, simply hold the weight in place for as many seconds

    as you can.

    This should all be done in a row with no rest in-between.

    You will have a sore, tired muscle after this.


    I wanted to pile on as much muscle as possible all over my body, so I

    followed a fairly evenly-split full body workout.

    WEEKS 1-8:

    Weeks 1,3,5,7:

    Monday Wednesday Friday

    Neck press (wide-

    grip bench press)

    Front squat Wide grip dips

    Military press Deadlift Side laterals

    Close grip bench Gironda Perfect Curl Skull crushers

    Pull-ups Barbell wrist curl Lat pull-down (front)

    Barbell rowing Calves (any exercise) Chest-supported

    incline shrug

    Weeks 2,4,6,8:

    Monday Wednesday Friday

    Incline curl Incline neck press Preacher curl

    Reverse barbell curl Arnold press Zottman curls

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    Monday Wednesday Friday

    Leg press Rope pull-down Back squat

    Leg curls Lat pull-down (back) Deadlifts

    Calves (any exercise) T-bar row Calves (any exercise)


    Every exercise, aside from maybe a small warm-up set or two if I

    needed it, was done for only one long set.

    My goal was to absolutely exhaust a specific muscle group in the

    shortest amount of time possible.

    Using the techniques described above (concentric, eccentric, static), I

    would perform first a set of reps between 8 and 12, using enough

    weight that by the end, I was absolutely unable to do any more reps.

    Once the first 8 or 12 reps were done, I took about 15 seconds to fill

    my body with oxygen. This was done by almost hyperventilating --

    bending over and breathing extremely deeply. This is a very

    important step, and will make you much stronger for the next


    Then I performed between 4 and 6 more reps -- basically until failure

    again. If I could only get out 3 reps, that was fine as well. I just went

    again until I could get no more reps out. Then I followed the same 15-

    second breathing technique.

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    Finally, I got out as many reps as I could. This was typically around 3,

    but sometimes I could push myself to more.

    And that's it for each exercise. Each exercise should last about 3 or 4

    minutes total.

    Between exercises, I rested for upwards of 3 or more minutes -- until I

    was ready to tackle and destroy the next body part.


    No, not at all. I highly recommend the workout I did because it's very

    effective, brief, and will slaughter your muscles. But if you've got a

    better exercise selection, go ahead and follow it. Simply use the

    guidelines I give out above to maximize your reps and sets and you'll

    see amazing results.


    Every exercise I've recommended is possible to find quickly and easily

    through a Google search, which will provide better instructions than I

    can. See the Exercise Glossary at the end of this manuel for quick and

    easy links.

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    The late, great "Iron Guru" Vince Gironda used to always say that

    bodybuilding is 85% nutrition. I agree completely.

    You can work yourself to the bone in the gym, but without the right

    nutrition, your body simply will not recover correctly.

    But you could also eat lots of great, anabolic foods and only half-ass

    your workouts and still get some results.

    Of course, the ideal is to have killer workouts combined with great

    nutrition. With these two, you'll have unbelievable results.


    The absolute most anabolic, hormone-filled environment you can

    create in your body is with a combination of fats and proteins.

    I am not against eating carbs. It's simply been proven that

    testosterone and other growth-inducing hormones are created ideally

    with a combination of lots of fat and protein. Adding carbohydratesinto the mix is entirely unnecessary, and will likely only make you

    pack on a couple extra pounds of fat.

    (As a side note: when my program was over, I actually ate almost

    exclusively only carbs for about four weeks. I actually lost weight and

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    retained all my muscle. I am not anti-carb, but for this experiment

    and for putting on pure muscle, fats and proteins provided the best


    I did not count calories. This may seem counter-intuitive to many

    people, but it's not necessary at all -- in fact, it would likely make the

    process of piling on muscle much, much slower, as I labored over

    every calorie in every gram of food. What I aimed for, instead, was a

    rough amount of protein in grams, and got the rest of my fats

    naturally through the foods I ate to reach that protein goal.

    I aimed for roughly 1.5x my body-weight (in pounds) in protein in thefirst week, and then naturally added more protein-rich foods into my

    diet as the weeks went on. (This started me off at 250 grams of

    protein a day, with a body-weight of 165 pounds.) Thus the only time

    I really calculated my protein intake was in the first week -- the rest

    of the weeks simply built off of that initial calculation.


    I did not touch a single supplement in this experiment.

    I am a firm believer that the most anabolic, nutritious, beneficial

    foods are whole foods. This experiment only reaffirmed that belief for

    me. Egg whites will do almost nothing for your body -- you need to eat

    the whole egg. Drinking a protein shake with olive oil added to it willnot compare to the anabolic benefit you get from the fat and protein

    from a slab of beef.

    Supplements are absolutely unnecessary if you get enough nutrition

    from whole foods.

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    The only supplement I recommend while on this diet is fish oil.

    However, I don't consider this a "supplement" but rather an additional

    food source.

    You should aim for between 15 and 20 grams of fish oil a day. I

    recommend using a liquid source, but I only had capsules available to

    me. (For those of you who are shocked by my "high" recommendation

    -- only 5 or 6 grams of fish oil a day, tops, will give your body little to

    no benefit. If you were told to eat protein from eggs to help your

    muscles grow fast, would you think just eating 1 egg a day would

    satisfy the recommendation?)


    My primary two foods were very simple, and also very inexpensive.

    Eggs. Beef.

    "Secondary" items -- used in conjunction with the eggs and beef --

    were heavy cream, yogurt, ground flax seeds, and lots of vegetables.

    Eggs are like natural steroids for your body. (You're literally eating

    little chicken fetuses. How can it get much better than that?) Beef is

    also the most anabolic of all meat sources.

    If you've got other favorite foods, feel free to stick them into your diet,

    as long as they don't add too many calories. Keep them to a


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    I ate a lot. If most people saw how I was eating, they'd expect me to

    have a heart attack by the first night. (The truth is, I never had any

    health issues and remained completely healthy throughout. My

    cholesterol levels have been tested as very low.)

    If you really want to grow in a short period of time, I suggest eating

    how I was eating.

    Here's what my daily diet looked:

    Week 1:

    Meal 1:

    Six eggs

    Three tablespoons heavy cream

    1 banana cut up into eggs

    Two tablespoons flax seeds


    Same as meal 1, but with unsweetened cocoa added and made in

    shake form in a blender, and an orange on the side.

    Meal 2:

    One pound lean beefBroccoli and spinach

    Meal 3:

    Same as meal 2.

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    Meal 4:

    Four eggs

    Two tablespoons heavy cream

    Two tablespoons flax seeds

    Three fish oil capsules with each meal.

    Weeks 2 and 3:

    Meal 1:

    Eight eggs

    Four tablespoons heavy cream1 banana cut up into eggs

    Three tablespoons flax seeds


    Same as meal 1, but with unsweetened cocoa added and made in

    shake form in a blender, and an orange on the side.

    Meal 2:

    One pound lean beef

    Broccoli and spinach

    Meal 3:

    Same as meal 2.

    Meal 4:Six eggs

    Three tablespoons heavy cream

    Three tablespoons flax seeds

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    Four fish oil capsules with each meal.

    Weeks 4, 5, and 6:

    Meal 1:

    Ten eggs

    Four tablespoons heavy cream

    1 banana cut up into eggs

    Four tablespoons flax seeds


    Same as meal 1, but with unsweetened cocoa added and made in

    shake form in a blender, and an orange on the side.

    Meal 2:

    One pound lean beef

    Broccoli and spinach

    Meal 3:

    Same as meal 2.

    Meal 4:

    Same as meal 2.

    Meal 5:

    Six eggs

    Three tablespoons heavy cream

    Three tablespoons flax seeds

    Four fish oil capsules with each meal.

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    Weeks 7 and 8:

    Meal 1:

    Twelve eggs

    Six tablespoons heavy cream

    1 banana cut up into eggs

    Four tablespoons flax seeds


    Same as meal 1, but with unsweetened cocoa added and made in

    shake form in a blender, and an orange on the side.

    Meal 2:

    One pound lean beef

    Broccoli and spinach

    Meal 3:

    Same as meal 2.

    Meal 4:

    Same as meal 2.

    Meal 5:

    Twelve eggs

    Four tablespoons heavy cream

    Four tablespoons flax seeds

    Four fish oil capsules with each meal.

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    Every four or five days, immediately after a grueling workout, I went

    out and had one carb-heavy meal. Some days it was a whole pizza

    (but preferably something healthier than Pizza Hut or Dominoes);

    other days it was rice, vegetables, and chicken; other days still it was

    a sandwich with lots of fruit.

    This will not only refill glycogen stores in your muscle, but it'll give

    you an amazing pump in the gym. I can't quite explain it, but I feel italso kept my body "surprised" -- after so much protein and fat, one

    carb-heavy meal seemed to make my body very happy.

    Most importantly, this is a form of release. I would have one small

    pastry with my meal as well. Knowing that you'll be able to "relax" for

    just one meal every four or five days is quite a treat.

    I ate the carb meal along with the rest of the day's meals. It was an

    added source of calories, not a replacement for anything.


    Yes, I was eating 36 eggs a day in the final two weeks. Was it too

    much? Possibly, but it was only two weeks and I was experimenting.

    Did I get results from eating this much? Definitely.

    By the final week, I was struggling to get down all my food. In fact, I

    couldn't wait to go back to a fairly "normal" diet and calorie level. But

    it all paid off.

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    A lot of people look at this diet and gasp. Isn't that too much food?

    Aren't you going to die of cholesterol? Why would you do that?

    To them, I respond: I put on about 10 pounds of muscle in 8 weeks. I

    had my cholesterol tested recently and my scores are above average

    in the healthy range. As long as I continue to work out -- even lightly --

    I can maintain all this muscle. I would much rather bust my butt for 8

    weeks, working out hard as hell and eating like a pig, than have to

    suffer for years on end to get the results I got.

    Most people are severely misinformed when it comes to the right kindof nutrition to pack on muscle. If a diet like that mentioned above

    scares you out of your mind (and it shouldn't -- keep in mind you'll be

    doing it for only 8 weeks tops) but you've never had luck with any

    other diets to pack on muscle, then good luck making any kind of


    Eating lots of carbs (breads, rices, legumes, etc) and getting most of

    my protein from protein powder helped me pack on some muscle in

    the past. As long as you eat enough food and work out, you'll put on

    muscle no matter what you stuff in your body. Of course, it took a few

    years to put on that little bit of muscle, and I had a lot of fat to get rid

    of afterward as well.

    With my 8 week experiment in Panama, I only spent 8 weeks to put

    on 10 pounds of muscle, and although I had some fat when it was alldone, it took me about one month to drop a lot of it.

    Now I don't have to do much to maintain my muscle mass, and I can

    eat a regular diet. Yes, I eat out at restaurants with friends. Yes, I eat

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    carbs, although I do try to limit them. As long as you focus for eight

    hard weeks, then you won't have to worry about being a social hermit

    because of your muscle gain diet.

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    I don't care if you have a difficult, hectic job, or if you've got a ton ofresponsibilities and what I'm about to ask of you is difficult to pull off.

    If you want to gain lots of muscle in a short period of time, you need to

    rest, and rest a lot.


    I never got less than 8 hours of sleep a night. I had the liberty of

    waking up whatever time I wanted -- something you may not have --

    but I always let my body sleep as naturally as it could, without an

    alarm clock.

    What my body chose to do, every single night, was sleep exactly 8


    Different people have different needs, but the average that I've found

    is right around exactly 8 hours of sleep. This is the amount of time

    your body needs to repair from the actions of the day before.

    The most important thing that happens in your sleep, though, is that

    your body repairs the damage you've inflicted on your muscles. If you

    don't sleep enough, then your body can't do its job, and you'll have lots

    of issues recovering properly. This will make all your subsequent

    workouts very difficult. The cycle continues, on and on, and long

    story short: you won't get the results you want without enough sleep.

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    I also highly recommend daily naps. I took one every single day while

    doing the 8 week experiment.

    I generally opted to nap 20 or 30 minutes after a workout. My naps

    lasted anywhere from 20 minutes to 1 hour. Again, I just let my body

    dictate how much time it needed. When I woke up, I woke up.

    The "Iron Guru" Vince Gironda called these "muscle naps," because

    they are a huge help to recovery after a workout.


    I know that you have at least 20 minutes to nap every day. Cut out

    some of the time you spend on Facebook or other time wasters and

    use it to nap.

    And if you struggle to get 8 hours of sleep at night, find out why.

    What's taking up your time? What's distracting you?

    If it's simply that you can't sleep 8 hours continuously, consider

    investing in an eye mask and ear plugs. Block out the outside world

    while you're asleep, and you'll be able to get 8 hours without any


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    Mentally Preparing

    YourselfI'm about to go over with you the absolute most-neglected aspect of a

    successful bodybuilding plan.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger attributed most of his results to this. Frank

    Zane was absolutely nuts about it and attributed most of his success

    to this, as well.

    It's the mind-muscle connection. This isn't some kind of hippy

    bullshit idea, either. I've realized now that I wouldn't have performed

    my workouts very efficiently had I not mentally prepared myself for

    them first.


    If you still don't believe me that the mind-muscle connection, and

    mentally preparing yourself for every workout, is of absolute critical

    importance, I want you to try an experiment for me.

    First, work out one day as you normally would. Just pack up your

    stuff, head to the gym, and then head back home.

    Then, on your next work out, follow the tips in this chapter. See how

    your workout feels, and how much stronger, relaxed, and prepared

    you feel.

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    I simply cannot have a good work out anymore until I've followed the

    instructions in this chapter.


    Hopefully you're keeping a log of every work out you do, along with

    every weight and how many reps you could pull out with that weight.

    What you need to do before every workout is take about 10 or 15

    minutes and find a comfortable, quiet place where you can lay down,

    close your eyes, and imagine yourself lifting the weights. I did this onmy bed before I headed to the gym every day.

    Picture yourself loading all the weight onto the bar. Then you get

    under the weight, and you start to lift. You strain, you push, you're

    hurting -- but you're lifting the weight perfectly and successfully.

    Keep picturing yourself doing this with every exercise you have

    planned for the day. Make the visual very clear in your head. If

    you're doing bicep curls, make the amount of weight you're lifting

    absolutely clear, and PUSH through each rep. The most important

    part of this is that, in your head, you're completing every rep.


    The mind is a lot more powerful than most people give it credit for.

    Although you're only imagining your workouts, your mind sends out

    signals that make your body feel like it actually did the lifts.

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    Once you hit the gym, you'll be prepared to slaughter every lift

    because your body thinks it's already done a few warm-up sets.

    (Of course, you'll still need to warm up properly before the work out

    so you don't pull any muscles.)

    Honestly, this whole concept is very difficult to explain. It's

    something you just need to try out and experience. Once you do it, I

    absolutely guarantee you'll never be able to work out efficiently

    without it.

    I attribute the majority of my results in the gym during this 8 weekexperiment to my mental preparation beforehand.

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    Cardio and Keeping Fat

    Gain To A MinimumCardio is maybe the most controversial subject in the bodybuilding

    community when it comes to gaining muscle.

    Half the community says cardio is a no-no when gaining muscle,

    because it inhibits the maximum amount of muscle you can gain.

    Performing cardio, they suggest, uses your muscles as energy, thus

    eating away at the muscle you've gained.

    The other half of the community says that if you want to keep fat gain

    at bay, you've got to perform cardio in some form.

    I'm in agreement with the second group, but I only performed one

    very specific type of cardio in my 8 week experiment, and continue to

    use almost exclusively this form of cardio to this day.


    Walking is the absolute best way to lose weight. Most of us are

    programmed to think that running is the ultimate weight loss tool,

    and this is true -- as long as you are OK with losing lots of muscle as


    Of course, I don't recommend a light walk outside for ten minutes to

    lose weight. You're still going to have to work.

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    I used two different methods of walking to lose weight, and like I said,

    still use these methods to this day.

    In the mornings, I went for a 20 to 30 minute fasted walk. My walks

    were performed outside, but if you have access to a treadmill, that's

    even better since it can provide a more consistent challenge.

    After my workouts, I aimed to walk for five to ten minutes at a brisk


    In each of your walks, match the following requirements:

    You need to walk uphill as much as you can. If on a treadmill,

    set the incline to 8 to 10 percent.

    If on a treadmill, DO NOT EVER TOUCH THE HANDLE BARS.

    This takes your midsection out of the walk altogether and gets

    rid of just about any positive effects that walking has on losing


    Walk with your back completely straight and your chest sticking

    out a bit. This should result in your abs being almost slightly

    stretched. This will work your whole body more than walking

    with poor posture. (Trust me -- you will feel it much more

    afterward if walking like this.)

    Aim to walk heavy and fast enough that you're sweating and

    lightly panting when it's over. You shouldn't be gasping for airlike you would be after a run.

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    At first, you'll feel like you're not working yourself hard enough.

    That's how I felt after years of running. However, my results speak

    for themselves -- I haven't struggled with fat gain for some time now

    simply because I've picked up the habit of walking for fat loss.

    A bonus is that walking is also very meditative and relaxing, which

    will help your workouts and stress levels.

    And, if done properly (with back straight and chest sticking out on a

    high incline), this may well be the only ab workout you ever need.

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    Warming up for each workout is very easy.

    I went on an incline walk for about eight minutes, which helped me

    build up a nice sweat and loosen my muscles.

    I then used a tennis ball to quickly massage "trouble" areas for me,

    like my shoulders, so that they were completely loose and flexible. A

    good guide for this is available here.

    I then performed eccentric stretches -- swinging my arms and legs to

    loosen them up.

    After one or two very light-weight warm up sets for each exercise, I

    was ready to lift at my maximum weight.

    Of course, I was also prepared due to my mental exercisesbeforehand, as covered in this manual. These are absolutely crucial

    in the warm-up process, and will prepare you for an amazing


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    Miscellaneous Ideas

    Here are some of the odds and ends that I couldn't fit in anywhereelse.


    Following the plan I've laid out here is most effective when you have a

    workout partner. You need someone who is just as driven as you, if

    not more-so. It's easier to work yourself to the bone in the gym if

    someone is there, watching your every move, and screaming at you

    when it seems like you're mentally giving up.

    What I ended up doing with my workout partner was work out in two

    separate cycles. He would head off to the gym, warm up, I'd meet him

    there and push him through his workout (each workout only lasted

    30 minutes tops), then he'd have something to eat while I warmed up

    and he'd push me through my workout.

    Considering that most people spend an hour or more in the gym for

    every session, this worked out just fine for us.


    If you work yourself hard enough in the gym for these 8 weeks, you

    will be desperate to be done and have a week of rest when it's all over.

    Once the eight weeks are up, you need to take a week off.

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    Make sure you get some exercise in your week off -- walking, light

    calisthenics, something -- but overall, you've earned this week, so

    enjoy it.

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    What To Do Afterward

    After the eight weeks were up, I'll tell you exactly what I did:

    Almost nothing.

    I was exhausted. When you physically work yourself as hard as

    possible in the gym for eight weeks, cramming your body full of tons

    of food, you end up absolutely spent. If you aren't mentally drained,

    then you didn't work yourself hard enough, and your results will be

    jeopardized a bit.

    The first week after this experiment, I rested and enjoyed myself. I

    went for the occasional walk to maintain some form of exercise, but

    my body was telling me it needed to rest, so I let it.

    The truth is, your body grows the most in the weeks after heavy

    workout programs. This ended up being absolutely true for me withthis program. When you end a session having trouble thinking

    straight and unable to lift more weight, that means that your body is

    ready to overcompensate and build muscle in a week of rest.

    Super-coach Charles Poliquin once said, "[Bodybuilders] should train

    until they're literally depressed, then back off. In other words, if

    you're not making progress in the gym, smash yourself into the

    ground for two weeks purposefully overtrain until you're mentally

    depressed and your body is about to shutdown then take five days

    off. When you come back into the gym, you'll hit new personal bests."

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    My diet in this week off was still heavy in proteins and fats, focusing

    on mostly beef and eggs, but I also threw in more "standard" meals.

    This means I went out to restaurants a little more, and even, yes, ate

    some more carbs. (But don't go overboard with them just yet -- your

    body needs time to adjust.) I tried to keep my calories high so that

    my body had energy to rebuild my muscles, but the calories were a

    little lower than the previous weeks.

    Once this week of rest was over, I started back up into a very light

    workout routine. All you need to do is maintain at this point -- don't

    start working out trying to pack on muscle again. Assuming you

    worked yourself hard enough in the eight weeks, you've alreadypacked on enough. A "light" workout means that you're simply

    working each muscle group for three sets of around 8 reps or so, and

    not pushing yourself to any kind of extreme with each set. I

    recommend full-body workouts three times a week -- something light.

    For example, a routine one day could look like:

    Back squats - 3x8

    Bicep curls - 3x8

    Wide-grip dips - 3x8

    Pull-downs - 3x8

    Pitcher raises - 3x8

    Don't overload yourself on each set, and try to rest for only 30 to 45

    seconds between each set.

    And a routine the next day could look like:

    Straight leg deadlift - 3x8

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    Neck press - 3x8

    Rope tricep extensions - 3x8

    Pull-ups - 3x8

    Pitcher raises - 3x8

    Again, don't overload yourself on each set, and try to rest for only 30

    to 45 seconds between each set.

    I followed this workout routine while slowly tapering down the

    amount of calories I ate and the types of foods I ate.

    I still prefer to eat largely fats and proteins, but your body will rewardyou greatly if you constantly surprise it. While I know you've heard

    this before in terms of exercise routines (constantly change the

    routine to surprise and shock your body into new growth), I've

    discovered it's also true for your diet as well.

    In the weeks following the 8 week experiment, I had transitioned to a

    largely carbohydrate diet -- and I lost all my extra body-fat in about

    one month doing so.

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    Your Diet After The 8

    WeeksLike I alluded to before, your body will reward you greatly if you

    constantly surprise it.

    If you eat only fats and proteins for months on end, your body

    eventually adjusts to that diet, and doesn't have the same muscle-

    gaining effects it had originally.

    The same applies to really any diet you follow. If you have

    unbelievable results in the first few weeks of any diet, you'll soon find

    the results wearing off, until finally, there are no new results to speak


    I'm pretty sure almost everyone has experienced this before.

    This is especially true for protein. Most people looking to gain muscle

    just cram hundreds of grams of protein down their throats day in, day

    out for years on end, and they wonder why they struggle to gain


    Simply put, your body adjusts to eating hundreds of grams of protein.

    The only way to get new growth out of your diet is to eat even more

    protein every single day. Eventually, you reach a point where it's

    simply impossible and unhealthy to do so.

    The solution is to cycle different dieting types. Keep your body

    guessing, and you'll be primed for constant muscle growth.

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    Like I said before, I feel that, for a short 8 week burst of muscle

    growth, a diet high in protein and fat (with almost no carbohydrates)

    is ideal. It creates a super anabolic environment inside your body.

    After the 8 weeks were up, though, I spent about a month eating

    primarily carbohydrates, with some protein and fats. I ate three big

    meals a day instead of seven or eight small ones, and ate lots of fruits

    between meals.

    My goal was to lose any extra body fat I put on during the eightweeks. I ate the following diet to do so.

    Now when I say my diet became carbohydrate-heavy, I don't mean I

    ate pizza and bread all the time. I instead had plates of rice and

    vegetables; lots of fruits; and high-fiber whole grains, like oats. I also

    still ate protein and fat, but from different sources; I had chicken and

    olive oil in my rice plates, for example. I still ate healthy, but just

    switched my food sources.

    I didn't count calories, but since I was only eating three big meals a

    day (with low-calorie fruits inbetween) I knew that I was getting far

    less calories than I was during the 8 week experiment. Your goal

    should be to slowly taper off the amount of calories you're eating,

    week by week, while still losing weight.

    Again, I don't recommend counting calories -- it becomes anal and

    precise, and can actually hurt your results by thinking too much --

    but if you want an estimate, I'd say eventually you want to be at

    around 12x or 13x your body-weight in calories by the final week.

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    Your diet should be roughly 60% carbohydrate, 20% protein, and 20%

    fat. These are only rough guesses because, again, I feel it will only

    hurt your progress by counting calories and grams.

    However, if you just aim to have three big, filling meals throughout

    the day, you'll hit your calorie goal no problem without having to

    resort to counting every morsel you put in your mouth.

    An example of my daily diet:


    Bowl of oats with cinnamonOrange


    Shake made with fruits and veggies and two or three raw eggs and


    Small piece of cheese, or small piece of meat for protein



    Boiled plantain



    Small piece of meat


    Huge plate of rice, lentils, and shredded chicken

    In-between each meal:

    Oranges, apples -- whatever fruits I could get my hands on

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    Once you're at the goal weight/body fat you want, then just eat a

    balanced, healthy diet indefinitely. This means lots of fruits,

    vegetables, proteins, fats, and carbs.

    If your body is more carb-intolerant, like mine, aim to eat your carbs

    only in the morning and immediately after workouts. Also try to

    make them only healthy carbs.

    (How do you know if your body is more carb-intolerant? Simply put,

    if you feel bloated and gross after eating lots of carbs, your bodydoesn't like them very much. Any food that makes your body react

    poorly is one that you should generally avoid.)

    If your body is able to handle carbs better than most, then eat more

    carbs -- simple as that.

    There are many diet choices you can follow indefinitely after this

    plan, and it is out of the scope of this manual to recommend only one.

    Find a balanced diet that works for you and your body, and stick with


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    Exercise After The 8

    WeeksI've already given you an idea of an exercise plan after the eight

    weeks are up.

    Really, all you want to do is maintain your muscle. This is especially

    true because the diet afterward is focused on losing weight -- there

    simply aren't enough calories in this diet to support a "muscle gain"


    In another chapter I gave you an idea of an exercise plan, but here it

    is again:

    To be performed three days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)

    Alternate "day 1" and "day 2" so that you perform "day 1" two timesthe first week and "day 2" two times the following week.

    Day 1:

    Back squats - 3x8

    Bicep curls - 3x8

    Wide-grip dips - 3x8

    Pull-downs - 3x8

    Pitcher raises - 3x8

    Don't overload yourself on each set, and try to rest for only 30 to 45

    seconds between each set.

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    Day 2:

    Straight leg deadlift - 3x8

    Neck press - 3x8

    Rope tricep extensions - 3x8

    Pull-ups - 3x8

    Pitcher raises - 3x8

    Again, don't overload yourself on each set, and try to rest for only 30

    to 45 seconds between each set.


    The most important exercise, in my mind, is the cardio you perform

    after the 8 weeks.

    Continue to take brisk, heavy walks every single day. Do one walk in

    the morning, and one walk in the afternoon (possibly after your


    While the gym workouts will help you maintain your muscle, it's

    properly-performed walks two times a day that will really help you

    lose any excess fat. Again, make sure your back is straight, your

    chest is sticking out, and you're walking at a high incline.

    Walking is really the only cardio you will ever need, if performed as I

    describe it in this book.

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    Overview of the Plan

    Here is a general overview of the whole plan I've laid out. This ismeant to kind of tie everything together, since the amount of

    information I've given may be a little overwhelming.

    You are going to work out hard and eat a lot of food (eggs and meat,

    very little carbs) for eight weeks. In fact, your diet is going to be only

    made up of lots of meat and lots of eggs, and no supplements.

    Your workouts are going to be designed to be brief and intense. You'll

    go for incline walks every day for cardio.

    Before every workout, you'll relax and perform the workout in your

    head. This is absolutely crucial for your success.

    By the end of the eight weeks, you should be absolutely exhausted

    both physically and mentally, with both your workouts and your diet.This is a good sign -- your body is ready to overcompensate and pile

    on muscle.

    When the eight weeks are up, you need to transition to a completely

    different diet to surprise your body. This means less protein and less

    fat, and lots more carbs. Your exercise should be relatively light at

    this point.

    It'll take about a month to lose any extra accumulated fat, but after

    that month, you can put yourself on "cruise" mode -- meaning,

    maintain your muscle and enjoy what your hard work for eight weeks

    brought you. Relax on your workouts and diet, and enjoy life.

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    I've had several months pass me by since the conclusion of thePanamanian Hypertrophy Experiment.

    The results? I've had periods of more than a month, where I was

    continuously traveling, when I had no way of getting into a gym, and

    could only do the occasional push-ups or walks.

    My body held onto all my muscle. When I was back in the gym, I was

    lifting the same weights as before.

    This is the entire idea behind this experiment. I used to spend an

    hour or more in the gym, four or five days a week, every week of the

    year. I had a little bit of muscle to show for it.

    But now I know that I can bust my balls in the gym for eight weeks,

    get amazing results, and be able to relax for a couple months. I planon going through about two eight week cycles a year until I'm

    completely happy with my body.

    I recommend giving something like this a shot. If you've had trouble

    putting on the muscle you want, and you're sick of spending so much

    time in the gym, following a plan similar to mine could be exactly

    what you want.

    I'm closer to the body I've always wanted, and I've got time to live

    more. As cheesy as that may sound, it's the truth.

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    Exercise GlossaryThe majority of these links go to the excellent resource

    http://exrx.net which has videos.


    Pull-ups - Pull up to your chest not chin.

    Lat pull-down (front)

    Lat pull-down (back)

    When working on back width (lats) try as much as possible to feel

    your lats working. If you cant feel them while youre doing these

    exercises, slowdown and take off weight until you do.


    T-bar row

    Chest-supported incline shrug- Scroll almost to the bottom where it

    has the description.

    Barbell rowing


    Bicep curls

    Incline curl

    Gironda Perfect Curl - Funny video but it gets its point across.

    Preacher curl - I try to keep my elbows inside of my hands. It seems to

    work my biceps more.


    Calves (any exercise) - If you have trouble building your calves try

    holding each rep at the top (extended), and at the bottom (stretched)

    for 5-10 seconds.

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    Wide-grip dips

    Neck press (wide-grip bench press)

    Incline neck press


    Barbell wrist curl

    Reverse barbell curl

    Zottman curls


    Leg curls


    Straight leg deadlift


    Side laterals

    Military press

    Arnold press

    Pitcher raises - towards the bottom youll see pinky-up pitcher raises.


    Close grip bench - you dont have to do it on the Smith Machine.

    Skull crushers

    Rope tricep extensions

    Rope pull-down


    Back squats - If youre a beginner I highly recommend getting

    assistance for squatting. Theres a definite learning curve and you

    could get your self injured.
