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BGIFT Institute of Science and Fashion Technology (BIST) Information of Faculty MD. Al- Amin Sr. Lecturer of BIST, PISFT Head of departments (AMT) Professional institute of science and fashion technology( PISFT)

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To know about Bangladesh Basic idea of Bangladesh.


  • 1. BGIFT Institute of Science and Fashion Technology (BIST) Information of Faculty MD. Al- Amin Sr. Lecturer of BIST, PISFT Head of departments (AMT) Professional institute of science and fashion technology( PISFT)

2. About Faculty Md. Al-amin MBA in Apparel Merchandising(NU) Master of social science (DU) Higher Diploma in fashion Design Workshop/ Advance course: Quality Control Managements, Apparel business Analyze, Production Process Planning, Buying House ,Textile and Garments Factory managements. Productivity Improvements, HR & admin Managements. Product Costing Analyze. I was a former Sr. Merchandiser of Giant Group And Land mark Group . Working Experience more then six year . Providing Lecture More then four year. 3. History & Culture Environment & Development Topic 1: Culture & Heritage of Bangladesh Topic 1: Physical features Topic 2: Climate Topic 2: Pre-Mughal Bengal Topic 3: Natural resources Topic 4: Environmental challenges Topic 3: Mughal Period Topic 5: Structure & Change in Economy Topic 6: Agriculture Topic 4: British Period Topic 7: Industry Topic 8: Service sector Topic 5: From Pakistan to Bangladesh/ Mock exam Topic 9: Population structure & growth Topic 10: Health & education Revision / Exam Revision / Exam SYLLABUSCONTENTOFBangladeshStudies 4. Welcome to the Presentation on An Overview of Bangladesh 5. Location & Map of Bangladesh 6. The history of Bangladesh is often described as a history of conflicts, power shifts and disasters. The first Muslims came to the Bengal area around 13th Century CE seizing control and establishing independent rule. During the 15th Century many European traders began coming to the region. The Portuguese came first, followed by the Dutch, French and then the British. At first the Europeans exerted only economic influence over South Asia. However by the late 1750's with the defeat of the last Muslim leader of Bengal, the British imposed political rule over the region as well. The British controlled the area known as West Bengal for nearly two hundred years. 7. In 1945, at the close of World War II, the British were strongly pressured to reduce the size of their empire. Viceroy Lord Mountbattan was assigned the task of restoring the subcontinent's sovereignty. He worked closely with Mahatma Gandhi to unite the two major religious groups of the area, Hindus and Muslims. Despite Gandhi's even-handed approach, Muslims were concerned that an independent India would be dominated by Hindus. Considering an agreement between the two groups to be impossible, Mountbatten decided to partition the subcontinent. 8. In June 1947 the United Kingdom declared it would grant full dominion status to two successor states: India and Pakistan. India would become the Hindu state and Pakistan, the Muslim state. Pakistan would consist of two non- continuous areas: Punjab in the west and Bengal in the east. For months following the partition, a horrific bloody flight took place as Hindus moved out of both wings of Pakistan and into India So Muslims moved out of India and into the new Muslim states. 9. The two regions, became known as West Pakistan (Punjab) and East Pakistan (Bengal). Besides sharing the Muslim faith the two areas had little in common. They were separated by nearly 1,600 km of Indian land, spoke different languages (Urdu in the West, Bangla in the East) and had different cultural histories. As the capital city was in West Pakistan, the East thought that the country was being unfairly ruled. Finally, the government declared that 'Urdu and only Urdu' would be the national language of all Pakistan. This was a language that virtually no one in East Pakistan spoke. 10. Through the Language Movement of 1952 to recognize Bengali as a state language, people wanted, more than ever, independence. In the 1971 national elections a political party that supported the separation of West and East Pakistan won the majority. The President of Pakistan refused to let that party form the government of Pakistan. Riots quickly followed and the independent State of Bangladesh was quickly announced. Pakistan, in turn, sent troops to suppress the uprising. 11. People protesting against new unfair laws. 12. The memorial built to commemorate the language martyrs. 13. Every February 21, many people walk barefoot to the Minar and lay wreaths of flowers to commemorate the martyrs. 14. On the 26th of March 1971 , the 9 month of war for Independence began. The Pakistan Army began their genocide by attacking the innocent Bengalis of Dhaka city. The Pakistani army massacred 35,000 Bengali citizens. During the nine month struggle which followed an estimated 3 million Bengalis died and 10 million refuges fled into India. The Indian Army launched a massive offensive against the Pakistani forces to support the Bangladesh movement . On December 16, 1971, the Pakistan army surrendered. 15. Soldiers training for the war 16. Bangladesh celebrates Independence Day on the 26th March every year When it was all over, Bangladesh had become the 139th country in the world. 17. National Flag The national flag of Bangladesh is bottle green in colour and rectangular in size. It bears a red circle on the background of green. The colour in the background represents the greenery of Bangladesh while the red circle symbolizes the rising sun and the sacrifice of lives in our freedom fight. At the very outset the flag had a different look. There was a golden coloured map of Bangladesh at the centre of the red circle. This was the original design of the flag of Bangladesh under which the valiant freedom fighters fought during the liberation war. 18. National Anthem My Bengal of gold, I love you Forever your skies, your air set my heart in tune as if it were a flute, In Spring, Oh mother mine, the fragrance from your mango-groves makes me wild with joy- Ah, what a thrill! In Autumn, Oh mother mine, in the full-blossomed paddy fields, I have seen spread all over - sweet smiles! Ah, what a beauty, what shades, what an affection and what a tenderness! What a quilt have you spread at the feet of banyan trees and along the banks of rivers! Oh mother mine, words from your lips are like Nectar to my ears! 19. Basic Information of Bangladesh Emerged as independent and sovereign country in 1971. Official Name : The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. State language : Bangla, over 98% of the people speak in Bangla, however, English is widely spoken. Nationality: Bangladeshi State Religion : Islam, but other religions are practiced in peace and harmony. 20. Total area is 147570 sq. km. Bangladesh has a population of about 150 million. 8. Population density : 1100 /sq. km 9. The majority (88%) of the people are Muslim. Capital city : Dhaka Name of currency : Taka (Tk.) 21. Average life expectancy : 68 years (BBS, 2012) Literacy rate : 58%(male-64.9% & female-52.8%) Children enrolling primary education: 91%, but complete 49.5%(BBS,2007) Average per capita income : US $ 750 Phone per 100 people : 40 Major income source : Agriculture, industry, services. 22. Average per capita income : US $ 750 (WB, 2012) Gross national income :US $ 291.93 billion (WB,2012). Average annual growth rate : 5.5% (WB, 2006) 23. Nature of government Bangladesh has a Unitary form of government: President is the Head of the state . Prime Minister is the Head of the Government. 24. Main Seasons in Bangladesh 3 main seasons: 1. Rainy season (June-October) 2. Winter (November-February) 3. Summer season (March-May) 25. Climate of Bangladesh Average maximum temp 30.60 c Average minimum temp 14.80c Average rainfall 2468 mm. Storm generally occur in Bangladesh in the month of April-May and October-November. Major natural disasters e.g. flood, cyclone, tornado, sidr, drought etc. 26. Culture of Bangladesh Drama and theatre is an old tradition that is very popular. Tribal dances are very popular among the Bangladeshi. The traditional music of Bangladesh is very popular. 27. Key Facts of Health Issues People not meeting daily food need: 39%. Women dying in child birth : 320 per 100,000(BBS,2006). Child dying before age 5 : 65 per 1000(UNSD, 2005). 28. Child status Child population : 49% Girls married before age of 18 years: 69% Child labor : 7% Infant mortality rate per 1000 : 52 Under 5 mortality rate per 1000 : 65 Child malnutrition : chronic-43%, acute-13% and underweight-48%. 29. Price hike of commodities. Natural disasters-e.g. flood, cyclone, deficiency, river erosion. High poverty level. 30. Activities in Photos 31. Culture Defined The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought. The patterns, traits, and products considered as the expression of a particular period, class, community, or population. The predominating attitudes and behavior that characterize the functioning of a group or organization. Courtesy:thefreedictionary.com The specific learned norms based on attitudes, values, and beliefs that exist in every nation as an integral part of external environments. Daniels 32. Influence of culture: 37 33. Objects/ Things Ideas Institutions Practices -Technology -Heritage/History -Religion -Social Reproduction -Place/Environment -Behaviors -Family -Music -Architecture -Beliefs -Education -Employment -Grouping of People -Meaning -Media -Time Keeping -Natural Resources -Identity -Government -Worship/Memorial -Food -Healthcare -Customs -Clothing -Sports -Music -Consumption -Transportation -Dance -Norms Four Components of Culture Comparing Cultural Norms and Values 34. Heritage of Bangladesh Seven domed Mosque (17th century) Baitul Mukarram National Mosque, Star Mosque (18th century). Sixty domed mosque Lalbag kalla Ahasan moonzil Hindu Temples : Dhakeshwari Temple Ramkri-shna Mission. 35. Mosque : Seven domed Mosque (17th century) Baitul Mukarram National Mosque,Star Mosque (18th century). Hindu Temples : Dhakeshwari Temple Ramkri- shna Mission. National Memorial : Located at Savar, 35, km. from Dhaka city. The memorial designed by architect Moinul Hossein, is dedicated to the sacred memory of people who fought for independence in 1971. Bhawal forest land: gazipur Modogar salbon : tangail Lalbagh Fort : It was built in 1678 by Prince Mohammad Azam, son of Mughal emperor Aurangazeb. Outstanding among the monuments of the Lelbagh are the tomb of Pari Bibi (Fairy lady), Lalbagh Mosque, Audience Hall and Hammam of Nawab Shaista Khan now housing a museum. and also shahid minar, sonargon, picnic spots, clubs, institute of arts and crafs are place to visit. More:- 40 36. Chittagong: The second largest city in Bangladesh sits on the bank of the Karnapuli River and has an interesting old waterfront area known as Sadarghat which reflects the importance of river trade to the city's growth. Nearby is the old Portuguese enclave of Paterghatta which remains mostly Christian. The Shahi Jama-e-Masjid and Qadam Mubarak Mosque are two of the most impressive buildings in the city. Cox's Bazar: Bangladesh's only beach resort is near the Myanmar border in an area where Rohingya refugees have settled to escape persecution in Myanmar. It includes Himacheri Beach and Inani Beach. Mainimati Ruins: Famous as an important centre of Buddhist culture from the 7th to 12th centuries, the buildings excavated here were made wholly of baked bricks. Kaptai: A pleasant and picturesque drive of 64 km. from Chittagong brings you to a huge expanse of emerald and blue water ringed with tropical forest. It is the famous man-made Kaptai lake (680 sq. km) formed by damming the Karnaphuli river. 41 37. Khulna: khulna is another big city of Bangladesh. It is close to India and at the south is the Bay of Bangal. Sundarbans National Park: The Sundarbans are the largest littoral mangrove belt in the world, stretching 80km (50mi) into the Bangladeshi hinterland from the coast. The forests aren't just mangrove swamps though, they include some of the last remaining stands of the mighty jungles.It Sundarbans cover an area of 38,500 sq km, of which about one-third is covered in water. . Sylhet: The greater Sylhet is the widely hilly district in the country. Nestled in the picturesque Surma Valley ambits scenic tea plantations and lush green tropical forests, it is a prime attra- ction for all tourists. Madhabkunda: Madhabkunda is the largest waterfall in Bangladesh. Its outer atmosphere is very much lucricative to the tourist. Every year thousands of tourist visit Madabkunda & enjoy its beautiness. Madabkunda situated in the northeast area & about 350 Km distance from Dhaka city .More over there are lots of place to visit. 42 38. Thank you! 43