· why? because it is used instead of the n ame of the person sp eaking. of what person 1s “...


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Page 1:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person
Page 2:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person




E . H I BB A R I )


U . S . A .

Page 3:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person

COP"R I G H TED ,1905 ,

B"H E R M O N E . H I B B A R D ,



Page 4:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


THE aim in this brief treatise is to make grammar an in tellectual

exercise , to show, by the construction an d analysis of easy senten ce s ,

the power of the severalr

classes of words in modifying the sen se,to

show that the sen se is not contained in one mass,but that one word

suggests the Object of wh ich we are speakin g , another describes the

object , an other asserts something of the Object , and another qualifies

the assertion in respect to time , place , and mann er . The sentences

in stanced are , it is true , very simple , and the sen se very obvious . They

are inten ded for illustrations and are better even for adults than

senten ces where the re lations are lessn obvious .

The best illustration of a principle is in its simplest an d most trans

parent form , a fact not always recogni z ed by teachers . The Object is to

furn ish guidan ce in a plain an d simple form ,and trust to the judgment

of the teacher to carry out and exemplify more fully principles but

partially developed in the following pages .


BOSTON , June , 1905 .

Page 5:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person
Page 6:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person



What is the use of language ? To exp ress

thought .

H OW is thought exp ressed in words ? By com

bining them .

H ow many words are n ecessary to ex press an

idea or thought? There must be two , at least.

If I say, John wa lks ,”do I express an idea ?"es . o ,

What do words joined so as to express an idea

form ? A senten ce .

H owmany words , then , are n ecessary to make a

sen tence ? Two .

What are the p rincipal parts Of a sentence ?

There must be one word which is the n ame of a

person or thing ; and another which tells what is‘

said or asserted of that p erson or thing .

John walks .

What word is here used as the name of a p erson

or thing? John .

Page 7:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


What word i s used to tell what is sa id or assertedOf it ? Walks .

I s this a sentence ?"es .

Why? Because it exp resses an idea .


Boys study.

What word is the name of the p erson s of whomwe are speaking ? Boys .

What word tells what is sa id or asserted of the

boys ? Study .

What are words used as n ames called ? Nouns .

What word is a noun in this sentence ? Boys .

Why ? Because it is used as a name .

What are n ames of p articu la r person s and placescalled ? P rop er n ouns .

What are general names called ? Common noun s .

What are words used to assert or afiirm somethingO f a noun called ? Verbs .

What word is a verb in the sentence above ?


Why? Because it is used to afi rm something of

boys .

Children p lay.

What word is used as a name in this sentence ?

Children .

What is it called ? A noun .

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Why? Because it is used as a n aine .

Whatword is used to a sser t or afiirm something

about children ? Play.

What is it called ? A verb .

Why ? Because it is used to afi‘lrm something Of


Charles studies his lessons at school .

What words are used as n ames in this sen ten ce ?

Charles ,”

lessons ,”and“school .

What , then , are they called ? Noun s . Why ?

What word is used to a ssert or afiirm something

of Charles ? Studies .

What is it called ? A verb . Why?

Examp les .

1. Words are like arrows .

2 . The teacher closed the W indows and doors .

3 . Follow some pursuit with zeal .4 . Father bought my sled , but the kn ife was a presen t from

G eorge .

5 . Honor thy father with thy whole hear t, and forget n ot the

kindness of thy mother .

6 . Reason , eloquen ce , and art prove dangerous in the“hands of

bad men .

7. Truth and error,V irtue an d vice , are things of an immutable

nature .

1. Charles to Boston . An na from school .

3 . A n honest man the n oblest work Of G od .

4 . A good boy his paren ts . 5 . M en G od .

6 . Charles his book .

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has studied the lesson.are useful animals . 2 .

gave me a book . 4 . should obey the ir paren ts.

will soon wither . 6 . Does confer happiness P


G ood bogs study.

What is the word good used for in this sen

tence ? To descr ibe boys .

I n what respect does it describe them ? I t tells

their character.

If I say white men ,in what respect does

white describe the men ? I n regard to color .

I n what respect would young”describe men ?

I n regard to age .

“Tall ? ” With regard to height.

Large ? I n regard to si z e .

What are the words called that descr ibe n oun s ?

A djectives .

Large streams flowf rom little fountains .

Whatword describes streams in this sentence ?

Large .

I n what respect? I n respect to siz e .

What, then , is“large ” called? A n adjective .

Why? Because it descr ibes a noun

What other adjective is there in this examp le?

Little .

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Why ? B ecause it describes the'


tain s .

STATEMENT .—A djectives describe noun s .

R emar k — The three adjectives, a,an , and the, are called

A r ti cles .

1 . Two horses

2 . Two la rge horses ran .

3 . Two large black horses

I n the first sen tence , what . word is used as a

n ame ?

What is it called ?

What word is used to affirm or assert something

about the horses ?What is it called ?

What word descr ibes horses ? Two .

In what respect does —it— d escribe them ? A s to

number ; it t ells howmany horses ran .

Then what is it called ? A n adjective .

Why? Because it describes a noun .

I n the second sentence , what word describes the

noun horses as to siz e ?

Then what is it called ? Why?

I n the third sen ten ce , what word is used to de

scribe the horses as to color ?

What is it called ? Why?

Examp les .

1 . Solomon is called a wise man . 2 . Industrious men work .

3 . G eorge had four sweet apples . 4 . H e lived twen ty years .

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Evil commun ications corrupt good manners .

Swift instinct leaps ; slow reason feebly climbs .

The gay summer droops into pallicl autumn .

Ambition scoffs at useful toil and homely joys .

There are vacan t seats in our earthly homes.

Lonely and lovely is the silen t glen .

H is lazy limbs in listless languor laySoft winds murmured with low and pensive sound .

horses. cows . dogs .

trees . birds . houses .


White SevenTall SublimeSour Cold

G reat SmallYoung New

collen t BlackMerciful


The horses then ran swiftly away.

What is the word “swiftly ”used for ? To tell

how the horses ran

‘Vhat is “away used for ? To tell where they

ran .

What is “then used for ? To tell when theyran .

What are“swiftly, then ,

and “awaycalled ? A dverbs .

What , then , are adverbs used for ? To describe


In what respect do they describe verbs ? They

tell how,when or where an action is p erformed .

Page 12:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


Very good boys studyfa ithfully.

I n this sen tence , what word describes “boys ” ?G ood .

What , then , is the word good A n adjective .

What is very”used for ? To in crease the force

of the adjective good .

What p art of speech is very A n adverb .

Some boys“study less fa ithf ully.

What p art of sp eech is faithfully” ? A n adverb.

Why ? Because it describes or qualifies the verb

study .

What is the use Of the word less

To d imin ish or lessen the force of the adverb


What is less calledL _A_n_adverb .

What, then , mayan adverb be used for ? I t may

be used with a verb to tell how, when , or where an

action is performed ; or with an adjective or adverb

to increaseor lessen its force .

STA TEMENT . A dverbs describe or qualify verbs ,

adjectives , and other adverbs .

They have a lways labored most successfully.

What is the word successfully used for ? To

tell how they have labored .

What part o f speech is it ? A n adverb .

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What word does 1t describe or qualify ? The verb ,

labored .

What is theword mos t used for ? To in crease

the force of the word successfully.

What part of speech is used to increase or lessen

the force Of , an adverb ? A n adverb .

What part of speech, then ,is most

A n adverb . Why?

What is the word always used for ?

when they labored .

What part Of speech is it? Why ?

What, then , do adverbs qualify ?

Examp les .

1. Boys sometimes act rather foolishly .

2 . We never shal l submit .3 . H e studied so diligen tly that he will most certain ly gainprize .

4 . I have seen him there lately5 . When


,and how he did it

,be best can tell .

6 . Moun tain an d valley are equally agreeable .

7. The heavenly bodies are perpetually in motion .

1 . Time flies3 . Charles studies very5 . George applied himselfmost6 . G eorge applied himself faithfully .

7. Anna came then we expected . 8. They say

2 . Charles studies diligen tly .

4 . The horse ran fast .

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Wea lthy men should give liberally.

Men of wealth should give liberally.

I s there any difference in the meaning of these

sentences ? NO .

H ow are the men described in the first sen tence ?By the adjective wealthy.

H ow are they described in the second ? By the

phrase of

What is the word wealth A noun .

Does it convey an idea to say, M en — wealth

should give”? No .

What word must be p laced before wealth to

connect it with men Of .

What is the word of called ? A p reposition .

Why? Because it ‘


pt aced before a noun to

connect it with another word .

Men of wealth should give liberally.

film of wea lth should give with liberality.

DO these sentences convey the same meaning?"es .

What word tells how they should give , in the first

sen tence ? The adverb liberally.

What tells how they should give , in the secondsentence ? The phrase with liberality .

Would it convey an idea to say, Men Of wealthshould give liberality ? No .

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What word must be placed before liberality to

connect it with the verb givee”? With.

What, then , is with called ? A preposition .

Why? Because it is placed before a noun to

connect it with another wordWhat, then ,

is a preposition ? A word’

p laced

before a noun to connect it with some other word .

STATEMENT . Preposition s connect words .

H e lately camefrom college .

What noun in this sentence ? College .

What word connects it with the verb came ” 9

From .

What part of speech is from Why?

What may prepositions connect ?


around , between,


at, betwixt, in,

athwart , beyond , into,before , by , of


behind , concerning,on ,

below , down, over ,

beneath , during, since ,

beside , except,

through ,besides, for

, to,

Examp les .

1 . John has returned to the city .

2 ."ou may coast on my new sled .

3 . Take truth for thy creed , and G od for thy Guide .

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4 . Speak gen tly to the little child .


5 . There is a pleasure in the pathless woods .

6 . Honor thy father with thy whole heart , and forget not the

kindness of thy moth er .

7. Can you be misled by such arguments

1. George has gone Indiana .

2 . Louis Napoleon usurped the throne Fran ce .

3 . Anna rode home a

carriage .

4 . Charles was sitting a chair .

5 . youth we sometimes trifle health .

6 . The blue waves cur l the gale .

7. I am monarch all I survey .

8 . H e leadeth me the still waters . H e maketh me to lie

down green pastures .


John r uns . William walks .

H owmany assertion sat’é

here made ? TWO .

Does John runs make comp lete sense ?"es .

Does William walks ” make comp lete sen se ?"es .

If you wish to make these two assertion s in the

same senten ce , what word must you sup p ly ?A nd .

What is and used f or ? To connect the sen

tenoes .

What are words called which conn ect sentences ?

Conjunction s .

What , then , is and A con jun ction .

Why? Because it connects two sen tences .

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John wen t to Boston . James went to Boston .

H ow many assertion s are here made ? Two .

What word may be supplied to connect these

senten ces ? A nd .

What is and A conjunction .

Why?’ Because it connec ts sen tences .

What parts of each sen ten ce are alike ? Went

to Boston .

H ow, then , can the same assertions be made rin a

shorter way? John and James wen t to Boston .

What , then , is and used for in this

To connect the sentences and shorten the e

H ow is the expression shortened by us

con junction ?

John wen t to Boston . John r eturned .

What word must be supplied to put

assertions in one sen tence ? A nd .

What part of the sen tence may be om

and”is supplied ? John before

Why? Because it is the same in both sen

John will go. James will go .

What word must be supplied to connec

senten ces , and assert that only one of the

n amed will go ? Or .

I s it now asserted that John will go ? NO .

I s it asserted that James will go? No .

I s it asserted that one or the other will go

Page 19:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


I s it asserted of him that he is diligent ?"es .

What word con nects these two assertion s ? Be

cause fi’

What, then , is because A con junction .

Why ? Because it connects sentences .

Does it shorten the expression ?

Charles might have been a useful and hap p y man .

What is the con junction in this example ? “A nd .

What two senten ces does it con nect ? Charles

might have been a happy man ,

” with “Charlesmight have been a useful man .

What words are alike in these two asser tions,a nd

consequen tly n eed not be repeated ? ’ “Charlesmight have been a man .

What word must be used to save the repetition ?A nd .

What part of speech is it ?Why ?

Examp les .

Some rivers are wide and deep .

Charles is here , but An na is not .

G eorge looked for h is ball , but he could not fi nd it .The horse ran with a chaise , and broke it.Henry might learn , if he would study .

The boys will come,though they may be late .

I shall be satisfiedI saw the boy ,

called him to me .

George Charles will do the errand .

The boy loved play , he could not work .

you leave it behind .

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5 . Steam servesman,

also destroys him.

6 . The horse chaise will be mine .

7. John James will catch harn essthe horse .

8 . The boy fell in to the water , was drowned .


The gen tleman bought a book, and gave the book to

William .

H ow may this sentence be changed so as not to

rep eat the word book By us ing the word it”

instead of “book thus “The gen tleman bought

a book and gave it to William .

What p ar t of speech is book A noun .

What word is here used in its p lace? I t .

What isa word called which is used 1n stead of a

noun ? A p ronoun .

What p art Of sp eech is the word it A p ro

noun .

Why? Because it is used in stead of a n oun .

Peter learn s Peter’s lesson s if the lesson s a re not too

difiicult for P eter

H ow may this sentence be changed so as to p re

vent rep etition? Peter learn s his lesson s if they

are not too d ifficult for him .

What words are pronoun s in this sentence ?

H is ,”“they ,

”and him .

What noun is“his used for ? Peter’s .

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What noun is they used for ? “Lesson s .

What noun is him used for ? Peter .

What, then , is a pronoun ? A word used instead

of a noun .

I saw the man who sold a horse to you .

What is I used for ? In stead of the name of

the speaker .

What is“you used for ? In stead of the n ame

of the person spoken to .

What part of speech would these names be ?

Noun s .

What part of speech , then ,are I and you

Pronouns .

What is the word“who used for ? In stead Of"uthe noun man .

What, then , is who called ? A pronoun .

Why? Because it is used instead of a noun .

A nna found my p en cil, and p ut it on her desk .

What noun is “my ”used to rep resen t ? The

name of the speaker .

What noun is “it used to represen t ? Pen


What noun is “her used to represen t?“A nna .

What are words used 1nstead of noun s called ?

Pronoun s .

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2 1

What , then , are“my,

”“it , and her called ?

Pronouns .

Examp les .

1. I thank thee for the word it nerves my arm .

2 . I will use you for my mirth .

3 . Weigh well thy words before thou givest them brea th .

4 . Here is your kn ife which I borrowed .

5 . Before I gave the thongs to you , they were min e ;handed them to you , they were yours .


A las the remedy came too late .

What is asserted in this sentence ? That the

remedy came too late

I s the word alas necessary to make the asser

tion ? NO

Do you understand the speaker to regret that the

remedy came too late?"es .

Whatword conveys that idea to you? A las .

Does it assert that the speaker regrets it? No .

Does it imp ly it ?"es .

t at , then , is alas used for ? To imp ly the

emotion of regret.

What are words used to imp ly emotion or feelingc alled ? Interjection s .

What is alas A n interjection .

Why? Because it imp lies emotion , and is not

connected with the sentence .

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bravo , halloo, ho,

fie, hark , hurrah ,

ha, hey, hush,

ha, ha, ha, heyday, huzzah


hail , hist , 10 ,

Examp les .

1 . Alas why need you be so rough P2 . Ah"it is Pythias himself.3 . Hush"hush"thou vain dreamer .

4 . Well"what can I do for thee P5 . O I shall drown , I shall drown


We have now seen that words may be reduced to

classes , according to the purpose for which they are

used ; that

Words used as names are noun s .

Words used to assert are verbs .

Words used to descr ibe noun s are adjectives .

Words used to tell how,when , or where an action

is performed are adverbs .

Words used before nouns and p ronoun s to conn ect

them with some other word are p rep osetions .

Words used to con nect sen ten ces , and prevent therepetition of what is the same in each are conjunc

tion s .

Words used to imp ly emotion or feeling without

asserting it are in terjection s .

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Words used instead of nouns are p ronouns .

These classes of words are called p arts of sp eech,

and include all the words in the language .

What are nouns ? What are verbs ?

What are adjectives ? What are adverbs ?

What are preposition s ?

What are con junction s ?What are interjections ?What are pronoun s ?What are these classes of words called ?

Examp les .

1. The horse ran with the carriage and broke it.2 . Charles looked for the book .

3 . G eorge recited his lesson s well .4 . I was fond of sport when I was young .

5 . I informed Charles Of the ar rival,and he was very glad .

6 . John remains in the city ,and William return s to the coun try .

7. The rivers are wide‘

and dbefi8 . Father bought this sled , but that kn ife was a presen t from

my uncle .

H a"they please me now.

10 . William gave me the book , an d I now cheerfully give it toyou .

A NOUN ’S the n ame of anything ;A s, school or g ar den , hoop or swing .

ADJECTIVES tell the hunt of noun ;

A s, g r eat, small, p r etty, white , or hr owrz .

Three of these words we often see

Called ARTICLES a , an ,and the.

Instead of nouns the PRONOUNS stand ;John’s head

,h i s face , my arm, your hand .

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VERE S tell Of something bemg doneA s

,r ead, wr ite , sp ell, sing , jump , or r un .

H ow things are done the ADVERB S tell ;A s, slowly , quickly, ill, or well.

They also tell us wher e and whenA s, her e, and there , and h ow

,and then .

A PREPOS ITION stands bef or eA noun ; as, in ,

or throug h , a door .

CONJUNCTIONS sen tences un ite ;A s kittens scratch and puppies bite .

The INTERJECTION shows surprise ;A s


0 , how pretty"A h , howwise"PERSON OF NouNs .

A noun may be the name Of the person sp eaking,

sp oken to , or sp oken of .

If I say,“W illiam, bring the book to me , your

teacher ,” what noun is the n ame of the person

sp eaking ? Teacher .

What noun is the name of the p erson sp oken to ?

William .

What noun is the n ame Of the thing sp oken of ?

Book .

When a noun is the n ame of“

the pe rson sp eaking ,

of what person is it ? Of the first person .

What noun is of the first person in this example ?Teacher .

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What word must be used to ex press more than

one ? Children .

When a word means on ly one person or thing , of

what number is it ? Singular number

When a word mean s more than on e, of what num

her is it ? Plural n umber .

What is the plural form of the following noun s

house, horse, ship , boat, r iver , school?

What is the singular form of the following noun s

benches , seats , boxes , windows , doors ?

What must be added to the word horse to

make it plural ?

What must be added to box to makeit p lural ?

es .

H ow is the plural number common ly formed ? Byadding s or es to the singular

What is the plural of child

H ow is it formed ? By adding ren to the sin

gular .

H ow is the plural of man formed ? By chang

ing“a”to e .

Spell the p lural'

of goose , fool, foot, ox ,woman ,

mouse .

What is the plural o f ladyl

Lad ies .

H ow is the plural formed ? By chang ing “yinto ies .

I s there a vowel immediately before the y in

“lady ” ? NO .

Then , if a noun ends in “y without a vowel

immediately before it , how is the plural formed ?

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Spell the p lural of the following words"fly, bodyglory, story, p ossibility, navy, victory, fa iry, beautycherry, duty, lady.

What letter was removed from each ?

What letters were added to each ?

Why? Because “y ”

was not immediately p re

ceded by a vowel .

What is the p lural of key "eys .

H ow is it formed ? By adding s .

I s the “y ” preceded by a vowel ?"es , by the

vowel“eWhat , then , is added to form the p lural when

final y is directly p receded by a vowel ? s .

Spell the p lural of the following words"turkey,day, monkey, toy, ray, boy, convoy, way, valley,


What is the p lural Of loaf Loaves

What is the plural of “kn ife ” ? “"n ives .

Into what is f or fe in these examp les

changed ? In to ves .

Spell the p lural Of the following words"lif e , wife,sheaf, leaf , wharf .

What is the plural Of muff”? M uif s .


”has slaves for its plural . A ll others ln ff

add s .

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A noun may be the name of a male, a female, or

an object which i s neither male nor female .

The gen tleman an d lady are in the car .

Does the noun“gen tleman

”denote a male , Or

female ? A male .

What is the gender of the name of a male ?

Masculine .

Then Of what gender is gen tleman M ascu

line .

Does “lady denote a male or female ? A

female .

What is the gender of the n ame of a female ?

Femin ine .

Then of what gender is“lady Femmme .

Does car”den ote a male, a f emale , or neither ?

N either .

What is the gender of a noun that is neither male

nor female ? Neuter .

What does neuter mean ? I t means n either .

Of what gender is car Neuter .

The boy and his sister were p laying at ball.

What words are noun s in this example ?Of what p erson is each ? Why?

Of what number ? Why ?

Of what gender ? Why?

Page 30:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


Examp les .

1 . William’s cheek was wet with his mother’s tears.

2 . M an,the hermit , sighed , till woman smiled .

3 . Not a soldier discharged his farewell shot , over gravewhere our hero we buried .

4 . There is no breeze upon the lake .

5 . Why should gold man’s feeble m ind decoy P

6 . The fi sherman drags to the shore his laden nets.

7. The schoolboy lags with satchel in his hand .

William walks .

What pronoun may be used for William in

this sen ten ce ? “H e .

What number , p erson , and gender William”

Why ?

The p up ils may take the p up ils’seats .

What pronoun may be used so as to avoid the

repetition of pupils in this sentence ? Their .

What n umber and person is pup ilsI s it necessary to determine the gender of a noun

when it is Of the third person plural ? N0 .

W hy? Because we use the same p ronoun to

rep resent a noun of either gender , in the p lural

number ; as ,

The boys may take their seats .

The gir ls may take their s eats .

The trees have dropped their leaves .

Of what number are the three noun s , boys ,

girls ,”



Page 31:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


Of what person ? Why ?

What is the gender of boys Why?

Of girls Why ?

Of “trees Why ?

What pronoun represents each of these noun s of

differen t genders ? Their .

Of what person and number is “t heir Third ,

p lural, like the nouns .

When 1s 1t unn ecessary to tell the gender Of

nouns ? When they are p lural.

Whv? Because the same p ronoun will rep resenta plural noun of either gender .


William sees John .

H ow may this sen tence be written , using a p ro

noun instead Of William

H e sees John .

What pronoun is used instead of William in

this examp le ?“H e .

This is William’s ha t.

What pronoun may be used in stead of “William

’s”here ?

’ “H is

Page 32:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


John sees William .

What p ronoun may be used instead of1Will

iam”in this example ? H im.

I s the same noun a lways represented by the same

form of the p ronoun? I t is not .

H ow many forms o f the pronoun are used in

these examples to represent the noun“William ” ?

What are they ? H e ,

”his ,

”him .

What are these differen t forms called ? Cases .

H owmany cases are there ? Three .

What are they called ? Nomin ative , p ossessive

and objective. Thus"William"he) sees John . Nominative case.

This is W'

illiam’s"his) hat. Possessive case .

John sees W illiam"him) . Objective case .

H ow many*d iffereh t

"f6?h is has the noun Will

iam in the three cases ? Only two .

What cases of nouns are a like in form ? The

nominative and Objective .

H ow is the p ossessive case formed ? By the addi

tion of an ap ostrophe and the letter s

What is an apostrOphe ? A comma p laced above

the line ; thus

The girls"they) were singing . Nominative.

These are the girls’"their ) bonn ets . Possessive .

I have seen the girls"them) . Objective .


H ow is the possessive case of the noun formed in

this example ? By adding an apostrophe .

Page 33:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person

3 2

Why is“s”

omitted ? TO avoid an unpleasantsuccess1on Of the hissing sounds .


N ominative ease. Boy, Man ,

Possessive case . Boy’s,


Objective ease . Boy . Man .

Nominatzve ease . Boys Men Heroes,Possessive ease. Boys M en 5


Objective case . Boys . Men . Heroes .

Does the nominative case difi er in form from the

objective ? No .

In which case is the noun va ried ? The p os

sessive .

I n writing sentences , may we d isregard the cases

of noun s unless they are in the possessive ?"es .

Why? Because in the other two cases they are

Written exactly alike .

What parts Of speech are varied in the differen t

cases ? The p ersonal pronouns and the r elative p ro

noun who .

See table in nex t lesson .


To be committed .


Page 35:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person

Why ? Because it is used instead Of the name Of

the p erson sp eaking .

Of what person 1s“thou The second

Why ? Because it is used instead Of the name Of

the person sp oken to .

Of what person 18 he The third .

Why? Because it is used instead of the name of

the p erson or thing sp oken of.

Why are the pronouns in the second table called

relative p ronouns ? Because thev are used instead

of nouns , and also conn ect sen tences .

The oflicers p ursued the thief, who fled .

H ow many assertion s are made in this examp le ?

Two .

What is the first ? The officers p ursued the

What is the second ? Who fled .

What part Of Speech is“who A pronoun s

Why ? Because it is used instead of the noun

“thief .

If the pronoun “who is used in this examp le ,

is it n ecessary to supply a con junction to connect

the sentences ? No .

If I say,“The officers pursued the thief , he

fled , is a con junction requ1red to connect the sen

tences ?"es .

What, then , is the. use of the word who\”in

this examp le ? I t is used instead of the noun

thief ,”and also connects the two sentences .

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3 5

What, then , is it called ? A r elative p ronoun .

This is the man who"that) bought a horse .

This is the horse which"that) the man bought.

This is the house which"that) was bought .

Which of the relative p ronoun s may be used in

stead of a noun which is the n ame of a p erson ?

Who ,”“that .

Which of the relative p ronouns may be used in

stead of a name of an an imal or inan imate thing?

Which,” “that .

TO what , then , may who relate ? TO p ersons .

To what may which relate ? To an imals and

inanimate things .

TO what may“that l elate ? To p ersons , ani

mals , and inan imate things .

I saw the man who was injured .

I s I saw the man-l ”

an assertion ?

IS who was in jured an assertion ?

H ow‘

many assertion s in the example ?Then

howmany sen ten ces in it ?

What pronoun is used to rep resen t man in the

second ? “Who .

IS there a con junction to connect the two sen

teh ees ? NO .

What does con nect them? Who .

Then what kind Of a pronoun 1s who A

relative pronoun .

What person and number is man Third

p erson , singular .

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3 6

Then what person and number is who Third ,

singular .

I n what respect are pronouns like the n oun s they

represent? I n p erson and number .

STA TEMENT . Pronoun s agree in person and num

ber with the noun s they rep resent.

What can the p ronoun who be used instead

of The names of p ersons only.

What case is“who"See table .)What other relative pronoun can be used in

example to represen t man

H ow would it read ? “I saw the man that

in jured .

I n what case , then ,is that

”? Nominative .

E xamp les .

I have found the kn ife that Charles lost .Here IS the boy whose p en I borrowed .

William, who was presen t, consented .

This is the gentleman whom I mentioned .

The horse that ran away was killed .


B lrds fly.

What are we speaki ng of in this sentence ?

Birds .

Page 38:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


What dowe call that which we are sp eak ing about?

The subject.

Then what is the subject of this sentence ? Birds .

What do we say about birds ? They fly.

What do we call that which asserts or decla res a

thing ? A p red icate .

What do we afi rm, or assert, or p redicate, of

birds in this sentence ? That they fly.“That do we mean , then , by the p redica te of a

sen tence ? The word that declares or a sserts some

thi ng of the subject .

Does a sentence always have a subject and p red i

cate ?"es .

Why? Because , when we sp eak , there must be

something that we sp eak about, and something that

we say about it .

A -good— man .

I s this a sentence ?‘

I t is not .

Why? Because nothing is asserted or p redica ted

of the man .

A cts well.

I s this a sentence ? I t is not .

Why? Because there is no subject of which

acting well”is p redicated or asserted .

A good man acts well.

I s this a sen tence ? I t is .

Why? Because it has a subject and a p red ica te.

What is the subject ? M an .

Page 39:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


What is the predicate ? A cts .

What part of speech is man A noun“

. WhyOf what number ? W hy


Of what person ? Why ?

Of what gender ? Why?

What pronoun may be used in its p lace ? H e .

I n what case is“he Nominative ."See tableof p ronoun s . )Then in what case is man Nomin a tive .

In what case, then ,must the subject be ? I n the

nominative .

STA TEMENT1— The subject of a sentence must bei n the nomin ative case .

H orses ran .

What are we speaking of in this sen tence ?

IIorses .

Then what is the subject ?

What is affi rmed or p red icated of horses

Tha t they ran .

Then what is the p redicate?

What part of speech is horses A noun .


What n umber ? Why ?

What person ? W hy ?

I s it necessary to tell the gender when the noun

is p lural? No .

Why ? Because the same pronoun is used instead

of a masculin e , femin ine , or neuter noun in the plural.

Page 40:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


I n what case is horses Nominative .

Why ? Because it is the subj ect .

I n what case must the subject be“That pronoun may be used in stead of horses

They .

Why may not them be used instead of

lzorses in this sen tence ? Because them is in

the objective case , and the subject must be in the

nominative .

Examp les .

1 . Trees grow . 2 . Scholars study. 3 . Charles jumps. 4 . Virtuewill be rewarded . 5 . Children are taught . 6 . Flowers will wither,7. The men talked . 8 . Stephen was stoned . 9 . Cicero was ad

mired . 10 . Boys will talk .

studies . 2 . will g row . 3 .

have arrived . 5 . will be loved .


6 .

play . 8 . walks . 10 .

1.-Boys 2 . Flowers 3 . Birds

5 . Scholars 6 . Child ren8. G nats 9 . Fishes 10 . Lion s

John’s dog barks

What are we speaking of in this sen tence ?

dog .

What, then ,is the subject ? Dog .

WhyWhat part of speech is dog W hy


What number ? W hy

What person ? What case ?

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4 0

I n what case must the subject be ?What do we assert of the dog

? That he barks .

What , then , is the predicate ? Why ?

What part of speech is“barksWhat word denotes the owner or p ossessor of the

dog ? John’s .

What part of speech is John’s A noun .



Of what number ? Why ?“lhat person ? Why?

What gender ? WhyH ow is it varied to denote the owner or possessor ?

A n apostrophe and s are added .“That pronoun may be used in stead of, John’s

H is .

In what case 18“his ” ?"See table of p ronoun s . )

I n what c ase is John’s Possess ive .

I n what case , then ,is a noun when it is varied to

denote the owner or p ossessor ? Possessive .

STATEMENT . When a noun is varied to denote

the owner or p ossessor , it is in the p ossessive case .

Examp les .

Edward’s book has been found .

Charles saw Henry’s classmate .

William’s mother has return ed .

A friend’s infi rmities should be borne .

Henry’s dog is lost . 6 . G eorge saw the boy's sled .

books have been lost . 2 . parents rejoice .

I met brother . 4 . Charles found kn ife .

Page 43:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person

4 2

H im . I n what case is him Then in what case

is John

Does it require a p reposition between saw and

John ,

”to make sen se ? No .

Do all verbs admit a noun after them in the ob

jective case ? They do not .

What is a verb called which takes a noun after it

in the objective case ? A Tran sitive verb .

What kind of a verb is saw i n the above

example ? Tran sitive . Why ?

Would it be proper to say, John went BostonNo . Why? B ecause the verb went w ill not

admit the objective case without a prepos ition .

What kind of a verb then is went ” ? I n tran

sitive . Why ?

STATEMENT . Transitive verbs require the oh

jective case after them.


What does mode‘

mean ? Manner .

What does mode mean when applied to verbs

The man ner in which they are used .

I f I say, William walks ,”how is the verb used ?

I t is used to declare what he does .

William canwalk .

H ow is the verb used here ? To declare his ability

to walk .

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4 3

When a verb is used for simp le declaration or

indication , in what mode is it ? I nd icative mode .

When a verb is used to declare ability or p ower to

perform an action , i n what mode is it ? Poten tial.

1 . William may go . 2 . William can go .

3 . William must go . 4 . William might go .

William could go . 6 . William would go .

7. William should go .

What does the first sen tence declare ? The p ossi

bility that William will go ; or it gran ts himlibertyto go .

The third ? I t declares the n ecessity of his going .

The second , fou rth , and fifth ? They declare his

ability to go .

The sixth ? I t dec lares his will or inclination to

o .gThe seventh ? I t declares his obligation to go .

I n what mode are verbs , when they exp ress

p ossibility, liberty, p ower , will, obliga tion , or n eces

sity? I n the p otentia l mode .

What is the mean ing of“p oten tial ” ? I t mean s

p owerf ul.

Does the p oten tial mode ,always exp ress p ower


No .

What does it express ? I t expresses p ossibility,

liberty, p ower , will, obligation , or n ecess ity, by using

may, can ,must, might, could , would , or should .

I f a verb from its sign ification , without the use of

Page 45:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person

4 4

any of these words , expresses power , obligation ,

etc . , is it said to be ln the poten tial mode ?’

Ne .

If I say, William may go if he wishes ,”how is

the verb wishes used ? To exp ress a cond ition .

What is the condition under which he is p ermitted

to go ? That he wishes or desires it .

In what mode is a verb when it exp resses a con

dition ? I n the subjun ctive mode .

What is the mean ing of subjunctive I t

mean s somethingjoined or added .

Children , obey you r p a ren ts .

H ow is the verb obey ” used in this examp le ?

I t is used to express a command .

I n what mode is a verbwhich is used to exp ress a

command ? Imp erative mode .

What is the meaning of “imperative ” ? Com

mand ing .

I s the imp erative mode a lways used to command ?

For what other purpose is it used ? For p raying

or en trea ting ; as , G ive us this day our dailybread Do let me have the book .

1 . Children obey their paren ts .

2 . Children must obey their parents .

3 . Children should obey their p aren ts .

4 . Children , obey your parents .

5 . Children'

will be happy if theyobey their p arents .

Page 46:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person

4 5

I n what mode i s“obey in the first examp le ?

I ndicative .

Why? Because it is used for simp le declaration .

I n what mode is must obey ” in the second ex

ample ? Poten tial.

Why ? Because it ex p resses n ecessity, by the

aid of must .

I n”

what mode is should obey in the third

example ? Poten tial.

Why? Because the verb exp resses obligation by

the aid of should .

I n what mode is obey in the fourth examp le?

Imp erative .

Why? Because it is used for command ing .

In what mode is obey”in the fifth examp le ?

Subjun ctive .

Why? Because it is used to ex press the condition

hnder which children may behap py.

Children are commanded to obey their p aren ts .

What is the subject of this sentence ? Children .

What is the p redicate A re commanded .

t at p art of speech is are“commanded A

verb .

What other verb in this senten ce ? Obey .

Why is it averb ? Because it may be used as a

p redicate , to assert or affi rm .

I s it used as a p redicate in this examp le ? I t is

not .

Page 47:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person

4 6

I n what mode 1s a verb when it is not used as a

p red icate? I nfi nitive.

What word gen erally precedes a verb in the in

fi nitive mode ? The preposition to .

H owmany modes have verbs ? Five .

What ar e they ? Indicative , poten tial, imperative ,subjunctive , and infinitive .

William must study his lesson .

What is asserted of William? That he must


What p art of speech is must study? A verb .

Why? Because it is used to assert something .

What does the we re must express ? Necessity.

Then in what mode is must study”? Potential.

Why ? Because the poten tial mode is used to

express n ecessity, by the aid of must.

Examp les .

1. William studies his lesson s.

2 . William has learned his lessons .

3 . George returned yesterday . 4 . John can buy a book .

5 . John may buy a book . 6 . Boys, obey your teachers .

7. Pupils should obey their teachers.

8. The boys ran to see the soldiers .

9. William studied Well , or he could not have improved somuch .

10 . Charles, bring your book to me .

11. I love to look on a scen e so lovely .

12 . The boy had returned when I '

arrived .

13 . Children should try to behave well .14 . The gen tleman should not have purchased"he house , if hedisliked it.15 . The boy will attend school if his parents consent .16 . Do give me the knife .

Page 48:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person



What is themean ing o f ten’

se, as applied to verbs ?

I t means the time when an action is done .

What is the most common division of time ? Into

p resen t, p ast, and time to come , or future .

If I say, Henry walks ,”when do I rep resent

the action as taking p lace? Now

I n what tense, then , is“walks P resen t.

If I say,“Henry walked yesterday,

”when do

I rep resent the action to have taken place? I n a

space of time whollyp ast.

I n what tense is walked Past.

If I say,“Henry has walked to-day, when is

the action represented as being done ? In a sp ace

of time which is not wholly p ast.

I n what ten se is has walked P resent p erfect.

If I say,

“Henry had walked before you saw

him, when did the action take place ? Before a

p ast time, men tioned .

I n what ten se is had walked Past p erfect.

If I say,“Hen ry will walk , when do I assert

that the action will take p lace ? I n time to come , or

future time .

I n’what ten se is will come Future .

If I say,

“Henry will have walked before to


”when is the action rep resented to take

p lace? I n f uture time before a time mentioned .

I n what ten se is will have walked” ? Future

p erfect.

Page 49:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person

4 8

H owmany ten ses have verbs ? Six .

What are they? Present, presen t perfect, p ast ,past perfect, future , future p erfect.When does the p resen t ten se represen t an action

as taking p lace ? Now.

When does the p ast ten se represent an action as

having taken place ? I n a space of time wholly p ast.

When does the p resent p erfect ten se represen t an

action as having taken place ? I n a space of time

not wholly p ast.

When does the p ast p erfect tense represen t an

action as having taken place ? Before a p ast time

men tioned .

When does the future ten se represent that an

action will take place ? I n time to come, or future

time .

When does the future p erfect ten se represent that

the action will have .taken place ? A t a future time ,before a time men tion ed .

Examp les .

The horse runs. 2 . The horses haverun .

The birds flew.

The stage had left when I arrived .

Charles will learn his lesson .

Jameswill have arrived before noon .

George has returned from the coun try .

George came home last week .

The ship sails well . 10 . The girls gathered flowers.The gentleman will call to-morrow .

William did not work yesterday , but he has worked to-day.

Page 51:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person



I shall have taught , We shall have taught,"ou will have taught, "ou or ye wil l have taught ,

H e will have taught . They will have taught .


I may, can ,or must teach , XVe may, Can ,

or must teach ,"ou may, can , or must teach , "ou , or ye may ,can , or must


H e may, can , or must teach . They may , can , or must teach .

I may, can,


taught,"ou may, can


taught ,H e may, can


taught .


I might , could , would , or should W e might,could , would , or


should teach,"ou might

,could , would , or"ou or ye might , could , would,

should teach , or should teach ,H e might , could , would , or They might , could , would , orshould teach . should teach .


I might, could , would , or should W e might , could , would , or

have taught , should have taught ,"ou might, could,would , or "ou or ye might , could , would ,

should have taught , or Should have taught,H e might , could , would , or They might , could , would , or

should have taught . should have taught .


W e may, can , or musttaught

,"ou or ye may , can,or

have taught ,They may, can

,or must

taught .

Page 52:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person

5 1



If I teach , If we teach ,If you teach , If you or ye teach ,

If he teach If they‘

teach .

Same forms as the indicative and poten tial , preceded by if ; etc .


Teach you or thou,or do you or thou teach

Teach you or ye , or do vou or ye teach .


PRESENT . To teach . PRESENT PERFECT . To have taught .




What is the mean ing of “p articip le ” ? A p ar

ticip ator , or Sharer .

What is the meaning of the term“participlewhen applied to Words ? I t mean s certain forms of

the verb which are used as adjectives , or nouns , and

yet retain something of the nature of the verb .

H ow many participles are derived from a verb ?

Twe .

What are they called? The p resent and the past .

What is the p resen t particip le of the verb love

Loving .

Page 53:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


H ow does the presen t participle end ? I n

ing .

What is the p resent p articiple of the verb“speak Speaking .

Of the verb“hear Hearing .

What is the p ast participle of the verb love

Loved .

WVhat is the p a st participle of the verb sp eak” ?

Spoken .

Of the verb hear Heard .

Examp les .

“Talk , run,strike , write , go, try ,

improve , rely , rejoice , read ,realize , represen t , partake, form, prefix ,

begin,receive , give , etc .


What is the usual form of this verb , in the ind ica

tive mode , p resent tense ? A re .

G ive examples .

“"ou are ,”“we are ,

” “theyare .

What is the form when the subject is of the first

person , S ingular number ? Am .

What is the form when the subject is of the third

person Singular ? I S.

What is the usual form of the p ast tense of

this verb ? Were .

What is the form when the sub ject is of the first

Page 54:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


or third p erson Singular? W as as , I was

he was .

What is the usual form of the present p erfecttense ? “Have been ; as , I have been ; you

have been ,

”we have been ,

”“they have been .

What is the form of the p resen t p erfect ten se when

the subject is of the‘

third person Singular ? “H as

been as , he has been .

I s the verb varied in the other three ten ses of the

indicative mode ? I t is n ot .

IS it varied in the poten tial mode ? No .


When the subject is of the firstlperson singularl When the subject 1s ofthe thirdIperson SingularlWhen the“subject is of the fi rst

Past. or thi1d person SingularUsual fo1mNVhen the subject 1s ofthe thi1d

Pr esen t person SingularUsual form

Past p erf ect. H ad been .

Shall or wil l be .

Futur e p erfect. Shall or will have been .


Pr esen t. M ay,can

, or must be .



, or Should be .

Presen t p erfect. May, can ,or must have been .

Paup er/eat. Might,could, would , or should have been .

Page 55:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person



Indicative and subjunctive forms preceded by if"The following forms are sometimes used in the subjunctive mode ,presen t and imperfect ten ses

I f he be ;

If he were

INFINITIV E MODEPr esen t. To be .

Pr esen tp erfect. To have been .

PARTICIPLE S .Pr esen t. Being .

Been .


A tran sitive verb may be used in two ways . I n

the active form, it rep resen ts the subject as the actor

or doer,

‘ in the p a ssive form, the subject is rep re

sen ted as the receiver .

Pr esen t ten se .

If you be ,If they be .


If you were ,If they were .


Pr esen t. Be .

Page 56:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


John struck the horse . The horse was struck by

John .

Do these two sen tences exp ress the same idea , or

differen t ones ? The same .

What is the subject of the first sen tence ?

“John .

I S John the do‘

er , or receiver ? The doer , or

actor .

What did he do ? H e struck .

I s struck ,”then , active or passive ? A ctive .

Why ? Because the subject is the actor .

What is the subject of the second Sen tence ?

Horse .

IS“horse the deer , or rece1ver ? The receiver .

What did he receive ? H e received the blowwhich

John struck .

I s was struck active , or p assive ? Passive .

Why ? Because this? subject is the receiver of an


Examp les .

I have read the book .

The partiality of friends may have injured the boy .

The girls gathered flowers .

Charles caught a fi sh .

James could not fi nd the book .

James sees Thomas . Thomas is seen by James .

In the first sen tence, is the verb “sees ” in the

active or p assive form ?

Why ?

Page 57:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person

5 6

I n which form 1s the verb is seen , in the second

senten ce


H ow is the passive verb is seen formed ? By

adding the past particip le of the verb see to a

part of the verb“am,

”or be .

What is the past par ticiple of the verb see

Seen f’

What part of the verb “be is the verb is” ?

The indicative mode , p resen t ten se , used with a sub

ject in the third person , singular number

Read these sen tences with the verb in the p ast

tense . James saw Thomas .

”Thomas was

seen by James .

Put the verbs in the i ndicative , p resen t p erfect.“James has seen Thomas“Thomas has been

seen by James .

”“P astp erfect.“James had seen Thomas .


had been seen by James .

Future. James will see Thomas . Thomas

will be seen by James .

Future p erfect. “James will have seen Thomas .

Thomas will have been seen by James .

Examp les for Practice .

1 . I study the lesson . 2 . William learns arithmetic .

3 . Horses eat hay. 4 . Boys wear hats .

5 . A garmen t of brightness illumed its dark path .

6 . The Indian paddles the light canoe .

Page 59:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


Why? Because its p ast ten se and past particip leare formed by adding ed to the p resent .

What is the past tense , and p ast p ar ticip le of

the verb teach”

Taught .

A re the past ten se and p ast particip le of this verb

formed by adding ed to the presen t ten se ? Theyare not .

I S the verb teach regular , or irregular ?

Irregular .

Examp les .

Move , hear, sell , desire , offer,occur , behave , con trol , dehght,

cry, beseech , do , sit, hermit .



Demonstr ative .




,both ,

that , latter . other , such , several ,these , any ,

no, etc .

those , t


non e,

What are adjective p ronouns ? They are words

which may be used either as adjec tives or p ronouns .

H OW are they divided ? Into demon strative , in

definite , and d istributive .

Why are those in the first table called demon stra

tive ? Because they Show defin itely what is incan t ;as , this book ,

”that book .

Page 60:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


Why are those in the second table called indefin ite ? Because they do not Show defin itely what is

meant ; as ,“some book ,

”any book .

W hy are those in the third table called distribu

tive . Because they refer to things sep arately; as ,

each book ,

”every book .

Repeat table of demon strative pronouns .

Repeat table of indefinite p ronoun s .

Repeat table of distributive pronoun s .

Examp les .

This book is mine . Each boy recited .

This ismy book . Every gir l must be studious.

Some books are good , and others are bad .


William is wise.

What ”

does the adjective wise express in this

senten ce ? I t simply describes or expresses the

quality of William .

John is wiser than William .

What does the adjective wiser express in thissentence ? I t expresses the quality of John as

comp ared with William.

Page 61:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


H enry is the wisest of the three.

What does the adjective wisest express in thissen ten ce ? I t expresses the quality of H enry , as

comp ared with both of the others .

Do the adjectives wise , wiser ,” wisest,

ex p ress the same quality? They do .

Does each exp ress the same degree of the quality ?I t does not .

Which word simp ly exp resses the quality?

Wise .

Which exp resses a higher degree of the same qual

ity? Wiser .

Which exp resses the highest degree of the quality?

Wisest .

H owmany degrees of wisdom are expressed bythese words ? Three .

What are these degrees called in grammar ? The

degrees of comparison . What is that form of an

adjective called which simp ly exp resses the quality?

The p ositive .

What is that form called which exp resses a higher

degree of the quality? The comp arative .

What is that form called which exp resses the

highest degree of the quality ? The sup erlative .

What degree of comparison is “wise Posi

tive .

Why? Because it simp ly exp resses the quality.

What degree is w1ser”? Comparative .

Why? Because it exp resses a higher degree of the

quality than the p ositive.

Page 62:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person

6 1

What degree is wises t” ? Superlative .

Why ? Because it exp resses the highest degree ofthe quality.

H ow are the comparative and superlative degreesof the adjective . wise formed ?

Let the pup il comp are the following adjectives

rich, young, old , p oor , great, strong , weak , p ure,

firm, cold , wa rm .

I ndustr ious men work .

H ow may the adjective“industrious be made to

exp ress a higher degree of the quality? By placing

the adverb more”beib iie if

H ow“

may it be made to exp ress the highest

degree ? By p refixing most”

to the positive

form .

Posztive . Industrious .

Comp a r a ti ve. More industr ious .

Sup er /al ive. Most industrious .

H ow are the comp arative and superlative deg rees

of the ad jective“industrious ” formed ?"Compare the following adjectives in the same

mann er"beautiful, dutiful, anxious , des irous , eager ,Consisten t, ignoran t, imp atien t.

Page 63:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


H ow are adjectives of one syllable commonlycompared ? By adding r or er in

the com

p arative , and st”or est in the superlative .

H ow are adjectives of more than one syllablecommon ly compared ? By p refixmg

“more ” and

most to the positive form.

H owmay adjectives be made to e x press a lower

and the lowest degree of quality? By p refixing“less and“least ” to the positive form.

Positive. Industrious.

Comp ar ative . Less industrious.

Super lative . L east‘

industrious .

Compare the.

following adjectives in the same

mann er"in ten se hap p y, strong, general, wise , com“fortable , a nxious , dutiful, r ich .

Some adjectives are irregularly comp ared ; as ,

Positive .

G ood,

Bad , ill, or evil,

Fore ,L ittle ,Late


Much or many ,Near


Old ,

best .worstfarthest or furthestforemost or fi rst .least.latest or last .most .nearest or nex t .eldest .

Page 64:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


Hinder , hindermost or hindmost.In ner , inn ermost or inmost .Nether , nethermost .Upper , uppermost or upmost .

Adjectives of number , and those whose quality does not admit ofchange in degree , cannot be compared ; as , endless

,aosenz‘, p r esent,


,on e, two, almig hty ,

annua l.


If I say,“G ive me a book , do I sp ecify defi

n itely what book I want ? No .

If I say, G ive me the book , to what do youunderstand me to refer ? To some p articula r book .

What may a be called ? A n indefi n ite a rticle.

What may“the be _called ? A defi n ite article.

I s it proper to say a boy "esI s it prop er to say a boys No .

Before what noun s may the indefi n ite article he

placed ? Before nouns in the singular number .

I s it p rop er to say the boy,”and “the boys ” ?"es .

Before what noun s , then , may the defin ite article

be p laced ? Before noun s of e ither number .

I s it p roper to say“a app le ,

”a orange ,


hour” ?

What must be used in stead of a in these

examples ?“A n .

Page 65:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


Why? Because the followmg word begins witha vowel sound .

When must “an ”be used in stead of “a ” ?

When it is p laced before a word beg i nn ing with a

vowel sound .

acorn . vouth.

honest man .

carriage . rivers .

tion ary hourglass.


Boys p lay.

I s this a sentence ?"e s .

Why? Because the words are combined so as to

convey an idea .

What is the subject ? Why ?

What is the predicate ? W'


What part of speech is the subject ? Why ?

Of what gender? W



Person ? Why ? Number ? Whv ?

What personal pronoun may be used in its place ?

I n what case , then , is the subject ?

What part of speech is play Why?

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6 6

When a noun or pronoun stands in the relation of

a subject to a p redicate , in what case must it be ?

Nominative .

Can you state the fac t in general terms ? The

subject of a verbmust be in the nominative case .

When a verb stands in the relation of a p redicate

to a subject, of what person . and number is it said tobe ? Of the same person and number as the subject .

H ow may this fact be stated in gen eral terms ?

A verb agrees with its subject in n umber and p erson .

Examp les .

Birds fly . Men work . James studies. Water runs. We speak .

They talk .

I ndustr ious men work .

I s this a sentence ? Why?What is the subject ? Why ?

The predicate ? Why?

What word describes the men , or limits them

certain class ?What part of speech is the subject ? Why ?

What person ? WhyNumber ? Why? Case ? Why ?

What part of sp eech i s the predicate ?Why?

R egular , or irregular ? Why?

Tran sitive, or in transitive ? Why?

Mode and tense ? Why ?

Page 68:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


Person and number ? W hy?What part of Sp eech is industrious

Why ? Compare it .

Of what degree of comparison is it ? Why ?

What does it describe or limit ?

What p art of speech may ad jec tives limit ?

State the fact in gene ral terms . A djectives descr ibe

or limit n ouns .

Examp les .

Idle boys play . Little children grow . A wise man will reflect .The good kin g reigned . B ad men have lived .

The man ta lked foolishly.

What is the subject o f this sentence ?


The predicate ? Why?What part of speecha is the subject ? Why?

G ender ? Person ? Number ? Case ?


What part of speech is the p redicate ?Why?

I s it regular , or irregular ?

Transitive , or intran sitive ?

Mode ? Tense ? Person and number ?


What part of speech is“theWhat kind ? Why ?

What nouns may the be p laced before , or

p refi xed to ? To nouns of either number .

Page 69:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


What is the word foolishly used for ?

What part of speech is it ?What does it describe or limit?

What may adverbs limit ? A dverbs may

qua lify verbs , adjectives , and adverbs .

Examp les.

James has acted very W isely» A pruden t man acts cautiously .

Sometimes boys study well . The teacher will be here soon .

Charles p icks ber ries .

What is the subject ? The p red icate ?

What part of sp eech is the subject ?

G ender ? Person ? Number ? Case ?

W hy?

What part of speech is the p redicate ?Regular , or irregular ?

T ransitive , or in tran s itive ?

Mode ? Ten se ? Person and number ?

A greemen t ?

What p art of speech is berries

Person ? Number ?“lhat personal pronoun may be used instead of

the noun berries ”

I n what case is them"See table of personal

pronoun s . )I n what case, then , is berries

Why? Because it follows a transitive verb.

Page 70:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


State this fact in generai terms . Tran sitive verbs

require the objective case after them.

Cha rles p icks ber ries for A nn a .

What p art of sp eech is for A preposition .

Why ?

What does it connect ? The verb p icks with

A nna .

What may p reposition s conn ect ? Prep ositions

con nect words .

What part of speech is A n na” ?

What gender ? Person ? Number ?

What personal p ronoun may be used instead of

the noun“A nna

I n what case is her

I n what case , then , is A n na

Why ? Because it follows a preposition .

What is the gen eral statemen t or rule for this ?

P rep ositions requ ire the objective case after them .

Exercises .

The girls gathered flowers in the garden .

William brought the book from England .

The boy foun d a knife in the street .A noise from the street alarmed u s.

William’s dog has run away.

What is the subject ?

What is the p redicate ?

Page 71:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


Parse the subject . Parse the predicate .

What part of speech is William’s” ?

G ender ? Person ? Number ?What is it used for in this sentence ? To tell the

owner of the dog .

What personal pronoun may be used in stead o f

the noun William’s

I n what case is his

Then in what case is William’s“That is the rule with regard to the p ossess ive

case ? A noun or p ronoun varied to denote the own er

or p ossessor , is in the p ossessive case .

What part. of speech is away”? Why ?

What does it describe or limit?

Exercises .

Warren’s father will return from Californ ia .

James had torn Edward’s bookA frien d should bear a frien d’s 1n firmities .

The boy’s paren ts loved him. I found a lady’s bonnet .The milliner makes ladies’bonnets .

I am the man .

Parse the subject a nd predicate .

What part of speech is man

G ender ? Person ? Number ?

What personal pronoun may be used in its stead ?

What case is man Nominative .

Do the words I and man refe r to tlie samep erson ? They do .

Page 72:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person

When a noun follows an intransitive verb , and

mean s the‘

same thing as the noun or p ronoun whichprecedes it, in what case must it be ? I n the same

case as the word preceding the verb .

What rule , or general statemen t, can you make

of this ? I ntransitive verbs require the same case

after them as before them, when both words refer to

the same p erson or thing .

Exercises .

Thou art the man . I know him to be an honest man.

The boys are good scholars . The name of my dog is Fido .

Anna has been a good girl . Milton was a great poet .

My Cousin William has come.

What is the subject of this sentence ?The predicate ?Parse the subjectand predicate .

What part of speech is William

Of what gender , person , and n umber ?

What personal pronoun may be used instead of


I n what case , then , is William

Does William mean the same p erson as

cousin in this sen tence ?"esH ow does the noun William affect the mean

ing of the sentence ? It is used to exp lain what

cousin is mean t .

What is the rule with regard to nouns used in this

Page 73:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


relation ? A noun used to exp la in or limit another

noun is in the same case.

Parse my.

Exercises .

Paul , the apostle . wrote several epistles.

Howard, the’ philanthropist, visited the prisoners.

William has sold his dog , Fido.

James , come to me.

What is the subject of this sen tence ? “Thou ,


What is the pred icate ? Come .

I s you exp ressed ? No ; it is under stood to

belong here .

Parse the predicate .

“Come is a verb , ir regular

, in transitive , imperative mode , present tense ,second person , and singular number , to agree with

its subject, you,”referring to James .

What part of speech is James

Person ? Why ? Number ? Why ?

I n what case is a noun which is the name of the

person spoken to ? Nomina tiveI n what case , then , is James

What is the rule applicable to such words ? A

n oun which is the name of a p erson sp oken to is in

the n ominative case , and is used indep endently.

What do you mean by its being used indep en

dently? That it is used without a predicate .

Page 75:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


The school having closed , the boys wen t away.

What is the subjec t ? Boys .

Parse it. Parse the pred icate .

What part of speech is school ”?What person ? Number ? G ender ?

What part of speech is “having closedcompound perfect participle .

H ow i s it used ? A s an adjective .

What does it limit ? School. ”

I s it asserted that the school had closed ?’Tis


I s anything asserted of the noun school” ?

There is not .

In what case is a noun joined with a p articipleand having no grammatical relatlon to the rest of

the sen tence ? Nominative , and used independently .

What rule may be made in referen ce to the caseof such


noun s ? A noun joined with a p articip le,

and not connected with the restof the sen tence, is used

indep enden tly in the nominative case .

Exercises .

The war being ended , the army re turned"The boys having rec ited , the teacher dismissed them .

Dan iel being tired of play , his father sen t him to bed .

H enry has gone to Boston to obta in a situation .

Parse the subject . The pred icate .

What phrase shows where Henry has gone

Page 76:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


What indicates his p urp ose in going ?With what word does to connect Boston

With what does “to ” connect “obtain ”? I t

connects obtain with has gon e .

Wha t part of speech is obtain A verb

W hy ? Because it may be used to assert or


I s it so used here ? I t is not .

I s obtain regular , or irregular ?

Tran sitive , or in tran sitive ?

H as it a subject ? No .

What mode is it ? Infinitive .

Why? Because it is used without a subject .

What ten se

H ow do you tell the person and n umber o f a verb ?

By its subject .

Can the infin itive mode have any p erson and

number ? No .

Why? Because it has no subject .

What word is common ly placed before a verb in

the infinitive mode ? The preposition to .

What is the rule with regard to the infin itive

mode ? A verb following the p rep os ition“to,” and

used without a subject, is in the infi n itive mode .

Soldiers en list to fight . Boys love to play .

W e wish pupils to learn their lesson s .

A nna wishes to please her mother .

William wrote to inform his paren ts of his health .

Page 77:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


A las"I f ear for life .

Parse the subject and predicate .

What part of Speech is for

What does it connect ?Parse life .

What part of speech is“alas Why?

Would it affect the con struction of the sen tence toomit alas I t would n ot .

What is the mean ing of interjectionmeans thrown in .

For what purpose are i nterjections used ? To

imply emotion or feeling .

A re in terjection s grammatically con nected with

the words of a sentence ? They are not.

Make this statemen t or rule in general terms .

The in terjection has no grammatical connection withi"other words .

Exercises .

Lo,how impatien tly the proud ship tosses"

A las"the remedy came too late .

Humph"I guess at it.James can read , and John canwrite.

H ow many comp lete ideas are exp ressed above ?

Two .

H ow many sentences , then , does it cdntain ?

Two .

Page 78:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


What word connects the two sen ten ces ?

What part of Speech is an d Why ?

What may con jun ction s conn ect ? Conjun ction s

con nect sen tences , and sa ve the rep etition of what is

a like in each.

Exercises .

Washington was a great man ,and Washington was a good man .

Henry has been to Englan d , and William has been to Fran ce .

Horace will study if his father desires it.

They studied steadily and faith fully .

Charles saw Jonas and David .

The gentleman or lady will be there .

Bon aparte was a great man , but not gogd.

I have seen the man who bought ou r horse.

H ow many assertions are made in this example ?

Two .

H ow many sen ten ces does it contain ? Two .

What word connects them ? Who .

What p art of speech is who A relative

p ronoun .

What noun does it rep resent ? The noun man .

Of what person , number , and gender is man

What, then ,is the p erson , number , and gender of


I s a pronoun always of the same p erson , number ,and gender as the noun for which it stands ?"es .

M ake a gen eral statemen t of this fact . P ronoun s

Page 79:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


must be of the same p erson ,n umber , and gender as

the nouns which they rep resent.

I n what case is who Why?If we use the person al pronoun he in place of

who ,”what word will be required to connect the

sen ten ces ? The con junction and .

What purpose do relative pronouns serve , then ,

besides representing a noun ? R elative p ronoun s

conn ect sen tences .

Exercises .

Charles has the kn ife which was found yesterday.

Here is the man whom I saw at the marke t .This is the boy Whose sled I borrowed .

Where is the ball that you found

The boys received p resen ts when the term closed .

H owmany assertion s are here made ? Two .

H owmany sen tences does it con tain ? Two .

What is the first sen tence ? The boys receivedpresen ts .

What is the second sen tence ? The term

closed .

What word con nects the sen ten ces ? When .

What other purpose is when used for ? To

Show that the two events occurred at the same time .

What are adverbs called which connect sentences ?

Connective adverbs .

H ow are connective adverbs used ? Connective

adverbs con nect sen tences and limit verbs .

Page 80:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


Exercises .

James walked till he was fatigued .

I left the boy where I found h im .

\Ve met the gen tleman When he arrived .

After Charles found his book, he soon g e t his lesson .

WVhile the boys have their recess , the windows of the schoolroom should be open .

I know notwhen he performed his task .

Can you tell me where I must p ut my coat PWVhenever you have leisure , you may go for the book .

\Vherever we go, we Shou ld behave well .When G eorge return s from N ewYork , he will probably go to

Portland .

Make hay while the sun shines.



did i tf

I myself d id it.

I did it myself.

Do these three sen tences express the same idea ?

t at,then ,

is the use of the word “myself ”in the second sentence ? I t merely strengthen s the

assertion .

H ow is the word myself formed ? By add ing

self to the p erson al p ronoun my.

What is it called ? A compound personal pronoun .

Page 81:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


The boy injured himself .

Parse the subject and predicate .

What part of speech is “himself ” ? A com

pound person al pronoun .

Of what gender , person , and number is it?

I n what cas e ? Objective .

Why? Because it follows the tra nsitive verb

“in jured .

iVould this sen tence be complete without him

self I t would not .



OurselvesYourself, or thyself, yourselves ;

masculine . Himself,

femin in e . Herself, themselves .

neuter . Itself,

The man sp en t that which he earned .

What word may be used in this sen tence to sup

p ly the place of the twowords that which”? The

word what ; thus , The man spent what heearned .

What are such words called which supply the

place of two words ? Comp ound relative p ronouns .

Why? Because they are used in place of arelative pronoun and the word it represents .

Page 83:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


N ominative . Who.

Possessive . Whose.

Objective . Whom.


The statemen ts of facts , and in ferences previouslyillustrated and deduced , are here collected as RULES

for reference .

RULE I .» The subject of a verb must be in the

nominative case as , the boy learns .

To see the sun is p leasan t.

I t is p leasan t to see the sun .

Do these two sentences express the same idea ?

What is the Subject of the second sen tence ?

What is said to be p leasan t in the first sentence ?To see the sun .

By what is the p hrase“to see the sun rep re

sen ted in the second sen tence ? By the pronounI t .

What , then ,is the subject in the first s en tence ?

The phrase ,“to see the sun .

To what does the adjective pleasant , in the

second sentence , refer? To the p ronoun it .

Then to what does the same adjective in\the first

Page 84:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


senten ce refer ? To the phrase.

“to see the sun ,

which it”rep resents .

RULE II .-A djectives describe o r limit noun s

as , a good man , good men , on e cow, three cows , this

boy, these boys .

RULE III . A verb must agree with its subject

in n umber and p erson ; as , the boy ru ns , the boys

run .

Thomas and William"they) r un .

I s it asserted in this sen ten ce that one run s , or

more than one ?

Of what n umber , then ,is the verb ? Plural .

The father of his“countryy and the first p resident

of the United State s , was g reatly beloved .

I s this assertion made of one or more than one ?

Of what number then ,is the verb ? Singular .

John o r Henry sp eaks .

. I S it asserted in thisexamp le that one sp eaks , or

more than one ?

Of what number , then , is the verb “speaks ” ?Singular .

RULE IV . A dverbs descr ibe or limit verbs ,

adjectives , and adverbs as , John reads correctly.

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The boy behaves very well, in general .

The boy behaves very well, generally.

Do these two sen ten ces mean the same thing?

H ow is the phrase in general”changed in the

second sen tence ? In to the adverb gen erally.

What , then , may the phrase in general be

called ? A n adverbial p hrase .

What other phrases are used in the same way?

I n fine “by and by,”“in vain , etc .

Will you go to the city?"es .

Will you return ? No .

What does the adverb “yes mean in the first

sen tence ? I t means , I will go the city.

What does the adverb no mean in the second ?

I t means , I will not return .

Do these words describe or limit a particularword ? They do not .

What is the adverb yes called ? A n adverb of

azfirmation .

What is the adverb“no called ? A n adverb of

n egation .

RULE V . Prepositions require the objective caseaf ter them ; as , John gave the book to me .

NOTE .— The preposition is sometimes omitted , butmust be sup

plied in parsing ; as, G ive me the book ; parsed thus, G ive thebook to me .

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I n what case 1s the p ersonal pronoun “me ”?

Obj ectiv e .

Why? Because it follows the p reposition to .

RULE V I . Tran sitive verbs require the objective

case after them ; as , Charles saw the man and heard

him .

The boyfailed in reciting his lesson .

What p art of speech is reciting” ? A p resen t

particip le , used as a noun ; in the objective case ,

after the preposition of .

What verb is “reciting der ived from ? R e

cite .

I s “recite transitive , or intran sitive ? Tran si

tive .

What is he“

sai d“

fi f b—

ej ‘fi

reciting in the above

example ? H is lesson .

I n what case , then ,is“lesson Objective .

What , then ,may be said of p articiples ? Pa r

ticip les der ived f rom tran sitive verbs require the ob

jective case af ter them .

RULE VII . A noun varied to denote the owner ,

or possessor , is in the possessive case , and limits

the word denoting the thing possessed ; as , John’s

hat ; William and Mary’s reign the house is mine ,

the land is his .

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RULE VIII . In transitive and passive verbs re

quire the same case after as before them,-when both

words refer to the same thing ; as , I am he ; thou

art the man ; I—know him to be an honest man .

NOTE .—Participles derived from in tran sitive verbs follow the

same rule ; as,“7ames, being a good scholar,received the appro

bation of h is teacher .

RULE IX .— A noun used to exp lain or limit

another noun , and havmg the same mean ing , is in

the same case ; as , Webster , the statesman , is dead ;

James , come to me, your teacher .

RULE X . A noun which is the name of a p er

son spoken to is used independen tly , in the nomi

native case ; as , Friends , I come not here to talk

RULE X I .-A noun which has no grammatical

relation to other words in the sentence is used

independen tly in the nominative case ; as , Poor

I ndian s"where are they now ?

NOTE . The pronoun me is sometimes used independen tly ;as, A h me

RULE XII . A noun joined with a participle , andnot connected with the rest of the sen tence , is used

independently in the noml native case ; as?H en ry

being injured , a surgeon was called .

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RULE X"III . The in terjection has no grammati

cal relation to other words ; as , A las I fear he is

ruined .

RULE XIV . A verb used without a subject , andfollowing the preposition

“to ,” is in the infinitive

mode ; as, the boy likes to read ; he bid me do it,

t. e . , he told me to do it ; you dare no t do it , i . e. ,

you fear to do it ; let me do it , t. e . , permit me to

do it .

NOTE .— \Vhen a verb in the infi nitive mode follows bid , a’ar e , let,

hea r , feel. make , see , n eed,and a few other verbs , the preposition“to is omitted .

RULE XV . Con junctions con nect sen tences , and

save the repetition of what is alike in each ; as ,

William and Jameswventr to Boston ; or , William

went to Boston , James wen t to B oston .

RULE XVI .— Preposition s connect words ; as ,

G eorge wen t to London .

RULE XVII .— Pronoun s must be of the same

person , number , and gender as the nouns which they

rep resen t ; as , H enry recited to his teacher ; A nna

recited to her teacher ; H en ry and A nna recited to

their teacher .

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RULE XVIII .— Relative pronouns connect

clauses ; as , I have seen the man who bought our

horse .

RULE XIX . Connective adverbs connect

clauses ; and mark identity of time , place , or man

ner ; as , James will go when William comes .

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Pr esen t .

Choose ,Cleave , to sp lit,Cling ,Come ,Cost,Creep ,Cut ,

Do ,Draw,


Drive ,Eat,

Fall ,Feed




Find ,Flee ,Fling,Fly ,

‘uForget,Forsake ,Freeze ,G et,

Give ,G o ,


I I ear ,

Hide ,

H it,

Hold ,Hurt,"eep,"now ,

Lade ,Lay ,

Lead ,


Pastp ar ti cip le.

chosen .

cloven , cleft .clung .

come .

cost .crep t .

done .

drawn .

drank , drunk .

driven .

eaten .

fallen .

fed .

felt .fought .found ..

fled .

flung .

forgotten\ ,forgot .

forsaken .

frozen .

gotten or got.

given .

gone .

ground .

heard .

hidden , hid .


held ,holden .

hurt .kept .known .

laden .

laid .

led .

Page 92:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person

down ,


Past. Pastp ar ticip le.

left , left.len t, len t .let

, let.

lay , lain .

lost , lost .made , made .

mean t, mean t .

met , met.

paid , paid .

p ut, put.


read .

ren t , ren t .rid

,rid .


rode , r idden .

rang , rung, rung .

rose , risen .

rived, riven .

ran , run .

said, said .

saw, seen .

sought , sought .soldf

sold .

sen t , sen t .set, set .

sat, sat.

shook , shaken .

shed , shed .

showed , shew, shown, shewn .

shod , shod .

shot , shot .shred

,shred .



Shut , shut .sang , sung , sung .


,sunk .


slain .


slept .

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slung, slang ,

slunk ,smote ,spoke , spake,sped ,spen t ,spun


spit, spat,split,spread ,sprang , sprung ,stood ,stole ,stuck,stung


strode , strid ,struck


strung ,strove ,swore , sware


swept ,swam, swum,

swung ,took,taught


tore , tare ,told





wore ,wove


wept,won ,



Past par ticip le .

slidden , slid .

slung .

slunk .

smitten .

spoken .

sped .

spen t .spun .

spit, spitten .

split .spread .

sprung .

stood .

stolen .

stuck .

stung .

stridden,strid .

struck,stricke n .

strung .

striven .

sworn .

swept .swum .

swung .

taken .

taught .torn .

told .

thought .thrown .

thrust .trodden , trod .

worn .

woven , wove .

wept.won .

wound .

written .

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The followmg verbs are sometimes regular , and sometimes ir reg


ular , in the formation of their princ ipal parts

Pr esen t.


Bereave ,Blend ,Build ,Burn


oCatch ,

Cleave,to adher e


Clothe ,Crow


Dare , to ven tur e ,


Dis .



G ild ,G ird ,G rave ,


II eave ,

H ew,"nee","n it,



M ow,

Pen ,"uit ,"Saw,



Shave ,Shear


Shine ,Slit




awoke , awaked ,bereft , bereaved ,blended ,built , builded ,burn ed

,burn t,

caught , catched ,cleaved , clave ,clothed , clad ,crowed , cr ew,

dared , durst,dealt

,dealed ,

dug ,digged ,

dreamed , dreamt,dwelt , dwelled,gilded


girded , gir t,graved ,hung , hanged ,heaved , hove ,

kneeled,kn elt


kn it , kn itted ,lighted , lit,loaded




quitted , quit,sawed ,seethed


shaped ,shaved



shon e , sh ined ,slit



sowed ,

Pastp ar ticip le .

awaked .

bereft , bereaved .

blended,blen t .

built,builded .

burned , burn t .caught

,catched .

cleaved .

clothed,clad .

crowed .

dared .

dealt,dealed .

dug , digged .

dreamed,dreamt .

dwelt , dwelled .

gilded,gilt .

girded,girt .

graven ,grave .

hung , hanged .

heaved .

hewn , hewed .

kneeled,kn elt .

kn it,kn itted .

lighted, lit .

loaded,laden .

mowed , mown .

penned,pen t .

quit , quitted .

sawed,sawn .

seethed , sodden .

shaped , shapen .

shaved , shaven .

shorn , sheared .

shone , shined .

slit , slitted .

sown,sowed .

Page 95:  · Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person sp eaking. Of what person 1s “ thou The second Why? Because it is used instead Of the n ame Of the person


spelt, spelled,

spilt, spilled ,strewed,strewed ,sweat

, sv’

veated ,

swelled ,wet, wetted ,whetted ,worked

,wrought ,

wrung , wringed ,

Pastp ar ticip le .

spelt, spelled .

Spilt,spilled .

strewn , strewed .

strewn , strowed .

sweat, sweated .

swollen , swelled .

wet, wetted .

whetted , whe t .worked , wrough t .wrung , wringed .

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RULE I . — Words , phrases , or clauses of a paren theticalor in termediate n ature are separated from the con tex t bycommas ; as , To g1ve battle was , in his judgmen t , to in currisk of defeat . ”

RULE II . A comma shou ld be p laced after th e last nounin a series , 1f it is not join ed to the others by a conjun ction ;as , Barley , oats , rye , corn , are products of the tempe rate g

z on e fi’

RULE I I I . Inverted phrases shou ld be separated fromthe rest of the sen ten ce by a comma ; as Of all our senses ,

sight is the most importan t .”

RULE IV .a I n

’ letter-h ardings , a comma shou ld be placedafter the city or town , state , and day of the mon th , and in

the superscription , after each par t of the address , exceptingthe state .


RULE V . Dashes are u sed1 . When thep arenthetical expression has n ot so close con

n ection with the rest of the sen ten ce as wou ld be indicatedby commas ; as,

“The statement may be true — I am not

prepared to dispute it that he is guilty .

2 . When there is a sudden break in the thought ; as , I n

the next place bu t I will n ot discuss the matter further .

3 . Af ter as , name ly , etc . ,when the enumeration beg in s

on the n ext line .

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RULE VI . A semicolon shou ld be used1 . Just before su ch expression s and words as

“forin stan ce ,”“for example ,

” “name ly ,” i . e . , etc . ;

as ,“We have fi ve sen ses ; namely , sight

,hear in g

,smell ,

taste , and feeling .

2 . When c lauses are join ed by a conjun ction , but the

second part 18 added for con trast ; as , I am very glad tohear of his su ccess ; for no on e deserves it more .


RULE V I I .— A colon shou ld be used

1 . B e tween fi gures designating hours and minu tes ; as ,

A .M . , P .M .

2 . Beforefi

an enumeration of a’r ticles or par ts in troduced

by su ch expression s as“the fol lowing as fol lows


RULE VIII . The period shou ld be used in the fol lowingplaces1 . A t the c lose of de clarative and imperative sen ten ces .

2 . After all abbreviation s .

3 . After headings , addresses , and sign atures to letters .


RULE I X .— The . in terrogation is u sed at the close of a

direct question .


RULE X .— The exclamation is used after words , phrases ,

or sen ten ces expres sing emotion or surprise ."UOTATION MAR"S .

RULE X I ."uotation mark s shou ld en close the exactwords of an other ; as , Lawren ce said , Don

’t give up the

ship .