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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji VCE Business Management and Psychology Integrated Unit 2 Unit topic: The psychology behind marketing strategies Aims/rationale: The following unit is designed for year 11 Psychology and Business Management students. The unit is created to cover the duration of five weeks with the fifth week being the final assessment. The Business Management classes will be held on Monday morning’s periods one and two and the psychology classes will be held on Wednesday morning’s periods three and four. The lessons will run for the duration of 100 minutes. The aim of the Psychology/Business Management integrated unit: To investigate how psychology is used in marketing and the strategies that are used persuade people to purchase products and services. To explain how people’s attitudes are formed and how these attitudes affect behaviours whether individually or in group settings. Focus Questions: What are the market research processes? How do marketing strategies affect people’s attitudes and behavior? How do market researchers apply theories of psychology to evaluate their marketing objectives?

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Page 1:€¦ · Web viewVCE Business Management and Psychology Integrated Unit 2. Unit topic: The psychology behind marketing strategies. Aims/rationale: The following

By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

VCE Business Management and Psychology Integrated Unit 2

Unit topic: The psychology behind marketing strategies


The following unit is designed for year 11 Psychology and Business Management students. The unit is created to cover the duration of five weeks with the fifth week

being the final assessment. The Business Management classes will be held on Monday morning’s periods one and two and the psychology classes will be held on

Wednesday morning’s periods three and four. The lessons will run for the duration of 100 minutes.

The aim of the Psychology/Business Management integrated unit:

To investigate how psychology is used in marketing and the strategies that are used persuade people to purchase products and services.

To explain how people’s attitudes are formed and how these attitudes affect behaviours whether individually or in group settings.

Focus Questions:

What are the market research processes?

How do marketing strategies affect people’s attitudes and behavior?

How do market researchers apply theories of psychology to evaluate their marketing objectives?

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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

Week / Lesson

Key knowledge Class activities, ICT Homework

BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AOS 2 Managing the marketing function

1/1&2 Market research processes, including information needs, data collection tools and techniques, analysis and interpretation

Introduce topic market research chapter 16 Using PowerPoint go through what market research is and its purpose.

Reasons for undertaking market research activity: distribute worksheets to students and ask them to read and answer the true false statements and to match the verbs on the left.

Students to read ‘systematic approach to market research’ steps 1-3 p. 287 of their text books and complete activity 16.1.(Go through responses)

Continue on PowerPoint and cover primary and secondary data. Show YouTube clip examples of focus group and observation Continue on PowerPoint ICT covering quantitative and qualitative research Ask students what we covered last lesson? - What is market research? Why is market research

needed? Remember we did the ‘reasons for doing market research’ sheet. What can be discovered through market research? The steps involved in market research?Information types and sources?? ->Primary data refers to? Secondary data refers to? ->can be from internal and external records. What do those mean? Examples?

Once completed I will ask students for their responses and write the responses on the board for each scenario.

Once that is done explain to students that there are steps to writing a questionnaire and that is the first.

Do a mind map and cover three steps.Step 1: Your survey objectivesStep 2: Writing the contentStep 3: Piloting the questionnaire Ask students what they think each step need to cover for a successful questionnaire. Also tell them to

copy down from the board. (I work through my sheet) Give students example of survey for guidance. Tell students that you now want them to complete activity 16.3. They are to:*get into groups of three, choose a scenario, and develop a questionnaire based on your scenario of information we just covered. Also required to create 15 questions-using a variety of question styles (open, closed, multiple choice/scaled) (Make sure students are working) Discussion: Go through each group responses…So compare different groups’ question for the same

scenario. Different? Do you think they will both have different responses from participants?

Ask students to read the chapter summary in their text book p.294 and to answer the chapter summary questions.

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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

PSYCHOLOGY AOS 1 Interpersonal and group behaviour

1/3&4 Classic and contemporary theories and studies relating to the formation and change of attitudes, including the applications and limitations of the tri-component model of attitudes

Introduce ‘what an attitude is’? Using PowerPoint (ICT) explaining how attitudes are formed and changed, and to discuss the factors that affect behavior of individually and in a group setting.

Inquiry based learning activity: Give a psychological definition of the term attitude. How can an attitude be distinguished from a ‘passing thought’ about someone or something? Outline what the tri-component model is, ensuring you refer to its key assumptions. Give a brief description of each component, with reference to an example of each component

different from those used in the text. Give an example that illustrates when the three components are consistent and an example of when

they are inconsistent. Use examples different from those used in the text.

Formative assessment: As a class discuss the student’s responses and review students understanding of what an attitude is

and the elements within the tri component model with the use of a mind map on the whiteboard. Students will participate in the class activity participating with their responses. Make sure students take down the mind map from the whiteboard.

Students will need to construct 10 attitude statements identifying the affective, behavioural and cognitive components from the tri-component model.

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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji


2/5&6 key elements of a marketing plan:– establishing objectives– market description

Ask students to read the four steps from p. 298 to 299 of their text books ‘elements of the marketing plan’

Moving away from market research and covering the key elements to a market plan-its description and format (4 steps). P.301 of their text books has an example of the format of a marketing plan

Give students the Hewden case study -SWOT analysis- for them to read and answer the questions on SWOT analysis and to complete a SWOT analysis for a business they ate familiar with. If they can’t think of one, they can do one for Phillip Island.

Formative Assessment: Discussion: As a class go through what they have answered for the questions and construct a mind

map on whiteboard.Evaluation-was the marketing process effective? Students read the ‘performance indicators’ on p. 302-303 of their text books and complete activity

17.2 on p. 304 To conclude lesson form discussion of what student may have answered for the questions.


2/7&8 Classic and contemporary theories and studies relating to the formation and change of attitudes, including the applications and limitations of the tri-component model of attitudes-classical conditioning, operant conditioning, modeling and repeated exposure

Recap of last lesson. Mind map on board. What did we cover last lesson? What is an attitude and the tri-component model.

Factors influencing attitude formation-looking at theories of learning; classical conditioning, operant conditioning, modeling and repeated exposure.

Intercultural understanding : Students are growing knowledge of new topic, understanding and critical awareness of their own and others cultural perspectives and practices derived from learning content.

Worksheet Activity: Have students describe each of the learning processes which influence attitude formation. For each learning process give an example of how an attitude may form.

Formative assessment: Collecting last lesson homework and reviewing class discussions and class activities

Advise students that in the next lesson they will watching the film ‘The joneses’ in the school auditorium (alternative setting) and working in pairs completing a PowerPoint ICT presentation involving structured questions based on the film. More details to follow in next lesson.

Student are to research and collect different advertisements that show the use of classical conditioning, operant conditioning, modeling and repeated exposure by advertisers to influence people’s attitudes towards their products/services.

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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji


3/9&10 Issues in marketing, including the role of technology, in the global business context and in the context of ethical and socially responsible management and legal requirements.

Issues in marketing Students to read p. 305-306 and complete ‘the role of technology in business’ worksheet and case

study and answer the 5 questions. They should have read p.305-308 (Issues in technology) and completed the ‘role of technology in business’ worksheet and case study and have answered the 5 questions. Did they do it? Have they completed it?

If so there can be a recap and move on to new topic; if not continue with what they need to do. Also students were required to read p.309 (Innovation and diversification) as well as have read p. 311

(research and development) and completed case study activity- Research and development – Sheffield Forgemasters International (SFIL) - answering questions 1 to

4 only. (For homework students were to complete the chapter summary questions) To conclude lesson with

discussion of Chapter summary Questions

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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji


3/11&12 Ways in which a group may influence others to change their behaviour including peer pressure

Diagnostic assessment: ICT activity: Mini quiz of 6 multiple choice questions.Using their laptops students are to access quizlet ( and take the mini quiz on the topic being covered. Formative Assessment: Students will print 2 copies of their quiz results and hand it in to the teacher.

The teacher will assess the results of each individual student. As a class to go through the answers of the quiz and evaluate students level of understanding.

Cross-curriculum understanding: Students become familiar Asia, looking at what at YouTube short clip -‘OSIM and the Andy Lau effect: Lessons for marketing in Asia’

I will show students the short YouTube ICT clip of the power of celebrity marketing. I will have some questions on the board so we can discuss as a class after students watch the clip To gain awareness of how attitude are formed, sources of influence on attitude formation and personality factors.

Movie: Students will view the movie ‘The Joneses’. Before students watch the movie, explain the assessment and distribute the assessment guide which has the questions they need to consider and complete. Students will work in pairs on their assessment. Presentations will be for the duration of 5 minutes. The film depicts consumer culture and behavior and is based on a “family” who move into a high income suburb under the pretense of being a typical family but are actually advertisers engaged in “under the radar” marketing. Their influence and peer pressure on their neighbour’s changes the neighbours’ behaviours and in turn their buying habits.

In the assigned pairs students are to complete a draft copy of the assessment by next lesson

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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji


4/13&14 SAC Revision Express to students that today’s lesson is a revision of the topics covered in prep for their SAC-

Summative assessment-test Draw table on board with the three topics being the heading of the topics we covered (Ch 16, 17 &


Market Research- what is market research? What can be discovered through market research? Six step approach to market research, primary and secondary data, questionnaires, focus groups, and observations, quantitative and qualitative research.

Marketing plans and Evaluation of Performance- elements of a marketing plan, SWOT, evaluation of marketing process (performance indicators), issues in marketing (role of technology, global or domestic business market, ethical and social responsibility, legal requirements, exporting), innovation and diversification, research & development.

Ask students to tell me what things we covered for each topic. Write them on the board and ask them to write them too as they will be covered in test.

As I write on the board ask further questions…ask them for examples and further explanations Give students the revision sheets for them to complete using the info from their text books. Tell

students I want it completed this class. (Assist when needed.)

Have students read out their answers from activity to class

Write on board and explain to the students what they are to do during their holidays to help them revise.

They are to *complete all the activities given during class and *all homework I have assigned them *chapter summary questions. *spend extra time studying on the areas you are not sure about

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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji


4/15&16 Working on assessment Students will spend the entire double lesson working on their assessments in preparation for

presentation next week. Teacher will circulate the class and assist when needed.


5/17&18 SAC Set up class Tell students that today they will be taking their test on marketing and PR

Explain to students rules. No talking during test If they have questions they need to put their hands up and I’ll come over No books, lap tops, phones on desks Tell them that they have until 12:40pm to finish. I’ll put times on board counting down and

striking off every 15 minutes that go by. If students finish test early they need to put their hands up and I’ll go over and check that they

have completed all of test. If they have I will give them an activity for them to do quietly so they don’t distract other students. If they haven’t they will need to complete it.

Give students test (face down, can’t turn them over until everyone has them (Students can have reading time….any questions?)


5/19&20 SAC-ICT Presentation. PowerPoint

Students will use the entire lesson to present their SAC’s to the class. Summative Assessment: Rubric

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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

Business Management Activities

Reasons for undertaking marketing research:

Understanding the market

In an extremely competitive environment, organizations need to clearly understand how the market they operate in

works. This understanding needs to include: current customers, current competitors, potential customers, potential

competitors, the impact of outside influences (e.g. the economy, politics, population growth or decline, etc.). It is

only through understanding, or at least attempting to understand, such different groups that an organisation can both

anticipate and react to changing situations.


Marketing research is a way of creating information in a way that helps us to forecast – to predict what is going to

happen to our business in the future. For example, there is little value in a company producing millions of a

particular toy if the market research suggests it will only sell a few thousand. Of course, the situation may change,

especially if the product becomes well known through word of mouth and it becomes a major success within the

marketplace. However, if the initial marketing research shows that there is not a lot of interest in the product, it

would be unwise for the company to produce large volumes. The product will simply be stockpiled in a warehouse,

losing value while incurring warehousing costs.

Improving return on investment

Companies should continually seek to improve their profitability. In other words, they need to use their resources

both efficiently and effectively. Of course, that does not mean operating at ‘survival level’, with (for example) the

smallest possible number of employees. That would be very risky. However, companies should consider ways of

improving return on investment. This is particularly the case where a lot of money has been invested in research and

development to create the product (or service) in the first instance.

Exploiting new market opportunities

Marketing research is not only about current problems. As we have already noted, it can be used for forecasting

market demand. Moreover, it can be used to discover possible gaps within the market for new products and services.

Reducing the level of risk

The development and subsequent introduction of new products and services can cause significant financial and

business risks for companies. Many companies introduce new products and then find that they are not successful in

the marketplace – spending a lot of money on marketing does not solve their problem. In some cases the company

faces bankruptcy as a result. Marketing research might provide information on whether the product either has a

market at all, or whether it needs minor adjustments to meet market needs.

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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

Read the text and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).

If companies do their initial forecasting and market research properly, they will always know whether a new product is going to be successful.

Companies shouldn’t produce large quantities of a new product if initial research does not show a lot of interest in it.

Companies should not reduce their costs to a point where it risks damaging the company.

The more a company has invested in research and development for a new product, the more careful it needs to be about checking the return on its investment.

If a product is not popular when it first appears, it’s always a good idea to spend more on marketing.

Match the verbs on the left (1-8) with the words and phrases on the right (a-h) to make a phrase used in the text. Try doing this first without looking at the text, and then go back to the text to check your answers.

1. to operate a. resources 2. to react b. in a market3. to use c. new products 4. to invest d. to a situation 5. to forecast e. demand6. to discover f. a lot of money on marketing 7. to introduce g. in research and development8. to spend h. gaps in a market

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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

Business Management Homework: Market research - fill the gaps

Use the following words to fill the gaps in the passage below

competitors quantitative existing

qualitative focus groups relevant quota

advantage cheaper target market

Market research is the process of finding out about the needs of consumers and the activities of

______________. There are two types of market research. Primary research involves collecting new data

whereas secondary research finds ____________ data. The benefits of primary research are that it is reliable,

up-to-date and ___________ to the requirements of the business, however it is expensive and time consuming.

It can also give a business a competitive ____________ because its rivals have not seen it. Secondary research

is usually quicker and ___________ to carry out but it may not be specifically about the organisation or its

products. Examples of primary research methods include questionnaires and ___________ ___________.

Secondary data may be collected from government publications and trade journals. ______________ research

involves finding numerical data. ______________ research, on the other hand, is concerned with finding

opinions and attitudes. A sample is a smaller group of people who are representative of the ___________

__________. When carrying out primary research it is easier and less time consuming to question a sample

instead of the whole population. Sampling methods include random, _________ and systematic.

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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

Market Research: How to write a questionnaire

Writing a questionnaire can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be. It really depends on the information you want to collect and the significance of the decision that it’s going to help you make. For example, if you are planning to open a new shop based on your research results, you should be as rigorous as possible in conducting your research.

1. Step 1: Your survey objectives 2. Step 2: Writing the content3. Step 3: Piloting the questionnaire

Step 1: Your survey objectives

Once you have worked out what you want to achieve, you can start writing your questions. You need to be very clear about why you are conducting your survey and the information you need to gather. Your research objectives will shape the questions you ask, the way you word them and the order you ask them in. Keeping your objectives in mind think about how they impact the following points:

Questionnaire structure Give some thought to the length of the questionnaire, the questions you will ask, how you will phrase them, the order you ask them in and the general layout of the questionnaire. Your questions should have a logical flow, with related questions grouped together.

Who’s answering the questions?Your questionnaire must be relevant to the people you’re asking to complete it. Some areas to think about include age, cultural background, gender, education level and English proficiency.

If you don’t word your questions appropriately, you run the risk of getting misleading information or putting the respondent offside by wasting their time.

How will you group the respondents?How do you segment your market? Ask questions which will allow you to group responses by your market segments. For example you might like to find out how many women aged 25-35 use your service compared to men of the same age.

This part of the survey is usually at the end. Information collected in this part of the survey could include: age, gender, education level, income, marital status, occupation and name. If you are surveying businesses, you could collect details of the size, location and age of the business and the types of products or services sold.

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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

Step 2: Writing the content

Now that you've established what you want the questionnaire to achieve, how you will structure it and the types of questions you need to ask, it’s time to write your survey. Take your time and refine your questions to make sure you get it right. A few points to remember are:

Introduce the questionnaireThe introduction persuades the respondent to participate in the survey. It explains who is conducting the study, how the information will be used and guarantees the participant confidentiality. The introduction should make clear:

the purpose of the questionnaire why it is important for you why it could be useful for the respondent how long it should take to complete what will happen to the results complete contact details final date for a reply

Ask questions in a logical order

The questions should have a natural, logical flow. It’s a good idea to start with general questions and then ask more detailed, difficult ones as the questionnaire proceeds and the respondent becomes comfortable. Some general rules are:

go from general to particular go from easy to difficult go from factual to abstract start with closed format questions start with questions relevant to the main subject do not start with demographic and personal questions

Aim for brevityKeep the questionnaire as short as possible. If it is long and complicated your response rate will drop. Stick to the essential or very useful information and be prepared to discard questions which relate to secondary or unnecessary information. Also keep questions as short as possible so that they are easily understood.

Page 14:€¦ · Web viewVCE Business Management and Psychology Integrated Unit 2. Unit topic: The psychology behind marketing strategies. Aims/rationale: The following

By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

Use simple language:Phrase your questions in simple language. Don’t use jargon or abbreviations which might be unknown to your target sample. Check grammar and spelling carefully.

Be precise:Be careful to avoid questions that may be ambiguous. It is important that all respondents get the same meaning from each question otherwise the results will be flawed.

Use the right type of questions:Put simply, different types of questions provide different types of answers so it’s important to use the right type of question, depending on what you are trying to find out.

There are advantages to every type of question. A major disadvantage of open ended questions is that they are difficult to analyse. If you have 500 people with a different response to a question how are you going to identify patterns in their answers?

When writing your questions think about how you will analyse the responses? Will you count them, enter them in a spreadsheet or use a statistical analysis program? The capabilities of the system you use to analyse your results will affect the complexity of the question that you ask.

Also remember to give respondents instructions about how you want them to answer. Can they select one response? Multiple responses? Do they have to rank their response?

The main types of questions are:

Open ended e.g.: Do you have any suggestions about how we could improve our customer service? (Indicate below)

Closed e.g.: Do you own a car? (Select one response)

YES NOMultiple choice e.g.: Which of these media do you get your news from? (Select more than one response)

Newspaper Radio TV InternetScaled e.g.: Using the scale below, how would you rank the following?

1 = excellent 2 = good 3 = satisfactory4 = fair5 = poor

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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

Our pricesOur customer serviceOur product rangeOur locationThe quality of our products

The quality of our products e.g.: Please rank these buying motives in order of importance where 1 = most important and 6 = least important

Price Service Range LocationQualityDesign

Step 3: Piloting the questionnaire

After you've written your survey get your friends and family to try it. Once you've made changes from their feedback you can then pre-test your questionnaire on a small sample of people who are characteristic of your target audience.

After you have tested the questionnaire you might need to rewrite or reorder some of the questions. Piloting your questionnaire is an essential step in the process so give yourself plenty of time to do it.

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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

Apple product-questionnaire example

Q1. Have you purchased the product from Apple Inc?Yes


Q2.Are you satisfied with the product quality?Yes


Q3. Are you satisfied with the product service?Yes


  Q4. How does the price of Apple’s products compare with others in the industry?

Higher premium price

Similar premium price

Lower premium price

Q5.Why do you pay for the product premium price?

Product feature

Design innovation

Availability of software and peripherals

Corporate reputation


After-sales support


Q6. Where did you hear about Apple’s product?Internet

Magazine or Newspaper

Advertisement on TV

Apple store

From relatives or friends

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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji


Q7. Which part of the product attracts you?Fashionable appearance design


Product quality

Product integration

After-sales service

Cost-performance ratio high

Brand reputation

  Q8. Why do you think Apple's products are more popular than competitors?

High security

After-sales service

Marketing and sales

Corporate reputation

The CEO’s personal charisma

Quality and design of product


Q9. Will you purchase product from Apple in the future?Yes



  Q10. Which sentence would you see describes Apple’s products?

Stand for corporate culture

Innovative brand leader in fashion

The king of the touch technology

Aspirational and luxurious brand

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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

SWOT analysis – Hewden

One of Hewden’s main aims is to maintain its market leading position. It achieves this by analysing

factors affecting the internal and external environment and using this data to plan how to improve

efficiencies and processes.

These plans are called strategies. A key method used by Hewden to audit its internal and external

environment is a SWOT analysis. This looks at the internal strengths and weaknesses of the business

and its external opportunities and threats. A key outcome of a SWOT analysis is to prepare the

business for the future.

By identifying the business’ strengths, Hewden built on its core competencies to remain competitive.

Hewden’s key strengths include its:

• Strong brand and reputation

• Market leading training and development opportunities

• Flat organisational structure

• dedicated workforce and high number of long-serving professionals

• Core fleet guarantee. This guarantee means that any core plant equipment ordered before midday is

delivered to the customer the next day. This is a unique selling proposition (USP) for Hewden which

creates a competitive advantage.

To plan for the future Hewden sought ways to build on its key strengths. Workforce planning is a key

tactic to ensure a future pipeline of skilled employees to uphold Hewden’s reputation in the industry.

One of the ways that this is achieved is through its graduate scheme.

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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

Any business needs to know where its weaknesses are so that it can improve and manage them.

Weaknesses are negative factors that detract from the achievement of objectives. Hewden’s SWOT

analysis identified potential weaknesses that needed addressing. Firstly, its operating system needed

updating. The previous system did not offer the transparency and operating data required by each

depot to run efficiently. Secondly, it needed a change in culture to accept the new system and

processes as well as new graduate members of the workforce.

Opportunities occur in the marketplace outside the business. A business uses its strengths to take

advantage of them. One such opportunity that Hewden identified was the use of social media to

improve its communication channels, helping to raise the company’s profile amongst key

stakeholders. Hewden uses LinkedIn, a social media site for business professionals. Other uses of

new media include a Hewden Smartphone app designed to make plant hire easier.

Threats occur from external factors outside of the business. Like any business, the actions of

competitors create a threat to Hewden. Other threats include a range of economic factors. The recent

recession posed another threat that Hewden’s strategies needed to take into account.

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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

Questions 1. What does SWOT analysis mean?

2. Describe the reasons for performing a SWOT analysis.

3. Analyse Hewden’s SWOT analysis. To what extent do you think this analysis has helped the business remain a market leader?

4. Evaluate the usefulness of a SWOT analysis.

Task Write a SWOT analysis for an organisation that you are familiar with, listing at least 5 strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. What have you learned? Ready, steady, GO...write down as many things as you can think of about SWOT analysis in 60 seconds.

Revision sheets:

Market research

1 What is the purpose of market research?

2 What can be discovered through market research?

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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

3 Provide a brief description for each of the steps in the market research process.

Steps in the market

research process


Define the problem

Establish objectives

Design the research to be


Identify information and

sources of information

Design data collection


Collect and analyse data

Report and presentation

4 Distinguish between exploratory, descriptive and causal research.

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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

5 Data collection is an important aspect of market research. Data comes from two main areas:

primary data and secondary data. Distinguish between these two terms.

6 Describe the following techniques used in market research.



Focus groups

7 What is quantitative research and qualitative research?

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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

The marketing plan

1 What is a marketing plan?

2 When businesses conduct a marketing plan, which questions should be considered/included?

3 Why are SWOT analyses conducted?

4 How do businesses evaluate the effectiveness of their marketing process?

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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

5 Describe the issues in marketing.

6 Explain the following types of strategies; exporting, innovation, diversification, and research and development.

Name: _______________________________

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By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

Business management test.

Unit 2 Area of Study 2: Managing the marketing function and Area of Study 3: Managing the public relations functions.

Number of questions Number of questions to be answered

Number of marks

Section A: MarketingMultiple-choice questionsShort-answer questionsCase study

Section B: Public relationsTrue/false questionsMultiple-choice questionsShort-answer questionsCase study






Total: 75 marks

Section A: Marketing

Page 26:€¦ · Web viewVCE Business Management and Psychology Integrated Unit 2. Unit topic: The psychology behind marketing strategies. Aims/rationale: The following

By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

Multiple choice

Question 1

Select the most correct statement.A. the primary aim of a marketing campaign is to create and maintain a positive imageB. the primary aim of public relations is to create and maintain a positive public imageC. the primary aim of both marketing and public relations is to persuade consumers to purchase

a productD. marketing aims to create and maintain a positive public image

Question 2

Statistics obtained from the Australian Bureau of Statistics for use when planning a marketing campaign are classified as:

A. primary market research data.B. secondary market research data.C. use of a focus group.D. observation.

Question 3

Which of the following options is likely to be the most effective in reaching the target market for a new brand of sportswear aimed at skateboarders?

A. a radio advertisement aired between 7 am and 10 am on a Sunday or Wednesday morningB. a print advertisement in a local newspaperC. a billboard located near a secondary schoolD. a television advertisement during a telecast of an AFL football match on a Saturday


Total 3 marks

Short Answer

Question 1

What is a marketing plan?

Page 27:€¦ · Web viewVCE Business Management and Psychology Integrated Unit 2. Unit topic: The psychology behind marketing strategies. Aims/rationale: The following

By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

1 mark

Question 2

Identify three reasons why market research is needed.




3 marks

Question 3Identify and explain two types of market research that a business could use to gather information about potential customers.

Page 28:€¦ · Web viewVCE Business Management and Psychology Integrated Unit 2. Unit topic: The psychology behind marketing strategies. Aims/rationale: The following

By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

4 marks

Question 4

Data collection is an important aspect of market research. Data comes from two main areas: primary data and secondary data. Distinguish between these two terms.

2 marks

Page 29:€¦ · Web viewVCE Business Management and Psychology Integrated Unit 2. Unit topic: The psychology behind marketing strategies. Aims/rationale: The following

By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

Question 5

Describe the following techniques used in market research.

A: Questionnaires

B: Observation

C: Focus Groups

3 marks

Page 30:€¦ · Web viewVCE Business Management and Psychology Integrated Unit 2. Unit topic: The psychology behind marketing strategies. Aims/rationale: The following

By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

Question 6

What is quantitative research and qualitative research?

2 marks

Question 7

Explain the relationship between a ‘population’ and a ‘sample’.

2 marks

Page 31:€¦ · Web viewVCE Business Management and Psychology Integrated Unit 2. Unit topic: The psychology behind marketing strategies. Aims/rationale: The following

By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

Question 8

Why are SWOT analyses conducted?

1 mark

Total 18 marks

Page 32:€¦ · Web viewVCE Business Management and Psychology Integrated Unit 2. Unit topic: The psychology behind marketing strategies. Aims/rationale: The following

By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

Case study analysis

Read the case study and answer the following questions.

Ted’s Family Restaurant is a budget restaurant in the outer suburbs of Melbourne. Traditionally, it has marketed itself as a family-friendly budget restaurant. It features a large children’s play area.

Recently, Ted’s has started to experience a decline in its market share, as a new franchise outlet of the well-known fast-food restaurant chain, ‘Quakkas’, has opened up in the same area.

Marketing consultant Andrea Skoss has been employed by Ted’s to develop and implement a new marketing plan in response to this. Andrea has set the following goals:

to increase market share by 15 per cent over two years to increase profits by 20 per cent over the same period.

Question 1

Identify and describe the product being marketed by Ted’s.

1 mark

Question 2

Identify two features of Ted’s target market.

2 marks

Page 33:€¦ · Web viewVCE Business Management and Psychology Integrated Unit 2. Unit topic: The psychology behind marketing strategies. Aims/rationale: The following

By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

Question 3

Andrea decides to conduct some market research before developing the new marketing plan for Ted’s. Explain the reasons for carrying out market research prior to the development of a marketing plan.

2 marks

Question 4

Identify two sources of primary market research data that could be accessed by Andrea.

2 marksQuestion 5Identify two sources of secondary market research data that could be accessed by Andrea.

2 marks

After Andrea has developed a marketing plan she begins to implement several new marketing strategies including:

a series of television advertisements, which emphasise a family-friendly, fun environment for the whole family

the introduction of a customer loyalty program involving discounts after repeat

Page 34:€¦ · Web viewVCE Business Management and Psychology Integrated Unit 2. Unit topic: The psychology behind marketing strategies. Aims/rationale: The following

By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

visits by customers a new brandmark and logo.

Question 6

Suggest and justify an appropriate timeslot for the advertisements on television. Consider the time of day and during which type of program. Give reasons for your answers.

2 marks

Question 7

Identify, describe and discuss two more marketing strategies that could be adopted and implemented by Ted’s with a view to achieving the marketing objectives stated.

Page 35:€¦ · Web viewVCE Business Management and Psychology Integrated Unit 2. Unit topic: The psychology behind marketing strategies. Aims/rationale: The following

By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

4 marks

Total 15 marks

Psychology Activities:

Briefly describe each of the learning processes which influence attitude formation. For each learning process give an example of how an attitude may form using examples.

Page 36:€¦ · Web viewVCE Business Management and Psychology Integrated Unit 2. Unit topic: The psychology behind marketing strategies. Aims/rationale: The following

By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji


Attitude Personal experience

Classical conditioning

Operant conditioning

Modeling Repeated exposure






Mini quiz

Multiple choice questions

Page 37:€¦ · Web viewVCE Business Management and Psychology Integrated Unit 2. Unit topic: The psychology behind marketing strategies. Aims/rationale: The following

By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

1. The beliefs thoughts opinions you have about a particular thing (Mental component)

1. Cognitive

2. Affective

3. Prejudice

4. Attitude

2. Two groups must be dependent upon each other as each has something which the other has not. And they both need to depend on each other to work towards a goal. This in turn helps both groups reduce prejudice.

1. Old fashioned prejudice

2. Modern Prejudice

3. Mutual interdependence

4. Sustained Contact

3. A state of being equal

1. Attitude

2. Equality

3. Cognitive

4. Prejudice

Page 38:€¦ · Web viewVCE Business Management and Psychology Integrated Unit 2. Unit topic: The psychology behind marketing strategies. Aims/rationale: The following

By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji

4. The feeling component of your attitude/could also be defined as the emotional consequences of pain

1. Cognitive

2. Affective

3. Attitude

4. Stereotype5. Open form of prejudice(explicit) towards an individual which is based purely on their (the

individual's) status or group

1. Modern Prejudice

2. Sustained Contact

3. Old fashioned prejudice

4. Prejudice6. (Physical-action based) Behaviour directed towards an individual because of their group/status

(Usually used in a negative connotation)

1. Attitude Formation

2. Cognitive

3. Discrimination

4. Affective

Page 39:€¦ · Web viewVCE Business Management and Psychology Integrated Unit 2. Unit topic: The psychology behind marketing strategies. Aims/rationale: The following

By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji


1: How realistic is this sort of manipulation? Do you

imagine that there is a company willing to go to these

lengths to market products? Why or why not?

2: How do the Joneses influence their neighbours into buying the products they are marketing?

3: Explore and explain the elements of peer pressure in the


4: What marketing strategies do each joneses’ character

use to endorse the products/service?

5: How did each character make you feel?

6: Did you feel sympathy for any of neighbours?

7: What did you learn from the movie and the characters?

8: Do you think there are any ethical issues with this sort of marketing?

Page 40:€¦ · Web viewVCE Business Management and Psychology Integrated Unit 2. Unit topic: The psychology behind marketing strategies. Aims/rationale: The following

By Cinthia Sakellarios and Ozel Mehmet-Radji


Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1Content Shows a full

understanding of the topic.

Shows a good understanding of the


Shows a good understanding of parts

of the topic.

Does not seem to understand the topic

very well.

Preparedness Student is completely prepared and has

obviously rehearsed.

Student seems pretty prepared but might

have needed a couple more rehearsals.

The student is somewhat prepared,

but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking.

Student does not seem at all prepared to


Collaboration with Peers

Almost always listens to, shares with, and

supports the efforts of others in the group. Tries to keep people

working well together.

Usually listens to, shares with, and

supports the efforts of others in the group.

Does not cause \"waves\" in the


Often listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others in the

group but sometimes is not a good team


Rarely listens to, shares with, and

supports the efforts of others in the group. Often is not a good

team member.

Comprehension Student is able to accurately answer

almost all questions posed by classmates

about the topic.

Student is able to accurately answer most

questions posed by classmates about the


Student is able to accurately answer a

few questions posed by classmates about the


Student is unable to accurately answer

questions posed by classmates about the
