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The Trail of The Serpent Part 9 The Edenic Condition 1 Please be seated everybody. Good morning. It’s great to be in the house of the Lord. 2 I’ve been talking to different people that are out there that haven’t been around for a little while, and I’m not giving them any excuses. I tell them that they ought to be in church. People that have gone out, claim that God speaks to them, and I believe them with all my heart. When I talk to them it’s like they’re on the same page... almost. So the Spirit falls on all of us no matter what our station is. Whether you come to Church or whether you don’t come to Church. That’s the good thing about God – He is so gracious. Church is not really the focus, but it is good in this sense... to come together so that we can celebrate and rejoice and teach and learn and share and give and take. 3 I personally believe that they should be here so I’ve invited them. I said ‘Come on back to Church, it would be great to see you’. One person said to me ‘Well the Lord speaks to me at home, I’m saying the same thing as you’. I said, ‘Well that much more reason for you to be getting together with us, to share with us and to be a part of us’. Normally I would say ‘It’s your choice, make up your own mind’, but I told them that I feel the Spirit of God on me to call for them, to gather them. So pray for them. 4 Dave McHugh was another one I saw the other day and I told him ‘Come on back... we love you’. So pray for him he’s a good man. We do love him. Just care for him in your heart and soul. I told him ‘Come on let’s get together’. I just thought I would let you know that. 5 We’ve been talking about ‘The Trail of The Serpent’. Last week something happened. We dropped into Eden’s birthday... it happened to be her birthday. We were talking about the Garden of Eden... the Spirit of God had put that message on my heart. Then, during the service, I mentioned Jon Parson and the Holy Spirit picked him out and then he said ‘Excuse me for interrupting but this is what happened to me this morning’. And so let’s not take that lightly… the flow of the Spirit. 6 Let’s not just be intellectuals who come to Church and listen to words. Let’s be sensitive, so that when the Spirit of God is moving and falling on different people we take note of it. I was saying that once Brother Jon came to me and showed me the balance between acid and alkaline foods in the body... how that just balancing out the Ph in the system is good for health. 7 I was just mentioning that, you know. And he said ‘Just the other day something came in the mail, about the Ph in the blood, I was reading it this morning. That’s the reason I was late getting to church’. And then, when we were going through the four temperaments, I was thinking about those people that come late and what kind of character they’ve got and all that. It’s amazing how that over the years, Theologians and psychologists have really got the human character down pat. They’ve taken all the traits and essence

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The Trail of The SerpentPart 9

The Edenic Condition1 Please be seated everybody. Good morning. It’s great to be in the house of the Lord.2 I’ve been talking to different people that are out there that haven’t been around for a little while, and I’m not giving them any excuses. I tell them that they ought to be in church. People that have gone out, claim that God speaks to them, and I believe them with all my heart. When I talk to them it’s like they’re on the same page... almost. So the Spirit falls on all of us no matter what our station is. Whether you come to Church or whether you don’t come to Church. That’s the good thing about God – He is so gracious. Church is not really the focus, but it is good in this sense... to come together so that we can celebrate and rejoice and teach and learn and share and give and take. 3 I personally believe that they should be here so I’ve invited them. I said ‘Come on back to Church, it would be great to see you’. One person said to me ‘Well the Lord speaks to me at home, I’m saying the same thing as you’. I said, ‘Well that much more reason for you to be getting together with us, to share with us and to be a part of us’. Normally I would say ‘It’s your choice, make up your own mind’, but I told them that I feel the Spirit of God on me to call for them, to gather them. So pray for them. 4 Dave McHugh was another one I saw the other day and I told him ‘Come on back... we love you’. So pray for him he’s a good man. We do love him. Just care for him in your heart and soul. I told him ‘Come on let’s get together’. I just thought I would let you know that.5 We’ve been talking about ‘The Trail of The Serpent’. Last week something happened. We dropped into Eden’s birthday... it happened to be her birthday. We were talking about the Garden of Eden... the Spirit of God had put that message on my heart. Then, during the service, I mentioned Jon Parson and the Holy Spirit picked him out and then he said ‘Excuse me for interrupting but this is what happened to me this morning’. And so let’s not take that lightly… the flow of the Spirit. 6 Let’s not just be intellectuals who come to Church and listen to words. Let’s be sensitive, so that when the Spirit of God is moving and falling on different people we take note of it. I was saying that once Brother Jon came to me and showed me the balance between acid and alkaline foods in the body... how that just balancing out the Ph in the system is good for health.7 I was just mentioning that, you know. And he said ‘Just the other day something came in the mail, about the Ph in the blood, I was reading it this morning. That’s the reason I was late getting to church’. And then, when we were going through the four temperaments, I was thinking about those people that come late and what kind of character they’ve got and all that. It’s amazing how that over the years, Theologians and psychologists have really got the human character down pat. They’ve taken all the traits and essence of people’s natures and categorised them and then mixed and matched a few of them. It’s quite beautiful. 8 It’s good to understand your make-up and especially to understand other people’s make-ups, and to know that everybody is not made the same way. Everyone is not cut the same way as we are. That’s what it’s all about... to understand the weaknesses somebody is born with, and then to be able to strengthen some of those things... things that can be strengthened by learning... because we inherit certain traits from our parents, and we become shy or boisterous or whatever it might be. Some of those traits we are born with and some of them we pick up going through school and events in our lives. Circumstances can crush people and give them a complex... can shape their character so they’re a little bit withdrawn, or whatever it might be. Others are very strong-headed, determined, sarcastic or outspoken... and that’s not necessarily a bad thing either.9 In my take on the four temperaments, I think that they are all good. Like in the Garden of Eden, ‘And God saw that it was good’. Now normally, when I’m reading on the four temperaments, we have a chuckle about the weaknesses... like ‘Someone’s boisterous; ha, ha’... and about somebody being disorganised. You say ‘I just can’t get him to learn. I’ve tried to get him to pick up his shirts, his trousers, his shoes... everything‘s all over the place’. I believe we can learn some things. We definitely can learn... let’s get it out of our heads that we can’t progress. We are creatures of progression. And the only limitation we have is what we put on ourselves. Do you agree with that?10 As we go along in these few weeks we are going to look at those temperaments and bring them out. One thing the spirit of God put on my heart – because I didn’t want to just be parroting what

Theologians have said down through the ages... Ministers in churches... but I did want to feel the spirit on this subject of the temperaments. As I was waiting on the Lord He showed me something – and clearly – that every one of those traits is a positive. Take it or leave it... that’s it. A weakness can actually be a contribution. 11 Somebody who is always steamrolling and powering forward and you think ‘Wow... just slow down, relax, and let’s think about this’, and the other one says ‘Let’s just do it’... not counting the consequences or whatever. ‘Let just jump in and get the job done’. Well we do need those kinds of people – what we might call a bulldozer, or something. Sometimes it’s like we need a little bit of a spark underneath us. If you’re a little bit like a turtle... slow on it... then maybe you need somebody with a lot of energy to get you going. And then that person that has got too much energy is going to jump in… you know like, let’s dive off the bridge today and there’s rocks and logs and all kinds of stuff below... no inspection going on. Not going to check in case you get injured. ‘There’s some water, there’s the bridge, let’s jump’. I don’t know if you were like that when you were kids… ‘Just do it… jump’. Somebody else is a little more cautious. ‘Let’s investigate, let’s check this out’. That person there is contributing to that other person who just wants to jump in.12 I have been studying on it a little bit and I wanted to bring some charts and things on it… on the temperaments... and try and bring them together. My main thought is that ‘They are all good’. We spoke about the Garden of Eden last week. I really hope you could understand where I was coming from. We are speaking about ‘The Trail of the Serpent’. That’s who we’re dealing with, and the amazing thing is this message is not the same as William Branham’s message. Take it or leave it. We are in a new day. This is forty something years further on. Are we going to go on another hundred and twenty or five hundred years still parroting the same old same old?13 So we understand that this is a new day with a new message. William Branham did prophesy of us coming. He did say it. He did say that ‘I’ll take that trail of the serpent when I go home’. ‘If there’s another generation it will go beyond us’. ‘If God ever sends anything to the Church it won’t be the same old same old’. So there you go. That takes us plum out of the old school. ‘It won’t be the same old message... it never was from God... it never will be from God. 14 If God ever sends a message it will be something that the people don’t understand’. So we’ve never understood the things we understand now. The Prophet of God, in his wisdom, preceded us. He came and prepared the way for us to jump onto this platform and start talking in this way. 15 Do you think that Isaiah understood how a girl without a husband would have a baby? Do you think he had to sit down there and dissect that? ‘Are you really telling me this Lord? A virgin shall conceive? He had no evidence, nothing. Just inspiration, raw inspiration, and he came out: ‘A virgin shall conceive’. And I’m trusting that the same nature and character of those Bible men would be upon us in this day and age.16 The Bible says that the Holy scriptures were written by men of God who were inspired as the Spirit of God moved upon them... and we are writing another Book. We are not trying to be different... not trying to be sensational or anything like that, but that’s the way it is. That’s just the way God is.17 He’ll come and bring out something… look at Jesus when he said ‘No man has ascended to heaven save he who has descended, even the Son of Man who is now in heaven’ – while he was standing there on earth. ‘Except you eat my flesh and drink my blood you can have no part in me’. Now try and explain that. Jesus didn’t even bother. He just stood right there and faced the congregation. He was a smart man... He was intelligent enough to know that this statement was going to create some rifts in the Church.18 It caused people to leave the Church. It caused His Ministry to become unpopular. It looked unsuccessful, because the mainstay, the seventy disciples, the core elders of the Church got up and left. Now why didn’t he use a bit of wisdom and water it down? Why didn’t he explain himself? He just came right out there and said ‘Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you can’t even live’. 19 The disciples understood really, because he had already said ‘I am the bread of life’. He was talking allegorically… symbolically. So why didn’t He stand there and break it all down? He knew that the people that were sitting there were going to contradict him all the way along. I used to be like that with my wife all the time. She told me one day ‘You’re always contradicting me’. I thought ‘Wow... I never even realised it’... but I learned from it. It struck me when she said it and I never forgot it.20 Any time anybody ever says ‘No but’, I always remember when my wife said to me ‘You are always contradicting me. You always say the negative’. She says ‘I think we can do it’, and I respond, ‘Oh... I

don’t think so’. It’s as simple as that. ‘Oh... I don’t think so’, in every little statement. It’s like being squashed and squeezed all the time. As we go along the way we want to be strong and get away from that. 21 Jesus’ knew He only had three-and-a-half years, and He thought ‘I’m not going to spend my three-and-a-half years arguing with this bunch of TheologiansHe got the weeds out by deliberately bringing the Word in a certain way. 22 That’s how I respond to Brother Don. I’ve travelled with him extensively and he’ll say all these bizarre things and I think ‘Wow... What on earth’? I don’t say ‘Oh no... Brother Branham said...’ or ‘Hold on... I saw what Brother Branham said here’. That’s just over the top. Forget it, just relax. It doesn’t hurt me to just be myself listening to all this bizarre stuff. And I’m just thinking, ‘Okay, whatever the Lord gives me that’s what I’ll say amen to’. That’s all you need to do. 23 This is not a group thing going on here. This is about an individual, personal relationship with what the Lord reveals to you. You people don’t struggle. I know Brother Mark... I know Brother Maangi... I know different ones. I know most of you, and your personalities and your makeup, and it takes a lot for you to sit here under this Ministry. 24 When we were bringing the Church into the Grace and Mercy of the message – becoming lenient instead of dogmatic and damning – when we started coming into the peace and grace and mercy and long suffering, and started to minister in that character, a lot of people left the Church. 25 I was really taken by surprise. I was amazed. I shouldn’t have been amazed, but I was totally amazed that these people that had sat in bondage under the old school of ‘do’s and don’ts’... I thought in my mind ‘Surely these people will be happy now that we’ve come out of that’. 26 We want to go into the Word now. I just thought I’d say all that, because of some of the things I’m saying and want to say – I’m not even saying they’re right, OK? So if you haven’t got a struggling nature it doesn’t matter whether it’s right or wrong... if you trust the Spirit of God in you. If you really trust your relationship with Him there’s no problem. 27 You can sit here and boogies aren’t going to get on you. It will deceive the Elect if it were possible . So it’s impossible. It’s a great big ‘if it were’ and you’re the Elect of God so you have no problem. While I am doing my work I am opening my heart to the Lord and I felt that the Spirit of God was telling me, ‘Just say it’. So I’m going to say it. We’re going to start our message right here. Is everybody all right? 28 The Bible says that Eve had a conversation with the serpent. Eve was talking to the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Eve was talking to herself. That is no great mystery to some of you... but she was actually confiding in herself.29 We showed last week that the Garden of Eden and the four rivers in the Garden of Eden actually represent a human being. It may well and truly have been... and I believe it was... a geographical location. But the Garden of Eden… it’s just like saying ‘Mount Zion’. Well okay there are many mountains… Hebron, there are all sorts of mountains; Mount Calvary was one of them. Mount Sinai and all these different mountains that the Bible names are geographical, yet they allude to something far greater than the natural. 30 And it’s the same with the gardens in the Bible, although they are geographical, and you could put your finger on them, they allude to something far greater and more supernatural. The Garden of Eden is a condition of a human being. Besides being geographical, the entire garden, the way it was laid out, God was mapping the human reproductive system. Now that’s another statement ‘out of the hat’ there. When God was designing this garden He was thinking ‘multiply, replenish the earth... bring forth fruit and replenish the earth’. That’s what it was in His mind when He made that Garden of Eden. You know that was one of the first things He ever said to Adam… ‘Go forth and multiply... replenish the earth’. 31 The first thing God ever did... He laid out the sun and the moon. He was depicting the man and the woman. Because the Husband is the Sun and the Wife is the Moon. She reflects His nature, She reflects His light. God was thinking about it. There is no doubt in my mind that that’s what He was doing. He was thinking about multiplication, reproduction. And quite clearly, you don’t have to be a scholar to know that. Just reading the Bible... He said ‘Go forth multiply and replenish the earth’.32 When He hung the stars, the sun and the moon, God was thinking about husband, wife and children. The Lord said to Abraham, ‘Abraham... look at the stars. So shall thy seed be’. So when God placed the stars up there He was thinking about the multitude that should come forth from the loins of

Adam... through Abraham... all the way down through the ages. That is what He was thinking of... bringing His Celestial Bodies... His Celestial Seed –bringing them down into the earth. That’s what God had on His mind when He placed the sun, the moon and the stars … father, mother and children.33 Then he put Adam down into the earth and God gives him the choice to multiply by the Spoken Word. But Adam had a mind of his own, which God allowed him to have. The Spirit of God gives us a mind of our own. Adam chose multiplication by ‘human means’ as opposed to the ‘Spoken Word birth’. He chose that. He was directed, and I believe he was inspired to choose that. I believe that was his calling... that was his positioning, and that was his prophecy. He knew it. He read the Word and he understood the Word by the stars. Not just the symbols of the stars but that inspiration that was in him, the Almighty God lived inside of his heart. He knew the Word for the hour and so he knew what God wanted done with his Word as he stepped out through the Garden of Eden.34 Adam now... he’s looking at the animals reproducing. We heard Brother Don say it... and he sees cows reproducing and monkeys reproducing. Everything is reproducing and it’s no mystery to him how they were doing it. So he was thinking ‘Well... I think we’ll do the same thing. We’ll do it the way the animals did it. God gave me a commission to multiply. He showed me I have two options but I am going to take it by way of the animal kingdom and I am going to bring forth and multiply the earth just exactly the same way I see the horses do it’. That’s what he did. That’s what he was thinking.35 The Prophet of God said Adam was not deceived, meaning he had a ‘clear understanding’ of ‘his day and its message’. He was not deceived. So he was moving in the channel of inspiration and he had the Word that was made available by the Spirit that lived inside of him. He was also able to interpret the signs of the skies and to know the time... and it was time for him to multiply... and he would choose himself a wife.

Genesis 29 And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and

good for food; the Tree of Life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

36 Straight away we know that those trees aren’t literal. That’s not botany life. Get my point now, and get the angle I’m coming from. Immediately, here’s God thinking ‘husband wife and children. God placed the twelve signs of the Zodiac up there, when He was making the creation. What was He thinking? He was thinking ‘Father, mother and children, their characteristics and their personalities’. 37 One would be like a scorpion and they’ll have traits... traits of Libra… a balance. They’ll come balanced in all kinds of balances. What was He thinking? Twins… I’ll give him a dual nature. Two horns of a bull… I will make him territorial. The two horns once again represent duality. Every sign has a dual to it.38 So God placed the sun, the moon, and the stars and cycled the earth around the sun in twelve stages, and He was thinking in His mind, ‘I’m bringing the seed into the earth and I’m going to plant a certain character in them’. And Adam’s standing here. He had an open Book. It was revealed to him why God was placing the sun, the moon and the stars and the cycle of the earth… the Zodiac. Adam knew it. 39 So he stands there making a decision... a conscious decision. Eve was the same, although the scripture says she was deceived. She had a relationship with her husband and no doubt that they had a little conversation around the Word of God. I’m certain that Eve, the woman, had a level of understanding sufficient enough to bring forth the plan of God for the hour, although she may have been deceived. She was the first, and she was Adam’s right hand. He was the Master of the planet and was put in control of the earth. You can’t think for one moment that she was just sitting there knowing nothing. I am saying she was quite an intelligent girl.40 And here she is in the Garden of Eden now… we’ll just get that in a moment. So here we go…

... good for food... Tree of Life... tree of knowledge of good and evil... That is not botanical life. And here is Eve in an Edenic condition. She had a dual nature. On the inside she was the Tree of Life. On the outside, if you want to look up the message if you need it, Brother Branham said that she was a tree of death. Every curse and everything came by way of knowledge of good and evil and he called Eve the tree of knowledge. He said the woman was the tree of knowledge. Now how was that woman the tree of knowledge of good and evil?... because she had a flesh-and-blood system.

42 So here she was; the tree of knowledge. Eve... with all the senses of a human being... and on the inside she was the Tree of Life to the core. We are saying that she was in an Edenic condition. Can you say amen to that? Okay we are quite clear on that. We are talking about a condition and not a botanical garden. We got this last week… we’re going over what we said last week.

10 And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.

So here’s Eve in this Edenic condition and in this Eden were these four rivers. Here is the tree of knowledge of good and evil wrapped around the Tree of Life. Eve was standing there, beautiful in every way, and in that garden is four rivers. Last week we took the four rivers of the Garden of Eden. 43 Garden means ‘a surrounding’, it’s ‘an enclosure’. That’s what this human life is. That’s what this tree of knowledge is. It encloses the Tree of Life… it’s an enclosure. Eden means ‘paradise’. Another interpretation of Eden is ‘pleasure’. Once again we are thinking about multiplication and we are thinking the thoughts of God here now, not the thoughts of man. God was thinking about the sun, the moon, the stars and their characters. He laid out the garden and He put man in it. All the while He is saying ‘Go forth multiply and replenish’. He puts them in this condition, in an enclosure of paradise, able to experience pleasure. You’re adult enough to read between the lines there. In an enclosure of pleasure, and in that garden, from that enclosure came forth four rivers.44 The four rivers… we learnt that through history men have studied the human body. Biologists, scientists, scholars and physicians have studied the human body... the tree of knowledge of good and evil... and laid out the four rivers that flow in a human body. One of them is phlegm, second is black bile, the third is yellow bile and fourthly, blood. We have four rivers. We are talking about an Edenic condition, the tree of knowledge of good and evil... the four rivers that flow out of the garden. In the blood system we have plasma, red corpuscles, white corpuscles and platelets… four constituents that make life. 45 Remember, we are talking about the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the Tree of Life. The tree of knowledge of good and evil is life of a human being and that human life cannot exist without those four rivers. Let’s say it again…plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. The platelets in blood congeal, seal, and heal wounds. 46 You don’t live without it. White blood cells attack sicknesses, red blood cells carry oxygen and plasma transports the whole thing. There are four rivers in the Garden of Eden, this Edenic condition. We do not have life without the four rivers flowing out of the garden.

11 The name of the first river was Pison flowed out of the land to Havilah… Thinking about the thoughts of God, what did he have on his mind? Pison means ‘to increase’. 47 Already we are picking the whole picture up… the sun, the moon, the stars... the children, their characters... the garden of pleasure, and now God brings out these rivers and names them. Moses named them under inspiration. The mind of God was being revealed to his Prophet while he was laying out that Garden of Eden. He is showing the central theme was to multiply and replenish. ‘To increase’ was the first river. It watered this place called Havilah in the Garden of Eden. We’re talking about an Edenic condition… Havilah means ‘to writhe in travail, to bear and bring forth’.48 The next one is Gihon... it simply means ‘to bring forth’. The next river is Heddekel… which means ‘rapid’. That relates to many waters coming together… a great volume of waters coming together, its human beings again... and Euphrates means ‘fruitful, to be fruitful’. So there again as we were mapping out from the sun, the stars, the moon, the Garden of Eden, the tree of knowledge of good and evil and now the four rivers is all relative to the subject of reproduction.

Genesis 215 And the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

So we’ve been placed in this Edenic condition, not to destroy it but to nourish, to cherish and to keep it. Unfortunately, along the way, we have poured acid into it. If we go into the Book of Revelation, which we will do in coming services, we want to take the plagues and vials. 49 We could go into commerce, into the Coca Cola companies, into the tobacco manufactures, into pharmacies, and tie them all into the government. Let’s not blame them – we’re the end-user... ‘Oh the serpent made me do it’. ‘It’s the government. They should ban this and ban that’… ‘That Coca Cola’. Don’t blame Coca Cola. It brings it all the way back to us again. We are being placed in this garden to keep it and we have done everything but keep it. We’re going about acting like the seven angels that held the vials that poured out the plagues. And God said I will destroy them that destroy the earth…

Self destruction, self annihilation… I will destroy them that destroy the earth. We bring about our own demise.50 I am not going to go into that health thing, so you can relax. I need it myself. I drink Coca Cola... I eat fish and chips and Kentucky Fried Chicken... the whole thing... cakes and biscuits. I drink too much coffee, that’s me. I want to be able to say to you one day, ‘Behold the new earth’… ‘Blessed are they that overcome the beast for they shall have’... rewards. 51 I’ve been laying a platform over these last two services, just to get us in the flow and the thinking. We’re talking about vials and plagues. We’re talking about ‘freedom of choice’, because Brother Branham said that’s where Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden of Eden. The one thing he really nailed down in the Garden of Eden was ‘freedom of choice’. 52 And ‘freedom of choice’ is what I am saying right here. When you demand somebody to listen to you… demand they take this. ‘I demand you take this Third Coming and if you don’t take this Third Coming’… unless you are Prophet sent from God specifically to do that, stay away from it. Certain ones are definitely called to do that. I don’t feel called to do it. Adam and Eve were told make your choice and I’m telling you to leave people alone if they have chosen another route. Leave them be. Let them live in peace. If they have chosen that way, just go on. But if you want to judge and damn and condemn it’s because you want to control them and you’re taking away their freedom to be what they want to be. You are doing it, and that’s one thing that’s sacred to God. 53 When Brother Branham left this planet, one of his last messages was ‘Choosing of a Bride’. He said the principle we are talking about here is ‘the freedom of choice’. He was growing in his Ministry. He was coming to some areas. He realised the way he’d been talking... his old Ministry... was fading out, and it hadn’t fulfilled its purpose. He even said ‘Pray for me Church. I shouldn’t have done this... I shouldn’t have been tagging everyone. I shouldn’t have called you ‘Rickys’ and ‘Rickettas’. I repent of that. Please Brothers come’. 54 He was so serious about that. He was growing, and he grew so much until in 2002 he said, ‘Brother Parnell... if I came back I would do it different’. Didn’t he say it? He said ‘If I come back, if I had my chance over I would do it different. I would just preach to the soul Brother Parnell and let the rest take care of itself’. Do you know what that really tells me? ‘Give people the freedom to choose their path’.55 So in the Edenic condition, the real central theme beside multiplication... is the freedom to choose the system. God gave Adam the freedom to choose the system by which he should multiply. Do you agree with that? God gave him the choice. He could have just stood right there, ‘Ok I want Seth’, and whoosh... there’s Seth standing right there, a young man. Adam could have done that, but he said ‘No we are going to multiply like the animals’. God said, ‘Well, if you do it that way this is going to happen’. Adam said ‘Yep, we are going to go down that path’. It’s not like the whole thing had spun out of cater right there. Everything was calculated. Everything was given by choice. Adam chose that way I’m telling you that he made the exact right choice. 56 We have spoken about the four rivers. We are talking this morning about the Edenic condition. Don’t think Eden... botany... garden. Can you show me one specie of the tree of knowledge and good and evil? Let’s go down to Purnells or somewhere, St John’s, or Springvale Gardens. You can’t order it on the internet, a ‘tree of knowledge of good and evil’... botanically. There is no botanical seed, so keep in that train of thought. We are not thinking botanical; we are thinking about a condition. It’s all symbolic and it’s to do with multiplication.57 When Adam and Eve were taken outside the garden, God put cherubim there to guard the way back to the Tree of Life. Now they had to make human decisions. They had to struggle with humanity and mathematical calculations. Adam had come away from the original source and he was going down. But you see... that’s what we call the fall. The Bible says the Lord himself shall descend or diminish or go away from or lose strength. So he was driven out from this place of innocence... of perfection. 58 The Bible said you were ‘perfect in all your ways until iniquity was found in you’... until you chose ‘the way of the tree of knowledge’ to multiply and bring forth. You were perfect in everything until then. Now that imperfection and that little kink – it doesn’t mean to say that is bad. You were perfect and you chose the way of iniquity. You chose to bring forth children like the animal kingdom did… simply that. 59 Now Adam and Eve were not like convicts, they were not like thieves. This was a carefully-planned scheme that they were walking through in this Edenic condition. They were perfect in all their

ways until iniquity was found in them. What do you think iniquity is? Iniquity is doing something that’s wrong. They deliberately chose that route. 60 Zechariah says I saw four carpenters. Four carpenters… what does a carpenter do? He builds something, or rebuilds something. In the case of Zechariah, the four carpenters were there to rebuild that which the four bugs had destroyed. There were four kingdoms… firstly the kingdom of gold, Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom... secondly, the Persian kingdom, thirdly the Grecian kingdom and finally, the Roman kingdom… a destruction that killed the element of Godliness in the people. 61 But here come the carpenters… a lion, an ox, a man and an eagle, to restore back to the original condition that which was taken away. So God said ‘Put some cherubim in there... let’s stop them from coming back this way. It’s not going to be Spoken Word children by them. They have chosen this route, now they are going to go that way and they are not going to come back and reproduce by the Spoken Word’. 62 ‘Guard the way to the Tree of Life, lest they should eat and live forever’. It kind of looks damning but I want you to understand that here is a cleverly-planned scheme… put something there in place so that they can’t come back to the way of the Spoken Word reproduction system. It wasn’t time for it. There would come a time for it but that wasn’t the time for them because they chose the sperm and ovary system... they chose the beast... the serpent’s way, so let’s stop them from even thinking about recanting. And God put something there so they couldn’t get back the way they came. Do you understand me? 63 He shut them out of the garden. He drove them out, and guarded the way back to the Tree of Life... the system of reproduction by the spoken word. He planned it. He said ‘Okay, you’re going this way, don’t be afraid of it’. God told the cherubim, ‘When Eve starts to bring forth Cain... She is going to wish she never chose physical reproduction, so let’s close it off. She must continue through nine months and into her labour pains. 64 ‘Don’t let them go back to the tree lest they eat and have everlasting life. I want them to feel the curse of thorns and thistles. Don’t let them go back by the way of the Tree of Life, guard it... seal it off... because I want Eve to bring forth in travail. See the meaning of that? ‘Drive them out of the garden. Keep them from the Tree of Life’. That’s what that was all about. But a Prophet comes right at the end here and what does he tell us? He says ‘God drove man away from the Tree of Life but here he is now, driving us back into it’. That’s kind of nice.65 It’s the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. Do you know where it goes next before it rises again? It drops into the south. The sun rises in the east, it sets in the west and Brother Branham said ‘See... it started in Jerusalem’. Now he’s got Jerusalem as the east. And he says ‘Then the sun sets in the west and here we are on the west coast’. If you want to follow a compass, it sets in the west, drops down into the south and then comes back up in the east again. 66 Where’s the sun now? Brother Branham said ‘We are here in the west coast. The sun has set’. Then he said, ‘Shalom, good morning. I see the rising of the sun’. ‘So the gospel’, he said, ‘travelled from Jerusalem, it went over to Germany, then it travelled over to England. Then it came over to America with the Pentecostal people’ and said ‘here we are out west’. He said ‘Civilisation has travelled in the direction of the sun’. It can only go back to the east again... but before it gets back there it drops through the Southern Chambers. 67 Peter said ‘The day star shall arise in your heart’... you won’t be aware of it until the day dawns and the day star arises in your heart personally. So what happens now? The angel of the Lord drops down here into the Southern Chambers in preparation for the dawning of the Third Day. 68 The gospel travels with the sun, civilisation travels with the sun. Brother Branham claimed to be out the west declaring there was a new day coming. So the sun comes and drops down into the south. We’re under the Southern Cross aren’t we? Crux, the Southern Chambers is where the Southern Star is, and the Southern Star is what appears on our flag. We are identified in the southern skies as Pisces Australis. The southern fish are having a revival. The Spirit, the sun, and the gospel are moving in the Southern Chambers to announce the rising of the Third Testament Day. That’s pretty good. 69 You know Luther had his day, the sun was up. Wesley had his time, Pentecost had their day. William had his day and then the angel drops down under the Southern Cross and brings us to life. He visits us on a farm. He brings the pillar of fire and visits you people up in Auckland... just going about your business. But here laying in the Word the Spirit of God had on his mind, ‘I am going to send my angel down to the South Southern Chambers, I’ll pick them up. The gospel will travel with the sun. The

gospel, the civilisation must travel with the sun, advancement and technology and understanding must travel with the sun. I’m done in the west, I’m going to go back east and write another Book but first I must pick up some in the Southern Chamber’. That’s us isn’t it?70 Now thinking about this Edenic condition and the twelve signs of the Zodiac... We are the stars of Abraham that should come down… angels that should descend Jacob’s ladder and walk in an Edenic Body, with four rivers, with a tree of knowledge wrapping around the Tree of Life. Here we are walking this earth. To do what? To go back to the original condition and bring forth children after the Spoken Word.71 Let’s get back to those characters and temperaments for a moment that associate with four rivers, which associate with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil… the temperaments that associate with human beings… these stars of Abraham.

Revelation 12 1 There appeared a great wonder in heaven a woman clothed with the sun… (this is the

heavenly woman)… clothed with the sun the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.

Twelve stars, there they are… Scorpio, Capricorn, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Sagittarius…

A woman standing in the sun, twelve stars. This woman is the Heavenly Jerusalem the Mother of us all, a Celestial City. And here’s this Celestial City, the stars of Abraham with God wanting to multiply bring His seed down here (into the earth). 72 Even the Apostle Paul said ‘There are Celestial and some terrestrial. Some seed are bare’... hopefully they can bring forth. He was talking about life that needs to be planted in the earth, in Eden, so it can bring forth fruit so that God might enjoy that fruit. 73 And the Third of the stars came by way of the tail of the dragon. You know we are made up of Thirds. We are naked... without experience... then when we drop into an unregenerate birth and are raised up worldly, that Celestial Seed that came here barren, is now experiencing hell and darkness. Then it’s a regenerated body... the Celestial Man living in a regenerated, Born Again Body. That’s the second phase It goes back to God and takes that experience with it. A Third part of the stars were cast into the earth and they came with characters, personalities, and traits that we have to learn to associate with.74 So here they are… these twelve traits, these twelve elements, these twelve characters would be embedded in these Celestial Bodies when they come into their planetary experience. Remember that woman she’s got twelve stars about her head. Those twelve stars came down into this earth embedded in bodies with the characters of a lion, a virgin, a fish, a ram, a bull and so on. This woman brought forth these Celestial ones and planted them in trees of knowledge of good and evil, so that they would bring the good side and the evil side of the characters of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Capricorn, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Pisces and Aquarius. There’s a dark side and there’s a light side… a tree of knowledge of good and evil.

75 John said ‘I got caught away on the Lord’s Day. I was at the throne and I saw around about the throne a rainbow, as it were’. He was looking at the twelve foundations of faith. He saw the twelve Apostles, he saw the twelve Patriarchs of the Old Testament. He saw the entire Celestial city. He saw every one of God’s seed. What did Brother Branham say? He said ‘Moses was there, Elijah was there, Job was there, the Sages, all the Apostles were there, and everyone was standing there at the opening of the Word’.76 So here’s this woman with twelve stars about her head… that’s the Heavenly Jerusalem. These stars were being cast into the earth bearing the characteristics of the twelve signs of the Zodiac. The twelve Patriarchs were the foundation, and the twelve Apostles twelve plus twelve. He said ‘I saw four and twenty elders’... John is looking at the Throne, he’s looking at the Celestial City… he’s looking at the Heavenly Mother.

Revelation 43 There was a rainbow around about the throne in sight like unto an emerald, around about the

throne there were four and twenty seats and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.

77 Look at their callings... their positioning. I’m not Paul, I’m not Irenaeus, I’m not Peter, I’m not James, I’m not John, I’m not Zebulon, I’m not Judah… they had a specific calling and a specific placing in the Body of God in the earth. And they were foundation stones upon which we would build. We are built upon the Apostles’ faith and their doctrine aren’t we? Why do we always refer back to the New Birth; the Coming of the Lord; and all these things? Because the twelve Apostles were the very foundation that everything that comes after it will be built upon it. John is looking at the throne, a complete circle, four and twenty elders. There they are there. 78 Now we are still talking about this woman because the woman is Mount Zion. Mount Zion is the Celestial City. The Celestial City is the seed gene... the gene pool. You say a woman don’t have seed. Not of her own but that of her husband. But here’s this woman standing here and around about her head are these twelve stars.

Revelation 2110 And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain... (it’s the same woman

here)... and showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem... (here it comes)... descending out of heaven from God.

That is the seed pool coming into an Edenic condition to live a life of a tree of knowledge of good and evil and to have four rivers flowing through it.79 The great city... the holy Jerusalem… John saw it descending out of heaven. How does God descend from heaven? He descends from heaven through his descendants. Adam was the first descendant. The first God descended through Adam, He kept descending through Seth, and He descended all the way through Isaiah all the way through. Jesus, He descended through descendants… the only way for God to get here and descend is through His people.80 That’s why Adam and Eve had to be there to regenerate and bring forth and multiply because this seed – God himself – was to descend from heaven with a shout. a voice and a trumpet… in a First Testament, a Second Testament and a Third Testament. He said, ‘I saw it; this great city, holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven’, and when they descended from heaven through Adam and through Eve and through Seth and all the way through they brought with them Scorpio, Gemini, Taurus, Sagittarius, Libra... Revelation 21

11 Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal …

12 And had a great high wall and had twelve gates and the gates… 81 We are talking about people. What I am showing you here, is the Celestial city coming into an earthly experience. John said ‘I saw this thing coming down’. How did this thing come down and descend? Through human beings. What a privilege it is to have this Great Holy City and to be a part of it. I’m one of his descendants, I’m an heir to the throne, and we come from God. We can say it like Jesus; ‘I come from God and I go back to God’. ‘No man can ascend save he who has descended even he who is now in heaven’. We can say exactly the same thing Jesus did. He was a scholar of the Word and He understood all these principles, although He didn’t have PowerPoint and all these complicated explanations.

82 He just stood there and said ‘I come from God and I’m going back to God’. He said ‘No man ascended except for Him who descended, even the Son of man who is now standing in heaven’. What’s the emphasis here?... that we come from Celestial to an Edenic experience, where we experience the four rivers and all of its curses and pain.

13 On the east, three gates... (watch this now)... on the north three gates, on the south three gates, on the west three gates.

We are on the south three. As far as the gospel travelling, you know what’s on the south side... Aquarius. On the south side of the Zodiac is the Aquarian... the water-bearer. 83 Let’s go on… let’s think about that now. On the east there were three, on the north there were three, on the south there were three. We’re in the south; the gospel’s travelling through the south, moved back east, it had to drop in here first and then move on to the three west gates.

14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve Apostle of the Lamb.

This is not a natural city... this is not clay and mortar. This is people... lively stones, fitly joined together.Revelation 212 I John saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem coming down…

84 ‘I saw it’. What are we looking at? What are we seeing? A New Jerusalem... this is not the same old same old. We are not talking about ‘Let’s get to Jerusalem so we can understand the gospels. All you need is two and a half grand and we’ll take you on a tour to Bethlehem. You can see all the sights, we’ll be your personal host and after the experience you’ll be enlightened to the gospels and you’ll understand all the places and everything else’. What a lot of nonsense. We’re taking you on a trip and you haven’t even left Wanganui. 85 See what John is seeing. He is seeing the Celestial Seed coming down and planting itself in a tree of knowledge. That’s what he is seeing. He said ‘I saw four and twenty elders’. What was he looking at? There were three on the south, three on the north... he was looking at the signs of the Zodiac and the characters that should be born in the Celestial Seed when they come into an Edenic condition… ‘I saw it’.

3 ... I heard a great Voice out of heaven saying Behold the tabernacle of God is with man and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himself shall be with them.

86 We are not talking futuristic here. Here we are. We’ve all got a character. Where did you get that character? You got it from living on the South Side of the tabernacle. What character is that? He talks about upside-down fish, he’s talking about this water-bearer coming, the Indian Chief riding on a White Horse… that’s our character. We are the living expression of a White Horse, an Indian nature with water signs. We talk about ‘south sides’ and ‘east risings’… that is a personality right there and we are breathing it... we are thinking it... we are living it. We are the very character and personality of the Southern Chambers. Hallelujah. 87 We started off by saying that Eve had a conversation with herself. Have you ever done it? There is a serious side of talking to yourself, ‘Shall I or shan’t I’? Think about this… ‘Shall I or shan’t I’? That’s one of the main conversations you have with your body... yourself. Tell me if I’m right or wrong... ‘Shall I or shan’t I’? That’s exactly what Eve was doing in the Garden of Eden. And the serpent said to Eve ‘You’ll be all right, you know. God knows that... yeah… it’s plenty good. It’s all in the plan’. And the serpent said to Eve… she was having a sensation and she was saying ‘I shouldn’t do this’... and the serpent gave to Eve and she ate and gave to her husband and he did eat. 88 There were only two trees in the Garden of Eden. You say ‘Was that Adam and Eve or was that the devil and God... or what?’ That was the dual nature of man. There were only two trees… Adam and Eve had that dual nature… one Celestial, one terrestrial… two trees. The conversation with the serpent was Eve talking to herself. 89 I heard Brother Don say ‘Jesus had a conversation with himself’. Do you remember when he said that? He said that Jesus was tempted of the devil and the Bible says… a brother said to Sister Rose the other day, ‘Oh that devil made me do it’… That was the wrong thing to say in our house. And Rose said ‘Brother... it was you. It wasn’t the devil. The devil didn’t make you do anything’. Let’s just close our eyes for prayer.

90 Lord Jesus we have viewed the woman’s son and the mind of the husband, all of his glory standing with the seed pool. As you said to Abraham so shall thy seed be and then you showed his son Jacob the ladder by which you should descend from heaven… angels descending. 91 You showed us this morning Adam and Eve, the first descendents, they declined Lord… they diminished... they made their bed in hell. You banned them from the Tree of Life. They had to go the way of the flesh. They couldn’t get back to the Spoken Word to reproduce in that manner, but here Lord, your Prophet is saying four angels are rushing us into this Tree of Life. No wonder we talk about it, we think about it, we read about it. The Tree of Life… you have given us the access. You said ‘I will give you a key, the key of David, a door you’ll open and no man will shut it’. 92 Unlock the gate to the Garden of Eden Lord... there is no man here can shut it. You said you will lock and close the door and no man will open it. Lord we have closed off that old dispensation of the Second Coming… locked it. That old regime of Malachi’s message of an old day gone by… it’s bred worms and closed that door. Hallelujah… The key of the Son of David… Lord to unlock that great garden. 93 ‘Thou art a garden enclosed my sister, my dove, my love, my fair one’… the great allegory of the Song of Songs. ‘Come into your garden’ She says. And He answers ‘I am come into my garden my sister’. Hallelujah. You said ‘I will be with you; I will be in you’. To think that we have… we are standing on holy ground Lord. This physical body of ours, as tempted as it is… with much conflict... it’s just amazing Lord that you would come into such a body of weakness. You are welcome here. We appreciate you and we are thankful that you are so forgiving, so merciful, so kind and understanding that we are chemical bodies with all kinds of complications... but you have come into your garden. You said ‘I am come’ into my garden. 94 Truly Father you are the Eternal. I Am come into this symbol of time... this body of constraint... but you have come to rule it. We shall rule this with a rod of iron. This is now the King and rulership, dominion and power and authority. With that in mind Lord we take charge of this physical realm… take charge of this that you have put us over, and claim by the Word that’s been invested in us, that you would make all paths straight in every life represented in this building. Whatever they need bless them Lord, bless every family. 95 God we have so many needs, great are our needs and you are here today to grant that what we desire. It seems like an old scratched record Lord. You said ‘I am that I am’. It’s the same one all the time. So here you are today Father to provide for our needs, and I pray, heal every sick person. Heal us of all of our wounds of the dark side, of the dual side Lord... of the dark side Lord. We know that Paul come seeking you and said ‘There’s a devil from God sent to me, to buffet me’… Oh God, Lord… see, taste, hear, smell, feel, memory, imagination, conscience, reason and affection… a demon of God sent to me. You said ‘Paul, my grace is sufficient for you’. He was so troubled about that human element Lord and you said ‘Just grace is sufficient’.96 You said to Brother Don ‘You’re looking at it all wrong. You’re perfect in the body you have… it’s perfect’. That’s the feeling I get from this Word this morning Lord, because it’s in the scheme of things. It’s your divine plan that we should transcend, that we are the means by which you descend Lord and you are walking in your garden in the cool of the morning. ‘Flowers arise, the winter is over and past, flowers appear in the earth’. How great is our God. We love you. We know that you will make something out of this message this morning. We haven’t come in vain.97 Touch our children. Every mother’s heart wants their children to walk the right path. We have a Mother in Heavenly Jerusalem, and her desire was set out in the stars, setting out a path for her children, every mother here wants the same… bless that mother Lord, every mother’s heart, bless their mothers’ hearts today. So many things gone out of cater Lord. We’ve seen a craziest sight ever, a meteor strikes the planet… flashing light killing people. There’s so much chaos in this world, but Lord we see a little plant growing under the rock... a little sprout finding the light. In amongst all of this tragedy in the planet there is a man here that can turn on the light. 98 Rueben... a Prophet... under the anointing of Aquarius. A man here can turn on the light and show us the City. It is clear as crystal, no debts on it… cleared from all its debts… clear as crystal, nothing wrong with it, done nothing, justified, never done it in the first place, I see no spot in thee, perfect in the body you have already. 99 Oh God, what a wonderful thing, because it has troubled our hearts... like Paul when he beat on his breast… like Brother Parnell when he stood before the angel of God. Now here we stand Lord and

you’re telling us ‘I see no spot in thee, you have come from the womb of my wife the Great Jerusalem, the Heavenly City’. The plan of it was for you to go this way; I see no spot in thee. Driving us back now to this wonderful Tree of Life. We bow our hearts in humility before you. I pray God that you go out these doors with us and walk with us as we walk with you in Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

13-0217 The Trail of the Serpent – Part 9 - The Edenic Condition - Pastor Mita Edwardson