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The HUMAN BODY Unit Plan John Collier SED 5780 In the animal kingdom, humans are classified as mammals. We are grouped with apes, monkeys, and lemurs in the scientific class Primates. Like the bodies of other animals, human bodies are made of cells. Specialized cells make up tissues and organs and groups of organs work together in integrated and organized ways to form body systems. Together, the body systems of a human being form a complex and fascinating example of adaptation. Grade Level: 5 th Grade Topics Skeletal System Muscular System Respiratory System Digestive System Reproductive System Benchmarks L.OL.M.4 Animal Systems- Multicellular organisms may have specialized systems that perform functions ,which serve the needs of the organism. L.OL.05.41 Identify the general purpose of selected animal systems (digestive, skeletal, muscular). L.OL.05.42 Explain how animal systems (digestive, skeletal, muscular) work together to perform selected activities. Rationale The Human Body unit covers the broad spectrum of topics that

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John CollierSED 5780

In the animal kingdom, humans are classified as mammals. We are grouped with apes, monkeys, and lemurs in the scientific class Primates. Like the bodies of other animals, human bodies are made of cells. Specialized cells make up tissues and organs and groups of organs work together in integrated and organized ways to form body systems. Together, the body systems of a human being form a complex and fascinating example of adaptation.

Grade Level: 5th GradeTopicsSkeletal SystemMuscular SystemRespiratory SystemDigestive SystemReproductive SystemBenchmarksL.OL.M.4 Animal Systems- Multicellular organisms may have specialized systems that perform functions ,which serve the needs of the organism.L.OL.05.41 Identify the general purpose of selected animal systems (digestive, skeletal, muscular).L.OL.05.42 Explain how animal systems (digestive, skeletal, muscular) work together to perform selected activities.

RationaleThe Human Body unit covers the broad spectrum of topics that make-up our very amazing human body. Students dive into the different components that make up the human body: muscles, bones and joints, the digestive and circulatory systems, and finally the reproductive system. The discussions and activities provided in the lessons are important so students can learn how these systems work with all the other body components, and how they help keep the human body healthy. This lesson will focus on three of these systems, the muscular, skeletal, and digestive systems.

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Objectives Students will learn the major skeletal muscle groups in the human body and

their location Students will understand that the skeletal muscles main purpose is to move our

bodies. Students will learn what happens to their muscles when they are used

extensively. Students will learn various exercises that will help strengthen their muscles. Students will learn the major skeleton groups in the human body and their

location. Students will understand that each bone has a different purpose in our bodies. Students will present information on the skeletal groups through verbal

communication and composition. Students will display their understanding of the skeletal system using an

illustrated model with content vocabulary and definitions. Students will be able to identify the main parts of the digestive system, which

are the Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach, Small Intestine, and Large Intestine. Students will be able to explain how each part of the digestive system


Materials Learn the Human Body – The Muscular System Video Learn the Human Body – The Muscular System Worksheet The Muscular System – Major Muscle Groups (Teacher Copy) The Human Body – The Muscular System Reflections Booklet The Human Body – My Human Body Final Activities Booklet Various Dumbbells Construction Paper Scissors Glue Pipe Cleaners, String, etc. to make reference card ring Hole Punch The Human Body – The Skeletal System Work Booklet The Human Body – My Human Body Final Activities Booklet The Skeletal System Quiz Power-point Muscles and Joints Notecards The Human Body – Word Find The Human Body – Word Find Answer Sheet The Human Body – Label the Skeleton The Human Body – Label the Skeleton Answer Sheet Bones, Muscles, and Joints Quiz Bones, Muscles, and Joints Quiz Answers The Magic School Bus - “Flexes Its Muscles” Video The Magic School Bus - “For Lunch” Video The Human Body – The Digestive System Work Booklet The Human Body – My Human Body Final Activities Booklet

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Overview Of The Systems In This Unit

Skeletal SystemOur hard, supportive skeletal system is made of bone. Bone is living

tissue that is constantly being renewed. It is made up of tiny blood vessels and calcium that requires oxygen and nutrients to supply its cells with energy for growth and maintenance. Oxygen is carried to all parts of the body on special cells called red blood cells, which are produced in the bone marrow in the center of large bones.

In addition to supporting our bodies and producing red blood cells, bones protect internal organs from impacts. For example, our skull protects our brain and our ribs protect our lungs and heart. Bones also act as levers for our muscles to attach to for movement.

Adults have 206 bones, most of which are found in the hands, wrists, feet, and ankles.Babies are born with about 300 bones, but as they grow, some of the small bones fusetogether to form larger bones.

Muscular SystemHuman beings have more than 600 muscles. They are a part of every

other system in the body. Muscles are organs made up of long, thin cells called muscle fibers. When groups of muscle fibers contract, the whole muscle contracts, causing nearby body parts to move. As muscles are used, they become larger and stronger. Without exercise, they become smaller and weaker.

A single muscle fiber can only contract for a short period. As you work and use a muscle, the muscle fibers take turns contracting. This way, the whole muscle can work for a longer period of time. Still, the muscle will eventually tire and will not contract as easily and efficiently as when the muscle is rested. This is called muscle fatigue. Once a muscle is fatigued, it will need to be rested before working effectively again. There are two groups of muscles: voluntary muscles and involuntary muscles. Voluntary muscles are those that are under our control. The muscles that move our arms and legs are examples of voluntary muscles. Involuntary muscles cannot be consciously controlled. They work all the time, every day of our lives. The muscles in our heart, stomach, and intestines are involuntary muscles.

Digestive System

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The major organs involved in digestion are the mouth, the stomach, and the small intestine. There are two types of digestion: mechanical digestion and chemical digestion. Mechanical digestion is simply the physical breaking apart of a substance into smaller particles. Chemical digestion changes the chemical make-up of the substance by breaking it into its simpler chemical components.

The mouth functions in both mechanical and chemical digestion. When we chew, the teeth break apart the food mechanically. The saliva begins the chemical process of breaking down starches. The stomach also continues to break apart food mechanically by churning it with involuntary muscle contractions. The food continues to be broken down chemically in the stomach and the small intestine. The stomach contains hydrochloric acid (HCl) and a special chemical called pepsin. Together, HCl and pepsin chemically break down protein in the stomach. It is in the small intestine where nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream and carried to the other cells in the body. The simple components that result from the digestion of food are nutrients. There are six categories of nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for cells. Carbohydrates are made of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. They are available in the form of sugar, starch and plant fiber. Fats are important sources of energy. In large quantities, however, they can contribute to obesity and heart problems. Proteins are made up of amino acids. Amino acids are simple compounds of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. There are 22 amino acids necessary for human life. Fourteen of these can be made in the human body. However, eight must be consumed in food. Vitamins are organic compounds available in the food we eat. No single food contains all the vitamins we need for a healthy body, so we need to eat a variety of foods from all the food groups. Minerals are inorganic chemical elements such as phosphorous, potassium, and calcium that are essential to proper body functions. Minerals help send nerve messages, carry oxygen to cells, and are important for muscle contraction. Water is necessary for life. All the body’s chemical reactions take place in water. Since water is constantly leaving the body when we breathe, sweat, or urinate, it is necessary to drink fluids throughout the day. However, many of the foods we eat also contain water.

Some nutrients, like vitamins and minerals, are needed to help the cells function properly. Other nutrients, like carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, combine with oxygen to produce energy. The amount of energy a nutrient can produce is measured in calories. For example, one gram of fat provides about 9.0 calories of energy. Proteins and carbohydrates provide about 4.9 calories of energy per gram.

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The Muscular System TOPIC: Human Body SystemsSUBJECT AREA: ScienceGRADE LEVEL: 5THTEACHER: John CollierRationalHuman beings have more than 600 muscles. They are a part of every other system in thebody. As muscles are used, they become larger and stronger. Without exercise, they become smaller and weaker. Students need to know what are the purposes for muscles and why they are so important to the human body.Grade Level Content Expectations(In addition to those mentioned in the Teachers Guide)K.HR.05.03 Predict results for the criterion-referenced muscular strength and endurancehealth-related fitness standards for age and gender (e.g., Curl-up, Push-up, Pull-up,Modified Pull-up, Flexed Arm Hang).K.AN.05.02 Measure the physiological indicators associated with moderate to vigorousphysical activity (e.g., sweating, increased heart rate, increased respiration,palpating pulse) and adjust participation/effort in controlled settings.K.AN.05.03 Evaluate how supporting body weight, while participating in activities, improvesphysical fitness.W.GN.05.03 Write a position piece that demonstrates understanding of central ideas andsupporting details (e.g., position/evidence organizational pattern) using multipleheadings and subheadings.Objectives· Students will learn the major skeletal muscle groups in the human body and theirlocation.· Students will understand that the skeletal muscles main purpose is to move our bodies.· Students will learn what happens to their muscles when they are used extensively.· Students will learn various exercises that will help strengthen their muscles.Materials· Learn the Human Body – The Muscular System Video· Learn the Human Body – The Muscular System Worksheet· The Muscular System – Major Muscle Groups (Teacher Copy)· The Human Body – The Muscular System Reflections Booklet· The Human Body – My Human Body Final Activities Booklet· Various Dumbbells

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Introduction (Day One)To begin the engagement, students will watch the video “Learn The Human Body - TheMuscular System.” Students will fill in the “Learn the Human Body – The Muscular System” Worksheet, writing down the important information from the video. This can be submitted for extra credit. This lesson will focus on skeletal muscles. Students will able to answer what is the purpose of skeletal muscles and what happens to our muscles when we exercise them.


ExplorationUsing The Muscle System – Major Muscle Groups sheet, the Teacher will explain themajor muscle groups and their locations to the students. Using The Human Body – TheMuscular System Reflections Booklet, students will write on the appropriate pages the names and locations of the muscle groups. After the discussion, students will do exercises for 45 seconds: Incline Push ups, and Standard Push ups, Bicep Curls, Triceps kickback. Squats, Squat jumps, Lunges, Lunge Jumps. Abdominal exercises.ExplanationUsing The Human Body – The Muscular System Reflections Booklet, students will reflect on the exercises and answer the following questions:· Which exercises were the most exhausting? Why do you think so?· What muscles did you use for the exercises you just did?· If you did curls with your other ‘’off hand,’’ would you be just as strong? Why or why not?ElaborationUsing The Human Body – The Muscular System Reflections Booklet, students willextrapolate on the exercises using the following questions:· What would happen to your muscles if you did the pushups at a slower pace, would yoube able to do more or less? Why?· What would happen if you did the squat jumps at slower pace?· How much rest do you think you need if you want to repeat an exercise and get thesame amount of repetitions?· The skeleton and skeletal muscles are interrelated, for what purpose?The final page of The Human Body – The Muscular System Reflections Booklet will have students write a thorough paragraph on their thoughts and ideas for games/activities that would be good for their muscles. Students will not be able to use any of the above activities. Students should include all of the main muscles used in their activities.Students will receive The Human Body – My Human Body Final Activities Booklet.Students will cut out the segments of the human muscles, and paste them onto the appropriate worksheet. The students will label ten (10) muscles of their choice, and add a definition/point for each muscle.Methods and Procedures: We will use independent work as well as whole class discussions to learn about muscles The teacher will provide direct instruction as well.

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Accommodations: Students who cannot write may orally do this lesson with the teacher or the teacher’s assistants.

Check for Understanding: The teacher will ask questions, using worksheets.

EvaluationStudents will combine all worksheet pages of The Human Body – My Human Body FinalActivities Booklet for assessment. This will be a great way for students to see how each of the human body systems is similar to each other. As well it will be a great way for the teacher to evaluate student learning as a whole. Closure: There will be a class discussion about the muscle system with the teacher asking questions randomly to the students.

The Digestive SystemTOPIC: Human Body SystemsSUBJECT AREA: ScienceGRADE LEVEL: 5THTEACHER: John CollierRationalThe human digestive system is a complex series of organs and glands that processes food. In order to use the food we eat, our body has to break the food down into smaller molecules that it can process; it also has to excrete waste. Learning about the digestive system can help students know the importance of putting healthy food into our bodies.Grade Level Content Expectations(In addition to those mentioned in the Teachers Guide)S.RS.05.15 Demonstrate scientific concepts through various illustrations, performances,models, exhibits, and activities.Objectives· Students will be able to identify the main parts of the digestive system which are theMouth, Esophagus, Stomach, Small Intestine, and Large Intestine.· Students will be able to explain how each part of the digestive system functions.Materials· The Magic School Bus - “For Lunch” Video· The Human Body – The Digestive System Work Booklet· The Human Body – My Human Body Final Activities BookletIntroduction(Day One)Students will be engaged through watching the Magic School Bus episode, “For Lunch”.This episode goes through the basic and main components of the digestive system. Asstudents watch the video, and take notes on the important information from the video.

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ExplorationStudents will take their notes from the video, and label a diagram of the digestivesystem, and students will write in their own words short definitions explaining each part. Since the students should be familiar with many parts of the digestive system, defining the parts in their own words should not be too difficult.ExplanationStudents will choose their favorite food they like to eat. Using that food as a maincharacter, students will write a story about the journey their food will take as it travelsthroughout the digestive system. This will finish the day, and can be finished on day two.Elaboration (Day Two)Students will use the first part of the period to finish up their food journey stories. Use asmuch time as needed, leaving enough time to complete the final activity described next.Students will receive The Human Body – My Human Body Final Activities Booklet.Students will cut out the segments of the human digestive system, and paste them onto the appropriate worksheet. The students will label five (5) digestive organs, and add adefinition/point for each them. For additional information, students can research facts,definitions and other information on the digestive system online or in books.Methods and Procedures: We will use independent work as well as whole class discussions to learn about the digestive system. The teacher will provide direct instruction as well.

Accommodations: Students who cannot write may orally do this lesson with the teacher or the teacher’s assistants.Students who cannot write may orally do this lesson with the teacher or the teacher’s assistants.

Check for Understanding: The teacher will ask questions, and use worksheets EvaluationStudents will combine all worksheet pages of The Human Body – My Human Body FinalActivities Booklet for assessment. This will be a great way for students to see how each of the human body systems is similar to each other. As well it will be a great way for the teacher to evaluate student learning as a whole.Closure: There will be a class discussion about the muscle system with the teacher asking questions randomly to the students.

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The Skeletal SystemTOPIC: Human Body SystemsSUBJECT AREA: ScienceGRADE LEVEL: 5THTEACHER: John CollierRationalA lot in our daily lives involves structure. Buildings need support to stay erect, chairs need sturdy legs to support the people sitting on them, even the Human Body has support. Without the Skeletal System, the human body would simply be a pile of organs and other parts. Students need to know the importance of the skeletal system so that they may be better able to take care of it.Grade Level Content Expectations(In addition to those mentioned in the Teacher's Guide)S.IA.05.13 Communicate and defend findings of observations and investigations usingevidence.S.RS.05.15 Demonstrate scientific concepts through various illustrations, performances,models, exhibits, and activities.R.WS.05.07 In context, determine the meaning of words and phrases including symbols,idioms, recently coined words, content vocabulary, and literary terms usingstrategies and resources including analogies, content glossaries, and electronicresources.R.CM.05.04 Apply significant knowledge from grade-level science, social studies, andmathematics texts.W.HW.05.01Write neat and legible compositions.S.CN.05.02 Adjust their use of language to communicate effectively with a variety ofaudiences and for different purposes including research, explanation, andpersuasion.Objectives· Students will learn the major skeleton groups in the human body and their location.· Students will understand that each bone has a different purpose in our bodies.· Students will present information on the skeletal groups through verbal communication and composition.· Students will display their understanding of the skeletal system using an illustrated model with content vocabulary and definitions.Materials♦ Construction Paper♦ Scissors♦ Glue♦ Pipe Cleaners, String, etc. to make reference card ring♦ Hole Punch♦ The Human Body – The Skeletal System Work Booklet♦ The Human Body – My Human Body Final Activities Booklet♦ The Skeletal System Quiz Powerpoint

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♦ Muscles and Joints Notecards♦ The Human Body – Word Find♦ The Human Body – Word Find Answer Sheet♦ The Human Body – Label the Skeleton♦ The Human Body – Label the Skeleton Answer Sheet♦ Bones, Muscles, and Joints Quiz♦ Bones, Muscles, and Joints Quiz Answers♦ The Magic School Bus - “Flexes Its Muscles” VideoIntroduction (DAY ONE)To spark student attention, the students will watch a quick video and answer a short quiz.There are key questions that the students should be thinking about while watching the video.1. How many BONES are in the Human Body? (206)2. What does the skeleton PROVIDE the Human Body? (support and protection)3. How are JOINTS and MUSCLES important to the Human Body? (help move theskeleton bones and hence the human body)As a class, students will watch the Kids Health video on the skeletal system. After the video,the class will take a quiz as a group, The Skeletal System Quiz Power-point, answeringimportant questions from the video.Procedure/DevelopmentExplorationStudents will receive The Human Body – The Skeletal System Work Booklet and thestudents will get 10-15 minutes to read over the information sheets, allowing them to highlight important parts of the skeletal system.Students will then cut out the Muscles and Joints Notecards, paste them ontoconstruction paper, hole punch the corner, and add a ring to make a handheld reference card. If there is time remaining, students can work on The Human Body – Word Find and The Human Body – Label the Skeleton activities for extra credit.Students will hand in there booklet, but can take the notecards and extra credit home.Explanation (DAY TWO)Students will be handed back The Human Body – The Skeletal System Work Booklet.On the table of a group (4-5 students), place a sheet of paper with one of the sections of the skeletal system. The students at that table will use the Name that Bone worksheet andchoose a bone from the section and write three (3) important things everyone should know about that bone.Students from each table will present their information to the teacher. Each group willhave the opportunity to write their answers on the board and present. At that time, the other students can copy the information into their workbook.ElaborationStudents will receive The Human Body – My Human Body Final Activities Booklet.Students will cut out the segments of the human skeleton, and paste them onto theappropriate worksheet. Then the students will label ten (10) bones of their choice, and add a definition/point for each bone.At the end of the lesson or at the beginning of the Muscular System lesson, have

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students watch “The Magic School Bus – Flexes Its Muscles.” to compare and prepare the Skeleton System to the Muscular System.Methods and Procedures: We will use independent work as well as whole class discussions to learn about muscles The teacher will provide direct instruction as well.

Accommodations: Students who cannot write may orally do this lesson with the teacher or the teacher’s assistants.

Check for Understanding: The teacher will ask questions, using worksheets.

EvaluationStudents will complete a quiz summarizing all of the information from The SkeletalSystem Work Booklet. The quiz should take only 10 minutes (End of Day Two, or Day Three). Students will combine all worksheet pages of The Human Body – My Human Body Final Activities Booklet for assessment. This will be a great way for students to see how each of the human body systems is similar to each other. As well it will be a great way for the teacher to evaluate student learning as a whole.Closure: There will be a class discussion about the skeletal system with the teacher ask questions randomly to the students

Resource CitationThe Magic School Bus – Season 1 Episode 15 - “Flexes Its Muscles” The Body Works and Joints Notecards Bones, Muscles, and Joints Key: Bones, Muscles, and Joints


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Learn the Human Body VideoThe Muscular System

What are the four (4) functions of the Muscular System?1. ______________________________2. ______________________________3. ______________________________4. ______________________________

What are the three (3) different types of muscles in the body?1. _____________ 2. _____________ 3. _____________

Keeping the Muscular System Healthy!___________ exercises help strengthen the HEART and LUNGS.

What are some exercises that help strengthen the Heart and Lungs?

What are four (4) other ways to help keep your muscles healthy?1. ___________________ 2. _____________________3. ___________________ 4. _____________________

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Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

Major Muscle GroupsInformation Pages

Write all of the information provided by your teacher on the next few pages.

Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________ Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

The Muscular System Reflections


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Which exercises were the most exhausting? Why do you think so?

What muscles did you use for the exercises you just did?

If you did curls with your other “off hand,” would you be just as strong? Why or why not?

Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

The Muscular System Reflections

ELABORATIONWhat would happen to your muscles if you did the pushups at a slower pace, would you be able to do more or less? Why?

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What would happen if you did the squat jumps at a slower pace?

How much rest do you think you need if you want to repeat an exercise and get the same amount of repetitions?

Are the Skeleton and Skeletal Muscles are interrelated? Why

Name: ____________________________ Date: ______________

The Muscular System Reflections

FINAL REFLECTIONSWrite a thorough paragraph on your thoughts and ideas for games or activities that would be good exercise for your muscles. For each activity, detail the steps need to complete or participate in the activity. For example, simply saying “play soccer” is not sufficient. Explain how you go about playing the

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game. Do not use any activity already mentioned by the teacher. Please include the muscles / muscle group used in each activity.


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The Digestive SystemDirections: Label each part of the digestive system.

Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

The Digestive SystemDirections: The box below contains all parts of the Digestive System discussed in the video. Define each term in your own words.

Mouth Esophagus StomachLarge Intestine Small Intestine

1. _____________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. _____________

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3. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

My Food JourneyDirections: Pretend you are your favorite food. If you were eaten, how would you go through the Digestive System? Write a story about your adventure through the Digestive System. Be sure to include all of the organs in your story, and oh yeah, BE CREATIVE!


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The HUMAN BODY – The Muscular SystemAssessment Rubric

Activity Name Expectations Points Total Points Earned

Final ReflectionsWorksheet

- One Thorough paragraph detailing the activities chosen- Five (5) different activities that are good for muscles


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(15)- Muscles/Muscle Group identified in activities (5)

The Human Body Final


- Accurately reposition all of the parts of the muscles provided on the Muscular System worksheet (10)- Accurately label ten different muscles on the Muscular System worksheet (10)- Provide correction definitions for the different muscles of your choice on the Muscular System worksheet (10)


Activity Total 50

Extra Credit

Learn the Human Body -Muscles Worksheet


Extra Credit Total 5

Final Total = ___ / 50

The HUMAN BODY – The Skeletal SystemAssessment Rubric

Activity Name Expectations Points Total Points

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Muscles & Joints


- Cut and paste notecards onto construction paper (10)- Hole punch and connect notecards for reference (10)


The Human Body Final


- Accurately reposition all of the parts of the skeleton provided on the Skeletal System worksheet (10)- Accurately label ten different bones on the Skeletal System worksheet (10)- Provide correction definitions for the different bones of your choice on the Skeletal System worksheet (10)


Bones, Muscles, Joints Quiz

- 10 questions each worth one (1) point


Activity Total 60

Extra CreditWord FindLabel the Skeleton


Extra Credit Total 10

Final Total =

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___ / 60

The HUMAN BODY – The Digestive SystemAssessment Rubric

Activity Name Expectations Points Total Points Earned

My Food Journey


- Story contains all parts of the Digestive System (10)- Favorite Food Chosen (3)- Spelling (2)


The Human Body Final


- Accurately reposition all of the parts of the digestive system provided on the Digestive System worksheet (10)- Accurately label five different organs on the Digestive System worksheet (10)- Provide correction definitions for the different organs on the Digestive System worksheet (10)


Activity Total 45

Final Total = ___ / 45

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REFLECTIONS:The human body is such a complex machine. This unit plan is just a small part

of what makes up the human body. For future lessons I would explore some of the

many other systems that make up our bodies. We could do lessons on the

respiratory, nervous, reproductive, and cardiovascular systems. Each one of these is

very complex in themselves. I would be careful not to get too complicated. I would

perhaps choose not to use very many technical medical terms for the body.

In the future for an anticipatory activity, to get the attention of the students, I would

take them on a field trip to a museum, which has exhibits connected to the human

body. Maybe we could visit a museum which displays skeletons, or muscles.

I would make note of what was the best method for learning. Did they learn more

from lecturing, did they lean more from videos, did they learn more from hands on

activities, or did they learn more from taking a field trip? Maybe it was a

combination of all of the above, which enabled the students to learn. Maybe it was a

combination of just a couple of the above methods. I would also make note of what

did not work and either tweak it or eliminate it from future lessons.