ris7up.files.wordpress.com file · web viewreturn (cstr(format(now, "ddmmmyy_hhmmss")))...

'Namespace My <Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClass()> Public Class Util Private localCompName As String = "" Public Shared IPAdd As String = "" Private oFolder As Folder_Masked Private oFile As File_Masked Private oXML As XML_Masked Public Sub New() oFolder = New Folder_Masked oFile = New File_Masked oXML = New XML_Masked localCompName = CStr(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()) IPAdd = CStr(System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName(localCompName).AddressList(0).ToString) End Sub Public ReadOnly Property Folder() As Folder_Masked Get Return (oFolder) End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property File() As File_Masked Get Return (oFile) End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property XML() As XML_Masked Get Return (oXML) End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property IPAddress() As String Get Return (IPAdd) End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property ComputerName() As String Get Return (localCompName) End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property WhoAmI() As String

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Post on 08-Jul-2018




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'Namespace My<Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClass()> Public Class Util Private localCompName As String = "" Public Shared IPAdd As String = "" Private oFolder As Folder_Masked Private oFile As File_Masked Private oXML As XML_Masked

Public Sub New() oFolder = New Folder_Masked oFile = New File_Masked oXML = New XML_Masked localCompName = CStr(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()) IPAdd = CStr(System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName(localCompName).AddressList(0).ToString) End Sub

Public ReadOnly Property Folder() As Folder_Masked Get Return (oFolder) End Get End Property

Public ReadOnly Property File() As File_Masked Get Return (oFile) End Get End Property

Public ReadOnly Property XML() As XML_Masked Get Return (oXML) End Get End Property

Public ReadOnly Property IPAddress() As String Get Return (IPAdd) End Get End Property

Public ReadOnly Property ComputerName() As String Get Return (localCompName) End Get End Property

Public ReadOnly Property WhoAmI() As String Get Return (Environment.UserDomainName & "\" & Environment.UserName) End Get End Property

Public ReadOnly Property UserName() As String

Get Return (Environment.UserName) End Get End Property

Public Property ClipboardText() As String Get Return (CStr(System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.GetText())) End Get Set(ByVal value As String) System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.Clear() System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(value) End Set End Property

Public ReadOnly Property TimeStamp() As String Get Return (CStr(Format(Now, "ddMMMyy_HHmmss"))) End Get End Property

Public Function FormatUserDefDateTime(ByVal DateTime As Date, ByVal Pattern As String) As String Return (CStr(Format(DateTime, Pattern))) End Function

Public Sub DisplayProgressbar(Optional ByVal TimeOut As Double = 5, Optional ByVal LabelText As String = "Please Wait...") Dim Form As New System.Windows.Forms.Form Dim Label As New System.Windows.Forms.Label Dim Pbar As New System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar Dim Position As New System.Drawing.Point 'Dim TimeOut As Integer Dim Iterations, i As Integer

Iterations = TimeOut * 2 '(Seconds * 1000) / 500 Millisecons and Time Interval

With Form 'Position.X = 0 'System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 + 50 'Position.Y = 0 'System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 2 + 50 .Height = 100 .Width = 200 .Controls.Add(Label) .Controls.Add(Pbar) .Text = TimeOut & " Secs Remaining!!" .StartPosition = 1 'Msgbox(.Left) 'Msgbox(.Top) End With

With Label .Visible = True .Text = LabelText .AutoSize = True

End With

Position.X = 0 Position.Y = 30 'Msgbox(CInt((100 / Iterations))) With Pbar .Style = 1 .Minimum = 0 .Maximum = Iterations .Value = 0 '.Step = CInt((100 / Iterations)) .Width = 180 .Height = 30 .Location = Position End With

Form.Show() Form.BringToFront()

'Timer1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Timer 'Timer1.Stop() 'Timer1.Interval = 500 'Timer1.Start()

'MsgBox("mmm") 'Timer1.BeginInit() 'ProgressBar1.Value = 80

TimeOut = TimeOut + 0.5 For i = 0 To Iterations Pbar.Increment(1) 'Pbar.PerformStep() TimeOut = TimeOut - 0.5 Form.Text = CInt(TimeOut) & " Secs Remaining!!" Form.Refresh() System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500) Next 'MsgBox("Disposing") Pbar.Dispose() Label.Dispose() Form.Dispose() Pbar = Nothing Label = Nothing Form = Nothing Position = Nothing TimeOut = Nothing Iterations = Nothing i = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub SendKeys(ByVal KeySequence As String) Dim i, j, sqOpenBrcPos, sqCloseBrcPos As Integer

Dim strKeysArr() As String Dim RepeatNo, newStr As String Dim KeyboardClass As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.Keyboard

strKeysArr = Split(KeySequence, ">>") For i = 0 To UBound(strKeysArr) sqOpenBrcPos = InStr(1, strKeysArr(i), "[") sqCloseBrcPos = InStr(1, strKeysArr(i), "]") If sqOpenBrcPos > 0 And sqCloseBrcPos > 0 Then RepeatNo = Mid(strKeysArr(i), sqOpenBrcPos + 1, System.Math.Abs(sqCloseBrcPos - sqOpenBrcPos - 1)) newStr = Left(strKeysArr(i), sqOpenBrcPos - 1) For j = 1 To CInt(RepeatNo) KeyboardClass.SendKeys(newStr, True) If (j Mod 8) = 0 Then System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) End If ' Wait 1 if KeyStroke is more the 8 times Next Else System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) KeyboardClass.SendKeys(strKeysArr(i), True) End If Next Erase strKeysArr i = Nothing KeyboardClass = Nothing sqOpenBrcPos = Nothing sqCloseBrcPos = Nothing strKeysArr = Nothing RepeatNo = Nothing newStr = Nothing End Sub

Public Function CreatePDF(ByVal Path As String, Optional ByVal PDFFilePath As String = "") As String If Not (System.IO.File.Exists(Path)) Then Return ("File Does Not Exists") Exit Function Else KillProcessByName("pdfcreator") Dim FileName As String = Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem.GetName(Path) Dim DirectoryName As String = Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem.GetParentPath(Path)

If Len(PDFFilePath) = 0 Then PDFFilePath = DirectoryName & "\" & Left(FileName, InStrRev(FileName, ".")) & "pdf" End If


Dim oPDFCreator As Object = CreateObject("PDFCreator.clsPDFCreator") With oPDFCreator .cStart() .cVisible = False .cOption("UseAutosave") = 1 .cOption("UseAutosaveDirectory") = 1

.cOption("AutosaveFormat") = 0 .cDefaultprinter = "PDFCreator" .cClearcache() .cPrinterStop = False .cOption("AutosaveDirectory") = DirectoryName .cOption("AutosaveFilename") = FileName .cPrintfile(Path) oFile.WaitTillExists(PDFFilePath, 20) .cClose() End With FileName = Nothing DirectoryName = Nothing oPDFCreator = Nothing Return (CStr(System.IO.File.Exists(PDFFilePath))) End If End Function

Public Function EnvironmentVarGet(ByVal VariableName As String, Optional ByVal User_System As String = "User") As String Dim EnvVarTarget As Integer Select Case UCase(User_System) Case "USER" : EnvVarTarget = 1 Case "SYSTEM" : EnvVarTarget = 2 Case Else : EnvVarTarget = 1 End Select Return (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(VariableName, EnvVarTarget)) End Function

Public Sub EnvironmentVarSet(ByVal VariableName As String, ByVal VarValue As String, Optional ByVal User_System As String = "User") Dim EnvVarTarget As Integer Select Case UCase(User_System) Case "USER" : EnvVarTarget = 1 Case "SYSTEM" : EnvVarTarget = 2 Case Else : EnvVarTarget = 1 End Select Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(VariableName, VarValue, EnvVarTarget) End Sub

Public Function WaitTillEnvrionVarValue(ByVal VariableName As String, ByVal Value As String, Optional ByVal TimeOut As Integer = 120) As Boolean Value = LCase(Value) Dim StartTime As Double = Timer While Not (LCase(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(VariableName, 1)) = Value) And (TimeOut >= (Timer - StartTime)) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) End While Return (LCase(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(VariableName, 1)) = Value) End Function

Public Function ReplaceRegX(ByVal Text As String, ByVal Pattern As String, ByVal Replacement As String) As String

If System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(Text, Pattern, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline) Then Return (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(Text, Pattern, Replacement, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline)) Else Return Text End If End Function

Public Function RegXFirstMatch(ByVal Text As String, ByVal Pattern As String) As String If System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(Text, Pattern, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline) Then Return (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(Text, Pattern, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline).Value) Else Return "" End If End Function

Public Function RemoveLeadingZeros(ByVal Text As String) As String If System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(Text, "[^0].*", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline) Then Return (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(Text, "[^0].*", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline).Value) Else Return Text End If End Function

Public Function IsTagPresent(ByVal Text As String, Optional ByVal Tag As String = "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]") As Boolean Dim TagPattern As String = "<" & Tag & "*\b[^>]*>|</" & Tag & "*\b[^>]*>" Return (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(Text, TagPattern, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline)) End Function

Public Function OpeningTagsCount(ByVal Text As String) As Integer If System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(Text, "<[a-z][a-z0-9]*\b[^>]*>", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline) Then Return (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(Text, "<[a-z][a-z0-9]*\b[^>]*>", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline).Count) Else Return 0 End If End Function

Public Function ReadFirstTagName(ByVal Text As String) As String

Return (ReplaceRegX(RegXFirstMatch(Text, "<[a-z][a-z0-9]*\b[^>]*>"), "<|>", "")) End Function

Public Function ReadTagValue(ByVal Text As String, ByVal Tag As String) As String If System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(Text, "<" & Tag & ">.*?</" & Tag & ">", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline) Then Dim FirstMatch As String FirstMatch = (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(Text, "<" & Tag & ">.*?</" & Tag & ">", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline).Value()) Return (RemoveTagOnly(FirstMatch, Tag)) Else Return "" End If End Function

Public Function MaskTags(ByVal Text As String) As String Text = Replace(Text, "<", "&lt;") Text = Replace(Text, ">", "&gt;") Return (Text) End Function

Public Function UnMaskTags(ByVal Text As String) As String Text = Replace(Text, "&lt;", "<") Text = Replace(Text, "&gt;", ">") Return (Text) End Function

Public Function RemoveTagOnly(ByVal Text As String, ByVal Tag As String) As String Return (ReplaceRegX(Text, "<" & Tag & "*\b[^>]*>|</" & Tag & ">", "")) End Function

Public Function RemoveTagWithText(ByVal Text As String, ByVal Tag As String) As String Return (ReplaceRegX(Text, "<" & Tag & "*\b[^>]*>.*?</" & Tag & ">", "")) End Function

Public Function RemoveHTMLTags(ByVal Text As String) As String Text = RemoveTagOnly(Text, "html") Text = RemoveTagOnly(Text, "body") Text = RemoveTagOnly(Text, "tr") Text = RemoveTagOnly(Text, "td") Text = RemoveTagOnly(Text, "table") Text = RemoveTagOnly(Text, "br") Text = ReplaceRegX(Text, "<b>|</b>", "") Text = ReplaceRegX(Text, "<i>|</i>", "") Text = ReplaceRegX(Text, "<u>|</u>", "") Return (Text) End Function

Public Function RemoveAllTags(ByVal Text As String) As String Return (ReplaceRegX(Text, "<[a-z][a-z0-9]*\b[^>]*>|</[a-z][a-z0-9]*\b[^>]*>", "")) End Function

Public Function ReadSquareTagValue(ByVal Text As String) As String Return (ReplaceRegX(RegXFirstMatch(Text, "\[[\w\d]*\b[^\]]*\]"), "\[|\]", "")) End Function

Public Function RemoveSquareTagsWithText(ByVal Text As String) As String Return (ReplaceRegX(Text, "\[[\w\d]*\b[^\]]*\]", "")) End Function

Public Function ReadCurlyTagValue(ByVal Text As String) As String Return (ReplaceRegX(RegXFirstMatch(Text, "{[\w\d]*\b[^}]*}"), "{|}", "")) End Function

Public Function RemoveCurlyTagsWithText(ByVal Text As String) As String Return (ReplaceRegX(Text, "{[\w\d]*\b[^}]*}", "")) End Function

Public Function GetPixel(ByVal abs_x As Integer, ByVal abs_y As Integer) As Integer Dim BMP As New System.Drawing.Bitmap(1, 1) Dim GFX As System.Drawing.Graphics GFX = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(BMP) GFX.CopyFromScreen(New System.Drawing.Point(abs_x, abs_y), New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0), BMP.Size) Dim Pixel As System.Drawing.Color = BMP.GetPixel(0, 0) BMP.Dispose() GFX.Dispose() BMP = Nothing GFX = Nothing Return (System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToWin32(Pixel)) End Function

Public Function RunDosCommand(ByVal Command As String) As String Dim Cmdlet As New System.Diagnostics.Process Dim Output As String = "" With Cmdlet.StartInfo .FileName = "cmd.exe" 'starts cmd window .RedirectStandardInput = True .RedirectStandardOutput = True .RedirectStandardError = True .UseShellExecute = False 'required to redirect .CreateNoWindow = True '<—- creates no window, obviously End With With Cmdlet .Start() .StandardInput.WriteLine("@echo off") .StandardInput.WriteLine("cls")

While .StandardOutput.ReadLine <> "cls" 'Debug.WriteLine(.StandardOutput.ReadLine) End While .StandardInput.WriteLine(Command) .StandardOutput.ReadLine() .StandardInput.WriteLine("exit")

Output = .StandardError.ReadToEnd() If Len(Output) = 0 Then Output = .StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() If Len(Output) <= 6 Then Output = "" Else Output = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Left(Output, Len(Output) - 8) End If Else Output = "Err: " & Output End If End With Cmdlet.Dispose() Return (Output) End Function

Public Sub RunProcess(ByVal FileName As String) Dim Process As New System.Diagnostics.Process Process.StartInfo.FileName = FileName Process.Start() Process.Dispose() Process = Nothing End Sub

Public Sub KillProcessByName(ByVal ProcessName As String) If Len(ProcessName) = 0 Then Exit Sub Else Dim Proc As System.Diagnostics.Process Dim MatchingProcess() As System.Diagnostics.Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(ProcessName) For Each Proc In MatchingProcess Proc.Kill() Next Proc = Nothing Erase MatchingProcess MatchingProcess = Nothing End If

End Sub

'Public Sub AppendTextToWord(ByRef oWord As Object, ByVal TextToPrint As String, Optional ByVal ImagePath As String = "") ' Dim oRegX As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("<[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*\b[^>]*>|</[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*\b[^>]*>", Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline Or Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ' Dim Match As System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match ' Dim TagValue As String = "" ' Dim TagLocation As Integer = 0 ' Dim CurrRow As Integer = 0 ' Dim CurrCol As Integer = 0

' oWord = New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application ' oWord.Documents.Add()

' 'oWord = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject("Word.Application") ' 'oWord.Documents.Add() ' oWord.Visible = True

' Dim Selection As Object = oWord.Selection

' With oWord.Selection ' .Font.ColorIndex = 1 ' .Font.Bold = False ' .Font.Underline = 0 ' .Font.Italic = False ' .EndKey(6) ' .TypeParagraph()

' Do ' Match = oRegX.Match(TextToPrint) ' If Not (Match.Success) Then ' .TypeText(TextToPrint) ' Match = Nothing ' oRegX = Nothing ' Exit Do ' End If ' TagValue = Match.Value ' TagLocation = Match.Index

' If TagLocation = 0 Then ' Select Case LCase(TagValue) ' Case "<b>" : .Font.Bold = True ' Case "</b>" : .Font.Bold = False ' Case "<u>" : .Font.Underline = 1 ' Case "</u>" : .Font.Underline = 0 ' Case "<i>" : .Font.Italic = True ' Case "</i>" : .Font.Italic = False ' Case "<br>" : .TypeParagraph() ' Case "<red>" : .Font.ColorIndex = 6 ' Case "<blue>" : .Font.ColorIndex = 2 ' Case "<green>" : .Font.ColorIndex = 4 ' Case "</font>" : .Font.ColorIndex = 1 ' Case "<good>" ' .Font.ColorIndex = 4 ' .Font.Bold = True ' .Font.Italic = True ' Case "<bad>" ' .Font.ColorIndex = 6 ' .Font.Bold = True ' Case "<warn>" ' .Font.ColorIndex = 2 ' .Font.Bold = True ' .Font.Underline = 1 ' Case "</good>" ' .Font.ColorIndex = 1

' .Font.Bold = False ' .Font.Italic = False ' Case "</bad>" ' .Font.ColorIndex = 1 ' .Font.Bold = False ' Case "</warn>" ' .Font.ColorIndex = 1 ' .Font.Bold = False ' .Font.Underline = 0 ' Case "<table border = ""1"">" ' oWord.ActiveDocument.Tables.Add(oWord.Selection.Range, 1, 1, 1, 2) 'Add Single Cell ' Case "<tr>" ' CurrRow = CurrRow + 1 ' CurrCol = 0 ' If CurrRow > 1 Then ' .Tables(1).Rows.Add() ' End If ' Case "<td>" ' CurrCol = CurrCol + 1 ' If CurrCol > .Tables(1).Columns.Count Then ' .Tables(1).Columns.Add() ' End If ' .Tables(1).Cell(CurrRow, CurrCol).Select() ' .Font.ColorIndex = 1 ' .Font.Bold = False ' .Font.Underline = 0 ' .Font.Italic = False ' Case "</td>" ' .Tables(1).Columns.AutoFit() ' End Select ' TextToPrint = oRegX.Replace(TextToPrint, "", 1) ' Else ' .TypeText(Left(TextToPrint, TagLocation)) ' TextToPrint = Right(TextToPrint, Len(TextToPrint) - TagLocation) ' End If

' Loop While Len(TextToPrint) > 0 ' End With

'End Sub

'Public Sub PrintTextToWord(ByRef oWord, ByVal TextToPrint)

' Dim oRegX As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("<[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*\b[^>]*>|</[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*\b[^>]*>", Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline Or Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ' Dim Match As System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match ' 'Dim Matches As System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection ' Dim TagValue As String = "" ' Dim TagLocation As Integer = 0 ' Dim CurrRow As Integer = 0 ' Dim CurrCol As Integer = 0

' oWord = GetObject(, "Word.Application")

' oWord.Visible = True

' Dim Selection = oWord.Selection

' With oWord.Selection ' .Font.ColorIndex = 1 ' .Font.Bold = False ' .Font.Underline = 0 ' .Font.Italic = False ' .EndKey(6) ' .TypeParagraph()

' Do ' Match = oRegX.Match(TextToPrint) ' If Not (Match.Success) Then ' .TypeText(TextToPrint) ' Match = Nothing ' oRegX = Nothing ' Exit Do ' End If ' TagValue = Match.Value ' TagLocation = Match.Index

' If TagLocation = 0 Then ' Select Case LCase(TagValue) ' Case "<b>" : .Font.Bold = True ' Case "</b>" : .Font.Bold = False ' Case "<u>" : .Font.Underline = 1 ' Case "</u>" : .Font.Underline = 0 ' Case "<i>" : .Font.Italic = True ' Case "</i>" : .Font.Italic = False ' Case "<br>" : .TypeParagraph() ' Case "<red>" : .Font.ColorIndex = 6 ' Case "<blue>" : .Font.ColorIndex = 2 ' Case "<green>" : .Font.ColorIndex = 4 ' Case "</font>" : .Font.ColorIndex = 1 ' Case "<good>" ' .Font.ColorIndex = 4 ' .Font.Bold = True ' .Font.Italic = True ' Case "<bad>" ' .Font.ColorIndex = 6 ' .Font.Bold = True ' Case "<warn>" ' .Font.ColorIndex = 2 ' .Font.Bold = True ' .Font.Underline = 1 ' Case "</good>" ' .Font.ColorIndex = 1 ' .Font.Bold = False ' .Font.Italic = False ' Case "</bad>" ' .Font.ColorIndex = 1

' .Font.Bold = False ' Case "</warn>" ' .Font.ColorIndex = 1 ' .Font.Bold = False ' .Font.Underline = 0 ' Case "<table border = ""1"">" ' oWord.ActiveDocument.Tables.Add(Selection.Range, 1, 1, 1, 2) 'Add Single Cell ' Case "<tr>" ' CurrRow = CurrRow + 1 ' CurrCol = 0 ' If CurrRow > 1 Then ' .Tables(1).Rows.Add() ' End If ' Case "<td>" ' CurrCol = CurrCol + 1 ' If CurrCol > .Tables(1).Columns.Count Then ' .Tables(1).Columns.Add() ' End If ' .Tables(1).Cell(CurrRow, CurrCol).Select() ' .Font.ColorIndex = 1 ' .Font.Bold = False ' .Font.Underline = 0 ' .Font.Italic = False ' Case "</td>" ' .Tables(1).Columns.AutoFit() ' End Select ' TextToPrint = oRegX.Replace(TextToPrint, "") ' Else ' .TypeText(Left(TextToPrint, TagLocation)) ' TextToPrint = Right(TextToPrint, Len(TextToPrint) - TagLocation) ' End If

' Loop While Len(TextToPrint) > 0 ' End With

'End Sub

Public Sub CaptureScreen(ByVal path As String) oFile.Delete(path) Dim BMP As System.Drawing.Bitmap = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(My.Computer.Screen.Bounds.Width, My.Computer.Screen.Bounds.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb) Dim gfx As System.Drawing.Graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(BMP) gfx.CopyFromScreen(My.Computer.Screen.Bounds.X, My.Computer.Screen.Bounds.Y, 0, 0, System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Size, System.Drawing.CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy) BMP.Save(path, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png) gfx.Dispose() BMP.Dispose() gfx = Nothing BMP = Nothing End Sub

Public Sub AddtoZip(ByVal ZipFileName As String, ByVal FileOrFolderPath As String) If oFolder.Exists(FileOrFolderPath) Or oFile.Exists(FileOrFolderPath) Then

If Not (System.IO.File.Exists(ZipFileName)) Then oFile.AddText(ZipFileName, "PK" & Chr(5) & Chr(6) & StrDup(18, vbNullChar), True, False) End If Dim oShellApp As Object = CreateObject("Shell.Application") Dim ExistingFilesCountInZip As Integer = oShellApp.Namespace((ZipFileName)).Items.Count Dim NewFilesCountInZip As Integer = ExistingFilesCountInZip Dim StartTime As Double = Timer oShellApp.Namespace((ZipFileName)).Copyhere((FileOrFolderPath)) Do System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) NewFilesCountInZip = oShellApp.Namespace((ZipFileName)).Items.Count Loop While (ExistingFilesCountInZip >= NewFilesCountInZip) And (180 >= (Timer - StartTime)) StartTime = Nothing NewFilesCountInZip = Nothing ExistingFilesCountInZip = Nothing oShellApp = Nothing End If End Sub

Public Sub Unzip(ByVal ZipFileName As String, ByVal DestinationFolder As String) If oFile.Exists(ZipFileName) Then Dim oShellApp As Object = CreateObject("Shell.Application") Dim filesInzip As Object = oShellApp.Namespace((ZipFileName)).Items If Not (oFolder.Exists(DestinationFolder)) Then oFolder.Create(DestinationFolder) End If oShellApp.Namespace((DestinationFolder)).CopyHere((filesInzip)) filesInzip = Nothing oShellApp = Nothing End If End Sub

Public Sub DownloadFile(ByVal URL As String, ByVal DestinationFullName As String) Dim oNet As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.Network oNet.DownloadFile(URL, DestinationFullName) oNet = Nothing End Sub

Public Function Ping(ByVal HostNameOrIP As String, Optional ByVal TimeOutInMilliSec As Integer = 4000) As Boolean Dim ReturnValue As Boolean = False Dim oNet As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.Network ReturnValue = oNet.Ping(HostNameOrIP, TimeOutInMilliSec) Return (ReturnValue) End Function

Public Function CanConvertToDouble(ByVal Value As String) As Boolean On Error Resume Next Err.Clear() Value = CDbl(Value) If Err.Number > 0 Then Return False Else Return True

End If End Function

Public Function CanConvertToDate(ByVal Value As String) As Boolean On Error Resume Next Err.Clear() Value = CDate(Value) If Err.Number > 0 Then Return False Else Return True End If End Function

Public Sub Dispose() oFile = Nothing oXML = Nothing oFolder = Nothing System.GC.Collect() MyBase.Finalize() 'MsgBox("Exit") End Sub

Protected Overrides Sub Finalize() Dispose() End Sub

End Class

<Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClass()> Public Class Folder_Masked

Public Function Exists(ByVal Path As String) As Boolean Return (System.IO.Directory.Exists(Path)) End Function

Public Sub Create(ByVal Path As String) Delete(Path) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(Path) End Sub

Public Sub Delete(ByVal Path As String) If System.IO.Directory.Exists(Path) Then System.IO.Directory.Delete(Path, True) End If End Sub

Public Function GetSubFolders(ByVal Path As String, Optional ByVal SearchPattern As String = "*") As String Return (Join(System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(Path, SearchPattern), "|")) End Function

Public Function GetFilesInFolder(ByVal Path As String, Optional ByVal SearchPattern As String = "*.*") As String Return (Join(System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Path, SearchPattern), "|")) End Function

Public Function GetCreationDate(ByVal Path As String) As Date Dim CreationDate As Date If System.IO.Directory.Exists(Path) Then CreationDate = System.IO.Directory.GetCreationTime(Path) End If Return (CreationDate) End Function

Public Sub SetCreationDate(ByVal Path As String, ByVal CreationDate As Date) If System.IO.Directory.Exists(Path) Then System.IO.Directory.SetCreationTime(Path, CreationDate) End If End Sub

Public Sub MoveOrRename(ByVal Source As String, ByVal Destination As String) System.IO.Directory.Move(Source, Destination) End Sub

Public Function GetSize(ByVal Path As String) As Double Dim Size As Double If System.IO.Directory.Exists(Path) Then Dim fso As Object = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim f As Object = fso.GetFolder(Path) Size = f.size f = Nothing fso = Nothing End If If Size > 0 Then Size = (Size / 1024) / 1024 End If Return (FormatNumber(Size, 2)) End Function

Protected Overrides Sub Finalize() System.GC.Collect() MyBase.Finalize() End Sub

End Class

<Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClass()> Public Class File_Masked

Public Function Exists(ByVal Path As String) As Boolean Return (System.IO.File.Exists(Path)) End Function

Public Sub Copy(ByVal Source As String, ByVal Destination As String, Optional ByVal SearchPatern As String = "") If Len(SearchPatern) > 0 Then If Right(Destination, 1) <> "\" Then Destination = Destination & "\" End If Dim Files As Object = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Source, SearchPatern)

Dim File As Object Dim SrcFileName As String For Each File In Files SrcFileName = Right(File.ToString, (Len(File.ToString) - InStrRev(File.ToString, "\"))) System.IO.File.Copy(File.ToString, Destination & SrcFileName) WaitTillExists(Destination & SrcFileName) Next File = Nothing Erase Files SrcFileName = Nothing Files = Nothing Else Delete(Destination) System.IO.File.Copy(Source, Destination, True) WaitTillExists(Destination) End If End Sub

Public Function WaitTillExists(ByVal Path As String, Optional ByVal TimeOut As Double = 120) As Boolean Dim StartTime As Double = Timer While Not (System.IO.File.Exists(Path)) And (TimeOut >= (Timer - StartTime)) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) End While Return (System.IO.File.Exists(Path)) End Function

Public Function WaitTillDeleted(ByVal Path As String, Optional ByVal TimeOut As Double = 120) As Boolean Dim StartTime As Double = Timer While System.IO.File.Exists(Path) And (TimeOut >= (Timer - StartTime)) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) End While Return (Not (System.IO.File.Exists(Path))) End Function

Public Sub AddText(ByVal Path As String, ByVal Contents As String, Optional ByVal ClearExistingContent As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal AppendNewLine As Boolean = True) If AppendNewLine Then Contents = Contents & vbNewLine End If If ClearExistingContent Then Delete(Path) End If System.IO.File.AppendAllText(Path, Contents) End Sub

Public Sub Delete(ByVal Path As String, Optional ByVal SearchPatern As String = "") If Len(SearchPatern) > 0 Then Dim Files As Object = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Path, SearchPatern) Dim File As Object For Each File In Files System.IO.File.Delete(File) Next File = Nothing

Erase Files Files = Nothing Else If System.IO.File.Exists(Path) Then System.IO.File.Delete(Path) End If End If End Sub

Public Sub DeleteFilesBeforeDate(ByVal DirectoryPath As String, ByVal BeforeDate As Date) If System.IO.Directory.Exists(DirectoryPath) Then Dim FilesStr() As String Dim f As String FilesStr = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(DirectoryPath) For Each f In FilesStr If System.IO.File.GetCreationTime(f) < BeforeDate Then System.IO.File.Delete(f) End If Next Erase FilesStr End If End Sub

Public Function ReadAll(ByVal Path As String) As String Return (System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Path)) End Function

Public Function GetNewName(ByVal FileFullName As String) As String Dim NewName As String = "" Dim path As String = "" Dim filename As String = "" Dim filenameWOextn As String = "" Dim fileExtn As String = "" Dim i As Integer = 1 path = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Left(FileFullName, InStrRev(FileFullName, "\")) filename = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Right(FileFullName, Len(FileFullName) - Len(path)) filenameWOextn = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Left(filename, InStrRev(filename, ".") - 1) fileExtn = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Right(filename, Len(filename) - Len(filenameWOextn))

Do NewName = path & filenameWOextn & "_" & i & fileExtn i += 1 Loop While System.IO.File.Exists(NewName)

path = Nothing filename = Nothing filenameWOextn = Nothing fileExtn = Nothing i = Nothing

Return (NewName) End Function

Public Function GetCreationDate(ByVal Path As String) As Date Dim CreationDate As Date If System.IO.File.Exists(Path) Then CreationDate = System.IO.File.GetCreationTime(Path) End If Return (CreationDate) End Function

Public Sub SetCreationDate(ByVal Path As String, ByVal CreationDate As Date) If System.IO.File.Exists(Path) Then System.IO.File.SetCreationTime(Path, CreationDate) End If End Sub

Public Sub MoveOrRename(ByVal Source As String, ByVal Destination As String, Optional ByVal SearchPatern As String = "") If Len(SearchPatern) > 0 Then If Right(Destination, 1) <> "\" Then Destination = Destination & "\" End If Dim Files As Object = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Source, SearchPatern) Dim File As Object Dim SrcFileName As String For Each File In Files SrcFileName = Right(File.ToString, (Len(File.ToString) - InStrRev(File.ToString, "\"))) System.IO.File.Move(File.ToString, Destination & SrcFileName) WaitTillExists(Destination & SrcFileName) Next File = Nothing Erase Files SrcFileName = Nothing Files = Nothing Else System.IO.Directory.Move(Source, Destination) WaitTillExists(Destination)

End If End Sub

Public Function GetSize(ByVal Path As String) As Double Dim Size As Double If System.IO.File.Exists(Path) Then Size = Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileSystem.FileLen(Path) End If If Size > 0 Then Size = (Size / 1024) / 1024 End If Return (FormatNumber(Size, 2)) End Function

Public Function Lock(ByVal FileFullName As String, Optional ByVal Comment As String = "", Optional ByVal TimeOut As Integer = 60) As Boolean Dim StartTime As Double = Timer

While IsFileLocked(FileFullName) And (TimeOut >= (Timer - StartTime)) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(CInt((Rnd() * 10000))) End While If Not (IsFileLocked(FileFullName)) Then AddText(FileFullName & ".lck.txt", CStr(Format(Now, "ddMMMyy_HHmmss")) & ":" & Util.IPAdd & ":" & System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess.ProcessName() & Comment, True, False) Return (True) Else Return (False) End If End Function

Public Function IsFileLocked(ByVal FileFullName As String) As Boolean Return (System.IO.File.Exists(FileFullName & ".lck.txt")) End Function

Public Sub UnLock(ByVal FileFullName As String) Delete(FileFullName & ".lck.txt") End Sub

Protected Overrides Sub Finalize() System.GC.Collect() MyBase.Finalize() End Sub

End Class

<Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClass()> Public Class XML_Masked Private XMLPath As String = "c:\temp\temp.xml" Private XmlDoc As New System.Xml.XmlDocument Private XMLAutoSave As Boolean = True Private LowerCaseXpaths As Boolean = True

Public Property FilePath(Optional ByVal AutoSave As Boolean = True) As String Get Return (XMLPath) End Get Set(ByVal value As String) XMLPath = value XMLAutoSave = AutoSave If System.IO.File.Exists(XMLPath) Then XmlDoc.Load(XMLPath) End If End Set End Property

Public Property LowerCasePath() As Boolean Get Return LowerCaseXpaths End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) LowerCaseXpaths = value End Set

End Property

Private Function RectifyXpath(ByVal Xpath As String) As String If Len(Xpath) > 0 Then Xpath = Replace(Xpath, "\", "/") Xpath = Replace(Xpath, """", "'") If (Right(Xpath, 1) = "/") Then Xpath = Left(Xpath, Len(Xpath) - 1) End If

If LowerCaseXpaths Then Xpath = LowerCaseXPath(Xpath) 'Xpath = LCase(Xpath) End If End If Return Xpath End Function

Private Function LowerCaseXPath(ByVal XPath As String) As String Dim RegXMatch As System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match Dim NewXpath As String = "" Dim PredicateValue As String Dim PredicateLocation As Integer Dim PredicateValueLen As Integer

Dim TempArr As String()

Do RegXMatch = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(XPath, "(?<!@)(?<=\[|\s)[\w\d]+='[^']*'", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline) ' .Match(abc) If Not (RegXMatch.Success) Then NewXpath = NewXpath & LCase(XPath) Exit Do End If PredicateValue = RegXMatch.Value PredicateValueLen = Len(PredicateValue) PredicateLocation = RegXMatch.Index Erase TempArr TempArr = Split(PredicateValue, "=") PredicateValue = LCase(TempArr(0)) & "=" & TempArr(1)

'to increment NewXpath = NewXpath & LCase(Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(XPath, PredicateLocation)) & PredicateValue XPath = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(XPath, Len(XPath) - (PredicateLocation + PredicateValueLen)) Loop While Len(XPath) > 0 RegXMatch = Nothing Erase TempArr Return NewXpath End Function

Public Function CreateNewXML(ByVal path As String, Optional ByVal RootNodeText As String = "Parent") As Boolean If System.IO.File.Exists(path) Then

System.IO.File.Delete(path) End If If LowerCaseXpaths Then RootNodeText = LCase(RootNodeText) End If XMLPath = path Dim writer As New System.Xml.XmlTextWriter(path, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8) writer.WriteStartDocument(True) writer.Formatting = System.Xml.Formatting.Indented writer.Indentation = 2 writer.WriteStartElement(RootNodeText) writer.WriteEndElement() writer.WriteEndDocument() writer.Close() writer = Nothing XmlDoc.Load(path) Return (System.IO.File.Exists(path)) End Function

Public Function NodeExists(ByVal Xpath As String) As Boolean Xpath = RectifyXpath(Xpath) Dim ReturnValue As String = "" Dim xmlnode As Xml.XmlNode = XmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(Xpath) If xmlnode Is Nothing Then ReturnValue = False Else ReturnValue = True End If xmlnode = Nothing Return (ReturnValue) End Function

Public Function GetChildCount(ByVal Xpath As String) As Integer Xpath = RectifyXpath(Xpath) Dim ReturnValue As Integer = 0 Dim xmlnode As Xml.XmlNode = XmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(Xpath) If xmlnode Is Nothing Then ReturnValue = 0 Else ReturnValue = xmlnode.ChildNodes.Count End If xmlnode = Nothing Return (ReturnValue) End Function

Public Function GetSibilingCount(ByVal Xpath As String) As Integer Xpath = RectifyXpath(Xpath) Dim ReturnValue As Integer = 0 Dim xmlnodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = XmlDoc.SelectNodes(Xpath) If xmlnodes Is Nothing Then ReturnValue = 0 Else ReturnValue = xmlnodes.Count

End If xmlnodes = Nothing Return (ReturnValue) End Function

Public Function GetNodeText(ByVal Xpath As String) As String Xpath = RectifyXpath(Xpath) Dim ReturnValue As String = "" Dim xmlnode As Xml.XmlNode = XmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(Xpath) If xmlnode Is Nothing Then ReturnValue = "" Else ReturnValue = xmlnode.InnerText() End If xmlnode = Nothing Return (ReturnValue) End Function

Public Function GetCousinNodeText(ByVal ChildXPath As String, ByVal GrandParentNodeName As String, ByVal CousinXPathFromGrandParent As String) As String ChildXPath = RectifyXpath(ChildXPath) CousinXPathFromGrandParent = RectifyXpath(CousinXPathFromGrandParent) Dim ReturnValue As String = "" Dim NodeFound As Boolean = False Dim ChildNode As Xml.XmlNode = XmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(ChildXPath) Dim XmlNode As Xml.XmlNode

If ChildNode Is Nothing Then ReturnValue = "" Else 'XmlNo\\ Do Until ChildNode.ParentNode Is Nothing If ChildNode.Name = GrandParentNodeName Then NodeFound = True Exit Do End If ChildNode = ChildNode.ParentNode Loop If NodeFound Then XmlNode = ChildNode.SelectSingleNode(CousinXPathFromGrandParent) If XmlNode Is Nothing Then ReturnValue = "" Else ReturnValue = XmlNode.InnerText() End If End If End If ChildNode = Nothing XmlNode = Nothing Return (ReturnValue) End Function

Public Sub SetNodeText(ByVal Xpath As String, ByVal Value As String)

Xpath = RectifyXpath(Xpath) Dim xmlnode As Xml.XmlNode = XmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(Xpath) If xmlnode Is Nothing Then Dim ParentXpath As String Dim NodeName As String NodeName = Right(Xpath, Len(Xpath) - InStrRev(Xpath, "/")) ParentXpath = Left(Xpath, Len(Xpath) - Len(NodeName) - 1) AppendNode(NodeName, ParentXpath, Value) NodeName = Nothing ParentXpath = Nothing Else xmlnode.InnerText = Value End If If XMLAutoSave Then XmlDoc.Save(XMLPath) End If xmlnode = Nothing End Sub

Public Sub AppendNode(ByVal NodeName As String, Optional ByVal ParentXpath As String = "", Optional ByVal NodeInnerText As String = "", Optional ByVal NodeAttributeNameValuePair As String = "") If Not (System.IO.File.Exists(XMLPath)) Then CreateNewXML(XMLPath) End If If LowerCaseXpaths Then ParentXpath = RectifyXpath(ParentXpath) NodeName = LCase(NodeName) NodeAttributeNameValuePair = LCase(NodeAttributeNameValuePair) End If Dim xmlnode As Xml.XmlNode = XmlDoc.CreateElement(NodeName) If Len(NodeInnerText) > 0 Then xmlnode.InnerText = NodeInnerText End If If Len(NodeAttributeNameValuePair) > 0 Then NodeAttributeNameValuePair = Replace(NodeAttributeNameValuePair, " ", "") Dim AttrValueNodePair(1) As String AttrValueNodePair = Split(NodeAttributeNameValuePair, ":=") Dim AttrNode As System.Xml.XmlNode = XmlDoc.CreateAttribute(AttrValueNodePair(0)) AttrNode.Value = AttrValueNodePair(1) xmlnode.Attributes.Append(AttrNode) Erase AttrValueNodePair AttrValueNodePair = Nothing AttrNode = Nothing End If If Len(ParentXpath) = 0 Then XmlDoc.DocumentElement.AppendChild(xmlnode) Else Dim ParentNode As System.Xml.XmlNode = XmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(ParentXpath) ParentNode.AppendChild(xmlnode) ParentNode = Nothing End If

If XMLAutoSave Then

XmlDoc.Save(XMLPath) End If xmlnode = Nothing End Sub

Public Sub RemoveNode(ByVal Xpath As String) Xpath = RectifyXpath(Xpath) Dim NodeToRemove As System.Xml.XmlNode = XmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(Xpath) Dim ParentNode As System.Xml.XmlNode = NodeToRemove.ParentNode ParentNode.RemoveChild(NodeToRemove) If XMLAutoSave Then XmlDoc.Save(XMLPath) End If NodeToRemove = Nothing ParentNode = Nothing End Sub

Public Function AttributeExists(ByVal Xpath As String, ByVal AttributeName As String) As Boolean Xpath = RectifyXpath(Xpath) If LowerCaseXpaths Then AttributeName = LCase(AttributeName) End If Dim AttributeNode As System.Xml.XmlAttribute Dim ReturnValue As String AttributeNode = XmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(Xpath).Attributes.GetNamedItem(AttributeName) If AttributeNode Is Nothing Then ReturnValue = False Else ReturnValue = True End If 'ReturnValue = xmldoc.SelectSingleNode(Xpath).Attributes.GetNamedItem(AttributeName).Value AttributeNode = Nothing Return ReturnValue End Function

Public Sub AddAttribute(ByVal Xpath As String, ByVal AttributeName As String, ByVal AttributeValue As String) Xpath = RectifyXpath(Xpath) AttributeName = Replace(AttributeName, " ", "") AttributeValue = Replace(AttributeValue, " ", "") If LowerCaseXpaths Then AttributeName = LCase(AttributeName) AttributeValue = LCase(AttributeValue) End If Dim AttributeNode As System.Xml.XmlNode = XmlDoc.CreateAttribute(AttributeName) AttributeNode.Value = AttributeValue Dim xmlNode As System.Xml.XmlNode = XmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(Xpath) xmlNode.Attributes.Append(AttributeNode) If XMLAutoSave Then XmlDoc.Save(XMLPath) End If xmlNode = Nothing AttributeNode = Nothing End Sub

Public Sub RemoveAttribute(ByVal Xpath As String, ByVal AttributeName As String) Xpath = RectifyXpath(Xpath) AttributeName = Replace(AttributeName, " ", "") If LowerCaseXpaths Then AttributeName = LCase(AttributeName) End If XmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(Xpath).Attributes.RemoveNamedItem(AttributeName) If XMLAutoSave Then XmlDoc.Save(XMLPath) End If End Sub

Public Function GetAttributeValue(ByVal Xpath As String, ByVal AttributeName As String) As String Xpath = RectifyXpath(Xpath) AttributeName = Replace(AttributeName, " ", "") If LowerCaseXpaths Then AttributeName = LCase(AttributeName) End If Dim AttributeNode As System.Xml.XmlAttribute Dim ReturnValue As String AttributeNode = XmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(Xpath).Attributes.GetNamedItem(AttributeName) If AttributeNode Is Nothing Then ReturnValue = "" Else ReturnValue = AttributeNode.Value End If 'ReturnValue = xmldoc.SelectSingleNode(Xpath).Attributes.GetNamedItem(AttributeName).Value AttributeNode = Nothing Return ReturnValue End Function

Public Sub SetAttributeValue(ByVal Xpath As String, ByVal AttributeName As String, ByVal AttributeValue As String) Xpath = RectifyXpath(Xpath) AttributeName = Replace(AttributeName, " ", "") AttributeValue = Replace(AttributeValue, " ", "") If LowerCaseXpaths Then AttributeName = LCase(AttributeName) AttributeValue = LCase(AttributeValue) End If Dim Attrs As System.Xml.XmlAttributeCollection = XmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(Xpath).Attributes Dim Att As System.Xml.XmlAttribute For Each Att In Attrs If LCase(Att.Name) = LCase(AttributeName) Then Att.Value = AttributeValue Exit For End If Next If XMLAutoSave Then XmlDoc.Save(XMLPath) End If Attrs = Nothing Att = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub Save() XmlDoc.Save(XMLPath) XmlDoc.Load(XMLPath) End Sub

Public Function GetChildNodeNameAndText(ByVal Xpath As String) As String Xpath = RectifyXpath(Xpath) Dim ReturnValue As String = "" Dim xmlnode As Xml.XmlNode = XmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(Xpath) If xmlnode Is Nothing Then ReturnValue = "" Else Dim Node As Xml.XmlNode Dim ChildNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList = xmlnode.ChildNodes For Each Node In ChildNodes ReturnValue = ReturnValue & Node.Name & ":" & Node.InnerText & "|" Next Node = Nothing ChildNodes = Nothing End If xmlnode = Nothing Return (ReturnValue)

End Function

Public Sub Normalize(Optional ByVal RemoveLeafNodesWithText As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal RemoveAllAttributes As Boolean = True) ', Optional ByVal LowerCaseAllNodes As Boolean = True) Dim XmlNodes As Xml.XmlNodeList Dim XmlNode As Xml.XmlNode

If RemoveLeafNodesWithText Then XmlNodes = XmlDoc.SelectNodes("//*[not(child::*)]") For Each XmlNode In XmlNodes If XmlNode.InnerText <> "" Then XmlNode.ParentNode.RemoveChild(XmlNode) End If Next Save() End If

If RemoveAllAttributes Then XmlNodes = XmlDoc.SelectNodes("//*[@*]") Dim XmlAttributes As Xml.XmlAttributeCollection Dim XmlAttribute As Xml.XmlAttribute Dim i As Integer For Each XmlNode In XmlNodes XmlAttributes = XmlNode.Attributes For i = 1 To XmlAttributes.Count XmlNode.Attributes.Remove(XmlNode.Attributes.Item(i - 1)) Next Next

Save() XmlAttributes = Nothing XmlAttribute = Nothing End If

'If LowerCaseAllNodes Then ' XmlNodes = XmlDoc.SelectNodes("//*") ' For Each XmlNode In XmlNodes ' RenameElement(XmlNode, LCase(XmlNode.Name)) ' Save() ' Next 'End If

End Sub

'Private Sub RenameElement(ByVal XmlElement As Xml.XmlNode, ByVal newName As String) ' 'XmlDocument doc = e.OwnerDocument; ' Dim NewXMLNode As Xml.XmlNode = XmlDoc.CreateElement(newName) ' NewXMLNode.InnerText = XmlElement.InnerText ' 'XmlElement newElement = doc.CreateElement(newName); ' 'While (XmlElement.HasChildNodes) ' ' NewXMLNode.AppendChild(XmlElement.FirstChild) ' ' 'newElement.AppendChild(e.FirstChild); ' 'End While ' 'Dim XmlAttributes As Xml.XmlAttributeCollection = XmlElement.Attributes

' ''Dim XMlAttribute As Xml.XmlAttribute ' 'Dim NewXMlAttribute As Xml.XmlNode

' 'For Each XMlAttribute In XmlElement.Attributes ' ' NewXMlAttribute = XmlDoc.CreateElement(LCase(XMlAttribute.Name)) ' ' NewXMlAttribute.Value = LCase(XMlAttribute.Value) ' ' NewXMLNode.Attributes.Append(NewXMlAttribute) ' 'Next

' 'While (ac.Count > 0) ' 'newElement.Attributes.Append(ac[0]); ' 'End While ' XmlElement.ParentNode.ReplaceChild(NewXMLNode, XmlElement) ' 'XmlNode parent = e.ParentNode; ' 'parent.ReplaceChild(newElement, e); ' 'return newElement; 'End Sub

Protected Overrides Sub Finalize() System.GC.Collect() MyBase.Finalize() End Sub

End Class'End Namespace