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Christianity Revision Activity Booklet Religion, Peace and Conflict Name: …………………………………..

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Christianity Revision Activity BookletReligion, Peace and Conflict

Name: …………………………………..

Top Tips!

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Remember you have worked very hard for 3 years! You know a lot about Christianity! Show the examiner everything that you


Answer all d questions first (spend approximately 15 minutes on them)

Then answer questions b & c (spend approximately 5 minutes on them)

Refer to a quote on question c (make sure it is relevant, explained and links to the question)

Answer a questions last. Make sure you give 3 full sentences for each a question.

General teachings that are really useful: Jesus taught the Golden Rule – to treat people how you

want to be treated

Jesus taught to love your neighbour and to love your enemy

The Old Testament teaches ‘an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’

“Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed” (Genesis – Old Testament)

God created man and woman, equal in his own image

Jesus taught the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats – every time you help someone, you are helping God

Situation ethics – making a decision based on what is the most loving thing to do (linking to Jesus’ teachings on love your enemy and love your neighbour)

Section 1 – Christian Beliefs

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Christians believe in the Trinity (God is one but is three persons). Christians believe in God the Father (creator), God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit (preserver of life)

In the Bible, all three parts of the Trinity were present at the baptism of Jesus

Christians worship God the Father and Jesus in a formal way or in private. Many believe that the Holy Spirit helps them to worship in the most fulfilling way (Pentecostal Churches)

Genesis 1 describes the creation of the universe and world, whilst Genesis 2 describes the creation of mankind (Adam and Eve)

Creationists believe in the literal truth of the Bible and Creation story (6 days = 6 days), whilst a metaphorical interpretation of the creation story suggests that the story is a symbol (e.g. of God’s power and mankind’s authority)

Christians believe God created them to be stewards with a duty to care for the world and its resources

The incarnation is the belief that God came to Earth in human form. Christians celebrate the incarnation at Christmas

Christians believe God sent himself in human form so that He could have a relationship with humans. Christians believe God wanted to rebuild the relationship between God and humans (atonement), as there was too much sin in the world

Christians believe Jesus was crucified, resurrected and ascended to heaven

Christians believe all who believe in Jesus can have eternal life Jesus taught people how to pray and how to have a relationship with

God through love and worship Christians believe that Jesus came to save humanity from the

consequence of sin, which is called salvation Jesus’ death and his resurrection brought atonement – it made

humanity and God at one again Christians believe that, because of Jesus, they are able to have a

relationship with God Christians believe in life after death. Some Christians believe in

immortality of the soul (the soul only lives on after death). Many Christians believe in the resurrection of the body (referring to Jesus’ resurrection). Roman Catholics believe in purgatory (the soul waits in purgatory where it is cleansed before Judgement Day)

Christians believe God is omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing) and benevolent (all loving) and some people question whether the presence of evil in the world means God cannot exist

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(inconsistent triad). If God is all good and powerful, why doesn’t he stop evil and suffering?

Christians respond to evil and suffering by reading the Bible, praying, supporting charities and working to relieve suffering

Christians might argue that God gave humans free will and so suffering is the consequence of human action. Also, they might argue that life is a test and suffering happens for a reason.

QuotesThe Trinity – The Nicene Creed: “We believe in one God, the Father, one Lord, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit”Creation – “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God” (John)“Through him [the Word] all things were made” (John)Incarnation – “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us” (John)Jesus’ death and resurrection – “He is not here. He has risen!” (New Testament)“Christ died for our sins”(New Testament)Salvation – “Salvation is found in no one else” (New Testament) Life after death (eschatology) – “Whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”The problem of evil – “He will wipe every tear from their eye” (One day, God will end all suffering)

Unit 2 – Crime and Punishment Law and justice are vital to the smooth running of society. It ensures

order, protection and equality Christians believe God is just (fair) and so people should act justly The Bible teaches Christians to support victims of crime Justice is also important to non-religious people, who apply principles

such as the ‘Golden Rule’ Christians believe people should obey the law and not commit crime Christianity teaches that revenge is not the correct response to crim

and that love & understanding can turn people away from a life of sin

Christian groups and individuals work with criminals and vulnerable people to try and end crime

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Christians believe that ‘good’ actions are in accordance with what God wants and ‘evil’ actions go against God. God will judge people on their actions

Some non-religious people believe religion can cause suffering The Parable of the Sheep and Goats teaches that Christians should

model God’s love by helping those who are suffering People are punished if they are found guilty of breaking laws. More

serious crimes are met with stronger punishments The Bible teaches that punishment should be just and fair Punishment is an important part of justice in a society with just and

fair laws Reform, retribution, rehabilitation, deterrence and protection are

different theories of punishment. Most agree that the severity of punishment should be proportionate to the severity of the crime

The New Testament teaches that while offenders should be punished, they should also be forgiven and given a second chance

Many punishments include opportunities to rehabilitate criminals, which Christians would agree with

Forgiveness is a core principle within Christianity (love your neighbour, love your enemy, turn the other cheek, forgive 7 x 77 times)

Rehabilitation can involve communities forgiving ex-offenders Christians support restorative justice, which gives criminals the

opportunity to learn how their crimes affect victims The Bible teaches that criminals should be treated fairly, but that

vulnerable people should be protected from criminals Christians believe that people should be protected by human rights

(many human rights are similar to Christian teachings – e.g. the right to life & do not murder)

Christians oppose torture (although some might argue that in extreme situations it may be appropriate – links to situation ethics / utilitarianism)

Situation ethics requires that the treatment of criminals must take into account what is the most loving thing to do

Capital punishment (death penalty) is legal in some countries and is used in the punishment of the most serious crimes

There are teachings in the Old Testament that support the death penalty, such as ‘eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth’. Genesis teaches ‘whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed’. The Medieval Church sentenced heretics to death. Some Christians might argue that society needs to be protected from certain criminals – situation ethics and utilitarianism.

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The New Testament teaches forgiveness, rather than revenge (love your neighbour, love your enemy, turn the other cheek). Christians might argue that only God can give and take life. The sanctity of life suggests that the death penalty is wrong.

QuotesJustice – “And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy” (Old Testament“Defend the oppressed” (Old Testament)Crime – “Let everybody be subject to the governing bodies”Good and evil – The Parable of the Sheep and Goats – every time you help someone, you are helping God and will be rewarded (Jesus)Punishment – “Do not judge or you too will be judged” (Jesus)Reform – “Love your neighbour” “Love your enemy” (Jesus)Retribution – “Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth” (Old Testament)Treatment of criminals – “Speak up and judge fairly” (Proverbs) The death penalty – “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed” (Genesis – The Old Testament)

Unit 3 – Living the Christian Life Worship is important because it helps believers express love for

God. It can be liturgical (using set words such as the Book of Common Prayer), non-liturgical (a form of worship that is not set) or individual (quiet worship alone).

Some Christians prefer liturgical worship because there is security in knowing exactly the pattern of service that will follow. Also, you are following a tradition that has been going for centuries and has often been authorised by a hierarchy.

People might prefer non-liturgical worship because they have more freedom to express their worship.

The sacraments are significant Christian ceremonies which have been recognised by the Church. There are 7 sacraments in the Catholic Church (baptism, confirmation, Eucharist (mass), marriage, ordination, reconciliation, anointing the sick). The Anglican Church only recognises Eucharist and Baptism as sacraments.

Baptism is important as it welcomes a person into the Christian community. Many Christians believe you are born with original sin, so baptism is a fresh start. Some Christians baptise people as adults, rather than infant baptism.

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Eucharist (Mass) is the re-enactment of Jesus’ last meal with bread and wine. Some Christians believe the bread and wine become Jesus’ body and blood (transubstantiation), whilst others believe the bread and wine is a symbol.

Prayers can be set, informal or private. Christians might pray to show thanksgiving to God, to ask for forgiveness, to ask God to help other people or to show worship (honour and respect) to God.

Jerusalem, Iona, Taize and Walsingham are important pilgrimage sites for Christians.

Pilgrimage helps believers to understand more about God and their faith. It can give believers a strong religious or spiritual experience.

Christian celebrations include Advent (preparation for Christmas), Christmas (celebrating the birth of Jesus – incarnation), Holy Week (the week before Easter that includes Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday) and Easter (celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus)

The celebrations help believers to remember the importance of events in Jesus’ life and help believers to feel close to God and understand more about their faith

Christian Church membership is growing globally, but is falling in the UK

Missionary work involves preaching to people about Jesus but may also include work among the poor to build hospitals and schools, nursing and teaching. Evangelism is preaching the gospel in order to attract new believers. Both try to convert people to Christianity.

Parish churches are the centre of local religious life but they also welcome atheists. They preach the Christian faith and help the needy. Parish churches offer advice and special services for the important events in people’s lives

Ecumenical work is when different denominations (e.g. Protestants and Catholics) work together to create greater understanding with one another

The Church tries to have a positive impact on the world, by preaching the gospel and its values (love, compassion, forgiveness) around the world. It also helps the needy and tries to influence debate on many global issues (e.g. refugee crisis / global warming). The Church works for reconciliation.

Unfortunately, many Christians around the world are persecuted for their faith (it is estimated that 100,000 Christians die each year because of their faith)

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The Bible teaches that Christians must give charity to those in need and Christian Aid is the official Church charity for carrying out that work.

QuotesChristian worship – Book of Common Prayer (Liturgy – Anglican Church)Eucharist (Mass) – “Jesus said do this in remembrance of me” (Luke)Baptism – “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Matthew)Prayer – The Lord’s Prayer / “Pray in secret and your Father will reward you” (Matthew)Pilgrimage – “Pilgrimages evoke our earthly journey toward heaven” (Catechism of the Catholic Church)Christmas – The Gospels of Luke and Matthew describe the accounts of the birth of JesusEaster – “And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless” (Corinthians)Evangelism and Missionary work – “God into the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark)

Section 4 – Peace and Conflict Jesus was a peacemaker and taught about the importance of

responding peacefully in times of conflict. Many Christians believe that they should be peacemakers and

should not fight in a conflict. Some Christians will fight for a cause, such as stopping others

getting hurt. They might use situation ethics to support this view. Jesus taught that his followers must seek and work for peace. This

view is supported in the work of many Christian churches and groups, such as the World Council of Churches and Pax Christi

Many Humanists believe that people should try to find peaceful solutions to conflicts, but that sometimes going to war may avoid greater harm (situation ethics/utilitarianism)

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Christians are required by the Bible to seek pace with their enemies. Today many Christians are pacifists (against the use of violence), including Quakers.

The Just War theory is a set of conditions that need to be met in order for war to be justified (last resort, no civilians must be harmed, reasonable chance of success, the aim must be peace, authority of the government or the UN).

Some supporters of situation ethics do not necessarily accept the Just War theory, as they would argue it may be impossible to know what the most loving thing to do actually is and there is the problem that both sides may claim that they are doing the most loving thing.

Holy wars are about defending and spreading a religious belief Atheists, Humanists and most Christians disapprove of the notion

of holy wars. Many holy wars took place in the past (Crusades 11th – 13th

Century) Most Christians would argue that a true holy war is a spiritual

battle against evil Weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) cause widespread damage

and can kill thousands of people Some Christians believe WMDs are needed as a deterrent to

maintain peace, whilst others think they do not fit with the Just War theory and should be banned

Many Christians believe violence only brings more violence Terrorism is an act of violence usually carried out against civilians,

intended to cause harm and fear Christian individuals work to overcome such issues, through

reconciliation and forgiveness

QuotesPeace – “Love your enemies” (Jesus)Peacemaking – “Blessed are the peacemakers” (Jesus)Conflict – “all who draw the sword will die by the sword” (Jesus)Weapons of Mass Destruction – “In a nuclear war there will be no victors, only victims” (Pope Benedict XVI)

A Question Practice

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REMEMBER TO WRITE IN FULL SENTENCES!1) Outline 3 Christian beliefs about the Trinity

2) Outline 3 Christian beliefs about Creation

3) Outline 3 Christian beliefs about salvation

4) Outline 3 Christian beliefs about life after death

5) Outline 3 Christian beliefs about Jesus

6) Outline 3 Christian responses the problem of evil and suffering

1) Outline 3 reasons why justice is important in society

2) Outline 3 types of crime

3) Outline 3 possible causes of crime

4) Outline 3 Christian teachings about punishment

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5) Outline 3 Christian teachings about the death penalty

6) Outline 3 theories of punishment

7) Outline 3 features of restorative justice

1) Outline 3 ways Christians might worship God

2) Outline 3 Christian places of pilgrimage

3) Outline 3 Christian festivals

4) Outline 3 Christian sacraments

5) Outline 3 reasons Christians might pray

6) Outline 3 features of Christmas for Christians

7) Outline 3 purposes of Christian missionary work

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1) Outline 3 Christian beliefs about peace

2) Outline 3 causes of war

3) Outline 3 Christian beliefs about pacifism

4) Outline 3 problems of Weapons of Mass Destruction

5) Outline 3 Christian beliefs about conflict

6) Outline 3 ways Christians promote peace

B & C Questions – Why is …. Important for Christians?

TopicWhy is it important for Christians?

Challenge – give a quote

The Trinity 1)


The 1)

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Jesus’ resurrection



Salvation 1)


Belief in life after death




Justice 1)


Fair treatment of




Forgiveness 1)


Reform 1)


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Eucharist (Mass)



Baptism 1)


Liturgical Worship



Pilgrimage 1)


Christmas 1)


Easter 1)


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Advent 1)


Holy Week 1)


The Local Church



Evangelism 1)


Missionary Work



Ecumenical Work



Peace 1)


Charity Work 1)

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The Just War Theory



D Questions – THE BIGGY! DO THIS QUESTION FIRST!T: Thesis (state the answer to the statement, without using ‘I’)R: Reasons (Give a reason to support the statement. Try to support with a quote)A: Agree (Give reasons why scholars or some groups would agree with the statement. Try to refer to ethical or philosophical arguments. Evaluate why it is a strong argument)D: Disagree (Give reasons to disagree with the statement)E: Evaluate (Why are the reasons weak? What is the problem with this argument?)C: Conclusion (Acknowledge the weakness of the thesis, but summarise the argument & explain why it is the best argument)

Strong Arguments(forceful / compelling / convincing / effective / authoritative/persuasive)

Weak Arguments(inconsistent / ineffective /

unrealistic) Based on direct teachings (e.g.

from a religious authority) Based on empirical (scientific)

evidence Objective Beneficial for society

Based on indirect teachings (i.e. the quote requires interpretation)

Subjective Harmful for society

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“A Christian should believe the world was made in 7 days”Agree

These arguments are strong because ... Disagree

These arguments are weak because ...

“Jesus’ crucifixion was the most important event in his life”Agree

These arguments are strong because ...


These arguments are weak because ...

“There is no life after death”Agree

These arguments are strong because ...


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These arguments are weak because ...

“God is not responsible for the suffering in this world”Agree

These arguments are strong because ...


These arguments are weak because ...

“Reformation is more important than retribution”Agree

These arguments are strong because ...


These arguments are weak because ...

“Murderers should never be forgiven”Agree

These arguments are strong because ...

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These arguments are weak because ...

“Christians should support tougher punishments of criminals”Agree

These arguments are strong because ...


These arguments are weak because ...

“Execution should be banned in every country”Agree

These arguments are strong because ...


These arguments are weak because ...

“Prayer should be informal”Agree

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These arguments are strong because ...


These arguments are weak because ...

“Every Christian should go on a pilgrimage”Agree

These arguments are strong because ...


These arguments are weak because ...

“Christmas is more important than Easter”Agree

These arguments are strong because ...


These arguments are weak because ...

“All Christians should do missionary work”Agree

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These arguments are strong because ...


These arguments are weak because ...

“There can never be peace in the world”Agree

These arguments are strong because ...


These arguments are weak because ...

“Religion causes war”Agree

These arguments are strong because ...


These arguments are weak because ...

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“There is no such thing as a holy war”Agree

These arguments are strong because ...


These arguments are weak because ...

“Terrorism is impossible to overcome”Agree

These arguments are strong because ...


These arguments are weak because ...