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Invitation to Participate In the Provision of Solar PV Services & Installations at Multiple Sites through a Co-operative Purchasing Scheme Contractor Brief September 2018 Introduction The Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES) has been designed to accelerate progress towards the Scottish Government’s target of 1GW of renewable energy generation to be locally or community owned by 2020, and to maximise the benefits to communities from commercially owned renewable energy generators. CARES is administered by Local Energy Scotland, who are managing this invitation. Contractors are sought for the provision of services to facilitate and complete multiple PV installations, each in the region of 10 to 50 kWp, clustered within a geographical area. Sites for installation will be pre-screened, some will include storage provision to support bulk purchase, and each cluster will be supported locally, either through CARES funded support, the Local Energy Scotland team or a local partner. The purpose of this invitation is to secure contractors who can commit to the quality provision described, are able to work to tight timescales and can provide significant benefits to the participants, especially through reduced costs based on the total scale of work within the cluster. We aim to bring together installations totalling around 500kWp per cluster, and our ambition is to develop up to a dozen clusters across Scotland prior to the Feed in Tariff closure at the end of March 2019. These figures are subject to local interest and commitment gained, therefore is provided as a guide only, without guarantee. This invitation document does not form part of a tender process, rather it is a pre-selection process for future tenders. This invitation seeks information on quality and price that will be used to identify the most appropriate contractors to be invited to offer detailed quotations for clustered work in a future tender process, undertaken separately for each cluster identified. This tender process, and expectations thereafter are also described in this document so that the overall process can be clearly understood. Expectations following the future tender process are that the successful contractor will review each site, provide individual contracts and seek separate payments for each service provided, at each installation at each separate site. All installations are expected to be MCS compliant and registered for Feed in Tariffs (FiT). For reference, the following distinct parts of the overall process are as follows: Part 1 - Invitation to Participate. Contractors respond confirming quality, indicative costs and available services. Part 2 - Those contractors successful in Stage 1 are invited to quote for a cluster of sites. Part 3 - The successful contractor at Stage 2 provides all services and installations to the clustered sites. Please ensure you are familiar with the purpose and intent of all stages prior to responding to this invitation, which are summarised below. 1

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Invitation to ParticipateIn the Provision of Solar PV Services & Installations at Multiple Sites

through a Co-operative Purchasing Scheme

Contractor Brief September 2018

IntroductionThe Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES) has been designed to accelerate progress towards the Scottish Government’s target of 1GW of renewable energy generation to be locally or community owned by 2020, and to maximise the benefits to communities from commercially owned renewable energy generators.CARES is administered by Local Energy Scotland, who are managing this invitation.

Contractors are sought for the provision of services to facilitate and complete multiple PV installations, each in the region of 10 to 50 kWp, clustered within a geographical area. Sites for installation will be pre-screened, some will include storage provision to support bulk purchase, and each cluster will be supported locally, either through CARES funded support, the Local Energy Scotland team or a local partner. The purpose of this invitation is to secure contractors who can commit to the quality provision described, are able to work to tight timescales and can provide significant benefits to the participants, especially through reduced costs based on the total scale of work within the cluster.We aim to bring together installations totalling around 500kWp per cluster, and our ambition is to develop up to a dozen clusters across Scotland prior to the Feed in Tariff closure at the end of March 2019. These figures are subject to local interest and commitment gained, therefore is provided as a guide only, without guarantee.

This invitation document does not form part of a tender process, rather it is a pre-selection process for future tenders. This invitation seeks information on quality and price that will be used to identify the most appropriate contractors to be invited to offer detailed quotations for clustered work in a future tender process, undertaken separately for each cluster identified. This tender process, and expectations thereafter are also described in this document so that the overall process can be clearly understood.Expectations following the future tender process are that the successful contractor will review each site, provide individual contracts and seek separate payments for each service provided, at each installation at each separate site. All installations are expected to be MCS compliant and registered for Feed in Tariffs (FiT).

For reference, the following distinct parts of the overall process are as follows:Part 1 - Invitation to Participate. Contractors respond confirming quality, indicative costs and available services.Part 2 - Those contractors successful in Stage 1 are invited to quote for a cluster of sites.Part 3 - The successful contractor at Stage 2 provides all services and installations to the clustered sites.Please ensure you are familiar with the purpose and intent of all stages prior to responding to this invitation, which are summarised below.

Part 1 - Invitation to ParticipateContractors are invited to provide written responses addressing the following 4 areas:Relevant experience and past performance. (up to 500 words, excluding references) (20% weighting)

Technical solar PV capability, including feasibility, design, consents, installation and other support. Experience of working with Community Groups, Farms, SMEs and other commercial organisations on

energy related projects in Scotland. References (and contact details) for a minimum of three example projects relevant to this invitation.

Project team & quality assurance (up to 500 words, excluding summary CVs) (20% weighting) Clearly identify members of the project team. Demonstrate the project team has relevant skills and knowledge. Confirm that the standards noted in this document will be met or exceeded. Provide professional summary CVs of individuals who will be involved in the delivery of the contract.

Project understanding, management and risk (up to 1000 words excluding project plan) (30% weighting) Demonstrate how all elements described in the tender specification will be met. Clearly state any specific exclusion from the scope of works. Define any project management processes that will be in place. Illustrate an understanding of risk and approach to managing project risks. Illustration of a project plan, highlight critical issues and demonstrate how the project would be phased.

Indicative Costs for Services and Installation (30% weighting) Clearly state all costs requested later in this document, and the regions within Scotland applicable.


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Part 2 - Tendering for a Cluster of SitesContractors should understand and account for the following:

Only those contractors that have been successful in Part 1 will be eligible to be invited to tender in Part 2.

Some local selection criteria may also be applied to selecting contractors for any one cluster. All criteria set out in this invitation & any additional criteria in the tender, will apply. Where conflicts are noted, these should be highlighted, with costs & implications separately identified. Clustered site information will be provided in a spreadsheet, with approximate location, but not

addresses. Prices will be based on information provided, without site visits, but with a clarification period. One or more sites will be highlighted where storage facilities can be made available. Contractors should anticipate a very high level of conversion from cluster inclusion to installation. Minimum & maximum installation totals will be required, between which costs remain fixed. Contractors should anticipate further sites to be included up to, during and possibly after the Part 2

tender. Tenders will request an overall price for all installations in £/kept & separate costs for additional services. Prices should not be higher than those provided in the invitation to participate response (Part 1). Price will be the primary factor in choosing a contractor at this stage, as quality has been established.

Site Information ProvidedThe following information, or similar, will be collated into a spreadsheet for the sites contained within a cluster. These sites will have been initially screened to removed sites which have obvious barriers to development.Site Number 1 2 3 4 5 etcAreaPostcode (first part)Type of PropertyHeight of roof above ground in stories & metresRoofing TypePurlins TypeDistance from roof to electrical meterExcavation is requiredExcavation will be carried out by site ownerInstallation sizePotential Storage

To facilitate bulk purchasing of equipment, one or more sites will be identified where storage is available. It will be up to the successful contractor to arrange access details with the site owner, however we anticipate this facility being made available at no cost. Insurance cover will remain the responsibility of the contractor and should assume little existing on-site security.

Provisional Cluster Tender Submission RequirementsA more detailed request will be provided in the Part 2 tender but can be summarised as a specification of the equipment proposed and a detailed price. The price structure will follow that of the indicative prices requested in this invitation and the specification will be provided by each of the contractors and reviewed by Local Energy Scotland or their agent. If appropriate findings from this specification review will be summarised and used to support the tender evaluation process. The specification of equipment must comply with all requirements laid out in this document and is likely to include:

Solar PV panel specification and string components, Inverter manufacturer and models proposed, Details of the mounting system(s), AC and DC cable specification, Protection equipment specification, OFGEM accredited meter specification, Common elements of a typical grid connection specification.

Part 3 - Providing services, concluding contracts & carrying out all worksContractors selected at Stage 2 are expected to understand and account for the following:

Full site information, including addresses and contact details will be provided. Contact to arrange each site appointment should be made within five working days of the tender


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A point of contact, representing Local Energy Scotland or a Partner will be provided in the Part 2 tender. Regular reporting and communication with the point of contact will be required throughout. All services confirmed in the contractor’s response to the invitation to participate will then be undertaken. All project documentation (including surveys, design, specification, warranties & contracts) will be

retained. Access to all documentation for all sites will be provided to the local point of contact, in confidence. Any site deemed unsuitable for installation will be directly notified, with clear rationale provided. Contractors will work with the local point of contact to address any issues & / or find additional sites. Your standard contracts will be provided for each site, priced as indicated in the Part 2 tender. Installations are expected to be undertaken swiftly, in succession or in parallel to meet agreed deadlines. The contractor will be able to utilise storage, in agreement with that site owner, for the project duration. Meeting MCS standards and obtaining FiT registration must be planned into the programme for all sites. Promotion and advertising must be approved by, and must reference, Local Energy Scotland & CARES. A short report is expected at the end of the process to capture lessons learned and highlight successes.

Overall ExpectationsIn order to meet expectations of quality of service, contractors are expected to be in a position to provide the full spectrum of works described in this document, either as part of their normal or an enhanced service, or by directly subcontracting. Where subcontractors are used, the responsibility for performance, liability and cost remains solely with the main contractor.

We anticipate all works falling into one of two categories, which must be defined in the indicative prices returned. All parts of the service that are universally required at every site can be considered under a “PV design and build installation service” category. This category should cover, as a minimum, all aspects required to meet MCS standards, but also any other provision known to be required universally. This category will be priced on a £/kWp basis, based on the total kWp to be installed in the cluster. Additional services, such as provision of information to support a Planning Application, or acting as Agent in a Planning Application, or provision of an EPC should be considered separately and priced under the “Additional Services” category. We anticipate a fixed cost per service for each, applicable to any site in the cluster, should it be required. This cost can be a flat rate or defined as a price per kWp, related to the site-specific installation size.

The contractor is expected to consider this process as an opportunity to secure work that might not have been secured otherwise. As such the expectation is that they actively participate in the promotion of the benefits of this approach, the benefits of PV installation in general, finding the best solution for each participant and on each site, and work collaboratively in all aspects of the project with all parties. High levels of customer service should feature throughout.

Description of ServiceThe scope of works is presented in three well-defined stages, summarised initially, and then given further detail. All these stages follow from a successful outcome to Part 2, the detailed proposal of works, and define Part 3 design and build activity.

Stage 1. Feasibility Study & Site Visits. A desk-top based analysis of the site(s) to provide a high-level analysis of the cluster of installations. A pre-arranged site visit / survey to obtain all information necessary to understand site conditions and prepare an individual design, specification and quotation for a suitable PV installation. The contractor must clearly state they are working under this clustered process and carry identification. Reference to the point of contact can be made to verify credentials.

Stage 2. Detailed Proposal. A detailed document for each site providing clear advice on viable array options, installation considerations and to include a work-package of installation information. A note of any additional services, and the reasons these are considered appropriate for a site or if agreed with the site owner, and clear fixed costs for these services and the full installation service. The (named) cluster that includes the site should be referred to in all cases & in addition to any site identification.

Stage 3. Design & Build. Using suitably qualified personnel for all services, including but not limited to turnkey planning, design, engineering, labour, materials, delivery, installation, monitoring and commissioning, provide a cost-effective and energy efficient solar PV system with appropriate warranties & guarantees. Where required also provide of bank guarantees and insurances and O&M support for the site.

Stage 1. Feasibility Study & Site VisitsFeasibility Study


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The Feasibility Study is intended to provide both an initial strategy to implementing all activities in the cluster and to initially assess each of the sites within a cluster, based on the spreadsheet of information provided.During the period participants are being contacted and site visits are being arranged, this desktop review will provide a high-level appraisal of the various key considerations to address when installing multiple solar PV across multiple sites. This is likely to include the location and use of any storage, the distances involved between the storage and each site, transportation and access requirements at each site, the sequencing of activities efficiently, ordering of sites and logistics of the installation team(s). This analysis should be made available to the point of contact within two weeks of the tender approval and discussed so that intentions are understood.It is likely that the point of contact will ask direct, & field participant, questions in these early stages and all attention should be given to responding to these promptly and fully.Some key elements of each initial site assessment are listed below, however any additional requirements the contractor is aware of should be included and noted in your response to this invitation to participate.

High level site solar resource assessment for each site in the cluster Location/building suitability assessment (where satellite or mapping information is available) Potential grid connection issues (known issues from experience or through the DNO) Simple financial appraisal and payback calculations An initial assessment of any required planning applications.

The deliverable from the Preliminary Feasibility Study will be a brief report which addresses each of the points listed within the Scope of the study, and any other relevant information, and includes a concluding section that highlights any issues that may impact on the installation or compromise its performance at the proposed locations.

Site VisitsThe main focus of the Site Visits will be a walk-over survey and visual inspection of the sites and the proposed array locations. It will provide an opportunity for the contractor to gain a better understanding of the sites and highlight any potential issues. The objectives of the study will be to:

Follow up on any potential issues highlighted at the preliminary feasibility stage. Highlight any issues which may arise through the installation process. Gather site specific details to enable all technical documents to be produced to complete the installation. Identify any issues that may impact on the array installation(s) or limit its performance. Record all information gathered.

The site visit should facilitate much of the following, and any other requirements the contractor is aware of, which should be included in your response to this invitation to participate, where appropriate:

Obtain building EPC certificate(s) if required1 and if available. Discuss the electricity use of the building(s), the likely profile of use and the generation profile. Confirm space allocations for all array, inverter & other components, and for access and maintenance. Review any site access issues that may impact on the installation (including scaffolding & excavation) . Carry out a shading survey, following the latest Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS)2 guidance. Confirm any array shading issues, including shading from existing equipment or excessive soiling. Assess the overall site layout and confirm initial proposals with the site owner. Identify suitable grid infrastructure in the local vicinity & discuss with the DNO, if required. Review the condition and loading of the roof and if a structural engineers report is needed. Where storage is provided, review the provision and agree details of use with the site owner.

The deliverable from the site visits work will be comprehensive site notes and conclusions recording all information gained and discussed on site. All site visit reports should be to a standard format, which we fully anticipate being that already used by the contractor. A collection of these reports will be provided to the point of contact, in confidence, and each individual report will be available to the corresponding site owner on request.The point of contact should be separately notified of any additional points the consultant considers relevant, including any issues that may impact on an installation or compromise performance at any of the sites.

Stage 2. Detailed ProposalA Detailed Proposal will be prepared for each site and provide clear advice on the available array options and highlight those with the greatest potential for development. Any potential risks or barriers will be highlighted along, with advice on those risks or barriers that can be mitigated, and those which could prove to be insurmountable. The proposal should also consider how financial benefits will be achieved and provide advice 1 Companies registered as a CIC on the Companies House register and co-operatives or community benefit societies registered on the FSA Mutual’s Public Register are eligible as ‘Community Schemes’ under the FiT. ‘Community Scheme’ solar PV projects are exempt from the minimum energy efficiency requirement (i.e. having an EPC certificate of D of above) and applies to all PV installations on non-domestic buildings, including schools and colleges. 2 http://www.microgenerationcertification.org/images/PV%20Book%20ELECTRONIC.pdf


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on a range of potential business models, indicating the strengths and weaknesses of each. Key elements of the Detailed Proposal are listed below, and form the deliverable for this element of work, further information may be added by the contractor. It is anticipated that the proposal is in full compliance with MCS and acts also as a formal quotation.

Full financial appraisal with costs (capital, replacement, operation & maintenance) and revenue clearly noting method of estimation, details of relevant assumptions and uncertainty of estimates.

Highlight any planning issues and what is required to address these. Provide details of services provided.

Note if further liaison with building control is required and confirm that all design & installation complies with current building regulations. Provide details of service to support a building warrant, if required.

Detail all necessary consents to construct and operate a solar PV system at the site. A full package of information related to the design of the solar PV system proposed (including

specifications, details of warranties, guarantees, electrical diagrams, mounting details etc.). Offer an example timeline, including a project initiation date & installation duration. Highlighting any site access requirements that the owner needs to be aware of. Provide a risk assessment of developing a solar PV scheme at the site(s), and risk mitigation. Provide any documents needed for pre-registration for FiT, where the site is eligible. Liaise with the distribution network operator (DNO) to secure appropriate G83/G59 grid connection. Provide a detailed evaluation of CO2 emissions offset.

The performance assessment should include the reduction in solar PV generation and the need to replace inverters over the lifetime of the system.All proposals should be copied to the point of contact, in confidence. Any common opportunities or challenges arising from the detailed proposals should be highlighted separately to the point of contact.

Stage 3. Design & BuildThe role of the contractor is to execute a Design & Build agreement based on the detailed proposal, or a revision of this proposal, and agreed in writing with each individual site. Where additional services are agreed, theses will be carried out to the benefit of the overall programme and coordinated with the standard services. The contractor will therefore provide all or some of the following at each site to facilitate a series of cost-effective and site specific solar PV systems across the cluster.

Turnkey planning, or other appropriate consents. Provision of design, engineering, labour, materials & delivery, for the installation, monitoring and

commissioning of a cost-effective and energy efficient solar PV system. Warranties & Guarantees. Provision of Bank Guarantees and Insurances. O & M support for the site. Process any connection agreements

For each site, the expectation is that the following are delivered, subject to the agreed detailed proposal. Details of the Warranties and Guarantees provided for all system components within your proposal. Provide details and costs of any additional warranties offered as an option for the project. Provide details of your performance Guarantees for the system, also provide a description of the method

that will be used to verify the contractual performance guarantees. Describe details of your Mechanical completion, Provisional acceptance and Final acceptance protocol

and specifications for the system. Provide details of the Customer’s obligations for compliance with warranty requirements. The contractor will be responsible for obtaining building control approval for the installation. Completion of Final design and obtain agreement with customer. Obtain required approvals and permits. Obtain interconnection approval. Delivery of PV arrays, Inverters and BOS components. Completion of LV installation. Completion of HV installation. Completion of functional testing. Completion of G59 witness testing and energisation of the system. Completion of provisional acceptance test. Conduct on-site training. Delivery of O & M Manuals and all Health & Safety Handover documentation, which will also include ‘as-

built drawings’. Provide a description of the monitoring system proposed for this project, including but not limited to, data

output, security and remote interface.


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Liaison with Building Control and Planning. Liaison with any compliance officer. Liaison with the Distributed Network Operator. Detailed electrical, mechanical, computer and civil design and engineering of the PVS. The selection, procurement, transport and delivery of all materials required in the construction of the

PVS. Constructing and equipping the Photovoltaic power plant, including Managing, coordinating and

supervising the construction project. Implementation of all works required to connect the PVS to the electrical grid and co-ordinating (but not

including) the works commissioned by KSCIC from the Distribution Network Operator. This includes procurement and implementation of all works identified as contestable by the DNO in the connection offer.

Carrying out on behalf of the Customer all inspections, acceptances, tests, certificates and measurements, which are required by authorities and/or the DNO.

Provision of a data monitoring system to monitor the performance of the plant as well as the environmental conditions affecting the performance of the Plant.

Providing assistance to the Purchaser in respect of the conclusion of a contract for the provision of a data communication connection regarding the remote data monitoring system (such contract to be concluded between the Purchaser and the telecommunications service provider).

Providing additional site facilities required on the Construction Site. Transporting to and from the Construction Site and storing and securing on site all the tools and

equipment required in the construction of the PVS. Liaising with the Distribution Network Operator regarding grid connection of the PVS. Testing and Acceptance of components and sub-assemblies on site. Installation, testing and commissioning of the plant. The provision of plant technical manuals and user O & M manuals for the completed PVS. The PVS must be designed with an availability of at least 98% over the lifetime of the plant. The degradation in power output of the plant shall be no more than 10% in the first 10 years of operation

and no more than 20% after 25 years of operation. The operating life of the plant shall be minimum 25 years. The PV array shall consist of mono-crystalline, multi-crystalline or thin film PV modules, the EPC must

justify the selected use of modules used in the design of the PVS. The power rating of each individual PV module should be a minimum 250 watt peak at STC. The modules shall be provided with hermetically sealed junction boxes with provision of min of 3 by-pass

diodes. The junction box should have hinged, weatherproof lid with captive screws and cable gland entry points.

The front surface of the module shall consist of impact resistant, low iron and high transmission toughened glass.

The module frame shall be made of corrosion resistant material electrically compatible with the structural material used for mounting the modules.

All solar PV modules shall comply with either IEC 61215(Crystalline PV modules) or IEC61646 (for thin film modules) as well as certified to UL1703.

solar PV modules shall come complete with solar cable connectors that meet international standards for module interconnection (MC4 or equivalent).

A minimum performance warranty of 25 years shall be provided with degradation in power output less than 20% over this 25-year period. The power output degradation in the first 10 years must not exceed 10%.

The solar PV modules electrical characteristics including current-voltage curves, and temperature coefficients of module power, voltage and current etc., shall be provided with the datasheets for the modules.

All relevant literature and technical information for the solar PV modules must be provided. This specifically includes: Voc, Isc, and Wp at STC conditions. The relationship between temperature and module output, I-V curves for 500, 700, 800 and 1000 W/m2 solar input, physical size and weight and details of the materials used in construction, particularly backing material and encapsulation material.

All Flash test data for the solar PV modules shall be provided including Vcc, Isc, Pmax, Vpm, Imp and fill factor etc.

A product warranty of a minimum of 10 years from the date of delivery shall be provided. It shall warrant the PV modules supplied against any defects in materials and workmanship under normal, application, installation, use and service conditions.

The solar modules must be recognised as bankable to major financial institutions. Modules should be classified as ‘Tier 1’ by Bloomberg new energy finance.


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Overall Project MethodologyThe following activities, and the points defined in the Assumed Provision section of this document will be deemed included by a successful contractor at the cluster tender (Part 2) stage, unless specifically excluded within their invitation response or their tender submission. Re-stating this inclusion is therefore not required.

An introductory meeting with Local Energy Scotland & or a local partner to introduce the point of contact, members of the cluster (if applicable) & contractor personnel, assess needs, preferences and aspirations, as well as to agree ways of working, timeframe, logistics, etc.;

Confirm the agreed scope of works, with any amendments / adjustments to the proposal highlighted and rational given. It is anticipated there will be minimal changes;

Close liaison and collaboration with the cluster members throughout the duration of the project; Free circulation and transparency of information between the contractor and the point of contact,

allowing for open discussion, review and flexibility in achieving objectives; Prompt, full and accurate responses to questions from all parties and from any site within the

procurement cluster.

The successful supplier to each cluster is to provide a full design service in full compliance with MCS requirements where applicable, for all aspects of the solar PV system including its mounting, its integrity and its connection with the private electrical infrastructure at the site. This is to include the following (among others):

Structural assessment (if required) to confirm building suitability for the additional loads from the solar PV system – building mounted.

Structural design for any modifications required to the building to accommodate the solar PV system – building mounted.

Optimum layout of the solar panels to maximise return on investment for the Client and to achieve the required performance specifications.

Safe access and lifting for the installation of the frame and panels on ground mounting or building mounted.

Design of the mounting system to fix the panels to the ground mounting or building mounting and to ensure a weather proof seal.

DC and AC cabling, switchgear, inverters, G83/G59 relay protection and grid connection. Annual energy yield from the PV system with a performance and availability guarantee.

The system is to be Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) accredited and will claim Feed-In-Tariffs for the energy generated. For the avoidance of doubt, the design and build service is to include every aspect necessary to install and successfully operate the solar PV system at the respective site(s), given the existing infrastructure at the site(s). Local Energy Scotland does not anticipate a requirement for any site to be obliged to engage any other services to facilitate the installation and operate the PV system.

The key underlying specifications to be upheld in providing the above listed services are that, for the final system designed and installed:

The supplier will be accredited on the MCS certification scheme for solar PV installations as required. The PV system will have planning consent or confirmation of permitted development rights. The PV system will have building control approval if an installation does not comply with the relevant

Permitted Development rights. The PV system will be designed and installed in compliance with appropriate guidelines, for example:

MIS3002: Requirements for Contractors Undertaking the Design, Supply, Installation, Set to Work Commissioning and Handover of Solar Photovoltaic Microgeneration Systems;

MCS Guide to the Installation of Photovoltaic Systems. 1st Edition 2012; and BS EN 62548: Installation and Safety Requirements for Photovoltaic (PV) Generators

The PV system will comply with all relevant building warrants; Health and Safety and CDM regulations; British Standards, European Standard, Microgeneration Certification Scheme standards and all other relevant standards and regulations.

If appropriate, the solar PV panels and inverters will be MCS accredited and will be manufactured by a global reputable organisation.

The PV system will be installed in compliance with all health and safety and CDM regulations. The PV system will be inspected and tested in compliance with BS 7671 and as agreed with the

distribution network operator (DNO). The PV system will be labelled as required by all relevant standards and the DNO. If appropriate, the PV system(s) will be MCS accredited.


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The PV system will include an OFGEM accredited total generation meter and will be registered for Feed-In-Tariffs with OFGEM.

Responses & TimetableThe key dates are:

24/09/2018: Closing date for initial invitation responses 08/10/208: Successful contractors will be notified within 14 days of submission

There are no fixed dates for Part 2 tenders, however the first is anticipated within 6 weeks of notification

Responses can be either as a Microsoft Office document or Adobe PDF, as an email attachment.These should include “Solar PV Clusters - Invitation Response” in the subject line and be addressed toEnergy Systems Team at [email protected] contract will be managed by the same person who can be contacted on the same email address if there are any queries regarding this invitation. Please allow up to three working days for a response.Signed hard copies of responses will be requested from those contractors that are successful.Applications for the procurment framework will remain open to any new contractors throughout the lifetime of the procurement cluster scheme, contractors may only apply to join the framework once in any 12 month period.

Budget TargetWe expect the total price for all services to design, supply and install a fully compliant, FiT accredited, PV system between 10 and 50 kWp, clustered into totals of around 500kWp in a local area, to target less than £800/kWp.Initial calculations for notional sites indicate somewhere just less than this can reduce payback periods to a level where demand will be sufficiently high to create the cluster in sufficient time. Promotion of the scheme is targeting these payback periods.Additional services are anticipated above this figure, but obviously the lower these are the better for the entire cluster. Regardless of this notional target, the successful contractors will be those that have demonstrated the best value in meeting the specific requirements of the brief.

Response Evaluation CriteriaAll responses from contractors will be scored on both price and quality. The word limit is to support responses remaining concise.

Criteria Weighting %Relevant experience and past performance (up to 500 words) 20 %Project team and quality assurance (up to 500 words) 20 %Project understanding, management and risk (up to 1000 words) 30 %Indicative costs for services and installation (following table below) 30 %(pricing will be calculated on a pre-defined notional cluster with some additional services)Total 100 %

Each of the criteria will be scored out of marks matching the weighting. (20% weighting = max score of 20)The “Indicative costs for services and installation” will be scored as follows: The maximum marks available for this part of the invitation will be 30 and will be awarded to the lowest price within a response that meets the invitation requirements. The remaining responses will receive marks on a pro rata basis from the lowest to the most expensive price. The price for a notional 500kWp cluster of 20 sites, including 20 instances of additional services that are recognised as commonly required, and 2 instances of any additional services that involve the provision of Planning, Building Warrant, Grid Connection Services or EPC provision. Additional services priced in £/kWp will be assumed to apply to a 30kWp installation.Where additional services are not sufficiently clearly defined, the application of additional service costs in the notional comparison will be decided internally by Local Energy Scotland and is not open to debate or review.

The subsequent calculation to provide a score, using compliant prices only, is: Score = (Lowest Price) x 30

(Scored Price)Where 30 is the maximum available score

Please use the following table to provide indicative costs (this format should be replicated in your response).

No Description Price / kWp Range applicable (kWp)


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Minimum Maximum1 Standard, compliant, full service (less than 500kWp

cluster)£ Fill in Fill in 500 kWp

2 Standard, compliant, full service (500kWp cluster) scored £ Fill in 500 kWp 500 kWp3 Standard, compliant, full service (less than 500kWp

cluster)£ Fill in 500 kWp Fill in

Additional Services (can be priced by site or by kWp) Price /kWp Flat rate4 Describe in full £ Fill in Confirm either Or5 Describe in full £ Fill in Confirm either Or6 Describe in full £ Fill in Confirm either Or


Price VariationThe indicative prices provided at this stage are not expected to increase during subsequent stages but can be reduced to suit Part 2 cluster tenders. Any discussion of price variation due to unforeseen circumstances will be considered, however it is not expected.

General Variations to ContractIt is possible that other unforeseen additional work will arise during the course of this contract. The scope of works outlined above may give rise to a requirement for a variation in agreed works or a contract extension the successful consultant would be expected to quantify its charges for any potential additional work. This will also be subject to formal approval by Local Energy Scotland and the funders prior to any further work being undertaken. Equally, as the project progresses, ‘showstoppers’ to the solar PV development may become apparent and further work after this may not be worthwhile. In this case, formal agreement will be made to discontinue, and no liability would remain through this process.Terms and ConditionsThe scope of works outlined above covers the list of tasks currently required by Local Energy Scotland who reserve the right to vary these requirements, by mutual agreement with the successful consultants.

Intellectual PropertyThe reports, presentations and all intellectual property and copyright of all materials prepared under this commission shall rest with Local Energy Scotland.

Non-Solicitations ClauseBy participating in the Stage 1 process, or upon the decision to cease the progression of the contract, a non-solicitation period of 12 months will be enacted against all contractors with regards to any individual member of any cluster of sites and with any individual site. This period may be reduced at the sole discretion of Local Energy Scotland.

Assumed in ProvisionInstallation SpecificationThe contractor’s primary responsibilities are to undertake and perform all the works and services required for the planning and construction of the completed Photovoltaic Systems (PVS). These primary obligations include;

1. Drawing up the final and working plans for the construction of the PVS.2. Detailed electrical, mechanical, computer and civil design and engineering of the PVS.3. The selection, procurement, transport and delivery of all materials required in the construction of the

PVS.4. Constructing and equipping the Photovoltaic power plant, including Managing, coordinating and

supervising the construction project.5. Implementation of all works required to connect the PVS to the electrical grid and co-ordinating (but not

including) the works commissioned from the Distribution Network Operator. This includes procurement and implementation of all works identified as contestable by the DNO in the connection offer.

6. Carrying out on behalf of the Customers in the Group all inspections, acceptances, tests, certificates and measurements, which are required by authorities and/or the DNO.

7. Provision of a data monitoring system to monitor the performance of the plant as well as the environmental conditions affecting the performance of the Plant.

8. Providing assistance to the Purchaser in respect of the conclusion of a contract for the provision of a data communication connection regarding the remote data monitoring system (such contract to be


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concluded between the Purchaser and the telecommunications service provider).9. Option to Carry out Operation, Maintenance and Monitoring of the plant for the first 5 Years.10. Ensure that the PVS is constructed in compliance with Health and Safety regulations and Local

Building Control.11. Liaison of any civil, landscape, environmental and health and safety issues.12. The contractor is responsible for all permits in connection with the PVS.13. Other contractor obligations include (beginning with the construction phase and ending with the formal

acceptance of the PVS):a. Providing additional site facilities required on the Construction Site.b. Transporting to and from the Construction Site and storing and securing on site all the tools and

equipment required in the construction of the PVS, unless agreed with the Group/individual sites as part of a cost reduction

c. Providing facilities for adequately supplying the Construction Site with water, electricity and heating as required in the construction of the PVS, unless agreed with the Group/individual sites as part of a cost reduction

d. Keeping the Construction Site in a clean and orderly condition taking into account the prevailing weather conditions.

e. Liaising with the Distribution Network Operator regarding grid connection of the PVS.f. Testing and Acceptance of components and sub-assemblies on site.g. Installation, testing and commissioning of the plant.h. Liaison with appropriate stakeholders for the power evacuation plan and power plant

certification, approval and acceptance.i. The provision of plant technical manuals and user O & M manuals for the completed PVS.j. Provision of all ‘as built’ drawings for the PVS including: PV array site plans, electrical line

diagrams, structural installation drawings, wiring and Earthing diagrams, Transformer and HV switch enclosure installation drawings, drawings of all underground trenches foundations and facilities.

k. Provision of in-house training in operation, testing, monitoring and maintenance of the plant. Ensure compliance with all the regulatory and quality standards.

l. Provision of any information required for the customer to discharge their duties and obligations in accordance with their planning application, including the traffic management plan, pollution response plan and final design of the site including lighting, fencing and poles etc.

General System Description and Specification1. The PVS shall consist of PV arrays, fixed PV array support structures, String/Array combiner boxes,

DC cabling, DC distribution boxes, Inverters, AC cabling, AC distribution boxes, AC energy meters, transformers, controls, HV cables, Earthing conductors and protection equipment where necessary

2. The system should be designed to maximise the return on investment at the site3. The operating life of the plant shall be minimum 25 years.4. The degradation in power output of the plant shall be no more than 10% in the first 10 years of

operation and no more than 20% after 25 years of operation.5. The PVS must be designed with an availability of at least 98% over the lifetime of the plant.6. The overall power performance ratio of the system shall exceed 70%. (Sum total of the system power

losses shall not exceed 30%). This allows for elevated module temperature during afternoon hours, for global solar radiation in the Plane of Array (POA) of 1000 W/m2, a 1000kWp PV power plant AC output shall be a minimum of 700 kW at any time during the day. Correction shall be applied based on available solar radiation. For example, for 800 W/m2 radiation, 1000kWp PV power plant shall produce min. of 560 kW AC output.

7. The overall energy performance ratio of the system shall exceed 75%. (Sum total of the system energy losses shall not exceed 25%). For global solar insolation in the Plane of Array (POA) of 5 kWh/m2 (5 Peak Sun Hours) for the day, 1000kWp PV power plant AC energy output shall be minimum of 3937.5kWh for the day.

Detailed System Description1. The PV array shall consist of mono-crystalline, multi-crystalline or thin film PV modules, the contractor

must justify the selected use of modules used in the design of the PVS.2. The power rating of each individual PV module should be a minimum 250 watt peak at STC.3. The rated maximum power rating of PV modules should have positive tolerance in range of 0 to +3%

and the negative temperature coefficient of power for PV modules should be less than or equal to 0.45% per deg. C.

4. The PV strings and array shall be designed to match the inverter input specification.5. The modules shall be provided with hermetically sealed junction boxes with provision of min of 3 by-

pass diodes. The junction box should have hinged, weatherproof lid with captive screws and cable


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gland entry points.6. The front surface of the module shall consist of impact resistant, low iron and high transmission

toughened glass.7. The module frame shall be made of corrosion resistant material electrically compatible with the

structural material used for mounting the modules.8. All solar PV modules shall comply with either IEC 61215(Crystalline PV modules) or IEC61646 (for thin

film modules) as well as certified to UL1703.9. The solar PV modules shall come complete with solar cable connectors that meet international

standards for module interconnection (MC4 or equivalent).10. A minimum performance warranty of 25 years shall be provided with degradation in power output less

than 20% over this 25 year period. The power output degradation in the first 10 years must not exceed 10%.

11. The solar PV modules electrical characteristics including current-voltage curves, and temperature coefficients of module power, voltage and current etc., shall be provided with the datasheets for the modules.

12. All relevant literature and technical information for the solar PV modules must be provided. This specifically includes: Voc, Isc, and Wp at STC conditions. The relationship between temperature and module output, I-V curves for 500, 700, 800 and 1000 W/m2 solar input, physical size and weight and details of the materials used in construction, particularly backing material and encapsulation material.

13. All Flash test data for the solar PV modules shall be provided including Vcc, Isc, Pmax, Vpm, Imp and fill factor etc.

14. A product warranty of a minimum of 10 years from the date of delivery shall be provided. It shall warrant the PV modules supplied against any defects in materials and workmanship under normal, application, installation, use and service conditions.

15. The solar modules must be recognised as bankable to major financial institutions. Modules should be classified as ‘Tier 1’ by Bloomberg new energy finance. Selection of Tier 2 modules must be justified for their bankability within the proposal.

16. The sine wave output of the inverters shall be suitable for connecting and synchronising to the 415V, 3 phase AC LV voltage side of the LV/HV transformers.

17. The inverter shall incorporate grid islanding protection, suitable DC/AC fuses/circuit breakers and voltage surge protection. Fuses used in the DC circuit must be DC rated.

18. The inverter shall have internal protection against any sustained faults and/or lightening in DC and mains AC grid circuits.

19. The inverters must be G59/2 compliant which automatically disconnect the solar PV supply from the grid when the AC output is outside the limits defined in Engineering Recommendations G59/2. Isolating transformers shall be installed on the AC side of the inverters to eliminate the possibility of the system injecting DC current into the grid. Reconnection shall occur locally at the location of the inverters.

20. The inverters must have at least a 5 year warranty Guarantee.21. The inverter shall include adequate internal cooling arrangements (exhaust fan and ducting) for

operation in a non-AC environment.22. If the inverters are to be located outside they must have an IP65 rating.23. If the inverters are to be enclosed in cabinets, the inverter cabinets must be IP65 rated and the

inverters must be compatible with the environment expected at the site. The cabinets shall be designed for operation with natural cooling as far as possible. If cooling by forced convection is required, at least two (2) numbers of ventilation fans each rated at 100% of the required capacity shall be provided. The ventilation fans shall be equipped with monitoring, control and alarm signals.

24. The maximum permissible DC input voltage to the inverters shall be 700V and the THD must be less than 4%.

25. The inverters shall provide display of Time, PV array DC voltage, current and power, AC output voltage and current (All 3 phases and lines), maximum AC power generated and Instantaneous Power (Active, Reactive and Apparent), Power Factor (All 3 phases and cumulative) and frequency. Remote monitoring of inverter parameters must be possible to connect to the PVS monitoring system.

26. The inverters provided shall have an efficiency of at least 94% at full load operating condition.27. The solar PV system shall have a lagging power factor greater than 0.9 when the output is greater than

50% of the rated inverter output power.28. The inverters shall fully comply with the utility interface specifications set forth in IEC 61727. The

inverters shall also comply with IEC 61000-6 regulations on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) emissions as well as IEC 61000-3 regulations on limits for harmonic current and voltage fluctuations emissions.

29. The inverter system and all associated electrical components shall be effectively linked to the main earthing system of the electrical distribution network (permission to connect to this main earthing


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system must be agreed with WPD prior to connecting).30. The inverter system shall include DC ground-fault protection, which must disable the solar PV module

in the event of a short-circuit to ground on the DC input of the inverter.31. Independent of whether a multiple string inverter solution is provided or a central inverter solution, data

must be provided for all DC strings connected to the inverters. The contractor must justify their choice of inverter design in their proposal.

32. It is the contractor’s responsibility to ensure that the Installation has adequate earth fault protection and no liability will be accepted by the group if its earth terminal or electrode is incorporated in power plants earthing system. The contractor must commission an earthing study at the site if this is required to facilitate acceptance of this responsibility.

33. It is the responsibility of the contractor to provide all earthing arrangements at the site that meet the specifications and within the Engineering specification EE SPEC:89/2.

34. Any costs associated with making the generator site or substation ‘cold’ or mitigating the effects of being ‘hot’ shall be borne by the contractor.

35. String/Array combiner boxes shall incorporate DC string circuit breakers, DC array disconnect switches, lightening and over voltage protectors using screw type terminal strips and strain-relief cable glands. The SPD’s shall be rated in accordance with IEC 61643-12.

36. All DC and AC cables shall be terminated using suitable crimped cable lugs/sockets and screw type terminal strips. No soldered cable termination shall be accepted.

37. All wiring must be certified in accordance with the 17th edition IEE wiring regulations (BS7671).38. Only terminal cable joints shall be accepted. No cable joint to join two cable ends shall be accepted.39. String/Array combiner boxes shall be secured onto metal support structures.40. Conduits/ cable trays shall be provided for all DC cabling, these should be adequately secured to the

PV array mounting structures.41. The DC and AC cable type shall be PVC/XLPE insulated, suitably armoured, 1000V grade multi-

stranded copper conductor. Appropriate colour coding shall be used.42. The DC and AC cables of adequate electrical voltage and current ratings shall be also rated for ‘in

conduit wet and outdoor use’.43. AC cables running in trenches from the Inverters to the AC combiner boxes and transformer housings

must be in compliance with the IEE 17th Edition Wiring Regulations, located in conduit; external openings to the conduit must be adequately sealed to prevent the ingress of wildlife or excessive water into the cable ducting.

44. All cables supplied must conform to the requirements of UL4703 or TuV standards for the use of Photovoltaic systems. All DC cables must be single core double insulated solar cable with a voltage rating of 1000V.

45. The contractor shall propose and submit all cable outing drawings ensuring optimum system efficiency for the customers approval prior to cabling works.

46. The total DC cable losses shall be maximum of 2% of the plant rated DC capacity over the specified ambient temperature range.

47. The DC and AC cable size shall be selected to maintain losses within specified limits over the entire lengths of the cables.

48. AC distribution/combiner boxes shall incorporate AC circuit breakers, surge voltage protectors, any other protection equipment, screw type terminal strips and strain-relief cable glands.

49. The total AC cable losses shall be maximum of 1% of the plant AC output over the specified ambient temperature range.

50. All cable trays shall be either powder galvanised steel, galvanised steel or aluminium.51. An external G59 disconnection relay(s) must be provided to protect the grid and PV system from

irregular AC power characteristics.52. An external disconnection switch in the form of an isolator shall be provided to disconnect the inverter

systems from the grid. The isolator shall be the ‘lockable’ type.53. The contractor will be responsible for all Civil Engineering works required for the construction of the

solar PV power plant.54. These works are to include all the work required to prepare the installation for grid connection as well

as all civil works.55. These works will include but are not limited to:

a. Advising the group on any preparatory works required prior to possession of the site.b. Preparation and definition of all cable and earthing trenches for the PV System.c. With the permission of the group, the trimming of trees and hedgerows to minimise shading at

the site.d. The construction of all foundations required for the transformer and switch enclosures,e. Provision of all trenching works, unless agreed with the group as a cost reduction measure


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f. The provision of all on site Civil Engineering works required for the grid connection including excavation, dressing and backfilling including ducting and re-instatement where necessary. To safeguard the cables, cable marker tiles must be laid approximately halfway between the cable and the ground level.

g. The demolition and removal of all temporary site facilities upon construction completion, which will also include redundant or surplus materials and spoil, unless otherwise agreed.

56. The PV array should be oriented in the direction of solar south to maximise the ROI for the solar plant maximising the power generated whilst minimising the effects of shadows due to adjacent PV panel rows. Consideration should be taken for the initial design proposal submitted for planning and the finalised design should not deviate significantly from this proposal.

57. Adequate spacing shall be provided between two panel frames and rows of panels to facilitate personnel protection ease of installation, replacement, cleaning of panels and electrical maintenance.

58. The contractor shall be responsible for all civil tests required as part of the qualification of the site required for the design process including soil samples and geodetic surveying. Results of the tests must be given to the group. Note that some ground condition tests are provided with this tender.

59. Array support structure shall be fabricated using corrosion resistant galvanised steel, aluminium or equivalent metal sections.

60. Array support structure, welded joints and fasteners shall be adequately treated to resist corrosion. The support structure shall be free from corrosion when installed.

61. PV modules shall be secured to the support structure using screw fasteners and/or metal clamps. Screw fasteners shall use existing mounting holes provided by module manufacturer. No additional holes shall be drilled on module frames. Module fasteners/clamps shall be adequately treated to resist corrosion. The Module Fastener/clamps/screws should be selected to avoid any electrolytic corrosion with the other metal structures in which they come in contact with.

62. The support structure shall withstand wind loading appropriate to the site location.63. Adequate spacing shall be provided between any two modules secured on PV mounting structure for

improved wind resistance.64. The structure shall be designed to withstand operating environmental conditions for a period of

minimum 25 years.65. The contractor must undertake all the necessary works required to connect the solar PV power plant

including all contestable works defined in the connection agreement66. All other connection works are to be undertaken by the contractor and must comply with ‘Construction

and Adoption Agreement’ or other standards as required. The contractor must satisfy that they have the necessary competence and experience to carry out the work properly and safely, including where appropriate providing evidence of accreditation under a registration scheme.

67. The contractor is responsible for completing all connection works within the schedule68. If remedial works are required to be undertaken as a result of the fault levels calculated from the

system design, these remedial works are to be carried out at the expense of the contractor.69. The contractor must ensure that all generators connected to the network conform to National

Engineering Recommendation G59/2. This will include requirements for interface protection, including loss of mains protection.

70. The contractor must ensure that any Voltage fluctuation or unbalance and harmonics caused by any of its electrical equipment on the Development side, does not exceed the levels laid down in National Engineering Recommendations P28, P29 and G5/4.

71. The contractor must ensure that all harmonics must not exceed the levels laid down in National Engineering Recommendation G5/4. G5/4 sets down the ‘limits for harmonics in the United Kingdom supply system’.

72. The contractor will undertake all the required electrical testing to satisfy that the PV power plant conforms to all the applicable standards.

73. The contractor must provide at least 3 paper copies and 2 electronic copies of all ‘as constructed’ drawings, documentation, datasheets and design calculations for the PVS including the following drawings which are to be supplied in AutoCAD (DWG) format;

a. Mechanical layout drawingsb. Drawings of all civil engineering works including all foundations and underground cable

trenches.c. Detailed electrical drawings with cross references to on-site labelling of all electrical equipment.

74. The following minimum warranties are required for the PVS system and components;a. Power plant power performance ratio-min. 75%, Power plant energy performance ratio-min.

81%b. 2-year complete system warranty.c. Solar Modules: Workmanship/product replacement-10 years


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d. A 25 year PV Panel warranty Solar Modules: min 90% power output for 10 years and 80% power output for 25 years.

e. Inverters: Workmanship/product replacement-5 yearsf. Power Evacuation and Metering Equipment: Workmanship/product replacement-2 yearsg. BoS: Parts and Workmanship-2 yearsh. Power Plant Installation: Workmanship-2 years, PV Array Installation: Structural - 2 years

75. If the contractor intends to offer O&M service for the plant, it is required to provide a detailed listing of all preventative maintenance schedules required for successful operation of the PVS in accordance with the performance guarantees provided by the contractor.

76. The contractor will provide a catalogue of replacement parts including pricing and supplier details for all materials required to maintain the PVS.

77. The contractor must provide enough spare parts to the customer, stored at a local location, in order to maintain the system for at least 5 years.

78. All components, sub-assemblies and system test parameters shall be verified onsite to ensure they meet the required specifications

79. Flash test data shall be provided by the manufactures of the individual PV Modules detailing Name Plate Ratings, Voc, Isc, Vmp, Imp and peak power of the solar modules.

80. As a minimum the following mechanical completion tests should be performed by the contractor and the customer will reserve the right to be present to witness test these procedures.

a. Confirmation that the plant has been executed to the as-built design.b. Confirmation that the plant has been constructed according to the applicable laws.c. Confirmation of the presence of functioning safety equipment such as surge arresters and

earthing.d. Verification of correct operation of the on-site monitoring system including correct operation of

the SCADA system. Verification of correct operation of the meteorological system.e. Complete installation of the site security system.f. Verification of site drainage.

81. The following visual checks must be performed on the completed on the PVS prior to Grid connection;a. Confirmation that all grounding straps are in place on the module mounting structures, there is

no footing erosion and cable entries are properly sealed.b. Confirmation that there is no damage to any PV module and they are all functioning correctly,

clean and securely affixed with no signs of corrosion with correctly wired junction boxes.c. Check the continuity and insulation resistance on all conductors, visual checks on the quality of

the cable insulation and connections. Check the conductivity of all conductors and earthing structures. Confirmation of the integrity of the conduit and enclosures as well as fused and unfused disconnects. Check the AC Circuit Continuity, Earthing Continuity and Resistance of DC/AC

d. Cables Terminations. Confirm the presence of Physical Colour Coding of cables and appropriate safety labels. Check for correctly installed Cable Glands and Strain Relief Physical Connectors. Check the Fitment of Conduits/Cable trays.

e. Check the operation of the DC circuit breakers, AC circuit breakers, GFDI’s and DC disconnect switches. Check the insulation resistance of all live conductors.

f. Confirm that the air intake ducts are clear on the inverters and all cooling fans are operational. Check that all inverter(s), transformer(s) and inductor enclosures are intact and correctly sealed.

g. Selective torque testing on module mounts and wiring components.h. Once these tests have been successfully completed the CONTRACTOR will issue a

mechanical completion test certificate prior to grid connection.i. The quality of the supply from the PV power plant will be tested including: Harmonic Distortion,

Frequency, Voltage, Current, Power Factor, DC Injection and Phase Current Balance.j. The power output of the plant will be measured to confirm that the correct kWp has been

achieved at the plant.k. AC voltage, AC current, AC active power, (kW) AC reactive power (kVAR) , AC apparent power

(kVA) ,Power Factor ,Frequency ,Efficiency will be measured and analysed at every inverter.l. Measurement of the DC cables Voltage Drop (2% max) and AC cables Voltage Drop (3% max).m. Thermographic testing of all combiner boxes and transformer connections.n. Testing and commissioning of the inverters: for correct operation and control, testing of wake up

and sleep operation, anti-islanding, array utilisation and maximum power point (MPP) tracking.o. PV Energy Meter 48 hour Operation and Correlation with measured output from the inverters

(within 0.5%).p. Once the customer is satisfied that all tests have been completed successfully and the plant is


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operating correctly the CONTRACTOR will issue a Provisional acceptance test certificate to the customer who will then take on ownership of the power plant. At this stage the customer and contractor will agree a snagging list with completion deadlines for completing all outstanding minor works at the site.

q. The plant will continue to be monitored and maintained by the contractor over the next 12 months where the performance ratio, energy yield and plant availability will be monitored, on successful performance of the plant and successful completion of the plant snagging list, then final acceptance will be achieved.

82. It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the PVS is designed and constructed to all applicable standards including the standards detailed below:

a. IEC 60364-7-712: Electrical Installations of Buildings: Requirements for Solar PV power supply systems.

b. IEC 61727: Utility Interface Standard for PV power plants > 10kW.c. IEC 62103, 62109 and 62040 (UL 1741): Safety of Static Inverters - Mechanical and Electrical

Safety aspects.d. IEC 62116: Testing procedure of Islanding Prevention Methods for Utility - Interactive PV

Inverters.e. PV Modules: IEC 61730-Safety qualification testing, IEC 61701-Operation in corrosive

atmosphere.f. IEC 61215: Crystalline Silicon PV Modules qualification.g. Engineering Recommendation G59/2-1 issue 2, Recommendations for the connection of

generating plant to the distributed systems of licensed distribution network operators.h. Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity regulations (ESQCR):2002.i. BS7671- 2008 requirements for electrical installations.j. BS EN 60255 series Measuring relays and protection equipment.k. BS EN 61810 series Electromechanical Elementary relays.l. BS EN 60947 series Low Voltage Switchgear and Control gear.m. BS 7354: Design of High Open Terminal Substations.n. BS 7430: Code of Practice for Earthing.o. BS 1432: Specification for copper for electrical purposes: high conductivity copper rectangular

conductors with drawn or rolled edges.p. BS 6360: Specification for conductors is insulated cables and cords.q. BS 4109: Specification for copper for electrical purposes: Wire for general electrical purposes

and for insulated cables and flexible cords.r. BS 2898: Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for electrical purposes.

Bars, extruded round tube and sections.s. BS 1377-3: Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. Chemical and electro-

chemical tests.t. BS EN13043: Aggregates for use in bituminous mixtures and surface treatments for roads,

airfields and other trafficked areas.u. BS EN60298 EN 60298: A.C. metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages

above 1kV and up to and including 52kV.v. Guide to the short-circuit temperature limits of electric cables with a rated voltage not exceeding

0.1/1.0kV.w. Effects of current on human beings and livestock. Part 1: General aspects.x. EA TS 41-24: Guidelines for the Design, Installation, Testing and Maintenance of Main Earthing

Systems in Substations.y. EA TS 43-94: Earth Rods and Connectors.z. EA ER S34: A Guide for Assessing the Rise of Earth Potential at Substation Sites.aa. EA ER S36: Identification and Recording of ‘Hot Sites’ –Joint Electricity Industry/British Telecom

Procedure.bb. EN 61000-6-4: 2007 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Generic standards. Emission

standard for industrial environments.cc. EN 55022: 2006 Information technology equipment. Radio disturbance characteristics. Limits

and methods of measurement.dd. EN 50178: 1997 Electronic equipment for use in power installations.ee. IEC 61683: 1999 Photovoltaic systems – Power conditioners – Procedure for measuring

efficiency.ff. IEC 61215 Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules – Design qualification and

type approval.gg. IEC 61646 Thin-film terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules – Design qualification and type


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approval.hh. EN/IEC 61730 PV module safety qualification.ii. IEC 61701 Resistance to salt mist and corrosion.jj. UL 1703 Comply with the National Electric Code (NEC), OSHA and the National Fire Prevention

Association.kk. BS EN 60044 Instrument transformers, Current transformers.ll. IEC TS 6100 Electromagnetic Immunity for power station and substation Environments.mm. ENA Engineering recommendations G5/4.nn. ENA Engineering recommendation P2/6 Security of supply.oo. Health and Safety at Work Act (HASWA): 1974.pp. Electricity at Work Regulations (EaWR) 1989.