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Implementing a Central Asian Center for Teaching, Learning and Entrepreneurship CACTLE

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Implementing a Central Asian Center for Teaching, Learning and



Project resumeERASMUS+ 561495-EPP-1-2015-1-AT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

«Implementing a Central Asian Center for Teaching, Learning and Entrepreneurship -CACTLE»

Grant holder: Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien- Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria.Project Coordinator: ProfessorJosef AffEuropean partners:Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria;  Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany; UniversitatOberta de Catalunya, Spain; Universidade da Coruna, Spain.Projectpartners: 17 organizations in Central Asia.Project implementation period:2015-2018.

Aim of the project:This projectisdedicatedtoimplement a "Central Asian Center for Teaching, Learning and

Entrepreneurship - CACTLE" with the aim to:- promote and strengthen the relations between Central Asian higher educational institutions and

enterprises, as socio-economic actors;- foster intrapreneurial and entrepreneurial competencies byimproving the teaching

competencies of HEI-teachers;- create further training opportunities for employees of enterprises and institutions;- qualify students in entrepreneurship and business development.

The objectives of the project are:

1. Sustainable implementation of a CACTLE - Implementing a CACTLE as a virtual expert network institutionalized at the participating universities with a sustainable perspective.

2. Professionalization of HEI-teachers -Qualifying of at least 27 HEI-teachers as "Certified University Teachers - CUT", 18 HEI-teachers as "Advanced Management Trainers - AMT" on the basis of a certification program for CUT and AMT with a scope of 90 (CUT) and 60 (AMT) contact hours. Another 27 HEI-teachers will be qualified as CUT by the first alumnis during the third project year.

3. Professionalization of employees -Qualifying employees of enterprises/institutions in at least 48 CACTLE-further trainings designed and held by AMT in special fields of economics and business in Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstanand Uzbekistan.

4. Professionalization of students -Qualifying at least 90 students in Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistanin the field of "Entrepreneurship and Business Development - EBD" on the basis of a core-curriculum in a scope of 10 ECTS or equal in English or Russian.

Innovative character The qualification scheme for HEI teachers, employees, students and entrepreneurs will be mainly

designed as problem based blended learning settings which is highly relevant to the learning progress of all target groups. Videography will be used as innovative possibility to organize reflection processes.

Anticipatedresults :

CACTLE will have sustainable impactonhuman capacity building of Central Asian countries.

Higher demand for HEI teachers, employees and graduates with fostered intra- andentrepreneurial competencies.

Strengthened relations between Central Asian HEI and enterprises as socio-economic actorswithin the knowledge triangle

A series of seminars for employees of enterprises and institutions will be held duringthe 3rd project year. This will signalize chances of the endurance of THE CACTLE.

Business ideaofthe CACTLE centre.

THE CACTLE is a specialist for vocational education and training.

THE CACTLE: 1. improves the teaching competencies of university teachers;2. offers further trainings for enterprises – standardised or tailor-made;3. provides education for entrepreneurs to be able to found their own enterprise.

 THE CACTLE is implemented at 9 different universities in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and

Uzbekistan. It acts as a service unit for universities, enterprises and the civil society.  

The joint project № 561495-EPP-1-2015-1-AT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JPERASMUS+

“Implementing a Central Asian Center for Teaching Learning and Entrepreneurship-CACTLE”

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.