ai. xn.mhiah ll)l._______ • ,...

VUii. Ai. Xn.MHiaH ll)l. __ _____ , ...... ._____ I WI.\ iUAilU. PATI.UIJAY. AUCU'ST ik. , ____________ __ ________I’UH {•; F lV K (JE.VTa- ■V * *' ' ~FoiEt(^ ?oii As He Del Strong h'lattornT^lSnbURti . by Republican Vic^Presi* dential LNoroinee Before . Enormous ^Gathering at Topeka; Is Outspoken ------ AgainstrRepeai—bf—Eigh- teenth Amendment. . TItK cVllTIK I’lMXillAM T01’KKA~Kntin:7—Aiirr-18—Senntor- • Chnrlu!! CiirllK'nf Kniimis r(>ni;ull>' uccciiteil till* Rupulilicnii vlfo-tircnl- (lonlliil iinnfliiadoii li»ro loiluy und ' Onwn .it H -p o ln i, iilntfortu om- jiluiiilxlnjr .iirolilhltlon onforei'mi'iii. -farm relief iind tax n-iliicllon. Hi> pnlil Irlbiitc tu Proniaciit Conl- JdKC ntlll 10 Hi!r)iort lloiivt-r. lliu Itc- ]jiilillcAti prvKlilundnl nonilauo, nml _polnleilly nppValcir for-voriifn’ii’imp- piyrrlnT’ihn-Novonil-iir-eliictimi___. Hi« salil In- oiiunspil 0u‘ 'i7 'ii^ nf oUlKir the Iiiitl nniHiilmnii or tin- Volnlpnd ftet. ItiH fnrm ri’lliif. iiniRrniii ilepiirKxl from Uoovor'n as cniiiicliiti'il liy~tliu —'urcBWcnTini cnncirflin<5~<r~wbol(“ nRo: Iloili ulr.vlinKliieil tIin-ne<'i|'or-lblamL wnicrwik>'H, all! in ’c«}-oporallv(>H nml inrlffA on. forelRn fiirni proiluctH; liut whcrenH Hoover siiKKCiited Umt n>. prenldenl lie ffoiild confor V lth fnr- . 'w ork om nKrlciiJtniHi'* iir.'.liluin,'Cur- —tin-iwli^fwU il nptw^lntniunt nf n ,-ininU. Joint.cnnRretiMlomil coniinlttro lo nock, and find llio Hohitlon. * . curilii' cnilro Hpe«u woh liaTnd tlio need for'—contlnucil national I^roiporltv." 'l;Iilfi. h(i nald, csulil bo ItoukIU nbnut by.n nnpulillcnn vk;- —tnKy-luLKt—Vnvumtinr Mtlnu.»«,l liy_.i.i. Of tho followlntr H nioihodic "I: Tq protect, asrlculluro cffcc- • tlvely nml to I'ncournco It In ovory jjroper mnnnur." "2. To'protect Amcrlcnn Inlmr liy cnacilns till needed IcKlKlailnn, unit _Jiy pneoiiraRlnc closnr ,rolntl6nn' bc- .I’oae o r rnvor. To encaiirnKc .Bctlvp'pArtlcIpii* tlon by, women tn .ilin conduct of llio • \ “2. 'T o re<lncc thi- public dolil. puli- ho rspi-nicn nnd liixen. ' \"C. T j ii.'alniuln pcnco. chctiko In cdtnmerco wlili nil hntlonj. nnd Io enter cntnnKllnfc nlllancon wIih 'nonK .•'7. To oncoiiniKC nil .indiiMry-nml , tn malnmn,.a.»irnlnrHvii..>«rlff„w»h (tiitli-'ii hlRh vnouKh' lo fully I’rntoct American prndiiecrK, Ainnrlrnn prod- ucts iind.Amurlciin liibnr.ngplnnt for- clKn'comp'oilClon. ~ * ■^ri'nllniiK ItltiT Tmnnp(trfAtlAii *'S. To di'velop. lllll nnd oncournKe >ne:ip8 of Irimfiimrtntlon nnd rnnimii* nleatlati. nnllonttl and liiternnllmitil. I)v' Inn fj uml waior.~nmf In itio nTiv lliroiiBir7tHo coni'oMilnMnn of riiir" “ TDiniHT” tlH3 r*tnt)lfsliincni"“ uf .( tv*"* . pletc Sy*lcn> of inlnnd wntcrwnyn: Ihf r(wc*tnlillahnicnt of n ■Hlrnnu inerctianl mariDc: a stroni; poMAI nnd commercial alrcrafi ncrvlcc; and n FiooDwrera CBESTRUSHESra - B r TTallcA ATIiAJfTA- O*, Aig. lS-niTcr« . H«TOlleii by'rain* o r a .tropical filonn'ti^luio takHi 13 llTea and - liK^thp- MlllitmK.- pouw^ «tnnii lowprJn lhp.»«i In* liar from the fltioA damased I'M *. mont M l of the CaroUhnii aud > lnitndiil<4 wide mirlie* 'of plain' laud. Hundred* of famtlleti near Colitm- forccd from their home*. At>ove Columbia tbo flood wnlcr* of •the Drwid and Saluda river* convcrc- ed inlo ihe CongarM and Itie main /stream wa* at ll* hlsheit foT«l In yearf. The tame altiialioo oxl#leJ,i •near, Aur»»t4. .wber« .the Ravannan i rlrer *tretched mile* out of Its bankx. In Vlrflflla tho flood monaco was , • worst ftlon« the JamM a* awollen rlt- _er* 10 lho went poured ihelr surpJu* i Into tha alKam.' ‘ ' r Tho Mm« haroc of -wnshetl cnit: brIdSM. hlshway*. nUlroail bod*, m in- ed vropi anddamBCed bousca waa b«> Ini; r»p«al*d In the new- floodod arw ^ as tbo woatera CaToUnai nnd vlr- -«l»lt aod aoulherti and ctntral Oeor- gU watched the hljh' water* ebb. • ...Acijou.liie SATonnah from AusunU . -thi town.oMlamburit, a nesro settle- • .raoiu. w*a nnder Its roof^ -The .:00,;ababl|AnU were, belns eah«J for-JB Anjnata. -• •• A nftia mllo leree prtXeet* AujtuaU from tb* S4Tanft4b'rl»er *nd thc city wa* not beUaTod tn danier. Creut •( >lood FbmIdc. aTUWA. It-rFlood can, jlUoaa.rabatcd aomewbat butj f«an conUaued-Ia cortaln parta of U|» SqoUi oflnnndaUon from the sUrams^ that art 'flowlnf bank hUb. - | -' Already U PcrMma ara kaown ta ^T* bt«a kUItd la Ui*s« Sontbara iits Stres:^ t ivks Speech c '- - r t SEN. CHILES'CURTIS *. widcr'tmd-mciT0"^rnt5vut ««u «C tUo ovi-i-lnci;o.-i.HlnK poHidbllltii-K of tho ■•!i. . To Klve oiiiinl ami oxiici, jus- il: “ c- “ 10, T.I mippiiri. Ilm Hliito Kovnrii- tT'» .lU riL-IlM "II. To proHor.vo llie r«lor:il kov- urmncnl lu Hh- whole 'cnnnllliillonnl Ilic fiXlH.lInK Ii IkI j m n lu 'o f • niitloii-jl' coniicloiisne**. "12: To preservu llio liberty of thn. prc»»;' iMe. frui’doir;' -£f spoech and ^vorwhtlH—elvlU m w ly-nnd »gcurlt>--of, kidlvldunl rlshl*; nnd to pronmto tbo cause of education amonK tlio people. . "la. - To protect the llvas-ond prop, orty of nur cllUona by the onmplotlon nfn n n’dcaiinie lO’stcm cf flood, con- irol (or tiiu MIsfHsRlppl rlvor and itn' trlbularle.i. and. oUewhoro If ncecs- .wrrrito.=m*T»Dt|«ii|^^ llio Mli>»l*8lpj)l ynlley. • riillej Toward Velenini *'14. To conlinuo u Kcnfrou* pol- icy In tlio fuUllImcnt of olillnntlons to vetcruns (if our wnm, nnd t7 ox- teii'd ll to Ihelr'w[dhwA...ori>Iiiinn and depcndeni.'i." Curtis tinld 'Knpulillcan admlnlslra- tlouK ulwaya Iiud koiikIu tn aid tlie fiirmerH. ilu lecnll«d his own efforts rL’Vlewcd the work of tho Asrlculluri DeiKiiltnenL "Tlie dcvtlopiucni of-lnlnnd-water - ways. >ind water .trnnsporinllon in Konornl. Is cf creiil vuliiij ,lo tlio nErleullural section of tli'o country," Iio adi(f<l. "An cxli'n'slve project In Uila_xEcaiii-Ja-juui_icln£_c»ciaiusd. jtiUch^diim-ULJUiILjMimUan-vtiU. brlnK dccldi'ii relief In tho ilHflcul- Wi flIUI m it uf • ii.iu.M»}»uliur-fnfTn- protlucis. Tnrlff protection aRalnst foreign 'comiwilllon nlwnys lias boon (Continued on Pngo Scvcil) ------- REM)lNGOmlr [TOWARDtHESEA ' .. . • Rtormi .while property daninse will nmouni'to million*. Much of the cot- ton cr4)p .In Gcorsla;'North Cnrolinn, nnd yirclnla bn* )>e*n destroye<l.' -The erentsaLdanxer-nliprMiint Is'aL Rutherfordlon. .S'. C.. where moro than 100 men .wero worklnc on tho aand linnk l>nrrlcra to hold hack the waters of I-nko Liire. I.nlfl adrlcen snld thero was no Krcftt fear'felt for the safety of the dam hut that mnny Inhabitants of -the-dlMrlct -Wlpw-lbft-lako- wa»« cvnciiallne. . . Throush other partn of Ihe South condition* wero reported retum la»‘to nornialey. Hurricanes and hlsh wnter* were accountable for most of Ihe Heaths throueh tho three stales. \To<lar the situation beinn to caae somewhat. Ashovni«, N. C. wllbout train serrlco for 48 hours, js-as lo touch with outside commtinlcatlon. nfltrtram c into tho cltr "imo»t-bad been suspended. Rlreni In Mulb Oeorsia wero be- lieved shaUnc sllKhtly andobla'ied to the belief Hhat tbo ifo^t'of tbe hisif water'conditioos bad paased.' C^ondltlons continued *erion« in .Vlr- Klnla wllh rirer* reporied. nut ' at' VyncbhurK. Danville. RoanoVe - aad Driitol, .^Te Lake J.nre Dan.' Rim iEiiFoiuyro.s. .v. c , Aoe. i« —One hundred men worked ^ prerent the Drt»d »lrer and the lAk* Lunt dam.from clrlnc wv. thu* re- leastng thousand* of sall^U o(-wa* ter on tba'dlktriet. .............. Vanr'lntiablt^la'liclow the'dam left their homes last nlfbt. tearlns that a break tn the danf wa* implnont. The workmen, howcrer. rfportdd th*- had ttdpped aareral leak* and that .tbe vort; flf .tlie dtfiter was patt. ' — -■ -4 i if Acceptance Ivan Draws Double . . Salary, in Keeping • . . nyvnUBd rnss , _______ KI/IM )»ii.i, Turkesljiii. .lliiTT 1U_Iruii .KmHuoithixiib (nhleh Is IliiMlun fuf Irnn ilie lied Kji-d) nie Hll miieli tlml "i'-' flrhiN. nere forccd (•> d.iiiMo liU -iqibiry^-- -------------—: --------------- -—— hull U mi»n> lllllll 7 'leel inll nnd ^corn-MinnilhiKly . H«' irorkx on tl;e TiitkcNttiii*.siliiTl:i nillnmd uml Cnn <^if| a mil timt iTiJitId inv till' <ttrc.nt;th. tjf m-yomI men. , Imn rmnpliilned ihnl )ii> mbs iifnicli'd llltil nit'i'niinnoiix nppe- IIUv'e»tini;..fiir-iiiktniicc, ill l« I.'. - — poimd>*'«f-br('ikl-«IUi:i>ipr>_iui;.ii._ '{|I h Kiilnry muh luMiifrielont fu mee.t ' his Krorory bill. TJie locul oconimilo ooiiiints>{iiri ' iilileli rixi-H «v:i|!o KOiilrs. iterlili'd tliul'IIiV Hork ihl* reiT i-ji'il one - |t, rmnp.n-l5^i|i_»llh iitlior 111.__ lnin'rs''nitrcTit!fl!niriinif-ihp-pri«''’ " ;iiid llrd^red his pay d'ltiMi il. UNDliMHIP— -BRlTISrCREW RussianT-OfficiaU—W ill—Do Honor to Those Losl> ih / 'Baltic Fight. ' . By VatUd-PMSS' , MOSCOW,' Aug> 18 — Commander P ^ fr &~-Chapm^-compUnu-wiu>TniiC down at tlio wheel of Iho lirltinh sitb- marine, L-RC, It wan revealed today. The fliibmorslble-now Is In dock nt. Kronsladt and It wa* dcclosed lien: thnt akclotomi of 43 membcTH of the cruw hnd been found. Thc comnmn- jer'* Dody, wair a l tho wheel. Just whero he had been . li\ the HtlrrinK' nitvitl onftaBcraonUflf-Jiine. 10l!>, wlieii t-nhell from a Russian warship wnnk lho unclursoa crulL------ ^ ^ ' Ail of the flkclelons were aalVaRod ind—probnbly. -will -be - returned -to 3real Hrllaln. Tho llusfllan Rovern- nent first' pinna full military rites 'or tlio men. Rings and olher - pcrlonal effectH, iomiil_upim-Uio.liodlcs-ln.Uio-fuhn»ai.t Tho Russian proas today charKod :ont of it* losses In tho anti-Sorlet :ampalKn. Most of tlio newapapers Mlnei] out' tha Engllsli naval tiobks ihowed .only "soscral". casualllo* lu ho Daltle operation* witoroan 48 men ft'cni iln«n-nn ihn l^r.S.-only. on>^ f ho craft t» alnk. HAXK'jD0WELL*8 SISTER m STATE OF COLLAPSE By OalUd Pr*ss SBATTU:,. Wash.. Auk. 18—Rnslo Malivlch. 22 year old nlslor of Mark Dowell who WBB San Quen- in prison in Califomili yesterday for nurder, yras in a serlou* atate of men- ial collapse h,ere'loday. Informed of.her. hrothcr'a .ilentb ,lnt <• r»terdsy. tbo' Rlrriwcame' byiiltricat emergency call to the oily hosplul lirouRbt a physician. Tl\e call aald :i Iranian was dylni;. ' . Tho Bin was found intermitteoliy aushinir. and ciriai:- Opiate* were idmlnltfraAJn >)nlm har. ■ ...... . . FARMER KILLED INATIEMPTTO ! ARREST iftJGS, ValM Vr«n ] TORONTO.^OnL. Auk. J8-Thimas j Iack»oa,.^ublMek. Ont., farmer, was , tilled .and W alter Prank Laird. . )tT3tber* from Ohio, wer* wt^sded In ‘ I nlrfo mil* chaae of tbrw-baadltB * rho robb«d:«.aaU traio at Sudbury. 3AL, todsr.- One aftthe rehlM>rs waa bealen Into , jncoDsclouanea* by o u io f.^ o Lairds ; tnd capHired alonir* wfth 4L715. . ] TiM.bandiU bad mil IWiTFuar.lnLa i t-ditch. Jaekton. witb hte Uam. was l lelplns baul 4t out when .tBa' ih^^q ; »iran*rs caucht up and atUcked the^ i houah unarmed ese*pt for autMnpbDe Ml*. Th*y.w*ra''<3»»aIn*.U»* basdlla ' >«ca&s« tbn' bad stolen tha autoino- illa ol .Uielr .alitor. • . . « The-W dlti->»arded,’Oia»aMll w he M ri STOP • By Unite . OERlVIANy WILL DEM --------— <M'-riiiiiii.v-_i tiuiis t(» fori'i- <-viti;Hiitiiiii of llir-. lil loilii.v. ll was iitiih'i-stixiil tlin'l (lo H ritisli, Hiiliaii iiiiil l’>fl(;iaii covor llio Si'|iti?iiil)>'!' sosxiDii lif.lho. l.<-iit:i liVr ti'i-ril/ir.v, ____ ^ . . RAIN POSTPONES A . Ai.TOdNA. I'll.. Ann. 1«--'i'lio i-iioo sohfilllli-tl-fi.r-lliis'aft ..... . |iii*^riiniii‘(I UiUH liiiiinri'nMi afl onto [)ost.|ioaoil <>ii aoouiini .o'f ruin wliii iiiiikiiii; till' u' iukIoii tnii-l: ihiiiKori DURANT WILL BU NKW. VOIfiK. Aim. .IH— W illilti lim -r. will *tii|>i)orl liorhcl'l HOnv toclav liofiiro sailing; for I'Im.'ouo. IJ I'ioaifiiM Itr i'o]toal <if lho |^niliil)ilio. .S'E\t-VOKIC. -\ii>f.. lH— Irviiij ■KtrHl—N(tH«m»l-+*i‘-l^ii«'?*r't'**l<iy-iHi» w ho illlll l>cen noting' in nn ini.viKi^rj Hovi.'1 'H l'nioiilhK. \ynH‘ iio hliiKor m T lif ji|(ri*cmi*iit 'wJiioli KoinictI.v liai imtoil " li\' lifiiMinl i;illlsoiH'* of. K honnI of tliri'eliit-s. UoHMliOiin .stiitei . LAKE LURE Di lUiT.IIKllFOJU)'rO.N_.S’. ini^-s n\wve heru on n •HUiotL^ u biilwnrit al' tionii loiln.v of iis oiiiliirtso.wau- jmKsiiiK. SYLVIA IS SADL ]/)H A.vaivLKS, Aii>r. lH_n fniloil III ri'tiini homo fur inoaN jii (iiffiTciioo. Sylvia nrt'aiiK‘i'.'iuoli‘'u Hiijt-fnr ilivoiT.f on fHo lodn.v. --------- r* ----- MBANESM05MN- .1ASI'i-:il, A la., Aiik'. 1«— Manv H ill. ohtaiiK'il IHireiitiil coiisoiit-lii iltsloail iiiiirrit'd" tin- .voiuijr Iniiy'x. Oilliorl of KIdi-iilKo. Mo w as Kiiiil t iiumtiiH lioforo lho iw-dcHiitr. Hm i plemtetl.lljjui_HaiiL_l>c_\YdnH_iiQl—il • KAYE DON WIN nELKAVl', IB— IUl.V(' iJOl W on-lho KiiiriKf. ti-oph.v aiitoinobilo tho whei'i of 11 llriti.sli Alvin.' wns hc •- PETROLEUM-OUTEUT- W ASnlNOfb.V, Ati^r 12>-Fin I jiiln l yintPH'Bttrc'mi nf .Miiiuit hIio ]ictraUnim ill the D iiitwl Stiitcs 'aiii new tx?i'orti. 'T ho ip27 totnl wu. h i Till* reeonl-brcalnni? otittiut rciluci' dcvclopincjjt work nml "w l • OYCLO^fE. DEVASTATE . POUT AU PUINCK, Haiti. Au« tiinntod nnofficinU’y tortny I.o IrnVn d«*vu*_taj^(’d soutjwirn Itftiti.' Dam ap relief hicnmiri^i^ ilfrecfwrby'PrW ldP The Inrt^’f lowtw esonpfd thc worst ffrenti*sl in tho nirni distrii’ts, wher mined. ' " -- . _________^ ---------QOEBEL-SIAE! 1/)S ANGELES, Auu. lU—Th proposed iioii-slop m onl-btrnkiiiK layr<l for n few. lioiirA lodoy wliile kee i)oA«lle.” OoclicI said Uc cxp< l>. in . lliH tnko-off orijriimlly wn>i i OOEBEL ON L< IK)S AXQEC-ES,. Aur. 18—Ai riight to Ilnwaii, cxpcctod«(n leave rorJrjil ati'attentpt^tf-hrmk-ttHi- rceord. Qoelfel well Hy the “ Ynni Dani<>(l by H.. J. .Tuckfr.-oxvncr of «U(thtly more Ihttn 2G boiii^i,. Ls 1 s;tacRettily.\ • ■ .' LAST WORD r a o ir .nx'M8ELL.,, I KADISQN. Wlf., Atfc; JS -B irt Uak. ■oil. Rodiford to Bt,6ckbolm nier. passed over Rupert. Bdus* on Hudson I Bay at-l:S7 p. n.'todar, accordloc'to s fc-BUaaa(a.MC«lred.trDmJilm .^y Ura c Raratoa RtfUo coBvav-staUlBa-here: Ji nui >*IlWa,.V.abo,nt;.5^^^ aortheast of^CochraBc. Oat. > ‘T ^ A B 'F o i n r o ' . ■. c • Tho 'car «olea fro» Hlalop> Or- b 5hard 'Ja»t erwln* waa.fW»d today - ■hept-CM •»«. a halt nltea-.n«th ot e .The kpar«. tira war* r BUMtar4Btf'9»irti tte » n ni ptn c .y.l., ,, y JSAYSCOl MtTEBft Imes^-^adefs- 3d Press - lAND WITHDRAWAL , will-appunl ■lo.-tlie..Lt‘iiunti_ulL^’a^ hiiicliniii. it w as t'opiii'tod rolialily •rinntiy hns inl'iiniioil ifio Froiu'h. ■iinioiits llllil slii- will (loiiiaiiil at; III-'-Illl' withili'iiu'jil of ti'on|K from ^TOMOBILE RACE Wii.Ih iifiiiiial l^nu n'iilr> ailloMioliilo iim -al.H (.’i-look. Tho riio.. wns i-li Inul fallon thriiii|;nul llio iliiy. Oils for s|ii'fdiiiir.'. iirT7T)iri'ifiiiriiVfiiTTinTii'TuiMiiirii'i-. ’or fur pri'siiloiil. ho aiiiiouin'od )urant iilsii siiiiT ho oniHwil iiiinli- ■n la w ,. . . ' K IJ. Hnsslroim, •prvxidon't of lho y oaimoily -fof First .\nliojial fur K.sociai od w it li I lu' 'iirKiiin>^i>l i<>n- i) wilb First .S'nli(|iuil w as'loniii- Coniiedy' atui tli.a K irsl ..N'niional AM HOLDING T h f Ijiiki? l ^ i i r ^ nni. .M- onnhtrs ot .vKu lirnntl rivpr, stsJi ', ll 'wns loanied. Alvin linrdio. iTOdii»ufait^hg3;tTTn«?m iim W ca r ,Y NEOLECTED or Inisliaiid, Ur. H iii'rj' .Marlin, lld li'Ciited luT witb oontplclo in- I piottire ii«;lr<‘K,s, ohiirKi'ii in bor JMITF.r).STATES, ----------------- I'in (;. Jnviiipdoii. lli. of Cnrjioii I marry ili«>< Cliirn'Turner, but . 17-yt‘iir-«b1 Jiniil, -M iss'Ojiholiii lo liavf eojirleil tho annt for two fnlhoi- said iic was •"not oxac'll.\ nlerteru ----- ---------------------- ----- rs AUTO'EACE tl. ilrlvliigirH ritiK tr-iini-bVntTCi^r;- rnci' todii.V. I.con Ciishiiinn, nl ;cond.. -SETS-NEW-EECOBD-: -------^ ----- ml fiRuro.'i issued lodny liy-tlir iw tiic toUil production of eriidr lonntoil to 901.121l,(K)ft hnrrek,' « an i«iTen,se of 17 .per cent uvoi depro-'setl prices nud belped to Jdcattintr,” tin* b.urenti said. :S SOUTHERN HAITI- :. 18— A dcntb toll of avns ps- been .cmiwtl by n pyclono wbicb- :c wn-s- jnit n t ^I.OtKl.tKX). Active ‘n fK e n io rw re nrRajiizrtl todn.vr fiiry oE tilt* stonn. dntniiRe beinp n* crops woro leveled nnd o>a<b. ■P THgT.AVBT>______________________ IC tnkc-off of Art Ooobel oji n : fliRht to Xowt York wnn .^de- inechnnicK went over tbe “ Vnn- cetcd to RCl in the air nboiit II adiedulcil, for noon. . DNO PLIOBT rt Oocbcl. wnner of tbr Dole here about noon todny for .Vew kee Doodle” nnd will bc necom- tbe crnft. Tbe present reconl. held by Liciitenanla Kelly • and WILL HOXm C A M AU^^ ltOORESVlU<&. N. a-vn*WBBpe». [>Ie of MooreanUe to place a narlcar near the Oyinc .aeld in aem i >rr «f-ckpula toUio Oeman. the Uexlcaa nyta< .aee who k>et hla MTe iltemptla* a .aoo-atep night from s*ew, to Mexico qiy. Captain :arr*n*a.«on a ni*ht tr«n Mexlea 3ty to .Washlnttnn,-.wa» forced down jere by to*. ___________________ ' ■ • _ >t4ba feeid -Use. TM feeid.tine was repalrvd with a mbber. hote and tbe ear drlrto te towv. . ' m m yiDJGHI : PEACE M ISSmi: Reds Make.Brief Demon' siralion at New York As Ship Sails. By Uiiltail Pr*>i I .•^i:\V V()lUi. 'A.ifc', is -S.'.'.vii,i-y ..I s ta ir l<rlj.r):i: ()i <.ii hli‘ wiiy ti. ....................................................... aiill-U-ar |iarl. ^;rnu’lm;'onl <if ik k.,. Ilnllumi ' Ih.IW'.t M K.'IIui'. k :umI I'or- flt:ii M^iilHU-i- llrlaiid of Kram.'. iio Hiillod riirl>l.>»<liiv'i)ii (III- Ki't.adi llnor li.v .Iv'Praiic'\ <lo;-lli'iliij; i.. .IIh- cutiu vvllU f.,inin-.'i«' Bl-jintiiro-inn-i iriiT ------------: Al) lho ih- .li> Krunco ilr.'w nway fro'm lh.i pier, ninr.' lltiin Utn in.-m- InlinrI.oaciio jippi-iivil on lli<: ilork vvavInK bnci'nors whleli ih.'>" hn'd. Hniii>;Kl.Mr In Hi- i.|.-t l.iTin.Hi tir,.Jr.: "Diiu'ii willi'Anioi li'un 'Imjivr'lntliini''! Bald: • "Down wllh KoIIckk' h fako p.-nco trenly," and "hnndw off Nleannfiiiv" •I'kT police clinsed the demnnHinil- orw awny.________ ^ ______ • :• ___ Molla Mallory Is ^^IssiiBgifitiErcsf B y .TTait*<l ,P r e s s NKW YORK. Auk. IR—'nil- ond nf innihor hrllllnnt Hpuri carenr'uaH in I»:lit today wltli llie nnuuncemoni lltll .Molla UJursledl Micllory. el»ili.i (n^e^ women’u nnlionnl tcnnlh ch:im- Ion. I» "loxlnfc Inlorest" In tho niKiri. Mr*. Mnllor^'. who nover lias rsinked ^lw^■^ thnn ihlrd nnilonnlly In her 1:1 'cnrii.ns nn Amcrlcnn i.'nnU Mnr. :i'aihin1Iv U liirnlnu nwav from tlie im r, iWir MiiiMiia."'jiTnii«im' Mnr-' 'OO'. .N'ew Vork broker. Indleuled yei*- '■nlny In dlscnsiilnK.'her nliscnce from •rirly season t.mnmmmlii In Ihe :nll.'d .Sinte*. "Afler 211 ytarB of hard playlnc lr«...Mullory fc'lK nhr ha. re;iched I •urt' In Hcverul Euroi)can ir.ulclio* iirliit: onr irln ahroad earlier lo tlio iinmier. luu i innik sm« founii '1umre.iletil ploiisiifi's awiiy ffoin the ouris." ' ,2ROHlBrnON NOT ISSUE — AS::ERlNCTPT3;;:5 A¥S^KEC t ' By nalua , CHARI.0TTEV1LLK. Vu„ Anc. IS - I ’rohlbltlon "its ft principle" Is nol li Issue of tlio prcHldcntlnl cam- .mlRn. .Nellie Tnylor Ross, former ooremor of WyomlnK and staunch Alfred B. Smith *upportcr. told the Unlrcrsliy- of. Vlrclnln Instllule of Public Affairs today. "It cannot be connlderod nn IsKtie Itccauso tfic* conflict on. thc (iiienitun Is-wltliln, the pivrtles rather than be- Iwcen them.'- .NelOipr -proclaltuu-liself wei or dry," Mrs. Ross snld. Ik Herbert lloorcr's spccch accept- nK Ihc Republican presldenUnl nom* nnUon, Mr*. Rom said *ho wa* nn- iblo to .find "ono word Uiat indicated •irooKo^^nlleclnnce- * lo.. lhe__aStli tm'enm«ni liion Uorernor Smltli has ivowed," or moro friendliness to tho Volstead act. Il l« scarcely posslblo lo imaslno phrases more carofully, desianed to appeal lo both wets and drys.". Graft Charges to " __ Efe_Air^.Monday ' By M tM t Tnsa - , LOS AN'OELES^ AOS. I8-rMore erl- denee of purported bribery of ctly of- rfc'la)* of the Sonthent CallTonila Goa Company will be latrodaced when .t);s trial -ot B. £..'€wvener, fom er em- ploye ot the ^ p a n y , resume* Mon- lay. h ir ooutncl.-Aasosaead today. . Sweeney, ehatfbd with,, embetale- sent of UH.IXM from the saa conir W lir, elJrt:^ In tenrt the' entire lam ww«5;-»«h the approWl. of lla. * ^ H o r offlcOT*. to icreaae the ray lOr. ledalaltoa JkTormble to tU* mnatoUoji.. .• : * Sweener- alroMT haa-aattaid-Cbdr' 'oraer dtjr''eotmeflmea ;and three. >ther dtr ondals. aa •bsnac r^. Mlveil araaer; or other dti». fron Um m' n tm lat th* saw on oC«n-'eoa>-' pia# projecu. .,. , ■ , ON LIOyfiB I Navy! to Ptit End to Boot- I legt?i^ry-» H n nv<n- I Stf^nds for,Rigid Enforce*' ! mttnl So is for Him. in I Present Campaign; Be* , lieves Prosperity Aasijred; I— ----------- . ......... -• n>' uaii.a rrtti sri)»ruy. ,>iass„_.\iV. ts-\n ' iiiaHiir nh.i w las'lhe nexl presi- . deiilliil el.i|'l!iili.'the eeunlO''.will' i-oiilliino I.r enJ.ij pruKjicrllj', Hour) Kord lielleies. •'III.. HiiM (liliiL- ,f|,u( eonld 'riu]l|.Vii M.rnhriio a'^tPp-liackMurd------ III o n i ilu-ht iiKnIiist liijiier,’* he 'aldi .“ I Ilm lnlere«lcil In any. Ihliiir III iieep ihe IHIh nnieniJ.* — uieiil. a> lLjK.-Jtmuuter-*t<mds:------- — irii lliut belief, and I iini sure be' .l"i>». for hiia."'. "r>-i-nimally I'd turn oui'tho *nny -TtTTii iiiyy iii-iuup-linnncirininr---------------- "lllll ir tho law were clinnRcd, we'd lia.vir i.j Kliiii .n. iinr.tilnntH .Rt4.VY. iiiitm; III /he l'nlted' Stnfun in keyed :iiti li> a n.'W paee wiilvh Hlartcd wltlt .a'lJi!Lil)IUuli.'_.Tiii>-Kp«:ud—wltli—wliloh— W.I run our. nioior curs, operate our Inirloate, mncliluery, and • gcnoraily llv.i. would 1>.< IniposHlblo with II- .|ucir. .No, Ihuro I" no chnnco ovon-oC mo.|irienilon." — Koril.In-reslInK at hl»-Wa’y8ldtt^mi— here. TO GREENLAND By V^Ud Prssa' . C(»CHlt,\XK,. Ont; .Ao(j. IB— Tiio rniineplnne (intater RMk- f.inl tank off at JSil^ p. m. east. -■in._>.l- #>.p ■Mount Htunn. tireenland. ' . liert. llu^sell, and bis eompoav ion„ l'nrk^^ Cramer, hoped to mnko Ihe Innsr filxfat of th* bar* ren.woMet of l,ahmdor and the _ •Arctic SImllH.hy daybrrak to* Wvnthen reports were Rood aad.-tho pl^nc lufl to lho c h c o n ^ fcn ^ ^ ^ » f settlement. '. . ' . If they reach thoir noal,'the-Olera will hnvu completed lho'.aecoDd. part - of'an ndvonturou* flijtht Xrom.Rook*' ford;-Ill,T-to-fltoekholm.-:flwwtBn.-wltli— stops In Cochrane, Oreenland. and^ Icolqnd. ' . RKADY fo' r another 8TAST" COCHRA.NK. p n t, Au*. 18—Aimed* townrds the bnrron waates ot Can- ada and tlience oul to. *ea, tbe air- - pluno "Greater Rockford" wo* ready ' to start at. noon .today .on' the aee* '. ond ninjse of ll* flUht from' Rock* foi-tl. I^ . to BiockholD. Sweden. . ., , Yesiwdny Rcrt Hu»el- waa lorced' lo postpone his fllRht'tn'Uoont Kr* nns, areenland..bfC«uie.otJ)ad weath* _ er hut-wiUi hU flylnK comS£hrfiHr~ I’arker D. Cmmcr. expected ts t*t nway n.1 noon today. Lasl nlKht tbe two avlatora atndled ' ' weather report* a* they bad planned tu Icavo nt dawn. tDdlcatloaa that n.5rr-rjv^Wd*7:offdlUoa*-w6ta5-U— found al noon and they decided-on-,, lho later takeoff. Tli(7 hoped to reach tbelr deatlaaf tlon wllhln 18 bonrs, aad-the Booa:-- Ukeoff will permit'tbom reacblns tho. - orer water part of tbelr TOyac* be*. fore nichtfali. The piano U fneled .V -for-the Kcuway..- ■■ -■ ' . Dolores Grabs ^ — Ghancer^^DuM9dt^> Her Ovm pirectei^^ , ...... OS -BOARD 8. ;& -:XSL8V'::^ »HK‘ ntAKCK— •Dsi w i ag c S Dft Ri^ tu rnSiSi^tiSM-K i^m .. eirewi«.Narti<;:.i(»j>es5waM Xeir Tetfc taat ■ItpprtLidMk I* - fataWt, J a a wCwMHblllW

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Page 1: Ai. Xn.MHiaH ll)l._______ • , ...... ._____ I W I.\ iUAilU. PATI.UIJAY. AUCU'ST ik. • , • • ______________

VUii. A i. Xn.MHiaH l l ) l .__ _____ • ■ , . . . . . . ■ ._____ I W I.\ iU A ilU . PATI.U IJA Y . A UCU'ST ik . • , • • ____________ __ ________I’UH {•; F lV K (JE.VTa-

■ V * ■ * ' '

~FoiEt(^ ? o i i

A s H e D e lS t r o n g h ' l a t t o r n T ^ l S n b U R t i . by R epublican V ic^Presi*

■ dential LNoroinee Before . Enormous ^Gathering at

T opeka; Is Outspoken ------ A gainstrR epeai—b f—Eigh­

teen th A m endm ent.

. TItK cV llT IK I’lMXillAM T01’KKA~Kntin:7—A iirr-18—Senntor-

• Chnrlu!! C iirllK 'n f Kniimis r(>ni;ull>' uccciiteil till* Rupulilicnii vlfo-tircnl- (lonlliil iinnfliiadoii li»ro loiluy und

' Onwn .it H - p o l n i , iilntfortu om- jiluiiilxlnjr .iirolilhltlon onforei'm i'iii.

- fa rm relief iind ta x n-iliicllon.Hi> pnlil Irlbiitc tu Proniaciit Conl-

JdKC ntlll 10 Hi!r)iort lloiivt-r. lliu Itc- ]jiilillcAti prvKlilundnl nonilauo, nml

_ p o ln le i l ly nppValcir fo r-v o r iifn ’ii’ im p-piyrrlnT’ihn-Novonil-iir-eliictimi___.

Hi« salil In- oiiunspil 0u ‘ ' i 7 ' i i ^ n f oUlKir th e Iiiitl nniH iilm nii o r tin- Volnlpnd ftet.

ItiH fnrm ri’lli if . iiniRrniii ilepiirKxl from Uoovor'n a s cniiiicliiti'il liy~tliu

—'urcBWcnTini cnncirflin<5~<r~wbol(“ nRo: Iloili ulr.vlinKliieil tIin -ne< 'i|'o r-lb lam L wnicrwik>'H, all! in ’c«}-oporallv(>H nml inrlffA on. forelRn fiirni proiluctH; liut whcrenH Hoover siiKKCiited Umt n>. p renldenl lie ffoiild confor V l th fnr-

. 'w o rk om nKrlciiJtniHi'* iir.'.liluin,'Cur- —tin - iwli^fwU il nptw^lntniunt n f n ,-ininU.

Joint.cnnRretiMlomil coniinlttro lo nock, and find llio Hohitlon. *

. cu rilii ' cn ilro H pe«u woh liaTnd tlio need fo r '— contlnucil national I^roiporltv." 'l;Iilfi. h(i nald, csulil bo ItoukIU nbnut b y .n nnpulillcnn vk;-

—tnKy-luLKt—Vnvumtinr Mtlnu.»«,l liy_.i.i.Of tho followlntr H nioihodic

" I : Tq p ro tec t, a s rlcu llu ro cffcc- • tlve ly nml to I'ncournco It In ovory■ jjroper m nnnur."

"2. T o 'p ro te c t Amcrlcnn Inlmr liy cn ac iln s til l needed IcKlKlailnn, unit

_ J iy pneoiiraRlnc c losnr ,rolntl6nn' bc-

.I’oae o r rnvor.• ■ To encaiirnKc .Bctlvp'pArtlcIpii* tlon by, w omen tn .ilin conduct o f llio

• \ “2. 'T o re<lncc thi- public dolil. puli- ho rspi-n icn nnd liixen.

' \"C . T j ii.'alniuln pcnco. chctiko In cdtnmerco w lili n il hn tlon j. nnd Io e n te r cntnnKllnfc nlllancon wIih 'nonK

.•'7 . To oncoiiniKC nil .indiiM ry-nm l , tn m a lnm n,.a .» irn lnrH vii..>«rlff„w »h

(tiitli-'ii hlRh vnouK h' lo fully I’rntoct A m erican prndiiecrK, Ainnrlrnn prod­u c ts iind.A murlciin liibnr.ngplnnt for- clKn'comp'oilClon. ~ *

■^ri'nllniiK I tltiT Tmnnp(trfAtlAii *'S. To di'velop. lllll nnd oncournKe

>ne:ip8 of Irimfiimrtntlon nnd rnnimii* n leatlati. nnllonttl and liiternnllm itil. I)v ' Inn fj uml w aior.~nm f In itio nTiv lliro iiBir7tHo coni'oMilnMnn of riiir"

“ TDiniHT” tlH3 r*tnt)lfsliincni"“ uf .( tv*"*. p letc Sy*lcn> of inlnnd wntcrw nyn:

Ih f r(wc*tnlillahnicnt of n ■ Hlrnnu inerc tian l m ariDc: a stron i; poMAI nnd com m ercial a lrc ra f i ncrvlcc; and n

F i o o D w r e r aCBESTRUSHESra

- B r TTallcAATIiAJfTA- O * , A ig . lS -n iT c r «

. H«TOlleii b y 'r a in * o r a .trop ical f i lo n n ' t i ^ lu io takH i 13 llTea a n d

- liK ^ th p - M lllitm K .-pouw ^ «tnnii low prJn lh p .» « i In* l ia r from th e fltioA dam ased I 'M * . m ont M l of th e CaroUhnii aud

> lnitndiil<4 wide m irlie* 'o f p la in '• laud .

H undred* of famtlleti n e a r Colitm-

forccd from th e ir home*.• At>ove Columbia tbo flood w nlcr* of

• t h e Drwid and Saluda river* convcrc-ed in lo ih e CongarM and Itie main

/s t re a m wa* a t ll* h lsh e it foT«l In y e a rf. T he ta m e a ltiialioo oxl# leJ,i

• n e a r, A ur»»t4 . .wber« .th e R avannan i r l r e r * tretched mile* ou t o f Its bankx.

■ In V lrflflla tho flood monaco w as ,• w o rs t ftlon« th e Jam M a* awollen r l t - _ e r* 10 lho w ent poured ih e lr surpJu* i

Into th a a lK am .' ‘ ' rTho M m« h a ro c of -wnshetl cnit:

brIdSM. hlshw ay*. nU lroail bod*, m in ­ed v r o p i anddam B Ced bousca w aa b«> Ini; r»p«al*d In th e new- floodod a rw ^ a s tbo w oatera CaToUnai nnd v lr -

- « l » l t aod aou lherti and c tn tr a l O eor- g U w atched the h l jh ' w ater* ebb. •

• ...A cijou .liie SATonnah from A usunU . - th i to w n .oM lam burit, a n e s ro se ttle -• .rao iu . w*a n n d e r w a te r .fo Its ro o f^

-The .:00,;ababl|A nU w ere, be ln s eah«J for-JB A n jn a ta . - • • •

A nftia m llo le ree prtXeet* AujtuaU from tb* S4T anft4b 'rl»er *nd th c c ity w a* n o t beUaTod tn d a n ie r .

Creut • ( > lood Fbm Idc. a T U W A . I t- rF lo o d can,

jlU oaa.raba tcd aom ew bat b u tjf « a n conUaued-Ia co rta ln p a rta o f U|» SqoUi o f lnnndaU on from th e sU ram s^ th a t a r t 'f lo w ln f ban k hU b . - |

-' A lready U PcrMma a r a kaow n ta ^ T * b t« a kU Itd la Ui*s« Son tbara

iits S tr e s : ^ t

i v k s S p e e c h c

' - - r t

SE N . C H I L E S 'C U R T I S *.

w idcr'tm d-m ciT0"^rnt5vut ««u «C tUo ovi-i-lnci;o.-i.HlnK poHidbllltii-K of tho

■•!i. . To Klve oiiiinl ami oxiici, jus-

il: “c-“ 10, T.I mippiiri. Ilm Hliito Kovnrii-

tT'» .lU riL-IlM" II . T o proHor.vo llie r«lor:il kov-

urm ncnl lu Hh - whole 'cnnnllliillonnl

Ilic fiXlH.lInK Ii IkIj m n lu 'o f • niitloii-jl' coniicloiisne**.

"12: T o preservu llio lib e rty of thn. prc»»;' iMe. frui’d o ir;' -£f spoech and ^vorwhtlH—elv lU m w ly -n n d »gcurlt>--of, kidlvldunl r lsh l* ; nnd to pronmto tbo cause of education amonK tlio people.. " la . - To protec t the llvas-ond prop , o rty of n u r cllU ona by th e onmplotlon n f n n n’dcaiinie lO’stcm c f flood, con- iro l (or tiiu MIsfHsRlppl r lvor and itn' tr lbu la rle .i. and. oUewhoro If ncecs- .w rrr ito .= m * T » D t|« ii|^^

llio Mli>»l*8lpj)l ynlley.• r iil le j Tow ard V elen in i

*'14. T o conlinuo u K cnfrou* pol­icy In tlio fuUllImcnt o f olillnntlons to vetcruns (if o u r wnm, nnd t7 ox- teii'd ll to Ihelr'w[dhwA...ori>Iiiinn and depcndeni.'i."

C urtis tinld 'Knpulillcan adm lnlslra- tlouK ulw aya Iiud koiikIu tn aid tlie fiirmerH. ilu lecnll«d h is own efforts

rL’Vlewcd th e w ork of tho A sr lc u l lu ri DeiKiiltnenL

"Tlie dcv tlop iucni o f -ln ln n d -w a te r­w ays. >ind w ater .trnnspo rin llon in Konornl. Is c f c re iil vuliiij ,lo tlio nE rleu llu ra l section of tli'o country," Iio adi(f<l. "A n cxli'n 'slve p ro jec t In U ila _ xE ca iii-Ja -juu i_ ic ln£_c»c ia iu sd . jtiU c h ^ d iim -U L JU iIL jM im U an -v tiU . brlnK dccldi'ii re lie f In tho ilHflcul- W i flIUI m i t uf • ii.iu.M»}»uliur-fnfTn- protlucis. T nrlff protection aRalnst foreign 'comiwilllon nlwnys lias boon

■ (Continued on Pngo Scvcil)■ -------

REM)lNGOmlr[TOWARDtHESEA' . . . •Rtormi .w hile p roperty daninse will nm oun i'to m illion*. Much of th e co t­ton cr4)p .In G corsla ;'N o rth Cnrolinn, nnd y irc ln la bn* )>e*n destroye<l.'

-T h e e ren tsaL danxer-n lip rM iin t Is'aL R utherford lon . .S'. C.. w here moro th a n 100 men .wero w ork lnc on tho aand linnk l>nrrlcra to hold hack the w aters of I-nko Liire. I.nlfl adrlcen snld thero w as no Krcftt f e a r 'fe l t fo r the safe ty of the dam hut th a t m nny Inhabitan ts of -th e -d lM rlc t -W lp w -lb ft- lak o - wa»« cvnciiallne. . .

T h roush o the r partn of Ihe South condition* wero reported re tu m la » ‘to nornialey.

H urricanes and h lsh wnter* w ere accountab le for m ost o f Ihe Heaths th roueh tho th ree sta les.\T o< lar th e s ituation be in n to caae

som ew hat. A shovni«, N. C . w llbout tra in se rrlco fo r 48 hours, js-as lo touch w ith ou tside com m tinlcatlon. n f l t r t r a m c into tho c l t r " im o» t-bad been suspended.

R lre n i In M u lb O eorsia w ero be­lieved shaU nc sllKhtly a n d o b la 'ie d to th e belief Hhat tbo i f o ^ t 'o f tbe h is if w ater 'cond itioos bad paased .'

C^ondltlons continued *erion« in .Vlr­Klnla w llh r ire r* reporied . nu t ' a t' VyncbhurK. D anville. RoanoVe - a ad D riito l,

.^ T e L ake J .n r e D an .' R im iE i iF o iu y r o .s . .v. c , A oe. i«

—O ne hundred m en w orked ^ o d a r .to p re re n t th e D rt»d » lrer and th e lA k * L u n t d a m .fro m c lr ln c w v . thu* re - leastng thousand* of s a l l^ U o (-w a*te r on t b a 'd l k t r i e t . ..............

V a n r 'ln tia b lt^ la 'lic lo w the 'd a m left th e ir hom es la s t n lfb t . te a r ln s th a t a b reak tn th e danf wa* im plnon t. T he workm en, h ow crer. rfpo rtdd th * - h ad ttd p p ed aa re ra l leak* and th a t . tb e v o r t ; flf .tlie d tf i te r w as p a tt.

' — -■ -4 ♦ i

if A c c e p ta n c e

Ivan Draws Double . . Salary, in Keeping

• . . nyvnU B d r n s s ,_______K I/ IM )» ii . i , T urkesljiii. .lliiT T

1U _Iruii .KmHuoithixiib (n h leh Is IliiMlun fuf Irn n ilie lied Kji-d) n ie Hll miieli tlm l "i'-'flrhiN. n e re forccd (•> d.iiiMo liU

- iq ib iry ^ -- -------------— :--------------- -— —h u ll U mi»n> lllllll 7 'lee l inll

nnd ^corn-MinnilhiKly . H«'irorkx on tl;e TiitkcNttiii*.siliiTl:i n illnm d uml Cnn <^if| a m il timt iTiJitId inv till' <ttrc.nt;th. tjf m-yomI men., Im n rmnpliilned ihn l )ii> mbs

iifnicli'd llltil n it'i'n iinnoiix nppe- IIU v'e»tini;..fiir-iiiktniicc, ill l« I.'. -

— poimd>*'«f-br('ikl-«IUi:i>ipr>_iui;.ii._ '{ |Ih Kiilnry muh luMiifrielont fu mee.t

' h is Krorory bill.TJie locul oconimilo ooiiiints>{iiri

' iilileli rixi-H «v:i|!o KOiilrs. iterlili'd ■ t liu l 'I I iV H o rk ihl* reiT i-ji'il one - |t, rmnp.n-l5^i|i_» l lh iitlio r 111.__

“ ln in 'rs ''n itrcT it!fl!niriinif-ihp-pri« ''’ ";iiid llrd^red h is pay d'ltiMi il.


-BRlTISrCREWR u s s i a n T - O f f i c i a U —W i l l — D o

H o n o r t o T h o s e L o s l> i h / 'B a l t i c F i g h t . ' •

. By VatUd-PM SS', MOSCOW ,' Aug> 18 — Com mander

P ^ fr & ~-C hapm ^-com pU nu-wiu>TniiC

down a t tlio w heel of Iho lirltinh sitb- m arine, L-RC, It wan revealed today.

The fliibm orslble-now Is In dock nt. K rons lad t and I t wa* dcclosed lien: thn t akclotomi o f 43 membcTH of the cruw hnd been found. T hc comnmn- je r'* Dody, wair a l tho w heel. Just w hero he had been . li\ th e HtlrrinK' nitvitl onftaBcraonUflf-Jiine. 10l!>, wlieii t-nhell from a Russian w arsh ip wnnklho unclursoa crulL------ ^ ^' A il of th e flkclelons w ere aalVaRod

in d —probnbly. - w ill - b e - re tu rn e d -to 3 rea l Hrllaln. T ho llusfllan Rovern- n e n t f irs t' pinna full m ilita ry rite s 'o r tlio men.

R ings and o lh e r - pc rlona l effectH, iom iil_upim -Uio.liodlcs-ln.Uio-fuhn»ai.t

Tho Russian proas today charKod

:ont of it* losses In tho an ti-S o rle t :ampalKn. Most o f tlio new apapers Mlnei] o u t' th a E ngllsli naval tiobks ihowed .on ly " so scra l". casualllo* lu ho Daltle operation* witoroan 48 m en ft'cni iln«n - nn ihn l^r.S.-on ly. o n> f ho c ra ft t » alnk.


By O alUd Pr*ssS B A T T U :,. W ash.. Auk. 18—Rnslo

M alivlch. 22 year old nlslor o f Mark Dowell who WBB h a n sc d .a t San Quen- i n p rison in Califom ili yesterday for n u rder, yras in a serlou* a ta te o f m en­ial collapse h ,ere 'loday.

Inform ed o f.her. h ro thcr'a .ilentb ,lnt <• r» te rd s y . tb o ' R lrriw cam e ' b y i i l t r ic a t

em ergency ca ll to the o ily h o sp lu l lirouRbt a physic ian . Tl\e ca ll aald :i Iranian w as dylni;. ' .

Tho B in w as found in te rm itteo liy aushinir. and c iria i:- O piate* were idm l n l t f r a A Jn >)nlm har. ■....... .


V a lM V r«n ]TORONTO.^OnL. Auk. J 8 - T h im a s j

Ia c k » o a ,.^ u b lM e k . Ont., farm er, w as , til led .and W alte r P ra n k L aird . . )tT3tber* from Ohio, w er* w t^ sd ed In ‘ I nlrfo m il* chaae o f tb rw -b a ad ltB * rh o ro b b « d :« .aa U tra io a t Sudbury. 3AL, todsr.-

One a ftth e rehlM>rs waa bealen Into , jncoDsclouanea* b y o u i o f . ^ o L aird s ; tnd capHired alonir* wfth 4L715. . ]

T iM .bandiU bad m il IW iTFuar.lnLa i t-d itch . Ja ek to n . w itb h te U am . w as l le lp ln s bau l 4t o u t w hen .tB a' ih^^q ; »iran*rs c a u c h t u p and a tU cked th e ^ i houah unarm ed e se* p t fo r autMnpbDe M l* . Th*y.w*ra''<3»»aIn*.U»* b a sd lla ' >«ca&s« tb n ' bad s to len th a autoino- illa o l .U ielr .a lito r. • . . «

T h e-W d lt i- > » a r d e d ,’O ia»aM ll w •

heM riS T O P •


--------— <M'-riiiiiii.v-_it iu i is t(» fori'i- <-viti;Hiitiiiii o f llir-. lil loilii.v. ll w as iitiih 'i-stixiil tlin 'l ( lo H ri tis li , H iiliaii iiiiil l ’>fl(;iaii c o v o r llio Si'|iti?iiil)>'!' sosxiDii l if .lh o . l.<-iit:i liVr ti'i-ril/ir.v , ____ ^

. . ■ R A IN P O S T P O N E S A. A i.T O d N A . I 'll.. A nn . 1« - - 'i 'l io

i-iioo s o h f i l l l l i - t l - f i . r - l l i i s 'a f t ..... .|iii*^riiniii‘(I UiUH liiiiinri'nMi a f l o n to [)ost.|ioaoil <>ii aoou iin i .o'f ru in w liii i i i iik iiii; til l ' u'iukIoii tn ii-l: ihiiiK ori

D U R A N T W I L L BUN K W . VOIfiK. Aim. .IH— W illilti

l im - r . w ill *tii|>i)orl l io rh c l 'l HOnv to c lav liofiiro sa iling ; fo r I'Im.'ouo. IJ I'ioaifiiM Itr i'o]toal <if lh o |^ n iliil)ilio .

.S 'E \t-V O K IC . -\ii>f.. lH— Irv i i i j ■KtrHl—N(tH«m»l-+*i‘-l^ii«'?*r't'**l<iy-iHi» w h o illlll l>cen n o tin g ' in nn ini.viKi^rj Hovi.'1'H l 'nioiilhK. \ynH‘ iio h liiK or m T l i f ji|(ri*cmi*iit 'wJiioli K oinictI.v liai im to il " l i \ ' lifiiMinl i;illlsoiH '* o f . K h o n n I o f tliri 'e liit-s . UoHMliOiin .stiitei

. L A K E L U R E D ilU iT .IIK llF O JU )'rO .N _ .S ’.

in i^ -s n \w v e h e ru on n•H U io tL ^ u b iilw n r it a l ' tionii loiln.v

o f i i s o iiiliirtso.w au- jmKsiiiK.

SYLVIA IS SADL]/)H A .v a iv L K S , Aii>r. l H _ n

f n ilo il III r i 't i in i hom o f u r inoaN jii (iiffiT c iioo . S y lv ia n rt'a iiK ‘i ' . 'i u o l i ‘'u H iijt -fn r ilivoiT .f on fHo lodn.v.

--------- r* -----MBANESM05MN-.1A SI'i-:il, A la ., A iik' . 1«— M anv

H ill . ohtaiiK 'il IH ireiitiil c o iiso ii t- l i i ilts lo a il iiiiirrit'd" t in - .voiuijr In iiy 'x . O illio rl o f KIdi-iilKo. Mo w a s Kiiiil t iium tiiH lioforo lh o iw-dcHiitr. H m i plem tetl.lljjui_H aiiL_l>c_\Y dnH _iiQ l—il

• K A Y E D O N W I Nn E L K A V l', IB— IUl.V(' iJOl

W o n -lh o KiiiriKf. ti-oph.v a iito in o b ilo th o w hei 'i of 11 llr it i.s li A lvin.' w n s hc

•- P E T R O L E U M -O U T E U T -W A S n lN O fb .V , A ti^ r 12> -F in

I j i i l n l y in tP H 'B ttrc 'm i n f .Miiiuit hIio ] ic traU n im ill th e D i i i tw l S t i i tc s 'a iii n ew tx?i'orti. 'T h o ip 2 7 to tn l wu .h i

■ Till* re e o n l-b rc a ln n i? o t i t t iu t r c ilu c i ' d c v c lo p in c jjt w o rk n m l " w l

• O Y CL O ^fE . D E V A S T A T E. P O U T A U P U IN C K , H a i t i . A u «

ti in n to d nno ffic inU ’y to r tn y I.o IrnVn d«*vu*_taj^(’d sou tjw irn I t f t i t i . ' D a m a p r e l i e f hicnmiri^i^ i l f r e c fw r b y 'P rW ld P T h e In rt^ ’f low tw e so n p fd th c w o rs t ffrenti*sl in th o n i r n i d i s t r i i ’ts , w h er m in e d . ' "

- - . _________ ---------Q O E B E L -S IA E !1 / ) S A N G E L E S , A u u . lU — T h

p ro p o se d iio ii-s lo p m o n l - b t r n k i i i K layr<l f o r n few . lioiirA lo d o y w liile kee i)oA «lle.” O oclicI s a id Uc cxp< l>. in . lliH tn k o -o f f o r ijr iim lly wn>i i

O O E B E L O N L<IK)S AXQEC-ES,. Aur. 18—Ai

riight t o I ln w a ii , c x p c c to d « (n le a v e r o r J r j i l a t i 'a t t e n t p t ^ t f - h r m k - t t H i - r c e o rd . Q oelfel w e l l H y th e “ Y n n i Dani<>(l b y H .. J . .T u c k f r .-o x v n c r o f «U (thtly m o re Ih t tn 2G boiii^i,. Ls 1 s ;tacR ettily .\ • ■ • . ' ■

LA ST WORD r a o i r .nx 'M 8EL L .,, I KADISQN. W lf., A tfc; J S - B i r t U ak .

■oil. R odiford to Bt,6ckbolm n ie r.passed over R upert. B dus* on H udson IBay a t- l :S 7 p. n . 't o d a r , a c c o rd lo c 'to sfc-BU aaa(a.M C«lred.trD m Jilm .^y Ura cR aratoa RtfUo c oB vav -staU lB a-he re : Jin u i > * I lW a ,.V .a b o ,n t ; .5 ^ ^ ^ •aortheast of^CochraBc. Oat. >

— ‘T ^ A B 'F o i n r o ' . ■. c• T h o 'c a r « o le a f r o » H lalop> O r- b 5hard 'J a» t e rw ln * w aa .fW » d today - ■hept-CM •»«. a h a l t n l te a - .n « th o t e

.The kpar« . t i r a w ar* r B U M ta r4 B tf '9 » irti t t e » n n i p t n c

. y . l . , ,, y

JSAYSCOlMtTEBftI m e s ^ - ^ a d e f s -3d P r e s s - ‘ ■lA N D W IT H D R A W A L ,w il l - a p p u n l ■ lo.-tlie..L t‘iiun ti_u lL ^’a ^ h iiic lin iii. it w a s t'op iii'tod ro lia lily •rinn tiy h n s in l'iin iio il ifio F ro iu 'h . ■iinioiits lll lil slii- w ill (loiiiaiiil a t; III-'-Illl' w ith il i 'i iu 'ji l o f ti 'o n |K fro m

^ T O M O B I L E R A C EWii.Ih iifiiiiia l l^nu n'iilr> ailloM ioliilo

i im -a l .H ( .’i-look. T h o riio.. w ns i-li Inul f a llo n th r iii i |;n u l llio iliiy . Oils f o r s |i i 'fd iiii r . '.

iirT7T)iri'ifiiiriiVfiiTTinTii'TuiM iiirii'i-. ’o r f u r p r i 's i ilo ii l . ho a iiiio u in 'o d ) u ra n t iilsii siiiiT ho o n iH w il iiiinli- ■n la w ,. . . • • '

K IJ. H nsslroim , •prvx idon 't o f lh o

y o a im o ily - fo f F i r s t . \n l i o j ia l fu r K.sociai od w it li I lu ' 'iirKiiin>^i>l i<>n- i) w ilb F i r s t .S 'nli(|iu il w a s 'lo n i i i - Co n iie d y ' a tu i tli.a K ir s l ..N 'n iional

A M H O L D IN GT h f Ijiiki? l ^ i i r ^ nni. .M-

onnhtrs o t .vKu l i r n n t l r iv p r , stsJi ', ll 'w n s lo a n ie d . A lv in lin rd io . iTOdii» u fa it^ hg3;tTTn«?m iim W ca r

,Y N E O L E C T E Do r In is lia iid , U r. H iii 'r j ' .M arlin , lld li'C iited lu T w itb oo n tp lc lo in- I p io tt ir e ii«;lr<‘K,s, ohiirK i'ii in bor

J M I T F .r ) .S T A T E S , -----------------I'in ( ; . J n v i i ip d o ii . l l i . o f C n rjio ii I m a r r y ili«>< C l i i r n 'T u r n e r , b u t . 17-yt‘iir-«b1 Jin iil, -M iss 'O jih o lii i lo l ia v f e o j ir le i l th o a n n t fo r tw o fnlhoi- s a id iic w as • " n o t oxac'll.\ n le r te r u ----- ---------------------- -----

r s A U T O 'E A C Et l. i l r lv l i ig i r H r i t i K t r - i in i - bVntTCi r;-

rn c i' todii.V. I.con C iish iiinn , nl ; c o n d . .

- S E T S - N E W - E E C O B D - :------- -----m l fiRuro.'i is su e d lo d n y l iy - t l i r iw t i i c toU il p r o d u c tio n o f e r i id r lo n n to i l to 901.121l,(K)ft h n r re k , ' « a n i«iT en,se o f 17 .p e r c e n t uvoi

d e p ro - 'se tl p r ic e s n u d b e lp e d to J d c a t t in t r ,” tin* b .uren ti sa id .

:S S O U T H E R N H A IT I -:. 18— A d c n tb to l l o f avns ps- b e e n .c m iw tl b y n pyc lo n o w b icb - :c wn-s- jn it n t ^I.OtKl.tKX). A c tiv e ‘n f K e n i o r w r e n rR a jiiz rt l to d n .v r f i i r y oE tilt* s to n n . dn tn iiR e be in p

n* c ro p s w o ro le v e le d n n d o>a<b.

■P THgT.AVBT>______________________IC tn k c -o f f o f A r t O oobel o ji n : f l iR h t to Xowt Y o rk w nn .^de- inechnnicK w e n t o v e r tb e “ V nn-

c e tc d to RCl in t h e a i r n b o iit II a d ie d u lc i l , f o r n o o n . .

DNO P L I O B Tr t O o cb c l. w n n e r o f t b r D ole

h e re a b o u t n o o n to d n y f o r .Vew

k e e D o o d le ” n n d w ill b c necom - tb e c r n f t . T b e p r e s e n t r e c o n l .

h e ld b y L ic i i te n a n la K e lly • a n d

W ILL H O X m C A M A U ^ ^

ltO O RESVlU<&. N. a-vn*W BBpe». [>Ie o f M ooreanU e to place a n arlcar n e a r th e O yinc .ae ld i n a e m i > rr « f - c k p u la to U io O e m a n . th e U exlcaa n y ta < .aee w ho k>et hla MTe iltem p tla* a .a o o -a tep n ig h t from s*ew, to Mexico qiy. Captain :a rr*n*a .«on a n i* h t t r « n Mexlea 3 ty to .W ashlnttnn,-.w a» forced down je re by to * .___________________ ' ■ • _

>t4ba feeid -Use. T M feeid.tine was repalrvd with a mbber. hote and tbe ear d rlrto te towv. . '

m m


: PEACE MISSmi:Reds M ak e .B rie f D em on '

sira lion a t New York As Ship Sails.

By Uiiltail Pr*>i I.•^i:\V V()lUi. 'A.ifc', is -S.'.'.vii,i-y ..I

s ta i r l<rlj.r):i: ()i <.ii hli‘ wiiy ti........................................................aiill-U-ar |ia rl . ^;rnu’lm ; 'o n l <if ik k.,. Ilnllumi ' Ih.IW'.t M K.'IIui'.k :umI I'or- flt:ii M iilHU-i- llrlaiid of K ram .'.

iio Hiillod riirl>l.>»<liiv'i)ii (III- Ki't.adi llnor li.v .I v 'P ra iic '\ <lo;-lli'iliij; i.. .IIh- cutiu vvllU f.,inin-.'i« 'B l-jin t i i ro - in n - i iriiT ------------:

Al) lho ih- .li> Krunco ilr.'w nway fro'm lh.i p ier, ninr.' lltiin Utn in.-m-

In lin rI.o ac iio jippi-iivil on lli<: ilork vvavInK bnci'nors whleli ih.'>" hn 'd . Hniii>;Kl.Mr In Hi- i.|.-t l.iTin.Hi tir,.Jr.:

"Diiu'ii w illi'A nioi li'un 'Imjivr'lntliini''!

Bald:• "Down w llh KoIIckk'h fako p.-nco

trenly ," and "hnndw o ff N leannfiiiv" •I'kT police clinsed th e demnnHinil-

orw awny.________ ______ • :• ___

Molla Mallory Is ^^IssiiBgifitiErcsf

By .TTait*<l ,P ress •NKW YORK. Auk. IR—'n il- ond nf

inn ihor h rllllnn t Hpuri c a ren r 'u a H in I»:lit today w ltli llie nnuuncemoni lltll .Molla U Jursledl Micllory. el»ili.i (n^e^ w omen’u nnlionnl tcnnlh ch:im- Ion. I» "loxlnfc In lo rest" In tho niKiri. Mr*. Mnllor^'. who nover lias rsinked

lw^■ thnn ih lrd nnilonnlly In her 1:1 'c n r i i .n s nn A m crlcnn i.'nnU Mnr. :i'aihin1Iv U liirn lnu nwav from tlieim r , iWir M iiiM iia."'jiTnii«im ' Mnr-'

'OO'. .N'ew V ork broker. Indleuled yei*- '■nlny In dlscnsiilnK.'her nliscnce from •rirly season t.m nm m m lii In Ihe :nll.'d .Sinte*.

"A fler 211 y ta rB of ha rd p lay ln c lr«...M ullory fc'lK nhr h a . re;iched I

•urt' In Hcverul Euroi)can ir.ulclio* iirliit: o n r ir ln ah road e a r lie r lo tlio iinm ier. luu i innik sm« founii '1um‘ re.iletil ploiisiifi's awiiy ffoin the ou ris." '


' By n a lu a ,CHARI.0TTEV1LLK. Vu„ Anc. IS

- I ’rohlbltlon "its ft p rincip le" Is nol li Issue of tlio prcHldcntlnl cam-

.mlRn. .N ellie T nylor Ross, form er o o rem o r of WyomlnK and staunch Alfred B. Sm ith *upportcr. told the U n lrcrsliy - of. V lrclnln In s tllu le of Public A ffa irs today.

" I t canno t be connlderod nn IsKtie Itccauso tfic* con flict on . th c (iiienitun Is-w ltliln , th e pivrtles r a th e r than be- Iwcen th e m .'- .NelOipr -procla ltuu-lise lf w ei o r d ry ," Mrs. R oss snld.

Ik H erb e r t llo o rc r 's spccch accept- nK Ihc R epublican presldenU nl nom* nnUon, Mr*. R om sa id *ho wa* nn- iblo to .find "ono w ord U iat indicated•irooK o^^nlleclnnce- * l o . . lhe__aStlitm'enm«ni liion U ore rno r Sm ltli has ivowed," o r m oro friend liness to tho V olstead act.

I l l« scarce ly posslblo lo im aslno p h rases m ore caro fu lly , desianed to appeal lo both w ets and d ry s.".

Graft Charges to " _ _ Efe_Air^.Monday

' B y M tM t T n s a - ,LOS AN'OELES^ AOS. I8 -rM ore e rl-

denee o f pu rpo rted b rib ery o f c tly of- rfc'la)* o f th e S o n th en t CallTonila Goa Company w ill be la tro d ac ed w hen .t);s tria l -ot B. £ .. '€ w v e n e r , f o m e r em ­ploye o t th e ^ p a n y , resum e* M on- lay . h i r o o u tn c l.-A a so sa ea d today.. Sw eeney, e h a tfb d with,, e m beta le - s e n t o f UH.IXM from th e s a a conir W lir, e l J r t : ^ In t e n r t th e ' en tire lam w w «5; - » « h th e a p p ro W l. of lla . * ^ H o r offlcOT*. to icreaae the r a y lOr. le d a la l to a JkTormble to tU* m n a to U o ji . . .• : *

S w e en e r- a lro M T h a a -a a t ta id -C b d r ' 'o r a e r d tjr ' 'e o tm e f lm e a ;a n d th re e . >ther d t r o n d a l s . a a • b s n a c r ^ . Mlveil a ra a e r; o r o th e r d t i » . f r o n U m m' n t m la t th* s a w o n oC « n - 'e o a> -' p ia# p ro je c u . . , . , ■,

ON LIOyfiBI Navy! to Ptit End to Boot-I legt?i^ry-» Hnnv<n-I Stf^nds for,R ig id Enforce* '! m ttnl So is fo r H im . in I P resen t C am paign; Be* ,

lieves Prosperity Aasijred;I— ----------- . — — .........- •

n>' u a i i .a r r t t is r i ) » r u y . ,>iass„_.\iV. t s - \ n '

iiiaHiir nh .i w la s 'lh e nexl presi- . deiilliil e l.i|'l!iili.'the eeunlO ''.w ill'■ i-oiilliino I . r enJ.ij pruKjicrllj',

H our) Kord lielleies.•'III.. H iiM (liliiL- ,f|,u( eonld

'riu]l|.Vii M.rnhriio a'^tPp-liackM urd------III oni ilu-ht iiKnIiist liijiier,’* he 'a ld i .“ I Ilm lnlere«lcil In an y . Ihliiir III iieep ihe IHIh nnieniJ.*

— uieiil. a> lL jK .-J tm u u te r-* t< m d s:-------— irii lliut belief, and I iini su re be '

.l"i>». I .a m for h i ia ." '.

"r>-i-nimally I'd tu rn o u i 'th o * n n y-TtTTii i iiyy ii i-iuup- l innncirininr----------------

" lllll ir tho law were clinnRcd, we'd lia.vir i.j Kliiii .n. iinr.tilnntH .Rt4.VY.

iiiitm ; III /h e l 'n lte d ' Stnfun in keyed :iiti li> a n.'W paee wiilvh Hlartcd wltlt .a'lJi!Lil)IUuli.'_.Tiii>-Kp«:ud—wltli—wliloh— W.I run o u r . n io ior curs, opera te our In irloate , mncliluery, and • gcnoraily llv.i. would 1>.< IniposHlblo w ith II- .|ucir. .No, Ihuro I" no chnnco ovon-oC mo.|irienilon."— Koril.In-reslInK a t hl»-Wa’y8ldtt^m i—here.

TO GREENLANDBy V ^ U d P r s s a ' .

C(»CHlt,\XK,. O n t; .Ao(j. IB—Tiio rniineplnne ( in ta te r RM k- f.inl tank off a t J S il^ p . m . e a s t.

-■in._>.l- #>.p■Mount Htunn. tireen land . '. l i e r t . llu^sell, and b is eom poav

ion„ l'n rk^^ Cram er, hoped to mnko Ihe Innsr filxfat o f th* bar* ren .w o M et of l,ah m d o r and th e _

•A rctic S Im llH .h y daybrrak to*

W vnthen reports w ere Rood aad.-tho pl^nc lufl to lho c h c o n fcn^ ^ ^ » f

se ttlem en t. ' . . ' .If they reach th o ir n o a l,'th e -O lera

will hnvu com pleted lho'.aecoDd. p a r t - o f 'a n ndvonturou* flijth t X rom .R ook* ' ford;-Ill,T-to-fltoekholm .-:flwwtBn.-wltli— stops In Cochrane, O reenland. a n d ^ Icolqnd. ' .

RKADY f o 'r a n o t h e r 8T A ST" COCHRA.NK. p n t , Au*. 18—Aimed*

tow nrds th e bnrron w aates o t Can­a d a and tlience ou l to. *ea, tb e a ir - - pluno "G reate r Rockford" wo* read y ' to s ta r t at. noon .today .o n ' th e aee* '. ond ninjse of ll* f lU h t from ' Rock* foi-tl. I ^ . to BiockholD. Sweden. . . ,, Y esiw dny R c rt H u » e l- w aa lo rced '

lo postpone h is f l lR h t 'tn 'U o o n t Kr* nns, a re en la n d ..b fC « u ie .o tJ )ad w eath* _ e r h u t-w iU i hU flylnK com S£hrfiH r~ I’a rk e r D. Cm m cr. expected t s t* t nw ay n.1 noon today.

L as l nlKht tb e tw o av lato ra a tndled ' ' w eather report* a* they bad planned tu Icavo n t daw n. tD dlcatloaa th a t n .5 rr-r jv ^ W d * 7 :o ffd lU o a * -w 6 ta 5 -U — found a l noon and they d e c id e d -o n - ,, lho la te r takeoff.

T li(7 hoped to reach tb e lr deatlaaf tlon w llh ln 18 bonrs, a a d - th e B o o a :-- U keoff w ill perm it'tbom re a c b ln s tho . - o re r w ater p a r t o f tb e lr TOyac* be*. fore n ich tfa li. T he piano U fn e le d .V

-fo r-the K c u w a y ..- ■■ ■ -■ ' .

D olores G rabs ^— Ghancer^^DuM 9dt^>

H e r Ovm p irec te i^^, . . . . . .OS -BOARD 8 . ;& -:X SL8V '::^

»HK‘ ntA K C K — •Dsi w i ag c S D ft R i ^ t u rnS iS i^ tiSM -K i ^ m

. . e i r e w i « . N a r t i < ; : . i ( » j > e s 5 w a M X eir Tetfc ta a t

■ItpprtLidMk I*

- fataWt, J a a wCwM HblllW

Page 2: Ai. Xn.MHiaH ll)l._______ • , ...... ._____ I W I.\ iUAilU. PATI.UIJAY. AUCU'ST ik. • , • • ______________

>3kQE TWO_________ ' ,

■ _____ ____________

'lunge P arty and W atenpcloh Feast

==t S t fiTi^ccFfiii^iiest ^A jolly niillni; v^ii'iV c)f rrlll;^v liit“ waK"iirrnn»r“' l ’ ' t • > •'lii*.'raiicc-H tif li. r liciif,'" lOHt. Kiiili'fiiK- i>( r"* • tWlIn. Ollli-r ....... . . IU-'li.’Uly

ritHC KilOHt. .\H>K I'lDvrijf.' sulllviiii ■>!X Grimi!". On-., jui.l l)i>ii>i!iy ■rovoiil. MIriuiii r.;_il-ci.rk,_ A ilcii"

iconii'in 'l'''* !'>■oU nnd .VllKS Oym;Hi ' Z

itn to rluu i wiis ciijny*''!’ -V ii'jU nn 1- I fenHl oiiinpli'ii'i l the

!i-ide-To-Be Is^ ,. Recipient Qf Many' Lovely'Shower .Gifts

M lnii'0111(1 v ;iJ 'o ii' i.iiM iliniiou .nic III llllt w iiw in iioui* u l II riHi.rr i~ irooUH h lio w o r'fo r Jciiiili' Wfl- n ,.w lio ,iH iimrrii'cl linoa; M.i- _3‘nm l'diiiiplnK w n v tlui «lfvi;ri'1on;i ut 0 •'I’lut i>1i"vv‘.T ulMii w i'p ' ll■f*iCntr(l 10 '111*' l.rlr|r*t-)-1i<’. IrV Il-r / l i t e r iinil .U riiilicr I.hIk nml llinlily ,■ UM nJJ{«frH f.|tni^ntn-w rTP-nrT\TJl-nr “ Ina-M ini* Wiliion nml l l .n i .n ^ ' ,, iljflit n t iliP r.loiii- of lilt; cvrnhiK. • i, T hn RiiOHtii w(-r<' M Ih .t/ I.ihiiii,H um - \ iroy.' D ertli«!liin^iri''''v /*--''ll''‘----V.ii'i ,)i •nto. n n r r lc i llrov.n, ll''-' l vlTCTt.'r1tf" W phli, i >liirft~ MT-t-ntr:-}..H-U tjits li.' S iilv la ^Iiiri;iiii: .Miiry .Sun-.'.-, f rrotHy S m ittu •mi'l i,»rii Wllitiiii.CM---------■¥.- -a-, n_- :______'em peranee Group '

-Annual.Picnic Friday ' — — ’ r to . AV. r . T . t:.’ Idcnlt- lirh l I'*rjil;iy iprnnon lii ilip c ity iiiirl< wnn iiii rn-, c in lly |Ui>nii:mt nf/nlr. Suvoriil nu'iii- rn from K n n ll'iim r it nuiiilior or tI::> „

0 nrKiinlitnllm i.. 'I 'lu '• <liiiii>T Tv'.iiirvciJ liy Mib , II. II. Ilnrn.'rt. Mti<. ‘niliM itli-itnti-.M th. Mr». _O -J i i im p l ir ty comlnctoii iiu. i|oVi>- r

nulK and wiiH'nl;ic> jn Vtiaruu o r ilii:' stcrnin.\ Hplumlltl Ullk wtiH ^

urcli . w lilrll wnx Iniililrlnt:, innl nui* .a c d 'i i ii in r lipl.nfiil miKC-'ii'imii rvl- j |

________I________ _______________ I ri


/• /< ' 111

> ^ ^ 9 5■P.' ^ "f

W / M -

^ O U R c lo th c s a rc "X ’ R e n tly sw ish ed — throu{;h sudsy rinses | mi in w ashinp tu m b !c ri w i th sm ooth-as 'g lass i,8u r £ a c « - in s id e .- ----- - >-1'.


L a U N iD R Y / i l“ does it b iit i ;r


■\ I M O D E R N\V L c \m zim 'T S E R V I C E 1

-----------‘‘"I------ Inyiit Va to-Yonr-.•M ackey T ire and Vu---------------- IfEW-BfiJG^OMT of New Texaco Statioo, H aii

Itsd-bjLjjZan D in k elacke i

A l the Orpheum Tom

r i f ' } ) —

c > - -C/jvr- Jiroo^ .W i// JJ.

llv r in ■r«'lii!.c'r:ini'<-," Tli'* !1"V.L ■«: I'r;ti'j.<>ii (if llic’ ' !>T. s lijli’i lrin- lilirrli iriM) a.Iiltv»i;i:cl illl' iiiiliiri.‘■M l'm fln^ 'nn '} |'.n ttnrlr-^vilr-rT ~ftrrt— -II prc'Ml-l.'iii I.f llu- J;i'«iii|i >lni-iim (li-.................... . ’riilri iiial(i-'i Mt!'.'amli:lllmtllV (liln l l-'U a In Itial, cn- _ ■acliy. Dltii'f iin ifc rii I'li-cti'd tvi'i-j; trR. t; ''i ''l . Vlci- liri<‘lil('lii: .'frr. 1‘nlii'- , jy raecrc tiH -.v i. n . r .".l ii- I.lliirsimiiillm : .M 'rr.-iary an.l Mrs. Kll.'.a-tl Mh lllld innl. llI 'a in ii 'T . .

a - n s t ! n T r d 5 - o f i . ¥ a - i — — h

— M o t h ' o r c A r . e J G u a a t ^ '. II

• Mc-nil>i'ri‘ i‘f Tw in 1-\iI1h riianti'»i. .“ li'ricii'ii WlTFTTriiII'.tii— iitrrr.unf'a'.M ‘

id rn lc f«r llK^lr liiiab'aiiilH nml fam- ii-ii III I lll '.rlly piirli I'l'lilay iiMntnK. „ . Iiii:-kci niiii'iiT'1)i;lnn hcfM'il a( R ■clock. TIk' ri'i iia lm lrr-Ilf lln ' <:''v- In;: »a.'< Mn>m xvllli i‘Hliil“ iirraii;:'Jil y .Ilrll. ’l‘. M. Iiw iii.'a tlll y.i'itliiK n o

----- . ~Russian'P rin ce in Cast

■ of GretdiGarbo'® Film ,• *T he Mysterious Lddy”

I’r liin - ViiiTn Troii1n uuMr.hiT J f !i 'l o ja l Uii!inliln ranillv. iiliiyK a lie In •'Till- My.ili;rloiia [.acly." <lr.'Iii arlio'ii nt-'v » ta r? iii |i iir-ijiii'i lon. in (in* M<:U-<>-U‘>l‘U vyii:M iyfr ton-

ire. I'rUifii Tl'«iiiliil:kol apiiciiri: ilinliln:; ymfiiK llnH«i;tn nfflci-r wlio a cUt.'if a l a ;;ay p a ity 'I tlv c n In

inoc of I'llH!* tia rlm . v.-bo I'Uivh th r ir l Tif :i iK'aiilltiil i'lty.T lw .(ilin. miidi- from nn orl;;lnai • <iry Ijy llio (JclirJin .iiiia>.*, “ • iliJwlK Wolff, wn.t <ltr.Tl.'il, l>y rn-il IDlo, ; t'n n n id N:ii:cl itl;iv-i iipixisifp !<• s A ‘Ilili'il I'l-it". ^T lu '' lo inattcc. wli'lVli L-oim'f m o rro w 'lo 'i lic M aho iln-an r . 'ls tli.'. lr-nf-a-t-^m i»ifni-Jiiff!-tiin-'~ l>y --who .— ~rcp t*ln-lTnt>-ti-litiiiilt».».ir<»—«VU~lii..n- — flri’V. ]>».• M'-'.-'Or of liii|icirlain mill- ry '.i.'. 'i .'is : ' l l - , lalil* In love- wllli

iiI.H 'h ln '. i 'ir l)i-ir;iyi'i| l.rlii:;!i tU.' i, m y lo 'a ilil'illlm^ . lloi.ii:* t,.•I.lln i'anliu ' l^ n c ," a Cliarlli' (Inii'i’>in _U.•hc’ My-l'Tl;iii.-. ------------------ 71In.:<!ri';'.‘ (,'n>.i,'llo In •'(M.I Krati- *cii." ilip i-wiTi'iii n ;ira rfl( 'ii nt (lie " aho. In I'tniv.ii liiiil.«Jit fo r tllc lani nos. . • .

academic HonorsGc lo Local Girl

On III.' I'V.' Ilf i;rmlmil(iin ii ni'cili* r of, 111" nrir ." .! • su inm rr •.ilitmlI<r< in t i f h i-K iry >it r,tUir.ii}i> .Sljifi ' a tll- jr- I 'o ll ,;:, ' nl (in-.-Iry. Coin.■ill .MailH'' K.ix. .la iich tiT .if Mr. nnt! ,

A. K,ix ..f (Ills t l iy . iiii'i m.t ly l>,'.'n ( ,ir ln n a if hn l Hliinally h.m 'III liv alili.iln ln irn t to a pn'IH oii n- l i 'a i h . r 111 i:ii;;ll'.li In tli,' (!r»-.-ly\'ji.-tiiicN .__ ,r ii.T .' Is a rli;lil n il. '':-n fH .'tly ' r tll lo, tlial no l, at-li,T u ltlio u l rx III n r . ' 1..' .'ini'lovtf.l lu 111,-. <!r>-,-I.'>

:r.l’a s .,ni'' <if ll!.- Ii,-st 'in id.- w.•^(.,. .'x i'- i'O i’ii ('> Ih.- n il , ' In th.... ..f tho atipolntm ciit of Ml-oi a lilKli»i,'stlnionia1 to 1i,-r tr a ln ln r " I alilllly, Sh,- liai. lH.,n ono i,f III iflaiidiiii: stiali'iil.i In lli r Knrlli>h[ I 'a rlin .'iil lii»tli<> ti>1l.'-i- iliriiiir.Iioiii '• Miil.-iil i-ar. - r. iiiiil Is icrailiiat lliK i " " Jl llic llntl>lr^. AniniKt :r. >.li.'

i i : . \ n ^ i M i : s ' . c i .A S ; ; i r i : : i ) a u s :

o n ? s i : i i v u »; ,v w i n M'.u • •‘ur •« ii,

III w ay ilnVn srn il yoiir luiM. tl <lnr

1i;i: on r mt'<l'-rn r.iiic*.mi:ln.T •n lo o « lll r. «lly yon In ton..IIar» aaa.cL-iit,n lu . lho i-oilr.v:

.1 .vr'i£ .' T llo l i r r s > on -li« -. inl nro tho onon w o wpnl ^-t a t an.l m akn ax r<V>U u r ' M ■%. Jn * l fo r an .-x iM 'r lm ^ .llo, m l ' i l l unt' anil ko<> irhai wo . l io i I lo It. , . 'a i ;

• .n tio- B lo w o a ts— - —tlcahizin^ Shop

^I A rc. and T hird St. E a it '"><i

. . iCl»h

' .^ O iiic e_Phone'_P. B . J

orrow and Monday j

' ' ( ' - ' ' S -

ovc -;7.c r<-irow liw


Dy ynlt*<l Pr««B ----- -llOf.I.VWOCIJ. Aim- IS. A i-i'i'-'nl ;

'iiiirii-'-"Ai-i;i:is— imTUiu ii t-um l.nidal, III,' 'K ri'ucli lioiinly.■lay a'I.-ail'i''r»<''r ti -T lii' l.tivi'Oii.iiK," •I'll.,. Kiinii' J l . 'n i -nnid Hmt Havld '

I'lirk (!rlfiitT i,-ilii' ';oiii nuii.i.T." wnn ' . dlri-, (>”Thi' I.OVO .Som:," ;T il . '' .linl.'ni'i'iii t'a lk 'il ' l.t ~ iitllll ,MV ,

lit) rt'iilly iK.TiliKMil lutliii 'Kt d l.' , IXlU!!t‘’n - > l " \ l.‘rij)?-<n;;,_iiii;o<[|<,T,-',’f,L I.- actroiis ^nom dlfflpiili lo linmllir , 'lill lilt' .dli'.'iMir (Tudlii'.l, w llli Ih" , IK. Illl' lii^Ki liiiiidlcr.


■ !■"‘3 ' fei Iffiiy f

• ) > * K'- '-' iS r •*

\ j i i K . . 4 d K S S 0 B t B a ■ 71

-----'- lE T T A - G O U D A tr - -----------^Klni'O Jo tta Coiidnll (irxt nia.lo nn > in.'.i r :i iii [- :ii l li i' . P i ' • illlJ.,^ r nanio lian h.-.-n syngnytnoim willi niiioramoiii. . ■ - .•ili.'iri C oiK lal’ii fiilhiro in Iio amonK e - raw U ns-.% U ir«..of.-llili—iluy.-Ilua

nl l i f r cojili'm pt fo r illrrcln ra nJii) odiit'or.i. firlffllh 'ii xnoccRS la bn»i.Mi

n n rc a t 'i 'M i'ii l on lil.t n lilllty to iliillc . til.' niiiHl .IlfrioiiK ' clanllCB icni i>crnmrii,l.

>1I»« ( lior.iint^ knnw n n« (lie )H (,rouiili'tfnily I’rr.aU o'm oilnn jilc- ro I'layor w'iioii nlio-was'w orlilniT on I- Do .MlIIo lilt.S iih u 'iiic n ily "ht' wonl to . I’nn i- >11111 w li.'to i,h . '' "wal^oil' ou t" dnr- ; tho fllmliiK of ■‘tipaninril." Slii'■',1 I 'a ra ino iin t fur liauk waucH nnil raim iiint Hnt'il I i . 'r ‘fo r liTiT* t ' r i l t n c .1 monoy tIironi:li_ h o r ut-ilon- I'li.' HiiliH wor..'ii.'7tl(Tn>iir7if cnnr(.I'ho raram ou iil dlf fl cully Hoomcd M l Miss Cou.Inl 1,1 II iiai-o iinil |

II fnllowx'.t wiIli..'\ji_iinia*IiiK notion, I'ln illar n('li,ilin,

U M'onii. Mls» Coiiilal i.tlll inilNtn t-o m any clnso-iiiiK |n r plctnre.

:nrl<li'iit.illy'.l.niH- V.-1,.j. the Mox- n I 'la r who In lo ho oo-foatiiri'tl :h MI:o< Coiidal nnJ W llllnm Itoyil III,- iii.-liir.'. Ila^ u ri'p iitallon of

• o « ii In tho i.'m iiornnionl line, rii*’ - oplninn - r ro ra ll" thn t (IrlffKh 1 Iiavc Iii« mum.'iiti. if S lhs Goiidnl I .MIks W t,-: R.'l|>.ii:lnK a l tlio n.- llin.-.

’.lln N osrl uut.H Uio only film ntnr I. .K T frrjiiii',}}- iJirfjitfni'il .M1ji.» nia l's r ' 'k i i a'l .inof-ii uf lomporn*fits ' ' ■ ’ ' • . ■<1110r - 'f TiiTa alti.iy-r-tnRidH'd o n ' •plylnK h 'T . ow n o;nnimnH nml ■n nho -w.-xn om olinc nho dliln 't- It nnv aM frnm illrrctor* . pro- .■r-< o y o n o .-l.o, !IKn .V.-crl’* o lh rr* p. i . ovondon 'I •vlnllor^. Tlio fln il cnoM. w«n I if , iKlil-.ri-r n r 'i! Tilsit oTi-ciiliTO. lliarl rh.-.l Iii'i* not m i j n i lliat "Tlio! r l” wu* tlirouKli fo r lh a l day— '

poriio|iM. «»»oral ni.>ro,'-

A. IL >O T H :k".-nilxVs of. n .m M c ro o k 'c lrc lo ._ lj- I o f th o . i j .\. K. uro r« jtio» tfd jo.l at th r .M.thoillnt KliKoopal c liiifch i

I,* o'olnck .SnniUy afjo rnoon ^ to l n,I In a Ix^ly th r f iin r ra l !-orrlco*l

KX( Kusioit Slu cLrn. . . L - . . . . l .[ . .r .C ^ ..l ,111:nc*tlay. A115. 22. w ith Mr*.- J . K.u . ■ .

. c.

m rA i.L a -D A ii.Y -

mMMK . 3 8 . , ‘ H o m e P h o n e 2 i

BanburyNatwiiri =ContinueJuiinin^= , Uiitil September 10

. llan iin iy ' Xlilnlorlilm will litf, open ‘ th is y .'iir i ii iiir Hopl. in . Innlenil o f *' I'tnslini i$o|ii,,a (IH'Iiuh boon t1ii< cnN- lori' In 'th o |fii«i. iifi'onllnK (o w ord [', i'o.''i'lv.-.1 fnnn iliori' toilny. ”

Tilt, .Viilnlorlnm. wfilclt lit tlllftd wllli nn inn il liol w nter itnil in ph

th.' fiiirnt wi'aMiiii li'lin it ovon knnw n. J Th,' rond 'tv.'Hi 'i r.i iii liiiiil , is now iilloil anil iiimiy. iiooiik' from .Twin n I'nllH. I'TI.V lyid Unjil nm in 'kinir nil; |, viiutiim of lh.' Kooil .ronilH lo no (o (Iiu liliim ;.. Mnny iia rilo ii 'n ro licliixDiniT J Hii'i'o (rnm 'n it o f . 'll io (Iii'ci; ciilun jj .lini si'oiitN liro foVniliiK ii.i rn l ill o f ,, la'uhiK llio ir i'Miiiilnntliinii Hioi'l-. ,

JI ' l'l jiai linH.v line It) (li<; ;;oo(l „, ioiiiIh an .l pa rllitlly ' l u .Ilii^ .iioiiiilnr*i>' lho iilimko Ih onjnylni: i lu i hns roiiiil7T^~Tn~llio~il.‘ ('lfilon~Tn“ t!n1:l-tliiH-j^ iiliint.' o[i.'ii f .ir .n n niltlUlonal i.nvcii m.

' ' •• I

W^ilker Players a t c • Best in P lay N’ow ■ '•

Showin'g in Tent', ," t I . ■ • |.C]

Thil T o h y ,W n lk o r |ilnyorn H coreil' Ihu vhk’KcHl'Illl of tlic lr noniioii. he ro w' liiHi • iiIkIii -w hon thoy . im'.Honi'.il tlio M |iliiy-".Halntly 1lypncrl(p‘< nml Iltiln-Hl'di Uiiinorn," Tho pliiy w in ' .'.rilly lli«'. ht”*l—(ItlM i'-th o f- tiiv t '-d n n .i 111 iD o Ir'Fwoi^k III Tw ill KallH. in

T h f Iilay hi'o^iKlit Mui lh .' m oral I.'h* t( iioH Hint a piTiiiin wlyi lIvi'H .lili ro -,............................rrjjJIy Hi,, ow.- (JoIjV Ujo K ri'« lor,f.prv-; •" ■r„ to- (?n,l _TliL-■Un.-m-j If th-' iitii\.i>l III.iwn th , ' n il loo fr.'.int'nl-.cnmi, of ini' m an liolillm : n m oriunn.' ovur n l>‘ .g . . .r ^ .- u .r - n i . i in lm r i . Ilf 11 M itin-lilln loiiilniiilnR lllu ucdoiiK of nil coii- :orii(‘.l. . . vl

Tliwiird tho liin( .of llin plny tluf ircac tiu r.' th rough (.lio w mnlorfiil ox- iini>Jo Hui’ hy liln lin|inl«lv(i liui lion- I" 'Hi lirollior, .r.'iioiincoH iht) d^inlnut- ni UK. iiiuiicy-KnilildiiK dciicoii ^ic iIoih-.i'H. lilmHoir III tlic liDiKMil piiil tin- irt'Jii.llopii iicrvlci' of- Clirlntliinliy. •'* '^'«n tho iiUiiir i-hnrch mctnln^rn cotcli _ he np lrlt. a_A t n o ' tln i“' jloufi lh» iilay roflocC innn th n- i)iLrpuini!-Ot—tJjrl» tlaa ltv --o r —

iIIkIou Ih no t incroly .1 f ro n t bn t u nl uollnn from tho lioart ninl bohI. I l hc L'ai:hoM y,U'. din:(rino t b n l . r k l i nnd 2: iiipr urn t'linnl nnd n il wclcnme to tl, alvntlnii. I i ulno i.Iioivh th u t (lit} poor ,'orklnK ninn In Komutlmi-H. nHlmim'd 'n ;i un ior llio .•'h lch-fnlulInK"' chiircli cr rlili Uji csponnlv.- o rgnh nnd t'(inlji- tli lonl 'w lio ro llu 'ro l» ho -m n ch form po ml Hti’lli ilo triio fi'llowiihlii nnil lion- hII

T h.' nanio plny will bp proKontcd leA mi iK h l-nnd SniKMy ' niKlil. »k

Hero From Si-iiUlo.—Mrn. IJ. T.itviiiHtoMj. .'iiiij n n u .'S a m , o t S fn tih '. r . 'j l io lioiist^Urii.'HiK of_^Mr. am l .Mrn. (0:

fiimltyj____ • " T . ..

^ 0 R 8 0 W = “

111 111,' Diirk.-. l iy T ^ W lR ■Wiilri. Tri iitm rni anil can- I ■ lln iiily 'l iy 'T l,^ !.-S rcrP rtrltl ‘ V —

T H E ^

UUjsteriL A D Y

w ith .




* D o l6 m l^e U o j

w » o tB » o > w ^ c n < i k i . -'

V . '" ■ - - " T jiENm94^r ... II II , i„ .i'~Tr~n~~7.'7 ; r ~ ; r ' '= ' .-» —----------------------------1-,-' 1,1

Amsterdam Women '» AttendXadies^d-';Meeting atHolIister

. . . . .

AMSTIiitDAM. AiiK. 18-M rH . AdoliHi -it<unkcl. Mrn. C- I'- K unknl an'il Mrx. Iil illnnn Dultmiin niton.led tliu rcKulnriiectln(;.'n .rilio 1^'dlcn' AIil Society n t inho PreHbytorlan oliurcli a l llolllflior biI'hiiruilny nftcrnom r,. ' ' tnMr. unil JIrK. Giiy II. (,'oconnonr w ero th

Votlncndny cvcnlnK vlHltorH ni t)io Uoh hi’.’lld W lI hnmc n P im tro tilK trH n T -p n ^ ;r«lu L - ........ ■ -• - ■............ W

.Mr. nng .Mm, Jobn 11; Cniawcll nnu TTilttlu,diin>!htor wort' Wedno.i.jiiy bii«- htncsH v lH ltnm .Ill-T w in 'PiillK. »i- GoorKa JUcti-flf-llii’ TexHn Oil Com- a ifiny wjin In tliln liiciiHty TIuirMliiy d.'- w iVprJwif S.1X, nnd o il'fo r ,tr a c to r hhu lo tl, he farmei'H; 'Soverftl tn ic lb r« nrc n^ vt I'ork imlllnK ri!ii|ilnK m nchlnnu lo <;«t InI'flMf.

.Mr«. D nk'-K im kcl nnd ch ild ren nn.'l C llnn Jlilln Kiiiikel w ere W ednos.lny | J Tfcriiooirujfiltnrir-tn'-ttie-.Wlc-.CIty.- — Irit. Knnkol ink lnc U ln lo Twin HiHii • iir m edical mioniKin.

P . A. Wcbl). 'd l« trle t m iinnscr o f Ui«* ;ontlncn(nl Oil comnnny, wnM n bun- nomi calle r hero Thiiriiilny.MrH. U llinn A lien nnd dnijKliler. MIhs

'”e m A llen; w ere, horo •nm rK dny wfU - iraooa-froni_lliiilt_dri-_fiirm _n.n_ai!!il _ i

*^Mr«, ne ry i K unkcl nnd . eblldron n<: v.)ro T hurndny nfternono cnllern of ,Ifr.. Al'Jerl- 'J lo link iiln t «nil lIllK 'IllllBlllOrH.-------. , , ■ „ lr

Mr. imd-M rii. Slofreii Bo.h hf Tw in \f^ rtllfl-w orc-T hiim dny vIsltorH n t th c !>'lo in y ^ f ‘l Ivelr'dntiitlKuri-M rJi—1^- I’l i i i

“ mIsii' l/) l( lo RkliiiK’r, >lrn. V ^iiin iii.itilfnton nm l nnn nonolil.-und Mina ^ illldred • Sklnniir '* o rc WciinoKOKr ho |)pern,ln Tw in l''*nllil. ’ • •. ^la rt o f (liu week n l (bo C. 1.. McKiir- _ nnd homo wonl of H olllntur. -O

A lbert lloliiin.ulnl wuii a i)UhiIH?TtT ^ ■iKllor In T w in I-'nllK T uindiiy nn.l g Vcduonday o t (liln wock. g

I '^ u l Schoby. T w in P n llf . wns n g lUHlnoHfl ciUlur In thlH Hiiellon w ed - &

Mr«. Mlnnn Dultinftii-nud-Mrn. U-*-- T lf?r f ’"v vl-lio rn of ■

lr» . O.vrnH P u lc r jv n n iV i^ h tc rR . •

I I I A V Y ' Y IE L D L U N T E E R . S E E D F R O M S E V E N A O R E S '

howcd .n to ta l- o f :040 itoundii o f L'ud. ivaclihi..' wolKlit. w hich Hold' n l — :■ ccniM U jKjiitid. o r u to tn l of n l i t ^ [0 over 12:0 nn ncre, ■Tlto need wnH' Jilnnted on tbo rio.M

num ber of yeiira • n p i, tliu, lant :op lieInK IinrvoBli-'d In 1923. Sllicc ien lho Innd ImH been In Krnln nnd 3(nloc«. Thin year lb e vo lnn leer u4-1 ko wua a llow ed (ff comu up lU id'

inklnK_n vo lun teer crop. TUie nvor- {o Cnmo to nllB itly over 17 linahelH

H»m»' Knjw .''iiriiiff'*—Mrii. n . j . IMl- ir ro lnrned Friday from a (rip to avaniul-K pfJnR fir-------------------------^

.“ Y o u r H a t e

W o u l d B e H o n e s t ! ”

f T E fell hcnd over lieelii In love wKb thin flamInK hcau-

ty— n d then h r leirriird Nli<>Hn!i un cnomy sjiy!

' One of (I ihoiiKnnd tlram atlc mnmenlH In O rota Gitrbo'/i monl n llu r ln t rnmn'nco.

Q i a


- ■ —AT .TBE— ' ' ■ • !

I“trfctw, C i Bmwi “

' " SA T T

lagic Feserroir "” WaiBeEmpty^By S

.Fir?t September.___ ______ ,!<

Mnelit DiuiT. abovo Shnnh.Hto. will > e tnp ty by llio flrn t nf Soiileir.tier, • rcordlnk' (o ii nown Hlorv .aiijinarlni: .•til ls wock'ii Inntie o f-tlih Shoshtnio n'li-niil. whleb nayn; “■\Vatcr imotiKh t.o Innl . h u i. llt tfe ® Ore (ban tw o weckx rcinnlnx in ~ ’ii'K{a=t*«Bar«a<cC’n ;= ttia c p n iM a t= U m a ^ rcordlnc to iliu wi^okly .repo rt o f (ho “ niormiinlcr'H office n t SboHhonO. T he gu&i'K Jo r toilny (T hursday) '.nhow • l.tJi'l a c rc 'fo e l. .A t tlie'iiVeniiht. Vniu _ ', dcclInc'. (lio rese rvo ir will bo coin- . I'loly om |itle;l by Senicm ber 1. ' O fficials frmn the D i'nver ro c ln -! a llon offlco nrc cxpeete.l lo bo on nnd' nn noon , na thu reitorvnlr- In ■ niilleil. ,to iiiiiKe nn liivcHllKutlop’ of IC co ntro l tow er nnd KaloH of tin*K dnn?^.^ind rocoiuinonil^ m uthPdH^^^^

lu’c r uru' in. the humln o' iJunvM'VTTnciiii!' iv iT .in iDr n a n u ; ; '!un-“ forw urdt'd hy > tnnni'cr S; T . . n.>r of (hisUlK.'V ood Canal comimny

fow wockn nuo’ npon receip t o t on l franr c iimintffrttnTtTTmf^tTTlnmtp- m Ur. Blw^od Mi.'nd 'th a i the Den- ^ruitflee w ould co.opernto In rcjinfr- g Ihe M idciiirfi.. ..

laYsInyasion^of Mexicans Is Now

Serious Problem■ ■ " . 'g y - tf^ U ^ y r t W ' . • .1 TO R T E A 'N 'D rllrc., 'Aiitf. 18—In n n ; Id rc ss-b o ro yenlordny, A lbert J o h n - , in, nioinber o f the In.iiilRrntlon eom- 'lUoe of ilio:.JIo iu in .o f ■Q .iprew utn-/ ves. nnid thu t "Cullfornlu. New Mox- 0. A rl im u nnd ',T exan soon . t»'oul.l

lioKKinK CoiiK rcsn-for- i'fl l» f- from • exlvan ihim lK nillon.'' . ‘ | T llo " concrosFm tnir-w tin-cnTni^henr: om hiK homn In lloiiulnm . Waidi.. to> J(lrcHii thu I’o rtland (Miy C lu b .'im ld '

ICO iJjt' lifloifix of nil U iiln -A m orlcn i). luatrloH -Anfl u r ro s irlc t M tf le a n s ,*

o 6 D o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o e e o o M

. P A R K r T75c Special Saturday i

• S E R V E D . P R O M

, : LVNCSEON-EVSRYWhy E at a t 'the

B e s t F o o d , O ood.Se}:



LOIS W ILSON*^T h o G r e a t e s t P l a y g r o t

----------:4 iA W H IS --------------T H R n .T .

---------C O M E D Y — — — [- r -

"W IL p q A T V A L L E Y "



W HY did this beautiful she loved'/W HY d id 's h e ^ s c o i^ tt “catch” on the Continer W HY did she choose a.. a husband?___ _ •S e « th e a n sw e r , i n ' t h e s n i i i r i s in g - ' ■ u x m in a l rom aB C fts 0

P l a y e d )>y S e re e & la o d ’s, M o s t. B ..................i . _____‘ - a n d D o e f ^

- E IB H E R M A N 'S L t lC K ' | ["


- J l i i t iT ir f t___ _ _________ ^

l O o a a d 's S c ' x

• U' • .,• • •' •• ' _ • ' .....

^D A Y . ATJOUST Ifl.'1028. . '

.•Iio ,non^' on(er tli'c United SlatCB . reely. ' i ' ''-

'T h in b ill," ho HUld. "will bo «nre- , Illly draw n and will n(tt-caiin& dlplo-luille. d irflculrtrs; .-trndn^j.roujik^ o r / .acin i -’dlniiKi'ooiirt'nt.'' - ......................... Hc Hnld Uic ^Hnatfon In I t’U SoJilli- . p'CKt wiiK iieiiie boraiiM *'no m any Icxleanh liud itulilcd (beju In (be Insi Ix yciirn and lold his andlenco Uiul l-u n n nm c io-i'oelalnj-Uio .SouOnvcBl.— ur lbe Unltod Slnten.

d u r ncw ciju ipm in : euaoic* tin to .0 nil klntl« o t m ill w ork nnd tho bcatf. ; it 'f lx iu ro work, bulldlnu c o n trac tin g • ad body Work. ' M odern P lon lngM lll.';: ^■t-Tlilrd -UTO fcoutli.



Toby “ W alker

Co.Teiili. Theater NEAR OITY HALL. '

^Sjiiivtly_IHypO-criteAi and Honest Sinners*

Monday and Tuesday■*What Pric^’ Herdes”

" i» ^ i^ O p « ^ 7:30 Sliow S lirtti 8:15"‘ .\duUH- 2.’r t C hllilrtn 10c

I tw rv e i l ScnN g.Ic -F.xtrn________

lO o a a o o o o o a o a o o o p o o D O o o o o o

i f J i 'E L rk Sunday Dinner 7Sc , |B TO 8 P. M. . J- ' I

-D A ¥-W -O EN TS------ -I- -.- .I—

P ark Hotel? . | •vice ' ' Pool Place I , $ __

el-r^Anne-S«-^Bling f


;ONEtISLMD” |- -md in thb World. . . .Sil • HniffANnK _1

. - A ■—UP-T-O-T^S-UINXITS------- .a -


» M 9I^D A y^ , \



girl shoot the m an ■

le love ' of the 'Tbest i t ljail, to a castle i n d ,

ciimax o f'oM o f ths''moit'<; vw ’ sereen.ed.ean tifn l'S tar , W btv'Caa—-A C ^ . ________ ___ __________ ; ____



gyianlag __2.lOe, 22e aod ..30e

Page 3: Ai. Xn.MHiaH ll)l._______ • , ...... ._____ I W I.\ iUAilU. PATI.UIJAY. AUCU'ST ik. • , • • ______________

• ■ . " ’. • ' ■ . • . .'■ . , . , ■ ■ ■ p A G E . n m ^ .’ .

^ T O V I V / I \ F . j i v t r F ^ - -

I n s u r a n c e a t 0 0 ^

T h e P r o t e c t i o n T H a t E v e r y M o t o r i s t N e e d s I s N o w O f f e r e d i n

- — ~ r ; I d a h o S t a t e A u t o m o b i l e . A s s q c i a t i & n M e m b e r s h i p P o l i c y

~ ~ ^ M o n t H s ~ o f ~ I n t ^ i y e ~ ^ E f f o r t ~ H w e ~ ^ c h t e v e d ~ f o T ^ ^ ^ - -

^ J 0 1 N ;« A .: A . : A .” N O W !:. . J / % X l i j ■ - • . THE IDAHO STATE AUTOMOBILE AS- 'covers 20TmnutesnabaT on ear on i-oadside; "H. •■ ' / t k ■yfti A r ^ / ^ Y \ / ~ v / ~ v / X — .1- SOCIATION (AAA), one of the 104G affilated chan.c:e-Qf_tires_£m:jmiescQrted_women memj—:. :—

------ — ....— ^ i ~ l l ~ l I l i i l ■ . clubs which make up the American Automobile bers; delivery of gas, oil, tires or pai'ta.'---- 4 — ■ “ , _ L ^ « m e f a i ) j t k . ( K o m n i o n l v HnowttastAe A. A. A.). ■ ■ THF, TDAT-rn STATF, ATTTOIWnBTT.F, AR- ^

:'"r— •-!-:— •— — ----- ,-• <-•-—has been-pne^of-tfieiJredomTnaTilrinfluences to— , SDCIATION (A;ATi-) fiD’nishes freefmvitig^fof'“ - - -! ■ -■' i -■ -i " V Z " ^ - I I secure adeqjiate'federal aid'.funds for con-' members, within fifteen miles in any direction,

■ Y I ' l . structioh of a truly national highway system: .'from the closest official service u n it.'

^ : . IT HAS'ALSO BEEN SUCCfeSSFUL'm THE IDAHO STATE AUTOMOBILE'AS--■ . aiding the-figljt to eliminate unfair .national SOCIATION (AA:A) has provided a legal de-

" H ■ '■ In cstaWishinc an insurancTsciTice in this Club,'we excise taxes with "ivhich motorists have, been ' ~ partm ent which is able to furnish adyice ,and .. :___-H -l” - - are keeping;pace wilFlhe larger'AT'ATTl. clubs^n tlils?"' ''"b 'uraeried since tli'S 'Wai'. ■I;i[Sl'~flg)lt WOlj M iiy~ Tiounsel fo members ni m atters relatiHgToTITe

M ■ countiy who .maintain Insurance Departments for the . , 25th, 1928, when 3% tax was eliminated—sav- ownership or operation of an automobile. This■ ■ H . e.xclusive benefit and protection of their members.. As a ' ing $30 on a .fl,000 car. service, includes'advice W’ith respect to legal'*

■ § ' 'TH E IDAHO STATE AUTOMOBILE'AS- .' rights in the prosecution and defense of claims '. wrat Ca?uaItJr‘cLpany ot S eaS , Washington (comi" ' SQCIATIpNlAAA)^has.striven for-preser%'a- , i ; '- for.perspnal injuries, damage-to-property-andpanion companies'),.our Insurance D6partment= will issue tion o f Idaho's scenic and historical resource^?, .• other such m atters, buc d o ^ not include |)er;.

’ - Idaho-State Automobile Association Membei-shi]> Poll- .. f)tgf.>.hf»v mnv hp ppvpetunted for aTl future sonal i*epresentatiOn in court,_. . - "__ _^' ' cies. • .This now enables us to offer to A, club mem- generations. . • IT IS THE ONLY CIVIC ORGANIZATION • . . > .• • offciSdbt°anvof\heTa?^^^^^ ' . . in Idaho^th a t di r e c ^ c m ^ r^ tse ^ with the

' '■•tions'which will serve to' protect y ^ * y o m - .' , for motor .tourists. _ • ' •, " ■ - friends and your fam ily-especialiy lour chii-' '• B U SIN E SS:^th i8 sta ted

. -'^ Ifernearirfour^rdT ^^^^^^^ '^''“ h E'IDAHO STATE AUTOMOBILE A S -" ' , ‘ LAST YEAR^THERE WERE 360,000 out^' ;; '. 'i i i^^orthwestem.Mutual Fire'Association bas\been operate ' SOCIATlDN (AAA) has aiTanged with judi- of-st;ate tourists within our bordere. , , •

: i ^ ^S ce ssfu lly , in the'State of ,Id^o for more than p ciary o f 'th e state to accept ife membership-. . ' IN THE. STATE'.OP IDAHO the tourist• : •; Wefeel ttof ... . . . ' card in liea'of cash bail up to.'S2.5 for traffic . . spent,a total of !?l,800,00p. This'means added.-

..... ....^ ' . ' - ' j i d a t i b n s , except in cases of intoxication and prosperity fo r eveiyone in the Stato of Idaho, - . :- . ' -SE B V ieE r ApprKlating-the .demand for prompt : driving. ■ — - THE IDAHO STATE AUTOMOBILE AS^” '■' 4

and. efficjent-loss adjustments, specm^ '•'^^TH E IDAHO STATE AUTOMOBILE AS- ' SOCIATION (AAA) is the largest civic organ-S i i l e d , “ ot only in the Stat/of Idaho S0C.lAtION (AAA!) provides free roadside ization operating without profit or com.mer-

___ ___: Li-diOhe-Ujiited States.and Canada, will receive immediate aid to membei*s, within fi\ie miles in any direc- cialism for the mutual benefit of its members“•'-'•"Attention. To accomplish this, the Northwestern Mutual tioifrfrom the closest official service units; this - — and-of-m otorists.everyiviierfi__________________

Fire Association and the Northwest Casualty Company jhave placed their international adjustinent service sys- 4----- ---------------- :r"-------------------- ^ ■ ■ ----- ' ............. .......... > .,

v.i • tem at-.our disposal. ' _ . ^ T H E _ ' ' iSAVING: The exceptionally favorable e u j m e n * ^ T ' ■ ...........^

----u ;,-ilii*ui«ncei»rlttenlteZA..A.^Sbe.?'lBisa<iettpoB. ■ on*., i... A«. ua; r .......... . .......■’ sible for Us to offer-this complete insurance service to — - r T«ln Fiiiis. hinho . ..... .................. ........... !....... li'2.... , ......... .....■' ■'4

Idaho A. A. A. members at a radical saving in costs. chen'tts- mak nppliminn r<>r 7n v»wI<'b>o»>J1 A»»erl/itlon and *erro to pay th« : i ■'•■• '3-------- - . r.‘cul;l <nnuaI cJur« kl «<lvanr<> nnrt to nlilrti* l.y tu« l.y-iaw"- 1 furthpr «crr« nni lo imfl. wll or «ubl<«t thB om-- __*'! . Th6te combinod features Of our Insunwce Depart-/^, . . .. ■

i ' mentwarfant the members of . . • • -------- ;-----the Idaho A. A. A;, as w^l as those who ^ould be memr • ■ moj«i.................... x o . . . -

ioai i: ' bers.- All our off ices, have complete information . 'a b ^ r ^ -- Kor>«i .vd....................... aij-...:,............... ocMpauon.... .......................................... T..this new service and will'be only too glad |o( explain; i t ' . • 7„m«,ion ..... ........»‘:.oo 8iRn*iur« .............................• ................

-iC .••r.vttf you.-,'.: Si , ........... '• Uu»ln«i« « J d r r « . ..........................................................' ' ■ . .'I--'' .......... Tt«»|<Irnc« addrrni.............................................. ....... .........

- I- ■ J Yog Joijf-^a .ThqiM i i i ^ ^ utopttiM Ypii 'Join YQ V^

Page 4: Ai. Xn.MHiaH ll)l._______ • , ...... ._____ I W I.\ iUAilU. PATI.UIJAY. AUCU'ST ik. • , • • ______________

^ ^ r A G E - F O U K -

• • . M cm bor; UnUcil P r ta n AH«oclntl9n____ . , ____

i?II0N IS8'I‘ B . X . 38

S n te ro d u ■tcood c lnn i m M ten A pril 11. 1018, b t ’T v ln F a lU po ito U lc t e d 6 r > c t ot M a rc h .l. 1879.

PDbltabod ever7 oTcnIoK o zcap t StmilDy fti 2CB U atn A T O D oa.E oiV Tvli V kllfi Idaho , liy • • '

T IM ES rU B L IS U W G JOSTPAKY, ETC.0 .- I t 'C o l l lB t , Br«sidcD t (jco. IL C ro ta . B o e re ta ir-T reu v r* ;

L . 0 . CoUlns, Vic« P rcaldenL n n r ry Ilrovm , HilltorAdTortlBlns RtaaaKer._____ ________________ -» .■ ___:____________ Too P. Browi

. P la n t S nso rtn toodont ___OoorKOiO. Cnrlaot' NATIONAL nE ^R E Sti:^ 'T A T IV B , P: C. Thfiln Co.. 420 LcxlOBton A vcnu.

W W Y o rk City. 30 N orth MIclitKim A vonue. Clilcaco.

8U B“ 0 R IP T I0 N aATJC3 O n ZDontb. I .60:' th roe m ontlis. (1.06: i l z m onlha , 13.25] ono yoar. |Q.O

I ' BIBLE V E R 'S E S '^ D P R A Y ^ '•70V O U S O in iO W — xy h i'ti tli.- n^ 'lu .M .ns a rc .in n u l l i o r i ly tlil

p e o p le rojoii-<‘ ; h u t ibi* w ic J ln l hi'iiiM-ih inili". tl ic ihmjiiIc i i i o u n i ' —l» ro v . 2!):2. • . ' . • . '

•PHAYKK—, M-.> wt.iilil >'V.T s.-i-l; .in fuitlifiiliH‘ss It. sw.iin• o n ly tlu ;’ riirliU 'o iis f u r or/icial imsitioii. ! J . ,

B R A V E PEOPLE UNDERTAKE AN T -TWWBlTlOUS-FROeRAM:------------- ---------- ------------

'Tft Anfpr n p;i<rp filloH with wilrl nnimnlR requil'i21i_botL •nerve and! brave'i'y. S im ilarly it is also risUV'to ffo-cn vo rtin g over a d y n a m ite inajriizine. '

■ These tru th s , a rc brought to m ind hy tiie confercnc' h e ld iri B oise a few days ago by do u g h ty citi'/.ens of sev e raT T \^ste rn S ta tes lx T co n sid er tax a tio n r T here “ is ii'* n io re dangerous p h a s e 'o f our political .and economic lif;- th a n th is m atte r o f m ak in g a levy oh resources o f the ih d m d u a l fo r the operation d f gbvernnient, no m atte r whath ia “goVei‘ffliii!iit'in'ay"l)ij:— ■■.... • •--------^ ^ ^ ----------— -R eading the press rc lm rtso f- thc conference there wa a rg e n e ra i onslaught on pi-esent ex /;enditures wof piibJi ’ fu n d s .a n d a decry ing o f the tren d o f the day’tow ard th in troduc tion o f so-called luxuries in oui* sta te an d nation a l p rogram s... T he accusation w as niade th a t leg is la to if w h e th e r i t be in c ily comm issionsj county commissions leg is la tu re s '/o r in, a re beseiged by fad d is ts ani schemei*s who h ave .so ine p ro jec t to iJU fover a t the exDense o e d ea r jmblic. • . ______ •', I t is probab ly too risky to vcTituro to engage m liT

ed ito ria l 'd iscussion of-such a fa r-reach in g topic, bu t it i' ohqo>irofT.fhne_\vliilp tlioso cnnfcronccs tn'obabl^y. ac**

cpm ijiish a g rea t deal in a rousing th e public conscienc- it is seldom ' th at;re fo rm s a re b rough t to puss.

P resid en t R. E; Shepherd o f Jerom e; o f the S tat C ham ber o f Com m erce, drov<? liomo some vital fac ts whe he isa id , “W e a rc b e in g tax e c L fo r ,ld lls .a n d J a d a _ o L -J U practiciil value.” In this’conncctfon-he asserted th iit ^W have in m nny insta n cei; perm itted o u r school svsteiii to b exploited by fad d is ts and social.scheinei-s, so th a t the cos pe r pupil has increased 700 ))er cent since 1890 w ithout •• Be»^-e8}l^g^^ff-4n(B--6a66-jn 4,hfrTalMlitv:hC-thc--chUd. to mefc (Tfe’s plfttblems.” • ‘, . “ Wcj ta lk ab o u t farm relief and jit tho sam e tim e ta :. the farm the heav iest of n il." thi*' speaker continued '‘H onie ownei's a re constantly grow ing loss, bocause o taxes.' • . •• •

“W e increase tJ)o taxes on U ie,railroad and. otl)ej' uti) ities,-knQ \ving.that.they-m ust and-w ilL i jh ipper and f a rm e r . ''T h e r ia lro ad s a re now paying m or Jian ti m'illit’m' dollai-s a day in faxe.s., much o f whic' :inds its way in charges ag a in st the farm s, ye t we pcrmi nuch . o f the w ealth of the s ta te , in the form o f tan g ib r property, to go untnxod, an d force tho burdeii o f govem T ienruppn lhose ''o flc*n 'lcasrable to p a r . — ; — ' ~

“ W e have been increasing the bonded in d el)ted n es ' >f t.hp S ta tes nnd'.mnnicipnlit,i<>s.;ir,-f-h(‘ rnt.p.of .mniy-LluL-. ?3,500,000 p e r day, usually by th c ’.v o te ^ f those who neve jxpect to pay a .dollar o f it.” ' '• Th(*se-are_facts.that_are..worth.v o f consideration b'l vho is p rep a red to prov ide a rem eciy? .i'erUa])s, a lte r aJ ' ye m ay be forced* to resort to a sim ple form of sales ta lim ila r'to th a t im))osed, on gasoline w h ich 'm ethod woul' • nsiire con tribu tions from every indiv idual in 'th e countr m d in aiccordance w ith th c p urchasing pow er,o f tlia t ir l iy id iiil whichi_by_the:wa>'. is n o t a n u n fa ir propositio’ )u t w ould sjeem 'to 'a ffo rd an eq u itab le basis for the Wiit rig. of n ecessary e.xpenses o f governm ent! The m an wiv. Jought a poimd..o'f su g ar w ould probab ly jiay a cent o ,wo in-additibri tb the rogular-price* the m an who bough in automoTJnb b r a g n u id 'p ia n o woiTifHie assessed j)ro )brtionately in rela tion tc) t!ie ex ten t of. the purchase ant ,he am ount inv{)lved.

T ax co n fe ren ces 'a re all. r igh t from the .'Standpoint o ' iociab'ility a n d friendsliip Ijut we do.ubt if tliL-y ever ac 5om pIisli-anything p rac tica l.-------- — .......... - -

T he ed ito r is in receip t of a com m unication from ; lenpccked husband iisking our adv ice on how to hand le : vife. T h is is a deep and serious su i\iect and one th a t re ju ircs much tJiought; Being, a m em ber of tiia t o rdor our ;elf, we .hesitate liefore going (in record . W e n iigiit tin; dly-BUggest th a t if she is o f the clin.tfinf: vine typi* yo; n ig h t g e ta w a y w ith it trea te ij her rough. On th. )ther hanTITTr.sFie'lias a ,sq u are ja w a n d a doublo cliin, -w i . »ad b e tteb iise diplomacy,- an d th a t a t .‘yxfe distance. I lhe is a n ag g er a t hom e an<i ab o u t y o u r [jlace of l)usiness' ake'.a n ig h t tra in fo r somt? n ew 'su ite an d s ta rt anew . I ' - ve a p p e a r on the s tree ts a f te r th is i.< prin ted . :ill buniie< ’ IJ) w ith cuts, sc ra tches a n d l>Luise.«, i i rn^iv be caused b'" : ih "auto acciden t— arid th en it m ay not.— Em m ett Index

A ilic h ig a n school bo ard ))romises to firo any teacher ' oale .or fem ale, who d a res to sm oke, even in the p rivacy o ■ lis o r h e r own room. T e rv p roperly th e guy ^-im.ijut ove. b e m otion is iiresiden t o f .a nurser>- .company.—^Idah* ?ioneei*. * •

~ I t> o s ts tw o a n d ia J ia lf tim es as'Tmich to pdnrittp : ^ f iS d a s i t d id f ifteen ypare ago.- B ut o f course a g ood man; f th em a i¥ siu-e th a t (hey know tw o a n d a half* times' a ' luch .— ^Nnmpa lieader. * , I n

.■.' O th e r V ie w p Q in ts

fN orili —[>( h .|)u]llli::il L-iili:niu. 1!

Illl (.aiiil)iili;ii (UllK fa r In . i;v(i, oC •tlit'iii. Tiii'v a

iiamcil Uiul(ol) iukI D iit'o iil.'

, ‘rlnl <iri;aiilr.:illi)iin In ilii* coiiiili llld lidlli. ai'<- iir<'numiil)ly wwilli

• .iif-ii'. llo tli 'iiro'iKjinliinlly noinil.Ucaii no tli ' liiivv voliiiriarity iiloiiKcd nil .liiiu'o Io OovcriiDr Sm llli (TIk? .S'ov >rc-f<-bi ll) illKiiiry llio cikiidiiliiti* i '(ii>vi.|-iii)r” Sailtli liiHU^ud nf "A

' Mmlivo (Unl-.Mr. KiiHkob liriK acui-|>t( Iio irill <it maiiuuiiii: tlio Kovcrnor'.KniiiilKii. l-'nrli iloHiTtH hiti " rnrly ar

. -roeM nvi-r to Ilii^onunHlUnn inK.iigllii HI jiccfiiiDt o f ilio.m>v<Tiiar'ti'.wi.a'iiri -IlTliloii lllll) dodiiratioiiH. .

Tlrln 111 Ill'll loK lcal.'('iin-fiil ruflci Ion (Ijii'.'i mil iiii|i|x>r\ ll a s HiitfU-l'.-i

\ di'liik of nioo'iiHlrtiio wliInU)] nuiri! t: 'I 'l iiir •'lli;lil.” ~wIiTI>'‘irr lit'or morn n I'HK. I'iiii iirnrvi'Iy Im tim "i>ar:iinoiial

w llli ■|iicii of lliln calllicr. • '( 'iiiiiiiil ft'a liiri^ Ilii'lr ai>|iiii

•III tsrra l com iT ii fu r " tlic in.«i'li,‘ ill U)' Ihu niiUiniiiu iit Hul'li a ii Isiitu

_ Ilo lIi^ .rii-liw *vlly -liil< .rcH t< 'il-lii-lli «n iu itac tan> n f .u iiroiliici w hich ev Tylioily ill llii» (^uaiilry. dcnlri'N aii' vhli'h iii'iirlv I'voryhndy «-iiJfiyn a III’ ‘ laaiitifacttirLTH’ nwn tirlci:—tIj n ird iiiiic r und ukit havltii; iiulliliii; l<

. r u ’.iib u i i t—UilH.________T h i'lr lmiilni'i(rt. in olhur words. I

'looniliiff lllld iiromlHuii to I'ontlniic li 'moil) .In upllu flf |>rohlUlll</n, wlili-i III'/ oHtenalhly w nnl ilowiii'd. TImci '•ore iifvi-r hi'foru ho cood, idllii'r frn licm n r f n r 't l i i 'l r hnmlili,' ciiniotni'ni fl tliauK an* now and havp tirua ua

'i“r nri)lilbltlon. Tlieruroro.' jvlm i jh Jkiho 'VinUii'Ul" sco lh-m i'n wiiiilT

Thi’*o. nrii iw o .o f , tin; «nlKiiiH“— •onni llicJii. ■ • ; .

r a m i i K M '* ;------tMiintainL Iti'riinl-llLTuid)Tllo .w-nrld <hiiH ceasird lo lailKl

.vhfi) I} f itry .'l‘V ril oui'Mh . Ii Ih niiinl,li I Iuih rorKollcii lilii pnii^- idil|> um

. i Ih‘. I irari' iirnnoiinci'm oni lliiCi "lil>i' cirj' i»-l)UIIU. 'IIIC lllllilimmiU' >M.: In jironf «if llio ir ilth 'o f liln word: ha t If '\voii lake all th i' oNpi'rlomn in| Jiiili:nK'Hl nf m ea ov.t f.i) ou l o( llf w orld Ihoro w imldn'l Ik- choiikIi I'l l lo ran il.” •» -

I l ia im hllf m iiiu n riif oa Hit- o r i'ii- IiiTi“ <iniTiT” C i)lin tlfn iilay aiinlvormiry nluht *i'rv<' iiH-^Uu croi-d of AniiTlt'an lUKlni'Hii.

■ ~ T h P “T pal—Jimrttn—nf—lIHrt—n r-n n y llio r Niioi'i'ii'fiil coaiicuiy- a ro . In* ri'aHod I'Xpi'rli'lK'i'. h c ito r , laolljndii,

jiofc Hklllo J worlniiVn. m ore hliclily

•.ro tllo lioiil iimritK wo (talni'il- from ho ]r..noii.iHHt .Modol T K ords—miiiiT’y

nol Iho Ili-nl iirofll."’.Many Amorli'iin Iiii«1iiosm oiiloriirlH''M

iro.'llvini; u)i lo 'llii it cii'od. Tlioy aro iiaklnir .n ioni-y. Inii ihi-lr .KroaloHi i.illnfiirihin Ih dorlvod from lliu iitib- 'c Hi-rvk-o they coador iiiid tlioli’ 'ohfi'vAniriit.H fa ,i-nKlnoo'rlaK und liro*

D a i l y P o e m

**. A CO.MMOV 'lo w a lk n - tlio anrlonr~iva>Tr;-n-JMm-

m nn ..Matj—‘O 'tl i'iy urrnini- who na ly lilliidly i>oo V C oinaum lM iia? llh a t I'lowmaiiV

unopi.iVy ,•von-'\vllh 'lill' dawn of humiin llfo

. hci;an.'-•hllo MilII Ihc n uaau i-h rcd miiii.-<U'ni

t l . 'w n r ran ; . . . ,:i .rrKliniH lol ii> wralU .....I lu-'irodi- 'i iu a lm ir .Nalaro'H orudo

<•11 y.•tlllil liiM lionr wattli- dwi-lliat:, ll'-od

hln iipaiiIf urdiipiiiif hariirdouK d a y . i .............

• TJin iiutnclilcn 'i u la rsInvo wjii<-hi-d llirl KiiiiT. ..... .. lili<

hlol1fllKtll|.»:i. ' . •.onhi of lllll lllliici-, laUKlii tiy irlba l

'■'t Kniiii; on and on. •ntll oa. to Ijc 'li;iii' lu 'lr ’ o f llfc'fc iru c nr|?itni'racy.

-r-C. K. n 'nou . in ilii' /..oiidon ------Observci-. -------

I L i g h t e r S i d e , '

Ij'i ilf.'llf r.iu r*o .•A H 'lX rtm m n ilrnv.- ii;>_l'> u_£:n.i_ ta llou In n tlllaiild.-iu'd Kord. -'Is your

il r f n - r r ' h f iiikod. Tin- a tu-adunl mr.ivor.-d In Iht-j atflrm attvo .

■•I'll h.-ivc mini.!." ruil.l th.- S<-i>I.-•'Il- y..iir- <"r n i 'r i l . .' rri'o7 ' io_aHkod.

" i 'l l h ;iio th a t loo. Ctiii 1 borrow i ‘ oh tar- 'ti.-r-

Til.- S.-.)I. I11UI1I1 'look ,lho_.-i;;:ir£llC- Tall>-<l im lll III.' cn« > man hnd ilt.-mh-.l Ic hl> .Taakca-.i- and kIvoii llni t r r c u lr. I lu a lUarl.'d ti> drl<o

" I h lb.-ii- anylliiiii: i;in Uo'■ T J - 111. - . :i1i..n'daat. •

"Tli.-r.* "l!'." .'ftlil tl;.* • ScoJfJiman. i t li‘-‘ lirok-' th - r lsa r.- tto tu- half, p iilllne Olio jK irt-lii liH p.irkot n i;t lio^'nUii-r ill Ills niniitlt. "yv. mUi.l

T .m Mofh .V1l*r Jim m y ,«v.-i-< Inv ith l lo n r liild r. n'R

■'arty, ntid .in lho lab lo n m o n c n lh rf ; o<hI - ihinc.H ■•ii'o.l a . plK i.-nlnc Kirnw- K rry Jelly., llii^ ^ Ibralioff p f a p4».i- ni:, t r u d ic ^cjiiiK ll ll ti> igulvnr an.l ih id r .

I 'ro j. ii i lv . wb'-ii Jim m y's tarnc.iR jp o b f i..rv.-cl. Ih.*' lir.Nl<-«» !u»ia; -W ill

rnn Iiavo boiuo j--llr. J Im n iy r ’".So. tha n k )«ni," sal.l J im a ij

p rom i'tly*-",«•(» ii.*i .lr»d yrt.'* . •

. . • ' Ton*Uv o r lla Jn -m f Irm a S tJrk(rr'7 ia .f a nfter-

Uioir T u y 'd n r by Ilr. W alk rr fit 'Corlh r i a l t o —N .'r ih .IMnllo jvipcr.

••" T W I N F A L L fl D A IL T _ T IM i

fGOVERNMEM’r e p o k i i m r :

i:WHEATS!IOWli_ ______ .By-VolW d rre iB •

“ ■ \V,\.SIIIN(;'l’t).V. A ui:. IS—Tho Do !ic! jcirlJjiDUl 4>; A sricu ltu ro ro jio riud-to ' ' ') d a y Ihal liiioiitlouii i.r p innllnit w in

Ilu r. wh'pul an of AUJIUMI 1 Inillviilcd iii laoroano of i;,l imr (rent Iohh tlian ac

ih li iin llv ^..wii hiKi fall. ___'’*■{ i f Mio. liiii'n llonn im ' In.lli'aU^TTT] fy Hii.iioo m iio rtln s fariuoni w uro tii^rlo. >y ou l liy a l l '‘A m 'T lcun_ f#rmor>i._ ihi

tlnilcil'. KtaiPS' aori'acH w ou]iri)u ''.|ti. r.:;:i,ii«i, lu fm li-d um 'UK o'Ik uboiil •

.'H |)o'r c n l . o r h fa r ly ri.O'lOOOfi ;iorcii h;v; iH lhan lho acn-aiic Indlculfd Ity lho Aim- I" lilit 1 roiutii lanl year, nl Iniondod aoroafre o'f w ln to r ryo fui a r.rain hi rt.-pi)ilod hy fn rm on i.nn S.f

id i n r cont K roalcr th a n lho «crcaK< I , - 1 i . . . , f . i l __Mlrhl^-3n._and.- Wllir .>• of)ni.ln Hhovv'od IntcndoU docrcaiicn lr

ryo lu-rojino whll.i olliL'c |>rincl|> iil^yt i- SlalfH liioliulhiK 1’onunylvanlu, ~ n . It dlaiia. .Norih iind S o u lh 'm k o d i . N v

Mi>»lana. (roloradn and Mln^ ,r noHoiii ri'iiorlod Intcnd.^d liicnrant:i. ir Tho w h.-nr p la n iln a liilonllonii arc '• loMt. than laa l yoar chU-tly l« Oio .-oni

boll Slaloii an .l OkJil/iniiia .iml Jo w :’. •- T bo A llanllc o.KiKl- Bliiii:rt »li"«;" Iho u,.uiiraci'oai;!-, M ontana and •. (-ni Hiiiloa Hliow Inovi'aHfii. anu ih'!0 (-•.,Uf>.riilii-«<iiua!;u-ia-alULdciiend';m■- ou Mltuinn n ih u L .,— I,, d -------- ----------------------

Serious Charges T^:hat-GasGoinpany- ; Used Bribery Plan

.*■ Dy TJnlua; l.O S ANGKI>:s. Auk; IS—ChavKca

I llial 111.! Soulliorn Citllfornla Oim (.. lll■ 'p a n y ui-o.l ihousaiiila ofr-dollara Io In­

' l fliiono(\ IcK hilalloii' III !>'•'* Aiij;eli'» •I oUv. fo iin rll. undonl.'i.'.lly v.'lll ho ink-

i n bproi'p th .‘ « ran d jm o f/lth ils cal.l lu-ro Today.- - •

\ -nH' r'..|.|i.taIlMiiM. ma.l.. Ill illroc f I"!*--I ' llm oiiy al 111.' tr ia l oi i;r i;. ............... •iiiiiHl hi- invi'alliMlocI In i:voni-aiiy nuh-1 r .ian iiiilin« 'fac l» an-'liilV udm u'd. po]!- •; u iy 'OIMrli.l Atlt)Vno.v_J.atiiiiw_>iild.......

I 'co'itipahv, .i'n ohiirKi'd ir llh lllc oinboit.• /1om.-ni of SlliU.OOi) or 111.! 6ri;;'nl/.a- f linn 'a fnadi.. I 'rom llio ivlinoiifl lUaiid I ho nald lho monoy llfi'd . wllli. Iho I'nu-I !>!'Ul Of hiKhor o :flcfr;:.-aa a K ratl fuml

■ lo I',a lil ru llnnH favorahlu to tho Kaa ' oouil'anv.' Sweoiioy. xald bo w;is n lohhyl«t-and ■oiitllui-d a acoro o f 'ii 'n je c lt i Iiv whi.di

—mw hT-H'iiioi^iii.l-oUi^r-pranilU oi; liiin.l.asHo.1 fcom llini to-.-hy orflclnln wlu-ii

, Im iioriaiil m 'na'nur.'P.« on- in bi> v.iicii , by ronnell.

! nilnuto’Tk-H t‘*i;ml' luivob...'ii naiiii-d by J5»vi’fn fy aa bavin;: rc-

I ooiv.'d illil brlbi R.

, i M atte rs o f R eco rd !4'— , , . ♦

• I tM r M i'o iir t. j_AKoiando»-.. S.-IloaMlll-lai.UmU;d-.1c.-. i TiiVn ai;iiliiiii' K ihnk' j ; 'K ro b o l l i nnd

ntbora to c i.'a r lltl.^ to c ir la in laiitlH, Thi- i-a;'i.‘ la b'-in:: Iniilliiilod for Ute

1 I iia ln illf i>y S u liiii 'n and yu tjihen o; j (iomiini:, I.laho,

V nibalo Court..1 Ho)> 1., f u r i i i '. a liaa Loh I.. Cuvllf^.,

l-< iiiiiiiid hi a romi>lalnt__filoil clinr=- J n ; ; him w lili in triiintlaK 1 < > b U ,

room ;i.a i tbo lloK'-'rnnn b o ld . T h e dofonOant 1» ilinuKht to bo In Orrj^on. f

A woman ai SoalllP, W anhinnlnit-i wli'>:ic‘ i;.imi- I:; w ithhold w irod incall ro lir r . that i.lii- uail'TKlood h«-r Fon wax boliic held iii-ri-. 'Sho w hhod lo .kr*iw

- « : I ^ : - l ‘;r rh-ir;-f 'i iviTi; »l»l wliy.-Tb-r, Iinllco know iioililni; ' of. lho -m an araiii!.! uh .iiu llioy n rc aiijipo-'.od 13 havo ,liar;;i';;.

I M iirrhuo l.Ironsos.Mavrlam- llooni'i :. woru .Ir.siicd In

\\;ilHa i:!borid>i.' aii.l Dva Uiiriir., bn 'h .if HoIm', an.l to J . 1^ U nnl'o rs o f Tw in I'.illii uml .Mav I., DilmnKC of W ll-| lov.::. l-allfonil.i. . , ■ ‘ ,

I ' i’n ipo rly fn in > fo rs .. , ]' ' \V l),-.r.. r . w ris lil .1 a l to I 'r .'d X

U ills .-$ t. ltr(-< s :,.8 .1 . Kl. H7. l:'t . Aildlilhn 10 H'. I-. llo iK htr SbhdM rlon .

c ir . cAi.i-ii-:'-. c . A. llall.-y. can.ll-dntf-'w 'I.ron,-.!'-’ J r r t r o r jw .------- ' ------ :

( 'If, CM) i:. V. l^iri.oa, candidal.'.,, pros. I mill;; j i i o i iu y. ilo/iulilk-an. SS'-W

l ' i-if. .\i* . 11.11.dd Will. M orrll. im v .s.,rv.>oi-. K.-|... y:. j w n .’ti IT. W hile Ct i 'l I" U. ! j . iTiiiii . r a l . j i . f s c c . n - io -r ..

i l iv ri .u a iu J -U o rd o u t i Vlr.lo Kami'. J l . i-;i!'U- hind.• I 'l - l* .- l , t ;7 l r .l:irc Sbaw to Slilnoy 11). Hlia«-. J l , lot I. blk-. M. Tw in I'nllfl.

— 2 5 0 —I ■' — is the;' ■; - . right, p rice .I to pay fijr a '

good tooth paste-—

L I S T E R I N E -T O O T H P A S T E ■

L c t £ c T t i b e ^ ,

2 5 H 7 - -I I ' I ' ■ I . I

■- y: *-“ jiin o lot'l'n!*1dl{. ' 10, T^^^^

. Alim. I)oi!.l—T. I'*.. Hit ii- T ru m Co ndm lnh iin ito r o f oiitntc of Thoimia M A lklnxt di'ccaitod.-M Clydu Atkli), llO i

- SM 37; N i; SW 27-n-lH , . .Q CD.- A nna TM. liroKrnnan lo P. J

nj OroHHuiau. 51. muiip Inn.I,

i r r ^ — ^ ^ —I Tu Idulio TiiIIh nnd Itotiini<. ..

■ I ‘- I ■ Tu lilnrkf.Kit iinil I t i ' l u n i ........

>* From T n in f 'n iis r in -O ro p iu , filmr '» M .ILnc Ita iln m d . .TlrliolK KomI oul: -■'..'in cnnclio-i' um l c lu ilf c i i r ' nlid lliai

" T w in Fa:llsr- V e te r in a ry H osp ita l. Dr. H. R, Qroome, Voterinariftnf. 260 2 n d A v o . S . •P h o n o 2 0 .W

| r ; , -Q .

. . .

T od .iy y o u d e in a n t in YPur au to m o b l

' f i v e y e a r s u ro . h i s h c r to p , ^pcc

• --------------------- :— W0 Fthv-pce£Drmacarid n tc c lc ra tio n i

' 4 0 I n o rd e r <u icatifif_ __________- n o w bu ild a th e A

\ . • a n d tU e I 'b ritia c ; f c a rc th a n e v e r befc ^ - anccH ofonc-thousi

■ w e re o n c c pcrm iss o f o p e ra tio n s a re

__________1____ -o n e 'tc n 'th o u e a n d■ O a k b n d - a n d Pbi

b u iltitifa c tb rie sco :------- '--- -'oaT5Ha'A7J Af3rf?cSi

{actory. C heck O aklat C c w ra l Al

■ ^ w i n ’ . FP h o n c 7 2 9 .W

' Hi‘11 '.lliitor Co.. IIn» 'I(ou .ir. •W llkor -Vil

P R . O O U C T S

^ W h y ~ S w e

A n y t h i n g

O u r body a n d fen _ tu n i.o u t_ th e .b est.k in t

a re a l w orkm anlike :

. W e h av? the l a t ^ t to use them — a n d do

% i n d A u iO FH CE AND SHO? PHONI

< The F isc;

------OOODYfeAH TIRES ‘■ * astnr-

.'I . \ T T i.- iM V ’\r<niK V m i : k t ___ :( . .ay ttn itoa P to tt

,. KYli. .V; .Y,,' Aiik. IS—Mra, Mr i. SiiUon Uiindy, iham iilo ii o f ibu AlnIK ), Stilli!.i 'H joai'H'IIUU. and Mrn. Ciia

I If llo iln-.i;icr , fhr-n in : - Si'rlnR firl I. .Viiiii:!., a'noilioi' v c io ran of ir.uny no;

I'onr.-w ill, mi i-l today for ilio, l.-aiilci ' h^'ddiru'K t«nn!:i clui(i/|iloniihl|i nt ll

■ WokI (:i,ioator-iilltiiioi'e .club lic-rf,


, I Poultry Producersij Wo httvo; a good supply ol

*i Wc. nUb pay^tho highest pricca ■ fov Poultry and .Esgs. •

Sco Us Boforo Sollihg ,

i M erid ian P ro d u ce Co.I • — T ?O irT iT nY ‘-ANt> E G O S ^

159 Wnll-gL . Phonc 17fi

j l n f i n l t c l y m b r e . ' e n t i r e l y w i th i !e t I u in v o u -d id O a k L tn d ts c

Y o u d e m a n d a n d r c p la c in R d , m o r e . t r u s t - t o u s e o n l y th i r r , R r r n t r r f in a p r . . . '. .a c c u ra tc .d .r t ig a n d . to o K e r l i f e . ■ t l a n s t a r i d n r d s y y o u ; O a k b n d . t h e in d u s t r y , r .( ^ A m e r i c a n S ix o f t h e c a r s t o w l s tx W ith I’r'c.-itcr W b u f d n ’c y o u i r e .^ W h e r e to l c r . , h e w o r l d V m i n d t h o f a n in c h b i l e p b n t w il itb le , n o w Bcorca . d g i o n n u c h *01 n c c u r a tc w i t h m d h v c a n A ll- l i l v « f - o n - in c l » » — n t ia c S ix e s a r e . a n s w e r i n 6U] n s t r u c te d a lm o s t s t a m i n a 'a n d 1 s^ r5 T 0 .» r 'fb ''ir2 5 y r:rd n ifa e 'S tjf rS 7 '» : iil'Puniliiu ilcfifcrrcd firlcci—they fn.-Iutfa iowr* Tim e Poym eni Plan avaUuble

Twin FalU, Idaho. ''O ur Reputation Your Guarhntco

A. -M. .Soloniim, O nM rj lo r Co., Jo rum o . Ji-n.M'ii .Motor

m D m

a r A b o u t ^

- T h a t G a n - .

d e r s tra igh ten ing d e p a r irof_worlc— an d dc-it-in- m an n e r.' rif

tools an d devices an d

t o m o b i l e (3 2 9 9 . ‘ ■ .

ij and Best Equipped'paragie i s 1

■=;,v'ri.iruAy. .M 'U

• ■ TIM ES WANT A l5 s ' uril.Va'' RI . s t iu T s : ;

‘y • ' • • • '

' F A iR B A N k s m o r s e '

B a ir B earing ’. P um ping li- — U nits fo r Irrigation

Srnlivs iiaJarsTXiiTmn^nri^^Sysli-ms foV .lei'P w Hb

V IEH W EG BROS;^.;.:ADlhor'lzed. l>ealci^ Tf^

Fairbanks M orse Prodiicts..J in .’r j ' i‘ ' u Iicudcr

Phono 1CC5. 132 T h ird Ato. N orth Opposite Mnpol Automoblio Co. .


f e t e T ' ”

n th e p.i5t ftv'o years-.^ or>stantly d isco rd in g . ,c tju ip m en t, cbn 'tcnr.'

le' vCry new est, m ost, , ' •

a r « c c o n d to 'non^ in 7 ^tfCardJess o f th e p r ic e . h ich th ey q reap p lied .

p rc lc r a c a r b m lt.m ost m o d e m auiomo< ih s tan d a rd s o f pre- ! O a k la n d cm ploysf • ' •A incrican .S ix o r a m d ” you*ll': fitid (lie |)erio r .perfo rm ance , reUabilit> '.' 1'St(r$875.—A H -> r{ w iif— ------{otoeie honillinc chiirifct. iiiimum rcuc.

a i i 3 C o T ^220 Sccond Avo. E . .

M. A. Ucrrr, IltiUl.Co.. iiniroriiinii ' . '

m n mI E H . A L . M O T O R S ‘

H H B I B B n i M i i i

B e & e d ?

tm e n t'is equ ipped to th e least-tim e-and-in—

our m en know how '

."S • •' ’ r- ■ • • '

[ C o m p a n y, V . PAETS J H O N E 288 .

th« W eit ■ ■

" T f lM K E N B E A R n ro s ‘ ~

Page 5: Ai. Xn.MHiaH ll)l._______ • , ...... ._____ I W I.\ iUAilU. PATI.UIJAY. AUCU'ST ik. • , • • ______________


— N a w f c im &WORLD SERIE:

G i a n t s T a k e F i r s t A r g u m e i b y C l o s e S c o r e a n d N a r -

-------------- r o w - € a V d t n p l * i c t t d : —

,ajr Unlt«d T ti f - S i / I.OUrs. Aiijr. ,18 -A lm»ol.ull a

KuniuQl w hicli. S S . LouiH Kanw consl crc(i ll " iin io w orlil w tIch" onlorcil 1

..s c to n il Biinic iinro loilny w ith tlic Y ork G Innu (iKhlinK 10 ovcrconw

■*~rwo ifinr ono-UMf KomirrcfiKtnrTciui <tho S l. LOIJ/.V Carifn.

Thu GliintH nllcuU a (nil Knmr o tr Iti , -Cnrdn’ load ycnlortlay l>y wlniiltiR lli__o pener. 3 to 2. a ml loitiiy went

lliibbclU recRnUy «n from tlinT lcu i . . m ont uliiti or tho/i'vxHii Iciikhc. lo t t

u iound to »)utcJ) DttvrlnK’i Uj vc ton iii campiilKnpr. G rover (.'Icvt Iftiiil Alcxatiilor. whoMmn wnn i:i an lu»l G thiH yuiir.

A Honsoncd oliHorv-or o f li.iiicijnll rt — portc ti-tK n t^«cn la j^n -rK T ittie^~ -w ^

“icrrllili) '' ilcopltc iliu low Mc:oro. Tii GliintB Hhoiild Imve HCorc’d 20'Tnmi o

't h o hllliiiK tlu 'y rcgrM orcl, ho nafi .w liilc .ihc .C urd ii JU ornlly "bootciVJ-tii

. iiiurclii oC .viciory;^^,>v-h«n Audv Jlln _commltloil 11 "lh rcp '} in iio_ trro r"_ . J . iipnvJnB w ild (o f ir r tt 'Im sc . 'A -sc o r

rcaullcdvon tho nc.xt play.

New York Giants Gain on Cardinals

B r O nltfa PriB i.v stv ; ' VOKK. Aug. .IS -JJ if i- Nov

St. LouIk Ca^dlnaln yciilnnliiy li; hcntlni; iMe N'aiinnal Ioakuo, Icndorti

• 3 to -jJlinC rciluclnc .th u lr iM d U■ Vorlc YnnkB nnd ,PliHn—<lolphtA-AtlllnllcB—u w 4 > ,.lilla -ln —« n

AmcfilCBU ic asu e l»ccnu»o' of rnln.T ho mnndliiR: n f tli» tw o loailom li

cnch majffr Icnciio rollows;Xalluniil LMiniP__________

‘ Qnmci’ De.

•Tonni': ' W. Pet. him --8t.-r4anifir-rrs=.7:^.'»rWr.-44—KH4’- - r r s

I . Gamcj!. ~ ■■ ■ n«.

•T m im : W. J,. I’d . lilmN ew Y o rk '________ 7K a? .07S .......I'h lladolplila- .........-.73 41, .OMO........... iJT--toi.v i; BTnoi.v wuu


' s y V&lUd Prtaa noRcrit HortiBhy (J7 f.) failed tc

Iitt nntcly in tlirco tliticu np.P « h1 W oiior (.n(19) mudo iilx hlla,

InclurtlnK tw o doiihlcH. In- hovcii tlm ct iit> lit it douhlo Iicailur sK alnd t, the PhllllCM.

K Fo"dU riinuart£6K r' (;.■».«) '«ii»k1cii onco Jn (Ivo tr ip s nRulnni C larence •WUchell. -

m n k t o V'rlKch f.3M) foiled to h ll xafcly Jn th re o tr ip s ' RRnlnnt >*rcd KllrsimroonH. • — .

l l n r r r llc llm nn ii (.:»9) dnublednni) x lnclcd tn th ree tlm en up a s a ln i t I r r iu ir iiacJioy. “

DbIm I lu th (.32R), Lou GchriK f.3C0) nnd Al Simmon* (.37!)) wcro idlo hecauKO o f rain .* .

HOMK m .'N yL K .tftE IlS A m erln inT ,e*siio •

n u th : vankif • 45.G cJirlB ,'V onltn 2t

. . X o U flna rU m fftev ;AVIUoil. CuV« ............ ...................... - 27

.-atottonticyy-uairdu. J , ■ 20• , Jq U l*

AmofScan IcaRuo ...............................3R7N ntlonal icam io .— ..... ............ .........■fCE

Season'it to ln l ............... ..............S52

R o u n d T r ip ;fro m :

Twin_ Falls,a D A H O ° F A tL 9 ’'

fo rrt.-

\ y a r . B o n n e t

- Roun^ ' U p .A u g u s t 2 0 t o 2 3 , .^ ‘n c l u t t MT t e k ^ « » . 20. 31. n

: R « tnm U s i t . A d s . ^. F A r 'f B r tJ u r 'i a r o ru U n c o e tB K t '

R .H . WAqWgS, Tlctot g eB t'.-Tw inPaD s- • ‘

l»59r:--------------------- : •

i P p R lConnie Mack, Maki

I. . . — n y -IIA U R V -iS B H W e O S ™ — ^ -«:ntU>d-I»r«.i>n.aiarf-Cfli;n»rpondonU. - 'S tn m contlnilO’ to r u ro lv c ' nroiui; th e g ray ing o t Connie ^^nclr. ruV

c ra n mnnab’c r o t ihc Pi.iladoiphin Ath f Itslicu.

W ith llic c x c c i.lIo n -o f-Jo lm Me , G raw , w ho Iciiila the Ncw York.Glnnc; , n o iiwnaner. In tlio m a jo r le n su c h^n

hml no m any outntaniH iii; hnll p lnycp • on hla piiyroll nn M:ick. 'I .s ta r te d h a c k ;ip , thn dnyn whc:iI w ln n ln s pcnnnntn 'w n.i h b Imhll. Tlic-t I ho had Kddlc. Collinn. w ho. fo r ycnn , w ns tho klnR of nccond l>n*cmtn. nuP

w ho In now hack w ith th-> AUil<-ilcn , In tho _capnelty o f iiliich lilltr.r ‘ i\nd

conch. Maclc nico Imd th n l iilurzlni: th ird ,h a jen ip n w ho hccnmo a nattoiinl

I flBiiro—Home Unil liahof. ', - -Thott- camo— tho '-tlnio. when Mack

suffe red four a trulBlit dcfw iti .In ‘ th?

to n ’ T Jiflt^cn liicd ''jhc* 'j’h))r.- dclphin 'm annRcr to l>rcak up lilA hilU H unt tenni and. hofiln a cam palsn ' of bulldlnK from tlio g round , up wlih younRatcr*.______ J<t;»c«i--l>n*orj Sin.'on*.

l-'or tlio noven yeurn hclwcun 1D11 and m i Mack kop t on huildlnK 'w llh- o u t 8UCCCSI).. Seven n(rn<Rht AcnrooH w en t hy wlrfi P h iladelph ia flnl«lilnB 'in imil plnce eVcry tim e. Hut Mnck'n cd rc tu i >'Ork n n n ily bcRnn to tc li dnd th c te am clim bed u n til In 193G the n th lc llc n flnlnhed th ird and Innl y ra r they cam e In nccond.

Il wjjn In 3525 Ihnt. W:ick jin rtln llr nbnndoncd hln p ro sram of dcvclopht;*. )-ounio*lcr* nnd .took hln tbccklKmU J a to tho-uiarnt-m horo-haaclK ill-talunl!. Is «Shr. lit! cam e itaek w uh G rove, fo r w hom Jie jmld luO.Oi'tj: Mlckny Cochm nc. Ibe h rlllljin t calcli- e r wlio coxt j.10.000, and Paul S trand . $75,000 outfU-liIcr who lu rncil oitt M l>o-iho w or»t buy of th e lot.


’ a r VBit«4 tt«mY cslcrday 'n ho ro : L arrj- Uooton,

Ne»r Y ork GlnnU* nco. who»o bril- lU n re lief pltchlnK enabled th e Me- f lm w m«>n to Inko th e f i r t t Knmg o. th e a eries frcinf th # 8U I-ouln Cardi- o a l t . -3 to 2. B onton vrcnt t o . the mound in th e elichtli iDnlng w ith tho bakes filled itod o n ) j'o n t> c v t. K e ra tl re d th e nldo and tiian net tho e * rd « dow n, ono. tw o. t h « e In ' t h e . B ln ta . ■ T bo 'O tantn ncored tw o iup* on M erltlco n io n . aod tb a o tb t r t>n A ;jd y C < * e« '* » Jn* l^ - ' ' . . .

DouB ‘ N cW ecny outpU ched Sheriff n ia k e . th e B rooklyn Itoblna d o fea tlo r %)» C hlpaco C ub i, 1 to 0. n ubc jIr«»iler-« a ln*!^ in . th o n in th d n m In th e w in ln r run .

Tw o rw ni la th e n ln th . on n w alk , to .Z ltsn ian . K elly 'a donblo and a iln -V t« t r iMOU >BAbled C rn d f tu UReda to b eat th e S o f to a .Brvrtm, 3 4o 1. EPP* lUXer tWld th o fitS T M .tC c a« b it, • a era te b a ln s ie by Pa rro ll u n til ttw alB lh w ben t m a w r< h lU

'm y S r .n u d ’t i • « « « k lU •O ror* I n ' ^ c h t ' n u a i t b » P tO a ta rs b P f r a t n (ftklfle' a tna-rf pM i n B p iu i 1‘S iu iw . .19 lu j u a J H» L ,

V n d d r Rn«r«^ t /lp le w ltb tw o n t o s a lh M a a n . th e e leh tk : to a ln « K»r* Ui* W MblORioa S o u t o r t « 3 to i -T ie to rr

l)»e Ue*ToIt T»B»ra. , ..............

’ ' • .•7' .1

' ‘ h '. ' ' ' '------

I l l _ I i.i — -

’.r and Seller o f Stars


BAOADA \ ---- ------iOj tV\ SPOKS) / T . N A W T '---- \O A C O U .IN tJ // IM SCAOE.D > i - O A O ^ ^ \


9 m bJi fOAKC. FOUR (M uu .)

H ~~Oncc tnore Mn tk - lin d -it-fo rm ldabl> Ill, Irnpt An tr:n r(iia^ n 'I drhfilnR un til todny ho hen a clut> tha ‘ th rcn tcnn to dlalodRO tho iMworfii

Now Y ork Yanlcccn frdm fho lender nhlp o t tho A m crlcnn l^nRUc.

Zjich WItcntv " h o for yonrn ha' ' hccn II fix tu re In tho o iittleld tli

nrobijT i. DotlKorn. pu t on n PhlfntJi,’! ' phlii uniform Inm year, hut hln n d n i

IcRH could not c a r ry him throiiRh tin ' jicnnnnt d rive. T rla Speaker wnn nlxn ‘ cil lip thin ytiiir, hu t he; too.'liioived t< ‘ I* iithcr-'rim c. Onry tho nilRhty T; ' Cohh cam e 'th rouK li In eicpcctnl M yl ' in N027. and now he hnn hecn 'nu |>

plnntcir in . the' ouu iv id hy linan, t Rrc.1t li l ttc r'n n d n.pollBlicd oulflcUlcr

Slnimiiiis llrtR h tes t SInr., Al Slmmonii H M ackV hrlRhtcHl Ktiii ili ln ^ Slm'nidnli c b it lho A'thUtlci tH»ftiy-<if-Miion«y bu t lia . haa— boM w orth every ccn t o f I t nlnco M ad ta u g h t him n fow th lnR s.n lw ut h lllitii »Dd uirnctS u r.iw , (iwkwnrd younfistoi Inln ono of lho mont fenrod halsnicr In the m ajor. iencUQ.-).

T h o 'ch cck hook Ix 'a tlll w orking x Shlhc park;—'T Jiln -Sw r-iM nw iB btU J* ale Orw oll o iit of th c o lw curlly o f th( jVnterlcisn Annocintion and hiJi

( ono of tho mont promUlnR rccru lln ol th e iicnnon. I t nino ob tained CeorKf ICiirnnhnw. DnUimoro ptlcber, w Ik n tnrtcd o u t nlowly |>ut who uow li proylhl; th a t Mack know s w h at hu I; bu>inc. .. I-cKKcr llRhtn w ho have npnrklcd. 1:

Phllndcliihin n rc SAmmy ITaU-, Jlmmw F oxn.X lax Illnhop. JHnj: M iller ,.llow ­a n l JIbmkc, JaclcQ itln ji. Itubo' W rI- T lcrer' G ra T ^ J tw -llo lcy ; l l f l r C.-i' im ir. Dahy Doll Jacnbnon. L etty » s l- mnch. Slim lla r rlx n . nnlpU I’erkln< Jm> Hauncr'Tind Jim m y Dyken.

.'Jack hna tJ m c it W» iJllc o f ' ’m.-ikcr jnn il huller o f « la ri .“

* - tO A s ¥ iE A G U E "j RESULTS I

*------------------------ ------------------♦P A r iK ir COAST LEACL'K

A t S a n -l- 'n in c iic o : ' I I .H .E .Holl)-word ------ ----------------- - 6 12 0MUslon* ...... ...........- ............ 3 6 0

n a tte r le s : I thodei and j\jn)cw ;

At Lon AnRclen: . I t H. E.Jan FrancU co .............. .r f l— 11 14 1*-o* A npeltn .............. ................10 12 0

S a ite r lM :’ l la lln . Jo n o s . M itchell XBd Y arcaa. S p rfn i; Cunnlwfbam. ? lltt a ad SA nbere .. ' •

A t-P o r l la n i l : R .K .E .■)ftkUnd---------------- --------------- 0 B • 1?o r( |and ____ __________— 3 10 1

I B t tte H c s ; ttoohlcr, DunioTlch nmt j le a d : P onder and Sa tm der*

! -A 1 S o a tlie : ‘ R .H .E .U e ^ a n e a to ---------------------- u : T 13. 2} n t U e _______ ---------- --------- - 3 n : s

l U t t « l « : c r a a e a n and SereroM ; :o l l u d land B o rrn n L

i : _ . v e i s t b b x T e a g it e .O k U b c m e i ty 13; D m r t r 3.

. WietaHa 3 : D e t 'a io i iu t- O . ■ T n U a - l^ r t lo . ra la . ; .

*T b» B a sta a ' Rad 80s b««t' th e O tU 9a«o 'W Ut* 80X* 4 ( o X R u m U 'k O asis lo ih e .U th ..w lA n l8K.UM m a .

Rain k e p t Cb* N aw T «rk Y aaka and. l»b»Adelptit» A t h l i ^ M>«»----

Fishing Repdrts— Show Anglers on Way tb Magic Dan

l'*lFhlni? ‘reitorl!/ fo r ilin "wctk cm HliOH' tha t II larKC hunilicr of anKl'^n will lm a t .MiiRlo <liim S a tun lny ' an< Sunduy. iIoh' th a t lh<- Iian hnii lioci

^ lifted iinii nothh itt. Jn -b a rrcd i-xvi-p Uomlin aml dy iian iltc .. Thuri; a rc iioiiu fiooii JnrA'fl lho inifj-r... jin.I nru KohiR to die an ih r w ater l» ilriiln- cd If Iho tlnhernicn iloa'i rci ilicnr.oiU

__tlm t.

allRlitly nnit. conillilon iiuo 10 lliu xlil In the w ilier. Inif 1iy fnnliliiK thi? fittli In nilRhtly iiitlly w alci' I h c y will In’’ comn firm er nnd t^anlly Kultnlili: ro ’ enlUiK. ;•

O lhor condlllon reports nru;Wooil r iv e r—SiJcndlil flHhlni: wlili

cxcellcnl ualchoH.'ol H vn-pounilcni, . Mnlad rlv n r—Ari.wnyn >:ond fhihln«

- tlir 11 ‘gBitn~tHilIiTn,iiftn. “ •• SllltiiOH •tttllf unil Ufll r«i)JiJjj—J)lf; tlciiU flnhini: hnt th e trou t lire thuro nnd a ROod anRler cnn Bet hln lim it or Ihn IllK dnca. .

l^H t rlvor—Iluporlcd tx l r n Koiid ;it

“ MuriiiuRli lake— r«srfll ,lli .litn s n*_ IraclinR iminy an It In Kond. _

Anlclnpu iiprlnRn—Ui»'il halt W li in ? m 'th c llm 'r. imlhlMK a t nlnht.

A jiierlcnn I'^nlin-iHi: Irou:. caiii:hi hclow tho d am .m d .Rno-I cafohcn 1»

•“ .thfl roBCrvolK' ' , . '• “ Snako rlv o r—T ro u t flshlnR oni}

[air ll throe-iioundet' bi'luc caui;ht op- atwiJo iinnhu ry nn lJilo riiiu r juHl Sun ­dny '

Salmon rlvcr—l’rohnMy Ihn hr..I I lK hlns'of thu. yunr tlu-n- . fo^- w oil flHliei-iiicn. nH|>oclnlly 'vii'-u tlif trout

J. 'Yaiiken KorU—Snim on ip carln i; rc«llortod'Kllll B'5nd;.......... ......................... -. Ileiir crouk—Salm on ffHiiltiK ntir.ict-.lug ;thu unRlurn, ■


OODKS. AUR. 18.—Tlm ORdcn Cuu- ncrn won 11 pituliurn' liaiKo from the

• Suit U k u Uuuii. n , to 1. hero yentur- dny. a fte r-IohIiik tho laiit th reo Ramcn pinyed hy Tlie tw o tciimn, G lynn of llil. n ew aliovvod h u l tlvo hltn nnd

- llick VoniiR 6 f- lUU C Uiiiivin a tioirr.1 bu l .^ix llltii. ,

fliynii fltn ick nul alx nwd >ounicm.t flvn th irlng UinMnmo-.Oitir

dnuhrii-iilny wnn complctuO. ftKimiuc t.r Sloven fo r ORdcn. •

This Bcorci .. U- 1'- Sn ll iJikt! .............................. 1 1

ilntierloH :' flTynn and I.upeyrl;, Younis und Lyk'c. . . . •


i t l ^ ^ e d tlw lc. 11p !'» o a . f t ^ i I'oaltton

i fo r 14 lllln nail w inning tho pamc , trom lho gcuatorfl, 11 to 0, hero

yostcrdny.T ho Rnmc wound up w ith a lo t of

fiCorluK hy both tunniH In thu Innt tew ’> IniiluKit. T ho nnniiof-kii' w en t w ild. In• tho flm t o f Uie ii/ntJi- frnm a to Mcnny f four Inlllcii nnd. Incrcaao tho lr lend. ' Tho Seofttdrn Hcorod tw ice In the■ inat-o t. th e .ninth.-•-iloaolt. a n d .Holler* ’ eon hom ercdl - .,i ,>' TI16 Bcorc: I t H . I -'• Pocatcllo .............................. - .1 1 H ‘■ HoUo ..................................... 6 'II‘ natterlCH: Snydur. nud n ocho : llo l-- lemo.u nnd H ownrd.

; |-Y EST ER D A Y 'S -G A M E S 1

? A M K K H .A \J4U G U K '

I" A t W aiirinKlon: ’ l l . l I . l* .' D etroit ...................... - .................. J 7 0, WnMilngton ............ ................... 3 1 1 ' 1■ ■ nalterlc ti: U 'blteblli nnd I ln r- ‘ KTuv'erilBillcy nnd R ud .

! A t Ilonlon: K; H. M' Chlcnso ------- 3 11 0, Ubaton .......................- ........ - ■*•8 "I naltorlCH: Lyons and H ers: Crouse;I nusneil and IlLTry.

OUicr cnm es. rn ln . .

.=At>WU»ljjirHh—Kinit- jm n i* -Phlhidcll^lila ............................. i 3 10 '2PiltnhurRh ........... - ..................... 10 15 J

DiitlcriCH; \VIIloiiKliby und Dnvin. S c h u llr ; K rcm er and Hi‘ni»Icy.

Kccoad R.i«ir; / It. H. K<Phtiadelphln .................. - ......... 1 » ^PitlnburRh — .............................® I'* i

BntterlCfi: Sw ortland. MllllRnn. W nisb nnd l..crlnn: Urnmo nnd.HcmJi*ic>‘.-------- - - — -----------:—

A t Sl. I-ouln: ' I l . I I . t iNow Y ork ---------- ------ - - - - ^ 2S t. Louln .......... - .............- ......- 7 .

BaU erlca: l.'ltxalmmona. F au lkner. D enton and IIoRnn: M itcliell and Wll-

Bontoa “1 ! . .............______ 1 3’ 0C lD dnnatl .......— ....................... 2 6 0• n n tte r ica : Greenfield and T aylor:

R U oy ntid lla ritrave .

‘ .A f Cbicneo: ' IL 'IL E .Brooklyn '--------- ------------- — 1 6 0C h lca jto --------- --------------— 0 «B 0• B a lte riaa : McWoeBr a a f - Ooo<A:

n ia k a and H ariab tL ■. 1 ,

' F I G H T R E S U L T S 1

. L A S ' T N l C m T , ' I

' H O L L T n v W D T ^ - 'B e r t C o llaa . d a lin a n t to tb o P a d H o .«eaU .h aatr* w a ttb t.tlt le , d tfaa ted J t a r Ifoerar-Atta* t r a l la s h e a r y w e l^ W lO ) v . . .X V V

i SA.-! ' r a A N . c i s c o - r < & ' S i w c

C n u sE R a ' c r tn - . i k i t h X o h ^

^ t e r t t e e t D e t r e l l la. f t # t e a r a


By VcllaA Fraap 'SAN DIKOO. C,’iillf.. A ’l;;. .is - Wlrli

. $ 100.(100 iiildod moii-V; aii-iii<.|vaHu »t J Jin.ono ovcr laiii hcamiii. uiaUlnv ’an

UKtlmatud sriiiiK valU'«of a |i|)riitlin:it..- ly. | 130.()00. thil •nnniiunr\;i:iriu v,:i.)

s ' ' 'dn ■ .It

' 10 B ig R' >v^hy C h e v i

W iif iw r7 S 0 ;0 0 0 - r . ■' .. Ih c ro a d s incq Jar I - . • • Chevrolet is first cli!.---- ^-for-1928—Gotnc-in

p lc te ly th is sciisat • provides thc len r;

I • a u to m o b ile b u y c rJ • . . . now dem anding.

__________ • ________ .

V ooflMot

, TWIN PA] Phono ,707 . .. ' ;

0 u - A L \ T

n m n d i l f l


Only in Plymtmth of all cat ^ *gei the distinctive, new. Chtjr

.woeIdis*aiBiriiig.:^— ^

. . 'Noiwtere ^ t a ^ lowest^ ctf, with ample rootDi for adul

• . A a d ^ i b t r n a l l , y o u g e t mOQ int

4 tm g g y gax^tie— ■ndtfae d^oBe feittw^Aed bdifae^ witl

; . | :3 3 3 :M a ^ '

itliatl.' indny ................ . Wou'i <'.offniili

. th n t till' W‘u)<r;. i IuIk ;,! rac r. i Im' Ci>f rroili M.inilU'ati. l.<- ruti .M;ii>'h .17, lit till' Tijiiauii r;u-i-Vjuir •

, ill Olii Mi,\i.-i.. fl!I.,'i-ii tnll-M.liolow S:u ’ 1>I.":«. . ll svIU I"- Ihl- I'.lilli n'lii-w.i ilo f Ihi: clawtic.. 'I 'h r illiitanri- la <i;i. • ' mill'' anil ji iiiuu i''V aml Ilii. <.oii(llil«ic ■.‘rr' ’t fur iliri'i' .••■■•ar oIiIm and iiin\;iriis


' Me a s o n s .

r o l e t i s ' ^ . • ;

Clioice bf\.1928 I ’fnrwH3hc\Tolct»-t>rt--------- B— :iu iicy, i!;t; T(uIa>-’s---------- jf----loice of the N ation * ?• i n d - s c c 'h o \ ^ ^ c o m ; ------- — i —

io n u l autqm obil.c ' 2 reat factors which " j s e v e ry w h e re a rc '

■ ■ y '

-------- ^ ) i'.:.c 6 a GH^-------- ------

iees ' . ~ o r .

a n y Z Z "[.LS313 Mtiin Avenue West ^

y A X ; L ^

No dollar bIPIijmioutlp

T i - R r ' y - S - i r E T ^ ^

3 m t te loweit-pric^ field can y dec s ^ an d 'b ^ ty /w h ic h all t

» ic ^ 6 d d can yoU s fiiD-siw t j t a i t e a g ^ .

4b power Mod tp e e ie f true b i ^ h new **SSne‘Dbtae* cngEoe,' . safety bj^ •

m p o i ^

i« u l

• / ~ - — -P A flE P I 7 B ' • .

J ' TIu' aMMbniiiici'mi’n t camo from Mr.w M ra> ,ryhm m cB

• '■if dll', ;.l/rU"'pr'iKraiu fo r tlio comina ( _»i a:ioii at T ijiiana , which ,In ^ iceonl- '. a a r .' u i l l l ' I !■<:(.n r niKtoui, xiartn next 1 ’rir.iMli!‘i:ivlM): day aud nm n -for’ ono 1 liiiii’dri'd III- iiHirK j ^ l n R diiya.-

■ ! ' TI.MKS WANT Ains nu iX G JlE-• j ^ i : i / r s ; . • /

_ j l ^ ___________________

'he M a t i o i > .

' J. Dr_'5lCM _ . ' . ^

7. r.CONOMY- . •

. >. MAINTILNANCEulalhinfui ■<.» iiKiinlcnoncT

Chcvto1«'» rrtalf «alw «• unutu- »lly Mill t>K«me C1.c»rol»l'tth“ >i!iu^Vw'ln\*r'd , . •

ia ..p R tc E ' .Chr»Tclrt rflcri thtM txfutjftd tnnlrm can -a t IbcM'AskiUt lov prtmi

>.«T«urln|»4Q:; TTMCttnnrtbl*

h i c _ d . v . S 8 5 . . _ j j . i - , » . u * Y i 5 ----------

» ,c « „ ..* 5 9 s V iS aS ii'szo :

Air prin t C^ls FIIr». M kU oa ' a»(kClN *raW tM tU ra«rrlM « .

Tbtr^l^i*d^.h.Jj««v^tjaHlv^ .


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Page 6: Ai. Xn.MHiaH ll)l._______ • , ...... ._____ I W I.\ iUAilU. PATI.UIJAY. AUCU'ST ik. • , • • ______________

’K ' . 'u i '- - : ." " w q w HTX

Today'sCANADA M A T -M P O R T -SE *-

PRICK LOWERc ro |i ni|KirI:i friiiri I'aiinclii Hi'iit wlii'.n low or tiiiliiy n flo r’ ll iliill in-Mlun• nn tin* noiird t)f Triul'-. Sr[»i.-hi»i<T'i-nrn, WUH llc lil .m ul n ir r li.a Ili6 il<.r< (ll-llVl'tlrH KtlKllt.1)'

Wliinii tl< i-.a % 'i i t ' i c ln«<-r; conn- WIIH' ii|> ’. i l ' l l n i l d . n;ilH \v!l» nff'

to HllKliXy lilclK.r,At . lln-<>|n'iiliiK'-tri'iiKlli''ll l.lvrriKHil

WUH I)u!nnccil l>y In'usc'M'llInK uu(l »vli.Ml n|i.'ii..rl Kien'ly m fuwlpr. Trail.- Wllli ttnlc-t und tiioitlly lofi\1.. 0om l hiirM'-iit W»utJii!f-w!iii.

l!.itiuil». Oulnlili-. n iiirki'i.t w rri. iliill. Ili-e“ llilii w rru -Jfin ru in w lili i li- i'IikIijn a rh u _ u u d ! iu ii i ': iI— _ - _____ • .. ac|iti-m li!-r rn rn iirii’rl lUlil. |.;inT In tlif; ursHloii iiiid iiiUuiu'i'd Hliaridj; r j i u liort oovcrliij: Inil lli»' J'l!'!’- ''.;i:i ehcclrr(t-iij"r-rTilnP"!ii::iliint“o r f< 'rm '^ r vnrnlil» n i l i i s ’ill l ln ', wi-iiir.i-n |i:irl nf llic'lifiU wurii 11 liuarlftli fu ttu r . Ciivti c o rn WUH nlcndy. A rrlvaln w.t-rc fiS. cnr«.

Ontn uKftln tm irliM !»'«• Unvn cm till) rrn ji,, . i{i‘cel[ilH illTi cum w lllt tlu* cuhIi tnurkct iiiidiiiiiKi'd.'

fin ilii rnhiri'H G ruln fiiliiro'fl ra iiv n l as follnwo:

W JIliA X s:-------------------—---------------------• Open UIkIi. I-OW- •C|r.-<0

f5cpt. ........ . . i iu i i ii2-ri 111-;., h i t ;itpc...............n : * i iic t ;M arch ..... yJl'/ , 122'/. ■ 121',; 121'^c o n x — •Hopt............. HS ' ss VU'S.D or. ..... ■■ 7;i?iM arch ......-TliW 7fi 7r.'i- -.'.r.OATS—Hcpt............. nr,>4 ;ir,v. :ir, :iii ,Doc. .nnU'•March- ...... -U%

■ ( ‘H JC A «irrTA M r (JiiA fs(!HK:A(J0. Alli;. . IH -W li.'H l Nn, i:

ing n- ^ rri.^T7 '-^n.":r' i » . r . n i. i i ',-;. s .,.:i ^^)rliitf t l .n 'i v.» i m irw i i i n - V,,..

''C o r n , No. 2' yullnw fl.n-IVj. No. fi yellow 08c. No. 1 w tillo ' i

Onm. IS’n, 2 .WlilKi :i7U c Hv Nn.l 1 w lillu :i7c. .S'o. i wlillii :ii<;.N*or-2-rrarn5% c. .------ :--------------------

Jlyi'. No. n. !(Gc. • • - - H arley, B5c (r 70c.T lm dihy 11.20 . dr J^:90.Clover,-$2p.G0 ts Isn . I

. I>IVKST<)(^Kr z C H i t i i a o —A ™ rz 3 s= u iD B O -a x lijE

t:,nOO; mnrUi't- uik.'Voii: b e tte r crailu (Klti nnil moillum woIrIh hocn moNi>i

Iv J9C f f sCtf-.lQwrr.: liocn montly Hicaily: top I 12.6(*: h iilk | tncilluin niKl i;oikI ISO ^ 2^0 poiiiidHi « J12 CT I12.-I').-

C nttlc rccclplH CQO;’ m nrkvl onin-| [lari'd wlUi wook uko ; cliolcc xtoi-fK j m d ycnrllnRN lit 'llK litcr H upply: iilil|i>; [ilnj; (IrmniKl fiilrl)' hrouil. hulk ii>-ll*i Inir J16.7G «pw nril.,n lcm ly lo -n tr ru ic : | liciit f a t ' utio iiIncK x(-ur<'>',. u rn iind ' iti 'ijdy: ImllH c i.n rru lly Nti-ildy'. voul-i 'r",_roKnliK'«l.. fucly. .COi: dcclln.i- u t rIoNv; Ktnrkoni nud fordcrii iitrudy.

'Shoop r<'<;fli>lfi' n.niw); n»l liiiicli ^IinnRo uny ctnxn- »)ii-i'i> o r liinilm nn ininti iiiipply; <l>-slrul>li- im ilvrri SJj.T.'i. ■'(ir lho 150 iIouIjlt-H from fi-vd- IlK Klatl.uiH. M,7ni) illro c l; fu t 'l i im h i dimlDK 2^ i:.C . r.i1c low or; fiil na-I r r -w h rrn iitirhnng.*.!- frftltng.-fam li-i •Sc—hlKhrr.- -W e rk 'H bu lk : mtiKP nmb* $H.r<0 J ir l; nutlrcH $M.Cll ■I' IH .7 5 ; throw oul;i $10 1.1 JlD.r.d; u t <'wca $C.:i5 i f }7; rpodlni;’ luiiihs 13.25 & J l« .

IIOSTON W O(n. ro S T O N . AUS.-..1S — ■ A . n io d tra :j

iooiti, b -i I irn ln i; In Hpolly- V c l / llllo domimd 111 li<-ini: ri.'i'<.lvrd i;nIn f- H nud ...... .. ..................... rum- ■UlniiH uro i.i.i.i,y. lirlKlit'I '.i-.i ru ..iio t ui-llvu : lii..'.iukit cifrc.-l.iKi ' rudofl iiiook ur.i llm ltvil. Quntn- i.’iiH a rc vory f r n :it fior f r '. . 'r ; t 111- croaiu’, ,v f j . r' I't I-oIiik

?out Buriey Men - : -Seriously Burned^ ]

in Bad Weed Fire;■ • , (

nU IlLK V . Aiik. ■lS.-l-'i>iir mon w ore i ^ lolll^lr■-bUl•|^clL_Du^L■nlm o^L--futlalf 1 l i f t i , Kndlum olilornu- w hic lr Ihoy '' ori< uslni? to burn wocil-n<.;>r AU '' inn iM'cami' tcnitcd nud hoi flro to i lo lr ialiiraU-<l cliilhlni: la te ycRlrr- » ly a flo rnoon . 5lie m on w ore A rnold W orllilnfilon. - ip t t \J » o r o f llio w ivd cxlvrm lna- - 3n cam palR n.- w ho. |h non. In a crlt-

nd from M* foot to hlH nrmplti>: lan Mooro. wIiono fo rt nro itorloimly irnoU: A rih n r Hon<.-lcy - nud, Davo ;wlfi. w ho w cm haiSiy Inirnod nboul e »>ody.T im In jured mon, w bn. n r o ' botnK T o d .fo r fll Albion, wcru uJl biirnod . ab o n t (he t*nm<* tim e.-M ooro 1dc<1 bU burn*, w hile tr>-injr to ox* isn la h th e rire alxrut W orthliiK ion.' r. W ortiilnRton 'it cIoIIioh bad be* me na tq ra le d w llh - lhi« chomltfaln 1U« bo w as xp ray lne nnd c a u c h t

from 'A qIIo o f bu rn ln ii woodn-Hc le m p lH to run fo r bin autnm oblln a t ho tn lc b t co t a b la n k et toiimoi'li>

Ihe nam e*. Ho wan ovcrcodin by n a m m w hile c o in s tow ard the

r a n d , foil to lh e crotind. Ju a n >oro ra n to t h r fallen m an nnd a l ' j np te d to ren d e r aHKlntnnoe. catch- t n r e hlmneK «nU bclne b u rh rd l . illo exUncutsblBC ' th e f lam es -onpcLhini-toD.___________ :------------ :-------- ----L«w la-aiM t>}{ors«uy— baulInK ■ > a p r a r m a te r ia l It) a ' w ason n e a r

and.U i<i wouoo £ a n * h t fire.* Tha m from th e ^wacoo. tb e lr : ’i lh ln r taV lon iea . a n d p la n se4 la to l t lT M a v o te r , n e a r b^ . - s a r in s 1

M a A e t ' a ]

' N E W Y O P(C loilni; I

]• 'Hlif i;unlii;l- .-InM-.l Mrnm:. . . - IaIIIi-'I rin -n iln il luid 1)} v ............ l!i(iI a IIIk I’halnion. Mfi;. iNi. , . ...1:7-^I-A nio.-, -Affrl. - Oliom. — .......... .........lU—I A'liiorlojiii 11.'.'t SiiKiir .i 'o -- .......... 22A u fi li 'a n f u n CoiuiMtiy ...........liH

■.Vu'.Tlran f a r iiml I'*nyn.lry . . . . »i' A in.'ilrau- and ro n -lu n l-.iwor .. Iir. 'Aiii.'i'loan h.VniuulIvi- ................. I'D'.i

tA ln .-ilran Siii..1l.' nnd ».-f........... 211'.;iAiiii-r. S u c a r Ili-f.......... ...................[•Amovloall -IVl. an.l ’IVl. .... l?fiT;

A ill.'llcau Zanc ............................ 27-y,.Aiiiii-.iiida C'.ipiior .......................... ', Topi-l;ii & Sanlu Ki? . . l « l ' . i .lla ldw lir li'icnninjlv.) ....... ..... . 2 in. •

'ib ilil in o i. ' &-Olil<* ,. ..... ........... Iti7'.4:ill)ili-lir!f •-----------------------H lii .; Cnilfornliv* Tui-Mm;.. ..................... i-'ii i 'u lu n ii 'l Ji A rlzoiiu ............ .......|(> n iiil .i D ry ................. .... ........."•''‘ir .-.n !m m " 'V :irlflr—,'7.:rrr7rr.—rr:2 h i—

ifrim i I.I n T hrciih ....'.............. .H ‘i . |ro ,.l . ' lM noi'-l'nti[n.r . — ........ T7-Ti;r lio r r itirn h .-* -< lb l........'hUM;;^ Cn.^L^ Wi-.di-ril ..... ...... 14IChU'uun. Mlhvuii. HI. I'a lll * 1'... :i7-?i I'I'hloaKO aud Nnrlii»o>l<-rn ..... S ll'i ,;rn in ii :o . Unok M iiiid aliil I'ac. ..121-'>;rciilli- coiiiu-r ...................................H ‘ii i ’lirya lcr .H .ilorn,........................ fnriili-ti Si-nli-L- i.uirlO ......... .......... (‘-''.‘iColnrailn Fil'd nml Iron ............. fil';!.roncrillilal.'d (ia« . ... ......... ..,.1.I7iiuuU iiciiial ..LUiU— :------- — :— U fi—

IC’nrii I’rodll.'t.-- .......................^ . . . S2’,irn ic iiii.- -H ii-.-r ....................... :. .:....'7R’ ;ll.vlKo A .......... ................... ...........•... IHiiDol’nnil .!(• .Vcnini:ni t t Co...........;i7fi

i K r l c I tu llrn a il- . . ..,.v...:............ r.2=iiK I.c-lrlo l’gw.-r and l- ld it .......... :ica),n i'u cn il A ao rlcan T ank ............ .-.TO(iiiuoral AHphiili .................... ;.....• 74T;’

;l!..Jiora1 f l« a r ................................., RO i(i.-ii|.ral Kl.-ofrlr: ........................... IMVj

ICi-uoMl Moiiir:j .............................. is r .uKSon.-nil Ailv. clfn........... .’ir.lit( ;in !t.l- IJ m tb o rs , ............................ M'S.■ (!iiodrli-ll ......... . . . A .................... 7ri?i' • - - .......' (•anan..a ......... !.............lo l '. i■ii/iU’i; ^ / . [iffir .............. ..............Hi'dnnii. M l l lo r . '..................• .........•. SilWilllluoln C.^nlrul ’........................ ......M J !:liiliin.l SI.-I'l ...................................... firitn^p lrallou C'niiH. (V-lip.-r .......... 21

.I jitc c n a tlu a a t-JU a rv m iiT ..........:,-27a__In tom atlona l M ckcl ........ ....... .....i n i uIntitrnallnnul I’apor :......................lond.m M otor '.................................. 'KuUKan Cfly Sniilliern .................... r>3Ktdlh Alboo O rphoum ...... ........... 21K .dly Sprlnitfk 'ld ....... .................. IS’i

rorch 'i'il.'nu r.rin u t r.'lc Cv 'i.l-- 'P 'Uo* KrciiHo for K'Hid s lr lc tly comblrn5_

........ NKW YOltK I'IK IlM 'i'i: - fNKW YOIIK. Am;. IS—K lour [inli't

and iiti-ady. Pnrk lin lci; nK-ioi jrin.rin.t LariL midwciit npol I12.H0 « nv. . I.■sui:ui;..ruw . (lulcU iipiil llfi tcliC lie-. llviT.-.l du ty pulil. JI.24: tl.fliK'jl HU'.idy: t;ruiiiilati-.1 Sr.fiS. ,. Ciiffty... Klo . 7b. ou-iipiiL il'.V c 1'' 17'.~1'; Sunf'.n In :-r 21.-.

Tnllow i|iili-l; i.iK.i'liiJ to o \ i r a .Si-' lir .S '.r . • • . I

li:iv ll; • .Vn, • 1. Nns,..:.C. i-c> .;r f< Vl.t:.'. '

' • r(»ltTI-,\M > I.IVKSTOCK I’■ PO »T I.A N L>.AtlH..IK-l-lv»-Hl.^.H-n>r_- i-i..lpi!i III l'orilniiil-f.>r-ilii*-w *."k-.'n .l-i lUK luday w orf; CiitlU-'2.Sf»:i:- hoKn, 3,7nr.; nlii'i'p :i.2.’:o. • - T bo ouly n - : culpiii todny wi-'n- tld .lu 'n il o f nhi-.rp, ’ ull lu-lm: bold fnr .Mniiday'« n iu rk rt. '

Tnno of Ihl. inarkL-l nn (compared w ith u w.-.-k URn: . . ‘ -

C attlo — u ll. olm."i.-K„i! n ferr-yfltm H ir-n 'lnbO y—l«-l<i»-«li.>-TkV- cruKo. ’ ■ '■ ■ ' . .

IliiBH—ull iiluso.i fully, fo<-d- iT plKM 5KC (!' 75c lilKhcr.’' '

S lio rp—<iuoti»bly iiloudy w llh ..trlc t- ly cliolro Inmbn nhnVjit.

. ^ t lC D E x l im - S T O C K , t •OfiAKN. Ahk,, i s — H.iRH rorrhilH I

fi.'I; vory llttli-, fow iiiivv« $;• , r.i. $5.7S; fo r wo.'k 'roi-.-lpU t.n u l l ; :n75:"TnnTt!y fntr-hlKhiTT^tnp IMHifh-ln nilk ll)!l.i and mi-dlum i'olKht^i jll '.- js! T - 'T n ;t:n rn tin it- - i ii :n ti rT f i- 'r r- jir r r : rT - iiilRii J in II Jli'.2r.; pui-kliiir iiow n '. i.K lil $i>:;n, |i

Cntili- r.-o-lpur 7 s: m ariu’i nioady .' •dll bi-u.l niodluui uud cmi'l <'n'Vii J7 U ou ll'-r nud r.inmion Hi ; 1

l.ll Ciilvr-* j s . jn . for wi'.'k r . - i l r ln i-. lo la l I'llSn: m p mid li.l-i iv '.hL J T?^r7.“ l^ l.r ,^ ^ '" o n ,• l o i i i r T n r n n a d i I lioU-0 foodors.110,75: bulk Kno.l cow n jr s dr Js.611: lop IS.75: som m on u n d 'c ai-dlum rowK jr..r,i> fi >■!; niU orn r . ' l t $C: hiilM JC a $7.75; voul.TH I i t ' l

TUBBY/ SA.V. ip y o i> v ) jk O T A

0 0 0 0 a _TH»'S H O W V e •

COTTA ARO O kjCA O 'T R A IO .V O O 'R E .-w e v e a w e c e - w h e w '


- . . . . . . . . .

[id Financ^ S T O C K S .3uoinllonR.*

KL'nurcoll • ......................................... Ufi'.;KroKCo . . J . ...................?.......•............. 7<.t.riuib.Ti .............................. ',...............liiSVa

l.onlnvllli^ nnd Nnidivlllu ........... M2.Mack Tnirk';i ..................... ......... SH'.CM;ii'l:nid Oil ...................1. : i7 ^.Mluml C<ipi»fr ................................ 21-’ iMliiMiiirl,' UariKUH uinl Tcxiiii ..... 21)'/;

;M1si;o iii1 |>aclllc ............ r........«5',;iM onlunu I'ow or .............................. Ifi7I.M.jiitRoniory Wuril .................... '.'l!M

; .Vallonal lIlNciill (M, ,................... '.Ifi5',i.S’utlnnni Dopl. Stori-H .................... .'5?i

^S'.illnniil K uaniollnn .£.................. "1I Natlnnni.Doiiil .......:..................... ,..12i|',C;.\.r \a ila C om i.'t'o iiiior ............•/•.... iH .i

Vfirlf f o n l r i l ■ ■S . V., ,.v. 11. and 11......................... M'N oilliirru I’ai-ltlc ............. .............. ’" i’SiI’aokaril M otor ................................ fln'/t•H ar1ffT -thiT r-um t-K lrrtT lr-r-rr— 17 4I’u n ',\iu i.r lo a ii 11 .......................... I2'.{!I’ari(,ii'ouu( Miumux f»iitl(y ..... I.';.*!

-VuuULylvuula.--llanrtuil— — ——.fi.l—-!'..iilili-ti nuH ............./ . ................... IS.’VjI I’l'ti- Miir<iiii-llo . . ............ .. 1112r ;iiii)iis r .'ti-.ii i-iiiii l/......... . 40 ',;I’lirn o n . . . . • .................................. LM •llailln Coriiorail.iii nf A morli-a...,lSl',iHoiidlni; ............. ................................ 1(I2l!.-l-u)i|li- Ir(.n nml Slool ..... ........noyiiDld'i Tob;iroo 11, -....................u ;iS.-;ir« Uoohiii-I; ................................I2fl'-;;Slioll Union Oil ; .............................. .• 2 fi';Slii-ii.'in» t i l ............ - ...........^ fil 'SfnoTntr (tnnjuilliluii-d ..... .............. ' 2H* .Sdiillicrp I’at'lflo .... _'............ ........ 121?;Soulhorn llnllw ny .............. ............M»T;Sfundnrd Clan und l':icclrlc ........ fifi'/iS iam lnrd Oil o f O allfohila ......... 57S tandard New Jo r n o y .......Sinndnrd Oil o('N nw Yorli ...... .Sliidi'I.-ulrer ..................!..................... 72->iTo.ta.i Cnrporatliiti ........................ fi2^iTo;^nn and IMclfIc .. ..................... 1S2UTlm kon n o lto r lionrlnt! ................127',iTobacco . I ’rndiiclH ......... • ..... lir>’,»I’jilim Carlildo and Carbon ....... Ifi:!','!-U nion o n nf Cullf. ......................:. SilS

.r iill . 'd C lear Sinr'..«- ..... .'T rr:ii- r yiu t.'r:"iiur.i>.-r ........!ir;i;I ’n ll.d Stall-.-. StP.'l ................. ;. 11:1I', S. Sloi'I I'fd.........:.... ................lin.v,IJnlViTflal n p c ................................ 'l ! i '^V anadlun - ............................ .............. -7X54

________________________ZZXi.WoiiOufliMiKi. ............. .................... imW bllo Moinrn ..................... 3i;ti,W lltyK-Overland ........ ..... .... .'........ 21 i-jW ortlwortii .................................... I...IXJI-'.W rluh i: Aoro .................................. I57>iVi-llow 'trrnck und Ci.Tich ......*..... S.IV;

(I. J12. ' \Slu-i-p ri'cc-lpU .12,090; no luiuil

iiK W K it i,iv i;.‘iT (ic i; DKNVKU, A iiK ..lS -,C altli': Kocolptn

rriii;. m ark .'.' nom inally Hloady: hoof Mi.or.-t tir tf j Ifi; COWB and holforn J! f lir , ; calvo.1 -S in,: fooiloni aud i;l<i.t)i.>rH fSfi<.i:i; huIlH $74iO.

lloK s: .ICj'c-lpiH .21M ;-m arkot iiomi* n ally xioaily: no huIi-h, ‘

S liiop ;. K.:ci‘lpls ■■,70«:, m arkol •|, ollp|...i| laiiJl..! •Ji:i(ijH.-jr.; n .rliii: laii;b» $12'’' ' l:i.2.'; ow.-.", fT.h

•' S.VN (■•».\NC1SCII I.IVKSHICKt-'KANClSCO. .M it .-IS -C .d l I r ;

.'litrkol uli'iidy; .itoM». i,-:,od Jll.2.-|';i'J l : - L-g»H. Rnnd-3a.7:laD.r.O____. L i l i l . . M i ' i t X u i : . ' alc.'ic!}'; UuL-Jiuuf f.Iiolci- Jlt.7fi?c 12; voaloM. mod lum. (,•<>.111 nud .oholc,- jll.75jn:!.2 ,> .

IlnK H;‘.Marki-i ■ Hivady; Ik-lii $r2,C0 (Tii;i.l.'.

Sliooji and I,.:iiiilni;. ,Mnrk<-t Moady; lamb;. Jll.7fifM2..';0;-.owc..i Hl-75'ri 5.75; Wl lh.Til ,J7.5il1i U.r.O.

“ c n ic .\ ( j ( » n t o m r c i :CIllCAOO. AllK. IS—B iiltor; H r-

oolpts 12.5”:t pu.'Tini;!'.-.; no in a rk r i.ICfKa: - lloc»'l|iin' in,ns;t o.n;i.s; uo

m arkot.Cb.-i'-M-. T wIijh. r i ' J c ; .Vniinc Aliiof-

li'.l-s ^.'o. *I’.n iltrv : Ui-roljilM 2 oarn: f.i-iN.

hoavy 2K(i2fio; I,oi;liiir’n;i 21'i>-; tlmk.'i, ho.ivy; yniall •I.'ii-; ynuni; :f„.; j;r.-|.,\ H e ; younK K 'f ’ C i ;T : . lt ir -[.■ryr-r-Tr-i-.iTisii.i-^-rnrr-T.niiTi-rii :iir" "J^ltaln■'^; M.irkol w .-ak : ;» r r l \a b .: i l ' “ :~ nrT rm T r2 :;frT 7 r7 ;r;—Iii~rr..iir:ir r : i < a r i; Kan>.',>.. and Mlr.M.iirl ^a.'I.. d :r l.l. f'ot.M.-r:.. r . S Nn. 1, fin!!i70r.

I’uii.Tal i..-rvl.-r,. for .MrH, Ja iii.- ',M illl'.-, wh.l 'til'd Tlilirrid.ty niornln;; a: • ii-r li'iuM- In WiiMlilnuinn and ulm...'I,mlv u-ai lirn iirlil-L tir^ fur-LurU I. ulll-iIn' » nu.iii.'l''d Sun.In nflo rn 'inn :ii .! M-Inrk al lh>- M rthodli.t I:]<1mcii|>.iI •huroh. llio Hrv. JI. C5. H iiinplirry 1-, >r lu ohar»:.-. Inl.T inont will bo rn-.d'- n T w in I-MMh r.-m olrry . j

. ■? --------------

r t CAJO’T ST«^|'.’\ 1 L o s e

,^C O TT^C O ■ ___ ^ • ,I MOMC AKS DO MV •1 MOSt^ UESSOOS T T

T r r r r ^ ' , ;

______I -

- ■•--TW TW r A L L f l g A K T r T l ^ l

:iai.N<ew's RAILS IN LEAD- as-offM -to-


--------------------ny-V nllea’T rliiY -'’ ' " , ' ' ^ ' ^. NKW VOUK. Auc. IR—StroDKlb In ra llrnad HbnrcH otfHot Irrckufnrlly In

. Indii'itrlaln toduy on tim Stoutc Hx- oliam-o, C arrlcm .wok" iicllvoly trhil*< d lu w llb cn liis’ runn ing ubuvo two pidul>i.

At Ihn iiAmo tlm o nnvornl IniUin- ■ TrHTii w'oKi'" lliil iip to new ITTr?ir

i;rolm d. lhc fonliirc of tbo d a r boinK I Alllod Cliomlcal, w blclt touchod a )iuw liiKh h t I881/4..IIP 3^4 p o ln u . '

! St. Paul iHHUcii fea tured lltc rnllH. llui coi'nmoti HpiirtlnK tw o poitiln umT

O vnoral .Motnni w-n'n ou t of tlio lim e- lli:hi en tire ly , rioldlnr; Jimt iiiidor tliu •prcviouH—<noo<;.— U ut ,.Unttud S ln tcu

^ E W ;

■ ;

— ------------ — — J « i

n o w C O I

. V , -

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— i i i « s i _ i

IUST S E M V LOC-K T O 1 o u T . o w T w e " t E ^ M .

A t i c b O J ^ T 'o P M V V D L E M O S te .- -■ • ^ ----------

1 9 1


"FATHER EARLY!----------------- Dy-WnI»»(l-Pr«8B . i

TOPKKA. Knni:.. AuR. IX—Thlii r l ly ' WUK a miiolxlrnm or pon]>h. ni iiu'ui today n.l croivdii c.inio tn Top.-lia i-»i;ly • to r llic no tlflcailim ^ S“ ii-; n to r Cliarlofi Curtin. Itopubllcail vl.-!'-1 I>r_eBldcntlul nominee. . ,

'Sffci'tii" ih 'arw orV 'l lm ^ w^lli luTnr-" InK.' himntVH untl idcliiroH of Ciiril% w nriv jam m od w llh '-llic vlulUiiH who m lllod 'nhout inlldnu politic.-.. ' ' 1

A t noon 175 diiitlnKUlvbrd KKcMn 'Kal j dow n 111 -liinchiMin. w ltli Sunnlor Our- tin n l-H otel J a j h u w k x ^ pVlvnio d in ­n e r waH tb ho Klvru lo a fow trlnidi: .by-t;nn>n«,|wi:iirU>i-u;utf-H.u. tiuruiiiiiu . Inn thiH a 'te rn n o n nnd a d in n e r .lan.-r n t the coun try cluh loiilcjit wuh an- ,o th e r ncliodiiloil uncial '-vont.

AllhoiiRh .Ih". prollnilnary prorriim w n n 'n o t, lo bcRln 1111 1,. I p. m, tlio

Stool'H purlod to a now IiIrIi on lho. miw cmont a t im V i. brlnclnt; up nthor

S T A R T ]

A ¥ E 0 1

C o m p a i i s o ni t h - a l l - n e M L o t f e i a n j

i f i r m s C e n t u r y ' l e a i

- i n j a h e - c a r - f i e l d ^

New n^odcls, w ith licw 2 f e a tu re s , re f in e m e n t

' p rovem ents, w ith mci e finish in a ll details thi

now h era ld th c Centur and b iggest advancen

fine car-field.

Even now, Century sa th e whole d ram atic sto

1 lie dem and fo r m odem ■-■-TT ‘ .lhtiUintf m o to r c a r pi

---- which-finds i ts -b e ^ c xthe,flcetness, stability ,

' ta ilo red -m eta! complc finish of th c C entury SL

.. .n e w '

G E J: S i

Parks A---------— 4iUPMO

' 3 3 4 M A I]

-------------------- —

' K illinjlI M E E D P R A C T IS E r o

MAv<E, T H E B M L l e ^ M Att*IP- \ PL A V HOOKEV P t?O M tA V

M O & lt T O G E T I T /f^OM’LL R k iO tT O O T A W ' VUt - G ^ T A S P A » iV « t) tf-a lM e ^ O T T A THIWK up 'iSbS-'TO'OO j

V ; a t ^

t ; . ; ' c ) v V

crowilii lio;-.aii tn o;irly ori Illl- 12 aoro plo! whl.-Ii. fronlo 'l tlio tiomli (Tapnol jitopn wlihro llio oi'rc- moiiloa w ore lo ho bold. .Tho., early onoa wcru. itcli'olInK n' cholcij' Mpot ■fr')m wlilch to 'v liiw 'ibo ovrn t. - ■ Ind ians lii full droini rcRUllii from Iho .I'niilwaloniln rrnorviiUoii nddod I'.ilor lo 'lh o oui'i'ialnn uud ciiiiio \ 'i nrc ono of ili r i r nlhoiniion. Ciirtju. biiii- 'nh’i l . . Till- nniuljioo lii ono-clKhih K:iw Indian. ‘ •:..S''iiiinlor-4:<>tll>^K»(mi-wivtii'ul-nr-ih<.- moi'ulni: linuni in i-nnfrroncoa ai Hit Hotol Jayliiuvit w ltb -• iiarty k'adora. A fter llio liiiiohonu lie w ent to bl:. home vvlii'uco a Hpi'Oliil iioiiiinllloo wai'. to. ooftduct him to tli'c i-npllol. •

.v .p o IIT O ^ l^ ■ -> n IK .n ‘* ^ ~ ' “ ■ I ’OUT^ANl^. A iik. i s — .w lirat:

Hli: JlomI blno ntom ha rd wlili.^ }I,2!J; rn fi whllo ( I ,>2: woKli'rii wbllu 11,13: hard ' v. lntor-' $l.ii7: no rlhcrn . nprlm: jil.dS: wi-iiiorn rod $1.07.

C».11AII,\ l.lV K S T p riiriMAHA. Ait/r ................ . ItiTolplH

liTiV; marl[i!i uinHlly toil ^cirpiVud iiiiiiiiH linu’ithi lo arlvi! n t tl3 ,

l-'nr lho, w eek; Kul and feodlnR InmliK 15i^2r>c low er: nhcep mcady. i:iii:.ins:'bulk pricon: iNtt ranno liimlm ^M$r<14.25: fed L-llppo.l Rimbi) ,J12,7C'ir

?f.,ri>"ri'1,7f.; fi!Riilna|lami,:i ?i:iJi'i:).7r.: fordlnK l-wob ? l frr,.50,

lloirn; Ttcrolpla 5,1100; m o»lly I'lcnoy


gs— ------------------ ^ ^


m d brillian t .A plicnom cnal :s, a n d im? m o m e n t ’s p’a t a l t a U o r o d „ o n t h - . ' s n o »

v = . n c = d b , a n <

le n t in th e . Hant beauty t o « - m ost su b stan t

. ! « f o r i t c l l «"■=iry o f a p u b - to r ty - tv io b o ib r a u t y a n d c o m b i n a l i o n s ,en o rm an cr, ,—i—______p r e ^ io n inbeau ty and C cntury $ 1345:tencss .and E ight, $ 1825 tc icandEight. . f. o . b. D etrbiL

1 9 2 9 ^ U P M O B l

^ T Uliuto GonBItE-t>ISTRIBtJTCIi AVENUE NORTH, PHONE 282fw in F a lls , Id ah o

■ .


-----!,loTOd lowi.Ti t ip 112: bulk 180't'o 2C0‘ jiound lliihlrt at^d - biilchcrfl lU .CEO ll.yi).-

C lin ic :' KcceiplH 1.000;' com pared w llh 41 w .-cli'aK o; Fed -Htcom and yoailJnRB iinrvou; d iblca kind* 2 0 0 3'(; lOwi't; ollmrii 2WW0C o f t; 8lt0

("lock r.!cady;in 25c lon-or; bulln .and Ivl-alii M oady.' Uulk. p rices ' for tho Mvoi-l{.- r.Hl i.ic(.i'rt nnd yoarllnBH-113.75' UiTfi; t-riii.ii lirlfoM *10.750)12.30:, IcraKii cnwH ^S.GUfi'tO; nil cujlcrijIS.SO . t- l r J . ,■/!>; iidrdliliiriiulln J8.26«P3! prnc- ;tl r( il lop vonlcrn J H j; Moekora ntid ifio ilcr.i ?12if513,B0. , < .j .

c i S B V K O I ^ r a n d ';' p o e d

^ ^ ^ v ^ P I S T O N S ’' -------- -• F i n i s h c d / to A iy^ S iro ,

, f ' - S T E ^ . K E i r -

L c M M - A il ie i j i s e in e i i lL -

T m L ale F i r C lasslflD a llon .

W A .N T K I^A g 6 0 D lio u S E K B E l’- •■ e r.'P h o n e i:i81.________ ■ ■ .

T O Ii SALK — CIIKSCKNT ' WOOD w orluir, iilHO nil kindif o f blnckHmlth toolK. J . S. MeKlllBfttt, K lmborly.

FSe E F ^

[ success, w ithout a u s c ^ m o n th a f t e r ^/ c lim axed and ad- :w er and m o re brll- , clothe th c Century’s ia l 'o ffe rin g in the

dy a n d e q u ip m e n t . s ta n d a rd and ciis- l in e l &ix o l t ^ ' ^

to $1 6 4 5 . Century . > $2125. All prices ;

iLE'' - ■

R Yipany)RS— ---------—

**---------- = A .

I h e S t o n e .

--------- -= a8 3 C b .

Page 7: Ai. Xn.MHiaH ll)l._______ • , ...... ._____ I W I.\ iUAilU. PATI.UIJAY. AUCU'ST ik. • , • • ______________

'■--BATt;UD^i5V;A^y4T=ftT-4 ^ ; -1^5(

M o st olF Th(

{Bnsiiiess Directory, ■— r-magEtaAWEotjsr—— ;

"T Y P E W niT E K S" ^Wfl m H '«m : IlE N T 'c m : F IX ’em.

. - .-A ll makoB. Boalora InHOYAL................. CORONA .. , . ,

JDAHO T Y PB W R lT lill. E X • ' ^,LocaLoK lco;..gl8^M n[n_A'V c. No.

UODERN TVOODMEy O P AMERICA i moot S t-1 . 0 . O. V. b o ll ovory 2oJ '

" 'a a d ''‘ltli M o n d a y ,''• ................................

rW lN FALLS JUNK H O D SB -M B T - ols, rubber, bldco, polta and (ura .

H.TJMBlNQ~A2jD ‘ H E A T ^ o ' 1HOME PLUMBINO & HBAt Tn Q c a

Now Jocatlon ,' 136 X bird Avo. ,E . Pbonn283 . .. ,

, -TEA lfSPEE' ,

Pbono 348. S(oraso a n d crAtloR. .

McNlCHOLS T R A N S r tn & STOiT- -aK O —Co.- darboBO baulod dolly.

Phono 800.. . ' ______________ ]W ARBBRO-7RANSFBR & '6 T 0 n A Q E -

Co. Storago aud apoelal carload , Bblppunta .to Califo rn ia. Phono -


< ra.,P rop . 130 2 n d S f E . -

tDAHO SHOB REPAIRIN O . JOE ■WaBPer. P rop. ■ 218 Ma'lo N.- P h . flO.

rW IN FALLS S n O B ;R E P A in iN O -r-18S-8hO B bD nb~vbB L --’P1»on6'-«fl8; -

Berrlco and qua lity sua ran tceiL

your miarnnlco. Siiitn to n rd o r $2r> , up. U dlca!_W D rlL_our__upcclaliyj '

~Bnb6ol lho T nllor. Ovor Idnlio Dept.• Storo. Phono G34W. •


Store. Phono 07; R es; 13S8. . _

? r B ank a . 'V i f a t B l ^ f ^ h ^ *

ainea H. B o thvo ll—W. .O rr CliapmaO BOTOTVEL'L & CHAPMAN

Woods BldK.

iWEEUBY ft SW EBC feY T-X W O T? 1 noya. Id aho Pow or building.

V. L. DUNN—LAW. O FFICES, HMS. . S and A, Bmlth»lflco b u ildin g ;’- ' .

~ a 0 H 0 0 i S r ^ 0 L l j~ i f f i 8 ■ \lOODINO^doT.URQBr—W i:8U E)’-AN. . _ Idabo_Jj^n-»oym i«pM «uS «picm hcc. _

24. Now cfttftloB.jurt-ouU W rlto for - ymirn tnilnv. ^

MOMBY TO' L O ii^_ ..THINK I HAVifl TH B BEST LOAN \ offorod In T w in F a lla cn c ity rcsl- doncon and buslnosa blocks. A lao a dandy fa rm loan . J l B. W blto.Phoao.247. _________ I___________ -

lO N ^Y 'T O LOAN ON PA R W ANO ^ c ity p ropo rtr. Com pany nnd prlvato money.* C .-E . P a tte r , riTal caU to, T w ln .F a lli . ____________I________ _

,0A N S-FA R M ; a n d c i t y LOANS. Tw in F a l l i T ltlo a n d A b a tra c t Co.

rONEV T O , LOAN. PO TTER REAL : Efltntc. Phono 374.

OPlg<aAKS - ' .JY B 'sra crA U S T ^ H D R T w fi,D .H E Y - • nolds. SOS Jfaln . N ex l d o o r to •J . 0 . Penney C a _______^

P lA y 0 ■ TUI^ & . . 7 'lANO TUNER—S. G. H U LL .16 Y1U3.Jn Twin T b lK w llh Clnudo Drown

^-roBKHTr* ^tS i r ^ R E N r ^ ^ T '^ tO O ^ JilODERN _ houi>c and ffnrago on Fou rth coat. F Call COC 3rd nve. went. . _ •

O r IT e N T —HURRY. F flU n M O M • .bouio .on 6 acres. P i im U h e d r H mllo eas l.W n jib ln s to n ' BchooL- >4 . Bouib. C. Ohman. ' " • ' * _F

0 n :n E N T = l(> -T 0 S trS ^-R E S 'T V A ^ f tc r . ‘A rth u r t» Sw im t C o ..; ^

OR RENT—T H R E E ROOM ■ FU llN - _ l*hed opartm enL Buosalow A pts. «and OTO. cast. - _________ .

O S ''R E N T -F U B N IS B E D A PAHT- A a o t— Coll iCfl fprtm oonj. . Jiutai . . mwa Ina. "OB BE N T — B O U B tS B E P lN Q -a p a r tm c n ti, eom p lsU ly foRilahed Fto r U sh t booM koeplBf. T w o and .t h m r o o a s . cIo m in . o a d lo v rate* - « y ro o k or. m nnth. T b t O xford. 4X8

J___ WPOB qftT*— iS T A T Z . ~SB SA LS—N tN B *‘ ^ o i f d o s s In. boU t by f o m o r lo z n b a rs u f * o f th is 'c t ty . UbacrxC hardw ood floora. fS foot io t t |i t l i - |a ra « « . p a r t ­ly t a r n i s h T o ltsb o B i X » . . for parU cnU ra. - - . ■ - ___DR SALB—80,1^1 K lire E R L Y SEC- Uon. cood Im prdvcm enta. $110' p e r glj

B » r l-M ttr r» y rJ U «g-. ■ —U '...

3R 8A L & -80 ACRES. 185- P E R aore. house .'baro .-iO J fenced - h o s - }?, tl«ht.-llSOO w lJ lJ ian d le , E a r l.M u r- , y a y ..F ile r .

3R SA L B -H O C S E . CL O S0 IN ON „ 3 td a re n u s c ast. C ask o r te rm s o r j,, n id tf fo r p roporty la- « r n e a r Son Jooe. C alif. 8 « o w nen Mr*. P r td - c rlekson. « t <80 M ain tfVe&&0- n e ^ -Phono U 30. _____________ _ Fl

3R ,8 A L 8 -M 0 D E B N ' HODSC, T ' T O O M ir-oioepm .patchy n r m . - o n sm -a-rfr* mnr«lt.F«- -170 BW alnat o t r e t ~ - ■ ~ ; • ‘

T IU B 8 .T m N T -'A D S B R I W ^ .

e se O p p o r tu iPOB ' BALE-JCBOELLAMEO-PS _r-oit sAij:-r-i"?',''7j;i:T •.sawkk ''

•Irlvo ,lK‘lt. 18. Iiiuli i]rlvf*ivJtfol, I ■ bliulcH r«ir tn ic to r 'c u i lc r .- n l ii Itiii-

KiTlH. liirililr.-.m _tjc lt:a_m utkaiultlL _ yiioii;

f-'OR SAL!-:—HIGH GllA D E I’lANO. KDOd UH now. $ iS .1 .'i;u «ili iivomie nnrlli- . ' V

POOL H A LL I'X)R SA1.U W IT Il'cO O D • Iiuslni-Hs. •G oorsu DhvIk. BoxJ W .

UWl^S .FOR aALi;-t-700 T\VO .YICAR -ohl-;:roHH hrctls.-^cr)'thrt!C- y rn r-o lil -

croDHhrctls, 1000 finooili Itniiilioul* ' let ycnrlln/CH, ICd Wcll«. ■ J‘hOno - S33U1. T w in FiillH. _____________’ '


plnyors; Btnndard nmkon. Somo-lllto ^ now. Sold anywhoro. E asy torniB. . W rlto to d n ;. Bnldwln Plnno Co,; 1C36 California fltroot,- D cnvot, Col-

, orado. ■

’ LAYER PIANO IN EX CELLEN T * condition, henutlfu l w nlnu i caao, wilh rolla and bench. w n rb e rc T rntisfor. ■ _ . _ ' _ __ ^

POR SALE— PU llE C im SR VINEGAR. _I'lr?I!K.McCorinii;k cl<lpr_inlILpnHi_pf _

town. ■ >

n iK STA TE OF lilAH O PIlO D IinK I) - hi $31,n()0/)00.00 n o r th of b u t­te r fnt. <;nny«ii Connly nlmio Jir<»- - duccil one-fourth of tliu en tire out* - nut or. IC.OOO.OOO.OO. -Yet. I nm of.: ' fcrlni; fiuvcrnl fn rm A 'ilm l hoH> to proiUico'tlijB ptiy roll lo tho fiirmern n l on ly ii frnc llon of tho lr trim ■ w 6rth ' w ith a nmnll pnvinont down T nnd^loUK,'.on_balr.

—nnr(v— Y ou' w ill • hnvn to Iiikplh.'! Hii'Si* li» nlinn»cti>l(» thlu nd. ~ :iL D. ^ lllnp r, Iten llo r,'O aid iTvli, idnho.


or o f-liin d for so le for full dclly-• ory. 0 . K. lluw lfy . Biildwln. .Win- ■

coohIr. , • ‘ -

V A N T E D -A COOK. o i ^ T IIA T c.m nmko' K^ud coffi'c ,. nml ri'iil cltlll. A pply n t thL'-J}ow Drivu -In '

V A NTED -SM A LL AI^KT.Mi:.N'T 01''J “ (wo budrooiiiH nu 'l .kitclicncito , on<- ~ doiiblu bud iin<l two kIiirIii ijcdK. No ™

■children. Telephone 38 o r mli1r?ss M. C. B., care T hc TInicii. . ^

V A N T I:D -T 0 - S E L l” INTERNA- llohnl' iruck . icr'ain und buci linclliH, o r w ill irndc for cowut. Box Q. D» p

-ca ro Timex. _— . —

lARVENTER AND ~ ^ N C » I :T K• w ork wuntieiK 'I» n R I'xporloncc, low -^liurm m.—C an-do-anyth lnB ^V .-J!ax« ,—, J o n . 32fi S g ..Majn_St.. CUy. I'

V,.tNT TO BUY.'FORD CAR- W O flT fr ' r tl iu luuuuy. ■ Tm iulru MiiL-k t i y r T ii'i; ^

nn.d YulcnnlilHK. . . • I-

VANTED—PASTURE I-'OR ' IIOOS nud c a ttle . C. O. -Miirklc, W l Sec* S ond tive. wcat. Phono 1230. Call cvcnlnRB. A

fKW -VuRNITU RB. L lv iN O -R O O M r - 'dining room nnd bed room. IM colrv rnrroHcntntlvo 'w ill ho hero Innt of A urhhU ' w ill be iiblppod lu di Septem ber. • W a cnn *nv6 you m on- A oy nnd clvo you good p rice fo r you r a olil fu rn ltn rc . nnd tormu If you K Cnll o r w rlto. Sw ccfn Fu^n;turol^:c Store. Phono 1295. • 4i

LivEBT00i5~AllI> PODLTEY. J;m t •s 'ai .t :—KHu u h i S l a .s u u k u **frieit. Phone 986J.' J . 1). WIsoman.

•6R SA I.E-^1200' h e a d ' YOUNG - croHK bred ow(<n, CQO ugcd croHM brci

. ewcn. 130 yoiiag Itnm psh lro cweu. Thoy nro good th r if ty ewcn. B tg li'- i . te red HnmpHliIre ram InmliB and . v/.nrHnpw n ra in teil nn.t rpfldy_fOt _ son 'lce ., 1 mlle^-M uth of enr.t end of Mnln. Briice W aUon. I’hone p,C06J1. • • • _____ Oj

OR S A L E -S H E E P . ABOUT ONK S' hundred. Ten li'cnd lambR. year­ling*; tw o yonV o lds nnd a few ag(sl . flwc^ n lso four p u rrb rcd two yenr old bucks, r . S. Fnulk. Eden. M .iho. j;.,

O R 'S A L F^r^rnO lC E - R E O lST EllE D I’l - .S hanhom .buU ajm d hc^edlnc^atockt ■ Just-the th ing fo r th e range. A. J . Cl Rcaua. T w in -F n lls . Idnho. Tci ^

^rA N T E D -H O L ST E IN AND OUERN. D< sey d a iry cows, b e avy 'sp rlngo rs . C.O. M arkle. 651 2nd a ro . w est. Phono

r ^ - f ^ S l p s f e r R V : H . c . iIu.N^u r . P h e n e 903W.___________~ S>

O R SA LE—IS O R 20 THOROUGH- Cl bred U n co ln ram s . Call G14J3. p i

SALESMEN ^ A K ^ ^ Sl'A N TED~SA Lra.1fAN ' TO _ T A K £ ; f l ’cS irg # Of'T«[1a T a lla h ls tr lc t fo rtho la rg e s t, exclusive health and . "craenl” com pany m m e w o r i n m n “''cdlhpaoloa U fe company. Also f »aalesm en to w o rk * d ls tr lc t‘ Excep* H<tlenal o ppo rtun ity fo r th e r ig h t men. =aA ddress A . J . M lncb. mi^nager. Ida- P ' ho B uilding. Boise, 1 ^ 0 .

FOB SALE-^TnlOUOBZUEs" Po^ T s K S ^ ^ S e v h o l e t r o a i>- ^a ter. U2S Stodel. Good’.condJtloo. Call at 611 M ain-w .est II3R S A L E -N E W CHEVROLET coupe u d coach. N ever d rlreo . Lib­e ra l discount. No> trad e s . See Mr. ABd^raott. a t 'J . C . Penney Company.

3R aA L E —F «R O TRU CK IN OOOX) mnnlAS order. O. W . Q srrlsb . 253 M ata'A ve. So> ; - ra.

3R p SEDAN FO R SA LE OR T ttA b E S t fo r any kind o f sto«k . W eat ot.n«a d« P o in t Store.- P re iU W arron . . ,O H D -U Q H T -T >SU V B R Y - TROCK; ^

^ o s t m U Im m odU lely. A pply ,T w in Ui< Falla ToBrtal Caap. acroos.tmlca. ; <

- W E TRM3Jfi “ I

Call 1318 Sth avd. E. Also Tlae* of* rn f j c « * R e r i p . J »

l i t ie s A f^ C

ponlllon. 0|5cii Sopt. 1, uo l iiiiirrli'il.• oiulr'iily iiulnoumbi’n 'ii; w lili IiIrii itcliool (.-ducJitlfiti, hotwi'ou 2T, limit ll'.

"Sini\V>r I.OUUH nuil tniuHporintirtU. r.lvo ntfc. education. .I'X iicrltuce. K K. ComjiUin O . 1002 N. l)i-iir!iorii. Clilcngo. -_______________ __________

’O.MKN, MEN EARN' J3r> WEEKLY iidilrcimlnR cnrdR home ujnire-llir.i-. i n il year w urk. cxiiurlfucu uniu-opit- i

>«Ary;>Aildri>Mu>d<iiuvuloiu.bdajuUMC£ i llculnrii. KrcuH 1135 T rlbun.i IlM g. :N .Y . ■ • -_________ . _____ .• 1 ■

m a le h e l p 'WANTED. _ |i’AXTEIJ ~ P i u s 'r CUASS A l.l^

round niccbnulc. Y. & V. Garnst-, , ■ RoKcrHon. Idaho.. ' . . . . . |,

tEUAiJfriTl i:sicuai:ric , ' w iinlt’il lit ouco by well kiinwu J.i^ It. WiitkiUH Compnny. Splendlih oiienliiK to (ilHiilbiitP famoun \V a i-i‘

CKHary. W rllo TIic' J . I t . , \\’nll(lu:it< •(-•ompnny. ■Ifins-lloIIlH St.. O alOand.;;O ilU ornln. _________ j'

VANTEb ON ItA SCIl. .M iD n i.i;; .iKftl m an iinil"wlfi> widioui. cbll- : dn-u. W om an nii lioiiiii-ko..iioi-,f<

~SWndV pliic-',' No iimoKlnfr: 1*. Itr^ l Hobbn. C.’iKtlcford. i '--------- ------------------------------ - t

SlrXTATipNg WANTED: tID D L E AGEU.LAUV \ V a H s T ^ - . ! Hltlon keuplOK honno tn r w ldowor n r ,

, hiicliolor; Exporiencod. AppUc-nnt m renpcclful. Room 2, u,ir'KC)- ; lloomK, ,

.ADY D ESIRES I’OSITION AS ,• hou iifkoeper.'cook In nui!ill-f:\m lly.--

Box fiia. Einm i!tt,_ ldnho____ — J

\ LOST ANP y oqN P."~ ~ ~ ] 'o V r —Al H:3fl WEDN^.SUAY .M.OItN£'! -h i« nno iifiHtolHjprd box coninlnlti;’ . m cn'h xliortH nml womcn'u drcHH<'» nnd liomo plciuren. Fivo doIInr(i_ rfi , w urd. lio lu rn tn'llnKPi-iUrinTotin. ,

O S T -O N E UOUND l.E A T H Elt WAI.- ' l e t . .885 Iu bllln, N lgbl H aw k calllii-; cni-dn. K inder p lea*! r.cluru to T'u- ' Tliiii-H o r Glun Ilntcn. 2tl7 Ilnrrh^on. . i tiil~^7 ■ Iv■ -~r ■ '7rfll-^^~' -— P

BOOMS TO REFT *lODERN ItOOM FOR ItlS T .-P H O 'w h ' 417. 42} 2nd {kvenuiv wnnt. ' ,

OU R E N T -'FU R N ISH E D ROOSlS. 02^ Blue i.nK?nr-BnuTOvnr (i : - T h i;nti-^

U R N ISllE D ROOM W ITH JJOAIU) i o r one on tw o monlH a day lu a |ir l- J viito homo. 3r>0'2ud nvo. imrUi. k

FRUITS-'AjQ:) yZOETABLEg [o f i~ ^ ? .,E '^ O R l)E R ' . YOUli IMCK- ~ l in g cuuuhibeni now from T Ith. J ..W . i

'R ftw lln g g rrh o p r '4 7 8 W . ~ *

OU SALE— PICKLINO CUCUMBEUS nil, bIzch. Ed Vnnce. Pub lic Markol. |:

TRA W DERRlES, YOU PICK, COr ^CTllon. I‘lionft-C37J3. •____ ______ jp i t i c o f s . FOR s , u j > - n n u s H E u R. L. W r ight. K null. Idaho . ; . _

>'<)TI(’E O F SALLE 'N nllco 'lii h e reby j:lvtm lh a l tho un-

i>r»lKncd w ill noli on tbc 30lli dny ol iiKUfll. J328. Ill tho-.hour of 10 b'cloi;'.!. M.. n i 1-10 2nd nvrniio oaol. Tw in *; iiIIh. ,Idnho, ono certa in five'pai'm rti- sr B uick tourlng- cnr. Serial .Vo. I4SB0. M otor Nn. 41C8S5. 1U2R C4II* > irnin llceonc No. 1-070-238. to fn tlsfy * ceonnt fo r repn irs nnd ulornKe on

k'o-dollnrs a n d aovrnty conte. t52.Ti>. LKN'D AUTO.MOBIl.E'Ca.MPANY.


^ i r r i n .T i 'n i in i .fM fir F -W, ■ 1> . Pel. II

j« n te l lp _ _ _ _ ....... .... 22 • 1.'! .COI 11s d e h ....... ........ •_..... If) • .G0<1 f,li t I jiko 20 .4Sa alin o .......... ..................... JC 20 ' H l l e

--------- " pAMIiKICAX I.KACl'K c

W. -L. Pci.w G rk -.....- ........... 78 37 .078 ClllndolpbUi ............... 73 ‘41 • .CH.1 L oula______: ............CO, -G7.— ..C13 1«ovcTftuil ___J............-■ l i r ^ T S .ICS t*llengo .. .................... . r.3 .-C3 .4';7 oe iro lt ___________CO 01 J 'JS dnshlng ton _________ 52 OS .4:1 l«)Blon .........._..._.........42 73 .303 n

■ KN.VTIONAL LKAOUK . ”■ W. U P e t. "

r t o u U ........r i: : ; '™ " 70— *!W Vork ............. ........ C4 43 M2 .ilcago ............... ........... 65 61 .500 “nc ln n a tl __________ 63 50 .63Sttabu rgh .................... 61 ' BO. .5. 3w oklyn - ............. ......GO 58 . miston ............ .............. 23 70 ' .320iH adftphin __ _____ SO re J?33 fi,

PA C IFIC COAST LKAOl'K J---------------- W. L. P e t. ”c ra m e n t o _________32 15 .«81 I ,Jllywood __________ 31 16 .680 .•n F rancisco _ _ — 30 J 7 .3111 „ik land — ___- Z _ 21 33 .511 „i s a lo n s ____________ 21 26 , .417 j .i* A nselca ------ 1!> 2 8 ' .4 0 1 ,^irtlanrf-_______ .- J - - . 18 . 20 -383fJ^a t t l e _____________ 13 34 .277 c

I?Uninjurd in Fire«

■ tl B y V alta^ F(M a tl

DELFAST. I re la n d .' A ne. 18—T he at d a g motcrr c a r - o t C a p ^ M alcolm ' a p b e i l . -ooo-tlm o ho ld e r o f th e tl irM 's m o to r c a^ a p « ^ reco rd , w as ois tfo y o d -b y n ro ; t^doy.tSim pbfll w as. n o t InJorM . - «r h o - Dr i tisb iW »ef-w — -lo an^rM O b n

• «n<Vof th e aetoB iL lap .. . C a m ^ iS ’a . ^ o r c a r bad b e « Q ^ ; <5 ••<1 ta t t e 410^mllo Royal AaCDB»> O e O h b tc n r l s t tiD phy n e t . ai Py> B r i t l a h ^ d r i r t r w as a S to 1 w m r t te - a » t b o - « - m e r * - « t t r t e ( l , « on t h f n m w a y . - - p<

!h a h g in g E v er

Eimei. Johhsoii Is I Buried Friday at

Cemeitiry in Buhl------^ l-IS

n l '!H .,‘Ati-.;, IK -K lm iT .loliiiMin, ll..[siion or Mr. niirl .Mrn. A<li>li>b Jolin»<iii|In If .Itubl,’ dl-nl lit Ilill Iiom .' a t '.s in m l- , Hi

liril. to Ilnbi wlir-ro rnii.Ti.i i^crvirvs iv rr f 'h o ld IK tin- ProHliytrrhiy oh inclij si

’iL'liiloit, r ; in i- r .loliimiiu «n«> lif;n rin Pin Pi'iinKylvitiiin nml eaiiii’ ir> iliilii l!tm:. I l f bun ic-irliii'd ill Slam lar.l- i-illi' fo r III.- iniM nine \<:ais. Mi- !:■ n, ^urvive.1 liy !i wifo. fm bor iiik! inollir r,

Hone Wilwin. . i,']',.Mr. JoliUNoh w;iH :i un inln-V n f lli" li('

lid niillonni giini'd, ('ni.iiKuiy K, iiiici',,,' niw ovor»ua du ly , in Hu' WTrrlif w iir.l •^ ‘iiil»ir,“,'iiPri»iliiiiiiv ri ilri'.-.Mi'ii:r-|,.,I'llll l.oa l')n 'n tioncltil lln- (iiin 'nti ji'id ‘ lOU'd an a flrlu i: 'HqiiiuV rotinwInK lii- Lormciii In t1i.. lliHil i-n n .i.'rv . '’c

N rn s \o lo s . ' I>'Mhiii N.-II1.- Snii.lgron. .Mt,,,- W. S. Vi

« tii>rt of I.uoonio and .Mr,:. (Joy •')i f (Tnfllornrd hnvo boon iiiiimittroil roi;. 'd iB tm rn-for-ttjo-w riii onQTnr. ihn br;iiy jl'HInir 1(1 Iio hobi in' rniui-'i ijo ii' w iih 1" Iio .county ,rulr a t n i o r .•''• lU-'inli.:! I.-.,.6 aiKf •I'll,, .1i,v f„r <'1-rim : 'Viil Il.l Aili:m;l :!n rliflilvi-n y< III to |ii-.-.scli(ii)l ai!o oa.ti I.m ii-i’.U .i-r-! 1”

'i l r . nml .\ir;<, .lobn \Vatrt;n3?*wry!l- ' i-id C'liy. Xohrniikn,, a r r v l^ lin irM lK o j -.nil l ll ll. OUri liab ti. / W

Mrti. C. V. lilKKii and da iiiib l.r of ni kV heailiind..U(illfor«in.-iiii'_viUiliiK^ti. -in Jy _ h o m n -o f -M n u L j^ i^ H n 'n n n n r iO r- Hi

nud .\tr«.’'c ', 'J . K:iiiil:j' o f ol i<.ro."<.'(iliroriila.’,a ro . vl..lrii.j;;friciijlj V< it-l)iMil; • . .

lliiys r j i h n . 01W. F. noolllld- llllfo‘iii-a'il |1,.| )•,! lli

icr<*-'f.irm o n M i in V T R u i iii r ' Tor ■ ;v .la -itui.ldornlkm of J2iiii ."T 'r i'om-. In ’in iliidiiit; tho y i'iir’ii oniji. « . • ui

.Mrs, Davo KnUi-i wlill.- |^ ’ su lfn in i , ' w 'rom « biiiki'ii'w rl>c|, j hi

l':ui:ono an .l Molvln IVir.'si <ifi

.Mr! and .Mrn.. r:, R U nrdo r r.-imir- >d III l.ocki>oi't. IIIinolK. aTlor ll wvolin vi.-<lllnK w llti .Mf. ami Mi';> ito rrlll. ‘ —

Tlic .N'orllivlrw Coniuinnliy o lub .m rt

,tra..lionnr,.M i'K , R eeirnn il Mni.;.)U »:nvn i(‘|iorlii on tlio woinon'n vn- in tlon -.cnaiii Iiold 'n t Cinyer lio l ro SiirlnttHu. Songn nsod a t tlin-snnii) woro aing liy-llio ludh'K. .Mrs. Miid:><-n nu-roiiipanylug on Uio « iiltn r. .. ............... .ml liour'ri'TroiJlinicniH woro iiui'vod. -X rrra jinn^r-hT T inoj'-T T T ravv .IirTnjc no r h -nldont-i nf llnhl._niu->irrf— .'M '’nriitiona nml tiro hmiuo hiu'Hk ot .Mr.

.Mlmi Jim i' E w lug l« a inillone nt Hit f*; io:i|*llnl whoro n h o .im d c rw m rn n oi>- " ■rnilon for npiiomllcllli;, ■

Fourteen 'Poiijls ‘, S tressed By Curtis

------In rA cceplS nce-T alk(C onllnucd fcum Pago O n e )___ _ r||i

lltiilvon .lo fnnn prodiirlK-. .11 has been of oiliid thn l CL-rlnlu of tne dutU-ii nro — lot Itlsll rnnuub tn .i:lvc ndijaunlo irotpctlon |o Hiinio of ibi> produbiB of ho fnrn-. nnd 1 bnliovo 'if In tbo duly if 'eonKrfVH to provide riilcB hlKb noii».-li tf> t>rntoc( luc l iiroilncU V ignlnHt f:rclKn' coujiii-tiiliitlr

C n l l i Prjililem I'orplcx.lng'■'Tllo •niiiflilldn of iiropcr fe llef for

■gricHiluro lit trylriK mid porplcxinir. , ’ropcrly . INi solution in nnd nlwnyn houliL Iio noniiiirlinnb, 1 mil con- f.. Inccd tlin t'If a r.mnll Joint cflmmlttoe 'f (fio H ouse nnd Scnnic wc;-c n |v ali>1<M| . (n Hiudy l!lq .prii:ili;iu nnil flnil ^ ;« j> rip c r solution, tbo neccM .iry rc- .jj, Icf (julckly could nnd would ,ho nf* ,j, ir<led. » T he conm ililco could lie iii*- a.; U ted In iis taHk by tlie .a d v ire nnd . xperlonco 'o f the 'inoN i capable ox- ortn on tlio flubjcct Bcrvlcc* .'.'n nn bo Obtfllned." - j,,.

W ith rogard to Inw 'enforcem ent. ttrilH aaid In pnrt:*•'To dcM rm fnc lhe ex ten t t<> w hich ' ;

'f ls la tlo n 1ft boneficini and licyond <i/ 'n ten~ tt~1lr tlT m fu |—lir-lhd^linnrjn‘ct- f iit(l(csrnanshlp, .While iicsple uiny Iffer 00 to lho wUiioin o t n-piirticu- i r piece o t ICKi*lation. o r an lo tho ;p, m ending of tb o consiltu tlon In ro . a id the re to : I t Is lm]>os>lbIfl to Ig* g , o re tho constllu tlou , nnd unUiInk* bio lo ovnde ll by u tu r tjc u la r a d .

"My own reco rd "ha prosecu th ig a t- fo[ jm e y for Staawncc county ahowi ic a r ly th a t 1 hellnve in lho prac tice f law 'e n fo re n n irn t

CalU fu r E nforcem ent ;•■The prohib ition -am eodnjent w as 1..0

doplcd by n il of tho a ta te exc?p t 3 ; o n n c ^ c t i l and .R iio d e .Is tand :— F or 10 fc d o ti l gavornm pni now to adopt, ux f ovon to propose o r lo favor‘, a -j-f sllcy w hleh w ill rcsule In allow ing of tc h s ta te to de term ine fo r ttse lf the tcohoHc Content o f tx-vernges to b e ^ lanufactured, aold and tran spo rted trsD shou t th e country , w ould be a irec t and Indefensible a llem p l on Its s r M o evade o r to repud ia te th e r«» [uiaslbilUy so delo i^ iod a n d oasum*1. a n d .an . endeavor l o ' r«-dtlegat<t la t rvsponslM H ty to t m '•‘ieV4raI tnlea' fron i w1>eoce l i carae. w ithout ar lu su n c a l lo n fo r such ao tloa. .••I- believe In m eeting - an>.Issue

jh a re ly .- th e re fo re I a ta te th a t no t n ly am 1 h e a r tily In f a w of falth - illy en forcing a ll o u r law s, b n t fur> ie r I a m opposed to tb e repeal o f 10 18th' am eodm ent o r ^ o f th * VoI> . :^ad ac t." , ■ -S p eak lag o f th s la e re a a e a .p a r tld p a . ' 6 a o t women. In govaraiBeat.''^ 'th« am iaeo sa id : , ' «-T h o RepobUeati p a r ty haa nnetl and e n co o rm g ^ thh i d tre le tK

U bej ter ca In M d '-.

a n slad «ocnaB:--'W « tU l v.Ikt oar> rec o rd tar th a l s ta ta te e a a e a Mi ptT»«»Uaa.jef, natiotU I v m p is r t t r B l r e su l t l a a lU n ln a 4ha w o n en 'a

o o n r i8 « .« a a p a l* i.- . '» v ' I

y D a y - - Wa

Ising Code Ancient Du Demands Right IHr Ii's.',! r i . . . , B

CIlKiCN'WOOl) LAKE, N. V-. Aiii;.: ■ S .-D r. .li.lm Itoaili .'?iial..ii; locid i>u lill' iuiIl- uf III- aiic'ioiii f-iiil-l a and iluiiiaiitloil i |i - rluiii 1<> n i i |i ; li'c p lai’l' ulior.- bl- wan to. m-.-l C.iv. j

Tlu- dolial- olialloiiK -' ram .' i . v . r ! ' ' ' ■iralim'n n',.-.'iii i .m i-m In v.'liliii lii-;'*' lmvr.''il ~ilifT~i:HVPmnr 11 inrnI |iri.i:ri"ir. , .•^miih ' .•Iiull-ii.’:;.’il i. ................... cl,-!i,iio ll,. ill (.'ulv.Viy ;l‘>lapliKt oliiirc’Ii hi N-w Yorlf. wli.'i -1 Vo 111- Horiiinri w:i>. clrlh-,-ro.l'. .Siraioii ''I' aid il.l lii'ilov.'ci II liin.-,r Iiiill would <'n r "no.’o'w » 'r,o, 7"iial liio <ilH.'ii»sln:i U- 111 Talvary laiiljtii ( li'.iroli M-tkoil n . y,.'it 'o r . ^ u a j ^

'T .I .iUl7M..'mi;ml.'~i);^ S ira l.m ’m mI

■••Vou' imvo oliaflonr.'d in - lo a li,i.'baio. o r a Jnini iU«ni!.»li.n i>r iny 'al- - I'liallontf liinL -y o n r , n-jm '.i piov.',-.iMi. illl a (.uiidiilaiif i 'o r ,111.- I>ro^lll,'u- °y 'i i r III.- I'liilo,! Slalr-n. t . i . b - liir o(oiu'mont foo fu Ami-rJon imlay of ali..-foio..u *f.inorHl-|ir.>Ki-.iku_anU-lruu .5 .niliioiil 'W indom,'' 5"I Imvv .Ir-fliili.ily aoc,-i>i..,l 111., g

Ilnlli-m;- ami -Ma:ii! • r.-ady .10 m.-.'l 5nu. III.-,. 1,1 far.- an.i r.iilmill . iiiv g■viiiiC nlni lo Kivi- you . 'v n y , npiinr- niiiiliy Co ropJ,v. - • 6•'Ah Inr. orinll.'nii.'d iw iy . 1 Mand S

H JIio limo lioi'ioroil pi'iviU-Ki-of llam -' 6Ttf. Hie plane fo r tli.- dltioniiiiloii aud gball nnmo a .p lu o - ' Him w ill nol 5,rou io Ki-oiarlaii 'iilittTiH'H!* ii'’r/-j|rai: P

•'Til.' tfitaiw,iitAlU,Jw Hint you liavi- 0 hailoiiKod m » ’lo I> J^ n iim u o .n lo i i <if g

■■••trMli Kji you .iiiiw iilamr ii|i lo yon r 9Wll . .............. you r luHloii in run- gim; i<> o i»v r win loav,. mo fr.'o 1.1 5iUi» wiiaiovi-r iiii-].'r.nil-lir.! m a ll.'r 1 2lay doi-tii w ^i- and and will aiilom atirn lly braiul yi.u bi-ron- Hio ^ .’ori.l a:i n l>IuCf.-r. a 'I'amiiiaiiy trlvii- gli-r .ami a cow ard.'’ ' p

~aTTne?'Killed' ' i n ' '■At- '- ;" I'g- • tem pt to A rrest '1 hug.*} ^

(Pn:iiiniioii^froin l ’ni’;o Ono)' g

nobsi-rvi'.l a l .Sudtmry .liniolUm. Tli.-y g oill Hio fl.-rKM wlHi li'o ir ,»'ii-iu« ii> O ii'.w iJl aK la r an 1‘a rry tionm i. w iioio 'g" ti.-y JililiiiOiI n in wlHi novoral Iiagii of 5 oglHlerod innll afnl look an niitonio* 9(io ow .....I l.y au Ohio womnn. -TIiP gx ion i o f i1i.-' loiiH Ik i,ioI yot linnwii. o

Trli-d to .Sl.ip TljIoUN. STpRO N Tll. Oul.. AUK. IS—Ono farm - g

in m id o L ln -a- i-booHnK rr..y_ tod^i.y. S ' .’hen Hiev a ttium lT ^ .lun iiill: iho .'K- 5 ' apn n t . t b r r i ' mnll r n r •li;inilli;i, iio;, ° urdliiK I” toii.iriK ri,-aoIiJnK boro Xfoni p ;.iubi'.nilk..'n Hinall v lll’iK.r noar l*nr- o V Sniind', Onl, §E a r ly 're p o rm ra li l .lb :i l ono l.a iid ii, 01

■an cnpluci'il nn.l fl,.':i>'i li| I'lnt wa>* .luid on him. .A fnrnu-r i>y liio nnmo of Jaoknon, •

.n il_nam c u n k n o w n ,.w a '....r '.l 'o r io il iilod.Accoriliug JO tbo -rem irl:'. Hio bnn-

Ilx Iielil up a (^nnndlan 1‘arlflo Irain Illl robbi'cl tlio innil ei\r. Tho amount r ih .‘ lOHH •wan.iiol know n. ' ' .

Cn.Md*. Flock lo Topoku AH KnnKnW Joinoil lu (.•i-lcbmtInK .10 nom ination nf Hio Siinflow»r ;al.-'h flr-it ca'ndldato for n placo <iu u~»i,’.t lo i u H lrl;fr n ! a , .n u lu r .i ia ri y.. _ _ TIlCll^andn of -Kuiinans from all

^rln of Ha- Htatc nwarinod Into town, iiey cnmo by ' aulomoliilo -nhtl ftir- - lane, fnont la o d n u of l^anR|^o^lnllon n-iccH. A l lc f t of 15 ulrplanon cnmo • om W Ichlln alone boarlHK prom inent ualnrsn men from tb a t lown,Tho chnln ot ovi-r which

rc—:.etin<w=«*-:*^4w —uiim ' r a r r l i . l ,in , _ 10 fn rlhcet noQU,ln thfrf c o nn lry In- udvd'noldc.iiO nlalioniT In tho United ntcn.T o p j^ n jv n n "n il .iresncd up" In tbo _ lyM t o f dfcornlloiin for tiic recop* in r a i id the locnl cnmniJllee. headed

.M. I’a itcn . wnn w ell crgnnlxed , inke cnre o f tho rccord*brL-aklng

owd of v liliorn. . ' • 'Natlonnl nkurcn In th o pollllcnl ,

oLAIUPrlM Lmlxml »vhli farm nrn I . in^otin!T ~V tK tT orirnn-^otPl-'lobW t:!fri~ -•Ilus'tU cm out nn ih tf -" tre n d " of- illtlcal son tlm cni In KoniuiB. In - rsp trncd In lho crawd.i w ere rocm- rs of lbe Kftw lnd in i\ tr.lbe o f which • ■nalor Curtl> ir .t dcRc"endant.The noliritratfon ccrenw nlc* w ere lid on Hip eai>t Ntopa nf tho..B lalc

rm. equipped w ith loud speakers, w ercclod.

Property Tran«fep«P a te n t: U. lo WllHii \V, A sbun-. ' lls 3.4. SH NW. W H SW 4 ; N B NE

NW NW 0-14-17.W arm n ty 'D e ed : A rtliu r P u t t ie r ot ; lo Jam es C. M urphy. $1. lo l 11. :rracc Lnwn Subdlvlxion of p l : t l M urw ugh E as t Add T . F.

ACTO PO O R GLASS I'W ind Sblelda

W ln d iw ^ C liia - SetUaic F m

• M O O irS r A H f r 8T 0H B

P R i m ^* Sw M S uS^flS tk?

•• 'r'

Twin .: |

w le k -S ta f ta a a « 8 . P . ' l t l a t a a

itch; T h is . ' F a s

elist straton ,Select F% e Rebate;;.6dy”'of”M.' Tegan To Be Taken Sunday

. To Utah for Burial

On I'ali,. .•I-Mipiv r .-a .i;,l h - .i 'im l „ I I ; lV , i ’i-l.i,k .'••|i.I:iv .VM'tii- ;iMi.;

I, i-.tSni»l‘i f,t!l...i t.‘- ~ I -‘rr . •;!•, •i'.'ttiui Ii.i ,I Im:', ii j. •.hlr.iii llu-

.::raii.d, will lir t:,l.,'ii .';iind.i.>' :i-ori: i: III \Vfi^hiil', I 'ta li. foi

.1.1 F';.ii1l.d.!, I 'l.ih ; [il-i l.iolli.'i'. Il'i- I.

.1 i'.'::an l.-||.>f,.';,nd 111', hi'i.ih-r r,l.:i. « ll'. was JifJi- fl.iin V.-,t,1,lli;- f;II, r ia l i , WIII ai'i.'nii;).;ujy llu; hoili- I. Is iil:.i> M ii\U , J hy a - i l iy t

, i'luaii.’ ril''\'liiin<in.;rinli, . mi

oooBoooooc Dob*aoao a 0 oob 0 0 o a o

. A i - c b e i / ' i m i i i i . i i ' t o i n o v u

y i J U i - b a n k n n j n

] ) i - o s p o i M ^ > » < ) r t l i u iH iii iin -

' t i o n a J . . < € a i i k i;', a t . v o l j i

'^ n M T a T i r t i n i o . ___ \ [ L

First Nat 10o f T w in

MKitlllKlt OK ilKClO.S'Al. UANIi V


2 g -y e a r s o :- 1 0 r w D t

P e r l o r iTil l ia n k in f : n s in o tlit-r i i f llu rt c n i i iu s is 1*K RF0H.M ..\

. p o in t to llio. rc o o r tl o fT IIu ' 1 'I 'n i s i ( '( ii i ip a iiy w liic li. s in e n p r io itl tf iF a l, s tn o k -r.iiH iu p 11

~ .• m n k o u]> tlio i.iisini's.'j iiiilL ]i i r io i . T L is h a n k ’s rox;<irrl iv n n d i!n-oj>i'i-iilioii, .it.-j I 'o rv ic b iis iiio ss h o u se s , luoiii o itizo iliH trici.

i r W ] [ M F A I


■VZBnSINQ!.■ •Try ibe Twins*:FaUt Daily '

AUTO BSEAIBIHCI Valv*_ Orladint Plstoa Plai •, . Blacs. Baartasi aad Brak* -

T Jnttty. . . . •3r' jr.iaam R S S F A iB sriop '~ Sse. Avvs.. ?>oa»48t -

Aaythtnc la. tha Qlasa Uaa ■- ' 8«ttlat' Doa« ft** ;'fi;

m od : ^ p u b i t o .


. ' ^ S E i E N = = =------------ " <_'2±.

10 R e g u la r lyI,AIMS jti i iM .ii s i i . t v i x t ; i f i : r o i i i '

I.IM .K, 1‘ian ,,’- -iilll.,-ri C airo, a rn ri;;:ii,.. i-I.UiU. , In liold .Hii).

• 'l l.r ,. i,,.;„ 'd r„r .s|,.,\in«. Tills ;iiti,'i',. a - ,. |' . |j i i j ; ' l.of.iV.' w ltuinson ' !i" • :'i'i)i I' M :ni iii';id;u'it, nlinvod ■

111 .......mis flal. And he1,1 U'.I .-M'li lli',i> hit; rlilll OI1V1-. ,

.■dAMOl'iDN lT ,s 'u ‘ T ir i',\U.\i:\vT u ,v , o ,' (» i- o r -H i,: hiii-.i.u.

':.-v:-ror: '.'V, I f.iiiiid in Ibis------ vt:.- ____,.i r li.'i,' h) wniliiiU'li who W.'IO .•iM ir: l.l :, : : i a u | jiJl. -I'lj.. liinlt

; nrr< m ; iiv.i( i : i ; . \ rA M ii : i i _(ii:m ;,\.v s , i.h -T^.liriK i'. wiio '

.1. 1. 1.1 i - i T ' lu;nnr! Itiinj. .lir-..,. . •ail'. »ia In! lUiy- ,,'o linn • Ml..- ii l .v a'l,' IK.W af(<'iril<.,| lll.r^o icrnil..'. 11,1,.Il-l. Ih - n.-.-iil Innmiilr- U;*ii - i ;i I,,.-. -,rv l.'i- •)i.'UV,-,'ll«N.:W

b o 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 u 0 0 0 0 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t *

J P S —and il is a time when | ' npoi-tant part iri tlii2. | lunity. I ’hu First Na- |- sei-yjcc at this im^ |

O .

liar~Bank |! F alls ' ' I' " s-rffl" 1 Cl


D O o eo o o o o o D O o o B O '-n c io ao o o o .


n a n c e -l iv i iio ^ , lh o o n ly til in g N T K . W o m v V liiil t a ' • ,

v a \a A h a n k &•i« lIK)."*, hns f.o ivcii th uu d o th c t- (H forc'sfi >h»t ______lo t^o n .ii i i i .u4it n n —ai-r:------------ r —

o n e or-prosrT oss. sn fe ty 0 f i t t i n g llio n o o ils o f ' " !' n s Jind fnrnierH o f t h i s .

• • ' — '

m m m m '

< _rai5 Dupoitr 6B0P '■ ■ ’-i;


-" - . y Ss^ 'T M N i T i i r T t f T M ^ j

Page 8: Ai. Xn.MHiaH ll)l._______ • , ...... ._____ I W I.\ iUAilU. PATI.UIJAY. AUCU'ST ik. • , • • ______________

‘■ P A O E K I O O T


Jiiiirint II. 8)il:iii wn» oU'coil lOiii niiui 10 pMol tli<‘ Uvniiicniiic cvhl ^coijimlitfu' lliroim li -tKL- iw xi i ycnrii.' w hen Ilu- ('(jiiimliliM'inun ii tlilK iircniooii. Mr, Slilnii wiih i>lcri iiiinnim»ii)il>’- Ho wiih uUri c lv fii imj n r lo nl’iHiiiiL IiIh own Hi'crciiiry ii Iwo vl>^i"c1iiilrnii!ii. II, <). Miiiiyoii i m arki'il tlm t In- lioiii'il lln- m'cnrln utipolnti-il wniiUl llio n I)<'ino(TUt.

• Tlio n itn iiiiltci'm cii' w ill coiniili th i lr ort:iiii1tiiH<rt) t t i h nfKTiidon. Iii

“ TitK nu’i lir"iKHiii umriTiI]oi}riit.'il"i til 2 o’clnc^ llilH nrioriio(iti,

______TJio HcjmliUuiii cuiitruL .cnw uiltl- WUH lu >III!Cl u l .1 (I'oluck 111 Clu- c

rii:c>i nf Jolm (jriiliiitii li> roin|it>- iliiflr (irh’niilz.uloii aii'il olcri. orric-c

TJil' Suclallni jiiiriy, m i'H liu: n u lu rly III iinoii I n 't l i f noiiriliiiiiM(-

-'-■>iriiry. ■i‘l<";tH H iTiiiiiti ,C. tjd iiiri;nn cliiilrm nn; 11.. 11. Krvoilliulin uccrcta ry iiiiil trcnH iircr uml ok'c i QcorRV niliiKT. Ah S tu to C'ciiti CominUlcomBU. • '

. 'rili-lr (Ifliliiiltulluli '>vn':i riiiik|ili-( ' c lurlns mcciliiK nniL Uielr pin " iii'allo. K^NHlc M Oriiliiim .iif I luh r W

pluccd . In nom lnnilon ni; S tale Uu rcRonlallvo from cIlHtrk-i Nii. i ; I*. toK “ i» «l»o In tho iiom hi linn AK Stnti) Hi'prvHvntnllvu from <11

, t r lc l No. 2 ; Fru.l lUucklnirii wn» iiiu< — vommltlodmnii (m m -T w in - KntlH—|ii'

<;lnc( No. 7 Ullll] M Ittun lliiHla'ti m!i'< 1‘oninilctvoninn from lliilil prvciiivt N

Tlin ^nclallitlK w ill linlO ilu 'lr ooii ty foiivuiitloii noxt T iirm lay In tlio ci rico uf (Iiu, clprlc of till' illiiirl

■courl.' T liu |)<^>nucralH axroi^il to luilfl tlir

c o u n t/ con»i>nllon In tlio illxtrl cq jtrlrobnt n t ttic coiirtlioiiHo no

•Tiii-HiIuiT ■ ■ ' ■' ' ----------------Tho;J)utiiocrflliiJiliil-l!iuJK'l>iil>Hmi

a ro lo complHo llic-lr, ori;aiili;iiili jn io r tlilH #,'tonioon.


AMKRK’AN .i ,i : , \ ( j r i : .

A l WnnhlnKlon: R, II. n o iro lt ......................... . I .-I

■ DuIIoi‘I"k: ra rro ll_ Iiml II_ari:roavi * M arbcrry nnil Itrtol. •

■ At I> U llailclp lilii-n r« t Kiinn-:K. U,

RL Loilli*.........................................‘J fiI»h»n<Jolphtn— . :i 7

DntforTcai—nrbwiTvi' a n d Mimloi Grove, nntl Cocliranc. ___

Al’ Ni'W -York: R .IllT .I-ClovrlBnri....................................... fi T,Nnw VoVrk ........ .............. *. .■•..... « 12

OntlM-IcK: M iller. Mlljim. ■ lla rrli__n n f i - t ^ a c wcll M tiiii; I’in iitiii!—M»r

H oyl a n a Heni;oin;U. Grabnwwkl.,

Chlcaeo ...... ............................ i 1'!HoHtnn .....'...................... ■ " 1"

• U iitlc r l'i ': • , 'n ‘onia.'<,i»i'l l>oii:;.M'i,' rlfl nml UcvIiik.

Rficontl d m c : it.M .I■ fit. U u l« .................................... -•- J 'h i l a J c lp l i l i i ....... • ■>"■ Uattorl'ii*: Illne lin lilif. <iray an

5?c-^:mi:: WallK-rn. Uoinmoll. ijiilni i;iirni>ltii«- ‘'n jl Coi'linini-.

• .vvTiON.Ai. i , i ; . u : r i ; ___ • .

Al PlitnburK li: •' ■ I t - II .. 'r iill iu le ll'h lu ................................ >1 ;I 'lttnb iircli ....................... - •' >'

___D alK T lnc »<'nKo. M oliraw anI..r i /jn - m il niKl lloui>-li-y.__________

Al C incinnati—Knd Sill. 1IloKton'..................... ...........

• ( ’Inclnniitl .... - ................. ‘'I -U allcrlii ': ' O 'lU ncy. Coonoy an

T ay lo r: l.iiquc. l.'icaB anil Ua_^rKrc:iv.

— A r-<’hlc=Jr»r— - - II. 0 - 'U rooklyn .................................... . ; ‘(.‘tllc.TllO ..... ................ '* ' *

n<iiii'rloa: I’otiy, i:hr!lar<li, f l n r jinO D eberry : .Mnlnno lunl Harin<'tt.

A t ' l ’ittnburc li: U',11.1• I’hllailcliililii .................. - .......... >*, Pliti*l>nrRli“ ........................ ' • « 1-

—Unllorlri>: ■ Itlnjr. K.'i mir on him I lavln: J-'iini'Cll. Mcailov.-.-.. T;.ii*i l..'i niiw uon ontl llo in i'lt'y;


w h ile y o u w a i l , $ 1.00 .A l l W o r k G ti& ra n t« « d


- 131 U ain ATcnna E u t

AnENTION.• O li o r n f lc p A ii tn M 2uilkM vc u

i-ovo r -U n tt'T v •Hojiriir'*. r t . \ .. . '.sum iK * : I'

. Recharging all.tyi Radio Batteries .. -Replacing Cases Replacing~Jats7'p< Resealing (all mj

. . S to ra g e ...... ........

ELECTRIC SEE. ' 143 S e c o n d .

____ ________ I------' -----------.

1 : L _ F _ a i j L a n i i l j [ a t m _

liln liu : in l i ' niKl « 'arin Inplulit n

M i,nc,u,:w 'i;.\Tm :K -.i l ' '.Vol Jl ililnc no«- ahiiiii w.-aiiii-i- u

• illiliinii. ThlK iiii>inlii};’ii fiirucaul nr fa ir ami i\a rm -f« r ov.-r Ibi- w n-U '-

I,,., wliloli iM.ln lino w llli lo ral ooiiilllU' rnl a ll l!il» liaul work. T lir liiiip .T ati

iun«r- for Ibo lai>( Iwouiy-fiiiir lici.i

'.!;i................. n ‘.M ri;i{ ,v rr it j:sI.0W III

Tw in K a il* ............... .-. : r.2'ij.iif.L- . . r.K

i m 'v . t ’ ' -... i;o lIiHona ......... .......................... 50 V ■.

Jto ................................... ............. ^ '

m- I'noiitollo ...................... 'I" ■■I 'o iila ii.l ........ ...:. r.l .

x'li Sun-i-'jiiinvliCi ___

I broI erM w.l-m BNEK -L-eSl

iix _ . .T. A, n lin lno r, 41. b p ilio r

I," lioy \V. Uiiriliioi'. niami(ior nf tl „ j! T w in. l-'a1lM •lolopliom,' oxcIiuhko, w. I„. I ilniwnoil In l.lio finoil wiiti-rH ftf iJoi il .” <Tanyon. t:in ii. T linrsday iiIkIiI m ,1 liln_l»(Hly_waii ri-onvi-n'if Frl.Iiiy_ mor; ,i„: Imr. Ciiriliioii |iii;i jsonr lii X 'n '-j

;.;<in rorl* . CMb. Io atl.-ml tlio fi '■ niT al +iorvlccH. •I T. A. n u n ln i'r , w llb bln iliumhli'

'!* I b ad 'n tlom p io il In (-ro''>n Hio Ktrriini ' ' ; j i i i anloniolilJo. lho finoil ivriiorH fro

.till- lioiivy niliiH oatflilnjc tlip nir ami wIilrlliiK ll ilown Hiroiim, Tl

, , ‘ i;lrl Tliolma. onnK<’t bold of a hiii ‘ brimli lu-»lilo llto H lniiim .' linvlt - - . frn n i licniolf fnim- IIk'-. niiU). jir

I.illl—hpm rtl— Frn)n“ tl ”1 Hirciiiit, Hill' wnlliod tw n iiiII<-h in . ' rniK'b Iiiiu.)!' anil Hninmonod' aid.

ii.'urcli followo.I ami tlio.Im ily iiL.M V n u n iiii-r w aH tinind. Ilvu-iiiHuH-.ilutt

I 'Hlroani llio twlxloil wri'oliaj o f lilH rn r.________ _ ! -----------------

[. Spray of the Falls

Vi’.ltln i: lji<ln-r — MIki- Vlrii'ln

uvok' of' liiT inilic'r. . t (). fliiriji'iiiy.

VIsltH M iiilio r-C , I). I.IndHcy'loIt c Ihi- m orn inc iriiln fo r a >.h<irt vIhJi ;

I-:. Ihl- bnm i' of lilfi niolbi-r. :il I’oninn ] KiinxiiK,

i; Unr*f!«-of ! 'r li‘ml^— Dr.-TKmmii-i'toH: land nud- MIhh PPiirl CroHHland luu OH lliolr KiK'HtH ihiH w ook.i'nd . .Mr

i r .Mnr>’ .Miiir'iii'iid and Iicr diiiijtlitPr, lli I hcccK.

•r lUtcU l)i-lndl— Mrn. C.-M. M( .-. i:iw aln III lionio from ii trlji to l>"tin

~»uT"wniV 'F 'n n c ^ ii^ T < i ^ ^ ^

.1 Iti-lnrns lo MhiII'<oi—Mrn. Fra iiff t OIkI»'Io ro iiirnod ycKJi-rday lo lior bnm

Ill .Madison. WlH., a fliT rl-dilnK iH Hi lionn- <i( Mn;, Wlllliim T, I.ohIIo f«i ih.- piiHi tjiroc wo.-ka,

I <'«nrlnili‘s V M i—.Mr». John (•.if'iol .1 lo. ,\vlii) lr.iH lio .n a KUOHI llils Hiini

:ntim 'i' iil II.T sisn ’r - M r r r l ' - j H ’o-iirHi i,iro i« iino .l 10 h.-r Iioni.- in l.o:i Aniu'l<‘

I'll.liiy, •

n iK -k-i:rijm _Im ia—Mr. an.l -Mn., 1 (): .\lllnor and n m Jobn . Imv.- i.- iurn

fnnn a VI..1I wli'i filon.lH an.l r.-l n tlvca a t A tianllc . low .i..

.1 ' .\s..ii-lnJo<l » l l l i .Mimi-K-.I, i:. I'.il- m iinau-r of Ibo I 'l.n^ -o kUi

I. !il-crpioa :i poi.llion a:. li.a.I o f Hi I M l.r.'l Aoiriiiiol'llo (-ompany i.Ioik ilo *•1 pn rtincat.

•. To .Mnriii Vn1lo«~MrH, I ra .W jn iia n .Mlnn M arcolla Wynn aro bav lm ; l<i

- .Moon. - ' .

1; C no '^- - o f f rl.-iid«— MIs.k Grac- Ill.-ks of. M lo r.n 'tn rn o .l I?. T w in I-all w ltli'M l!.:' Holll Ilowoll and Ml«;. .Mar

:. Kn(•rll.-•I^;<^l•l^on bi»t .•v.-nlni; n> b I tb i-lr uni-Hi thiH u.'ok^i-nil. ,

I On llr lo f V M I--M r. am i Mrs, r.obrt;. •. \ VonnK<-r an .l fiimlly an- liv 'J '» lt

KallH III.' KHOHlH of. bb ' l>ar<-nl.-. Mr '• anUi-Mr.i. .11. 11. Nonniann, a t jh .- l' ' lionio I)!I F in ir avon 'l’;

I lidurn Fm m Mr. iinil MrxF rnnk H am und cl.mnhior ItiiiU an.ron Kloily U am an.l »i'>- ..............yo5 lrn lay fm m a nionll.-.-i vlsii I. llio coai'l. •

Cftllnl to rU ih i-U oy W. CHnlnor n ianaR rr o f ilio lob l'bnn.' wa.s callo.l lo A m n ican Folk f la b on arr<ninl of lln- dc-alli of bii* Ihor. T . A. G ar.lnor, of Mytnn. l 'lah

AccMolit Vlrllm* Mrr.- .Mn*, It. C. IMVIOH nn.l bo r mnlhpr. Mrn. H airlalIJnK. k j. \>b(> lia»-c t'f^ n .onxrio-'.'ln f u t a tio.s|il!at In IIiirloy^^flow lnK !:!■

CAR OWNERSdU .iiffo t_ tlie_£ iilIiijv iiiL t pri.-.-s In .• ;l>t M lf 'C -s ti't l l.y till- W ilJ ii r.l- l;in*'rv. L’c*.;

p e s ............................. $ 1 . 0 0 ,

...................... .75 'I............................ : ......... 1 . 0 0

er^jar :.7S i k e s ) . . . - . ................ 1 . 0 0 .

.............. . .75

iVICESTATIONflyenne, Nojlh . ; _____ ______ _

~ iConiinissioners jail r-Fron Trip'to Capif

, T . K. Mooro und M, O. War,..'. T . Kitlln n iitv ty cnmmlHK|onoi-;i. rctiir

in- IhlH ninrnliiK from I<(>liio whoro. I ly.i Illlll. hi'on In nlU'nilniici' diirliiK nd inootlni: o f ' lho s'luic l-:<|inillia in.i no im l. h: Clima S itw iirt Ih mill Ito IlolHI;.M'H T ho irommlHHloiierH. Htnfi-il tSpt-t:

viHli liiiil 1)0011 vory 'lioncflcifiil uh i IukI loiirnod luiii'li in Uid' Ihcm

i;b th o ir ’ w ork. Thoy mulocl llioy dl.I !C know juHt whnt tho .Stiito llnurd I't; K iim illintlon wonld dii w lih Uio in 78 probl.-inH liofofo If. Tboy won- nim .SI uU ondunco uL ilii'> Inlilul inclliiKN Kl Ih l! . Tnxiinyorn'. AHHoulnllon niii]

A ntl-Crlna- ooiiforoncc,

j!ll jiivloii hiiiitiilneil In nn aiilt>nii)l>llc r,^ r ldo iii In .Inly, ,-irrlvrd bomo lixlii;

1,1-jno f o r Mouii|jiln>—Mr. Illlll : A, li. .Siaffonl. MIhh l.'mi .Siaffin'.i i Mlio. SiinHhInc \Vlllhiin« lofr thin mu lm: o il’ll llrlof on lln i; lr l |i lo Ihc W

I nor L-aliln im W arm S|>rin;:H, 'I'l

~ day. • , . *

\ Homo From Fu rk—Mr. nml Mm,I I .1. Hftllpnboi-k aild oblM ron, aor. ^ Iianicil hy ilic^r hoiiHo cui'kiii. .\lr. i

■ -Mra. II. A. Koni of Surf FranclHco i .M ri. I-:. W. 'H panK lofof Tw in Ku bii\§‘ r ili i rn c d 'f ro n i a ir lo Id Yolb

''I’ l ~ ' --------------------

■i.‘ i .......... '•li' I

T .|

11 ■ ^^ _ ■,

. V' Tt• I t would

. . to th e a'_ ___ **off-;brai_____________ didlTo^t't

Perhaps any deal known, i

------------------:tirc salcsi, . dealer a

ex tra 5, !

• Only sh( buy “loni

........ As buSitmore'afF«

' ■ tires tliJ — ow n thcj

T h e iG ooc

Goodyea • cause ne

^ ^ th a t-G o o o f extra s th a n oth

ersh ip is a rcasor necrcda] im prove i^cntcdar side “no-i b u ilt pnc

L I N EGoodyeu* T ire i


i t K ofiu lofl.'-.* .Illy K ilday im irnlna Q U '- lliv lr ro tu rn i ti i i’ tv .‘ an l-'raiii;lKi-<

On Or^liiiif/Jilloii T r ip —.Mra. Ka .C U !o rln c IVovohi lofi T l in r - ’ - - w illi .M

j ,Milrthit nnium oll lo vIhIi -Ilnnlni'iiK i , ' ; rrofoHHloiial Wonion'H clulm a t l/i "■"'j (iooillni;: Ibil!..'. I.owIhIoii iiikI S iii

* p.lllll Ih'. imriioHo o ' or«iiiiU; diKi.rIot clubn, ihi- nioi‘tln);ii lo ho I.

*""! In Ooiobcr o r .S'ovouihor, ul \vlik-ll ll ‘ '' '" ^ i li .- nutlonul- oxooiiilvo Hocri-tnry v

iiii'<’i . v.1tb .-ar-h dlH iilrl. Thoy v I jirohulil ' bc aw'a'' about u tvi-ok,

holr I I , ' ■ . ^- To Voli-rniis .M ti-llnc^-lliirry horn

“ ,|m ;tl coniimindor of Tw in F.iIIk |u " : ln m l Mrn._^Ilomiil lofi ililii inoniliiK :

S aiidp 'o in 'i'-tn-niit-nd-III'!'iinniial ot '‘‘‘>‘ lvo iiilon of lho Idnho A morloan l.<-i:l’ " '[ d i 'p a r l ....... - W, l>- Ollllx. i i -[ucho;' IllK Ibo Kdor Dcidl, anil Jilr, llcnolt w U“ ' abio uttcnd tho J lo |)uh llr,iii Klalc ci ;__ votiilon n t (V.oiir d ’Alene.

lie- Jiiick J-’fn r f iill fo rn ln -M iii . Uorl k', Uow horry ‘nn.1 daiihlci-:), Mlhiics'V; -• - -o n r -n n il Klmii Ilow hcrry. biuo. lofur Irii. ...I (rom ii uniamor lour of Callforn iin>l| Tlicy will rciualii In 'I'wln I-'iiUh uhii 't i l ' IWO w'eoltii, uml w ill i Ik'Ii ko | o 1 111- Kan. I 'lu b . whoro Ibo i:lrl» v.-lll onn ii'-v iii lho .Ulnli A crloiiltlinil Odh-iio,

Conllnlii' T nnr—^Vlll Fotrlo, Ml • .MiiK'-l, D.'ivlii nni| C5ludyn M allor. wl

W, have- boon nn.'i 'ls n l Iho homo of .V mi- Illlll .Mnil K. It,'D .'irllni!. Icfl li’rlilay f ■ m ij iliN r nomo in jc» ;o il"; md Way or Ytfljowslono iiark. Thi-y liu IlH, jiiHi o o n c ln 'lo d 'a -m n to r lo u r of i tw- AcHlorn p a rt nf ibo .Itn llod SIiiIoh ai ll'ii. irannilii, ' •

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I’ n ' t 1]i y l ^

ie^ qre n-probably n e v er occur ( verage m ati to bu y a n s id ” _tiEfeaif_]5omebody-_l

i ' ^ i t w oiild n e v er occur tb j er to “ talk u p ” a n iin- tire if som e traveling tnan-liadn-t o f fe re d - th e ^

chance to m ake an10, 15 o r 2 0 % ^ . _____ _

nt'.sightcd car aivners -profit** tires,

^^._«?enL,^we_ caa_no_!^ 3rd to sell “long-profit” m you cat^ afford to m;

•e’s a r e a s o n f o r i y e a r l e a d e r s b i p

irs are cosiest to sell be- arly everybody knows dyears-givc m any miles^-- ervice, ye t c o k n o m ore e r repu tab le tires.

Lr!aacknmvlcdgcdlead— n o t accidental. T h e re ’s I. G oodyear has pio« Imost every w orthw hile :m cn t. G o o d y e ar in ­id perfected the straight- rim -cut.” G oodyear first jun^atic tires fo r trucks.

> A U T OThft Fine

0 /nce

o. , {One Body is ound K: In Big Resenronn.l O ' uh! . ■ ------—

i>o c a t i-:l l o , a uk . i s ,—F iomi' ' f l i c down, nml . HmiKKoil ufinli j lirimli, Ib c . b o d y -o t t?for»:o Hnll. ,,,'|lr.0.y.>nr-old lim nniiice nKenl, who w

-; ilrowiiod wUli t f ho r , monAmorlcini -Fallrf luko Sunday nln waK recovor.'d • n t . 7 o'oloolc .FrItI

; imiriilni; nViir tlio' riinulli of SprI '>»- c n o k .b y J-),, C, (;iiunci' nnd Corof

I-:. I.,, ^ ro llan . I«lonilflc iilion-ot -I >“ '■ Ijnily uH iliui of Haik:y wan nm "» • poHlllvc. biH riKhliis llconao nml oili *"*' porHunul jm pcni lioinj; fonnd In t

olothlni:. . .“ fl’liu ncwH Ihnt Hallcy’n ' liody 1i

ho|-n rcooverod l<-il to ronownd offoi

Ollll KiiIIk hiiiilmon \\'ho uro nearobli fo r.lh i- lw .1 ..itbor vk-tlnifl. Curl Jon nml Ilcn I.uynK. who woro. incmho o f IIiill'-y-H pari.v. - . ' ' . ' '

I'hini'U' all'll M ollnn r.ct oiit n t -I I III. and uflor c n iis ln c low nrd tho hoi

o f III'' lako Hl liU 'd till' body.Thoro waiM fnly one Hurvlvnr of ll

Ihs‘ flHliliiK l/Ip o il llio kiko luHt Siimln hll l ie wan (« lff 0 , C lay .-w ho oliini;' Itr. Iho tmiiom. of Ibc p o w o r'b o u t-n tt.fnr It Im.l ....................- -Tli,> m l...r .1 1..-.;Tiy" oxIiaiiNlod. dnipirpd ff^ini itio lioul IVO nlill-M. ,wuhIi''iI off by IiIkIi wuvoh, CIi :h<‘ wan lotioiu-d In an 'cxiuuinlcd oond ml Ilon n f |o r npondinic 18 lioitra on tl

ovorlnriu 'd on ifi. ' ' '

»e t a l l

lot worthS oodyear-deve loped : the tfcid tread fo r m otor' cars. 1 iiep ,- tires-Kei:e_smOQth-t

Lioodyear pertec tcd and p larized th e cord tire. U n til occurred, 95® o f all cars ■ equipped w ith fabric tires.

S E E T H E S E P R ^ i

C o c ^ y c a r A l l * W e a t l i t r T r e i

S i x e s a a d P r i c c s ’• I n t h t s s p w

C e o d y e a r P a t b l l o d e r T i r e

( S i z e s a n d P r i c e sI n t b l s s p a c e

M O B I L E» t oad S«st Sqiiipped-Ginff« in ti : and Shop Phoae 2 9 9 . ' F a rti Fhoo

f e p t e - eOpens Sunday, J

i” In the Tabernacle i ! S / adjaceiiur' ' !*urkey Known for [!i;! as “The Sick M an c;;:i ■ ' ,- I For centuries'tho dov( “'1 the gates of'Zuropo..‘’‘ i of Ood,” “The Sword of Al

; \Vlur niea5jng ana power.OH ' - idle tales.. THE BIBLE Hiru Do yon laiow .'what .dnd wl

.Many Thrilling Su j during tlie week an

i . AbleSpealters 'SCivi■y.'. ' ~ ■ ,

g i ; . . .

;'ji ; • 'T/' j ' ' ' ' L w _

“» , A Weicome to All

i l

i - :

I the motnon- w hen thp .low?pt

Jn til loon tire appeap ceadl__mstantly_cesogniz

f K t f i p r o V t lA T r i*lopu-th a t B a llo o n tires , ui

were ^YP^s, bend and A nd th e side-vi^a■■I iMii’n— age balloon is ofte

2S»000 tim es p e r h ‘ . m illion 'tim es-in -

waU strain is te rri

G o o d y e a r “ S u

Insidc^tidoutsidc, be flexible. So, I sp o h d ed "^ tK a E

, cord m aterial thai flexible th a n th e balloons.

5 TTiis fea ture alon* tQ m ileage.. M a t

—I buyers get th ree sand m ore m iles t]

_ This, o f course, la • w hy G oodyear T i

, others. A nd by— increasing margiE

' C u t dow n y ou r til increase y o u r m i

_ ing y ou r car “sh I w orld’s leading ti

i o W e r tle 398 : - .

- S . \T U R P A Y .'A U O U S T - tg . ~1!128.-

h a u t a u q u atugust W, 8 0 p. M;, CKautauqua Grounds,; it City Pairjc ' j» .more-than half century

)f Europe’* is the subject istrated)) tc c s o f M c h a is m o r 'E a m m e ro d a t b o m m e t,’ ' " I s l a m ,” “ T b o S co u rff?

T h e s e w o rd s h a v e th ro b b e d . 'i 'o a a y w i tn n io n r th e y a r e b u t ' A S G IV E N T U R K S y A P L A C E . , h e re i t is ? ' .

ibjects to Be presented ' d tiie weelfs tiiat'follow id and Tliriliihg Pictures.

■Admission Free

.............. ;

f i t ”

essure o r bal- ~ — ed, •'Goodyear ,, e d a J ^ - S Q l y e d ___ ‘ 1

[iliice fo rm e r '• flex rapidly lls. T h e aver-n-flex6d-about-------------oiir. Q ver 150its life. Siije-- • . — .fic. ■ ‘ :

i p e r tw l s r *

, th e &re m ust,G oodyear rcf lew /pfitetreed,C is 6195 m ore ______-cord in o th e r •

^■adJs'greaiy ,

to fo u r thou* han expected.

rgely explains______ _ •reS outsell all /a constandy


re trouble and leage by hav« od” w ith the re. ■

Timkeh^^BeiuingB ; '

' ■ • . .1'

Page 9: Ai. Xn.MHiaH ll)l._______ • , ...... ._____ I W I.\ iUAilU. PATI.UIJAY. AUCU'ST ik. • , • • ______________

V O I X I . , " n 1 • M n%\{ 1!) 1 .___ ? ■* * " • ____! / ; . n v iN i i . i > s . i u a i i o . s 'A T r i n ) A V . ^ \ r < i i : s T in', j ^ - s , _ ' ■ ' ■ '• r - m r i r r i V K o n ; ^ 3

r a ^ S M W M f W

Toyrteen cii As He Deli

. S t r o n g p l a t f o r m • S u m b i t t e d b v R e n u b l i c a n V » c e - P r e b i r

' d e n t i i E J t t o n T i i r e f e b e t o r e ‘E n o r m o u s ' G a t h e r i n g a t X o p e k a ; I s O u t s p o k e n A g a i n s t . R e p e a l o f E i g h ­t e e n t h A m e n d m e n t s

tH K ri;KTjs7*K»(nt,v.'H—■■TQPlZjCA~KailH::'‘A iif i.'lS —S rn tn n r

C lia r lr f C«rU« of Kuncai* forn.tilly ncccpluil tlia RoimbllMii vlcp-jircHl-

''ilun tliil noiulnutlon liuro in d iO '.iii 'l Inld down (t 1 4 -p a ln i ' p tutrorni rm- |ili:l)il'/ltic prnhibllion ' cnrnrciuncni. fnrm rulicf nnd tnx. rctliicllnii,• l l . . irnlil tr ib ilie i.» Prosl.lpiu n n i - '

MUP.nnil in Ifortiy ft Monvcr. tlic Iti'- jiiitillL’an nrcMdoiilIiil 'n A in lnco ,' ntidlioililPilly iiiiponK'd for wnin(!ih’» nit|i*

U(‘. r.ftlil Uc njijMXKud rlllic r . Ihc ISD) iittiondiiiPiit o r llic VolHtetKl net.

----- J ib 'f n r m rrllp f-proK rnm - tlopnrlnlT f r s t i r - 'l J ^ v c n r i in -Rniinchi'tcd. lu - ilip

IircBldwlW^' cnndldMii u w««k nKO.—H oilt-c iT T ihaslzcd-thc-need-nr-lnlnm l-

\vn(orwii>’ii. nid, lo- fo -opnrntlvi's nnd tnrlffs on .fo rv lgn fnrti> pro<luciti':“1nil >riinri*nn- I loovcr HilXKOKtud tlm t n» prciildcht hc would cunfer w ith fiir-

.tU ' ndvocnii'd nppolijiniciit of n Hmnll •Joliil conuronnlonnl cnmiiiltlei< (o Me\i nnd find, llm .Bohitlon.

■ .SItpssos I’n ifijicrllr ,CiirtiA'. L-ntlro hdcccU woh linsnd .

thR~'afic(l fo r "con tinued ' ilntloniil ‘p ra ipe ritv ." T lila. llo snid. cauhl be , iTOUKhi nbout by d Rcpubllcnn 'Vlc*

o r tho followlntr ,H mcthodii; {!"1. To pro tec t n srlcu liiiro offoc* <

tlvoly. nnd to ( incournR O -lt.lii'ovory , proper mnnnor,"

‘•2. T a 'n m ip c t AinorlcAu Inbor by , nnnctlnK itll nc«.'dod loKlnlntlon—nml , Vy rjo sn r Tolnil»n!t br\- i

- iw w n ........ — !— ^. "3, To cnforcp the Itiwi wllhfiiit •

-‘nm rn r-n iT B r:-------T"-------- ;*•<. To cncotirncp acllvo pnrilRlna- ,

lloii Uy women In the conduct nf the | eovarhir^ht. •. .

,To roducn ih o piihtic dobl. imb- , 11c ozpmtCH and inxc-i. ,

•fl, T j ii'alninlii p^acp. etjunicc In j cninnicrco with nil nntlunx. nnd to

. en ter POt4innlln<;-nlllnnco«,wlili nonn. ."7. »-To ,pnroutni?p-IlH Ind iisirr nnd i

io iM nininln'n .protPSilvp in r lf f M ih (liitlen hiRh onouKh to fully prntoct | American producprw’. Americnn proilr ,

_ |icU .nQ d..A iiicrican-lnlioc.niuln»t for* eljsn com pctlllon .. ■ i. . .Mi-nlhinH-Khi<r TninsportoH on u

"8. To dijvelop.'NiJd nnd cueturnfjo i rociinji'of ironH porintlqn nnd cninniu- ■ m ention, nnilonnl nml hiternnMonnl. ] hy Innd nnd wnlcrv’ nnd In' th e nlr, . throiiKh ..tliQ_ conHolldnllnn of. m il- , rafidu; tho cfit^bllNhmont of n cun* ■ Molo nyniern of Inland .wnlcrwnj-d': i tho ri»entnbllHhnf.'nl of n ntrnnc j incrchnnt n inrlne; n MronK pontai nnd - con\mtre5fil n U cm lt sonilce; nn’d. n


a r v n i w r n t i ' ,A T L A X T A n flo -A ii( t. 'lS -n h rM r

' tm ollcn. b r rninn o f j> I ro p lra l ' t .s lo n n t H i h i* fnkrn 12 IlrpH at!d‘ ,<

" ” aU»«I-.SiWSlf«*-IiJr"thir-ia!lM(niK, « p o a rrd .ilo n n lonnrdM tb r >-rn to . ] day rrom Ihp HmM! dawBepd P W - - l miMit *M*lt of th p C-amllnnt. nud I Innndotrd wMi* rm rh ro of plnln* t Innd. «Hundrcdn o t famlltwi near Colnm- f

tna. 3 . 'C :‘.~'gmr ' AU tnitta . Oa..— were--( forcpd" from Uieir home»- I <

Ab0»-b CAlunibl* tho Oood wntcru of Uie Dread and Saluda river* convcrs* < fd Into thc Comtnrrfl and Uie ntn ln l i ■Iream wa» n l Ita h lshe»t le»ot In 20 j year t. The u m o iiltiiallon cxlntc<l i apjir AuguKta. whoro lho SAvnjinnh. | Tl»er utrotched mllcn. o u t o t Ua l)ank«.

In V lr«tnla th« flootf'm pnace wnn i worat a lon* th c Jam ea a* awotlen r l r - ‘ t e ra .to tbo w « t poured th e ir aurptuK jt Into th e a tream . I ]

The aamo hnToc of . waahcd o i i r i brlditea. hlshw nya. ra ilroad boda, m in ­ed ero[ka noi! danutccd houapa wna be* t to s repealed in thf> new flooded nrea< t

- aa lh e-W eatem C^iroMnaa* nnd VCr* « glola u d aon them a « J een tral Oe»)r* Sia. v a tcb ed Uie h lch w aiera ehb. • <

- .A c ro a a ib*:9«Ttxanah Crow A usu tM ■Uw towB-of H am tm r^. B .oecro aeiU»* j

.'tBant. vAa u nder w v te r to Ita, roofa. Tljit m lB h*bJunU w ore, b e ln c carvd

' t o r In A o ru t A - •A n ioe niHo-leveo proteel* A ufuaip >

from tb a SaT anaab rtv er anfl the.eU.>' i « a aot-b*Jte*ed.-1n d an rfer., , i' . . (Y eat Bf F looa ra a ^ la e . l• ATLANTA.'Oa_ A ufrJS-rPl***! d lllo ta iA b a U d . aomevrlxal U>dn<' b<itj

-feara cosUbbwI tn c e r u tn p a rta of th - t BoDtb o t Inm daU ob iTQSi U>e a l m m s - t th a t aro flow lsx bank hl$h.

A lrea d r 13 p e rao n a .« ro .k iio w o to i ) u r e b««a. U Ued la tb c t« So u lh era i

d k M V

itSf^ sed t i iers Speech 0

'Estate Aids Vcterhns j

■ L avern*^i,oye i."In te"m ttn iifa?—H urcrrprovldeti in hla will that the

tu lk of h ll eatate ahoiild be act-------' nilde fo r.ihe achooilnc of perfoni

who lerved rtt\e United Statea in . die W orld W ar. ■ 1

g^l,lnr nn.l m nr,, Ctflclont* UMWkWlf tjlO. J

"!i. To kIvp I'Jiunl uml I'xact -Jiin- llfD to n il inpn of whiitvvur-i.ti»lo or |icr:iiinHlnn.

" 111. T s nupport ’tho (itnto Koveru- niontH in n il ih c lr rlsh ta .■ ”11. T o p rcacr^-c tlio fcH)nr;il gov-erum'ulll 111 lln U’lIlllo I'u tiM liuiluunr “k’lBor. nnO to m a in ta in .'und cxpnnd . Ih ir eKlMtlng inSTi Htnto o f natloii:il J :onficlou3noHK. " .

"12. To proBcrvc thn liberty nf,tl>«- lire**: thi* frnedon: r.f »pci‘ch n n l rtorHlilp; civil llherly nnd Bccurlty of. Individual rlElitaj n n d J ^ i'»nw iiiic-of^u^U pii^_im »|^B J l i ^

itVly of (llir clUtenii by thc complotlon c>f nn adonuntc By«tcm r.f flood con- tirnl. fo r 'tlio MlHBlKM.lppl river and Ita dirlbutnrlp.i. nnd oliiowhcre If niicfta- p 'a ry . la p rev en t n r.ocurrcnce • iif alinnM rr such :in rec rn tly occurrcd In ,]ihe Mlj>Rl*alppl vnllpy.. ' n

I’lillcy X nnnrd VolernuH • ^- "H . T o-pon tlnuc n ,«eneroun pol- ,] rV In Ihn fulfillm ent nf oblllinllnna ... :o vcipnins of nnr' wiiiVViYnd I S ' l i r ’ end It to llic lr wIilowH. orpbiinH nndlotipndcnta." ,<

C'lirilji .Hald RopubUcan ndmlnl«trn- “ .[onn iiUvnyM Irnd .Kouftht to nid thcnrmpni. llo rvcallod htn own cfforln " u tho Scnalo In thnl dlriT llon . nnd•pvluufld Ihe work, or th e AKrIcnIluro y:)riinrlinoot. • n

•T be dovelopmcn! o f tnlnnd. walor-,iiiiil,-WfllLc£.'irflnaimrtaUna -ia. ^

tcuernl.. l l cf Rrenl vhluc to Uio li ifrlcu ltiira l Hcctlan or the country."10 addl'd. "An oxleniilve projecl In tl. I . . I. ■ - . ■ — {,

' .(ConUnucd'ori I’aiso Sevon) ' cJ -------------- ----------1. -----------!— — r


itornift w |iilp b ropcrty .d tm acn willinionnt tn mllllonii. ^^ucb of-ilip ro t- ton c rop in G corsln. North* C arolina, i:md \ ’ir ih n la hna beeh dealrp^cd. H

T h rT n ra tra p ila n ifc r -n rp rri ic i it I" nt^ nlu the rfo rd ton . N. O.. Where moro thdn ti l{Mi-)ii<-n-wero w ork io s on Iho annd>ank hnrrlpm to hold hack tho w ntpra y>r I jik e Liifc. l.iiio advlcca luild there ^vaH no s rcn i fenr fell fo r the anrciy bif th o dam luit tha t m any Inhablinnt* “

ivncnnllnc.T hrousb o lh e r p a rta o f th o South a

•ondUlona w ere reported rc tu rn ln e ^ o lorm alcy. - I

Hu'rriennea ond hlRh w nlera w er^ I iccouniable fo r moat n t Ihe deatha I h roush the th reo atatpa.

To«lay the altun tion Deciin to eaae «m «w bat. AahaTllle. N. C.. w ithout :raln .aerrlce fo r 48 houra. wn;r la o«cV wlUi. ou tjid* com m unlrntlon. n n ll:tr» f(lc Ip ttf .tho d ty alm oai luul • )Cfn-au«pendod.—.-U ltcm la a o u K R eo rK la w ere bi>- levc< abatln irjiQ x h llr and th ia led to hd fadlef th a t U n w ora t ■of th e h isb r a le r eondltlona had paaapu.

Coodltlona 'coounued serioua In Vir* Eiola' w ith r i r e ra reported o u t a t e ryncfiburff. D a n t l | l e . . Iloanoke and 3riatol. , , • • - • *

'— • > I c.SaTc I ^ k f L s r r Itam . . o

nU THEnFO RD TON . N. (X A tis. 1* V •dDUKJsiindrod m en w orked lodny to T iro rS it the n rea il r iv e r aod tho Utko . .v r» -4am from i f r t n s w a r . 't b u a r* « eaalnj; Usonaadda of catTo&a.or wa* fc ec Q& th« d la tr lc t .:its ss :i iib ah l ta i iU r^ lo ir th » (]a n ) .-le f t ^

tt«lr'3wniea la a t n lsh t. fearlDjt th a t k >rt&k ^ t h a l A a M ^ u Izm ntarat. .TM : ro rk iD « a ,''b d w c p ^ re p o rte d t h » - hl»4 t (topped M ^ ^ I= - le a k c and : t t u t t t i l ft ro ra t-o f lh# d o » e r WM p u t •, • p.

ly Curtis i- ”1 f Acceptance[ v a n D r a w s D o u b le - - ^ l o r y i n - ■ K e e p in f t—

W ith H i s 'A p p e t i t e

S y V alted rr« (a R lZ n .t)lu»A , T nrkpsliin. Aiiir.

1 » - l t i i u KmHni>i:Iiu(ib, ( iih irh - tx Itusxiiin fnr’.Itiiu lbi> i t r d - K y rd ) . hIp ko niiielt th a l i;"^*'rumii|, of*

- f l r in ls -n p rp - f«rerd-l«-<l(H iblp-lils— - Miliir). •• - - •

■ I tn u ' U mnro than 7 IppI lull and roFri'K |miulln«iy :ln il. Up ' ' norkx on fTti> I Tiirli«-stiui'N iiiprlii' mliron'd m ill rnn ililft n inlM liiil Miiiild In s Ihl,' slrcii'x lh <ii spvi' i itii'n. ' I

ivnn pdmuiuinpd Ihn l Irt' n iis nffllPlisI n.illi nn cniirmniis iip|ii'>- llio,.<<illint.'. (o r iMhlnupp, 10 lu 1.’.lionndH of Iinuid itili: ovpry invaj, ' .

Ills in-iu’iTy bill. • ' ;Tiip .lornl pcunliiiili* (■■■ntiiii .Hluii

iihii-li llx r« '\ i ic i‘ .»vol<-n>-iIpcIiIh I I -U tiiL Ihi-; 'M o rk - lli t-m L eyvil - «<UP_= i

dill In niinpnHHon n ltb iitiicr lii>liiirpw WBH dicnjuiJ_lL'iILIliii.|irlci»-----mill «ir.irrp3'lilH (wy d<‘it. • '


BRITISH CREWRussian O U icU ls W ill Do i■ 'H tfnor to Those Lost tn

B altic-F ight.------- -- By -TJ^Ud V n a a — . |:..M .'S . Clinpmnn (tomplled w ith the rnditiona of tho spa w hen hn went o'w n'nt t l i fw h c c l or lho ilrlilHli null- . lu rlile , L-cn, It wuh rcvc&led lodny. •ThtrnubniurHlblo nnw In In dock nl :ronatud l nml It whk. dcclofiod, lierc 1 lin.t HUclelnnH t>r 43 mcn\.lierH of tho ' row hnd bcou found. Thb comman* o r '* _ body wan'^.nl Ijio ,-wbaol, - J«»t ••

nvni cnKURi'mcnl of J iine, 19]9, when flbeil from a O liin ln n wnrnhlp aank •

iio'nnde.ravn. rrnrc.AlL.of jtio !" ifclcton«_w oro aalvnpetl- j

nd probnbly , w ill .re tu rn e d tn * ir ra l n rltn ln . Tbo' ItuHalan Kovcrii- lunt f lra t plniiii fiill m ilitn ry ritoii j r the men.

RInisn nnd othor ’ pernonnl. offectn, lund upon tlio bodinH ln -t|u ; auhm ar* u \ nlio lipln^ naVe^ l o p ^ o Ticlrn. " Tho R uisjn ti prcaa to d a y ‘cliarised i

lint th e Urlllnli navy bad hid Uic ex* ( e n l, of Ita lo iica In th o nn li-Sovlet \ ampalRn. .M oit of Iho newapnpera i oincd ou t tha- EnsllaU- naval- booka howcd .on ty -^a o v cra l— c n a u ilt la a - ln . lie BaUlc opera tions w hereaa 43 men 1 .’en t down on th a L-ss. only one of I lie c ta f t to alnk. ___

lA E K S O W E L L 'S S I S T E E ’ I N S T A T E O F C O L L A P S E •,

Byjn^tMt m a a " '.‘ EATTLK; ^Vaah.. A u r : 18~R oalo ■

idnllvlcli. 2 2 'year old’ n lntcr of M ark , >oweH‘ who waa hnnsen n't Snn Q uen- , In n rlaon In C alifornia yeaterday for t Tonler;-wan In n-a«rinna a ta f t o»-mon- kl collnpac here fo rm ed of lio r b rotlior’a death b l e , catcrdny. th e u lrl IxKatno.byatericai. kn emprfEcncy cn ir lo' tho cViy bo ip lia l rotixhi n pbyaician: T ho call aald .a roman waa dy las . - - • . - -*Fho -iHHj w a ^ to u h d - lB to rm U tc a t iy - iiiBhlns and crs-lnK. O pia tes r.wore dmirilalcreit to <)Diet'her.

F A R lR M ^IN ATIWr.TjO s

A K ^ TfiUGS. .a y O a iM -r ra e a ' (

‘T O R O .s rO .O n u ^ X n iK lS -^ o ia rn i* { r wa<L.klUed and \wo o th e rs % ere ' rba'ndrd : t i r d~U)boUne *<ray today. hen ib iy 'a t te m p t« d ‘ u> iu lk th e .M * i ape o f . thr*« m all ca i' b a h d ita /a c - , a rd lnc to'repo'Ttk rea ch in g h ^ from r’a ubam lk« 'a amall ?rllla«« n e a r Par-i « r Sound. OnL , «-•. Ki^riy r rp o f ta aald U iat ‘qaa bandllair c a p tu r e and tl-M p I n ' t o ^ ^ a a .m ad on Mm. . . . " nA farm er by th e aarae o f Jackaon . «

: m t i a n « - - t> n k o o m ,.« u . -reporled j

A teo rd inc *tti tb a nporta, Ute baa* > IU held o p a CaaadU B P t e « l e . t t ^ C ad robbed tlu m A U e a r . 'T h t r{tbf lota WM-Bx.lBo»a; A t

m M- ^ - ^ 1

Last Minute 1 For &aily -Tii

B y U n ito c__________ xO E R M A N Y W IL L .D E W i

. - .H K Iil ilN . A iri;. IS— (l.-n iiiiJ iy w lM)tis to I'ofiT <;viu'ii'atioii o f lin- Ixli-i linlikV. Il 'v i is iiiiiiiTHl(H)cl Hint (‘i-cr lln l i s l i . I tn iia n nm l llc iu ia ii k<'v<t h lill' Sr|ili'in fl)p i' •.o .siriij-1)1' ilic J.i'ii^'iu UT l< 'ri'ii(ir.v .,' • . _

R A IN P O S T P O N E S A t____ A l,,U X lQ ^-V Jii..- ,\iiH ;^ lii—rai'i* si;hi'ilnWMl Vor l i i i s 'n f ic rn n im |itisl|>oi.ii‘( | u n t i l totiiiiri'ovv. aricrii<-><i|>oiI|)niii.-tl o n IK....... Ill -i>r I'liil) w liii 'lii_N i]5lj1('-l!ii;'^voiutH i"trnf'lc^itiiiiifi 'n i

— ^ ^ -------- D U S S N T 'W lL ir S tT ]• N K W VOICK.

lin e r , w iii Niii>|irirt l i r r l ic r l H oovi' L m lio J ju Io ia u i iu liu i: f ii 'i i i l i i im m :^ ! ! ! lif ii t io ii o r i‘i'|H-ii] o f ll ic |iro liiliitio 'ii

K E N N E D Y N O T W IT H »N H W ^ 0 I { | \ . A iik . IS— Irv iiij;

l-'irHt .V iili iiim l-l’i''Hu'<'.H, lo ilay , un ite iv lin 'lind h fo ii iii-tin tr iji a n iu iv iso ry ii'V i'rjil n io iiir is , w iiK 'iiii ionK t'1* u.s r iip ilc ri'c in iriil 'w liicli ICi'iiMcdj h u d iliTiiiii '" l ) j r ^ n i i i t i i i l “ cT5iismir^‘-T if - R i liiiiird o f ({irt'(!iiirH, INiHHlipim N tatcii

• . L A K I5 L U R E DAIU ;T l!lB R I'’l) in > T l) .\- . A t

iniJes i i W e hvn* n n l l i i i . n p p t r rv ilu o d jn p jtJn ilw itrk T -f tt-M o o it- i.M lo jH

i f i t s oi’iliiip sc w n s tmHsini;. '


Uninjured in Fire.........s 'y OBlUd yr«M ~ ■ a,

nrE LT 'A S T .. J r , i la ild . ' AU«. I S - lli tr n •aclhc n ioU r c a r o t C opt. Maleolin, oi :amt)l>ell.. .onp 'tlm o holder oC th c hi vorld's m o to r c a r «pc^l record .-w ni c lealroycd Uy flro todnA ' •

Compboll wna DOl In jured. • . „ _TboJlriU *U -drlvcr-w M -.lB .a:j''rcncU [, [lUKnttI innchino n'nd t t cnuslH tlffi a t^ ^ ,ho ond of thp accond J o p , . : I ti

C am nhoirs m otor c a r had been cn- ' , :ered in tho 410-mrio Roydl Auioelo* ,, jlle Club tffu rlit trophy race. I . ,

Tbo b r ltlsh d river waa a 'G to 1 'avorlto aa tho 44 Vacera aiartcd rom thP runw ay. ■ ‘ _T he nice 'In 35 lapa around th e ^

rnck nnd Cajnpbfcll.had aucceeded In J’ nak lnc on ly iw o of thorn when hi* V na th lne suddenly cail«h't fire, roarofl ;j o th e Jen ce i, and .w ia de atro y td .. , . “

jfohnson and Swing | Happy at Hooyer’s I View'Boolder'Danr ,;

■ n»T x ra lu i * ! * • '

SAN‘FnANC-ISCO. Au«. 18-s-Scnator ^ Ilram AV. Johnaon and Concreaaman I'h ll' D. Sw lnc .' ca*atithora of the Iw lac-JobnM n bill, laaued atatem enta lere today expreaalac tb e lr s ra t ltlc a - ], Ion tha t H c rb tr t lfooTor. E«lm bllcan i , >realdenUal nom inee haa aliened him - iplf o a I h t B oulder da ih .nrojcct. ^

H ere a re th e a ta lem eaU : i .Senator H iram Johnaon: b-‘•| h a re Juat read- M r. H oover'a e a - „

loracm ent o f o u r D oulder’-Dam p r o - . j , 5 0 . , I am Immenaoly ' ^*«lt*trike* a re ip o a a lra cbo rd w ith a ll o f ^ la who> a re In ta re a ttd . Ja thta s r e a i _ ladertak ln* . and f a m aufe .that a ll. • ' a~eoa&)oa w ltk .n y M lf..fM l e ra tefo t [j 0 h llh ., .. . - ctn t y H O X ^ CAHRASg*. , t

ita rk e r 'n e a r t h t n y la s field la mttn* r y .o ( .C ip u ln BrO IIo C e r ru n a . tli» J I ts lc a a f ly fa je 'ic o w hb lo t t bla IUa Z B e m p tlac a n » n .M ( fp .* a & |b t 'f r m Z ( t « -V ork to U «zi«o d t j r . C k p t ^ ^ r a r ta n a . on f n t |b t 1 ^ .U e s k c » a t r to V u ld a c t ( « . . i n a ( o r M d o ^ ” itrtbrto*. ..T :

[HE DETERWVeivs Flashes mes—Readersi P r o s s !A N D W IT H D R A W A L |iiii'l apii.-iil t o l l i . ‘ t«,'iinii.- ■iticliinii. il w a s t 'l 'l 'J ii 'l. ''|•iiim iy Iiuh iii l 'u rnu 'ii tin- i-'n-m-ii. | n i'u 'ii ls Hiim s Ii .- w ill (!.^ii’iiiii<i; j iI

Ih c \v ii li( in iu -a l olM ro»|>.s I 'n in i |

U T O M O B llB 'R A O EL iy itlu iiiuu lJiL 2 l«U iiili‘ .'in tou io l-ilc \

nl 'tin - A lloo iiii . s p c c iw n y w nnT'III III . 2 d'cIiii-Ix-. -T in: ....... 'Viis \ll liu il.'t 'a lli 'ii l iin iii 'cn f tl l l ic <lay, {

f n r s |if c d in ir .

P F O R r ^ O O V E R ~ ~ --------- — -i r ( ' . . i ) i i n i i i i . m o to r i-iir iiuniitl'in :. LT i'or lu v h id i 'i i l . iic iit iiioiiiici-ii , iiiiu iL ljJio .--jikLU ».‘jJ iu ia - ’jJ 'b jL iv J L ^ 1 ljn \-T , • • . A j

f A T I O N A L 'P I C T U R E S ___ - . . ;: I), ilo sslic if ii. i ir? s» 4 ^ iif. o r l lu ' HUH Cli tlm t .io sc p li i*. K i‘iiiii*<iy. , • c a p iii ;ily f o r K irsf . \ 'i i l i ‘>Mnl f o r : is o c ia l i 'i i 'w i l i l tiic o'rKuniziili_on.1 w ilh l- 'irs t .S 'aiiniinl, wii.s I c n n i-

I- . ' • . ' * r

VH H O L D IN G .i i f f . lB —T h c Liii;c L n r f d m n . •nu lu 's o f U ie HriMitl r iv o r ,

il ■j,v)m - l» i>r»»M l^.M \ iii . l lu r i l l iu t .

iE CORRUrrlON■ M i l l j i f f BOGIEI5 e if ia lb r rW a li th ‘ o£ M o n t a n a '

o t L e a d F i g h t A g a i n s t R e p u b l i c a n s . ■

Al.BA.NV. N, Yu. A uitrr^lB—r -A n '-n - ■ nunU T 'tii Mill Tamii'iniiy. Ineit^l***!)*- - rra tu will rnlnc Um ■‘c o rrup tion" i;>- , liu ncnlnat Hip Rcptibllcnna In th '’ o in ln^ cnnip.ilf:n.T hey u-lll blomc ibo Ilcpillillenn

lomlnefl, H erbert Hoover. Bpeclflcnlly. n r fnlluro to m ndenm I'^U . DniiKli- irly nnd Porlipa. fellow offlclnlh* In lib H^irdlnc .nduilnlatm llon. nnd. will Infilp out K ppubllcan ofistinlintlona n PcnnaJ-lvanlu nnd llllno la for a l­ack. . ,

T hnt becamo m anlfp it todny n ftc r a , •onfercncc' here betw een th e DemO- ' Tntlc nomlneo. G overnor A lfred IJ. [ !mlfb nnd S ena to r TJiomna J . W alsh, j if M ontana. T cnpqt D om c'inteallEnlor.- • Vnlah. who Ipft hero todav o fK r b«* nic a su e s i nt tlic rxecntlve manalon . nat nlRhi. w ill take a loading pn rt-lu m pK aiilitninilla' lamte, naalaled-by -hla ‘ >pmccnitlC collenRup. S ena lnr Onrton :. W heeler o f M ontana, who cotidiicl* d th c invpatlsntlon Into th o te n u re of Inrrj- M. D aiicberty aa ra i In the HnrdlnB adm lalatrntlon.

>Val»h Ix«UP>i Sta*5*mpnl. *~ln"n"‘Bialei5cnl-Iaaili.Mrari«r tliec o n - • erencp, W nlah p o t only condem ned ‘ loover for Talllnit to ipoak ou l about \ he 'dlacloaurea of h la and W heeler-a enate eommlUee’a reRanStns ncUvl- lea or OaUBhcriy and to rm e r Sccre- a ry or In te r io r A lbert D. F a ll, h u t he < lao a ttacked a D em ocratic '•boiler. » n a e r Sena tor Rob«rt I.* O w en of Ok- , ahom a. w ho haa ralaed tb e T am m any m uo airalDat Sm ith . -

W alah. w ho woa a contender fo r Uie H m ocra tlc prealdenU al nom tantton. u t wtUidrcw a f te r the C allfom U prl- oarlea. p ralaed Sm llh In h la a u te - w n t and Indicated he w ill »>e a lead- o s ta c tn r In th e hannoalK lne mor«* s e a t . ; W alah la a pronouncw l d r j and laa T or.W llliam 0 . (tcA doo .ln 1924. T - /-P |iy a tT M b v te -- fo S ^ .

H e .aald U ia t Smlil»-a ,-^en lalR y Ja rraaU lib le a a ^ .h U la ie llec tua l pro* | caae* r e f re a b ln t l r 'd ta r .~ • • .»- ^ r t «u lek n>aat«T7 0|f 1

U tft aUnlflea a -s c a la a Bar a n th ..W t |

w ith csarlcUbJW re tw * | eaU hc mUltooa of Totera w j» Jfce- ' rtaa h i r e coarletiD tta a n d - a » r ^ n ? « ^ tbenv on a il queattoaa.” ' . :.S iB llb 'a t l tc t la a .b a 'a d d td i W M U la* t rodttea tB to .aa tlnak l eponcU a a " h a - « w n d a a t t a t tadl*-»>-fc^«»^ ttn ^ e r Jh o c■ ; t 6 c a t t m n 4 w n i » a m a ) ' . i


.J llE lllS S lQ N i' . . . I

R e d s M a k e B r i e f . D e m o n - ' s l r a t i o n a t N e w Y o r k

A s S h i p S a i l s .

. n > -un it« ,rp r«M I•NKW VOUK, A^iu. Is r-'liiry c.r,

Ilnil- K.'IIok,: I-i . ui 1,1s u :i ;- n . |-n i>u;J T.-JulV.—7 1 tirT 1 ~ 5 W r iiall<iii'< In Tiiij

liiiluaii. l<i'tlliKi:'"iiud " i'u r .rli;n .MIiiIhIlt' rirlniiil nf l-Viiiii.'<v.............

I lc imlliHl carlv-ioiliiy on H ip-Prr'nrlr m r r lln lp -K nm re;-riiT lin ln r-tt .-tilf t-^ - :u>m _u'jlli_rc|urctura_llir—Intrriiiiltnn*- ' ll Jiiiiuvi' Ilf' lilM'irlp.

Ah Mic lie- dc Kr.nicc' drrw iiw.iv•rc.iti Illl- Id e r.'m o re ..........luo'u -uC-lkc_jU LA >,iutJ«U A ail.H »iu.i-:- iiIIkI 1.C1IKU.; iipiK'nrvcl cm Mio diirk*

I1...1- ......iniiiitcl.'il ill llic pl.T Jica.iilh Ih d r ;

•'Down w ith Am crirnii Inipcrlalliinr’ .IIC j l f th e bniinn-H read . (tiluT*! iiOd: .y 'O o w n wltli-KclliiKK^H fiikc (n-nrp rrtH y." nnd ."linnds off NIcnrnKun."

P l t N j m l ^ . tluiHod tllc doinnuHirnt-. '

Molla Mallory Is Losing Interest

ny trDtt«d rre«« . ■ . '| XICW VOUK. AUK. I.S—Tlifl in d r.f

IIKIMICT IjrlllliMU upon Ciircnr wiih,InIkIiI ' inday wIili flic ...................I ll l Mnlli.1 DjutHtpilt MrOlnry. clftbl lnn-,1 wunifn'H nnllonal ti-'niilii i-liam- i;nn. iH 'l'lnoInc InterrMV lu llic miJrt.

.Vi-n. Mnlliisy. w ho n c ic r lm» niuhrd i.wcp Ihan ililM na ilpnnlly In tie r in 'tinrw a^ a it A nmrlcan tPunU ni«r,

:air<-, h e r liiinliiind; Kroukllii Mal­ory. .New Vork brcltcr. Iiirllciiird yr*. orday .ln . dlA ouulnR .hur ubneiicc from - Mriy HcnKon louriinmniitit. In 'M ic Inllcd .Sinti-a, . • , _

"AfliT ::i» yu;irs of lin rd ' plnylnt. d i^ . .Miillor)- fcp1r< rlic bun rrarbod hit-Uiii(^w liea-jJ;u*l#-i.ulfiW -ioi-i«l.*^ -

la tt In Hi-vOml IJuropcan n.^lcllriilTn 'lii< flUi‘ irfp .n iroaii- r a n iPr in-Ttir 'Hiiuinu-r, but 1 tb lnk alio found tie r ' :rp n lc it plraiturc.n nwny from llip 'OUl’tK," _ . _

P R O H IB IT IO N N O T IS S U E ' ' A S P R IN G I P L E . S A Y S N E L L |

i t r tt& iua p m a ' / CHARLOTTKVlt-LK. Vu,. Auc. Ifi

—ProblbU lon “aa n p rincip le" in nol m tHaue of Uio p rea lden ilar cam-' ia l* n .' NpUIc 'Tnylor IIobi. • fo rm er I iCTTcmor or W yomlne nnd sUtuncb ' V lfred 'K . Sm ith .aupportcr. told th e 1 ;n lv e n tiy . o r V lrd n ln InRllluto of ' ’ubllc 'A ffn lra .'todny . . ' '

" I t .cannot bo conaldcred a n la iu e I x<ca\ian jbu .coufllcL on fho qnpatlon a w ^ i ln th e .p d rU n ra th e r ihnH be- ' wccn tii'e'm. "js'u lllicr p ro cla lm in u re ir ' i 'c l .o r dry." Mn*. Roaa anld. '

In H erbert lloover'a apeecb nccept- < ne the R epublican prealdontU l nom- ‘ nation, Mra. Robb a(ild ah e waa un- b la to find "ono w ord U iat Indlcntrd ' tro n ita r— a tle a ta n o * -.tu —Um — U tb I .m enm eni than G o rem o r Sm ith haa < .vowed,” o r moro friend llnc ia to the rolatead act. . <

I t l a acarcely poaKlblc to IttmRtnc ib ra iea m ore carefu lly dcalcned lo ' ippeal lo both w eta a n d 'd ry a ." '

Graft Charges to ' Be Aird Monday

a r iT a ltir ’f iw # . ,LOS A.\OIi:L^, AoK-ilS—Vore evf-

;enct of pnrported brtberr o f city of* Icfkla of the Sontham Callforata Oa^ ^mpanj: will be.tntrodnc«l when Uie . rial ot E. E; Swmaey. forner 'em* - loye- of tho compaay, rataBca 'Moa* ■ IV.' hla eoaaael annoiiaced today. ' dweeaar. cbarsed wltb tnbeu te* '

lent ef tlU.000 ftoai Uta caa com* - any.' c l a l a ^ In e o a r t .th a •atlre ' mn went , . ^ U i . t h e ap b ro ^ t .-Ot _ fo aaperter. omcera, tb icr«aa« th t 'a y ro p lectoUtloa taTorabit t» IUa ngutlntloB.S i^tentr a lr ta d r 'baa a a a td t e a r

-ctti coancDram aBd t h r ^ •t b t r ' c l ^ e f l lc t i la . .M .l t« v ta c n - etrad moa«r or other t t t t a t M '^ i n } r«t^T « f b r « H r n » p o n e t M ' « o ^ a a r p w i K ^ . , _ -

w n s

ilL ipiLW o u f d - 4 ^ » n U u t 'A r m y a n d

, N a v y t o P u t E n d l o B o o t -l e g g i n g ; B e l i e v e s H o o v e i-__S t a n d s f o r R i g f d E n f o r c e - m e n f - S o I» V n r H i m i n P r e s e n t C a m p a i g n ; B e -

— l i e v e s ^ P r o s p e r i t y - A s s u r e d ___

. • a y U nlt.a P r . i i, s r r i i i n i v . \uk. i s - > o •

niail T »liii .. ............ xl p r rn i. .di'iitliil i-liTliini. Ib c .ro u iif r j w ill . ••■'‘'I 'l in " I.......... . p rc-ipprlt),lli'^ irj Kuril licllc>p>.

-— “^-»ir-^T nr«m iilnu ' Ibnl •nm iii 7 ^ lni|i}<pii iMiitlil lip u kicp lairtiwurdIII. ..iir flirlit liirnjiist licjimr.". hpv____

J^iild: ..“;_,nVii Tlnlcrp>ilo»l,-ln-nny'— ~ uilnii' t.i K.-c|i l l ic .lH ih rimeiyj.

_ m i:w l_ ak _ ||-K — If-H .m v p f !on tliii.i Nrlli'f. and 1 nni nure hp ' •.I.ll'.. 1 am fur hlm.~,

•'I’rrnm inlly iH - tu r n 'n u t tliu nrmy iiiMl navy li. Htoii hniilk'KKlnK. .

"lllll If lilt- Inw w.TP clijTU'cd. wo^d 'liavf 1.) hliiil up ouy pla iU J kVUfy.-----iliinu- III lh .' tin lii'.l StnlcB .Ih keyed IIP Id a. h.'W, pai-o wlilcli Kinrtud w ith luch lb llioa. Thu a p c -d 'w llb which Wl- run ou r m olor m rn . o p e ra te our I n lr ln a c iiin.-lilnory.- nnd Ronorally- Ih'c . .w ou ld I).' Impoaalblo w ith 11- tiiiur. .Vo'. Mien. Ja nu chahcc even o t ‘

K ord-l»-rm ilnt! n l hla W ayaldo In n . '

H A SM irM D ■-ClfflfllHtTUiAD-”

TOGMENIAND.By U altad r r e a r ' ' *

.CO C IIH A X K ,. O n t, A airr’ l ^ ' ~ T he ni»n\iplune j ' l r a l e r Hock*' '

c rn htnndurd t,lnifr today Tor ' ->I<iunl ,i:«un«, ( ireenland.

- I l e r t H ii^ n p llrn n d -h h r o r tp a n . '. I.iji« I 'a rk c r (’m m er, h o p e d ' lo -

nink* Ihp lonir f ligh t o f ik e bar* r ru lui'-lPH <if L nbm dor a n d ( h e ' A rr ll r .sim ll» by daybreak I c .

“ Svontlipr rppurlH wcro good Jind tbO; . ,

[k'l^heit'ortliu «-uUn; rw'pu .ritlcm c lll. . , . .. i -

If Uioy reach ibo tr Koal, th a 'C U tta - will hnvo i-omplctcd tho aecond p a h ' >f.aii advi-nturoui fll|(ht f n m R ock- , ford. lltT-txr-Sfoekholm, Sw eden, w ith »top« in Cochranp. Q roenland. a lid Icoland. •• • .

HKAIIY FOK A > 0 T H B R .8 T 1 B t ’-^ -^ - COCWRANK. Ont.. A U K.-J«~A lm »4 -

:owar>la thol b a rren w aa ta t oC CaB>' !id»' niid tlience o iit to aea, th a a ir - > plaiip "O rfn ier*R ockford“ Traa r e a ^ . to a t a r i - a t noon today on th e -a te - ,‘ud Biagc o t - t ia f l l ib t from Iloek - . . r>>rd. HI., to Stockliolm , Sw edea;

Yeaterday. B«r^ H aafe | 'w aa to reed* • 10 i>oiiipnnc hla flljth t to UoooLiieT- • ina . O rrenlanrf.-bcca iiaB 'pf-bad w a a tb * - - / >r bu t w ith h la Hylnir eom paotoa . '. P a rk er 'U . C ram er, expected to '.ItC t w-. iw ay n l noon today. , ' • •'.•

U i t a U b t th e tw o av ia to ra a ta O M . t- w eather repo rta aa they had pU nnad .-s'< lo -icaTo-aL. jla m i.^ J n d b ^ o a i j f t & t ^ more favorable condlUbna' w o^d*G » found a t noon a ad they decided o a a the la le r U keoff. y - •. - 'J.

T hey hoped to re a c h U iek d a itla ftr l lo n 'w lth ln le .b o u ra , a ^ d tlie aooa takeoff w ill pe rm it Uiais r ta e h la s t t t over w a te r p a rt o f th e ir ro y ac a bt^ f o re 'n ie h tfa l l . Tho piano . la - f a t l t t f V to r th e neuw ay ._________^

D olo re^ '^ab s ' ’ s;|. CEMce’;To''0 npeHrtV-’^ H er p m

0?f -ntTA RD -

P e l M a r t i n » a t t n : i C S ^ S ^ ^ 9

^ » e r - B ^

-D i^ T i ia n i im at t i f ' t i . jB l iT^ B froi# H n r

'« > p r r x « c d t ta

Page 10: Ai. Xn.MHiaH ll)l._______ • , ...... ._____ I W I.\ iUAilU. PATI.UIJAY. AUCU'ST ik. • , • • ______________

TWO ' •

% 0enP lu n g e P a r ty a n d- - W ^ ite rm e lo n E e a s t -.>==u-AmujgcdJ;-ot_G-USS.t

■•A jolly oiillni: I'n iiy " f ril<l:iy ' V. •

KronCilK n .lH -111 li'inr.r ..r lu r h-n."-' EUCKt, Slliili ■Kiiilicrlni- Ki'c-n>:i- o f l’i>- cntello , Oiti.-r .>h'iu1) i t s .,f ili.- imrO' w oro MlnH willliUTi:! aini 1"'"houne'KIIUNI. Ml":' l'I'>i ' “ ':>' Sillllv:iii--ir

.lA r.rti'mlo. O lf.. iiIMl Atil'MH PrOVWl, Mlriiim lliili'i'i'll,

ncebmpi.iili'0U o tt arid- >Hff. f;.vti”lU -t ..'!!.:-. i' i.iKiv

■n l lu lll in n u ii f* ivli.'i.' :i- nftlBlorlum wiiH i;ii' •flu fe.lHl c<>lll|>li;t<'*l till’ <-v<nli),'^u Kiil-

B r i d e ^ ^ B e Is ■ .' Recipient of Many• l iv e ly SliovvG)' Gil'tS

MlnH Ollll' H'lixo^i and MIhh Jniiminn wvri’ j.vidiiy w .voluK-ni Uin W iboii luim 't iii n-nil:-''-'l- limcoim tiliowor f(ir,MI»»,.li-jinlr*" WM- Hon. in 1,1) I<n tiiarrJiMi i.nuii. M'.i- Hk'n'nil iliincliiR wen- ilift <li»vi;ilonK ul (Iio ovcnlns. Tlii' i.lm wcr i;lfiH witi' proscn icd to tlir lifiile-to-ln‘ by i'"i'

n j« jto r-nn t|- tJrn jtic r-l.n i!* -ttm l— HmM.vW ilnon. llofn-KlitnciilK w ere i .n v 'il :>y J-*dnk :\Jatt WJliioii nml Iliiiicti.'i: HoJ)5lit!nl;llie.«’i<iHi''nf Ihil ov i'n liu .

TjiO'SUCMlH tv-crc MIhiIi'k I.iiiirii .Hiiiii'- p lircy . D urlholn IV rro w . a I1lc_ Van Znnio, IInprlf‘U»L'>“''>. Mayln’tU' ■It«';ul. T !Init^nM iH A vrliJirT :H iT :r^rotrnirFT r= ProUBli. Siilvlii Mori;iin, Mary Hru>v-'. U orothx Sm llli. .NViilo Wiji-oti amt D<rf«i W ilnoii. . •

___________• , # * * / • ' ..

'i 'em p era -n o e .U voup — Efeets^ u l f i e e i - s 'A t .

A n n u a l P ic n ic F r id a y

Tlic W. C.V T. t ' l iilcnlr. li.'lii Krld'.iy ad em o n n in ilu' c ity ikuI c wuh .-tn cr.- pocfnKy iilcimitnt iifriilr..So.v«'rnJ ttn'in-' liorft rro n rK m ill flntl u nnnilicr of

Ihfl orsiin lsutliin . "^"'riio d ju n rr wa» nprr»*d-liy-MnT, if. .ll; tJiuiuii ,- MTTT Monittotii and Mru. .M< Cr;i(-l!>». Mi' k. II. G.. lh in ||)hri-y cniidm ir-l Hit' ih^vu- tiuniijii'iinil w(i:i ulno In lOntrco jirotn'ixiii. •-TT -KliicmUd tiiik imr.rr,- i,r ii"TRrfrr-(»-t»-HitTtlsT4»e=^tftT— ^f^hrHliHV- chnrch , w hich wai; ini<fdrliik iinil '.'I’li- m ined 'timny Jirlnfui KiiKKr'iioim rrl-

■ y O U R c l o t h e s a r c 1 ^ g e n t l y s w is h c c |th ro 'u g H -su d sy rin ses • | in 'w a s h in p t u m b le r j I,

f w i t h s m o o th -a s 'g la s s j' .- .su r ia ccs in s id e .— ________ ij

% L a u n d r y / [i' does i t ! ) ^ t lj

--------- :— — ltm t«-D rw -Y oT'M ackey T ir« and V

Bear of New Texaco Station. Ms

W ¥ %dited by Jean j)inkelacki

A t the Orpheum Toi

a , 'v : - y j / .« A . / / ; . / ;W 7/.-r

a llvc |<> ■iViniioriui''" w ink, ‘r ii'' ll< v. A. 15. 1‘r.irMin. of i!U' I T '; I'Vii rlati

Tlniri-h ~ li^ '!» id i< 'ir.7 i;r"nn- un’lun..Mrn. Ilia VittnlniliarU wa:'. ii- '-li 'i'l-

f(I c>r<'!<Ulriii iniiiiit iliivJij;; i-'i*-buuliiiiKK- <ivh»^lnn...;ik(j:: .Mi>., -Vainli-hlHirk'H tli l i ‘1 lon ii In llial <-a- IjIKtU}-: OIIi'T ••ffifr'Tii '-Irc tra

-M rtt.-r..» 'fli-vl*i»-jiriuilauiU-iIr—-I'Vl**'* noy, iu-)M ''la r} Mnr-lllrtk^,-'■'•i*ri'hiuiiidiii;-. s.'CTi'iiity 'atui- Mri<. i-:ilz.'i- lii'lh llihliiiMl. (rraM iicr.

---------- :........... ......... — 1

'H i i s b a n c i s - t r i H W t i ’— ---------------^ ^ ^ h r y y z . A v p a n f ^ S t S

Mi'iiili.Tii o( T ^ iii •i'jil'l;- .Mi;i|ii*'i-. AmiTlciili NVar .MkIIi'.th onii'ilallK 'il a iilrn ic for ih r ir ami t ' l u ' ili.-a In till*.cliy liinh KiUlay .nMili.u, a li;i^f?il 'fiiii'KT Iv'I'iV la rv 'i l a i. i- oV lorh. 'I 'h l ', nn iia ln i'i'r of thn n ln ,’5 w aa ivUh Mimt- ,arraii;;M l

iwin,-yn'l-u;ilUJULiliU..q'liiliili'il. . • -

R ussian Pi;inc<J in 'C H st ■!of Grefca G arbo’s .Film,

-^■"T^THF'MysterioiW'"lnrdy’‘' I’r ln c ' S'licca’ Trcin’lii isli jl.'nii'ii,.in r of i> niy,il rtUHi'lan taiilily. I'lay,; a rul.r In •'Thi-'.My/<ti!rl()u.< i-aily." ( ir . la <;nr!'i)Y. new iitarrlni; jn -ilin-tlnn.

In t lw M.'li-o-Culdwyn..Mayor fi-a- nuV, PiliK'c' Tii>hlii'^.:kol-niii«':irH ii:- a ilaiihliiK yiiun;: Un.'<;tlan oltli-i'r wlm In n cilP'il «1 n ray - 'iiartj* ,Tl«'cn In li'*)un Ilf Mi:'!' C.a; li’>. w liu 'I'liiyn (h r |iin l nf a b i'antlfni :iny. ’

Till' n im rr,;„, j m orn.f to ry liv llir no'.i-;! lliT h lllU ^ iiH r^ rr l.iIilvi-irr^W nilfr-wt'—<lll''“ 'l '‘'l--l*>'' K i'ti Nllilu rim riiil Nii«"l i>l.i>« <>i'l>u’‘l" ' Ih f Sw.‘', « :ar. •

Till- lil.'turo H'liiallrc. \.h li'li rdlii'': ' ffiitK»r/»'v I" ll''-' I'l 111'111....... I a .l-. r-tillfnl, Uuii.lail M.y «lmU .;.tiiL;lo_tl'r.l»-ii liil'V.l'''."'--'.-..'’"-''.'.-'''. Lfrir.-i'. im-c.i'iM'C " f im ixirianr niili- l a iv il<' f->ll:i In I 'i 'i- "'Illl

■ l.-rl..,,.. 1,.: ,1Kt)hV,loMm.-.lll_ wh'-ll ll'-liitiK lilu'.H'lf Ili'l r.iym TmrZs Tm .ic rv U) ;r tlirllllii;: r i i ia .u . '

'•l'.1nion.,la.'- l.ov.'." ii C luirll.' Clia«. •fun Sm:.1" 111- M‘ = M N i'« ‘Wii'Ulv a;i- 'll:*' >I'"1‘ fi-aiiin-^i wilh -T il" 'MxMninuM l.aJj;A‘

iminri'!; Co>.i'':ii) lo Sun frrsfi- cU ru." th .' ou ir .'l it aU ra 'Ilm i. a t Ih'' Icluliii.' 1,1 !.liiiwii lunl;;hl fo r lln- last Uiui;m. ....... :— . ,

B o d y o f M . T e g a n T o B e T a k e n S u n d a y

T o U ta h ’ f o r B u ria lM ai^t ' ti v,:u., :ii.-ri1i-i-. iHnl al Mr

Tw in- r!.ll:i t ' li. ra l li..r i.ll..r .m T T ^ ' ' 'r 1 o . lc I'rtiUty .•vcnlli;: frn r liii.'Uiu.inIa follnw lni; a I.ri.-.' lllu i:- Mr. liM lM -r,, „ »:i ||h lr i.-1 fi.r t h . '4 ,iaM 11 x .a r: . • |lf tKii'v. wM rt. n.i«- ll' •* al :lu ' r .io t ih .ii» l. « l l l Im- tal;.-n .-iuii.l.iy liiT~nT-X\*n«htnrtnn,- l'int*-.-t.>r-liu*UI.—

llir; wlf.- " h o ai riv.'.l y.-.t. r.l.i.v u-.." 'I.m i l-.iliti.'l 'L f l a h ; hh. hrulU 'T . H'i l>.Tl T .':;au of l* ll'r, ami his l.i'.tli'- i IXlTT. who " a : . Ii.t.- -r.'Ui \;i:

w m ati-.m ll..- Ml. T .i:a u I- al.-o r .ir» lv< l 1>v .h i . ' i I . a r ol.i :.iii- f i r l . nn.l hi-, la ll:-- , .1 ' !l. T. ;:,.ii. .If \Va^I.!nl:Il.n. iriah. ^

H a t t y J a d g m e n t W ro n gTtio nl*.- '! I hnro rvn r Vn.-«i>

>nri‘ jial.i In m'*; ’ Nlrp oul of •‘vrr» r n pfiii.lK luipr.ivr .in iii'q .ialrilniirc,' s Mill t l.jiri» , folltid hTs \r.-r.J» tn ir .— ( T'rufik S'Hnn'T<'.n. n— - I —

o r n s K iiv j i 'f ; .v' >v i\ m :r j

lt.y„„,w -.n iit f o 'k .- .p y ..a r l i r r j J.JIJ w ay SrjiiJ y o u r bu.-iif-.l i ’.'U'". (I* i ..,a u .l I.'I li» -hyu- V..U J*, Tvhnt o tir tnf"l*Tn vn lrnn iiiu :; >; - 'T v l.c will I '-ally «.ivr yoti iu tlnllars .an.l rrnl:^. In fht- gdiir.T I.f a y< Tl..- ll/."*' yon 7!... , ^ caril a r r l lv on.-< wpnt l<'C'-l m n.itl .maki' an c<k«1 a» ) * ucw. Jum - for an .s i - . r lm m t M rrn d n« one ' anil r r c w hat u i ' I "■!o lr, It.' ~ • I*

n-Biowmit*----- -— ;----- :— —-'ulcanizing Shop ui

^ ^ ^ ---- »lin Atc. aad Third St. East “


gr. OMce Phone P. 'B.

morrow and Monday

J io v r . r . J J o w / . i l v ; ,.


J ______ n y UnltBilI ..ilCLLV\V06lJ..Au;;, IS - A l>'ir';H.l'm i l . ' . ' Arii-.l^. Iiulii'iiu aiil.i J'-lli

fh'ni.ial, th.- I'V.'IK'Ii h.-:iilty. wiim I. , Iila.v' II i.'iiil l oll- in "T b '' l,..v.' HoMK,' ). ' 'i'jii' iiain.'^ ii.'Mi )<nld Mini Ihivii

: ! . i '. lln 'ci '•Till'- 1....V.- Sfim.-!"

III.' r.^MlIy 'ii.Tllui'nt. lu.'lnt uC lli< .>tll«iilii\ir~llu-_hrliu:(nK Ii>i!<'lli<'l'. u the iicrroHs. liioui iiirfk-iili lo liamlli w iili .llu- d ir i 'n ir i-rcdlti'.l • wltli bv. IllK tiu.' lifHt biimllvr. ;

TM\ u.p. .

■ lE T T A G O U D A I.■ .«!in(-r" .r.'U irOiiiT.liiir‘r in .fn ia il . : ”inr*''' ;.l llu- n.- Mill.- ilii.ll.r iu r niiiiu- buH li.'i.|i'Hyiioiiymon* \vilh

TiiiiiK-ranu'm . .'' .Mll.i. ,COit.lai‘H'fitlliiri,' tu b r ijmoUK

lln- niiiUInK MliirH iif i>i.' <lny iUm hc.-it blaiu''.i on Ikj- f ir ry l.n ihi nnul Hu.l hiT oonl.'iup t fu r dIroclurH nn^ I'roiiiii'orK. r^rlffltll'H Hn<’i'L-H!i Ih tinned to {. K ri-nt’ rx irn i on bib nhility to iUDi.lU; th .' nuini itU firnlt i-inHliciiif irm i'i'ran ii'n l.

MUk 'Coinliil lKs.-iini" know n trtt tbe riiosi i'0U3l?«i''i^ily .'r ia llc nu.tlon* ilc'. •iirb jiiiiy'^r w htii ^h r wan nm i^Ini oii lu- ih- .Mllh." lol,Null'll .ini iillv n l j f ' w< ju lo f". rn-

n..uii.t w li'Ti' Hh.- '•wiilk.^1, im t" ,B ir . ii;; lju ' Illniliii; ut ''S iia iijn rff" ,A be .It-'.I r iiraim in iil Iur hack Vrn>(«'iftnd "ar.iuniual ntii'il lir r ' fu r lo-ui JC OlTK' Jiid_inoui-y ih n u iK ltJ ir r acllon. J

Tlu- .. i i iu .w . 'r r -...iilr.l ou t u tcn iirL •I'lu- " I ’ariim uunl illfriciiily "I'opWii

II Si'l Mi^s Ciiii.lal t.> a iKirr 'nnd .Iir followrcl wllil UU uinaziliK NcriCH 'f hlnillar ai-tloUK.--.l.n_:a'vlH' 'Ml-, r.,„i,l:.l_j.illl Jnt.lhUIII M> m any I•l..^.'-U].n pVr (lic-uirr.

Incl.I.'Miiilly .I.upi' Vi-h'r. Itio Mox- ICiiii M;ir who lr> lo h.. i-o .frs liirH .viih Mlii:> (i.>ii<lal and W illiam Iloy.l 11 Ih r ll.i" a rrim ln llon of o r nwn [n llu- K'nilii raiiicnt llnr.

Till- oi.liiioii iir.'ValH tlm l (irifCIlh vlll liavi- hll. mumt-iiiii if Misii Cun.lai in.l .Mins V rlrr K.'l nimpaKim; at Ih r ■aiiir llni''.

I 'o la .N'l'k'rl w a'. Ih.- uiily lUni '•ta'' vlll. r \ r r 'rrlo '.in ly U ir.'a lrn r.l M lv luii.lal'K r .-l-u ai> 'in.-.'u of trm poni-

I’rjn rrdu , I’o la ■ .ilw.iy* In'I.nlod on upirtyluK h '-r Qwii' rmuXionn o»d .h''i> «^i'- rmnMnp she- dida 'Iiiuit liny uId fntiti illrc<-li>r!<. pro* n rrri. <ir, a tivoii- . Im-. •M i'^ ' N ri:rr« o lh r r I'.'I nvfrnion

•n, \Mturi>. T h f flr«i Rno-.!. wan ho ><lglLl'«rrr_«<r u h fc h 'I 'J . .< ulivo, |h«(

.ii' hi'il h<-7 '.'I . m.'.'>nl th u t i’Tho > e n " —WAS- ih ro n sh fo r th a t rtsy'— ml r'T lmi'-:. s rv rra l ronro. • .

Sim p ly D enott» S ize"TfiSTTorm l.ofK.* riu->.iriut U o*#d.' lacc Ipft.? in ctmnr-rtirD wlih fru ilk te , fBPsn* farjp . TJio fiof».r cK ntnot i,» la rcvr no t than ih* fh<j*taoL*

R iver P ra inM B ig jB a ^n i T he CoiomMa #lv€r d rain* » b td n

r 2.V>,000 »<jBar* uine*.’ T h it r l r e r I !xtrt» 1. . aid to comaln ■> U g it ona. d n l o f tjie tracer potr*r ir a iU b la Is

w n r T A i f c i - P A i t T - T p n i i - - - - -


'Banb^ur^NaTwr~Continue Rnnning Until September TO

. llanhu ry N uititoriiini will bu opon Ihill year- iinill .Si!|ii. lu . -InHtend of cluahi), Sopi. UHjinH hi-cn tbo cnu* HHI' liiTli!- iHifi. iicroi'ilInK t-.i wonl r.iiru|\i'(' fruin thi-ro to.luy.

Tri77~Xai»i.>riiim, w iilch_ b • filled- .u'llili niiliii'iil Iim w iiir i'’ i im r 'ia nn

Jani.^Tiii Ib r ono.-TtT T lo iHC'. r n w i n a 111.- (h ii'fi Hi-i.Moji li 'Illlll I'Vcii htiow’n.’

oJIr.l and niuiiv poo]ilv 'frnm T'ivin l-ullx. ril.n- a iiil'D iih l nro iiiKIi'me ud> viintat;.' ol ilu ' kouiI rond» tii 'u ii lo lli«

-.)>liiuuw-:iUiiv-|iuriluK-ur»-l>ulnH^>«>ld' •ir r rr II'OIII a ll of tlU' tb l'fc clli.;H am / ji.'.miii IIIV r<iniiliii:‘ :i liitljh o tialilnr. ilu-li •VxnmlniitionN liicrc,

M iri . i.a iiia liy dtiiv lo llit: Knoil inicilH‘nmi parU ally l u ’th c iii'P iiiur-

- uv—ihn-i>luiiui^.in-on]{>y|m; -tii.ti luig.inli.'.l In Ibr (l.!ciHli<n t.i iiolil llio

nhiiiKL- ii|irn fur iin* nddltloniil iic-ven

__________ .

• W>:lker Players a t Best in. Play Wow

^ ' Showing irirTerifTho Ttihj' ti la iym ncorcii

ilii‘ 'binKcKl h i l ' o f ■Ibvir iipam nPhere' •• Ium ' iiIkIii wlu-n tlicy firi-.icnU-d ,tbc _ .liliiy " SiiliHly U ypncrlii-H nnd l loii<irii , Stnii.'i'M." T h.' iilny wjili I’.iiiily . llin '> .0^.1 Ihini: -ilirv luvn iloni- iii.>ilicir

w rrli 111 Tw iu 'l.'iilis. ' ■‘n i r iijiiy brouKbi ntll l l i r m iinil 1>-k-

■ >.uii llin'i u ii'TKiin whu.)ivt.'H liU rc* I lir ln i' niHiV-r quifi Mllcw tilwilt Jt Ik.

I'.-ally ib r o n r ihiliiK lim ( tr ra lr r Kfrv- (I'n lu (iod. Tb.- tlic in r 'K ' tlic play riT fi'w tm '" ;iii- ii i i i ■iil'tiiii'iii' lu J i- 'o T

. tn ir nuiu IioldlnK 'ii niorti:ai:L\ oy rr n

. chu rc li •or nirmhurii of ' n elinrcli' dum lnnlim : llm .ncllnuH nf n il con* t-.Ttlril. . . . ■ ; ,

Tuwnril lb .' Imit n t th e Clti>' Hie Iirrnchc'f. Jljrti(if;/( tJir wonflerftfj cx- umtihi,H i'i Iiy hiit 'linpnlHlvn hiit lion- «'ht h n n b r r. rriioiincr.i tlin ilomlniit-

- ■nriTr— nionry.ROnt»blnn— •daAcoH— nnd. pirdRcrl hlini.rlf lu llir iMllli'Ht nniV nil* IH'rjmiirc<l Iiri'vlro • o f . OhrlNlliinUy. VTven Ih r u lii rr (.iiurL-li meinbcrH ontcli th i- i.p irit. I'

- — At—ni»-Hm.— t>lBy-Vr(lect> npon thn piirimsi* C firW lnnlty ar\

_ ina ltr » •lolci. nf li'nnrnt relig ion , huti l «W h hrlnK uinvnrif lim liJcu. iiiiii n l l r J u n III nol nicrrly ii fron t h u t n fri'lln i: fnnn iln- h.-nrt ,uml floul, Ii icarbcH 'ihr* O itririiir ihiit ricIi nnd p o o r-u ro ciiuiil u n d 'n i l wclcomi' tn I'.nlviition. It uIhi) nhoivp th .it thn poor wTirklnu. nmn Ih ,.<mu•tlm^a iiiiliumod (o c n ic r th r "fifch-fnlotfnK '' c liiirrti w itli ita rxiu-nnlv.' orKiln und viinlp* m ent wIhto tlu-ri* in' uo tniir.h «forin nnd nn i l l i t r (n m f.'llqwiihip nnil hon-

•rti'r'nam .' p lny 'w llj hp prcnciiti'd lo- nlRlil anil .Sunday' iiiRlit.

H ere Krnm SeuUle.—.Mrn.' K. T. Hrniimont nnd ‘nun. Sam ., of 'Srntflc. nro llu> h.'m!.r KnrniH Ot Mr. an .l Mrn. .V ^JX -» .i.i.|-n ii.|-fnn illy .-------------


l ln .i i l L IW noMl^111 Ihl- n iiru ," liy UuilwlB

_ ^'I 'lfLTri.iUm .-iii mill r nn- ' t iliiiiliV Iiy iiinH ,Mor*dytli


JlU sterLADY



• a n d MOM NEWS

A \ \ 3 a ^ ^ o l d u y n ^ ^ f a wctv>x

l a S T TIMKS T O N nillT

»d o io m ^ e lh

SanSm iisco ' -

«ue<CTB)iPS W tocucnow •


Amsterdam Women Attend Ladies’ Aid

I THeetingatHoin^AMST.I:iIDAM; a u k . 18 -M r« . Adolph

> K unkel, Mrn. C. I.. K nnkel nml Mrn, j.M lnno^ Diiitinun nllrndoil tho rcKUliir I 'n ie e l ln s o tiho l.iidii-H'.Aiil Society ul ){ |» f 'I 'w fy ifT liiH d n i f f l i “I U tiiilm vr • Tiiiirmluy u rirrnoon .

'l-.M r.-nn.l .Mm , Gny K. Q im im onr wimt !_lU I»lnr..lny y||ill.QDLIU Ih r Hnb •|C .sldw ellJioin(‘ nen r tbo IiIkIi Unc

. .Mr. '» ^ " M ri i , . . ln l in ii . ^'iTnrw u'l nfnt- ' m ile iln«Kliii!r -Wfi'o'-Wei)noH.liiy bun*’ iuenu'vlultorK In Tw in Fnllu.: a i^ h l v H ire til Ihv Texnn OJJ fo m - '■ pnny wuk in miIh locatlly TJinrn.liiy i ic 1 livei-iilK Knn nnd (lil fo r in ic lo i iino li)

thP fiirniors. tipvcral tnii-tnn* iirc .n f w ork imlllnK rcujiliiK niacliitic» tb cnl w heui. '.

.Mm. Unle Kiinkol hnd cOilldren nn.l L M liu«-JuU u_JiiiQ kpl_'v i-.r.t_>^iliie«'l"y ' n ltem oon vlHliom to tiio MukI.r Clfy.' Mr«. KunkrM I.oIh to ■J’wJii >'n]l«

fo r incillciil m irn tlon .P . A. W ebb. diHlrlci tn .m aacr nf.tliy

C ontincntnl Oll coiiniuny. wn« a him- ; Inewii cn ller licro. Tlinrniiny.

Mrn. I.iltiiiu A llenunii dnnnhtcr. MIbs.' Tcenl"A lIctJr-w ore-liftrt—Tiiiiiiiiluy-nJt*• c rn o o h 'fro m ih e lr dry O irni.nn Deep

I '’"'Mrw, n'er}'l K jin lc ^ n n ii i;JiJl>)£C»' w ere Thiir"<liiy iiflortiono ciilbTii .of ! iMru. Al'.'iirt ilo liiikiilut .unil..... lUlle

i ‘S n tT s rs is ir f iT T im n ir-T .- ii i■ jftlllHJiv'crf! ThiirH.luy vlKllnr« u t tin*

iKViie o f-lh e ir iIuukIiIoi-, MrH. l ' d ' l ’ii!"-

• **^Uhh l.o l.ttie SW nncr, Mru, Veimn I. ifmW lMJnn Jlonfild. und Minn• .,MH(lrtd” 5krtniui'":T^TFrn VVPiincirtny■ i.honiiorn in Tw'lti Knlln.' ' °l l i ^ m ^ ............................. ' l lf iiin'-FI pu rt of tlic woi-k n t lho C. I.. .McUur- I Innd hom c'w ciil o f Jlollintcr.

A lbert Holm oiili'l w” " bunlnens vlnltor ia .Tw in I--ii1Ih Tiien.iiiy , -11011

' WoilnVmitiy o f lh in ,\vn tk . ----------- ' .I’nu l ScUoliy, T w in PuJIh, wiih • u

hiiaificHB ciiiloc In IhlH nccllon ^Vcll•

• "tl'l^ '-M lnnn Dultmnn andlMr^. Uw- I In I'nleri* w ore Tliilr»illii> vIMrorjt-ftf-

Mni. G ry re t. I’eiorn timl dauitlilcru.

■ fieOMING-EVENTs4* „ i ___^ A.. McmhfTB of Dun McCr>oH''ClrcHr;-Ui*-

dien of th e C.-A. U. nre. rqi-iieiiiod to. bo nl tlio Mtitho.liBt liplHcopiii chnrch (ll 2HC o ’clock Snniluy iitlrrnoon 10 in tend In n-hody th e fnneru l fervlcos to r .Mrn. Juinen M. Ulcc. .

O ur DOW eq iiis tocn i enat>ieSi ub te do n il Vloda o t m ill w ork nnd, tho bcai o f f lx luro w ork, bull^loB coD tractlor nnd ^ dy w ork . • M odern P itia lng Mill


“ Your Htite . -Would-Be Honest!”

J .JK fell hond over hcela ' in .------- loVc-wiih thin flaminK bcaii-

. ly—nnd Ihen h r Ifa rned whcwns nn enem y » iij! _ 'One -of u thouim nd drnni.illc moment". lil .C rc ta ' Curbi>‘« mont nllnrhiK romance.^



■ "■ "'■■■ s~7" ' " /---------

Magic ReseiEil>.fe.,'. WillBeEmiitvBY

Ftfst SeptemberMiiKlc Duiir. »hi)Vo .^hOAlion.r, w ill

l i e ’em pty by tbo ' f irs t of Scpieii.tier. neebnlinK .lo n now n-ntor'’ iippuurlnit In ili iJ 'w e e k ’ti"l"n«o o r the .Slionlwjn!jf iiiriiB l.w hich nuy ii: ,.. . ......................

.W ulor un'oiiKli. ' to b m b in d lu lc m ore thn ti tw o w'eckii .rcinuin# 'in

WHioriniiHtor'H office u t Siioiibone., The /IpircM for lodny (Tburniliiy) i»how •m.cai -iioro-fooi.— A t-(be p n w in ij ralo -T derline. the renu rro lr will hc 'i^)ni- pleioly ■empiled liy pepleinhor

O fdelulii from iho D onver recln- Jijniiun officc uro oxpcclod to bo on hnnd im nonn ji.i -lho roBorvoIr i« eniplied. 10 mnko un Invcmluatlwi .n t th c control tow er aiid-K nleu of tlio lilT iliurA und recon.'iiionil iiictbniln of

tuwur. nrn iilrendv (u the bunds of

,bcbh forw nrikd Iiy Mntid.-ol- .S . T. n u e r nf II15 Ulj! Wnoii quiiiil'com naiiy il ,fcw.' iveokii IIKO iipon I'ccclpl otw ujil ff j m 'm iJiiiluHlimuT fif . | i nL:t.imir»lion Dr. Klw-.T)il Mend llm t Ihe Den- vvr of/lnn would crvnj' ropnlr- Inif lhc m rncturo . ' . '

Says Invasion of Mexicans Is Now

Sm|ous Problem“ Dy TJoIwa yr«*t

POaTLA.VD, O re ., A»K. 1 8 - ln nil uddroDs hero yoirtocdny. A iliurt Jobn-non., m em ber o f-lR r-ln 'm fsrn tion-co in- n -;tte e-o f-t!m rH o u « e '-o f-K o p re ae n ln .llvoii. Biilxl lim l "Cutlfornln. .Ncrt- Mex- too.—A i'li!M in-uiul-T«*«i<-i'omi-wnii1il be biiKKink’ ConKresH for re lief fi-oi]! JiliixlciilL'lintnlKrfltlon."' _ ,'. Tho cimKreiotHinn. who «tkiiie lio r r frnm hiu honie In Iloiiiiinm. \yu»li.. to addrenh ihn I’o rtliind City Cllili. imhl ,-1 n rw hin- wa» hoUtit p re p a m l to r i- Jiici:' tlib nuoiii-^^ifuii'TannTAitfL-vren-n coyntrjen und 'to ' reniricl* Mcxican'J

d o o e j« i5 e o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o a a

I ' PARKI i 7^c.Special, Saturday I '' SERVED f r o :

I .. Why Eat a t U------- B c s r i y o i l - ^ . ’ GoOd-f

r Hi^ e o « 6 o o o o o o o o < i o o y o o c ^ 6 « >


=kEOismsaN^^■ ITiearcatoBt^Iiiyfii

-------- :—MlWl




W H Y d id tl iis b e a u tif i ■she lov ed ?W H Y d id .she s c o rn “ c a tc h ” :0ti th e G o n tin .

W H Y d id sh e choose-E l a h u s b a n 4 ? ^ ;_ l._ i ;,l ., ■ -

S«e th« axtsw(! the soriiritiii•• ynTnnno^

F la jed bjr Screeolaad's 2foft - and Dom

I ■ P I S H E R M ^ ; s '^ ^ ~ - E


‘‘ •Matinee -----lOcABd 25c

. . . .

.-.I '■ . . .

X ti jn p A Y ; AUOUST 1.9:~m28.

who now"'cn<or Um PnKod Sla tcn freely.. , ■'

"ThlH bill," he nnlil. "win bo .cnro- fully drnw'ii'nmi'vi'lll not cnUBo dipio- mntle dlfflculllM. Irudo ifoiiblen • or;

■ • llu xnid tb e ,t‘ltim ll'’ii In the Soulb- w e k wfti. ncntc becuiiJir. no iiiuny .MexIcuiiB.hiid noUlcil lliurn In ibo lnnl .llx ycni'H Ullll lo ld 'lifn nudk-iiee (lint,

• n-W7nt-t>nn-li».j:Mllu lli:-lbe SuillhweHl for tbe U n llc l Sinten. •'>-— _

L ittle T h ing t Count .Smnll kindness,' nniiill coijrlcMe^.

Ttmill conniderntlnnji, Imbiluallj .prui> llpcd In o u r social; lniorcour*e, kIv« iv

:-Bront<»Bi<dwriiuUOillifcC(iil.rfl<!Wr.::flmn;the dlnphiy of crcat tnlenls and bc*

I T O N I G H r jJ a n d -su n d a y

^ Toby—iWalE^I T en tjrh ea te r

i ■ ■ N E A R CITY H A IL '

] -*‘Saintly-H ypocrites- ahd. Honest Sinners’

Monday and Tuesday‘, “W hal Price Heroes”I , D o tin 'O p e n 7pO *ShowJ.SfniM»‘ B llS ’

Adultx S.'ict Chllili-cn lOo Reserrcil Seals 25c Kxira •

lo o o o o o o o o o o o a i s a o o i jo o a o o o d u d

HOTEL Ij^S u n d ay Dinner J S c - l

M '5 'T 0 8 P . M. ■ I lY-DAY—M -CPN TS--------------- 1

>e Park, Hotel? - 1Sorvlcji ' ' . Cool-Place ---------1

otel-^Anne. S. &o o o g p g Q o o D o o o ta o o o o o o o b o o q o a i


•ound in tho World.[.LS---------- TtnMAWOE



yeM i;E BEOOK '

111 g ir l s h o o t th e m a n •

th e love o f th e b e s t “n t?

I ja il,, t o . a c a s t le a n d ,

•" ; ' ig climax’ of one-of tho xooit - « over serein.' •' ' , .5' '. J Beantlfal Stari Who' O u — - ^ A C T . ........ .

- -PATHE X A T E S r im C T

tOHESTEA ■' ■ ~ ;

^ - E v g g i j^ , ^

Page 11: Ai. Xn.MHiaH ll)l._______ • , ...... ._____ I W I.\ iUAilU. PATI.UIJAY. AUCU'ST ik. • , • • ______________

. SATtmplY. ATiaUfiT 1 8 /If)k ~ - ' ' ■ ' • . TWIMTALLfi DAILY.-TlMEi ‘ .. ‘ p-ARE.mRHB^

^ p 5 | l i $ i t o l l l 0 i p i S

- r ^ ~ S ^ B C ^ l^ N r A D D E D ^ ^ ^ ^ A .^ A ^ 7 3 P E F in ^ ^ [

a c A s B c a n c e a t C o s t

— — ~ :— P ro tec tio n T h a t E very M o to r is t N eeds Is —] - “ r ^ — Idah o S ta te A u to m o b i l e A s s o e la t io n M et^ber^hip--Roli^y^

" ~ ,u - ' . M o n t h s o f ~ ^ l n t e n s i v e E f f o i t “ H a v e “^ A c M C T e d “ f o r T ^ T “ A ^ A ^ M e n i b e r s —i n - t h e -

, I M - ' - ; — - S t o t e o f I d a h o M O N E Y r S ^ V l N G i n s u f a n e e T h a t W i t t - B e W e l c D m e d ^

^ JO IN “A . A . A :” N O W !• '•■ / % '• ^ S J l L/ a i3 ' v y j -V—:- ' THE IDAHO STATELAIIIOiaOBtLE AS- .. .corcrs-20 m fm tesH aborsrrcar-on-T oadside;— •

------- r - — ---------- S06IA45ON-<A-AA-)-on^f-the-lO46-affilatedJ-------- dimig»-of-tices_£brLainescoi;ted-wornen_iTiem>----/ ^ I f l l i l l l l ' clubs which make up the American Automobile ■ bers; delivery of gas, oil, tires or parts.

— = 7 K ■ ■'As«v.^B^rt7c«mffiWnlvTinovro .. THE IDAHO STATE AUTOMOBILE AS- ‘; ------ :— --------------------------- 7— -------has been-one-of-tlieflredominant-influences-to------ SOCIATION-(AAA) towing for—. .I ' ' " r w ' - ' ' ^ ■ . J •’ 7 " secure adeiluate, federal aid funds fo r con- .members, within fifteen miles in any direction,, ■

■B. ' ' Y n struction of a truly national-highway system., from 'the closest official service unit.. K- “ JL r i V , A V * IT HAS ALSO BEEN SUCCESSFUL in . THE IDAHO STATE AUTOMOBILE ASt

. - 8 ' aiding the fight,to,-eliminate unfair national- ,SOCIATION (AAA) has provided a legal de- ----■— —-^In-estabh'shing-Tin-insurjnc ejsem^^ — ^e x c j |^ ty e s_\Vith ^ Rj^llltmeltLgM^^

, . count^who'^mat^^^ insitrancVD^ ^ 25th, 1928, when -3% tax was eliminated—sav- ownership or operation of an automobile, t h i s , ,e.-vclusive benefit and protection of thoir members. As a ing $30 tin'a-.Ifl.flOO car. . service includes^ advice .with respect to legal •'

____ L _ • r " ' T H E IDAHO'STATE AUTOMOBILE AS- rights in the pros.ecution and defense of claims ,— ■ • . S ^ I A . H O N / A A A / h a s t o V e n f < ^ p ^

I , panlon.companies), our Insurance Depariment will issue tion o f Id a h o s sfcenic a n d h is to r ic a l re so u rc e s , o tn e i s u ch m a tte is , b u t d o e s -n o t in c lu u e p er- ,.------— . — ----- idalio_State_Aiit(miQl)ile Association Membership Poii- ' t h a t th e y m a y b e ' p e rp e tu a te d fo r a l l f u tu r e . , so n a l r e p re s e n ta t io n in c o u r t . - ,

• cies. T his now enables u s 'to o ffe r to club mem- T . g 'e n e r a t i o n s . iT 'I& T IH B 'O N 'E Y 'C IV iC 'O R G A 'N IZ A T IO N '; f , hereof Idaho an insurance service which will equal that , ■•- .'TT HAS CONDUCTED,'and is p repared to , in Idaho th a t directly .concerns itself .with the -

„ ^ offered by.any of the,larger clubs.-- ^ continue on even^a lafg^er scale; safety opera- rendition pf special stateivide touring serviqe■ S A F E T Y : T h e I d a h o . S t a t e A u t o m o b i l e tions which- w i l l s e r v e - t o p r o t e c t . y o u , y o \ i r ' ■ - f o r m o t o r t o u r i s t s . . . • . .

' ■ ; . fiuendsanfi your fam ily-especially your chii- ' THE TOURIST BUSINESS is.,this stUteV ; ■

ji K lJffllk^rirfou r^aT ^^^^^ . ‘ '“ HE'-ftiAHO STATE AUTOMOBILE AS- L A S^Y E A b“t H ERE A?,T5RE-360,000 o u t - ' ' '■ w®or®»ve3tem Mutual Fire-Association has hcbn-operat- __— SOXllATlON 4AAA). has arranged with judi- of-state'lourists within our borders.

;. -i B^WccessfuHy .in the State of Maho for more th-an 22 ■ ciarv of th e -s ta te - to . accept its merhbership ;, IN THE STATE OF IDAHO the tourist , ., . i'-.Vyears. We, feel that no safer;msuraTice,could possibly bo -card, in lieu of cash'bail up to S25.for ti-affic . ' spent a to tal of $1,800,000. This means added■ '

,; securedforA.A.,A. memDcrs., - g^cept in cases of intoxication aild prosperity for evei-yone in the State of Idaho...‘SERVICE; -Appreciating the (lemand-for prompt ' . i4;kless5riving.- ....... .................... THE IDAHO STATE'AUTOMOBILE A S-'-

. - . , and efficient Ibp adjustments,.special attentw^ • THE.IDAHO STATE AUTOMOBILE AS- . SOCIATION.(AAA) is the largest civic organ-- E i ^ e d not o^nTyln SSftlATION (AAA) provides ft-ee roadside ization, operating without profit oi- commer- -

------ - ^ V th e UnWSia4-and*Gaflada,-.wni-receiveiminediate....___ 'aW i:0 members, \yithin five iwlcs m any direc- ciahsm for the mutual benefit of its members‘ attention. To accomplish this, the Northwestern Mutual tion, trom the closest official servicefunitsl'tms and of-motorists everywhere.----------- - - --------------

F ire A ssociation and the N orthw est C asualty Company „ . ________ ,have placed th e ir in te rn a tio n a l a d jy stm en t service sys- , . . --------------- ------------------------------— ------------------ :--------------- -------------------------------------------------tem a t b u r disposal. / ■ " . - ™ E

. SAVING: The exceptionally favorable experience on / ■ No..........^■insutanfce written for.A. All A. members has made it ^ luucc^. i .. .nun . . , . - ,-

_ sible for us to offenijhi5-.conwietc insurance service to . -------- ruik, ijai,„............................................................ ; im.... . . -,v,^.. . ..^IdahoA.A. A.memberaata^^^^^^ .. ^

. • T h e ^ combined featureis o^ o u r Insu ran ce D epart- • ■ • ric™yoar"utiir” T»rn.i a M t c r *•’' •' ""o'*' ’ -t . - i j i lm en t w am i-n t the tAprough ia\«shgation .by .n iem bers;Q f ’ . _ «v,hom,^omcf.. • .„ • . •.tie IdJjho A. A. A.j^^Avdl as,those who shouldbo^n^>> *“ . ' ' iuk^ofcar......... .... ........ mooh............... uc*n« .vq....... ............ .yiioiorNo....... v»v1’vV

-• " • bers, oiir ofricHsLhave coJfHplete inforn^tion'^Ddub ..... ..ciiy.;..... ............ ............... . ocwpMJon......thi> lie^ scrvice and; wjII be onJy too g l^ l».exp3ai;^t. I A on ......... t r.Ofl S lg n a lu r f .............. ................................................ ..................... .. _ | - :

^"'^oyba.‘ . - . D u f - . . . . ......... .............. • • .• • • a u d n ^ . . . . ; ...................... ..........................................................i '- * ;» - . i _____• - ' T < J U J . ........................... IIS .*0 , X«-<r;>|f>nrt> siSdrMH................ ............................................................■«

Page 12: Ai. Xn.MHiaH ll)l._______ • , ...... ._____ I W I.\ iUAilU. PATI.UIJAY. AUCU'ST ik. • , • • ______________

r r , :-" '■■•,•'■■ ''r- ■, _ ' ’ . , ■. ■**;. .^ P A G B F O U K ^ • . •

TW m FALLS DAILY TIMES----- ---- ------------ -------------U om b«r:-O nit«d P fM i A BioclatioB .. ..

p r io N i£ s V ,b ! ':^ 3 ! i “ T " ~ “

, B a te rod a s locond clhaa mnttQl' A p r i l '11, 1018, ( tt 'T w ln r a l l a p o ito fd c ', andier a c t o t M arch I , 1879. __________ ■ ____ ' '____________

- - -PDbtiBbMl-«Tet7 ,:e^veDlDE'except S u n d a r a l ::C5 U o in <A.roBa« E aa t, Twli 1 ^ . Idaho , by C 0O T A 5Y , ISC .

' O L 'S .’ C o l I lo f . 'R w ld o s t uho. I t Croia, S e c ra tA rr-T re a is re '. L . O.. Oijllln*, V ice. PrcBtdenL H n rry U row n. E d ito r

A dTorU ilne M auaK or....— -------:------Joo P. -Drowi,P lk n t B aperlD tondent ' " " " ' ' ' ■ •----- ■■ QobrsD O. C!arl<oi

,rm»HATIOKALf>RniPRCai^TATtVE^R..G.jni(ils.Co.^l20.LcxlaE(01iA^Qnu(. K«w Yorfc C ity. 30 N orth M lcblgnn A vcouo, Clilcnso.

.................. .......................■— i . s v D p q j i i ^ Q N . i i A T J i s - . - .— :________ : •.________O m -m oQ th . | .tO ; th rco tnonU ii. 91.C6; 's ix m onths, >8.tC: one y e a r. 16.0'

I • BIBLE VEKSBS'B jD PRAYER ~.70V0R .'BORROW—AYlu'ii llu- rV'litrous pre ii. .•mlliority lli.

p e o p io rcjniff: liiil ‘wtifii tin* \vii-lci-il la-iuvlli riih’. thi: pottplo luoiini — P r o v . 2 fl;2 . • •• .

~T>nlvj|hc riKlitfoiun fi»r tiffiniiil posi1i<ii ’

“B R A V E p I o p I X u n d e r t a k e a n . -^ftM B lTlO U S-pRO G RA M :------ --------;----- ■ --------------

To en te r a cagc f illed w ith w ild an inm ls requires botl n e rv e a n d bravery . Similavly it is a lso j-iskyUo go ca v o r tin g 'o v er a .d y n am ite m agazine. ■ ’ , .■ These tru th s a re b ro u g h t-to m ind "by the confoi-enc*

-held-in~Boise-a'fe\v-days,-ago by-d,ougl5ty citizenb.(»f-scv- ^eral W este rn S ta tes tb consider taxation . Thure is nt m pre dangerous •pKnse o f our political an d econom ic lif* t)^^n th is m n ttp r nf jm lfin fr :i lov\* on resources of the in d iv idua l fo’r the operation o f govenin ient, no in a tte r \v/ia t h a t g overnm ent m ay be. . . . . . . .^ K e a d in g 't h ’eTpresiLi'upoits'or the fconferencC thuiy wa a- gen era l onslaugh t oh p resen t expend itu res of .pabli^ •ftjn^S"an'd"a“ d(r<5Vi'in{ri)f‘th (r ti’G nd 'o f-the-day-to \vard ’t!i-- introductioiri o f so-cailed luxuries in our sta te an d nation aV program s. T he accusation, w as m ade th a t ' legislator? ■WhethDi’i t- tG in -c it ji ip m m is s io n s .-c o im tj '—co m m i^io n s- leg isla tu res, o r in conferess, a re beseigedj> y fad d is ts ah ' ^{Slm iei’s^W-hQJiavC- som e urojec t to i>ut over, a l the ex pense o f tho d ea r public. • ^. - : T t ig-prnhohly f n r . . - ; c W - I n W . n f i i n . , t n engage in -ai ed itoi'ial disc.ussion o f such a far-reagh ing .lopic*. Init ii, I j to 'b e o b sc rv ed ''th a t‘w]uIe these confel'ences .jjrobably ac co ir ip lish .a .g re a t deal in ai'ousinfl:.the j)ublic coriscienc' i t i s seldom th afre fo rn )3 a re b rough t to l)ass.: ^ r P re s rd ^ it .E .,E . Shepherd o t Jerb ine, of. the Stnt G h am b er*of Com m crco, drove hom e som e y ita l fag ts^vhe h e said^T^'VVe a re b c i i i ig '^ x e c rT o r fn tK 'T m T n 'in ls ^ — rr- pracfcic^*v?ritiC:^Iirt:his-conneet-}r?4H)e*assei:tefl-U)at-iiM£_ hjive in .many instances perm itted o ur school system to b exi)loited b y ia d d is te an d social schemei's, so th a t the co£ p e r pupiV has increased TOO pL’r^ e n tts in ^ 1890 without.':

i i f e ’s problem s.” . . .“W c .ta lk abou t farm relief a n d 'a t lhe sam e tim e ta:

th e farm th e .h e a v ie s t of al!.” the ap'eaUer continued ‘ IJome ow ners a rc constan tly growing, loss, b e c au se , o taxes.----- ’'We~in"ci=^se“ th e l j rx e ro n xhxn 'a ih 'nad-and-nther-u tn-itiife^lmmviTnrthiirtlTn^nTiTisraiiTl^H-hcnirassed-nTrto^th- sh ip p e r a n d farm or. T he r ia lro ad s a re i|inw juiyiiig mor th a n a m illion dollare a day in taxes,, niuch of • whic* f in d s its w ay in chargcs a g a in st fhe farms^ ye t we pcrm i much^a£-the_vvealth ,o i tlie .s ta te , in the form _of J a n g ib l _ p ro p e r ty r to -g a un tax ed , a n d 'fo rce , tho b iu d en of gov erti’ m enV upon those o ften loast'ab le to pay.'

^*We h ave b e e n .increasing tlie b o n d ed , indebtedne? o f the S ta te s an d m unicipaliiies a t th e ixito o f m ore iiia:. ?3,oOO,pOp’p e r da:^', usually i)y the vote o f those wlio ncyc ex p ect to p ay a d o lla r of it.” •

■ Thbse a re fac ts tb a t a re w drthy o f Ctrhsideration In w ho is p rep a red to j)royiilo a rem edy? Perha])s, a f te r a l' w e-n iay be fo rccd lo j;esort-t6 a sijnple form ' of.s:des ta sim ila r to -th a t im iJosed on gasoline w hich m etliod woul- insure co rttnbu tions frnm every ind iv idua l in the c o u n tr a n d in aceoVdance w ith the purcliasing pow er of th a t in dividual,Ayhich,. by the way, is m)t. an U nfair propositio) b u t w ouki.secm to a ffo rd -an eq u itab le basis fo r 'th c ra ii in g of nece?sary ;expenses of govei'hm ent. T he m an wh- b o u g h t a ])ound o f su g a r w ould p robab ly pay a cen t o tw o in ad d itio n to the reg u la r p rice ; the m an w ho bough , a n au tom obile o r a g n u id piano wotild be assessed pro p o rtio n a tc ly in i-elation to the ex ten t o f tJie j)urcliase a n ' th e am ount involved. ' '

T ax conferences a i r all r ig h t fn n n tlu* stan iipo in t o so c iab ility an d frien rish ip -hu t wc-d»)ubt if they ever ae ' com plish an y th in g jiractical.

T he ed ito r is in receip t o f a conununication frnm ; h en p eck ed husband ask ing o ur advice on how to hand le r w ife . T h is is a deep and serious s u b jc c ta n d (ine th a t re' q u ire s m uch th o u g h t Being a m em ber o f th a t o rd er our self, w e h esita te i)efore going on record . W e m ight tim id ly su g g est th a t if slie is of tlie clinging vine type yoi m ig h t got o^vay with it.if. you. trtja ted Iier mutrh. On th r o th e r hand,, if she has a s<|uare jaw an d a doiible chin, y<n; h a d "b e tte r'u se diplom acy, a n d th a t a t ’a sa fe d i^tance.’Ii s lie is a n ag g er a t hom e and ab o u t vour place o f business ^ k e a n ig h t tn iin fo r some nov.* sta te an d s ia r t anew . If w e appear'-on the s tree ts i J ^ r th is is p rin ted , all liunged u p w ith cu ts, sc ra tch es and-bi^SHK;. it m av-bc caused by a n au to accid en t— an d th en * ^ maV noL— Bm m ett Index.

A M icliigan school board^ iro in ises to f ire an y teacher, m ale o f fem ale , w ho d a res to sm oke, even in th e privacv ol h is o r h e r ow n ro o m .' .Verv jiroperly the guy w ho put over th e m otion is p res id en t o f a nurse^* con<pany.— I(lhho P io n e e r .; , ' » '

^ : : i r v d s t r t \ T o ^ ^ - i i s i r \ ’ih r© 'iK rn m c r i ieh ildas i t d fd f if teen y e w s ago. B ut o f course a good m any iof them a re su re th a t th ey kn o w tw o 'a n d a h a lf-tim es aV R M icti^N am p a le a d e r . • : ^

■»' — _ — ----------

- O t h e r; V i e w p o i n t s

A I’O M 'rH '.M , KMIi.M.V" (.Viirlli N’.'Wm. J.'ViiiiH'J

JJpi-dlJiir: " f « i'lillHi'iil t'likm ii. i (in-.ilrli'iiUul. {iir ,li

' :trtiii'rue t|. tw<i n f tlii-m'. p'lU'V ii aiuuutl_IUuiLuk-auiL,U;U.’jiulJL«,M.:^„ . Itnili of tIu':>L‘ Ki'iitU'iiicii u rc li[ 'rricfr;> lit «u(> llf Ihc Iiirt:<'»t' Inili

- T /n i - «»rKUiUXttUoiin_iii_-tlio— uouHt im l iiri- iiri'.ii'iimnlily ivrjiK

I lloih a rt’'n o m in a l ly Iti-inililli-iii' notli Imvii vohin liirlly irlcili:i.-il' nl'

;ltiii(ro.>iii tiov i'riin r SnilMi (Tlio .N'l." ircforM tl) fliKiiIfy iliv_ I'lmclldme

.sjniliii ’jiiiriL'iul oC "S' ■ tm l td l mill -A(r. Itnnlaii) .Iiiik nccciK

lm Jnl) of iniiuiiKliifr tliu Kiivi-rniii rnniDiilKii. I''at;li <U‘MorJH Iilii im rty i>:

“ :oi'ii ovor“ Ii) Uu* iipiwHlhoii omu'Iikii; lil iii 'cn iiiit’o t llio unviti'iinr'x w et pt

_ 'llvl^)].;i jiiitl-ili'i-liiniiliiii-^ •• •• I-—'TIilH Itl nol'SuK li'ul. (.'iircriil n-ri{

'fnn ifiK'H uoi Kiifiiiorl ll nti HUltlch' ” -Trounitirfnr-imi.',h n-r.i<llciil <lni)iiriiii

\ ilrlii’k'i)r.nii>niiKliln<' Klil»J(y.<i!<>ri' IMM. ••llKltf;-’ w'liK'. o r lifiT nin'r.e'

■.■MS.-.'uii si'ur.;.'ly I-f tlu- "miriimum!KSIM; wUll IIK....... . Illlll CilllllLT.

\Vi> I'lililliil r<'lllin'n Ilii'ltr (ijip.l•lit «vifn<-r»i (<ir. "ilu '

. t'l. I') t1i<’ .•iiili'oiiii' o t.ii iic li ,iitl !;ihii l lo lli.n ro liriivlly liiinn^Mtrii In ll

iium ifiirliiro « I « iiriiiliiol wlili'li <; ;ryl)ci<ly In ll ib r iju n lry ik'HlrvH nt

.v lik li nearly ovcrylxiily, • ciijoyn i lie- •|niitnifi»:ltrr<TH' ow n. lu-U'c-.;ll

r 'Turd,KNIT iiriil •iiy ulioiil chin.

T Jirlr liiiHit»-nK..-lii Dtlipr wonlH. KiomliiK Ullll j>r(i'»rucii tn uuiillium i morn hii-Miiilo - o f pi-iililliltloii. wlilc lioy oMiniHllily w nm ilowncil. T lnu

l)«n. n r r« r iJ j f lr 'Jn jn ilj Ir nij)ioi))i'r H tlm rn nrv nuw niiil.linvc Iinoii ui

' f r iinilillilllon. T lio ru fo rt. wlm l il 'V nijnpni" ' Kcntli-iiipn w nnt?

Tiiono’ .Tiro tvvo " n f Hio 'TmlKmiiH- .-011111 llicm, ■ ,

____E X iu u n k s r i :I.Miinlniiii U 'ccnni-ltoriiliU

T l lo ' w orlil liim ‘ cr.iin-d In litim

‘ t Iiiih forsoO t'ti IiIh |n-nco »lil|> nti ili< l)riivi> iMiiiiniimrcmi-iii iliiii. "Iih ory III Ijiink." T lic iiiitoiiinlilU' wl;

'm J Jll jirnof o f fln‘. triiIJi o t I/Im ii-ojvl lin f if "yon luko a ll tlic o.xiiorli-iic •ml Jo ilt:m iiii nif mi*n n y tr r.o o u t i III' w nrtil llipro w 'aiililu'i lii' cnoiiK

toft to rm i, II," ' ' .'■■'nin p iilillnrtni< 'ini*»t—<111 r1(111 nf lllll Iliilh lilriiriln>'*nnnJr(-i-H:ir

l.lIttllllMIIi. . . . ,"Tlu> n-ul iirnflln H t HiIh o r , nu

tlio r K\iri'i'«H(iil ciimpiiny iin ‘- iirntHi-il cxtw rlollri'. 1if>U.‘r jiictlii'ili

~nni-p' SliHli-ir n 'nfrim i'n . mnro hli;hj 'V .vrldiii'il r iiK lm 'rrinc ljriiliiH,'”T'l'ii>n >rt’ »!)(' fc'nlnrrt frojh>- ir..i>ltii.oiH) Moilel T K onlh—iilouf •; nnt llii> lii-i'l p ro rll," .' .

. .Mnny .\im -ririin liiiHincKH onl'-riirthr ir<! Ilvlni; up in iliul. cn -cJ . Tlii-y ur niili'liiK inoncy._ lnii - .l l if lr ^:rcnll■^ "iilHtiirilim | i il'crlvoil from tho pni

-'.'..-"''rjJlL '-. __ri-iiilur a iiil the!■rhli'vi'mL’iilf' 111 <'ii>;lin;i'rlui: ’niiil'jiid

"'nnhTiT:— -----------------------------------------

D a i l y P o e m .

K M.4X ":ic milkri Ih - uucl.'iil w»jt<. ;i Cntii

nnm M iiil-^- ■!ci 'ihcy ni'sm iu ' ■wiiocnily.hHnilly iii' •v r uiaim iii at im r t ii i.ii ■iih ii.iniiii''

• nrii.N^fr)- :vfn wllh' lli<- .liiwii o f huioiiii llf

hii::.n. ,VJillv Mill Illl- nw;imp-1)riil luulistur

..Hew n r ran n fi'Klon.i lul lo w ra th iiinl.pv-rll. I> HroOi? uKiiluut...Niiliirc‘H .triAlc ri;

n iy ,.Illlll l i ln 'p o o r wnltli- iltvvMlii;;. Ilvi

hi:* ppan)f anhioiiK, hn?;<rilonH • iluyti . . . .

Tlio mn'nchlcKK iiiiirn JaVi' w nltlicil h is c ln iy . f^n-il hi

. Hic(lfiiMlm-'>». . ■ . ;<>f ulll lll i. 'l^ '. ciiiiKht hy (rlhii

Vi'i i:i)ln);,'i'ii nm l on. nil! nn. in ti >'lrHt. lu 'lr of Ilfv'R irm t n rh iln rrn r j

- C . I i L u w rcn tc . Ill iiii)_!.<inJo- OlVscrvcr.

{ - L i g h t e r S i d e

..................... - IJnll- « i lU.urx.v-:__,\ Sroti-himiii <1rovc ii|> to u pn

il;ill.>n In a ..llluphlnlcd Vnrii. " In you i l r tri'cT" im uRki'd. T he M lrm taii aiiHwcrt'il In Ihc n ftinnn ilve.

•TTl liavi- !;omr." wnlil tin ' Si<il.-'In ynnr cTiinki'nKr h.Tvlcv iri-e!

he- tmUccl.______••ll iK." ■"I'l! h a \c Ihal Icui, Ctin 1 ho rro ’

\ «lK ;ir.(l.-r-' • ■ ' •Till- S .o trhn iiiti l.- .l; «Iir rU -J trll .

nalU '.l lllllll th ' ' iriiH Miillmi iiiuii hn ill'-iKlcil m hi-* fr.inkci.H.- nml civc him fri-« ilion ><inrir<l jn Orlv

" • I s ih'Ti- HiiythlnK r i s f - l - run <1 fu r j-.iH.— till- attctiil.iHl,‘ "T iicro H." n.iltl. Iti<* t«rc)lclimni nx h<- hr«k<‘ tin- rlR.-ir'-ttP in. hal: piillltl-.: in ir p .irt in hin |vorkrl

cUt- :n.-' a m iilrh ." ' ' ' —

■Jm . .y u rb -Vllir JlTr’my waA tn\lio<l in ii t.hllilr<*ii'

p a rty , ami on tin- tnh le amonK i>ihi Ko<«l ihlnCT BitMMl K llntriilnc u ra w hprry je lly . T he vllir.-itinn of a pn«< Ine M r ii to ci'nl'^'r atish^k'c. . •

1'rexi‘n ih '. When Jlm m y'n t i i rn m n i 10 Ih. I*ervr.l. Ihe •‘Ai.l; "WUyor hafip. >>otno,Ji-l!y. Jimmy,T“

IRnnk • to n ." »ahl Jlmm:

• T«n»ll'. «ir l la lr riK ]. IririB S tick ler hail n (nniwMlnl oper

.Ilinn T ucsJay t.y Dr. j\V a lkp r o r . a i t . '— N .m n n y m - p a w r.

i ,

' ,T W D t F i a ' t g D A n .T T a c


Uy United Praii ' 'w ,\s in .s 'c : ro .s . A n t. i s —i'ho ur

tiariiiicni, of A ;:rlonltiire' n-poricil tc '■o liny Ihli! Iiiienilnns or pl.intliiK wit ir'M i-i- w heal aa'or.AliKrtiii-1 Inilliiiilcil n - ^ - : i i : i i ' j zii-iiL.2.1-in:r.,i:Lii’.JciiH _tliiiii..ii i:'i I tiially ::nv, n l';ii;’. /n il .

Ii lln< iiiiontlnnit nx InilleiUeil ,li fjiia.ymn i,.|M.i<taarfnniiarn..wor«-c«rrt« hy onl hy a il A nicrltiin farn iern ; , th i«, rnli>-il tiiau-h '.i^rciiKi', woiild 1io.-li} Il'> .'{2",<i<ii). liiti'Mdcil ncrenKo in uhn iit «-n per ren l. nr I’f i i r ly lUlU ntrcii Jrn ns lhan ih<i nc-roiii;o'ImlliMK-il hy ihc-A ui >l'’ |u n t 1 H‘)iorl hint ycur,..'<» Jnfeiiitol.iu 'rcnK tf o f w iiitor rye f'l r n ia r n ln In rep o r ltd )>y fiirm cru tin 8, mj ]ior. cent Kroa tc r th n n lho - ncrcn}; tiy'.sott'ji- lltpt f;ilt Mithl,';iin;nntl-“ W*!- ■n- enmilii ItilCiidf-d decrciisco 1

..................... u-hlie oiliei- lirlljciliu l,r>-I-1 <j'laie» Inclm lliii:- I’eiinsylm 'lll.l, l>i MJ .-m) Som l, Dakotii. N.:-e. -I,raiika. M onlann. Cpliinnln nnd_ Mi_M nr miKola ri'p o rtn l Inlcifiied liicri(uiiiy<. *ir .The tvlirfii .iiluiiilnK inu-iilion« nr I") I- Ks ihiin lii^t .year rlilefJy In .llio vo:\— 'iTeii h'uilea lillil OUlnliDinli mill TeXa; r . iT h o A llunllo ro a i.t Slnl.^s iilinw iihoii

i.^i«i}.;'..'rea!;i>, Mmilnna nQ'l Wi-0 .1 e i l i 'S la lc l l.lli-rcaMii. anil Hr10 i l ’n lifoniin ' I'oV'^nv.e In ntltl.-dciK.-mK'n V-1 on 'jin iun in rnlnn.

ij : Serious Charlies ,i! That Gas Company ;; Used Bribery Plan

u y V nltta f i f t :l.O S ANCKL1-:S. Am;. IS-^CImrKOi

‘" . Ih n l 1hu‘ SmiiliiTn (‘nlirornln On? C)m i'-4iai\v-ttn.Hl 4l.«iiiwin.U-ui-ilaUai:a-ia-Ul;- ’ fiiifiicc IcRii-lndim in lx»» AuKolof

c liy emim-ll. 4iiiilt>iil'i''illy i-ii lifJorc Iln- criiml Jn iy . nffh'hili' nahl

The aeeiir'allonri- i\tai|e lit d lii 'c t I''"- h .'iim nirT .iil Mil' irla'I m i:. i:. Swi'i'iw i'................ I 111 Ilii|-in I r i nl -nVi' |- v<1 filnnllniliiu :acl-i urc tnlr«ilm-eil. Uei.-

Illy Ml'Arl.'t A ltorni'y l*a«aii nnld, r-j Sy,eeni-y. torm iT orriehil of tlip sn!'

rnnip.die, In r lu iruH 'vlIli U»' "m hei, 1- 7lem ent of SliHi ndO r.CUil' or«nnl/.u- )( lion 's fuiidi'- Prom , till! w llncn# ntnii*) h ho imlll llio innncy tii*ei|. w llli I,ho cnii- —nTTTTof nuhor.iin iccr;* . mi n i;rn ft fntnl

y!_cmiip:iny. ' _____ ' - • . . -a___ >i.v- iui- v •.'a l.l‘lii!_mail. ;iJnt»1.y|r.t_H.1ld

oniUm-d u>*->r.i'i)nM nJcei« In whii'li y oai.h.. tl«ii:or. nnd olh tT K rnmltlcii-h;u!1. iM'ineil trnm him loV lty n ltlrln ln wh'rn «. Iniportniii tiiciiinirc^.w*'''''V hy i-nnnciiV'."''y7 -T w ~ rn i'rn rr- - «jr>' ' r t iinrilmcTi7r-ti11 m lniilo d e iic nml \ t i l y u l|n rncj_ havr y hi’en n a iad l hy Sivcency aB tinvlnj: mo.

, ecivcd h i- ’;rl1'i."‘. .

. 1 M atters of Record \r <• , • — ------- —---- ----- ------ *- t — Alcxntiitpr-rr-lirm tnti-iniiiiintT 'rtrT 'ir.

- ih 'i i u 'ju liist I'n inU J . .K rnholii ’ ntiil o lhern to cl.-ar lilh .'K . ■cerla1ni!fl!!’'v. •1‘hfl>.'iii'in:: Innlllnieil for l!ir lilalnllff h y 'S n il lh 'n nnil Sm i.ln n i.I OnolUn^•, Idaho.'

I’ri'N ile Conrt.I linh I., Cii.rtii., i.Unn.lJoh U Curitr.-;.

1* iiiimi-i1 ill II eouinialni fllcil;;- '■ In x ’h ln i-w ilh a iir tn n iU u r 'io hem hl-i

room n-ni a t lim ItnKi'ri*on iioti’l.-Tlii.' " di-Condiiiil ill ihoiiKht lo hc ln .O c‘'^*art:’T---------------• •j'..ii.-r ( . .n r t ;--------n — ~

‘ A woman ni S.-iiflto U'lifffilnct'^n »ht);to nam e in wU|lhi-hl 'vlrod hical linlici- ih a l I'lll- iiml'' hi'r-i.on «',ii;

^ .heliiK Iii'hl he^e, .Shr-wlnh-'d lo wh;n the cUarKM «Tri> fiml why, Killee itnnw ■ nn'lliliii? of t l i r .ih .in nsahi-'l wlinni they n re tiiipjxiM-.l to

, little vluttsi-K. -----'> • .llnrrlm.-!' l,li-en»i-H.

Mnrrh.Ki- .'e ;. w ere iHMiieil lo- Wlllla K ll-erhko nml l:vn H um ;', hr)^h

of Hn!,.!'. amf m J . 1- lU nhcrK nf Tw in■*.V.ilh; .nnd .May I.. DihnaKU o r \ 'U - . to-.vii. C alllnrliia. . ,

rn)pi-J-Jy Tniii*.fer>-.' W I).- I,. T. W rlrlit < t ul lo I'rcii -.V

n i1h :.-# I. lol^ s : . 83. fil. ff ,,.s7 . IM '• 'A ditlllnii In r . V. lleliihM Sllh'llvl^'lon,» f i f . . Ciiii;)lsi-. j :, .

dal.’ for pi-oh:iIe Jndco. •k I 'lf. ''MV l^ V. U irr.on. • cnmltdntc,

l>ro»c. iitla;; a iln rn i y. n ronh llc iin .

} ' i 'lf . 1 \i> Il.trnlil Win. M crrll. cand. f to r Co. Snrv. . Uci>.. fZ.

*1 • W O.-M am li- II. W hile e l u l lo l:. - : j . - u . i i i i . i - a i . - ' i i . S e t. n-io-ir.,■' • M.irv Whli.; C.or.lon e l v lr tbr n.ime ! l k .iik ' lan.l,.< O i'l).- l.l/.:le Ja n e Sliaw (o SMni-y

j 1). Shaw ; $1. lot 4. hik. 81, Tw in n ilU .


i| 2 5 *" I ' ■ t h e . - -

, rig h t p rice . '3 r to p ay iorjL ' ,

go o d to o th •; p a s te— -.

' U ST E R IN Ei t o O - T H p a s t e

) V • i c r g e 'T u b e ,

7 2 5 ^ " ;f . • . . .

‘Jnno Slinw. $1? Inl i:i, Mk, in. T . [•’.• Adni, Dcetl—T . r . Ilk A T rm it O '

• udm lnlM nilnr of cMnlt* Thnmm; A AlkliiH..iU'c.!'ni*(d. tn Clyd.! AllUo,8I-: .\i-: s w 2 7 -'i i *ih .. Qc;i),—A nna M. (Jrononmn lo f'. ,

Q r.rnsKiiinn, » l. nnmi- Iniiil. , , '

I T.I Iduho lnTI^"iiir«I jretiirii .'.i . .. n - r . ' ' T o lllnclirooe iinil l(i-(iini

,,vii(tii"i •■Jm*.« - ,K rn m T u iu KiiIIh vhi Ori'VOit. Slim <■' l .I .l l .n r lln llhu iil. .Tk-kt-ls'>pioil onl

'>y tn lih ik lil of :Aiik'ii,nl

i;« . Twin Falls , V eterinary HospitalDr. H. B.'Groomo, Veterinarian

;;c ,200 2nd Avc. S. -Phono 20-W


i‘ [ '■,'l' ‘ ■ ''toUfl ’ " ^ o 3 a y v o r d e n t a r i:• ’ in your a\itomob

, fiv e y e a rs ago .

w orthy pcrformai'_____• and acceleration

In o rdor to satis: ,, now builds thci?

_ i . • -atiJ tb e Pontiac.. ' J carc th an eyer bef') _ _ ancca o f one>thou!

_ >verc once pcrmis_ of operatioris3ire,

■ — ' 'c '” onu teu'tnoQ^aniL— l__Z3* 0.itctnnd-and^P<\ buittiniactoriescc■ . • Ooliland AlI.AjnCTlCiJ

'“Twm'TF» • Phono 729-W

' Kt llj .Mntnr <N... JInitellon H • ______ ___________ " ll l i i - r .Mj

P R O O U C* T. : _ . * y s = s j s s s = s i

.' ■—

Why Swc

AnythingI Our body and fei

turn out the''be«t kin a real workmanlike

ia~' . ; We have t^e lates tc use theiD'-'-and d

Lind Anp m a E - A N D SHOP PHO?

) T he Fiai

' -•G O O D Y Ei^ TffiBS '

eji-----n y vaJt»a Pico*.

HVl-:. N. Y .;, Juu:. A s^rrJL ..M l it.. .Siiiinn ilnm iy. ch.impioii o r Ihu Uiilh n. Sintt-3 ycnrn nml ,>lt3(^0hii, I 'l io liniimur f^iiDpln..' K[U’lM (im

i. ttnollier-vcn'jr^li at'• - rnnH. will in c i 't lrtdny!for liii- I-Wtci

wr.airn'M . triinh i 'clinir|pInni>hip^'Sn M Wchi C lioiln r-Ililiiiih rG clnl) horu. .

h b a o TIMKS- 'a .- A S s ir n c f r A 'P ?

J PouItry^jiuc^Sl l W o J i a v o a - - g o o d B u p p lj* -o : -■U] 'acmTsolt’d '^ ^ a U c im tt l^ rS irp tn

H m n i m “ pa'^^'ltffe^ighcstrprlc6J for. P o u l f t ' ^ ^ d B jg B . ; S c o TJs B e fo rc ^S cU in ff:

j M e r i d i a n P r o d u c e C o .i — R O lILTnV AND KGOS-^ i 1.')9 W all S t. ,Fbbitt> 17P

c a r ^ ilt^ ^

id in fin itc ly .m ore . e n tire ly wUKi i le th a n y o u ’d id ' 0 .n k lah d 'is . c . Y o u d c m d 'n d . 'a n d rcplnclH j

r n o r c ^ m i s t___ t o n i s e 'o r i l y t tn ee, Breatcr sn ap , accu ra te dcsif a n d lo n g e r life. t io n s ta n d a rd t

f v .y o u , OaKbina---- f t * i ? 4 i u n s iU l iA m c r i c im S i i o f l l i c c a r s t o w S ix w i t h B T calc r W o u ld n ’t y o u O T O -W h ere l o l t r . . t h o n o r i a 'n iv « in d th o t . a n m c h . b i l e .p la n t- m ll lb le , n o w .8c o rc « d j i o n s u c h a . a c c u ra te . .w , i l l im , . D r i v e a n A ll« h : o f - a o T 'h 'h - • - T o n i i a e - S l . ' j r>niiac 'S ix es a re a n sw e r i n su in sc ru c ted a lm o st ■ iitam inn a n d in Slx,.$t045 ta StZdS.-lUjnilaG Six, $74 nd.pmtlac dellvt^eil f irfccs'-ihe> {nJiufc ^loron Tfine Pu>it)eni P lan oi-ttllubfc a t n

aHs ^OaiaT w in , FaUfl, Id fih o

“ O u r R e p u ta t io n Y o u r G u a r a n te e ' .\.. >1. Siilutmm, Onklcy

n tiir Co., Ji-ronn>- .I.ciimi-u Mulni

W B 'P C


That GanE l d e r s t r a i g l i t e n i n g d e p a i

t d o f w o r k ; ^ — a n d d c i t i n

m a n n e r . _ '

t tools a n d d e v i c e ; ! a n d

o . -

itomqhile <e a t u d B e s t E ip J p ^ ^ d G a r a g e , ^

■ S A T 1-.H D A V . .VC C it'S T

-----TUl Ke — HTl l NO R)SUI-TS. - ' ..... ------

uy '0.1 • - • -

' ^ ' : ; M m B A N k ^ # 6 R S E ; :

Ball . Btiarihg , PumpingL ,' U n i t s , for. I m g a t i o n : ; . .:

ScnlcK, Miiiorn. AnlomnUc-l*rMiitift! I S jM cm s T o r.Jeep 'iT clIii nnd '^e^*

I - ^ i e H W E G - B R O S _ £• Aiifliiirlrsd U fuUiri

F a irb a n k s , M o r s e P r o d i i c f aKvt‘ry'l-!m > n L pjitlcr' V"

PImno ir.05. 132 T hir.l Avc. North • ^ppoB llc Mngul Antomobno" Co.- .

f o - g ■ , ’ ■ ' ' i


i s tIV e'pnM tw b y c a n i .: o n s t a n f I y d i » c a r d i 'n i : j , j . e q u i j j i n c n t , c o n te n t . - •' t e v e r y n e u ’c s f , m{>jrf n i r i D i k l a r a T n T p c c : — :------------->-----l a r c s c c o n d t o r i o n c i t i . _ • '.■ c tm r d le a g o f th e n f ic c . * ‘ ■ m c b th c y i i r c a p p j ic a .

I p r e f e r a c a r b u i l t i n ')0 9 t m o d e m a u lo m b ' ..t h s t a n d a r d ^ p f p r e - •_ .............i9 O a k la iu l 'c m p lo v R T , ' l .A T n c r ic a n S ix o r a ' T m d “ v o u * lW in d ~ tf ie — — - ip e r io r n e r f o r m a n c c , ,T e t ta t r t t t ty . ' ----------- ^15 10 $875. A ii-pW cetac i■ lo tceitJianJU nechurer* . < ilnimum ra r« . - * .

_^;'220 S c c o n d A v o i E ; '" ” .

M. A.* U c r r r , UuW : l'o .,'U iiK (‘rninii ___.

W t m :"N e a A L . M o T O a s

Be^ixe^r t m e n t i $ e q u i p p e d t o '■

t h e l e a s t t i m e a n d i n '

o u r m e n . k n o w h o \ v -

: y^r/iO i

C o ^ a ^ tF ^ T S F E O ^ s k . . -

' ^ ^ a i S E i t j i z A s m o a -

Page 13: Ai. Xn.MHiaH ll)l._______ • , ...... ._____ I W I.\ iUAilU. PATI.UIJAY. AUCU'ST ik. • , • • ______________

I S -


WORID SERlEiG i a n t s T a k e F i r s t A r g u m e n

. by C l o s e S c o r e a n d N a r - — T O W C O T d m a l - I j e g d : — :

. , ■ ’ a* .tro iU (i r n i | i A J SL L 0U I3 . Alli;. 18—A l.iisebiilh Ar

Ruiiicni' w likh Hi. tluuiK I'liilH'cnniilil orod a ■;llitla-worl(l_w!rlcH" ciilnroil Jii

'•York OliiuiH (iKlilliiK to ov«-re(iin« n t»-0 ’]inil one-lJiiir'i-niiie lenciic Iciitl nl Hio SJ. -I/Ouls CJirijB, '

Tlio Olilnls-Bllccfl fl ru ll fiiimc off Un: Cnrdn' lend ycntordny Ijy w inning ilu'

_QDDnc.r.:,3 j o . 2 , .iint!_todny_;Henl Curl H ubbell. rpcctitly u’> from tlii< Ucnii.

' iiioni chll) of tlHf Toxaii Iciikiiu. In dx' mound lo •m ulch nftcrluKH w iiii Utr veteran caitii>»l>in{-r, O ro v fr Clrrn-

-InJiiLAlfiAiinilcnovjio iiu» wuu ir. im-i lom C Hltn year; • •

A. n'ciiKuncd oliiiftrvor of l)iiK(>l>nll ro. im rtcd U iul yoHlcrdny’ir Kamo w:i?i "Icrrlb lr" ' dcn^ltn tlio low ncoro. Tlin

' Ctanlii'Mliniilil linvo Kcorvd 20 runn on llio .liltifn ic tf icy-rcu laU riid , fio mW.

-w hU c-tho-C nnln-H icrally "liiiolcd’J .tl ''! timri;)n o f 'v ic lo ry • whon Andy JllKli (onunlttoi) fl " ih rfo ba«D e rro r" In licnv lns w ild to Mrat biisc., A ccori: roHulicd On ilio plny.'

New York Giants. — Gain on GWdi'nals

. -I ' ______ . . '

SK\V YOUK. AUK. I S - 'n i o ' Ncw York Ginniii rtnlnMl U Knmo on thi.' S{.' LoiilM Ciirtllnnln ycxU rtiny ' )>} licndne tin* N’n ilonn I ' Voncuo lenders, n to X nnd rcdiicin;; ( lic lf lead to 2i4'Rftincn. . •• * •

Tho Now York- Ynnks a n d l>hlla> -deliiW a. A thlcH cs w qro • Idlo' In - iho- A morlcnn Icnfniu hi-cnunc of rain.

— T te-sw nrfJnff of t b o ' l w londers In cnch m n jc r Ifngtio fullowo; . .

■ - - ^ iH nnn liL cnK u i- ,v - .Cnmon

. • . . no- T cnm : W. - T>, P e t. Wnil ■ S irw itm •.... - ........Veu- Vorli ...... - .....-64 '43 .MB S ii

Amcriphii iieafnii*Qtttnen-------------------- ^

T cnm : W .. L. r c i . ^ jilndXcw Y ork .............78 37 .678 • ........nillndoli»lil.i ..t____73 • .0 « 4H...........ET-\01.V i; ETAOl.N-^’UIL

W H S T l ^ H l f f S r A R S *


. . njr v u u A P mmRoRcrn H ornsby l.ttiO) (nllcd to

h it BAfcly In Uirco tlm en up.J ’ju a ' mnrfo'-tiJr

h'l^ucIlDK iwb“ douli1cnrln ncT«m tim es lip lit a doublo h e a d e r ' a g aliis i thu

•i're ildy . I.lndntrom ' (.niiOj nTiiSTcir onco Iri flyo trip* oKaliint plurcnco M iiciioii.,' ■ :

Kranklo F risc h (.314) fnlIc.J to h « ■ n to iy ln th roo trl|?B aR alnst Krcd r ilu tm m o n ii. • ' .

H a rry JlclimanD /.SOS} iloubtcilnoi) tlnc lcd In Ih rco tlm on up nRalnsl Irv liin 'H ttd lcy . •

Babo R ulh (.328). Lou GoliriKi (,36flV', nnd ArTaiinmon*|^(.370) wcro idloTKCttUBc o f^ ra l ii.- I '.y -'

. . A m crltap U a |n c ? .T \ fluUi,-'Y anks 4C^ c h r k VnnkB .............................. a:

, . S iitlonjil Le^ijtup.- * 'iVIlnbn. Cubs .... ........... .............. 27lo lio in 1cy.-C «r« t» .-............. .. ................ s c ,:

• '..T o ta ltVmorlcan lenRuo ................................387 ''latlon'ol IcnRuo ............. .....................4C5

Seiinon's to ta l ................................ 852 j

j. • ’O ft. w o ;- : •• n

f ID A H O FALi:S S5 ^ . , i e r t i f V ^

W a r J B b n i i e t i t

i i p u n d ^ u

A u g u s t i n c l u a v e li

■ l U l tn i I M L H f . S t \ . „

ivr fsnhCT UtonnaUm cwnit *it, i i . W A O » g B , ; i i d g ; ^ * i ^ ■ j

. . p ^ r d i i - 5

w m m

'Ronnie M aci; M ake\


' ‘c o N N I E ■ •

--------m v - U A t ta v . w K ttn itg n v . . .• (U llU od'iT cns S tnff C o r r 'f ito n d rn t) -• Sinrn contlntiu hi r<lvolvp nroiin.1

Ihc KrnyinK hend «>! C onnis Mnclt, c rnii luniitiKer of Uic I’l.iludelidiluA lh- luKca.’ , • •

W lth 'th c oxci-i-tloii' o t Jo h n Mc- Ornw. who Icndn llio New York-Olniitn no )n'nn»«ef''Jn thc m njor Iciisiic hrisi hnd no m nny ouisl;iitd>n-.: tmil plny<rr‘ o n .U b .p a y rD lL a a -A ta c k ._ _ _ _ ,; .

Ho M arled luick In th is diiyn when wlnnlne■pennntilR hln hnlilt. Thou hu hnd Kddlc CnDlns, w h o 'fo r yc-arji! wnn th e k lnc or sucvnd huH nain. a%il' who /« now hack viJfi lh " AtJiMfc.*' In tho capnclty Qt dIiicIi h lltn r :iiid condl. Mnck iitno hud th n l bIu« I hu th lrd ..baiicm ui-w ho bccnnio n ’mitlnniil flKuro—H o m a Jlu iiU u k c r., _ 1 1 '

Then ‘ cnmp thii tim e w hen Mnck nurtorcd fou r'K irn ijth t defeats In th?

ion Qrnvcn. Tlmt* caoncd tho I’tillr* dclphin m nnaRcr to b rpnk hln bill* Jiflni- leam ;ind bej;)n o cnihpnl^n of bulldlnK from tho c round up w lthi] younRsiorn. • ' , • |l

Seven l» r i* r r S rasuns. • ' ! r o r - ih o noveh yenr# b e tw een -JO ltjJ

and 1921 M ack kep t un .UuUdlnR^wlih-h ou t ouccens. S c ren e i r a l s h f Btnaonirh wont h r wJ(h 2'hi>a<lcI{>hlo f fn l ililn r ' < I r Inst pldco ovcry llmo. Dul Mnck'n < carefu l V o rk flnn lly bcRan lo te ll and the tenni c lln ihn l u n ill ' ln 'IM C ili*' ■ AthleUeii. flnlnhcO UilrtI and lunl year. 1 tliey 'cam o In ^tecond. ‘ ^

}l wns In 1825 tlm t M iick 'p an laH r RbaD(tone<l Wn p'roimcm o r ]younsslom nnd .took h is -checklHiok j lifto tho m a rts 'w here Imsebnll inleu* rIs"s0 jf1 .~ jre” cn ivnrbnck-T rlth— J.cfty :□ ro»e, r n r whom ho fn ld »50.000; iMIckcy C ochrnno. lho hrllllftnt enlch- ier who co st «0.000. and Paul S im nil. . I7S.OOO ou lfle ld er who tu rn ed ou t toac lhe w o rs t buy or thc..V)i. i


a y x m it^ r r« w « Y « te rd a y ’« h a ro : L a rry Denton,

fow Yoik- O la n u ’ »ce. who«« bril- ' tan re lief pUchlnR •a ab le d th e -Me- ^

laU. 3 to S .■ .D enton w es t to the nound IR Ut* t i i A U f lo t i r a jO l th tboAMS tllletf- and • on ly one cwi. I t« ••llrvd th e » ld o , and thefc not tb e ‘•anln d c n « one. tw o, th ree , m th e •Jnftt. .T JK hfflfnV *fl»retf'.>wo r»n» 'a «ach(lco m e t a n d lh e o ia * f o a '*.n d y C o h « n > ila ja # ;’ ' " 1 *JtoUK M e W e ^ outp liched Sherift .

Hake; lho Brooklyn HoWm defeatla*- •he C b lca w Cnb«. I* to . 0. n u b o /ir«w ler*« ,» inK U ft B ln ih .^lroT t ^1 ib^ .w lB . ^ •Tw o m a » in th * n in tb . o a a w alk -

3 Zltzm an. K eliy‘« doahU a n d a sin - .lo. by L a g u enabled tb « C Inelnafti ‘

n e W U 'a lK T a teh tm « U by P i r r t l l ^ e tll tb» a lo lb ' w ben , tw o a>o»« -aU» ' rofod a n o ." . ' ' i * rie TTm]saer .iB «4* M T«a b lU androT* le e l i 6 l -n«aa.' tb e_P lttB bH 5» .ir a tM ta k te c « n o m ,i g T m a aBitfU jL .rw » l**» **■«• *

l a !• ' - * '• 'M Bddr B a el 'a lH p*» nr Jto t w m « J

B jMLfTtn Um * I A t b . t a i ^ t e n th « ^

■ • • T W

r and Seller : of Stars

T & r / ^ ' S n c c r - - —A i S M lu ^ 3 e L V ^ . , .

■ ' ! | ^ . . O P T i M ( s r n c , ■■

AOA • J ----- — ^ 'I. OA SPOKE ) -NAW f — -V C O U .IN O i//lM SCABE.0 ^

0 ^ . DEAUNQlM • '2 W L , I A N T iQ u e S V£T J

w B k / c o t m t ^ o d r \| ^ H | / MU7SrAf35.7l} \

/ ^1AKR.F0UReAUIw)C L u a a e o r y

\ r o M E o p x -— <

B q SI'._OaiafcjuoatJilack_liHd„ii..(9r.i)ilj|Hli),'' i c a m .' . l lc 'k c p t on huylnx trad in g nnil (IrnrflnR unUModny ho hna a club tha t thrvalvnn lo -d ln lodce the iwwurfiil Ncw York Yankcpn. from . (hc-K ndcri **hll»"or <h'o AniertCTn Ijea/^ue.'

Zacli ‘ W heat, who for yenrn hnd b e e n 'a fixture In thc o iilflcld . <*.* Ihc iJrok lj'n iM Icors. (>ot on » riilla<Ii’I- p h la uulforiiv.laitt yaar,-but-hln-nK luii lesa could .no t-cn tfy hlm tUrouKh-lhv pennant drive. Trin S peaker wan filsn- od up thin yonr, h u l ho. loo, mowed to Fuitior T ime. (Inly tho 'm lKhty Ty Cobli camo through In (ixpi-ctcd style In IJI27, and now , ho has hccn nup* p innlcil In the outfield hy H ans, n fcrcnl hlt^cr nnd a iwUnhcd oulflelder.— — ^^.Slmuuiu I»riEil<F*t I iifr . ' __-Al-Slmmons-'ln MiraWn brlftiitcnt bUlt

th in ,year.•S lm m ona coat Uio Athlotlcn nlz-ntr />r'>iion>>v hut ho ‘lft»» heen w orlh .every- cen t or It B»nco MnSTT inuKht him a few iblnRn ni’o u \ h ltthit: nn'd tu rn ed a rnw, aw kw ard y ounpner Into one ofr Olil mo»t reared hatsmen In th e nin)or leaRUca.

•Tim 4heck J«>ok In j.|ll l/w o rk lnR nt Slilbo park .--T hia y e a r It J>n?UKht Os­sie Orw oll ou t of the obacurlty or the A m erican Anaoclntlon’ and uindo him ono or tho m ost promlstnR rocru lts u( tho sonson. I t alvo ob tained Ocorne ICarnnhaw, B altim ore p itcher. ‘ Who R tn rte ir im l 'SroWTVnml w ho now In >rovinp thnt. Afnck.know.i w baM m }.•> Imylnk.

I> sn er llc'hls who .havii npnrklcd In l‘hlli«leJ|>lila a rc SamiJW H ale.. Jlmm.v I--OXX. Max JJlshopi' UinR* M lllor. How- ird Llniike. Jnck Q ulnn, Utibp Wnl- HerR. Sam -O ray , Jo c _ D o lw ,-U lll-Ix ir liar, D aby Doll Jacobson, • f> rty Ifst- mnch. Slim H arrlss . R alph rerk ln * . loo H nuner and Jim m y Dykes.

JJnck linit eam c 'l 1j1« UUe or ••maker Itld aollcr o f s ta rs . '’

re O A & T -tE A G U & *I RESULTS

I'.VCIFIIJ I'OAST LEA OfK A t & in F n n c lsco ^ IL H .E .

follywocd ...................... .....- ..... 6 13" 0 1dlsslons ----------- ---- — ........ 3 C 0 1

D a lte rle t; Hhoden and A pJ«w ; Crause, Nelson and Baldwin.

At L os A ncelea; . I t l L E . (tjin F raaclfteo .................... .1 1 1 4 lM A ntelft* ____ «------- _____10 12, 0 1

B a lie rlrs : ‘M ails ,. J o n in ,. M llchell nd V arsaa. Sprtax ; C unnlnsbaM . 'Hit- nn«t sanb«rir.- • ' , . , i

•A t. f e r t l a n j ; • ^takJanif-..-.,:______________ ____ 0 S- 1 J’o r t l a o d ________ _— :____ ___3 10 1 ^D a tterira : . O oebler. Dtimovlcb and |

iead : Poader a n d Saoo<l*r*. ' i

A t ' S «a ilU : R - I t E . 1;« e ra m c n to -------------------------7 M S <iw tU e -_____ i .______ :----------- 3 « *D a tte r tc ti C randall a n d SeT^r«ld:

W U rt a a d B o n w U . . . <

7 .n ^ T E I L T Z.EA017£ ' * *. O U A boaa. C i tr U : D e n n r « . •ytleUtx I ; D m M otnet 0.T u U f c ^ ^ o . ■ - 'J .' I

T b V sb tlo a -S a 4 'S o x 'b « ID r lb « Cbl- I

a? iAij.a~DAiLT-TiMia - -

F i $ h B i g 7 R e i ! o r t s —

S h o w A n g l e r s o n

W a y t o M a g i c D a m

FUliliiK re p iir ti fo f iii<!'wo'ck" on.f show tha t n Inrae nuruher o t uiiKler.i will be »t .Made diiiii Katurday an<l Sumlny. iKtw- (hn t (h^ hnn Urtn In'i'ii

* llfled nnd w ilh ln s In hiirri’ii exw pt liomhn and dynam ite. T Ih to nrc nnaic cood Inree flnh In Ihe w aters and.llicy nro KolUK lo die an the w nler In drain* cd If tho.flH heriiicn,don’t Ki't Iheiit out

- Xlrj.t____ • ___________ __Tlm fl’ih nro rciiorCeclTirnwTii a

BllBhlly Mon condiiliin due to iho hIu■ In th e w nter.-h iii-liy •■oiiIihiK .iho-tlKli

iit HUgUny jiiill)- .w itlcr lliey vlH como* flr iucr and cni'ily J'Ullnbk'. fi>*catlnK.

O lher condlllon reporin nre:-Whod river—Splendid flidihiK with

• cxrellicnt m lclien o l Hvo-i'oimderH.. MnInd rlvef—Alwny« nond flsblni^ f n r . II cood {liihoritinn.

Salm on falln nud livii rii|n<i«—D tfr flcu ll.flnh liii; hu t tho iruiii nro thuro und 11 KOod nnK lor.cnn s n hln llm ll oi the biK one's. ' • , •

prcsunl. ■ ------------i—JUirtuiiKlL la ke—IVrc'ti rw iltig j»i trncUuK iiuiiiy, ii!t ll tfT-Rooii:

A nlclope nprlnK«— fl.-'!iin-: Ifj th e (luy ll«» '. iwHiliii: i:f niuht.

A m erican I 'a lli i- cniirjitl.elow. tl'io dnm and nooil ciitchcn luthn .renorvolr,,!, ......... ...... ^

Snnko rlvor—T rou l m niiiif r ” “ *~ fnlr. n ih ree -po 'inde r liMm; c.iuKhi '■[>• PKrtlto •llniihiiry nnialorlum Ihhi him- dn *■ Salm on river— 1'rohobly the hc^t fiHhlnK“ riJ lliv y a n r- lh P rr fnr tioiid riHhcrmen, eHpoclally,. wli.-ii tho irom a rc s tr lk tn e fine.'-V u n k u o I 'o ik -S n lm o u '■iu'»rln!j n -p«rled-«UII-K»*d.------- - •

B ear cre i'k—SnImoH riwili-K iilir.nrt-InK-ihtM inKtorK • ------------ •.


OGPIJN'. A iJK.'18.—The O cdonG iiu- T IIOM won a pllchern ' hnitio from ihc- S a lt t.i)kc necH.-S to 1. Iiertt ycnier- day, n f ic r IoiiIur the la s t th ree Knm< rt p lay od -hy Ih6 tw o tcnmS. O lynn of 1 lnr"llrcn-nlli>w<Ml—bal_!tivu_lill<l_njiir _ Dick Youm! ot llio Ouunorii •ullowcil hut «(* hf'H. •- o iyn ii stn icK « m hU i|iwl ViiuULstru c k ou t {Ivo d iirlnc l)io Kiime.niio • doiiW e-pJay w as- completed, Mcliiaae ti> S loven for O'Kdcn. , . • . „

Tho ncoru: »•S a lt U k e ■.............................. I- 0 1OKdeil' ...................................... 5 ' 0 •

Ilnllerlvs! O lynn— iuiU -^-l.ap tyn : Vouiit; a nd Lykc,


nOISU; Aup. i».—TlKi' llaniiockB rtlK h tw jd -thH r-ho ld -O H -X lr^poa lU on I Id Ujo leajriie by poiiiidinK Hollcrnfm for H hlui und .wlnnhiR tlto Ramo from th e S e iia to rj. 11 to C. here yoB ierday ., • . . • ' , , ; •

T hc Kiimo wound up w ith ,a Jot. of scorlnR by bo lh tcanin «n lho la s t few InnlnRs. T he Dnnnockn w en t wild lu th e O rst of th a «1hU) fran io to scorc T ou rT a m 0 « ” antl- ;lne rcaj)0 -ihclr lead. - TliL~ S ena to rs sciircd tw ice In'- th e la s t of th c n in th . MoiioU and H oller- , son homerod.- Tlnr ncorc: • ' R- H - l iPocatcllo ......................*..........U H 1Hbluo ....................................

D atteflen : S nyder and KochC: Hol- Icrsou and H ow ard. *


■ • ' “ ^ M ^ I C A X I.PAGUK . “ ^

A t W’ashlnB ton: n .H .H .D^itroll .................................— • 7. 7 0W ash ln tlo u ...........’.............. 3 ” 1■ U n lterles: W hlichlll *7 and H .ir- KTavc; H adley und K ticf., •

■ A t D oston: ’ R .I I .1 ^C hlca«o ........ :________ ______ i 3 11 0D osion ....•.................. - .....- ......- 8 0. .D atterlc s: Lyons and Berit: Crouse; n usne ll nml D erry.

.O Jher Rnm es,,rain. ‘ • '

S A T IO tiA h I.EAISUf; *

A t 'I ’ltlsburR h—Flm t cam e; R .1 L I:.PWlndelr>hlft- :r.:-;.--;------ ; i i _ ^ 3 .1 0 . J : _P ltlabu reh ............................ W 15 -

B .itlc rles: W llloushby nnd Davln. Schulte ; K rcm cr and Hemsloy.

Sccond Rame.- R.H.1*.HhUadcliihln .................- .... .... 1 « 0PJllsburRh — .......- ..................... y 15 1

B a lte rle a :- .Sw eetlnnd. . MllilRnu. Wnlsh and L crla n : Dramo and Ifem*-icy:------------ ;--------------------------------------------

j 'A t SC. t.ot;ls.’ 'S tw T o rk ................. - ...... .. 3 11 0SL LouU -------------- ---------— -

D all« rlc« :- FltM lm w ons. Fbulkner, Bentoa aod HORaa; M itchell and W(I- ion. ■ ______

At C lncloctttl; IL JI.K .B o s to n _________.................... . 1 3 0a n e J n n a U ...... .....- \ - - v ..... ...... 2 « 0

i ja tte r le s : G r e c ^ l d and T ay lo r: Ulxey and H arn rarfc i .

At Ch«caso: ’

^ l e a c o _____ — __ 5__ O B OB a lte f le i ~ M c ^ n ? “ i» « ^ C « > c h ;

Blaka a J d H y ta e t t . , ■

' f i g h t R E S U L T S , ^

i L A S T J « G H r - 7

. \ J ly C»«»A » ! « •'H O L l YWOOD,. B a rt OsIloM. .

d a lm a a i- ts tb a P ^ i e c o a a t ' M ^ r ^ ' t tH )^" d e fa ia d lU r M o 6 n rA « > -

b M V rr» i«b t -

l ^ ^ . \ a r t U a n n ^ ^

T IJU A N A ‘JO O K EY OLUB TO .j __f^PEN •TflA N K H U lV IN ^ nA V

•> Uy Valtvd rr« i«.SA N .D li:0 0 , Callt., A iiK .-IH -lw iih

$100,000 addeil mom-y; nn lorn-ario ‘>f J I &.000 ovor lant ncanon, m ilklu« . au fiitlmfitcd crosH vahU! of :itil>r‘>XliiiiiH'- ly fl30,00u, Ihe, aniKiuiicemont un^i

l O B i g R .

w h y G h e v r

____ ____ W i t h o v e r 7 5 0 . 0 0 0 nt h e r o a d s i n c e J a n i

• . C h e v r o l e t i s f t n t c h c f o r 1 9 2 8 . C o m e i h i

■........ ■------------ p l e t c l y t l i i s - s c n i s a t i i

• p r o v i d e s t h e t e n Kf« a u t o m o b i l e b u y e r s n o w d e m a n d i n g .

mm— Goinpi

■ . , T W i i r f a i ;

P h o n e '707 ■ , 3]

q ' V A ' L I T


Only m Pfymouth o f aH can get the dtfdnbive DeW.Oiityil

■ ‘WOeldif adnirrmg.:

' N ow bm tbe Ibw ^jic ample'tootn fc« adtUt

: A « t ; i b o T e ‘i n , . . j w . • ^ c o n p ic i i i o t t , p c r f o f m a ii t t v n d i

ta x D g a ^

; _ , ,V ............,

iiUitU' Uidiiy hy Jam i.'' H'oinl I'-nffrollvjir«»W uJiU x*L_U u^Juiiiia_JuU .W L^ll_ilint th i' wDiiil'H rlc-lirf.i raci-. ilii' <‘r>r-frocfi H ill I.,- rcuc jie.itMarch IT. a t 'l l i r TIJnaiin ift':" rniii'Ki' hi Ol.l .Mvxli'o, fl:t<'i'M llltl-;;. brliivv Sail I>lo««, II « 'tll hv ih<- t.'iiih n iH'UMl.(>r th« .iihm.-di;. .T h t; dl:it,uiiv In .......;iillf,iin«l a riiiiiiirr.,iin l lln- <'iliidlil<iMr ; I'i'H llir th ri'v . 'r» r iihl'i iUiij iiii«'iirci:i.

. . firj:

; a s o n so l e t i s ”

ClioiceCW C h c v r o l c t ^ t o n , ' ■■ u a i ^ y , 1 s t , - t o d a y ’s - , j i

) i 'c c o f (h e N .i t io n i n d s e e h o u ' c o m - , •

o r t.T l a u r o m o b j l c ' - ' ' --------j r ' —: a t f a c i o r s w h i c h j j

e v c r V ' v h e ' r e a r c , ■'

------ -Tlitf-GOAGH-------------- —

^ 5 8 5.............. • ______________

• ' * '8 ' ■ > _______ . R

lees,'; PElZZ-b

• . • . _ TK.

“ S '■ - i ,

13 M ain A vcnao W est ' “

Y - A T ' L -O ■

Modol[arhP l i p i i o i i t h T


r f« W 5 * d in i i ,# 7 3 3 _

I flO Um thc hffftst-pnctd 6eld e ^ y o

oad beadty .whidi-4U U»

-fi^ctn'yba'^'a•• ■’ / ;

h pbWee and eibd of uob iS ^ l r t n w

o f i b i c e r i l j B q w i S ! ^

h e ^ .

r v j i

I TIk' ai'iiioiiuhci’mont cinuio from Mr. liJu lrfnUL.Liiliifiiito it- iU ih .thi- l!iiMii[tir," .i [lit lho make i>ri)i;rani to r tlm conihi;, MiiKo/i. Ht .'njim.n.1, which In ncw rd- rUiK;i' i>'iih rLV;»'ni <,'uatoiii, Htnrin''ii<kt |Thaiiki.i;lvliii: day -and .Tuim Tor on-.-'• h iindii'd or iiiiii'o_ la clus 'ilny .f.

I T-IMKS WANT ' a m s UUlNO' KE- .Sl'l.TS.- .



- ~ 4 ---------------------------- _______ :_________

I, n'Mii'.N , • .T - ' I.


c iiANni.iN<; '

i i S S S a S i i.U^clfaiaket.7. rXQNCMY , ,

CI.evrV>Ut rwo'l»»"l'Y «»«**■

s; m ain teh»n c e - . . . Chwoft’ietilnvi • wn«Ulvl8« crt»* ul*liuii(uclnw Malnttnww* cMlb

K. iu . ! J a j^ aL tT ------------V - --------------“Chcvrotfl’i r««*l<> !• unirra* .■tiy hiili brcMiK Chrvmlrl'*

i. rmCB . ' ''~Clg7tSl{r o tItri~T1» ^ ~lieWtn5l . --------------

. . .

s f s r . . . '6 7 s . WS2fii3?’3 «Ali »r<cMt«.b..rUai.UteUsM"

Ckack €k«Tf«l(t BtOmtM rriM*rii«rl"elwletheUw< tu ^ a q f W

w C O S T


l o l m r ■

i s

“ ifiSKS’ss

•.W jaiifil V i i < i » i l » i 1 j L f t H M g ^ ^ a

Page 14: Ai. Xn.MHiaH ll)l._______ • , ...... ._____ I W I.\ iUAilU. PATI.UIJAY. AUCU'ST ik. • , • • ______________

s i tX . " ■


-^RICE-LO-IER'.irjIlCACin, "Aiiu, ~ l S “ -Opilnilnttp

r io i ) ‘n-|i(»«^ from ra tuu lii iicni lowor loilny h JU t h >I«IV itkhIihi oii fll« J}o;»r<l o t ■DjiI'-.«-u» IlKlil lll ill «:iiiTl-il Illl. flvriTrcil.lellvi'rlps ullKliUy liliiln.T.

W hi’n t c lny-'t low er: riirn“ vn» UD U irfS r^ jil.M w:ii. orf.

’( i f l 'lc ; rr-\lril< in» w<Tu um-liaJiKcil10 (illKlltly lllKlllT.

t 111'! iipi/nlni; Kiii-ii:flli •'ll ’l.lvorinml^ Wltli linlnncril l>y (■(iiiiiiil''Hlnn IimiMr

■rtoll’lriK mill w liour iiiiciicil m caily in fn«ri‘rl T rm lc wiiii «nilci luul iiioiillj'

UOWni.ll I m TrUlllllI!! K.IKTT. unrtoil' Itl Ihli iinilrli- nVnvliicfii «f Canitilii! oiilMlcii' iniirkcin w<Tr mill. Urci'liiljt wc'rp 2r.(l cruii tt'lUl Ull’ I'i'iOi iillli'ld’t itliclim icrit

Soiilciiilicr ciini iiciril llwltl “iii'ly •tn-1hf- • nn il-n d v n n rn j -plinriitj '■ n xliorl I'oxTrInf; liu t tliu r l“i' wan <lii:cli<'il I'y ;irl11rtK iiKiiliH't tiffcni. T 'l- vrirnblii niliiH In tlio -ivrslon'i iH'ri of rlio lipll w oro .n linirlNli fiictnV. <'nnl» corn wus Hti'aily... Arrlviiln wore fis

OntH iisn ln touclic<l new Iok» on rlif i;ro|i. Kccl-Ioih ■ w ere nifi m r s w ith (liw ctiHli inhrkp t iincliiiTi<:<.‘il.

O rnln tiiliirou ninKCil an foltow n: • ■VS’MliAT—

.Opcm 'I IIkIi J ^ w- <’to>pS c r( ........ -.1 1 2 4 3 II2« i • f l i r i i ' IIlTii

itfiT?.--IIRtq-M a rc h - ..... 121-i/i' 121M,CORN-;------- -----------------------------— ;--------Sopt.......... HS ‘11)'?; ss Kfl'K,Dec............r .\\ \ 7:i^iM n r c h ': .... •Tr.'S. . 7 0 . 7r.’a ' • 7f.’VO A T S .-sop t. ,•........ :»!«, ;ifi'/. . , :m- •D rc............. . :i»uMtircli ..... it>/j :u

( l I H 'A liC M ^ I I . 'j .n A r N ‘. CItJCrtCiO. AiiiT, IH—Whi'iil Nil. 2

n tiprln); $1.09. Nn. n mlxcil $1.11. N<>. a N'ortljviU} * l .n . ■

C orn. Nn. .S 'y iillow II.IHV.!. No. « yuilow n sr, Nn. 1 wlifcr

.1 w /itto s s i i c ' {1. S’F N'o,,-J w lillo .'Mtt. N<>. 2 fed n s ^ c .

Rye.' No, 3. flf-c.R arlcy . Cfic tff 70c.T im othy »<.20 «? $iDO.Clovor. $ gf $211. _________

- ( 'in i \u a i- ~ i f ; r v L s f (» r k 'CniCA OO , Ahk. j s —Hokh Pocrlpl.i

r>,noo; 'm nrhoi iinovcn:* b o lte r KritOt? IIkIiI nnil meiUum welKtit Iiork Jijnsi- ly 1,0c 20r low er; lou 'o r . crnili.' hoKH momly ritrmly; lop 112.CO: InilU m edium nnil-Kooil ISO O' 240 |<niiiiilii. u t $12 ifi> $12..I0. ■- ..C a ttle rcccli,il!i .COQ;,. oiarkcL com- jiareil w ltli w rpk n i;o ;-r lio lco iilriTii nnil'yoorlliiRH In IlK litrr iiunp ly t nlil|i- plnR ilomnnil fa ir ly hronil, Imlk hi-II- Inc $lt>.7r> uiiwnrd, Htnuly m niroiin; liiml fu t kIio iiHick . ,uoiri:i:. - urniinri Iitcndy: liiilln ►.■'‘iifu illy iilcm ly: vcnl. ITH ri'cnlni'il <-»rly r.rti: • ilecllnir nl vloBc: Biockori* mill fecili-rii Kioiidy. •

.i^liecp 'TorclplK :5,llitO ;^iot miicli rhniiRo nny oIuhk lOicep <nBriinili.< oti sm nll Htipply: ilcKirnlili- nnflvn i JII.7r., I-'or<(lto-w<‘i>h;-U.‘>-di>iit>l.-»-fr»li>-(r«Ml~ tne-t.^f^ll«^|H.-^^.7lln-^|j ■ .|clonhiR 2r>c r.f r.Oc" lii 'v c r: fnl na ; lire* nlieep unrhnnROd: fccilhiR lamlm 25c hiRlM'r. XJ\.iik'« lm lk> nuiKo lamlm .$H.on ( r ; i r . : ' natlvi'H d? $ u .7 5 : throw ,.Iltn $Hr lo JlO.nO; ! tn t rwcn $C.2u (r $7; (eeilliiR Uii'iilm $13.25 ( f $ H ; • .

• IVOIIT. ' i nOSTON. A i« . IS — .A ^llHl(^^;4-

tiiH'niiin 1" iM'.nR ilnno In n-ooi:ti liu l lho lindhiR In n|> V ery, lu lo ilemnnd is l>rlnc_ r'-o -ivv! rn he ('''a nnd Cui.T iina llllcx . h iil (|HO*i U ...................................... ........... ......... . , .l

Local Markets• B t m s d T B i r E f r '

« K K A T)lfk low ...........- ....................................... 30'edero tlon .................................... - ..........87

HnUAItluRnr. b ri't .... - ................................ I7.0IiURnr. rauo ..................................... IT 21.

t'iiUi>Li(;K Ilu tte r fa t ........... ................... ........— HRJotter.' ran c h ’ , . —.-.--.-■.•’’rrr:—•<*> - ^g a ,. ntnndftrdti ..................................... 2(1

c n iC K E X s A x n f o w l s . |lca»y h c n i. lb*, up ...................1 3 ',.iRht henn. u nde r 4Vs' Ihs.................. 15 ,iCRbocn h e n s ------------------------- - n .toclu ........................... - .u3 |,p rJnrc r* . co lon-d .-up to < Iba..— .15p rlo fe rn , LoRhortw .........J .................. 171'p rinee ra . colorcd. up to 4 lb s— .20 'rv llere . colored. 2 ib t ................— -22u r k c r t . No. 1 — -------------_ _ _ _ _ .19ork«9b. No. 2 --------------------------- .11,(Q uoatlonB OD d rca ied tu rk ey a j

100 hlB ber lbat» U re.) .---------------------- --------------------------- .07:u c k * _______ .......______________ .07;

LITESTOCKorn. b u te h fr .................... ............ .m ■oRa. b e a r y ------------ -------------- .07Vii

“-"" roiict'oa)w i _____________________ OCQ.fiS ju n o n ________________________.0. Iunb ___ — -____X_______ ____ .13H :

8 E U .r o PB IC E S<tac« ____ __________ --------:------- - .10'r io lo •lo*k‘ ---------:____________ _ -321sund i t o a f c _____ ______ ____ J Sbooa a t « k ------------------------J s j

kcon. a llced :-----....... ........... .'!>____ 'io \ \imb c h o p * ----------------:--------------- .<9« a n c b a — iiii- i - j ...-------------- ..30 j .'O i i r i : : : . ---------- .os.xTOla. boneh ----------------------- '> 05.J0B». d r r . # n » fp r — - - — — .25 [ ic am b a n , e^cli , .OSB 4 n c « . J U *. I w ---------------- Mt t s

Market a]T O P

(CloilDK- » -------------------------

faai'K fe'r fr;:': .NjAIIlH CbnlmiTH .MJr. .Ccr, . ..•........ IJ7-‘>;

■; Anni.v-Anrl^Chijiii_______________ 19_^lAriH'rIcifii U<-c‘l Siiicar tN>. .r ......... 22!A ,T 'ili:an Otiil <‘oiiiininy ..’..........liH] .\ i i 'T l ia i i I '.ir mill ro tim lry ..... !ki'lA iiii-iltiin mill Ki.ri.'iRn I’owiT .. .UlAii:i rli-an L. ciiiiuijlvr ' ..................I ,\iii.T lc:iii,S ii;iai. I t i 'f , . ....... 2H

j'Ati'.rriniii Tel. ntui Tol. .......A iiierkiin' T«ihiii:<-o II .................1«1Aliicrlciiil ■ Ziiuc ..... - ...............;.... 2T'V,

I .UiafouUa f.’npiiur ..... ............... t.7 •I At-lilhiin .TiipL'liii & Siitilii I'V A ..I l 'll ' J lu l ih v l i t tt»i-oiiiotlvo ..............-1M» ^

Ttli-fhli'h’i'iii , Hlucl_ .............

' Cnlumot (c Arlzonn ........................ ‘-I7Uvin.-iil.i J)>r ..................... ................. "'■’■'ijC;iii;Mll:ill I’aclfir .......................... 210Cline (J -t )-T h rrn li -.:.... --.-'-.-..vrrnHtl--

jcc-rri) dc I’aiicn Coiipi-r ................ "t-’ijtMii'Mpcalte C Ohio ..............171=Si

iChlc.-iK.) Cr-'iil \V|.»tcrii ..................H(■•(ilcnRn. Mflwau. S t. Paul & I’... :!7'>i

; (•hlcaKO itnd .VoriliwcMorn ........ Chlc.iKn. Itock iHliutil aml Pac.... 12l-'S,I f l i lU ( '.'i ip i'r ;......... ....................... 4 'tl.

Chryiilcr .Molom ............................ -13Clllra SiT vlto (i:tirl0 ‘ ......... ......

ConKolicliiliMl Can .... .................. - .J .I7 . .Contliii'iitiil Can ................ ...........llfiCorn I*roitiict;i . ...................... K2'/s

'C rtjr*W <'-S«'’<>l-.- . . .....r - ....... Vihf,-

n tl'iin i l lilt Ni'miittr;i &. C t u .......370■Krlr— lt.-i»rpad— r r . - ..-. ...■........IJIrc trlc I’owiT 'm ill' I ,lrh t ..........O oufrnl T ank ......... - 7 0G c l li'rn J ..^ > lia ll ........................ficn rr lr i ' iM a r ..... ........................... (50?i(icncral ID lrrtrlr ............................(icnc ral Moiorti .............................. IS.'i'.i(ri'iiiTiil O iiuM tr A()*\ <if>i.......... .

(ioiiililcli ............ ' ..... “ ................ .' 7ri^i• ' ...........* '

;t;rci^nii Canani'ii ................:...LL.I01'k.(H ow e Soitnd. ...r..,.............................. r>s',i; llitdsoii 'M olor ................................ nin.’i

llllnolH C eniral ................ ............

Jnr-j;linllim Cnnji. Cr. iiK’r .......... 21hiiiT nnlioniil H nrvenii'r ............. 27n •InlornntUmiil NIekcl . . . , ...... .,.......lO lnInliT liatlnnul I'apiir ...................... fiS’AJo rd an M otor ... •..................... H'.iKantifti (’Ijy S outhern-..................- .MJCuliU-v\ll«'n-0'M ''‘"ni-------------------21— .Krll>—Sprinr:fl(5lii— ......... 1M4-

!' — ------------:------------------- -------------------1

J,ill»Hi !iri> JirlKlit Flf;!, ••('•ii nn : not .u rtlvc lier-.niim otfo.-I.ic» of Rriicloil Hlock nrn llntltcil. Qiint.'i*

. j i . ’iiH lire viTy : :i-, nl fiOc ff, '.n ' '.•» lho BTennc. A fa ir d^'mnnil I'l. I'plnR n - r iv e i i Mil r.i.s III rric'<(i .....................Rrcnuri' (o r Rooil iiiriv ll/- coittbliiH: hrlRlit fli'1'Ci'H, I

I NKW Y O IIK 'P ltO D t'C i:.. - IMCVi- Ali/;. IS—K loiir '

anil iilcaily. I 'ork, , |iil i 't: nii'iiH to3.r>".' l.aril i if a ily ; inlilw cst npot

,$i:i. IKtiKar. riiM (|ii1el; hjiiiI !■•»( il<--

llvi-rcl 'd u ly paid J t .2 l; ir tln - 'i l. {iiit'aily: RraiiuhiiMl Sa.fif.. 'I (;ii(fi:iL ill ll ,7m 1,11 Htiiii

|n ;”.T-Sli; rt,' '• Tallow iiiitc t: jiiircl:il~ tu i '\ irn

i f r • liny .Itil!: No, 1. -J ; . No. n. |

|S jc i f jj,ii> : i-u \iT siii:-If, j

I I'lU tT I.A M i a.IVKSTOCK .' I I’OIlTI,ANl). Alt>\ lS,-I,1voHUick r< - 1

'('.'IplH 111 I’ortlam l m r tliu week c m U ' Ini,' loilay w cro:" Cnttlo 2,S?3: Iuikm

.:t.Trir>: nhoop-.3.;M). .T h e , only re- "rclptB 'tm hiy wcro l ln hcail o f iilirep.l a ll In'InR fietd for Monilny’s m arki't. |

Tono nf thu ntnrkct un com tiarcd w llli a woi;k aRii:* < ;a l t lo '— nil c|aMri,'« ideaily ' w ltli

i.Irer ip inltty iillK htly. Iiclow the av- oraRc.

lldRB—nil clancN fully n^i:.Tily. ft'i'O* y f plKrt*iOi*;<j,- 7fic , lilRlier.__S h tc p —<junUlilV-aloady-iuiUi iU .chn li’t lliiiihB ahnelit. . -j

(XJIMIX M V K STIIl'K 1(J(il)KN. Alllf, IS _ lIoH« rrretliti.

lou; very IlUle O one.'ft-w m,.«;i $;i | Sl Jl'.T.’.; for Week rcrelp ln tr ii i ir :i;Tr.: :iyi«tly lilclicr;-i.> i> -Jli r.o; hulk liRht nnd lucdliiin hcIrIiIh }ll.2ri[ «i.$ll.r.i<; IlRht linfiiK JU 'fl $ tl .2 r i: | plR4 - J i n —r r r - J lo . : : . ;—p acn n r~ sn w T r“ JS Hi J«.r.ii. ‘

C alllc rerclplH T.'i; m urkci xlil head litcdltiin nnd Rood ra v n S~^; <-iilii-r an<l commnn S-I.r.o (i fiVr.i': Inl calvr« tfi.riO, to r week re- 'r l|i l» -im a1 21'; lop oilil IoIk Rooil |



T M i^ y e f t J t . . v o o * v e G tfT T A ^T ltK ARO OO C A O '* T a f t t o ,v o o 'R e

. WCVBft M c e e \n>HEMVJAfJTA P O A t - t l ^

B I J S • ' 1

ad FinancIK S T O e R S --Quolntlonn)

K c n n e c c t t .......................................... !>r,i(|KreiiKe .......... TT .......................... .. .. 7-1l.ntnhcii ........ ................................. lliK'iLfhliJli. VatlOy .......... „ .....mi_l.ouliivllle lOtcl NatOivlYlo:............ 112

iM;icl! T rilelii .....................i;,,.. .Mi.HM'ltrlanil' OII ................... ................. bi'i'ii

| .\lli,iul CuiUiiir .................................. 21^iMliiniiiirl. Kminaii und Toxnx .....,\II»iioiiil I'.nrllln ...r......................... Cr.',4

p T r tlinii.r T O g r - .:............. .'.............'. m - ;I MoiitKonti'ry W nnl ............... .....194iNaidi iMolorn ............. ....................... KOlN :iiional' Hl-«:tilt C.i................ - .....Ifir.'.iNnllonal Uupt. StoroH ..... .......... .!u9«

' N ational KitnnUdlnc ......... ............ 311 N ational U a d ...... ....'.................. r-'iijj,'^■v\;!ila i.’uni*. Co|>liei'-.,:................. I'Mi'N ew Vo'rii C chiral .................. ........lfir.-?i

Ls’i.r llii-tii Pnclflc ............ .........;,....•iifi'S,I P.ii'Iuinl M olnr ................................I'aclfic ■ {(as ..... I IJlectrlc ............ 471iI'nil-A ttjerlcnnPariitnonnl rntnniiH 1-nnky ..... '1311I’ctin'-ylvaitla H atlroail ; ___ ___ C4

. Peiiplcii d a . i ............:....................... IS2‘-iT'cfc .^t.•l:<I(let(c ................................ 1,'(2I’ltllllpn Poil.dctim .'....................... 40'<,I’urc O II ........................................ ;!3Itaillo Curpofnilon of Anu-rlca—.IKl >'.•Hcniiiiu: . ..................... - ..... .'.............102liciuiM ir Itv.71 ami Steul .............. CfiViJt!;yiinid;i To(mpr,> I!....................... 133i!caru Itoeliuck ................................. 12»5Shr 11 Cnlon Oil ..... ..................... . 2fiTiSin ii.')nB-Cn........................................ Ill-H lnfln lr Confo}ltUiU‘d ~ .: ..,...........Hnuthnrn Pnclflc ......................... '.„I2t=K.Siiutlicrn lU illw n y ..........................149’ ,Klnhdnrd Gna nnil K lcctrlc ....... (‘•(•'ASlandnrd Oil of.C nllfon iln .......... r.7Sl.Tntlit; (l OII of New Je rse y ....... 45',iS in n d a rd 'o n of Nciv York .......... 3r.«,Stiiili'haket: ...................................r....: 72*1Tpxn» Corpnratlim ........................Texnn- and I’aclfli; ......................1-S2'.-1TiMJkoH J lo lirr Hoarliih' ______ ■...l27Vi-Ti.lHiciii-'n'r^Mlnrt-_____________ ._4|SU-tVtliin Ciifhl,ln mill Carhnn ....... J'tlliliUnInn Oil of Cnllf............... .........■;:i i i i . 'ni I'Mi' iiii' ,...^ .r ......................i 5 ^niilLed (U far Hiorca ......... ........ 2 ! (^tfnir-'.i Slaton iiiii,i,|.V ....................:iiT,U nlird SMIes Slccl ... .................Hn .P . S. Sti'c l P f i l / ......................Hfl*;U nirprnal-Pipp--.-:-.-....Vamidljin ..................... ..................... 73 K-Wuhanh ....................................... ....... 77'.i'WiiHllnKhouiic . • , ............. .............. 101 •W hile Motoni. ...... ......... ...................I tii-W lllyo-Ovcrlanil .................... ........ 21HW oolworth ........ ................. :............ lK4t.vAVrJ;;ht Aero, ....... ......... ;...... ....... ;:iri71T ( 'iJ n w 'T r i ie ] rn n d T n n ! i i~ .r~ “ r 3 3 ’,r '

ilaiiorn JIJ.CO; ojn) 1,«,,1 $ J lj )i^,d cho lc i fcuderu 110.75: hulk Rood cnivii $S lit $s,5i); lop }.s,*75: .common uml incilltini cowH.Jfi.rin (jj. $S: cu ttprn jr. e ir,-. hallH $C <Ti' JT,75; vcaleni J l l -I;' ?I2.

.Shevp rccclplii 12.090:. nn local nnlri!,

I ' . i ) j :v v K irT T v K S T iic K' i)j';.vv>-;ir. Aijtf. ij<:ccfp(.,

nutrljfl nonilii:i|ly iit.eaily.;' lie- I 'lccrs Jliirifi; cowii and liolfer« Jii.r.o fii'ir>:' rnlve:i tlllfii.lR; fei:ilers ail<l iilncktTH } 8 'ff l3 : lullin'$7i}ty, .

fli.;;H: Hccclpth 2110: m arket n.iiul; iially rtcady : nn Kalc:(, • •

S l i . ip : UccellH:i TlTn; imitUi-t

' -SAN FltA N C IS ril MVKSTOCK . SAN I'llANCISCO. Auk. IH—C altle:

.\larUrf utondy; meern, riiciI $U.2J'1C i:;; cowK, >;ood Js,7.’’.‘ri»..''iO. '

C al\c:i: • M nikci nioaily: iiieilliiin rliolcc JD.7r.JM2; vealcrn. 'iiicillum.

-«<Miil-1111.1 choice Jll,7r.{i 13.25,IIokk: M arket iitc.nily; IIkIiI -JU '. 'iO

iTi 13.75,Shui'i) ancl I.atnlm: M nrkcf 'tfrn ily ;

lainl.r; jll.75<lrl2.r.ij: „wc;. |-1-75f('ri.7:.: wcthcr.i J7,5t.3i:'.[i'), ..

'n iH 'A l iO I'KIIIM'CI: (^IIICAtiO, AtiR, IS—n m ic r : Ht-

roln;n 12.523 -pnckamv;; nn iitarkul. ; 1-‘k'ri>; U ero lp ts 'in ,3S 3 cavV^; no

mrtrkPt:-' . --------------------^•Clices,*, T w ins. 2 i ‘ ,c;«VoiiiiK ..\ini't-

Iran 2:;e.r i 'u l t ry : ltixcli.i« :*■ c a rs : fmO-..

heavy 2l 1i-fic ; l.-;:hornH 2 IVje; iliictf.i, liravy l . 'c : sm all 15c; yi'iiu;:

li. ' s 2": rooi'tcr:' 2i)c; lirotlcryiici. V lo c : .Market w eak; nrrlvaln ;i| cu rs: on iin c k 25s c.irn: In Iran'-it 4J4_i ..r*H«.im >i» .•mKMinMiurl i t l . l . CiiMilir». C. No, 1. Ca«i7lir.

\ T P l e t : ' W o x i t e d ! i rA ^ d w W a d s ^ '

• tC O T T A C O - lJ.UOMe A iS D o MV WM u s i t ' t e s s o j k * •

» ) • • - ^ 2■ I ■


AS OFFSET TO MRREGULAEm:I-----------------Dy.-0 » tt» d J r« » « - ... '^ -}.------

•NKVv Y O nRi'A iirV Ik—Slr'cnRlU in Irn llrond iihnreH offnol IrroRularitY lu I Iniliinfrlnin todny on tlm S t jc if Kx- IchaiiRo. Carrlorn ' wero nctlvoly irntl-

I cd in w ith RttinH ninnlnR uliuvu two

At lho nam e' tlm i' nevcrni intiitn- irlnlii w ere bid up to now lijRh Krottnd. lhe feulttrc nf Uto .dn.vjiolni:

I Allied Clteml.eal. which touchciT a i|cw hli:h n l l8RVi. uP 3H p o inu . .

-!-' .«<t, 'r u ip~1>n»tnm' tp itu ix il ilm rnlln. Itlto common npnrtluK l,wo points and tho preferred m nre ihnn two.~ ticrnernl fliuloM wan u u t uf lhff'!lme~ liKlit entirely . liolilInK Just uhdor the pruvioiiH clono. Hiit United S(atu«


- ------- - --Wfj

n o w C O I

i ' •- . •;

t t -


OST e e M V .L O C K f © 'mO U T ' f « e * T E ^ M ‘A CCOOIkST O P - K VD t e M O O C . ^ ----------

H L . L _ l _ _ _ > .____ ___


....^---------- r - r - ----------------


■ ____ ■ IBy UnlUil Pr«iiu. |

TOPKKA. Kiimi.,.Aui;. lS -'M il:i clly l wnn n nmelntrom n( pt'DpIc a t . iiniil) loilny ns crowdn cniup to T o p rk a c«rly fiir t ho nn ilflc iiiloT? crrcntonlcii of ■‘4en- n ln r ‘Chnrleii i;iirtln, IU'pul»l1ca7i vicr- iireniduniinl nnmlm-c. - |

— Btre«!lM lhnr.-«cr«—llncl-w jili '-hiiiil-} . juB. hanne'rii nnd jdcuirc.i Vtf ' Ctir'iln were Jntnmcd w ilh ihr"vJiiltorn wlioj HJlJIcil nhoiit l;iIkli)K ludlllcji. -

Al noon 175 ilintlnRitlnhi'il Ruentii n.ii iloNvn n i Itinchcon wiiU Senator Cttr-j Ato->U-UuU.t- J <iytowik . „ Wpr4v«iUt-^H>-| ner wna to ho Rlven to it few ffli'iiil;-.! by Sonnlor C u rtin 'n flcr* th i.-crrrn tt7n j Ion Ihlft ntiernoon and n d in tiir dancT n t tho c n t in t ^ c lu h IoiiIkIjI -wan nn- otlinr'nchr'iliiled noclnl ovnnt.

•AlUlotlRh Iho iirc lim ltia.rv i)r,^{rnni U'<in tta t to iiiull i-i>. rtl, • lJ«’

Htwl-ffpnrtt?<t-tn- n li n <—Iriglr^nn-Hi—r movcntonl n t.M n ’,?, hrltiRinR np nihei' Inntipif n f Iltc Htcol ^rniiii. . ^

"gentoS T A R T 1

|P ? E 1 5 I

^ m p a r i s o e

ith all new offerinj afirims Centiiry leal

in fine ca r jGeld.

___ ____New m odels, w ith new af e a tu re s , re f in e m e n t prov(fthcnts, wttl>.mcl finish io a ll de ta ils flu

' now h e ra ld th c C entu an d b iggest advahcea fine c a r field. '

• E ven now. C entury sa ___,_ _ th c -w h o le-d ram a ti(^ to

—•— ^-ite d gm andToTwgagCTr ' thriHiu}; m o to r c a r p<

.which finds its b es t cx tlie flectness, stability ,

. ta ilo rcd -m e ta l coniplc finish o f th e C entury Sb

• N E W .

G E r


3 3 4 'M A m A V E K U E -J

Twin Fall=

• K i l l i n g 1

/ " IM B S O T O ^ M A K e. W E ..B A IL T e a M ■

. I F I PL A V H b o w e v P R O W M V H O H C LE&^OlOS T O 6 B T tT . . r ^ M L L P ik iO \ f OUT* A M ' VIlL G t T A SP A W H lIJ- - N E G O T T A THIlOK Ut> S O M E W AV T O DO

B o t h a t o o c g ________ /

^ / ? ■ S

.J; - -

— r - ---------- .' • - f;a-

ciowihi hc>;nti IP nMimuhlc ,;arly on th ; 12 a c ic dlolflHlilflli ffonted the [I'otiMi cnplK'.riTV^Iirt-.lvhpt'iy Ihc ccrc- I’lionli'Ji w ere 10 h o 'h n h l. Tlic enrly oncK worn iti'locllnri n rln>Ici> ' npot front w hich tltu j^vcut •

Imlinn'i in full dronK veRtilln from llic ' I’dlnw'iilonilc reiicvvntloii ' milled eciljir lo 111" oi'htr.lcin lintl .i^amc to I'le cmc’o l th c lr frlhe.-iuicii. Ciirltit. J ion- o red .' T h c nnMiltiec hi on,'’A‘li!hth Kiiw Indian. .

Svnaiil'or Ctirlli;.aocnt r,i;vcral of iliy tiinntlnK ItonrVi.lii conforcneen m Ilv J lo i f l- J.iyhnw k w lih iw r ty leiulerfi, A^tcr tlio . liinijhcQn lie wont to hi:' hom c 'w hcnci'i 1, iipcelnl eotmnltlce wum t i r concliu:! Iilllt to lliu 'c itp llo l,^ lllsT .icci'inlon rooiii n t the hutuLw aa hunk* cij w ith -flnwRCi..t— ............• ______ ____

College Boys Are Xonun^eteiiDLAn-

Educatioiial Tour'K iiiirlrcti hnyn. ffoni fopr ' nniiti'.'ti


Hi P. W, lllatiop, ailvanec man of th«> troop who nrrlvod in T w in Pallii to- .1..'- Mr T ll . i l i r m 'l» trrndiiatc <if_Dal- Iioiiiilc U nivernity of (.‘anada;

T ill ''14 hoyn nro ^;radualcs nnd nn-

fS f MGL A R G E R


IS ■■ ",il^rship '

m d b r i l l i a n t A p h e n o m e n a l s , a n d i m - m o m e n t ’s p a l a l t a i l o r e d „ „ „ u , - l s n p x

i c n l i n t h c I i a n t b c a u t y t o e m o s t s u b s t a n t :

i lM f o r c t c U *"■= ® ‘=“ -r y - o l a : p u I v ___^ F o r t y - t w o b o <^ l y a i W l - . ^ o „ b ; n a t i o n s ^e r f o r m a n c e K - p r c M i o n . i nb e a u t y a n d ' C e n t u r y $ 1 3 4 5! t e n e s s * a n < l 'E i g h t , $ 1 8 2 5 tcc a n d E i g h t , f . o . b . D e t r o i t

1 9 2 ¥ H U P M O B l


X k E IG H T

I Compari^rmiBUTDRS'lO E T H , P H O N E ’ 82

Is,. Idaho■■ ■ - .1 „ —

fwo gjrds With O

1 . j.'

T O ~ n : n r A 'F f l t r s ' r i f i r f i ) 2 g . " ' ^ •

diTcrailuaieii.'of tw o Canndlnn nnd Iwo-. A mi'rlcan tmlveriilllcli and n re w ork- liiR tbe lr )vuy on: an oducaltnnnl tour o f tlic: United StntCH tiHrlair tJio «um- m er nionthn. TJioy bnvo nn orcbentra nf ,t(^n-p|pre» nnd n Imnoball leant. T liolr rtrclioHirn in iho ir ' prinelple iiteann of jirrj-inK IhM r.trJp. W hile horo Iluty will .i^ircltent II dnnco a t Ibo PllfirItoor Gnrilon Tlitir«tl.i};_cvonlri{!.__: ___

Tho two Crtnaillan utilvornitlM nro Dalhiutvle nnd A cndin nnd tho two: A tiietlcan Hclioulii nrit'CoIby nnd Dow- doln. Tltu I.IIII In which tlie^Iwys aro it'avulliiR w nn 'hn llt n l snallioiulQ,'^nd la nalil to he‘,-Il)< otil.Hido'frniiiowork hoIni; 'woit. iiHilN

Thu tr ip Hlnrtod from K nllfax, Nor.-i Scntia, Maj- 14. .Tho lo n r contilBtcd of, ii tr ip lilonR Lhi) C antfd innnjonicr to thci I’aeirie crviHt. nnd dow n-tho coaat lo Snn I'YnnclKco.. TIio Iw jn nro now on thefr return , hnvlng covercd aboiU 111,000 mllen of th c lr (our nnd with ahout f!,000 roilen n tlll lo ro . Prom

Ntiw York. . ' .Tho hnyii repo rt thn t Ihoy hnvo'hiid

a w ondoxfiir roccption nil nIonR their Irlji ntlilJiavo hccu vory,w oll ImproiiM- (d w ith Uio coun try and tho iilRhlti

no monuy from homn nlnco the ir 's tart, mttklne all th e ir oxpoiiitCfl, IhouRh nomo'tltnci' ea ting h i» llttlo . Tlioy oc- canionnlly cnmp out.nn tl propnro tholr own mealii.


s u c c e s s i w i t h o u t a u s e — m o n t h a f t e r •> 'c l f m a x e d a n d ard- : w e r a n d m o r e b r i l - : I o lh ic t h e C e n t u r y ’s i a l o R e r i h g - i n t h e

l y . a n d - c q u i p m c i i t . ,s t a n d a r d 'a i > d ~ c u B ^ i ----------------- ------. l i n e . S i x o f t h e t o $ 1 6 4 5 . C e n t u r y .

> $ 2 1 2 5 . A l l p r i c i u

[LE - "



n e S t o n e .

» o a j a a B p » ~ i .

W 'T il n I I I .............

Page 15: Ai. Xn.MHiaH ll)l._______ • , ...... ._____ I W I.\ iUAilU. PATI.UIJAY. AUCU'ST ik. • , • • ______________

S A fi-C T B .v Y—A r n r s T i s r iT i l g

Most of h(IBdsiness Directory '

'■ M lS O E L L A 2fE O T JS

-TTpmvniTEns" -. . * S7<( MU- 'O ffll'« E N T 'em s F IX 'cm.

’ A ll 'in a k d a .. D calora in .^ JlOYAIi ^ ^ ^ C O n O N A ^ j

L^ctil oftleo : 218 Ma in Avc. Nc. .

aO D EliN -W O O lJM K N -OP AMHUICA ; m oot a t I. 0.- O. F . b a ll ovorr- 2nU ‘ a n d 4 th .Monday.

PWIN. FA LLS JU N K H 0 0 S £ J -8 ra T - n ls. rnbbor, bldoa. polta and furs.

T » r U K B n T G ~ S t n 3 H E A T O T ^ i

flOMB FL m (D IN G & HBATINO CO. New locaU on, • 135 T h ird Avo. B. • Pboatt 2g3. • • , ,

C nO ^IE R T ftA N S FE n C O M ^ Y ^ i Phono 3«8. StoroBO and c ra ting . .

acNICHOLS TRA N SFER & STOR- « r« Co. O srba^tf hau led daily. .

■ Jhone m _ : ......... ........... , fVARBBRO TRA N SFER * S T O IU aB

Co. S t o r ^ ' and- Bpeclal carload , BhlptnenOi tP California. Phono » 3. ■]

, S H O E B T ^ A IR IW Q

lOYAL 8I10B REPAIRINO. F . MBY- sr>. P ro p . I30 2 o d .8 L E .

DAHO SHOB REPAIRINO. JOK •ffaKlur,. Pro|» . 2X8 Moln-K. Ph. Ofl. _

•WIN FA LLS SHOB REPAIRINO— 188 ShoBhono w est. Phono 89B. Sorrleo a n d quality K unran tceit '

-ydu r~ tn ia r(in lflo r^uU fl'tgT )rdci-82S 7 yp. Lodlcft* w ork o u r upcclnUy. ' Babbol tlio T ailo r. Over Idaho Dopt. Storo. Phono .634W. . .

A T T O B M E Y S __________ ^

C-C.-I1AT.T/.- QVER .C L l3 a ^ P .( i t : _ fitora. Phono-97; Reg; 1368. . ■ _

I. P . DUVALL.- LAW O FFICE. ROOM ' 7 . Banlc & T ru o t Bldg. P ho tft 747. '

u n e s R. ^ th w o l l—W . O rr Chapm an BO TH W ELL & CIIAPMAN

W ood8-Blds> . r

[WBEUBY & SWBBLBY. ACTOR- A neya. Idaho . Pow or-huH d lns.

V. L. D0NN—LAW OFFICES. RMS.S. and 4, Sm Ith-RIco b u lld i^ . . -

~ S p m O L 3 - 4 i p L g Q ^ _ ‘ rOOOINO ‘ ^ a s o l S r ^ i s r x T A . v ; -•Idaho .' Fn ll to rt^ 'f ifC lft S W im A w 24; Jifow cata log Junl puU-W rlto fo r '

‘ your/t today. ■ > ‘ - ' V • ' '

, M O N E Y - T O L Q A N 'r r i w n r n s v S ' T H ^ ^

o tfored In T w in F a lls on c ity rosl- dODCos and buslooss blocks. A lso a ■

- d a n d r f a rm loan. J . B. W hito. -P hoao S47i___________ L _ _ . ____I

aOKBY TO LOAN OJl FARM' AND _c lty p roperty . Com pany a n d p r lra to -noDoy. a B. P e tU r . rdal e state,

• T w ta F a lls . ■ • ■

:,0A N 8-F A R M AND CITY’ L O A N a Tw in F a lls T itle and A b strac t Co;

.lONBY TO LOAN. PO TTER REAL > > ia>e.^JI.C ne_-3 7 4 .----------

O P T IO IA N S i5Y b"8P E C IA LIO T ~D R . WM. D. lUSY-

no lds. soo Main. N o it door ^0 , J . g - P e n n e y Co. .

P I A N O T U O T N OS S n S 'tW E R —S. O. HULL, Ifi Y lia . in T w in F a lli , w llh Claudo Brofcn U oalo com 'pasr. Phooe 968 o r 634W. .

“ : ■f o b e h h t ’w r T r i 2 N f : : ^ ' ' i i o o 3 : r ‘- 'w o Do R ■

houao and gnmfO on F o u r th ciiat. 1 '.CnlPGOC 3rd ayd .;wci'L ••_________

X>R R E N 'T -irU ttR Y . TOUU ROOM faouBo on S aci^ii.. Furnished^,. m llo e a s t W ashing ton’ schoolj % •

- fe u th .-c .- O hm sn.— ^ j

nOR RENT—<0 TO 8(1 SHARES WA- te r. A rth u r L. Swim & Co.

i^ R REN T—t h r e e : ROOM. PURN- . Ished a p artm o a t. Bungalow A pts \ t e d s w . M i t

t I B RE N T —FORNTSHED APART- -B W B t^ -C a ll -W -fo rc o o a o s .- J n s t .^ ^m m In n . __________ ■

-OR REN T — eO U SCK EEPIN C «A u tm en ta , o o a p le te ly fnralshe<' I fiir tfs tit boosekeeplns. T w o aa<it h m room s, close I t a a ^ r t l e » •

a V M k o r cB iath. T b s 0 * t a ^ i r .aw - . • ^

fO K n f t T * E S T A T E .'k o a li^ 'm S P

f t J f - S g : '^ i i S S S " S 2 5 » ■floors, r t fo o t to t w ith g a ra c t . P a r t­ly h tm l ^ e d . TsltphOBS S S tor »> rtic a ls j» . . . . ; • . • ‘

fMt R * r .B - itq -lN lK T M BE R L Y '8tX > ' tlon, good Im prtirem n its , |l l9 - l> e r |

a tr e . E a r t M u rra r . ' FUer^ f X)R 8A L B -% 0 ACRES. WS P E R . a e r « . 'b o n s e .- t t in . .n I i ( u e e d pop:' rtig h t. «W (» wUJ ^ d l o . E « y i u r - r t r . F i le r . . ■

t) R S A IX -B O C S B . CLOSE TO ON . 3rd a v e iH je .o sst-C a sh o r te rm s o r g

tr a d s i fo r :p ro p v tX - .^ * M ,J o s ^ See ow ner. M rs. F r« l-• r lc k » o B .a t6 « « .iU la .* T tn u ^ _ n o r^ .P h o a e '*130. ' - ~ _______________ J

X>R SA LE—M ODEIM ' H O G SE,.'. 7 -

m r e i s d s tr* « t. 'C a ll m otnlaC s. 170 ■Wklmjt s tr e e t. ' • ;

t n w -J*®*'rCLTftL" ■---------------- ------------ --- - •

ese Op prtuiPO B B A L E : - a n 8 0 E L L A l? E p P f l ^•OH ■ s A i.i ;i^ jir ‘~ K iu : r . s a w ic i i V

ilrivo liori."IX .Ini'll ilrli-u wliuol. I -l»Iucl«!« fyr ir jic lo r cmicir. u i n Imi-

Bniii. ImvilTi- III ScU'h .UliicJinmllli Stioi».

'•on S A i.i c - n if t i r o u A 7 iT : p ia n o ,KOod IlH new . I lsn . i:^.| Klti nvciuic ’ n u n ll. ,. :------------- ' ' •

’OOL H AI.L T'Oll SAI.K W ITH o o o f ) ■”UiiririicN».'"ii<-orKo D B iR r ‘nrx*^u3T ~

Cooilltig, Idiiho.

^W H SfK O iraA iac^T llO t w o y h a u old croHBlirofla. ,1:0 i lo tc ' }«-»r old croHHOreiliUJflOO .wiii>tim Itum boiii- Ict ycnrl/nffH. H’eJ/s. I’liono rCWRI. Tw in I'liiiil. "

T A T T O m R C T N S r itAUIJ-J ^ ^ ~ ba rga in s In uprlchlo, • grnnda and ,j p la y e rs: s ta n d a rd nmkco. Somo llko “ nuw., Sold nnywlicrc. Eiiiiy tcrm ii: ~ •Wrlto todny. Bnldwln Pinno Co„ -

■ 163C Callfornlft ntrfcct. Dt-nvci. Col- ■flWdo. ■ ------- -------- ---

»IJ^YDR PIANO IN ^ C C L L E N T condition, beau tifu l w nlnut . cnso,

7 ^ v r tH ~ r« in i in i— bnreh; —w a r b o r r - T ransfo r. •"

roR SA Lii—p im R c rn K irv iN iJd iU i,- - K raiik McCormick c ider m ill oust of tow n.

rHK.ST.VTK OKrrilA H O -PnO DCCK I) - III 10i7 >21.000,(Hla(K) >Torth <if Iiul-

' tv r fnl. ('niijDii 4Nmnty nlono pro* Vj duM d ono-faurtli o t tho en llro ou t- “ PIR o r $r..OO».OOO.oO. Y et, 1 nm of. ferlng Hovoral fnrmii th n t he lp W produce Ulln pny ro ll to ilio fnrmcrii ' n t on ty tt frac tion o f . th o ir Cr.uo _

-w o rth w llh a Hmgll nnymont dowii ■nnd long cosy toMiis n t OC'o on bnl- . oiicc. You n l l l liu tp to '!nH|n>vt Utoso to apprccln lo IhlH nil. 31. 1>. - IMnt-r, R ealto r. CnldwHI, Idnli.i. ^


or of land, fo r nnlo for fall dcllv- cr>'. 0 . Iv. Hnwluy, Bnldwln. W is­consin. -

VANTKD—A COOK, ONf:.' THAT cnn mnko Koud coffoo, aiul ro i l _

n i t i riTcflrt-: T r « rro i ! i i ti, ' jB t.T ," - -

VANTiCU—SMALL APAIIT.MK.VT O F ” . tw o licdrooiUH nnd Idtcht-Retlo, ono ^

double ljud nml two' HlnKlo hwli*'. No “ chlldroo.. T clephono 38 o r

-ftlt-€rlfc7-«irq-T 'h tr-TH m Lii. fVANTKD—TO SULI, 'INTKHNA-

tlonnl iruck , Krntn and bi-ct liodicH. o r will irado f o r ‘cown. Box O. O., y

: a » p i3 .v t i : i i , ' a n d c o .v k rb t i - : ; -w ork -w nnlw l.—Lott)t-«*p«^^eneft-^oV~

chnrKCll. Cllli dfi nnythlng, W. P n x -! .. •lou.' 32G.S0. Mnln St., Cily. -V

VANT t o b u t : TORD C X R iW O R irt ^ 't lihj money. Inqu lru M ackcy’u T ire -

■ nndV ulcnnlxInK . ____ . . F

iV A N TED -PA STU RU f'O R HOCS - .a n d cnitlc . C. O. Mnrkle. CSl See- S -ontl n re. w csi. Vhoaa jrgo . Call

_c.’ n ln g s . . A

FU R NITU Ri:. LlVI.NO ROOM. . d in ing room and bed room .'l 'n cn try roprcnontatlvo w ill bo hero lo st of A ugust. C n r w ill Iio nhlppvd In d Septem ber. Wo cnn snvo you mon- a ey and glvo you Rood p rice for you r ,y o ld furn itu re , nnd tcrm n if you nl.Oi. f C all o r w rlle. Sw eet’s F u rpU uroli; S to re. Phono 129S, ' -i

•({? O i r 's ) ^ l - i^ lH m S r iS L A N D llEIJ

f ries. Ph6n o 98GJ. J . D. W incmun. t'

^ R SALE— 1200 llE A b ; Y0UNC3 - eroB* bred cwcb, 600 a s rd crons bred . ewca, 13Q younR Ilnm pnhlro ewcn. 1 .Tliey n re good tb rif iy ewes. Rrgln- lorw l Hiinipxiilro ram Inniba n n d .; yonrllngB. O raln fed and ready for sorvico. 1 w ile south- o f c n il end of Main. B ruce W ntson. Pliono COfMl. • . . -

^ R T S A L E -S H E E P .' ABOUT^'A'-'B - hundi'e<l. T en hcnd iBmb*. year* lingR. two yen r oldB and a few .aged ll ow es, a lso four purobxod tw o y e a r p o ld bucks, r . S. Fau lk . Eden, Idaho. (1

> « It-S A U J—a iO lC E - R M lS T B R i:© „ 8ho rtho rilt> u lIa apd b rerd lng stock, h 9 u i t tb e .Jh ln g to r tbo range. A. J . „ R equs. T w in F a lln / Idaho. Tel,S07-H-.______________ ' ti

VANTED—H O LSTEIN AND QUERN* s e r d a J rr cows, btnrr a p rJn rrr* , C ' O. SU fklo, CSl 2nd a re . w esL Pboae '

, c r e n l a g 8 ^ 30------------- --- , — iv y im : D - 'p o u L T R v . h . c . h u n - T

te r . Phone »03W. - I

^ R SALE—IS O R 20 THOROUQH- bred Lincoln ram s . C all CHJ3..

B i S j B i ^ ~ W A l i T E D • JV A NTED-SAI.ESM AN TO TAKE S.

charge of Tw in F a lls d is tric t fo r B th e la rg e s t, e zc lu s lre health and .ie- c tden t c o to p en r ta (he w orld and

tio n a l o p p c u u n lty for th e r ig h t men. p A ddresa A. J . MtnchlrsSfewKer. Ida- 8 .ho B ulldlna.-D oU a. I^ & o . . c

T O B B A J f e - r A O T O W O B lL E S , d5q r a i iS w O T E v i io M r r . r o a d * v

stei*. I S S ^ o d e L a ^ 'c o n a i l T c a ; B C all a t w est. } •

^ )R S A iaii^N E W CflHVROLCT eoape a a 4 ct^sch. N erer. U rire s. L ib- c, e ra l d licO un t.. N o t r a d ^ 'S e e Mr. j. A ndsrso ti. a t J . C. P e c a g r Company, q

'OA s x l b ^ t o r d t ' r u c k 'i n GQOX) Sra a a tn s . oW er. O . .W .-G crrish. a s PA tala ATS. I L-________ B

Y )ftP a E D A jiy o k 8ALC O R t r a d k p f a r ' a a S i f l B t s te d e . W ii t ' o t F ire P o tn t W arrea .

•q a lp p e d H H tO A w N r o r • s e rr ic s . | M in t se ll ?M B e«U trty. .Apply T w ia g F hHs T m r ls t Caapi. acro sa track* . »

■ 2

t a D a e r c ese k tW FOrd. toaT tax -ip'C a ll IS U . t tk a n . £ A IM T t» M 0 ^ sOe«»IUr4P^»-■ - ' I '

iities Are GpoKltlnii,’ Open Sopt. 1. mil niurrl.-il.o n lir t'ly iinluc-iiniHrml, w llii__ lilijn _iiehiml .................................... .. ntui iii,Snliiry. Iiimmi nnd irauF im rciflnn. Give lld '. udiiiMllou. i-xporii'iic--. R

Coiuploii Co,. 10112 N. Ufiifljftrn. ClileUKO,_____________ ____

?o m i :n , m i>n k a r n la c .w k k k i .yiiddrcHBiiiK cnrds home npiiro lim t'. •

■ iin "y e iir-T rtm r'C X |ic rie n cfn n m tcw -^ xiiry. AddroBBcd iMiv«‘1u|ie brlngM imr- 1

't lcu ln rii ,'K r< ’«» T ribune IlidK'. '•N-Y- • -' • : ;

M A L E H E L P W A N T E D . ' ■ 1•ANTIOD — K l l i s f CLASS A L t^ round m cch:uilc. ’Y. fc Y. .CnraK c,|,

i j . i A U L a ii^^KuaK TV rT” m a n L-uutnlt-il iiL-onu<>r-)>y woll know n. .1.1 ‘ II. W iiiHlns Comimny. Splciidiii; tiponlnc tfl Oimrlbuic fnmoMH W aW |;

td JlOO wobhly. N o.cxporitinci' i ie i- j; oiiwiry. W rilo T ho J . U. \VntKln«j' Coiuptiny. 'ir-OK llo illn S i.. Oalilinul, i ‘

-goW unilii, I , • ■

.'ANTICB O.N IlA NC il. ‘.M IDDl.i: a«i!d .Hiiui_liniL.vvif<'_wliIioui cili.lN:-' dren. W oman un- iioii!.okee|>-'r. < .Slcndy pliico, No iimokinB. IO, U, 11 liolili... Cniitk-for.d. J

, S I T U A ^ O N S W A N T C T ). ' lUDLlC AGED L a 'd Y WANT.S PO- J Hitlon kciiH ni; lionBo for w idow or or , bncholor. E xporleiicid . .\pp lienn t mUBt bo rcnpcctful. Room 2, D nrccr , Room s. Jl

\1 )Y , ' DKSIIIKS , POSITION AS ,h o u ito k oupo r,-oook -ln -nm an-fn in»FBox E m m cit, Idaho . t

L O B T A N P FOXTND. • _IUST—A L 8:3o lW E b .N iiS D ^ ^ .^ roR N ' 1 { ing ono poBtdiionrd box coninlnin;:men^|.;iOX!a_iHUL_«omca‘K-droiwu« -nnd liomo p ic lures. F ive dollnrH rc* wnrd. R oturn lo RoKcrBou llo ie l . ,

O ST ~bX K UOUND I.RATIIKR WAI.- i let. 3RI> In l>f[ln, N igh t H aw k cultliiir cnnlti, F lndof plear.u-r<iturn-to-3Uje. 1 - ^ TO^ r n tpn-na^

B O O M B t o 'O d e r n u o o m f o u IU!:NT. p h o n k ‘ <17. 421 Snd avenue wowU ■ =,

OU iti:.K!T=pim.visHi:iv h o o tv ts t^Bluo I.ilu-H B o u lev a rd .' Piiohc '

829. • ___________________ :

im .V fSH K D ROOM WlTi} HOARD \ o r one d r iw o'ihcoIh 11 dny in 11 pri- c vHto Hnme. 3i'9 2nd nv.e. no rth . ,

P E T J I T 8 - M n r - Y E 0 B T A B I J ! i - •*??r : 5 A M : C r t 7 n g r n ■ rllhK .cucum bi!rH .^w .rcom .M rfl.,J,W . 1 IlftWllD|rt.-JMiono-478W. . ■■■

OR S A ix —T ic k l i n g ^ c u M « i : i i s ‘n il iiizcu. r:d Vnnce. Pub lic MnrkM. |

T R A W n E R R I F i~ O U ~ P I C K “ oe 'ifnllon, Phouo 637J3^^____________

p Ii I C O W f OR SA LIi>-$l liU S H IX : R. U .W rlR lil, K n u ll,- Id nho. '

'mitick OF.SA I.I.K •^'ollcfl in horrliy Klven Ihut liic iin-

RTBlKned w ill .sell on the 30lb diiy <>1 ■ UBunt. 1928. nl tho hou r of 10 o'cloi-lt , ,. M.. nt 1-10.2nd avcnuo eairt. Twin llllil. .idnho.-otie corliiin fivo iHinHca- c r 'B u ic k irturlnt,' <-nr. Soriiii No. , HBSn. Motor No. •ClSRSri. 1H28 Cnll- ; jrn ln lIconBo No, 1-070.238. to nntlury I DUUUiil fUr .rujiiilr*' iiiii^n toM no un r nid luiiumohllo fo r th e Bnm o f:K lftr- ! *0 dollnrii nnd Hovciity cen ts, fr>2.7n.


d e m o c r a t s t o U s e |C o r r u p f i o r t - I s s u e

t o O f f s e t T a m m a n y '

(C ontinued from Pngo One) j

osim e of Coolidge nnd M ellon."' ' 01 irbcver,~W alah sa id : . , •• Is to lie Ju ilw d by hU po- ,

ticn l nmioclnte*. how sh a ll " U in j '? - . ub llcan nominee escapo condum na- | onT • ' • . 1 •■llo gat-^ln th e cab inet w lih Fnll 1

nd DBUKhertr-^lthout-;»?vrr-'ral8liVB 1 Is Im nd to th w n rt th e ir vliinlnlex , h ile th e f w ere being perperraledMVr | lU Inc h ln„volc£-iii-condem nailon of < jcm a fle r they w oro exponed. Tin- liocklnc InlQUUIes o f tw o o th e r 'o f* < clal nanoclaiui. F o r lien .a n d Mellon, icap<>d h ia no ttre If th e y w ero no t I iilelded by h l i to le rance.”__________ 1


W. 1- Pel. iocatollo ...................... SZ- 1C .30". !Kden ___ ____________19 19 .SOO Ia lt L a k e ''________1". 20 ;45!)oU e ___ ___________ 16 20 .414 I

AM K nir.iy i e a g v k cW. L. Pet.

ew o rk ...................... 7S 37 .673h lla tlB lp h Ia ______72 41 .<W1 'L L o u l* ...................... 60 S7 .613 <leveland .... .......... B4 . 62 .466 Ih lcaeo ----- 6 i 63 .457 <c trc lt 4______ u ;___ 50 . 64 .438 1

. . J K ;; . SA T IO N .II. L E A C I F '

• W. 'L . Pet.C. L ouW M _________ 70 44 .617cw Y ork ____ :------- H .43 • .612 'hleORO____________ 65 61 .6CQIneinnaU :--------------- 63 60I t t t b u r g h ----------------61 50 .Soi ,r o o k ly n -_____— «— "5 8 • 69 - -,.<51o s t o a _____________ : *3 70 030 ,hlU delpM a _______^ 3 0 76 .2S5 '

‘ p A C m C C O A ^ LEAfiL*K

acram sB to --------------33- 16 ,6St ,tollywood _____ :------ 3 1 , 16 .660* a - T » a e i s e o ______ 3 0 - J7„ . J l l 1tkUad -> - • . ____ ^ -14 — aa • j t t ,i t s s f a a - . . .= = r '" -

^ n- -M ; - S j

,■ ‘ ..

P A I L T ’T l i

!hangiiig EverElmer Johnson Is . I

Buried Friday at Cemetery'in Buhli

. Aue. lS-i:im<-r-.lM!it«f-oii. ion 1.- ,.Mr. nnil Mr». Ai]..!fli J.iIi'mm.ii j„

in lv illi '. f l;ll i. Tllir l.Oily w;i!i nliip-lA poll 10' lllllll wliri'.- fi,n..r:il horvlo.'..] ivorr h rlil,: ii itio-l'r/*‘;tivi,.tiicii iliiiioli si ll 2 </ol..rk, 'i lii- ilin-, R r . O n o r-; ,.i rioialoil, iChti.T .lohiimiii u;i>. bo rii'lli I iVmii^ylviinlu and oniiio n. Huljl in ,,j innt;. IIo Iiuh ronldnl III .^laiid^ii'd-, I, lllle r.ll- 111.' -pa..i n lno y .n i ' . Mo h i,,i. ■il iU vcd ' h r u ' wlK.. 1..11I.T ...........I iiriith rr. Osonr. (ind a :l.<li'r. .Mm.ii,, llofi' Wllxnn, ;,i

.Mr.-Jnliiu^on w m a ......... x t of iVii-inlld im ilonal Kiiup.»r-t‘<>im‘-iiy 1C. a n d i. . . ■»s.’ ovor:»']i-.hlly. Ill ll... VV.iin i wfir.; Membcni n : foiupany. U .ill.Vimi . u ,u 'i ', , j can r.oulon a tiondod tb r n in rra l iind ’ iclod IIH II llriiii.- Miiiu<l rcliow IllK in- ,1, ;orniL-ni In 'tlio Ilnlil irinii-ior}-._______IjV

liKK .Noiiio Sall'ilKron. .\T|-.'..* \V.Jtuiirl of, i.noc-riio an-l Mr:.. |j<iv iln )-.-If (raiiiiormTniavT^iioii-iiii^iriiiii^rv.'i;-.- f|, ^ll•a^» for tlip wi-ni cnd-loi- llic ti;iin- Ulnic In le he ld in cuiiiKoiim'i ivltli ' hi> ooiiniy-friir a t Kilvr titrnilu'v -I. ,,i. ;. C nnd 7. Tin., insl diiv for rrc in - iy , orliiK will bo AiiKiiiii .in iinil .•liild ron . ip .to pro.;,chool aiill chii In-. r>’(;lhl.T* r,, ■d. . i

Mr. and Mn;. •.Mihn W nnluiillior. D a-L ,, fill City, .Vobraaka.. nro vl»*lHti,i ,Mr..i)d .\lr)i. OIK. IJalm . , ) '

Mnn C. V. I1Ii:k:i im .l -Iniuililnr of!

ho hbirie of Mni. J. j . llrvuniin.1.1' of Mm. nij:K-, . 1_M ,r^iuidJM rfl.-C -.J;-lC ;iIinn-or-U »l..j.. ' I'lrc,-C‘n llfo rn la .- :iro vir<ti4nf:—ifiondi*!-II Iluhl. 1 ~

l l n t ^ t ^ r n i ^ ---------- :----- )_«W. F. Ilni-hlkv pilrobiiM'd llio .'il ill

lero farm of .MrH, W. ............. for :> .a■onHiiloralinn^ of {260 |i>V aoro. iikl u 'liiilinK tho yoar'i: rm p , ' ' . 1 v

.MrK, ;a h v .s'liM/’n r h l l / - . / ; ; !■jo m .i i broiion w f iM .. '- 1

;nd Mnc. Joo IJiirior. I '1Mr. and Mrn. K, 1>. H anl.-r r . 'l i i in - | "

‘d . to U iokiiort. ■Illinois, afl.-r Movoi'ij ll wnoku vl«illni:^wUh Mr, .and .Mr;i. '! dorrJII, ' • '

iVednciidny nflornooti n t tho c liy p a rlt . ' l‘ ilrK. IJonar. Mni. Ito/:d nnd Mrn. Mad- len Kiivo repo rts on th e wonion^u vn- iuUhh- cniiifi lic lj Jit n u y e r U nl „ >prlnRsg. SonsH iihPd n t liio uniiiii woro .• lu n g .b y lhi> ladlo*. Mrn, Mndnon n o . -jimDuuyiiiiLJtlOlu- Sniliir. At lli<' ii>»- .j nil hon r re'rohlinicnlii wi'i'o I'o'rvod,—M r7-nnrt-M rr:-l;iltT -:«n \T nn i7 -T np - -~ rnor >ro»ldonl« of H uhl. n r - boro Irom ,1 i'ni.ndenn nnd a r r lioiiso Ril.i.ils nf M r.. j, nml Mr.'i. Itolierl MaxwolV. . 11.• Mlim Jnno Kwinc i;< n pa llfn t nl tii :- je :ioiipital wlioro'idio iindorw onl nn op- i-rhlion for iippondleltln. . ' •!

Fourteen Poin ts |['S tressed’By Curtis ‘ L ‘ In A ccep tance Talk['''

(Conllnued from rn jitrO n c), - 11 , . _ — , ------ — c;ihlti rognrd is now bi'lnc oxecutcd. [* which, wlion in fu ll ojiorntlon will-lirliiK .dccldotr rrllo f In tbo dlfficiil- _tloa nhd co<t of iram ipo rtlnc fn n n InrnililPt;i. nriiloclliin^^ ^ntjaln iir J

sivon lb fnrm .prndnol.s. l i hnN bo rn ' , rn ind ih a t certa in o f the dotlen nrc not hiKh enough lo ::ive- adeciunlo p^ntectlon to aome of lhc pro;luciH o t [lie fnrnr. nnd 1 bellcv.* U Ib tho du ly at conKroKu 10-p rov ide in te s blKlr enough lo proicc i such produciB ngalnBt f i r e i tn con.'petlllon. .

4 'a lU Pnihlem I’lrp le x in g , * ■The qucBtlon of p roper relief for

tc ric iillu re iB .iry lpg^nud perplexlnK. P roperly, lln aolutlon Ib nnd nlWnyn ihould bc nonpartlaan .- I am con- ,-incod th a t If a Bmnll-joint con im iliee , iL-UiE .H ouse and Senate w ere a|>- . >ointe<l to Btudy thn pro^-rein and flnd In pr;-por solution, th e necesBar}* ro- lief <iulckly. could nnd would he, n t- •oriled.. The coniinlltee could be n s - “ ffinci}-1ri-itJi-iaslcb>-t!tc^ adv ice -nnd-i-i; }xpuricnce o f tht- m ost, c .ipablc fx* ^erlB on thi«‘ nlilijeci sorvlcvic :nn bo oM nlned.’; ■ ” „' W ith rPKard to law enforcem ent. ::urils nnld In p a rt:

"To detorm lno tbo ex ten t to whicli cglBlatfon Is bcncnc lal and bo}«ncJ ', irhlch 11 Is b u r ttu l. is tho province 5 T ^ [a rc 8 m n iT tn ir jc rw n iT O f5 in o » n ^ ^ llffcr ns lo th e w isdom o t n p a rtlc u - a r piece o f leg isla tion , o r a s to tlie im endlng of th e consillu llon tn r e - , n r d th e re to .. It Is Im posilble to Ig- „ lo re th e canm itu tlon . and un th lnk - . ible to evade It by a p a rticu la r nd- nlnlBtrn}lve pslley. .•

"My ow n reeord a s p ro secu tlnc a t- ^ ta e y to r Sbaw nee county .show s „ :learly th a t 1 believe In th e p rac lice it, >f -JJrw eoforcem ent,

Call* fo r K n fo rr« n en t ^"T he prohibition am endm ent w a s Z

idopted by n il o f th e s ta te excep t :onnecUc&t a n d fD IW e Is la n d . P o r h e federal governm ent, now ta ndopt.>r even, to propose* o r to", favor, a v ille y .« h lc h t w ill r e su l t .In allow ing n c h s ta te to d e term ine Tor I tse lf tb e ifcoholic 'C onten t o f beverages lo b« n a n u ^ c tu re d .. sold and tran sp o rte d h rru g h o u t th e eonn try . w ould bo a Ifree t and IndefetiaMil^ atte(Ct>t aa Ita >art lo evade o r to rcpud la to tb e re - rpooalblUty so dclegnted am i assum - »I> a o d ao endeavo r to re-delegate ;b*t rcsponslbllfiy Id t h e ' several ita tea fro n t w hence 1 t cam e, w ithou t toy iuaU fT aU on to r «och acUon.• 'H believe in m eeting an Issue m uare ly, tb e ro f o w - l* » u te th a t no t > n tr am I h e a r tily te f a r c r o tc fs lth - ■ally e h fo rc ia r a l l -o u r la w s; b i t t . ta r - :ber I am opposed to th e r r o ^ ' o f Jie -U tfc 'e B tM td n x n t o r .a f Jh a .Y o laitead ac£.“ ' ‘ _______ - . 'T ^ r T - .T v r i■ BpeakUMt s r t h e In e rea scd .p a r tic Jp t. Hob o f » w a e a > la>emia«* Sald :^ ■. ‘ - - * T B e '^ T t ^ l H W u f = p ^ ~ l u s - » a U

se n t. I t be liesM 1& a a d p ra c tU to 'tb * j r t a S ja e ^ o f - f a H

C T '

■y Day - WaJsing Code Ancient Dii

'Demands Right!r y UuiteU r r« is • nji

tiUl'KNW'ODI) l.AKK, .V,' V., All^;, a;-: S - D r , Jiilin li<m<'1i y irad iii Kuliiy ynintiil cm llio < .it 111-- anolcni r.-iiO- •>■< ll and il.>mau(l.'<i Hu- rit'.lK i» iiiili.-

.llr<'il i-:. Sm llli III il.a>:ii>-. .Th.; .I.'hai.' oliiill.-iis.' ‘•am.- ..vor i,ii

ilrtn'.i'ii's r.'.i-.'ii- i- ill vt:iii,.i, li.-ii,,'hiii);.;il Ih..'l'lli.r wax 11 r(..; mViiiiii.iral pr.)i;t'<-iir<, ' Sm illi < Inill.'ii.'it.'il | uu wl ijico/l 111-- (I.')wilc !>.■ Jjj C;)lv;iry) hiiiIKt .Jiur.:li ill N.:w V..rk, w li.'i.' .ft.

iio<'..:.mir>-. 'I'iK'ii Sm llli il.’iiia:i<l.-.l im f III,.' .ll..oij:.shiii b.- ill CalvaV.v ( tap lls t oliuroli jirili.'.l a n r 11.1 ^tlinitwoi . , t CDTo tliM .l.'m a.i.l Hi-. S!i-,M..'.i -ffM 1

ho l.ilU.wlrij,- l . . i u r ^ •. • • | „. •■Y.m hav.' ■^hiillM.uoil in - (.► a! ..,

olmt... iir 11 Jciliii . ................. m.v r l - 1 _

V .ir th.- riiil .'il S lalrx , t.j ho III.' O l.':i.ll|i-Hl .r;jl In AlliorU'U I'l'luv i>l j 210 fofooii c.r iii7.?nl ]irV.-i:ii'.‘V a,u l in i . ’ ! g iilllicai wii;<Iimi. 1 5••I liavo - liofliiiloly • no.-.-ploil , ill.-'- X

hiili.'iii;.- ami »iaiicl r.'uil.v 1,0 in .oi 5Ull faoi! tn. fn o i- .am l i.iiluiilt ' my Srnnt and ,i.. i:lv.' you .'v .'ty 0m lly to reply. °"All th<> ohnllonKoil inirty, I itiumi Jj

11 thu lime hoiinroil prlvll<>Ki-- of nam - C IK llin pinci- for tlio 'dlsciiaiiinii und _ g Jinll a fiiitcp Kiat « 'l» luil iiioiiki-' e iiiarlaii hlUornowi' m ir draK lii.; ro-

"Tho vlini poim Ih llu it you havi> lialk-iiKoil mtt t.) a Joint-cIlHcniisioii nf o u r-roen rd -n iw l nol I't a ^'^rmum i

raa .^ .i,l_w .,in :in , \V i^feol .< oiif..|.-nl lai .n ir r. I'lird ilu- malm .-ni.noe < tail prou.-iiliiii nf nalliim ii p ro sp .rl iy A,iir ri.-.niiti III allKiiini:-, tho wonn-irH .iiloii on ih<- Hliio f.f llio 'ItopiiMluan ..nriy in ilio oniiilns oainpalcn ," O

rr..«dH Kh.i-k In T..|ioliu g^ U 1 K » iiM a :^ H lu O ;L J ll- j:^ ijii i^ ^ g

la ii'i. rir.'l'ca inlfila to Mr a .p lao .- on 'gIio national llc lu i of a m a jo r p.'irty, 5

Th.:ii»an<l:i - of Uaimiiiiit fro ii| a ll g■WlH nf Ibo mall- nwariiicd inlo towiv. 5riu-y. earn.' by aulnmoliil.i nud a ir- 0lijn o. *>n()'U mnik-rn of irnunp'oriiitlon 2loiileoH, A Ik-iT of ir. a lriilanes ..itTiU' qrum W ichlla nlniio lii'iirln;; prom inoni OiiiHiiii-K!< ini'n fm m th a t low n. . g

Tho chain of Rlati.'-nn over w hich 3lie :(oniit,<ir’n uiico wa» onrrlod Co ghe farthoM nnnli In llils cn iin iry in - g:lu<io.l Homo 80 htullon.-< In ilio United 5^iiin,.j,_______________ ____ _ L_ S

Toiicita W.1II •'all <lrpB!>oiriip"“ln llfo ' §S iyo.rT 7rT irt-nf.itlnnr.~nir' tbo rocen- p|na. nni|' the Incjli onmmllt.-’o. h'-/i.I.'d gl y A. M. I’n iien . was woll '..riianlRe.l 5II i.iko c.-iro of 111.- rccoril-broalilnt*. Q;nV,vd of vlftllors. 2

Nallonal fianrca in tin- i^.llilca l 5Ifl) of A aiiTlrn m ixed w itli tarm<-rH amil iiihor v^sitnrii In hot.'l lobblon. "o-'Uiii- Diojjj oDl Ol) iJjo < 'iron .r ' o f - lolilieal iienllnioiii In Kau^'as.’ In- ersp.;>M .r In 'lh o ■oriiw.l^ veri< inom- lorH of ll)..' K»w Indian irlb.. of which ?onaior C urlls Is a doHcond’ini.

Tho notlfleallun o.-roiiMiiI.-s woro ll-bl nn I h ' oast uleps nf th e nliilo raiiilai huliaiii';.-. wlior.- a buui. |>lai- Ollll. eipOnpod wllli loud npuakors, vnB oroetoO.

Poison Theory In FatcLoewenstein

fets No CredenceD r Waited r r t s s

.PARIS*. AUK. .lS -M eillc .il experlB iro (ilvldod over w he|lio r • l/)ow cn-- • iieln. llt ltr iaa - Ilnanclcr. waa pola- mod. •

O r.'P .iiir . who exam ined th e body. ift.tT |{ nan liKitKlit ai*)tor<f a i Doi}- osne S u r .Mer. said h e foun'.l traec* if toxic polBoninc in tlie Intentlnc.i.

Prof. Kohn' A,brc*S. .d irec tor of tho 'Ollco lul)oraiory of toxicolopy, who Iho exnmltied the o rgans, sa id ttie - tiimach co n ta in ed o u ly ,lh c . norm al oIniln'B b r a 01001“ a n d jto tuc ' sea. '

llo tii aro. Bubir.llting repo rts 10 tlio (irooer's cou rt a t Boulogne.

LopwenBloin fell from nn a irp lane ver lho EuRltsh channel la s t m onth.

POISON T H E ^ 1 u S C R F .n iT E f )

>;ubt Is expreicAd In Judicial circ les tint tbo coroner’s cou rt w ould find aouKh ovldenee to justlCiy a n offl- Inl InvutlR ailon of tho s tu e m e n t hot A lfm l LoeK cnsteln w as m urder- d by polBon. ,

I t wns pointed nu t th a t th e Belgian anker 's rela tives had ndm llted tb a t e «*fd -p u rg a tiv e s-a n d djR ejtlou on d e rs which ea»lly could havo been ho ••toxic m a tte r" th a l Dr. I 'a u l ro - o rted flndlni; In ttiem ccitlncB .

AUTO DOOR GXASS . > ' l n d Shields

W indow O lass - - S e ttlA C .fT M .- . •

T O O y S »A IIC T -8T 0aB


P b o a » :8 8

V . w a r s s * _got«lT^

itch This Faselist Straton Select Place Debate -p ta n u ire Iti a .rh t iv ih , ^'..ll hiiv.' i;.-il .w liitli.T I Wouhl n i.'.i V..II ,111.1 in- i:r .i l.'ll"v il'.i.i;,mi..,l fi n i.l> ..I ■s' ..I- 'nn.- My „h-.w .i' i ' .• •; lll.v h».|'aMy •y,.T.’

••11 .-lialb'lit.-, .Voiii- 'n.-ti.iTi >11 Vi;ii- ni: K. i-..v..r'.\vill h a v -. in.-. Ti.'.- h.K.. Wlli.I.'V'.T - i .p - .III tli,.'Vii,iMi :- I,iy ‘h'vai "I--'' illlll rl,;b i. ;.t..; « itlilDlinillially I'tvinil 'v ..i i h. i.n.-. III.' /lld ;!■. ,'i WiJJl-')-, i. ■nmiliMiiv IrlT-if- •r aiiil 11, . i.war.l "

R e a f C a la m ity . ",A fler Ih.- i.'-acli.T i::>.l .'vplaliu'd tc. i,C ;'la!ll<tinira.-nlllshili wM -fw nllilliatj ,iMilns' |.ii:i'llior- iint-,^p.Tio'lty, ilw■ llli- rl;i> .i-1,1 III! .-nimirl.'iioroiipou n liliiliii uirl exohiiaii.'.1- ) “ I’w lnsl" ' • . t.

o P o o o Q o bO D og a o o o o n o a o o o o o i o

: , r ' tX R C1 Al'e beVirminfi' to move i ybiii' b:uik play,^ an ir I iii;os))oi'ity ol' llle i omn

tional BUiik' is ;il yuui p o rtan t'tim tv—

I - F l ' r s f N q t i c, . ■ of Tivir

. . ■ r:iii;:.^iiiKK ifK iM :«;io.v,n, u ,v .\k i

s o o B a o o o o o o o o a o o o o e o t io o a a D c

' 23 y e a r s .o— I O T W K

Per fon' ' ' ' '"-'l

In' h n i iU it i t ’ ll^ in t'llio i- ni . t h a t o i.tiiiis !-;• P K K F O jL H .' ' |io i i i t lo t lu ' r o t 'o n l o f th o '

T r u s t C ojiipnii.v \v h ii-h . s in • iiK riu ii tli in i l . s lo i-k -n iisiti> : i

m itltc th e liits iiio ss n n d p o rs T ill s I 'n i i k ’s r i - e n r d 'i t - tm o c 0 ’O ]n'Taiw n, i i s si'rvjv iy J il lio s s lioiim .s, lo i'h l o iti rc ii : ir io t . '- .


' VEBTISZNQI T*y'the Twin FUU: Daily.

Timw Servioel--- ■

;.ADTOBspAiBziraVaTra ■ O rtnd lac . - P l s t o a - P l u , . -

RtasB . B e a r ln o and B r ^ • '- T.ifi>i.r. . • -

lT.5.SninCEB4lEPAtB-8H0P - »: «a> flee. A te . 8 . CTwie

- - --4^llBta. ir ia 4 « « ^ R a l e . '

: AB7th t a c . t e t h a .O l a n U M ' . ..- - ,.S e U to f .» o a * -» V a * ,

1*4 I n j i * - j > w m | | g i

■ . * '~ !»A nw :w r?'n?w ^ ^

fe Regularlyi.,M ‘i> .\w iiii.n s i i .v v i m ; u k i 'o iiii• . n r Uiilta.l rre»u. ^l .l l .I .k . rrnli.-.' -H^ib.-n , Carr.-, a

-ni::!!!,: '.-lalui!. t.'l ln.lil llM01 hr,, n .i . t i i f..i' -ha^'liiK, ' T ills .

....................... brr.;ro wUilOMi'Oii1:.; (" i l l l- a f f l i/a u t, slidvi'tl .!im 111 ~o.' flat. And he ’ i.l 1I..I .'X.'ii iil..'U his ch in on.:e. . .

.u' a .' t ih iu n ' T i'SR F n r x i»-MiU-roN', 0 — Oim- nf llio ' InrR.^Sl' la 1 ..|rii ;ir:'i.,i .:v(r liiuml 111 t!ili>' r : r n ; !i!:- ’[n .in i! ) u,i..t ■iiiie tirtlt>‘il— - .Ml- ll..;,. h\ xM,rkiii.'a wiu* w on'

III i. ;.ia> rl (ill. Tll.i •itisk

: 1|';.1|.- Ill .•ir.'tinit'T.'m '.' a l ilH’

m s m ; iiv h i: i:x r .\.v ii» :i» - *N l:\y IIM.KANS. l.:i.- ’n m rls is who___

ail!. •U,'i al’n1l.. t■ an.v^ •a-.rllnn' , ,r III,. .. .im n y at.- ii..«, arf.>i.lo(l il.o-o- i.;iliiic-.,i'iv..iu;l>'ni.._r.'(on': Inniliiur- tl.iii .,1 a Illl. 'I .-u lr .' li.- tm '. 'r^ N^w. H h.'ii .- ii!nl,.\1..iiiiilii ■ •IViili. .U Mvlii- —

c o a o o o o b o o o a o o o o u o o o o o o o o i

^PS — 1-. _ | -

a n d i t i s a t i m e w h e n |

i i D o i ' t a n t ' p a i ' t i n ' t h e 1 “

l u n i t y , T l i e F n - . s t N a - S

I' . s e i ' v i c e ' a t t h i S r W f P ' " ^

m a/ B a n k . J I Falls ; 2

n r — =

i i :i li:K .\I , JIK.'^KUVK SYSTKSf


mance•liv i tio s . th e o n ly fliinR VNt:)C. w v. n ro k1“ ‘1 r W I N F A L L S MANIC & ce lilliri. liuK ficrved th e - mill ■ o lh iT iti to re x ts l lm t *.hlllll l i f e o f l.lijs l i i s t r ic t . llf |> ro^'ross. s a fe ly , uiiO

n iji tf lire ju-edM o f liiw i- -;md ,fui-mor_ n f thi->i tlis-

(QOlW ^


- ■; ' ^

C O B M H t o lA L J i iP l itm e

i l l ' l l S w l w l l l H B

c r«M-^g«a^T i r T i l n ^iv. q.-

Page 16: Ai. Xn.MHiaH ll)l._______ • , ...... ._____ I W I.\ iUAilU. PATI.UIJAY. AUCU'ST ik. • , • • ______________



-R esidents of. B inghan County C om m unity H ave '

Suffered . Losses.

• SecpuRc! from lln* A miTlriui Kall/i rfK orioIr In I 'v liln illy ^cauflni: niiiin' ilaiiiiiKc ll’ i>ri>tii'iiv In v lc iu liv o f ilie r, iiik<rlii/iiontiiiiMi b y tho Ijiiai’ dniii.' P n iii 'a i iiln-inlv

fi<* ’Hit ti*tom in iin lly of StprllnK. loriii<'<t In Uii;. -------.—

HiIk oim lrH i iirc Jn w pch 'n ‘IfAiiL- ftf tliu A inurlcaii Fnllti I'rrrm wlilcli Niiyti: •

(.'olifrotilcd u ltl i 'il niliiii'tliiri v n y " liiiiln r to tlm t w hich obiiilim- In tlm ulll lowii. n <U-I<.'i:i>tl(iii (If Si.T lliit; cli-

t i r n r i-.niit' - n t - A-Tnrr tr a ii- l-W l» -Mmi*- Iluy. In fjitcM of rc-llcf nml n'llri'sn. SM'J'oK" t l" ' Alivv^Tlvnii KuUi'rc io rv o lr . tlicy ninliiinlji. In iliiniauliiL* lliclr rcMlilciici! i»ro |nT iy .' l» •Icsir .y '

. In r l lir . |irflilii>-t i tiliy n f Ih f ir ~riiTl"f:; uml iB'cmifiliiK ili'.'in KiTlniiH luKhcii in (liv.wiiy o f (li'prtiriiitloii ainl <lccrcii!*crl vnliion. , T tnilr ililnxlon licrc w;i« Iti confcr w llli n«iui Tcm iilln. r'liwlncci- ill cllftrKi* -of—On—lo n r l - ^ f l r r —nf—th tr H urvu'i of ltocl:iiMiilli>n, iiinl ici UkIkc n f:,Tjniil cfimiiliifnt w kli Iiiiii.— Ktul'I' luiiUu <iilj;iccul- W Jt'UTVolv, liuM' lii)i-n o ir r i 'i i l Jor nitmilin'p nml tliOM' wi'rc_ctinfiniic;il, 1o' mcmlii?r{(, of thc .ilclcKiHlon, ll<-|oiv tjic conntriiclioii of - th c Anici'lciin Knllii ilimi. llicy ,n«Hcrt; Itn-lr cnn.-iini- n liv .WJIH ipcun lfil HR one nf ,ilic nm«i

In H inKlmnrcr.uniy, |Ih holl wnt< n'lt'tl'^ iilarly n ilntilcil: ir> nlfnlfu riil i i ir r , nml ownrrH o f rnriii:> |in»lu<'-. illi: ntfulfn inrcJ'ri'K iitnrly rciill>:c<l rc- liirniJ III n’liwiir'li' of ♦lim ncri-..

Kxtl-nnltn SlllMnrllrin l> u* -ic i.n -o liiu icril-» iy-"npm r^

lion of tllc I'urlli np Ilic hliiip-j> of ili>- lil»: Inkn. \V nicr lum in 'iifln iic il inio tlic Bi'onnil 'fo r loni; •tiii.mnoM ri<iji), llin 7>linriTR-rfntn> ii\ii-r»nlr. Snrl*|n»v-_ lylnj: »JI0IS~11| 1> 'I jirn in lnn nnilliauKy. On nmny rnrniA 'ilic cx<cf<itlvi-' inolm iint in dcHirnJIiiK t l ic '• nlfnlfa; kllllni; o u t lln ' ruoN nml caiiHlni; ihc iilnntn to-vvlihcr nnil-ittp. -I 'p rm ancni IiniKilrnicni of fertility l>i fciirrd from llic fact lliiit nlknli In ilic muIi'KciU I» holnK Inrccd jnw aril ih c nurtacc ot

inci'ciiHiiin Vrct|tn>nc). . . " ' 'W air r In n|i|)<;iirliiK in tlir> ccllni'^:

I'f m a n y S tcrllh i: lioint'!i, t*nnic of ilicni UK iiiiicli iiM a infic <ll:<tni>l rrriiii Ilio f lio ri’ o f the Inlfc, • f.’cllnrH )vhlch nero d ry In prc-roncrvn lr il.iyn now

*T I n . tli i 'in ,‘tn (he Irrlta tlun nnd iin- in y n n c f^ r ih c lr owniTH. T lm i lirin ;ondllinn 'rcm iltii d ircc tly fi-'n i the ^reaiioil nf. ilio' rp»cr»nlr lii Miown liy ih l! 'fac l .lliu t (he (Iciiili pf w ater III jnitoincnlH in rr i’Ufo* whcn^piyrnKir iH ic lnc Iff poiinilinl, nnd rccrdPH um wa- '

m thp IrriKnilon iirojccln-low c r ilnivn

-Rimldi'ntH nf Sl'i’r lln i; lielicvc tha t hn Inylnu. of dr.iln Ulc will rr‘llnvc lie bftil I'lliintiL'n in which Iticy find hcnifioIVox..and do nuich in ihc wny If rcHlorinK tlw iirndnctlviiy of. Ih rlr n rn » . Ni\ljiri01y ihcy fci‘1 ilini iln ' spcncp of illliik* Hliniilil lic hnrni- by he federa l Kovornincnt o r l<y ihc :»vncrH of niorniic iltthM. If l( ’d i'' «iIo|»,rtltot tilliit: in nnt fra rllitf ln iM 'v '' rinlnlftili Ihnl Ihcy a tc .•iillllcd In rc • inlniiiicii’ont fn r Ihc cio ji I ilicvi:ii’c Kiiffi'rcd and fur ihc driiiuiui- .•hidi hnn l.ccn d^nc to ih c lr fann;: ml hilMT prniicrly ,

Deaths and Funerals !► ---------------------4

lieo. wlio ntp<i -TlitirHdny ninrnlni; n: c r home In U*n:<hini:ion und who.n' , tniy wan hronch t linrc for bnrln l. wilt , 0 ronUuctoil S«in<!n atliT noon o* , 'c lock III tho McthndUi Ki>l»c'on:il lilireh. tho Rov, H . G. Ihiiniinrcy id e in rtwrKO. Inu 'riiicn i' will be m ad- :i T w in f'iilL't cciniiiory, ‘ - ' i


Finished to Ahy Size |■ S T E P - K E N •


t'niioy~"8hnpetf'cr3-stalB fTT w h ile yon wait, .All W ork GoorantoedCON W. HESSE

& SON131 Main Aveaae E u t

ATTENTION CO n .h V .n f t r r .\n jr»> f-2< iili , « o \vili OOV(M- I la l t< r y '|{ r i< ; i i r > . c [c .. ji.

S jon iu '-v Ivtt

R ech ar^n g ail typeRadio-Batteries ....Replacing Cases .

• RepJactng Ja rs , per _Reseah‘ng (all mak

Storage ..............

— EtE€TRICSER\143 Sccond

jSmith Complbting-- Answer To TOte

a y U »itocrP r«f.I .M.IIA’NV, V:. .Mik. IS.. (Mv, .M'I ricd l;. iimllh'K roillicnintnK rcidv Ici

Ihc c l|n iu c i;,.i | W lllliim '‘.\ltcn Wlilic, K un 'iis cdin'ir. will l>c n c iiiriidilc and •v1;:..ri.ii!; d' fcil'-c c f h(s 4cj:l>UitlVc

> rcrn r.! ' v.Ulfli Wlilic attftckc'd.>Smilh roiid Uc hill] ccn'i.idoluil

h l» 'i i ' | i ly H> 'Wliitn n few dnyji a«n, hill Ihat he nnililnK lom c Hinii«"> at- n 10,'iiiir of thc ••dlini’ti cublc«r«m

• fr..lij iilirrjiiil III v.'lllch White ICvIvcij c.-har>:i-i he i'rrili jii;dy tmrlinlly wlHl- d rc » . , .

Thi-'ic; rllai>;iiK . w o n ;. Ihat. Sm ith vntod' In Ihr.'' Iculiiialnrc to iiri'tcct

, i:ayibll!iK,;.;iii(l,-.Dro«nmUou^.^ AYiiiiu al.~o chnrged prcvbni'dy Ihnl Ihc l>cn ioci:^c nnniliiDi' bad volcjl ic> i>rii- 'Tu('t"]7ic MiiTiinn, aml dlil.nn t dio ji this charuc In ihc rv iinc llo ii mndc inihllu licf.'.t.' he r-nilf-.I for IOii,ro|>c.


T o —H av e- P a r t . in N otable C erem onies a t M oscow

---------- N ext-M onth;.-I'.VIVICUSITV o r lOAIIO, ...............

An;;. JS A.Oicr II. WibDii o f Twin i''.ilb<. n.vnib.T nf ihc ;.iiiic I., ,iril o f , cdiii'ailon, lin» hccn u|i|>ciiiiicd a iiicjii-1 bcr .of fhc* Kcncriil siar.i.w ldc coininil- I Ico for th c liiniiuiiiMlloii of I'rc.ildflnl i i 'rc d e r lrh J. Kelly of •lho l.’n ivcniliy ' .If Idaho. Sc-iiicinhcr nnd irr.. Tlio i;cni-rn| IniliiK drathni' oniiiiiillicc n>< n |iiin ln to l by \V. . I), . Vliiocnt. i . l j l r oc>nitiiij-Ixinm^if-4^bici»Hoii-7Tni|-rt'npr— al ch 'iln iiaii, .liicli;di-». in nddillMi to , -Mr.'Wlli.on. two o the r ii.cinhcm of ilin M ale’ h iia r il 'n f ediicalloii, K lanlcv A .I I iih lo ii-n f-H cltn[:" :-.-tiiiIriiia ii ■.if"iirc-.......... (Iivi- Cimninrtcc oji iliVnTilvcr^il/.mil I ’leiicy SI. f ’hilr.'|ii'. |.il(li'n f of tin- ' Slnlo bnanl. .Mr. Wlhxiii I.h a lio chnlr- ] mnn of Ihc exo in ilv t' (rnmini|lee o f the iio n iliirn .Hraiicli.'.. Tfic inm uinrnilon ' coinnillioc! In­’l iiden faciiliy »ci>reHciitntlv.;'; from [lie mnln cumiiii;< al Mcmcow nnd^ tlm

■Jott null r .n i.Icl lo' c ivic orii'i.ii'liuM^^Ari Hie l_niiiiKiirai|.;ii I.s liclni: ]ilanncil ■ I n Militc-wldc' )'vcni ihc .Siiiiihern Jlrniich mill fricndii of IiIkIict I'diitn- iltiii In lliu.iiiniihi'ii'iien'i imri of ilii-' Htale w ill.,he n» hilorcHlcd In ll ttn '

cow. An honorary ntntew ldo coni- iidtlcc Iiiih nbio bi’e ii' npiinlnioil li>’ tNiininlHnroncr V incent. K .I h henUctt by O overnor 11. f . th ild rid c f with ihA folUxvlnK inoinhonihiti: Clik-f Jnjitlco W illiam K. I.CO o f .Ihc idaiu mii>romc! cn u rl: \V. l),-(illliji. I 'llo r. « |icakcr of-

lli r R fli.ll'i.c-l^t—Vl.'.rl...— icn l. Jo rom c. j>ieBldcnl of tlio J I n tn ('hainhor. of Conm rcc; Mrn. * , J. Hllcdiner. i^ainliiolni, jircHldcnl of the*' HiatV Kcd.'ratloii o f-W otnen '.i C lith ^ :' Knrl Dnvbl. .\|o?icow, jircsldcni o f (lio I.'nhcr.Hliy <.f Idalin Aliiiiinl a.snocla-^ lion ; 1‘niil S)io<-n alior. Ilcdiic, p rcK l'! «ient of Ihc li\ohnii);c V liib;' W. If. [ "Icarc,. I'r.caiclbi. d ls lrlc i j to v c m n r! jt_ I J o ia iy ; .fiidce Hayinnml .U . GIv.-- •ns. ilrilhe. d!-irlcl_ KDVcrniir/of Kl- •'alilji; \V. W. I)cal.'.\a ii.'|ia . n inslcr cif 'h:- Idalto .Sia(e Cinniii-, und Mrn. J . ' ” , l'i>!ie,'IJ .li.c, f id leci- W orticirn'flllb. ‘

The r;clieral < om illlltee i.l ciiitllniiii: : in IrinlH'.iIrjlinn. iironnnn van lly dlf- ’ 'c ren t troiii lU.' cniK im ary ly i“' of i;-re.iionic:. Im bii ni lo the Insi.iJli;-, 'Ion .if a ro lh is.' urcsldi-ii!, Thp . liiloiiai i^roi i'iliin ' iH ill mnke ilie in -1 iittuxiratliiii n i:reat m-adcinlc;. w e n t iliO I'). l ia \c a i^ inany lepicpciuailvcrtT iH.I>.Hildi; rrii;i. <ilhnr bli:hcr. Ini>tl(n-i lliiii-i lu. nllcl|d iincc. T hc iilalci bna rd ) lit icliii-ntion anil ('n iiid ili.ii^ncr V in -J i-rni (vlt Ihat liic InM linilon cit a new t p rcs l ilr ii t . of th e M ij ic _ u n l\rr it l ly I ;iiiiiild,bc nn cvoiii nf prlii.'iry in ic r - ; •M lo Ilic i;coiile of |l:c r.ial,' and tbo InatlKUrallcin l'lo ;;ram 1:: t^eliiK' om . ilni'd (III lha l IiIi Ih.• Tin-—InaiiKiirail .Jl p roper will be

Monday nficrnonn, Sep tem ber 24, TJio ' i:i licral rc r i innnies^ liowcVnr. wijl ) •omc TihmiIav. S.-iil-'n'ltcr 2.* / nndII lll he cnniolfdalc il w lib Ihc ■i;riieral ificnins uf llic oolluKc yenr.

D A V ID J A C K * y O U N G P I N E DS25 O N B A D C H E C K C H A R G E

~T?u<rUIcnc.'cl ici e ith e r pay a titic of |j. '. iind •cfttrt o r Morvc tb .' wiini Iial nt K icr day on ehariscK of w ritiiiK ohcckn vlllloiit fniidri III llie bank, when he ippcnred lietorc JihIkO' C. A. Ilailcy , •'rlday. |

Vmiiii; wnn nrr.ib:ne,[ Tinir:niaj-..anil-: nlLTcd u pica n( r.m tiy lo Uic charKO. I icntcncc woh . nol ]ironc>iiiicecl nntll r.'.lcrday. the Jud;:i- lakint; lime0 con 'lc lcr Ibo mailer.- Y oniis w-ill iTobably hcrvc tb c tim e n» b e bnd)rovloii!.ty Hlatccl lliat bo hnd hu l III- lo nn.n.-y,_________________________ _

AR O WNERS . ,o f fe r llu* fiiT low iiijT priro.'; to . 1

1 ll .v 'I I I . ' W jllan -t

:s- ................ $1.00 ,.................... - . 7 5 ^ . ^ - . I..................' . 1.00j a r ................................ 7 5 . I

c») ............ 1.00 ■ I.......... ..................... . 7 5 . .

ICE STATION: — Ie n a e N o r t h ^

' ' " 7 ; . . ' . V ! . J _____

j Divorces Granted j On Three Request!i T l....... divorce,I \corc - /ran led Krl■!.iv fn ldl;>lrtc cniirl hy .luckc U

' A, Itnbcnck, All nr tho c'n-c-i; w tr . . ptchcniccl l.y f). C. l ln l l . nti.irfn-y t.i ■ lhe jdaln(*:rii. tbe .Iprcmn; koIiiu hv dc ' ffi 'n l’-- w ' ' • ■' Amy Ij u ' o >;iVen n dlvnrcc ftn: ■ClinrlcH I^ii.|i, ':i'hc. plftinilff char«'j IdoHC'rllnn nnd crilcliy . thc dcfendan jbnvliiK forced Ihc iilnlntllT to ntlenip iabortinh.

Knrl .MciUrJdo wn^* i;ian lcd an nn nnlineiil (rom l.oniue .Mcllrhic c>: cliai'}!e« of fraud . Tho niarrlnuc b;c Iicon liinilc on'lbrc-nlK f io m 'ih c <lc fi-mluiifu w r e n u nml re'nUvpK, ' i -o-i' nllcKcd. ■■■ToKtlmoiiy wnn ■broiiciil :i prove th a t th c chlbl wan Ihat nf KarTitcilrldo.......................--------------------------

C. K. .MOlK ti wail Krantcd n itc.;i.r<. illvorc'c troni 'l im in e Melton cm <-liarj;ea of ........................ .. ■The plain

.M.iY s i i i r m u tv iM .sT ^

' . a y ifSriacI Presa(:I.IC.\IJAI.I':. f a i . . A iik, I H - l ’endlni

wiird tfoiii l-:niiiorii ridntivc.s ih c bod; or John O rln Cnitei-. TJ. .'ornn-r n«■~ff^rilc. tuMflre flf_..lhc llllrint-i iniprrn ie cuiirl. will bc ijelil here li «a: -tald at lilM re^lib!noc Friday^

.lllili:0 ('n’r ic r died Wedniwdny nfic, ll lirlof illnc.'cH. l ie h iid . lived ,hcj-"

- r m

. It w ouia.j ;___ _______to the ave

did riot pe Perhaps it nny dealer

________ / JsnpAVri—tir- tiresalesm

dealer a < j , extra 5,10

' Oniy shonf ----------- '1

. - As busine . . more afFor' tires than

6wn them

T b e r e • G o o d }

• Goodyears . - ■ ., r causc^neai

. th a t Good^ ■ of extra sei

than othei \ Goodyear*

ership is n< a reason, neered'aln- improven- i^entedand

. side “no-rii built pncu


r t i r DAILY

f i P M E l i rI l .n n e s Knr < o iis l-M n i. W . D. A r- ; lot: left, llitii inorninK fnr . h e r liomc

• : l i r I-on AiircIcn n ftf 'r iipcinllnK ’ (he '. Miininn-r w iih hor pitrunlH, M r.'iin il •';M rs. J. a. S(.''wav(, ■ >.

' j A <;ii<mI fn lcii--.M r. am i M ni. W; M. , 'S 'l ln n c r ro iu rned T lin rs iln y oveiiliiK ill trom Ilcn r Vnlley w ltli ii"l;poim il mil- d im u ii iinU th ree tioinuwbftl iimnllcr '|onei> w hich lliey cuiikIK w hile on 't j vncnilciii^lii th ilt c oun try .'

t.en iln ir fnr~T;»nIpj—J. H . (31nn-• (hjii nml fnmlly nro lonvlni; Sntnrilny '■ I inoriilnir o n .n vnoalloti tr ip to I'IuhU-/ 11 lio l SprliiKH. TInry expect,lo ..bonW uy -■' nlmnt le ird n y iC '■■ "

• ' .V rrhcs From I'liIIfornln—^'rnntt C. 1 ; l.yn rlt, fo rm er deputy co nnty niidllor "■am TToriliur Hccroiiiry of.'Tw-itJ^-'rillH f. Catinl ocjmpan.v. o f .«iitl PleKo. fn llf .. ’ bi ll cnViii n t th e Immo of hlH litotlicr- - In-hiw. U ulidi, II. Sm ith;

' On Yiioiiltnn Trl|i~M liin M nrjnrio .niiiclc. o l.T k 'n f Ihe iircihnli* c-oiirl. lefl

"* Indny (ill u l» 'o^ utc; |(k vucntinn to ; .r.iiM Anr.eleH Where- idul WiU vlsU lUu

fam ily of T rnninii 0 , Hoyd, J r . ‘

• . Hri»tllpr-Vt>lt>--V-.ty,»f,1 .Inrm-Ii. nr .sidin-yi Iowh, l«-,n jjiient tlitn 'W ech n( (be home of hiy iiixiur. .Mrn. II. .W.M,ni:el.

------ ’l ’rtVaiit*_*Vr«i-Jlvm—Mr«, A. 11, Col-wifll Imn un b e r KnentM h e r ' pnrcntH

1 3 ^ 0 1

e :^ .< s s re r mirpbably never occur —Gcrrage m an to buy an .sId**~tke—if rsDTitebody 2i(rsuadc him. ‘ ‘ ^

Gcwould nt^ver occur to .

to “talk' up” an un- ‘q ,e_ if-s6m e^traveling_leqian hadn’t offered the p— :hance, tp make an *

15or-2p5S.I-’sighted .car (wtmcrsf>voyit^ tVesr^— —ss men, we can.,no , d to sell “lon^.profit*’

you can afford to j ■'

's a reaso n fior—j— — rear lead ersh ip ' .; are c^fcst to ^11 b<?- i5Lcye_r:yJbiQdy.vl^b>fc , tTcars give many miles •vice, yet cost no more r i^eputable tires* s acloiowledged lead- 3taccidcntaL There’s

Goodyear has pio« lost every worthwhile lent. G oodyear in- . perfected the straight- n-cut.” Goodyear first n.\o.tic tires for trucks. L


A U T O ITbc Finest

___ ________

Mr. nnd Mrw.' I-'. '(,’onnid.LMi'fi'.*. ?T lllr ;;M o ,'----- ..... ......... ■ r—;-----------------

.VirjMirl',Muii n o re —Cnl'l. Clnronco n.' t.oiip ilf 'till! s tn r n lrpo rt ncrylce

> nf SiiU I.akc. ix he re ,nm l will roinuln iiiitll n ftcr th ir c o n n ty full'. •

’ .1hi-.idnii iJotn'm-i—Mr«. Kfflo HI- liord llln lun . ’I'w in FnllH miRiiclun. re- Uintcil TUurmtay from «. vftcallott I rlp

. to Loiif,' Iloncb nml I-on A nla’lon,

.Vppvl’iiloil (o AiiiinpiilN—Dii-vid r Willia'in IMvIh. .Ir.. mm of fortnor 1 (loven inr I), DavlH o f Idulio, und

Kruiicliic I.nVernc in irdo ti. Slionlioi'io, . havn bucni d<'HlKnnlocl Iiy (TnnKroiiuninii ,• Adilbion '1'. Sm ith for uppolnltnent uii

niiilahl]ii>incii III tin: United SlnU-ii iiavul-.uuuibnny-iii-A nm ipolift.---

. _a ii:U ir‘ia 'W iii .3 ^ - .M l» ii_ K iU U iJ J y i '. Kcrt nnd MIhh Alice .Tnylor n re homo p f ro n i 'u I'Vc) woi-ltH’ .vi>ill nt l.nifo Tu- r ircn -T iH ff :--------- - ---------• •

H:ick 'Kriiin' VoHon'-Iiiiie—Mr. nnd- Mrn. II, '1,. P rice, .Mr. umt .Mrn. Alvin CiiHoy. Mr. und Mra. Cbarlon Cniioy

‘ ami Mr. nnd Mra. II. C. nicld-'piiiii I nnd eblblrcn nrc licnnc from u ll>-day ) l vacnllciii tr ip to Vclluwiitoiie .NnllonnI 1 park .mul Iho Jiw lu n n Uol« w m ulry.l

• .IrrM os Krniii .Sill J.uko— Mrn. Alun, L P..S iinlrir.-\dii.Jlun hc.Mi oii n hiiiiinciiH I '.rip ti^ Hull I.alii- ( 'liy , rciu rnod to . Twin- Knlln ThurHclny. I

!•* Ilnnii- -VkhIii—.Mrn. C .'D . W'oavor.l ■ wlu> Jiniui|uuiuU u-luH i-iw » iintntlnHp-j H.Um AnKcloH. ban n 'liir iied lioiiie. 1

e J t a | i

9 t-tJV 03^ H -jodyear developed the.'n id tread for rriotor cars. U i en, tires were smodth tre

DOjJyear perfected; and poj rized thc cord tire. U ntil tl curred, 9 5 ^ of all cars w« uipped-with-^&We-tires**A

S E E T H E S E PR IC E S :Goodyear A ll'W eaithcr Tread


______ Sl«c8 a n d P rices 'In th ls ip a c * .- •

Goedjrcar P a tb lltid c r T ires

^ SUM a n d P rices . la'-tiiis ep«ee

m M - iM O B I L Eand Best EqoippcH Garaf« in tho

D d - S b 0 j^ b 0 B » ^ m - P « r u - f h ^ i

Bible d, Opens Sunday; AlIn Tab«rj]iacle,

h ■ .^^tjjacent T urkey Known for n

• as “The Sick Man of

. f St conturios^Vhc devotci

. of God,” •‘The Sword of Allah — ulith-moaninR'-ond-powor.—T

idlo tsjw . • yHB .BIBLE. HAS Do yon' kno.w w hat'and whcr

M any : Thi-iiririg- Sub, _ilui^n£jii£j!ifid£.sind.

Able Speakers. Vivid

' ' -

-T t W eicom e'to-A n.. '


:the-mmnon- . when thc low-pres Itil*' loon tire .appeared ad. instantly recognized

this problem:3 U - , ■ • ^ ■

B alloon ti,resj unli types, bend aiid f

nd— aLons-tlie-sii^ialls —Y age balloon is often 1

• 25,000 times per hpi million times' in. itJ

'^wall strain is terrific

^ ^^^f^C^“ S u p m e a n s m o re

Imide ai\d outsidCf tl be flexible. So,- Gc sponded with a ne^ cord material that i: flexible than tho co ballocns.

to m ileage. M any buyers get three to sand more miles tha 1 his,' of course, larg why Goodyear Tire others. And by a increasing margin.

C ut down your tire increase your mile:

Jn g yoiir car “shoe ’.'fyorld^s leading tire

- ',L\


SATODAY,'APOUS-r 18. 1028. L;

ugiist-19,8:00 p, b, 'Chautavciua Grounds, City P arklore than half century Europe” is the subject ra ted) 1 _____ ___^CS of' Moluunmot hoinmorod a t ''

t." Thcso words'have th'robhed odav-with-numy-^they-are-bu^— 5.GIVEN TURKEY A.PLACE.■0 it ia?__________ ; :

jects to be presented - ilnLji;eek.s.that foUoW-.: and ’Thrilling P ic tu re s,.

i m -

sure o r bai-.I. GoodvearJ— '______la iid so lv ^

ikc form er lex rapidly . The aver- - flexed about ir. Over. 150 i life. Side- ■

m i l e s , , '

iic tire m ust .aodyear r e - __^ .w, patented: s 61% more ird in other

id d s g r e a d y __ ^Goodyear

I fpiir thou- in expected, ely explains - :s outsell all

ccinstandy '

trouble and age by hav- 1" widi the

a NVrunk.inJB fA B n0.lJ. .■ ' - K '-A . '. ^