八天 台湾西岸 “阿里山 六福主题乐园” 欢乐游 (twaw8) · pdf...

八天 台湾西岸 “阿里山 + 六福主题乐园” 欢乐游 (TWAW8) 第一天:新加坡 Q 高雄 齐集于新加坡樟宜国际机场,乘搭豪华飞机前往宝岛台湾之都 - 高雄。送往酒店休息。(机上用餐) 第二天:高雄 早餐后前往参观美丽岛捷运站由日籍设计师所设计的造型出口外,更有全台闻名的「光之芎顶」(The Dome of Light)。为全世 界最大的一体成型单件玻璃公共艺术作品,也是目前世界上最大玻璃镶嵌艺术的巨作并荣获世界最美十大地铁站的第二名。接 着前往十鼓文化村;一个结鼓乐团体,休閒娱乐,与自然生态结合的鼓乐艺术村;安排祈福鼓 DIY。随后来到为一海外沙洲的 旗津半岛。岛上有、旗津海水浴场等名胜古迹。最后前往参观由星云法师所设立的佛陀纪念馆, 建築格局恢宏。晚上前往南台 湾最著名的六合观光夜市。贵宾们可自费享用海产粥棺材板、七里香、鳝鱼意麵…等远近驰名的南部小吃。 (早/午餐) 第三天:高雄 (高铁)台南 – 阿里山国家公园 今天参观珍珠展示馆接着高铁前往台南前往井仔脚瓦盘盐田,是北门的第一座盐田,也是现存最古老的瓦盘盐田遗址。游客在 此可体验传统晒盐、挑盐、收盐的乐趣,是一处适合亲子同游的深度景点。接着前往南台湾最烂漫的水晶教堂,白色的水晶教 堂是模仿关岛的「海之教会 St. Laguna Chapl」的水晶教堂。接着驱车前往阿里山国家公园入住阿里山宾馆并享用自助餐。 (早/午/晚餐) **如果天气不佳无法山上则改往台南,另加台南安平老街/安平树屋行程** **阿里山樱花节(3 月 10 – 4 月 11 日)游览阿里山后改住台南 5* 远东香格里拉 旅费包括:7 顿早餐,5 顿午餐及 3 顿晚餐 风味餐:台式海鲜料理,台南风味料理,酒店自组餐,奋起湖便当,邵族风味,蒋府宴,客家风味,金品小笼包 旅游精华: 高雄:美丽岛捷运站 / 十鼓文化村 + DIY / 旗津半岛 / 佛陀纪念馆 / 六合夜市 台南:高铁体验 / 井仔脚瓦盘盐田 / 白色水晶教堂 嘉义:阿里山国家公园 / 奋起湖车站 台中:彩虹眷村 / 逢甲夜市 南投:日月潭风景区 (不含游船)/ 文武庙 苗栗:客家文化园区 新竹:六福村主题乐园 / 入住关西六福莊生态渡假旅馆 台北:维格凤梨酥梦工厂 DIY / 西门町商圈 / 平溪老街 (4-6 人一个天灯)/ 九份老街 / 台北 101 大楼 / 宁夏夜市

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Post on 25-Mar-2018




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Page 1: 八天 台湾西岸 “阿里山 六福主题乐园” 欢乐游 (TWAW8) · PDF file这里集合了时下年青人所有的最爱,电影、流行服饰精品、各国美食 ... Besides

八天 台湾西岸 “阿里山 + 六福主题乐园” 欢乐游 (TWAW8)

第一天:新加坡 Q 高雄

齐集于新加坡樟宜国际机场,乘搭豪华飞机前往宝岛台湾之都 - 高雄。送往酒店休息。(机上用餐)


早餐后前往参观美丽岛捷运站由日籍设计师所设计的造型出口外,更有全台闻名的「光之芎顶」(The Dome of Light)。为全世


着前往十鼓文化村;一个结鼓乐团体,休閒娱乐,与自然生态结合的鼓乐艺术村;安排祈福鼓 DIY。随后来到为一海外沙洲的

旗津半岛。岛上有、旗津海水浴场等名胜古迹。最后前往参观由星云法师所设立的佛陀纪念馆, 建築格局恢宏。晚上前往南台



第三天:高雄 (高铁)台南 – 阿里山国家公园



堂是模仿关岛的「海之教会 St. Laguna Chapl」的水晶教堂。接着驱车前往阿里山国家公园入住阿里山宾馆并享用自助餐。



**阿里山樱花节(3月 10 – 4月 11日)游览阿里山后改住台南 5* 远东香格里拉

旅费包括:7顿早餐,5顿午餐及 3顿晚餐



高雄:美丽岛捷运站 / 十鼓文化村 + DIY / 旗津半岛 / 佛陀纪念馆 / 六合夜市

台南:高铁体验 / 井仔脚瓦盘盐田 / 白色水晶教堂 嘉义:阿里山国家公园 / 奋起湖车站

台中:彩虹眷村 / 逢甲夜市 南投:日月潭风景区 (不含游船)/ 文武庙 苗栗:客家文化园区

新竹:六福村主题乐园 / 入住关西六福莊生态渡假旅馆

台北:维格凤梨酥梦工厂 DIY / 西门町商圈 / 平溪老街 (4-6人一个天灯)/ 九份老街 / 台北 101 大楼 / 宁夏夜市

Page 2: 八天 台湾西岸 “阿里山 六福主题乐园” 欢乐游 (TWAW8) · PDF file这里集合了时下年青人所有的最爱,电影、流行服饰精品、各国美食 ... Besides

第四天:阿里山国家公园– 台中


熟能详的歌谣被国内外旅人所传颂。接着前往奋起湖车站为林务局阿里山森林铁路阿里山线最大的中途车站,海拔 1403 公尺。






第五天:台中 – 南投 – 苗栗 - 新竹

早餐后前往南投遊览全台最大的高山淡水湖泊:日月潭风景区 (不含游船)。再到位於日月潭山腰上, 因供奉孔子、岳飞以及





第六天:新竹 – 台北


动物王国,是一个趣味活泼的适合全家旅遊休闲国度;六福村主题乐园的 3 只吉祥物更是招牌,哈比、哈维以及玛希萨两只猴

子和一只白老虎的可爱模样,让游客争先恐后和她们拍照留念。午餐后,出发前往维格凤梨酥梦工厂体验凤梨酥 DIY。接着前




第七天:台北 早上出发前往九份老街遊览。九份不仅保留著日据时代的旧式建築,更重要的是山城的氛围,也只有在九份才能享受到特有的

小径通幽赏景之乐。随后前往平溪老街放天灯祈福(4 - 6 人一个天灯) 。接着前往参观台北 101 大楼(观景台自费);大楼内则





第八天:送机:台北 Q 新加坡



注:行程如有更动,以当地旅行社最后安排为准, 恕不预先告知。

注:如果中文和英文行程有不符合之处, 请以英文行程为准!


Page 3: 八天 台湾西岸 “阿里山 六福主题乐园” 欢乐游 (TWAW8) · PDF file这里集合了时下年青人所有的最爱,电影、流行服饰精品、各国美食 ... Besides

8D West Taiwan “ALISHAN + LEOFOO THEME PARK” Family Fun (TWAW8)

Day 1: Singapore Q Kaohsiung Your vacation begins with a pleasant flight from Singapore Changi Airport to KAOHSIUNG, the second largest city in Taiwan. (Meals on Board) Day 2: Kaohsiung Start our tour with a trip to the Formosa Boulevard Station which was ranked the second-most beautiful metro station in the world. It is known for its "Dome of Light", the largest glass work in the world, designed by Italian artist Narcissus Quagliata. After that, we will visit the Ten Drum Culture Village and experience the small drum DIY. Then we will make our way to Cijin Island, a small island with a variety of exciting things to do and see. Besides the attractions and food, the island offers a nice clean beach where the sea is lovely and warm for swimming. Lastly, pay a visit to the Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center. In the evening, we will be going to the Liuhe Night Market for a food hunt. It is one of the most popular night markets in Taiwan where seafood, handicrafts, clothing, knives, cameras and live animals are sold. (B/L) Day 3: Kaohsiung (High Speed Train) Tainan – Alishan National Park After breakfast, we start our day’s tour to the Pearl Center before experiencing the High Speed Train to Tainan to visit the Jingzhaijiao Tile-Paved Salt Fields. It is the first salt field in Tainan’s Beimen area. At Jingzaijiao, you can make own solar salt using the ancient method, carrying salt with a shoulder pole and harvesting the salt. Afterwards, we will visit the Beimen Crystal Church which is the most romantic church in Tainan. Lastly, coach to Alishan National Park and check in to Alishan House and enjoy the buffet. (B/L/D) ** In the event of bad weather condition, Alishan will replace by Tainan Hotel and sightseeing at Tainan** ** Alishan Cherry Blossom Festival (10th Mar – 11th Apr), after Alishan sightseeing and we will stay at Tainan 5* Far East Shangri-La Hotel


Meal Plan: 7 Breakfast, 5 Lunch & 3 Dinner

Special Meal: Seafood Cuisine, Tainan Local Favor, Hotel Buffet, Fenqihu Bento, Shao Flavor, Chiang House Feast, Hakka Flavor, King Ping Tea Restaurant

EXCITING HIGHLIGHTS KAOHSIUNG: Formosa Boulevard Station, Ten Drum Village + DIY, Cijin Island, Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center, Liuhe Night Market

TAINAN: High Speed Train, Jingzhaijiao Tile-Paved Fields, Beimen Crystal Church

JIAYI: Alishan National Park, Fenqihu Train Station TAICHUNG: Rainbow Family Village / Fengjia Night Market

NANTOU: Sun Moon Lake Scenic Area (No Cruise) / Wen Wu Temple MIAOLI: Hakka Cultural Park

XINZHU: Leofoo Village Theme Park / Check in Leofoo Resort Guanshi (Safari Resort)

TAIPEI: Pineapple Dream Factory DIY / Ximending Shopping Area / Pingxi Street Release Lantern / Jiufen / TAIPEI 101 / Ningxia Night Market

Page 4: 八天 台湾西岸 “阿里山 六福主题乐园” 欢乐游 (TWAW8) · PDF file这里集合了时下年青人所有的最爱,电影、流行服饰精品、各国美食 ... Besides

Day 4: Alishan National Park - Taichung We will tour Alishan National Park in the morning which is the branch of Mt. Jade, which is the highest mountain in Southeast Asia, located in Jiayi. The Alishan forest railroad has over 70 years of history and is one of the three highest mountain railroads in the world. Alishan has always been famous for its five bewilderments: the railroad and forest, sea of clouds, sunrise, and sunset. After a beautiful morning of natural beauty, we will visit the Fengqihu Train Station. This was where the old steam trains changed locomotive and the crew took a rest. Fenqihu was settled before the railway was built over 100 years ago so the “old street” label is well-deserved. After that, we will go to Taichung to visit Rainbow Village. It is a small ‘village’ comprising of about 3-4 small houses. This could be our last chance to see this picturesque hamlet before the Taiwan government demolishes it to make way for redevelopment. Lastly, visit Fengjia Night Market, located near Fengjia University of Taichung City, which is the largest night market in Taiwan. Day 5: Taichung – Nantou – Miaoli - Xinzhu Another start of a scenic morning tour as we make our way to Taiwan’s most famous Sun-moon Lake (no cruise). Then, we will visit the Wen Wu Temple and Aboriginal Local Product center. After that, we will head to the Hakka Cultural Park which educates the public on Hakka traditions. It also serves as a window for multicultural exchanges and dialogues in Taiwan and as a platform for interpreting and representing Hakka culture. Finally, we will check-in at Asia’s first Safari Resort, Leofoo Resort Guanshi; you can see animals just outside your room. (B/L/D) Day 6: Xinzhu - Taipei We will send thrills down your spine as we visit the Leofoo Village Theme Park! We recommend you to try the “Vertical Velocity” which is Asia’s first and world’s second U-shape slide track spiral Roller Coaster, and visit the “African Safari” which is the only open-sky wild animal park in Taiwan. After lunch, coach to Taipei visit to Pineapple DIY Factory and experience the process of Taiwan most famous pineapple tart. Lastly, arrive at Ximending, you can check out Taiwan’s latest fashion trends here! (B/L/D)

Day 7: Taipei After breakfast, coach to Jiufen Old Street where it is famous for its Taro and Sweet potato balls and fish balls. Then we will head to the Pingxi Old Street to release the symbolic lanterns (4-6 paxs per one lantern). Before concluding the day, we will go back to town and visit to TAIPEI 101 (Observatory Deck on own expense) and Tienlu Gallery. Lastly, arrive at Ningxia Night Market for shopping and food hunt. (B) Day 8: Taipei Q Singapore Morning, if time permits, you can do your last minute shopping before you transfer to the airport for your flight back to Singapore. We hope you have had a memorable time with CTC Travel. (B) Notes: Sequence of itinerary is subject to change without prior notice.

In the event of discrepancy between English and Chinese itineraries, please refer to the English version itinerary. Notes: Hotel & Resort will be change to same category subject to room availability.