{ the executive branch enforcing the law since 1789…

{ The Executive Branch Enforcing the Law since 1789…

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The Executive Branch

Enforcing the Law since 1789…

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1. Must be a NATIVE-BORN citizen

2. At least 35 years old

3. Resident of the USA for at least 14 years


To be the President of the USA, you must be…

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Presidential term is FOUR years Can only serve TWO terms George Washington / Tradition Franklin D. Roosevelt / Breaks

tradition 22nd Amendment / Term Limits

Term Limit

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Most US presidents have been… White men Christians College graduates Military Experience

Mr. President???

This is beginning to change…• Barack Obama in 2008• Sarah Palin in 2012?• Hillary Clinton 2016???

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At first, VP did not do much…

Today, it has become more important

1. Next in line to be President

2. Represent the US overseas

3. Support the President4. Sit in on important


The Vice-Presidency

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“What Makes A Great President?”

-Do you think there is a set of qualities a great president must have?

-Does the “man make the times” or do “the times make the man”?-Why are certain presidents remembered and others forgotten?


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Based on what you know, what do you think the President does?

Discussion Question

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The President…

Suggests new laws to Congress Gives the State of the Union

Address Sends a budget plan to Congress Speaks for or against certain bills VETO POWER

1. Legislative Leader

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The President… The head of the armed forces Constantly meets with military

commanders Has the final say in how wars are fought

2. Commander in Chief

WAR POWERS ACTPresident can send US forces anywhere in the world where he believes US interests might be threatened.

60 days / must recall troops unless Congress approves

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Foreign Policy: the government’s plan for interacting with the other countries of the world.

The President must balance relationships with foreign countries and national security

Known as Diplomacy Appoints diplomats / ambassadors Meets with other national leaders Promotes and Supports Treaties

(approved by Senate)

3. Foreign Policy Leader

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The President has some “Judicial Powers”

Appointing Supreme Court Justices Power to grant REPRIEVES (postponing

a person’s sentence) and PARDONS (complete forgiveness of a crime)

Power of COMMUTATION: to reduce a person’s sentence

More Powers…

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The President does not make decisions alone

The President is aided by many experts and advisers

Today, there are 15 Executive offices to help the President carry out his duties.

The President appoints the leaders of these 15 offices.

Approved by Senate These 15 people are known

as “the Cabinet”Executive Departments

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Executive Departments

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Department of State

Run by the “Secretary of State”

Conducts foreign relations Protects US citizens abroad Issues passports and visas

State, Treasury and Defense

Department of the Treasury

Prints, coins and issues money Collects taxes and pays bills Manages government funds

Department of Defense Maintains the US armed forces Conducts military studies Operates military bases and


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Department of Justice

Run by the Attorney General FBI works for this department Defends the US in the courts Investigates crimes against the


Justice, Interior and Agriculture

Department of the Interior

Controls public lands and maintains parks

Oversees US resources Department of

Agriculture Conducts studies to help farmers Help farmers raise and market crops Provides loans for farmland


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Department of Commerce

Encourages US trade and business Publishes reports on business and

trade Promotes creation of small


Commerce, Labor and Health

Department of Labor Determines standards of labor Seeks to improve working

conditions Publishes employment information

Department of Health and Human Services

Directs public health services Ensures that food and medicines are safe

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Department of Housing and Urban Development

Helps urban housing programs Works with cities to plan for future

housing Promotes neighborhood clean-ups

Housing, Transportation and Energy

Department of Energy Develops the US energy policy Promotes conservation of energy Regulates energy sources

Department of Transportation

Develops highways and roads Determines safety requirements

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Department of Education

Advises public school systems Distributes funds to schools Sets education policy

Education, Veterans and Security

Department of Veteran Affairs

Oversees benefits given to veterans Pensions, Health Care and School


Department of Homeland Security

Defends the US against terrorism Protects US borders Governs cyberspace

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How to become President…

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Meet the Requirements!

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Begins in January Application Choose your political

party Primary races decide

which candidate will represent that political party in the general election.

Step #1 – The Primaries

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Begins summer of election year

Both parties host a National Convention Winner of primaries is

announced Speeches are given Party platform is written VP announced

Step #2 – National Conventions

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August - November Candidates

campaign throughout the country

Give speeches Debate InterviewLeading up to the election

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First Tuesday of November

National vote for President and Vice President

People choose electors, who choose the PresidentStep #3 - General


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Electors based on state population

Each elector gets one vote

Electors go to Washington and cast their vote for their presidential candidate

Newly elected President and VP are inaugurated in JanuaryStep #4 – Electoral College

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“The Political Machine”