th u e' roswell register=trib ·e· you buy ,your quggy....

... __ . _ ." ,". > - .... - : .. , " o u .. .t .. K.. MdiAflfffY Th fOr.Bestfireft1lSUranCe- .', .. ". .... : e' , lPf!ONlE 26, . l' 08 North Mail1l . Roswell Register= Trib . figure With: ;Vs BefOR' n ·e· You Buy ,Your Quggy. " •. . fnte!'Prise iiilrilW<!re "Coriip'y A Weekly for the Whole People and Southeastern New Mexico. \ : I \ , Roswell, Chaves County, Ne\v lvIexico, Thursday, April, 4 1907 Subscription, $1.00 Per· Year " r i -/ I " -( '! / ,--- '"-'"'----. -- -- .1' rlt '- . c --I •t , '\ 'u z;. .. .il '_ .- - ---.. '-- .... 1 ""_" "",.k' \ ., - , ill I a:} d Address all queries to New Mexico• ]] LESSEE" AND GENERAL M9R. Perfectly equipped for the satisfactory treatment of lung and throat troubles by the nature plan ALL HATES REASONABLE 1 REG ISTnR- TRIBUNE, $r .00 year, AND SANITARIUM. tor the Treatment of Tuberculosis. THE ROSWELL· TENT Dr. C.l. Parsons BolBiseuit Tempting, Appetizing NATHAN JAFFA, Cashr. 1. r ]T ..... Ught, crisp, wholesome The best food to start the day .... " OJ .,. The matter of making your money earn you more money is worthy of your serious attention, as it is the sensible thing to put your money where it will make more money. We pay interest on all time deposits and will oe glad to talk with you abuut it at any time JNO. W. POE, Pres. The Science of Interest Citizens National Bank are With DR. PRICES CrrmBaking Powder Food raised with Price's Baking Powder ;s unfernJented, never SOlUr,g in the stomach, and may be eaten in its mos1l: delicious state, fresh and hot, by persons of all temper- aments and occupations, without fear off unpleasant results. ..- . Mrs. Parker Earle has- returnedr---""'""."-... '.' ---_- ..J from an extended visit on the __ u __ 2, Pacific coast. Governor Hagerman has ap- pointed W. G. Hamilton a regent of the New Mexico Mihtary In- stitute in place of W. M. Reed, whose term has expired. Mr. Reed's duties call him away from Roswell the greater :,part of , .. ;the year and he was not an applicant for reappointment. Mr. Hamil-' tou's selection meets with g-eneral . approval. I ... ;, Mav be Annexed td Colorado. . That Colorado within the next two years is to be enriched by the addition of a territory containing' 1,500,000 acres of valuable farming land is a probability. The people of Sanjuan county. N. M., have memorialized the Colorado legisla- ture asking that, with the consent of congress, this county be detached from the territory and be added to Colorado. The memorial has been adopted by both houses of the general assembly. A. M. Edwards, an attornev of N. M .• has been" at- tending the session of the legisla- ture armed with a petition signed by 1,000 of the 1.200 voters of the county, and his efforts hpve been crowned with success. It now only devolves upon congress to authorise the transfer. and the people of San Juan CQunty, N. M., between daybreak and twilight will find themselves lying in Orchard county, Colorado. for this is to be the name of the new domain. Col- orado already possessing, a San Juan county.-Denver News. Roswell Trading Company IExpert Thinks the Will Pro- dm:e Ten of on Per D8Y L U' m ·· . . . d"·,,·,· .- aF IN TODAY BY WELLS- FARGO EXpnESS.. . II a Pioneers of Prices. A business men's dub was or- ganized at Kenna Saturday night. with twenty-two members. ]. P. .. McCormick was elected president, . and]. M. Hughes secretary. The is growing rapidly. Far E. H. Will'jams " Co. 218 NORTH MAiN STu Agents iolf' the Orossett Shoes Register=Tribune ...... uOnly $1.00 a Year lkPter ..TribuneuuuOnIY·$leOO Per Year Now Champion Mowers Traded for Horses or Hay. - .... - Meet Me ·at the Convention of the Panhandle Cattlemen's Association, at ."Roswell, New Mexico, April 16th, 17th and 18th, __ __ i s-n' T" -- UP AND DOWN rnE-SORDEJt- -co;;';;:.ti:n EddYCOooty &Iade District 2. ..-----:-- Uila... W' The gentleman from Artesia county. Mr .. Gatewood Executive office Santa Fe N. IV!. ., county was not a member of the IS of !OO well \\Thereas. Under the provisIons / legislature. but he attended the 'er :;t as the lead:ng of Section 6, Chapter 17. of the ses.c;ions with great regularity, and )' - t' he to reqUIre espe;:I::l laws of 1905 the acting governor had many experiences during bis IOn. an tIe s,uave and po ltlC of the Territory of New Mexico stay in Santa Fe. He gained much Judge J .. of did ou April- 12, 1 9°5, c.rcate an ar- ;The well of the Roswell Oil Co., experience, and is wiser than he IS gen- -tesian well district was shot SJ.turday nigh+, tbe ex- was last fall. Perhaps his most e '-U y regar e as a gent eman of counties of Eddy and plosive used being nitro-glycerine. experienL'e occurr:ed a few lU?t, and Roosevelt, !lid appoint an ar- _th.t' result, While not definitely de- ?lghts he for,; the ad- a. combmatto,n as tesian well supervisor for the dis- -;0; yet, i1--. enC('lUraging. In Journed, and It was IlOt at the cap- t IS S ou e a wmner, for Gate- trict so created and "the olJimon of tLe expen the wl.'lI itol huilding. f _c was taldng a wo?d always be upon \Vhereas. Section 6 of the win yield at·· Ica!-;t teh barrels of walk by himself with only t?e extr.eme;. .. m legal tal- said Act it that the lo\v grade fuel 0it,-per day. -. of the moon to gU1<lt.> hIS we. Governor of tl\e Territory of New 'I'he"tl"been mixed steps. HIS thoughts were of the I s IS unqueshouul. -- Mexico may time to time as near Aftesia. J,y Mr. assist: Pecos where the Artt»rirrn ... d be sees fit. or shall upon the It:": If tl.1U weil:.- he hlUe at- i 'trhe total amount of taxes which of five per cent of the qualified vo- in a ri? dms to tenhonlto it.,\,i",<1 in till' l'ounty of Roo:>e- tel'S of any cou,Pty or l'ountk'S, cre- the well. fhe statt,wasmade denly he reabi';?d he was lookmg VI..'lt last year was. $¥>,23h.IS. ate artesian consisting- in from Artesil'Saturday morning at down the of a couple of Of tIltS amoum the different funds case of n9t less than one or 6 o'clock, and outfit arrived at full growp sixshooters. and was or'purposes for which 'the tax was more than adjacent counties· the well at 3:') \Vork was at being invited to throw up his made is as follows:. and /f ' once staded on Ji-'t::!cing the charge. hands, which b; promptly -X:erritorial purposes-- __ $q.HoO.32 a petition dated The charge. as it was hauled, The hold.-ups reheved of. h!s Ge!eral county fund ---- 4,3°7.26 October 22, 1906, five per cent of was in cans of about three gallons. hiS roll, and the pm 111 CoHrt expenses________ 5,3°7.26 of the qualifieut-'oters of the It was necessary to place this in hlS lie. On IUl.-'rest onCf)unt}! bonds 1,857.54 tr of Eddy, of New torpedoes. which were then lower- of them hecaJPe enamo:ed. of Ins pnrptilses -- --__ - 2.122,90 Mexico. ha ve .yetiti01li-to eli into,the well by a wire cable. he lD\'lted t.o fund ----_______ i96,08 create an of an inch in dia- take 1l off, wInch he dId. The stut Cattle Slanitary ;:." - 6l)1.9H of the county of Eddy alone, known meter. tht:re were eight of these of dothes he had on looked good to Sh"ep 69.39 as Artesian District NO.2. torpedoes used, one big- one, three the other, and was to get \\'Hd animal 1,710.5° Now, Therefore, I. H. ]. inches I'll diameter and thirteen Ollt of them. WhICh he <hd. It was Sl':.ool districts 0-_ ---_ 5,379.52 man, GO\'ernor of the Territory of feet IOllgi.ancl seven smaller ones, then obs:rved he was wearing Fractional gain. ___ _ __ 10.50 New Mexico, by ,'irtue of the au- eat'll two'cund u half feet long and a fine SUlt .of SIlk and ---- thority in me vested. do hereby in seven inches in diameter. he .was rehe\'ed of them. m fact'l Total____ $-t-o,23x.18 response to said petition, abolish the well is 1,800 feet stnpped to the buff, The hold ups '''1 I' ffi I . t11e artesian district now known as d I . .' 1e Hlsmess 0 ce an< mam . " . . in deep,bthe best oil sand was found wame mIl not to move or gH'C I 'loran' f tl P tIl' . Artt."Stan Dlstnct No 1 conSisting to extend from 1. 18 3 feet to 1,228 an alarm for at least five miuutes, s _' C e rfolU 0 Ie .or t ",ra1 1 1 1 1 of tl;e counties of Eddy f t I th II I I b I or he wou. Id he killed, and started aol!!:, e toa CiOlltlIpany. mCI u mg a I atld Roose\·el·t al1d ('10 c'reate t"'O ee , a\1( e we Ia( een p ug- . l' I,. ns all( Ie camp lOUSe an( ., n d t th O d tl d 't I awa\.· One of them turned Ills. ' t··· d' -t' . .f II . '. ge' a IS ep I, an I was lere J. ., .'. ,.,' '. coal b1l1s were destroyed by fire last arLSIaB. IS ncts as. 0 .ows, the charge was placed. head to see how 1.1Is' Ict1111 \\' i d . . Th I - ArteSIan \t1 ell Dlslrlc't No I to .' ',. l" ay l'\,enmg. I.' oss of .. .. ., The work of the 120 standlllg and noticed that he had ,. " f 1 I '11' ,consIst of thl.' countIes of Chu\'es .. I H gO.1< S exe.u:>\\·e 0 t Ie lUI ( Ill"S IS· '. quarts of explosive in the torpedoes 110t got al . e rushed back and ,imat 1I 11 t too I and Roosevelt . II I I with a grab and a Imll detachl.'d e"..... 0:. e< Iy Tlth' 0, Ie Artesi'an I>istrl·l't N(). ? was especIa y (angerous. alH had I I I' -. . . 0\ tr .... 5, '100. ere .\ as .... 2 ,uoo In- . - to to be oone :>0 cardully that it I It' porous p aster on JlS Vlctllll S " I d I <It ,consIst of thl' eounty of Fdd\' I. 1. '1') b' sIIIanct'on sane .... I.ooom- .. .' .. seven o'clock before the last one uac",_ lere was somet fa· , I I ·11· TI And I do hereby appolUt \\' A I had het'lI Il/acl'd ill the Jt'(Juired JUI miliar .thout this I.ast. touch that s,utrl1l,,'l'J 0 1 11 1 . t Ie HIli (ItI•. gS. le Wilson of Chaves count,\·' N' M. k ' I ' II- f I-I - ,,".0 lUI ( IlIg IS a lout .... 2 OU,'. . , ' .J', •• t " 111011 .\ !l"-.t ... hot '\,1-. made 01.1 ,,,'I'f1\'et lllll 0 11-. a-.t !,Os.seSSIOII, ,,' , . . .. , . '-\rll..·slan \\'t'll Sllpel'\'isor of said OC ' /ll.dl portlOll 01 'he ,·'plo-.I\'e. :llId )'t't he n,L1ld n"t lOLl\<· 1\ exacll\ ! 11It'llalll )l1t·tller-. thal:-io .\rte-.iaLl \\'dl Ilislricl :'\0_ '2_ . lMM 11119 I til<' de.ll, /I: ilL' 't 1"" t Hill II, JilL: dirt IIll\\t':t"I, .\\'a-.alousld. j,.",:"" by, It·1 This -.hall ht·,'olllt.;, t<fli'di\,lr 1:11 I ... tOII"-. ... 1I,,"\t'.1 [!It P"\\t'l .1I1t1 lit IlIlllld ,1IHI .hkt·d III .. <It'" I l)lL ."t \\1111 l,llrl.!o.!", 1.1.'1l01Il, Oil the flr .. t day 0' .-\prl1, lof the llilrogl,'TtTillt._ porkl. .. .-\Ie )'011 kllow .. mlrlll- l"wll-. III Ihl" l't·co-. \ alIt·\'. tht· It'rnlS of said \ ' Owing tu tIll: latt'lll:SS of the' bt'I" 0/ the or the house!" ? pn:d.1L'1101I IS worth relltember- II eX.·Pir.e. the 1st day of APri.l. 1<)0<). hour the spectators left before the \ -Lordsourg LIberal. mg Done the Executh'e Office ,well was shol, ;11\(111 \\·IS exal'll\, l'h.llgIlIg lil:ll ollr counlr\ i ... : 1.1 ... 1 \\·edllt· .. ,'I\ 111ght de /-.1 d,IY lit AprIl, ,\ 1>. 1:10;- \\ Jt-; . ;-':2:; \\ hel1 tl1l' ,'''-\,\'''''1 .. 11 lln 1111'.\ ,III-'·.! \\l:h .111 tll'- ,,\·11 ... :llld '-II -tIl. ,.,) Ih .. IlllIlI<! h""",,,. -illl!' ... 'lIlll' 1It' ..... 1:1;'. h.llI.! .11I,l l.h' (>It'll :-'>(";11 I .\ 1,\ _\ Illlll" til'.· -.,., .... ' ),,\ ... I'llll.\\ .. t 1\1l' I" !I.-til-, ll! ttl -Ill-· !I,ltl .. ellt tlt .. -I,.: I'" .. ".\: :-'-"lllh lll,lll" It'llllll" ,,: :,\,-" :\T,·:\.I('() , . \ll\\',·n·d .1 .. ,,"\ tol\i,· ,\1.11\.',1' \Yill-'I Ilt"I\.t1 c'll\t'I1Il111l1 Ih,· '\!I/,-II" ,,1 \,"'.1' Ill. io, d,-.1 .il l·.III1/ll.!lI. ('II ., .. d I II.I- II \'.1 F'I \',;. 1111' "·:''1,llHkd, ull tIll 1I:llll . :-;,11\ JILlII n.lll1t\.· ,\,-\\ \1<'::\.1' ll,' 1.1. 11" ... ·• ,,/ lit [\\(T11 I Ih tilt" (;"n'llllll: ! g\YL.'L,nue, a 1\11\!,(' (111111111101 \\.lkr 11t.l\... l'lTUII .1 l\Ill\t-\II,lIt III •. "1 I .,1ld ::-H'.lI'"' till" ,ll\Tlnl 1,\ 111-/ J. A. R\ \:\I)I.l>:--, I \\".IS throw\I OUI tI.le well, gUlli,': IlIe" .. ed 10 A Pdl.l. iOIl Ill" III ;:"l"'Tdury of New 1\Jpxico. :tway ahove the T1gg1l1g, and Senl,\ ,the Colorado IeITislatllre askllJ<T I 'q I k \ tl })I 'I t' . . .. I' r .... ' . I, 0' ,a'e ,r lUr as1l'r l e- - Ibuquerque /\leeds It 1T1:.' ,111 tC,r!:l:ll:,J; :Il!n: :!l_ P!·'-I il.lS ikl..'l1 lunned Oi' '. .... " '.. I Aftel thiS the el\l!'t) 1...111> and - Jent and natIOnal l'ongres.s tIl that ILakc \\rthur business melt who \\ e that huc I. ;'nl qt.l:HtS of the exploslVl'. whl .... t. etll' :S 1I0W beillg circulated and itll t I' 'II from thl:;O place to Roswell. Albu- had beell left O\·I.'r \vere :--hoL This is will he siITlIed h\.' eye;\" citi. \\:111 a k ce\melnt- p aster lnll. ql1erque needs it in her business. .' h .J t.'. ler a .. a·e t rt Il1r or OLa t lelr TI . hi' d d II . made a deafell\l< report. lIIuch zen in the ('ountv Sall J U'lIl 1 I I I' '1 f Ie elg t t lOusan 0 ars 1S re- louder thall the hig shot, alld was .. :O\lllt\' comprises I 0;0 aud l;as gt 7YP at1(If t 1 1 3t Ifl'S 1 1-2 hUll es quired to gel it would briug us re- _ . . ." '"1'.,. . OWII. t Il' ormer t e gyp WI I' . heard for some IIllks awn\, from the :l population of '1000 exclnsi\'e of b I_ I I sU ts worth many tlmes that sum, well. - Indians The is .\/_ .to town Ion a tramway. The gentleman whl) is at the head It is the illtelltioll of those 11,,- t"'l' A' c'cordill<7 to . Ie 0 oWlllg wcrJc t}l;e of the enterprise is perfectly relia- . . . '" . .. n '" . - , nll">rporators: . l. n oots, . .. ' ., '> You need l Ot.. You' need to know tlle hllld the 1 ::'Sl'llt drtlllllg. to go Oil here the .... Itlzens of thl.' Pecos \ al- K J J B I}' 'J k hie. HiS name IS a suffiCIent guar- .' '. . . . . II1gstOll Ol' . on '. c. ac' . WIth the l'XpiOraiIOlI work and .to I le\' are Illallumg a Itke IIlO\·I..'ment 'I l)' B k " I antee that he WIll do all that he we ight of Vilhat you sell, the incr-ease in your' finish the well (If the Home Oil to' annex their l'ountrv to til .. ' stlite C·, " ec J': lews d ·, agrees to do. But abo\'e and be- l I t 11 -, " . , J. ), rtppen.". ,\. '., ,ins au \"OlId that'· tIl fact th th 1 1 · t k·· d e of t'Ill·ngs lOt WI'II pay for :l:I' per lapS oJ It"r , we :- at 1 eXiis. -I uculIlcan eu ' !\kMeal. J IS I.' a e l olVeS OC , In • OZ ns . 1 he Sltll<ltlOn across the rt\'t:r Is ) not ask II:> to pay hun a cent tlll '1: Itself. The PItless Wagon and Stock Scale IS certainly encouraging enough to Messrs. \\'. F. Buchanan. \\'. A The April tern' of the district the road is put i!I condition, a.n<1 ',i Jackson and Taylor Ira\"e J'ust t I I 'I d I tl k I , durable economical reliable. You can move jllst,ify this. and the people of closed the deal for the <;ale of the lOur ....o:l\·ene( lere on uy Iy cars are ma'1l1g regu ar tnps ..' .' d d I welt Ill,.)' yet ha\'c gushers of 011 Judge \\ 111. H. Pope. Both the tWIce a day hetw·t>en Albllq l1 erque ... ,.,... It In an.hour, place It anywh,ere an lt IS rea Y at their ,·.ery doors. Cabra Springs ranches to \\'. H. criminal and civil. dockets are .re- and Roswell. Hi.sto.r}.· is tull of f b S t Stickmier and A. L. Par-;ons. of d b I f I d 1 or USIness. ee US or wrl .:) US. There IS some. SIX hundred feet porte. t<.> e \'ery hght, there beltlg t 0 1l1( IVI ua sand 1 of water in the 011 wei, at the pres Freeport. Ill., who will Ger- no cnmltlal cases of very much commUI11t1es that ha\'e been left to . HARDWARE CO ent time. and al' effort will be made man colonistson it immediately. importance. Deputy Clerk ]. A. mourn the loss of neglected oppor- (W.. p. -.' l-EW·IS'.' '" .' I to cut this off. Mr. Perry believ:s There are 62,qOl :len's of the ranc:-h Fairly informs us that oue reason tunities, and All)tJ(!uerqlle will put .. this water comes up from deep and sold for $2·75 per acre, or 17 1 .- why the docket is so light is the herself in that class if she fails to down in the well, and will plug the 977·75, The ranch is ill San Mi- good work Judge Pope has done by take advantage of the pending well above where he believes this gueI and Guadalupe counties about disposin!{ of a good many of the proposition, and improve the pres- water comes in, The presence of 45 miles from this city. - Tucum- less important cases during vaca- ent opportuuity. this water mav hold back a laq{er cari News. tion. This county is now in good It is well known that the eastern \'olume of oil gas than at pres- The new firm ot Gatewood & shape relalin' to court, as It has portion of this territory, including eut is"indicated at the top of Armstrong has flung its shingle to at'out $3,000 on hand to pay the the Pecos Yalley, is growing more well. the breeze, that being the name of expense of this term. Still we had rapidly thaQ any other section of a term of court last April and one the southwest, and in a very few last October. These are years the of that section will pertinent from the fact that in be worth l\ deal more than this terri ton· court can not be held that of any other like area within unless there- is money on haud to commercial reach of Albuquerque. pay the expenses and when the so far as business is concerned funds are exhausted the court aU that rich and valuable section is stops. There were twenty-se"en a sealed book to this town, and is grand jurymt.·n and thirty-four likely to remain so until a proper petit jurors subpoenaed for this term effort is put forth on our part. of court.-Portales Times. \\'e ought to have a railroad to , Roswell. but that is a bigger thing th sOlBuebody I ,000 from than we cau haudle, and the next ,e lue Spnng ranch south of best thing is a good, reliable auto on Feb. 27, and a reward line callUble of carrying passe _ of each .offered for the geuger s mails and lio-ht and the ." au,d making the- iLhe Avalon dam, near C'arlshnd, tht> two towns:in seven or <tight recfnllY tak-:II U\'el by the reclama- hours, And that is well within 110;0 service, has been completed our reach. \Ve can get it by put- and water was lurned into the ting forth an effort so slight that it canal MOlldar This water will is hardly worth considenng. The save large tract<; of fanq lands and gentlemen of the Boosters' cluh can orchards from impending ruin, raise all the money required in half The Farwell syndicate announces a and not work hard at that it proposes to expend $100,000 But If sleep on our .opportulltty in the iinproyement of the town of Itke!y t,o lose It. All the Farwell. recently locatecl lIear busI.lless traIls 1U ,the Pecos Valley Texico sectIon of the terrItory now lead to- !eI' ward El Paso, and if we do not do 1.. something to turn the attention of Base Ball at t:te New Park. the people in thi:; direction, those Two games of base hall will be trails will SOOI1 become well worn played at the new park tomorrow highways, and then it \vill he too and Saturday afternoons. between late for us to change theta. But at the Roswell and Institute teams. present our chance is good. With Tomorrow's game will be called at first-class auto coaches leaviug each 2 o'clock and Saturday's at 3. town every morning and coming in Hester will be in the hox for the every carrying passengers cadets and Caldwell and Chinn for mail and express matter from Roswell. one place to the other in a few hours, the people of the two towns would soon get acquainted, and be drawn together, and their busiuess relations would improve every day. There be no more delay about thiS matter, The line should be secured at once.-Albuquerque Journal. J ., ) i-. ...... 't _\- .. ' .. ;._,#-""0 ." r; _--::"' ____ 1 "'t - /-:::::p--:'-::--.-, __.,.-<_l' - -- " ' . ", .M.-".tee.··-_-rllio'_lIlIiIIIIIIIllIIr ... rIilZ!IilIiI·1il ......... ........... _lIIiIMI.-·. t ... -r:-lr"',.•• 1__.... _ ... ·""-_._t__ ..... ··_ .. ' __....... ""-""'-__ ... ' :l._ .... O'-__;,-..__ ....,;..'__ ,;,.:..... - u .. ,

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fOr.Bestfireft1lSUranCe- .', ..". ....: e', lPf!ONlE 26, .

l'08 North Mail1l Stree.~.. . Roswell Register=Trib . figure With: ;Vs BefOR'n·e· You Buy ,Your Quggy. "••. . fnte!'Prise iiilrilW<!re "Coriip'y•

A Weekly New~~per for the Whole People o£~l:toswell and Southeastern New Mexico.\

: I

\ ,

Roswell, Chaves County, Ne\v lvIexico, Thursday, April, 4 1907 Subscription, $1.00 Per· Year "r i








.1'rlt '- . c --I,~ .-.~~--_. • t

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z;... ~ .il'_ li'--"~ .- ----.. '--



""_" "",.k'\







Address all queries to

~Qswell~ New Mexico•



Perfectly equippedfor the satisfactorytreatment of lungandthroat troublesby the nature plan



•REGISTnR-TRIBUNE, $r .00 year,

AND SANITARIUM.tor the Treatment of Tuberculosis.



Dr.C.l. Parsons:.~:.:-:-:':.::::::.::::::::::::::::::.::':::::.:::-..:::.~':.-=::.::::.::.=."':.:.:::::.


BolBiseuitTempting, Appetizing


1. r

] T


Ught, crisp, wholesomeThe best food to start the day ·~Ih .... "


.,. The matter of making your money~ earn you more money is worthy ofyour serious attention, as it is the sensiblething to put your money where it willmake more money. We pay interest onall time deposits and will oe glad to talkwith you abuut it at any time

JNO. W. POE, Pres.

The Science of Interest

Citizens National Bank

are m~de With


Food raised with Price's Baking Powder ;s unfernJented,never SOlUr,g in the stomach, and may be eaten in itsmos1l: delicious state, fresh and hot, by persons of all temper­aments and occupations, without fear off unpleasant results.

..- .Mrs. Parker Earle has- returnedr---""'""."-...'.'~.---_- ..Jfrom an extended visit on the __ u __ ~ • 2,Pacific coast.

Governor Hagerman has ap­pointed W. G. Hamilton a regentof the New Mexico Mihtary In­stitute in place of W. M. Reed,whose term has expired. Mr.Reed's duties call him away fromRoswell the greater :,part of ,..;theyear and he was not an applicantfor reappointment. Mr. Hamil-'tou's selection meets with g-eneral .approval.


~_~_~~~!~=~..,.."..-4~~RI~~~8~B=AKIN~,,.:G::PO;W;;D;E;;:;R~.;;:;C;HI;C~A;Cll;O~.==;:...~~.;,~_~:.;_:_~_:.~'~S&S!Ia'!!!!!!!!'!!!~-"~~~_~~~-/Mav be Annexed td Colorado. .

That Colorado within the nexttwo years is to be enriched by theaddition of a territory containing'1,500,000 acres of valuable farmingland is a probability. The peopleof Sanjuan county. N. M., havememorialized the Colorado legisla­ture asking that, with the consentof congress, this county be detachedfrom the territory and be added toColorado. The memorial has beenadopted by both houses of thegeneral assembly.

A. M. Edwards, an attornev ofFarmin~ton,N. M .• has been" at­tending the session of the legisla­ture armed with a petition signedby 1,000 of the 1.200 voters ofthe county, and his efforts hpvebeen crowned with success. Itnow only devolves upon congressto authorise the transfer. and thepeople of San Juan CQunty, N. M.,between daybreak and twilight willfind themselves lying in Orchardcounty, Colorado. for this is to bethe name of the new domain. Col­orado already possessing, a SanJuan county.-Denver News.

Roswell Trading Company•

IExpert jp>~rrry Thinks the W~aI Will Pro­dm:e Ten 3arre~s of on

Per D8Y



m··~, . .




IIaPioneers of F~ir Prices.

A business men's dub was or­ganized at Kenna Saturday night.with twenty-two members. ]. P.

.. ~ McCormick was elected president,. and]. M. Hughes secretary. The

m~~@!j~§li!~~~~~~~~~@]~@]@JID i§]_~~ is growing rapidly.


E. H. Will'jams " Co.218 NORTH MAiN STu

Agents iolf' the Orossett Shoes

Register=Tribune......uOnly $1.00 a Year

lkPter..TribuneuuuOnIY·$leOO Per Year

Now Champion Mowers Traded for Horses or Hay.

-....-Meet Me ·at the Convention of the Panhandle Cattlemen's Association, at ."Roswell, New Mexico, April 16th, 17th and 18th, 1907~ ~ __ ~__ i

lfi-;~--1ilELl--IS. s-n'O·T"-- UP AND DOWN rnE-SORDEJt- -'flb"4~es;;e~~~;'~~1 -co;;';;:.ti:n EddYCOooty &Iade ~Ian District 2. ~/ ..-----:--Uila... W' The gentleman from Artesia it~l:~~dY county. Mr.. Gatewood Executive office Santa Fe N. IV!. .,

county was not a member of the ~l:) IS n~w of Ro~well 1~ !OO well \\Thereas. Under the provisIons /legislature. but he attended the 'er :;tas the lead:ng cr~mtDal la~- of Section 6, Chapter 17. of theses.c;ions with great regularity, and )' - t' he v~esi' to reqUIre espe;:I::l laws of 1905 the acting governorhad many experiences during bis m~l IOn. an tIe s,uave and po ltlC of the Territory of New Mexicostay in Santa Fe. He gained much ~ ~:y Judge J .. ~\J. ~nns~rong of did ou April- 12, 19°5, c.rcate an ar­

;The well of the Roswell Oil Co., experience, and is wiser than he ;~~ COU~Yd IS ,als~ q~lte gen- -tesian well district t.o.~o"nsist-of't:hewas shot SJ.turday nigh+, tbe ex- was last fall. Perhaps his most e '-Uy regar e as a gent eman of counties of Cha\r,£.~, Eddy and

C/"~~· plosive used being nitro-glycerine. t~rilliug experienL'e occurr:ed a few ~rt:> lU?t, ac~meu and ~ndo.ubte~ Roosevelt,~d !lid appoint an ar­_th.t' result, While not definitely de- ?lghts hefor,; the legisla~ure ad- 1~~~g~t}"ld ~uch a . combmatto,n as tesian well supervisor for the dis-

-;0; '~rmined yet, i1--. enC('lUraging. In Journed, and It was IlOt at the cap- t IS S ou e a wmner, for Gate- trict so created and"the olJimon of tLe expen the wl.'lI itol huilding. f _c was taldng a wo?d c::~ always be dep~ndcd upon \Vhereas. lj'~der Section 6 of the

win yield at·· Ica!-;t teh barrels of walk by himself with only t?e lig~t :.01:Urm~h t~le extr.eme;...m legal tal- said Act it (~provided that thelo\v grade fuel 0it,-per day. - . of the cre~cent moon to gU1<lt.> hIS CI1.~, w~:le we. a~l. kno~ t~~t ~rm- Governor of tl\e Territory of New

'I'he"tl"been mixed steps. HIS thoughts were of the I~Hmg s h~nest) IS unqueshouul. -- Mexico may time to time asnear Aftesia. J,y Mr. l~f\'. assist: Pecos "'i.1lt;~:. where the Artt»rirrn .~J-cl5h...d ~un. be sees fit. or shall upon the r~quest

It:": 1»)1\H~'.hlli, If thal~al"" tl.1U weil:.- .gll'\\·';?~; he lJa~d hlUe at- i 'trhe total amount of taxes which of five per cent of the qualified vo-

\~laCed in a ri? atl'~ dms ~auled to tenhonlto hl~ ~urrol1lultng:.. ~~lll-' \~€~- it.,\,i",<1 in till' l'ounty of Roo:>e- tel'S of any cou,Pty or l'ountk'S, cre­the well. fhe statt,wasmade denly he reabi';?d he was lookmg VI..'lt f~r last year was. $¥>,23h.IS. ate artesian di~tricts consisting- infrom Artesil'Saturday morning at down the mQl2z1~s of a couple of Of tIltS amoum the different funds ea,~h case of n9t less than one or6 o'clock, and th~ outfit arrived at full growp sixshooters. and was or'purposes for which 'the tax was more than fou~ adjacent counties·the well at 3:') \Vork was at being invited to throw up his made is as follows:. and /f 'once staded on Ji-'t::!cing the charge. hands, which b; promptly di~. -X:erritorial purposes-- __ $q.HoO.32 Whereas,~BYa petition dated

The charge. as it was hauled, The hold.-ups reheved h~m of. h!s Ge!eral county fund - - - - 4,3°7.26 October 22, 1906, five per cent ofwas in cans of about three gallons. w.atc~, hiS roll, and the ~tlcl~ pm 111 CoHrt expenses________ 5,3°7.26 of the qualifieut-'oters of the coun~

It was necessary to place this in hlS lie. On closerexammahono~e IUl.-'rest onCf)unt}! bonds 1,857.54 tr of Eddy, 1~tqritory of Newtorpedoes. which were then lower- of them hecaJPe enamo:ed. of Ins ~Mzoolpnrptilses -- - - __ - 2.122,90 Mexico. have filed.(s1~d¥.yetiti01li-toeli into,the well by a wire cable. overc~at, an~ he w~-; lD\'lted t.o fund ----_______ i96,08 create an art~shindl~frict"'cohsistingthree-si~teenthsof an inch in dia- take 1l off, wInch he dId. The stut Cattle Slanitary ;:." - 6l)1.9H of the county of Eddy alone, knownmeter. tht:re were eight of these of dothes he had on looked good to Sh"ep ~anitary-----_'-.!r: 69.39 as Artesian District NO.2.torpedoes used, one big- one, three the other, and ~e was ~old to get \\'Hd animal hount~'Q___ 1,710.5° Now, Therefore, I. H. ]. Ha~er­inches I'll diameter and thirteen Ollt of them. WhICh he <hd. It was Sl':.ool districts 0-_ ---_ 5,379.52 man, GO\'ernor of the Territory offeet IOllgi.ancl seven smaller ones, then obs:rved ~hL\t he was wearing Fractional gain. ___ ___ 10.50 New Mexico, by ,'irtue of the au-eat'll two'cund u half feet long and a fine SUlt .of SIlk ltnderclot~1es, and ---- thority in me vested. do hereby inseven inches in diameter. he .was rehe\'ed of them. m fact'l Total____ $-t-o,23x.18 response to said petition, abolish

AlthougJ~ the well is 1,800 feet stnpped to the buff, The hold ups '''1 I' ffi I . t11e artesian district now known asd I . .' 1e Hlsmess 0 ce an< mam . " . .in RO$w~U.. deep,bthe best oil sand was found wame mIl not to move or gH'C I 'loran' f tl P tIl' . Artt."Stan Dlstnct No 1 conSisting

to extend from 1. 183 feet to 1,228 an alarm for at least five miuutes, s _' CerfolU 0 Ie .or t 3~ ",ra1

1111 of tl;e counties of Eddy CI~aves

f t I th II I I b I or he wou. Id he killed, and started aol!!:, e toa CiOlltlIpany. mCI u mg a I atld Roose\·el·t al1d ('10 c'reate t"'Oee , a\1( e we Ia( een p ug- . l' I,. n s all( Ie camp lOUSe an( ., n

d t th O d tl d 't I awa\.· One of them turned Ills. ' t··· d' -t' . . f II . '.ge' a IS ep I, an I was lere J. ., .'. ,.,' '. coal b1l1s were destroyed by fire last arLSIaB. IS ncts as. 0 .ows,the charge was placed. head to see how 1.1Is' Ict1111 wa~ \\' i d . . Th I - ArteSIan \t1ell Dlslrlc't No I to.' ',. l" n~ ay l'\,enmg. I.' oss of .. ,~ . . .,

The work of placill~ the 120 standlllg and noticed that he had ,. " f 1 I '11' ,consIst of thl.' countIes of Chu\'es.. I H gO.1< S exe.u:>\\·e 0 t Ie lUI ( Ill"S IS· '.quarts of explosive in the torpedoes 110t got al . e rushed back and ,imat 1 I 11 t too I and Roosevelt

. II I I with a grab and a Imll detachl.'d e".....• 0:. e< Iy Tlth' COIll,!,la,t~l 0, Ie Artesi'an \\'~1I I>istrl·l't N(). ?was especIa y (angerous. alH had I I I' -. . . 0\ tr ....5, '100. ere .\ as .... 2 ,uoo In- . - toto be oone :>0 cardully that it \\'a~ I It' porous p aster on JlS Vlctllll S " I d I <It ,consIst of thl' eounty of Fdd\'

I. 1. '1') b' sIIIanct'on tH~gOO sane .... I.ooom- .. .' o'clock before the last one uac",_ lere was somet IIJ~ fa· , I I ·11· TI And I do hereby appolUt \\' A

Ihad het'lI Il/acl'd ill the Jt'(Juired JUI miliar .thout this I.ast. touch that s,utrl1l,,'l'J 0

1111. t Ie HIli (ItI•.gS. le Wilson of Chaves count,\·' N' M .

k' I ' I I - f I - I - ,,".0 lUI ( IlIg IS a lout .... 2 OU,'. . , • ' .J', ••

t " 111011 .\ !l"-.t ... hot '\,1-. made 01.1 ,,,'I'f1\'et lllll 0 11-. a-.t !,Os.seSSIOII, ,,' , . . .. , . '-\rll..·slan \\'t'll Sllpel'\'isor of said

OC ' Ilnne~ /ll.dl portlOll 01 'he ,·'plo-.I\'e. :llId )'t't he n,L1ld n"t lOLl\<· 1\ exacll\ ! ~'L 11It'llalll )l1t·tller-. thal:-io .\rte-.iaLl \\'dl Ilislricl :'\0_ '2_

. lMM 11119 I til<' de.ll, /I: ilL' 't 1"" t Hill II, JilL: dirt IIll\\t':t"I, 111~'lIllo"lty.\\'a-.alousld. j,.",:"" '~'II ~Ollll ~'.t·",lIl1lt·"lt-d by, It·1 This ~HdL'1 -.hall ht·,'olllt.;, t<fli'di\,lr1:11 I ... tOII"-. ... 1I,,"\t'.1 [!It ,~rl".lt P"\\t'l .1I1t1 lit IlIlllld ,1IHI .hkt·d III .. <It'" I l)lL ."t \\1111 l,llrl.!o.!", 1.1.'1l01Il, Oil the flr ..t day 0' .-\prl1, 11i)Il~lldlof the llilrogl,'TtTillt._ porkl. .. .-\Ie )'011 kllow .. mlrlll- a~l<,.l1<" l"wll-. III Ihl" l't·co-. \ alIt·\'. tht· It'rnlS of said Sllplrr\'isor~'Sh'd:n


' Owing tu tIll: latt'lll:SS of the' bt'I" 0/ the (:OIIl~Cll. or the house!" ? h'~ pn:d.1L'1101I IS worth relltember- II eX.·Pir.e. the 1st day of APri.l. 1<)0<).hour the spectators left before the \ -Lordsourg LIberal. mg Done a~ the Executh'e Office t~is

,well was shol, ;11\(111 \\·IS exal'll\, l'h.llgIlIg lil:ll ollr counlr\ i ... : 1.1 ... 1 \\·edllt· ..,'I\ 111ght de /-.1 d,IY lit AprIl, ,\ 1>. 1:10;- \\ Jt-;. ;-':2:; \\ hel1 tl1l' ,'''-\,\'''''1 ..11 lln 1111'.\ ,III-'·.! \\l:h .111 tll'- ,,\·11 ... :llld '-II -tIl. ,.,) Ih .. IlllIlI<! h""",,,. -illl!'... 'lIlll' 1It'..... 1:1;'. h.llI.! .11I,l l.h' (>It'll :-'>(";11 I

.\ ('~qlt,,\,\ullt-d 1,\ _\ Illlll" til'.· -.,., .... ' ),,\ ... I'llll.\\ .. t 1\1l' I" !I.-til-, ll! ttl -Ill-· !I,ltl ..ellt tlt .. -I,.: I'" ..".\: :-'-"lllh lll,lll" It'llllll" ,,: :,\,-" :\T,·:\.I('() ,. \ll\\',·n·d .1 .. ,,"\ tol\i,· ,\1.11\.',1' \Yill-'I Ilt"I\.t1 c'll\t'I1Il111l1 Ih,· '\!I/,-II" ,,1 \,"'.1' Ill. io, d,-.1 .il l·.III1/ll.!lI. ('II ., :-".~II..d I II.I- II \'.1 F'I \',;.

1111' "·:''1,llHkd, ·,'tllll~ ull tIll 1I:llll . :-;,11\ JILlII n.lll1t\.· ,\,-\\ \1<'::\.1' ll,' 1.1. \l~ 11" ... ·• ,,/ lit [\\(T11 :'_""I~"> I Ih tilt" (;"n'llllll:! g\YL.'L,nue, a 1\11\!,(' (111111111101 \\.lkr 11t.l\... l'lTUII .1 l\Ill\t-\II,lIt III ~:d •. "1 I .,1ld ::-H'.lI'"' till" ,ll\Tlnl 1,\ 111-/ J. A. R\ \:\I)I.l>:--,

I\\".IS throw\I OUI ()~ tI.le well, gUlli,': IlIe".. ed 10 l'ulor~ldll_ A Pdl.l. iOIl Ill" III 'll~: ;:"l"'Tdury of New 1\Jpxico.:tway ahove the T1gg1l1g, and Senl,\ ,the Colorado IeITislatllre askllJ<T I 'q I k \ tl })I 'I t' _o~. . .. I' r.... ' . ~ I, 0' ,a'e ,r lUr as1l'r l e- - Ibuquerque /\leeds It1T1:.' t~\(' .~!)t:'l~' ,111 f'~'~~\' tl~rf'rtlnl~ )J,_:!~ ~'''fl~. tC,r!:l:ll:,J; :Il!n: :!l_ P!·'-I ~t'lJlIll'all) il.lS ikl..'l1 lunned Oi' '. .... " '..

I Aftel thiS the el\l!'t) 1...111> and ~~\ - Jent and natIOnal l'ongres.s tIl that ILakc \\rthur business melt who \\ e _~aut that au~oulObI1e hucI. ;'nl qt.l:HtS of the exploslVl'. whl ....t. etll' :S 1I0W beillg circulated and itll t I' 'II from thl:;O place to Roswell. Albu-had beell left O\·I.'r \vere :--hoL This is s~i(i will he siITlIed h\.' eye;\" citi. \\:111 crett~I a

kce\melnt- p aster lnll. ql1erque needs it in her business.

• .'h .J • t.'. ler a ..a·e t rt Il1r or OLa t lelr TI . hi' d d II .made a deafell\l< report. lIIuch zen in the ('oun tv Sall J U'lIl 1 I I I' '1 f Ie elg t t lOusan 0 ars 1S re-louder thall the hig shot, alld was ..:O\lllt\' comprises I ,~;) 0;0 aud l;as gt7YP at1(Ift 1

13t Ifl'S 1 1-2 hUll es rO~luI quired to gel it would briug us re-

_ . . ." '"1'.,. . OWII. t Il' ormer t e gyp WI I' .heard for some IIllks awn\, from the :l population of ~ '1000 exclnsi\'e of b I _ I I sU ts worth many tlmes that sum,well. - Indians The ~'~-unty ~eat is .\/_ 1~ 1'~l\fC .to town I on a tramway. The gentleman whl) is at the head

It is the illtelltioll of those 11,,- t"'l' A'c'cordill<7 to r"'l}o~ts re~"'i~'('d . Ie 0 oWlllg geBnt}~'It~e1lJ wcrJc t}l;e of the enterprise is perfectly relia-. . . '" . .. n '" . - , nll">rporators: . l. n oots, . ~. . . ' ., ' >

You need lOt.. You' need to know tlle hllld the 1 ::'Sl'llt drtlllllg. to go Oil here the .... Itlzens of thl.' Pecos \ al- K J J B I}' 'J k hie. HiS name IS a suffiCIent guar-. ' '. . . . . II1gstOll Ol' . on '. c. ac' .

WIth the l'XpiOraiIOlI work and .to I le\' are Illallumg a Itke IIlO\·I..'ment 'I l)' B k " ~ ~I I antee that he WIll do all that he

weight of Vilhat you sell, the incr-ease in your' finish the well (If the Home Oil to' annex their l'ountrv to til ..' stlite s(~Il1'I)n C·, " ec '~rl' L:\,,~'. J': ~,tt lewsd·, agrees to do. But abo\'e and be-l I t 11 -, " . , J. ), rtppen.". ,\. '., ,ins au \"OlId that'· tIl fact th t h 1

1· t k·· d e of t'Ill·ngs lOt WI'II pay for (,~>I\lp~ny :l:I' per lapS oJ It"r , we :- at 1 eXiis. - I uculIlcan ~l·\\·S. eu ' !\kMeal. J • • IS I.' • a e l o~solVeS OC , In • OZ ns . 1 he Sltll<ltlOn across the rt\'t:r Is ) not ask II:> to pay hun a cent tlll'1: Itself. The PItless Wagon and Stock Scale IS certainly encouraging enough to Messrs. \\'. F. Buchanan. \\'. A The April tern' of the district the road is put i!I condition, a.n<1',i Jackson and Taylor Ira\"e J'ust t I I 'I d I tl k I, durable economical reliable. You can move jllst,ify this. and the people of Ro~- closed the deal for the <;ale of the lOur ....o:l\·ene( lere l~ on uy Iy l~ cars are ma'1l1g regu ar tnps

~'-~ ..' .' d ~. d Iwelt Ill,.)' yet ha\'c gushers of 011 Judge \\ 111. H. Pope. Both the tWIce a day hetw·t>en Albllq l1erque~... ,.,... It In an.hour, place It anywh,ere an lt IS rea Y at their ,·.ery doors. Cabra Springs ranches to \\'. H. criminal and civil. dockets are .re- and Roswell. Hi.sto.r}.· is tull of

f b S t Stickmier and A. L. Par-;ons. of d b I f I d 1or USIness. ee US or wrl .:) US. There IS some. SIX hundred feet porte. t<.> e \'ery hght, there beltlg t 1~ acc<;>l~nts 0 1l1( IVI ua sand1of water in the 011 wei, at the pres Freeport. Ill., who will se~t1e Ger- no cnmltlal cases of very much commUI11t1es that ha\'e been left to. HARDWARE CO ent time. and al' effort will be made man colonistson it immediately. importance. Deputy Clerk ]. A. mourn the loss of neglected oppor-(W.. p.-.' l-EW·IS'.' '" .' I to cut this off. Mr. Perry believ:s There are 62,qOl :len's of the ranc:-h Fairly informs us that oue reason tunities, and All)tJ(!uerqlle will put

.. this water comes up from deep and sold for $2·75 per acre, or 17 1.- why the docket is so light is the herself in that class if she fails todown in the well, and will plug the 977·75, The ranch is ill San Mi- good work Judge Pope has done by take advantage of the pendingwell above where he believes this gueI and Guadalupe counties about disposin!{ of a good many of the proposition, and improve the pres­water comes in, The presence of 45 miles from this city. - Tucum- less important cases during vaca- ent opportuuity.this water mav hold back a laq{er cari News. tion. This county is now in good It is well known that the eastern\'olume of oil ~nd gas than at pres- The new firm ot Gatewood & shape relalin' to court, as It has portion of this territory, includingeut is"indicated at the top of t~le Armstrong has flung its shingle to at'out $3,000 on hand to pay the the Pecos Yalley, is growing morewell. ~ the breeze, that being the name of expense of this term. Still we had rapidly thaQ any other section of

a term of court last April and one the southwest, and in a very fewlast October. These fact~ are years the tr~de of that section willpertinent from the fact that in be worth l\ gre~t deal more thanthis terri ton· court can not be held that of any other like area withinunless there- is money on haud to commercial reach of the expenses and when the Bu~ so far as business is concernedfunds are exhausted the court aU that rich and valuable section isstops. There were twenty-se"en a sealed book to this town, and isgrand jurymt.·n and thirty-four likely to remain so until a properpetit jurors subpoenaed for this term effort is put forth on our part.of court.-Portales Times. \\'e ought to have a railroad to

, Roswell. but that is a bigger thingth sOlBuebody s~ole I ,000 sh~ep from than we cau haudle, and the next,e lue Spnng ranch south of best thing is a good, reliable autoCar~sbad on Feb. 27, and a reward line callUble of carrying passe _of J.$~oo, each ~re .offered for the geugers mails and lio-ht freigh~1II"~VJns and the thl~ves~ ." au,d making the- dist:~nce b2twee~

iLhe Avalon dam, near C'arlshnd, tht> two towns:in seven or <tightrecfnllY tak-:II U\'el by the reclama- hours, And that is well within110;0 service, has been completed our reach. \Ve can get it by put­and water was lurned into the ting forth an effort so slight that itcanal MOlldar This water will is hardly worth considenng. Thesave large tract<; of fanq lands and gentlemen of the Boosters' cluh canorchards from impending ruin, raise all the money required in half

The Farwell syndicate announces a da~', and not work hard at tll~t.that it proposes to expend $100,000 But If \\'~ sleep on our .opportullttyin the iinproyement of the town of we~re Itke!y t,o lose It. All theFarwell. recently locatecl lIear busI.lless traIls 1U ,the Pecos Valley Texico sectIon of the terrItory now lead to-!eI' ward El Paso, and if we do not do1.. something to turn the attention of

Base Ball at t:te New Park. the people in thi:; direction, thoseTwo games of base hall will be trails will SOOI1 become well worn

played at the new park tomorrow highways, and then it \vill he tooand Saturday afternoons. between late for us to change theta. But atthe Roswell and Institute teams. present our chance is good. WithTomorrow's game will be called at first-class auto coaches leaviug each2 o'clock and Saturday's at 3. town every morning and coming in

Hester will be in the hox for the every ~vening, carrying passengerscadets and Caldwell and Chinn for mail and express matter from th~Roswell. one place to the other in a few

hours, the people of the two townswould soon get acquainted, and bedrawn together, and their busiuessrelations would improve every day.There ~hould be no more delayabout thiS matter, The line shouldbe secured at once.-AlbuquerqueJournal.




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.M.-".tee.··-_-rllio'_lIlIiIIIIIIIllIIr...rIilZ!IilIiI·1il.........i1i7lil~rlll.liIIIIII-..........._lIIiIMI.-·.t ...-r:-lr"',.••1__...._ ...·""-_._t__.....··_..'__....... ""-""'-__....:...~_-n...' :l._....O'-__;,-..__....,;..'__,;,.:....._~_ - u .._~~ , ~_ ~





.. ..,~,. -



~~~.(" '..-

- 11'._-





r: _lsi J a

H~vin!!"'dosed out an my outside businesspatrons will find me all of the time at myshining parlQr in the Smoke House, read};''''­to kt"ep their shpes in perfect order. ilPd sat. ,i:,luctioD and enutteous treatment to all isguara Illeed. Faithfulh'.

Corner Main 408rk-StsPhone No. 14 '


GEO~-,·"""""""'~~~ ~-:

At the Smoke Doase, Roswell, N.M~ 1

The government" ill not punish you for it. Our guar­antee goes with it. Vou are as saf~ from imposition asIt is possible to be, We will prove to you that weknow our busint..5S. \Ve appredate your confidence.


Roswell L.umber Companyt ; .

J. A. Cottin.9hamJ Mgr

One Staple that is NeverAdulterated.~-.

ElfCTRICITV is one commodity that is never adultel'd ..ed, can not be adulterated. It must b.e ft.ll quality to ,start and~kept tha~ way, and the meter limits };Ollrpayments to that you actually ~se, - 0

flfCTRICITY is nature's illuminant and. 110.luan canmix it ~vi0 something e]~e and sell it. That i~,.~~le ki!~~of proanet you ought to use, and the nrst thlug)rou: .ought to do is to talk to our man about puttingin lights.

The Roswell flectric Light~9.. LUTHER STOVfR, 'Mactager!' .


...Big Car of DoorsBig Car of Mouldings.

Do you need Screen Doors ?See our J.VJ:antels and Gtates.


New Arriyals•.••.

1§l~mP. wm .

A WAR~J:'"Wf[COMf i, ,- I~ always aeconled to the many -Hm

,..~-~ 1'':;''. I (. good eatables which we are .con- •.fflll

l:stantly supplYing to the home~Qur .. fF.i\'>

. ' systeUlpf delivery approaches t~e~i'perfectioll point and our stock ofGroceries and Fr~sh :M:~ts is inkeepil1~willl the wisl1eS ~i the~st gm

, ho~eww~ • ~ cFOR A CHANGE try OUX cele~ r='If.'~~~~~I bratell "Purity" l"J()ur~ which i~ 11:::1

.iJ proving its qUalities where\--er used. nm~ '/

, I T. C. Market" ~. '. l:. 410 N. :Main, ~hone 225 fl. . ,


-----_....L- ......... "


For many years we have studied soil conditions in the Pecus.'.Valley v~ryclosely, and as a result we carry and sen practically everyagrlculturallffi-plement that is worth having. We'are always glad t? talk i~plements. It. "J;

is one of the strongest branches of our business, ~nd If you WIll come ·to ~-...-- ,.and tell us your needs we can certainly,save you-money, time and trOll le.~4:~-

_~~v~ .~;,,[.~ .~~

'F ..

jects of the Coronado Memorial ~s- \'iding for the prihtiug of the rulessodation and making an appropna- of the Supreme ~\.Jurt and making­t ion for the const ruction of a mon- an appropriation therefor."tlll1ent commemorative to the life House Bill No. 24, "An act toand services of the g-reat explorer amend Section 1123 of the Com­Francisco Vasquez de Coronado." piled Laws of New Mexico of 1897,

Council Bill No. 70, "An act 10 relath'e to the c.lime of larceny byamend St"t.,tion I of Chapter <) of embezzlement." ('the I.awsof the Thirty-fourth I,t:"g-- Amended House Bill ~ro. '61, "Anislalh'e A:-....;emhly rdating- to rnil- act entitled an act with reference tl)roads." Of

H . Ifll ~ "An act de- boundaries of the Countyp Quay... onse I .. o. 54, Honse Bill No. 144. "An act pro-tllllllg the cnme of Barratry aud 'd' f f d f d' ""I d fi. . 1 If' , \"1 111g or a un or IsaD e re-prescnb1l1g-. a pena ty t .l,ere or. I men, their widows and c\rphans

House BIll ~o. 105, An ac[ rel- d fl' ",. l' t' t- 1 1 an or ot 1er purposes. .

atlve to t Ie lUspec IOn 0 lees an< IJ . B'll 'l\.T "A' ,t to. I ffi f I l of 'l,ouse 1 .'10. 103, n ac

creatl.I~g t 1e 0 cc 0 nspec or prohibit expectoration upon side~Bees . 1 b d

1·:7 , B'll N "A ,t walks. pubhc paces, y-ways au..<.>t1~e I ! O. I I~. . n a\; ths in cities, towns snd villages,

pro\'ldl~lg f?r tIw spnnklmg of ~ the Territor of New Mexicostreets 111 nnmcorporated towns and 1 f tl Y ,. . I . t1 f an< or 0 ler;l:,smg t le expense 1ereo Honse Substitute for House Billagalll~t the o~v~ler~ of. !~roperty No. 20, "An act to amend Chapterahnlllllg tll~m s~ld streets. 38 of the acts of the Thirty-fifth

l{ou~~ Bill No. 159, An aet to'L . 1 t' A 11 fN ~. f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, C'h f egis a lye ssem >y 0 ew m.ex-repl'al ~t'ett~)!l I I,. al?ter 32, 0 ico" relative to offices of officialsthe Tlllrtv-tHth Lt'glslatl\'e Asst'm- . t

.' • , • 111 county sea s.IIh·. rdall\'e 10 C:lltlt· rOjllllg- con" H . B'll N 0<"" ~ "l t I. louse I o. I (lU, ••'1.n.1l . 0I' "I" f .

II I , II .... · - L I plevenl the sale 0 Illtoxlcatll1g1111 ..... ( d . '" " It I ~' .111.1l (). ."

! 11 ..... - . 1 I lI'lIlOI~ III Illdlall~.1lll'IId 11"11"" ~I .,0. ,} .... , l"lltlt l', " " ""'11 N

f I I L OIlIeIL'llce LOI\IUIHtel' ill • O.',\n Jl'l wllh rl" l'rellce to t Ie :-a I: 'A 'd' f d dof intoxicating 1iquor~ on trains.' 249 •. I n act proyl ,lUg un s anof the acts of the Thirty-seventh n:~kmg. appro~~lat~ons for theI . 1 I' \ IIlbl' of Xe,\' Flft'l"·nmth and Slxlleth fiscal vears,,eg IS a I\'1: ,.So";I:) ,J .. J

\. . ., and for other purposes. Re-,,,l"XICO. tIl C f C' t

Housl: substitute for House Bill PO~tl ly lr~n~rence ,,~l1mlt ~e.:\'0. ,\), .. An act to regulate the t>t:s~l I o. 2:3• 1 11

Sac. to

III acti~'l' ot llll·dil'ine in New Mex- amenl 1apte,r, 97 o. tIe esslOn1"0 a::d to e:-.tahli~h a hoard of L;l\~s of 1<)05. relatIve to condcm­health anll :\kdic.ll Examiners." nation of land h~ telephone and

.\Llll lid!",) lIolls!" Bill No.2, "AIl"11elegra~h compames and for othert t tl ", rl) ate(lel'tl'''~ PUlpU~l~. \a(' 0 au lCrtze mct> or ..s, H . S 1 -1' f H . B'll

lo\\ ns :lIld \'illag-los, ha\'ing a bona T ouse ~)S Itu~e or ,.0I!se Ilide populat it~n of not less than ont: N,(::. I I (~, An a~t ~ro\ Idmg f~rt hllll~and )l,'rsoI\S to issue bond:- for rtglstratlOn ,of IHrt~l~,and death.,'>anit:ll ~ and Ilt'alth purpo~t's. the atH~/or ~~l~·~t~rpose:;. "A,:onslrtll'tioll of st'weh, water work~ C >,uUCI I O. 13 1,. n act toand Ihe illlprO\'l:'ml'lIt of :-;treets." I pr.o\'lde f?r the refundmg to cer-

House Bill No. 124, "an act to I tal!l l~ountiesof ~he exl.~So'i amountal\l('!IlISl'ttinn2;.-.sof IheCompill'd Paid lulo the 1.erntonal t~east1ry1..1w:- of Is')7. " .relat ive to thl' pay- t~nder and by \'Irt lIe of SectIon 9,lllellt ot l'lllplo~l':- hy script. Ch~pter,.~9. ~>f Ih~ La\V~~! 190 3."

Hou:-.e Bill :\0. 162, "All act Ie- C~u~IClI HIll N(I. 12~, .An actlatmg to the sale of lands ill town- pro\'I~hn.g funds and mak!ug ap­:-ites wherl' legal title is \'ested in propnat1on~ fo.r t~e travelmg ex­prohate judge of county where pe~ses o.f d~stnct Judges and ;!er~stownsites ilre situate and not hert- of .he dlstnct cou~"ts ~f the 1ern­tofore sold and couveyed in the tory of ~ew. MeXICO. ..manner prescribed by law." CounCIl ~11l No. 95, An act to

House Sub~titute for Council amend SectIOn 2, o~ Chapter 9, ofBill No. +9. "An act to am~nd Sec- ~h~ ~cts oj the Tlllrty-fourth­lion 4~ of Chapter 79 of the acts of Assel~lbly of "New MeXICO,the Thirty-sixth Legislative as~em- rel~tmg ~o r~llroads. II

hly of New Mexico, Appro\'ed C~uncil Bill No.. 133, An act to~tarch IS. H)65 , relative to reports prOVide for. the revlrson of the. lawsof corporations." of t.he T~:rnto.ry ~f New ~exlco."

House joint Resolution No.6, COUl.I:II Bill No. 113: An act"Collve\'ill'" the Ohl Palace at to faCIlItate the collecllou -of pollSallta }<:e tl~ the Cniled States GO\" and road taxes, by requiring thecrument. " employer of the person:>~AiaJ>le

Hou:-.e Hill ~o. 110." An act therefor to pay such taxes and tie­hmiting thl' ~ale without license, of dUd the amouut thereof froIU thelIath'e liquors upon the premises wa~es of. sU~h en~ployes.~'where manufacturecl. and to amend CI~u~lcll BIll No. I.P, "An actSt"dion 4137 of the Compiled Laws pro\'Hlmg fo~ the assessme!lt ofof 18<)6." sheep helonglllg to non-reSIdents

House Bill 'Xo. 13 1. "An aet rel- and for PTurpo~es..1tive to the Manzano Gr:llll, ill the House,Bll~No. I6y, "All act toTerritorv of New Mexico." a~l1end Secllon 15 2i, ot thl' ~011l-

HOl1s~ Bill ;";0. I HS... An act to ~llt'd Laws of New .Me?,ico." rela­n'pl'al Chapter 6 of the Ses:-.ioll! t l\'e to ne\\: scl~ool lllS~~lctS.14 3w:-. of the Thirty-sixth Lt"gisla- . IIuLlsl: Bill ~o. 3()... Au act crea­th'e As..d>\ y oi :\ ew ~h'x ieo, an(l tlIl~ the oftu:e ot l11~peClor offor ot hl'r "pm pose~, .. rela th'(' to weIgh ts an.d measures 111 ~he Sev-tl . ,t 'r, '1'11" eral counties 01 the Terntory of

s t:t: l l"'~ 0:- N 1\1 . "l'01l1I11iU('e Sull:-.titllLe for Couu- ... ew eXl~'o. . .

eil Bill No. -."An act Jo define l:lolJ~e SubstItute f()~ House BIll:\I1rl l'llIli-:h' (,Pl'l~ill l·times, to No. .tt~1, c'an net tor~:tseand sys­allielll! and repeal certain portion~ telllall?e the schoollaw~of the Tel:of the Compiled Laws of 18lji re- rllory of New MeXICO, and forbtlll" to crime". alld tor othei' pur- other purposes."pU.,l';" CutinI'll Bill ~o. 60. :'~n ac~ to

l!ou-e Bill :\'0 200 "All act to rept:al all ad of the 1 hlrty-slxtha'\\l nd Se('tion q of l'h~pll'r 2 of the; Legisl:tti\e :\s."l'IlII~I~ of t~le T~rri­,tCLs of thl' ThLlty·lifth Lt'gislatl\'t' Ilor~ III :-.;,'W l\lt-xiLO t'lItltled·lllbh·.···rl'lativl' to patiellts in' ad anthollzlllg cOllnty c01lln~­miLler's hospital. SWIIl'I:" to It'\·\, for court h,luse

l'ollllcil BLII :\0. Iq, ... \11 ad III aLlll pll hlllhhng purposes. ap­relatiun to proPl'II~ '1Ighlsof htls- pro\"l'd March, .1.3. IYUS,' and fmband alld \\ ife." other purposes.

I HOll'>l' Bill :-';0. I,),). an act to ,COl~lIdl SuhstituIl' fl~r Council

Iregulate log-ging- and pn·..,criblllg BIll No. II. "An :lcl lor the as­tIl<.' right:-. to the USl.· of streams for ses.,lIlent aud colledlOn.of t~xe~ Ol~

!lloatillg log..;. polt-:-. timher. and sleeplllg cars and repeahng Sections\Iulllbl'r tlwreill and hll ot hl'r pur pi K. 51 W, 54 20 and 4121 of the

Ipo 's'" Com piled La ws of I Sl)7 ' ..

;~;,'tbt' Bill No. 1'1.;. "ALI ad lix- . ~()Ullctl Bill No..p "All ad pro­ling Ihe lllLIt· 101 holdlllg 1111' lellllS \'ldmg a method lo~ the a.ssl·ssmentI )1' Ihl' di.,llll't l"llltl lor the Fil:-.l 01 shall's or ~tock lU natronal and1 111 Ii 'ial l>istrict of the Territory othl'r lJanks and 10 tix thl: llutiesof ~~\\' :\Iexico " - of ~he Hoard of Equalization in reo

House Snhstitute for Botlse Bill latum thereto." ( :: -:

IX,). ,)1. "AI1act to regulate tlte .IIouse~nbstitule~>r~ou~ ~ill II.~.I~~~~.L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.chis:-.ificatioll of coulllies and tixing :\0. 1,1 I An act to al11C!lIHI S(cbon I 3 F' HE I.. • &I

the salaries of cl'rtaill count)' oth- I 2, o~ Cha,Pter 51. ?f t\~e acLs of the IF-yaU LIKE OUf Cream EAT IT!'·rs" . i 1 hlrty.slxth Legl~latl\'e Assembly _

Iu: iiouse Bill:\o 12l). "An act to 1 of New M("xi~o, approved Marc!lconsen'e and rt'l!Ulale the Use and 13, 1R05, relatt\'e to dO\'e and quaIl,list'rihlltinn of the wilters of New ~enson and !or o~her purposes."~kx ico; to create the office of ~l'r- I1?l1se BlII 1'\ O ••161. an act toritnrial Fnginel'r; to lTeate a board proVHlt.' for the leaSIng, sale, man-

lof \\',lIl'f L'ol11 ll1i..;..,ioners , and for agement and control of all Ia.nd~ot her pu rposl.'s. no\\, ownt'll .or ht'reafl t:'r acq ~l1red

House Bill No. 27, "an act pro- by the TerrItory of New MeXICO."House Bill 1"0. 134. An act re-

RmasTnR-TRIIH·Nn. $1.00 year. lating to Community I ...and Grants.


\\ ll"j'"0..\ {




"A TBlk on POint ..KIvell vBlunblo Lnfo;"maUoo 00 tho ll:l!ntlIUbJcct. Beot 'reoupno rcq,,~t

PureWhite Leadis the NaturalPaint Pigment

Collier or SouthernPure White Lead

Numerouscompou n d,are bei ngoffered to takethe place ofwhite lead asa pault, but noreal substitulefor it ha~ }totbeen found.Pure White I}:::::sr.=~

Lead h..s a II~~~peculiarproperty of -....s:r..;,;:~­

amalgamatingwith the woc,J?POll which it i~ used-a,ldt'd til 11,,_It ~as a:, elasticIty which permit, 110..pamt to follow the lIatural ex P.UI,joll

and .contractioll of the woud. PureWh~~e Lead alone fultills all the:requirements of the ideal paint.

is 'Yhite Lead with its full natural te.naclty and elasticity unimpaired h\'adulterants. Every ke~ of it bears the~utch Boy trade mark. which is a pos.ltive guarantee of absolutely Pure

White Leadmade by the OldDutch Process.

Eggs for SettingBronze Turkey - '$2 a settingWhite Pekin Ducks . SI a :-il'llillg

E. A. CAHOON, Cashi..r

R.I'. BARNh'TT.L. K. McGAFFln'

JNf). W, RHEA, Vice Pn:""l .."tH. P. SAUNDERS. Ca~hier



A. P~UIT, Vi<'e President,

Of Roswell. New Mexko

Cards1) ROSWEll REGISTER a TRIBUNEPrinted every Thursday at The Register­

Tribune building, Fourth street,



The first National-Bank -


Rooms II and 13,Oklahoma Block. Roswell,

New Mexico.

D. Lo Meyers, Traffic Manager,Pecos Valley Lines, Amarillo, Texas.

IiI F I j I


Office. over Western Grocery Co,Hours-

Q to 12 a. m.-l to 4 u. m. c.;:;.

Roswell and Other Points on thePecos Valley Lines.

Best reached by direct connections with the A. T. & S. F.

Be sure your ticket reads via Santa fe aU the way.Full information regarding rates, etc., cheerfully furnbhed.

,_p~cosValleyDrug Co.We hav~'addeda speci~l feature this season in the way of a prize to beawarded Sept. 1st. BUY A SODA CHECK BOOK and have a chance,

'e .. 'S Yes, our Sodac ·...o~a·· ..~ e fountain is open

~=============:.\Ve have madeiii many Improve-ments since last season. We want to serve all drinksfrom our fountain in the daintiest, cleanest, pl.restand most attractive way, and we have worked hard toattain th~s end. PURITY is our motto in everythingwe do or serve or sell.. No dirty, dripping. old-fash­ioned fountain. Ours is up-to-date and convenient.

W. H. GODAIR, President,





S!f LA.W.

Offlcial Swff:GIto. M. SLAUGHTER, President ~,

JNO. W. WARREN. Vice President

Diredoll'S:C. C. SLAUGHRER J. G. HEDGECOXE W. P. LEWIS G >" ~l, -\ \,,,11 I }-I,

10HNW. WARREN JOHNW. RHEA \I P :--.-\I· .. "t·K-.



, ill'l


Room -! Bldg.

Texas Block.

________..,~~ o=o=_~= ......_~~_-=

IAmerimn National Bank1 C' OF ROSWELL

Capital $50,000.00

-------=--------------- ------

Surveying; Drafting and Designing, Concr~tework..3-~cialty. All work guaranteed. OffIce

~~. Garst B~tiJding.


IauthorizinR the' Board of Regents repeal Section 124~. 3439~4';;~d-;:-~;-~~~-;;;-;;-;;;;;;;;;~=~::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~;.;;;~"··"·""~~1

~gr~~~lt~:a7a~e~;~~h~~~~:ts~~~~~~~~~~~of~~~il~~d~~W~th~~ SOIL WO'RKIN6 MII - • ACH,INE"R--Y'.,lease certain land to the Internation- purposes," relative to costs of . _al Committee of the Young Men's witnesses in civil ca5e~. ~

Christian Association." Council Bill No. 50. "An act inHouse Joint Resolution NO.7, reference to the qualifications-of

appropriating the sum of $4,198 voters." ~

for salaries of interpreters, House Substitute for Huu~p' ;gill • ~#t(

tm.nslators and contingent expenses No. 74f

'h'AIRI .acGt furlth?,improve- _.~~ .' 'to __ . ~of the Honse of Representatives of ment 0 t e 10 7ral}( e. .__'" _ ."the Thirty-seventh Legislative Amended House Bill No. -x3.'Assembly, and the Sl1lll of $3,06+ "An act to amend Sedion 2402 •for salaries of interpn:ters, transla- Suh-Section I~. of the Comp~Ied

tors and contingent expenses of Laws of I X97," rdative to layiffghe Council of the said Legislative of railroad tracks iu corporateAssembly. limits.

Council Bill No. 51. "An act to House Bill '~o. 126, "An actprovide for t\1e filling of vacancies amending Section 2 of Chapter I 16in COUi1ty office:> in the Territory of the Laws of 1905, relative toof New Mexico," and providing exemptions from J ttry Sen'keYthat hereafter when any vacancy Amended House Bill No. 14 2.occurs in any county office in the "An act providing appellate pro-Territory, other than a vacancy in cedure in civil and criminal cast:&."the office of county comm:ssioner. How,e Bill No. 155, "An actit shall be, the duty of th~ Board of fixing the times of holding dbtrictC~,.:nt~ Commj~ioners to fill snch courts in Otero and other countit.~."vacancIes. .~ House Bill No. 173, "An:'let

Council Bill Nof 121. "An act creating three Armory Boanls ... ofto amend an act entftled 'An act Control and prOVIding for the cun·to amend certain provisions of struction ot, armories in the dtiesChanter 45 of the S~£;sion Laws of of Santa Fe. Sil\'l'1 City and I,as1905'.' .• relative to Uhe practice of Crtlces.·' '-Admitted to the mails as second-class matter. Jidentistrv,,' House BiJI Xo. 1,)1. ",\n act to

SUbSUflfPltson Price. $1 Per Year Coun~il Bill NoA j l04 , "An act amend ~h~tion 10 of Chapkr -: ofrelative to civil procedure," the I,aws of 1905." rdati\'c.t.........i

All) mis-statement or illaCClIrae) will Council Bili No,4'i0. "An ael :--t"IH: aI' h III thl·}·I.J/aol Sanla.,be gladly corrected. ~ntitled an act definit'lg the duties Hou~e Bill Number H)l), •'~l

of the treasurer of New Mexico act to a.mend Chapter 124 of theTHURSDAY. APRIL 4, 1907 wifh reference to the issuing. sale ILaws of the Thirty-sixlh Legibla-

and deliverv of certhin bonds au- tive Assembly of the Territory of~~==""":",:,~=""-~""-:,,,,,,,==-==.,.",.--"""'==""",,' thorized to "be issued1wd sold, by New Mexico and for other pur-

WORK Of TlffilE lLEmSILA11lJRIE. Chapters 6, 7tl. and 9&Jof the acts poses'" relative to buihling of roads.of the Thirty-FourtH Legislative House BIll N.). 222, "An~'l.ct

Certamly the best prool that the Assembly of the ~rfhory of New amendatory of an act entitled 'Anlegislature before adjourning Mexico," and for other pnrposes. act for tIlt' relief of the C'ount~ ofpassed many laws, some of tl-Jem of .C~u~~E)!Ji~- :$.0. 12?, "An act Torrance.' appron~d Februaq,::'-J~.exceilent nature, is found in the provldltigv-for'0he rermhursement 1l)07. _record of bills actually signed hy of \V. E. :\Iartin. clerk of the House Hill ;";0. 22s,"An act

Third Judicial District of the 'ft'r- entitled. Au at't aUllIoI>riating ad­the Governor and becoming law.ritory of New Mexico for l'xpetHli- ditional fumls (or the itnpw\'ement

\Ve quote the list from the New tures made on account of deputy of the Rio (irallde 111 Rio Arr.ihaMexican: district clerks in said district." County."

Council Joint Resolntion ~O.I, to Council Bill No. 76, "An act to Council Bill. ~s. "An ad to prosupply members of ~he Council and amend Section 3++8 of the COlll- hibit gamhling ill tltl' 'I\'rritory 01House of Representat\'es with the piled laws of I~97," relative to New l\lt:xico"Compiled Laws of 1897, l!l English change of venue. liouse Bill 'X11. 1205. "An actand Spanish. Council Bill No. 112, "An act amending Chapter WI of the acts

W C. Reid. J. M. Hervey Council Joint Resolution NO.2, to refund to territorial institutions of the I 4 egislative .\ssembly o(theREID & HERVEY, to supply members of the Council moneys used i0r expenses in selt.."C- Tevitory of New Mexico. IyoS.

A-TTORNEYS-AT-LAW. House of Representatives with Laws tion and location of public- lands, relating to the :\ational Guard of'l'elephone' No. 521 of 1899, 1901 apd 1903, and a copy and providing for the payment of N t:W Mexico,"

--------'-------- of the Journal of 1905 and of the further expenses in th,e selection Council Bill No. '23. "An actGILMORE & FLEM1NG. respective Houses. and location of public lands." pro\'illing a li1llitatiotl for actiotls

Council Joint Memorial 1';0.1, ad· Council Joint Resolution NO.7, on llltlllicipal bond:-. amI coupons,"dressed by the Thirty.seventh ,providing for a \'ote of thanks to Council Bill Xil. lOS, "An actLegislative Assembly or' the TQrri-1 F. H. Newell for preparing plans to construct an (hJ<htioll to'thl'torv of New Mexico to the of certain irrigation projects.>'\" pn~sl'nL Capilol Building."

RoswellNewl\lex H~norahle Secretary of the Interior Council j,)illt Resolution :-';0>. S. Council Hill No. 12.:;. ·'.\II·wt--------------- requt"stin~ him to restore L'l'rlain "Providing for addition,ll pay fUI to PlllVII).. 101 P,l\ Il\g ""d.lI1' ' .• ,11\'\

l. M. PEACOCK agricultural lands in San juan the legul.ll l'lI1pllly''l''> 01 tlw l"l)ll' 1"1"'11-."'" "t lit,· BIl,II'! "I \\ .Il, I

LAND LAWYER County to eutry. tol.·· Il"I1I\I1II""I"II< I'· 1111 1 1"1 ,,11Il! jllll

Couucil Bill NO.1. "Au act to C',)l\ncil Bill ;";0. 35 .. ,\n al'l de- pu:-e:-."ROSWELL,N. h •• amend Chapter Il(, of the Laws of fining estray animals," j Council Hill No. I"S, ".\n, act

~eference: First NntionaI Bank " 1 I \the ThirtY-SIxth Legislati\'e As- House Bill Xo. 104. "An act to amendlllg all ,ld "lItlt ,., '. II act

tr' 'tl' .....r= senIbly of the Territop·' of Xl'w amend Chapter LXXXI of the to amelld ~ection 25.:; 'Ii Ihl: com-c1J. 'll 0 6 ",A,'O,""",o J _ IAttorney at l\iIexico ,. relative to the drawillg acts of the Thirty-fourth' Legisla- piled laws 01 IK'}7. ll' atn'e to t hl"

.;.aw of juro;". tive assemhly." relative to the a,l- Terrilllnal'dl"po'>tIOlil''>,' apprO\'l"11Notary Public. Roswell. N. 1\1. House Joint Rt'soluLJlI NO.5. ministratiol1 of e:-.tates of dt.'ceased I Fdl. -' I, I<}1l7."

Real Estate Dealcr providing for the payment d,persons. l'onnciIBI1! :\'0. III, "AlI'\lI-._~ employes aq't1 the contingent e»- I House Bill No. 22fl .....~11 :tct to lor thl' a·lid III lhl' dilll-ll'nt

ALEXANDER.ll. NISBET, penses of the! Legislature. 'en.ab.le tl,e IJoard of L'ol1l~.ty Com tit:s of. thl' krJltllIY',,\\lth_______,__~ ~ ._~TTORlo!:V~~otl1lcil,BihNo. 27, ".An act fo~ miSSIOners of. Colfax countt to dl~. t~ ~ldlt\(lUl't1t ta~t''';. "

. -. - : RQ$:,~;N"M+d"'~c'..',:.'~;.:-".,--the relief ~f the County of I pose of certam county pr~pert\·, Lonnell BIll No. 12S. ,'} I~·UIS.'lcl Attorne:,r for l?;\l. v. and Chaves \ ( , '1 I) '11 - . , :\ . I l' I I t' I II'

c £ounties. - Torrance.'" "1 ,-onnl'l )1 0. 41. '. genera, to \'a II all' t It: at hot Il' 0 I('t'r~1:'wen~y.e!Usinpractice. ~ych~r:'~lerohuil House Bin Xo. I~ "An act to act relating to negotiahie instru· I oi tl\(' I Ida, to \Illlli~'ipalil\ ot (~al-

tned tn any court. SpeCial factltl1es and . '' " 1 . . . ..attenti~n given to Irrigation Law. amend SectIOn 255 ?f the C01llplh:~11menI:-. . k'mg an. act to establtsl~ IllP~ and 101 .01 h~,t pllrpOSt':-

P ESLEY Law'-; of .LS9.7. ~e1at"'e to Ternton-1a law umforlll With th.e l:~~\'S 011 Ll.>lll1l'~1 BIll ~~l. '~s. ".\11 acl r,'DrII T. E. R , al deposlt?nes.. . ,.. oth~r state~ l~n th~t subJecL pl'allll~ ~:dLOII s, l h',I)lll'r .po'. 01SPECIALIST House SuhstItute for Coun~11 1~llll CO.t~l.lCtl Bill :\0..J,). •.. All al:t thl: ~eSS((.11l La_\\ s 01 I'~".;.''' .101

No. 31, II An act to amend SectIOn provlQmg for the taklllg ul deposl- proll'CllOll of lI.,h III 1rn gat 1011

EYE, EAR. NOS~'andTHROAT 8 of Chapter 2 of the Session Laws I tions of wittles~es in the territory ditches.OKLilHOMABLOCK of 1903. relative to admission to of New Mexico. for use in foreigll I Cuunl'I! Btll ~ll. 53 '. ,\1I act

OfficehouTs9 ~o 12 a.m. 2t04 p.m the Ins'itute for the Blind." state, territory or county. ,extellding all ul lll(" prp\ISlllllS 01·ROS.WELL. N. M. House Bill No. 102. "Au act Council Bill No. 31)." All ad' ~,'ctions 2."14, -',;I}:;, COlllpiled

extending act approved March I b, Law:- of Is')/. of '>I:ct h'll,> h alld /'1899. being Chapter 54 ot the Chapter ,N.·· rel:lli\'l' to thl' dut;t''>Session Laws of 1899." relative to of traveling auditor.!>ldewalks. Council Bill :\0 Sol. .. An' act

House Bill No. 95, "An act with amending sections 6. 7. l'i and 9,reference to the sale of intoxicating Chapter 54. Se~ion La\\':-. ot 1<)03,"liquors on trains." relati\'e to the dnties of traveling

House Bill No. 69, II An act to auditor.amend Section 3428 of the Compilf'd Council Bill No .so, ..An actLaws of New Mexico of I M9i, placing the County of Sandoval illrelative to the issuance of warrants the First Distriet as established forupon affidavits based on information district attorney purposl's ~>y Chap­and belief," ter 33, Se:-...,ioll Laws Il)OS. and fix­

Substitute for House Bill No. 33. ing the tillle for holding' CoUFt in"An act providing for transfer of Sandoval countv.··real estate records from Colfax Council Bill No. .'i')•.. ,\11 act toCounty for real estate now 10<.'at- amend Sl'ctio1l 10 of Arlicle 4. ofed in Union County." an act entitled' An act to incorpo-

House Bill No. 59, "An act to rate the town of Sil\'l'r City inamend Sectiou 3342, of the Com- Grant County.' ..piled Laws of New Mexico of 1897. Council Bill No. (}4. "An act reorelath'e to jurisdiction of Justice lating to the qualilicatioll of wil-of the peace." nes.o.;es.

House Substitute for Council Counl'il Bill Xll. 105. " All actBill No: [2. "An act to encourage to pro\"ide for the payment oi l'X­the erection of heet sug-ar factories pt'nses in new cOltntie',.'·and for other purposes." Council Joint Re.,olllt jon Nil. 6,

House Bill No. 68, "An act "Pro\'i,ling ,l1Ld l'udor:-ilLg the oh­assenting to the purpose of grallt:-of monev authorized by an acl of ICOllgressentitled "Anaet t'l»ro\'idef~>r al~ increa~ed alltlual appro!,1 ia'ltlOn lor a~~ncult tlL11 "'pel illl("ut"t.lti"II" alld ll·gUl.ttlllg Lite ",

peu-tliture thereof, appruveJ. March16, 1906,". .;

House Substitute for House RillNo. 101, "An act to amend Section2361 of the Compiled Laws of NewMexico of 1~<)7. relati\'e to thlrecording of cqattel mortgag-t'~.··

House Bill No. 14. ";\n ad toaml:nd Sed ion I 2l)4 of lhe COlli piledLaws of I xl)7, relat ivt' to comhina­tion~ and lllonoplies.··

House Bill No. 67 ... All .11'1 relative to recogl\lzuncl's .'

House Bill No. 76. "Au aCI rl'­.....iiII•••••••I•••••i!IO.H!iR!l.~~ lath'e to the insurance of worthIes...;II checks. ,.

House Bill No. 1."13. ":\u actrelatillg to the ~dtel1lellt uf nccoulll~

of public officers." t To hecolllelaw by limitatioll.)

Council Bill N'o, ,\h. "Au act toamend Sed ion L7<)'J of lhe LolllpiledLaws of 18<)7," relati\'e to fct's ofsheri:1s.

Council Rill J7. "An act t'utitlt'dan act for the protection of high·way bridg{'s and for other }Im­poses."

House Bill No. 70. "An act to



\~~.~~~ """""'",..--·,.,..-":":"'-~·""r------------------~-.-.--_-__ _-~_.---..' -="'. -.YI--.

]. B. HERBST.Farm Loans.

""--~-Liiwestnates of Interest 303 Main St. Op. P. 0,~ ROSWELL. NEWI MEXICO.



- --J

1II-"_'7"lIiIIrn_lIr_IilI$.rIlii7.?iIIlMl_~._rIilill1.5__IIIII__g__....m__~rlflls"...iIIi__re iIiooiIIil_..;.;.;.. .........;,""""w~ ............_ .... i-......-O;'-.;.__..... .....;;'-_.......~~_.': .. ...


.............._~ l






Teleohone No. 274


Chicopee Falls, :Mass., U. So A.

That is our strong

point. The varietyis wonderfully full

features and we can save you

That IS one of our strongest

Mail orders givenprompt attention.


Be sure to be properly equlpped-obtaln the STEV·ENS and you CANNOT GO" RONG. \\ e rnal:e

RIFLES • • • from $2 25 to $160.00PISTOLS • • • from 12 50 to 5000SHOTGUNS. • from 7 50 to 85 00""k'\ ue clealecand IOSlstl Send for uo page {IIus­

on u.. r popular maKe 1 f trated catalog. If fntel'­) u cannat obtain. "\ e shJp ested In SHOOTING. yoadire t, carrzare charges ought to have it. \failedpr~fJaid. upon receIpt of for {ourcents fn 5toalPStocatalog pnce. cover postage.Our attractl,e three-color Aluminum Hll1I~wIl1be

sent anywhere for 10 cents In stamps•


P. O. Box 214 Roswell. N. I'll.


E66S FOR HATCHING$1.00 a Setting-IS Eggs

Pedigreed Barred PlymouthRocks Best in the


Good strong teams, best tools.Satisfaction guaranteed.

W. l. Hughes, Box 353, City

monev 011 your next bill.

II let us bid 011 It and you wll1

II !.Je surpnsed at the saving

\ ou \\ III make ..I

_l ~ =:::=====_=-=-========~~

Family Milk Cows for Sale.Fresh and gentle, all graded or

full-blooded Jerseys. Also in themarket for good milk stock heifers.G. S. Mutter. Roswell, N. M., twomIles north and two miles west ofthe Military Institute.

Sod Breaking.••

Western Grocery Company4th and Main Sts.


Ranch Supplies

Ho\\ ARD LELAND,RegIster

Contest Notice.

Notice For Publication.

Notice for Publication.

Notice For Publication.



S{j 50 IJLAtJr OR YELLOW ~ _•.rtl.. J rowe... co. .O,J?"OIY u." .... 7JB~" $01-ro.". CA~"" co L,,.,,rro 7"()RONrO CAN



Make itFirst Choice

of the manWho Knows

Department of Ihe Intenm l'lllted stalesLand Uffice Ros\\ ell 1" :\1 Feb 28 lllu7

~ sufficlent contesl affida\ It ha\ It\g be"n fil"d111 thIS offic.. b\ \\ Ilbetl J ::,Inpp contestantagalll-t Home,tead entr) No 2'ln~ made June2") 1~1l2 lor SE~4 1"\' '. SI, NEI-{ a Id NE~ NE~SedIon 2~ To\\ nslnp ~ S Ran&e 22 E by LutherI. Rob\ Conlestee III \\ Inch It IS alle~ed thatsaId Luther L Rob\ ne\er made any Improve­ment of an) kmd \\hate\er upon saId home·stead entn that thue ate no Improvements ofal.\ kllld "hate\er upon saId land that ,:;ald ~on·testee has not reSIded and does not non reSide1,lereon and has wholl) abandoned same andthat s.'lld alleged Ibsence from saId land was notdue to hIS emplo) ment In the arm) nav~' ormartne corps of the llllted ~tates as a pnvate a... .. .... ....1soldIer officer Seal11an or luanne dunng the\\at \\llh ~palll or dunng- an) other war 111"h1l h the l TIl ted sta It>, ma) he engaged saIdpart,es are her"b\ nollhed to appear respondand o!fe, e\ "len, e toudllng" sa,,1 allegallon at 10o dock a m on Ap,.1 21 I~II; before he Reg·Ister and Recel\ n al Ihe 1I1Iled States L2.ndOffile ltl Ros"ell :..; :\1

('he saId conteslant ha\ u g ltl a ptoper affida"t filed March 12 11'"; set fOlth facts whIchsho" that after dne dlhgence personal sen"lce oftIll' noll<e can not b" made It IS hereby orderedand d1teded thal such nOllc" be ~\\·en b) dueand propet pnhhcallon

HO"ARD LELA~D, RegisterDAVID L GEYER, Receiver

IJt"partment "I the It tenol Land offi, f litRos\\ ..11 New Mex,co :llarch -, IIlU;

""tilt- IS hereb) gaen that Campbell \. Chlldt"" "f Roswell, New !llexlco ha- filed notIceof IllS InlentlOn to make final <ommutatlOl1proof It\ 'upport ot Jns da1ll1 nz Homesteadentn ,,"0 4b"24 made De, 2~ IIlU.. for O,e NotthEast Qnarter of S ..etlon 2,\ Town~h,p 12 SouthRange 2a East and that saId pluol \\,1 be madebefort the Reg"kr Ot Re<"" .. , at R. ,\\.11~e\\ :\leXICO on ~prtl 12 1!-f1l7

He nantes the follo"tng ,vltt1es..~( s to J "o\,:ehl~ l....O ltlt1UOUS re"H..leth.• upon and cultl\ allonof Ihe land \Ii John 11 I,arner of Ros\\ ell:..; :\1 John Stone of os\\ell 1":11 \\ llha"B :\leachum of Roswtll 1":11 John I. nogarul Lake Arthur "" :II:\1.11 j -\ ptll 11

Ilt 1''' tm, nl of the Interior Land I)ffi<, alROS\\l'1I l'Oew :\1"x.,o Febnla ) 211. IIlUj

,,"otll. " hetell\ gl\enlhat "'llham B L\man01 Ros\\ ell :";ew MeXICO has filed notIce of JnsI1ltenllOn to mak" final fi\e )ear proof It\ support tlf hIS dalln \lZ Homestead Ent!) No Iln1mad.. -\ ugn.. l ~U llltltl for the EJ6 of the Nw~und Ihe F~ of the S\\"1' of>on 2ii Town"lllp1<0 "0' th Rallj:e 2,1 East and thatsaldproof Willhe mad. before the Reglst..r or Rece"er atRn'\\ "II :-O;e" MeXICO on 'l.ptll lOOj

II" names the follo\Hng wItnesses to pro\ eillS t.:Ot1t1IlUOU~Tt'stdence UpOll and cu1tn:atlonof the land \1> \\ 11halll ~ 0 Nell, of Rosnell:';:11 Jenllle J l,ood\\lt\ of Roswell N M,ha Bud R",.. of Rns\\ell N M,Johnllle WIlsonof !{U'\\l II 1" !If

Ho\\ A RD LE LANDReglster

Roswell Realty _Bard

Contest Notice.

Mar 28-1 d

.)t IMllll1t"ul of tht: Inh:noT l tttle(l SlatesI tl.t lIlT"t Ro,well :..; 111 :\Iatlh 12 lIm7

-\ ,uth"t-))I <ollte~t afr.da\lt ha\lng been filed\I' tI", "ffl<e I" 1" ,,"o"nan of Roswell:'\ \1 lOlltec.t~lnt ag-atp t }{".nle"lhad El1tr~ Xo""'It." tl1ade lunt II 140' tor ~I. :\\\·1-1 Sec 26uut ~l ~J-i 1 -4 ~tl... .!- lu\\u,htp 12 S Range L.JF 1)\ HnlIt", :\l.llh'-'"\\, ot Ros\\ell New

I:\lexH.. lJ lontt ... tt:t" Iii \\hH.:h it 15Ill.~...llh,lt Hltle\ :\I.ltlle\\, h" \\holl) aban('onett ... '\1\1 lral t ... 11«1 h 1 Ill)l t"stahltshed reMdenlt· Upoll ....HIlt: nor tt ldttl upon or C'ultl\ated.....Ullt' fOT 1111 Ie. th ttl "'1 X 1 t l11th ... l'nor to the dateul ,.tIll .• Ilula\ll ""I th '1,.1101 •• llege<1 ahsencefn)ln s..~utl lant} \\as not t.Iut. til fltt entr, Juansetnplo\ tl1t."lIt ttl the artl" n'H' of tnanne corpsof th" 1TIlted slat,,- 111 tnnt 01 \\ H ,aId parhesare h~reh\ l10tJtietl to appear fe... pnl1t1 and ofTere\ Iden<'e louelllng- saul alleg-.. tlon al ltJ 0 docka III un lila) 11 1I1117 ht fote till R,g-,ster andRcc-el\er al the 1'lllte<1 ~tale~ 1.ln<1 off"...· IIIRo~w.. ll lS :II

The s3td COllte~13nl ha\lug In t propt'"t altld.l\lt hIed :\latch.!"2 1'1117 h"t lutth fa<h "hlch..ho\\ 'hat after due dlltg.. nl't pet,on.l1 ,..n Ie"ut tll1o.;, nottce can not h~ rnatl~ It 1.... ht"Tt"h, orde'ed and <1lrected that sm h nutlle Ill' go1\ en I",Iue an,t pto!>",r pllhhcahon

Ho\\ ARD LhL~"'D R"glstetDAVit' 1. GE\ER ReceIver


I... ---_.- --Maps of the Pecos Valley Artesian Field

By the offiCial englIleers--Cop} righted.-~


An ,Ih;ollltel) 3ccur.lle lown"lllp map of tht::' \\hole kno\\n liel,l

Order of the Roswell Printing Company

HESS & Co.......


--for Sale.North east 24-16-25 five miles

nOTth of ArteSia. Eddy county,New Mexico, cheap for a shorttime. For price and particulars

Address JUI-IN \\' BAPCI-Il\lAN

Plams Kansas.tatioll

Uess & CO. Successor to Walton.After making such changes as

was necessary to install our newphotography lllstruments we nowhave the finest and best equippedstudio in the southwest. Call andsee us for first class work. Satis­[action gnaranteen.

for Sale.Pure Bred Fox Terrier Dogs.

perfectly marked and very hand­some. Prices reasonable. WurtzelBros.• Hagerman. N. M. 11128'3tpd

Barred Plymouth Rock eggs,pnze winning stram. $1.00 persettmg of 15 eggs. C. N. Selden,510 S. Ky. Mar-2I-tf

It seems to us that the proposi­tion of growing some tame grassthat would thrive in this countryis something that should receive

very earnest consideration by ourfarmers. The native grass thatIs here b good, bn t a gras..-; thatwould furmsh more pasture to theacre would be hetter. ThiS IS im·portant, on the account of the highpnce land is getting to be and ow­mg to the fact that each farmerhere own only 160 acres. On thiSamount of land With one-fourth toone-half of it in cultivatioll the re­mainder Will not pasture as manystOck as the average farmer shouldkeep. There IS a grass called Bro·tllUS Inermis w.ll1ch IS one that I~

said to lurmsh abundant pastureand stand more dry weather andmore hard pasturmg than anyot her It I~ recom mended by theKan .... I... expertment for \VesterllKansas a ... the be... t to he grown IIIthat "el t\lln \\"t' \\ onld hke 10see Itt ncd ht'11

farmographs.The new grass isnow pretty good

pasture and most all farmers haveturned their stoCk out fo graze.

Go. Southwest. young woman,and let some young rancbmall

make a home for you"': A fewquart~ sections, all fenced, paidfor and well stocked, help make

fl}f!1appy honeymoon-The Earth.

A farmer who raised Californiawheat uear Portales last year I saidit made the most feed per acre ofanything he ever saw raised here.It not only m~de lots of feed, but

good. feed.

J.T. - nu=nunnwmx===t Miss Tarbell on Denry Watterson.

ITtlE IMPRESSIONS Of A. TENDERfOOTIMi~~:,~ri~~~:~:::~~;:;!i ft of the tariff, which, by the way,

L%I~::~~~~~~~etChek~Rea~~~:!~~~~!!!It! ilUXU1J ~~~~=~~: ::~~~~t~~h:~~t;i~:~

[fHE ANNOUNCEMENT THA1.' ANOTHER AD- Hons of men of the present genera-

l venturous ~pirit is lOoking with fond eyes on Roswell tion. One of those included in the I !...-"".......... as the proper place :ror the investment of a few thous- last article 'is Henry WattHSOtl, t ~

and dollars in a water works system, is perhap~ the editor of the Louisville Courier- ~ 1r most important news of the spring, and it seems lo I

;)f ( me that something really oug-ht to be done to corral J~urna1.. Of ~r. \\Tatterson an.d~ ~ the gentleman before he sees a great light and takes hl~ part In forcl1lg tlle Democratic

~ to the woods agaiIL.., party to come out boldly on theThis matter of water wo~ks must be settled by tariff question lt1 1876 Miss Tarbell

, Roswell sooner or l~ter, a~d It was bette! sooner, for sa 'S: "Mr. Watterson was whatthe Clty cannot always go along as It has lU the past, WJth oceans of :> •water and practically all of it in spots, without a form in which it can may properly be called a bornbe used for fire protection. Ro.swell has been very lucky in the absence journalist.' His father before himof fires that ~mounted to anyt~mg, n~ost of those occurring being- really had been an active newspaper manfor the good of the c<?mmumty, takin~ o.ut of reckoning old shacks and he almost constantly since hethat ought to be replaced by modern bU1ldmgs, anyhow NOlle of the . t h h h d d't d.. 1 b .. d b fi . was Sl x een w en e a e I e ::lmodern bU1ldmgs lave een Vlslte y re to any extent. and so im-. .' .mune have we been that many have gotten mdlfferent in the matter of juvemle sheet whose puhtlcalfire protection, an indifference that is going to be mighty costly some of editoriab had been coDied all overthese d'lyS. \Ve have an excellent fire department, much better than Te1l1w...see, had heen connected inanv other volunteer .og[lni~atio~ i~ ~he west. hut oWlllg to the w.lter one way or another WIth Fnews-supply II has sharp hmltatlons m Ih u'iefulnes,>. and WIll lIll1t m'le ...0 A . 1 hid 't

I h 1 <1 I ' paper tela Iteen e la wn· f .untl t ere IS an a( equate an mOL ern water work ... s\ "'kUl, which Will . to> • • An Organl"zatl"nn 0 Real Estate Dealers Who Have CI"ty andalso render p{hslble the proper dc\'e!opment of the outlYlll-r addltloll'S ten for Harper s \\ eekly and The ~ . _today the jpr

tIllle neLI'cssltt

ly 10cl,.llly. lo relte\'c t hc congestion~n the tow~ Tmlt·s 111 New York. A t twenty ~;,. ,pJ,erritOfial-tlcens8..

propl'r lUll 0 c<tua Izt' Ie I angerous S} stem 01 realty \·aluatlon::. that he W,I ... sen'lllg under Roger A. • ~ ¥ 7t ."4'~.,.,

l'Xlsh With e\'l'r\ hod) l Xl'l'pt the asseSsor. ~I\'en water the movement Pryor 11\ \\'a.<.;hlllgton. After the list of .the Members of Roswell Realty Board'to lhe IIlIl" would he stead). \\ Illch would brmg street c:1rs and m:ll1Y. . '.'olht'r ph.l ...csof pfogres... that have heen lll'gll'lted ""1 L.l1 \\ar h:oke out hc had not been able R. D BeIL 118% North Main St., Phone4og

.I't>r",,,.,, dh· I "" ""•.• " ·1,,·I'i' "'~in the matter of mUtllclpal owu- to reslst the)umy, but even thererGlllllOre & Flemillg Garst Building, 210 NortH Main St.ersh~~ a fO~Fof Sboc1ah~m tllat las ·t Ih. \\holl' IOUllll\ olT Ih • 0 lit' hroke railks OIlCl' to estal~ltsh at R L & T H. ¥alone Over First National 26 _~ ~-'Sfnoml~ base. ar etter resu ts 'Not} l' 1'1: 1 I II' L '1' ,. ~. ""..... -<-~~-.' ""'11'1' hI<' .\ I. l\ IIlK It III l h.lll,llloogd a "t 1111 IlltlltClr\ d i1h·-' <ltz<... - - -- ----- - --- -- ~22 T d vL,...- -

pnvate,hal!ds With a per cellta~eCOlUIllg to t!ll: LIt) Ull .tli 1I11l11,l!11l 1>-1 \\ hldl he , tilt: I Thl' 1{ebll mil Iealltoll & BeIL ------ ------ ----303 North Main qJ.. ne 141sis, which would take the service out of po!tllcs .11ld ...eCUfl· thl' dUlll"t I I ' '. I J B Herb"t --- ---------------------303 North Main St., Phone 38busl'ness management. \\ III I lor a }ear he m.llle the '11-1 Kt.llahm & Calfee 3 3 N th M . St Ph 8J1 ----- ---- ------ ---- a or am one 3

Roswell has te~lpo.rized for a long tlllll' III till" 1ll.ltter ot \\alef .... lIp. 1Jght 01 f~ 11 COlllllkl,lte anu\ \\: G I!amilton---- __ . Room 4. Texas Block:'Phone 256ply, on account of Its ltlcomparable .1rll''''1,1ll ... upph hut II ... gil t Illg .\1 th~ dose of the war Mr \\ G SkIllman -- -- ----- - ---- ------ - ------ ------20S East Fifth St. -,pretty near timef?r a show down. Persoll,l1h I thlllk \\ater I~ the \\'atterson slarted a paper III Cha.... Brown & Co -- -------- 221 North Main St., Phone 446paramount neces,-sily of the year. and \\ Ilh otht'TS I am awaltlllg \\ Ith Xashnlle, but III I80x ht: \\as .1sked \\' P. Turner & Co. ------2I5 North Main St., Phone 246ltlterest the maklllg of a defilllte pro~osltloll hy till' rash promoter 1I0W t t k '. R H. McCune ----- --------- -- 210 North Main St. Phone 3+~1l1elhng the hreeze Rea.lly the maltt'r of a \\.llel \\orks ... , ..,ll:lll h a 0 a 'e .1 posltlOJl Oil th~ LOUIsVIlle Miss Xell R Moore---- Rear American National Bank, Phone 47good deal !Ike ~tatehoOll. 11l thaI Il m.lh htth- dlllefllll t· !r01l1 • \\ helll t· Jourllal ,I papl'r m.ll'te famous by A C \\'l1son - Over Roswell Drug & Jewelry Co., 124% N . .Main St.It come:-.. just so we get It Ceorge I> Prelltlce He .hd ...0, Cooper & Millice -------- --- Room 8. Texas Block. Phone 375

t< alllr trolll tilt' .. t.lIt 111 .. l11t1uence J. B. Trotter- -------------- ------- -----208 East Fifth St.HANDFlTLS nl· ~(}RT:-' 1\\,1.... 1ll.lgllt:ll. Thl' p,qll'l ,Trc\\ 111 Ed\\ald A FlUnegan. ----Garst Building, 210 North Main St.

A httle matter of detail 111 coun~ tlon I\ltll lUlllllg do\\ II t ht" ..,d I11111I ,., S·, b f h' B d f R 11 P V 11I 1 I e\·"11 thOII"ll I I {llll'lll.lnt\ alld llltlullH.· ulltl1 It-. '- ee ,UI) meni er 0 t IS oar or oswe or ecos a ey

} an trees las all~u...el me. '- ,., .11llU...t:lIll:lIt h I 1I11g It) lltbl\ l' I Ethlllg to a fdlow who has the gnppe, alld hi" l'll'1l lhe Ill •. thod, ot edItor \\ Ith g,".d fl·.I ..IJi! \\,1'" called Real state.the workmen who are cnn'mg up tIll' tfCl·... I h.l\ l 1I0tll t d olll' It.·llo\\ th. 1>11 talol 1I0t ollh 01 hiS ... tate I 1

~awmg up the logs WIth a long sor~ot Olll··h.llldl'd 1IIt',lt ".1\\ \\ It h \1 hI' h I hut 01 111 .... l'lrt \ Pol;tlc.... \\as Ill'" Notice. 1he jiggled and snagged at !he log, Duall}. t~ ,In 1\g ,I Liggni se,11II t hroll;': h l·l elll ell t. a 1)( i hl' loug h l lor \\ hat- L l' \\' .ilker, executor of the Itht, wood aftt:r a while Shades of old l nloll lount\ \\ollldn t, I

I . t ,I tIt t1 e\ l'r l.llbl' Ill' ell,llll plOlIe.! \\ It h a a'- t \\ III and testalllen t of C. G.j,lr ) ou lOne day sugge... CI la It·\ ge I ,I I fO~" I Ut ....l\\ ..Illd lit Ittwo l11l'n could <10 as much as three \\lIh lhl tlllllg Ih, \ \Hrl U"'ll" \ IgOf .1 \\It .111 dOtjlll'llll'that \\·alker . decl'ased has filed his finalTht. uext day lhe) had it HcrOs.'i·Cllt .111 nght, lll1t ,Ihout 1\\0 11\l11~" I\CII' lh .. IUfOl lit h ... "Pllllill'lIh ,'llOUllt III m,' office of hiS arl-

I L' • I\\Hle and four feet long [',\'en Wit I "'Ulh.1 hull ..ll!lt·.h t\\lCe tht 11 ... tl!'lllllllh Oil th, t.llilT \\lfe\llllllistratioll It I'" orde..prl h\

I\ork was act'omphshed, hut ~omdlo\\ It 11:11 ,I l',lll t.l 111 till llll" II. lI1\IIlI'qllllllll'-lll~' III It.ld 110 lion J T E\ans, probate judge01 a mall who came from u tImber ll'Ullt 1\ \\ hI) '1.1" \\ .Iggil d IIlll '1 •.1 tIl tTl f r L'1t tIt f01,1 feall'rosscnt from daybreak on a Ilo..,l\ 1l10flllllg Idklllgllllt~ltllll p.lllll.l 1\11.1 1I1\llIllg '1I1 t.lfl! I I: .I\l'''' loun vern Dry 0

the Zip of lhe loll~ ~aw through the \Ilk ,III.! thl plll1 ,Jllht· ...1\\ dll .. t I'l! rl\lllil' Olll~ .lJld I,l \\ellt to I::\e\\ Mex1l'o, that the first Mon­.1g.lIl1st the steel as the drag teeth bl\lll~ht It 0111 III ,I Ir.lgr.llll l. lP tIll' COll\L'lItlOll "I IS;'. re...ohl"d to da) lJl :\[.1\ It)U;. he appoll1tedfroUl tht' cut \\'hen I wa... a Yl!Jl.uK-..Ilr kll k III '\'llillwrll IlIIII"t-. 11 II' II 1\ 1\ 111\ ,1 d p'lIllt 111.1 Itl L" hl:.III11g 01 ohJectlOns to saidthe Wl11ler work III the woods was tht' ),... t l'lll "t tlll \1'.11 Illtl hI 111 <1 II \1 t II. II Ill, 1,1111" tIll tl nll111llLlllll ...ettlement lher<:-\IllI'Jll"...... IOIl has not faded 1I0\f that tblll t-.1\": • ,\11', Ilk \'" III "'1, II 1 lI\ \

• 1\111 , 11hundn>d mdes, and mu~t folk., onl) klWII II. k ' , III I 11 t \' _.... \\ 1111' ' .. lll\ It Illd llld ...1 11 ot 01

tlOll Feelmgthutw.l} tost:cgTO\\1I 1ll,'1 \\,' 10. lit. 1,\1\ 1t.1 Notice. 11' til 111l -;-llt .1\\ ot :\1.1[l'h,'1WIth a carpel:ter's saw. antI reall} t1le,IIIII'h l'lI .. llIt .... "'I:lllb ,I ..oil ot '10 \\hUIII It 1ll,1) '-Ollllll 1'/", I

The succesfull farmer of today opera bouffe 111 wood-chopping. ::\O'llt· Is hefl'l,\ gl\L'1I th,lt :he [SE\L] F. P. GAYLE.IS the :me who produces results. ...tlt d 1\ (It '\l'nl 1'10; I'" lixed h\ :\OIar2S. .\w Probate Clerk' jbut economizes IllS own labor He Attel It IS all Said and done. It :-.t.:t'nh to IlIc lh,lt It I.., Il.tlh ,I gil".! HOIl J T I·.Lllls "tol,.lk Judge

'hl11g t hat the schohl board cut dow11 tho"'l' tnt·.. ,mel Ill'Llll'd I hem \\ 1l h I Ill! L' h.1 \ I" L'ollll t \, ::\ 1'1\ :\It'XIlO L'a mphells Soli Cn] ture M alluaJ-uses natural forces to produce re- Illlluntal11 cottonwoods Of late }t:ur ... tlttfl' hi" hl'l'll ;.tlllt 01 fooll .. lt· 101 thl I'loh,ltllW ot III In ... tfument flee to Ii \ "'llh...lnlJer... orrf:'nt"\\alssuits with the least expense of lIt'ss :lUOllt till' ' cotton nUisance" anti It \\ I.., rc,llh lip to ,,01ll1·!>0.!\ to !lll'd lJl OJ\ ofticl' pUI por tJllg to he -RF(;ISTER. ~human effort In the bygone da)s tn the ... uh... tltntlon on a large ...cale Till' llIu\e 01 tht' ..dlOOI bond Ilhe List \\1:1 :llld te.... tamellt ofthe one hor:-.e plow \Ias the rUle'jWll1 gl\t' lh .. , 1I;lportlllllt\ lor ob...enatlV11 lh.ll \\.111 l·on~ll.\ll" the ,,\ (~Itl~l...l' 1I1l1 ...ol1 dlll'd"td., I tl I f I I I I ril" • 1/1/' /I II "III" r It \11 r II< ttl I tl }>ndUll' thl t.:\ tI.., \\l kIlO\\ thlll I \\ Hill· ..." lll\ h,lIId alld ...e,l] of.. Ill IL'IOII! \\ 1'0, f'IP!' '1 lll~' I I k I I1 d' h h h :\ \II Ily 10 llllll'\l' we knol\ Ilot ot I'M I.dh I • 0U I ll111 \\l I,n( .... OIU1't till ... pll d:l\ of :\Lu .. h IlJl)-anl covere WIt t e oe. • s eVil worth mClllHJllIllg 111 tilt' so callell ',oltOIl Uu1 ....lIlel· hut there .. IC I, l' C \, J I. '

time rolled on It became the cU'lom many people who do, and tht'} I1l'V<:1 \\"Itld h,I\I' hL'lll "',lll"hed UIlIIl ["10.\11 l'roh.lteCie~kto use two horses. and still later on there was nn lIltelhgent' tnalot thl pl.lI1 lit ...uh.,lltutlOu :"0 a Ill' I'" I ~[ar j ,ta bigger plow WI'S bought and better prepared to III,lke thl ... tn.iI th.lll thl' ..dll)ol !>o,lnl, aud 111l're \\ III ----

tl h d I he hUle room left forllue... tllJ11 011 tilt: \\hllk 1ll.lttt·r,llter thl..,l'XjKIIIII.llt Reward for Sheep Stealers.uee orses were use )" olleman.· I I I

. . Is through With It It [t'alh I... thl' b ... t thlllg til I'llt thlll'lg 1,1 gl I' :::''''10 re\\.ud h offered for the al-he dOlllg approxlmatel}· three tuues I 1 f . I I t 1 •. ua l' lange 0 all the valley c6't'OI1WOOl ... to lllOUllt.l1ll I I 10..,. I Ie ...OOlllf n·..t alld COIl\ IcllOll of ,111\ per...onas much work III the same tUlle as It is eslabhshed the better, and It wcrl' thl p,lft 01 \\ hetllll til w,lll h ~tt:,IIJ11g sheep frOlll au\ lIlt'111her ofthe man who used one horse. c1o...e1y t hl' growt hand pfogn'",l'\ ot tht· t rel·... 1I11 till' "llhlol hou ...e ~411.111· tll1s lOllNowadaysoneman can 1>efrequent. before luslTlg the vallt'\ lllttouwoulbthal h,l\l·llI.ttk thl'ell) h,l1J1tabk lh l'h:l\e",Coullt\ ~hl'ep BleedIy seen dnving eight horses to a If ... · lIld \\O()! (~nl\\cr... Ass'll

• • _6).\ D C:\RRl ('T,gang plow. a twenty-four foot har- el1 \... I>EBRh:\llJ~D,

row, etc. Furthermore. the man I I C l' :\1 \RTIIt' ,

who walks after his team all day A I S I of \\' S I'R \(,]]{,expends too much of his Iqtent nnua a e JIJI1:'\ :\1 \RTJlFR~()~,energy that ought tp be put to \Y H I:o~(,. ,

b I· Mar 7'2':1 hLZ \ \\ IIITF, ~ec.

etter use. t reqUIres energy to • , ..

think and study and the farmer Th ughbred TIJ T1< \1)1 -:\orthl',l ... t 24- 16'25.

who does not think and study can. oro fi\e Illl!e... \\e... t ot Altl·... I.I. Xew1:\[exll'o, ,til felll'tel ..... Ixt\ ti\e acres

not keep abrea~t of these tUlles of 111 l'ult!\ at 11111 1·1111\ J11g \\ db ... ur-raplel de vel 0 pm e n t. Portales roulld t 111 ... 1.111.1 \\·.1111 IlTllllCUllI-

Times Cattle, hefed Ialld 111 Kall ...,I .... or (lk1.lhOlll,l\\'hat h.l\ e \ Ole .\ddre...s John

Kafflr com, milo maize and sorgo \\. B,lllghm.lIl. Plalll .... K,lIl ...ashum are the cheapest anll best feed :'\[ar j-4l

for hogs that caa he produced lTl TO BE HELD AT Contest Notice.North.east New lvlexico and the Iltl'.ltllll'"1 UI Ih. Inl<tlot t Jilted ~Iales

T P h II d I R II N M0 1...."ll1n,\I II RO'\\t II ~ '\1 1 ..1> ~ 11.07 f ..h~'" \plll1

exas an ane e. an w ly It IS oswe, ew eXlco on \,unll •• "I "."l.,t atl"la\lIl>.l\lIlg I>....n fil ..d1 III thl .... "ffiu 11\ 1 lIlIl ... J , l>t·... tre-t ('olllestant ~~~~---~

t 1at our farnlers do not plant lIlort" ~ _ _ ".pll"l 1I'"Jlln.Ul I' 0,1011111 • IItn ~o ".1.1.111 ttl ;.\o\t't11ht"r ) I\m~ int ~\\ I -I st: ... tU)u..!t

of these and feel! lIlore hogs IS a to\\n,llIp u" I.UlK' ~1 I' la, lIellJ,.lI1ln P. A 01 19 h 17th d 18th U ...hurll lotllt..·.lt,t 111 \\hllh It 1'" ..1l1eKed thltque~tlOn that the farmer... mu... t prl t an B,nJllllnn I' Ihl>utll ha' \\h!{lh .lb.IIl<l,,"ed fl ..p.'rllll..nt 01 1I,.. Intenor Lan,I Office atI f

• "",llr.'ll 01 Illul 101 I Luf'Juo' .. th 111 'IX Ro,\\dl ~. \\ :l1"xl<o March 14 Illl.janswer themselves, a ... the el Itor 0 _______, _ mOllth, p 1,1 all,l h... 1.111..,1 to imp,u" alld 1111 ,,"ot'<t' I' h·tel" gl\ en that Phllhps for

f Itl\ lt~ ~ ..1111C: dW.i th it ... \ltl ..ll1egt.'"tl Jht: \\a~ tuerh Be'"os 2\lcDonald of Ros,\~l1 Ne\\ 'leXICO

the Ne\vs i~ up a stunlp or a rea· nol ,hI" to !1I"Illplo\ III. 'It III th, \1 III \ "a" ha' Ii led notIce of her ,ntentlOn to taaKe finalI d k \

. I l' '11 I II II II I lIul :\1 '!lll' lo,p, 01 Ih, 1 nll ..d "Ill'" lh a ptl fi,,' \tar ploof under .,ct of Juh 2.llh 18112 ~2j:>on. lIogs are al\\ays 111 l enlan 'l'he \\'esterll ~toc' an s 0 \\ I 10 I lell Ilf' .111 'II, ... ldltt ,,',mall oil" .., 01 111.1111 ,lutlug Stal at I,nr"e 2711) III supporl of her claIm \"lZ

I I b I I Illlal '-.11" of tlll)rOllglll)r"l! H"reforl!'" ,Inti Short lInnh dllnllg lh, "" "llh "1'"11 ur dutlllL: 111\ olh ..t \\ H 1l00nht..a,1 entn No 2H~ made 1"b 27 llll12 •••II:ll••••••••••I....1ane nlust a \vays e untl 101ne -, '- .. ,-. \\ hllh tho I "", I .. , I , 1I11' lH ,"g.,!:,,1 "' for tl1(' SF 1-1 o(the N\\ 1-1 SW 1-1 of the NE * ! IF 2iI 1 the meel111g of lhe Pa Ihandle St ock men'... A.....socla t 1011 111 Ro... s.11I1 pattIe' ate h, "1,, uulll\l d t.. '"1''' II r.., I 4 ,,"t1 \\ I ~ of the ~E 1-1 sectIon 11 townshIp

consumption is suppltl'd, alll t len I pnlld.l1Idoflete\llltll.etonchlllg,"d ,1ltg.tlon 12'o"th ,ange2-.easl and that said ptoof \\111

I I 1 f well, N :\1.,011 Apnl Ihth. 17 th .111d 1:-;\ I, (1)°7 alillod",kn 111 "" -\"nl~, 1....; htl",,· the b.lIIlolt h.fn" the R..glster or Recelvel atalII l'xporlt tr,ll :1"1 1ll.IY ,t" tnel I Of. '!'Ile offl'IIJI"'" \\ III COll"'l ... t of ahollt lOll head ot bulb and l~egl,,:'I.",t, ;~',I,~I\\({.'I'ltl~t,'\\'~II~X"I,I,.lllt,d.. t It .., I,alltl Ros\\{"11 .... "" '\1, XIIO on -\pnl 26 111117

, ~ ,ffil.. 1".... _"" .'\...... She t13nll~'" the t01l0\\lUg \\lttlt~"'f>S to pro,etIe ... lIrp U'" It'rt· I... 110 net'l ot ';" lem,tle.." nnd ,In' con"'lgned froul the good herds of the Pan TIlt" 'altl ..olli....t"n. h.l\lIlg 1Il 1'1"1"1 .Inda\lt herLOlllltlUOusgrazltl1{ and cultnatlon of thetq \tIg III ~arl\l III llih LUlllllry WIlh 1111111111 .111'\ 1'1'1 "" \ .1111 \ ltld \\111 Ilt..1'" \\'1'11 .....I..l'lell ~ lot of hl,d :llar,h lath I'~; sl"\ f..nh 1.1lh \\hl<h Ian 1 \lZL/ ." '- '- ,. ,how thltaft"ttlue tll1.g-eIH' \"1",,,,1 -<1\lle l.{"org" H Buss of Roswell :-.; M STPeterau t stoci\t III cunllecllOlI, anti. If thl:' L.' tl.I..' .1'" \\ It I' <\l I llllt'n d 10 llll. ranchmen and \\' III he l)e- of thh II ,tic.. c,tIlnot b, lIIa,l.. It IS her ..ln ot ot Ro,\\ '" 1 1" 1\1 Rtchatd Ranklll of Roswell

I I I I h b~tlelttl,t1lll,!lrecteqth.ll ...,,-h""lu .. ht;gl\e, h\ :';:\1 \\llllamRhodesofRoswell N 111

general demand for a money crop cUI.lryalapte( tot elruse, llg;alie,llh .1l<1t11l1!l',1 I .. , , .. I"'IH(I'"101,,.II" I!U\\AJ<lII.ILPWwere answered by turning the bogs • The following well known nreeder~ \\ III ha\ e conslgn- • 11,1\\ ~RI. I·kl.~::'~'et '!":\I_a_t ~~~~~~~~R'!"el;~.'!"s'!"te~r

Sigll ments in the sale :lInt 21 ttl lJ \\ III 1. I, n I It

into money, it may help 1t1 the so- J. \V. Johnson Clllidres.... Texas. R <tl\er

111tion.of the money crop problem.- Geo M Slaughter - - - - - - Ros\\ ell, !\. :\1. Notice For Publication.Tucumcari News. \Vm Atkinson - Ro...well. N ~I II< 1'.1IIm"nt 01 tI" Int"f1'" I tIld Olio" .t

I 1 '1' K('1 ..\Hll~t"\\:\1tXh.oPthTII1t\1 J40;..... \\"(11 l"l'ras.."i 4tp~l"Om), exas ',) ... hrTtll\~1\tlltlttl..lnls .... h\\t""h.hlt:"rot

W. II Parker LI!lSCOlllh, l't'xa.... ({",,, .. II -; .." '\I, " .. h ... fil ..<1"ol" .. 01 htl 11ltr-t tlltll tll 11llkt h1111 l,.Onttnull'IOI) plouf In

L. R. Bradlc} I-Iereford, Texa... '"PI''''' I h .. , -Julin \17 Homesle.<l I;ntl) No

II I 1, ~lllllhll \p[1111 IlJllI Int the ~olllhea!'\tQu3r·

R. II. Norton erel"fl exa.... 1., ..1 ".·.lIon 2. TU\\lI,hlp~ ...."nth Range 23

J 1 T \1' I \nl'uill 'rexa.... l> I' , ..I and that ~'lld pr .."f \\111 h.. mud" heforeo In . '\ an - - - - - - . , 0, the Regl,t< r or R.... "., It R"'\\t II :-O;l\l :\It XR A. Campbell Can, 011 CIl\, Tt'x.I'" ICO on IPtll2 1"";

B I ~I ~ht t1anlt"~ the toll " \\ll1g \\1(lIC' ...... t""!">lo P O\e

Scott & l'vlarcll.- - e tOll, ' I.....onn. he' ,'"nllllnO\" 1"'Hlellle"pOn and <lIltl\atlOnA. R ntHI J C Hamllton- _1{o...\\ell, Nex ~[exlco uf th .. 1.1IHI \11 I,raftun ... ,,"nlto ul ({o'\\ell

:-0; :\1 s.unllel H )on.., of R,"\\ell ~ :II \\ IIAnd Othl'rs 1J,lIn I-I ..ml1lg ul RU'\\t II ~ :\1 \\ Ilhalll S

I '1'1 I II utlt:'11ot Ko"'\\tll ::\ :\tCht'ap R. R rates froUl cveryw len> It' ....1 e \1 I l'om- 11 .. \\ \RI' L' LA"!>mence promptly at one o'clock each dav hh ~I :\Iar 2~ Reglslet

AuctioneersCol R A. Edmond...on. Kansas Cit}. l\lo

Col J N Har:-.berger, Lakewood ~ l\[

Col R. A Campbt:ll. Canyon Cit). TexasFor I11fol mat IOn and c.ltalog-ltes addre~s.

O. H. NELSON,Pres of \Vestern Stock Yards Co.•

Amanllo, Texas.

Sugar beets is something thatwe do not want to lose sight of.It should be further demonstratedwhat this country wilJ do raisingsugar beets. A few should beraised in all parts of the county"and a test made of them to furthershow their sugar producing quali­ties That this will eventually Lea great sugar producing countywith several large sugar factones,we have httle (t6ubt. The quickerthis is hrought about the better for'~he stur~ ~1011eers who have comehere and \.ommenced the develop­ment of thiS country.











------Relinquishment for Sale.I am offering the ~olltheastquar

ter of ~e('tion 17 range 18 township25. in the Penasco Valley fur fivedollars per acre cash. This land islllder a d teh and will be worthtWlce the money within a year. Ap­ply to E E. McNatt, ArteSia, N.M , Mar. ~8-3-t.

Eggs for lIatcbing.The hen that lays IS the hen

that l'a\l'\ S C W Legl1OrtI.

\\'ateTVlllc stram. 20~ egg's hen ....Prrce per settmg of 11, $1 00


Mar28tf East side Fair Grounns.

Campbells soil cultnre Manual­free Co new Subscribers or Renewals-REGlSTF< ·TRIBUNE.

A. L. W. NILSSONRoswell, New Mex~


I .1 • 1 I &. • 2

w. R. BOND

Meat Market.

602 N. Main Street


COMPI:TENCY - 1'1It:: t::'xt::'ct1ti~e mt::mbers of the company have had 20\ e,lrs expt::r1t::llCt::' III bnd titles lIndt::r the common law IUlIf community titles.

RfLiABllITY Tht:: r<'conls ul lhe It>mpan) are prepmed WIth great care.lIlll lhe lomp,ul' owns ,I cop' of most of the InstrllI'lent~ on rt::'con1 inLh.n t '0 L'ollnt\ , hesldts ,I lomplete ,l!lslract 01 the rll:"ollls,a\lllls Incorporaterl.

EVIDENCf Ih leglsl,ltl\e t::Il.l1ltllt'llt the ,LI>strm Is 01 tills comp.tll\ <lte lHl­IlJllt .. 1 ... e\IoIt'IIt. III til .ht" .ourIs 01 tht' klrltor.'


I' It l"r.. 11111 ..,t1esnJOnls 16S

Llllk 1)lIle\ I>lrector,lIolllt:: .l11


To 107. N. Main.

'1 the strongest and best Cement Shlllgies III the\\ 11 iUrll1::.h 1I1 e\ en co or , ill

I \\'e ha\e the o-eneral sate of Mauntm's Patent Ce entI lilted ~tates'" 1 th tent'1 ,I's III the I lllte.1 States untIl Fehruan of 1920 • aU< own epa~ ling t;: , '1 _ For Prices or llIformatlon call on or Addressn~hl lor ~t:'W .l t'XIl 0

\\'e n·...pectf111h (hred the,ltlt'ntlOll of our fnends tothe of our new locatIOn,where we are perfectly fixedfO! a erst-class market bus·lilt .....lllll ...ohl It) Ull r trade.


Roswell Cement Roof factory Co.ROSWell, NEW MEXICO

WE 1'.\ \' TUE HICHEST1'1.>11'1, t' () I~ P1{U1>\ ChI'

- - -1 1 ~...




S.lll1e old phone 4 2 5IN TNt: PILANT BUILDING. 74Iti I

••B. -


.: ""'!I have charge of the horse and mule department

~ of the RosweU-Trading C~}., where I wi~ continue tobuy and sen norses amt.mnles on a small margin.~ , :[ have on hand at present s01l1;e good horses andDIllIes and a fe\v fancy single and-double drivers.t 1£ you want a young draft stallion, I hav~ whatyou want.~ ... <F -

~ ~~The following' celel>~ted::\.uds wiJ1 mak;-th"ff,a.'SOn at the: Roswell Trading CO'. )farHs: "

KLONDIKE, No. 1237, Kentucky bred s2ddleand show horse. ,

A ULUS, R. 3n33.'imported Gennan coach horse.or ~~~.EA:D'M., 410~O A. T. R., Standard

entucKy 15red trotter. '" .We make a specialty of horses ~nd mules in car

load lots.


I C. J. Franks, IL Call and see ns-Corner Seconu and Pecos. .J

F$ a ~


Drayage & Express


c-\I.L J-ilflll·R

59 HUSllless I ReSidence 254Phone I Pholle

F D\VfRS. Pres.- E. PATION, Vice Pres. -E. S. GIBBANY, Sec.-Treas.

,T~l~ NO. 320 ROSwEll, HEW MEX.~11 r _. I I. L • 1 • • lb. d..











- j. ~



by buying t1U- reliaple, lione$f::iugh~de l!e~~ing inaclliue. •

• l-4~1'- .~ .._ ....



It is Manufactured by





The Saddle That Leads

,-J.- ..

r] Ii'.- I


$3:50r to ·$25.00

Your Trees for tho!



$18.00 to $30.00

33 Broad St. Boston, Mass.\\'nte for free bo~klel


We have just finished mark­ing the new wash suits in and wecan honestly say that we have theprettiest Jine ever. Some of fineBatiste, Linen Lawn and IndiaLinen, all handsomely trimmed)and are cheap for the price,

You should see_the me!" jU!RRer suit~in Colored 1 affetas and F"taln ColGl:>::l. i\,l'E"osilk dl'ess(:~ in Checks and Stripes. Wehave then1 to suit all. Prices


l\ar~.e~ tlorne Pruducts Elclusl~el)

I'HONt fliUMBJ:R 5",

Good C'OthesRequire Good..Gare.

.f'.-.:.• L

SPRAY,·SPRAYCodling Moth and all leaf

Eating Insects with thebest and safest pois-

on, which is

Merrimac Chetnical Co.

Arsenate of Lead

The ,best suit if negleetedwill not much outl~ta cheap·er suit. Properly cared fOl,

, it will last many

\':e are ready anq, tvl11ing to-'seII you good clothes and totake care of them ~iGr YOU.See us about it. -


b\ 1

\i ~"L.l'


J~ .


t 1'1

\' ." "

• h. ~~ ~.~~J.. -" ,,;~t.

...... :"-.;' . ~:-. -'"

New Spring Styles in Woolenand ash Suits!



BY MAIL:8·O~. Bottle------$I.OOSpecial Rates to Dealers

RoswellClothes Club, .: ._"JebV...

This preparation positively 221 N. MAIN sr.:: • .. G" W~ link,.CURES DANDRUFF II-----_'<~"'.....-I -nO~ORTl!MAlNSTRItE'l'. '

And Forms th~ Most

Sole Distributor.

ROSV'lell, New Mexico,

DellghIfuI Hair.,DressingThe preparation tha.t is


Sartorial Fancies Peco:s Valley:Drug COBDistributors. ; R~swell, N. M.

Chl'l'ked 'Ull'i for hank cashlers~ \\ hen =_=-=_-=====':=======('aughl. lrt' not as stj 1Ish as stnpes. Maee Your ContraCt farly and

:-;Ied trusl magnates natumllj preferstt:l'l gr.l\ Insist on Having Only Swift's.

Blut' clothl'S 111a\ ht' \\orn by people of I ;.,.a sunny dlspOSltlOIl \\ !thont fear uf get- »;0

tll1g Ihe hlues ' _I krnnghol1t' is apprupriate for anglers. • ..:\Iotor cluthes du not carrj a guarantee~

01 Iht' \\t~arer's ability as a chauffeur.\ hrtl\\ 11 laste need 110t mean of the

1Ill)llih !< 1I ],-0\\ n is fasluonahle In


il,,', I ,>I ~ 11\\1111 l:lt\1\ 1 1111'1 1"1I' 1\11- abollt

I"" I1Itl j-. \\tll l'ull1\dtedI 1 III I I II .I III good (()J]t!11101l. I,aIllIIllI__...._ ...._lIIiIlI:ara9__~



'1 'I

\1 t, .

\ \. \ \'1 I JI II I " ...,,:-. .---

-.! D

... - --- ---'="":-"'---..- ~-=

j I

, ."


On the COtner Opposite the Postoffite.

No matter' how good your doctor may b~)you will not get the best results fr?ill hlS

prescriptions, unless they are filled WIth. the_p'urest drug.s, by_ c~mpetent P?armacl~ts.'Pharis ~x:a~t1y the kmd of serVIce we gIVe.

Really Effective Spring MedicinesDep.ends on Effective Prescription filling.

Bernard. Pos Music· Co.

t~Rosweli Drug &~ Jewelry Company.Prescriptions PHONE NO. 59 Second and Main

. .-=


\, I \t.,J ,., I .. '\.bt an'l l..>lac.:ksllll L11 ,It ,., ., \ \

\1 ,I ,[ \, " I, " ,RanC'h, yesterda) ....oId hh tllll 1drl'C1 1111'11'011', -1 ~·l,.ll" I~l ,It 11\'11 l'IIIIII',," ! I't f I 1\\ 1 ~ .... ":,, lit, 01111\,~aT1l 0 10rscs to the }{o"\\ell \-.l I \ I" ~ .(-·ffill·~111111..111 'I ~ Iltll!t.'( .\h ill :--.\\III ....llll 'I'll "11'" I. ,,, \1 rad1 C l' h f I I \\ .. I . I I, t • I 1111\ ~ I ~ I II I .... ' 'I ( I ril ~ng 0, '.ac 0 thl'''l' hor"l ... \ :1\lll~" \Ill III I )1l1)1 )" (;1111<1 Tlll\\! 1<.,,\ \\nll': ~l 1'11, II'I'~ \ .....\\el ILL! I II I' ".1,1 ~. llld JIIIII" to dlltgl'lIlhe-J<.:I1\ er1 loopOUlId,alldlll,lkl' .~~\,\,ll '.l.'~~~, Lmle (~tldl"ll. 1'lnIl JIllllll11 \tlllil 1,1 I',. .1" ...

~.. .....,=-..., /- ", I' .Ill .lll'! ll"jllill 11l1() .Ill .11-- V~••••• _.-..:- '"1' ••)' .... ,., .. (~l!k""llI\' ,;:; ~ J \tlllll" :\tlllllill l:I1TR,i~1t ~Wf~~?'MT111 :--"" I ... III'~I\II" l'II'>,KI\ll'llll >'(,KI

~~-a"~-,,,-·-.tmo~-"""""""'~ -~~ , I J I 1 1.:' d \ 111111·011 .... III 1!l1....111 .1I11 ttl 1I I I!-:I "1, III tll lill "'! l HI' I 'l.K\'-~ -:::' --- ~- ~::.~..-~- Stt'walt ~herlllall '1"7 ;1, .Olll 1.\111.111 \'II,d \\hC'llll RIlI'III 11111\ \\d., 'I I I .' I t,1 I \'\_111' I',' I"• :Itlllll l'1dldllllltl .... \\ \lll'\ll \\.Ir ' , ,The price of the Roswell CIt) IIall,I)21-,).l·h;·...llII·,lhlJ~ lIlt I'IIKII \ l'I'II'11 11\'.11. 11~111 \1\. 11_ ~; "11'.I'h,I~Io\\(\\.~1I

I Illtl d In I II' 1\ ItIllll I .1,!dIIlCOd II< " , 01'1\ "' "1(11,"1'\1" h., '"llkl IIIDirectory has been reduced tro111 tit' t~IUlll'rt. \)1 j·........ ll I'mll! l!l 1).1\1 \Idlll !.1l111.( 1."'1 'Ill II' IJ.'·II \\lll 11'1101,,, k I 1,".... \\( 11 t" 1\ ', .. 01 I" 13\\ I--II"d f<q,:" atwlI-I I" IIll, II: I III I Ione uolLu to fifty cents a copy 111\ ~11II11I<)I]".117 Blllll.l \\'hl't'll (~I.I'\\"" 111/(~I'1 Il,1 1,11111 1'1 11"1,1 "11 I,,, - 1')"11, :\1111], I" ",. \11"1,,0111'': Ih, H,gll"''''''''

~t 1.. tl1111 "'" 'lIlt. lltll ...... l ..... ""'l~"" ....l ..(l \ II \~11 IIltlllt gll\l TIl 1Ig th~ 111Theworkiscompletl'flnd autheu 'I.' ,\tlek :\I ....blt.lll I.) ~Il\ll lIllI()]O.....1 Jllll.IIII!.1 JllItl.... 11111 "1.:111t.: 11\11 1,11:- ,",I.,II,,"d,.llh,lll"" tTl"IIIl~1I1. h 1 f II t 1'> 1I1.I'ldlll!tdlllld"llllL Ill()\hloll"l ,"ll1llh'Hlllldllllll",,,I,ltll\t"tIC up to t e tate 0 PU) Ica lOll Kl'nnul). l)ll \Lll g,lft't 'll·"'., f KIIIlIIIL'!. K.llhI( I'll ()1L\ I I J Idl ' III'" ".1\ n:1 Ill" \\ 'I. til ...... III ,1.1111 "" I I", ,I" l.. \\hll h " Ih, '"l>J...d

1 'heyma)'beobtainedattlwRi-l. ~··'\llltll'~la(It· Fr'lllk B!llltlll~:.I'-'.·tl.II,,..,.II! \1111.1 \·1'(.(1 .... I.II'lh 1 . ,·1 th\-. 1<1 .... !I.tllgtllolht'lllllt'hlj ,1""""'"'"'" t.l1ll1gdal~"I\la,1>:"~ \ • .~. " I 1/1111" 1111, Il,t III ~" l' I 11,111111" I I I J I 'oo, I "II~ll,I<"J rh~t I III I II< 'I !I,,,d tlllld of t !ll' ,,\ Itoo, III ,,1\, '"1~ ~, -. .ISTER-TRIBlJNF. office l)1 > ,). Jes"t' ,\tkln"o!l. ')1) 1>011.11 lI11ld"lI 111 '1' '1:--' 1<. '~I ::"1 j "". ",", <lll.d \111.11 ~2 I~; ,Hllll!e'l!

\\. II I' ~I j 1,-IIIl! III \\ !11th thl "II< 110..,'·1 .... 10111 I'll 11- t \ I (l,d'l ,,, Il \\11110... lin" torT:te \Vooumen of the \\'orld Clllespll'.I)'1 I lltr ~Ot·. 1)11.. I, H ~(( IIltd ~I I Btl h Th"111,1 \1.111\..111' 111.1 \\ II, III I ,I" I , .. 01 111,. \plll - ''''''e I_ 'I1 I h nerva BOUltl' ')7 1,)f1 ~I.lltlll· . I' IlIll!t ,I • 'llI,1 III IlllOI\'OI.llt·! ~I\ ... ,I it 110, ....~,"Ial\ vI ""IIUlllllre Ita"

enjoyed a specia SOCIa gdt erIng I. .\\I.·Llt!l·I).lIh ,\Itt-lId.L1111 ;1 1"1 "11111.1/.1111- Illtl!I .... 1 II, 11,111'1 11 I II I ,"f" 'll'l""I.n"II,, I", 1,,"~<lKlk2H I - ( \ "rIll' !1'lu ll" 1 ~ .J \ 1llt .... tt)\\U"" t)1 VI ..lgt. .... , \\ lIt () le-j ).• '_"1' 1.1,,1 \1 11th l' It'll; tJlltt'\t'llt lheat thel'r lodge room on \"est SeC'o11cI ea< , l)"l ::;- ). ' ,., I I I' I tl I 'I' I' I • .,y - I II lellt Itlt'lIt ,11I(l' '11,. Upl .... Ilel III , .L1lll .... III 1:--" 2,., .. ::>1 h.tli III .... 1I1h tllle... "h,t1l go to "lIlh I, ", -l1l"~'11i ,.1111, Ihl'It\,,~d rill" I'.~treet la!';t l\'Konday e\·cmne-. Ap Evalme :';herlll.ln. ')f 7 l) .1 Ie I I ...: J I j '_'\(11".1.1' il \ I Illd~r,,() II. antl ",ll

" - fl. ~ .I)...ellt lIor LlIl~. ,-..n.1 OllhOIl I II \\' :->lItlldwlt!,ld III :';.L1ll IIlI(lII"lIl!t'd 111\. lo\\n OJ \I1Iagt· I, ..."" ,"nll\' ,," alld tfl~1 >,pnll> I'm;proprI'ate refreshnlents \"here (~ate\\OOlI. 1)2. }J I J I' I " .! I I II ~ I of AUI I" )IIlI" one.... ',\l'\1l l'.1I1'-o11l~1·1 I I I '.""I-''''I(I\,,"tlli I~.,nl~an ~ IB, SIxth (~r.Hk.l'elltlal BlItld . ~ ," ,.1/,1111'-0 111tlll'" 'll .!O I'·Il'" :--'1~IIOIl I, .\Il I.lw" .1lHI parts ,,,111111 ',,, IIl1dtT.llllh""I\,""I"lredh, lawserved, and the occasion was one k 11 tIP I \ er.l I-Imklt-. ~Ll) Co.... tot'. R.I\ I I LlIllI .... III T '1:-> R 2::; E . 51 I II IT th' It' 'n"llIg '''I...d ({II' 1 ({~\""11l I tlated March.!2 !'IO'. Ieof great cnJ'o.vmentall arolllld. mg, C. S'l 111an , l',KIt:r all I II 'k b I). \ l'tlllll I" . 01.1\\ .....11I lOll/Inn ~ Ct 1"t\l11tl!'-prt.Il!(1f-,ahl~'III"hettp l!'lsre

Estes. l)-J. 2-.5: Charl1t' Parker. I).) IlIOtH Ul.l}., l:\\e. " LOll llll'k alld \\lIe to ~a11l ot g.ullbltng 111 New :\lexlCo, and ""drill< ,-tl"Il(ll.lleda' II ,\ J urder:>;o HflTh 1 t f G R L d U ff I J lSI,er A. ngdI \\ .11 ter Harrt ...on I I' f I fl ",01 \\111 I" ",m" dTeCll\ ~ 011 and after Apnl 1.1e ec ure 0 • • an r m, 3-IO; Bertram Ja a, 1)2., 10. r\'le.' " I . "1 '[ II . ..lI.IIlI ..... IIlIl·n·... t In 2tl l' acer 111\\ .... and 1'.11 ts 0 a\\"s In con ICt 1\1'; l"I'\(,of Ih.. 11"\\ RegulatIOns (B A I

tth 1\.{ E churhsouthlast 1) 11 I ~tlg~anlle"on. ~.lrellt't'.,lt·r. I' 'I'''': R > I: ': . I I I II 1""I,r]';",j,all.lofRIII"~Re\·lslolIl(B'\1a e!v.. c. 'Dungan, 91 YS. all owan. \)\ I" I B I ~I I I' .11111 .... III '} ....... .'i ...': heTt\\lt 1 .nt· Jere l\ repea l'C. ant" II" H I (I\(!ofRllk'lR"\ISIOIII (8:\ 1Thursday evening, was largely 2-::;. Claud Oldham, 1)07- I n. Lt';) J~e ·1!1,.e) , arl t't t ,I alll Jolm ~1I III 1lI1'1 llt'ld .1IId \\ IIt- to), lId'" .It I ....h.tll t,lke ·effect aIHI be 111 ::1~1 I.:: l1\a\ 'he ohlalllt'tl fll>m the Cllld of the

d d h h l 'b 11 ... \\ 111llnl Ilnd.ll1 ' I !llll~.ll' ,I >,nunal 1I11!U,IT} whose addTe"s ISatten e ,t oug not as I era y Rowland, l)03-5. Jno Carkr. ,)('" ~am L.lIarth. I 11 I t' rt· ....1 III 2(1 pl.ll'el lorcl' flom .111.1 after 1\1a)' I"t, 1l)07 \\ "1I1nKI,,n 1> L JA:\[!'S \\!l,so;>;' ~eclelaC\as its merits justified. !v!r. Land- [-5 Nellte {'rlon. \)0 B Class FlfLh (~radl'. :\11....... ~I.IIy daml ... In T I) :.; R 25 I,:. S" _._ "I \~I1\1l1ltl!l \l

rum is an inimitable story teller I~:lghth Crade, Ct'lltral1>utldillg, t~ret'lllt-t'Teacht'r C B J)olchl"tt'l .11ld \\11e til Easter at Colored M. E. Church.and his entertainment is of very Arthur F. Beck, teacher Oli\l I I' C f I 1'1 F t

, ..OUt It· raw or~, '.' gar, I Z Sam I..llaI n". in tert·...t ! 11 20 pl.ICt r , Thl' followlIIg haster program!Iigh class. RIcketson, 95. 1\hlton Pitt, I)-f. (.eraI,I, Ltlltan l •.IIner, l'rallL'b C1.11llh 11l T \) ~ R 2:; I" . -;'1 .

Joh'. C. Shermall and B. A, Etta Pitt, 9 ' ; Mar) Qnarterman. Krtpnle Mar)' I ee Herbert Preo.;- " I arr:lllged by ~1I"s JaIlnle :\loffet,- "1' J 1;",' -#, Johll \\ llt'Ililn" aIll \\ Ill' tl) ,S tewart, brother and brother-in· tj3, Georgia Champ.ion, 92 . e~:Ie ton Mo.rvaret Swaggler ~. I J (' II tt I wa.... rewlt-It,d la"t ~IlIHla\' at the

- \,. • t'> ,--.It ne\ . •I t' . I ~ :ll'erS 1I1 n \\ -law of C. P. Sherman, with their Davis, 92 ; Ara ChIsum, l)2. (\ 11.1 • I I \1 I' hur'lt If which

L SI Lutie B, Class, Beatri~'e ert'inl'r, corner S\\'1 "eq ....('t 1,-13'25 tor co ore(. ',l' l. (families, arrived :n the city last nil' Bean, 1)2; ucy .. ea, l) : Annie May Kemp, Edna Scott, artesian wdl. 51, Re\' Z Z. Johnson I" pastorFriday evening to make their IBritt, 9 1

; E~tella Head, I}I; Ruth Myrtle Thompson, Carrie HoI- Manlle Ha) ne.... b) ganlian to ISong, "He Rose" CongregatIOnpennanenthome. ThefirstnamedIMUr~aY'91;Myrtle~Cl:I1lent:~ ?I. Cl R R b2'entleman is a new member of the Bermce Boone, 91; Calhe Lusk. -)0, combe, ~ arence ,ose, 0 ert Zena" Lellard, correctioll tIt-ed for IPra\'or, Re\' Z. Z Joh1 son, pastor~ Sherry, Har\'ey ferguson. Aida llndi\'ided 1-1" interest III nh ....w"l • \\'1 1 C' tl J.>lo t ..

S . I T 1 . '1 ~ong .. lell "ee le ) 0<~ IlUt 1, eac ler. alldllh ,,~'c 4- 12-2 3, $1,. I'~' 1. 011 • _

--- -.---- \\Tm. S, Prager andwlfe to R. L ,I' l)a~tor all(]

IR , I) )I\"1\'e reauIlllT .,New ~exico pisintegrated. Olmstead, eh swq and \\'h "eq St'C C" < . ".

..... , 3°-11-24, $6720. Congrt'gatlon -- ----- ----Close l1~pon'the feeble attt'mpt to I f II' ..

. fl' I I) \"111. L. Heitman ..'\: F II Song. "The Com orter as lomehave a portion 0 t le nc 1 ecos '\ •\'alley attached to the State of Sunderman to The Hagerman Ch 01 r ---- .-.---Texas comes an effort to embody Irrigatioll Co 1lght·of way for Opl'lI\ng a<1dl ess, Re\'. J. R. Rec-San Juan county in the slate of ;-';ort~hl'rt1 L'a11aI :H·lO..." seq set' () q. toe, l'x-pastor . _CoIoralio 26, ):>I()(). , . u . (' L

Rccllatlon-- - lUrs. JUS eeSmut' dissatisfied re~idents of the (~t'o. I. \\'yll) .. and wife ttl M G d t Th" Your taste IS good if you have your

cOllnty petitioned the Colorado leg· 1.) m.lIl A. ~an<lt:rs. lois '3 and 11 Solo. "Xl'are::r y JO 0 ee clothes malte byislature to memoralize congress to block 59 west ~Ide. $1, Mrs. Re\', Johnson _

so change the boundaries of the J. \\'. \\'11;011 and wift; to l\Iar~ Recitation Mrs. lim Jqhnson F A MUELLER' \Ta,·'orstate as'to bring about :!'thIS result. Howell. 1 Inch water nght fro. Song. . Fullun all the "'ay," I I ,-' JThe legislature, it ,seel1l~, acted fa- well on lot 8 block H tor lots 1J Cho i r . __ _ 222 NORTH MAIN ST.vorably anu if the go,'ernor signs and 12 hlock oft> we~t :-;ide. $50. R" >.[ II J R h tthe memorial it will then he up to eeltatI011. i\ r. owun. 0 er son ....-_____

? Soutl(Spring ranch & cattle Co., , >'1' J'11 R torcongsess. J • Cl t (~II I <", 66 hssay -- - -I> rs. 11 ecto les er J ng les, 0.>. acres ., "1 .

The Citizen does not beheve in sec I~ and 19'11-25 and 1.8 5010------ _ MISS Callie \\ 1 hamscongress wilt take much stock in interest ill artesian well. $4l'1oo. Recitation • __ Mrs. Mar\' Johnsonthe proposition, Should San Juan Robert L. Stedham to J. S. Song. "Standing all the Promises"county be given toColoradoby a Tucker,whseqsec22·15·2S.$S50. Choir_. _simple act of a sta.te legislature and Z M r-.I'll d'f t Alb'of congres..;. then IS not Texas en- ~ : . 1 er an WI e ,.0 1110 Essay Mrs. Stella Jacksontitled to a big slice of the Peeos ~arJllo, lot 7 block 3 ~\ Idys add. Duett, "Beautiful Isles," Miss

C f 1 d V II il ,,100. •• I 'uf' L 1

H tMI omes rom a proper y-ma e a ey, .. L ,\ 1 lIb d Nettle l'oskr an< IniSS U a

. piano. Don't depend upon If thest states receIve portIons aura .~s I am ltlS an to'Ra USICthe case alone. Look after of New Mexico, why cannot Ne- Harley C. Foster, lots 10 and 1 r Praither -.- ---- ----. ----hidthe t e and vada claim the northwestern por- block 37 west side, $1600 Essay. The Orig-in and Object of~b: ~~~~t~t~~tion. ~~h~ve tion? Arizona also ought to help Drum Commission Co. to James Easter ... -.Mrs. M, A. Wilson

, just opened"'a new. stOle cut the pie. B. McConnell, seq scc} and nwq seq 5010-- Mrs. To}' Paltersopopposite tbe postoffice, with a magnificent line of Standard .Planos. It is true there is some justice in seq 21 aud ~h neq swq sec 22- 14-26 Song, "Sunsbine in the Soul"ChiCkering, Clough & Warren, Krell, Thompson etc.We will prove San Juan county citiz~ns desiring and water ngbts $523.1\.. Cho i r _to- you that we sell you a piano for less tb~ you could buy them a voice in the law-makmg of Colo- James B. McConnell and Wife to 't f Miss Callie Williamsin Chicago or New York and terms to SUIt cu~to~ers. Casb. or r.ado. I Commercially. San Juan M. M. Bntgrham, llh nwq seq sec ReCI a 10n____ •easy payments almost like paying rent. G?od pianos are ltke 'County is today part and parcel of 21-14-26. and water right, $1050. . Solo ---- -Mrs, Bessie Boyergood piano tuners, scarce; try Bernard Pos Plano Co. for both. that state. It is an unfortunate Chas. M. Samford and wife to Recitation------------Mrs. Evans

=================..:.::...=================illcondition both for the county an~ The Hagerman Irrigation Co.~ Song, HLet the Sunshine In"

M h· We have a nice for New Mexico, as. well as ~- water rights attached to wh lleq Choi r _

Talkleng ac IDeS line o~ Talki n ~,' zona,. The wealthryhttlehcobunlty 15 neq sec 23-14-26.$1. Closing Address:.---Rev••Jobnsonh - practIcally ct.,tt off rom tea an~ Felix Miller to N. L. Verser •Mac 1 nes and a of New MeXICO by a lack of rall- , Collection _

large supply of NEWESr-.RECORDS. Com.ein and se1~t a few road and other transportation fa- ~ots 1,2,3. and 4 sec 17-16-16, Song-, HGlory to His Name" Choir

bright n~wxecords if yOt1 already have a machine, otherwise buy cilities. By the bui1~ing ~f th.e 9I~th· A Ste h t R R Song, HGod be With you 'till we

;b;ot;;;h;..~,==~=====================:=========III.AriZona & Cololradbo litnde t~Stebv~1 Phirnpsm;ot i~ nwqP n~qS se~ 3;-1 : =- Meet Again" Congregation

would be great y a a e. ~ 15, I • • R Rline is not built, another similar 24. $100. . . .' Benedlctlon---------- ev. ectorroad will be con~tructed. Such a Thomas F. Jeffnes and Wife to 0Il!.~

railroad is necessity, and financially M. M. Brunk, lots 2,4,6, and 8 .(c The ~lde~ Sickle" ope~ett~'1would pay block 7 Tallmadge Bros. add. to 35 children 5 VOiceS at the MajestIc

The move to 'incorporate San Dexter~ ~IQ5· Friday, April 12. • ~ !ii.....,

i l I tl I' ill) \ J 1 l·lllr .IIlllll\lll\, 'l() Ilt·I(·11a SIIIII Jll.lll(lllllll\ \\lllIl'o!OJ,ld(l1'o111l'kr, ~. P I>ellIllIH! ,111.1 \\lllr_ ~H-~*§-8-"""R'lrEH-f"""S'~91; 1\ ll.I()IIIIIJll,):lll\l, '0 .... \\1 III~, ,\\ I ,\ ..... "~ e . l'r1.1I1d qo. hed.1 Cnllll'rt. ')ll I "tollll ollglll.llld 111 F.lrllllll\..,lon ITlll"tl'l''' Flr"t :\1 E dlltrl'h I.. ~iEW 7th B grade. Central Bmldmg. \\'Illlt: the bu....IIlt·".... Illen ot that 11l1Ch Wdter nght from well on lot~ 11 ... I Ethc,l thl d,Lmt daughter 0, r~r.1C'l' \\'etht'rald t(';'lcher HeIl- thrl\1T1g Itttle town otten make III for lob I:; alld 1(, hlock :;1 \\e... ti J :\lr .1Ild ~Ir .... R L \ld1t'r.llIed .III'\: C'lld\\ell '), \IaTlt' K11hIIlg. nll ... l.lkt.... Ihe~ dl"'ll\l' "llIbl It'll ~1.Jt Slo~~~~H-~'" I.I"t ThlIl",,11\ 1I11111I11Ig .It IlIl . I k 1 e:-

lr 'I.:' I·.hl"t I'.lr"'OIlS. <)2. (~r:!ll' Ill(' \\!l e 1\\ 1'I 111.111111 rIll \\ lW!J I j J 1I.lglrIlI.llI .111.1 \\ltl III JllhllBmn, to ;\lr. .1Ild ....It .... ,\Uhll') Llllllh hll1l11 II IhL l',Ljl1l.ltl holl; (~l'\l'r, 'II Tl'lleI \\'.lblJll <)1 Ihl) .d\\.l\'" \\llIk Illl thl' ll('Il\lIld I IIlllklv 101 ')ldol k II Il.lgI 11lUll

L 't' I It The IUIlLl.d ollllllld at lllllllt!".-.flll L1 a C'lug 1 l'r ".Itll.lllllt· l'lIlll()11 III I Ill" 01 I hlll t lllllll \ \..:. I.• I)U t hl' atluIIllull III I hl ".1 III l' d.1\ l'.. . " •

Ch 1 L' J I f 1 .\ 111h "I.llk 1Il'111 \ I'lllktlt. ~llOllld Ihl!1 pIUpU.... ltllllll\l·1 go 1.lll1.ldu (~alL1.1 .1Ild \\111 10ar es.l.' oyce am amI y al e I \\ 11h IlIlerL'llll nt 1II I he ~outh ~l,11 "lIome from 'm extench·<! frlp IT1 It'meltl\" 'k.1 \ I, II \'I'rlllllllll11 '1(1. . tu Lll11gn· ........ ·1 \\I11 11lldouhtl'dh he

lRellllcllo" JII.lll'/ lot If j,JI.l k I

\ 'r,IIfornl'a II' . hlth ,\ gr lIlt l I Illr d Blllldlllg. lllrlltd dO\\11 It ....hould hl' lit- I :--.oulh Ro,,\\, II :'I,ll.... •. o It 1.11111' I I I I I"

II' ,\dl·ll.l:--'l 11".11 I. Il II hI I \\ II II lll" Illl I 1, II' 11111 I 1.... 10.., II .... 1\\ I '1'1 II I I l'

~I \Hh \11 . II I~'I 1111.111 Illg 1 11111 I'hza\ Itt'rl'tllllltd botll, \11 111111 J \\. \11111111 .... Illlll1l1,1 IUIIl \lilll\ 'I.' BIIIIIIII B(ll, <;.' \11'110 Illil :->111 JlIlll 1111111'\ 'II 'I I . ~I '-, I I lI MIla \h I h It I 1 I I I 1"'1'1.1111' til l 1.11" ..111 oIl \\ III'!If'nlu,,.Ol.( ), \. l'l' 1'.1 1'111 ,"111111\ IIlIlIlllll,' 11'11I1 :--'lllll I \\ til lid 1'1 IgI I. 'II l.llIll ....l l·.d 1.1111 \ II 11\'" '111111 III Ilghl 101 Ill'l

IlI'I ....U .') Il .", :31

eu the of Ihe lelllllJII,t! Ill .... hUllllLlllllllIg It.1\ IlIg 1>tlll dl dell Ill. l)U RtUl .\1 thm. '13 "lL l'llllg t!.III"p"I l.IIIOII I.llIIllll.........h(;ep saUltary board Ia) l.'d "'Ol1ll.'\\ h,lt hy ,I "tubborll .It- Ecltth (~reenlet' "4 Be........ ll' HoI- Let 'lIS ;lOt llO\\t'\ II 1!t .... lIl11gLlle {'rton To\\ II l' to :->\ h l·.... lll I'

D \ '1T 1 J h h k I hIt II " '1 thl 1I1 .\11111' JOhll ....orl lot 1 blm k /, ,1110 liltr. .\. oyner a" een ,I tal" llt t It gnppt'. \\ It'l ,., 1 I "te1l1. III ,\nnlt' For... tad. <)2 Le!t.lj

.... l'\\ .' eXlco to gtt Itit\d~ , {'rUm. <3:;11\'ery sick man the past fort-Illghl. ha11g" 011 :\11. ~llllllIh \\as thl' Bl'ck. ell q11l'rlpll l'lll/lli

hIS affliction bemg a cOmhlllatlO11 ot thl Pt'co" \'alll\ I FIlth gl ItI( \1 11K lIo\\ell BuIld I _._ \\'I1ll1l1 I· ~LlrllI ,llld 1\111

of ~stbma and the gnp dt.:kgatloll .1Ilt! rl'rlh (!ld 11IO.... ! III 111l: I'h\ III'" :\ 1,111 I Il·.lt hl'1 .\1 I To Eradicate Scabies '1''11.1 bldk'1II111 11\1 III 11\\'1 ....11 ;.'R S R b .1 I It Ihl' :IClOlllplt"hlng III \lklll ....OIl 'II \1.111 HUld l'! III ~f S2:;"

. 0 lIlson allu t,llIg I tl. "I ~ \\ I \ 1 I' I \\Itl t1l .I"·.l ph II\lls::.0pail. who have been h,n' TIll I{o'\"lll I'lllllllll~ l'lI Ilh 1{11'''11 1.1I11~· 'I j I'll I.ll J 1....1 Th.ll I 1"'I"Il- Ill'! (It, 11.1'1 \.', .Igl'.lll'turthreemollths left Tue"ua\ lOI Illllllh prIlltld 1111 tl ll~hl l'l' ," ," Kill' \\IIl'lltl l).! LUlhl 1 11111'.llgll \\ill I" 1111.\' III ""\,1: K'.I .... ttl 1111 'I 1,10.1,.: (\\( .... tl'lll:'lr hOTue Illl'tica. :\IlnT'.r"'-<llt.l !fllldl'r 101 "'OI1\lllJl plll!'O'.' .... I' (;1.1<1 ,2 \ dill 1I. II I hOll '" 1\11'110 tg.llll'-ol ""1 ,d>!l , 1 "'1111\\11 ....Iel'. S2:;o

l"I\I .. lh, !':lI11:I'I".d'(llll RIl .... \\,'! :-Oll .. 11 \111 \\Ill"'toll 'I" Jllhll 1':rl1 tlollllh, IlIlllI\\llI~ I'llllllll (.lh'11 1 J'li\ll I) JIlk ....on .11111 \\llt-tU ,I ,'lde Jlrr) C,II.V 'II I .ll'! Ill.\ \.. Ill" .. I. olllll\ ·IIlI .... ll.lllIl 1 \ "" 1111111 tit, \ll'llti\I'I'1 11 ' JOllll1.d 1,1 I !lllr I Hill 101 .'1, IdOl K (, :->olllh

\ I \Ltl' \ I I ,t', 1111.111 1"1 I H R II I I 1 1 I tl I I 11 I I' II - I. \llllll'lllll It I q"llt I II ""1 III I I onor O. I II II II t II I III II \ 1 11 ,0"'\\1 ::>1:;'1.I k.I',lllt . .lIl! It lil, ',I I I I I f I I I I I I "I I' 1

" I, tllll' ld III tll"1 I III \\1 llll!'! I ( 1 \ l'l \1 11\ "I I II :-> ltl l'· 1111.11\ ,1111' I'lll Iltllll.! III 1,(lllt~l' L!'IPL:\1 UtIlll J II' .! 1\ .""11111< d.ll I. I' I" II I .' . III <I PI' I Ill, ,d I I, 111111' III I' - I I \ ( 'II I I' 1 1'1' 1 I il I I" I l I ,I d III III ~~ III I , l \ "1 '" I \\ \ Ih.... II II d I \ I< It-.! 111 tt I 1....1 111I II \ • l 1\ (H,,, l ~h Jl 1

Bblk...mtth"lwI,1111 "Il'. ,!I',III. th( IIICllIl' 11'\\I!I,' I \,.tlllill ,d If 11 \\ II I "11 '''I:ql\,lld 1I1111~'11l11111 111,1 11 )[ I'" Ill.! 11 10111,1 ~ :\lIllht (ill\ ,,\\t" \1\11 "I t'l"'" .... 1

'I'lcnt\ ufworktolt\\(\llIlll ~Ill~1 \\"llerllltltl 11""1\1111 'J'Ilt'lul.J, I '1 . ,I lI'l " I 1111111 \\111t Iii, ~'"\llllllllill ~I'IIII" 11\11 I,l.! ":'1• \ II til) I' 11I11 I ~ II 1'0 \.. 11 .... I, 11-, II I. .~ " • _",elI'lltJll Thh I .... I III~ !,.lIg,lI11 I-- 011 ....alt .Illnt.:l.'bulh 1:11111-. ~I"I' I' \1 I I 11'111' III III 1111111,] 1110111"'11 \ 1'1 I 1'1 _._

, 1111 \ .1" II' .... . \ III '" II '" ,l rban ~\. \Iarke t 11.1' tOll :\' \[ lill PUO'i Y Ilk\' I)nl" "II' \1 I' I \' I' 11'lllIltl 1111] 11~11 1"1 1111 II loll I Lamblmn Grounds for Lease.

J • 1III1 III'" 111111 ,1I-'" ..\1 II - " lil, 1'1\111'1 11111 .... '"' III' I' \1 \1 II 1'1 ,I, 111111' II" ,I, 11"1', I

J "1111 I" 1\ 11\ III' \ I "\1 '1\\11 tllllll--llll .!lll .... III "'Ill gl:hSI I 1 '1' I I t '11 t ' \ I I \ I l 1.1 11 III k I I '. I II. _ "I. , \\ l':\Irs, •\ lIx I t 1J IIlI, ( Iel ,I'" t III I ... I ' I 11 I"II II I . l.11 I I I.... . III I 11\\ I 1 I I I III I 1.... I \

't I' I J It \ I 11 II I 1.1I111'.llt'll \\ III I I .... I t· .... I,,11d.1V "hurtl) .llltl 110011. a \('1 Illlll> 'I'll, '11 '1111111t I" '11]1'\ II I!ll 'Ill" 'II , ,r 11' , • ...!-f" II Jillill;less,~Il"'1 ,I ')(11111" I , ', I) • I , \1 I :', \1.1\ I 11 1 I~~':.~',[7.' . . III t 1l.1 \ I 11.111 t II I III.' .... III I I'

~'•• ..1. J' ,,,,u .H,t 1ll\~lIt 1\1 ~lllllll tor :'\IOlllLr\. Tlll:"d.l\ ,llld \\'ctlIll'" ~I.ll) \LI1IHlqlll"t"1 I'rallcl:e" ~l'.I). tUlltOl\ .111.1 \\ halt \\ ,n lIt II/ 111. ISltle cemetery. day was \~l~ lll ..tnll·tl\e.'I,llh t~r.ll·l· III r.IY. "ar" Ur\'lall,I·. IllId \',dlle III tltl ..hill' ,'IIl\\t r" 1 III I' ,',,\\ 11,

I '1 I I) k' I 11lIl Il 1)011 IlllH'C. \'1,,7. Davlssoll 01 Hagerl1l,lII 111 tJl1l .... 10\\111R IC'elh gllil .llltltothl Itlllllll\ :--'.ul,lll/ll,11 II"was an ea'-ly week viSItor in Ro,,- ...Illr) uII\' I '1'\\" TIll 11111 Thlld l'Llde.\ .1Ild B ~II"''''' \Illil r:ll Illl~lllttl" III IlIl l.l .... k I p,I ......llll!I1 !I II 11'" \ .... \\II!

well. His firm of real e~tate deal- dents ill the hk ul UlI\U. I I~I'I \Ill'Olllll11 Ttathl'r ';; j\\111llI ItI .... l'l1111lIldllI.1klll \\111 he1tll'l 1 1[-.1'1(1\1"'1I11]-' .111' '.'1\ .... llllIg I

ers IS contemplatit:g a conslder- BIlIS,ke:>und :\'allC\' are \1\1.11\1 \I.t111J PIIl.,I· \hn Holt'll \\ltell It ,,, kllll\\11 Ih;.lt tl~~ 'Ilt.llltlltllllllllll:' .... 11.1\\ 11\\1111able extension of its busmess portn{Yl'd Thh film .llld t1Jl ]:1111111( .... !I,I'!Illd J.llllI . "It 1.... III 1'1.\(l III tht !tIl', .1l111111lh 1'1"1':, "li llll Pl1rpost:1

whole \\U k ... I'lll~r.llJI \\ 111 I'l 11111 1,111'1(' \\ Ill,,,, Bl'll ,\1111 \ I) I, I tl , I I , .' 'lIt\ Ii\(· 111 Ill' \\ 11 \ 11 II \\,1 .... Illll'lId,,!A position wantpd b.\· ) ol11!!! 111.111 I L'

. ." ,It Iltl :.; Ill1l ',1\ llllllllt'(' .llil .-..LI 1:111' 1.\ I, II.L11 }11111 h,1 'I" 1",1 I' \\ i" I I' '1. 1\ '\ \l'T '1'<) !'Rl )IIIBIT (~\\IB-25y

ea"rsot age College u!ut'atlOlI llldl\ IlIglt1 11011 I III I"""" It. )1.1111 I'I\\-., IIlm1" .... 111'11t I II' I Ill" '1 1 "1,11,1, Ill< 11:\(,1:\ '1'111 '1'1 l'I<.IT(ll<\best 01 health. \\ll1lllg to work. bar, Tltl pltJ"Lllll 1111 III IlI~lll Illd \\ 1111' \' .,'1 \\ III!, \ I 'I" I • III \ '"' I" I II :\ I \\ \11 :\.ll'()llothmg, p!e'lt\ of credt'nttals '\1' II " I.ltl 11111111.... "lilli' I

I R - '1' :-'1- ()lbll IIIlIIlIIO\\ Ilt., II 1:'1'111" \1'''''' I II 11"1" ." '," l"II,t '.' I: ,11111,: 1\ '1, '.. 1.... 11 11\'1')0 at 1-1'\ ... 1'1- J{ }{ 11.1 IllllIlllnlll" II llllll' 111.1 I.....1.... Ildlll\\ Tt '1 III I t'l; " \ I \ I, I"'" Illl,]\ o' t !I' j, •• 1111 \ I)!'

:\'lar 21) 1I: I ()\ ertllil I II" III .111'

1BUlhl \,ldlllgl Il Il IIllll1.11111<tl :\1\\ \11'1111

The Ill.hlll l'i hl'll'h\ .'·11l I>ltJ~IIll"" t1, ,"" '11 1 I' 11111f.,lllh BII,i:Illl. 11"'1 I'IIll,\ ...... '.[.111, I II .... 11] 11,1'lIotifif'd that ElmLI Lalld ....,I\\· I" ,lll- I \'ti1.l1ll "Itil I'lll .. l1ld 11,1 111!1 I' 'II'

, II"'"I!1\ .llllllli. :\,11 1', 1111' I<'111l' 111111 .... 1111 III tIll '1', 111tlll\ III :\1 \\thorI7edtocollllt,llIdrt't'(,I','tto! :--'llll~ \\l:\l\'l ""III'" I 1111' I t' ' "" ,I It \\ ,II ...... 11 J1 ,1,1 •11 g I: III I l.1 \ II ""' I (II , \ \ !I I"11 .t Id III 0 I'l'L 1 l'

lllt'.lnd::dlbtlbl1lu"t1>c 1'lld\\!r'1I1 1.11 ·\II.LIt 1:,lllII '1'11:1 lllltl' \\tl""l1 \1.'llltl' '11'111"" '111111\ ;'I'"lolllt>I\\\'-ol'dut' Re"pltlllllh. I,., 1111' 1.11<1 \1 II' II 1:11,111111 1'.\111 IIII\\tll "1_l .... llllll,l I ,,' I, .\ I'" i" llll.t llil 1\'" '11 111\ IJllllll ....l'" 101 I~lar2S-2t C. \'. CIIII jlJ{J...... (, Hllllll tl) l·.ll,llllI_. II 1 1 I 'I." ,I

. \\ I I II 1'.111," 1 1.lllIlk\ 1.... 1 .I' "' .... 11 \1.1I.... h:, '\ II ", 101' ""lolll'l III "1'll.lllllll 01 all) I1 7 :--'011l: 1l1l I It' 11\\' 1'" 'n t" ,;, •11:1 ..- ~--.--.....__-~~~~~~~!"!""!~~~~~~~~~~~'"":"''"'':'''~~~~A YOll11gman\\lth good tt.llll i Illtlle:--'IJlI'I~TIIII \I,dh III II IIllll\-. "Ill",] 'Ill" """t II \1,: '" 1 1111 ;,111.: III !'II"lIl.lgl g.IIlIl' or.. I

and wagon (splendldltay \\agol] ,,, \\ III I I .. 'II' lit ,hll1<1 1,\ \\Iut-.ol\lr 11iI1iI ~1 C bll ' 1 M 1' .... llI ...l' .1 I' 111111' ,III-I(dlol, \\11, \lI':II~I'11 1:·( I~I'" 'I \1'" " t, ,. I I II I BusseBeatsOunneforMavorofChicaao'l amp e sSOllcuture anua-

wants a place on a farTll.thb sea I,) 1',:'0.11 \LlnlI 11'1 Ill" .... Hl.II I I 11I1L~ l'hllll"'~ :I-tll" ,.'" \1 " \. 1111. 1-011"\\11 11.1\1'1 \\1 I 1.111.... I free to new Subscribers or Renewals....on. Jllstmyselfand \\Ikto lOll II" ,.1111\ IIlh,1 1\1\1<. 101 mOlle\ Rl·\, ..... ol IIllOtltCI.L1 leturn" of, -REGISTER-TRIBUNE,II A I 11 'l'lr » tl ' I Rllll lit 1.1 1.11I.IILlllk ,\1111 I." ,"'11 I,,' tl, III' ,II "I 1"'1'" n !Ill;"", 110111 11' lll\ IIflll 1 l'IJlt '1' , 1 I I tl t HI Is ter PI y ere .\. -( for the Trophies. I I 'I' J I II I J (ll I 11 1" 'I I ,'J I' I 11, "1. 1\1 ....(11\ I (( lOll ... IO\\S la Isse,

I Ilill ,ll l I 1\11 l.l 1\1 " _, III ,tl\1 1'1 \ dll' II I I t '1Ad ' GAP T k II II I'll ) 1(,111 l.llll H .llt or.\ ayor} I,Jt,- en., ..•u,·\llgtonwfl , ~l·\llllh(~ .. l1lt l\·llll.r1BllIldlll~ (111\1 I'htlI!!'" (~lllIll'!1 :--'\\IJ1'-o1l'1 III~I ,ot 1·1-11·,1\ 11-l't",· .... '<1."11.' \11\ 1'l'1 ...."1l \\hO,I'" t'lult'd 1)\ plnralth Of 13.01h

be m .the cIty ne.xtSatllrday orlIkrlh,l Ih ..... III. 1",1:'1 \ I'll I I EIIlll!r, ~lll, .. Blllhl \\"..d (;,,, \ 1.1'1 " 1,,,,,\\' :\ bI'lIlspect:on . final IIlspeC't!on and I<)u- \\'ll;nll !.u l',l '\\,:. \['1'" I II." \1.11 \1 h:l' \1 .' ']1" 'il, ',' lull \11,]l!, Illl !IIll\l .... lll!\'-o 01 tIlIsjl)\l'l 1)11l111l



l~epu 1C'.111 1

t f tl I , 1 \ I 1 I' I ~h.dl IIjlo.n 1'111\ II Illlll l!rllt'of Ilt'rl'l kl'l 1\ I .... e (.(!t', '\ II J I Ie excep·1mus ermg, mOlt· new sIgn.l I 'l'Illllll.h ~.l1ldlt.lllI 'I ') I 'I I I \\ , I 'I' <. 11' ,,, I. 1\ 1"'1 t I 1:\ .. I' .... ",1 " t ", I . I ~ ,h h k I I t I ' !llllll"It,ol 1,\ I I1III "I 11,11 le........ Ih,1I1 11'''11 lOj I ':\\,lId l' \ '1l111g. '('an·I'orps, W IC ta 'es t le J> ,Ht' 0 tit', 'I . '-,11111 Ir I " l'h !Tit .. :->IIlIl!l l']ldl l'll11II\,loll I<'lll"ll l' P}"I til III it 1"l1lll' "I ,\, '\ \1 " 1 J

I , bud'}> .) ,ll. ".'. I, I ' II' !llIlI,ilt 1.\,,11.'1" 11111 11\1111 111.111 011,1.11, llli .'n·.hun 1 \\ III \\ I'"(IS an e Company>. 1)') t'.ltl'l'III)11 '1_' 1.....11,,1 ~I'l\ 1<'.1\ 11\\ltll \\,1,\ l,tl lll.lll. 1-.1111\\11 1'1.111 ,I! I, I '1'l'. - • 1111' 1,,,1,111:' ", III I IlIiJ'""111< I II, I ',\ ]" II. 1. Il.lgt'r

\VA~Tf.D 10 Ull'IIII1l',lChst.ltL l\eUh.lll <)1 J.llllL .... \\I!lI.\lll'" .1 '1'111\\: \\!lllt \'11,:11"'"11 llll'll1\ '·1'\·'.·' d I, "'01111\ I II',! '_'0 tlll!l )"" Lll\ ~"llllll'l \\'111 helto travel. distnbute samples of our Ceorge Clt:1llL1lh 'Il Cl.Ilt ~lI11lh. 1~.I""""ltt .\rtlll l'Lllk !<.,,-, '1. 1 I", '\' ,I", I' (11111 III I' 'I. I" ~ II II 11I.l)llrtlll..... .IS

goods and tack signs. Salary$X5 00 1)1 \Y(lotll.lll :';allI1l1u .. <)1 Cl.I,e \\llll, TL.I,hll '" I'" '- 'I '1I1 1!JlIlt tl\lll"" till \.1 ....1 ,,,I.'I~I, ;" ])l:lllolrah to .H./per month; $3.00 per da\' for ex ~ Hurro\\s. 1)1' ClIt1 1{o::..,l.'!.... 'Ill :--'1'1 (llld .lud Tlllrtl (,Lldl I, !lldl . I 1- .... , I" \ .,' " '''' " ,1 _ ,,' Ill'.' ( :';\TT:\IlFR~ l'() ])t' KIt")I'!l '1'11111 " ! P I I

II • I' ' I rl JII I u Ill .....

--­ ...












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