Евгений Ильин - search in drupal 8, approaches and opportunities

Eugene Ilyin Search in Drupal 8 approaches and opportunities

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Eugene Ilyin

Search in Drupal 8approaches and opportunities

Eugene IlyinCTO, Project Manager, Team Lead

About my experience in Drupal ● Development● Team leadership● Project management● Participating in more than 45 projects● Strong experience in search area

Eugene IlyinCTO, Project Manager, Team Lead

Why this topic? ● Drupal 8 has came● Changes in modules● Changes in services● How to live next?!

Eugene IlyinCTO, Project Manager, Team Lead

Standard search: quick and dirty ● Included into Drupal core● Very poor settings (you even can’t select CTs for

search)● It searches a little bit more than by strict


Eugene IlyinCTO, Project Manager, Team Lead

Apache solr: nice and popular ● Powerful engine and flexible settings● Very fast search● Fulltext search with stemming● A lot of tools to contol the search results● Full support of the facet filters● It’s proven and popular solution● I love it ♥

Eugene IlyinCTO, Project Manager, Team Lead

Apache solr: select a module

Search engineApache solr

Module Apache Solr Search

ModuleSearch API

Eugene IlyinCTO, Project Manager, Team Lead

Apache solr: what is new? Very comfortable work with Solr 5.x

Eugene IlyinCTO, Project Manager, Team Lead

Apache solr: what is new? Very comfortable work with Solr 5.x

Eugene IlyinCTO, Project Manager, Team Lead

Apache solr: on Drupal 8 side Modules for Drupal 8 still not stable

Eugene IlyinCTO, Project Manager, Team Lead

Search API: current status● Seach API doesn’t integrated with views yet● Facet API isn’t ported to D8 yet● FacetAPI -> Facets● Search API DB now is in Search API

Eugene IlyinCTO, Project Manager, Team Lead

Search in Drupal 8: alternatives

Eugene IlyinCTO, Project Manager, Team Lead

Apache Solr, Elastic Search, Sphinx

Eugene IlyinCTO, Project Manager, Team Lead

Apache Solr & Elastic Search

Eugene IlyinCTO, Project Manager, Team Lead

Let’s try elastic search (on D7)

Eugene IlyinCTO, Project Manager, Team Lead

Let's summarize● Extended search is pretty raw in Drupal 8● There are two good engines: Solr and Elastic● Solr is good for conservatives and safe development● Elastic is prospective and for brave guys

Eugene IlyinCTO, Project Manager,Team lead

Eugene IlyinCTO, Project Manager, Team Lead

[email protected]: ilyin.e

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