餐英報告 之  rolling egg 翻滾吧 ! 蛋捲

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Post on 22-Feb-2016




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餐英報告 之  Rolling Egg 翻滾吧 ! 蛋捲. Class :餐旅二乙 Name :吳明禧 Number : 4A0M0054 Teacher :羅尹希. THE HISTORY & THE POSITION. In January,2010 , 穆得 ’s daughter called 蛋捲妹 (Egg-Roll) just be born. ( 穆得 is the boss.) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Class NameNumber4A0M0054TeacherRolling Egg ! In January,2010 , s daughter called (Egg-Roll) just be born. ( is the boss.) For giving her a better life, she and her husband decided to leave Taipei and moved back to Tainan. While little Egg-Roll learned how to turn around her body, the boss got an idea. So thats Rolling Eggs name come from.Rolling Egg is located at No.23, Aly. 35, Ln. 192, Sec. 2, Lin-sen Rd., East Dist. ,Tainan City 701, Taiwan.


Business HourWeekday(Monday to Friday) 8.00 AM 3.00 PM & 5.30PM 9.30 PMWeekend (Saturday ,Sunday and National holidays) 8.00 AM 3.30 PM & 5.30PM 9.30 PMAnd they are two days for day off. They will post it on their Facebook.Here is their Facebooks address. https://www.facebook.com/RollingEgg.TainanIf you want to go there , you have to make a reservation three days before.

Menu Time


The omelette is a medium-rare fried egg . And the dressings are french fries ,toastes , some butter ,and bananas.Very soft and with liquid taste. I think ketchup is suitable with this.

Eggs Benedict

The Eggs Benedict is combined with Poached egg and Hollandaise sauce.It tastes like thick and sour sauce with a fresh egg.

BreakfastThere are several kinds of breakfast that you can choose.

Classic BreakfastScramblesSweet Tooth BreakfastFruit & Other BreakfastPictures about Breakfast

HamburgerHere are several kinds of hamburgers.I think the peanut-butter one is the best flavor, so I choose it .Their burgers flavor are so special. The pickles with lettuces, onions ,and Hash brown.Especially the sauce on the burgers, its fantastic !


These are the drinks.The black tea there is very smooth , you wont feel bit. Its better to match with toast .You can spend $40 to have refill drinks.


What I have thought

This restaurant is so delicious and refinement. Although the price isnt that cheap for breakfast. But I think Brunch including breakfast and lunch , two meals cost almost like this . So I think it s worth to try it ! And I promise Ill go there next time The beef with peanut-butter is awesome!I like the hash browns Thank you for your attention!