{. reino mineral série grupo família famílias

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Reino MineralReino Mineral

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Grupo VIA

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{{SeleniumSeleniumAversão aos amigos íntimosAversão aos amigos íntimosNegligenciando seu trabalhoNegligenciando seu trabalhoIndiferente à sua tarefaIndiferente à sua tarefa

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Early aging

Selenium comes from the Greek word Selênê, the moon. This is the remedy to think of in cases of fatigue and aging after an exhausting illness.

The person can no longer tolerate mental work, and becomes depressed, subject to lascivious thoughts and impotency.

Their hair is too oily (Bryonia, Phosphoricum acidum, Thuja), and it falls out.

The person needing this remedy will be worse in the sun, during hot weather, from strong odors, from tea;

also present are a desire for alcohol, chronic liver troubles, and unrestful sleep with a pulsating sensation felt in the blood vessels.

The person wakes too early, and always at the same time.

Didier GrangeorgeDidier Grangeorge

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The physical symptoms of Selenium are rather prominent. Premature senility is the main symptom. It has premature falling of hair, sexual weakness,

weak memory; the person looks much older than his age.

The other strong physical symptom of Selenium is its perspiration, which is profuse and leaves a salty sediment that stiffens the linen, a very characteristic feature that is found in three other remedies: Mercurius, Natrum muriaticum and Thuja. The perspiration around the genitals is also

profuse, stains the linen yellow and has a bad odour.

The Soul of Remedies - Rajan Sankaran

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The main mental symptom of Selenium is anthropophobia or fear of facing people.

I have found Selenium to have features similar to Baryta carbonica and Staphisagria. It has shyness, timidity, premature senility and poor

memory like Baryta carbonica, and it has indignation, insulted feeling, embarrassment, the feeling of injustice, of anger which is suppressed and can come out in violent outbursts - like Staphisagria.

Also like Staphisagria are its lascivious fancies and impotence.  

One characteristic symptom of Selenium is that the patient remembers forgotten things when half asleep.  

I have observed that Selenium patients have premature balding, like Baryta carbonica and Silicea.

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Stage 16

Lost Out of date Used up Expecting Tempting Decomposing Remembering Imagination Fantasy Reconciliation Dwindling Neglecting Lazy Rotting

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Ferrum series Task Work Duty Craft Use Ability Perfection Routine Order rules Control Exam Observed Criticism failure Guilt crime Pursued tried Adult Village

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Group analysis Indifferent towards your task. Sense of duty has been lost. Neglecting the order. Expecting you won't make mistakes. Fantasising over what you'll do. Remembering everything you have done. Expecting to get your diploma just like that. Neglecting criticism.

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A 40 year old man has come for a consultation because he is infertile. His sperm appears to be to weak without any obvious reason, because he hasn't had any infections and his hormones are O.K. too. He wants to have children and he is curious what a child of his would look like.

He suffers from frequent watery diarrhoea with stomach cramps, especially at 5 am. When he is tired and has worked long hours he gets shivery. When he plays volleyball he

gets shoulder pains on the right side. He has had Pfeiffer in the past and had to stay in bed for 6 weeks with a high fever. As a

child he often got bronchitis. Ten years ago he was circumcised because his foreskin was too tight.

He has been a heavy drinker in the past and sometimes he is afraid he'll succumb to it again. He works as editor of a magazine which he loves. He can do a lot of it at home. He has a

degree in biology. he works on his own and finds it hard to meet deadlines. There are times when he simply can't get going and he doesn't dare phone other people for their contributions. he feels it is really a bit too much for him and things don't run smoothly. His concentration is not very good and he is easily distracted. He feels ashamed when lots of little things go wrong. His desk is an absolute chaos. He can be quite down and anxious, especially when it looks as if he won't get his work done on time. Alcohol helps him to feel better.

He has always admired his father who used to take him under his wing. His father was in the army but he what he had really wanted was to study chemistry. His father never had to double a class at school and was therefore very disappointed when he (the patient) had had to do the second year at secondary school twice. Later on he had to disappoint his father again by refusing to do military service.

He says he is a quiet person on the whole who can see things in their proper perspective. Other people find him easy to get on with and he likes company.

But he can also be very stubborn. He gets into a temper, shouting and slamming doors when people tease him or when he doesn't get his own way. He can be quite insulting and cynical on such occasions. Criticism makes him feel indignant 'What on earth have I done wrong now?' He will mutter and grumble about it for a long time before he lets it sink in what people really said and why they said it.

He often dreams of ordinary things that go wrong in a totally irrational way and when he wakes up he wonders how that could possibly have happened. He usually has short and repetitive dreams, often quite chaotic and confusing. He once had a dream that he fell in the water and couldn't get out so he drowned. In real life he nearly drowned once when he was swept away by a current.

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Analysis The diarrhoea, agg. 5 o'clock and agg. heat might make us think of Sulphur, especially if we take into account the untidiness, the chaos and the indifference. It could hardly be any other remedy but Sulphur. However, Sulphur only worked for a short while and it didn't really solve anything. It isn't particularly well known as a remedy for infertility either. Furthermore, this man has problems with his job, which is more indicative of the Ferrum series than the Silicium series to which Sulphur belongs. The Ferrum series has a remedy that is quite similar to Sulphur and that also belongs to stage 16, namely Selenium. And this remedy does have problems with infertility and with alcohol abuse. Let us have a look at the way he goes about his work: He has difficulty finishing his it on time, always behind the deadlines. Although the job (Ferrum series) isn't very difficult, he treats it with indifference and is inclined to give up (Stage 16). He can't compete with his father anyway, his father who never doubled a class. His father had high expectations but he disappointed (Stage 16) his father by refusing to do military service. His father could only dream (Stage 16) about his own chemistry career that never happened. His dreams are also very typical: things go wrong in a totally irrational manner. As if things will go wrong anyway, whatever he does, and he can only hope (Stage 16) that it will turn out alright. In his dreams or his imagination (Stage 16) things go quite differently from the way he expected. other Selenium symptoms: his desk is an absolute chaos, frenulum too short, diarrhoea, agg. heat, profuse perspiration during sports, night sweats, foot sweat, agg.- milk, agg. snails, agg. 5 am.

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Reaction After Sulphur 1M things improved for a while. The quality of his sperm went up. But after two repeat doses things got worse again. He became depressed and was afraid of turning to the bottle again. After Selenium 1M everything is much better.

The sperm samples are completely normal. He feels much better in general, doesn't panic

anymore when he is faced with problems. Physically he feels better too, his sleep is good,

no more shoulder pains or foot sweat. After 6 months and three repeat doses the spells

of depression are much less frequent and much less intense.

The alcohol consumption is completely under control.

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Case 4 Here is another case of headache. This 55-year old male patient

remarked: “Doctor, all these years I have been having these torturing bone pains in head; my sufferings are such that no amount of compensation would satisfy me. Even if you make me President of all the countries in the world that would not be a sufficient compensation.”

The equivalent words or phrase for this statement of the patient would be:

Extreme sadness, abject despair, uncompromising melancholy. The above is found under the remedy Selenium (See Boericke’s

Mat. Med.) Selenium, one dose, cured him.

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