pt 5 oira.docxweb vie

Leather tool content Introduction Leather and Tanning: A High Risk Sector As the tanner is dealing with heavy machines and various chemicals, the tanning industry among other industries belongs to the higher risk sectors regarding health and safety at the workplace. Wrong handling of machines can cause severe damage to the human body and improper handling of chemicals can create health hazards to humans. An improper working environment can as well increase sick leave and reduce motivation and commitment of workers. Goal of the risk assessment tool Therefore the Social Partners of the European Leather Industry, ETUF/TCL and COTANCE have agreed to develop an online tool to support in particular small and medium sized tanners to support proper management of occupational health and safety risks. The tool is meant as a reference to give valuable information and suggestions to perform a risk assessment for the tannery in order to minimise and eliminate health and safety risks. Implementation of the tool does no however ensure legal compliance with the respective national health and safety regulations. It is intended to raise awareness for health and safety issues in the tannery and give examples for good practices. The tool covers the following areas: OSH Management Building and floors In-house transport Emergency management Environmental conditions Working with raw hides and skins Use of machines Maintenance, mounting and cleaning of machines Use of chemicals

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Leather tool content

IntroductionLeather and Tanning: A High Risk Sector

As the tanner is dealing with heavy machines and various chemicals, the tanning industry among other industries belongs to the higher risk sectors regarding health and safety at the workplace. Wrong handling of machines can cause severe damage to the human body and improper handling of chemicals can create health hazards to humans. An improper working environment can as well increase sick leave and reduce motivation and commitment of workers.

Goal of the risk assessment tool

Therefore the Social Partners of the European Leather Industry, ETUF/TCL and COTANCE have agreed to develop an online tool to support in particular small and medium sized tanners to support proper management of occupational health and safety risks. The tool is meant as a reference to give valuable information and suggestions to perform a risk assessment for the tannery in order to minimise and eliminate health and safety risks. Implementation of the tool does no however ensure legal compliance with the respective national health and safety regulations. It is intended to raise awareness for health and safety issues in the tannery and give examples for good practices.

The tool covers the following areas:

OSH Management Building and floors In-house transport Emergency management Environmental conditions Working with raw hides and skins Use of machines Maintenance, mounting and cleaning of machines Use of chemicals Water treatment plant Office workplaces Organisational aspect

How to use this tool

When using the tool, you are guided through the different steps:

The first page offers you to print the general content of the tool. This might make it easier for you, if you want to go through all the questions in paper version - e.g. for taking the print out to the shopfloor.

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When starting with the risk assessment, you will be guided through the modules listed above. Questions that are answered with "no" represent a risk and will be marked on the left hand menu with a red square. Questions that are answered with "yes" indicate that everything is correct with regard to the respective aspect. Accordingly a green dot will show up on the left hand menu. If you skipp a question for answering later, an orange triangle will indicate that you still haven´t dealt with the respective question.

After assessing if certain risks are present, you will be guided autmatically to the next step: the risk evaluation. You can also always chose to jump in between the different steps by using the tags on the top of the page (assessment, evaluation, action plan, report).

Evaluation of risks is required by EU law. Evaluation means, that for those risks that were identified in the first step to be present, you will have to assess the probability, the frequency as well as the severity of them occuring. Those three dimensions influence if a risk is considered high priority in the risk assessment process. Some risks of special importance are already considered high priority risks by default. These risks won´t have to be evaluated. Other risks refer to a certain policy in the company. They are not related to severity, probability and frequency. This is why these policy risks won´t have to be evaluated either.

The step following the risk evaluation is constructing an action plan. For those risks that were considered to be present, it is required to set up an action plan. When clicking through the different risks, you can choose standard solutions offered by the tool or you can enter your own ideas and solutions. In addtion you can already appoint a responsible person for taking care of the respective measure and you can add deadlines and estimates of the budget needed for taking action.

The last step is then getting your report. You can download your report in word format and edit it in whatever way you feel it´s necessary.

It´s just four steps to go for starting you risks management process. Try the tool!

Introduction 2nd page:

It is possible for you to print out the contents of the tool to enable you to look for the information at the relevant workplace (by walking around and looking at what could cause harm, or by consulting the workers and/or their representatives about problems they have encountered). You can then introduce information into the tool.

You may also wish to distribute the contents among the workers and/or their representatives and invite them to participate in identifying the hazards/problems, evaluating the risks and deciding on preventative action. Their feedback should be taken into account when filling in this tool.

Printed Content (Beginning):

1 OSH Management

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Proper occupational safety and health (OSH) management is essential for dealing effectively with the prevention of health related injuries and diseases. In order to avoid potential health risks for workers in tanneries from hazards such as chemicals, heavy machines or just slippery walk ways all risks have to be identified, evaluated and appropriate means for prevention have to be developed.

1.1 There is a systematic approach to managing occupational safety and health risks.

/ There is no systematic approach to managing occupational safety and health risks.

Occupational safety and health (OSH) must be managed systematically. Systematic management of OSH risks includes hazard identification, risk assessment, risk control as well as monitoring. Systems and processes for the management of safety and health hazards should be built into the day-to-day running of any business. They should be viewed as part of the normal operation of the business.


1. Involve workers council, specialist on safety at work in the company, affected workers, company physician.

2. Employer can transfer responsibilities to senior management or foremen.

3.Specific action(s) required to implement this approachSet up a policy and pay attention to the different steps of risk management: identifying, assessing, taking action, monitoring the outcome, reviewing the measures. Seeing occupational safety and health as a part of the normal operation of the business helps to deal better with any risk. Building a day-to-day routine keeps the whole risk management process alive and makes it more effective.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededKnowledge about the risks in the company and a position to take action if changes are needed (Management).

1.2 Somebody is responsible for questions related to safety and health at work. /Nobody is responsible for questions related to safety and health at work.

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The employer must appoint somebody to be responsible for questions relating to the protection of health and safety at work. The employer can himself assume this responsibility, provided he is competent to do so. If there is a problem of lack of competencies in-house, the employer shall enlist competent personnel in the undertaking.


1.3 Workers are consulted on questions related to safety and health at work./ Workers are not consulted on questions related to safety and health at work.

For all questions related to health and safety at work, the employer must: consult the workers and/or their representatives, respect their right to put forward proposals, organise their balanced participation in the organisation of the measures taken.


1.4 Workplace accidents and incidents are reported./ Workplace accidents and incidents are not reported.

An accident is defined as an event that causes bodily or mental harm or loss of life. In accordance with national laws and/or practices, employers shall keep a list of occupational accidents and draw up reports on occupational accidents suffered by their workers. The recording of accidents is intended to help follow up the causes and improve working conditions in order to avoid future risks.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risks

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Specific action(s) required to implement this approach Implement accident reporting plan and a procedure that ensures all workers comply with the rules laid down in the plan. Include incidents/near misses in the plan. Inform employees about the importance of reporting near misses and accidents. An atmosphere of trust and ensuring not to blame anyone who is reporting, helps to make sure accidents and incidents are reported. This facilitates dealing with the conditions that could cause dangerous situations.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededKnowledge on the procedures for dealing with accidents and incidents. Power to implement such a procedure within the company.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


1.5 The appropriate supervision of the health of workers is ensured./ The appropriate supervision of the health of workers is not ensured.

According to European legislation, measures must be set in conformity with national legislation and/or practices to ensure appropriate supervision of the health of workers, depending on the risks relating to their health and safety in the workplace. These measures must be such that each worker must be entitled, if he or she so wishes, to have a medical check-up at regular intervals.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachAssign responsibility for dealing with the occupational health physician. Contract an external occupational health service in order to make sure that all work related health aspects are taken into account.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededResponsible person within the company for contracting the service. Occupational health

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physician for carrying out the examinations.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

1.6 (New) Workers receive instructions on risks at the workplace./(New) Workers do not receive instructions on risks at the workplace.

Workers must receive sufficient and suitable training in health and safety, which takes into account their post and role in the company´s operations. The right training will allow the workers to prevent risks associated with their tasks. Health and safety training should be given at regular intervals and in addition when: - workers are hired - functions or workplaces are adapted or changed - there are changes in the working process, e.g. due to new equipment/machinery or due to the use of new chemicals. Furthermore, training must be adapted to changes in risks. The emergence of new risks has to be taken into account as well.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachdata sheet should include date of all general and specific health and safety instructions given. If available results of an occupational medical examination as well as all other relevant personal data related to safety and health should be included.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

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Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Implement training plan

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachAssign a person to be responsible for the training plan and make sure management supports the action and is regularly informed about the ongoing activities.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededOSH knowledge with regard to the tasks that are fulfilled in the company. Knowledge on processes and procedures within the company.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


1.7 When purchasing, attention is paid to occupational safety and health aspects./ When purchasing, no or minor attention is paid to occupational safety and health aspects.

Giving consideration in advance to occupational health and safety requirements will prevent costs in the long run. Examples are: taking care that machines/tools are constructed in a way to allow ergonomic working positions (e.g. the machine can be adapted to the worker’s size, the machine is not noisy or vibrating, ...) trying to substitute higher risk chemicals withrthose with lower risk. See for example the Subsport portal for further ideas: Purchasing only machines and tools that have a CE marking, guaranteeing that the product meets EU safety, health and environmental protection standards.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce the risk

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Specific action(s) required to implement this approachMaking sure that the person in charge of purchasing tools and machines takes care to buy only those being in line with EU standards.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededCE marking is easy to recognise and can therefore be taken into account by anyone without special knowledge

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


1.8 A stress prevention policy is in place./ There is no policy within the company on how to deal with stress, violence and harassment.

Stress, violence and harassment are work related risks that can occur and can be dealt with like any other health and safety risks. A policy should give instructions for the workers on where to find advice, and give guidance for the managers on what to do when they notice signs of stress within their workers.


1.9 Workers always use personal protective equipment when

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required./ Workers don´t always use personal protective equipment.

In order to protect themselves from risks of cuts, noise, trips and falls, skin irritations workers must use appropriate personal protective equipment such as waterproof safety shoes to ensure high slip resistance and wet feet, safety gloves or ear protection.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachName a responsible person, check the PPE and obtaint regular feedback from the workers on whether the PPE is complete and in good condition. A system should be set up to replace parts of the PPE that are broken and there should always be spare equipment in order to replace broken equipment.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachIntroducing a strict policy on wearing personal protective equipment involves more than just giving instructions. Bosses and line managers should, for example, always be attentive to monitor if workers are complying with the regulations and if not, immediately ask them to put on the proper equipment. Workers can also be encouraged to watch out for their co-workers and to ask them to put on their PPE whenever they haven´t done so.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededCommon sense

Who is responsible?

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Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


2 Building & floorsIf work is done in a building, then that building must meet certain requirements. The most important requirements are given in the follow-up questions.

2.1 The building is well maintained./ The building is not well maintained.The building is well maintained and in good condition.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Properly maintain the place of work in a condition that is safe and without risks to health.

Specific action(s) required to implement this approach

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


2.2 The interior of the building is cleaned properly./ The interior of the building is not cleaned properly

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Every place of work shall be kept clean and free of malodours arising from any drain, sanitary facilities or other sources of annoyance.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachMake a schedule for cleaning all work spaces and materials in the building and determine what has to be cleaned, how it has to be cleaned and how often is has to be cleaned. After that, just follow the cleaning schedule you have set.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededCommon sense (no OSH knowledge required)

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


2.3 The electricity, gas and water supplies are in order and are well maintained./ The electricity, gas and water supplies are not in order and/or are not well maintained.Electricity and gas can be dangerous if handled incorrectly.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachAppoint responsible person

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededCommon knowledge for setting up the schedule, expert knowledge on maintenance might

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be required.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


2.4 There are sanitary facilities present./ There are no sanitary facilities present.Toilets must be present, segregated by gender and in their vicinity there is a wash basin with soap and a clean towel.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Provide sanitary facilities

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachSufficient and suitable sanitary facilities shall be provided, maintained and kept clean.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

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2.5 There is a break room with sufficient seating present./ There is no break room with sufficient seating present.

A separate space, with access to hot water and a sink, should be provided for meal and tea breaks and to allow employees to take rest breaks away from their work desks. This is of special importance for companies dealing with raw hides and skins. These companies have work areas where eating is strictly forbidden and workers need a separated rest room where they can eat and rest.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachProvide and maintain suitable facilities for taking a break and eating.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededCommon knowledge.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


2.6 Throughout the building the floors are tidy, level and slip-proof./ Throughout the building not all floors are tidy, level and slip-proof.The objective is to prevent tripping or slipping. For example, tiles are allowed on the floor, provided they are special floor tiles.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

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Regular floor maintenance

Specific action(s) required to implement this approach

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


2.7 Lifts and escalators are in good condition and are properly maintained./ Lifts and escalators are not in good condition and might not be properly maintained.Lifts and escalators are essential to the smooth running of a building and to operate reliably they must be regularly maintained. Lifts require regular lift maintenance to comply with the latest lift standards and legislation, to maintain performance levels and to minimise downtime on lifts and escalators.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachAppoint a responsible person for setting up and supervising a maintenance plan.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededScheduling and contracting can be done without specialised knowledge. Lift and escalator maintenance and repairs can only be conducted by highly skilled and qualified lift engineers

Who is responsible?

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Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


2.8 Floors/corridors are kept clear of cables, machines, objects. / Floors/corridors are not kept clear of cables, machines, objects.Fixed or temporary obstacles that can cause people to slip or fall over can be found anywhere in buildings. In particular they cause a risk when placed in thoroughfares. It is important to keep working areas clear and tidy. In particular, around bench saws and drop saws special attention should be paid to objects that could cause slips, trips and falls.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Eliminate the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachMake sure workers clear up the working spaces regularly. Include this aspect in the health and safety training as well as in meetings. Highlight regularly the importance of being tidy and clean and positively encourage workers who do so.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededCommon sense - OSH training/information

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


2.9 Walkways and exclusion zones around work areas are well

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marked./ Walk ways and exclusion zones around work areas are not well marked.Marking the thoroughfares and making sure that they do not come too close to machines and work areas prevents unsuitable objects fromending up on walkways.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachThink about the appropriate way of marking the walkways, buying the material and mark them.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededCommon sense. Include workers, who might know best where people pass by and where are the places with the biggest risks of slips, trips and falls.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


2.10 Excess products, waste materials etc. are cleaned up rapidly after finalising a work process./ Excess products, waste materials etc. are not always cleaned up rapidly after finalising a work process.Clean floors are important for avoiding slips, trips and falls. Excess products and dust may cause slippery floors or trips. They have to be removed regularly and as quicklyt as possible.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachInstall dustbins and inform workers.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

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Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachPress workers to clean up the excess products regularly, e.g. when starting a new work process.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


2.11 The use of makeshift stepladders is avoided./ The use of makeshift stepladders is not avoided.

Sometimes workers use inappropriate equipment to reach high shelves etc. This is normally due to a lack of proper ladders.

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MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachPurchase suitable stepladders and place them near and visible to the areas where workers would need them. Make sure workers are informed and encourage workers to only use the suitable equipment.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededNo specific OSH expertise.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


2.12 Access to danger zones is limited to authorised personnel./ Access to danger zones is not strictly limited to authorised personnel.It´s important that danger areas are marked clearly and that there is strict enforcement to ensure that only authorised personnel can enter these areas. Special attention should for example be paid around such machines as plating machines.


2.13 Safety signs are used when necessary./ Safety signs are not used when necessary.The employer/the client must install safety signs when the risks of people slipping or falling over cannot be avoided by taking other measures. Absence of safety signs giving a clear warning of dangerous areas (junctions, busy areas, areas with uneven surfaces) can form a risk. Especially in areas where the environment is characterised by wet floors, safety signs are of great importance because of possibly slippery conditions.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

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Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachInstall safety signs when the risks of slipping/falling cannot be avoided by taking other measures. Make sure workers understand the importance of using the signs and of being aware of the risks they point out. Highlight safety sign issues whenever necessary during meetings.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededNo specific OSH expertise, but minimum OSH knowledge or training

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

2.14 Danger zones are clearly marked. / Not all danger areas are marked well.Danger areas could for example be areas where forklifts are used to transport pallets or containers with hides, or access goods from higher areas of storage rooms. Other danger areas can be zones around moving machines, which can be marked with coloured lines or secured with railings. Where there are temporary dangerous areas, such as after cleaning, a sign should be be put up to warn workers of a slippery floor.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approach

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

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Planning start

Planning end


2.15 Enough room is provided to keep materials and waste out of the work areas and walk ways. / Due to lack of space, materials and waste are not always kept out of work areas and walk ways.In order to work safely workers need sufficient space in the work area. If the work area is too small and workers pile up materials and waste in the work area or in the walkways, slips, trips and falls can easily result.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachIf there isn´t sufficient space, think about reorganising the machines and the walkways in a way that risks of slips, trips and falls are eliminated, or at least reduced.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededCommon sense. OSH knowlegde as well as knowledge of the work processes might also be helpful for organising workplaces in a structured way.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


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3 In-house transportIn-house transport and especially the use of fork lifts within a company are associated with diverse risks that may lead to severe consequences. It´s important to follow the health and safety rules established with regard to fork lifts and to implement a strict policy on the use of fork lifts.

3.1 Traffic routes are laid out in a safe way, ensuring easy and appropriate access for pedestrians and vehicles. / Not all traffic routes are laid out in a safe way. Some might not ensure easy and appropriate access for pedestrians and vehicles.Routes for pedestrian traffic and/or goods traffic must be laid out in accordance with the number of potential users and the type of undertaking. If workplacef transport systems are used on traffic routes, sufficient safety clearance must be provided.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachKeep ways clear of dirt, garbage, objects, cables.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachInstall hand rails for balustrades on stairs and platforms.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

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Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachUse colour marks to indicate transport routes that must be kept clear of goods.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededPerson in charge of health and safety at the workplace.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


3.2 Correct functioning of forklifts is checked regularly./ Correct functioning of forklifts is not checked regularly.Forklifts must be checked regularly for proper functioning of brakes and safety devices. Forklifts must give visual and audible warning signals when moving backwards.

3.3 All fork lifts are secured against unauthorised use./ Not all fork lifts are secured against unauthorised use.It is important to make sure that only authorised persons with the respective permissions and training can use fork lifts. Drivers should beat least 18 years old and should have received appropriate training for using fork lifts.


3.4 When moving loads, sufficient sight is ensured for the fork lift driver./ The fork lift driver does not always have sufficient sight on the transport route.

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When moving loads with a fork lift truck, it´s essential to make sure that the driver has full visibility and can clearly see the transport route. Accidents due to in-house transport can easily happen otherwise.


4 Emergency managementGenerally emergencies like fire, explosions, etc. are rare. However, an essential part of occupational health and safety is to be prepared for events in case they occur. Some issues to consider during policy development include emergency evacuation procedures for staff and arrangements with emergency services

4.1 Emergency plan, escape routes, exits and emergency lighting

Every workplace should have a fire protection system in place. This may range from a simple plan of exit and provision of fire extinguishers to a system of elected and trained fire wardens, a central controller and immediate communication to fire services. In order to ensure that the emergency installations are correct and well organised, it´s important to consult an expert.

In addition, every employee should be aware of the hazards that may contribute to a fire. In addition, regular practice of emergency evacuations from the workplace should be conducted.

4.1.1 Emergency plan has been drawn up./ There is no emergency plan.Emergency planning and training directly influences the outcome of an emergency situation. Facilities with well-prepared employees and well-developed response plans are likely to experience less structural damage and fewer or less severe employee injuries in case of emergencies.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risks

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachThe emergency plan should indicate the types of evacuation that employees are to use during an emergency.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

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Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


4.1.2 There are sufficient emergency exits./ Emergency exists might not be sufficient.In the event of an emergency, it must be possible to leave all working areas rapidly through emergency exits.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Ensure sufficient emergency exists

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachMake sure that adequate means of escape are provided in the case of danger

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededAn expert will have to be consulted on the practicality andsuitability of emergency exits.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


4.1.3 Emergency exits are clearly signed and can be accessed without obstruction./ Emergency exits are not clearly signed and/or can not be accessed without obstruction.The emergency exit can be opened immediately without it being necessary to move anything out of the way or to fetch a key. Escape routes that do not serve as normal exits must be signed on the

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inside of the building by the familiar green signs displaying arrows/ pictograms. Escape routes must always be lit. In the event of a power failure, an emergency lighting system must guarantee the visibility of the escape routes. Keeping the emergency ways free of obstacles, increases time for employees to leave the building before the fire becomes out of control.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachAssign a responsible person that regularly checks if all emergency exits as well as emergency ways are free of obstacles

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachAppoint a responsible person for dealing with the emergency signs.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededKnowledge of proper signs and of emergency exits regulations.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

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4.1.4 Maps are used to indicate where a person is and which escape routes can be used./ Maps are not used to indicate where a person is and which escape routes can be used.Maps are displayed at various locations to show employees their current location and where the closest emergency exits are located. A recommended pedestrian route to the exit is indicated.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachProvide maps indicating where a person is and which escape routes can be used. Provide a fire safety risk assessment that includes an emergency evacuation plan for all people likely to be in the premises, including disabled people, and how that plan will be implemented. Such an evacuation plan should not rely upon the intervention of the Fire and Rescue Service to make it work.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


4.1.5 All employees know the escape routes and the emergency exits./ Not all employees know the escape routes and the emergency exits.This applies to where an employee normally works and also to where the employee is currently working. If employees can save themselves, emergencies will have limited consequences.

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MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachEmergency clearing of the building or area may be required and staff should be aware of the procedures for exiting the workplace, for example in the case of fire. Provide a fire safety risk assessment that includes an emergency evacuation plan for all people likely to be in the premises, including disabled people. Such an evacuation plan should not rely upon the intervention of the Fire and Rescue Service to make it work.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededFor a complex working environment a consultant in emergency management may be required to set up such systems.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

4.1.6 An evacuation drill is held at least once a year/ An evacuation drill is not held at least once a yearDrills are the best indicator that an emergency evacuation will go smoothly and successfully. Drills are held to familiarise employees with evacuation procedures and to make the response a matter of established routine. A well-planned and executed fire drill will confirm understanding of the training and provide helpful information for future training. The responsible person should determine the possible objectives of the drill such as to: identify any weaknesses in the evacuation strategy; test the procedure following any recent alteration or changes to working practices; familiarise new members of staff with procedures; and test the arrangements for disabled people.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Perform a fire drill to evaluate the effectiveness of the emergency plan

Specific action(s) required to implement this approach

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Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


4.2 Fire extinguishing facilities

No matter how small, every company should have a fire protection system in place. This may range from a simple plan of exit and provision of fire extinguishers to a system of elected and trained fire wardens, a central controller and immediate communication to fire services.In addition, every employee should be aware of the hazards that may contribute to a fire. In addition, special attention should be paid to areas where flammable chemicals are used in the working process.

4.2.1 The required fire extinguishing facilities are present, recognisable and accessible in all areas./ Required fire extinguishing facilities are not allways present, recognisable and accessible in all areas.

Fire extinguishers can save lives. It´s important to make sure sufficient fire extinguishers are available all over the company.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Make sure they are recognisable and accessible in all areas

Specific action(s) required to implement this approach

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Level of expertise and/or requirements neededExpert knowledge on fire protection required.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


4.2.2 All fire extinguishing facilities are inspected regularly./ Not all fire extinguishing facilities are not inspected regularly.Portable fire extinguishers must be inspected regularly. The inspection should assure that: Fire extinguishers are in their assigned place Fire extinguishers are not blocked or hidden Fire extinguishers are mounted properly Pressure gauges show adequate pressure Pin and seals are in place Fire extinguishers show no visual sign of damage or abuse Nozzles are free of blockage. Maintenance, inspection and testing of an extinguisher is the responsibility of the employer.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Set up a programme for testing and maintenance of portable fire extinguishers

Specific action(s) required to implement this approach

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

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Planning end


4.2.3 An adequate number of people are trained for the proper use of the fire extinguishers./ The number of people trained for the proper use of the fire extinguishers might not be sufficient.All employees must become informed of the company emergency plan and follow the instructions of the in-house emergency officer in the event of a disaster. In addition, it´s important to train an adequate number of employees on the use of fire extinguishers.

5 Environmental conditionsA good working environment is important to enable work to take place at appropriate temperatures, with sufficient light and fresh air. . Special attention has to be paid to areas in which chemicals are handled - see also the module on handling chemicals. Environmental conditions might not only have physical effects on workers but can also constitute psychosocial risks.

5.1 There is always sufficient light at the workplace for the activities to be carried out./ There isn't always sufficient light at the workplace for the activities to be carried out.Workplaces must as far as possible receive sufficient natural light and be equipped with artificial lighting adequate for workers’ safety and health. Good visual perception relies on good lighting. Naturally, what is optimum lighting depends on the type of activities and the layout of the workstation. The intervening factors are: - Lack of lighting (poor or no lighting of workstation) - Glaring lights (naked bulb in the field of vision, working in front of a computer screen, sun rays, etc.). The effects on health of bad lighting may include eye fatigue (either through the excessive use of the eyelash muscles, or the effect of excessive contrasts on the retina, general fatigue, headaches and stress). What is more, insufficient and/or inadequate lighting can also cause accidents.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

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Reduce the risks associated with inadequate/insufficient lighting

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachMake sure lights can be separately regulated (depending on the task to be executed, and the operator)

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce/eliminate insufficient or inadequate lighting

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachUse natural light whenever possible

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Eliminate the risks associated with insufficient or inadequate lighting by ensuring good lighting

Specific action(s) required to implement this approach- Assess the needs in terms of lighting taking into account the type of activities and the layout of the workstation

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

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Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


5.2 At places where no work is done lighting is present./ At places where work is not done lighting is not present.

Places where no work is done, refers to areas like stairways etc. There are two major concerns with regard to these areas: - the basic lighting must be of an intensity such that no one feels unsafe. This applies in particular to stairs; - it must be possible to switch the lighting on immediately when it is required. There also must be emergency lighting available. See module on emergency exists.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Effective provisions shall be made for securing and maintaining sufficient and suitable lighting, whether natural or artificial, in every part of the place of work, where persons are working or traversing, including sanitary conveniences, washing facilities, areas where clothing is kept, changing rooms or places where meals are taken.

Specific action(s) required to implement this approach

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

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Planning end


5.3 The air at the workplace is fresh, sufficiently humid or dry./ The air at the workplace is not sufficiently fresh, humid or dry.Minimal conditions in terms of humidity and ventilation must be observed. These conditions must be fulfilled taking into account the specificities of the workstations and the level of physical activity required.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachEnsure a sufficient supply of fresh air in enclosed working spaces

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachProvide, if necessary, air conditioning, ventilation and dehumidifying of the air.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededPerson in charge of health and safety at the workplace.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

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Planning start

Planning end


5.4 The temperature at the workplace (indoor) is uniform and constant./ The temperature at the workplace (indoor) isn't uniform and constant.Minimal conditions in terms of temperature must be observed. These conditions must be fulfilled taking into account the specificities of the workstations as well as the level of physical activity required.

6 Working with raw hides and skins

Workers working with raw hides and skins may be exposed to disease agents such as bacteria, fungi, mites and parasites. Management measures must be taken to avoid negative consequences of workers exposure to biological hazards.

Do you work with raw hides and skins?

6.1 Workers always use the appropriate personal protective equipment. / Workers do not always use the appropriate personal protective equipment.To avoid the risk of contamination from dirt or dung or transmission of diseases use of personal protective equipment such as rubber boots, protective gloves, closed clothing, safety glasses is obligatory. Personal protective equipment is of special importance when it comes to dealing with raw hides and skins which could be contaminated. Material from uncontrolled origins should therefore never be handled without the proper personal protective equipment.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

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Specific action(s) required to implement this approachProvide chain gloves for workers and check use.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

to reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachProvide sufficient and appropriate protective equipment

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachMake sure all workers are given instructionon the necessity of wearing appropriate personal protective equipment

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededManagement or person in charge of health and safety at the workplace

Who is responsible?

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Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


6.2 For employees dealing with raw hides and skins it is strictly forbidden to eat food at the work place./ Employees dealing with raw hides and skins sometimes may have food at the work place.It´s important that management and foremen pay special attention to the strict separation of food and working areas. Eating must only be allowed in separated areas after disinfection.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachInstall signs

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachRegular disinfection of hands and face with appropriate detergent especially before eating.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

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Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachmake sure the general instructions include information on the ban of food from the respective work areas and all workers are aware of these instructions

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededperson being responsible for health and safety at the work place

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


6.4 Facilities for disinfection are provided./ There are no facilities for disinfection available.Workers dealing with raw hides and skins have to be given the possibility for disinfection before entering the break room or leaving work.

7 Use of machines

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There are different types of machines used in the main processes. Different types of machines are associated with specific risks. It must be ensured that all machines used comply with machine safety regulations. Only workers that have received instructions for each specific machine are allowed to work there.Wrong handling or behaviour in working with machines can cause severe injuries to workers..

7.1 All workers that operate machines received appropriate instructions./ Not all workers operating machines have received appropriate health and safety instructions.The person in charge of safety must ensure that only workers that have received instructions for the specific machine or a group of machines in the specific working area are allowed to operate the machine.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachIf a machine does not have an automatic self safety check, the person in charge must check all safety devices related to the machine such as light barrier safety systems or emergency stop switch according to instruction manual.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededPerson in charge of safety at the workplace.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


7.2 All machines have a CE marking./ Not all machines have a CE marking.CE marking of machines guarantees that the machinery conforms with the requirements of the EU machinery directive and the essential health and safety requirements in particular.

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MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachMachines not complying with the EU safety standards and hence not having a CE-marking should be exchanged.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachSet up guidelines: make sure that only machines with a CE-marking are purchased.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededCommon sense with regard to checking the CE- marking.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


7.3 Instruction manuals are available for all machines./ Instruction manuals are not available for all machines.

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For all types of machines an updated instruction manual that describes safe use of the machine and possible risks must be provided.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachControl devices must be positioned in such a way as to be safely operated without hesitation and loss of time and without ambiguity.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededPerson in charge of safety at the workplace.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


7.4 Ergonomic principles are considered./ Ergonomic principles are not always considered.In order to avoid uncomfortable working positions that cause pain and injuriesi install machines in appropriate positions and consider working tools that avoid uncomfortable working positions.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachTo avoid uncomfortable working positions that can cause back and musculoskeletal disorders provide mechanical lifting equipment to arrange hides in comfortable height.

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Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachInstall drums to allow for loading and unloading in comfortable working positions. Provide working tools to avoid workers having to carry heavy loads in uncomfortable positions.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededPerson in charge of health and safety at the workplace.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

7.5 Slippery free flooring in front of all machines is ensured./ Slippery free flooring in front of the machines is not always ensured.

Slips, trips and falls are the most frequently happening work accidents. They can lead to serious consequences and long term sickness absence going along with substantial costs for the company.


7.6 Access to rotating process machine drums is secured by

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gates./ Access to rotating process machine drums is not always secured.Ensure that the working area round rotating drums cannot be accessed. Drums must only operate when security gates are closed. When a drum door is open the drum must automatically be stopped..

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachAn automatic braking system must be triggered if drum door is opened.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachThe drive of the rotating machine is automatically switched off if gates are opened or light beam safety devices are triggered.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededPerson in charge of health and safety at the workplace.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

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7.7 All rotating parts of rotating process machines are covered./ Not all rotating parts of rotating process machines are covered.In order to avoid hair and clothing being pulled in, all areas near rotating parts must be covered.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachKeep floors and walls clear of objects to avoid dangerous contacts.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachEncase protruding and rotating parts. If possible eliminate protruding parts.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededPerson in charge of health and safety at the workplace.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


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7.8 All workers wear appropriate clothes to avoid being pulled into the reciprocating roller machine./ Not all workers working with the reciprocating roller machines or coming close to them, wear appropriate clothes.For preventing workers being entangled in machines it´s indispensable that all workers dealing with the machine as well as all workers possibly coming close to the machine, wear appropriate clothes. Appropriate clothes should be tight and in the case where workers have long hair, they are supposed to wear a cap or a hairnet covering all their hair.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachTo avoid risk of hair being pulled into a machine, a cap or hairnet must be provided.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachWorkers must be offered tight working clothes.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededCommon sense

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

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7.9 Ensure that the motion of rollers of the reciprocating roller machines is secured by optoelectronic devices./ Not all reciprocating roller machines have optoelectronic devices.To avoid crushing of fingers and arms the functioning of optoelectronic devices has to be checked before operating.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachIntake gap of rollers can be secured with optical, pneumatic safety strip or optoelectronic device.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachEnsure that safety devices to secure intake gap of rollers are present and functioning.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededPerson in charge of health and safety at the workplace.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

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Planning end


7.10 Access control to moving roller, press and plating machines is ensured./ Access control to moving roller, press and plating machines is not always ensured.To avoid crushing of hands and body parts, access must be controlled by contact free light barrier safety systems.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachTo avoid burns workers must use work aprons and safety gloves.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededPerson in charge of health and safety at the workplace.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

7.11 Workers at drying machines are protected from burns./ Workers at drying machines are not always fully protected from burns.To avoid burns workers must use work aprons and safety gloves.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

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Specific action(s) required to implement this approachTo avoid head injuries, workers must enable the lowering of plates by a release switch.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededPerson in charge of health and safety.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


8 Maintenance, mounting and cleaning of machinesRegular mounting of new tools such as knives, and maintenance work such as cleaning of machines can lead to high risks of cutting, crushing.

8.1 Machines are kept in safe state./ Machines are not always kept in safe state.Machines must be kept at an adequate level of maintenance so that they continuously comply with the applicable health and safety requirements.


8.2 It is ensured that the main power switch is off during maintenance activities./ Main power switch is not always switched off during maintenance activities.No maintenance work must be done while machines are in operating mode and the main power switch is on.


8.3 Maintenance work is only done by trained personnel./ All personnel are required to do maintenance work in case a machine is not working.Ensure that maintenance work is only done under the supervision of trained personnel.

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9 Use of chemicalsThe tanning industry is concerned with two types of hazard involving chemicals. Firstly those chemicals used in various tanning and finishing processes and secondly chemical substances produced as by-products by the chemical reactions occurring when a hide or skin undergoes the tanning process.

9.1 Handling and storage

Numerous chemical products are used during work in the tannery. These are substances which can be dangerous because they can cause fires or explosions or damage the health of the workers and the environment. Workers must therefore be familiar with these substances and be informed about the dangers that they entail.

Depending upon their characteristics, the way in which chemical substances enter the body, and the quantity absorbed, they can affect the health of the workers to differing degrees. Chemical products can enter the body:

By inhalation (through the mouth and nose): polluting agents are sometimes intrinsically mixed with the air that we breathe.

By ingestion (through the mouth): chemical products can be unintentionally swallowed when workers put their hands to their mouth in order to smoke, eat or even wipe their mouth.

By contact with the skin and eyes: many substances can enter the blood through the skin and eyes and spread throughout their system.

By contact with an open wound: dangerous substances can enter your bloodstream directly through contact with an open wound.

Other dangers related to dangerous substances are:

Risk of fire or explosion Environmental hazards. Some chemical products may damage the environment.

9.1.1 An inventory of dangerous substances has been set up/ No inventory of dangerous substances has been set upAn inventory of dangerous substances must be set up in the enterprise. This shouldl also give indications for priorities to be followedfor elimination and substitution, by making it possible to compare the data related to the substances used, i.e. the amount, process, number of workers exposed, estimation of exposure and classification of the substances.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

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To eliminate/reduce the risks

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachList the dangerous substances used by the company and collect information about these substances (from labels, SDS)

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededNo specific OSH expertise, but minimum OSH knowledge or training / experts

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


9.1.2 An assessment of the exposure scenario of all dangerous substances has been carried out/ No assessment of the exposure to the identified dangerous substances has been carried out.It is important to assess exposure to the identified dangerous substances, looking at the type, intensity, length, frequency and occurrence of exposure to workers, including combined effects of dangerous substances used together and the related risk. It is also important to rank the severity of the established risks. This list can then be used to draw up the action plan to protect workers.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Eliminate / reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachAssess exposure to the identified products, looking at the type, intensity, length, frequency and occurrence of exposure. Rank the severity of the established risks.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededNo specific OSH expertise, but minimum OSH knowledge or training / expert

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

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Planning start

Planning end


9.1.3 The Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are available for all chemicals used/ The Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are not available for all chemicals used Chemical manufacturers and suppliers are required to provide professional users with safety data sheets that provide information on the properties of the substance, the dangers to the health and environment, hazards based on physico-chemical properties, storage ,handling, transport and disposal, and guidance for protection of the workers, for emergency measures to be taken following accidental release and first aid measures, as necessary. The main purpose of safety data sheets is to enable employers to determine whether any hazardous chemicals are present in the workplace, and to assess whether there is any risk to the health and safety of workers and/or to the environment arising from their use. Workers or their representatives have to have access to the safety data sheets. The information contained in the safety data sheets can be the starting point in the identification of the hazards to which workers are exposed and the control measures required. Nevertheless, not all potential conditions of use can be foreseen by the producer. The protection measures recommended in the safety data sheets have therefore to be adapted to the conditions at the specific workplaces. More information is available at Communicating information about dangerous substances,

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Eliminate/reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachCollect SDS from chemical manufacturers and suppliers, update regularly and make available to respective units.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededNo specific OSH expertise, but minimum OSH knowledge or training

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

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Planning end


9.1.4 SDS and labels are available in national language/SDS are not available in national language.Everybody has to be able to read and understand the SDS and labels. If migrant workers are also involved in dealing with chemicals, provide the SDS in their mother tongue if necessary.


Provide Safety Data Sheets in the required languages (mother tonguess of workers).


9.1.5 The recommendations included in the SDS (storage, use and handling of dangerous substances) are implemented/ The recommendations included in the SDS (storage, use and handling of dangerous substances) are not implementedIt is important that the recommendations/suggestions including in the SDS are implemented/taken into account. For instance, the recommendations regarding: the precautions to be taken with regard to storage, use and handling of dangerous substances the procedures for controlling the exposure of workers to the product and the characteristics of the personal protective equipment the information relative to transport ...

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachFlammable products (F symbol) are kept well away from combustible products (O)

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

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Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachStore highly/extremely flammable products in a place which is well-ventilated

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededNo specific OSH expertise, but minimum OSH knowledge or training

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


9.1.6 Workers are able to recognise the pictograms/Workers are not able to recognise the pictogramsAll packaging, cans and flasks must be labelled. This allows the workers to identify the product and its conditions of use. The labels should have pictograms (universal symbols) which indicate the danger relating to the use of the product. Workers must therefore recognise these pictograms.


Provide information on the meaning of the pictograms and check if workers have read/understood the information.

InformationGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Distribute information, ensure all workers get a copy and/or know where to find one.

Specific action(s) required to implement this approach

Think about including this information in the induction training for new workers and check if workers understand the signs.

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Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Common sense


9.1.7 Workers are trained in handling and using dangerous substances/ Workers are not trained in handling and using dangerous substancesIt is important that workers are trained in handling and using dangerous substances to avoid and/or reduce the risks of being exposure to these substances.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachWorkers know how to maintain good hygiene: wash hands, do not eat while using such products

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachProducts are kept in their original packaging

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

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Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachWorkers in contact with dangerous substances do not smoke

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededNo specific OSH expertise, but minimum OSH knowledge or training

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


9.1.8 Workers wear personal protective equipment (gloves, glasses, masks) when required /workers do not always wear the personal protective equipment when required.When dealing with certain dangerous substances, the use of personal protective equipment in order to avoid all contact: gloves, mask, overalls, goggles, etc. is required.


9.1.9 Pregnant women are protected from risks related to the use of dangerous products/ Pregnant women are not protected from risks related to the use of dangerous products

Certain dangerous substances can endanger the health of pregnant women and their unborn babies. Employers must therefore assess all the possible safety and health risks as well as any

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possible repercussions with regard to pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding. Employers must adjust temporarily the working conditions and/or working hours in order to avoid such risks. If that is not possible, the employer must move the worker to another job. If that is not possible, the worker (in accordance with national legislation and practices) must be granted leave for the whole of the period necessary to protect her safety or health.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

To reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachWorking conditions and or working hours are temporarily adjusted

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededNo specific OSH expertise, but minimum OSH knowledge or training / OSH expert depending the specific situation

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


9.1.10 Inflammable substances are separately stored./ Inflammable substances are not separately stored.Inflammable substances have to be stored in a separate room that complies with several regulations, like e.g. a self-closing door and the existence of adequate fire fighting equipment.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

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reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachBan onsmoking and naked flames. Avoid generatingf sparks and electrostatic discharge.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risks

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachidentification of inflammable substances and provision of appropriate storage rooms

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededManagement or person in charge of health and safety at the workplace

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


9.1.11 Handling of inflammable substances is carried out within a closed installation. / Inflammable substances are handled openly.Inflammable substances should be handled within closed systems to avoid spilling or mixing with other substances. Vessels or containers must be closed properly after use. Secure spilled liquids with an absorbing medium.

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9.2 Specific hazardous substances

There is a whole series of chemical products that can constitute a health risk. Depending on their properties, the way in which they enter the body (through inhalation, ingestion, skin and eye contact, or contact with an open wound) and the quantity absorbed, they may adversely affect health to a greater or lesser extent.In the following sections, some typical substances or groups of substances that are frequently used in tanneries are mentioned and guidance on handling given.

9.2.1 Acids are handled in a safe way./ Acids are not handled in a safe way.If handling acids, make sure that workers have appropriate protective clothing like a face shield, PVC apron, gloves and boots of PVC or rubber. If acids are provided in plastic containers make sure they are not damaged. Discuss possibility of closed pipeline systems.

9.2.2 Caustic materials are handled in a safe way./ Caustic materials are not handled in a safe way.If handling sulphides or hydrosulphides, make sure that workers have appropriate protective clothing like a face shield, PVC apron, gloves and boots of PVC or rubber. Consider use of supplies in flake form or discuss installing closed pipeline systems.


9.2.3 Concentrations of formaldehyde are controlled./ Concentrations of formaldehyde are not controlled.To avoid hazards from respiratory irritation of workers check for concentrations of formaldehyde vapours and ensure sufficient ventilation.

9.2.4 Concentrations of glutaraldehyde are checked./ Concentrations of glutaraldehyde are not checked.

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Control concentrations of glutaraldehyde vapour, ensure sufficient ventilation and avoid skin and eye contact by wearing of eye protection and protective clothing. If possible use products with glutaraldhyde in closed systems only.


9.2.5 Build-up of hydrogen sulphide is ruled out./ Build-up of hydrogen sulphide is not ruled out.Avoid using the same drums for liming and pickling. If you do, flush well before use. Rinse hides well after liming and deliming before pickling.

9.2.6 Workers with chromium allergy use protective clothing./ Workers with chromium allergy do not wear protective clothing.Chromium sulphate can cause allergic skin reactions. Workers should use protective working gloves, boots and long clothes.


10 Water treatment plant

Typical risks in water treatment plants are slips, trips and falls as well as possible releases of hazardous substances like gas, fumes and dusts.Do you have a water treatment plant?

10.1 Instruction manuals are present and workers instructed/No instruction manuals are provided.Instruction manuals must include handling and storage of hazardous substances present, explanation of danger logos and marking of danger zones.

10.2 All walk ways are cleared of dirt and obstacles/ Walk ways are often hindered by dirt or objectsTo avoid risks of slips, trips and falls, all walk ways must be regularly cleaned and cleared of objects, cables, wires.

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MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachKeep walk ways clean from dirt. Ensure proper non-slip surfaces offering good grip. Keep walk ways clear of objects or material.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededPerson in charge of health and safety at the workplace.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

10.3 Safe access to installations is provided/ Some work places can´t be reached easily.To avoid risks of slips, trips and falls walk ways must be properly marked and secured

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachSecure holes and depressions in the floor with immovable safety fences.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

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MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachTo avoid slips and falls at elevated walk ways, install stable railings, grab handles and cat ladders.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Steps and tripping points are not marked

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachuse signs and coulored marks on floors or walls to mark steps and tripping points

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededPerson in charge of health and safety at the work place

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


10.4 Risks of possible release of hazardous substances are addressed / Workers are unaware of possible risks of release of

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hazardous substancesIn cases where hazardous substances are used, instructions have to be provided on proper storage and use (safety data sheet). Substances must only be used according to instructions.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachSeparate alkaline from acidic partial flows.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

eliminate risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachEffluent treatment and disposal systems must be designed so as to ensure neutralisation of acids before disposal to the sewer.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

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Specific action(s) required to implement this approachWorkers receive instructions on emergency / evacuation plans to avoid further risks to life and safety.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

reduce risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachAll substances used have to be checked for hazardous risks. Instructions must be given to workers.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededPerson in charge of health and safety at the work place.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


11 Office workplacesCompared to the risks of dealing with hazardous substances, using fork lifts and working with heavy machinery, risks associated with sedentary work might appear minor. However musculoskeletal disorders, which arise from sedentary work as well as from other tasks like

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manual handling of loads, are for example one of the most common reasons for sickness absence from work.

11.1 Office chairs are adjustable to different users./ Office chairs are not adjustable.In order to ensure that office chairs fit every individual, it is necessary to provide adjustable chairs. As a minimum the seat shall be adjustable in height and the seat back shall be adjustable in both height and tilt.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Reduce the risk

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachPurchase chairs that go along with ....

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


11.2 Staff are trained to adjust workstation and chair./ Staff are not trained to adjust workstation and chair.Chairs should support the body in a way that minimises awkward postures and provides comfort; however, chair positions may need to be changed often. No chair can provide a perfect position for long periods and it is important to change postures and get up from a chair many times during the day’s work.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

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Refer to any instructions that are provided with the chair or have someone show staff how to adjust and use the controls.

Specific action(s) required to implement this approach

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


11.3 Footrests are made available to anyone who requires one./footrests are not made availableFootrests can help to assure a ergonomic sitting position. They should therefore be made available for all employees working at a desk.

11.4 The space in front of the keyboard is sufficient to provide support for the hands and arms of the operator./ The space in front of the keyboard is not sufficient to provide support for the hands and arms of the operator.The space in front of the keyboard is essential for providing support for the hand and arm of the operator. If there is no space or not sufficient space, this might lead to musculoskeletal problems in the hands and/or arms of the operator. National requirements might be more specific requiring a defined distance in order to assure that no health problems occur.


11.5 The screen is free of reflective glare and reflections./ The screen is not free of reflective glare and/or reflections.Reflections and reflective glare on the screen should be avoided.

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11.6 All work desks and work surfaces have a sufficiently large, low reflectance surface./ Not all work desks and/or work surfaces have a sufficiently large, low reflectance surface.Reflections and reflective glare on the surface of the work desk should be avoided.

12 Organisational aspects

12 Organisational aspects

12.1 Some tasks are not well organised and thus might lead to ad-hoc requests.

This is a high priority risk.A proper organisation ensures that unforeseen tasks and requests are kept to a minimum, thus ensuring that workers know about upcoming issues and are able to plan their work well.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Start planning sufficiently in advance.

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachTry to foresee whatever requests might come up. If unforeseen tasks tend to occur frequently, reserve a certain time slot for the unforeseen requests.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededEveryone should be involved in proper planning and consulting workers is key. However, responsibility for planning lies with managers and supervisors.

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

12.2 Workers’ education and training does not always match well with the work requirements.

This is a high priority risk.

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In order to ensure that workers are neither over qualified nor under qualified, it´s important to make sure, that their profile fits well with the job requirements.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Line managers, human resource and general managers should conduct interviews with workers.

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachDuring these interviews, job descriptions should be carefully matched with the worker’s profile. In the case where the workers’ skills, education and training don´t match well with the job description, it´s necessary to reschedule tasks, redesign tasks and/or offer training to the worker(s).

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededManagers, line managers, human resource unit

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Assess training needs and schedule trainings.

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachBased on the output of interviews conducted before.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end


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General approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)Adapt work to the competencies of the workers. Some might want more responsibility while others are happy with less challenging tasks.

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachReview tasks and skills together with workers

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

12.3 The workload is constantly changing, work over- or underloads occur regularly.

This is a high priority risk.To ensure an optimal workload, managers and supervisor play an important role. There are plenty of measures that can be taken to optimise the workflow and load.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Regular supervision of workload.

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachStaying in touch with the workers, checking their daily routine, asking them how they cope with the workload and also monitor other aspects that might give hints on the workload, like symptoms of stress.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededManager/supervisor

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

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MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Ask the team/workers regularly how they cope with their tasks

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachIntegrate this question regularly, e.g. in team meetings.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Open door policy, encourage workers to talk about their workload and challenges

Specific action(s) required to implement this approach

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Take workload into account when planning new/upcoming tasks

Specific action(s) required to implement this approach

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

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Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

12.4 Workers concentrate on their own task and seldom support colleagues.

This is a high priority risk.Social support at work is one of the key resources workers possess. Supervisors and managers can encourage and support an atmosphere of trust and confidence.

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Supervisors/managers positively highlight examples where they notice colleagues helping each other.

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachSupervisors/managers are attentive to where support is needed and they address positively any supportive behaviour.

Level of expertise and/or requirements neededsupervisor/manager

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Planning and conducting team building measures

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachTeam building measures include a very wide range of actions starting from offering joint activities like a Christmas lunch or barbecues but also including professionally organised team building measures involving external support.

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Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end

MeasureGeneral approach (to eliminate or reduce the risk)

Create a positive work atmosphere, value the work done.

Specific action(s) required to implement this approachShowing gratitude, providing praise, reward good work.

Level of expertise and/or requirements needed

Who is responsible?

Budget (in Euro)

Planning start

Planning end