晚宴於 pheonix 萬壽宮餐廳 chicago 2007 年 9 月 15 日

晚晚晚 Pheonix 晚晚晚晚晚 Chicago 2007 晚 9 晚 15 晚

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晚宴於 Pheonix 萬壽宮餐廳 Chicago 2007 年 9 月 15 日. 玩了一整天,大家肚子也餓 了。我們一夥到 China Town 的「萬壽宮」,由林豐樑 與謝麗鄉夫婦作東,享受 著另一頓豐盛的晚宴。. 菜單由黃德生親點,每 道皆是名菜,令人垂涎 欲滴。       . 吃完後,還須按摩 一下;否則站不起 來。      . 偷問一下,是否吃 太飽?     . 晚餐後,馬上趕回旅館。隨即觀看許寬良預先準備的 Slide Show ;然後 又繼續個人從畢業後的人生旅程,有歡笑,也有淚,一直到早晨三點多 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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晚宴於 Pheonix 萬壽宮餐廳

Chicago2007 年 9 月 15 日

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玩了一整天,大家肚子也餓了。我們一夥到 China Town


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晚餐後,馬上趕回旅館。隨即觀看許寬良預先準備的 Slide Show ;然後又繼續個人從畢業後的人生旅程,有歡笑,也有淚,一直到早晨三點多才結束。                           

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Cantigny Park於

Wheaton, Illinois

2007 年 9 月 16 日

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McCormick Manson

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Cantigny Park 面積約 500 英畝,是 Chicago有名報紙─ Chicago Tribune 已過逝的創始

人 Colonel Robert R. McCormick 所捐獻,公園內有 Robert R. McCormick Museum, TheFirst Division Museum 以及著名的高爾夫球場。園內的花,正展現秋的美,各色各樣的花朵,隨著秋風,散發著芬芳撲鼻的香味。我們一進停車場,正碰著退伍軍人協會,舉辦募款活動,許多人穿著美國獨立戰爭時的服飾,還佩帶著舊式槍枝與帽子,並與我們


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前排:李麗英,曹裕璋,黃德生 後排:侯天慶,外賓,蔡靜煌,葉貴蓮,外賓,黃薇貞,臧筱蓉,謝麗鄉,林豐樑,外賓

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合攝於 McCormick Museum 前

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李 麗 英

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Lunch 於

Buona Restaurant

2007 年 9 月 16 日

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三天的相聚,猶嘆太短,我們共同領受彼此的溫馨,共同歡樂,共同的唱與跳。有內心真實的眼淚,也有開懷暢飲的忘我境界;有真實的同學愛,也有久別又重逢的朋友情,這是美麗的時刻,政大企管系仍是保有根深蒂固的傳統,尤其我們這一屆更是突出。我們在 Bouna 餐廳用完午餐後,靜聽豐樑夫婦的奮鬥成功史,大家意猶未儘,然而時間有限,只好依依不捨地互道再見,願不久的將來能夠有再次的盛大


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張添壽助教與楊博敏助教合攝於 Bouna 餐廳。

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35週年同學會花絮 I 楊博敏 1

35週年同學會花絮 I 楊博敏 1

To Those Who Did and Didn't Get a Chance to Come to the Chicago Reunion:If I have to guess, I believe you, those who came, all had a terrific time in

Chicago; I know I did.  It was so nice to meet you guys in person, now I think I can write you guys in a way not having to be that careful as to what words to choose to use.  :)  I really didn't know most you ladies that well before your visit; for example, I had no idea who Rita was, or Patty, Sandy, Pearl, Man-Mei, Patricia, and even Jane.  Yet, when we said goodbye yesterday, it felt like I had known you so well -- it was the same kind of feeling I had when I was playing with those 'boys' in school.  LOL.  Someone mentioned that I never paid attention to you 'girls' back then, to that I think was true to some extent and I would like to apologize for it; but the important thing is I really feel good about you ladies now and I feel like I could talk to you just about anything.

It is really quite an amazing thing:  The moment I met you in the airport, I simply felt so comfortable with each and every one of you. Can't explain how it happened, but it did.  By the way, you are truly a bunch of hug-loving people and I think it is rather cool to do so. there must have been more than hundred hugs exchanged in the reunion,I am willing to bet.  But it is all good, right?  

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35週年同學會花絮 I 楊博敏 2

35週年同學會花絮 I 楊博敏 2

We had this Karaoke thing Friday night at the restaurant.  I swear we all had a marvelous time there.  Julia, Lilia, Patrick, Steven, and Fred were all active participants in the singing and they were great too.  Came to the dancing part, TC was the only guy who knew how to dance; seeing him floating on the floor with the partners was a treatand to some degree an envy thing for those of us who could only watched on the side line.  Too bad Eddie wasn't here to give us a crash (or is it crush?) course in dancing.  By the way, there was this group dancing thing and a lot of our ladies were having great time too.

We went to Chicago for a boat ride on Saturday, which was kind of fun but a little chilly weather-wise when the sun was not on you.  It was like a pirate ship ride, at least that was how it looked like.  Hope you all had a good time, me and Steve thought it was just too cold to sit through the whole thing. 

Believe you guys didn't go to bed till 3:00am Saturday night, I am not sure how you all managed to get up in the morning to do the checkouts Sunday.  But you did.  Well, I had to rush Peter to the airport to catch his flight at 1:35pm and missed going to the flower park with you. It sounds like you all enjoyed the visit. By

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35週年同學會花絮 I 楊博敏 3

35週年同學會花絮 I 楊博敏 3

the way, we went to the Morton Arboretum at $9.00 each.  To that, Julia wanted a refund.  LOL.  Still, TC taught us tai-chi near the pond.  I am sure not many of us knew what we were doing, but we all had a lot of fun there.  We were in the parking lot before the tour, and some of us were just like some people who hadn't eaten for a month:  Oranges and apples were being stuffed into these hungry mouths.  Guess when you are hungry, the last thing you want to worry about is your eating manners.  Hahaha, I am just playing with your guys.

What a relief that finally you were all sent off.  I had a good night's sleep last night.  LOL; you know I am just kidding around. Seriously, it was a fantastic gathering; you guys were just super and I loved every minute of being able to spend time with you all for the past three days.  My productivity at work was rather low today because I was just thinking about what just happened in the past three days. Should Fred decide to duck my pay for the day, I am cool with it. 

Again, thank you all for the wonderful experience with you. James 09/17/2007

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.Dear All, .

It was a great pleasure to meet you guys in Chicago after 37 years. I have to thank Fred and Lilia’s wonderful choice to arrange this mini reunion in Chicago . and also thank him to invite me to join the reunion. Frankly speaking, when I learned that you guys were planning a reunion in Chicago, I was exciting and anxious to see you all. I also hesitated for a while because things changed a lot after 37 years. But as soon as I met you guys, it seemed the memory flashed back to 37 years ago. I saw those pure, shy, lovely faces again. The only difference is that you are all

successful, mature ladies and gentlemen now, I really felt happy and graceful for all of you. Luckily, I still remembered most of you. This is the reason why I still have

kept every student’s grade report card of Cost Accounting. .

Although it was a little bit chilly for the season during those three beautiful days in Chicago, everyone felt warm in his/her heart. There were no more distance . between TAs and students but all close friends. We were hugging, laughing, . . chatting, kidding, singing, dancing, and exercising together in the party and . . tours. We were just like a bunch of college kids again with a lot of fun. I

bet most of

參加同學會感言張添壽 1

參加同學會感言張添壽 1

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you have not talked each other after the graduation from college. The most . touching part was that everyone shared his/her life experience from his/her

bottom of heart no matter how pleasant or unpleasant, in return, there were a lot of . praising, support and encouragement. It was a moment of returning to the purity in the college life again. .

I think everyone felt the same way that the duration of reunion was too short. Thank for everyone’s continuous passion, sharing and contribution, . especially Patrick’s effort and dedication to capture our most memorable moment in his masterpiece CD collection. I also have to appreciate Eddie’s touching and . encouraging articles about our reunion. Please let us treasure the wonderful . . memory and friendship; and keep devoting on good health, happiness, giving and helping. Although the aging is unavoidable, our mind can be young and wealthy . .

forever. . .

Best regards,Steve Chang

參加同學會感言張添壽 2

參加同學會感言張添壽 2

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35週年同學會花絮 II 蔡靜煌 1

35週年同學會花絮 II 蔡靜煌 1

◎ 林寶珠雖然與我同是合唱團,但是彼此交談機會並不多,此小姐卻是比我想像中的大方。第一天的晚宴由張添售與楊博敏兩位助教作東,我與林寶珠合唱一首「重相逢」,也許 Microphone 的品質太差,我們無法發揮出理想的效果。隔天我向林寶珠說:「我真的不知道您這麼大方」,豈知此小姐對著我面就說:「你的優點,我先生都有,但是你的缺點,我先生都沒有。」害得我當時都說不出話來,真令我不服氣。在回程的飛機上,我一直思考著這問題,我終於想到了我的兩項「優點」,這兩項優點一定把林寶珠先生比下去。第一:我比較矮;第二:我的肚皮比較圓。怎樣?林寶珠你該服了吧!

◎ 我們同聲問林豐樑怎麼會在大學時期追謝麗鄉,他說:「有一年暑假,他主動寫信給所有女同學,只有謝麗鄉回他信,從此以後,才開始發展愛情的火花。」此時在旁的所有女同學皆齊聲否認有收過林豐樑的信。原來林豐樑還有這妙招,早知道應該向他請教。

◎ 吳紹華與葉貴蓮兩位喜歡吃魚頭,兩位吃魚頭的技巧,除了我太太外,我第一次見到,但是一魚只有一頭,所以首先由吳紹華讓賢,由葉貴蓮自己享有。事後吳紹華大概心有不甘,唸唸不忘,所以黃德生幫他再 Order 一條,但是這回是「一魚兩吃」,是兩個人同吃,有照片為證。我看得目瞪口呆,經過吳紹華口中的魚頭,連魚刺都沒剩,這可是我看過最會吃魚頭的人。這更是吳紹華的另外一絕。

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35週年同學會花絮 II 蔡靜煌 2

35週年同學會花絮 II 蔡靜煌 2

◎ 我表演蔡煥昆品質管制老師的點名與杜清宇老師的微積分教學,表演是差強人意,但大家的爆笑聲連接不斷。接著黃薇貞表演趙鳳培老師的口音,她說有一次,曹裕璋晚到,而且把書本掉了滿地,趙鳳培老師很生氣的向曹裕璋說:「下課後,來跟我躺一躺。」﹝原意是談一談,此談非彼躺,但口音之差,讓大家爆笑不已。﹞事後有人問曹裕璋的經濟學是怎麼過的,她的回答更絕,他 說:「就是這樣躺就過了。」

◎ 我在 Chicago O’Hare機場下飛機後,轉了幾圈好不容易見到了一大群的同學已在那邊等了。此時孫滿美走過來問說:「你是不是有參加 Orlando 的同學會?」,我當時還頭昏昏地聽成了 Canada 的 Toronto ,馬上回答她說:「沒有」,孫滿美大概也被我的回答搞昏了頭,又不好意思問我的名字,只好轉向去問曹延美,豈知曹延美回答她說:「他應該是李進仁」。


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經由吳紹華口中後,連魚刺都不見了 一魚兩吃,滋味無窮



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I would like to personally thank James, Steve, Fred, Lilia, Kevin and TC for arranging such a memorable reunion for us. It was a wild three days! Every minute was so precious to us. we didn't even have time to sleep. I can't remember the last time I stayed up until four in the morning.  We were like a bunch of college kids; we laughed, we sang and we danced.  It was as if we were trying to make up what was missed in the four years we spent together at the foot of Mt. Chi Nan(指南山 ). The weather was great, the feeling was so warm, and each and every one of you was so dear and lovable. When we said goodbye at the O'Hare airport, it was sad that the wonderful trip had to come to an end. However, I felt so blessed to have so many wonderful classmates.

It has been 37 years since I last saw James and Steve. Steve came to the airport to pick me up. I was wondering what he looked like now and if he would even recognize me. While waiting in the pick up area and trying to make myself look more presentable by putting on some lipstick, there was this slim guy with a smile and walking speedily toward me. Oh my goodness, Steve is still the same Steve. After all those years, he still had the same physique as he did in college. He told me that he has been practicing Tai Chi since his kids attended Chinese school. He also told me that he still remembered me and some of the other classmates very well too. And, you won't believe this; he kept the report cards from our Cost Accounting class so he would remember all of our names. What a sentimental person! We would never forget about you either, Steve! I also discovered that Steve has a very melodic voice. I bet he could have been a great singer ....perhaps even better than his sister .

35週年同學會感言 葉貴蓮 1

35週年同學會感言 葉貴蓮 1

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Also, I remember James being quite good looking back in the day. Even though

I had seen his recent picture, I was still very anxious to meet him in person. What wouldI even say to him? He looks quite different than what I remembered. With his gleamingtan skin and muscular figure, he looks different from most Asian guys; he looks morelike an ABC :). One thing that didn't change about him was his loud distinguish laugh.He sings, dances and let's his wild side come out; he is a very fun person to be around.One more thing I remembered; while we were eating those apples and oranges in theparking lot, he handed us packs of wet paper napkins from his pocket. It was as if hethought of us as a bunch of messy kids that needed help to stay clean. He and Steve diddo a great job planning and made sure we had a good time in Chicago. I felt bad thatthey had to drive back and forth to and from the airport multiple times a day, acting likelocal taxi drivers those three days. Patrick, if you like to call them as 黨媽 or 黨爸 , Iwould raise both my hands this time.

There is one more thing that I found very amusing; when I first arrived at the hotel, I happened to run into TC at the hotel lobby. He walked me to my room, which was on the third floor. There was this cleaning lady in the room next to mine and TCtold me that was his room.

35週年同學會感言 葉貴蓮 2

35週年同學會感言 葉貴蓮 2

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A few minutes later, I got a call from TC and he said he got it wrong, and that his roomwas next to mine, however, it was on the floor below.  The second day after comingback from dinner, I saw Peter wandering outside my room. He told me he couldn't findhis room. Since him and TC were roommates, I told him his room was on the 2nd

floor. He said he tried, but the door wouldn't open. Was this a senior moment? Or?

Before the reunion, I remembered James said something like " I am sure you won'tregret it if you come to the reunion". I would like to quote what Peter said after thereunion "I would regret for the rest of my life if I didn't come to the reunion".


35週年同學會感言 葉貴蓮 3

35週年同學會感言 葉貴蓮 3

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林寶珠比個手勢說 我吃過的魚頭就是這麼大! .

林寶珠比個手勢說 我吃過的魚頭就是這麼大! .

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這次在 Chicago 的 Mini Reunion真是溫馨也難忘:

話說七月初,葉子 (Julia)就頻頻來電話,提到 Chicago Reunion 一事,她說 4月在台灣的 35週年同學會仍意猶未盡, 大夥兒想在 Chicago 再聚一次,同時也可以見到楊助教及張助教,我立刻雙手贊同。

出發前數天,葉子又來電話,她說:“怎麼辦?我太興奮了,已有好多天沒睡好覺”,她又說:“我得當第一晚的卡拉OK主持人,每個人都得準備一首歌,而且請妳帶件晚禮服來參加‧‧‧“,這個消息可令我壓力很大。本以為可以輕輕鬆鬆與同學聚會,這回還得帶禮服上飛機,又得惡補唱卡拉OK 。好不容易選練我喜歡的“台北的天空”,在臨行前一晚的銀髮族合唱團上課時,又要求全班陪我練習一次,指揮老師也特別臨行重點指導,同學們都紛紛替我鼓勵,“要唱大聲點,替西雅圖爭氣呀‧‧‧“

結果當晚的餐廳裡剛巧有別的團體聚餐,大家搶麥克風唱歌過癮,我真是英雄無用武之地,﹝其實我私下暗喜,不用獻醜了﹞。更喜的是,當晚混水摸魚地加入別的團體的 Line Dance ,真是熱鬧、好玩!

真是個愉快的 Reunion ,多謝 James , Steve , Fred , Lilia ,及 Kevin 的全力策劃及招待, Tim 也加入司機行列

, Patrick全心盡力地搶鏡頭,也功不可沒。那天晚上,大夥兒能互道這 35 年來的人生旅程,互相勉勵,互相安慰,使我更能深深體會到友情的可貴。


溫馨難忘的同學會溫馨難忘的同學會 李 麗 英

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但願人長久,千里共嬋娟 李常生 1但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

李常生 1楊助教 .

恭喜你們在 Chicago 的 mini reunion 舉辦的成功,也看到你寫給大家的略

帶羞澀的,但是絕對真誠的回信。 .

我榮幸於八月份去過 Chicago ,也與您見過面,那是人生一次寶貴的體驗,重要的是我看到了 Chicago ,看到了張添壽助教,也看到了英文頂瓜瓜的你,我們有見面並吃兩頓飯的機會,有談笑風聲與讚嘆人生的場面,雖然頭髮已蒼白,但散會時,我看到你與張助教在停車場上不肯離開,你的雙手插在牛仔褲的後口袋裡,跟張助教談著話,談著過去,那些久久已經快要漸忘的舊事,你們兩個談的眉飛色舞的,已經忘了夜已深了,黃鶯也已睡去。 .

因為這幾天要開刀,不然,我仍舊願意趕過去與你 ( 妳 ) 們一同度過幾

個美麗的秋天,徘徊在碼頭邊,看著芝加哥高聳大樓的絢麗,分享著你( 妳 ) 們每一個人的笑容,雖然七八月,我已經在美國巡迴式的見到了你( 妳 ) 們,但是沒有見著貴蓮、寶珠、薇貞、筱容,當時就覺得非常遺憾,但是,能從信上聽到你 ( 妳 ) 們的聚會,在照片上看到你 ( 妳 ) 們的身影,已經讓我感覺到那永恆與持久的歡樂。 .

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但願人長久,千里共嬋娟 李常生 2但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

李常生 2

特別是在這秋天,芝加哥的秋天已經有了涼意,因為你 ( 妳 ) 們的出現,讓芝加哥更有著說不出的魅力。但是嘆息的我在你 ( 妳 ) 們的照片中確有著很大的感觸 “獨在異鄉為異客,每逢佳節倍思親,遙知兄弟登高處,遍插茱萸少一人”。你 ( 妳 ) 們不會因為少我一人而傷感,我確因為沒能與你 ( 妳 ) 們在一齊而覺得有些傷情。  今年的中秋節快要到了,祝福在美國的你 ( 妳 ) 們,也想說一句:“ 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟 ”。  等待下一個秋天,再過去的冬天,遲來的春天,與永遠值得我記憶的,曾與你 ( 妳 ) 們在一起的一個美麗的、傳說中的夏天。   李常生

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第一夜小不小 老不老 見面直嚷著沒變多少新照片 舊照片 瞇眼帶鏡有沒有看見他是誰 她是誰 似曾相識三十好幾年你來唱 我來跳 迎新感恩把酒話當年楊助教 張助教 不但作東還接接送送 吃的棒 玩的好 友愛溫暖暖到心窩了

第一日人好睏 夜難眠 仍早起踏青到植物園又有說 又有笑 花前樹下照個我最俏天又藍 風又好 湖畔穿梭玉女個個妙

趕坐船 先吃飯 四車上路兩車 跑那了香腸香 牛不老 芝城土產大家都叫好乘著帆 繞著港 情趣高樓伴著湖映水

唐人街 擺筵席 魚頭同啖人醉不在酒

打油記我們的三十五年重聚 侯天慶 1

打油記我們的三十五年重聚 侯天慶 1

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老童鞋 擠一房 談心講古只恨夜不長老鄉親蔡靜煌擔綱執筒導演

柳葉腰葉貴蓮巧語穿針引線 大掌櫃吳紹華設酒勸飲一霎時 笑聲四起

戲曰青春舞曲 臧筱容感恩的心 唐佩玉語焉不詳 侯天慶我的一生 李麗英與主同行 曹延美愛 愛 再多愛一點 黃德生

恨 恨 恨鐵不成鋼 黃薇貞星星知嬤心 孫滿美再睡一下 謝麗鄉太極推手 林豐樑

打油記我們的三十五年重聚 侯天慶 2

打油記我們的三十五年重聚 侯天慶 2

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瀟灑走一回 葉貴蓮魚雁 阿 看腳 ( 不落阿 也沉 ) 蔡靜煌

天忙忙呀 地忙忙 我家有著好兒郎 曹裕璋最長的一夜 ( 再加演 魚之物語 ) 吳紹華母親呀 妳在何方 林寶珠想 想 想久就是我的 ( 蔡靜煌友誼客串 )

人手一杯 或坐 或臥 或倚壁而立

一個一個的故事 一個一個的人生

我為你哀嘆 我為你歡喜 你的哭泣感動我 你的笑聲令我開心


打油記我們的三十五年重聚 侯天慶 3

打油記我們的三十五年重聚 侯天慶 3

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第二日將離去 懶起床 那知今日園中鼓號長你看我 我看你 三十幾年彷彿在一起同散步 同逗趣 不再考試勝過校園裡

臨別依依 我們仍豎耳傾聽著 麗鄉千金智賺工讀生阿樑的故事詩歌起 將離去 相期重逢在珍重裡

後記 一當年 令我望而生畏的 楊助教 張助教

今日 卻能讓同學們 不顧東西 不辭南北 齊聚在這遙遠的地方這是緣份 更是我們的福份

後記二常生 麗真 建山 寬良 幕後的織網人

後記三早班飛回去的同學們聽著 你們走後 我們全體護送小曹尋覓在 22 街上的

Giordano‘s world famous pizza 歷時三小時才讓鍥而不捨的小曹找到 果然皮脆餡濃 悅目適口 它的義大利甜點 更是錦上添花 為下一回遊 芝加哥再添魅力。餐後小曹肩負大包 拖著行李 手捧臉盆般的出爐 pizza 直奔機場 回家伺候小


打油記我們的三十五年重聚 侯天慶 4

打油記我們的三十五年重聚 侯天慶 4

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借問酒家何處有?小姐遙指「一號」 羞羞臉?

幼齒阿嬤好像牙齒癢了 要不要再來一個?

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謝麗鄉 1 憶舊懷情

謝麗鄉 1 同學們 , 我們都變了 , 變得更真摯坦誠 . 記得大一住校時 , 葉貴蓮常來找我的室友楊台針 , 每次見面 , 我都從頭到腳打量她一番 , 她的打扮總是清新得體 , 秀髮披肩 , 偶而綁支馬尾垂向耳邊 , 嫵媚無比 , 高雅大方 , 我看在眼裏 ,羨慕在心底 , 自知不能相比 . 今年臺美兩次同學會 , 貴蓮比大學時的她更加青春活躍 , 很會照顧同學 , 更像個大

姐 , 只是我心中想捕捉的那 個影子不見了 . .

吳紹華是我的室友楊台針的高中同學 , 台針自然介

紹了他 , 新生杯籃球賽 , 紹華在場上大顯身手 . 此次同學會他又執筆報導實況 , 記錄得鉅細無遺 . 不僅文筆有如行雲流水 , 一手行書也寫得像龍飛鳳舞 , 真是文武雙全 .


五年前在奧蘭多同學會見到蔡靜煌 , 就想起了以前常唱的一首詩歌 ---“西風的話” ----今年我來看你們 , 你們變胖又變高”後來我有機會到達拉斯去拜訪他和唐佩玉 .他請我們到他們家族開的翠月樓飯店吃飯 , 使我想起大一升大二的暑假 , 小曹、薇貞和我一起到屏東找龔泰平 , 江惠珠及


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謝麗鄉 2憶舊懷情

謝麗鄉 2事 , 只可惜我把細節遺忘了 . 今年有幸和蔡兄一齊參加兩次同學會 , 大家都好奇他那圓滾滾的肚子裝些什麼呢 ? ----是土裏土氣 ? 怪裏怪氣 ? 還是油裏油氣 ?-----但是欣賞過同學會紀念冊的同學們必定會異口同聲說 -----這鐵定是“橫溢的才氣” .

侯天慶打猴拳 , 這也是新鮮事一樁 , 大學時從不知他會這一招 . 芝加哥之行的打油詩 , 短短半頁紙就把整個行程的

點點滴滴 , 有條不紊的記載得栩栩如生 , 真是允文允武的人物 , 江惠 珠若還在 , 必會說 ,”我早就看準了他 , 可惜我從小就定了目 標—要嫁給臺大電機系的男生 .”


  惠珠和我有一段淵緣 , 在我倆剛出生時 , 我們的父親是 同一個單位的同事 , 一歲之後我家就搬離了屏東 , 過了十二年 , 我們考上同一所初中 , 經由父親提起 , 我就特別注意她 . 她也注意到我 , 可是我們不同班 , 因此沒有變成好朋友 ,初中畢業後我不知她的去向 . 直到大學入學後才知道我們竟然同班又是同寢室的同學 ‧


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憶舊懷情 謝麗鄉 3

憶舊懷情 謝麗鄉 3

我和李竹君因為個性相合 , 常常 形影不離 , 但偶而有個小燈泡在我們之間 , 竹君說他是住在中和的同鄉 , 竹君喜歡跟這燈泡鬥嘴 , 我總是在旁邊安靜的傾聽 , 這燈泡是誰呢 ? 讓你們猜猜吧 !


有一句俗話說”相見不如懷念” . 這句話在我們同學會上亳不適用 !!! 三年後再見了 !!!



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芝加哥重逢記 吳紹華 芝加哥重逢記 吳紹華

這真是一次難得的聚會。首先要感謝寬良與豐樑的發起及貴蓮的催生,否則不可能成行,同時寬良的精心安排與節目設計,我們才能一睹芝加哥的美景。楊助教博敏老師、張助教添壽老師及豐樑安排新開幕的 Westin Hotel 以特別折價優待我們美好的三天。更要感謝兩位老師於下榻當晚請大家吃的那頓精美可口、豪華豐盛的晚宴。豐樑夫婦第二天請大家品嚐芝加哥中國城的美食大餐,那兩頓飯至今仍舊齒頰留香,難以忘懷。同時也要感謝聚會的所有同學,特別是德生的出席,讓我們見證了堅忍奮戰的毅力及不向命運低頭的決心。


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這次三天兩夜的芝加哥之行,真是美好!從事前的安排上,就知道我們會有許多的 Fun與 . Good Time! .


在機場見到楊助教,他給我一個 Hug,一瞬間,有些陌生;怎麼好像與我記憶中的他不一樣?印象中的他,總是安靜陪伴在鈕老師左右,講話時會臉紅,我對他是〝敬而遠之〞!現在他與豐樑來接我們,有說有笑,亦師亦友,像個大哥哥一樣,好親切!先後抵達的同學有滿美、筱容、

裕 . 璋、靜煌、佩玉及麗英,還有沒什麼印象的紹華﹝對不起!真的沒見過你呢!﹞及讓我驚訝的德生,﹝很抱歉!見面前一奌都不知道你出了場車禍,你的勇敢,讓我欽佩!﹞我們在機場就開始敘舊,旁若無人!連在附近等人的女士都感染了我們的快樂活力, 定意要為我們留影記念, 甚至刊登到她的網站上。﹝不是蓋的! ﹞


我們在 Westin 旅館 Check-in, 全新一流的設備, 卻給我們特別的優惠價格,可見豐樑的洽商技巧高明。接著是豐盛晚宴,這是法式高級台菜,好棒!謝謝楊助教與張助教﹝張助教依然溫文儒雅,可敬又可愛﹞的款待,很過意不去! .


接下來的兩天,我們忙著說話,吃飯,又車又船,輕鬆熱鬧,真是好好玩!我曾來過芝加哥兩次,對密西根湖, Sears Tower及博物館都頗有好感!但這次印象簡直太好了!突然覺得自己真是踏上了美國, ﹝在洛杉磯住久了,會忘記是在美國。﹞從 Downtown建築,街頭景緻,到湖畔, . 公園…… .處處整齊,乾淨,賞心悅目!我們這群浩浩蕩蕩,講著國語,加上笑聲不絕,像是回到指南山下的大學時代!真成了楊助教口中的〝 Teenager〞!想起晚餐桌上貴蓮與紹華的吃魚頭搞

笑, .讓人 噴飯,笑痛肚子。與滿美同住,她的動作真快,談笑詼諧機智,個性豁達開朗;另一大發現,

同窗情深企管人 曹延美 1

同窗情深企管人 曹延美 1

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她文筆簡潔生動,讓人羨慕;靜煌也是搞笑高手,熱誠活潑,認真負責,一副職業攝影師模樣,即使不開口,也會讓人覺得可愛又好笑。 .


並且分享畢業後生活及心路歷程,雖時空變遷,但友情真摯,彌久彌堅,實在難得。我喜歡貴蓮的多才多藝﹝外加撒嬌,她說是犧牲小我,信不信由你。﹞紹華的率直,有趣;薇貞的冷靜,坦誠;筱容的睿智,笑容;麗英的文靜,秀美;裕璋的愛心,週到;寶珠的感性, 真誠;佩玉的可 愛,甜美;天慶的熱心,服務;德生的堅毅,積極…… .. 等,實在無法一一數算。 由於兩位助教的愛護支持,麗鄉,豐樑﹝天生的一對﹞的出錢出力,考慮周全,早到遲退,加上寬良的精心策劃,每位參加者的同心與付出,使我們能享受這次珍貴又難忘的 Chicago Reunion ,真得謝謝大家。



God Bless,延美

同窗情深企管人 曹延美 2

同窗情深企管人 曹延美 2

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詩寫秋天 李常生 1

詩寫秋天 李常生 1



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詩寫秋天 李常生 2

詩寫秋天 李常生 2


多」的心境,一夜聽雨到天明,秋天總嫌悲離情。當寫下一片小‧ 詩時,雨打落葉總不停。 ‧


我將這些文字記載下來,寄給遙遠的朋友們,也算是一種永久的思念吧! ‧

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本製作編輯小組有幸為我們這屆政大企管人,再次製作這次北美地區 35週年同學會光碟,雖然所費時間不貲,但見到每張畫面,心中的興奮,確是筆墨難以形容,這不僅是我們永久的留念,也是我們美麗的回憶。大家對我們的期望與鼓勵,我們這小組,謹以「寸身言謝,謝主謝神謝天地,十口心思,思朋思友思同窗」來表示我們對大家的謝意。

驀然迴首話當年,轉眼已過 35 年;大家在成家立業上也都奮鬥了一陣子,有人已退休;也有人計劃解甲歸里,不管大家的規劃如何,我們四年的同窗以及助教們對我們的照顧與關懷,就是〝緣〞。畢業 35 年後我們心連心,手牽手,不管在台灣或是海外,雖然沒有奔馳於原野,但也一同走過了不少景色怡人的勝地,此情此景,值得我們珍惜與懷念。謹以此光碟,記下一切,以茲留念。盼不久的將來再

一次盛大的「耳順之年同學會」。 .


製作編輯小組 蔡靜煌,黃薇貞,葉貴蓮


編後語CD製作編輯小組 編後語


Hope Hope ToTo

SeeSeeYou You soonsoon

Hope Hope ToTo

SeeSeeYou You soonsoon

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謝 謝 觀 賞