+ outsourcing: how to get it to work for you. by todd skaggs glazer-kennedy insider’s circle

+ Outsourcing: How To Get It To Work For You . By Todd Skaggs Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle

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Outsourcing: How To Get It To Work For You.By Todd Skaggs

Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle

+What We’re Going To Go Over My Experience

What You Should Outsource (How to pick the most important things)

Deciding What To Outsource (Considering budget, time per task, etc.)

Where To Find People To Hire (Including my opinions)

Creating A Job Ad

After The Job Has Been Accepted

Training Providers

While They’re Working For You

How To Pay Workers

Rewarding Workers


Any Questions You Have

+My ExperienceGot my first taste of outsourcing when I tried to do my



+My Experience

Hired Virtual Assistants For My Niche Sites

Moved On To Hiring People For Tech Stuff from India

Hired 3 Full Time Workers From The Philippines

Profootballreferee.com, forwardprogressbook.com, twilightgiftsonline.com, twilightpostersonline.com

NoBSLouisville.com, toddskaggs.com, bourbontrailguide.com


What do you need to get each one done?

Buy a domain – Might include keyword research

Write sales letter – Need copy skills

Create a “thank you” page – Need website skills

Post blog comments to foster relationships with potential JVs – Need time and knowhow to post intelligent comments

Install shopping cart – Someone good with techy stuff

Social Media friending, Twitter followers, management

+Deciding What To Outsource…

Factor #1: How often do you need each thing done?

If your business plan only requires one website, you only need to buy a domain ONCE.

Will you need multiple sales pages?

How many pages need to be linked with your shopping cart?

+Deciding What To Outsource…

Factor #2: What’s your budget?

If you have more time than money, only outsource the crucial stuff for now.

Do NOT hire before you have the money.

Not only is it putting people’s livelihood at stake but it will only stress you out.

+Deciding What To Outsource…

Factor #3: What are your skills?

Can you write copy?

Do you know how to do tech stuff?

Are you great at customer support?

+Deciding What To Outsource…

Factor #4: How long does each thing you need done take?

You might be excellent at customer service… but if it takes you 2 hours per day your time may be spent elsewhere.

If keyword research is a one-time thing you’ll never need done again… it’s a lot faster to do it yourself.

+Deciding What To Outsource…

Factor #5: What’s the most important?

What’s making you the most money?

What do you NEED done?

Examples: Customer service, writing articles, making phone calls.

Obviously the most important things should be amongst the first things you consider outsourcing (as long as they’re train-able).

Don’t go for bells and whistles right away – outsource what you NEED – ESPECIALLY if you’re on a limited budget.

+Where To Find People To Hire

Different sites are good for different things.

+Where To Find People To Hire



Lots of talented people

Can be hit or miss

Pretty good for tech stuff

+Where To Find People To Hire


Higher quality candidates

More expensive - $50 minimum bid

Candidates need to pay in order to apply to jobs so you’re not getting tons of “Spam” bids

Great for AWESOME premium virtual assistants

+Where To Find People To Hire

Craigslist USA

Can find excellent candidates who don’t know about telecommuting jobs

Can get flagged very easily

Quality is inconsistent

Have found some great article writers here

+Where To Find People To Hire

Craigslist Philippines

Can find extremely inexpensive workers

Hit-and-miss (My experience is far more misses, though I know some have had excellent results)

Quality is inconsistent

Can find your super-cheap workers here

+Where To Find People To Hire


Training already done for you

Wide set of technical tasks

Credits roll over

Great for almost any technical task

Pretty inexpensive ($97/month for 30 credits)

+Where To Find People To Hire

Zirtual.com – Maren Kate

Training already done for you

Isn’t always immediate

Can be pricier than training people on your own

Can use for article writers, backlinks, social media, etc.

+Where To Find People To Hire


Can find very inexpensive providers

Quality is inconsistent at best

Very expensive fees (10%)

Have heard most excuses from this site

Best for menial type tasks (copying and pasting data, backlinks, etc)

+Creating A Job Ad

Keys To An Effective Job Advertisement

Give steps (The less vague, the cheaper the bids. Our 14 page ad attracted more quality candidates than anything else.)

ALWAYS get samples upfront

Put in a qualifier

Explain what’s in it for them (long term work, feedback, why it’s a fun job, etc.)

+Creating A Job Ad

Sample Job Ad

+Creating A Job Ad

Key Points From That Job Ad

Explained exactly what was needed

Asked for a sample before anything

Put in a few steps (Purple cow, need a sample, make sure to tell me how long it’ll take you) to sort for people who can follow instructions

Asked for price per 50 comments – NOT an hourly price

In future I might include sample for people to refer to

+Creating A Job Ad

Going Through Job Advertisements

Immediately reject anybody who didn’t follow all instructions

Look at bids (Start rationing out bids that are too high or too low)

Look at feedback If no feedback, talk about doing a small trial job first, or

asking for a few references.

Ask follow-up questions to gauge how quickly people respond (Do they take an hour? 72?)

+Creating A Job Ad

Going Through Job Advertisements

Confirm deadlines with people Reiterate how important deadlines are

Can work out “less money if past deadline” clause Can definitely tell people feedback will be affected Let them know more work will be given according to

quality and meeting the mutually met upon deadlines

+After The Job Has Been Awarded

Give clear and concise instructions Explain all the details and give examples Make it clear you’re open for communication (but that you

expect not to answer questions twice) Give milestone work (this way you can check without

getting in “too deep”) Ask for progress reports daily If you’re training for a custom-task, make a quick video

If you may want ongoing work explain that this the initial job is a trial so both of you can gauge your satisfaction in working together

+Training Providers

If you’re training for a unique job position…

Video is great. Jing is free for 5 minute videos or you can get JING Pro for $14.95 a year.

You can gauge how long each task takes you If for some reason things don’t work out with this

provider you will have immediate training for a new provider

People seem to learn a lot easier by watching things in motion versus having to read long explanations

You can show examples Can also get them transcribed Always explain in “blanket form”

You may also consider tests to grasp understanding Google Docs is great for multiple choice tests

+Creating A Job Ad

3 Questions For Providers To Answer Every Day (a la Eben Pagan)

1. What did you get done today?

2. What obstacles or challenges did you face?

3. Do you have any questions for me?

+Sample Hiring Process

Sample before application Application Sent to training site Test given on how to use training site Test given on job Trial assignment 30 Day Trial with Tier 1 Pay All work sent to proofreaders if article writers If quality is good after 30 days, extended a formal job

invitation and Tier 2 Pay

+While They’re Working For You…

Take the time to give feedback so that expectations are clear on both ends It takes 300-500 repetitions of something to master it the

“right way”, but if someone learned the WRONG way, it takes 3000-5000 repetitions to “right” it.

You don’t want to get stuck later on with performance you’re not happy with but knowing you never said anything

Since you’ve worked out a trial period, you can legitimately see if the provider can do what you want (or not) – and let them go if they can’t do what you want.

+How To Pay People

Keys In Paying People

Always go task basis This way people don’t take their time Is generally a LOT faster You never feel slighted There are no surprises You have fixed costs you can budget for

+How To Pay People

Keys In Paying People

Always go task basis

Pay on time (If you want them to be fast for you, you need to be fast for them.)

Express gratitude for the work they’re doing

Random bonuses (but NOT raises all the time… more on that soon.)

Incentive bonuses can work very well (“I need at least $4,000 a week. I’ll give you 20% of everything above that for the next month.”)

+Rewarding Workers

Know their culture

Don’t do anything prematurely

Sometimes words of affirmation may be all they need (so take the time to get to know them)

Special paying time-limited jobs are another option


Do you have any questions?