¦ oulccau' ; ' i * ¦ ¦ ¦ g; coca i l t il...

i SHE fCTASEHEOBB IIETTn ESTASITSHUD1847. " " Z^CJcnt Cirjoulatioa in. South o2 XBdlaad I W eoery PEIDXT, and Second Edition, on 8ATUBDAY : Uornfnj£,>l No.. 49 and SO, O'OcmueU.SirVrt . (orrosm tni PEOVIBCUI BWX). fn) EICB0NE PENN 7; TearlWin Advonos), 43.4a . _1T ; , By Post (Yearly), 6B . 6d. I C27" All Cheques and P. 0. Ordera , made payoble U> COBHBMTJS JP. BEDIIOND, at this Ofiloe. I i ^— —— I TBB N EWS 'circulates . oxtonrivoly omonRBt the norchanta, traflero and nobility, gantry, forming Iclaaaes, |Ao., in ' ^ Watarford, Kilkenny, Tipperary, and the southJ of Ireland generally. The NEWB ¦ has attained & circulation never eqnalled by any papsT pntlubid' in \7&terford , agfl ia adraittodljr the lead- ins j onnial in this important city, MitV^luoh there is direct daily cenimunication from London. Particular attention paid to commercial and A(jricul- ioral matters. I AdTortioemenU reooivedtorthe Niwa by all resrpoefc- able Newspaper] Agents in the UnitodKinsdoni ,.,pre- payment roqnisito from parties not known at the omoo. ¦Ggonto for Ealo of TB£1 UEV7D.. ond fos | Advorticozionta : nATEEEOlfc~Ii3i:5^ix.tT ^ Glia»Cmo Strcofa _ Uira.So' ilrBL ^ icii'roacb^w £' ?-~ .zi, Ilr. Huomia , lluyot ' a VJ^li. ' ¦ Jlri P. M. EOIK , Qnay. -r Mrs. Qoitrr , John Street. Mi an EAVAJUOH, O'Connell StrcA'Mr. HAT; 110, Quay. liri D. CfHTT r T.C, Jolinctown. Mr. DOBSTN, Barrack 8treet. Mr . THOMAS LONBBUAN , Lowor Yellow Eoad. DtWQABVAX—Mr. E. K EON , T.C, Uoin-Btreot. Mr. 1 Math ' awWAtBH- TEAMOBE—1I1«8 CiiANCT , Refreshment Boomn. CAPPOQUIN—Mr. JONES TBOT , 31, Allen-Street. CARBICK-ON-SUIE—Mr. J AUKS UCQ&ATH, Main- ' .: Street , ard Mies HAWE . LI81IOBE—Jlrs- 1IIU.DE. PILTOWN-Mfes BOCBE . K1LUACTHOUAS—Uifs M ARY DED PASSAGE EAST-Mins LOVE . Kltlr—Mrs. BOHAYNE. DUNHILL—3. H CELET . TALLOW—T. Clancy. OXOGGA—Mrnl BKDDT. TIPPEBABY—P. O'CONNELL , Chnroh Streot. 8TBADBALLY—J. FOEAN . NTJW BOSS—Mr. T. Dinncen , Qnay 8treot- KILKENNY-r-Hr. WOODLOCK , Proprietor Beiluoy Book Stall. WATEBFOBD BA1LWAY STATlOW-UrairD. E ABON 4 SONSI Book Stand. LONDON— CLABK E , 8ON , & PLATT , 85, Grooe- clnroh Street. C. MITCBILL i Co. , Red Lion Conrt, Fleot-»t R. P. WBITE & S ON 33, Fleat Stroot. ¦ . SHXLLIT : & Co., 5 , Lcadenhall Streot , E.C. Temple News Boom, 172 , Fleet Strost. JJpfiBrB. STREET A Co., Corn HilL EtLiNUBL ' e PrfeBAgonoy , Wcotbonrno Park, W. Mtierc Kiso & SON , 10 , Bolt Coprt , Fltet-St . Il r. J. T OONO , FUet-Street. do. do. DUBLIN—MeoBrK. CBAB . EABOH & SOH, Abboy-ct F. B. O'KEEFFE, 1 , St. AndroiT-Strcot. Q aogal iftnil Sttanuto^o 0QT11 D OTATEC:Q ; ©aaiaD^- Uc<5c7 contract .with the Canadian.. Ggrcxnicsnl ..fox oonvcyance of the Caaadian Lltila). 7rr>m Liverpool. MONOOLIAK „.For Halifax t Portion^ Nov., S3 COBCAV For St Jobu' e, K.^>i anil Halifax Deo. 5 LATJRBNTIAH For Hft' i f»j & Por»l»n 6 Deo. 11 CAUTHAOIKIAK . .. For S'- John ' s , 7\ ' .F. , and HiWe r Dec. 19 iS' uMiDiA.s- ... Vet Halifax & Portland .. Dec 28 Polron Pefeoge . 10 , 12 . 15 end 18 (Ivineca Prrand Cubin . £~ . Strcrsrc £5 StS Siort'K nrH ( b«] e«t POB ' P to CuraHa , Monitob* , IfrjU-Viii i 7<ril :«nrf , Btilifl^ Coltabm ord all ro'ntB ir t>p TV CS ' TO St . * 1 *" ° f ; Apicric» C^cep ^roap h rater \o An*tralia ard New Zealand via CP.B, \trrrnviT end HnnolDln. KIOO I E- Frruc lo Setllcrp srd Hcorffrod Certifipo*e» rating to the GoTcrBroert Fico Grant Lnndo of 160 1h< rrr r cI1 . T' ' ^ ppf' 8 ' " H ANDBOOK or I NFOEUA- z i'N " 1 t-rnr '-FrTrr u rt ' Biportu , and Mop» free. £3>' Vri-teir boond pasBcngeiB accompanied byo Sp.cioJTrTidoct<'r. Dirfrt nfirirof from I.oorfonoVrry to Neo York, Boflon, ord PWlo^flp hitt all the year. For FrrlVpriricinotioncrpIy to ALLAH BBOTBFB8 t Co I' . 1 Jen- .f-p Street. Livcrponl , aDd 50, Foylo 8trrrt ' . ' Lororhderry ; J AIIZP & A LZX. ALLAH, 25, Bo 'Wel) Strrrt , Slafgow. and i , Eyre bflnarp, G»1*»y : J SCOTT * Co., ' QneeDetown ; \7ABD BRfTH»p> , ?. Esnorpi fdrd Street, Wntcxfoid ; TBOIIAP Pvi : CF.LL, 6, BorTonofrimd Street , «»«>r- (ord ; or W IILIAII J ONEB -TPOY , 31, Allon Btrcat , ^ TJSl. November 21 , 1833. c?i Buslcnd oud South T7ol ctf. and tho gcutb of Ireland. G TT5C<3 ^ OPFAOnvESTEBN BAILWAY COD Trany ' p Tramn aiid St€aml)oate. «io MrLfOEP HATV M, io connection i7ith . the . WATEBIOBD and L IUIBICK , W ATEEFOBD & CBHTBAI. IBE- U»D,0cd ^*T«BFOED , DuMGABVAlI , LlSUOBB AKD KtBMOV LlJIEB. Dhorteot Eoato cad Seaticod PGTCD. —-——— | "V—3^1 £rj>r«n Traint and Pati ^fiaT^U !) V i* ail Sldotnor* Dai/y. Hit I'T 1 " 1 " ¦ ford oil P a "if *f; n on Sunday morning th. 10 .0 6.P>-| Tl 2 n to n*Ar * o=bicot to it. bcinj Cbiflo f &lSgl ui the Stumer to bo otartod chipped I ^^ HTHCTtJAM-T. T ^j }rom New MUford "&> The . 5 15| a . t ffl -tal of uteamer leavin 8 Watcrford in all caeca, T ""' ftrT1 * : BIH«» (available 1 »«k) lrt ^^ gj^, , as. U :: i:; 8l d <ai. 'SdFo»o*!«- »» M EETBI IOT (ovpilabl* ono montb^^ clasB & g3lx ^( yg^ 2nd Clca3& Saloon &?J. "Jaf^S' ' ' ^«ct : An-nt, . AddsM . - m^. Watorford. l pENEY LAMBERT. CtenWpVW 3 ^ PoddindtoD Toroinna. _ ^ ¦: jiMERtGAN , ' : LIME. - - •CT^ te =Sr1N\ UNITED STATES MAIL ^ T i^b=» 8TBAUBP5, in the VTcutcrn States. ^jOHABtows ^M.WeBtem^ Ckw*^ ^^^ \7at orfora . GtcamDUp Cotipony (i.mrrEDi. I EtTEHDED OEDEB.0F ¦ BAttlHQ-rNOFBIinBC. l£:i _ , : ' DTEAlEEEH'i : : -r 1 . ' . 1 *-* DUNBEODT. BEGINAiD, COM.EBAOH, LABA MENAPIA, CBEADEN, &d. ; ^ aa > ' V- ¦ TVi ¦ W^ IC ^ Tioi-TToiiiford crr^ ^ -^ sSiK -^ Steamship Company (limited) ¦ "S^^ VtlSSv. nwoiw Ooeds &Miaw iSSSk forcSp ' "=;—. iaSSl* "iQ* condlUona raont!onc<J fa ^ ^^^ ^ Biniim lasts , co ^, i, i^ Bt yjjj, ¦ OulCCaU' ; ' ¦ : : I * ¦ " ¦ ¦ " WATBEVOBD AND BEISToii ftieay, Nov. 8- .- inffnooff Wcd' ci^, HOT, I...H n^t Tcjsifaj, 7... J aJVBoon . today. ;S . aI rSorSLb Wdaj, in... 2 ilt' nooa . Thurcav. ,, : 9 .5 moinKi IWiy , U... Sift'aooa Sjtardv; * ^ -li... 7 iftSSm "Way. ,, 17... 3tIt' BOOH WedncSay, 15... 9oljtEt Tuesday, ... 21 .^ laft' oooa Satordajr, 1S...13 n7ol«W WUj, St._ 8 •Ifnooa " Thdrsdi y £1.;. 4 ooroloc Tncal v, «... Siffnofla Sturdy; ,..;«...««Jt5o3S Wednosday. M...10 t,lsht ea. On early Morning fiilHngi , Cablsa of th« atcsaar* will oa opea to racolTb Pajaenjerd axrivliijt by Urn Hlatt ; W«q AYer*ge 8ea Paa8agoUtol5 Hour». ! f . Piira—C»bln , Blsg!e, Ua. ' | do. SI BKIOCVfldron (tmd Ear- «nu tnTelling with-F&nUisa) {LOa.<.ctoJIotara^anU3M« tor r«o raostbs , optional to return bom or to UTOTOO «1I. 253 i Dock; BingleV7(i. 6d; i do Children. 43. ^ "J™).»» l Loading Eerth-Canibsrlaad Bulp, Bristol. ^ WATEiPOBD 4KB LIVEBPO,01, ¦ s mis wiTmdLi. ~ : 'I raoK Uv-circoL. ;.. Wcd' sday. Hor: 1 ...a*ft' aooa W«do£tdny, Norl .->«ft' aooa «Wd?y. , r . U.. . .leCfao<m- •R 1 ^ay1v ,. ! fc^fmam nS5' " "'4' ''- E t :1 -" '< -v ^" 1 ^- ¦ ..I 8_ , 9 inrirn . Friday, in._ 2 aft' ooo n Wdaj, ,. Iu...i2oobn Bandar, 12... 7 morn ;; tlondjy, . !i 3 i tft t noon Wed' caij, 15. l otVnooa Wjancday. Ji 15. J SfSSoS Bandar, 19... 7 morn Uondiy, 20 ., 7 alt' noon. Wod' sdk y, as._ 8 6lt' aooa Wednesday, . .Ja . 8 »ft. Wa Prl^y, ,. 24. S affnooa fcWaj,- T. sCto .^ 09 * Bundny, lf 2S..J 7 mom. Hond«jr 27 12 noon •Vji' adjy, 23... 1 aft' noon VVodneadar. ,, 23... a utfnoon Tho Snnday ^ Vecsals Loa4 it North -Whcrt , Waterford. AToraro Sea Pacago 14 to 15 Hoara. " . "' FABES Ca^Jn, Single, Ua. j do. clnslo—Children (and Serraata teiTolllM with famlllo») 10a ; doBetarn (arnil- aWe for Two months, optional, to retnrn fromor to Bristol) 25a. 1 Dock, single , 7»-fld 1 doTtoigle. ChildreB , fa. Loadia? Bfrth-Clarenoe Doik , LlTOrpool. Goods . Booked tlwonuh fconj all prlnclpsj Stations on Great Northern , Great Western, Lanoaohlre , aid Yorkibiio, London and North Western j ;London and Sooth Wejtem, LIiDcbrater . ghefiela, and LlacoLnBnira , jmd Midland Eai]. w»ra to Waterford. (Thxoush i BookiagT duo with Llmiriok , TippersTT, Ihntlea. Ennia , fiuJa. Qori .^athl:«U(i Urtowol. NoiTcastla . and .Tralce . &o. I Goods Booted throwjh fronj all Stations on TVaterfo«£ and CratrclIielimd BtUTTar.Waiorford , Ihrnfantn, and Ll£nois Eailway, and Wateriord and Limerick Bailwav, fucela bookod thronRb at low Bates to all prinolp&l Sta- tions on London and North *W^etorn R&ilwaj J 1 WEXPOED AND BBI8TOL. ' ¦ . FSOM , W*x«)Si>7- ; 11 F«m FSJSTOL, calllnff.at ¦ Tneeaai*. . jr«nby, Hilloid; io —Pf/dajs. WATEBVOBD A , !N 1> NEW JJ08B PEOH NBW Boas—Dailr , Eondays eiovptod, at 9-14 ' a.nu Fcoa WATECJO^I)—PaUi.. Bniidaj6 prccpted, at a 15 iTm. WATE T TO BWl MjST DTIWe A'S VO Ttf FBOU HuscAaiioH;-rDaUjr, Sundaya optcopMdJatasO tjn. Fnou 'WAIIBJOIDBally, Sundays eicoptcd] at 8.0 p.m. NOTI—The Waterf ord Steanship Company, Limited , Insnn all GoodB Shipped by thraj Lines of 6 ' tciinort it S3. 4<1. nor Cost, to Trsiwra baring Toils AjTCcncato , and &i. por Cent, to Occasional Shippers, vilne \o be declared at tuao of Shipment. Forma and all Information to " bo had at tea oflces. . j Berths coanrod and OTCXT itiocmitioa gircn b y Arrnta at WATiBroaD—Waterford Bteimah p Co. (TJraitedT. HcsA OEces , The Hall. 1 ! ' Lirxarooi/—Waierford Stnunahlji Company (Llmltcfl), £0 Water-stieet . and Clarence Dook. BSISTOLWatcrfurd Steamship Company (Limited), C3, Cocon Square—and CnnibCTlan4 BicJi. "IT WEiionD. —Watcrford Steamship Company (Limited), NEW Bens—Walorford Btcamahin Company' * Olllc*. Dujrciraos—Watorford Steamship CompanrfsOOoo. Lmiaicx—L ODCT Shannon Bt^»mBhlp Company ' s Ofloo, Uonut Kenno ' o Onaj. ' " r K1X.8C8B—Loner Shannon Stcusohip Companr' o pOca. Capna Qnay. Rcyiatcrcd Address for TeleKnuns:—" 8TEAiI" at Watcrford , Liverpool , BrhtoLor.Wexford. Clyde Shipping Company, Ltd HOVEZIBE$i: 1893. ! Bcg ' SlarMleczi Ooi~ ,TZ ' j r.ieatiov beiaeen . T7AT33BPOED | and LO' ITDOZT fLTMOUXH A»D 8OUTHA1IPTON, NEWHAVEJJ, DOVEBi AWD , SOTJTH or ENGLAND, ' CORE, DUBLIN, : BEUABT ADO aiiASOOVr, -V ^^ ^y rjnHE New and powerful, crir " —SV\' -U- Bcrow Stcaacra ^ABANIipEE, 'W ^ \^X BA LLYCOTTON. CLOOH, CUHBILE, •«CC_ T^DUNGENESS, ' 3D C 1 Y S T O<H E/ IHISHTBAHULL; PLADD£ POBTLAND, 'EATaLIH, SANDA , B1IEE2YVOBE, TTOWAEX , ' TUI3ZAB, " VALEIiXU. ! are , iaten<el . .to s»£l as ¦ nader, weather penalttinfr (nnleas ' prerentod by nnforesoss cirenmstances), with liberty io tow Vtosabi and to call at any Fort or Forte in any ord«, in or ont of ths onstomary conrse, to Eecoire and DisoHargo CarBO , or for any other purpose whatcoovor. . xtiTxaiosl) to oucaou. Ercrr UOITDAY (Direct) 1 ip.m. ; every 'WEDHE3DAY (Tin Plymooth) in No»eo>bcrJ 1 P-m. ; £lb. 4 p-m. | ' ISth. noon ; 22nd, 4 J>.m ( 29th, coca. OLioaon 10 TTAISEIOBO. Evcrj UOITDAY (Direct) ^ *. - P-°- nail, tp Greraocfc ._«0 p.m- ETCTJ THDB8DAY (Direct) ... - ' ~. * P-m. ' Bail, to Qrc3aoc& .A£3 pan. ITATTZTQaD 2O STL7AST. Eicry SATURDAY (direct) ¦ - 1 P-m- BttFABT TX) WAIERTOSn. ETCty TUESDAY (ria Dnhlkul KATXIXrOBl) TO nUWJS, Etery SATUBDAY (via Bclbst) 1 p tn. DOBLIH TO WATXarOKD, DlBICT— \7EDNE3DAY8 , 1st NoTCmbor , 6 p.m. ; 8th. 8 p.n ; 15th, 4 p.ro ; i2nd, 7 p.m ; ath, 5 p.m. mrxBrosa TO COUS. Ererj 'ITJUESDAY (Direct) ... - 1 p.n. Coin TO WATIIFOIU ) . Dlroct— PE1DA YS, 3rd November, 3 p.m. 1 10th, 6 p.m ) 17th, ° p.m 1 21th, ^ p.m. WATXBVOfiS TO LOHDOU. Every Saturday (rta Sonthampton) ..- ... * p.m LOSDOS (St. Eatharino Dock), ro Winraroan 1 THUBSDAY6, 2nd NOTombcr, 7 a. TD. ; 9th, noon j 16th , 6 a. in :23rd, 11 a-m ; 30th, 5».ni. Ho tranahlimcnt by thia ronto. Ord ers tor oollootfon or deUrery of Goods sent to M'NAKABA ft Co, (Llmitod). 14. Castlo-Btrect, Finsbury } to Oydo Shlpplnj Coapaa>, 123 , Lcadenhall 6treet, or Clyde SUpplnff Coavanj, E Weaiomo, Ct Katharino Dock, will rcccitoprompttttotOfla. WATXBronD TO PLiBOBTa, dlrtot, WEDNESDAYS, lit November , 1 P.m , - Bth , 4 p.m j 15th noon j 22cd, 4 pirn ; 23th, noon. PLTBOUTH TO WlTrBTOCB , direct— ¦ BATUHDAYS, 4th Norembar, I V-™- ' I HJh , noon (from Pontoon) IBth, nooa , - 25th, noon (from Pontooa). - WATwtrOBD TO 8ooiiiAiirT0a. Every aATDBX>A, Y.l<Urect),. 4pra SOUTBAJITTOB TO VATZEJOaD. Erery PBIDAYf-TiA PiTrotmi. WATXSJCSO TO NSWHATBB . Drcry SATUBDAY. Tia Southamp ton ... ~. ? p.m NnrBATxa +0 WATuasoin. Ercry IIDKDAT (via Dover , ai Southampton), Carco only. Wironu TO Dovza. ETcrr SATUEDAY (riaOoutl ampton and Hirohavon), 4 pm. i D0VT3 TO WATaarOM. i Every TUESDAY {via BputVsmpton). Oupj 03I7. Thoco Etcamorn tavo cicoltot cecommodstlon for ransom pA88AOE .uOHEY Cabin. Cotura. bteonse. Cctom. ^Urfo rd^Gla^ -I Tj- ed. g. Ito. jg. " Cork, ... , Si. ?i Ill 51 7s. 6d, ' Plyttouth v™A 1 " Southampton 9Ox Od. Cto. lto. 1S3. London, via Goath* " ^«npton.&Ball l£i ITewhovca , 20a. Cd. - lta. - - DOVCT, - Si M- - I0x " FromDnb> ~. A. jOd. .. - ..„ „?, - CUldren above » and nadtr 12 years of a«o, tttf -rare. Eo tnrnTicie ts avaiUbSfor two oonths-not tpcsferablo. 5- NOT^ be Cly da Bhlppini} Company (Limited) on r ™r« floods sUiiped by theso lines ol BUameni asaimt S"S BSkT FormZ Ifcuf ¦ of Premium; and . all inforEa- , * %?££" »^£%. ™iy to fflw, j. w-g. A Co Fl^roonth i Tco uABilf'GAimn. Lanoon aiMl South- JP' SSltS PUcT . Olloirowj Cnstom Honw SulMinc* , i Pncdal ionas of BfllJ of Ladiaj reaofred[ bj; tha Clyds ©Q[R]©Ii [? W)Klll s UHE<£UALLED AS i A B73&XGIOUD 0HOUACI2XC UAY BE OBTAINlSD ' OP 'ALL GEOCEBS AND j WD7E MGBOHAKTS : "P ' : Uan ' jfaetorera ' . [§[|0&Ev|Ci . -®l3AtFl[S : (LlinTEX)). DUBLIN; , Jy2W3 KSATDIG'S ¦ ¦COUGH LOZEHQES hut, I should, Uke to _ l JSi/ ° 0 oong " SiacoTbtd the op- wondon toroJUrto? my tetri 0 oougn ^ ^ E ^ PCTO, eraUon of' Tw^tfrn fthank Godfl »o rtiU alfti)*er Germany. »d _ «»^l^J^mliil. iio onaoouW pebbly formed at fct BartholoniCT|pno»p^. ^ yna that have bad a n"» 8 7 1! >telt -S??* 1 l' X nhtob was rery cop ious TjTjprEBLY UKBIVALLED. Snt ono ^onordi immedito . beotfit, »lth.o«h torn tha WEIGBET M GOLD. l TTn^Mdato8e . 8. M* »D> " rit5M ' "^•houM tons: rise* SSSS^SfiQUp 'faiid* s .THROAT •fTiiillBl.E S. ¦ —¦ ¦ ' ¦ _ j : _,^i -™. rflt»nk »fltet-p5»trf :tra»h «o m ich sold 2*J^ l ^'»2d * l»7§irt nu?M.% Goia^rSi» , AWD C01fI&IAl 3 g; COC A A powerful necve stimulant ReatoreD! tho ifunctioas. qf the digestivo orgcjno, atrengthens tho montol ^ nd phy sicfil powoi^s, ^qsiuf geCthir^, relieves nervous debility . O7.iy ^ And ch.S .^. - Dopp, t . : . BL CONyNGEAM ,, and;' . C0., 32 , UPPER BAQGGT ST- , DUBLI N 3crSS° - * •• ¦ , : : ¦ ¦:¦ ;< . ' •;• ¦ ¦^ ,\ ' : ; ' " ¦ . I C:i rriaso Pri4 023" , TTEISOiro . no^nott^. Src^teq.Qat roa THU cnim AI?D Bciainf px PAIN AKD XJEAKNE83 JU THB BAC2^ Rbonjnatierfl , Nervori lUtanp^on , .Livqr Comphiiio , liombajo, Heads chea, Oononmptioii, Stoiatioa , BroneLitw, Asthma, Plenricy, ^??^ „. FniQonary Affco- Tetnale Dioordoro , Kidney Dxocai* . tionsi <3enoral end Local E pilepsy, .. CWds. j to,, Dobility, r " ttjrajjpiB, . Nourolsji,, 1 Jonotional Disor- rndigMbpn , , SpinaJ. A . ilmon^,. doro, wnatlpafaon , ,, Bilionsneca, Chronic Couffh , otu. "TO5TETTOir8 WOELD FAMED PATENT CTJSA- V V TIVE MAGNETIC APPLIANCES , mads for all parts of the- body. S1 KONOLY BECOMMEJTDED TO SUFFEKEES AS A BEiIEDY. : v . C2T' 8p2atil <&. piijo-Pampyot , illnctratcd. oontun- mg modical and other testimonials, list of priors, end Renornl . infptcution. nratiu or- poot (roo. . AlljnCprcra ohould get it and read it. No remedy equals MasnoUca. A FEW Of ODE. LATEB? TESTIMONIALS COLD FEET. Cnliem. 8onth Parado, Belfast, Ootoba, 25th, 1633. <or eomatlco I snffcrcil from Cold Foot. Your MarrnoUo Jnsoles cured me, and by constantly weari ng them I 1=3 alijajo nsrm, evpn, in the cold weather. No ono ohould bo without them who is troubled with cold feet fUra.) J Krawsnv. HEART PALPITATION & NERVODS- NESa Coragh , Jlathmoyljn, Ecflelrt , Co McatL, , , . . SHh SopUmbor, J83^ I »m glad to infona you that the Mngnotio Belt nhloh I purchased frora you for my wife in Jun ft 'oa . baa besm ol ?e p r , ««a» . ° eaea»-to . her. Sho was a grea t snfforor from palpitation and nervousness, bal alnoo wearing your Belt oho has had only one or two llitbtattactj. ¦ CniKifa J. 'JUJTIBC 3, Clerk of PettT Sccions , 1TNDIGESTIOLI AND WEAK BA(X -11 6, Liamore Terrace , Botanio Avonoe , „. ,. . _ Drumcondrd , TinbUa, Ao s . ESrd. 1883. The UameUo Bolt 1 (rot from yon-bit joar has iroricd rronaern. I TOnered from* iraiEatlpB and Peal back, but 1 en cow cbd to cay I am cujcl , tp i enj^y patcit toJth. 1 W. Bcicn. TT OSS OP APPETITE ;. •&-& ' KUleavyEeetory, Ne-rry, _, August 17th, U&S. Harlng corns months aga »uf?ered ..Irpm JL vorj tad •ppetlt«. I: got one of ^eajm WettQn . . ima Cft ' s llijnstis ~i.. AItcr J-?? 1 ?. 1 torS . short tim ' o.1 tonnd ny apprtite OTCiOy improvca, nhkb I , cololy attribcto to Wetton 8 liajnctlo . Appliance, j ' (Ke>.) J. 0. Icvrip (I' cstor). LUNG AJ^ECyiON-4^D WEAK KNEE- Lavslly Bouce , ClontDol , 8tb Febmary 1893 About -13-t3ootha »po I had a vorr norere fall from a borce by whlea I hadT ny knos Joint badly dlslocatod . bnt from.Treiriii j your Kne» Cay It trps oomplet«lj atr nrtboned m two months I subsequently procured one of jour Lunrr Inrifforaton for a (rleod who bad ono of hi* lonmi aSocted rod to dJ7,Tca the gratc^ .btaelt.tom it. Your Lnmr li.-risorator enould bo cora by anroco enflortng from tto cheat or lungs. DEBIB nr»r. A STHilA & BRONCHIAL AFFECTION , ^ii- SptlnjrejQ, Moaeympre, Co. riorry, ?Jth Jinsac , IK3. It is iritli (rrcatplcaeoroI gira joa thbtuctt In ref«resce to tbe Lung Inrieoratora I jrotfrdm you. Prior to November 1831, tho man for Whom I gotpuevhad been for some ream subject to ' asthma and bronohial affection, and from constitutional vcakneffi* >u ' uujhlo to itond cold Tho Lung Iurlgoratorl got in lYovembcr, 1831 , proved effectual , as the man paezed the winter without being troubled witi asthma , and nu able to endure cold la a war that he coal not have done be(n» he got it. Tmm Mg^i (J.P. ' FAIN IN" BACK , GENERAL DEBILITY Bellrue. New Bou, 27th Decembor. 1E?3. 1 had beoc suffering eome tlmo ago with a piin in my back and general debuit j. Some: of mt friends ponraadod mo to try one of your Magnetic Belts. I did so, and I am happy to ear I fool much better now, and almost froe from pain in ay back , and my general.health is vorr mnoh tmproTed . <J. NlcuoLsoa Jo7c< TTJ HEUMATISU IN SHODLDE b. iQU TToodotock Houto, Atbj , Co Klldarc, May 18th, ifc'Ji. It U with great pleasure I bear testimony to tbo gro benoflt II havo eipcrlcuced fron weiring jony shoaiao appliinr& Tsouu J'LCTrnAii. ¦pAIN , WEAKNESS IN BACK AKP HlPb iL Olebo Mills, fJojlo, Co. BOKommoL. 23rd August, 162J. Having fullr teatod the curative properties ot jour Magnetic Appliances 1 can now with confidence tud gratitudV fomieh D; testimony to their reallr wonderful and bononcla. ellecta, Daring tbe months of Feoruayy, 'Maxcb, and April I differed teTcrelf from 1 aina and wcaknra in mr back , bipi and tblffh. Part of tno time I. was totall y unabio to do any bueinesa, and S'^arccij sblo *o wmlk or tnoro about. On applying yonr appliances I CAU p dtlvclr »ui« that In 4* boori" the par-s ^ntirelj left ma ara befnre tha cod of tbe momh oj usuitl strength a d activity nu completely restored. HUUB STETJUIT /PI HRONIC BRONCHITIS, NERVO 3SNE8B VL/ Parraakill NotipnaJ School CaoOcCTCjory, County Kerry; lBt Auju sfc IS/2. Tho Lun« Invlgorator and other appliances which 1 purvhaf ed trom you in Juno ol last scar baro proved mOGt Dt-ueticlul to mv bealth , ao muoh so that I attribat« to them toe complete re-establiahment of my (onner vigour and energy. Heading one of jour publio tcstimonUla, I im- mecUaUilr procured jour appliono^i , with the result that was eoou enabled to go abroad *tth impunit/. Kly former appetite, rigour, and eneixf bej a& to rotnrn , and the racling coutf h entirely dionpeared, I now enjoy hotter t.b-in oy ' fonaor ueual health. : Jona O'DoaimiA- yOONSTIPATION AND EKEDMATISII. (1. PsnwnstowB, Onno , Co. Ilcath , l ^ cuflorcd Irom Chronln lthounatiam ana Conati paUoni for OTOT four years. Doriog thai period I bad to give np dutv throe times and had to enter hoopilal twico with little hones ol erer beon ablo to retnrn to dutr acnin. I rros then advised to ura ono of your Special rower llasnctla Holt* Procuring one trom you 1 wore it only about threo SjnthB , when, thank Ood, I conpletoly cored and htd 00 lttac1 ' ""^ U. UcCA>K, Bcrgcant B LC. rr DiLBAGU. I! J Thurlesbej IIouco. Cinhol, Ji- 13th February. ICW. I was qoite. a martyr to Lumbago for years , and coma cl^ht reu» aso was Induced to try one of your Belts. Clnca then 1 have novor cuHered In tbe least , and would not be without tho Belt for any consideration. I Bare such confldonc* in your treatment that I am now petting a throat ap^ n hnn Jroa you for coro throat ' EonBao PuiiUHi J.P. TD> HETJUATI8M AND SCIATICA. inFj Knnlicorthy, Co. Wezford. September 25th. 1 havo been suOerins from Chronio Bti uiaitlao for over £0 yean , durtnj which timo Itil p a vaxicus rcmodlca nithout rccdvSff tnrbeueat unUl last Hovember , when 1 purchased onTcfJooJfaasuctle Belts, which I am happy to tay, dia adealofrocd. I have STdi ooaflaeaca la icoomnandhn; tho nxaTo! It to , any pcrcoa suCcrinij bom rhoumattia t-d tcilt!cv Joaa Bums (Bottlo Brou). Onr Arcnt ior 'WttcrJord'ind Dutrictia Our ABcsn i ^^ HliNEif BELL, Dru^t. THD QOAT. rrp OPTOEC TO UPTUBE 8UCTEBERS faca Hernia (Rnptnro) tro re coai meadsd to near Wcttca ' q MesnEtio Trim. All tieds kegttn etoc^t cs.A auis t5j order.;, TO1LAST1C APPLIANCE8 to Silk and Cottca fc: iCJ VtrlcoM Vebs, ^pnJns; WeaUnc:: , - ic. I (Bnparior Quality). SILK ELA6TJO Siocimoa, 12a. 6d. per pdr. Corron ¦ \ A _ 8^ 0d. LADI £8' AcoonCBBacnr SUPPOET BELTS IJrJa . to Order. ' i ' —~ NOTE—PB1CE8- PEICES. IIcn ' « BeltJ from 103. 6d.!; Bpecial povrcr fron lie. 6d. Lane; Invigorators from 12c 6d. j 21e. Od. KceS-Caps] Ps.«M- .J , » lte. Ci VOT lull and detailed; pneo list of onr numerous AcrJkact? G<* oar Dcrcriptivo- Iiluitrc tcd PetDph!:^ f ^gtjr^_ - .. ! (i^Ca.) TiCltcM rcqucsttaj Bdvica receiro . onr bnt attcntioa Consultation* Krea. . Illastrat ed Pcmp hJtU gnto. Imcaton , Patertce^ and JUar.itfcct xrcn ' . ; ' W|ETTQN ; & GOJ 9 LOWER ' SA . OKVILLE STBEIDT, | ' •! DUBLIN. " DEAFSEea AHD KO'BES iB THD 0BAD ' JHZJI at th« oaildf» boa * , ' . Thjg ninitaitod Editloa also SiU oa^>cwS <S5ir»h, BroachiU. , Asthma , E*twm» SSntae» teuSSoii , V/ irpepiia , BLeomatton by Wadieo Hae» , I,<maoni W. -i J ¦ ,1 : - . . ' . . :w*-7 ' . ¦¦ ja- .TJH E , ¦ «!% " ' WOV E U0, . "" ¦ ¦ ?nrK :7DT0 BiXL: DBIi^D^: . . BT THE PATENT LIQUOR CANE. To Cognacs in ths cane tojetier witli 0 drin' jin^ g lics, 7/0 SODi 1 PCE3. Tee latest and groateot Novelty catant. This Cono b jus ' " patented:and abcolutely nc>7 io.tkD OJnjUct. niccJ7 cotr; - ' and precents tha appea'ixnc? of n Cut <iaa walliir" epe when simp l y by prcc-ing tbo cprbj the top b rtpoved end yon hove refrcihmcnts of every description in indopendcat of any local veto whims Procurable DEADW(j )OD DICK . ,^ OLARKE '& GO 'S : ,. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ] . . ' - ' - •l^'l ¦ /<.» ': , . i Ta . ¦: ¦ ¦ ¦> .. I. t [¦¦ ¦ ' V^' ¦ ¦ ¦' Te e VitcvtSo. HZHS. eicollent conditio!), thereb y tnalcing youreelf indo only from tho ori ginal. Novelty Kirn. THE " DEVIL'S OWM " C SALOQ1" AIM: tlcda for U: D in tlo T7ilda of 8outh Africa j tho moat accurato timer in tha world ; will carry o «hot nearl y 400 yordj ; Bpeclall y introduced for in and out-door practica ; tho] latest and greatest novelty extint for ebooting birda . ribbiti, ciia. &o. It la cant cocurely packed in bcautifnlj} finhhed cr.se together frith 100 rounds ol Ammunition tad a quantity of darts. Paiccs :— No. 1. Japcnned ... ... ... 43. 9d. No. 3. Extra finish, rovolror hr.t.ilo , ITo. 2, Silrcr- ' ^ticd ell ovor 63 Od. vulcanite velvet-lined c- .co end inviiiblo ppriiij ... ... ... Si. Gd. Postage and Packing 4W extra. TLa:o Pictob aro thoronghl y recommended, and have otood tno ccvero tot of time and imitation , but otill hold thtir pofitioa 13 oecend to none. Cataloruea Port Frvi * (jy8-tfJ 4^,. (D3La^.55L5?>Cri3. '^ ' ¦ .Q. '5)-9 Arras and Ammunition Manufacturers and Novelty Agents , C , CAffKliB niLL OTpESEi: Dn.JGSftX. . . . ^ 12 31 5? 12 EJ J3 U CD IV (S> W IF El DZ Jfc II (3 /3. IVaLit .C']HLikiljiL W M . M-asta ninerai ^yate? Fastey ANO BOTTLING- STOK3S , HIGH STREET , WATERF ORD . /[ KWI^JG to the GTC:t inoreaoo la bto Baoines? , V O / HBV IBB taken tha nhole of the Old Meat tlarhot ia HIQH-8TR13ET, ho io noo in a pn;ttioc to meat all Orders nith dno promptitudo ond tbo falk:!:tcatlofr ,ctloD, Ho Jastl y at* .r|bct^D bi- VJo-^3r!ul 8acccna in Ppcioeci to the TEEATnEnT ADD DITPEEIdB. Q. VAL TH OP HID V3ZD T:, and the care esercloed in Bottling, notabl y QUINNESS'8 STOUT, BA88 L COS AL3 , R DI3UHE o od CO'8 ALE , HOP BITTERS. CTDEE, £c. .. - In tbo il lllEEAL WATEJ2 FACTORY , tlio Uaoblnery end Mnteriolo oced In the cahlnc of tbeoo Mineral Waters aro of the Very Beat Decori piion that can posuibl y bi, tii - Tj ^ZZxi, Lj cifio ttD P^lic to corpijiro Mo II. W. , i7ith nnj other mnko or Brood. Slo GniQEU Ac , LnuoHAOC, OQANOH CHAMPAONK , for Pnrlty, Aeration , Aromu imd EscoIK'nco of Flaifonr cannot bo esoallcd. He nould caj| opecial sttontlon to his ECLIPUE &on&. For Pprlty and Aeration it baa DO eqaa. Alto no to QUALITY and PRICES , bo woold WINES. SPIRITS, to AT k BABRONSTRAND EM.. STUIL^]L 3 2^r^.I^r 9 Blgh Street and Barronstrand Street , Waterford BE3? r^ (5MEAPEGT. rAC?ViV \ , Xk ^V^ INFAIJT5. \ \Nj K CHILDRBn, - v> iriVALIDS, AIID TBB AGED (BEIPI2 " QDE>UD HlElIEJLodJrnD " <,a (Dff ij diVCJZ AND THY ; ICTOIIA INSTEAD OF V7EL8H SLATES AND ENGLISH IBOU. : Tbo Bosi'd of Worbo' Architect vrritas— " Wo ana muoh plc::cd with tbco. " Tba ilarqnfj of Waterford uritCD—" I havo fouud them very good. " Revd. J. BTAIT, P P., Now Inn , Cahir, nrltea— " 1 conld recoamond tboin beyond aoy other 81atco I knoir. " Kovd. J. M'Grn , D.D., P.P., BtrcdbMl y, Qneoo ' o Co., T7ritci—"I recommend thorn as tho obenpeol and bc;t offprcd for cilo;" W. Q. Dootnr , Ecq., lI.A., the croinont Architvct , Dablio , writco— " Thn Victoria Slats la a bottfr and a otroogfi E!:fa than tbe co-celled Ban|?or. " Dublin Erhibition , 1682, end Cork Exatbitioa, 13C3—Flra t Priza M cdala tor " otreajtb , groin, icxtuto and colonr." ' (>23.Ca) 5BICE8 AND FULL PARTICULARS S EUt IUDIEDIATELY ON APPLICATION TO THE MAWACINC DIRECTOR. VIOTOEIA BLATE QUARSIES, Cairi()l:=on=Buir ©JMTRELL -BPECEALIfSEE. WESCT-IWO GOLD AND PBIZE HEDA1S AWARDED Kill mrnm, f3 IHSJ« 0 C3^ r Z""7 AITD COLONIAL OBDEliS AUB THB VARIOUS C Pcryoycjo to Hor XIqjesty V] ; ¦ | AUD IO | C353 CKOELLEKOY THE ;LPRD. Uj WOBES - DTXBXJraT MONEY-TflB ABBEY LOAN AND DlhCOUNT BANK. UO. MIDDLE ABBEY 6TE2ET, DDBUN.—The ebote Bank make! prirato Ci3h' adtancca la any port «f Ireksd, oilbout bkil, frooi £b to X1.000, to olerfrmen, fanmn, tradtimen, Clerfc«, «nd nil rotponslble Mtaooa ' , npon their not* of band done, lor «bort et lopg pcrioja. E«D»yto*nU can to emoEtd to «olt tbe oonrenicsca of borrowert. AU loommnnViatlaD* : at« kept «trlotl jr priratAi : WHtd or jply percon»llT ./or proBpectm , itaties MCwniB^to snSMy , W. UAXOKB ,, H«akw (\ n ,// A c::rpF^ n &Q) I) o gULLl¥Afi , bo bas bscn obliged to EXTEND HIS PEEHI8ES iovtto the attention of tbo Public to bin TEAS <ny27.Cui) STBI3ET. V/ATEIIFOED. EaUblisiicj 1835. \ \ In t' v ^C;r.: G 1 T A HP "ft? ^ fc> iLJ J-S. JL Mi m CANTREMi Cz ,C0CHRA2] C-ZT3 (f C j r.Tii-^ C} -?~- -^ j Ucia OZTLV W OAflTflELL d lOGO&inAtlE, TJzCzt Cpzdd Eej tlK 'Jea S?j RrilifzT tht Oczy a-A I. T .r~ .=;.i OAtlTnELL & 0Q0NMU1E, Ucte Cn. -dd Brjttm'irn, | PECIALL7" ?aEPABD& ^O CUT2 OIATES. jucca. of . . Parliauciit , UTEt».Af|T _ OF IRRLAKC». ;. ; _ .. ' ¦ , i ¦ - i ¦ j ^fi-BO?. ' OP OIiABKE'S B. « PIXP U warranted to oura all diiobargu from lbs Driparj Orffanj, la either »ex, toqulred or ocautitn tionri, Onrelj *nd P»Jn» In ihe Bsok. OnMMU«e} fn* w>m Mironry. Bold in boxM, U. 6d. mcb. bj .UCbmrJaUind Patent ModloiiL* Newton thiobiMut Ua Worl* » or Mat totnj kddttt* for tUto BtuBpt OOV»TOB Dioo CoMPXirT, - Iinooln. j W^*^ Af»»U< B ABO ^* T 4 Bone, London , »cd •& tt» mol* : ' ¦' ¦ r \ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' " " , ' . ¦ : i QHELBOITRNE . ! HOTEL. ' ' : ¦• ¦ "¦— i THE BEST- 'IN DUBLIN ! . ¦ ¦ ¦: ¦> . , . ' ¦ ! (s io.l y DSn-UCZCni- Stc . Clg^t^orth ^ AJPiratwslasK Family and Conunoroial Hotol. FpHE - " QlcntT/orth" io the faearest Hotel in iL ShDCJt yto ths Edlira y Station , Bants, Steam- b~t 0U0C3, Telo.f tphand Post OiHco , and to all pnb- Jia pbc:3 of emu tment. P. KRIWA Proprietor. 14, 15 tad 10, Glcntsrorth-Etrcot , Lfccnaa. Jol8 Tho .Clarence Hotel , 6, Yfelling im Quay ' , Grixllan Brid ge , Dublin F. WJNEWISER , ' PnotBtwon. TTTIAniLIES , TouifeU. Tri7ollt:j , : ulll Bad the ID above oeatr.il , and within a cou»enioat d!=t;acnc{ tbo Railway or Stcatq Paoict SUtions .Bcdn, Iroa lc- Cd. Erc.it^ts , 1 lo. an! 13. 61 Dinnoro, fcoui la. CJ. A Night Potlor In at tendance. : ! (BCO.ly) : y .r ?. -~Ti2l Hct M. : LOT7E2i<;i ci /-iir.diai: ^ T, DUBMU. ¦ . (OPFaqita thoGrneralPc^-OaooiilidTolcjraph OClcs) ' '' •• '" " Thc. .noato ' ;3tral in thjOiiy. /[" -^OMFLElJiJLT remodelled|aad re-Jurniahtd. \S Ucrnifioont Ladira ' C OU OO-I ^ OOD , Dinin(5-Boon, Qmoking-Room , Billiard-room. Charges tcoderatD. CH^ULES LAWLER ,[Proprietor. f3. Sao U'ictlo'a notol arid Ecstanrcr-j C, 7, mid 0, WICKLO^-STREET, (Grafton-Bticet), DTJBLIN. MOST Ccn' rally Sltcatcd. j Comfortable aad lloder^to. Dinnero ready »11 day. EICHARD O'BEIEN , Poprietor. Sl' E n^IOUALi ZIOB:]!. , BLACKEAIJ J.8T2BDT, _ DUBLIN. Tn\EIN G.. noi7 Qpoped . in tha vicinity of theCattle ID) Uarket , and qnito coaTsnient to Klng ' o Bndpe and Broad3tooe Termini , nlll to found the , xao^t , C0cifortsb .!?, Icoabj^d with Uoderato Charres. Visitors to Dnblin qhoald coins and iseo for tbctDioWecl .,. •¦• .jTlJMJm U. A. IXHANY. nwRF j in . Qcpii HOTEL AND RE8TA URANT , 8T. ANDREW STEEET, PTTO.E most CentrzJ , Hodorate, End llodera. i- Electric (iip ht ia bedrooma , nlco Ulep hqne accoomodatioa. Hot and cold baths. Cooking a l.i Burlington. (jylG.lly) . T. COSliESS, Proprietor. "•SUC CEOV/I1 HOVEL. " UONCK-STEEET . WEXFOED. nnHIS Old Hotel ia really Comfortahla, and JL fricsi vory Lloderata. Famono for pood, dnro Whi3key, and all other Drinks. I0E8. KELLY, ;Pr.opni-TD2r:3. Clo:o f .o Eailnay Station. Cotondc . Hotel and Ilcataariut , 81. QEEAT bEITAIN STEEET, DUBLIN MOST Coinfortr.blo r.nd Chcnpoal; Hotel in Town. Fine aijy Bcd-room3 ad bittin£;-rooin3. Con> TC3ier. 4 to Bros'i-toni end Amicn ' fl St. -iions. Trana dire' . t boa Kojf brilge ' to Sackvillo Stlrcct round the Corner. ' (t9.1yO tlE3. QUINN , Proprieties. Jn n/iir *o v ^i SYS rn o '( n ftBed bUl UEtt^ uU « T=' "iFT(n2iKr]Z!si"' «aL» I .. 1 III J I ll ' MAb ' MANUFACTURERS OF THE Highest fes Mineral Waters AI1D - BOTTLERS OF 0I1Y XXX STOUT. T?tc Trader onl y Supp lied. Poite . ti Lh- ia dasli ASiU'Aro nuz-j zn GCOCH . BRANCH STORE : C athedral Sfcraat , Thurles °g ° '1'he Phcenix io tho Second Largest Brewery in Dublin. The Pbccnis Brer/cry Company guarantee that only HSU is Bottled at their Storea WATERSIDE, Watcrford. Thei'o io no IILiin^ or Blending T7ith Single 21 ; therefore this Stout is Noiirichius r.nd Sirensthonins- PIA1T03 , . - HABUOWIUMS , AII3EICAI7 OCOANS Tl.rcs Ytci i ' Sj Uci.i. Easy Teroa. Lib;:iJ D!:coa3t. ILLUSTEATED PEIC2 LISTO, T7ith jv.ll Parii ' cilars , Post I' roe. VIOLUIU. QUTAES , V CLAEIOKETTES, ACCOUDEONG, IIU8XC BOXES , ¦ COENET3 BANJOEB , ! FLUTES, CONCERTINAS, ORGANETTES, nETE0N0ME8 , to., 4o. BEST VIOHN, BAliJO, & GDITAR 6TBUJQ8, PJilCE LIST POST FREE. MUSIC—Tbo Largest Stocfc ; cf Sbost Unzlo ' ¦ in Irchsd, j . Half Price, Po3 t Pico. TUNING—Ezpirtcscea Tnncfi) rhit oil pisrts ef Irohnd periodically. : Annual Tunlnjjo controcUd fcr Foil Ptrtlculars oa n ' jjUcitloa. PIGOTT AND CO., 112, GEAFTON-STEEET , ABD I ¦ 11 t 1?, SUI'FOLK-STBEET , DUBLIN DncAnr -AOT-ooppEn. r—j fr'N Tr^ fr *S 3 S-ZS rf .j.w. : r=»; ^ ' g GRATEFUL-COMFOFTTING. OOJtIHQ WHTBR. OW UlLg. , WEOLEBALJS AND RETAIL ! ' jiafe, ' P»»* Poultary, and Io« start* BEA.y-OTRjEJET ,: WATBRFOED , ; ' «TIHB arteatlon !o( iht) Gentry tsd Poblfo JL ; i* MU*d . to ^ili EtimbliiLmttt. : Ooops or TIKI Cnoiawr Quui^, Cknwtor toa«iiJ«^»^ j.twU «*tg ^^^ ^ ¦¦ *c» t _ icin; ^m-ZS^tf^ateirtr , rop. ^ . , , ¦ t m itli lM . ¦ ¦ ¦ " "" ¦ - ' ¦' ¦ ° a' w. -U' 'd!- - i_^.^ i ^ j. u . i—j LIX_/ ' . '• •^ ¦ . vr - ' rrf Pc7 A8T.Hr.1A , BROCSHITI^ V ims GCUGEVIIIFLUSIS2A ,. idsu3 ; AIL Wm - TROuDtEC. - ;; ¦'" ' ' i t OAFG AND\.REL3aDLG . EattbU£hcd 70 Ycire. . : BcoTredo lIark on Wrappers. EcffaroofTnlf 'ImT, EOUD BY CHEMISTS EVERYWHERE. lo bottlos, In Ud, 2a31 ,lite , and Us. KIEBY, , FLORIST, E ^s ninovcd from 13 , UPPER . O'CONNELL STtCEET. to more Extensive ' Preioircj, 43, IJAET STEEET, DUDLIN j^^-^^if' -V^ i ' . ?. ' .- // / . ^"• . ¦ ^ . i^.^.^r. " ' ' ±-z^ ' f . - : . -i ¦Jr. C^j & > %^ v^" - 1 fe'>.j. -;v , ¦' %fi * ineat Eelectioa of orcrbatiog Porccl&io, and , Uctll w «aths nod Cro. ";cs , Glad Casca,. FlorrJ ^reatha end Croccco. Superior rt yle Bridil and Bsll Binqueta, Cut flowers and plants for tahledecoration. (sfl.ly] FRUITESER AWD FLOTHRTV SOAPS- BBS1:;? & JuAStf LOIJGESS1 . PRIV ATE LO . ASS GRANTED TO : FARMERS , HOUSEHOLDEES , And all ClaEiea of Rcspcctablo Borrowers , opoa their OT7D Sccudcy, allhout Bail , AT MODERATE INTEKEST. ADVANCES alto mado to j;y Bent« , Deblo . and to enable pereons to enter into.bniloca Dutanco no object. Easy Eepaymsnte; , < Benori; of Advertisements and prC3pectosca omaBttiDt; from utmcrupulius Jlooeylcndetf , and co-e:tled Pii?atc GCDI ICCCD , offcriE3 . Loans at ridiculous ratsa. Tbb dovio- I B Generally adopted to obtai n exorbitant fec-f, ni:hoat the tozt< inttb- tion of granting n loan. - . . . I : , . BcHnu old rsUblishod , and tbo onl y recognised Lean Bank in Bclfcjtj iotpndin? Borrowfrs olll Dcd it to tbeir adrtnta go, be! oru mskiDj,apnllca- tioa «lj;o»hi re, to write or epplj- to. . ' - . w. McBIUDE, . M»nr,ijor Northern Counties Loan & Dlicoant Bank (tho oldcat established Loan Bank io the-North cf Iroland), - (d3.1y » 40 . DONEGALL.STEEET. BELFAST. w*a irm m, JP Ei (B> <ib m m f' «, —' V& 8ALM0M \gi \W FISHING. WwM ' ' ¦ ' ¦ fr Wil \A Stocldngc , H Iffite \1 TrounerB , ^^^SHfe ' Brpgnes , Bo6to, Coata, Capes, and-FisMnir BagB. ; . . C. V. j V7. JEILTPSSm^ ^l €© I ! ELEPHANT HOU3E ^ . - . ' :> : &a DST< ,} DUBLIN ; 31, CONDUIT-STREST,; I j ONDON ! 78, PATBICK-STREET , COBsl 0BBlM(for IW>lng, £ MS MLS£ P0WH1B (far B^ MW, BoSTO Miii i i gi ii r ! rVIP ^teiil

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Page 1: ¦ OulCCaU' ; ' I * ¦ ¦ ¦ g; COCA i l t il Msnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/... · and HiWer Dec. 19 iS'uMiDiA.s- ... Vet Halifax & Portland .. Dec 28 Polron



Z^CJcnt Cirjoulatioa in. South o2 XBdlaadI W eoery PEIDXT, and Second Edition, on 8ATUBDAY: Uornfnj£,>l No.. 49 and SO, O'OcmueU.SirVrt.(orrosm tni PEOVIBCUI BWX).

fn)EICB—0NE PENN 7; TearlWin Advonos),43.4a._1T ; , By Post (Yearly), 6B. 6d.

I C27" All Cheques and P. 0. Ordera, made payobleU> COBHBMTJ S JP. BEDIIOND, at this Ofiloe.

I i ———I TBB NEWS 'circulates . oxtonrivoly omonRBt thenorchanta, traflero and nobility, gantry, forming

Iclaaaes, |Ao., in'^

Watarford, Kilkenny, Tipperary,and the southJ of Ireland generally. The NEWB¦ has attained & circulation never eqnalled by any papsTpntlubid' in \7&terford, agfl ia adraittodljr the lead-ins j onnial in this important city, MitV luoh there isdirect daily cenimunication from London.

Particular attention paid to commercial and A(jricul-ioral matters. I

AdTortioemenU reooivedtorthe Niwa by all resrpoefc-able Newspaper] Agents in the UnitodKinsdoni,.,pre-payment roqnisito from parties not known at the omoo.

¦Ggonto for Ealo of TB£1 UEV7D..ond fos| Advorticozionta :

nATEEEOlfc~Ii3i:5 ix.tT Glia»Cmo Strcofa _Uira.So'ilrBL^icii'roacb w £'?-~.zi,Ilr. Huomia, lluyot'a VJ li. ' ¦Jlri P. M. EOIK, Qnay. -rMrs. Qoitrr , John Street.Mian EAVAJUOH, O'Connell StrcA'•Mr. HAT; 110, Quay.liri D. CfHTT rT.C, Jolinctown.Mr. DOBSTN, Barrack 8treet.Mr . THOMAS LONBBUAN , Lowor Yellow Eoad.

DtWQABVAX—Mr. E. K EON , T.C, Uoin-Btreot.Mr.1 Math'awWAtBH-



EABON 4 SONSI Book Stand.

LONDON— CLABK E, 8ON , & PLATT, 85, Grooe-clnroh Street.

C. M ITCBILL i Co., Red Lion Conrt, Fleot-»tR. P. W BITE & SON 33, Fleat Stroot. ¦ .SHXLLIT : & Co., 5, Lcadenhall Streot, E.C.Temple News Boom, 172, Fleet Strost.JJ pfiBrB. STREET A Co., Corn HilLEtLiNUBL'e PrfeBAgonoy , Wcotbonrno Park, W.Mtierc Kiso & SON , 10, Bolt Coprt, Fltet-St.Il r. J. T OONO , FUet-Street. do. do.

DUBLIN—Me oBrK. CBAB . EABOH & SOH, Abboy-ctF. B. O'KEEFFE, 1, St. AndroiT-Strcot.

Q aogal iftnil Sttanuto^o •0QT11D OTATEC:Q;©aaiaD^-

Uc<5c7 contract .with the Canadian.. Ggrcxnicsnl ..foxoonvcyance of the Caaadian Lltila).

7rr>m Liverpool.M ONOOLIAK „.For Halifax t Portion^ Nov., S3

COBCAV For St Jobu'e, K.^>ianil Halifax Deo. 5

LATJ R B N T I A H For Hft' i f»j & Por»l»n 6 Deo. 11CA U T H AOI K I AK . .. For S'- John's , 7\'.F. ,

and H iWe r Dec. 19iS'uMiDiA.s- . . . Vet Halifax & Portland .. Dec 28

Polron Pefeoge. 10 , 12. 15 end 18 (IvinecaPrrand Cubin . £~ 5« . Strcrsrc £5 StS

S i o r t 'K n rH ( b«] e«t POB 'P to CuraHa , Monitob* ,If rj U-Vi iii 7 < r i l :« n r f , Btilifl^ Coltabm ord allro'ntB ir t> p TV CS'TO St.*1*" °f ; Apicric» C^cep^roaph rater \o An*tralia ard New Zealand via CP.B,\trrrnviT end HnnolDln .

K I O O I E- Frruc lo Setllcr p srd Hcorffrod Certifipo*e»rating to the GoTcrBroert Fico Grant Lnndo of 160

1h< rrr rcI1 .T'' ppf' 8' " H ANDBOOK or INFOEUA-z i 'N " 1 t-rnr '-FrTrr u rt ' Biport u , and Mop» free.

£3>' Vri-teir boond pasBcngeiB accompanied byoSp.cioJTrTidoct<'r.

Dirfrt nfirirof from I.oorfonoVrry to Neo York,Boflon, ord PWlo ^flphitt all the year.

For FrrlVp rir ic ino t ioncrpIy to ALLAH BBOTBFB8t Co I'.1 Jen-.f-p Street. Livcrponl , aDd 50, Foylo8trrrt

'.' Lororhderry ; J AIIZP & A LZX. ALLAH, 25,

Bo'Wel) Strrrt , Slafgow. and i, Eyre bflnarp,G»1*»y : J SCOTT * Co., ' QneeDetown ; \7ABDB R f T H » p > , ?. Esnorpi fdrd Street, Wntcxfoid ;TB O I I A P Pv i :CF.LL, 6, BorTonofrimd Street, «»«>r-(ord ; or W IILIAII J ONEB -TPOY , 31, Allon Btrcat,

TJSl. November 21 , 1833. c?i

Buslcnd oud South T7olctf. and thogcutb of Ireland.


COD Trany'p Tramn aiid St€aml)oate.«io MrLfOEPHATVM, io connection i7ith .the . WATEBIOBD



Dhorteot Eoato cad Seaticod PGTCD.• —-——— |

"V—3^1 £rj>r«n Traint and Pat ifiaT U !)V i*ail Sldotnor* Dai/y.

Hit I'T 1"1 " ¦

ford oil Pa"if*f;n on Sunday morningth. 10.0 6.P>-|Tl


to n*Ar * o=bicot to it. bcinjCbiflo f &lS g l ui the Stumer to bo otartod

chipped 1° I ^HTHCTtJAM-T. T j }rom New MUford "&>The . 5 15| a.t ffl -tal of uteamer leavin8 Watcrford

in all caeca, T""' ftrT1 • * :

BIH«» (available 1 »«k) lrt^ gj ,, as. U:: i:; 8ld <ai.'SdFo»o*!«- »»M

EETBI IOT (ovpilabl* ono montb^ clasB & g3lx

( yg^2nd Clca3& Saloon &?J.

"Jaf^S''' ^«ct : An-nt, .AddsM . -m^.Watorford. l

pENEY LAMBERT. CtenWpVW3^PoddindtoD Toroinna. _ ^



i b=» 8TBAUBP5,

in the VTcutcrn States.

jOHABtows ^M.WeBtem^Ckw*^^ ^

\7atorfora . GtcamDUp Cotipony(i.mrrEDi. I •


MENAPIA, CBEADEN, &d. ; aa>' V-

¦ TVi

¦ W^

IC Tioi-TToiiiford

crr^ - sSiK - Steamship Company (limited)¦"S^ VtlSSv. nwoiw Ooeds&Miaw iSSSk forcSp'"=;—. iaSSl* "iQ* condlUona raont!onc<J fa ^ ^Biniim lasts, co • ,i, i Bt yjjj,

¦ OulCCaU' ; ' ¦ : : I * ¦" ¦ ¦"W A T B E V O B D AND B EI S To i i

ftieay, Nov. 8-.- inffnooff Wcd'ci , HOT, I...H n tTcjsifaj, „ 7... J aJVBoon. today. „ ;S . aI rSorSLbWdaj, „ in... 2 ilt'nooa . Thurcav. ,, : 9 .5 moinKiIWiy , U... Sift'aooa Sjtardv;* ^ -li... 7 iftSSm"Way. ,, 17... 3tIt'BOOH WedncSay, „ 15... 9oljtEtTuesday, ... 21.^ laft'oooa Satordajr, „ 1S...13 n7ol«WWUj, „ St._ 8 •Ifnooa" Thdrsdiy „ £1.;. 4 oorolocTncalv, „ «... Siffnofla Sturdy; ,..;«...««Jt5o3S

Wednosday. „ M...10 t,lshtea. On early Morning fiilHngi, Cablsa of th« atcsaar* willoa opea to racolTb Pajaenjerd axrivliijt by Urn Hlatt ;W«qAYer*ge 8ea Paa8agoUtol5 Hour». ! f .Piira—C»bln, Blsg!e,Ua.'| do. SIBKIO—CVfldron (tmd Ear-«nu tnTelling with-F&nUisa) {LOa.<.ctoJIotara^anU3M« torr«o raostbs, optional to return bom or to UTOTOO«1I. 253 iDock; BingleV7(i. 6d; i do Children.43. ^ "J™).»» lLoading Eerth-Canibsrlaad Bulp, Bristol.^WATEiPOBD 4KB LIVEBPO,01,¦ s mis wiTmdLi. ~ : 'I raoK Uv-circoL. ;. . •

Wcd'sday.Hor: 1 ...a*ft'aooa W«do£tdny, Norl .->«ft'aooa«Wd?y. — ,r . U....leCfao<m- •R1 ay1v ,. ! fc fmamnS5' ""'4'''-Et:1-" '< -v^"1 - ¦ ..I 8_ ,9 inrirn .Friday, „ in._ 2 aft'ooon Wdaj, ,. Iu...i2oobnBandar, 12... 7 morn ;; tlondjy, . !i 3 i tfttnoonWed'caij, „ 15. l otVnooa Wjancday. Ji 15. J SfSSoSBandar, 19... 7 morn Uondiy, „ 20 ., 7 alt'noon.Wod'sdky, „ as._ 8 6lt'aooa Wednesday, . .Ja . 8 »ft.WaPrl y, ,. 24. S affnooa fcWaj,- T. sCto.^


Bundny, l f 2S..J 7 mom. Hond«jr „ 27 12 noon•Vji'adjy, „ 23... 1 aft'noon VVodneadar. ,, 23... a utfnoonTho Snnday

^Vecsals Loa4 it North-Whcrt, Waterford.AToraro Sea Pacago 14 to 15 Hoara. " . "'

FABES—Ca Jn, Single, Ua. j do. clnslo—Children (andSerraata teiTolllM with famlllo») 10a ; doBetarn (arnil-aWe for Two months, optional, to retnrn fromor to Bristol)25a. 1 Dock, single, 7»-fld 1 doTtoigle. ChildreB, fa .Loadia? Bfrth-Clarenoe Doik , LlTOrpool.Goods. Booked tlwonuh fconj all prlnclpsj Stations onGreat Northern, Great Western, Lanoaohlre, aid Yorkibiio,London and North Western j ;London and Sooth Wejtem,LIiDcbrater. ghefiela, and LlacoLnBnira, jmd Midland Eai].

w»ra to Waterford. (Thxoush iBookiagT duo with Llmiriok,TippersTT, Ihntlea. Ennia, fiuJa. Qori. athl:«U(i Urtowol.NoiTcastla.and.Tralce. &o. IGoods Booted throwjh fronj all Stations on TVaterfo«£ and

CratrclIielimdBtUTTar.Waiorford, Ihrnfantn, and Ll£noisEailway, and Wateriord and Limerick Bailwav,fucela bookod thronRb at low Bates to all prinolp&l Sta-tions on London and North *W etorn R&ilwaj J 1

W E X P O E D A N D B B I 8 T O L . '¦. FSOM ,W*x«)Si>7- ; 11 F«m FSJSTOL, calllnff.at¦

Tneeaai*.. jr«nby, Hilloid; io —Pf/dajs.W A T E B V O B D A, !N 1> N E W J J 0 8 B

PEOH NBW Boas—Dailr, Eondays eiovptod, at 9-14' a.nuFcoa WATECJO I)—PaUi.. Bniidaj6 prccpted, at a 15 iTm.

W A T ETTO BWl MjST DTIWe A 'S VO Ttf •FBOU HuscAaiioH;-rDaUjr, Sundaya optcopMdJatasO tjn.Fnou 'WAIIBJOID—Bally, Sundays eicoptcd] at 8.0 p.m.NOTI—The Waterf ord Steanship Company, Limited, Insnn

all GoodB Shipped by thraj Lines of 6'tciinort it S3. 4<1. norCost, to Trsiwra baring Toils AjTCcncato, and &i. porCent, to Occasional Shippers, vilne \o be declared at tuao ofShipment. Forma and all Information to "bo had at teaoflces. . j

Berths coanrod and OTCXT itiocmitioa gircn by Arrnta atWATiBroaD—Waterford Bteimah p Co. (TJraitedT. HcsA

OEces, The Hall. 1 ! 'Lirxarooi/—Waierford Stnunahlji Company (Llmltcfl), £0

Water-stieet. and Clarence Dook.BSISTOL—Watcrfurd Steamship Company (Limited), C3,

Cocon Square—and CnnibCTlan4 BicJi. "ITWEiionD.—Watcrford Steamship Company (Limited),

NEW Bens—Walorford Btcamahin Company'* Olllc*.Dujrciraos—Watorford Steamship CompanrfsOOoo.Lmiaicx—LODCT Shannon Bt »mBhlp Company's Ofloo,Uonut Kenno'o Onaj. ' " rK1X.8C8B—Loner Shannon Stcusohip Companr'o pOca.Capna Qnay.

Rcyiatcrcd Address for TeleKnuns:—" 8TEAiI" atWatcrford, Liverpool, BrhtoLor.Wexford.

Clyde Shipping Company, LtdHOVEZIBE$i: 1893. !

Bcg 'SlarMleczi Ooi~,TZ 'j r.ieatiov beiaeen .T7 A T 3 3 B P O E D | and LO' ITDOZT


CORE, DUBLIN, : BEUABT ADO aiiASOOVr,-V^ y rjnHE New and powerful,

crir"—SV\' -U- Bcrow Stcaacra ABANIipEE,'W \^X BA LLYCOTTON. CLOOH, CUHBILE,•«CC_ T^DUNGENESS, ' 3D C1 Y S T O<H E/

IHISHTBAHULL; PLADD£ POBTLAND, 'EATaLIH,SANDA , B1IEE2YVOBE, T T O W A E X , ' TUI3ZAB,"VALEIiXU. ! are , iaten<el . .to s»£l as ¦ nader,weather penalttinfr (nnleas ' prerentod by nnforesosscirenmstances), with liberty io tow Vtosabi and to call atany Fort or Forte in any ord«, in or ont of ths onstomaryconrse, to Eecoire and DisoHargo CarBO, or for any otherpurpose whatcoovor. .

xtiTxaiosl) to oucaou.Ercrr UOITDAY (Direct) 1 ip.m. ; every 'WEDHE3DAY(Tin Plymooth) in No»eo>bcrJ 1 P-m. ; £lb. 4 p-m. | ' ISth.

noon ; 22nd, 4 J>.m ( 29th, coca.OLioaon 10 TTAISEIOBO.

Evcrj UOITDAY (Direct) *. - P-°-nail, tp Greraocfc ._«0 p.m-

ETCTJ THDB8DAY (Direct) ... -' ~. * P-m.' Bail, to Qrc3aoc& .A£3 pan.

ITAT TZ TQaD 2O STL7AST.Eicry SATURDAY (direct) ¦ - 1 P-m-


KATXIXrOBl) TO nUWJS,Etery SATUBDAY (via Bclbst) 1 p tn.

DOBLIH TO WATXarOKD, DlBICT—\7EDNE3DAY8, 1st NoTCmbor, 6 p.m. ; 8th. 8 p.n ; 15th,

4 p.ro ; i2nd, 7 p.m ; ath, 5 p.m.mrxBrosa TO COUS.

Ererj 'ITJUESDAY (Direct) ... - 1 p.n.Coin TO WATIIFOIU). Dlroct—

PE1DA YS, 3rd November, 3 p.m. 1 10th, 6 p.m ) 17th, ° p.m 121th, p.m.

WATXBVOfiS TO LOHDOU.Every Saturday (rta Sonthampton) ..- ... * p.m

LOSDOS (St. Eatharino Dock), ro Winraroan 1THUBSDAY6, 2nd NOTombcr, 7 a.TD. ; 9th, noon j 16th,

6 a. in :23rd, 11 a-m ; 30th, 5».ni.Ho tranahlimcnt by • thia ronto. Orders tor oollootfon or

deUrery of Goods sent to M'NAKABA ft Co, (Llmitod). 14.Castlo-Btrect, Finsbury } to Oydo Shlpplnj Coapaa>, 123,Lcadenhall 6treet, or Clyde SUpplnff Coavanj, E Weaiomo,Ct Katharino Dock, will rcccitoprompttttotOfla.

WATXBronD TO PLiBOBTa, dlrtot,WEDNESDAYS, lit November, 1 P.m ,- Bth, 4 p.m j 15th

noon j 22cd, 4 pirn ; 23th, noon.PLTBOUTH TO WlTrBTOCB, direct— ¦

BATUHDAYS, 4th Norembar, I V-™- ' I HJh, noon (fromPontoon) IBth, nooa ,- 25th, noon (from Pontooa).

- WATwtrOBD TO 8ooiiiAiirT0a.Every aATDBX>A,Y.l<Urect),.4pra


WATXSJCSO TO NSWHATBB .Drcry SATUBDAY.Tia Southampton ... ~. ? p.m

NnrBATxa +0 WATuasoin.Ercry IIDKDAT (via Dover , ai Southampton), Carco only.

Wironu TO Dovza.ETcrr SATUEDAY (riaOoutl ampton and Hirohavon), 4 pm.

i D0VT3 TO WATaarOM. iEvery TUESDAY {via BputVsmpton). Oupj 03I7.

Thoco Etcamorn tavo cicoltot cecommodstlon forransom pA 8 8 A O E .uOHEY

Cabin. Cotura. bteonse. Cctom.Urford^Gla - I Tj- ed. g. Ito. jg.

" Cork, ... , Si. ?i Ill 51 7s. 6d,' Plyttouth v™A 1

" Southampton 9Ox Od. Cto. lto. 1S3.London, via Goath*

" «npton.&Ball — — l£i —ITewhovca, 20a. Cd. - lta. - -DOVCT, - Si M- - I0x —

" FromDnb> ~. A. jOd... -..„ „?,• -CUldren above » and nadtr 12 years of a«o, tttf -rare.

EotnrnTiciets avaiUbSfor two oonths-not tpcsferablo.5- NOT^

be Clyda Bhlppini} Company (Limited) onr ™r« floods sUiiped by theso lines ol BUameni asaimtS"S BSkT FormZ Ifcuf ¦ of Premium; and .all inforEa-

,*%?££"» £%. ™iy to fflw, j. w-g.A Co Fl roonth i TcouABilf'GAimn. LanoonaiMl South-

JP'SSltS PUcT. Olloirowj Cnstom Honw SulMinc*,

i Pncdal ionas of BfllJ of Ladiaj reaofred[ bj;tha Clyds

©Q[R]©Ii[? W)KlllsUHE<£UALLED AS i




Uan'jfaetorera '.—

[§[|0&Ev|Ci.-®l3AtFl[S: (LlinTEX)).



hut, I should, Uke to_lJSi/°0 oong" SiacoTbtd the op-wondon toroJUrto? my tetri 0 oougn

E^PCTO, o£eraUon of' Tw tfrn fthank Godfl »o rtiU alfti)*erGermany. »d_«» l J^mliil.iio onaoouW pebblyformed at fct BartholoniCT|pno»p .

yna that

have bad a n"»871!>telt-S??*1l' X nhtob was rery copious


Snt ono onordi immedito.beotfit, »lth.o«h torn tha

WEIGBET M GOLD.lTTn^Mdato8ep». 8. M* »D> "rit5M ' "^•houMtons: rise*

SSSS^SfiQUp'faiid* s.THROAT •fTiiillBl.ES.

¦ —¦ ¦ ' ¦ _ j :

_, i -™. U» rflt»nk »fltet-p5»trf :tra»h «o m ich sold

2*J l '»2d *l»7§irt nu?M.% Goia rSi»,


C01fI&IAl3g; COCAA powerful necve stimulant ReatoreD! tho ifunctioas. qf the digestivo orgcjno, atrengthens tho montol

^nd physicfil powoi^s, ^qsiufgeCthir^, relieves nervous debility . O7.iy^ And ch.S. .- Dopp,t .: . BL CONyNGEAM , ,and;'. C0., 32, UPPER BAQGGT ST-, DUBLIN 3crSS°- * • • • ¦ , : :

¦ ¦:¦;< . ' • ; • ¦ • •¦^ ,\ ':; ' " • ¦ . I C:irriaso Pri4

023", TTEISOiro .no nott . Src teq.Qatroa THU cnim AI?D Bciainf px

PAIN AKD XJEAKNE83 JU THB BAC2^Rbonjnatierfl, Nervori lUtanp^on, .Livqr Comphiiio,liombajo, Heads chea, Oononmptioii,Stoiatioa, BroneLitw, Asthma, Plenricy,?? „. FniQonary Affco- Tetnale Dioordoro,Kidney Dxocai* . tionsi <3enoral end LocalEpilepsy, . . CWds.jto,, Dobility, r "

ttjrajjpiB, . Nourolsji,, 1 Jonotional Disor-rndigMbpn, , SpinaJ.A.ilmon^,. doro,wnatlpafaon, ,, Bilionsneca, Chronic Couffh, otu.



. C2T' 8p2atil <&. piijo-Pampyot, illnctratcd. oontun-mg modical and other testimonials, list of priors, endRenornl.infptcution. nratiu or- poot (roo. . AlljnCprcraohould get it and read it. No remedy equals MasnoUca.


COLD FEET.Cnliem. 8onth Parado, Belfast,

„ Ootoba, 25th, 1633.<or eomatlco I snffcrcil from Cold Foot. Your MarrnoUoJnsoles cured me, and by constantly wearing them I 1=3alijajo nsrm, evpn, in the cold weather. No ono ohould bowithout them who is troubled with cold feetfUra.) J Krawsnv.


Coragh, Jlathmoyljn, Ecflelrt , Co McatL,, , . . SHh SopUmbor, J83^I »m glad to infona you that the Mngnotio Belt nhloh Ipurchased frora you for my wife in Junft 'oa. baa besm ol?epr, ««a» . °eaea»-to . her. Sho was a great snfforor frompalpitation and nervousness, bal alnoo wearing your Beltoho has had only one or two llitbtattactj.¦ CniKifa J. 'JUJTIBC3,

Clerk of PettT Sccions,

1TNDIGESTIOLI AND WEAK BA(X-11 6, Liamore Terrace, Botanio Avonoe ,

„. ,. . _ Drumcondrd, TinbUa, Aos. ESrd. 1883.The UameUo Bolt 1 (rot from yon-bit joar has iroricdrronaern. I TOnered from* iraiEatlpB and Peal back, but 1en cow cbd to cay I am cujcl, tp i enj y patcit toJth.1 W. Bcicn.

TT OSS OP APPETITE;.•&-& ' KUleavyEeetory, Ne-rry,„ _, August 17th,U&S.Harlng corns months aga »uf?ered..Irpm JL vorj tad•ppetlt«. I: got one of eajm WettQn. . ima Cft's llijnstis~i..AItcr J-??1?. ™1 torS . short tim'o.1 tonnd nyapprtite OTCiOy improvca, nhkb I , cololy attribcto toWetton 8 liajnctlo .Appliance, j

' (Ke>.) J. 0. Icvrip (I'cstor).

LUNG AJ^ECyiON-4 D WEAK KNEE-Lavslly Bouce, ClontDol, 8tb Febmary 1893About -13-t3ootha »p o I had a vorr norere fall from aborce by whlea I hadT ny knos Joint badly dlslocatod. bntfrom.Treiriii j your Kne» Cay It trps oomplet«lj atr nrtboned

m two months I subsequently procured one of jour LunrrInrifforaton for a (rleod who bad ono of hi* lonmi aSoctedrod to dJ7,Tca the gratc .btaelt.tom it. Your Lnmrli.-risorator enould bo cora by anroco enflortng from ttocheat or lungs. DEBIB nr»r.

A STHilA & BRONCHIAL AFFECTION,ii- SptlnjrejQ, Moaeympre, Co. riorry,

?Jth Jinsac, IK3.It is iritli (rrcatplcaeoroI girajoa thbtuctt In ref«resce totbe Lung Inrieoratora I jrotfrdm you. Prior to November

1831, tho man for Whom I gotpuevhad been for some reamsubject to 'asthma and bronohial affection, and fromconstitutional vcakneffi* >u' uujhlo to itond cold ThoLung Iurlgoratorl got in lYovembcr, 1831, proved effectual,as the man paezed the winter without being troubled witiasthma, and nu able to endure cold la a war that he coalnot have done be(n» he got it.

Tmm Mg i (J.P. '

FAIN IN" BACK , GENERAL DEBILITYBellrue. New Bou, 27th Decembor. 1E?3.

1 had beoc suffering eome tlmo ago with a piin in my backand general debuitj. Some: of mt friends ponraadod mo totry one of your Magnetic Belts. I did so, and I am happy toear I fool much better now, and almost froe from pain in ayback, and my general.health is vorr mnoh tmproTed.

<J. NlcuoLsoa Jo7c<TTJ HEUMATISU IN SHODLDEb.iQU TToodotock Houto, Atbj , Co Klldarc,

May 18th, ifc'Ji.It U with great pleasure I bear testimony to tbo gro

benoflt II havo eipcrlcuced fron weiring jony shoaiaoappliinr& Tsouu J'LCTrnAii.

¦pAIN , WEAKNESS IN BACK AKP HlPbiL Olebo Mills, fJojlo, Co. BOKommoL.

23rd August, 162J.Having fullr teatod the curative properties ot jour

Magnetic Appliances 1 can now with confidence tud gratitudVfomieh D; testimony to their reallr wonderful and bononcla.ellecta, Daring tbe months of Feoruayy,'Maxcb, and AprilI differed teTcrelf from 1 aina and wcaknra in mr back, bipiand tblffh. Part of tno time I. was totally unabio to do anybueinesa, and S' arccij sblo *o wmlk or tnoro about. Onapplying yonr appliances I CAU p dtlvclr »ui« that In4* boori" the par-s ^ntirelj left ma ara befnre tha codof tbe momh oj usuitl strength a d activity nu completelyrestored.


/PIHRONIC BRONCHITIS, NERVO 3SNE8BVL/ Parraakill NotipnaJ School CaoOcCTCjory,

County Kerry; lBt Auju sfc IS/2.Tho Lun« Invlgorator and other appliances which 1

purvhaf ed trom you in Juno ol last scar baro proved mOGtDt-ueticlul to mv bealth, ao muoh so that I attribat« to themtoe complete re-establiahment of my (onner vigour andenergy. Heading one of jour publio tcstimonUla, I im-mecUaUilr procured jour appliono^i, with the result thatwas eoou enabled to go abroad *tth impunit/. Kly formerappetite, rigour, and eneixf beja& to rotnrn , and theracling coutfh entirely dionpeared, I now enjoy hottert.b-in oy'fonaor ueual health. :

Jona O'DoaimiA-

yOONSTIPATION AND EKEDMATISII.( 1 . PsnwnstowB, Onno, Co. Ilcath,

l^cuflorcd Irom Chronln lthounatiam ana ConatipaUonifor OTOT four years. Doriog thai period I bad to give npdutv throe times and had to enter hoopilal twico with littlehones ol erer beon ablo to retnrn to dutr acnin. I rrosthen advised to ura ono of your Special rower llasnctlaHolt* Procuring one trom you 1 wore it only about threoSjnthB, when, thank Ood, I ™ conpletoly cored and htd00 lttac1' "" U. UcCA>K, Bcrgcant B LC.

rr DiLBAGU.I! J Thurlesbej IIouco. Cinhol,Ji- 13th February. ICW.I was qoite. a martyr to Lumbago for years, and coma cl^ht

reu» aso was Induced to try one of your Belts. Clnca then1 have novor cuHered In tbe least, and would not be withouttho Belt for any consideration. I Bare such confldonc* inyour treatment that I am now petting a throat ap n hnnJroa you for coro throat

' EonBao PuiiUHi J.P.

TD> HETJUATI8M AND SCIATICA.inFj Knnlicorthy, Co. Wezford. September 25th.

1 havo been suOerins from Chronio Btiuiaitlao for over£0 yean, durtnj which timo Itilpa vaxicus rcmodlca nithoutrccdvSff tnrbeueat unUl last Hovember, when 1 purchasedonTcfJooJfaasuctle Belts, which I am happy to tay, dia n»adealofrocd. I have STdi ooaflaeaca la icoomnandhn; thonxaTo! It to , any pcrcoa suCcrinij bom rhoumattia t-dtcilt!cv Joaa Bums (Bottlo Brou).

Onr Arcnt ior 'WttcrJord'ind DutrictiaOur ABcsn i ^ HliNEif BELL, Dru t.



8UCTEBERS faca Hernia (Rnptnro) tro recoaimeadsd to near Wcttca'q MesnEtio Trim. All tiedskegttn etoc t cs.A auis t5j order.;,

TO1LAST1C APPLIANCE8 to Silk and Cottca fc:iCJ VtrlcoM Vebs, ^pnJns; WeaUnc::, -ic.

I (Bnparior Quality).SILK ELA6TJO Siocimoa, 12a. 6d. per pdr.Corron „

¦ \ A _ 8^ 0d. „ „LADI£8' AcoonCBBacnr SUPPOET BELTS IJrJa.to

Order. ' i ' —~ NOTE—PB1CE8- PEICES.IIcn'« BeltJ from 103. 6d.!; Bpecial povrcr fron lie. 6d.Lane; Invigorators from 12c 6d. j „ „ 21e. Od.KceS-Caps] „ Ps.«M- .J , » „ lte. Ci

VOT lull and detailed; pneo list of onr numerousAcrJkact? G<* oar Dcrcriptivo- Iiluitrctcd PetDph!:^f gtjr _

- .. ! (i^Ca.)

TiCltcM rcqucsttaj Bdvica receiro. onr bnt attcntioaConsultation* Krea. . Illastrated PcmphJtU gnto.

Imcaton, Patertce^ and J Uar.itfcct xrcn


DEAFSEea AHD KO'BES iB THD 0BAD'JHZJI at th« oaildf» boa* , '. Thjg ninitaitod Editloa alsoSiU oa >cwS <S5ir»h, BroachiU., Asthma, E*twm»SSntae» teuSSoii, V/irpepiia, BLeomatton by Wadieo

Hae»,I,<maoniW. - i J ¦ , 1 : - . . ' . . :w*-7

' .¦¦ ja- .TJHE

, ¦ «!%"'WOV E U0, . ""¦ ¦ ?nrK:7DT0 BiXL: DBIi^D^:. .


PATENT LIQUOR CANE.To Cognacs in ths cane tojetier witli 0 drin'jin^ glics,

7/0 SODi1 PCE3.Tee latest and groateot Novelty catant. This Cono b jus'" • patented:and abcolutely nc>7 io.tkD OJnjUct. niccJ7 cotr;-' and precents tha appea'ixnc? of n Cut <iaa walliir" epe

when simply by prcc-ing tbo cprbj the top b rtpovedend yon hove refrcihmcnts of every description in

indopendcat of any local veto whims Procurable



: , . '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦] . . '-' -•l 'l

¦/< .» ': ,. i Ta

. ¦: ¦¦ ¦> .. I. t[¦¦¦ '

V^' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' Tee

VitcvtS o. HZH S.eicollent conditio!), thereby tnalcing youreelf indoonly from tho original. Novelty Kirn.


tlcda for U:D in tlo T7ilda of 8outh Africa j tho moat accurato timer in tha world ; will carry o «hot nearly400 yordj ; Bpeclally introduced for in and out-door practica ; tho] latest and greatest novelty extint for ebootingbirda. ribbiti, ciia. &o. It la cant cocurely packed in bcautifnlj} finhhed cr.se together frith 100 rounds olAmmunition tad a quantity of darts. Paiccs :—

No. 1. Japcnned ... ... ... 43. 9d. No. 3. Extra finish, rovolror hr.t.ilo,ITo. 2, Silrcr-' ticd ell ovor 63 Od. vulcanite velvet-lined c-.co end

inviiiblo ppriiij . . . ... ... Si. Gd.Postage and Packing 4W extra.

TLa:o Pictob aro thoronghly recommended, and have otood tno ccvero tot of time and imitation , but otillhold thtir pofitioa 13 oecend to none. Cataloruea Port Frvi • * (jy8-tfJ

4^,. (D3La^.55L5?>Cri3. ' '¦ .Q.'5)-9Arras and Ammunition Manufacturers and Novelty Agents,

C, CAffKliB niLL OTpESEi: Dn.JGSftX... . ^

12 31 5? 12 EJ J3 U CD IV (S> W IF El DZ Jf c II (3 G£ /3.

IVaLit.C']HLikiljiLWM . M-asta ninerai ^yate? Fastey



/[ KWI^JG to the GTC:t inoreaoo la bto Baoines?,VO/ HBV IBB taken tha nhole of the Old Meat tlarhot ia HIQH-8TR13ET, ho io noo in a pn;ttioc tomeat all Orders nith dno promptitudo ond tbo falk:!:tcatlofr,ctloD, Ho Jastl y at*.r|bct^D bi- VJo-^3r!ul8acccna in Ppcioeci to the

TEEATnEnT ADD DITPEEIdB. Q. VAL TH OP HID V3ZDT:,and the care esercloed in Bottling, notabl y QUINNESS'8 STOUT, BA88 L COS AL3, R DI3UHEood CO'8 ALE, HOP BITTERS. CTDEE, £c. . . -

In tbo illllEEAL WATEJ2 FACTORY, tlio Uaoblnery end Mnteriolo oced In the cahlnc of tbeooMineral Waters aro of the Very Beat Decori piion that can posuibl y bi, tii- Tj ZZxi, Lj cifio ttD P^licto corpijiro Mo II. W. , i7ith nnj other mnko or Brood.

Slo GniQEU Ac, LnuoHAOC, OQANOH CH A M P A O N K , for Pnrlty, Aeration , Aromu imd EscoIK'ncoof Flaifonr cannot bo esoallcd. He nould caj| opecial sttontlon to his ECLIPUE &on&. For Pprltyand Aeration it baa DO eqaa.

Alto no to QUALITY and PRICES , bo wooldWINES. SPIRITS, to


EM.. STUIL^]L32 r^.I r9

Blgh Street and Barronstrand Street, Waterford




(BEIPI2 " QDE>UD HlElIEJLodJrnD " <,a (Dff ij diVCJZAND THY ;


:Tbo Bosi'd of Worbo' Architect vrritas— " Wo ana muoh plc::cd with tbco." Tba ilarqnfjof Waterford uritCD—" I havo fouud them very good." Revd. J. BTAIT, P P., Now Inn, Cahir, nrltea—" 1 conld recoamond tboin beyond aoy other 81atco I knoir." Kovd. J. M'Grn, D.D., P.P., BtrcdbMly,Qneoo'o Co., T7ritci—"I recommend thorn as tho obenpeol and bc;t offprcd for cilo;" W. Q. Dootnr,Ecq., lI.A., the croinont Architvct , Dablio , writco— " Thn Victoria Slats la a bottfr and a otroogfiE!:fa than tbe co-celled Ban|?or." Dublin Erhibition, 1682, end Cork Exatbitioa, 13C3—Flra t PrizaMcdala tor " otreajtb , groin, icxtuto and colonr." ' (>23.Ca)






THB VARIOUS CPcryoycjo to Hor XIqjestyV]

; • ¦ | AUD IO




6TE2ET, DDBUN.—The ebote Bank make! priratoCi3h' adtancca la any port «f Ireksd, oilbout bkil,frooi £b to X1.000, to olerfrmen, fanmn, tradtimen,Clerfc«, «nd nil rotponslble Mtaooa', npon their not* ofband done, lor «bort et lopg pcrioja. E«D»yto*nUcan to emoEtd to «olt tbe oonrenicsca of borrowert.AU loommnnViatlaD*: at« kept «trlotljr priratAi : WHtdor • jply percon»llT./or proBpectm, itaties MCwniB^tosnSMy , W. UAXOKB,, H«akw

(\ n ,// A c::rpF n

&Q) I) o


bo bas bscn obliged to EXTEND HIS PEEHI8ES

iovtt o the attention of tbo Public to bin TEAS<ny27.Cui)



\ \ In t'v C;r.:

G1 T A HP "ft? ^fc> iLJ J-S. JL Mi m

CANTREMi Cz ,C0CHRA2]C-ZT3 (fC jr.Tii-^ C}-?~--^

j Ucia OZTLV WOAflTflELL d lOGO&inAtlE,

TJzCzt Cpzdd EejtlK'Jea

S?j Rri li fzT tht Oczy a-A I.T.r~.=;.i

OAtlTnELL & 0Q0NMU1E,Ucte Cn.-dd Brjttm'irn,|

PECIALL7" ?aEPABD& O CUT2OIATES.jucca. of ..Parliauciit,


;.;_ ..

' ¦ ,i

¦ - • i

¦ j

^fi-BO?.' OP OIiABKE'S B. « PIXPU warranted to oura all diiobargu from lbs

Driparj Orffanj, la either »ex, toqulred or ocautitntionri, Onrelj *nd P»Jn» In ihe Bsok. OnMMU«e}fn* w>m Mironry. Bold in boxM, U. 6d. mcb.bj.UCbmrJaUind Patent ModloiiL* Newton thiobiMutUa Worl*» or Mat totnj kddttt* for tUto BtuBpt

OOV»TOB Dioo CoMPXirT, - Iinooln. j W^*^Af»»U< BABO *T 4 Bone, London, »cd •& tt» mol*

: ' ¦' ¦ r \ ' ¦ ' '¦ ' "


, '.¦ : i

Q H E L B O I T R N E . ! HOTE L.• : ¦

' ' : ¦ • ¦ "¦—



¦¦ ¦: ¦> • . , . ' • ¦ ! (s io.ly

DSn-UCZCni-Stc. Clg t orth

^ AJPiratwslasK Family and Conunoroial Hotol.FpHE -" QlcntT/orth" io the faearest Hotel iniL ShDCJt yto ths Edliray Station,Bants, Steam-b~t 0U0C3, Telo.f tphand Post OiHco, and to all pnb-Jia pbc:3 of emu tment. P. KRIWA Proprietor. 14,15 tad 10, Glcntsrorth-Etrcot, Lfccnaa. Jol8

Tho .Clarence Hotel,6, Yf elling im Quay ', Grixllan Bridge , Dublin

F. WJNEWISER,' PnotBtwon.

TTTIAniLIES, TouifeU. Tri7ollt:j,: ulll Bad theID above oeatr.il , and within a cou»enioatd!=t;acnc{ tbo Railway or Stcatq Paoict SUtions.Bcdn, Iroa lc- Cd. Erc.it ts,1 lo. an! 13. 61Dinnoro, fcoui la. CJ. A Night Potlor In attendance. : ! (BCO.ly)

• : y.r?.-~Ti2l Hct M. :LOT7E2i<;i ci /-iir.diai: T, DUBMU. ¦ • .

(OPFaqita thoGrneralPc^-OaooiilidTolcjraph OClcs)' ' ' •• '" • "Thc..noato';3tral in thjOiiy.

/["-^OMFLElJiJLT remodelled|aad re-Jurniahtd.\S Ucrnifioont Ladira' COU OO-I ^OOD, Dinin(5-Boon,Qmoking-Room, Billiard-room. Charges tcoderatD.

CH^ULES LAWLER ,[Proprietor. f3.

Sao U'ictlo'a notol arid Ecstanrcr-jC, 7, mid 0, WICKLO^-STREET,

(Grafton-Bticet), DTJBLIN.MOST Ccn'rally Sltcatcd. j Comfortable aad

lloder^to. Dinnero ready »11 day.EICHARD O'BEIEN, Poprietor.



Tn\EING..noi7 Qpoped.in tha vicinity of theCattleID) Uarket, and qnito coaTsnient to Klng'oBndpe and Broad3tooe Termini, nlll to foundthe , xao t ,C0cifortsb.!?, Icoabj^d with UoderatoCharres. Visitors to Dnblin qhoald coins and iseofor tbctDioWecl

. , . • ¦ • .jTlJMJm


nwRFjin.QcpiiH O T E L A N D R E 8 T A U R A N T ,

8T. ANDREW STEEET,PTTO.E most CentrzJ, Hodorate, End llodera.i- Electric (iipht ia bedrooma, nlco Ulephqneaccoomodatioa. Hot and cold baths. Cooking al.i Burlington.(jylG.lly) . T. COSliESS, Proprietor.


nnHIS Old Hotel ia really Comfortahla, andJL fricsi vory Lloderata. Famono for pood,dnro Whi3key, and all other Drinks.

I0E8. KELLY, ;Pr.opni-TD2r:3.Clo:o f.o Eailnay Station.

Cotondc . Hotel and Ilcataariut,81. QEEAT bEITAIN STEEET, DUBLIN

MOST Coinfortr.blo r.nd Chcnpoal; Hotel in Town.Fine aijy Bcd-room3 ad bittin£;-rooin3. Con>

TC3ier.4 to Bros'i-toni end Amicn'fl St.-iions. Tranadire'.t boa Kojf brilge' to Sackvillo Stlrcct round theCorner. ' (t9.1yO

tlE3. QUINN , Proprieties.

Jn n/iir*o v^i SYS rn o '( nftBedbUlUEtt uU« T='"iFT(n2iKr]Z!si"'«aL» I.. 1 III J I ll ' MAb '


Highest fes Mineral Waters— AI1D -


T?tc Trader only Supplied.

Poite. ti Lh- ia dasliASiU'Aro nuz-j zn GCOCH .


Cathedral Sfcraat , Thurles°g ° '1'he Phcenix io tho Second Largest

Brewery in Dublin.

The Pbccnis Brer/cry Company guarantee

that only HSU is Bottled at their Storea

WATERSIDE, Watcrford.

Thei'o io no IILiin^ or BlendingT7ith Single 21 ; therefore this Stout isNoiirichius r.nd Sirensthonins-


Tl.rcs Ytci i' Sj Uci.i.Easy Teroa. Lib;:iJ D!:coa3t.

ILLUSTEATED PEIC2 LISTO,T 7 i t h j v . l l Par i i'cilars , P o s t I' r o e .







PJilCE LIST POST FREE.MUSIC—Tbo Largest Stocfc ; cf Sbost Unzlo'¦ in Irchsd, j .

Half Price, Po3t Pico.TUNING—Ezpirtcscea Tnncfi) rhit oil pisrts ef

Irohnd periodically. : Annual Tunlnjjo controcUdfcr Foil Ptrtlculars oa n'jjUcitloa.




D n c A n r- A O T - o o p p E n .r—j fr'N Tr f r*S 3 S-ZSrf .j.w. : r=»;



jiafe, ' P»»* Poultary, and Io« start*BEA.y-OTRjEJET,: WATBRFOED, ;'

«TIHB arteatlon !o( iht) Gentry tsd PoblfoJL ; i* MU*d.to ili EtimbliiLmttt.: Ooops or TIKI Cnoiawr Quui ,

Cknwtortoa«iiJ« »^ j.twU«*tg

^ ¦¦

*c»t_ icin; m-ZS tf^ateirtr,

• rop. . , , ¦ t

mitlilM.¦¦¦ "

"" ¦ -'¦' ¦ °a'

w. -U''d!- -

i_ . i j.u.i—j LIX_/ ' . ' • • ¦• .v r -'rrfPc7 A8T.Hr.1A, BROCSHITI

Vims GCUGEVIIIFLUSIS2A ,.idsu3; AIL Wm - TROuDtEC.- ;;

¦'" ' ' i t

OAFG AND\.REL3aDLG. EattbU£hcd 70 Ycire. . :

BcoTredo lIark onWrappers. EcffaroofTnlf 'ImT,

EO UD BY CHEMISTS EVERYWHERE.lo bottlos, In Ud, 2a31,l i t e, and Us.

KIEBY,, FLORIST,E s ninovcd from 13, UPPER . O'CONNELL

STtCEET. to more Extensive ' Preioircj,43, IJAET STEEET, DUDLIN

j^^-^^if'-V^ i'.?.'.- / /

/ .^"•.¦.i . .^r."'' ±-z^'f .-: .-i

¦Jr.C j&>% v^"-1fe'>.j. -;v , ¦'

%fi* ineat Eelectioa of orcrbatiog Porccl&io, and, Uctll

w«aths nod Cro.";cs, Glad Casca, . FlorrJ reathaend Croccco. Superior rtyle Bridil and Bsll Binqueta,Cut flowers and plants for tahledecoration. (sfl.ly]





FARMERS , HOUSEHOLDEES, •And all ClaEiea of Rcspcctablo Borrowers, opoa

their OT7D Sccudcy, allhout Bail,A T M O D E R A T E I N T EK E S T .

ADVANCES alto mado to j;y Bent«, Deblo.andto enable pereons to enter into.bniloca

Dutanco no object. Easy Eepaymsnte; ,<Benori; of Advertisements and prC3pectoscaomaBttiDt; from utmcrupulius Jlooeylcndetf , andco-e:tled Pii?atc G CDI ICCCD , offcriE3 . Loans atridiculous ratsa. Tbb dovio- I B Generally adoptedto obtai n exorbitant fec-f, ni:hoat the tozt< inttb-tion of granting n loan. - . . . I : , .

BcHnu old rsUblishod , and tbo only recognisedLean Bank in Bclfcjtj iotpndin? Borrowfrs olllDcd it to tbeir adrtntago, be!oru mskiDj,apnllca-tioa «lj;o»hi re, to write or epplj- to. . ' - .

w. McBIUDE, .M»nr,ij or Northern Counties Loan & Dlicoant Bank

(tho oldcat established Loan Bank io the-Northcf Iroland), - (d3.1y»


w*a irm m, JP Ei (B> <ib m m

f' «, —'


WwM ' '¦ '—• ¦f r Wil \A Stocldngc,H Iffite \1 TrounerB,

^^^SHfe ' Brpgnes,Bo6to, Coata, Capes, and-FisMnir

BagB. ; . .

C.V. j V7. JEILTPSSm^ l ۩I ! ELEPHANT HOU3E .- . ': > :



0BBlM(for IW>lng, £MSMLS£P0WH1B (far B MW, BoSTO

Miiiii giii



Page 2: ¦ OulCCaU' ; ' I * ¦ ¦ ¦ g; COCA i l t il Msnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/... · and HiWer Dec. 19 iS'uMiDiA.s- ... Vet Halifax & Portland .. Dec 28 Polron


¦ ¦ ' ¦ hwd raqnioa. ; ¦ ¦; - : \: \

mSC Leal OoTCtoment Bawd v&* fccjj^d& hcnbj ttlnlnoUct thai they n f ^l

sssfi«J sfea 55SS-Elcsteral DItiaioaa of the Umoa. ! :« ,i:ft*» n

Tho lProvioioaaV Ordar unthortas the ««>tion iocaoh BleotonJ JJiiM<m et the number o! jottcs"S*clfled Wo», »bd the allotment et plot ol grrontlgt osccsdinff half a «Ut«t« *» to f$!eotttg a>Seated ; it wafers on tho Sanitary Authority <»m-pnlcbiy pouen to teto tho haOanqpivei by nt.o-Jotfj : ptfrch.ee . ana declares the whole of ' theff ate&rS Untoa, «xoopt ooy wrt thereof moled*ia ta TTrbin Sanitary Dlotriot. to bo the area olct rjo for fcbe expencas of tho Sohomo.

No. ofNamca of Electoral Ditioiono.


Ajto'j ... ... JnaiyciMii ... ¦•• - ;Dzoccniion - ... ¦•• r,raitucp ... .5Jolaadifcaao ... - u.ITlltcscoa- .. ••• ,',2321=3 ... .. - ;KlUotMon . ¦•¦ uKlkiide aco . ••• :KUpesdoa .. - /,HoCTCcatla . ... • »Pcnbiobcitami .. ¦•¦ iPcUrc=3... .. • • *Fortune-oily • ¦' %Esthnoybn • ¦ ;Eatbjpatriok .. ••¦ - -BelaS ... . • !Ecc±an . - 'Tracoro... .. — ¦ iV7otorford . •¦•• •UcsdctoCTo . .. - ¦¦¦

| •_

- Tobl ..V -I &5

Tho cald Provisional Order rcill become ab:olutoocd talto eCcot, trithoat any furtbor Ordor, unleca »petition e-jalnot th« Order in punnnnco oZ theToelftb Section of tho Labourero (Ireland) Act.1085. cud tho Tenth Section of tho Labourers(Inland) Act, 1886, io lodged with tho iLoe-Sovemmcat Board for Ireland at tho Office of rEo rf, io tha Cnctom HOUES, Dublin, oithia cCalflcdar Month after this publication of tbB crOrdor.

By Order of tho Board.THO11AS A. MOOIfF.7, Secretar,

Lecal Government Board for IrelandDublin, 21ot November, 1893




Oo&eo oi T&bcn bavins boon Undo.

fXTOTICE IS HEBBBY GIVEN tbat Eatea haveJLNl bean duly made on the Property sltualad inthe undermentioned Electoral Divisions of tbeobo7&oamed Unioa, rottoblo under the Proviotomof the Aeta for Belief of the Deatitute Poor tIreland. The Rates for tbe Ordinary Expenditureof tha eewrol Electoral Divlalono are on follow :-

Ecoiorai Bab in £. Electora.' Eata m .Divi=ion» DivisionsArdnoro _ 1% Gi Dromori 2s luEsllyciscart .. •• 1W Dangarrai . 3« idBohtdoon ... 1* 10d Korcen . 2» MCoprcjh Io Dd Kcoolisunbrondnan 1» odCirris'" '" 8d Jifodelliff( ]o OdCIosos -a Id llonntstnai :¦» 6dCollisnn ... !• M BingTilU 3s OiOsasarcjlin 3a Id Seskinam . 2a Od3>roaanB ... )" Ud Wbitcohnrci .. 2a Jd

Tbo period for the carvice of vibich the Bate ' ¦

cifcated to prorldo Is from the 29tb Soptember1890. to tbe 29th September, 1894.

The told Bates Include Id. in the S for GeneralKiponctJ under tbe Publio Health Act. 1878, onoil tho Electoral Dltrloions of the Union, cxapptoneh portions of tbe Electoral Divioiona ol Du"-jjor»iin ft« comprics the Urban Sanitary AcUnnof Duucamia. ! . '

Acd Whereao eartain Special Erptnsej bavtbeen incurred by tba Board of Gunrdlano, ao tboEoral 8anitnry A-athority, which are chargeable,ce»rdlc3 to a Sealed Otdei of tho Local Go»ern-ccnt Board, ca tho Contributory plaoea bereuni?-coatioded, the following Spscial Poundage ha^tzm t2£3 tdded to tho Bates aboye-montioae.tto ciyment of GOOD Spsolol Expenc s, end toecans CTIII bo Collected with too Qboro-tneatlonf

8p;onl Ponndc30Haco <J Oostributory Pltco. Bate on Contributory

placa.Eketaral DWloion of :

Bally macarv . i«do Cappsjh I<do ' OarrijCp : ;odo Cloo=a v- 5'-do Collij ao .... *do Coacanmlii. :do J)ror:3aa. ¦> !>•do Drotioro ... '• •do Koro3n 1J-do Knoolraati

brMififtu. j .do EinaTills Xdo Senkinane .. .do Whitecbnrci. .<.

PrOTlsion is also made ID tbe Ratw o.follotrinc Elect'-rnl DiTloiono (or the Arrears tobb ond»r tbe Seed Potatops iiapply (IrslaocActs, 1S0O-91 :—Arduiort, Bsll ymncart, BobadooLCappagb, Corriglea, Clonea , Cnllijan , Coumaraglir.,Droatno, Dromoro, Duoqarrao , Kereoo , Modelliffo ,Elnffrllle, S*Bkinano, WbitPthureb. (It)

Tbe Eatobooha are non in tny Cuotody oDd mayba Inopected by any pewon affect ed thereby, at tbeWorkboune, on any d»y, except Sunday, batweontbo boora of Ten o Clock In tbe Forenoon and Tour0,'Clock in tho Afternoon ; »od the soil Eoton willbo payablo from and aftor tho publication of thioNotlco.

Sigocd thin 16tb day of Novemhfcr , 180i.JOHN B. DOWER, Clerk of Dunuarvan Union.

LABOUBEES ( I R E L A N D ) A'H'S. 1S8" TO 1802

CAx&icK -ON-svin vmo

nesxen OE1 Apponrausn?OJ? ARDITDA20B

MOTICE 18 HEEE'BY GIVEN to all porEODtnhom It may concern , tbat pursuant to the

Provision" of tbe ebove-mentlonM Aete, and of theBBlmsyaAct, flreland) 1851 bcorportted there nithjtbt ,Comraicaionero of Publio Works in Ireland , have ,00 tbo application of tbo Guardiaca of the ahovo-named tfoion , (boins tbe Eural Ssnitary Auth oi i tyoC tbo Union) oppointed Joseph Abbott , KRq. . of118, St. Stephen's GrcuD, W. Dublin , to be theArbitrator to inquiro into and adjudicate upon thevalue ot the lands, hereditaments , &v., requiredthn Sanitary Authority for tho purposes of tli»-irloproToment Scheme undor tht- Lnbouror s (lio-lsod) irta abovo-moailooed, end as &uihori«e <j by"Ibe Corrick-on-Suir U DIOD Lahourerii Order .1893," and nbiuh lands are si'uatf io tbe Townli^ndeof Ballydiun , KUcanateo, Kocob aluroory, JO»CB -tion, Ballinderry, Decrp-.rlr , Currde tip bili poen(Jlenoaphucu , GlauotnfD , Killcgiil l i' , Munmln anoWhitt-stowB Vf ti ' . Gniotfoiui cklcr . Bronornior eCurrcsllla Uppar, GlennekagK BnlliodyKert , Gl-Lower, Kllballyquilty , Knn cka laffalln , Park , B^n-valllnkln. KilmoTfe, Laharda n , Ball ynoran , Bih;naill , Curriuhiidobbin . Balljknock , Balllntb , Bally ,corin. Bishop stovn , FfdduQ?, Clondonnell , KilbtacUtad Uunebnrrow , io eaid Unior.

NOTICE is ALSO HCEtnT oiTES that Mips, PlansScbcdoleo, and Eatimati"8 of taid lands nera do-pwiited uitb tbo Commlssionerj of tbe Public Work "infrcland, ot their Office. DubliD , on the 15tb ofAugcst, 1893. sni on tho «ame day Copies of saidMaps, Plans, 8chpdulo3, and Estimates, wro de-poated with tbo Clerk of the Peaco for tbe County ofTippcTcry. 00 far as they n-lstfl to that County, at bisOflce ct Clonmol and t7itb the Clerk of the PeacoIc? tho County ol V/ittftTford; to for as thoy relateto that County, at his Office at Watorford.1 and ithtto Clctli of tbe tfnloa of Carriuk-on-SuIr, e( bioOQ03 at the Workhonse. Carriefc-cn-Soir.

All percoHB claioing to have any right to ot in-terct In said landp, beredi'amont?. Ice., qro requiredto deliver, or Bond liy Post (prepaid) to the I caidJoocni ABBOTT, at 113, Stephea'o Green, DubjlD, astctemeat of their claim?, on or beforo the! 33th1 dayCf December, 1893. nl8.3t

Notice ia hereby further uiren, that; tbo! midArbitrate? nill attend at tbe Boardroom, WortcoucoCcrrleb-cn-Sulr 00 Wednesday tha 3rd day of I Jan-uary, 1894. ot the boor of Eleven o'clock '.if tbefoic^ooa, for the preparation of hl« Draft Award.

J. UUXL1NS, Executive Sanitary Opcor.Dated thia 13tb day of No7oabsr, 1S93. '

E Y E S I G H T . :xnpnovEa DPeosACL-cn.

ME. T. HBNBr, CoDoultiD^r OcolLO OpilclflD(bto of Ncrtbamberlana Arcaue),! baa

EBtlOVED to 45, VICTORIA.BT, wfcsT-UEJBTEE, nhcro be may bo icocjolttf in allcaeca cf foiling or : defective;jMira F3EE: OPCHAEGB. An intercstinj " TieitUo on the. Eya,"PWt 'S VrCTOBIA-ST.. WESTMINSTER



'¦ ¦¦ . ; '" ': ¦ 1MDS CPj ¦ . ¦ '

. [ i





'¦¦¦¦ .

¦¦ '

¦¦¦ :¦.'- ¦ ) '>¦ ' <——-j ; ..

¦ '¦ ¦ : (n22ifj

:. '• ¦ ¦ ; ¦ Opf&r & «>m. Io;8 p.m.- ¦'. ¦] ':

I OenU'WntdGlot**, io Cipe Lestber, CbamoliendWoolt * fri«4 «wao ef tbe «nreat moir,ta llA.Z *99 ,*O***9lVt *p*it.l BobeTtsos,LcdU«Vvvsp a t Oximud,Wltwford. .jV: « - . ! . . .


! ' j ¦ ' ' ' ! ' :

LcOUUUliATE3 FUniI3 (Oddiilly Certified) ... ... a^^r^B^ OOObuDJPSUO i OTO'n EVEDY ESADXJiZSY (OClcicJly Certified) pg4i10lO9OO!lPIAOOTAS 2UCOI2S

¦' ¦ ¦'-¦

... ... ... &,80®r/DOO; ! TEE POSITION OP TE23 COTIPMHY- .; ¦ ! !;

¦ 1 : .

Io 1832'tbo rhw banincza o3ercd t»tho Nou Yori Lifo Co. nut „ ^./JlO.GS^ESS 1

Of thlij it defined to aceopt 'Mf l ld . ZMThe liirgMt n'bt7 bnsinecj done in 1892 by any British Company mm £5,BG0,CCD


nnHE NEW YOBK LIFE COMPANY haa acquired thlo leading poalUoa in tbdcsaCiiaco-U- : of tbo pnbllo, becanso it oflero Ab lute Security, Larffa ProDtD, and ; UNIQUXJPEOTECTION AGAIN8T FOBPETTUEE ; and hecanco ito Return Proalam Polbyb rcc<ijni:;3 ao tbo most complote and perfect Life Contract ic:ued.

Evcryoas about to Incure, or v7anting a Firat-clccs iDveitment, ohould |proctiro anUlQSIWtion bf Now Yorfc Lifo Poliolca at bio oce, troD i (Diait)


foj fnl fo) f?fa]Wfnl M (1 E fni n W Ef cf tm Wn<£3 C^Oo, jLac3Tjn'.o



©Ht^iST^AS SALE 1 IThroughout every Depanmeh w CON SIDERABLE REDUCTIOM S

uill be made it all Goofli. v?mci tron anv cause have not beenEslline v


Purcnasec on exceptional!' tavourabie terms, anc whict are ircource o' deliver, will amc D? elearo

WBTJ 1&&CJ& "D noiev Usuaal Pidees,ANI 8HOUL1 PBOV . A .ITTRACTIVI I'EATUEl


THE LOIDOi k teWCISTLE TEA GO 'SOkiistmas and l@v Y ear's J?ie^m3a, wm>

Companiot Picture tr l HOLT TIGE"1 the fj rea: OUCCS^ D of 1 33

TELL FIME ' PiCTUKL TICKETw .. . B ; . i .'vr

VEE. D O;.: . .\"0 i EMLLi . I di . . 1896 ,Auc OaO ^"ioHOt eacr. toiiowin r wee- until J?JVO Qave Deen given out,. Til?:;

FIT© Ticket; wil ix Ukei u execangt io- ;> ,,op' c " SSDAQ'?." t''" rr .Compamou Picture^' UOL r TKiH ^ ' .junrm Lhrtstma? o- Nev ^

Year 's"weelf~ nt arv'

ol our urai. "' 'The Sig ^StiGtlC V tUU» o DU Annua .'Tesenutior. Pictures 15 co wel

recognised by our Customer tna- wt navt m smal difncult .v in attULing tho obj;cwhich we have anxionslv Deiore us, as eacr, succeeomg year enmoj round uamcl y to no!onl y ||4Gia4aia, but . 1: possible. OUrptSO tbe C2C0ll0aO0 o our previouo publicationsU e, however , occupy a COaiaaadinjJ J>03iti0» I' OIE tbe fact that it has become linowrin the Art World tnn: monev is no coneideration witc us iu colecting a Picture , providewe can obtain tho tost, ano w. nave now . theretoie , the f a zb OllOiCD of tho most u(he PamOTlS 2S0\7 ?iotUSG5 ueiupt tnc aenera ; public see them at all In prooi rthis , compare oir J' ictureb u-itr. am u. u«- seer clsenticrc. and druw vour ov/n conclu.iioi.

SELECT .Tht 'mivniL. Jitack am Vt mu d , . w uotict «ia amonirs ;

the Greatest Pictures 0: tne

The Title of our Picture v '_STE ADT Tne laotio of our buaineso iso 1 feAu v A*. ^J r~No eaten pen n> dealing witc ub , always tue «ame— Til l BEST

Our PUG2 2b XETDXAI7 ?BA done, coapctidot Our Sc-3 w1& 1O(L. 2s 2c and 2^ 6a. oojinot bo oquallacLrr^"Ey ^R l'H—t.urr ant i . a.. be«; o- .. 3. ' per ,. Rasin*. 3d. } Snltunna , 4 L

^JJ hvcrattiiw w> sei. v in oes an rneav cai o- us hnd in the world


4 Broad-Si. Waterfora 45. High-Sv, Eillienn v 4 Caotle-St., Carlorv

58 & 59. QUA '. . ^


Oil FAGIWY. A 9/9M7





mmw} m® . mwtmM®,IN EVEBY QBADE.


Pi T©iDM ;; & ; =S®^S©faiasy:,; csa &iooase& ?r£5aJc:3 -fi» ' - ¦ „

¦ B™<>m optMar. : .i : M , : gain ':. : ; I • • : • (lUiif Xuus ^hntu MB. CUXJOUD

TOi most centra psrt of t!a City. Loagltewfaoa M Av ff010!6* »<• ,, «<>tlc9 fcoa 184

JL i Low Een*. Apply to 'flelt U) ¦. ¦*¦**• - QUlT.maj ba coirolted m «J1 branchoi

OEOBQE A. CLAUPBTT. Auctioneer. 4b. <« hta Piofcaton dafly 6t ,blg Ecrideoca,!j | !

': . Hearfet!*.Strtst, W»Ur :(»rf. : ; . «• T H B !«ALt ;.

t3*& 3J M ®ESfeOtf ydE'S SAIila

Interest ia the Lesiw of tbla <3ol(o rjtfiilly tituit«dBculdoaoo, beia under two Le*Bia at tbe) tjgre-gito Bent of jGMIijper annnni for 42 yean, un-ezplrc4 ) also tbe Entire Excellent Ho'titaholdFornltnre ; Qrand Piano by " Broadwood,'1 l^>fty' Chlpnby Mlrroto, Pdntpnc, ' Wasc cttO., Her*neca. io,&c r ' ¦ "¦. -, ' '¦' ¦


TO BE BOLD BY AUCTION, OD TUESDAY,S8th NOVEMBEB, 1893, aid fonowlnjj 'day.

at lao'Clook, by dlreotlono Of Ii H Pownc, Eoq.His Interest In tho Lcasa of; tho B^utifully8itnated Eeolience known es "vVeatooi Wotcrford,8ttndin(?oii about 4» Or 19p italnto, of tastefullyplanted and kid oat pleasure groano;. GateEntrnooa and Lodge' Tho Koaco coa'aina i—Dioingf, Drawing, 'and Moroiog Booms; Servant *Apartmonto; Kltchono, Soalterloi ,1 W. C, Gan andwater hid on ; stabling for four Horses' ; OoaohHoaco, Font nnd other oat ofilcoa i all ia exoollcntrepair ; oplondli Conscrsatory, ' FlowerJG ardonaTonnla Ground, &o. , '

Tha HOUID in situated on o height and commpndBunrivalled Tbws of tho Eivcr Suir, r.ll hold under t>7oLeases, one of which is for a tcrni of 91 yeara,fromSoptembar, 1844, at £80 0. 0. per annum, end thoother for a term of 87 years, from September, 1848,at £14 14s. Od. per annam.

Tha sanitary arrangements have been recentlyremodelled on the most approved modern principles.

Immediate potzenion will bo given. Itnmcdiatrlyafter will bo cold the Entire Mugnliiesnt HouseholdFurniture, Pheetona, Bevereablo Wtjijonctte, Hrrnc:i,Cows, &o, psrticubra of which ESSI pbatcro.

The houcs will be open for inspection day prrmooato tale.

Ordor of 8ale—At 12 o'cloci, Intercut in the Loi:o,Cattle, Carriages, Hornets, then ths Entire HouseholdFurniture, commencing in the Dining Boom,

Wednesday—at tame hour—Eactmcnt Storey andremainder of Unsold Property,

(27" A charge of One Shilling will bo made at thedoor, which will be refunded to purch ers only.

Terms—Caah.For furthir paticulure apply to

MESSB8 DOBBYN, TANDY & TJcCOY,8oHcJtois, Walcrford ; or to

THOMAS WALBH & SONS . .A pctioneero,Tho Mali. WctcrfottL

BAHEEN , COUNTY WATEEF OKD(Holf-llilo from 8nccp).

Anotion cf Horczs, Cattle. Cart::, EncidoCap, ZLcvncso, £a.

T TTOBEEN ban received lootrnottonoo oJ o IQ) from Mr. TJIOIIAB H4 LI,T, obo

t7Ofl evicted from 8moorbo-», to SELL BYAUCTION, on FRIDAY, DECEMBBB, lot , 1893,tho following Property i—2 tlilob Cowo, 1 1 Colt , Weanling, by3 Heifers , j llonorob ;1 Fill y, 3 yenro old, by , 1 Donbey Cart end Tcck-

Princo Arthur ; : tlnj» ,'. Filly. 2 yearo old, by ! Insidn Car, llorneci,

Wisconsin ; 2 Carlo,1 Colt, 2 yeora old, by 2 Sato Tacblln?,

Monarch ; Wiooorclujj Mccbino p ,Tnrnip aliccr, Hay Cottor , Larp« Ploufjh , FarrowPlough and 8eed Ploug h, 2 Hnrrov7s, Crane, Potj,8ettlo, Sot Creels, Gatca, aad B Io; a{ Forcl, Cfaurn,Barrel , and Tin Churn.

Salo at 12 o'Cloct Tormo—Cooh , and AuoilonFeco 5 por C«nt.

J. J. BKEEN , Aaotionc cr.Orcnt Georf»o'o 8t?not, Waterford.

To ba 8old by Private Treaty ,Owing to the Death of the lr.to 0v7ner , and tho Fasiily |

being de:rirouo of retiring from Bucinosn , '¦


kX6SI.7SES S^E£SXSO0,N O . 9, Q U A} ' , W A T E R F O R : I ,

TEE H0llF3 ti ,Which 13 utut'sd in a Firet-,Clt;3 Bu:)inc:3 Centro , (

yields o Good Profit, and mil b-i db f o:;d ofFURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED '

A pply by lottcr or j )eruonnUy fo -,2S 2tMBS. AHEBH . No 8. Quay

A Valuable Farim for Dalero BE M L D BY PRIVA TE TREATY

OWKEB'8 Intereot In &a Irl ab Aotca of PrimeKcttenlne Land tnthm caoy distonco ol

Waterford. Borenteen Aorc3 are bold in FoeSimple, and Thirty-flre Aoreo In fee subjec t to anAnDUlty of £32 for Thirty-t\to Ycnro. , There ia ncover fulling sopp ly of Wotei1.

The DBelllng-hoooe Io thtlched ; nil Out Office:nro elated. A rttro opportunity .

ApplioatloDa will bs received byJAME8 J. LAFFAN , Auctioneer . Li..

32. O'Cootioll Strt et , Wniorfoid

GEORGE ATCLAMPETTBZ I c"Jo arran^c^cato nlth Mr.

P. DUDAHO to i

hold o iUO I T Z E L Y A U C T I O N

at hisPADDOCK . l 'AUNELL SiTBEET . V.- 4T ci:foitD.

of'tlz'j zzz , C.ittlo, Ccn'icseo, Caro,

"C2i;j i ImplGmontD, cic,Oli 1. /IIIGT UOHDAY IN EACO UONTH , I

bric .i l-S aV/atoi'ford Pair Bayo-

ITU o;Ji'7 to ctlva tlroi- to IV.rtl-n having boolnc:3II rt tho Faira to attend. Salt nill commence

icab C3y nt O11E o'Cloc!:.Gentlemen ncd Forinem dcaircuo of taking •<!-

vactoijo of tbeca Anotloaa for the dlspoial o( Goodotc^ will rjet full portlaulniD fiom (ha Auotlone oroa oppllcatton.

CZJ' Entrlc a "till bo received U;J to mornin;;of Day of Ealf .GEO&GE A CLAtJPETT , Audtoncur ftnd Valuor.

Goncilcsioncr for tuUin(; All idavito. i- .a- 'A .tt Henrietta Strcot , Wstorfurd


Accfcion na-i Uc?zio»i.z-Ct. Wctorford

A 1-arge Stock of Cycles (by tho boatMaliero) on the Piemisea to select from.







TO BE SOLD, tha Valuable UOU8E , .SHOP,YA11U , and PEEMISES. oituato at tho

North Hid * of the MAIN STREET, LI8MORE .b.ld t>y TboiuBo Bbttery, Bulk'H..?, under u Lcasodated tbo «h day of Au^uit, 1881, for the term of0» yearo, from tbo 25th Marc h, 1854, at the yearl ybead-rent of .C-J 10J

Tbii Properly is b'oxed Io T Lyono Company(Limited), Cork , Por tbq t< cm of 02 ye.iu, from tho•^5lb Maroh. ISU1 , at tt,e >i>arl y rent of JE60. andy ields a net proBt of £ia , nfkrdednoiin f? head-root , rat*a and taxca. Tuo rent of £Z0 io oeouredfor tbe vrholo term of the )<'.-i6e by the corenaot ofMe;:r« Lyons t Company, ,r.;ho:o con^niercial statusafxorda a perfect ei ourlty foriit3 payment. Tne aal oolll acooidlocly afford to C3(.c!l<;nt opportunity f t uoound and bJ0lil; recDincratlvo lovotment. Tboroversioo, at ezpirailon of Mecors Lyons andCompany's lcace, becomcis tbo property of purchacur.

Private ofl»ro <r|ll bo n-colved b?UAUlilOE HEALy,

37, South Moll , Cori ,Solicitor i.aving Carrhrjo of Bale, acd

THOMAS 8LATTEI1Y,Solicitor, Lbmoio.



CHEAP.CZ? Fcrmcrj rrlll Cad! it to tbdr adrcats/ja to

(jlvo ua a trial.KELLY : & CO.,

; 3, John's Lane,? : WatoiforJ.

UANUEE 8TOEE3. ¦ (alito


PATTENn;G P0BPO3E3.Cs. par Ct7t. or <E5 1G3. por Ton,

• To bs hid at : ! .KELLY & CO.'S"

Hanaro Stored, 8, John's Lane ; o; at; D. KENNEALY'6

n .tf ; ; : Nowrotb, W»t«rford.

A TL T l V l C inh TC3HTH.. : isr. uvt ionl . i . ¦


MB. UOKCH nWbf a to Inform h!s pA lroni wdthe Poblio generflHy that i» U pow »apj

plying Teeth of the best quality at tha loweat price,CotnpsUble, with srood.irorkmabsbip,) rtrongth «ndoppearanco. Teeth eztridted. (topped AQd icaled »tmoderateobiurRei. OldT thrcmodslidtotbaNlwpatootCuctloaPrtocvlplo j i ' . \




'¦ ¦¦ ¦.' ¦¦• ¦ ' • '


; November ilk, 1893- "

GErnXEMEN— : , .. .

I After the very long 6ervico of Thirty-Six years in tho Corporation as representativeof your Ward, I now ngain— and for the lasttime—respectfully cst your VotC3 and Interest,[luring that very ]oog period I have; taken apurt in almost every important work c.ounoctedwith the improvement of Wotorford—moreespecially the great WATER WORKS, which aroadmittedly ouch a vast booD and blessing tothe city.

I have also opposed the infliction of aBOROUGH RATE upon the Citizens, end I shrilcontinue to do EO, beccuse I boliovo that withpropar and judicious enre of the CorporationFunds ouch a Rate can be done without noiv,as it has bean for pact generations.

I am in favour of a GOVERNMENTV AUDITOR

to iuspoct and examine the Accounts of theCorporate expenditure. ,%

In fine, 1 shall, if re-electod , do all in mypower cs heretofore, to promote tbe interestsand prospority of the City.

I am, Gentlemen,Your faithful servant,


PEOIPESSOR OF MCSIJ , De la Sille TroninsCollege j8t. John's Diocesan Collets ; Wcterp-rkCollege ; 8ion Hill Schools, 6c, &c, Wotoford ;Orchestral Conductor, Watcrford PhllhirnjonicSociety ;

BEGS to intimato to his pnpib and tho public, thahe his returned his Tuitions for tho WWl'toL

TEIiiJ , end io now prepared to receivo cdditionr.1applications for lenaono on tho OHGAN imd PIANO-FOHrE, tha VIOLIN , ond oil tho Orchestral StringedInstrument) ; SINGING, including Tonic 8ol-fa tndPlain Chant, and in tha Theory of llunic, Hcrtnony,Countorpoint, L. j

Vupib prepared for the different ExiMainationa clTrinity Colii;<je, and Atiocjated Board, Jioya -Acedemy, and Hoyol Colleje ol Mor ic, LondonGovernment Pupil Teachera' Elaminations, do., £cVCTT.1 and Inctrumcntal Cla j ia forniod by arrangemca.

For Te^Iu^ Teotimonialu and Prc^i Ni iticuj app ly toH owAU o 'b Music Wiimuooiiu. Tho Quav,

Vot«rford ; or by letter to,. COJ1EKFORD , Do Lu 3 all a Trciuir--

Collcgo, W atcrtord .CJO" •' u1 opecial ly rwiuestcd that to avoid dij -

An^icintmcut, app lications nhould be tnodg by letter.

Cr.thoulliiicon. T7atcr>7or>],

'TT S O BE SOLD BY PHIV ATE TREATY , theJL Houne, Out-Offices aDd Lands , conuinicjibout 50 Kt atuto ocreo , latel y in lho pos:i;C2loa cfPr.iEsc K CLCT , E3q.

or fur ther parttcUlnra app ly toiBTHOR KELLY , Solicitor , Catbcdral

Sqoaro ; or'30MAS WALSH & BON, Anctioaoerj,

Cbo ilall. Watsrford.

Ylio Bruncrcncli Loan CompaD1 . JEEAT BRUN8WICK STREET,

DUBLIN./ ; r , «dTancc3 Dallj, Tithoui; publicity catJtJ i Koto ot Hand to Qentlctnsn of pcrittoa ito k cbo GOTcromcnt Offlc:?:= , Clcnrrmcn.

P 1 OHO \ P racrr, Clerka, and ».ll H«poni!ibl!>lsL ,UUU J Penont, LlaJe or Fem«lc without delij .ijczna Qnntai to pa/ Cents. Dobta. and to cnal.;«

'traani to onter into b3dDca. SpocUl E«j Espsyncnt-;.;>ll or Writo for Prejpoctus, Krt0 ot Chirsc, nlih felllalorc itloa.

J GOOD11AN . Resident Jlamjtr.KsiiiLloniD 25 Ytltj. (nJS. l;)N . B.—Coantrj L*>tter3 panotaally atton'lcd to.



t. ) ~ Lij JJTu. iw VwJ il n . „


GREE K'S. Michael SteesiH. WHITE & CO-

>~Z to crJI ott sntkD to tbeir

t OHOIOE WEST INDIAN GOFFE<"bo cbo.rzc '.;r nnd quality of ublob they t-.';c

I ouch trouble to nuinlai n.

?EICE—1/10 Per Found| J ovc;';i of (jood CoCco oill find it cootD all the

•cqmrcacnta of c Firct Clcco bsvercrc.

Henry White & Co.'sJkl Established Tea Warehouse ,


a O H E YTnHL ULOBE LOAN COMPANY cdvs=c:3ii. from Sl 'l upnerds to all reGpeotr.ble Borrov;cra.

Kuuy Bcpiymocts . licaionable Intercj L No Fczi.<\[ \ app llcutloc s rccelvo immcdUto attention, and'.ro treated tno3t i.o:if.dcnialt\j,¦ MANAGER, " a. John Strcot , V/ctcirord.

Cndl" Propr.ivl Advert

Ti?enty-foar Wordo . CC.For Ecch Ci^ht V/ordo oftor ... ... ZC.

" Anotiono" oharged doublj .C/I7" Four Inoortions fconscoutlvc) (;ivea (or (ia

Pirinn of ThrCD.

1CD ESPECTADLE YOUNG VVO MAW panted r.3i£tl/ Barmaid j niuit ho r/cll recommended.Addrecs, AC, \ViTEn«>ED Norra OQco. It 0WANTED—An A|>i>rentioo to tha Groc;ry

Trtdo. Apply to Jouw W TLET, Micbiol-Street. (n25Jt)TThAUSCHINSUY'S HA 1E Dycn in »brc3 natur.lJii' ohadts—BUok , Brown , anrt Blonde. Postfrco , 2s , 3'j., fro m E. O'Gr.AOT, Lxtilra ' and Gentlo-oen'e Uoirdri'tser, 133, ynay, Waterford. nl8. .U#

BLACK , Brown, nnd Blondo dyes for tbo hilrc«n bo u«ed by lady or fj ^atlouisn : guaFf

ontocd p5rfcctly barmlesa. Poit free, 23. Cd-O'GnaDT, Hnlrdrcster, Waterford. nl8.4t*

A STROLOGY— Date, oondltlon i marriairo ; bin-JrA. lnc:3 prospfO'a l pi«t evcsis. Sood h;nh-tlo!<>. Fees, Is j datoilbfl , 2» Cd.—TJra Charls?, C7C'arlislo Place, Bradford , yi icntiflo acoorarcy gnar-oDteod. nl8 t°O AIR DYH-Daono^laiky Aaprican Liqcid.II .1.1 Bl:ct, Brocn and Blond. Instantaneous.

Ono nppllcstion. Last four wtelu. Post frei 2i 3dfroa O GoaDT, Halrdcec:cr , Qnsy, Wutorford. n»Y^UHCA NNON.—To bo Soldt a cocfortabbJLP House and Garden and about 9 Ac:ts of Lead(ctetnta taeasnro), on Lsnto fron tho tho EiphtHon. Lotd . Tctnplftnoro, at £Z0 a year for oil.Apply to Jontj TTTESDI, Ecq., Solicitor, S, Collcgc-ctrcct, Dublin. ' . , nll.3:{DilEU'S Eisy S!avinj la Bazor, &ot ready for \zx ,JU> can bo had oaly from E. OGiUi>y , HtirdreMor,

333, Tho Quay. pc:t frco, fourteen ftompj. o2SJit»BAHGA1N — Trro Camera*, ]>n*c! and Tripod

Btand.comrV-o. Will bo wld teparately ortogotter. Ho rczMnahle oflcr *ciu£;d. Apply,PATBIOB DnruB, Mcw-ttreet, Waterford. (0S7l't»)THE le. Bazor ; o good Germno Groucd Bszor

Set ready for nso ; mado by i)lrr, Hamburg ;Po3t Free, PourUon Stamps jfrota O'GiUimHalrdrcjacr, Waterford, (p21.4t»J"1T710R SAbE—flteam En(rlne an*l 'Bollor, about 3Ii- horca power, ferjr suliablo for farm work,Address llr. POOIB, Photographer, 31 U»H, Watcr-fofd. i • ¦

| • : ;WATEB Coiaetlquoa for D»rk«olD? th» Hoir,

Blici or B'oirn, ID npfil BOX with Braib.Fries Is | by Pest, li 2d. O Qckar , Halrd'esicrcsd Porfutnor, Wttorford. I ' (t)2$.4i*,)SIMPLE Halt CurUrt. 12 la t Box. All ahadai.

Do not lojur? tbe H»lr. Price Cd. Post, 7d,O'GOADT, Haitdreuer and Perfumer, ffaUrfo'd. .

j ' (o23,Ht» )(O.00DB0DVS PLUG, U 2il pouj>d | Koll\JT Tobacbo, 8ai 4d pound i Oullaber'* Plu*, i\%pound ) told at'. City Cigar Stprr, 70 QUAV,Waterford.' ¦ i ' • . , ', . . . ¦ i ; . ¦ . lt«/^* BEAT PALL IK PBIOE Of TOBACCO at\JT . th« C|ty Oigtr 6'OTB. 79. QOXY, WaU ofitXPIALL tar maB o* CiaARETTtefc In FMtttlJJ or by weight. Good CUt«Mte^A^ailvtU 8<J, at City Olpr 8tcw, 7ft QUAY, W»Urtotd4»

' ' "¦¦ 1 1 . . -¦! i . ¦." '

: . ; : .



Bargain. Lois m emr^ BepaHme%i


Oallcoe^ feyREADY-MADE QLO


All isiECSi, 0OM0

V7e have much pleasure in announcing that we have nov7 completedthio year's purchases of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , (Sc., and can ccfely caythat our Stock io cqucl to any House in the Trade. ; V7e direct Dpscialattention to our Stock of ;



£WLi " ^OL-UiiA^ " rj^r.XljC} CASvIiUCD CAnnGT' DI3 DUn^ACCIS.



S^eat AjamialOF


/,-=-\ I '¦ 'Q K. .

To introduce my Gentlemen s Beat Boots, I will during Sdo callat SPECIAL CHEAP PRICES j

Gentlemen 's be3t Calf flnd Crup Goloshed Boots, Combinctionmid hand -oewu. ;

These »oods have no superior and aro worthy of. attontion.All othor goods will be greatly reduced -in prices, and the Stock

ia one ot the largest and best in Wnterford. , jQ A M P I P I IMF • Hen's Nailed Dorbyo, ell leather, at G^. ildoAWI l LL L l H u . Unual Prico, Bz- i . ;


BKESS - LENGTHS I' fe© Mile !'


EG and ; ess fe 3Me33.

ii¦ i

. OkeaiS) Bale

sad follbuiBg ®ayo3

JAMES HEARNE & CO.,@8 & Q% @nay 9 Wa^md ,




(presentl y unreprctiiatcd in tho district).fXFFEEING fa»ourablo E»tC3 for first-cla::NJ' Ubt», and not onlorclns present lnqrtica inEaSc3. OeDtlonrn ni»b catoblishcd connectionpreferred. Address, A.Z., oaro ofn25.3t EASON t BON- Ltd., Bslkst.

THE FEAHCICCAII FATHEBDKcj to ccquiint yon- Uiat they will raafco


rTsO dclrjy tha EzpcDcro iocarred in tbp Flocrinj-L and other recoct luprovtmt^U c?

tbclr Cbnrob.TCP J ts confidently spp^il to your ecacro:ity ia

the preccnt Instnnco as they hato coaetimcj dcaain th<i put, end feat t::arcd that tbelr confidence iswall placed.

Uut cctiptlocB frou p:t3^C3 who cancat attend\7lll ba thankfull y icctlvc-d b? eny of tho Father;].

N. L. BALDWIN , O.S.F., Guardian.Friary, L:dy Lano, Woroaksr 2Iot, 1C03.

sn A nsaTHE SISTERS OF , CHAUITY bc3 to oc-

knowlcdjo haviur; jccetvol, throUj'rh MioB AHEO'.I . a lirga eupply of Clothing for tho PoorC liiM.'ta cf 0-» Cily, »nd ttonk tho Cubairibsra fojtli cir rc2«roc3 Coatrlbntioto. (It)


V7cnt='J c, Qnolifle » UiOx Tif o.

nnilE Conaiitco of Mann;-'a;eDt of tho (iorciJL trldfj o and Graiguo PU penjiry I):str!ot,.HJU.

nt tbclr Meeting to bo held nt tbe Clspeacary Hoa»o,Onixa '. on MONDAY, the 4th Deoaober, 1S03Bt TneUn o'CIooV , noo», proceed to elect a dulyc-aaliCcd lirOWIFE for 5ho GoreibridEO portion oftl)» District, r»t ft lahry of £18 p« annum.

The person appointed lutut ifilde wltbin herDistrict, acd «HI ba?B to act under tbe direction oftbo Uedtcal Officer of tbo IMstHri , end be loljcctto tbo Bnlc* »nd Eogciationi litid down by tbeLooil Go»ernoen» Board.Application*, tcoompaoUd by TfetlaonliU ted Dl-

S lowti . to ba forwa rded to tbe Honorary s' uretsry,obn liurpby, E«q, Gr»ious, nt or t*for* 11 o'clock,

a.n^ on tbe 4tb DECEMBEE, oext , ted Csrdld-•tca to bo In atj lodonco tt tho tticpccciry on ' thod»y ol election. v ' ¦

By Order,L. BABBV, Clork cf Union.

Klh WoveahcT , 1803. ( D!9£1 )


Tbi ccarest to lb» O. 8. ft W. B«llw»y,todpronowioed to b« the :

Host Homely and ComfortabloHotel in Dublin, i


Ladies' ¦p.oj | ;l:B^iDD|89' ¦ \ Ltmolxoon and B^owii*. >




Conatrccticq of ncdlwa^sTno V7iT*ajocD AKD Lmcaicr RutiriT coa-

PANT u prepared to rsedro Ttroraa to tin Cos*tTCDWtOH OV lilllWAVg JIBTTOBZa CUGSZOZSO. bin tho Conaty ofllayo, tad COLIOOBST, fa tijConstyof Sllgo. j ¦ • . . .

Tba lowcrt Tcader.cnay Tcsder.wni cittxcsarflyba accepted. i ""For Tcroa tsd Cosditioas cf Teader, epply to

JfOHlT J. UUEPBY,T7tt:rfo:d tid Liccrici TIaHway Cca Rj^

HSid Odcc teted Tcrsh *

ISta lloiis&ui UZX

D n o L A ri& f f io n .BOEOUGn


WATE°riF<?iiD, fCityi cfV^orl.' Hcta, &To Wrt. J htnbj foiraanhr aad^ aisosdydechro tlut, en the 10th day of Octobss, 1833, Ipurch-vsod Ono Half-Gallon oi'WHjW wbich irs»delivered m umi d*yJ I opened tie |w mi £Hedoae bottle, which I pU«d oa tha thdf, whtm 8ergastU AIONS eama ia «ad t*l<ed tot * Pint of CtMtfW hukey. I gaTohiai gaas otrt of tiU botlU. hinot truu, u ititod^n the Hewjpaperj, that I a«i»d tUwhhkey b»ck from blTn, nor did I u r l ki t * &whiskey for dra&kea mttt. SInco I began bvdoett u aPubllcaa I ntnt •ifnlterlUd wblikoy in any w»% •*did I r»er add water to U-(ll wUakar »oU by ¦»bung lu exactly ti» aw* tUto u I nctind U fc«a> tk*M erchant I haw nettr iiropllad 'drWc to«r<*»Ugfhp tKa'Inl>nimn r.1 ««_»_ " J » • . . . 1L.J, _.. _^ «• Mifuur, HIU i OSTS 1WIU ¦»"¦say campUint aboat &i wMiiay mhMi I adt aai l.mk« tbi,i SoUmn DecUr»tioji, ooMdestbHrteB«i»l;<oo tanw to be trne, «ad by tlrtna ef tk« smtUea*to Act mads and paawl ia tbs Fifth aa/fttth iw>ef tbe Bdga ef Ha late MaJa»W Kbg WBMB IV-

SS'i'LSf^^^titaW 'An Act fcr U»et&rtnal »bohbon of Oula «jd AfHmatiowUba and

provides* for U» .boliS «l Vmmn oSL' "• MI TaJua »ad.j« e«i«d J[,

ELLEN DELAHUHXr. ; SJ ttilS ilVSto*;i \ ; •'. t iTbcmm&tf L ' p <

LAUEBSCX A, BT J.»,V ?¦;: i 1 . . ; J«aOoa«<«aaB«o<»tk

LOCAL u*JtwArj rttj trnd¦'¦ . .' :;' ^rf»»ao B«cd>U tor »«a> «a»ttajt7utiiw»M. I—: ' ¦ :w»t«Tf»^i,Wa*«^-jfci 3aagi. ?.

^^l^r&F! * «<Si

Page 3: ¦ OulCCaU' ; ' I * ¦ ¦ ¦ g; COCA i l t il Msnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/... · and HiWer Dec. 19 iS'uMiDiA.s- ... Vet Halifax & Portland .. Dec 28 Polron



- I will demonstrate to tha whole world, au& to sufferer*ton these unfortunate rasladlea, how they can be por-Einently cured, bv.aa entirely Now Hethod 0« Treatment¦rithout the ohinoa of failure. Writ* with fall oonfldmo,to *&_ f"'"3' ll« Ba«K>od Flaoo, Norfolk Creseonelendon. Ha trill tod roa fall JaxHcntaM be* teharjo. i ] : ; (oJU8t)o


i I will dam«utnt« to the whole world how tbit mostdreadful of all complaint*. " Epil«prj,V which. BiO beenhlUrTtm onnridercd incurable, cnn be pcraino"tly oaredfinttost tit chattel o/ /a<luri). Write with full hope andconfidence' to the •¦ Seoretarv," Bnrwood Hotteo.BnrweodIl»oe, Hjde ' Park, 1/onden. Ho will send you, " Oratls."fall Instructions for euro, and advice on diet. ' fcljfl 1*


TO CONTRACTORStfrnHE JBo3rd ! nf Govenora will , at 1 their Meeting,jUL on MONDAY, the 14ih DECEMBER, or anyadjournment thereof , ooneider Sealed Propo:alaibicb ota to be addressed bj Poatoo herein dlreotad'•\ To tbo ; Presidiog Chalcojnn," (or tbe Supply ofproTieiODO, Clothing, Furniture, &c, eo per Bill ofIPsrtcolars. ;i| Tenders to bo posted eo as to recoh the Aojlam ODSATUEDAT the 9th DECEMBER.i| Bills of Particulars nltb Form of .Tendero to bebad on npplioaSlon.at tbe 0Q01 ot undersigned, (It)if GEORGE J. BBISCOE.

i Clork to tbe Board of Govornore.


¦uarosorvofi Aactioa e3 ^sfiueso.i IktaoDs. So-


BOOMS , GEORGE'S-ST., on WEDNESDAY andTHURSDAY , NOVEMBEB 28th and 30th, 1893,ths following Property :—

A Large Lot of Breakfast, Dinner and CarrionKnives and Forlts, Penknives, Butchers' Knives, SteelScissors, Rasore, Spoon«( Pad-Locks. Bba Locks,Mortas Locks. '8ash Fastners, Bnzs and Plain DoorHandles, Knodters, Brass Handles, ' Wardrobe andother Tlooke, Carpentere' Tools, Planes, Hammers,Hatchets, :Turn3creT7g, Chisels, Spirit Levels, Gimlets,Bradawls.': Pincers. Brats Cocks, Box Irons andHraters, Butt Hinges, T Binges, Screws, Bolte andNuts, Kivets . Brass Nails, about 15 ewt. Cut Nails ;Tocis, Cover Dishes, Trays, Pig Singers, Bolls Kings,Fanoy Cords, Spectacles, Cruet Stands, Tea Kitchen,Kettles. Boiljwj Saucepans, Pots, To Pots, 8tewPani, Gridirons,! Frying Pans, Clothes Brushes, HairBrruhea, Blacking Brashes. Back Lead Brushes,White Waeh Brushes, Scrubbing Breshts, SweepingBrashes, Bass Brushes, Whisks. Carpet Brushes, &o ,Hopes, Chains, | Drafts, Back Bands, Hamcs forHorces, and Donkeys, Down Pipes, Eve Shoots,Bends, Scales, Clothes, Hacks, Briloweoa, Wire, OilCons, Fenders end Fire Irons, Buckets, Baths, IronBedsteads, i ,PaIli«*ses, 8prongs, Shovels, Spades andHandles ; b large lot of Baskets ; 2 Sets of Now Har-ness, a 8add!e, Bridles, Stirrups, Girts, Knee Caps,Halters, If ead Collars, Horeo Clipping Machines, BranKUAT Rods, and'several other articles too numerous topentton. ¦ -. |

j AU mil be sold in lots to suit Purchti&ers withoutday reserve. I

Sale at 12 o'clock, sharp, each day, Terms—Cash,end Auction Fees 6 per oent.

i | i J. J. BEEEN, Auctioneer,i Great George's Street, Wateriord.

Waterfoifl J&artuts.

i November 24th, 1893.1 BLACK OATS-Largo supplies ltd pries tares peaea

loner. ; :! MAIZEJ-No clang*.: POEEIOS WHEAT—VCTJ dull.

FLOUR-Dcll'.J. & 8. PHELAN.

' P R I C E S C U R B E N T .

IBISH; _ I Old._ ( Bet».

'i/TlEAT.pSr h«lTo7280liT ». d. a. d. c d. «. d— Whits • - -I * Olo OO 0 14 0 II 0_ oM ¦ • ¦ oo o oo o u o 13 o_ Shipping do • -i W 0 OO 0 13 0 18 0

n ABLET, rterbarl. of 23«b». i

: _ Kiltlnir;. . : 0 0 oo o '8 0 It 0OATS. p«r barrel et 19dlb». '

> _ Blsck' ¦ - -; U 4 U S 11 0 11 0_ Grey, - - u o o o o o o o o o

JTLOUB , pt r«»f» , of itXMl. . Ii — EJ-Snperflnea - ¦'!! I K I (1 0 t «1 _ Klnes . . 23 '< M 00 0 ?i _ 3rf» - • - , 00 0 0 0OlTllEALl per 8iol - - J 3 0 2 3 6 O O O 0 0BEAN , utr.Cwt. . - 6 « O O O O o o o1-OI.I.AUDido . . J S 6 0 0 0 0 « e

¦ FOREIGN. I yaca,OrTEAT1. per burrel or KIIUIIH . "~~

,n. d. o d— Rod Wmter . 18 0 18 0— Califomaii - . |18 0 17 «

Z aSSka - '• -i'6 « 15 0: - AkotralUD |» • » «

IKDUN COKN , . . . . ._ _ DiinablAD and Foionjib ,. ._ — Oi tt . . . U t U I

z q 553S;: : : :» « « •, _ -| L. Pluti . - £' Jj *O J7LOUB , Amorie»», per bsrrol of ltolbi ¦ , ! » I

_ Freucb, per uek, ot 2801bB . . -^ ° , "IHDUN KEAL. American, per «nck - | J

f Homo lUnufactore, rer ; ,., . ..i tow* «i 2K0 r • " •

(Corrected thi» day for " Tbo Waterfo rd None.")1 PBOVISIONf.

o, d. e. dBico>< Pio» . nor (•*»' . — — 47 0 47 CT» iterlord Iiicoa. p<r cut — M O 01 oForeign, | do. ; do. — U 0 S3 0B ir uM , ! per cwt — — 04 0 Tl •Firr, j do. - - H O 13 »HKADS , pdr toD | — — 81 0 Si 0L»»r (cbJndler i) — — 0 0 0 «

! n 'WI , I CD EG'. »CnicsBssI, por ro 'T — — 4 to 6Coci Tc»«r.i»,por p« ir — — 10 8 14 0Hca Do. | - 7 0 7 0DocK'HO/*, porp«lr — — a 8 8 0Ocrsi, ao. — — 7 0 0 •Kflul , per HO — — 13 0 18 0Doer Eooa, per lilJ - — 0 0 •TOWL , per pan — — 2 3 l

, HUTC. "I iUiN1 tlt*T.B»ir, per lb. j - — 0 8J lo e 0UrrroK, per 1b. : - ~ . t ° °LiBB , per or. j — «r « o 0Y«n, ponlc ! - - 0 7 0 0POM , peilb. j — — 0 6 0 o

¦ i COAJL.B.COALS, per too — — CO 0 03 9DoliTeredj por do. — — Si 0 M O

! POTATOED.Prico per otono: — — 0 81 0 4

I : BEEAD.Wnin. pbr !!!.•: — — 0 6 ' 0Housi-notD, doj — — 0 0 0

] ' V I H H.NrHTO0iri.i_iBbCodfl»h,per c"t .- I* 0 i» 10lloswil UMBIBM , Eoand , por barr» 10 0 00

Do. Split Labrador — — 10 0 (N I8oi.«, P«r!do. - - 1 2 J «TCEBOT, per do - - ' 1 *8tu»oa, P<r lb. - - 0 0 0 0GnLSE. P«rlb. - - o o 0 0

Puddor cjid Grcon Crora

Day, per ton I ?4- 1° VWlieaten tJtraw «J. Jo 6a3Wheitcs Bheal ... &to ftOiten Straw ft* to I?S» = = .r i: £S£

j ; DIED.On Tnesdiy, tho 21it laot , »t tbe rraideilCS of her brother.

Mr Uichsel White. Patrick Street, Urs Fofrcr, deeply «™1deeerredly Wgrotted. M*y si o rest In peace.

On tbe 17th Norembcr, 183J. a» his icaidcaco, 9, Broad B...W.terfort! Jobn Oiboon. wrod 4i(, deeply rejretUd.


Great Bdnthern & Weaturn - 117}Uidland'Qroat Woatern 103JGreat JJbrthem Railway 141Dublin, tWioklow and Wexford 31

! BANKS.National Bant; 2*H-8Provincial Baak 24 3-8Bank of Ireland ... ... 320llnnetor.and Leinatar Bank * 3 8

HABVET 6 SON. StookbroL-ors, Wojtorforu'.



w I . ! '

¦ ' " BS JTCP, ASD Kim KOT."

SATUBPAY, NO7EIIB33B 25, 1893.

#ST ram5R51 .SSiBtXEIE 057 i SDA&YSOH

Tiii HKAXT; haa jnat received: what oay,

pocaibly tarn out to be faw cotip & grace.tJommitteb Boom Fifteen reoalb ead memories,lfc was there that HEAXT nnobeathed the da er

ieo-finnfmirJitor/ fa the p]°t ¦ *?, | kill PABBBI*Wt in the fambao Committee ^"JV^T—^lust and eat for eight honrt w * 3 .Zjg.the Leader killer onlthe "tker^** « kg?

! decree ^bo rastitated » the HomO«tog Con-i iroTersy,", Mr. TIHOTHT i BikVi JBS not

presentji ecdiMTeateen other menial" rtjneParty of . Sqaafcbltfa kept 8w»y> f' ff^I leM/undCT iiapresBaBBthot w tbff Wl n^

i a aajorit» itlwas better to let jndgmen* go oj'¦aehalt lpAB*

1.* it came ; to p»» t**** ^

: eight hftoTB aeUbettaon tbe fihy onr Wmergedifcto>b« light of day with'n « ott»deaoaaeiag j "'certain ; ifjfldrU ! to;" pi«iWf*M

iL¦ ¦¦];¦ [I ;," :T (l A^BatTOBfe GElNl!RAL ;^AD¥iaTiS'ER, ¦¦ NOVEBIBBR '. tiBtxMZdussenaion amongst tlriibi Nntionaliets by thepublio1 agitation of iqnesUona relating to!;the'^ njend P(#et«]of tbe .partj u therwponmble guardians of the NftUond cause."iriabmen were;wamea that pewlstenfie in euqh 0couwe would lead -fe ; dlinuono reabltb ; and a

^oln, B' Pr°Po»ed Iby jMr, J. 0. FuHW, and

ponded by lit A. :WK!BB. declared I that themanagement oJ fanda oo4trlbnted for Nationalobieoto belonged of right to tho party and'itndelegatea, and conld.nbt be tranoferred to otherswtnoTrt imposing 0 oonaitiod of ndbbemenoy,whwh the' elected1 repreoentativeij of the peoplecould not aodept. -While wo tipprov* of f rankdieonssion nitbin the party," the ! tresolaUonPjaoeerJpd to ptote, - t > wq\call upon ieVery IriahJ^atioBahct i;to dicooarorie and p»<iwnt any

movement by ! trondtrriS»BU

nwtter«j"<>r*p3rtyconttuversy from the isoancilB of the pifty to|thepln.f rm and the Precs." ¦ M

_ Thi3 io » o ansA- f of: tho moiority of ..theT7higa to Mr. T. U. HEAW'O opeecb ot the2lercanta8 Biauch o£ theiFaderatton id Dublinon Thnrcday, Novenibor 16tb. In that opeeohMrHcALT eaid :— -j ¦ " \ \\

" When th'a Iruh Pcrty came to its ooaolniioi inComraittia Boom 16 tiujw oero only iwo pirtlea, andI ttink il wa»:o (jre t , mfatako for ony pcrton'on-authorised to comnjenoajnsgotlattomi oith the pledga.brealterB (hcar,: hbr). I tliini thecs now eo wlioitioujabout the majority rule n ought to have remeinbared tohave asdated the majority whea they went into Qalrmyjail, for instead of inning o cold pater rnr.mfcito;giving oa o douche of ice down our backe, if they badgiven us a help, their tction would bav« tionappreciated (hbr, hear). I think, furthtrmore, ihatii WAJ not ucang »n occordanea with majority rale,for ono of thecs. (jentlemcn to havo allowed his naoo toremain on the imprint of United Ireland forlrix monthswhile it mi iauing its mrirderoua Dttaolu on '-Hacanbora of the majority of the Irish Forty.! I think,furthermore, that wnen they came out of Ualcray jiil,ond found a newspaper atarted on the money of ithoIrich people, end under the canctioo and ioalancc ofthe Irish| Party—I thick it nta thair dnty to havesupported that piper tnd not to havo supported a paperthat_ had betrayed tho Irish caucs (hear, heir), AndI think that when, th- quution of riving the monetarypatronage of tha Federation in tno publieaSoa o( itsIlsfel of tubccriptlons had to be'dedded, it oo] unfair tow ing the publication of theca advartiisaoitB for the,Pretmau'f Journal under a threat of rotirmsnt frompublio lifs. I; think, furthermore, that \ xihen .theUaticnal Prut, founded by the money of the Irishpeople and nnder the oucpicei and ejection of theIrish Party, was in its death grapple with the rjra Ipublication, anil when the people in conventionassembled were| rallying by resolution! to' its support,it wkj unfeir to uy thcia resolution) should bo closuredor certain gentlemen would retire from publio lifo0 o o o • 0 I think it wu equally »3ain»tgood policy that, without any crimo committed or anyoffence alleged Mr O'Brien ehould have come down topropose Mr John Dillon aa chairman, and to try andHcS oat Mr McCarthy • ° • • My policy hubcin that the country ia our matter, that the peoplewere enabled to , judge ; that the people were enabledto elect their represuitatives (hear, hc»r) ; thatconventions ought to be free (cheero) ; that tho PIEJought to be fees, and that tho Irish farty ocgbt to bof'ee. And if 1 am challenged u to whether; indepen-dent treasurers should exist for the Parliamentary Fund1 co'oceive it would be much more of an honour to 'ilrDillon to be supported by men with whom hVwas in nofinatirinl privity than to be supported by men! in rejprdto nhom, rightly or wrongly, ! it would bfl possible tomake the oucgtction that he jrrcs in financijil privity.I have never made it, bat thu I do know that I haveknown a man to be denied the proper stipend to whic Jhe wu entitled—a poor man—because he too!; adifferent viow frozn filr Dillon in tho Frtcmcrtt Journalcontroversy."

This was tbe last otraw in the humiliatingcontroversy. It naa for making thia opeeobjluDILLON invoked the aid of tbe majority of ,tbeWhijjo to cqoelch Mr HEALT, and with thatend in view tbe resolution was adopted denoqno-ing Irish " Nationnliata" for " propagatingdisoention ." One of the great complaints of [theHealyitea cao that Mr Joan BILLOH held jtheporco ctriogo and that tbey could not lay afinger on tbo owsg. la viitneBB of thiu s»e haveMr BRALT'S nlkgalone about tbe M.P. nhowoo " denied the propel stipend j he woa entitledto becanoe he took a different Tier? from iMrDILLON in tbe Fre-eman controvemy, " ondMtcaro HDALT, MUEPHT and MOONET'Sefforts to have all monies cent direct to tbeFederation treiaurero and not to the NationalTroGteea. To meet tbe Healyitea on thia ccorea resolution was adopted is Committee Room15 on Monday enjoining thut all anbecriptioaofor " evioted tenants"aboald be " mede payable,aa heretofore, to the recogniced National trnatees,M«ssro J CBTIU MCCARTHY, TUOIIXB SEX ION,and JOHN DILLON, M.P.'B," and are to| be" administered , as heretofore, on behalf of theParty, aoder tbe direction and delegation of theParty." It will be csen from tbc:e resolntionBthat at last Tm HEALT ia beaten to the ropea,and tbat tbe avowed purpose of tbe Dilloniwj todrive him (rum public lite io not, niter all,anlikely to be carried into efteot. Tbdt ouch ablccoiag is in iaimediate store for Ireland wo donut really think. Mr HEALY is not to be oupprca-oed co easily as tbo Ditlonitcs ceamjto tbjok.He mil nut give np nithoat a atroggle j thetbe position attained by tbe j aco l ofbngaago ond the adoption of metbodo—r'evoltiagthough they were — r?hioh gained! for ; tbeM'C»rtbyit« Party tbe advantages wbtoh theynecured in this conntry. Mr DILLON now wantsCo ctep into HEALT'O ahoet> und 'reap 'tbeudvantugeo of all bis evil work. But ibat Tiuio to te Rot lid of so easily we fail to believe.

3?hn S&a& Wcisa Blcotiea

Tbe election for tbe Aldermonobip ot tbeSouth Word will be held to-tnorrow. We trnottbe friends of Aid. EEDlionD Trill come earlyto tbe poll and record their votes in hia favour.It ia not oor province to coy muob on tbe relctivemerits of tbe candidates. Bat "e tbialr it onlyright to point out that tbb content—'the onlyone forced in the city—does not come from1 MrJonn HIOOIKO, V7ho, tckb him all in all. ii oharmless member of tbo community, butsprings from Aid. BJCHAUID Powcc, yno neT€rforgave the cittinjt Alderman for tbe noanolngbe gave him (Aid Eicamp) at the poll for tbiflvery oame Sonth Ward tbirty-two yearo ego.In fact Aid. BICHABD P^WEE obhea to

makecato-pows of tbo Burgeacea to vent hb privateopleen. Tbnt be wiU not' be able to 4o oo wecan predict for n certainty. Tbe malice whichactuates Aid POWEU ho« been pretty plnialyoheun during tbe last year, .ar ID6| uoara oiGuardians o month oince he was instrumentalin taking from Mr C. P- RDDHOHD t. contrtctfor books and foi mo, to cave, bless tpe mcrk 1tbe euormouo oam of Is 4d. In conoeeiuence ofthia action a large nnm of money will be nent to aDublin printer, instead of being kept at borneto bo opent in the city. Tbio incident Bhowo thesinister motives of the men who, instead oftrying to injure Mlon-citizenn, would be rnaobbatter employed in preparing for the hereafterwhioh. in tbe ordinary course of evento, muc^ becloca upon him. It io not oar intention to dwellfurther on tbeoubject oi tbifl contest. WthoBur.Kerzeo deoire to support Aid POWEE in hio orncadeof HATfc then, by all meant), let tbeca vote lorIlr. JOHN HKMINS tc-monrow. If , od the otherband, tbey desire to promote peuce tod good-will then, in all fairness, we may ak tbomto caot tbeir votea in favor of the man who holdo•b.0 fort, and nbo hoo not f orced the cchtat.

H3AV0 , P A O D A G E ,

T »>.. knight of th3 <5il« aD^li n:^cJoatiatarday,

nmin^tio to the Bar, it btios too early oa tho.tldeSrsuhlDW T"o pilou aod hotfclsrs la thettlSSfiiWlio conSlciioa tbat oho hsd Sot aba boor1.«ot oo bosri. The qaeatlos »« put tothe men eWintf at the look-out who wuld goto»h 7,mna<if the ship and exea. John ;Hea»B, Bill

8™, Hen°ry M«oOf and Ned Bog.* ty ntA tdrThu oien yawl. Tbo ceo was waoblnff o can

& Ihe P!« ».na Quay «this tlmo, hat notbioCnn/eun df ont^hra^ot ud colltos tbS. ffOOMOlnffondtuoted, opt , tnoy u ,

^FfJiA. foil! , %« of IV . 8M **M.\ Alljiho

fn ..nLoStdtoV -rbaurwero aoriowly w.toh-villagers crowd tn.d oeeB^lhli;- The

%?#rSa aawssasB

WsMMmj S £ bi» <Srt«bl»B: Cittd.n Head 4 M«ll tooktbe rtaycall clean from the ropo, .

IW* *FSbaclt tbrongtt.freuof westber 8boe35lopayofffron DtrnEdre: about fcur.bouw afttriiards and

"4^!Sv Vctall. J&M *never of tai open yonl in each «a esd-ffna dnnsjMs ciperinicci : . j . ! ' : | ¦ ' '

TBB CABttlOZDiCa IVAQVP. \A rattier hciied tnacjingjol ,ihs rndnte* rf , &i»

Lranch m held on 8und»y owing to i»|d«eo«ilM» 'raitsd by Mr John Phee aa to ths eviction; ;o* tiwjlatePaddv FftrrabV by Mr E FiUgenOd, t> member of, thebranch. MrlFitigerBld oreUfced H» drc#»Uno8» of.I,-- «mlheldihat he Did sot dealt in anyway

SS »ad o&r rterUeg NwionoJlrt. ma» «»U tlyorttTome I opinion. H *.¦• poiutcd;!ont tbst BFonta W iDy jiist.cMfc of compWi

he would

Sr to vote Jt. i A dtcUfla w» coma toJtyduraif tho

¦tortnigBf M ' p -• • ¦• ¦ ¦ •- i I : :¦

' Vw\S TOO to«» ofJ?"»S PW»» »* «f» f» I**"

^(gt Uke.Rl^tolioBdwtf


¦,.; ; ¦ " ¦ .

Local & D iiriot (JossipAs every burgess in tbe SoothTHE ALD'O Word ¦knona , Aid. EiohardMAN. Power ; sprtcd ilr. JohnHlggino against Aid ftedmond

colely from cpltefal motites.' No ffeacon, as farup we can toe, . hiu Dean advanced why thesitting Aid Bhould not retail his seat. He wastbe most prominent opponent of tbe BoroughBate in the Corporation. jBnt for tbio paperwbioh biacononno &nd edita'tbe Borough Batewould now be in force in the city, : No otherpaper opposed it. Aid Kedbond was the pro-jeotor of the Waterworks, j He advocated tbelighting of Bally brioken and 'Patrick otreet, auduotually lit tbe firot lamp on! the HilL Duringbis Mayoralty . he procured for tbe citizenawithout one farthing expense ont of the rates,tbe splendid portrait of O'COQDV II wbiob nowadorns the Oonncil Obamber. He ia in favonrof the appointment of a government auditor.What, then, io the recson for tois oppocition PSimply this : Thirty -two ytora «go Aid. B.Power—then plain Mr . Biouard—opposed AidBodmond for the representation of this wurd ,and retired detested by two to one/ To aveDgethia defeat the bero of the Union contractsstarts tbe oppooition and uses Ilr. John Hig^msan the pawn upon hb privateohesa.Loard.

It cannot be denied tbat AidCEETAXU TO R. Power nas the otrongtiat

DO so. oupporter of the Borough Batein tbe city, next to Ilr. W. J.

8aiitb. Ilr. Biggino, heretofore, hao not votedia favour of thus Rate ; but out of eommougratitude to tbe meddling Alderman, be wuuldbe certain to do co in future, if tho BurgecseoKave nim tbeir nltimatum.

Besides, there la another "oyANOTHER WAT. of looking Qt tbio ooDteot.

Mr HiggiuS held a Date seat ;no one intended to obullengj bio right to oouupyit. If he could do tbe ratepayers a good turn ,be was equally in a puoicioa lo do co aa coun-cillor «f taa South Word. Then .wb y did beresign t Simply to pleaou Aid. Power, und forno otber reocon under tbe ouo

Now , ifllr. John Higgino busLET HIU POINT any otaitling pnblio eei vices to

TO THEZI. point to, let him tell tbe Bar-gecaefl what they are b» to-

morrow. Probably instead of doing oo, adocument heaped with abaca ot Aid , Redmond,will be oent round the ward. Abuse ie noargument. Tbe candidate who bus to dependupon it alone io not particularly to be envied.

At tbe shareholder? meeting ofW. 4C. I. R. the W. and C. I. Railway

SHAJLEHOLDEbS. Company held in in Londonon Tueodnyj a otrong represen-

tation waa held in favour of holding tbe meetingoin Ireland instead of in tbe great metropolis.Thp Chairman in reply oaid tbat u was arrangedwhen the management of tbo uafno van trans-ferred to Watelford the half-yearly meetingashould be held in London. In aaswei to fir.M'Cinn tod Ilr. Waldron he stated tbat tboamount of ordinary shares held in EnglandWES £121,085 ; preference, £126,625 , centralIreland obtiren, £23,030. Tbe Irian bolding wusordinary, £128.915 ; preference, £73,475 , centralIreland, £4,450.

From the report given inTBE PHILHAK- another column it will be ceea

IIONIC SOOIETT. tbat tbe Pbilnarmonic cocietyj is in anycning Due toe nouriDh-

ing condition tbAt well wubcra ooald deoire. Itbej been on tbe down grade lor come time.Since tbe opening of the precent oecsioc tbe at-tendances ut the practices have been wretcbod,added to wbicb friction QmoDgtj: tbemembers brought about tbe preoeni climax.The diCcaltifB before the society are greatindeed.^but tbey are not inaarmocntable , andif those wbo desire to see the study of maaicadvanced in the oity, only woro. in barmony andcet tbeir ohoulders to the wncel , we see noreacon why & further period of prosperity ohoaldnot beceoared for tbe Sooist,;

Tbe people o( Ltungarvnt oreTHE EVICTING awaking to tbe true atau ofGOVEENUEIIT. aCairo in Ireland. For a time

tbe Whigo beld away in tbetown : like o lot of empty veszeh tbey madea lot of cound, tbe reaulQ being tbat somepeople imegined tbe Old Borough was steepedas deep as ever in Whiggery. Bat tbot it ionot co our columns 6ban week clearly prove.At the Town Commbdon Board and at tbeYoung Ireland bociety during tbe week, ouoogresolutions were adopted cundemnlng tbo Mi.nbtry for acsisting Lord De Freyoe, ColonelO'Calla^ban and otber enotors, nac roundlyrating tbo IlcCarthyito membero Io? puromnt;a policy of inaotiun and dlenc

La»t week a l >oa| Wm^ paperHCA-C, HEAB writing of too marcb of tbe

land-grabber in Bew» caid : " There are many vewraoo ot our old Nationalguard in each parish wbo ought to be able tumanage those txuitoro by ooinbiniag properly.The beat and only plan is to re-ormmize tbebranches of tbo League thorough!; Self-pre-cervatiun ought move tbem to tbia. It is a greatmistake fcr us to Uy down our arms vrbile tberein co much to fig hting to be done. It la fearedthe oeapona tbnt wo uaed with snob excellenteSeot in tbe paot are getting rusty in our bunds,for wont of using them. Our present apathy isdeadly. " Hear, bear w« all oaj Tbe beat, andonly plan b to re-organize tbe branches of tbeLeague thoroughly. Tbe .J?ederatlot ban beentried and found wanting.

Tbe local V7higo wnt bove ooINVENTIONS, arranged mattttrs.tnai nc one

can make them responsible fortbeir wild extraragencea of language or uczertionproduce each week columns of barefaced false-hoods. Tbeir plan is cimply this ; One weekthey tell a dozen or oo deliberate uatratbs witha view to injuring tho character of one politicalopponent or another. When these ore allshown to be tbe vilest fabrication* cei offonce more end produce another atoot ofuntruths In this wuy they keep the pot boilingLast week thia plan was tried in tbe most bore-faced manner with a view to injuring Aid,Redmond's candidature for tbe Sootn Wore itis unneos~ory to go minutely into tbe maize oflies. SaGoient ia it to uy generally that tbere waanot a line or syllable in tbe productioc wbiobcny man with the omallut reapeot tor tbe (rathcould or would pet,

Tbe three names eeni forwardTHE GOUDTY from which the County SbfriC

83BIVALTT- for 1894 U to be selected ore • —Charles Nugent Humble Esq.,

Cloncosirslno, Danjjarvaa j Cnnrleo fi Deaoj, tisq,May Para ; Bichard Purcell Fadgo. Eiq, Glenally,YoarcbaL

Tbe people o( Waterforrt buvelzrrznBZ E:oncr. learned nitb the utmost rogret of

tbo trouble cast upon Mr. Jonn E.Bedcnond, M.P.. by tbe very lerioui illne<3 ot CDC ofhis dear oblldrca. Tbey sincerely trot tbat Qodin Hb Protidonca may spare Un, little auQerer

Tba greatest eatltfaotloo li felt inSATISFACTIOB. tbe city thai tbe rural guardians

have beer, compelled to eattbo leak and agree to condition! underwbleb tbe poor female idiots will bo pro-vided with proper accommodation in future.Tbls U ia & great measure tbo result oftho timely and praiseworthy intervention of theBishop on tbeir behalf, ilr. Brcnnon nod tbeother narrow-minded Individuals who aotcd withhim would csver have b^en brought to rcaaoo batfor tho kindly Interference of bis Lordsbip. At notlmo waa it contemplated totax tbo ratepayers onecdditional farthing tor tbe much-needed Improvedcccoaincdation,

Tbo local Whl/rs aro calling out forDEUonTFOL. a jurry to decide whether tboy are

" slanderers or not." This Isdelightful, comlog from a Party who, when asitcdto stacd and account for thtir pnblio performances,clank away behind the ebolter, of tbo non well,eipcrod Bill of Sale.

Friend Jin many distant lands oocdIinnALO we no pipcm, and msoy a time have

WAIIT. we puzzled our brains to know fromwboa tbey came. It ia tbo ex-

ception ntber tbao tho rob to find lnitislo or, infact, coy mark by wbicb tbe tODder could bo ldro-UCitl. Tbb week wo bave rcsdved a unique paper"Tbo Votes ot Ot. Lucia," ohlca it printed inCastries, a em&U port in ths British West Indies.It is obont bjMf tbo else of tb« " Waterford Uall ,"sad Is eo tQJprinted cj to bo dlOealt to resd, votit b lmed at sUpenca o copy. Wbo tbe cendc; bwo hava cot the remotest ide».: Tht XTtaf at&Xtu Prua If dull, csPco7L3 lit Qua a rule, becomes emnstng at times.

HOC6E3, ETC ID its tous kit ocoh It pnblisbcdoitb o grrstjtcand of trampets,

" Aitoandic^ rcvcUtioss In jonrnsliam," and acoassdUse Pesjh ot " wbolaile plntcy," becsnea thatpaper pobliihcti on article ca Irish Eduoutlon fromtbo Deny Journal without e^knofflcdgiog it. Iomaltiog tbe "utoundlng revolationj" tbe if tte Prtuold :—" Tba gro>test tueanDc^i a pa*spaper cffa\dtbi gallty Of 1* to «teal (be ortldlasof another journaloca publish then e» iUowo , Ordictry pbgiarlarafades into iwtaQlflcarjco in oompariEon nfth tbogreater theft. Tbo plagiarist rarely does morp tb»nto ftppropriate tno ldcot of iomo mightier bnin.Too unscrupulous journalist may er»m hb back

!•*• »-.»l»1»« flwnrlntM^ Wtthnut aAWn^^i.j-

ment, bnt It nu beenieft for The Wta/ori PeopUto «pproprlate whole leadiog article), to transfertbem to tbeir leading colomos and eating tbem toleaded type, pfttade tbem as ^belr own. r Here Isvirtuoni Kludignatjon for jpn. Bui wbat dowe find, in the very eatno iisac of the Frtt Pratwu pabllabed • long ertioloi on the UtnobcsterMirtyre celebration coplrd from tbo New YorkIrish World without one syllable of coknowkdg-nwnt. Wbere tb* bunt ot I tho Iruh World ap-pcued to»t of tbo Fru Prtu vtt subititnted. Aftertbls ee can in «Jloonscieace.«sk nbo ia rally « thecoecrnpnlou* jotumallit-" ! , .

' , ' ' On BaDdjy toext ths annivcraryOn LATB of .tbe death of oar late notaber,tassoss, Mr, EJoaird Poner nil] bj cca-

¦ i moinornjed. Splenclld breaths art)to be plsocd on tho grnvo: in Tramo'ra: Churobyarilot balf-pait cleveen o'olooV, by the members of t<>eNatloaal and Iiltvmry Club, of which the deceased"as president, and by iho Trampre branch of thoNational League. . • :

'] \

¦ ' ¦ ¦ ~ -\ . • ¦ ¦ ' '. . \

' ! Tbe Faitblogg Harrlors HdotPOSTPORCO. Ihoc3 aro postponed until Bister!

j lioadayl onlng to dimaga done.tbe Tramoio B»ccoouroeTby late i»torai.i Tbe cup atMr. Elcbard Dillon's Qtiay, Is one ot tho prettiestHunt Cupb wo have avbr ieen. • . : . •¦ \¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ • ; Already Whig M.P*s. iare kicking

BnEAKCiO over tho traces i placed upon them;Loooa. In Con mitUe: Boom 15 . last'

' Ilonday. At a mooting beld lastnifrbt Mr. Elntt Kenny, M, I1.—of blook' eyo fume—called to havo onaoC tbe resolutions adopted by bisV/bij comrades rcaoiaded M ono , OJ it conveyed 6olur on the lmmicuUto F (deration. For doing soMr. Kenny 'io roundly rated In to-day's FallenJnnrnfll_ :

The protty Uttle Pariob Onurcn ofEIIOCSEOT EacsBtidy, ohloh we bapponed to

CHOBCB. vis it yeiteiday, ia kopt fn ex-cellent order, tnd qulto a credit to

tbo Glergyoioa of tbe Pmbh. Tbo altar b a gemIn its nay.

Mr. Goorrje Nolan is building aNtrw ItaiDnHcn. vecy fino ne» realdonce for bim-

oolf at the top of Newtown, Dun-iinre road, Dearly opposite the rusidenoa of Mr. N.Harvey.

Wotcrford Buyers inform no tbatA C0M703TADL3 O(flo's Hotel, Carlow, io a really

HODO C. comfortable bouse to put up In ;cad V7atcrford bayers who pay

their nay lilro men, liko oau? places.Mr, Oonaldaoa, tbo highl y ro-

Iurcovma nr opected manager of tho WaterfordH EALTH. GM Works, bed a sharp attacli of

fnflaonsa. but we are happy to findthat he is etczdlly Improving in health.

Messrs BoberUon and Ledlle ereReuovu.-o. removion fron; tbolr bouoo in

O'Connpll-D'reat , to tbo extensivebouoe ood premlcea on tbe Quay, formorly occu-pied bj Mr Gcorrro Wslpole, Orocer.

Lord Cbarlta' Beruford bos bocaTun HiVii. •tonliDff iho norld wl«b his pro-

A n u A u t II T. poialo for tbe development of theNavel Armament of Great Britain.

Ho propounds the doctrinn that i» ie necooosry forthe protection of tho naval aupromsoy of EnR landand tha oafo^utrding of bar mercantile marine i bath-r navy should bo buQoicntly strong to cops withtbe combined forces of France «nd Eucaia. SisLordship modostly duggcjts ao expenditure of£24,240,030 for tho purpoca Indicated.

All our local sbipg fared very wellu>CAiy during ths late ctorm. No domsgo

oHippitro. wbatover woo dono to tbom, Al-though cavoral veooelo wero oui in

tbo KO I O, tbey fought It In grand sty le , hence neitherllfo oor proporty mi0erf d. '

Uo'.lco of tba tanking of a Pro-86 COTTAOCG. vlcional Order for Lho Rrootloo nf

85 cottapea in Watorford Udionoppecro Io our columns thia ovenlng.

Ao i?ill bs c;eo bj advertleemontSQCNT WANTCD. In another col" an aa a<?ent ia

" cm Led in tbm district by aflrot-olcca Inauraoca Company.

Tbo Local Govornmeot B o a r dTUB Ntv7 bavecdopt^d new rogolotions with

RnooHTiotio. a 'viow to oecurlorj sdditionalcomforts for tbe cued a bo are

compelled to ipond tbeir dayi In tho nerbhoaseo oftbis coootrr. According to the codo of rules aonIn forc a mairicd oouplca over sixty yearn ut cge canbo alloned to use the camo appari lsouts, providedcsparate nppartmonta aro available, and tobaeooand IUD IJ may alco be given to tbe ogod and infirm.Ao far c3 na oan cee tha Grst reQulation is a mereseotimontal o^n. In no nerkhnrJBe that np &rnanare aro there separate appartments obich couldbe uned as indicated. Dodor tbo exlKtinQ circum-stances it ii not at all likely tbat guardians tillba inclined to make oxtonnivo and costly alterationsto make tbo autumn of life more bappy for thoserrboai thoy aro eotnpalled to support

At Wednesday 's aj foting of theAnn Tut? Board, Mr W E L'Estrnnge DuGn

T Q D D O T rccoromonded tbe Guardians tojoDota' obtain tho service] of an omlaent

bydraulioengineer—o.Mr Macaaseyfor preference—to rovlen hit evldenco as to thecupplr of water to bo obtained for Tramore undrrtbo plans prepared by him. Mr Delahunty ctrobglyobjested to Mr Dumu mentioning tbe name of anybydraulio engineer cs " they wore tho boot jadrjesthemoolvea." Tbis is eonolbios new . Wo wore ooranare until Mr Delahunty spoke thai 'be guardiansworo lurccd Io tb» sclooco of eng ineering. Buttbo longer Joa live tho moro you Icaro I (Mr Dela-lahonty 'i kiodnotj In letting the publio kaon of bisond bis brother guardiaao' capsbilitioi will , wo areoaro, bo fully appreciated.

IJOS1 SGTJC.Wo ere informed tbat Mr. James Byrne, of Ballina

linagh. b o/ opinion that oartain arcu atiooa of landgrabbing cere made&jainit hia>(inoor baneof the 11thinat. VVe havo laoltcd the paper carefully over andeennot find hia nama mentioned in any part of it.However, tu ho t inmcj certain general references toland-grabbing were intended for him, and as we under-stand no accusation of the kind could In cny way lieagainst him. wo regret that ho should fcsl in eay waye£3rlevcd at anything that oppesred in this journal.

Bo&th o? He. Potefofc QzzoyWe sincerely regret to ennotmeo the death at en

advanced ego of Mr Patrick Casey, ohich took placeat his residence, Broad-etreet, on Tuesday last. Thedeceased gentleman wu a native of Clonmel, where beenjoyed the rccjx>ct and good-will of many friends. Hewas for a considerable time a member of tbo ClonraelCorpomtton, and wr.3 most zealous io discharging thsdutiu which devolved on him. During his many yearsraidenoa in Waterford by his kindly tnd gentlademeanour fcs reined quite a but of friends. He wasa good Ccthouo and a patriotio Irishman and nosgreatly ertcsmed wherever he was known. After HighMen end Owes at St. John's Church yesterday(Thursday), the remains wcro removed to Ballygunnerfor interment, followed by several relatives and iriendsfrom Clonael. u well u o largo number of citizensSeveral beactiful wreaths rrere lovingly phuxd on thecrave—B I.P.

Ecaih of Ilr. Iiouglilin-Byvno. EnjjlnoDriver, XT. & O. I. Eoiluay.

Wo much rcjrot having to reward the death of MrLoughUn- Byrne, which. *oad event took place at hiaresidence, Sion Rocr. on the 17th loot after o verybrief illncra ;tad olmoct, cj might be eoid. when he waain tbe full vigour of life. Mr Byrne vrss a native ofBray, County Wicklow, wbero he Is meat respectablyconnected, and spent his sarlier yeara with the Looo-motive Deportment of the the D. W, & W. Railway,but wu employed |nith the W. & C. I. Company uengincdrivcr from 1878 until the time o his deceueHe wrj a thoroughly competent master of hi* croft andreceived the highest recommendations to the W , & C. I.Company vrfrea he elected to change the eccnes ofhia labours to this locality. All who knew him in hisbtdnerj or crivato cipocity speak fcslingly tnd kindlyof his memory, and in truth h? wai a moat exemplaryman In every reapect. Thit ho wes held in very higheatimation by thozr mail intimately aisociated with hunduring life may be gathored not only from the manybeautiful wreaths which were eent to adorn his lustresting placo but from tho very large number of railwaymen who oa Sunday List accompanied tho remains oftheir departod friend to thu graveyard at Perrybank.With tbe pilblio, too, ho wrj equally and deservedly afavourite, for uruuauming and all that he was it wasimpo=:ible to know and not admire him. To his widowend family, nhnm Providenca has bean pleased to de-prive thus curly of a kind husband and good father, wetender our meat sincere sympathy ia their affliction.

ttOUND ABOUT THE MARKET9Ater the tsmtwats of tbe first days of the week to-

day's weathir fa quito cjrceablo.The storm hsd a considerable effect on tha cattle

trade as defers wcro chary of Bonding stock acrou. insucb bed vjoithcr. It r/as feared that tbe little Jerseyvc::cl containing a consignment of cattla from MrShortia waa! lost, but the gratifying cows h just to handthat cscb It!not the care.

Lirt Kccii sbipmenta r.crc particulary heavy fromhere, cj the eabjoincd fianrcs will shorr—Cattlo, 2,322 ;cheep, 3.413 ; pjs3, 2.20D ; hortss, 82.Yesterday's Dublin market iru a mall one. Prime

heifer besf ytti quoted from 62s to 5Cs, cacondory, 46ato 60a | and inferior, 2C3 to 40a. Mutton rtnjod fromaa low aa 4$d to 7d per lb.

Glargow frlcca read —Beat Scotch, 62s to (Ms per owtcecondcry etad best Iriuh, C6a to 68s per ont j beat mut>ton, Sd per lb."

TncoiT |I BEITATIO:T AMI Conoii.-~Sorcne:a anddrync i, tidttlic^ end irritation, inducing cough endeffecting ths voice, l'or thtss symptoins use Eppa'sGlycerine jujubes. In contact with tho glands at thamoment thoy era excited by the tot of suckingths Glycerin is In thc;o c rccabla confections becomesactively healing. Sold only in boxes, 7{d., tins. Islid., labelled " JAUES EPT3 & Co., Ltd., HomeeopatbioCccmbts, London." Dr. Uooro. in his woik on " Nowcad Tbrea4iDfe:;i:j," t3y» i '1 Th8 Glyccrlao Jojubesprepared by Jcmej Eppaand Ca, ue of undoubtedccrvico CJ ft curativs or pilliative agent," while Dr.Gordon Holmes, fkaior Physician tu tho MunicipalThroat cad!Ear Infirmary, writes i" After an extendedtrial, I have found your Glyccrino Jujobcs of con-riderobla biijDt in elicit til fomij of throit dUciss.'

THE GflEAT PALLING OFF OP UAB-nUQE3 shotald lnjuca til desirous of nutrlmoav to idd totheir attractions br orliif WOODS' ABE 'A HUT TOOTHPABTEitlK), WOODS1 QUIH1NB. CiHTHAniDINETaad80SB-MABY, ths iralost hsir proper m thTworid. Tr^Co, Is Cd, «T4 SJ 60, with or irltbout nan t sold ovnrwhenBv post- 3d extra—From Woons ft Sox, Tbe Pharmaor.PlJDOUtht ' 07,tl

Sse*.t=t»jr>g BBBOM Awp Vivor WBATIHOS (porewool •nli), j(or HI seuonsof tti» jesr. The Bojil WsvBine,j>l»la, eoloBr», elects, tod mlitarea-itronji ustful,donUe. Wr Udlta1 Wear, from Is 314 tb» T»r4 i /orGvnilraen'J salta-lroro 2s lid th< jui . On rootiil otlsctructlmui camplea will bs taut post fro M.B.-AayIrani eat asd corrhso paldto »U tha prlaelptJ sUUoasLor Sypireelt posiL la tiU United KWoS oolv«4ar«s:¦o siesta vrnia direct t« Sniaoui A Bmutur, njmomth.; I . , oo«Vety SpwUl l aclcarlng lot of 21 down White

811k IUmlkerohltfi, colourod bordow, •elllos »tIs 4 esoh ; regular pifce, 2s 6d. Eobsrtcn IrtdUe,Fergutoa it Co, Limited, Wotertora.

o.iler?, 8r?dal ! * oUttitss lot of 21 dbzm WhitsSilk Ha4dcicnl«f», coloared bordtn, »alllOff Atl» Cid_«K)b j rogDlar price, 2i Cd. Botprtson,X lfj, Ffrsosoa & Co, Limited, Wtfcrfort.'

j | sasxEnoioBi.; In ths joaef run «|man alirsyi possca In tha world

for wh»t ho u personally dad morally worth. Veryidle is «|l; ouriosity aa to wbat otbor poople msythink of ins, and all fear that we may remain un-known, yf hut we can do and tro doing in seen andvirtually laknowleged by those who knov ut, tndwith whota wo are ffom day to day o::oolat<d. Thaworld It fall of ladsment days ; and in ill tho ro-latlooo and cations ]of lifo, men are (jauged and

littmjped, and tholr true value asderatood.¦ All men and all things matt stand on tbolr reopco-tlve merit. 'Among the tcientiOo tgenta wbioh havestood tha tnt b Wsrnor'f Safo Care. Ur» H Gsm-moD, 0 ilerlow StrceS, Waterloo, Blyth , writes i—" For eljhtycara I s'nSerud from rjravol and kidneydlseatd, t tras to bad that I could not acund to tnyUlual bonnthold dutlto. Tbe doctor who attendeduse wanted! to operutd on me, but I firmly rotated. Iwas adviccd to try Wcrnoi'a 8afe Curo. I did co,and nft<sr taking tho j ctcond bottlo I fttit relief. Ipireovcrcd; ; end in a abort tlmo f>lt co well that 1woo qulto able to attdad to my aoual duties.

I boncatly advice o'eryone suffering nitb gravalor kidney disease to me tbis rotnpdy, and al.0 lotttha rrorlri knaer hnwt vnluahld It In.11



One of tbe oeot destruotivo stormD wbioh bs>vlcitcd tbo city for yejra raged oa Friday, and Baunrdav last, and though happily unattended with anyccoident ontiilinj \oz3 of life tbe de«tmotion of pro-perty by r lo nan great aod loveral persons weromoro cr leoj injured by tba falllag dtbm ofhousca In tbe (streets. Tbe storm commenodd witha heavy rainfall on Friday ovonlng which waa ouo-eoeded by o regular hurricuao aod which continuednil day Saturday. On Friday evcDinr; c, man earnedPower wca drovmed iJ tho river and tbo accidentreaultiog In hia death »u attributed by many to thevlolenca of tbo storm bat »ub:squeat inquiry filledto provo ouob waa tbo Icct. Tbo flrct aotburiottcdease of an Occident due to the 8 lor a) tras tDnt , of atailor who on Friday evoniO j/ naa blonn from tborigging of Cbo Gorman birguo " Primui " rleht intothe ilver. A boat "as immediat>-.ly lowered by Mscomrndeo on the veiJol and wltb a liule dlEkultybewca rcaoQed Whon brought on board thu rxuol b.ttes in a »ery oshauotsd condition and i' nas onlyby continued application of rcntorativea that colmatlon nan restored. Tb<j burriaone rugod all Fri-day partially ctrlpping the roofing of csverulbouDca la tbe oity—I n tbo moraing tbo streets worecovored with slates from tho houses ndjnoant. Astbey continued to givo way to tbe viulcsce of tbostorm all diy pedeatrlaabm nes accompaaled byaot a little danger and eavcral pcroono ouotiincd in-jurieo nbllo somo made esoapes litilo obort of mrr-tcalous a large sboot nttiahed to tho Eront of titUoaloy'a janellary vstablisbment oo tha qtuy ncsblown dawn on tbe ft<>T " at noon on Sutard iy batforlunatoly did not come in contact nlth aDy per-Rnn.

At middoy on Saturday a largo gloco CM?, containing hatn, feetheis, shoei, &c,, tbo property ofMeson Hoarno and Co, tbo Quay , which nas onexhibit onttldo their catabliebmenl, nno caught bytho nlnd, blown aorcn tbo pathway, upcot ondsmashed to atoms, ita contents being Clattered overtbe Quay.

Loads of bay which had bcon oent to thp markotwere blown over and In oae oano tbe driver of n csrwhiob nca overturned near tbe mortct houca bed aoarron csecpa.

Ilr Kidney, cirotaner of tbe dlspcaoary, Poter-itroot , bod a vor; narrow esuape on Saturday after ,noon. Whon putting down Peter-street a largeelate fell from ooe of tbo boucea. cut tbrougb hlihat , fortunately otriking tho rim , but Infliatiog an£3ty nouCd on bia poll, whiob nan uubcoqucatlydreesed by Dr Cutler. Many other pcroons Tjeratreated for similar lujurici , aud in many streetsbarriers woro erected to prevent tno footpaths bein3nr-ri

One of tbo tncJt cetious aocldenta v;bIcb ocearedduring tbe day occured at tbe oornor of Bridfjo streetnnar tbo Dominican Cburo b, a poor iTomun namedWholan being lifted bodily "3 ber fr?t aod tbro«oheavly on tbe road nay. Tbo force ef tbe Impact ncooo great that nhen lifted up one of hor crmo wasfound to bp fractured and sbe waa ocvcral y injuredin other piita of bor body. She waa treated by DrWbirty in the hospital nbither oho "ca conveyed osbort time after tha accident A notmn oamod MmPooor , a faimor'a nifo rcoidinff near Noc Eoc», harl averv narrow caoapo from boinrr blovm into the river ,herhusband oho ccoompinicc* hor, ruouina hor whon in avary portions position.

On Saturday oight a men named Fitapatrioli onsnsedon the rive: tae " Fathnr Uathon" waa walkiaQ op thelaodiug stage from th»:boat when he irrJ) tbrjfrn intotha water. At tho time tbe tide nos lorr, and tho man" found bottom," and vru ablo to kesp his head overthe carftoc nltb his fc:t in tho mad. Ouo of tba qujand rivor iratobmon oaeceodod in hooking him ap fromkis aocomfottablo position, and he retaracd Io tbo tnjotatina that ho woold not attempt to go ashoro a aintintU tho •torta abated.

Accidents in tne shipping 11 DO nero cot nearly connmerisns as it nas feared thoy nonld huve boen andso casualty bae been reported as tbe direst rcanlt of tbestorm A ton of the steamers from this por' rrerocaught oat in tbo (rale, and tho greatest of aniiotywas evinesd in rcapoot to their safety. Tha VV 8 Oo's" Lara," having left for Liverpool at tno o'olooti onFriday, axparicnood tbo vory wor<t of the weather , buidespite tbo foariul obaraotor of tho Channel eho rczohedher doQtina.tion all woll , not, however , ootil Snndaymornioj ;. A rjroat deal of approbeuion was oonseqaootly l«lt in regard to bor, and too aoni tbat ob-> bod or-nved naa peonliarly wtkone. Th» faot of hor haviosaurti»td co oaob otrcrJ of woathor shons that sbe is avery roliabb boat , and wo aro inolioed to empDasisothis opinion in viow of tbo many dica«te?a which befelsome of tho Dablio fleet daring tho preralenoe of thegain. Tbe seamanship and tho skill of her captain rrasexorted to the otmont , bat they wcro found foll y equalto tbo situation. Tbo " Danbrody " roaohod her dosiiaatlon uninjured ; tboro was ooly oao beact among borcargo of Cittlo disabled. Tbo " Batblin" oao of thoClyde boit9 nhioh loft Watarlord for Plymoalhon Wcdn&day waa unabio to rcr.ch tho latterport- She nao kopt oil the Lands E id toenty-fourboors , and returned to Waterford on Monday moruingThe Great Western steamer " Liuoriob" did not arrivoat tbe Quay till 3 30 p.m. on Saturday , nith ono of borpa<ldlo boxoo daoacod.

Tbe bis bvqae, "Prinus , " ditoharging whoit ot thHJetty near the bridge, nu very near getting cdrifl inthe boisht of Saturday's sale Two of the motal bits onthe starboard bow, which noro holding the nira barr-s«ra rannlnff to the shore caddontl y snapped, ond thoborro inmcaiatcly moved into tho tido. What wonldhave bean ao aesiden! of a moat ciricos natoro waaaverted by the Calloro, nho otted with crest practicesof mind, asd cot thoir vcrcol uador ooatrol almost im-mediatoly.

Trees nere olco blown dorrn In the city In some cacciblookinj the thoroughfares and oaaoln; creat obntrnot-iob to trade. Tho otorn oubeidod on Sunday.

At tho Island bolow this city, an iroa roof of ISOfoot looj , t* cslco como trc;3—tho propjrty of Mr , 0.DeLaoy, <)¦?• wcro blown doon. Clo:o to tbo WatstfordoorkhoacD a larco trco was blown dorm, end Ita fallknoeltod down a part of tho nail at tho publio roadwayIn eovural othor places around the city tree] noro alsodestroyed-j A proltj ci n bond of Ur O'Qrady'o (hr.lr drccj;3r) on

he Qaar. rros r.ko blown doiro and ccr.sbcd.


Sin—In wtlklnj tiroa h thi ttrtcts cf thu town onFriday evening loci ny attention wrj called to acrowd of pcopla oaUide ths Town Hall. Imade Inquiry of nhzi t7M tho cac:? of tba pcopls bcicjcongregatol th:ro, tnd 1 wu told that a co:i tcinda-lous row had taken pkcj In thtjroon ComuUdoLors'room and tUti cona of the coabitinta Ltd cat htzdiand bloody no a. I inquired who the Cjhtln^ Com-mbdonero wcro and w=a informed thoy wero Me ra.John CaUiaan, Ednjond McCarthy, Thox s Quiuka,tllchacl J. O^oy, eto. I waa further inforc;:d that itwas only by como miraculous interventioa thst cess oftha Comnuuloncrs' nocks v.cre not broken by a Conmicaoncr by flinging come of thoco Commkdo-tro donattaira as he hsd threatened to do so in the mut violentmanner. I further inquired wti thtro a reporterpresent, and I wu told oot. On learning co much Ileft ths pkco tnd ncnt on my way, tnd cj I vrd!iedalonn there wu not a men. woman, or child that I motbut the topic In their mouth was the disgraceful row atto-night s meeting of the Town Commksloncnj. It bvery deplorable to thinlt that this state of things ehouldbe allowed to £o on bringing the town into such cdiuaand contempt. I think the people of tha old boroughehould call on tbo Lord Lieutenant to dtrolvo tMidbgnuxfui body, end if be choold fail to do cs, I thinkthe people ! ought to take tbe matter into their ownhands in this way, by rtfodng to pay taxes until everymother's cool of tbum could redgn. A report u gobsaround hero that th:ro is an overdraft of £800. Ifthat is to ¦ I un moro than sorpriied that any cuchoverdraft would be given to this dugraceful body ofCommfcdoq:ra. Ple s exeunt me, Mr. Editor, fortrcapsrdng j:o nuch on your valaable rpaoo—I rcaiia,dear sir, truly yours, Ocsssvca.

PS —If tfis people il Dnngarvta have tay revertfor the character ot their town cr Ita position C'. ijought at nnco without the lcirt delay call a publfamwtln^ and p—j resolutions calling on tho present bcirdto reilgn, acd if they did Dot do to to ctop ths cicsns clwar by refuebj to p y thdr rates. O.


Showing Jhow cuffercra from IJcrvocs Dctility cayopeedily rooovcr Health and Btrength. tons and vhour.Contfiinlns cbo uctful Prccrip'Jcrs for tiis euro cf In-diststlcn, ijlvcr Compliant, Purlfylnj tho Blood tsdSkin Dkcya, P05J frca, 3 etsiara.

Addrcca UBDICU*. tlcdicil Hall, 81, Orfard Strc:tLcsdca, XL j . M12.!::&

! niwnmrz, . \Tbo local Hcslyito craa b Ia rerclt. In Its

Usue ot V7edoc:day 1$ caid t— ," Tho Irish PftrlUmmtuy Prjty Is not tho Irfcb

poople, tnd It U utterly crrocsouf. csd a falhcloujtheory, to bold that ths Irish doctorate I* bound bindand foot bjr • nsolatka, or terics ct resolution thatm»y be adopted by » ia»joritr of the jcrty fa> Opa-mlttee Boom, No. 15, or dsswhere."

Too wo 'all tbo worst element! in Irish lifo ire attbe back olHoaly still.

Inflaect* bts cow tho city ia Its grip. It Ithoped the , pr.fent cold vo ither cUy laolsb th»Invader. | : : ' : • ¦ ¦ ' :

An «Sort la being h%&t> by the Llwtutd VlnUen'AMOOlttlcp to brio j to »o cod tba tf tf cn «f givingChriumM bosee. | ¦ :

The oHait tiolloilo tba world win tonsd in u^

yptJjatemb, dated *bout»,090».o,!

Waterfbrd1 TJnlon--vV'E:DNE8DAy• Aid B Foiris, J P, in the chair.¦ A]«o present—Sir Bobort P»u), V L; Hon Dudley

Portejoae, O L ; Cap* Carerr, Cap^ OoogblaD, AidEedmond, Messrs Patk Kenny, D MsDonsJd, D V 0;tl Maddook. E Brcnnau, Maurioo Pdifer, E Dunuhy,E liorriiijoy, J McCarthy, J Browne,' P Holden, F 0Bloo-nfiald, J P i P Gtant, ; P. PnrcsD, J Pooor, PWalsh. ' - ' ' ; ¦¦ ' . ¦ " ¦ i

. iTAVa OF iraa nouasiTotal boaUby, 48.1 1 last jcar, 4U | total in rrcrk-

houso Infirmary, KH t last year, 817 i ii fever hospital ,6 ; lastvear, 7 i admitted during the j week, 81 ; lastyear, 73 t born, 11 listyear, 0 ; dlsetarsrod, 74 i lasty«ar, 65 s dl^d, 5 , ln.t y*ar, 1; total Mmaiolog, 831 ;¦utyear , 635 j cost of prot'eions reosired, £81 <!> 7d ;last year, £105 lit 7d ; do oonoumed, £98 10s Id ;lut year, £104 7« Id i coccrol areraj* cost of aoinaiRta, 2s 3id ) Ust ye»r, it 4}d ; number oa ont>door"lief , 1,835 j last vev, J ,8 H t wecilyl Oust. CIS 1£J8d | tail yjar, £67 1« Cd t stimoUtts .isaaed—Wine ,Za glasses ; whiskey, 108 gUssss ( bcor, 4->.onPOKT ON Tnn BEwnuAOn A >O TTATnu BUPPLT or

DUHIIUUB tUUII. IThe following was read : — |" DBAS 8ia—In ooinplUnoa with tb* request of the

Local Qoveromoot Braid, I bej to icbclt tho lolloninjreport as rogtrds thn lencrtgo and natar supply ofDunmore East. Oo lnsp«otioa I fonsd the sanitaryscTrer in conneotiou ^ritb tbe toner for carrying off tbesorfooa wator near the Post OfEoa filled to ths oxtootof. liitcon inches Io depth with ainja matter. 1found tha tanitaiy t>nd suiftoo t»vor; also eonneetodat tbe (jraiinu opposite Mr* Maloamson's resldenoeoonUined a dxpoait of twelve isohos of sdntraje matter.

" Tbo caoitary sower at ths Churoa eornpr is builtunder tho sever for surfaoe water, and owing to thsheavy floods which occasionally flow turoajh the•urfaee sower the ooverlna of tbe cinifary asircr hasfooomo detective, sod conceqaently pofmits an escapeof'ssnor gss throcjli tha gratloj tt Choroh corner.Tho out-toll from tho main escer wbioh runs doonths cliff by the lids of Mr Ch«asty 's horise a defective.Tho Eorrorirre matter b dorjocitod from it. above biihwater mirk, and ia flao weather this matter ao-oumalates for sometioo nitb tbe rosult of prodaclnj avery oCoasive odour. All the existia; seirer* arebuilt of rabble masonry. Tho only means of convey-ing tbe sewerage Batter of Loner Donciore ia an openbrook, which in sucmer tbso becomes very offensive.

" With repeot to the nater supply I have to reporttbat tbere is at pre:.iot a soCsient supply of potablefor all tho requirements of tbe Inhnbitcats.—I tn, £o,

".FA'S 3. It! J AC-UAH , -" Medical OEcorj of Diotilot."

Mr McCarthy remarked that thsro was not anadequate supply of nater from the nd<v natcmorks.Ho had bean Informod by tho carsk cr that tho re-•erioir was not nearly fall at pr-sect. !

Tbe Clerk said Dr Jackcaa had cbvioaely includedall tho supplies ovsilnblu.

After thn dlsontaion tho roport wu ordorcd to beforwarded tu the Local Government Board, an orderbcinir tnsde on Mr McCarthy's <n3gc:tion that theLccal Qoveremeot B:«rd bs Infnrmcd that Sr Jceknanincluded all tbo sonrcoa of supply availablo.

UJt POWCa AND TBE DOciOES.On the Clerk reading from tao miauls the arrange*

mont aado on last board day for tho performanoo oftho duties of the medical officer of thq district dorin}ths illness of Dr Kaoo, Mailiocvst. j

Mr John Power said ho would oak ths Clare tofurnish a rotnrn by that day wesk cF tho mount paiddorinj tha year to substitutes for doptora absent onsick leave. He raid that week aftor ncai ths goar-dbns were paying (hrcs guineas to ono doctor cracothor for acting «s substitute for c dispensarydoctor on sick lcavn. If ths docicrrci could cot ocrath^rjselvcs he did not think tho publio conld have cnyconfidoooo In them (Uuirhtarl.

Ilr Kenny—You thinlt a doctor should aarcr cctsick.

tit Poner—No, bst I nant him to core hincolf athbowo expanco and not at the e:p3ac5 , o( tbo pablio.

Aid Bodmond rcsiinded Ur Pcsxr that dootors,owini? to ths oator* of Iho datiea they' w«ro called oato perform, were race liabt* to clotDc;[i th.rn any otheroQoer* of the boac». Tbe guardiasa consiqceatlysbould nnt gramblo wbon caked to pay a substitutedaring a doctor's illnesi.

Ur Grant seconded Mr Power's reotion.Ilr McCarthy sorgestod that the return bo made

applicable to the otbor officers of the TJo;c>n ts well tstho dootors, and tho reflation with this addition wascarried.

Tho Clerk said ha WCJ bapjy to ciy tho return of( t l eo rjaid ih his (ci» noold ba nlL

TUB NEV7 BEOULATIOira.A cironlar naa reooived from tho Local Qovernmeat

Board informing the QO&rdiaDa that ; if suitable ao-comoodatlon were providad married oouples over sixtyyear* oonld be allowed to ocospy tbo cira? cportmsnts.

Aid Bodmond inquired if the carrying ont of thiaregulation noald noV *ntail»heavy additional expsncs.

Tbo Clerk said that nas <o.Tb« oircnJar wa» raarked " read."A oirouUr from tba Local GoTcrnccnt Bo^rd per-

raUtinB tho allowanc? of tobceoo nni eantf to ercd andinarm iomates wts cl:o narked " read."

An improved esale of dietary for tho inaates, theadoption of which the Local GoverncDct Board in-timated nas optional nitb the ccarctacj, was aUo rcid.

Tb» Clerk siid tho llaator had inforp.od him thatthe ecale of dietary ia forco in tho vrorkhones atptceont was much tntt-r cud much noro snbstantialthan that proposed by ths Local Government as anImprovement.

An order similu to that ia t'_o oaco cf tho tnoprcocdlnj doonjaects t7O3 csade.

ua DODBTN , T.S.A letter wu rca>.l lrom tlr Dobbyn, Vetorinary

Iospoctor , to tho eScot thzt hs was cor? eblo to rcsunohia datiea.

THE TEiaVBD T7iTDQ CtJrFIjT.On ths nbovo cabj'OC thD foUacricz lattsr oao reid ¦

" 2lot i;6vembor, 1S23." DDtu SiR—Will you kiodly cGntloa to the jia-

diino to-morrow that I would cdvfco they shonldaatborisa me to obUia the Crdczi c( «<n3»«Djtne«rwbo has bad good eipcrieuco in waterworks to supportmy ovidenco at the Local Governcont Boird Inquiry.I would snaaost Ur Uacztecy, encincor to the Bulfaatwaterworks , if he is available. I could not eay rrbatfes he noald reqaire, bat £C0 or £70 expended In thisway would not bo thrown away.—Toura faithfully,

, " V7 E LEGTIUJIO * DDFVIW ."& "plj i sn to the ('hairman, tha Cleri cud the total

oxponco ofcarrylnff ont tho echoes was estimated atbetween £(1,000 asd £7,000, Ur DnOn, it teemed,wanted his otidonc oorrob^ratod by a hydranlioonuiDcor. and porhipa it would bo cs well to da co.

Ilr Dolahnnly did nat tea why tea ruatdlans rhoaldappoint the engineer nominated by Ilr DaCa. Theywere the best judges themselves,

Tbe Chairman—Ai Mr DuQa csjs £00 or £70 aiahtbo well *pont , but wo aro not bonsd to tus centloaanIlr Duma (uggesta.

The Clerk said it wen oa tha qucrtloa of a soQcionoyof the *npply of water that Ilr DoQo xeqolred thoevldoaoo of tbo other gontloaan. As regards tbeeaglneerins departrc^nt there wascoctoablllrDaQa'aprofesaioaal stolut ttas saQelsnt gaarantoa.

C«pt Conghlaa said tha qnostioa was bnd tho boardrurao.ent oonndeooo in Ilr DaQa nithoat coing tothis add tional expeneo tt all.

The Chairman—It nljht mem o diTjiilon of thertJponnbili^too.

Hon Ilr Fortc:onn nld In order ts bj anro of thooontinncd snQoieccy of the sapply it weald ba mnchasfrr to oall in a hydraalio enjisosr who had made aspecial etndy of thin branch of th» bofincas, aad itoocid fcs too late to <io ibis wbea tha Ct .OCO had boonexpeudod- However, it TTLS a citt;r {entirely for thoTramoro people nhn thooM havo tq piy tha noaoyeipondod ia carryln; oat tbe eohe^s, If the workaproved a failure tbo guardians frc=i districts osttiHatha area, of taxation wonld , ho had no. doubt, bear tholoss philosophically (laughter), bat lit nu for tbeTrcnnra pcoplo to tssa every p;ccintba for the safeexpenditure of their taoner. i

Aid Eedmond qalt« e e«d with Hoq Ur Fortcioas'sobssrvatioas. The eacceu of ths Kcockaderry tvat«r-ncrts was to a great ext«nt dae to thslr having bcoacarried out under tbe saporvieiaa of ono of tho bestenjincsre ia Earoiio, Ilr Hawlialy^ Thoonh tbeTriDoro waterworks would bo an undottsltinj of muohlets osjuitude the ratepayers there would find tt toth"lr tdvantejo to have a hTdria'iolenclaosr oak aorimlnatlona of ths [tlaes before tts Jork naa oirrltdouU A* Ur DuGn had said £C0 or £70 rrould notbo thrown away in dole; co.

On ths ootioa of Ur Danpby tho caktct eras referredto ths lootl Dispencary CoacJlts* for consideration.

Hon Ilr Fortcsooe scrjestod that r tho coamlttoehivo com* cf ths larjjo ratepayers of ths district sun-moncd to tho taceticK ti nmoh tho qccjtjja wo^ld bsrnirirlarwl. i

OcKrioi Pctiy Ccccic^s-rTKocsDAT.

(Frcm oi:r Rcperlcr).Bc!oro CoL Bvanjcn, E»U. (crcridinj) ! Mcr:n. B. B

Feehin and V7cMoa Wakha.K.ICL^tiJI«O rCUUbClTTlo:?.

Held Constable l'inacjan prccx l^ UUs AlicsPo-tr, Bridgcstrc;', for having her liccstcd proniiaopen for the tale of drink on Sunday, 29th alt.

Mr. J. F. Qairfce dtfaded. :Constablo CourtcsAy dapocsd that en Gasday morning,

29th ult, at about r-tie o'clock ,h3 CZTT a cia nanisdllemy, who lived in Joln-ttrcet, ctjsdhj in tis doorof lira Power'* publio-hotss | ,the dcor vna partiallyopen and Sleany hid one hand ineida it ; when he tawwitness he went away; wirncs ttoppsd. hia «nJ tz cihim what ho hid bttn dcirj thcra ; Ilciny replied thathe had got no drink ; be tbea went Isto tae housa asdfounJ the bar. leading from the kitci j to the shop openand inddo the bir lie found a callan.' iscums fall offrtbh beer and a pint measure which: teemed to havebeen recently filled with bear ; whea Mi-i Pocor «ruasked to explain about the fresh beer ia tis gallon sheeald a barrel had bom, bat witness on exaaicisj thsbami fonnd that thb bid not been the ciza.

In croa-examination by Ur. Quite, witness said hehad not wen llesny.oo the licensed preset)) hodenied having bed told by llcany wtca he ttepped hkathit libs Power had rcfuud to tupoly ihixa with drink.

Oonstabla Lane, wiso accompanied ti.-) L\tt tritiea oathe occulon, g*,tne eimilu fvldecce. I

Ueany was cztsioed for ths dsfccsjcsd tlilsd thatbe had gone to Uu* Power'* totro ftad knocked fortdahdnn ; when ebn opeaed tha doer! ha «&cd for •bottls of tiout, but Miss Power " told tin to n swaycut of that," »od h» »hca weat «.way. 1 * .

Mica Power cave corroborative evidescs.Tha bench diimbstd tha esss. " jThe prosecution agsinst !lc=ay Ca t'ji c- —*ica

ef CoL hvantoa witbdr»wn. jAECHtVB TAKSVAaa.1

litryanno Poynt* TO \ fined Si 64 ted cssti forakuijais » man ncoenl thoata Qnilfojb. Hr Qsirlutppsarcd foi GnUfoyle. ,_ . |

wiiuoaAwn.A cbargo preferred Head Cesitab!a I laai sa ejitiBat

Ur Hurley for a breach of tha LictLdrj Act weswithdrnvn. i :

COABOfl Of tL&TKEATnta i C0E3B.Patrick Mesay, who fijtnrcd la tha prevteu* ease, was

tuamooed tor ill-treating • hone by besttna it oa tha14th nit. A* it appeared that Meaav hid %een finedon the Uit court d»v far fmioai driviij the case wudlsaJcsed without prejudice. * ™

Ur Oulrko defeadad.

D E U N K ESH E B B CUBED wltboat UMknowledge of timntiat. It itf lZ atiSaad faw»CHlv. ' MM.: it is p«teotir h m S S wS iusteles* 8 glna fn » cap of tra, oade* ot *>* faeA. ItUtoaMadiof UmOit*. ¦¦ It efa* cmSuiSSmitou

¦¦ . ¦ ¦ '

: ". ! i

' '

: .

" •¦



. ¦;

' ¦

* i

^iieuiiiatisni,Heuralgia, j 3B|aoka6he, iGout; Sprains,' BruisesAches and JPains; a^cured by

ST. JI€OBS .QllTho Preoidenoy of tho EknGinci}

Institute. •• ¦ ,

Oa Wednccday tha local Cccaefvativ* ajau, (aroferrtng to thia subject, said »—" It la oonte=ded that tba gantlmnfia ly ntiio

bequest the Jundi nero procured vsa A Boaua Ci&slls,tnd tbat, therefore, it ia rank intolerance for a PftrUsi-ent Bishop to retain the chair."

As far C3 no era concerned oot % syllable: tiltnould oatraot thU intcrpreUtlon nu writlcabytu. On the contrary our contention rra* thit CTcryeffort should bo made in tha interest cf feir playall round to carry out tho agreement an&sinotulycoma to tffo yean tgo to rest th» preridesoyalternately ia tho littles ProtesUnt tad CatholicBishops of tbls Diocese Tbo edoptisa ef thiscoarse vrould leave the Bight Eev. Dr. OAT inQodhturbed po3;::3ion of tbo Presidency dialog b|*lifetime, k it intolerant to make th& d«Baod tCen any paper la existence tccusa the caiorlty oftbe peoplo of this city of Intolerance ? We ttlok! ithas been amply proved over and over tjjain.thattbere is ecarccly a place in Ireland nbera intoleranceaasngst Catholics hu inch » olocder foot-hold cjla Waterford, Can it bs trotbfally uld that tboCatholic* of any part of Ireland have ever treatedthoir Protutcnt Bclghbonn unfairly simply bscautathey were ¦ Protestants J History cocjlctely dis-counts such an accacatlon. In tha dsssin c!politics our peopls hero fa caoascdva netlosalmovemento folfooeJ GHAITAN, OATHS, ' SUITSO'BRIEN hiAo Burr, and CnACita SrirrrASTPAUNILL, Jtll who differpd from tb« «roi.t balk ottbo peo^lo la rcllglduo bollet Amoar-;t tbe cic:)most de«r to tbe Irlih he*rt ar» Prote^ant* liioEOBEEI •Etnurr, Lord EDWAED PnrosoALD. acdWOLP TOUE. Gloca 18C0 sixteen Protestant LordMayors have been eleoted fron tba CatboUomunicipalltiy cf Dublin, thirteen ia Llracriok tlooa1841, aad a llko number in Waterford rfnoe lOiS.At this very moment tbo High Sheriff cf T7aterfcrdcity is a Protestant nomlnt d by ' hh CathcHofellow-cltisccs, and during tbe Itst few yesmCatholic dombers of our publio boards hers electedProtejuntn to pMitions of emolamonJ and treat.Jnst let Qi toko ono gUnoa tn the otber oids endtoo how tblnga contract. In Bolfirt at tho prcsiatmoment no ono bnt a Protestant hoi * lauk In fcrtoy plaea 'In tha gift of the people. Tb8 fcsttla oftbo Boy no is the only date ia hlotory celebrated trlShfervour, acd to h 1 with the Popo is tbo favcrltobattle cry cf tho ncrriora nho marc-h dotm DicdyEon on tha 12th of July.

It i» no* tbit we Uko to dratr contraitJ, bat woaro forced to do it by tbo Icslnttstioss ct ths 1:«JConc:r»utivo paper tbat Wttcrford Catholics erointolorant, and no are Rlad to think tbst la COquarter of IrcUcd have tba peopta of dlZcrcstrellctona cot on eo well together ta in this city.Long ney It remain so is our hopo. Inthi Trcrdsof oar^aJional poet " We beta cot rica cer c:;;3nor chn. Wo are hand and heart for yoa,"


lir WAI^TEB Wiwn (io tbe cbeir). Abo prccrat—tlc:3rn TnomKS Bocictt, John T7al3b, JchnO Donntll , Patrici OarroU, John Ttoapion,IIl2h2<!l Power. John Potrir.

TED FBOTUIOITAX, OIIDra,Keferrinj to tbe ksue of the Ordsr in Co cllcaoctioDing tho Improvement Cohomo iMda by tha

(Tucrdloss under tha Labourcro Aei, tbo LocilQovernai«nt Bond Trroto forwsrdln.'j fesna; c!applications to ba dado Co tho Board of Wcrta fcrsuch loaoo CJ might ba tcqoircd for carrying o=Stho Schoae. ' '¦

Tho Clerk eiid ho bed tbe foras filled cj> eriready to ba furnarded at oaca. Ho cs ;t:tea thattba loan oe arranged to ba repaid in thlrty-5royears by unnuti:s of £A IBs Cd per ciat,

Thia wen aftresd to.D3 UOEAIt'e »HAEr—V3 UIC2aat2 iXI USO

70S.Tbo Clork rrid iho minatia of a destiny o? tho

Carrick-OD-Suir dlspcassry coamltto held ontionday lust containing a rccoamcc^ation to thoGuirdlanB to again apply to the Local QoTcroccatBoard to cunction tho propocsJ ntds rrao tins ec°to lncreuo by £20 a year the eihry cf Dr Uciaa,medical oflcer of the district.

Mr Thompson—I (nppoco lha rjuaii s bavo. caobjeotlon to ask tho Local Gorcrcoiat Eiirrl toiDcre^a Dr Morsn'a caltry. :Ur Bootett did that thrca ytarj c o n ' propcalto increase Dr tloran's salary by tbo casi csmea bedbeen mada a^d adopted bytha feZard wltboat atlog lo dissentient, bnt tbo L Q Board hid refesedto sanctloci It. Ho anticipated that tho brerd vrcaldbe of tbe como opinion norr u three yean t~o 03 tbapropriety of granting tba Increase and be notedthat the n>colutloa of the CoEcittea ba ferwtrdedto tho Local Government Bccrd cltb a rcio=m«d-ailoo from the guardians.

Tho Cbairmon remarked that tbe ulary alloncdDr Uoran was altogether incuQcitnt.

Mr Bockett—It weald ooty pay for tha ka:? of aborso.Tbe Chairman—Ho ban only £70 a ycz t and ftEother dbpcnczry doctors bave over £ICQ.He lioclictt'e motion was onanimoo:ly tdoptrf.

TUB PAINTIBO.Michaol ronoiDj, oontr&ator for the pilc'-lns cf lh>workhorue, wrota appljrinj for coca rc==Ser^!ic3 fcrextra nork done in tha paictinj of tbe farer hoap-.lil.He t::irtcd tbat he had dose work cctelds of thatsp-ciBod in his contract and that ha had Ic^t case; bytho who's ironcictton.Tho Clerk said tbat the guardians csnH not C'.I OTTPannlo;; aovthiaj except tho *na e cidc^a la tharontmrt.

THO HBV7 SCODLATrOHCA cirealar wa» received froa tha Local GoTertSdaiBoard inforaids tha ffnardlasa that 6 E:jnlitisa hidbeen nz&i by them allowing c;c4 cackles in wcrk-honsoJ to ocoa y the ua< apsrtaeata prorii;c3ssfioloot bcoonaodatlon ozicted or TICJ gro7i£id forths pnrpo:n.The Clerli eaid that to provide sach tx 3=iit!anEOT bnildlnja mi^ht have to ba crcct;d.The Chairman—Tha ratca aro hijh eaossh wltbaatoar caklcg 'hea hljher by buiUisj t&iiilozs to tbarrn»lrOn*'* .

ruui'O.A letter T7t3 received froa Drjcaat Ddtoa, Cath-pieaa ooaplaiainp that th. pump a, tklj olaca tidoe«a left oaly partially clowd 6=4 wrj la 0 d-r—nz3condition. - "A httBT TTta read fron Looahlia tha ccaliieter fcrthe repair* of tho poop ttatinj that Uj» dilaj fa earrr.laj ont tho contrant was due to illncta, and proal«lr!~to bave It tltcaded to at onca. • On tbo caa* cabbcCc

loti?r VS*** '10™}}* lrT^u' Lo=bird-«tr«t, \Vttej>ford, oScrioff to pnt In order aaj of th* pataps In thannloa reqainnrr repair. The narso of Ur J rTv/aU!)John sUec» , Vaterfor4 ni also csntlcctd la ca-cectlon vrhh the cattor. -It wa* decided to direct the clerk to arra=;a withono of tho hotter parties for the rej-ira c{ E«ti~orciaend BalljB»ala punps. " —

Buas vc-a *gow>3 fec!ra&- Cseiriy.COHDEUHATIOH OE1 THE \7JllQSt

At a taeetir3 of the abova Society held ca Uciisvevening in their rooms, Mr. TEOCLU 0 Ccnnor PrSfdent of ths Society, in the chair, the foUorrhvj reselBttoa^"J"1!? hj £r- Jamcj ° Ocanor, aad ucecdedby lir. Thomas Barrett-- Ifeaolved-Tha* We,^nsabara of ths Dungarvaa Yeung Ireland Sodetycondemn the actioni of the government In giTiBg poS,'protecuoa to Lord De Freyne'i (scat aad h£ eaeVScy!men vrhilst leveUwg and bumin3 the housesTd ttSj'unfortunate Ua&nU who wcro evicted oa to D« PCVMestata, Co aoscommon, durinj the past fow week* • Srfthzt a eop, of thb itrfBttai to for^Sw to Ur! Jototlorley" (htar, hear). . ¦ . "'• «">«»

lhe Pmident (Mr. Thoasj O'Ccaaar, Tfl laputuo3 the resolution, ssid the peopl* nf Ireltad'i,*, umuch •ccustomed to thoae eviction, a. thsr were to tkalljhJ et dav, becaun ever tiaca tha firet 4xon put U.fool es Ou. Und it wu nothing but .victioM ihesThear). The, peop!.. were eviet^Lnd t-ot daeTto^or Connansht if they didnot giv. up thd, faith ^on of Ireland (hear, hear). Look U th. year. •?« Sd', , r ,T ««»"ons woea twojalUioM of thapeop e of Ireland won eatertninated by tia&a, tadeviction because o felonlou. Uadlordiim.J

SS, £3covered the land although there wu food eaoSh ibVttocountry to wpport 8J millioa cf oor peoplo^b^^

t . ««Wt» ol Join, MitchertheahetTFrascU Meagher, John Mani. (eheen)r«f »b rf

Utfeuga tn» Eaglish Hou» of Commons wttcb nidTlits«3selve* froa starvaUon sad death, au fiilL »

aSavSatSS'Sws1pwadtid. to ptriJi wiiihmMatrf with ooM lha*rhe»K wit^

., yW p m t oS ZS n^SSuiSS*ad burned, and that mufcr tetKotrtf ircTinzZZ.


yaB badU^wjnMnBi

GtaSk*/U *»£|"«™ • «iiwm OHM io*Ba AI taaa ttm * «#>. k-j :EnzbahldliontlMd Kat&h OeSTJSL7 !

En id(teK hMrA R.tUui. MM iSmZJ2

a * * ** ^L A >*L % ' ^^^^^^^0% **> 4*j*7 **H*W v 0*a*^^ H^ft' v^^^^^^^r

i sStttt *,*£} ° ^ * ?SS»Smttitfm' jwithoot .wfceao .MM** k MtiSSf aj j i ^KS&is¦fcwiH , SJOJIWM iMr 'i liS-Slit Mr. JfMM 8tw«a, -i**SSiH5BtsSftEa fci


Page 4: ¦ OulCCaU' ; ' I * ¦ ¦ ¦ g; COCA i l t il Msnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/... · and HiWer Dec. 19 iS'uMiDiA.s- ... Vet Halifax & Portland .. Dec 28 Polron

Notes - and Notions]mriACTH01IAS. I j .

There was no meeting of the board on Tuesdayl2A o lv t o gnordianf, Messrs James Coffey pdP ridTPower, putting in an appearance. Thu istte third consecutive Tuesday which has passedv ftont the three guardians necessary, to form aZTZ turning up It certainly does not afford?£T&onR testimony of *e interest ¦ which Itomembfrs of the board take-In the administration ofthe PoorLaw Acts entrusted to them.

Stony will, ro doubt, learn with regret that MrU'KCOD , tbe efficient' aid obliging Master of theorkbSise, has been suffering from an attack of

influenza for the past four or five days.: They willbe glad to hear that, the crisis is now passed, andthat tbere .is every probability of Mr M'Kcon beingable to' rcsdme duties next week.

Tho CDormoos amount of drunkenness in the

district, as disclosed at the last petty sessions court

and the ! subsequent references mode to it in

variois quarter , is the general topic of converea-

tion here. People seem to be waking np for the first

time to the condition of things which has obtained

here for months past, and attempts are now being

made with a view towards effecting a diminution of

the amount of drunkenness which has earned forKilmacthomas its present unenviable notoriety.

The first step in this direction has been token by

the local Catholic clergy, the Rev Father Calhnanat Mass on Bonday last delivering a ?ermon ontemperance , and afterwards administering the total

abstinence pledge to a number of the congregation.There is also a project for the re-estiblishmcnt

Of the local branch of the Leagun of the Cross.

When this Association was >° ful1 SW1D8 so™e vears

ago the amount of drunkenness observable was

but a fraction of that which can be seen at present

but it was allowed to die oat with the result which

the pettv sessions of Tuesday last discloses. If amovement for i's rc-establisbmeDt were <> nCD lD"itiated there is little doul.t that success wonld crown

the attempt, and where there Ls such great room forimprovement it conl.l scarcely fail to be productive

of beneficial results.Daring the week immediately succeeding the hold-

ine of the petty sessions eight arrests for drunken-ness were mad e by the police iu the village ofKilmacthomas alone. This does not look as if theTemedy in tbe efficacy of winch Mr Lynch . R M,professes .-.uch confidence is to be as successful ashe believed it would be.

The members of the Ncwtown branch ol theFederation resemble their brother Kederationistsever the country in the apath y with which theyrepard the nclvont of an eviction camiiaiKn. On the>'airliolme estate , as mentioned in your hist issue,proceedings, which will in all probability culminat ein the evictions of close on a dozen families, were

taken, but , strange to say, they have not evoked theslightest expression of feeliDg from the local Carties.Not a word lias been spoken in condemnation of thoproposed eviction campaign, nor is it likely that thetenants affected will receive any support from theirfunds in the Fedeiation in the straggle in whichthey are, rightly or wrongly, engaged.

With a friendly Liberal Government in power ,whoso Cabinet is composed of men who on platformsin this couDtry and in England pledged themselvesto prevent the recurrence of the eviction scenes,which occarred all over the country while the Con-servative Governmen t wielded the reins of office, onewould have thought a campaign of this kind was,nnder the circumstances, aa impossibility, and it ,doubtless, would be so if tbe senility of the majorityof the Irish representatives had Dot prevented theirpressing on the members of the Government theperformance of the promises which they so pro-fusely made when out of office

As it is , the prospect of those awaiting what theEnglish Minister designated when nut of oihci - . andseeiing the support of the Irish representation , as" sentence of death ," is ;i far worst than it wasunder the late Administration. Under the Ral fourianreg ime evictions were carried out often ruthles sly,but tenants ut least hadj tbej eonsciousness of havingbehind them a strong organisation winch might betrotted to defend their interests ;iod sostain themgenerally. Since tbe installation of Mr Gladstoneon the First Treasury Bencb own greate r facilitiesare afforded to the evictor in his work of devastation,blazing roof-trees again mark the path nf landlord -ism, and those who endeavour to succour and pro-vide a temporary shelter for tbe victims of theincendiary are prosecu ted by the very politician swho. bat ;i couple of years ;igo , loudly applaudedMmilar attempts to provide for the evicted Thereis bat this difference in the position of tbc tenantsthat, while a. few years ago the powerful and unitedorganisation built up by the Leader, who was after-wards sacrificed by his followers , was sufficientlys-trong to shelter the tenant* fro m the tyranny oftBc landlord, that organisation hns been shatteredby the " jar ring factionists '' who aspired to tbemantle of their victim, and <-annot afford the As-sistance which it so faithfully rendered heretofore.

In its reconstruction alooe lies security for thetenant farmers of the conntry. and thr sooner theyrealitu the fact the better for tbemselve:

HET7 E0S£Chief interest liore , as in other parts o! the county ,

attaches to the visit of the leader 'if the lodepedont1'arty to Ins native town on b u n r i a v hrx\ Sjj ecciltrains from Ennisrorth ,' and Gore; bavebeen arranged fur . and win. don otic-.-, rx- largel yavailed of bv the ru.ioy Independent Nationalist .- inthese centres. The impii-tun. -..: of : he gaineringwill not alone con-ist in t h e > , n-ndui addresses tobe delivered on the ocaiMor, . a.- on i ts be ing theinitial fcU-p towards the re-orpranisatior. <>? t h eNational League in We.tfon.. Since thr Iwirayal ofthe Leader the Kederat 01. maimi i i i cii ilie greatestprViommence in W e x f o n : of iii:i ¦¦n c nt y m IrelandThe resul t is tha t tin- coui iM !ia- LI -IT. cotivurUciinto a happy h u ni i c - yr . i - . i i . :¦¦: /rahl-crs Tin-evicted tenant- . - ¦mij ilain i 1 .,; i o t lu i^ whau-ver isbeing done to sn.-tain I ' n n , ai , < i ( in- Feccralnii i-OD tiie point ol c ( > l!ap-i . tic • .p t> . , r t •. ; n i t y t h u safforded of re-est .ibl i -b ing i - .. orgaiii .-i i t ion. whic . iin the past gave such j rcoi l ¦•¦' •• oun t (if itself in theprotection of the tena n t.-. 1.- a valuable one acdshould not lie nfglected.

ID procf of th< > asscrti'.DQ aia'l e f requent ly in t n I Bcolumn of tbc dicidaoce ' f »? ¦•<• WMj; organisationin Yfpxford , I give tho f' II 'Ho; cutt ing from tneofEcial report of the Crnpant"^' bnrn . h —¦¦ It is to bo re"o-r Ueil that loinj j erscnis in 1 bc parin l. .

who liate olwaya 6ut i8^nt '«Ml am! .><iii ' |>ort« 'J tbf Sut onalcantc most liberal!j. ire fall inc nay by ilegrvtiB : no.I it isto be rcrette'l *.tlll ranre tl .Ql s-f-uie nf rhu s^ are (leiKO im\rijo took a pinminont r^rt '" "'• ' l'"l'tica l wort of t l iepariab some time a;"- "

After a f ur t t i e r rof i reni e il p in r i rg i h- i l l sacceowhich B'tpodo4 t- f-ir B i t u pi t o ' rai .-e t h e «irffor tho Federa tion , the r t p - i t . oc'inn"! : —

" There w no rw JJI I hu l l i i n .' ' lm < t :> t ' l i m u cl i <uir , -i iP twithout tbe Biuevv n u,' war , -.0 it >» I - i r Hit: y «o Iti ' ( t h eparish w allow it tn clUpat , or tj t k i ."wii<" n:r»« M B I D U

ipirit of apit l iy, wbich KHiiia 10.1. ., '..¦ t l i . - i n of 1..W niterthey lai tbfully nod cifii'alilj > : i | M , r , iv t l ic Sut iouulcaoae for more thun :i <lct:aJf of j .-.n.

We are at ooe w i t b t l i e u i f i n n e r i i nf tot ' ( ros sn-beg 'brnneh in the o - l i u f ' h . t i branci ct aoyorganiEatioa , bot of the Fderatioc nsp. ei.ill y , eu.rutexist wi thout tbe siD "v- 9 of »«r , Lut nf th * twoalternatives »bieb tuoy p lac.' b"'or,' thn publ icwe would decidedly advise thtu, to allow t h eFederation to di>" out or " ¦ollapae ," as tbey t ^rroit. Tbe people of the locality ore not eufficien' l yappreciative of the bl i ss inuK to be derived t r ^mChat organisation , and i*. wrul - 1 be but u parallel totbo Scriptural plnclng of "po-irl s b<-fore a»ioi> " todilate to thorn <nn tbe vi r lu i - « of tbo F iderutlnn .

In Tintern the &i in e sad tale it In be tol l Acol lection wns m-idi- ' n ^u n d aj n- uck for the O't -crPorpos»» Fund, ood j n . .cknowlc -4_»io'j; tho t r i f l i n ;,'sum received, tbo secretary uf rr p. branch usietis :

"There areagrcit norabor nf iicop lc in tho parish whodid unt snbBcribc A "d << •'» u rlmmo \'JT men who )nvc«ot reductions avcraTinp from Ui to iyi in tbc r rents Uiluttoa up t ln j r uocVc'n m J "Ot k-!tc a t cnt to t h e" woundeJ scldierii " or to t lic nciaUri ..i i'orlittmeut tillhaie unueuiugljr (<lunnv t w la>t ami ..tb«:r waanoi» olrarliaincnt) watchini? . w ili->r in i f n ^ i , tt siK-ila veryLadly for tbo generosity of tin: pcop.t: of Tint i - i n."

No one will dispute the fnct tbut t r . sc who r .avobenofittfd by the l»nd at < : t i ( i . ,o pi iouid !•• • the firs tto subscribe to a fund (or Jbc su- 'er atiOD of f'Cevicted , but those n-h" sre rr ¦k(;pn^ibK ¦ for thoseapp'.alu must kno w that as I ' TJ » estl ipy mix up v . i t hthe collection for tie evif t^ d te t 'i - n< » a collectionfor the disseminttlion of tho Uer.lytto ptopasandaHO gelf-respectinfr N'a t inn n l i ^t CJtj hu > ,8critie to i' .Besides the adminintral i fn by tie ¥ • d, rationie 'B '.ttbo fund , collected ncir-inally lo aid the ovictod,Ids given ri?e to »ucb un a iDount 'A recr iminat ionamongst tbe Healyite and Oill ionitc faction thotthe farmers may be ejouecd if they do not feelthat they ure quite safo ia entrusting their moneyto oieh fceepiDpr. : • . .

AVcro it not for occisional supp licatiooa to ttcLord Chancellor to appoint Roaic of tbcif nutnb-rtt the Commission of tKi? Peace , ouo would becHorded little c»idenec that the Federation iv a8 nliving force in the county. Tn the rr,ce for thpmagistracy the (?rabler and ovir.tor have been for-gotten, even the respective merits of tho Gantrypatriots and tru* " Boundin>r B'otbers " have!beenlost sight of. With the excrptjoa of a f t )w casestho Bight Hon Mr Walker.has uo( thouzbt it:fit tohearken to tbe prayers of hU supplicants wltb thoresult that a deputation is being organised toapjproach the Chief Secretary nho is expnetid to bemore sUBCtptnble to tbe clalmB put forward by theFcdorationutB than Mr Walkar has been, .

Tha New Boss totvn commUslonerH are ol«b con-cerned over tbe same subject, and resolution^ havebeon passed, directing the clerk to communicateuith Mr John Barry nnd Mr [John Dtasij ; if> nsetheir influtmce to; have their nomln«ca appojnlod.

At the last meeting of tb<^ comtnijaionefB, re-ferrinf' to tbe question of the magistracy, JlrCTieroey Is reported to have eaid that the ootomie-cidneia shonld endeavour to feavo as many Libera lmagistrates appointed in tho district as pO2Bible!

f - : DTJHGASVAII. - \¦ The Inevitable has come to paip. Ataj riraf a:. HC2tiD3 ot the town commistionorp, held on Tbors-i day, the TUQ langnage reporUd; last week v oe ro-| J*o»ud with Jnttrest, tbe resale being that Jn tbo' o 4 the coromisstonara camo to tlown. . Ir.'ii : well ,i after all, that the commliBionors at long las : hare; decided to hold , their fistic duplay e with closed!! doors. The pnblU have long since tired of ] i ladingTrbit the commlsf loners think of I one another

) , '• Ohtttnr" writca a letter this evening in which: hev describes tba scene, ontsiilfl (the meeting; and] pointa ont to the people ot Ducgarran their obvjous\toh»- ¦¦;

¦' :

'¦ '• . ; ... ¦ ¦

! ; !¦ - . - . | .' : It ii a great fnrprisoto roe as It ie to 'erery| other observer that the bttterfcJtss Dnnganrflnj peipl.e; bate noti long since t»k«n up this 3»tter,.«$ptrtm end to the rowdylBin dblch is dlegracingaot »loJlcDuDB»rv»n but tbe cp^nt; at Urge ]

f 'I *mgl»d to «ee that the IDnagarran VonnjIreJ*nd Sodety l» »t Ust comirigj to the XrpnrT' At

j«! meeting held on( Monday* spirited resolatioo ;¦WM •dopt«dr'ooodeiDDiDff tb» Goftrnment f oi pro-

jtcrtjnjl hu Dt Frejno'i miniooi in tbelr work of

¦ • ¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' I ' ¦ ¦ T • . . i' ; | { ;

IIHIP'- ^&T.I , It geerha: impossible" that the defendant ia theebcokinjj faai]j 'quarrel, brought ,b«fore the court|oa HatardaV.iopoW h#' In bh right mind. I harerarelyheard iol anj'.lferoalereceiving. snob.tretttment.Either the man de'aervet seven* punlanmsntor he'l*'o fit subject./or tlje lohaUo A»>lum.{ I Bardlyitbink , the Imaglatr>te3 Inqnired -Into, tho ¦ clrcum.:stancea sufficientl yvbofoM paBsing.Bentence^ , ,| The ohaigo ot cruelty to turkeys, brought bolorojthc last sessions;: might be- brought hourly in everyquarter; of froliric]j It' IB the iuustom' certainly to:hold turilealhy tttelegB: That ifte against the lawI -n 'e.ver. heitS Wore, and the Bun^arvbn magis-trates ' 6eetrjid JtotBihk that . the proseoutl^n wasbotti unaeciiaiaiy arjd vexatious. Certainly SergeantGibbo, cou^dl I bev much better employing his timethan by. brio'gingisaeh caaeB before the court.

.The disbniJsUm as to the powers.to ba vested inMr M'Grstij Clerlt of Works, shows clearly_ thatthe great b ilk of ;the coainiissioDers only desire tocater to what they kellove is popular sentiment. Asa reBUlt ot the discussion it is very long odds thatMr M'Grat;h will have untold trouble in oarrjin?out tbe work. .Tho cbmmisaionera are olearlyinclined to 1 mttkelmaatere of .all the mea in theiremploymea'tJ Mrj .M'Grath was appointed an theresponsible: head ) but now all tho responsibility is,praotlcally,1 taken,'from him.

Mr O'Connor's! estimate of the dumb dogs whofollow Mr Jty'Cartby's fall shows how hU eyes havebeen opened to , the true state of affalra in Ireland.Like every jreaspnable man who has watched tbeourrent of ! ivent^ Mr O'Connor sees in the actioaof the Government re tbe De Froyne estate con-duct .muali more , reprohensible than anything MrBalfoar was ever: guilty of. Tho Liberate oxiat bytho favour Of Ir sh votos ; tbey came into omojpromising to reform every exiBtingr grievance i andwbat have ^hey:given us? A batch of worthlessmagistrates. Ia there a mau lu the land who thinksthe new J P'a are the class of men to resist thamarch of the battering rain ? I ehould say not:

Mr O'Brisn took a completely different view fromhis fellow member, solely beoause " they had a roosthonorable. body ef men. in the Liberal Party. ' ThisIB tbe stale Biy le of " argument." Pray, llr O'Brien,what have " the! honorable body of men " done forus. Introduced the Home Eulo Bill you will soy.Wo all know th'ot. They had to throw a sop toCerbonii, or even the "dum dogs " could haveromained dumb no longer. Pray, Bir , what tan :vil«benefit bur followed Liberal rule. The Home K . leBill is on (the shelf , and while English Legislationblocks tbe way; tho Crowbar Brigade marob I Dtriumph through Ireland. Wero tbo McCartbyitoaelected to sit idly by looting with complacence attbo battering ram P Were thoy told to remainsilent instead of calling for tbe re-instatement oftbe tenants and tho release of the prisoners ? Werethey elected to bold tbe fort in the House of Com-mons to oarry throug h the Nevicastle iprogrammePSurel y not. :

Mr McCarthj'8 statements are of the most sillyand childish nature. He says : " Anyone ^ho wouldgo in for censuring tho Government ut this momentwould vote against Home Eulo in the morning."Then what has, he to eay to bis " great leader,"Michael Davlti.j Is is hardly a week sloce the eon-verted .revolutionist spoke la iho strongest languageol the GoVeromont atrocities at Boscomman , anddeclared .tbe Liberals bad brokeo faith m notliberatiD? tbe politloal prlsonera ! Even HonestJohn bad to eay something after the lame fashionWould Michael Davittor Honest John voto agalootHome Rule io tbe morning 1 Clearly tbia is nhatMr McCarthy wi6hes to convey.

Mr Etogban speaks about tho Govoromemhaving tho£vlcled Tenants' ijjU In contemplation.Quite so;, they bave It in contemplation ibis lastthree years, and .it la in contemplation still. Unlesswe short by a vigorous agitation that we are ootgoing to be hum butted further , the Bill will re.main 'n contemplation to tbe end of tbo chapter

I am y lad to gee tbat the very proper resolutionproposed by Mr 0 Connor wag adopted by o sub-stantial majority I t in DO use for any bodv of mento live ia " a loolu paradise " any longei Wemust face tbe :faces and do wha t we can to bring?tbe Gu 'eioment to a oi-oeoof their duty to Ireland.

Mr Power, th<> Chairman of the commiasioners.appears at last to realise tho position ot affairs, aocIs evidentl y Inclined to cut off ccnoectioo vr ith &board wLloh has cut such a 6orry fi gure of late Hedid not turn up on Thursday, and on Kridav be wasfar , far t- tvj iy.

Tbe work oT erecting tbo artisans dwellings IP

proeeediog steadily. Laai ntel ibt wa^eaamount* d to £11 \2i 6a.

The resolution adopted regarding tbc EducatiooAct is a simp le ubs ordit v Tbe money to ca'-out tblo very deserving Act must bo provide^locally out of the ordinary rate? . Tbm everyontknows ; tierefore the resolution putting tb.- qucetiocto tbe Educa'iuL Board is simply so much trifling

If tbo Chris t ina Brothers receive tbe oapltatiocgrant tbeD there wi l l not be a eh.idon of reason orexcuse for dccliciog to put the Act into operation.At tbe preeoot DI > ment tho Cbrmtian brotoers arceotirely w favour of 118 adoption Tb>" know ilwill conifer a beot-fii on tbe comtnunitv ai large,and they are not so sei6sh as to retard tbe work in gof tho Act , beciubu it happens that the cx istiogGoverument aoi unfairl y towards tOtu . Ln tb i ematter the Christian brothers have taken up t mostpra iB^roftby st&Qu

Ao erc oriinL' hu r t - s tDrj swept , over these partoon Kridiiv ni ^hu coutn .uin!; « U n increased l u t vuntil Sa iurdoy i-voDin ^ n f .r s tbo jj ftio pradual l ^modera'Od. Tin. an was pipreluj ? cola snotf(oversd the df lls . and the FUt u uj i tu of Kncckuieeldown fo'ei My ten'Hed ' h o t it had fj l l e n DCB VI IT IC

thi> t direction. Ev ^ry t ' i l og prt-s -ntec t freezin .-aap-et: 6wen more , tbt . *md iDrcateneo sonovdeat uccion iu eve r v qua- tur—ala te s ^ori' tnun d e i -intr olor-^ t l;e r > l d < ! if e uoust-s on tbe Square anddifft-rett 8treKt-» , a;. \ t t - ea cras:j in^ on the flips androad ivajj . 'I' r.urr i s *cnrca\y noy r aa rkn io toiv con H .vtur r tay : t i t r "a^ n u t nj, pmdl load < 'g t r av . , u f t w loar* .- - i f pu 'L i t u ^ »nd cabb*(? e' a u< 'r iH j oof t <; Htt * r »a> . c .t t e r .d io every direi Hoc Alou > - ticue an a/ r/ii , of tu ' f, srv i-pi dowo the Muirj-sltin* v ^ O ' f i ot t i t |T,-(. ert> were eulEcienllT nee> affoot t > keep tbe ro l ler - ir , v i e ^ . Ai Abbeyuia **thia^s loiitrd Uo tit t ter—aJaUJ S flew aruuna Sextoo-sireet to t h e i K 'e a l danger ol putj urn -b) Tneretht * te le^ it tp b ^) r e muaoed and ulrj ined, and fimllyparted , Swinelnp ; at tbc command of tho Btj ra.

To urOUo ib-) causeway wan uo easy last Severalrut-e compelled tc rel i cqui ah nben alioosi w i i b i ureach of the goa Tl.f K M a t t r t c lt d somo atton-rio'i 00 bis way io t h e pt-tly eessiene couri , couj .b at t ing t ij joro u- i i ut'p- 'D» ' ihe foice ot tn i : njna.cow g^ iO'nj f & ten yar dft , tbo next mouiecL dn^eiback fur ther ; now a.rote I tu: i:uU(=e ^ - ay, und so oriu n ' i l rmchiiij : w i t > - i » a l f« y ,r<i « «.f tti o arch aheavy gout a(ru< k h im , appaie ^t iv dibpel l iug i;j fIns' re iucac tu of eourngc and pMao'erancc. tor herf t r i iCed bi» -steps, oeeision i.' l r Dio^ in - on lil; .gr i iu dtiuth to. the cliain^ Hu coachman and bu i sewore no more suece.-«fu. , a r r iv in) ; ut tt.c brid gf tb«ynh-o ivtre repulsud , the dr .ve r mourcinu the loss <>'his but.

Bnt tbu K M, his stronctn and courage iovi«oraUd ,a^uin battl ed witb tbu elemenip , this time suco^ss-tull y, lout arrived late In court , Major M ouc sel :hj v iDg 'previpusI y tj ken possession of the chni:

A plank used as scaffolding on a bl grr bui ldin g I DBlackpool was blown uwar and fell w l i h great forctoo tuo adjo in iDf; bouee , one »tory bigb , entenoi,throug h tbo root and causing a p&nic amongbt t D tinbatitanta. * Huppil y there »aa oo persun in tt i fioom intn irhicb 'be debris had fallorj ; al l tbeaierobt ir s of the family i*ere io tbc kltcoei .

Paisio« down M HID street tbo wh irhvi u d wneicost p'owt r fn l , (several peop le were blcvn away u] ¦ !><> distnnci', har lDg nc power U arrest tDuirprogrep. Ouers were ih r u «n violently , bu; rBenoo.il »L()ideti t in reporter ;.

Trie 'dfr t t n i id unr i ' iun 'x-d nf an old rn 'in resident •-Abbe > t ) : i« . wi let, loot pl. ,ci- under r iMunrkub ' -Bu i d - U circQai -,t. Kiv - - . i > u - correHpond. -Dl pa*him on. t i a V .r idue lor a considerable Liui e rum.forta ' ly ec.il o ¦ „ L >u r , l i . ,,f ot r,, ,, il()uc»|t i ebiji I tu r u: i t i c ..ici. i n, ^m u was u o ^ t r c- n ^ (. raby p-. rnj i lo , . , , ,» , : . A ' i . o . M j o wni i u buudle <Vt t ia iv . unle»> i i - would re l in qu ish the l i^bt hurj enor rick bein;,' l> iou - n ov,-r Into th /j b^run c . W' H H Dlln: wind \Caut- u tuu.e.vibai , Tnuumt 1). e, ih-deeMLCd, veu tu ied from his unu ij iotrtai , but tt-fore be hod , prcctc-Jed lar the etorm would hiw ethrown hiui:, had uol ti oit l y a^^isUince been reo-dered. Whtc I.e KUS b iou^ht into hie houBe M I »struD^ 'h ai 'tined ij buve suddenly forsake n h|ro,and bi'in^' r frpoved fr^m ibe tir

t.pj act to bis bed heexpired, in tic nb at -cce of medical aid or reliji^uaconsolation.' An ii-cjucj t nus bold on Mondj iv,after which j thc rcmaiua were interred io the Abbeybury ing U IOCL'.

At lust petty tei.-ioDs a great many KOCO eur-prisedi atetbu conduct of a burgerj aj tiunalist ioevictib ,7 tenants ut such a pcor time of tbe year ,wl .euiotLer .pt iv^t ions uto sufficientl y oppression ;hut spQ' i iS Qoihiij ^ but tho realization of irb itn eexpec'td from tuls gontleoiaa for a coceidermii'time y us t. , ilany say io bos changed of lato ; butsuch | an assertion is fulse. His opinions tveroalwaj jB. in |accordanco with . his present action ,though 1 must admit tboy wero cunning ly bid uridorthc fJ |sgulBiJ tif Bbam patriolisa—A strong ly di|»e-Ippedj cbar»ctoiistic in tho Burgcry. Ooe taqaotdfcehrod tbot he owed nearly two year *' rent,, andtbat (it wo? pever demanded of him until a siiorttime | ago. ] His landlord prO'Dised to thatch thehocst* at that time, but bp novec fulillltd bis pro-mis^.' i The ; tobitation woa D trretcbed onp i ¦ rainfell through the roof in ton tntl, and tbe wind en-tered through tbo erovlces. . Too occupier; wassatisfied to pay up if the boncu nu put Into habit-able ropairj To this statement the Feaeratlonistoffered no word ot coptrcdiction lo dofenco, ancj noconsequentiy tate it aa a reliable fact—cne wtioboan: exphiu itself. '

The retrtut ot tbe f n'ary is progrcsoing admirably,Tbo l eermrins of tbe Bev Father Uo?cn are power-ful bp4 cor^vinoing. HumberB outside tbe Sodalitycome each evening to bear simple ' facts eloquentlyexpburjdedi The opening' sermon on Sunday nighton ' ;1'TUB * end for which we nero created," wie atombing oratlou and a largo congregation had ' thebappirj |e£O of being present. ' » i

pq MoniJsy nignj tbe rov misaioDary pieacbedoutbe olio uododable fact, that nn all must die, butknow pot When or la wbat circumttances death mayOTHtUa ^o url One passage fn bis eloquent dlspourseforcibly Etriicic our notice, vij -Thdt the greil signtb«t y« reatembtr death Is by thoreepeitweEh)1* totbe dead. Aid be regretted totty that in no civilisedccun^c* is! thero greater disrespect shown to

dradrelat^Ji tod friendi than in beautiful Ireland.WolL;irig through ibo oemateries the blood ffOzo Inhis v.efa'scjt jthe care)ei« and disrespectful appefranceof the graves. The Pfotostau't! cemeteries certp in-ly differ Jin this* respct;^ from OUIB . On IthoCootfasnt; there U ooe d»'r ,in tbe year «I-ea peoplepeopjobf «fe'ry rdigiou^ pcrau»»loD;<f|ll jjin ; ia%e-thot; tot respet't the dead.. The i cemeteries are ' rellkeptjjtbe f*i>ple th«re do oot »ufler weeds, tof /jc ve<;the «f »ve» a> we do in Ireland; children ero broa rb tto tbij grav^ of, perbtpi, ¦ father who bad to ledfor Ualr comtorf, ot ol n fond notbtr or brothw or |

WxD M f r WJi&$&ti'$gj^^Blbter, They are qotlfrighteqed; away from thersmombronoe ot death &s here at borne. . No, theyare taught tb rcapeotand'wvere tho fjiends theyonce loved and to oberiih their , ''memory, with lobdreoolleotion. ; '" , ' :' - , . ¦¦ i ! ' ¦. ; -

I As Bo report' ' rcaohcd thlr oflob T/o prcsutno nomeeting' ot the Dutigaryan board bf jgu&rdtans XTQOheld yestotday. ' '•' . " • v " ' ! f ' ¦ ' •• • • ¦¦ ¦ ¦

I ; ' '¦ '¦ . CAEBICE-OB'-STttE, ;/, '¦ The Whi((a deolaro without a I smllo- that thoy

have still "an old respect "—whiitovor ibah maymesn—for Mr ! John McGrsth, Ohnirmac of ' thejCarrlok«on-Sulr boaifl. . , ¦¦ . . ¦ '| The effort taoeenre fnr Dr Horan oumeibing- like

an adequate aalary will not , ifc is boped,> b« nippedIb the bud by the Local GovornmontSoard an on'atprmer ioocasion. 'Tbo annual amount paid to DrMoran is oltogethdr insufHcient Turauueratiou for:tbe ardoua duties ha ba to perform.

' According to a Clonmel papor the Whi^ meoting.on Monday in Committeo ; Eoorn .15 rciccd theshadow of diesensioa from off tbe country. Timewill tell. : It ia long odds rbtt even before thoissue of the NEWS Timothy, of tha-noble houoo of.Healy, mil assert himself. - '

Dr O'Eyan, Medical OQoer to tho union, baaresigned after a lengthened nervlco. To know CheDoctor was to like and re^peet hioi , sod the poor iothe house will miss hla'kiudly f ain much.

Several candidates are already ib tbe Qeld for thovacancy. Dr E A Wnll is pretty certain to go close.

On Monday Mr Shea, coroner, held an inquest onthe body of a woman named Maiy Flynn, who diedsuddenly on Saturday ot the Rucks , Corrick-on-Suir.It appeared that tha deceased, who <vas about forty sixyears of age, and bad been what is known1 £3 a dealer,was in bad health for some timo previous, but v.'ta ableto transact her business. On Saturday ovening ehetook suddenly ill and died in ICES than an hour. Averdict of death from natural causes waa raturaed.

LISUORE. ;Mr Henrj Laboucboro, M P, wrj tes in this week'o

Truth !—" The Guardiano of Lismou? Union havo p^:cd nnd

forwarded to me a resolution that the partj raph inTKOTU! of the 9th inst. reapectiug an outbreak of feverat that town is " an unwarrantable exaggeration."The resolution goes on to give ; particulars of tbenumber of cases, which are- said to bo tbirty-uinoinstead of from ninety to one hundred, and also cf theprecautions adopted in " tho firat cola of typhus"(»»c), tnd in the typhoid ct3e3. Tho Guardians odd,what I am glad to hear, that there ¦ ia now (November16) only one case of fever in BallydafT, ond ono other inthe entire Union, oiespt for tea of typbuo and ona oftyphoid in hospital (all convdeseooi). Having statedBO much, it is quite unoceessxy for: me to comply withm« request of tho Gacrdisns that,I will publish theirresolution in full, for it has absolutely no touring onmy paragraph, boyond the pruciso : 6guK3 in regard tothe extern of tho epidemic. There.is no doubt thatthere haa bees a very serious outbreak. Ail that Igave boyond that were eome facto in regard to thedissemination of the disease by bed-clothing, cud uponthis tbe GunnliAT3 flay nothing. Appended to theircommunication is a nev/spapor extract in ' which agentleman denies that my statement applic3 to bed-clothing n hu house bu ' what this U worth I nmunable to cex.

The levor epidemic in thin union bt3 almootdlcappearco All tha patiomo at tbo fovcr hoap italare confaifocflnt nor? re i th one osoeptloa.

Pbeie being no meet lng-of tbe board on Wedneo-day I turned docn tbu streatito look up tbe nowmuob discussed sewerage arrangemenls of tbe town.Tb« rovr sewerage piping critD fluohlug QrraDge-m e n t . oamod out by Mr H ynes, C E, are nimp lyper tcm . 1 witnessed tbe flusbiDg, nnd l a m con-vinced that there can be oo doubt whatever of tbeperfect way ic whieb the automatic flushingappuratUB does tbe norB

Tbo guax ilans would do oeil to havo thoir canltar;officer par a visit to Buttoiny Tho unsanitary condition o' tois portion ot tho town is very badindoea Tne ool y way is to havo a now sewur laiddown , UD O connect it with tho main pipw.

Ohurcn-lano ot tbo oppoaito ond of tho town isalso Ceoerving of the Sanitary Authority 'H ottentloii.

Tb- hportmg populatioL ol! tbe town attendee1

the Ballyduil racco yoHterd ay.Tae towc commU^iooer^ aro to appoint n towt

clert at tneir next tneotui i Tho calory 13 £10 pe-veiu

Tho ctorm mido greit ravegeg here on Friday night ,neverai houoej being otri pped o'l thoir alaica. Theijnapel aifio hod a Urge number of ita elates blown awatFortonatety no accidents of any iund occurred.

TEAUOEETbo storm raged bero'.with rjcc»t fury on Saturday

ond bundar , blowint? slate3 off the mouy old bouseaI D tbe town and lDjurln p a coosldorablo amount otproper.

At tbe racecourse comi" damn^ o V7ao done. Tbezinc sheet ing »as blows do>»n in many places.

Mr Duffio rccommendt tbat tbo opinion ot ahydraulic engineer should be obtained as to tbo sutnolepcy of tbe supp ly of "uter to bo obtained fromtn»8ourccs be contemplates tapp ing in connectionwitb tne water works. N o doubt Mr Duffln hastak-en tbis Bland io cooeeguenccof tbe performancesof certain individuals ID tho Ddnmore district. Per-sonal ly 1 am convinced Mr Duflln 's opinion io quiteas good a-> need he procured , but as he wishes tohave. r. sobntan '.uted by that of another eng ineer ,perh arjs l' would be "ill after all to meOt him in thechattel 'I' ti -- Trainoro Dispecaary Couiroittee w i l lDr asfceo tc decide tne mu t c t r . As they pay tbopiper if in on l y fair they should be allowed to 0,1!tho tup

DU&DORE.Di Jdo tman £ave a carefully prepared report U

tbe (-tuurdiiin s on Wednesday. J!rooj whlcn it will beseen he i» of upimou tha t tho sunerage o? Uunu i ornis ia a T P T V A e l iouvo state

I t wi l l be a gra t i f i ' a ' i oc to all l.ut the well-knowo«tx/u< tr i-arL tt .nt t h e w.i -e ' supp l y is now all tha tis neede. Considering i n . V O I J dry *(;jtoei thisu satiBrnotor}, and goes n 'cog vvuy to show tha iIboso wbo carrion out tho wf i r ks with tho huntedexpenditure did their duty well

Mr ileCartby, of oourcci . had no dl ffero nt op inlootr ' fie: Nottiln » ; eloe eould be erpeoted from biu iIf one was »c jud ge by bis w^rds it is apparont hei' of optoioo tbat tho D u a m n r c <vater tvorka at acost of £1,200 should be as good , if not bet ter , tb »otbe Koookaderrf water wort a , toe co3t of wbic 'ilotted oior X75.00U fhonb ^oodnc03 he ia one ofthe ver> fe» jnr eaBOQnble men round bore.

CAPPOQOIIT.Hcverai bouien b«r2 received a Revere ahalting from the

itorio on Kndov nigbt. Th» roofing of tho turning anuI ttttioj ; ebopa in the foundry was severely damagetiI weveral ventilatore and flbeota of glosa being blown awa\

The emotion of the filtering-bod for the town i» no«torgottei. (' llr Beary 'e estiirLite of .£350 v<oa con-sidered W" high wh y did not Ibe guardians considerMr Hvnes ej itimatc ol iSO. Perhaps tlioy vvtH answer

Cappocj ui n, November 22nd , 189SOEAU nm- I D your Lismore notea of last week whea

I publishing tbe ccnsational story cl fever which appearedI in 'J'ltiti. you said . " Typhus fevor in raging in andf around Coprxiquin " it should have heeii " in aodI around Lismor:," not Cappoquin. Kindly inr.srt thisI correction, and obliije vours trulv. J.F. II

V\ c learn one nf the moat encceE sful branches u' theLla> [yr ' I rado in ;the City , is H E A K H C * i:o iMantlr Department. The Spicifil Jackets now beingadvertised by them of Curl CJoti, trimmed ivitb f lunk ,at Us l l r f , canriot be' procored at a Guinea. Why.tho fur with which thoy r.ro trimmed ia aloiio worth themonn» ¦

C Y C L I N G , &cThe roads are now in perfect order

niirtn oii Din f<«r cycling :and despite tho sharpeasterly blaj 'j, many of our whc«l-

ruen talie udvantage of the brirj bt moonlight ni-^hta tospin alony Ihuir favovrito made.

On Tuesday I r,aw a machine buil tA men ntivEK. by Mr John 'Douglas. It does him

credit. Light , well knit and a rareruovei it dhows what we can do in Ireland in the wayuf mechanical no k if we only :tct our minds to doingit 'I he Doug las—if ! may ehtistcn it to—uhoul d havea guoil time next yea:

li K KhiUoo, of this city, andIN C I U U G B. W U McTcprgart, of Cork , aru in

charge of the Irish Cycle Company «stall at iht; Stanley Show.

An effort i« being made to oecurolUkiLWAT unifonnity in tho charges for tians-CHAKOE s . mitting cycles by rail. At present

tho disparity between the charge- fora 6ii miles joint and for a run of 100 milea in absurd.

Nothing U ipoken of now in oyclingA L L THE U A G C . circles but tho Stanloy Show.

Where BO many novclitiea weroexhibited it in ililficult for mo to particuUrbc, bnt it isevident 'that tho Whitworth pcoplo mado a great hit.I pc« that amongst the rpecial inachincii exhibited bythis excellent company is a beautiful working model oftbe new pattern Whitworth ¦ r&cor. This is builtexactly half scale, every detail.; inct'iding even the ballsand tho chain, being in perfect ; propurtinn. It i» titteJwith Palmer tyres, atio to hal f scale, and Rltigeth>.r wqnite unique as a novelty. The improvement* intro -duced for 1894 cl.tim clc:e ajtcntion. Tbo most im.portont of all is tho adoptiou throughout uf a cowpatent detachable and interchaiigablo'geuiiug. It booths samo linca cs tha Whitwortb guar used for tuqWbitworth racer, but ro .modified M to allow of thauta of a gear cue. A rider can nuto or lower his gearby unscrewing threo bolts, takng off one chain wheelond fixing onothcr -all the ' : work uf a very fewminutes. ¦ • ¦ ! i

Tho prospectus of tho Griffith*omFFUns Corporation',1 which will bo in tho

CORPORATION, hauda of tka public early next week,: ia or.o of: the most voluminous

dbcumenta of tbo kind propared in Dublin Iu recentyears. The capital is 200,000 in £1 shares, and ofthis amount £175,000 will bo issued »t par. Mr JohnGriffiths is tho chcirman, and tha other directorsuo :—-Mr George Ilctmlfe, of Dublin i Mr A JamesduCro*. of; New Yoilc j Mr ! Frcderic'jL Jennings, ofManchester ; and 1 Mr Bobert Watson, of Johnstone,Bcnfrewehire. Tho cyclo agencies acquired are spreadejor Ireland, England, aootland, United Stales,Canada, Belgium, Australia,; and New Zealand, andtha CorporftUpn starts with ; a ;working . capital of£150,000. As tho , shares , aro now »t , o suhstaulklpremium there Is likely (o be » big rrua for them.

; : You can't do better 1 thin' buy your Shirt*, UnderVests, . PanU, ¦ GIOVM, . , .Collars Tla, 4o , f»omUEAEK * i C« 63 and 64, ftuay.' There u nothlnjr inth« City to eqpil thdr ShotUnd Wool BbsrU and PanUat 1«. «d. .efioh.!; Send Stamps for Sample. ' If notapproved yoar monoy will be nlaiacd. : ,

OLOIHBS TyA«BBr>iriihiBidion'» Extraot ot So»parf.perfectl^white aad «wwt k« tie breath pf fn e»rjyinromer mprojng. *nd hav« ]h<» othei odour «bontb«m.—TheXady , ' < SoM ta T'tSfj llb.,'ahd ib. tint,oil PscIuU. j i :

41 jum:j :.Crystsl Sbto

f^ Pure Ijotibla Sodai, B.f ,¦ . ; . . • !


• ¦ ¦¦ .- . ; •

¦¦ ¦



¦ ¦

'; : ; ' JOHN ^ GAltVEY'S

" Pure " Seltzer.fater.JOH^ GARVEY^il Pure '9 Potass;Wato,B.S

JOHN GARVEY'S" Pure s > Lithiai Water, B P.

JOHN GAEVEY'S" Pure " Lemonade-

J0H"W GARVEY'S"' Pure 1-' 6ipger Ale.

JOHN GAEVEY'S6 Pure " Cham pagne CiderJOHN GARVEY'S

" Pure " Hop Ale.JOHN GARVEY'Sic Pure " Ginger Beer."

Tho Uro^ming Acoidout nt tto Quay.An inquest waa held on Saturday last at Kirua&'a

Hotol on ibe bod y of Aodrorr Power, c7ho?u drowDin ffat tbo.Quay on rITridBV ovenicg lost no bri fly roportodin our last issue. Tho deceased, rrbo was a bay andBtra" doaler in a Bmall nay, roaided at John's Bill , andon Friday evoning bo bad bc3D on the Quay attendingto bin basices and was returning alone tne Quay ohonby Eoao means, »t present unexp lained, ho caroo intotbe wntflr. No one; wltneMtd tie occurrence, nnd itrriH only whon tho bodj me foand floating in tboriver that people beramo award of tho fatality. Themost probable theory of tha uocidnnt is that whilewalking Iu too OIOBO proximity tn tbo rivn 's odge bewasovoroomu by the bnrricarro wliioh wtyi thep b lowinuand blotvn bodily into tho rivur , but this as rcell an aayother thoory is mero aormiae. Tho inquest naa heldby Mr K- N- Power , Coronor , and Sergeant TlnolerQppcurod on behalf ol tbo Conotabnlary. A jar; ofvrbiab Mr. QoorRe Crokor w«n foraman hiTing beanoj rorn , SorgoaDi Tiaalor (rare eridonce of identificationolthp bad>. addinc that bo had scon tbo deccaood ootbo Quay on Friday a foo bauxa before tho body wasfound, Jcu Gaffnej, a qua; labour er , wai oxominedand deponed to Gadioe the body off White's hull! andbringing it ashoro. 'ibis mu the only evidence pro-dncod, and tho jury returned nn opou verdiot.

(i r iti Druring GIo ves ! very best value in tbe city ,2> lid , 3s lid and 4s Gd per pair RobeneooIj edlie , Ferguson and Co, Licnitfd , TTctorford.

Erntal Xrcatmontj of G T7ifoAt tho DnnRorvna Petty Scculona on Saturday, j ane

Ciraves , obarced lidmood GroTcs , her hcifcancl , t?Uhocwnlt st Halvioh.

Mr J }} WilliiiCH for de/endant apj liod (or antdjournmoot .

Mr Williomsfor complaiaanc objeotod. Dr Willlamusaid thcit the "Oman woa about cendina a chil d to bobaptinod wbon tbe defondant aocaultcd her. Sbo i7cion the bed afto r her conQnemant rcbenohe-rccj cavosolycflcnultod.

Complainant doposcd tbat wtiou seridior ; tbo obild tobo obrintenod tbo defendant sold bo noaldoo' allow tbobaby to be obristentMl antiUhxj .b w noold boable to go with it hersolf . Ho then struck hoc ia thobed ana drag£ed her hair. The child bad. to bo tslionout of tho window and brought to tho Cbapol Ho badseveral timea threatened her, but cho rfot away fromhim.

Mr J F Williaroo for defoudaat—Do yon think hoin Dcout iotablo for what ho doeo ? 1 don ' t kuotr .

Chairman—Is ho right In hio mind f 1 don'i th inhhe is.

ScTfje^nt Carroll deposed tbeit thd man noo in ocoha state of oxoitemont tbat rj igbt tbat ho sdvincd bornot to «o back , Ho nan jealous of bb aifo. Hr ,witness, belioTed chat tho man nae nut right fn hismind. He uaid that it was *' tbo power of words "killed his horse. Be used to go tip on tbo h.U and blcc3cho boat*.

Sentenced to two months ' imprisoumunt with bardlabour, and at ibo oxp irstion to g ivo iwoarity to keeptho ponoo , himself in illO, »cd too sureties in £20oacb , or In dofanlt throu months' impriaonmeDt -

^•S . '' :si-WifSMpif. .'-v:' :

/i?\^ip?f'' :• • ,

' " '"'¦'''¦ ti


Yx mf x »V Ti 4)v (-



TOE " ENGLISH " ORGAr TTE,n rrnp s?~ >

¦¦ WJTK SXPIUXSSOI: sTor.U ~li!Z?£? ' —.. «sr mnvij a, *'• utmmt,/ ' I' M*yi llrnuu.I'otiQUr Aln. <JO»O-/ .<- * l.ltJ^ Xliul irVoiU*, KMU, UO.A-f -Vtr;*~^¦.%¦";:¦" ¦- . Ji Jdr**- Mr toot «*Q b« y it f t i

I -—. " *••¦. i - j , ¦".. U ^u>^«i ktio»lfiT* rv;)ulr«l. AHf iH&SZf o ^^1—Prl« CO/- ?ermi; l/. d«poslt (t tl- monthly.Orpuutta (WlTtTtd ehea tnt is. b f t i i .Wril^ f or /all r*ru^ii li«r» *C ln«ulm.iit fj Wrm.



I " y lnnaelly flxt-d . on any burner, cauilnsp '-littoBivo twIca 'thollCht e/ltti tho


ottmo coo-M/t!l&KMnH SlfTPII^ , Trill »aroHOUSEUUlLOtiUv; manypounds P'T uuiunx by using; tt ln theirnouses- HnmplsboxofOpost frco. 1IU

r--«o;.wii>'CP. niTCUiC, 70,nen»ha» Cfc,

A Bf M M g ¦

<ijlc;iiiVulfj?i;>L/iUiv3Often caused by

$$y |atc hou r3. v'°rry.

} QJSrf*5:'; i p'ent i coriati pation ,':M WV'.^-) liver troubles, can

1 ' ''¦ : *r\l f*

' ' rcm07C:' or' ~

L y '; ' good b/tho simple'V z!$v -' -, ' mettod of lakinj,; ;, upon rotirintf ,

iw^ b .;¦ Ono

cr Tc;a cf '40 PR'fliMHRFTH-1^Box. SUQAR-COATSDBox, SUGA R-COATEDPrice Icp^o-, ; ,_, j

A safo Oatiiartlo f or tho wealicst, ' as well BO aotlfo caoaca for thostrongest* ' ' I

ALWAYS. givo: Gattefij ctlon.

Prico.lt. per box from alt* ch' embtsi wid from thoWholesale AgcnU for Ireland; Mcisr«.TB03. MoMcLLilifr

^Oo., Belfast, freo by po«t-_[_ I '¦~""FREB'~TO 'MEN.- . .

WHEN you ! are tirfd of taking j naoseoo* and' mysterious \ rtfcriptloDS and coropoundt,

whloh do j roa i no jooo. bnt only ruin yourdlgetiWo orpona . iwrtto to roo and I w}ll «nnd you »book whioh doacribsi a QUICK AHP CEDTM H CU RB (orlost itrength, wasting weakpoaa, Ac, from nh»toTorcanso «jMn|r. . f \ . . :; . ;, ¦ . i . ;' No QrOMACB MlDIClKB. -ffO EtlCtBlClTT. -' , SMjt ,fn eptelopoon rcoeipf. of two itampt for po«l',B?

A \j : LfcfOH. 03 izd (ft , Gl. \tattelUlljMKLoodpD, w.c, ; ¦ ' ! I (olftly).' ! i . ' I ' :M. : I.

(—¦y i ' {

I _ • t

' • • ' . _ • r "& ' ¦ t

' ."¦* f l l i l *¦* .¦" -¦¦ »- , -J »'/ ¦ '* > ru

Manufactured by Her '¦ Majesty's ; Roy• ' : evideria) of which

/ • ¦ ¦ • • , .

¦• .

: G6 AG€¥E,ATE:


I have examined a collection of Mrzlca. Watoro ami 13evo;agQS, .preparecJl ,by ¦ Mr. 'J OHN GARyEYj AVaterford, I find) that theyhave been prepared from good and puro materials , tbat they ba\e bcierL.c»:efuily.»nanufftctur^d, aud tbat they hive been ¦well chargedwith carbonic acid gas ; the Lithia aod Soda Waters—which ate often prescribed * medicinally—contain dne proportions.of thosfiall;alies ; the .water used in thejr prepnr.itipb must have been pure, as :I ,dp'uld find no trace of sewage pollution ; the BQtera.arf freafrom lead and othor poisoaous.metalo. 'i ' . ' ¦ OHARLES 'A. 0AMEROJ^ - . ( - :

I hereby Certify that I have gubmitted to very careful Chemical' Aualyoio eamples of the undermentioned ; varieties of ^ErttedWaters: as Mant,ifactured by Mr. JOHN GARVKY, Waterford , viz. ;—Soda; Potash, and Lithia Waters,-- Double./Sflda, L onjd?, rrndGinger Ale ; and from.jthe aimlytical data obtained I find that they .aie of particularly good composition end quality, .and free from alladmixture of en injurious or undesirable character. Tho. Alkaline Waters". have been carefully and 1 jrdicionflly prepared in strictaccordance uith tho requirements uf the British Pharmacopcea, and each contains the normal proportion of their respective AlkalineSalts. The flavoured iteveiage3 have been blended with considerable skill , andnre particularl y agreeable and inviting to the palate.All are thoroughly wholesome aud refreshing drinks , and thoroughly well Derated with purifisd carbonic acid gas. / 1 have also, verycarefully analysed the water, acidulating agents, &c.,v ussd in the manufacture of these waters, and find that they are .of excelledquality and character. It in therefore v/ith a feeling of confidence l ean recommend these Beverage^ to the.notice of Conijumero.

0"yl6 ) ' GRAN VILCE ' II . SHARPE, F.C.S., M.S.O.I., F.B.C-S., i .,' &a, . [ ' I „. . , . . '• • ' Late Principal of the ." Liverpool.College of Chemictry." '

EJfeiMfecto^y•18, rJICHAEL STREET.

WALTEF"BI l3H0PEEGS to thank bis Frisada and tha Public for

tho patroncje cad uupport they have r.o lenjaccorded him. He now . wishes to otuiounco that ,ht

h:3 Opened

A DINEJG ROOIIID conn^tlon vrith his Refreshment Kpomts »t '.heobovo addrt^i. -Gentlemen will find it to their advtntr.j Bto pitroniia thb Estiblilhment, u they CCJI hr.vo


At tho Short:3t Notico r.sd Modorr.to Cb-r.--;.


Eall2, VTciHiafjo, Pic-IJic c:ad Eo-tinrjPartiba

Supplied on the Shortt-at Notire.


?lcacc Note Addrec s -.—oo. nscnAcz. acn'.32o.

WALT3R BISE0P, Proprietor.(Jol7.tf.)



117 , QUA7, UAT2rJ702D#;




Tho Tramoro Turldcli BathsWILL SOON BE OPEN TO ME PUBLIC.

£lio Ecolining, T7Qrm r.nd DhoucrBatlio

Havo undcrgono a complete overhanlin ^ ond orounder careful nod offlcicnt oiana^enjcnt.








1IO : AGENTSI'itl:rc3 tent Ccct Trco , anil mny bo kept without chir;o



1:lio Sifriotio Aazixsc.zco czzir;:.-iyL I F E A N 3 F I R E ; -

EGTACLI311ED 1824. CAPITAL— j Sl,£GO,0'00.

HEAD Omcc-DUBMN. "fj 'TNDOUBTED SECURITY , Moa«r*te EtU« .UJ Liberal Condltloan, Largo Uc3ucc3 , Proapt

Pajmqnb.C Exnmino the PATRIOTIC Procpcctuc ccd c:o

tho sd7antr™c3 beforo assuring elsewhere.MANAGEE—Eornd. Et. O'llcilly.


joll.tf) AETHUU KELLY, Solr.KiixLCtz ovia :—TH0MAS F. VrAL8HE,


52, iowcr Sackvillo BtrzcX DuLlia,LOA170 cida to build or purcht:o houcra, cr paj eti

taal i ca. to. ¦Tho d;bt raay rcrsda out ot 6 per cent, per annua

ciaplo interest fo? any period not ex&rcdiu^ four years,or can bo repaid by cuy istalmcnta ol i jpriacipalr.c-1 intcrot.Already Advanced ^1,275,000

Lcjal Expc^:c3 Kircd and Moderate.Dcpo;ib received at tho following ri'.:3, vis. :—

Ordinary '. 2 per Cent Jpcr Annum.At Ono Year ... 3 „ „ 'At TTTo Ycara .. 3^ ,. ; ,, (tO.CG;)

For Pro;pcctu» «n<l ctrry informarirm addre:iALPilEt) B,, tlEiiCK B, Secretory.

Ml m M IS 32°City & County Loan , & Diccount:i > B A M,' ! ¦




EG to inform bo Pablio tbat tbey arp preparedt0 ad»4Cco 8unj»from , : . ;

¦ . '

£10 «A £LOQO,iAnd uprrarda, in all pant of Ii«UnJ, nitb ns

i Btthout Seourlty^ > •

, ¦ B. L. B E& G E ^,: "24.1 • ¦

. . |;! JlANAGEBi

TO THE DEAF.-Perbert: Cli^a'a Newentem of cornpl«tel; onrio; «U. formi of De»fM»«Head Nol«««, &a., U being rtoomniefidcd' »ll bfort Id,world. Nomeront uaioliciUd t«*ti«onlal<. iThdmaafiiohard., EM., of 4, D»wK»h 8irf»t(?'gonth iimUtbSiW., «Ht«»(afl«ib*iD» ¦(oSaMT for. 18 fcaar 'n-"• I We had my «xp*>UU«« mfl , tfiSI i *: Iamoow«bl» to b«nr qaito ««U Md Wttiuntm* m *•*?«*". **#••» :i@* i {# :P *imf ij33tf rrE:CUttos, 61, tppw Ktaoingtoa iqi*CtMXtimM.B

I i:•*


si- "Letters : Patent, and . nnrivalled for. , their Absolute Parity W& Accajrate Prepaiatla iasee latent Analytical Reports 'from th& most etpinentflnslystj of^rip y. f- ' . ,. „.,. ..: ¦ ; •

¦ • ¦• ¦ ' ' : :

. . : .

¦ ¦: ¦

' . . - . .

•.. .

-., ;• . !• . : I , .

• ¦ •

, < . .!.¦:;>¦ •

6 ( nmrn TiTfc:/\ Tll fl" - TiFREE FROM LEA©;" ' .-1 " ABSOLUTE TUREEY.?;

CAMERON . M.D . , D.P.H. (Cambridge). F.B.CBI., U.U.Q.P.Z , FJ.C, iledUal Ofeefof 'Health for Bubtih, Cit y and County , Analys t, - , . j , ' . . . [ ¦:.

[ City Laboratory, Municipal .Buildings, Cork - Hill, Dublin, June 29th,.'£3



BHBiJnATZSIg-.;' : ¦ UJIZBAGO.- "SPE^T8.., . ..

*t, WWJ


»7\ rii y Jj Y A "IT«!>¦—I Ol^Ui—lil lai l» _ LJ



^_ . * \ "HA R V E L /•i ~ ,— ., a**,i I.. , tna ia Candle-Foccr.<~'g===£ i I" - " 1 ' i 'pn q "1. gULjm> .' V t U O1

I 1 U \ I «> to lf» Candle-Power.

h '""""""iV I " Pu n p E.i DE ,-|t 1 '?\\ 30 Candlo-Power.( i^^ issS '¦ "liOKisrE,"

V : I'M I 15 to 15 Candle Power>>ASH V 8 i 11 . ; fCbimncr loa).

; ¦¦¦\\>*VJ VI \ \' 8plit- Wlck - Anucapnlc ,". --ViSiil/ JS f \ j U. to 2J Cindlo-l'ower

Ofe CL2r 'Jf_ j j (Cblm->eylcu).Ke5;.t-*S~..-

1Cfe. • ' i Our lamj u di'e the^

null!. k ^.| "- . J/ - ¦ EoimntdtaX. lint u.ni Lasit *t, '„--;%¦••' ~-.; ' ^- - ilanaj td. '¦ ¦* ." ' .' "A K. \> i '. Insist on haTir.g t

£ ^- \ KOWiTT'S . U U PUOWATT B •' OOUDON ' A Kew Puloat Eafctj Auto-,_. _ .,._ . iratic Extin?ul»h«r Duplex(PATEI.T) t&up.HWIRICANE LANTERN ¦Dowin-.L«.p«i«iSwJ n¦¦with p.tgjtj 7,.flJE»i r^gszsitg iSp s».« M.C r ta,,


£tnpO,.Ot. „

no -noT r'.° .»r ~mr» *<>tfe th» intoraitio Ex-r.0 »oi c.s A«T orura. t|n'jnl,hcr,,.»,, »za o»t ifocaEr.tnr» cf Ii;ii!a(wm tbo llshL Itctcll froio Iron-

C0330H, tO. ; (P7.13t)

MA p D f C

2h TEA. : *m

,r-^f j_



'/ / /' ¦v ' '? wj '- '- \- Tins Puce 13 N ICKEL

71(^4- ) a—\^L

O -v>: -&vy-T'AV.a,V-3, Willhccp

,^//hV$i: 7_'-ii-'</ cbzolutd y correct Tiir.s.

PlilOE, ... 2s. lid. i Post Fico, 3s. 2d.In LtATiitu CMJE, 33. 7d. ; „ 4s. Od.

It is postivolj tha br.:t "VaIac cvcro3crcd.


. (/ jsnJ for WcMhan Watclx Co.,)Owotrru O'COIJNELL-IIOJJIJIIENT, DUBLIN

lllrthesf. prlca paid tor Old Gold, Sihcr. andtrccisns Stonca, &o.

(__. ; ILL wjto tonra rtoa

stoalJ try a packet ot


" AKiEBIC QRH. " PUSTER11 ntutn Conn and U«nl»nj in thruic<ji, uitKoit J»»i«. 4* "1'm f ''t T<ikn

vp %k room.Sila't ¦ /citrttol uy« i— "Wrto.to J. B.yojrrlts, Caralrt, Sou hport, «ac]«i1ay lirUmpe, apd \>j retnra ot pen b» will ae-dj oo » jttcl ft o( hi* ' Anwrtoorn ' Plaster,which will tntlral/ rtinoT* jx >"r (tmonrocnsralcj , tha c;nunf which j m eocpUln.

' '- > '¦ ¦ ' utrn i ¦ ' • .Uuj ra. 0. ¦VTHlTE h SONS, C«rxiiTl,

/ Katcrj otd.Bold In Packt-tf it 7*d h It. f ,ob.

T7alitoB • PloucrmJ - i II Jour.ClumU bu «ot rot it, • i . . . .writa direct .to : ¦-MlSSl ) ¦ J.B. VOOOtTI, Cm»in. SO.CtHPQBT.

WATEneono aAvraos BASS.2TZ2VO STBBET. r ;

E l T i B L I I HI D 1 8 1 6 . - '

Capital at Ko». 20tb, 1801—X131.80T jlOi- SU.- ; ;0PE5 EVBBT MONDAY ASD TB1DAX

frotn 11 to HaJt.|«i( 2 o'ClookGunn o! Qna 8bnUii(|ia&d Bpwardt raM|f«d> ¦¦:,:¦ itc,Charge far J>m Baofo ; .; ' . : - ,

Bot« ot lw«t«tt•Uownd—itii« ! od.x» Otyt. ,'. :¦:' The B»«f»; to*** -wf lu* t* |» .a<T«s«ki.i¦ tiatsini^wiilOttar b^Mi|Un«»4ifMP«9itlM:¦rt i»x «»•; «w ***** -Jbj J&MWLM

¦¦¦ \ Any fdttUf «£****»¦.« •***Hmmfc$j&

f P Wf t

i i: :' : HKi • ¦ ¦ ¦ ]


[ ¦ ;* • • •fc3S'./i




glGI j gTAIDS,j Oblong find Circular,

Oa V7roa^;lt Ira 'Fr aea tsd Vctnia-froef| PiUixs.

Oar fcproTcd covadtf iaa far Mesrfag tiia IroaBarn to tiis Metal Piiiin U th* atron tf* «odeiraplcrt coaatructiorX erer dsrtod, tad witt owamnnmeats ia tbe^ Iron Usfket aad tapetktrruuxiftctaiuig Uabiiea. w» prodafi* (2M BertefEcicnt Bick Stiais at lowest nita.


[(ENtiAHJND M0Plohomblo St.. DTJBU3H.

OIL ANp &EEASE¦ ; S3asiacatf SoittfsJtea;." ' •

TH0S. PEAESON 6 i -CO.,i juiitryiOTrazBS, •'

B iU P - B T BE E T , D U B l i lK :N.B.—Acenu •vaalod ia all TOWDI. Oodquality at Ealcablo Prsata. < («nW4it)



i-IonnEicatxil & oMtest szta '89Bipta .T7erk»—StLKUtnTT and CALttiX.

fi^.^D- -? 0L- x «»"«-3wi« '

Qnarrie±-EI&KJ52imr end ' TlFfS&AStMSiSlttata:BU* BH '«*¦ «*• >t|i

Celtio'Grosses, Morel Tabled, AJUtu. Want* *•

EDWBA1X i b»8HBA, 8CT>Uterf

THE abort jpepimtto/fo* «a«»Q ti»o-*|J.color ] *ill «nuHMti daodrtf .rntMl tkt Vf/roe Uog jsr. SrTf^OTysu*

Page 5: ¦ OulCCaU' ; ' I * ¦ ¦ ¦ g; COCA i l t il Msnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/... · and HiWer Dec. 19 iS'uMiDiA.s- ... Vet Halifax & Portland .. Dec 28 Polron


\ - '- [ . -. '' ]. . . '¦" ¦ ¦^¦ '' " j ^-S^-i';:' ^

But together alttaifr J£w ^ ; ' " .MiT^^PN^* "^^ &< .#neb<pfI Age and joutb are teconbileS, ^ " r ! i|"WttffW o'iWffljMl ,l aiid^./th9Vontliir<i:

And with sympattiaHci glee : V - ' V. tbe «fu*p£frT*H w Pght op there for dnwkeonesiBoild their oafltlea fdir to eeti ! : :

*?r ttrimbs COMfrt^ tbbuSbvdruakeouesai.'I When I grow to bo a.:ma$'V~ , ;¦/.:So tho wee one's prattle r»pV '-'. •;J::..'\ I shall bnild a ca8tl.j— BO',- - ,, • :| With a rratevraybroid~ and grand.Here a pretty vine ehtlMCgrow, ,f .;j Thi-rd a soldier gujugfahall stand ;And the lower shell Tie Aotigh: 'Folka will wond(ftroy.j®4:1>y-J-'/.;" •:• -:

Shofle-Shoon quoth ? J'YeafTlinow,Thuo I bnilded, long- ago ! ¦" .. ;..; ;Here a gate arid the.ssa wall,:• ¦ • : . :\ ¦

! Here t^mpdpwv|oere a ijobir j'¦•Hero a BUev iJi 'Sg arons tall}¦•".¦;• :- ¦' .': Eioeth ever more and mdroY " -But the years have levelled,low '., :, ':"What I bnilded long ago itif '':¦:¦- '•::"

So they gossip at th< ir play>-^¦ ¦[ : i ; , '. '. \ iHnedleaB of the fieetinfe da^:;:: :! , . • : jOne Bpeako of that long agai .- . £-vl% ;' Where hio dead hopes btftied U* 4 ':i iOne with obnbby, cUeeko a law,~ ; : \ j

! PrattleJ f tba%;and ;b.yra;? - ?-Side bvToiaot*t>a/castles. gttjw. ¦—''- :- ' . ' :• ' " - : . ' iBy nnd by oia-loiiij o '• •

¦¦¦¦*"' ¦¦ ¦¦¦" " " ' ¦' '• ¦¦' •: ,.' > .^¦-:| i ;'i . .iv.H-^/.T:.r'. ' - . '• ¦ ¦ . '.. '¦' ¦ •

Long ago anH by and By~" - ¦" ' • ' . jAh, V7bat years atnreon them lie ( . ' jYet, obf.gcaridoijfc»;<F»n.nt snd,fff?j7,.-j ;; :,• • j .

i By f?.bat gr ice vtthon beguiled !Thdt!ifi)n ehoreBti9 ith9 pl.ay . >~ . -v i.i O f tfiat litfle lisping otiitdr ';lJ " 'I 1CtUldron both, tbejt build-thoir blccljar— • ? ,1 ¦•Shnfle-Sh'oon ontf AmW LoofcbV-1 4 ':'J

nI — Nov <3if >e7'liiikita* Ebitic'¦ •¦ib'&mal. :! -a r'7 j ' ti&ij '-' ii te '- V :;; A SI,-1? ; 4 CUP, Ayj) , 8AUC0& - .- ;

I nond my love> a)rra^&o:niua'Otifo i • :: - "? jV > * j

With purple vi ilet3 painted rcrtrad the rim ; !Emptiflt ib, Wtsttfiot ftfoagbfe" fillitwp.. c ; : . ¦.> ' ;

And; peep like trioiJBy elyes ab3vo:tfco;rio:; V ::: i

Upon B iiauoerfaoaiqiied.likBJi Jioarf j, • ;. .;. _ , , . ,. JOf paleat'tibii ijjrttainty oop (i iiafce- j.£. i .. ¦-,¦ 'J

Dear en jltra, DymboJising lifo's-botter part—. . :,How tiaiBlia look upon It and Forget J ? "v '. ¦:, - ; "~ I

Th*t (7 a na a;tiaiiacr thoqgni U. brJhjr - '^

The orlr >C3s 8 ttiU^Hgtoon fit;h«t1t6ifoaVu' :>* 'Tho Loeai^wltrk^ow.a."myolio'bioasomln5. . :.-V,

Poor piot d iplof«; rt ni vfei ^^ ' ;.ft ?;:;!In fe'ipyTJGp&JtiorJeltjkSTnnnrer Bhoner.F' --•'.'!

To heo' -' »t l£te e-ftl38^dlav6'th8ffefao>" ¦' •¦¦•Therd'i5 a3Fu'8?S:a lhTed"'aower?:-*:: - '" '- -"•-;•

c « • f- .-• •.! *F- sa- = i •• i 1 j-ji: /, ;•?,!;. > • :\,i,- r'! ";/^:-; , ' - v iBat"^b, te:y eU •alS , ¦hS'ms^lcay »ip j•>

¦.•:. {^JJ !.' •; . -.s 'i: :Her oreamy onopa or her fragrant tea,. ; . '¦ ¦¦ >V::\

Thv hjii y.!rim''mtti'p.5r<Shancartpoon- her lfiw;; ;; ¦' ::•:Andfbtingrforlfelf a^LiJi) 1tKon^fit W

^: •no'li^ .j! ¦ j ;— HowtfurAti hltigJBJeiiiko.1 ;

. ';.. .ty .i€£Lb; -8i8h l> S''. :

THE AMOtTN"!1"D^ jp" ^^ ^ '' !!<jn-Y—ALaRRlI3J»J t STATISTieS

I . '! 'I

CON0Bfi iWb^? 5Flfife(k«MlSs, ,ANli!I'.V SSI .-, 'r " ! ¦• .'¦.:. . . . - . .• . ..:.;.i'i A.T. t- L*^Ji !

On Sunday - evening, the ontuml mcetlcg'<5? themembero of the TemperancQiAssooifltipn,574a held intho FowpsirfiDcfl t ill',;Pai lT«;ji-i(f»J'enJ'tia!ih9«ccMl6ii jthe Mojt-Eer. Df. Sboehit), BlsboKiW.jWflterford jand Ix&uiaie, ¦*)& greaided;' 'dW|l»erca' an-r£dftess of 1a very^:vporifttit'.ctia'ractrt 6n' &p *r$ii$!>i<Qtalln& !partiookrly with iKeij etetUtf6aiot;drbak£aJ»se3 io !the dtj> .&jaar

ididt*tijt;j;ind_ «ftkin>«'--iBaipt -.'« toWo

BuggOitiSos regarding tbe',-JD^OB .' o..^Br':«abftted forthe ditninalioD, If not total 'extfodtion of Jhis vice!.Tbo hall - . whjph v7ns i very tastef oily d^corat d was !Tory neH filled,' and'tKe'tiadfteaf'of htslotdship was jlioten,cd 60-wifchVr.apt ttgftT|iop,.; < . -,- ,, u t,u.« i •• 1

Kntr. T,. P. Farlot i: CC. DCisidenHrifi tbc^Hcll,IBevT^r^ Lo bJi^ fatt j^ J. , Kit ai aC., |wero p.opjsjpit.ihp.oe-iptC!J?ia^' .'. ' :'.y. '..'j,!',' '.,i ;.V. ( . : |

Retr. Fatbcr FurloQg,!in A;brteJ'flddrE'3,Teatd b6[noa ddre thb iiddrtefed' 'wHieb'fcfe IioWuHipV would !deli?e|: tbot' erMifai'3^ oJ } hj8;^Oj%th tho !attonitdn-.alilabJbifli prottouDcewcati Awiyeirec'ol' d 1.

: Hla liordEbipi) Vht) ota 'lbudly npplaud^^on hipopp65Wi '*^d|f(J8Bipg. .Ui9|-ii(epbef<i/.i^dwr{^a»hei;|.F:urlo?J And^e^U^m«'o,;w>;&.6!fc.4«i(7/it.ti VA?J.9 |altar tbanfcicg'you for the welcom« yotirihA»S ht it.me inf tp','tbApk'>ou «Iso fof^^^BWmijlfrtij i'WlWjJb. -;largo nb'mbV ro hVirb ttiis; .<if if**pi0Xi: PS! t-.JPHlte^' jfil !'.pr«ep»::«'< other-may: bavc iem}-tei- a>*» y .fctroniyyiotier 'ib'a batd 'hee&'p ;w6rt # 'i6V»'aV v«iB^qJ»hniajUji»[.6ouV>t bo o.pjoasaqt raajr le

Jn /tVo cofl^W i. l Wdnine liiuo 1 do nit Imoii that tb'ore 1B any istihmhco vu-efiii tbiir;'VJB cad ispatid"tbl*jSuDW^Wi^Pg;


than bj assemWiu'Ch-reltdp »tiD&* 0^ 6t'temt»t^ono^,(bear, bfear): Tbia.«anoe.of; tompfr*pca<j?-rrjond ODO obotild 'Bbycr '-ba ! tired or-r<»p «tii»?';'t7*:ft«ifin <»V toehlifDest iTofl b<ffteik.;C>n^S that flobtd*D(joee the Htten«loir :<if:ia»op»**-iKA»«n.P-'

i/>fc W7(-Ccribtian m,i D, urd uofurtuiiatrJf-th-fa i< only toomuch oe- d for w, In ib^;$fcnt# partlcnlarlr,, -^atalto oerionD t'.oa^'h.ta ofa flHi.DS«M«J9B «3w2»Jthis out .iect. I cinnot help thinking tbot 000 0Ithe grcitest diffi ulttea tbit; men wbo engage ia tbowork of temperance! ioitbiB .coamry ta to cnf-.oom« la the difficulty ;"»ii?h pp>.«o t frj)ai.o||r fla,yy,;hourly and momeotM tr co?$kt>Mfy Jf o&V&^of intemperanco ond the resnlto d intemp«r»ni»fWo becon* hobtiuatidf.^oithe^ WfWf'^f^Hro .ard it ^«&&?§!' c)ur

^ -#Lt^i®it|natare cftho-Wrfei '.obia>-boyl.ttfan brfowolclto attaok interoperflDOe {a very often tood^ termln^d.But ex the e»it iaSts, 'and Sittotiimal>lj ?D& onlyBut S^thK™S5Sto.Sn'fJniSriSia^iyaia only" of »aIaobjc<S6».floij ,I /ou<d JMH^I^MR 1%

tUugbV faco to fnce «ith:*je.«H bj tha -d*ny

6i ono Bind or aootb^r«tti.<!ioi»t «« ¦'S Jfroften theca deaths ijre/AttiIbuted to dWfi3^SW<nan ii tbro*n fromiaic?* ip* K '.'Ti'PtjS^

a runaway borae; A miurUf W»»*5^-SS^SK'and Lha «rdlot i« 4bdt}tte ioH ^ M-BaraSHs

fouod dead to^nfa ff » ^- «^^Wrt ifflf ^kSTmei of ite city to drink 00 Saturday

!: ' ¦ ¦ I :¦ ¦ ' •¦ ¦

¦ : ; ¦ ¦ • • • i ; i l l .

" ¦. . ;¦ ¦ ! • ¦ ' ¦

;I ! ¦ > ! ¦ . - . • '¦ < ¦ ¦ .¦¦ ¦¦ )


1^ ; aM' W!"7X5^;;&Sy|?

J-»di(jJal;|nd Cn«i l statiatlc. iofe! 4ifyVtor.f-« .jwirl 189*. .»TJ

itheif.f » statooient-ra^re tb«n

"neT »te,ment ftB^d^htearel ii raid*

wbt«v,1 th»*k $ caU^ffig rfgogj£j fi,¥to.e««£Wil£fordiimat. he t^napl-}8 J&K tbat ojr if"«ecasea; tbii t w^re b ; iiighttbiiforar the >n. oTJa in-Mrappunky of Veftto^ordiadridif -thaiieaFo4v per Wotwere' cases of drunkenness or drnnkenhBBS : withdUDr|eriV. condaoti4tbat; is the bxy fi£V{Uof the rfmaintaett,'46 *nrik j<tfnt..fl.t»M.,i *is™. -^induUenbe ln lnto£lcl edri^ -fS^St «£r^3&l7'

there lB tbU fattier dedactbnth t Wh je Wtterford:of Ii lUod feM^ ^ t. .ra r ifeiWad*1unfe tunji^Tym tlufdjoA di r,toernl p>sitlcti of alt'the oouritf^r oWft^JHfiujdj fu.|egtod io tb» ;maWer flf'iotoxloi^ng dnak. Now fo tf 'in heremea beta of the Temperanoa Society; and* you havedond a r^ht eord^rork In joining nM* Sjoie»y, bntI need setpb rfoTodr cfu tKai yqar^angeri'are"Bot de'-.TOijed but.! fitter ifciveVbnK' ioore«ed Jt>ybeeofajing M *Mi%& •%& 6f .Vila, o^nweter. }&&wbltp you find safety and abefer h<»M frnm m«nVwu

nS.ora . "W0 ?. n?;«pe| will deny tbat the devil,!*-'

roottj of t,hJ3.kiud]tbe:o with any othe^<>. 'Too hive jyou* f »n««X> eeawar>.aid teo NyiQaf , da6ge of ilspecial kjnd Wd . oi attdwbirflifytonra jsssembl^dihere]per|iap$ 1 taay «-afce iha opportunity of drawiDg:attention, to avfew j daBgeMthat arc.speci.l, prat;leaa^ which: oaay;b?3ld?Ue^ ap&iar-riB this pait df,tbe:coun.trj. 1 IL-iU-l_ :' _ I_ ; ' :"' :: '"¦'¦ "- "'¦¦

j r-p-^ ^'Hipmot ifKa/™-1— "!"- '- "-""Uurlig tbo paeiynr; we pave b- en mado^ av?are fromwhat we|havi!iieea::fo'itbffipttblicTpiints of tbe effortsbeinjf oiade by.(ffio.pfij^a;otlbi¥;oity oy^dioceai;1¦dtteAdedjnUttvU&mbiEiio^e'.dn'regard tdi' hajt ri .

'Called hiringC/S!f?,^daBUdtffirb no doubt Very fewof you are brought personally into contact with'tbecp bulBRjfflhB^ «tf|l H^bi'lievW ttr«C' there ia »o ,doubt tb i-'puW'c oAip ionpugUt.to <\^a^>used Hg«iq|Bt '¦the Iecrlbj4 C$>S!!1i&l>fii

't'aj|e!8tS><v> D tije^ist, and\r{ly ¦¦•in a-great part "on tto 'tppp of thia room to brinjj toJbeae on tbem ulutory pub'lie opinion. In th*(w-biriogIfairq tbej'e are praciioeaj ;that mi^ht more properlyibecoine! th^rbhbte fBd"(?ra<flr the oeotr^^"Atr|ot'thad tbe| p gli ;| b o:It <rland^C:We. i&dt2bore.men; and woxeo q>'niog[tO(;-ither not exactly to be4.8old]or bQU 'i for life time, but sold b~tt.iiCU~a a t a,iyea n and io o^nn'Ctioo with tbis gnthoriu^ ns seewhaj ia vnry vanchl w&f lS t iUS iitiil'iiQ .if etiGly. felawry.¦they BriKffeat. W aee Jpe;uman|fpld ytuge^arlajog _.

parttcukrly)jp: «^bttt:of, bTOh-li ^(AM to iay;t^V: re,.«J '^bJi|et»f;sV wt^ndiHu''&mrii\. tt3B^^^ba»Meo«v^a8 ah« Ajfeft&ijtho;dondema^OoAj*'!Bfe%«i id ajajn pjyh ooao< |ji|and! tb'e'/jprie fc iiMw jfcJ t teBBW tbiTblessings of ertrjr atiwlio.jdc^rsiairh^ nftuie uutheii; ottslduousJe^ortaLitp 'b an *n toti*l»/ !• W

fll'»"(thotik <jod,' «fe V^ »l V6'i8;I:end,|&>'»i|i W

.firaViblo^ h fft ^ ^ ^ Sj eK'home-:

and ktruck wtll.-.j/Egfe'd'!fl #JK*;l f^ 8 .'. 'itbat 'blow ; all :;$$ $ef & a that we ifiquld ,«*8l»t t,heipried! otp o ey-bn !the R{ od work-'ftr yiairMor t^oi:&&$ and then tbd iaelittition jr!Jh>h|.chjt|i9JD4]n''-> ,<Jf^WatK(fora^and!Kilms^tJ)9ma,8^oA-C4rfJckih enot jgionousiy at ;aii , u en taenunea to the pist;nillj becometmere' matters of unpleisanflnenforyl(applause). .: ii -I. !] _ ' 'V-'J ''- '" -'j 1

.! ; i ^

iBV^KPwpcoftiiitmjRCSi:^^ ,:¦:'„:?:J. iApi|n arQph'd ^W^cwppjI ^

our^^andj.jjhMugbftblsjpart of t|ie country'tnera ia'another apeciea ofnnnpd gath'srinj tp jwbioh I think {cfri^bt ia t^tblsj opjiorttioity ]ofj referring, naujtly,"tne"j»viifi--distjibutiaD? iof intotiotflif^rdrrnta'at^orvest tfi t(&partieularl^ \n o<pm&%dff onii&lh fj $x&blq)r *ea£bn.] ]TbejevilB tfia,* comp rom^


se-prActicaB ape unfJrT' ,tunately onlyjtoo we'|i*inown: M:h 'who are sohjer;or bhd bten;eober.fur rth}»-t*i:eUe uioatb Jpr^d^nK",andlwhol might hlyiki |&ain'( ~'bo1 'f&;&(lifo ia^p rbaps, wetfe temjpttd eibrely. .^Pbey yi ldetttp5^;temptatLon and fell anj|| and boo»mtj the iqtlms;of.inte nperado), aodiriot only" tHls" b"ut "th.'re"aVe welfitntt pntl 3at^£as««TO4faiub:lntoxi6itlng-'drlnk'<Tss'supplied -4^^HII3iS5irflEJl£ii3£i' -yeaxo^an^ETrtBeii-anCatboliu people" y»itni85«t " the" Bb*amv "bT~havIn^'youog ic nooent boys and! girls riellag drank alongtoe Wd • Thifv-bf taiiiSe} dioY oof,; hnS ib^uld nothave happened inimany ]Qase?(-bnt that it happenedin some } have th§ pj t$ \

rj &coik. tor biliovjnjjf, andtb it! it should btv& ocOQrrei Jo anj io a dia^raco toa CatbplIu people^A

J y.-..,; y, : y , r, vi .* , = m .,

There Is ; aop^herj ,aboae,~nbio'i,,,io . connected,alaoj - j?iib jjjth p i flUyj; ; a8 qncU ,00 oltft tfte ,aorrpunding distrlp e, apd that is tbo obuieitf, tbp:iaviah<6Ulitrjbp)il

bf iq^oxf tipg-'.dri.a.ki) on pco slppii

'pfj^bat are called; b»}re by the very straDg^ nmpe»,of •'¦ wdlji*.'.'-' -I do ln .tir^fAr,;ao' )Ptbap3.:eoxQ ffbo;are loot - BO well acijjaalnt d vritb the country' mayAiiafem«?\ f' tHe ^rf'0M

:9XB on-'^He'rodcaiittd f i-ttie'.denfh.pYia portion, ibut litefer t^ tj ie ocoasioa of ,th'«-rdQ:i ir'ttire'df nVefflbfefj' bf a:fimllj*- ol! , nefgh'b Urji .W 1

Aui ;rlp> 1I'iha^p! ibeard' from om«p , 'pa?tfl !x>f th,^:<Y^uofryload compuiniCia ^^itf iy tbatj lboge wb.4,^

e.lp|<4 to tjja ttippppr patTt^Yogjemigrunt drunt, as| baa b en doDBjQ.BO: manyifasos^if i tUfy : obly';.[ane'nt:thQvJam'ptatipa 'innd • thed ffiljnltiea tbut tbe poorjmab oil! baro to oncoubterin tbi'- 'stT'aWge liD^ b'wweb'ftKltf froing-''th y vro' Iqrtoog'iise how njucb il. was bis Interest to kee6

¦¦¦wWrV^ f tfcey !«>ply iiupwohat^ sa5 aWfanrful:vreok ,of same aqd bdfljr 'dbU &aH bat'dltf cb,and1 dlsboiwr'dtanifn nets'B^ br.-a fit .bar^p^

, tb.efejar .yp.ty;fe,«;j?fr.J t,-tMW s«giwe, , tfiS ,?}W,mofiwt(dictates tf^b^Htyj aj


«•,*.9W8 Hi* «?>ffi . H#J w9«?dafeS?.RO8 'i?R?g;dJt er.i (0 maks i^fs jlMtj^ mor/^ nje ilT^conWatuko, li-thisjlcountty- ba^ori (9f

^J--'-«-_a J»U,,»k . , T Main nlnkv fr«m fhlii nnrtl itf

tadaofithaw who ire empt->yea-«y w iw »w*Twgiy'/«6iia rid- fty '^a«M;v.y|adi(lo .tbejtjlofloence. 1 tbwk[thaC««ih1 4n.fdflaBfl03 Bhouli b>u»SWneh .i»pr* M*»o«V «l»^;l3 There«tti

heloith'a work i itlll i Jbr^«od .tnat.k) M psjtorf

«* tladkrlrott beeifdone inpther pUdte duringSbnSow Sol lrida>8. It WM=/W«I dooe^fr


iujlioi6ti^kd«lofcoli ke BtloaulanU thitto .paUeppgyihahrtfty*>tl advtgeri. ' I baBid every^wJufconitheJDUtfotm hsi met oft

y" ¦ of: ibem »no ha bafip 36iojf'so' o uae cbe9'3't extreme o^uilon in iid «*rhi&3';!cWtfniy

e^ fflr^S^^^!iea^Vfd -Wn»'tb'i'<}tf(Jtt-t3i'eit medic»l adviseriy tbe-oje-of Buoaidrlnka be dan^BronR. jinrt Knw

'Sgoorrerli'win^foi tl fry aKviree ? CW<

era n,-l|heg<} i»-ftnothe 'ectis».ia .th^oommunitysattgive uiji att eWraoos-'ainHunt of help, anaI jmujt honestly say baire not biPn giving theImc^j^M -expejsMS and

whioh I think

lot nave BSetf given^-ffaojely, the magistratesaterford <Kmr,trhearrbia5). MAgiaUatseAavevr^M. -'W-? matter"ToKthia fiof foV-god.r.4i9yo;Uia4xwerH)r»-prftveotJon4n ny oo«e8,

in other case* they bare tbe power of u ef ' .& time nben youn^Jnen and youne c#')mdo

¦0 brought up Before tVeyb^poh-6T. m i rat«^1f>urae In.all probability: (he'Torfme ( rd^qnk^nnpisith Which they ha via beeii Pbargpdf^ aft b.oi ib« featf tbe kind -which "they "commtttwl^Dutif in i'fiiairly stage of their lives they!*fere m«de to see andtel the evllipf Tilhit they [.Were Jdo'iofejsj'thps^ghgt^8td6'J Jp the coprtp, I ,yery readily believe O\atapy ivroqld

be JBtopped' inTithe beKlonine^ontbeir

iKefc.. yhereaaro others ffhQ.ui^qtiupatelr jsiyst[¦"all unuuuaOy large number1 in ofir owiPcdra-lunity who are haraeped lnneirt

in this respect,Bd, theW,TO(jnaodiAe8e.woaienWftnev«cMre«cbeljr any moVal'fftrce' T Vit iMMf tit itiiWQW^)ligip.o:«re, ailblng^iir^ch- inipt ex<at, »nd\the.reL.nV?8waylffgt thpfri tiiibai; aVdiWlidtis yic«J bljoae motivea^wbich b«ve [ 8uoh power ovOr the.ihd^of qurpebple, fed^lllJrii'i .Xti.IJ tj hy:fe(ifl^H;l,entpnd s vBre^ftanjshment bateucb.peoBleaw to' Jl^ li w

ith: egeotlvely, and''I' MA '' tbgtJ 'inioh

uliabindnti tbe-ffre+taatanaiTfKegjnSSrcV viK;he greatwst and offbeat tre din. baa tow on them-

i lelvea and"tbeir families. Sometim68 one may belempted to say, "il&I^uti-tjiat m^nr-ig prison foifye).'nonth 5Js3 mfe aj)di<stjjarfl(a mllrMfe Itpl ejatvei;hey will be deprived of bis earolrga." Is it true;hat be ever prevented them frotafltarvipjttPA -Hp^'

jpmph.jdOj^oq Uno , did ^hei5veri5i»ep,t is eafploga;?\I B li sure ajarge/portiodiysfjbis BBJCOIngsjistriQt;spent: wfojre^hp'^etsTnom^ orf.

S£turday,lni»{hV:ipf at a

urge portion .of ir i8''itio»r8pont-on jfyllowingSunday P ' Ah, many a1 timeir l» liaj?p' hgonif^bebroken hearted nomon .'whoso h.usbaqd){<7aa:s njMjojrjron Jt qc3 a bappyiday |foj;,iUie nbep] be^asiWt*U4'MA'ipDg n;M»as out £ had.99thiQg .bat;ron>ilei and torment and ipis ty ^J j neypc^tt-yfyilarthing of money from l lm wfth the cxcPDtjoarof|ae\r shillings ; he spent ;tbree. ti.me3f 'mrjre,tWp efa5e,me,nnd%tt was a bleeatog to me and theicbildr.qo;hat be shonl'd: ba lnnWiviiiin Jnr n. .imaJ.' Ituw.«nIIelDW ]Ka .ju»BGp^^ »e3

^ aafoito npei^ ibej&ino oipfQ^^o ,fet tfqn toltbia n^te <if\}nt^iperabM(5lcM f J

¦ B jjgiC64}:t>.j»:. i kiibjt t. --^1 s>alI<>ali?wJ^M|%4o]

•fi flln;39A ? i^ iiiii^ -'i^ i^^^i

>|oy;:o?e«jc!*. or «fMtbj^ $ttnxl^ ^ 9uj:-;miiid^^he


apd -ifisanlcg'Qf. our pjresentfoq&iiiUodi

.fe/tbe^u tti^WcTiBt, biP%-P^dih|*g4d|i pttbllitied-' 09 b10 ht)hp|»|y,- No >»f I otLji^Oiaij' paiibg .thfl. jetafp.B; of .-thp; ye»r 189.21 wjthi tbpiA'bfSWyeailWfrtt- whioVt^

hef fe3J<JleroUr0lat or ia-lr-land taken as a whole,;there ¦ms\ & rather ¦grotilj^qgrj deerease in : tb^

.Djumbe^'of ,.cases' of > dr.qqkeupe9s;. nnd, flrunkennesiffld disorHerly c6nau6tftiaroaofp before' the oourtsjlor vrKile ip, i89lit fjis-in 1 round nunoera—there is,¦ so nee l to.~botviVr you with handreda or tt»ns 05

.'th-on<&nd,(.tb,e »ttl|flbePr?)fktftavlotions In WaterfordjJFor oronfrpnreM QBa"arilakenne88 and disorderly>P. °-^<S

ll wl Wrftia4l'!<f!i{ǤOb:pe?5 hSOW Io]

,jand :l9r^4rur;Knne.B8., an& .disprderfy cpnduofc-f|' jhallreferWWthia fQ' o 'as arunk^rrfW-whil?;i itt"92*thFlWHbei bad Increased to 1,739- This ia 4!: m mMBoTAm^x^^^if sMisrs^^lai)d t ,ia4he,,.oipr.er8eriou8J»hen-we compare It nof

¦Mtn tKeTWtintty''^en>raW7^uX' i Hb , |h? iargej: Benfrea'of poppiat'lon i*lm\i&\? Am&ieHo Otitjel.rfi^¦ In, «o) njjc tbjrojtysb .tbA.*^- anmbT- of cocvielions-.-;<ni»"ralhlTOiaod^waa atrtae|iite of-20O-per"-3ftS>00 ef the popolationrt o numberia D/ublln was 257, io Llcperiok 559.jindjbe numberIn VVateffirdi 8i25 pdr<-10.COO ( fIJULB Jp^dlaticidJHere is a very dreadful sUie of things to deal witb,and t eiroe^tly dlrf CV the altontion of all those whoare interested 4a4&blfa vpird*r or ip.ppbJio.moralityto tbe statemapt.'I 'flpp'pleta' thirjprpp^rilonon]t5e Subject 1 i ioui%»ein WatBrforioii fltonish-ibgly large numwr:dt _babltual dtaflk*r5a. : WeJljav© herd aVpturn.OfiallTtfaSa people cpijyiotftd 'morothan three tiujta aW lei-sj than ieP,1 andi -nbile allitrelsnd furolshea 619 jh ievery 10.000 WaterfordfarnisVs five ticuqs as muob, oiLOver. 7\.tt JO.000.iin the iDODth Qt 'iinki&Ml iM oi'qsiUratfea bf thisjcHyj wera . cbnWnM by; flw 'W.o..8h1niL inei- Mayor,«rh se Ourte y I lake' tbli oWWunityr;tff gratefullyfacinowled({ioif, in refetea6e to' tbe - matter, aodtbev met la the Town Hall; yobder. It ia only fairto say that one tbird of ;4he oity toagisfrdtea-ne'ro Iabsent from tbe-ttOetio^itoa.-tbkt 'tonDy 6f those-magistrate! who mora freqbe'atlyrfiU ird th« PolioeiQoart a re' to, be IncWe'd ; (d 'that noinber—butaHthe, simo timo the meeting wsa represent at ire (l['the; inaglatrates o£ tbe'ofcy, and it -inofoded <u'aoy 'J5vbo are oho to oe'fpand io' f'o^uenV 'arteodbnte atipur! courts. I :bad ocoftaion "to:-bring before tbd '

kmagUtrateg tne o^ndition 6l i-'tbioKS. - - -!>brought itj oefprfl them a few wofib8|prevJoUB ftnd sldliected\atu ntl6n to tw6 brancbes & '¦ Ue'kubj/pt ist; tbei! odt >ber of public houses'; id 'We cily,^ Whlcb,> to myIniltd, muBt lairgelrv teid'to<ofeuslo^the-celvse<of..1 tornnU ennesai <: and¦ locoiidiv. ail'-rtD'«be.-drah'bardstVemselvee, so that they might be dealt vrithcby.tbemagistrates asrln th nr Judgment Boemeji rjght nnderthe} ap« ,oii nMian,jefj "...Tbe - v«|r«t_.reBobat|op.p*a*eFl>y'J tt.e \ irtagiaWw-po vWat,<^M«0|»'.Wa ai?65olu'ion to diminish' (he fedrobe,f of oslsting; public 1¦yilBea'Jtf ^ clt^onltl- itbVw[p i 100,1 and that for; tbi^.pur^wjtcdarssmenui"ofal) [ooovlp'ioas! for,'bratebes of th# L ceoslng Act

[ tlboMld be made 00 We jExtiH8 IJc)Bn«?f:i,?hi8 latter;;i»a8 a atrict^me>8il^7*TO-I «'» 1»teful<.tO v.tbe.magistrates fbr adopting ii tut. a£ th« datoe time t•should esy lt-Waa ot BtriWfcAbSBi "W'rt'y^ Jndgwe'nt-tbe 'lattfaL ire^oiretoerileib! sythtffjtoWd .(detaaiideoV(Briplauw). Tcete: IB fibiblog iW uiy'mmd monv

jAXiliorAtialHa' than' trirf »4feeM«)f Attblio bouses'ia'any community .^ Pirrt of iUfot "the 'obti iteaeon' sirresUd *doiitti*Uh»Tjn>g:tiiken tbs'alrUbib/ %Mi\ ?;jtthat tbe temptation', ia-iriore.iB^d acQording.tti^bp: bit of a|boose" waa accou\tible>forit|all. : Mr Morgannumber of publiP! bouuei lB'iacfeasedi'abdiEe^bndly' gave.evwanoe-'af ihetinaol|uw bavibK betti^aWn.'',-1 H&-where the, number, la vprk" muqb" io,excea3.of , Ibo. said th»t*rtrdrt ero' b«M ntlPr(a^^LndTo aify JiiF nive <«bQE>«^ mmm'mmmwm ^ ti:6t pertons keeping publw booses whoTWA'not fit to Irele«e(themMTbi( pw nbMcbenia hw'einDlovisentboti BUPQ'a'respiHJSlbr; pd.'fl6n. The lWsio>«8 U tet far i oW%ft y^ ^ g g|^ •

JtTall means of e<raipg mon«y - wnloh:"l*rtiold' -UrM sptjer (laughter), iff© was satSfied now that herttcpmmend It Io » mor«i)inrT|hrl«U«n IK OpK'.and rha4 .rjBOoyfsr j^he.,;machip ) a dTJ waOed

to the

as ft 6)ti8equ*nee; wb!)o" a (U»d nnpibeFVe'adaltt'-' 'm>gntrtte»oto-daiaiM lenkntly^tJtofcrjfejM wUh him. ;tedly iesp*Wkl)fe-'anrrp<«aucf iih»«r;'bou«BSC'in a MrjiNiJJon. » 'ttevery'Jteplo 'wfa kiyir fofcft 'manner tbat cannot*beii»ken,a»08pricra.itOi tel » ^

j iW'i|f i !f |ji%'Am'|Ujcertainty you will have eotne-of an exactly contrary con

^viohon if qTi,la»oeny,at WL.,' Tborin«gil»rafclN*tl4oSario^ and who Wfll Hpur*da id:wactlyyjdtthtojiryj ibowavjr; take into ocot ant' U»" st»nff appeal forlinb>jpC.#olio]ijln b>lj i bljsineM jjK / is


r.(jugh I Dellete the ^miaaloTOfl^MVere tbe.mflgls.

taates were justiued ip juaaklnir It; 1 only regret" the lnagiitratei of .Waterford did pot' adbere to,i'rt I

were leu^ottnW^fi n^otjpWiftanirifof brtacbes ofthe:Lioeneing Act, and iu'ooly one ciiee was convic-tion endorsed on the : back of the; license. Tbesecond resolutiob whiob' tbo oftgljitrttes adopted

rii:Vtl iiiK to-:wift«53 »&*<« 00V ;ti

I ¦.' "-• -i fi)|iiiiy«nii{o- - tft&h T ¦mtf tiiniJiii ot)j Hhifa w?<fe ^

»ery «WoM)iu3|t^eto^ii ..w^fe *$&lem, Rn4vtn#y; i44 «^nicnl8irin(lati««l(b»t «tBner^'wltrithV^&b^ulfo^bes iiot*BWi Bniooire'(t(kf>-: ' -Kt>WnaoW/.d et'>4h. itterj it»pd f-'f't'imW tbe' fignreif Ke%r imef oa «Hibjei'rffii l/eVe'MhWl fe -r^WiPtttf'flijiiftj

n oppoilujBlfjf.pf, 3dK.in.aj*1* wtHrfrtigpfii¦W«.,«»w5flear. j M<)«re.v«r.I^opp?«d><te wiXnot.baj*r'Astr»yF

1 takia^wha»s%a tdohe'5mi)OjStdbefci«B HjsaWple of'rhat wdt dcnetforjtht^e'-eaiiag'elgbt J moritbi.c.'.lQ'he mjio'rt Pf Cfctober 'IWpettpTe-wiJre'cfloHvleWd bf:

he«e i :»?V^S; •$ tf(fc a$ualiy *4'put;bi :

he reaolatioa aejiJKeneraJiraTeof . J01nB.fiveu.1n. the.

Bffeotingikdfjr<a;a(i|B,; pr. e oPpa 0 *01*^% ? :,

that iii eVery. wg8..>hey; -eJiOTaii MMrd .p^nTiq athat whe ttijM^mn , n.;cin oti«rajL f IIJ , A year,only oka; was : rfeoor ed^^ ftS- t anj f ) f i &y &th»t when ra.j.WBp^Hon aj oj^mss ,% atper8one.i^nvw^a' 1of -urjxnk>RpeM..BJt IjpapeB^ottj inoted/ Wiat ia t tbi 'xesoU/^.Tan; .ata sit. as. .walkaware Ha!»- . ,1; am sol , be te>|i:e*9^"n^^fl wg^KgI<ut tw»J^Q montba to etftmp.on,*: t^mp tup/).,, $bu>K,Qjd , tb se. effQjtiinaye.be^p, in' many,pai»f (8upp(iaSfuT.',and thpttgb,Jhe,, faspllijs"ftMi«AWP?,f«J!•'*# i&j iPVfl'wish , to expeot thvre,jui eVl .an oMbg.TOoa^oae, ,many oa»?8. j. fitt^pnfpte flafelj!, fl fl oj.tUt wbile.inm»ny pa a pdl.ifl, bejnsfjpne, M«tto%rtV ..vrrfb. t,h,aiyoung r<*>ayhelji,tii..:l t|M lM«Mr? t 4-this yearIhfcnnmwr. of.coa*jctiooaJn onr;nplio» conrt.

my 8t><jMff flpnnoTlloo fbe,V^P.tblRg .•;««» .flope.jfQr,putt'ng-. A , Won, jlft ¦ toKfl-nness, «le faeSerft t>pf,;pwyipaqql^ea who are .80 forgeiiol'.M t «r qa>y. to em-sselv»s arid to 'Gtwiety asTto give 'Atink^^'."a naj i if.P°opl8 my c9w\y ppciia.bafe. lSbad ipqcaaipn; > ring,W tbe/m^tf. sj n^UIIUUIU ropeac it now—coat unejHiumber OF itoqaaod^bduaes, iitj WaterJEord J .pnfc^all [proportion; ' 9,'fKe.Jjast raaoireav4aW> of, thej ipebpW.A'pd th gjtner'ta.']CoMdiUoaS; of thinks" in tbo 'cpjnntry .sp ..'grjj tbaf jbecome . drntjik.urd .; „ .4,t,tq8,l3>i .jlpeMjfl8|,,re<ur.ttli .pn,J3lst p oj9.ajt)rf',»"89; tho ppD^aiiori'rf;fte;cftU;qir|jfa| n0on 'he xsenBu'v.of j '81 "waJi 6,18* 833 .§0$'$&?*$#&,19,000 odd pub.ljoboueea.pr in,^he 4»cpriprtu>ft,« t j,»r10,000 ' of , th'e,-pbttti)a'ioft. In Belfiettfefl nninber. waa'

87 ; :#p'9»- Ta : . rjfScl,-, 11.M ¦|«B^puolil.:'M^Oj.'ipSf10,000. "Thus1 tbe'ro Is' a' Uraer'numoer of pnMoho psf

there ib ia any pitf, or to n.fnJ{ra!anf>eMfip*iiHre«.«apdthere ia| bree^^ t}me3, thp ' n,p;mbei;(ifapabllq^q8e.s, »nrit (-ttocordlog to 'Its pibulation " than' tbere;is.^n,,tha Heptjf;e .'country. There is another branon of ihe 'aabjxot aboutfwhich 'tibfefc. H %{desirable 1o'--to;^eV;*iror4»V^I-:think 'l!:iii»e ¦ «W.W' that fB. ;th' ./cftyr tb>re;i8>Viapst;depldrabte.^p6rtoe'e r,;p<eribaps' I 'tojaht-hajfe.aaid ajm'-ifcdepjirable 5tejadi6 jregbrd.iqg ine fltiRtypyaT. 'toifoiirtng;.rink w.B'repgiiteniag^^-isiu ^

'parabing t|\e;:humaff "toriBtiihtlpnV: ( You;, n y'Hv^lte abl ltp'.flBe.Cais I :h»;V|Bi' s9e"n1;tnfft^tTOrftare;i^

gmt|m lp,jWaterford 'ts'lltfaW W.miy'.;;barfludd94Jaftli "»herft jao'dt,"a single.jlUp.w6ibh tbrflesh' lii.hefL"Tr}ifciLBa'nnoi.n8.,:oured or bre»entod-by the;ns3 of iataiiatf lntr Arin \r¦¦:Now : I dare say. if one were- preaching to a number nf,jthe8e E«MJleefor ,t' irjlile tlji Jj' woul be n sklbjeiit-» oonvert them from this yie«~.inhere ara nono so-iind

tk°fi?>(Th°l'!l ,'?J>Ji8eei^p,d;po)38 eo!deRf ,as:;those who will not hear, and theae people wlll^no: aee•and"iwfll'.6P«isnoar/..iIfcthe3r wonld o.nly Bee*ana'li3ar;ithey iwould have nb diffionUjf ia^'ptrrsua'ding themselves,that 1 to tho.vsotirmajority,'drink:iaujiot I a ;faad'batia poMOff^^^oTboy i do : nob'-«p»:''tha<3lfor oY6rybue:twbom ' v-drink'' , ' baB' 1 '1 reatored" f "£rPni-'- : "Bh'aWeied:

ia prematd>e^ ve. - WLo.r4»Dtp>aU,«H«h this vjon-'of theri^pestion.'ntr'letutth'ana, qaote'd'a J tintabei'/ 6fanftini»iftiain nn f.Ka' ffiiin'mr.iTir'.lia1iA#i«lM *UK ...if propeitle* :of fntaxlcatiog dfdnkf (Hexead the "<iBipi<Jn»;eiren bV th latff Sir AUdr©* Olar&e,"by 'tUd^BritiSh'

iassoo llpa'ft'jftll o^wbiioh.snDtotea..jthft: " ;: Qon ,. tinuiag, t;«Iipr(l((hip, sMd-^XiM tbat,- fc-iawCdfliasctt.i'jnu 'already muoh too long, and I aml.cxcoedinglythaotforioyoo foT-thei attttfltJoii with wbitib y64 'bavo

JiBtened>to me. iJIIaittpwti^nlAtily gfad to iSlnd iHat this^;hall !ia so well ailed tbis evenjngKuXfaope that it is a.foreoaat.of tho RQQd wor,|r,«Jnihayoar that iftnowtbefore•ns. | I'bopOhthat: the ia»inber8.«ifc'tbtfl: HftH-wilt bb'fstannob1 and stron iirtb^M r«Boluttod«: 'i 'Vhopts'tfcaV"m^rdetto keen ik'tTiatthiVwai tAminihAr'iUA^nii.T,thatjiW^ i gWlre^ ^ ^.8trengft tl of 1 p.iijrp9fa4h^4,8o|}arl B«nr.i9 to, be. kept ,sober onia dtuakenr ro*n eanvjarjodt<Tthatr.it is only by ithe pow*r of Qod and by reh'gion. I hope, ¦therefpro'that the memborpotlnia Hall/will frlvei afl exampIeJcothe mea.oi;tho city bjt thoHWayilbwhioh they di»ehar«Ttheir) duties aa cittwao and a»CI)rl«H4a8. ir- thbtj U X'they: will- febide 'fej' 'tne' 'iee nJalioW' ftninf theto obtain that graos wtaotj, mote fhan anything els«,would strengthen: th' tn,; t» AO;.up ta tho reaolntlrinji--te shed around them.ihe;li(l[hti'of: Unit ' good eiamplo"—that ' the- members «oi f»r'from boip'g platdfffromtheniselves should 'feel ihecoseivee( botind to nsi'cvdry 1moana in his power to rbVentth'6se:whb e>e&;]o>ingan evil' oo'urBe ' frdm; tourBnitijr, it.'';: I "si 'this; atiS I,

work coald bo giTfln.to aui body.of men todor • • • " I «skyon to do U^

apd tipt<:only jy.on but()ftll *bose to whom,|ny wor s witt reanh tbia evpning, L ,n»k M at ion; totake, your share id tbe worV. : ¦ A- gnat: di8gr«co and a>great {dishonour la upon U&J There fs no good inhiding-tHe facfc VTbls oetrlob liktfpblioy will 'naverbeable to keep, nnder the surface—to effectively bi le »ioand iwJpljedrfdM.;. '|. I ask you for t^e hpnp#6jr the city*»hioh,i^,prond|to oall.itaslf «taiDle8«s-rand etiiuless letU be RTAvtBd Id is;,in oTorT reapaot except cmo -I aekyou for |;he honour of the city yOn are so prttid bfrfdrthe b<Suour pf yolljij'riOaj in the 1 hVnbur'b'fJtbft IVnd'lo4ff WoK'We ai;eiaJl J?roa*^:

p^qqg fo ih4b6npujc;btibe;;Church for.wbiph^opr^ajthfjajBaprifloftf-:ahdl led «g|;died—- jasV Iw :erery,niia.and woman , amongst.ua;will be. dp and doiog toJtrl ice down pDO» »ndrfor ;allth» demon of intemperance in opi' botdibdohd aprjlaq^H.'

A vote pFtbWks tp hfa;''Iioi'psWfcfar^^dr'M's;mrw«n| orougat tno proceeJmgs ot the ,e»ening to a

SUtWryrPatrkk;^mDptt,;whpiha cb«pJ«BntoyeajijiJgroom ( | b :Wr I MbrtfBBvlfilftvor7*;W kV^Mlcharged,mtn; we uuweaj «».«uppwgm^

|hf p rtj; <jf

deposed po the arreet of the prisoner with the p ntif"^1 ia lift wtlHaAbk,; i- Skmott EwT'fctieH' iii 'Mr MorftaaV

£the;;ar(icW bad; be«sv UkeajuU ] £hat ddmdMak ^mbmiormUd *J tt^h»viD(7tokefl tbe'^oleJ^dWdt'ilbit of •! boose" wa« »ccount«)Ie>f6ritlall. Mr Morgangave.evidanoe-'afihdtinaohuw havittg beea%aWn.'',-1 H&-saitj th»t ^ j ;W p ntiP^^Irele 1%fimMTW Mi8^kh1bMn,in>bik-emnlov^

\and/wpuKHtnly; r?fnfen(oer Jihn tjxi foap n ; days"imprisonment. >i •-*• A >lt A »IX T. • ; v*v

I ¦ '' ' ^MMWLM^M •

¦ i ' ' "

ek en'di 1 WoW fherfWnffti dip CMnV'SW pFnW-bufg. j It oea8urtti>WaU'< t¥^M Anothereapal jruaningirom As{rMbftQ to 'St. jPeteiBburg is1,494 miles long. B^u of tbc«e were begun byPotor tbe Great. ' v , ~

EefSf (M?f loj j|;niii3^r !iii 'U-r, \ H vai ,':-»vo[ \%ii£f ri'. { ¦w"?V>" Ji ,ii,>r; i>>t!j tirlftla f iW,:*' '/J jio >'< » {iW?i<> ' 5'rtQavt i .lf.j ,r^* j j

y . fr Bf jj j f.£tliD Ct-DJll-![-ltr"r'if?l '"'HpBSi

r.c^OiTpB';!!??^ i>«4TaM V ^TiarOBD 1 H tr'70

b«iMhnblfd»'i'tSI ?fiiMJrf »Iiii i4*tfSii:*KK*.'S

PAQUci .ftt 'Librjlr*>» hMb btttiitliBdrtsifeaJMii ofatbeQWiMris.kboV,3i£e»r, vefe.'ijtt3e(t>*t ttv nip- -^- b t-o^ J8d«nr5JotiMr.b9<»9n

B ly ^Dpi^ajjhtti.fly/wy

mpjjcipjU tboflpjiBft 9J tp'*n..ift,^ rf*J»&tn%i^PWftuM

tibraty, 8^pppr;*bie :hy » rkte'lBQt.>« eioe/d TnK|Si%; in tae ina, it«l^;tfK»ia#,lHit<8d/^oII>tft«l!ij( ,ihpBTabe!dUtld0l1 >tttt^ lo<idithUlte8 lib'r«ri6'«Stft',openttp .'(J >«akiBnpnblioyj'amitb«*i jnhnli»iin>iiJree., of an? obairke whauoerer. I Thn flnt»Muhm«r<k M«««v-a ftbwy |s ftOttesHoiklpr-tbeic iaBB «^eljr«9olir,jii9ifa«,tbipk,;fpr . tHoi&rp^rai«!ib<)dy. *V:M *f l} t'if» 9!b\

,ot iheoMi'lves'oppyenoa, fpr thejpurppaa, or -by yotmgI paparb/ft'saedilo tb««; nAWtf M *"m'ij3fiW Wr, Ffrofttbrds- thit'the iWbf-ftfrlfi WaFempdirerinf the'" ioS-df^rWilibW iei oa Vto'tw" M^ed iii'thebSqu'gbV 'thei'Aot^wilrihaadafoVth take-'effidi and.- tbotdaty bf carrying the people's will into exeohtioprtbeDf:

r'a«d, pot: tilliihgd,-dewWefl,LDpQn.;the;)T0>TniCcinnoih{TBatjQoojJoU A,qs) or^Tid *f inif a$t. bpajftTijerefflr 'oae,

T)t|.neoMfai3{--8tpck i; witU-.thei^epesaArRfBrpJtaTe w*.cbfttge, and-generally're«ulata forths propftf-pondnbt;.of% iftetltuT|a'n?.' A'iJfteFPabW rbrarf iWir^'epnslBti pr foi^d irtaiPntB^tiyiNoWsEoiat.whe iii.»re,;thft) 'llewB&i^r8;of!»h9-di7l t (*) a Eeaainjr.Boojftj; wbere 4ll6aft: ia*wrpna.r >f >e*din» nf -nf nnrihin» tn».n»pp aenow wwrw etuuyt oattiirepaJc and oommind,mi» bo-jkinpthttKbrgryiptpok; fj(3)i».B3f«renoi libraryr*?? 5*ir i*;Wndi?BiJ»%*P? if w hbre{irn.m., wprks- may. .b«i¦PHte W&ty H.tem* F«8.,dinif^ iao .fuacli imm iatefy:^ ft^MvS? ;RafWR¦¦\ir$vM: protTded' by't hft"sBofktd of Work? npoirtlti! separUy Kt>V I W W'b'xt WFund. . How ¦ far-reaohing andi great •would' -ba : tfe

?riefi6iatW6flttoae f - 'ht ^^ iMnaShll^'ia- odr.mid[8t.'' Whir'a'bbdn'ie: wdoJd'botoT.ttlrfoityv Watbi*Jb'e'nefltntas^hw aWU*nJip ;inDoh«hicffi' 'teedstmeav* and'pthprs.' Wbw atl pwsentil af«r .t.bejfc tlaUr.'tojl , fletfw t*!haye: nft ,!plawhtp-ijfanftir.r,Cpr, telasa,tion, bnt to^ .thecross-streets of <[he city. '• i " " ." ' ; ,'; , ji s.Oti thfe poaiyvai)ae«B«si.tj.. |or- f» F«$b• Jjibr^uiit lei,<W«5 fmwfpessajyi to ..peafc ^he.d^gUJjiwrft efK&gtprbvlsfonj f9r. fefisbibl.shmpnj ia Bogfa^d;j;»p So[feMby and warofj did weiBTognth i>edpTe, parce iog'':Jthe advaniageV'tp-aoprnV-to'tfyn5 th'drefronii'lii^rh^\O«JterinpTt5a{ ihW'artf at thS p'tfisen't raomfrnt rlria'fl*tbKCe hunted oities and 'ovrns io EQelan3TAwbo8lInbiiMlflata iptiWBeBr' loefc i firea'tiLiBraTy.v.Jil some! rof*h889- Waoeyither9:aw.e»6Ji>; m»Dyt.branQhei.'| Tbqagh;"fcheJ prb»i»ioti^ro)! 4he sfetnt^^e.ie, ^wQiye^ra jlater thaa!iniEpgl»itdi:wWpd 4 tpilrelanclli'^8 Regretfpl. :tp know*b*t jtbflrai»reip.da_ y bn> foujdjipaAnd. .four, ity ns in

::ttifo country,,.w,taoh Juv.e, AdopteOae Act; .. ;They,ar»'jBub!ln .,BettMt,;' jfe Llcie eV,-,: Ddudalk,'"'Bdnl8^... Lntgafi/a#filigo.r^Ty,by p^re e1 fceeri so reftftrgW'in¦Tbia mstlflr'ia1 trtFand*' »ndj of tb'd ciHis of Irelindi why 'vUgsiWate.rf'jra so muob behind—behind even ¦'stwh.towns «iB?th.e U8trJmeat«>n6d?ftiar:?.D.The<tlove of ;the

; ItisK fpr learning his inioJUgoa b niajeoaerraa well*#hen the onnntrv was Pat?an «ji, tohan In ?hi tnl\ li^hf;otu Cbrjatianttyt.vBbejIwpa: CP^I-. hewelf . .the, tftlft. of

1.". molthejf.^ lnWan^bliolftr^^ r>nd wno'o WrgeV. how . fpa4l* and ,»ti ; w^at7opst.our-Tath'er8-pfuo?toitai^<d«t the gloOWina Woodshed of the petial;a*i»-5 ortoir?•merirfntr toaj ,ta»tglo(otiL tK*y '{bjiteied;. it ia tbdi *• hedrf'

,B9hpolir,?;on(I'bl;prlati0<l "U &» tlle l ji«r*Dn* Bf the:">oot! so'6oljr4p;> LttMr '<tn,i'ooiaia dbwa ntont. to tlitprtemft+say frpni(yooifleir».tiraB to, hft:>Wr.p( ret»»lnMott8." '•48- .fcan- W > forget 1 tbe efforts (bit »r«ro made.tp djweiijiatoknowlodee tbongst tbo: people by. foob 'meanit oB reWTuirrooms, ' f a U m \t the' wtfose ot Vfew?"We U&*hffirpoor Da»i8 and others worK^'tO rttrtbfer'theso-InatilaBou&t

. ?.'-•Wa ^M '- iili. 1 *el> oitthltte; tod'thSwot^Wjaast. <duiat#i«(irs«lTci.::. . i - r,iwi ,.)a,wo uTei iirawmrtdv. . *""* Jrodj«uPi*nttiJrfle, ana. | np > by the jiuaioailand,-OAaas of the tait we are t • tbonghtlau7 and a, ' hotSx s'pepple ,.. i' l», did he thlofcthatjwlthln, eigWi&toTmjearly death- tb» -Tre^XibraWea lot fo^IiOlim^wBiilk-fc*upon tho'Stattit* Book (Bads» little would ho ktkTdtb^uxhtirha<l faa Ured OH '63, that such.'saliot :wmld.f iii«« Jbpaa;

>llp.JTBd to remain throughcmttorty.loaff y«*w;-u*«!e9» to allwe eight cqatres ia tKa oodatry. Doea' this releotioacsojoy any rewropf to u»f • - | i'Dublin li»a[;no\ieiSo«5t5g*y.thUr mt, Ut<&>*«idnythco; were its wVfadVtatfl^Ei pefielrod tttit'ttdr'a 'Is nowMother on Uw sodtb side of thrietVr'Bd-eteil one o( thesuburbs (Bithmioea) J3^a,,booat^p{.a »UoiUc.liwUtuUpD.!ln HeUart . heMot wa irafeiadojtdd rfnUU183«pafaa>tbiIiibrirr only opened in JBBa ^Mp ^ ym bi giri an Idea ofbow ! the institation baa worcaajtoire. The bdildini? is aopfandld one,, W)«clallr rscliedT0*i'tKe"jjurpp8e1', jmd.was ,, akrtod witlia e Moct ir.OidVola^O InSo'.bbctf.';1888,uba NBWI BOOK was oi^eBi?Jrtlho pub.it with a,9«}eotion of new»pa]jer» ond E«r[odlpus, and florin? therearjsu»,e4u nouM it wwa««wfle i, ia*tljLj«»)rir a)45l pot

[day. , The Lamnre IitnAkT WE* opeaed'^Mbont Puter,and eo great were tbe demand-foi-booka that U was foaodbeoeJaariK toi dbmiaWm4W <*f & n e tp A \&tofiaoX}i & rtocklty the vnrpbaaf pt . oth«r 8taDdKd_woru, InolndiDg-abonVv2«lK).; vol»at«i fe*« loTenUo UlwnrTrEe totalissae for 'heifint j-eejr Wi»-it*,U?<Tyiuji«rf wiffcKtonjjfctlstiha obobilefiibyfjthe able Llbiarl»n, mhewed ;*;4aro 0Ter of a stock of

th». i mrmmhk *^Tht^^ S^^^M '18.51? ;^ e*i|flia il l aitD4 y:lo 8Wi»l< nii liK:jfouowug j wc the figure* were 26,123 xftltip^ pjaVaJtM-Jbj;

. weekJIB*,'. ¦itii m m 'tUtithli^ t>«»l5e..'tiwent'y-ai%'TnBgrtdne*'And'twrlews Ma>itfo iBoferenccilabnirTi;: and'•ntjwj4n..rte.,i^ ,Bo ,b Th ,|e»nJ .»%dhope, some sBbiUnUal UUM ot (be Work and adTintftge* of «.:.free'library. There aro »«Hotift'frei»6hJi'whl?h'oul,btWmbve uviis'ithte m»ttar, bnt«pciii *biohd&l* nnn«bes»ar/.'tp 'ontejC(i,II*ft ftttwjuA^rch .j pnlfttelBW nrapriMj.tho pa«t (tbirtwia, lor-fo.urte«ii.y«v« hia bean leMat t bat

¦ iualon> l»-'cottoJHWd tbe' ed«c»tWiul tytuuaiw, lm *rt V<1entirely elemeat«ar, nThe.ia«lf tatjorUy «t.th# j(<M«h.pf t£piM»ro>h»?rl90l6oeBft #Sr "iS crtUJa tTA^hV gro*up to mMnUootf/a'Dd lo tetd'pXWmii to thehi aeo^nrny'light •toc Joi^rt'ttiatrndlinaaUir/ acqtiireinentaof ihafeearly d«y«,and a^ktqrnojbjng. yond.tbapolntn(J» ot.tbonewiptper., . Thii oondWon,;of which, tbe above-U 1 ,tutamallo)fmt«<l,i »D4 -'Ap-'i gTeite^ Or "mire' potentilmtOT conlither? be in the work tb*n,,jth$ .jFrva^Pablta; I^brftry,V wbiab,1'. sara ?f tecettt iwtljter ;«» the saWsot,. " > the JneoesrirV'oomJtflieDt'of thtf-eleaVihiary sohooir :It wSdTdb« ; inttrnotiTe to site here the I exact figtues of thtf Ute-'««nana, shewing the M(dasT«f#aiflt, cdooaUpa';,ol kto. IrJ^people;.iar.U9L< I h#T« eqimvynred;to procurethisiatoc-..laauod/ahd haie Beiid exbe6Un«f"t6 jeoel«*lt teim Pdbllnfoe tHa-'Jirt-fottn3gh'tr: »«i lK°h »inoti'Vet <iohioco-Mnd/'UqWerer, falllnit back on the oensus of 1881, the f degrees ailij^POBlripo'fpt th^pepp .ot tterford theu ware if- r ,,,,T ,:». .Abl«^9 *ead aB4wrjte r •'•> .! ¦ ¦¦ '.« ,¦ • , - . -.J. :' - . "ii oaBfy ";.*ea4only,, , • : .. . . - . ¦. ; . . . ! , • ,.. .W 3,815 ,

'That isi''8aYsUnaaiji 'bina bait 'bokhleto write/ an 'in'oxe'tbdrt one third totally fllitente. With regard >o tbo«eiwuawore «blA,to .'firtWonly^ti'jthiikiwe m«y.ca«»idee,tho»e,.ns haying also *oqolrea «nd forfottflutbe ,«f ot^rritlnf.T}p V» riew be oorreot.M I belletiifli, tb«lait^Skt theWI , we*p*8»'Wo*: ia-WaterToMJiri that yeSfflibMfc ,v*ey'f(!*cIbly.wB»t IMncittwri #«te4ih» -itifewaoi>.bar e«rly.fthVI acftaiCTrajfftfii Q4M» t«ia^ ii9>n5iua add«i •to*,w0^«gBS£SQ[S0^W'Eogland'-aad' iVelud %M t^<fifin«uA*Tl|Borao«* of - ttMW'»'.'' i litTW*Mw» iPtt^SttV^te^ M iapor 4V,

tuj i tH*;7rt»6i rtSi( ..te«^«ih«M><*X art. Woflaui.ieWoc iot;ta l« .«dai«*e4r»!:ll l»ir#eU»tl*f:fe'w ett 'i u S o^ f d^MwJSS^^

ptoer." who jud>umo«laa> ilfau ¦ o«hakkr-iav<i]ieiaifi f&te Mtte •aMtt^na«UMn*aM« N^awkWs ktiVtolnidfiJe

uei sfykbd bteKriteitobttiMS r ^Maf^^ Dfe^

J°^»je««a»B*e»»*i i«»i».<tt« 33r/'.Bit(

mUpvS;'M-tfmrMil vir iw SMWUSU«q(T«wW^ft «* »|' 1'A W&vlKtfoiiM

owtalnlj foflotar wiin Dub0alui«, it !&a»ite cosuaaadi Jhoace ereottTln* i

!¦ ¦:- ' -11^ I !- ! - : . ' ¦- ¦ i- -.\* : -: f

K .r- - ' H- " - ;r;- > ^\ ' ¦ ; ¦ -- :- .?


\ >i/- :ffffl iirs ii i|iEitla ->r» lof^rr>jlurti H -Iii'Aiio-Vfdftwit |»i"'«Jji ii.-.4i- *i:r ,'q« .vSrtsrirtit j|M(«!xtjM «' »ff. -IOJS"PW)K>

U t >1f !fA > rs»B£A»^T'_»«l^.»A,i»ti<Uiraonat*y«a ,l!os

::o!c:«it:!Mkm' U-AUKnowTidgeJjiibe i ttMfcedA^ 'nti >--•!¦-• i?

1. 'j : ;'k"'wsn w rXVrr;ofl555o«lt&r '¦ '"¦: i i '" : : :'lJ

r;:,.:..l_; . ;;,., j Ji SHBt;tWf

knowWag*n<rwt-r VJ;« ->x ?3 t .J r,";ovo!..' - ToW: «i!<Bluifr.f'-';K '?f''"- 'Tl ' r' ;] '•>* vvr-fl o-'i- vV-nm rvf..o>

"¦j 'j." • il"5: .' - '3 J "«- '"I ?"* 'i .ljtya JII .». ';>: !• teA;i o» .;?l i'if>

v -iiir «o™k:f^L 3SSate2iS wo^ :v.3/ rfmembera- oi.l^riJaUjoUc^u& eaftJp ys^n ,,' f, ,.;;

;cit5T;and the Council or i governing' body fl£ Ui8.w»p<aety, ,;, ,,:;.have not beep, <>f the most hamonio^dtti»ct .-anp: .v;.'ijjQ^unpleMaiitaeis BO engender :(ratuami«ted in, «n . < :: '.. rrence-.Onf'Sua'dAynight;-wiiich, ftilfos8 wb»i»reiin.« i: :i.Uterestecf in'tbe i ainietiance'of the iocliHT'/aiusi-de'pIriie/ r.-. i . ;;¦ Tpfa ltfcicten:|' as.ipt 'els^ a^Wa^Watai :v '' '<initted *by (a membs? "bTE '-tpe' ."coiin lJL.pi the iwdSty' pfi'S" ' _l tUnwn'wi^b 'e^ anje^ ^or^ -^ :.'.!/ui'd- tteDghjitbeife .m»yibave' .b «tor.;.iisp^C,tod;.. . .",!*,,'p^Wloal'p^on ib^Aiy tbfiiogeBffem^nj iPiig essjoa : -.. -

;<jrere uadoubtedry wb«t:ibcpamoC*l*1«[ s*taflkjdai%4e,pp v;rvjhinv. i To-lead np toaie'iindideatiab tberitarietyfrowm-! ¦. ¦.!•on, Bandajr- iriight] d-lto^re er;^1t.Bxpi)Biitb1e *».?»» \U. ¦?<.fearer it w necessaryi to take it ia coniunctidaswith.. ; -i -iWine e»entt i?Woba«Jburt«d-*ftn« thner pieviwaJy,! i i Jtii ¦ Iappears hat>oBlta last'KanIVefearv-)sf tha'ideatbiolrMr.d; ¦;¦ , ¦:|Parnell :4Moiig« Jbefy t&O&liB&'Sfr.th&.f tXig 'obtiar '• < c- i:Dead C/n^frpm.WWrfortfw' ' ''< '• •'m-ot } W$$tymymgs l< yj r/ * H4 ¦ -^tentioii:at. tbe,tuae,bpre,,aa in8chphonT,wjBe,,eHffl5B, ,

tefc . ii,lTwb iikv4i?ed /8j)nf»a^pUh iP<>«y;^W ., u,\sPncil to»kT;|ambwgrf| aV.U»fmark ofi ,re*i>sct;.!fwa- ,- :.'i'

some: of ihd members ikp yed Ttohflie'aiaspiorvfi.Of f.Ajjj;^ ii.-Parnell, apd'it^ l6tteV/w»«!written'to thft'iPiiessi^by.Ktaft;' :'-.-,;

Tionf -sepretar et' f lj^

aasso tiW''ir kjdi»tiilffviibB

: >"jiresenlatipg: rTl»U t eoimaM fibtt" ^ rtfOfflpf:Mi< : •< -.'-'Nichpla^ ailK tfp;^ «P*« : '' ' cof the wreath,:S»d:fo 6wipg''.;rBpl'y; wbicb '4p'peirpd'in • "¦Lv•tfieWber. at:tbetudeis J\ ,4.. . .^T^X. ''V V : ?!?:

I CxlB 8a—Iol<wWflf o3^5ator4»Jifc>#ap^<«,thp't,Jn»40 . . , u

Soflletir.. Happearalhe rentlemaa who boss that estabUah:'• u,5meat heUriAhlrinsiUteS'iU ihe Idea tfoifr'ttotTTBeaolJthe.;; '"

Mooietr sU04Mi3e fgntfceoibe<Mn»*;'«i<ew: «ra>uSes Ja jbei - .. ,,haJIh ibj fAiidaal^toi«dnnaWreath,0.p>.BbvW8Hftl* 1

Well, do 8«c otTls menJbSwlurt- Btrt^hirtei'Wiwp' - - '-¦¦¦;ipoUUca'OntSida ta« iodiir thin iae1 PAttlefllbAiiad thkvery;o '.:!' '-YehtleBieU• wbo **e: bow--«hoCr«d'.at.-SJia&<>a.ot.a Ifa*,;:,-, -_ ¦¦. mapibeM warai the -.flMt :tofintiodilo»';p<)Ulic». lntOo h»,. ¦ , (apwdiUii^ : 6tbja[e|e(flon,o5,^^eBf,an4p n(itn^w»,th<W)S. ;. , /appeax»d iir t2i»colaiaaf of; ajooiuQewisjpjip%ju % *S& ' ' ¦ ; ¦¦

Hh«Jr.Tot«6riia^1 ffia^ Andw tW*3pSB4ei .- 'AIU. the eall,for at that el«9 to9«biWP*S*el>«iywa«.«to<*B*:,: t.- .<m the POnMattty|i^tH'W« »t^W/gpdetyTWtf_ ,.DBT'er Ea|r4

rbt&^%f pffli eta J tn «5iS'' ^J-

Witt Md5T « wrpathto«Jastte.rri:6n6e'a'y««irr*ad.*b«y wftl' ¦•,.'Beyer beg-'fo» th conleiai V>f th« <6batttHteelbel&niapiB*in»:r) v <> ;< :Ttie FaTnelUteTrmembenrdt thetJr ezfo*d «wciG»'«I JXBodaty togiaon: thet?i^htto*eBdr«a»y^a^atoe«.toi>nt_ /r ,pf eateem. tpi thatr> de«4> CbJ t ,*na they -Mter narofltep... ;,; •thought pt stiibjnittinjp tAeir aotwv 1ft jfp ffi mg V xo' tae 'Toon1*' * L'-ridaratfohofapioketfM'CwftlMfca dommltM«of ndttfetflft* ' '•'}—Sighed PU behalf of tae •Farnelli$es or-tbA-Yoang>TMen'« :;Society, ¦"¦ I • ¦'¦¦'l • •• • ¦ ?" ' i ;' -T- - » > : i .'riio^^iosUi 07 OVJ .J i 'ii

;:: . .: </ ! ' . '1 L[ i\ \-. l / :Cj j sh-& U1Oi UA '3ShX $bt&.i. r\ , . .o \Thk !/totetf-- wnicfc in /irl-r

clined J irf1 1 ' say 'Is' 'a very J teffif^bWiWfiltett " " * !-!- i l "moa^^itij l ^i pt°; ;-j-bringingjlowh'loa.the TOtarVlJi^'w.;,««&¦. '.of'jtHa*"' ¦':councit Though this consarateathe api^M jRSoitlt vof his otoding.tbA.couBCp. w.hfwprpolitiaftioj >§(»»

;fte(* ,' r' '

entirelr Aato nistic to ihm «f* Me iJJ5 3«h3««Hl l?';t-"'i' "and *notbeiigeritteTnwwfaa^wafc»peot^ J> ttg!<>P».Ti,'M- ¦,^med .te rBeadiigotliw.wreatfr4uiiiirti^flKi^u« n— .of the CPmm'ooicattonf'Whieh'imb ttetitif i»^f*«*d'ia?vr v if,the Pr /an^ed'btfpWthfdfei^ riBfell Mag tej ; U-eipulddn of bottt"g^all«tieh, _Kr mttm'MKlummlT ''"¦'¦'r

/Tb^^nr SSf £^^ n|^W?E S©;"' '9««d»yr,-*vea1njri.lj[r |mm,j#»^m.!(p i*;-/:.."1¦kny 'oaWcbotlHc^Wi^r eMjaj^W e

c T^^.,^

cUt ,.-c<msidet'©d;. himsdf sti i »n.TiM|i^e|^(p ) ' ('HftHoda i teTed.' haJropinB ^ ilprj)^ ^:billiard'roomJ .a- wia# aboutiari»^W*1j*me'with- t •aaother player, when Uw mArkep orderea^amvftt^^ksl-n .r!:rooto, )r)fcfo<»tiiWt<? T*"n at the sjc&ie tittle, S£t in ifii^''' |tbit order .be was Jacting in onftjrali^r;'Wiui'-S»jr '">-diwctlops of the conim! .:;j TMMi ar (f<o«. * - .'sis right to. coQtbued memU 'wmoval'had: im ' W^M ^^m.f S W^^'l.-X iirefoaed to comply wilh the markeKt reonew, wherropon, . ¦W member of the council whu wag preteaifad who had !Identified himself particularly with the ¦proceedingsArhioh 1 W'Bfi? "*fadlgattVu^(>#Ioafdirt<^.'t&:: ;'marker to go for tbe police. ^Fh»i-pobca were accord- iirfg-ly brougbt,in,wb£niMr>Mj(dig»a, ebnnirfoiny h» b$4..:; , 'already made raSdeot pratesVap^nft*b«<iiotiQftJof.tip.-, £|ieoancil;! Intimated j his. readine»>.i to • kite. *be, rooin .; ;provided the police: left a abort! tinioihefor* ilnu n Thja ,, iH ,poHoe feU an i mth tha 8itapg»meat(.{wd ¦«•»*«»:,' j-fteemed to point to an amicable'Ooooiuwte.iwhpij. fta U 1 Witoember ol the coancO:befpTBte*etf^ toifi^e; Mepfcaa; / . jobservaUoxLtpf. al .moat SniultiMj'&it$f at&i 'MilwJ\\Madigin. :;o-|B*-:latter rvwrn^^wiiVr^ped to, , n;,'take auminaryT~wdre*«.for |lie,l;.i%ittlWj; BlttJ«a>Wffl«%.i id-IIvniun iirAsadatfi 4nA hlt 'lmtk thai Aiwttak* Rnnnu itka . , . 1aawever, preyauea ana no lea :tnei J^ocwuyafirOHgw^H ••,,-;t;^

iM» Madjjpnj rtmalue ,itt .?]%WffW?flR»j»/,<#<l|r •>'.and a.few 'minutes aftarinrdc fha.niemEtar i.wKb-.liaa .*i > s

;g»j ;«• {I** ¦ jSe lsffisfiiio^l S^-QaetuoDM-'ibv -tfie man. wwua aenM'airdKM «• a . 11.would L a^ S^^ S'M^*e d^WpoAMrriBS

w«o, on. seeijig^thrir p

Jo7tsrad- ;r^^IproUVthai farther i«

'"' ' viii- it :iAMiitt.«t.-r-«t i.«4WU >••>* •OKWHUI iMH* I

n.Ir -lrwfertorjet igbi¦ J fc aBaa fc^ g sA ttL^aiaH •fs l t /L. FL^*Z* 3 a L DBw BV^AlDT Fs^wE *DC 'K Fa K BBBflB I B BHBflH L BjHr 4 "m

X ^f j . IL S tf - j - - Bft P '' ' .^Kib ' iPC it t yJF ' J V* 1VJ i^MIJ* ' ^ b Fs FH Fs ' FB B PB B EL B^ B^^ Bk EsF'JL' " J^l

ii lA aa^ X J ^ k££l L ftt BF^W^ 2^ U2l kfelft A'4lB^ U%9KS L L b BS H a L b fe Lttii M L>

•IMW^JJ; j ^ 4:.;. H^P