ІНДИВІДУАЛЬНІ САМОСТІЙНІ ЗАВДАННЯ З ДИСЦИПЛІНИ «ІНОЗЕМНА МОВА (АНГЛІЙСЬКА) ЗА ПРОФЕСІЙНИМ СПРЯМУВАННЯМ» ПОЯСНЮВАЛЬНА ЗАПИСКА Індивідуальні завдання з англійської мови виконуються в окремому зошиті для індивідуальних робіт. Термін здачі індивідуального завдання – кінець кожного навчального семестру. Загальний обсяг індивідуальної самостійної роботи залежить від виду завдання, передбаченого для виконання студентами. Перший вид завдань – це робота з текстами та виконання завдань до них. Обсяг першого виду завдань залежить від розміру тексту та кількості запитань до нього. Другий вид завдань – це надання поширеної відповіді на задане питання або ситуацію. Обсяг другого виду завдань – не менше двох сторінок рукописного тексту.

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Індивідуальні завдання з англійської мови виконуються в окремому зошиті для

індивідуальних робіт.

Термін здачі індивідуального завдання – кінець кожного навчального семестру.

Загальний обсяг індивідуальної самостійної роботи залежить від виду завдання,

передбаченого для виконання студентами.

Перший вид завдань – це робота з текстами та виконання завдань до них. Обсяг

першого виду завдань залежить від розміру тексту та кількості запитань до нього.

Другий вид завдань – це надання поширеної відповіді на задане питання або

ситуацію. Обсяг другого виду завдань – не менше двох сторінок рукописного тексту.

Page 2: ІНДИВІДУАЛЬНІ САМОСТІЙНІ ЗАВДАННЯ З ... · 2016. 11. 24. · i вид завдань – робота з текстами та виконання завдань

I вид завдань – робота з текстами та виконання завдань до них. Індивідуальне завдання №1

1. Прочитати текст

2. Перекласти текст.

3. Виписати невідомі слова.

4. Відповісти на запитання

In a Train Car

Nick with his father went to see Grandmother. In the train every minute Nick put his

head out of the window. His father said, "Nick, keep quiet! Don't put your head out of the

window!" But Nick went on putting his head out of the window.

Here his father took Nick's cap quietly, hid it behind his back and said, "You see, your

cap has flown." Nick was scared. He began to cry. He wanted to have his cap back.

His father said, "Well, whistle once! Perhaps, your cap will come back." Nick came up to

the window and whistled. Nick's father put quickly the cap on Nick's head.

"Oh! It was wonderful!" Nick laughed. He was pleased. He took quickly his father's cap

and threw it out of the window. "Now it's your turn to whistle, Dad!" he said gaily.

Answer the questions.

1.Who was going by train?

2.Where did the boy go?

3.With whom did the boy go to see Grandmother?

4.What did Nick's father say when he saw his son put his head out of the window?

5.What did Nick's father do?

6.Where did the father hide Nick's cap?

7.What did Nick want to have back?

8. What did Nick throw out of the window?

9. Did Nick understand his father's joke?

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Індивідуальне завдання №2

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2.Перекласти текст.

3.Виписати невідомі слова.

4.Відповісти на запитання

The Beautiful Cat

It was a beautiful, hot, sunny, summer day. The birds sang, so the whole sky rang with

their tune. The sun glowed. Small white clouds moved slowly around the sky. These clouds

were as white and fluffy as the cat which lived with us at our country house. This cat was

named Fluff. Fluff was so fluffy that when he sat down, his white fur spread all around him like

a rug. That is probably why he was named Fluff!

He was purely white so even the lightest snow would look dull if compared with him. He

had a charcoal black tail and two black spots, one on the back of his head and another one on

his back. The ends of Fluffs paws were not fluffy but the higher part was, so when Fluff ran it

looked like he was wearing white, fluffy, baggy pants.

He had emerald green eyes that shone in the dark like flash lights shimmering slightly,

long white whiskers and a cute strawberry pink nose.

There was time when I really got to love Fluff! It all happened like this: I was sitting on

the sofa and reading a book about a man that was left on an island all alone. Then Fluff came

in, and stood on the tips of his paws and took each step so slowly and gently. The words came

out of me before I could stop myself: "Come here, Fluff, come here, Fluffy boy!" I sounded

kind of stupid, but for some strange reason Fluff turned his glowing eyes on me. He ran to the

sofa and jumped onto my lap.

He started purring. I could feel his hot breath on my face. I gently petted him and rubbed

his fuzzy tummy. I felt wonderful: it was pleasant to be surrounded by soft warm fur even

though it was hot out. In all my life I have never met another cat like Fluff.

Answer the questions.

1. Was it a hot, sunny or a cool, cloudy summer day?

2. What was the weather like?

3. What were the clouds similar to?

4. Why was the cat named Fluff?

5. What colour was the cat?

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6. What was the author of the story doing when Fluff came in?

7. How did Fluff come in?

8. Why did the girl really get to love Fluff?

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Індивідуальне завдання №3

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2.Перекласти текст.

3.Виписати невідомі слова.

4.Відповісти на запитання

Jobs: a Look into the Future

What changes are going to happen in our way of life? According to writer Patrick

Goldring, more people are going to have part-time jobs. This is going to be true for most

workers. People have many interests. Full-time jobs do not allow time for these interests.

People are going to have two or three different part-time jobs.

According to David Jenkins in his book Job Power, workers are going to have more

power in their companies. They are going to have more power over their jobs and their hours.

Groups of workers and company leaders are going to meet to find answers to company

problems. Some companies don't want change. Workers are demanding it, however. What is the

result of "job power"? According to Jenkins, the result is a good feeling toward the company.

Answer the questions.

1.What is going to happen according to writer Patrick Goldring?

2.Why will part-time jobs be true for most workers?

3.How many part-time jobs are people going to have?

4.What is going to happen according to David Jenkins?

5.Do some companies want change?

6.Are workers demanding change?

7.What is the result of "job power" according to Jenkins?

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Індивідуальне завдання №4

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2. Перекласти текст.

3. Виписати невідомі слова.

4. Відповісти на запитання

The King

"The King is dead," said John Lennon, English-born singer and member of the famous

Beatles in the 1960's. Elvis Presley was indeed "the King" of

rock'n'roll music. At the news of his death on August 16, 1977, thousands of people

gathered outside his home in Memphis.

Elvis Presley was born in Tupelo, Mississippi, on January 8, 1935. At the age of 13, Elvis

and his family moved to Memphis, Tennessee. There, Elvis recorded his first song in 1954.

After that, things happened quickly. He sold millions of records, served in the U.S. army, went

to Hollywood and appeared in 33 films. Elvis brought together the musical sounds of blacks

and country people.

His songs started a new period in American music. "The King is dead," said Lennon.

"Long live the King."

Answer the questions.

1.Who is John Lennon?

2.What kind of music is Elvis Presley famous for?

3.When did Elvis die?

4.When was he born? Where was he born?

5.How old was Elvis when his family moved to Memphis?

6.When did Elvis record his first song?

7.How many films did he make?

8.Who is "the King" in this reading?

9.What kinds of music did Elvis bring together in his songs?

10. Why are his songs important?

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Індивідуальне завдання №5

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3. Виписати невідомі слова.

4. Відповісти на запитання

The Empire State Building

New York City is situated at the mouth of the Hudson River on the East Coast of the

USA. It is made up of five boroughs with a combined population of over 17 million people. The

heart of New York City is the island of Manhattan, where, in the Midtown and Downtown

districts, the buildings 'scrape the sky'.

One of these skyscrapers is the Empire State building on Fifth Avenue, between 33rd and

34th Street. Like the Statue of Liberty and Brooklyn Bridge, it is instantly recognized as a

symbol of New York - a symbol which captures the power, energy and excitement of one of the

world's most-loved and most-hated city.

When the 102-story structure was built in 1931, it was the tallest building in the world.

From the top, on a clear day, you can see over a 50-mile radius. Its towering height and

distinctive Art Deco style made the Empire State Building an instant success with the public.

Its record as the world's tallest building has since been beaten - the Sears Tower in

Chicago is taller - but the Empire State Building remains uniquely fascinating.

At night it is floodlit with coloured lights. Some people love the lights but others

complain that their favourite New York building has been turned into the biggest Christmas tree

in the world!


• The Empire State is 'stepped' above a certain height, rather like a pyramid, to prevent it

from blocking light and air from blocking the neighbouring area.

• There are 6,500 windows, nearly seven miles of elevator shafts and enough floor space

to shelter a town of 80,000 people.

• The building was first cleaned in 1962. It took thirty people six months to complete the

job. They were all experienced at high altitudes, including one who was a former paratrooper.

• In the famous film 'King Kong' the giant gorilla, King Kong, has his final battle from the

top of the Empire State Building.

Answer the questions.

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1.How many boroughs make up New York City?

2.Where exactly is the Empire State Building situated in Manhattan?

3.When was it built?

4.What happens to the building at night?

5.What happened in 1962?

6.Who was King Kong?

7.Have you ever been to the top of a high building? How did you feel?

8.Can you name a place or building which is a symbol of your country?

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Індивідуальне завдання №6

1. Прочитати текст

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3. Виписати невідомі слова.

4. Доповніть речення, дописавши правильну відповідь.


Malls are popular places for Americans to go. Some people spend so much time at malls

that they are called "mall rats." Mall rats "shop until they drop" in the hundreds of stores under

one roof.

People like malls for many reasons. They feel safe because malls have police stations or

private security guards. Parking is usually free, and the weather inside is always fine. The

newest malls have beautiful rest areas with waterfalls and palm trees.

The largest mall in the United States is the Mall of America in Minnesota. It covers 4.2

million square feet. It has 350 stores, eight nightclubs, and a seven-acre amusement park! There

are parking spaces for 12,750 cars. About 750,000 people shop there every week.

The first indoor mall in the United States was built in 1965 in Edina Minnesota. People

loved doing all their shopping in one place. Many more malls were built all over the country.

Now, malls are like town centers where people come to do many things. They shop, of course.

They also eat in food courts that have food from all over the world. They see movies at

multiplex theatres. Some people even get their daily exercise by doing the new sport of "mall

walking." Others go to malls to meet friends.

In some malls, people can see a doctor or a dentist and even attend church. In other

words, people can do just about everything in malls. The latest trend is condo-malls. Now

residents can actually live in their favourite shopping center. For a mall rat, this is a dream

come true.

Complete the sentences. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. A place where there are big machines to ride on and games for people to play is .

a. a town center

b. an amusement park

c. a rest area

2. are places where you can find tables and chairs and many

open restaurants.

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a. food courts

b. theatres

c. nightclubs

3. Water falling straight down over large stones often creates the sound and beauty of .

a. waterfalls

b. palm trees

c. fish ponds

4. People who live in a certain place are its .

a. shoppers

b. guards

c. residents

7. Places that have stores and living places in the same building are called .

a. condo-malls

b. shopping centers

c. apartments

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Індивідуальне завдання №7

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3. Виписати невідомі слова.

4. Відповісти на запитання

Chinese Food — What a Way to Cook

My interest in Chinese food started many years ago, when I had my first job. I was a

young reporter for the Daily Journal in San Francisco. Our office wasn't far from Chinatown. I

usually managed to arrange my schedule so that I could go there at least two or three times a

week for a good meal.

The first time I ever ate Chinese food I loved it. And since then, it just tastes better and

better to me. The first thing I noticed was the fresh taste of the meat and vegetables. When I

learned more about the food, I began to understand why it has this unique feature.

About 5000 years ago, China lost much of its wood because of over population and poor

management of its forests. This loss was very bad for the country, of course, but it turned out to

be very good for the food. Wood became very expensive and hard to get, so the Chinese had to

either find a substitute for their valuable wood, or learn how to use it better. There weren't any

substitutes available, so people found ways to economize.

In order to economize in cooking, they had to use very little wood. So they started cutting

their meat and vegetables into small pieces before they put them in the hot oil. That way, the

food cooked faster and they saved their fuel. The food prepared in this manner kept its fresh

flavor — and it's this flavor that attracts people to the art of Chinese cooking.

I often wonder if the Chinese appreciated their solution to that ancient energy crisis as

much as I do now — whenever I eat Chinese food.

Answer these questions. Use complete sentences.

1.What did he first like about Chinese food?

2.Why was wood so valuable in ancient China?

3.How did the Chinese prepare their food for cooking?

4.How did the Chinese energy problem help their cooking?

5.Do you like Chinese food?

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Індивідуальне завдання №8

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4. Відповісти на запитання

Antoine de St. Exupery, a Daring Pilot

In 1929, when aviation was still very new, a French pilot and novelist— Antoine de

St. Exupery — took on a job that changed the mail service in South America. He set up an air

mail route that joined the cities of South America and cut the delivery time of mail from several

months to a few days.

Delivering the mail by air was not a new idea in 1929, but it was still a very daring

one. Flying was full of dangers. The aviation technology we have today wasn't yet invented.

Pilots had to use simple instruments such as compasses and road maps. Airplanes had small

engines and lost a lot of power when they flew at high altitudes. These planes couldn't fly over

heights, so mountains, tall buildings, and even trees were dangerous. Also, these small planes

didn't have enough power to fly above storms and bad weather. They had to go through them.

Once he was in the storm, the pilot couldn't navigate. So when he came out of the clouds, he

was lost.

The rugged landscape made St. Exupery's job very dangerous. He and his men had to fly

over high mountains, deserts, and rain forests. Large areas had almost no people, and there were

very few roads. So even when a lost pilot landed safely, he had little chance to survive.

St. Exupery, however, welcomed all these difficulties. He believed that people are most

alive when they are risking their lives. In 1944 he joined the French air force in North Africa.

Answer these questions. Use complete sentences.

1.How did his job change the mail service in South America?

2.Why were mountains and storms dangerous?

3.Why did pilots who got lost in South America almost always die?

4.Why did St. Exupery want to do such dangerous work?

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Індивідуальне завдання №9

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3. Виписати невідомі слова.

4. Відповісти на запитання

That Rare and Valuable Thing, Gold

In 1980, divers found the remains of an ancient Spanish ship off the coast of Florida. The

ship probably sank in a hurricane some time during the late 1600's or early 1700's. It was on its

way back to Spain from South America, and the divers believed that it carried a valuable cargo

of gold. Although the ship was under water for 300 years, the divers knew that the treasure they

were looking for, if it was there, would not be changed at all.

They were right. They found the ancient cargo, and each piece of gold in it — the

jewelry, the dishes, the gold coins — looked completely new. Gold is the most precious metal

in the world — and this story shows one reason why. Gold is almost impossible to destroy, and

it keeps its beauty forever.

Gold is a very rare metal. There are only a few big gold deposits in the world. The largest

one is in South Africa — it is the source of much of that country's great wealth. Gold is so rare

and so valuable that stories of large gold discoveries can change a country's history. This

happened in 1848, when James Marshall found gold at Sutter's Creek in California. The

population of that state more than doubled in two years. In 1888 gold was found in Australia,

and there was the same kind of increase in population.

Gold is found in the earth in almost a pure form. Miners have to separate it from dirt

and rocks, but it is very heavy, so it isn't very difficult to separate it out. The most common way

of doing this — "washing" or "panning"— was used by the ancient Egyptians, and it is also

used by prospectors today. With gold, there are very few changes.

Answer these questions. Use complete sentences.

1.Why did the ship sink?

2.Where is Sutter's Creek?

3.What were the divers looking for?

4.Why is gold so valuable?

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Індивідуальне завдання №10

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4. Відповісти на запитання

The Best in Cars — the Model T and the SJ

When cars first started appearing on the streets of the world, few people took them

seriously. They were toys — playthings for grown men who didn't have much to do. No one

thought that the automobile would ever become the world's most popular form of


When Henry Ford started selling his Model T in 1908, he changed all that. Ford believed

that a car should be low-cost transportation that everyone could afford. So he decided to make

such a car. First, he wanted a dependable automobile that wouldn't break down easily. Then he

wanted a simple engine that almost anyone could fix.

Ford wanted to sell the car for a low price, so he had to make it at a low cost. So, he

made only one model and he made it in only one color — black.

In 1932, the Duesenberg brothers produced a car that many people think is the most

luxurious automobile ever made — the Duesenberg SJ. Every Duesenberg was custom-made,

so each one was different. But it usually weighed about 7000 pounds and had a very wide

wheelbase — 150 inches. It also had an enormous 400 horsepower engine that could move the

huge car from zero to 100 miles per hour in 17 seconds.

The interior was as luxurious as the motor was big. It had the finest silk, leather, silver

and wood. An SJ was definitely expensive, but rich people often felt they had to own one.

Unfortunately, the car cost so much to produce that the company lost money. In 1937, after

making only 500 of them, the Duesenbergs stopped production of the SJ forever.

Answer these questions. Use complete sentences.

1.Who did Henry Ford sell his cars to?

2.Who did the Duesenbergs make cars for?

3.Why did Ford want a simple engine?

4.Why did he make only one model?

5.Why was the SJ so expensive?

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Індивідуальне завдання №11

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4. Відповісти на запитання

Willie the Actor

Banks always interested William Francis Sutton. But he never wanted to work in a bank.

He just wanted to rob them.

Willie Sutton began studying for his career in his early twenties. He practiced until he

could open any kind of lock — without u key. He learned all there was to know about burglar

alarms. He developed methods of robbing jewelry stores quietly during the busiest times of day

on the busiest streets of a city. He even studied psychology to learn how to keep a bank full of

people quiet and scared. Willie had a lot of friends in the theatre in New York, and they gave

him ideas for using makeup, costumes, and disguises. That is how he got his nickname — "The


Although Sutton and his partners carried guns during their robberies, they never once

fired them. He felt that shooting guns in a robbery showed poor planning. It was for amateurs.

Sutton went to prison for bank robbery four times. But he was as good at getting out of prisons

as he was at getting into banks. He escaped successfully from two of the strongest prisons in the

United States. But even for a professional like Willie, crime did not pay. He spent almost half

his life behind bars.

Someone once asked, "Willie, why do you rob banks?" The answer: "Because that's

where the money is."

Answer these questions. Use complete sentences.

1.How did Willie prepare for his career?

2.Why did they call him "The Actor"?

3.Do you think Willie Sutton was good at what he did?

4.Why did Willie rob banks?

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Індивідуальне завдання №12

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4. Відповісти на запитання

Foreign Movies — "What Did He Say"

The problem with foreign films is that they are in foreign languages. People often want to

see a movie in a language they don't know, but they can't understand what the actors are saying.

There are two ways for movie makers to solve this problem — subtitles and dubbing. Neither

method is perfect. The disadvantages of subtitles are that they are not accurate or are too short.

That is, the actor's words are not translated correctly, or only part of what he says is translated.

In older films, especially, the subtitles are hard to read because the words are the same color as

the background.

Dubbing means that the original sound track in the foreign language is replaced or

"dubbed" by one in the language of the audience. This method has problems because the

movement of the actor's mouth and the words do not always agree with each other. Also, the

distinctive voices of the original actors are lost, and very often the picture and the words seem

strange together, such as when American cowboys speak French.

In the early 1900's Japan first started showing movies from the West. Films were silent

then, and the Japanese created their own method of presenting foreign films. They used a

character from the kabuki theatre to serve as a guide to the movie. This guide was called a


The benshi enjoyed performing, so, rather than using a prepared script, he made up his

own comments. People would come back just to see a benshi s performance, and they became

very popular. A good benshi was often more important to a movie than the stars or the director.

Answer these questions. Use complete sentences.

1.What are the disadvantages of subtitles? Of dubbing?

2.Why did the benshi become so popular?

3.Do you prefer dubbed movies, or movies with subtitles?

4.Would you like a benshi to help you understand foreign films?

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Індивідуальне завдання №13

1.Прочитати текст

2.Перекласти текст.

3.Виписати невідомі слова.

4.Виконати завдання після тексту.

Television in Modern Life

How do people usually answer the question like, "What are your plans for tonight?" or

"What are you doing at the weekend?" In other words, how do people spend their free time?

Some twenty or thirty years ago the usual answers used to be: "We are going to the

theatre (or the cinema) or "We are going to a party", or "We are having some friends round."

Now you quite often hear, "We are going to stay at home and watch the telly."

Television (colloquially known as TV or telly) is now so popular in the whole world that

it is hard to believe that it appeared only about fifty years ago.

A first-rate colour TV set has become an ordinary thing in the household today, and a

video cassette recorder (VCR) is quickly becoming one.

Modem television offers the viewers several programs on different channels. In addition

to regular news programmes, you can see plays and films, operas and ballets, and watch all

kinds of contests, quizzes, soap operas, serials and sporting events. You can also get a lot of

useful information on the educational channel. A good serial (perhaps, a detective story or a

screen version of a classical novel) can keep the whole family in front of the telly for days, and

don't we spend hours and hours watching our favourite football or hockey team in an important

international event?

Television most definitely plays an important part in people's lives. But is it a good thing

or a bad one? Haven't we become lazier because of the television? Don't we go out less often?

Don't we read less? And yet a lot of people believe, that the telly has made our life more

interesting and can't imagine their everyday life without it.

What type of TV program are you probably watching if you see the following?

Match the description below.

1.People trying to answer questions. a) a detective series

2.Actors doing and saying funny things. b) a commercial

3.People discussing politics. c) soap opera

4.The animal life of Antarctica. d) a comedy series

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5.Guns, murder and police. e) a talk show

6.A long interview with a famous person. f) a current affairs program

7.Everyday lives of the same group of people, g) a nature documentary

8.Characters played by moving drawings. h) the news

9.Someone talking about a new soap powder, i) a quiz show

10. A person telling you what happened today, j) a cartoon

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Індивідуальне завдання №14

1.Прочитати текст

2.Перекласти текст.

3.Виписати невідомі слова.

4.Виконати завдання після тексту.

An Eisteddfod

Every year, in August, there is a national Eisteddfod in Wales. What is an

Eisteddfod? It is a meeting of Welshmen interested in Welsh poetry, Welsh songs and music.

One year it is in a town in North Wales, the next year it is in a town in South Wales. It lasts for

a week. Between 10,000 and 15,000 people come to an Eisteddfod every day. Some want to

listen to the poems; some want to listen to the singing; and some want just to meet their friends

and talk in Welsh. The Welsh people from many countries comeback to Wales for the National

Eisteddfod. You won't hear much English at an Eisteddfod.

There are competitions at an Eisteddfod, too; for the best Welsh poem and song of the

year; and for the best singers. The competitions are organized by the Druids. The Druids wear

long clothes; their leader is always a poet.

About a hundred years ago, some Welsh people became very interested in the old

traditions and ceremonies at the Eisteddfod.

Welsh traditions are very old, and the Welsh people are very proud of them.


Eisteddfod — Айстедвод — (змагання валійських співаків, музикантів, поетів)

Druid—друїд, розпорядник на Айстедводі

Complete the quiz.

1. What is an Eisteddfod? a) a city; b) a meeting: c) a part of 2. Where does an Eisteddfod take place? a) in London; b) in Scotland; c) in Wales 3. How long does it last? a) two days; b) for a week; c) three 4. Who organizes an Eisteddfod? a) the Druids; b) the composers; c) the singers 5. Who is the leader of Druids? a) a musician; b) a singer; c) a poet

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Індивідуальне завдання №15

1.Прочитати текст

2.Перекласти текст.

3.Виписати невідомі слова.

4.Визначити чи твердження правильне чи не правильне.

A Sad Story

Three men came to New York for a holiday. They came to a very large hotel and took a

room there. Their room was on the forty-fifth floor.

In the evening the three men went to the theatre and came back to the hotel very late.

"I am very sorry," said the hotel clerk, "but our lifts are not working. If 2 you do not

want to walk up to your room, you will have to sleep in the hall."

"No, no," said one of the three men, "no, thank you. We do not want to

sleep in the hall. We shall walk up to our room."

Then he turned to his two friends and said: "It is not easy to walk up to the forty-fifth

floor, but I think I know how to make it easier. I shall tell you some jokes; then you, Andy, will

sing us some songs; then you, Peter, will tell us some interesting stories. That will pass the


So they began to walk up to their room. Tom told them many jokes; Andy sang some

songs. At last they came to the thirty-fourth floor. They were very tired,

"Well," said Tom, "now it is your turn, Peter. Tell us a long and interesting story with a

sad ending."

"I shall tell you a story," said Peter. "It is not long, but it is sad enough: we left the

key to our room in the hall."

I. Tick whether the following statements True or False.

1.Four men came to New York for a holiday. (T / F)

2.Their room was on the forty-fifth floor. (T / F)

3.In the evening the three men went to the theatre and came back to the hotel very early.


4."I am very sorry," said the hotel clerk, "but our lifts are not working." (T / F)

5.We do not want to sleep in the hall. (T / F)

6.We shall not walk up to our room. (T / F)

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7.One of the three men said: "It is easy to walk up to the forty-fifth floor." (T / F)

8.One of the three men said: "I shall tell you some jokes." (T / F)

9.So they began to walk up to their room. (T / F)

10.At last they came to the thirty-fourth floor. They were very tired. (T/ F)

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Індивідуальне завдання №16

1.Прочитати текст

2.Перекласти текст.

3.Виписати невідомі слова.

4.Відповісти на запитання.

What Are You Crying about?

Two men, John and Jim, travelling through the country in America, stopped at a small

inn for dinner. On the table there was a large cup of mustard. One of the men thinking the

contents were custard or sweet jam of some kind took a spoonful of it in his mouth. Tears ran

down his cheeks, but wishing to have his friend Jimmy caught in the same trap, he said nothing

of the mistake he had made. The other man, seeing that his friend was crying, said:

"Listen, Jim, what are you crying about?"

"I was thinking of my father who was hanged twenty years ago," Jim replied.

Soon after, John took a spoonful of the mustard, and as the tears started running down his

cheeks, Jim, in his turn, said: "What are you crying about?"

"I think what a pity you were not hanged the same day your father was," came the



inn — готель у сільській місцевості



custard — приправа з яєць, молока і борошна


to hang (hanged, hanged) — вішати (про людину)

Answer the questions.

1.Where were the two men travelling?

2.Where did they stop?

3.What were they going to do at the small inn?

4.What was there on the table?

5.Where was the cup of mustard?

6.Why did John take the mustard?

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7.Why did John cry?

8.What did John want Jimmy to do?

9.Was Jimmy caught in the same trap?

10.Did they understand each other?

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Індивідуальне завдання №17

1.Прочитати текст

2.Перекласти текст.

3.Виписати невідомі слова.

4.Відповісти на запитання.

A Good Friend

Three men were travelling in South Africa. For about a week they had almost no food. At

last one of them said that he would go out of the hut, where they were staying, and bring back

something to eat, even if it were a lion. He had not gone far when he met a lion. As the lion

rushed towards him, he turned and ran in the direction of the hut. When he ran up to the hut

door, which was open, he stumbled and fell and the lion burst into the hut. The man jumped to

his feet, closed the door, and shouted to his friends inside, "Here you are, mates. Skin that one,

while I'll be looking for another."



in the direction of— у напрямку до

to stumble—спотикатися

to burst (burst, burst) into — вриватися, вдертися

to skin — здирати шкіру

I. Answer the questions.

1.Where were the three men travelling?

2.How long were they without food?

3.What did one of the men say at last?

4.Was he going to bring back something to eat?

5.Did the man meet a lion?

6.What did the lion do when it saw the man?

7.What did the man do when the lion rushed at him?

8.In what direction did the man rush?

9.What happened to the man when he ran up to the hut door?

10. Who burst into the hut through the open door?

11.What did the man shout to his friend?

12.Were the two men in the hut glad to see the lion inside?

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Індивідуальне завдання №18

1.Прочитати текст

2.Перекласти текст.

3.Виписати невідомі слова.

4.Поставити 5 запитань до тексту.

Black or Red?

"We are going to the seaside!" cried Nick. "We shall boat and swim there. What fun we

shall have! But the best fun of all will be fishing. What a lot of beautiful red lobsters there are

in the sea!"

"Red lobsters!" cried Billy, with a loud, jolly laugh. "Do you really think that they are

red? I have seen a lot of lobsters in the fishermen's baskets, but they are not red at all. They are

almost black, that's what they are!"

"Stop your nonsense!" cried Nick. "I have eaten lobsters, so I know what they look like.

They are as red as blood".

"As black as coal!" laughed Bill.

Nick got so angry that he began to look almost as red as a lobster.

Both boys got very angry. They began to shout and to call one another names.

Bill's grandfather heard their loud voices, and he came up.

"Hello! What's the matter?" said he.

"Grandpa, aren't lobsters black?" cried Bill.

"Aren't they red?" shouted his friend.

"Well, my boys," said the old man. "You are both right and both wrong. You don't seem

to know that lobsters are almost black until they are boiled, and that their colour is red after


"I shall give you a prize, Nick," went on Bill's grandfather, "for every RED lobster that

you fish out of the sea, and you, Bill, for every BLACK lobster that you can eat at table".

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Індивідуальне завдання №19

1.Прочитати текст

2.Перекласти текст.

3.Виписати невідомі слова.

4.Поставити 5 запитань до тексту.


At the geographical heart of England is the vibrant city of Birmingham, England's

"second capital". It's in the west Midlands and has a population of just over one million. It's a

big industrial centre, producing jewellery, metal and most important of all, cars. British

Leyland, the biggest car producers in the UK, employ thousands of people in the Birmingham


Birmingham grew quickly after the industrial revolution in the eighteenth century

because it was the centre of Britain with good communications and large local supplies of local

coal and water. In the twentieth century it expanded even more and now it's a major European

city. For example, in the modern city centre there is a huge shopping centre called the Bull

Ring. Birmingham is also an important conference centre and is only a short distance from

Shakespeare's birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon. The city's name is often abbreviated to Brum

and its inhabitants (who have a very distinctive accent) are called Brummies.

Another important part of Birmingham's identity is the large immigrant population.

Birmingham is a multiracial city and also has a high student population since there are two

universities in the area.



Midlands—the central part of England


jewellery—ювелірні вироби employ—наймати supply—запас expand—

розширювати identity—індивідуальність

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Індивідуальне завдання №20

1.Прочитати текст

2.Перекласти текст.

3.Виписати невідомі слова.

4.Поставити 5 запитань до тексту.

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Sometimes a book can help change history. One book that certainly did was Uncle Tom's

Cabin, written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It was a book that spoke out against slavery.

At the time Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote her novel, there were over 3.5 million slaves in

the United States. Slaves were usually in the cotton-growing states of the South. The Northern

states had abolished, or gotten rid of, slavery. Yet most Northerners were not strongly against

slavery. They were willing to let slavery continue in the South.

Stowe was determined to make people understand that slavery was evil. Each night after

putting her six children to bed, she worked on her novel. She told the story of characters like

Tom, a courageous old slave, Simon Legree, a cruel man who buys Tom, and Eliza, who makes

a dangerous escape to freedom.

Uncle Tom's Cabin was published in 1852. Over 300,000 copies were sold in a year.

People reacted strongly to the novel. In the North, many people were finally convinced

that slavery must be ended. In the South, many people were very angry.

Disagreements between the North and the South grew. By 1861 the two sections of the

country were at war. The Civil War, which lasted until 1865, finally brought an end to slavery.

Of course, the Civil War had many different causes. Yet Uncle Tom's Cabin surely

played a part. Stowe met President Lincoln in 1862. As Lincoln took her hand, he said, "So

you're the little woman who started the big war."

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II вид завдань. Написання поширеної відповіді на задане питання або ситуацію.

Запитання та ситуації:

1. Уявіть, що Ви пишете листа своєму другові, який живе у Англії. Розкажіть йому

якомога більше про Вашу родину.

2. Ваша шкільна подруга отримала нагоду поїхати до Великої Британії, але вона

нічого не знає про ту країну. Дайте їй повну інформацію про Велику Британію,

звернувши увагу на визначні місця цієї країни.

3. Коли Ви прийшли на навчання, Ваші однокурсники просять Вас розповісти, як

Ви провели літні канікули. Опишіть детально Ваш літній відпочинок.

4. Ви опинилися в англомовному таборі, де нічого не знають про Україну. Дайте їм

вичерпну інформацію про свій рідний край.

5. У Вас дуже напружений робочий тиждень, і Ви з нетерпінням чекаєте на вихідні.

Опишіть, будь ласка, те, що Ви робите на вихідних у різні пори року.

6. Вас запросили на конференцію, де Ви маєте виступити з доповіддю на тему:

“Видатні особи України”. Поінформуйте членів конференції про біографію видатних осіб

та їхній внесок у розвиток країни.

7. На відпочинку у таборі Вас просять розповісти про Вашого найкращого друга

(Вашої найкращої подруги). Розкажіть про родину, рід занять, захоплення Вашого друга

(Вашої подруги).

8. Ви читаєте з великим захопленням. Найбільше Вам подобається англійська

література. Напишіть про одного з Ваших улюблених письменників Великої Британії.

9. Напишіть, яка Ваша улюблена пора року. Обґрунтуйте Вашу відповідь.

10. Ви – прихильник здорового способу життя. Повідомте студентів про

шкідливість тютюнопаління.

11. Яке Ваше улюблене свято? Опишіть, як Ви його святкуєте.

12. Ви дуже любите слухати музику. Який жанр (вид) музики Вам найбільше до

вподоби. Напишіть про Вашого улюбленого виконавця (групу).

13. Ви б дуже хотіли поїхати у США. А що Ви знаєте про цю країну? Переконайте

своїх друзів у тому, що туди варто поїхати.

14. Ваша знайома, яка живе закордоном ніколи не була у Києві. Напишіть їй про

визначні місця Києва.

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15. В Україні є багато видатних письменників. Але Вам подобається творчість

лише одного з них. Напишіть про свого улюбленого українського письменника.

16. Що Ви знаєте про Лондон? Розкажіть своїм друзям про визначні місця столиці

Великої Британії.

17. Опишіть своїм друзям з-за кордону те, як проводить свій вільний час молодь


18. Ваше ставлення до спорту. Який Ваш улюблений вид спорту? Опишіть його.

19. Ви зустріли своїх шкільних друзів. Розкажіть їм, яку професію Ви обрали і


20. Напишіть, яке місце у Вашому житті посідає книга. Які книги Ви полюбляєте

читати? Яка Ваша улюблена книга і про що в ній розповідається?

21. Яку роль відіграє комп'ютер та Інтернет у сучасному суспільстві?

22. Англійська мова як потужний засіб міжнародного спілкування. Напишіть про

важливість вивчення англійської мови.