
NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. TOE SEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE IS PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. SUNDAY EXCEPTED, at 30 ans-stbltt, sirr-ioan, K And dehveredtoCItySulacrlber.sforNiSECrjasr^ or, when they p.cfer, they cut pay la advance at the Desk for six months or a year at the same rate. Sin¬ gle copies Two Cents. Mail subscribers Five Dollars per annum. In advance, and the paper in no case con¬ tinued beyond the time for srhlch it is paid. Su»<»crip- tjoM v;',.. n for six months. Three Dollars In advance required In all exchanges with Country Newspapers. Daily papers received at this Office terms arc higher than those ol Tux Tautrjri are not allowed any dlflerence. ttsxs or /ire Iahh, or le«».First Insertion. 2S cents. .' for each subsequent insertion. IS| " Ten Lira, and over six.First insertion. 50 " " " for cstth subsequent Insertion. 15 " fer one weck.»I 50 *' '* for one inontli.Sb 00 " MarrlSTes, Funeral Notices, Ac. not exceedingfice Una. " JrV Ali Advertisements Inserted In this paper appcar both in the Morning and In the Evening Edition. Yiatlu A'ltcrtaers.not to exceed 12 lines, with privilege of renewing advertisements at plea¬ sure, (payable quarterly or half yearly hi ad- vaBcc).**° W NEW.YORK WEEKLY TRIBÜNE« A VERY LARGE PAEEK, FOR THE COVSTSX, IS rrilLISUED EVXKT SATTXDXr MOfcNINO, A t the low price of TWO DOLLARS per annum, in advance. THE TRIBUNE. Polltlcnl Mnirnanlmlty. We copy the following paragraph from the Chris¬ tian Politician, published at Cincinnati, and edi¬ ted by KevT Win. H. Brubane, a Baptist clergy¬ man, formerly of South Carolina, who emancipated hi- slaves some years ago and is now an active member of the ' Liberty Tarty.' It was by slan¬ ders on the personal character of Mr. Clay, Stich us Mr. Brisbane here pronounces 'shameful.' thai he was defeated at the late election; and tlie*-- elanders were circulated with no less zeal by the 'Liberty Tarty'than by the Loco-Focos. If that party, in fact, had nut given currency through its lecturers and presses to the grossest falsehoods, Mr. Clay would now be President of the L'nitcd States and the fisul plot of Annexation would have been defeated for ever. There is a pang ol" bitterne.-s in tili.« thought that tempts us to speak with burning severity, but we forbear. SiiAMF.rtx 2.Whatever may luve been Mr. Clay's prl- li.i-.o 'er, and however It may have afforded ;ustifla- b!c roa«oii« for opposing his elevation to Hie Presidency, now that he is no longer a candidate before us, it is indeco¬ rous in the highest degree to force him Into a speech for the purposes of partisan denunciation. At any time, even when Mr. ('lay was before the people for their suffrages, tei man ought to have been Justified In pronouncing him ih«- 'Blackleg of Kentucky,' aa Mr. Fllnn recently ex¬ pressed himself in our llou«e ol Representatives. At any lime it was a libel; and although moral considerations prevent! d many from voting lor Mr.Clay, yet slander alone could place ulm In the same category with "blacklegs." Neither politically nor morally have I ever sympathised with Mr.Clay, but I should feel ashamed of myself, ii in a hasty moment, I shouliPuttcr the language of Mr. Fllnn in reference to an aged man, und a citizen who enj..ys the warmest affections of a large portion of his countrymen.. His public acts and principles must necessarily ever be sub¬ ject to review, bnt no man has u right to trifle with the private character ofln private citizen, nml he who does It .night to te taught by bis constituents better manners. If Ihcro bo virtuecnougb among the Democrats who consti¬ tute the majority Of Hamilton county, they will teach their representative tlmt it is base to slanderacy one, and Igno¬ ble to iiiimplciipoii the fellings,,f political opponents. For the mika of the honor Of our country lot usbavo rcpic«otl- latives magnanimous enough to do justice to opponents, and tO respect the rights nf all men and the feeling of ttiern om oi hi-own constituents. How ,in Poor Live. It is not ut all uncommon to meet sleek, well fed, comfortable people who really believe that there is no considerable distress among the I'oor except what is occasioned by their own idlen-=.=, improvidence or dissipation! To sho.v how cruelly mistaken is this notion, we make the following transcript from the most recent records ol the Mar- rxneti Family Industrial Society, instituted for the relief of the needy families of Seamen. The wri¬ ter says: " Inoiv recall, with a heavy heart, the circumstances of some ofthose seamen's families with whom the Vis; Coin, have come in contact since the publication of our Report, Dec. Si l. and will endeavor to be as concise us possible in the statement. Mis. B. Siitlor'swlfe.molher of five children, between the arcs of seven weeks and eight years.has an aged mother (O support. Husband's wages SIS per month, rent JI per mouth. Is n good SctlLstre.-s, but can obtain but little employment. Mrs. EL Sailor's widow.sick With dropsy.part of the time able to sit up and sow has two children under eleven 4 vears of age. .Mrs. S. Sail i's widow.In feeble health, with rlvc ehil- dreh all too \oiing to work. Mrs. E. Sailor's wife.husband an invalid.has four children.Is a good seamstress, and if supplied with work ul our prices, could Sustain herself and family. Mrs. O. Sailor's widow, with an infant too young to learn, good scsnistress, but cannot obtain employment. Mrs. It. Husband supposed to Is.' lost in one of Ihc mis¬ sing packets ;.confined to her bed by illness destitute wlDi two children. Mrs. p. Husband supposed to be lo t in the October gale. Is la feeble health, and tat want ol every thing, save what a sister who goes out washing, cau contribute. The dis¬ tress id' mind occasioned by rctlecting upon the husband's r probable sufferings ami death, and her own destitution, at times threaten to overthrow her reason. Mrs. L. Sailor's mother, has had an attack of paralysis ; her son is now at sea, and she is mainly supported by the exertions of her daughter, together with occasional aid flow the Society. We cannot help adding that these wo¬ men hin e deprived themselves of every necessary to avoid Inclining debt." The funds of the Society being nearly exhaii-ted, the visi¬ tors icel that II these new cases, thus publicly stated, do not elicit ss mpathy, they must refrain from entering the doors ol a; kaiils. as it .scouts but mockery to make such visits without ubility to proffer relief. The Store of the Society will bo removed on the first of May from 70 ( hcrry-street to 325 Pearl-street, and may God Incline many to give their castoin to Ihofe who will place the work In the hands of thw'neody, and employ the profits In assisting tho aged and infirm, at.d rnntding the Isirs-avvd w idow to keep her children around h«r until they are old enough to cam their bread. Fearing to trespass too far, I will close my coiuniuiia-a- tlon without copying all tho urgent ctuws now on the li-t, and if any feel inclined to assist the above named IndivtdttV. al«, by caUiug at tho Society's Store, they can receive the aildress of the visitor who wdl give the requisite infonna- ; ''en. ALAURA. Corporeal Punishment in Schools. i To the Editor of The Tribune: Having been much Interested, at a recent examination by the County Superintendent of District School No. 3. Tenth Ward, I desire through the medium of your paper to give publicity to a few facts. There were present 1,0JO children, 461 of whom were In the Primary Department. The examination of the several Departments was highly satisfactory, giving evidence that the cUUdrcii were well lu- * Juneted by their respecUve teachers. The happy coun¬ tenances of the children spoke volomcj la favor of the dis- i inline of tho School, which Is that of uioral suasion. Cor¬ poreal punishment has been banished from most of the departments, proving Indisputably that the Utte of kindiiess i*i *U! prevail This is to me a most interesting fact, and one % which I believe will give pleasure to those who desire to ä see children treated as creatures. This Is one of ' the few Schools where the monitorial system Is not In j fore?; each child Is under tho instruction of teachers care- jj fully seloeted. Tho school-house tone of the flucst In the I City} proves that the Ward idläce» are faithful, and deserve 6 the thanks of the comm.anity for the ahlo manner In which they have discharged their duty. If by these few rrtuarks 1 shall incite one hitherto indifferent to look into the mat- l tcr, or, by well merited approbation, sustain those «!: ire * laboring in the work of Common School Education, 1 shall have accomplished my ohjcsTt- PaarST. Gkttimg Ukauy for, tile Nkw Postage.We 1 want to put our i ankes neighbors ott the l.HjkoUt in season to get ready for the new postage law. which takes effect on ,i the lstoi July. After that linns, the postage on Utters a| will bo rejruJatcd by weight, and not bv the number of pieces 11 pa,s-r. Half an ounce weight passes for a -in !e icitcr. Ths- first thin; re-imred, then, will bo. a cheap scale * to weigh letters, ever,) mau ut' bnstnsea win require such r l convenience. Thuro arc »» venu diöerent patterns In ose in England, but wo have not the slightest dsmbt. of course, ibat Yankee genulty can improve on them all and give" a neat artldo tor the writing-desk or centre table, at a w>t ol lurss than hail a dollar. The other arc. le Is the vn- U... envelope. Ths; half ounce wUl carry two sheets ot" «cauuoii letter j>aper witli a,i envx-lo|<e, which will furnbb uxii^lcte security against ttisi letters t«-:ng pried lnus and reed. Those envoi >pes are made and sold In London for Gd Srrliug pur bundled, au.l will go Into general use here, and * tboe who first go Into thg buslucss will make the money. [Boston Chronicle. icy A subscriber, who has been indebted to us a b>ng while, writes that he is determined " to prac¬ tice the most uuremitting industry" in order to cu- ^>le himself to pav us. He would please us better a he were somewliat remitting in his industrv-. % [Louisville Journal. BY GREELEY & McELRATH VOL. IV. NO. 292. ?Ir. Clny* Antl-Slav« ry Paper. The proposal of Cassitjs M. Clav to establish an Anti-Slavery journal in Kentucky is not asfavora bly received by the press ofthat State as we could wish, though wc cannot help indulging the hope that there is a strong undercurrent ot opinion in his favor which will make itself felt in due time. The Ohio State Journal savs it is reported that .Mr. Clay has -'WO subscribers in Lexington alone. This, if true, is certainly a very cheering fact. We gave some days ago :he remarks on this subject of the Lexington Ob.-' rv.-r; we now give those of the Lexington Inquirer: Sla\ rar.'; he Tacz stated la onr last Hint wc should tak-.- fmc notice of the prospec¬ tus of a new paper to be establish! i! in this city, by C 31. . lav and others, but ti|>oii reflection, have thought it best to act upon the principle thai " $vjfdent fi r the oVry is the "it there"'," and that when the paper makes Its apt«ear- aace and avows more fully iL- principles and objects, it will l.e time enough t-> take up the-iihjcrt, more especially as avc might place those who are to be concerned in the publication »f the paper, and Mr. Clay particularly, in an attitude they d noi Intend to occupy.. We wiQ, however, sa,' with a correspondent, whose com¬ munication we may hereafter publish. '. that we do not believe Mr. Clay and tho-e who may onga-e with him will infuse their feelings on ti e subject of slavery Into any con .idcrable portion of the people of Kentucky, and therefore for his own, and for the sake of the peace Of society, could he Und It compatible with the objects of his ambition, we should be glad to see him cease to agitate the f abject ol slivery, or if that is Impossible, that he would m ike some ether quarter the theatre of ht» operations." For although Mr. Clay may nut Intend that his paper shall lie an Abolition paper, accccdhigto what is now understood tobe the) abject and principles of that party. //ie« aa-iii i<k>k upon both Mr. Liar aud his paper, as coadjutors and co- laborers in the unholy work in which they are engaged ; aud such ti»o, will I* the opinion of three-fourths.ts-rhaps nine-tenths.of the people of Kentucky. The agitation of the subject ai Ibis time can do no OOd, but will dotihtless do much harm. It is always calculated 'o c.xaejivratc the public mind, and to create hopes In the minds of the slaves, that cannot speedily. If ever I* realized, ami rjooeequcntly make them useless, di-cnnteiited. and disobedient; which must inevitably cause their chains to hemore tightly drawn and more flrmly riveted. Sine.- the foregoing was in type, we have met with the following remarks of the Farmers' Chronicle, published at Richmond, Ky. It will be seen that the Editor docs not hesitate to express his gratification at the prospect of seeing the Slave question submitted to ihe test of free discussion : The prospectus of the ' Trae American,' of which wc ¦poke in our la»t nunilier, Is inserted to-day. As we then staled, and as will be seen by the prospectus itself, the UCW paper will advocate, as a principal object of its establish, incut, a gradual riddance of this Slate of iho institution of Slavery by constitutional means. We Isclieve that few persons of Intelligence can be i und in Kentucky, or, in¬ deed. In any other Stute, hat w ill readily acknowledge that Slavery is an evil, and a great moral und jsolitieul disad¬ vantage to the community in which it is established.. Equally general is the opinion that it IS inimical to tins continued well-being of society, and thai Inseparably con¬ nected with its existence ure dangers w hich, however re¬ mote or latent, are yet seen and lelt by all. Another view ..j the subject la taken by many good citizens, viz : the In¬ justice done the slave by retaining him under Involuntary honilage. These considerations, with perhaps others, have brought the minds of many persons in our Stale to the con- clusloii that somemeasure sho ild be adopted with a view to the gradual eradication ,d" the evil. Hut iln-re is u differ¬ ence ufo; Inlon among those who think such a step neces¬ sary as to the time ol commencing the work mid the plan of eticcting It.some believing that it should not be de¬ layed, whilst others deem the present an uupropiUous pe¬ riod for sii.ii a movement. The subject is one of vast moment to the people of Ken tin iky, and if it b discussed in the proper spirit wc sen no good rea-oii why It should nut he done new as well as at any future time. Uur wish is to see il brought fully before the people, without agttntlon. w llhout excitement, without a Mending of It with ..-.her schemes or extraneous matters. There bus been so much mid well grounded feeling engen¬ dered against fanatical abolitionism, in slave communities, owing to the course pursued by the mischievous ultralsm Of that unprincipled clan, that it has become, in the view of many j>crsoiis, almost' treason to the State to express an opinion ag.siust slavery. This U going to the other ex¬ treme. No Keiitucklan should hesi ate to look any ques¬ tion full in the face, avail tiimseli ofev.iv light that bo can COmmai d, and tlren form and express his opinions nil \ upon IL As an Individual, and a cltl/en of iho beloved Common¬ wealth in which w e were born, und with ,vhose honor and welfare we feel all our ileresla and hopes uro Identified, « e ¦ue gratified that a subject so nearly affecting her honor and future destiny. Is about to be submitted to the test of reason and the best Intellects in the State. Let it be done calmly and in the spirit of sincere patriotism, and with a rigid regard to the rights of every citizen, and ne injure can follow ; while much good may i*.- eflected. Dedication oy a School H use..Boston dedi¬ cated a new Grammar School on Wednesday. It bears the name of the' 'ti.-. Grammar School,' in compliment to the venerable Ilarri-ua Cray Otis. Mr. Otis was present at the dedication, with Gov. Briggs und the Mayor, and made an Interesting speech. In^wÜcIi he dwelt upon the t ones of his own school-boy days. Among ether amusing Incidents of the olden time, he s.ud that Ins schoolmaster used to reward all the well- behaved scholar-, i \ ery Wed¬ nesday afternoon,with sliellnariu,which he threwoutoi the window, allowing the boys the fun of Scrambling for them: Citiriii n KtiutiKii..The Catholic Church in this village "was broken Into, on Sunday night last, and the plate, Priest's dress a canted«if. An attempt was also made to tire Ihe Church. The Church lists aud other papers were set on (Ire in a chest, where, from the want of air, the papers only burnt. [Oswcgo Whig. Dues.Vt Lyons, on the 22d April, Major EZEKJEL PKl( F., In tUo 80th year ol bis age. It is seldom wc arc called upon to record the decease ot a innti so universally esteeundas Was Major Price, lie was looked upon as a very model of excellence. Heine, too, one of the first settlers of this place, be was held in the pro (bundost veneration by per«ons ofevery grade. The deceased was a native ol Now-J.-sey, from Which Stale he emigrated to Lyons (with an Interesting family) in the lall of ISOtf, at which time the whole region of country North of Geneva was little short of an entire wilderness, lie purchased a small Improvement on the lot now occu¬ pied by Es # Biggs where he resided some years, when be removed to the village, and commenced taverti-keeting. and although, like all others of that day, he did not luDy realUe the baneful etfects of the traffic In spiritm us liquors, his house was kept strictly arcordtng to law : and. m c- over, he made It a rule, from which ho could not be Induced to .u part, to sell no liquor on the Sabbath. He also, ab :.t ttiis time, for ihe accommodation of the Inhabitants, estab¬ lished a store, which was the first, and fur some time the only one. North ofGeneva. Major Price was always ready to ns-lst in carrying out, both bj his personal exertions and his pecuniary means any enterprise intended for the benefit of the town or the good ef the community. De was mainly instrumental in securing the establishment of .& Post Office in ilus villas a'>otit the year l-uo, over which he was appointed to pre¬ side.and for several years, at a pecuniary loss to himself, curried the mall, in person, to and from Geneva. He COU- tinned to hold this office until some time aster the election Of Gen. Jackson to the Presidency.when, Hol l»e!itg Jackson man. and iherc being .oiue"a:-pl:c itioiis for the place from among those w ho "bowed the knee to Baal." rather than be supplanted, he resigned, and his son-in-law, K. II. Foster, was appointed to riil the vacancy. The Major, however, continued to perform the duties of iheotfice as a dork, until the Spring of lsii. when he was again Invested ¦ Ith the title of Postmaster, by Hon. Fran¬ cis Granger, then Postmaster General. Mr. Tyler's guil- lottae was used fredy around as, aud yet, singularly enough, it did not reach Maj. Price until within three months of the ax rirat ion of that rfiguitary's term Of etllce, though Maj. Price made no reserve of bis political princi¬ ples when catechised by the Department. It was his wish, as stated hy h!m in a card published In this paper a few w eeks since, to remain at the j-osi thr duties of whll Il he had so long and so faithfully Discharged, until the tlrst of April next, which wish was signified to the Postmaster General; but the place was wanted for one more pliant than hinueh, am", he was therefore removed. Major pri.-e was a man of the Strictest probity, and of] enlarged and liberal view s. Tlie comparison h is frequently been made." As honest .is Major PriCC." He had la-en for many years a professor of religion, and truly adorned the church Of which he w as a member. He despised every thing th it savored oi'bigotry, and though a Pre*byterim la sentiment, he regularly attended,'and sometimes acted as chorister of the .Methodist Church In this place, before the organization of the ITesbyteriau Society ; and to punc¬ tual was he in attendance at the house of God, that, when absent. Inquiries pare set on foot as to the cause of his ab¬ sence. As a military man, he r. nderelhis country no small service. He was Captain ol a Volunteer Company, which, in I7'.»l, under Gen. Bioomlield, of Ncw-Jeisey, marched to what was then called Fort Pitt, BOW l'ittsburg In Penn¬ sylvania, t«assist tu quelling the memorable** »YMskej- Insurrection." And at the commencement of the last w..r .< ;:i Great assisted Capt. Dorsey In raising a Comonny of Exempts, who volunteered their services to the Cor. of-Xew-York to act within the bounds of the Üotmf- of Ontario to repel Invasion and to guard ¦. too- en. This cam pany Maj. Price took much pains in dri.iiiic; and rendering nt for *ervlev.and such w.-.s the martial ..; rcamnce they presented that the Gov. had them sapplied with arms whl the militia were sadly iu want of them. Tin-mpativ want to Sodus when invasion was ihtrateii Od, and wasCOmpUinsaUaal In tuviaig the right of tlM r< -.- ment awarded to löcm. l'l.rmg the w ir Maj. Price's tavern wa- always ois.ii for the entertainment of the defenders of the country, to wh m particular attention was shown, whether they had de means to pay for it ">r not; an" in thi- way aljnc on Im¬ portant service -ras rendered the country-. In addition to his other excellencies. Major lYico was a arm and unwavering Whig. aides* prevented by sick¬ lies* or absence from home, always availed hin.self of the uiestlmaMc pr.vilegi- ol" the elective franchise. This sketch, from It* tmperiectnc-*, avid give the reader hut a faint conception of the true character of the surj-ct of it; and though It cxceecLs In length the generality of such nonces, " ike half Us not been told." [Wavue County Whig. " mm EMOVAL-t LAKK Ai COLEMAN nave removed Horn "so. IU Broad jt-awt to No. 18 South St. ml3 31* R NEW-YORK GRABAS! HOUSE.NEW ARRANGEMENT..EOS- WE!.!. GOSS informs hit friends and the public that he h u enlarge his B0ARDIS6 tZSTAShlSnilKST, kn wn as the G-aham House, 03 Barclay-»-.rcct, by adding to it the adjoi .ins hous.?, ar: i is preparsd to acccmm~!ate rra«- si-nt or permanent Boarders on the m s: favorable terrr.s. AI! friends of Temperance desiring a qnict home, a:;: fr- dorn from the fumes of aleotiol and tobacco, are Invited to patronize Ui.s hoa-e. T!ie Vegetable .System, with the choicest selection o: fruits, Ac. which the market affords, will be strictly adhered to, but a table wiil be served for tho e whe prefer the ordinary mode, or mixed diet. Croton Shower, Warm and Co!d Baths, free. 05 tf BOSWELL GOSS. f.'- LEECHES .\ M>i CPS a, plied by Air. MAGNUS- SON, corner of Broadway ar.d Bro-jme street, entrance in Broome st. New-Tork. _ References..Tn. Cher-smart, Dr. Mott, Dr. Nelson, I>r. Francis. l>r. Stearns, Or. I'.'rrer, I>r. Weed, Dr. Sinclair, Dr. 1 >. s-mtb. >r. >..., . ...... Best Swedish Leeches constantly on hand. laO .Ira !'iilMi.\'i AND' li'-'oK !;!.\[)|\',. TRIBUNE JOB PRINTING Oir'ICE, >'o. 7 SPRUCE-STREET. All kinds of Job Printing, such as Pamphlets, Mammoth Show-Bills, Catalogues, Lecture-!'.;:'... Checks, Concert-Rills, Plain ani Cards, Fancy, Insurance iv-l iclci, Political BUls, Bills of lading, Circalars, (neat) Ac. Chrculars, Promptly executed at the Office, No. 7 Sprucc-strcct. TRIBUNE BOOI^BLNDERY, No. 7 Cr-ntTE-STaEFr. (THIRD STORY.) G AY L 0 R D &. A L E X A ND E ft, Are prepared to execute Binding for BOOK-SELLERS PUBLIC LIBRARIES, and private individuals. N. B..Particular attention paid to rebinding old Books, Periodicals, Music. &c. in good style and at reasonable rates. Persons visiting the city can have thc-ir books rebound at short notice. ii7tf THE OLD ESTABLlSI IED ~~ JOB BOO K -BINDERY, 112 and 111 Fulton-st. The subscriber continues to give his special attention to all descriptions of JOB B<>0K-BIN*!jINO, and Invites Liorarians, all persons baying charge of Book Institutions, and gentlemen having Libraries, to call and inspect his unit;iie and substantial styles of Book-binding, and beg. to reler to the llrat Booksellers and Librarians in this city. For durability of workmanship, with even- variety of taste, and very reasonable charges, this extensive estab¬ lishment stands unrivaled. EDWARD W ILKER CHEAP CASH ROOK-STORE. E. WALKER, Bookseller and Publisher, IMFulton-sL Always on hand .1 g jul assortment of school B-oks; Stan¬ dard Works ofAmerican and English editions; Miscellane¬ ous Books and Stationery of every kin.', nt greatly rolm-cd prices, tor rash. <Vin«rv dealers «11»., lieil. j-gM' MED'ICINKS. CALL AND SEE THE ORIGINAL "DOCU¬ MENTS." Col. NASE, of .1 men in, New-York, irrücs under date of January 28, 1843, as folloict: Mr. Isa sr ItfTTs : Sir: 1 he high estimation in which Wiitar'i Iiilsn-n ofWild Cherry is In Id is nothing more than it im riu.. Daring -"-11 its l-on-tici d effects in my own fj-uily. brlicre it to be luialua- b'»* in cases ofliicipient ousumi'riou. My wife, whose constitution i> naturally feeble, in the fall oflSO took a severe ci Id. whichaflected h-r lungs, producing a harassing cough aud hoarseness, so that she could with diffi¬ culty «is-ak. While on a visit to her fri»n,Is last spring,'her attending physicians h-cain-- alarmed st h»r situation, told in r til ,t un¬ less her cough au,l other symptoms left her as the we itber ap¬ proached, it would be not likely u lite warm weather became cold. At 1 h,- -atne time lie gave some medicine to tak- whii i. tended to lessen her fever, but ill her OL'GII. HOARSE¬ NESS and RAISING Ol- IlLOdD continued about the ¦asne time. ..\t this alarming runre of the discssn I proenrsd -. lew bottbs ol Wistar's Balsam of Wild l. rry. which sl.- te- gantotake. Atter n-ing one bottle I could perceire little or DO benefit from it.(InTaiise she hid l-eroine so Or r. ¦luce,I by this emaciating düsäse).but 1 prevailed oa her to continue its Ilse, though I freelv Cotifc.-s it was hoping against hop-. !!. fore th, second bottle w as gone I thought there was some relief, and sh- persevered m its us-till sin- had t iken >', or R bottles; and now. sir, the gratifying result is 1 PERFECT RESTORATION to her usual hs-allli. Not 01.f thane ,i inning symptoms have re-appeared; and I should do myself injustice did 1 sot fully and earnestl) rtconimcud it to oilers who rosy bo in a sinulir situation. IvespecrJuUy your friend, W. II. NASE. E. M. Swifi, Esq. District Attorney ofDutclies., Co-writes February:!, IMS. I am scqiisinted with Col. W. H. Nt-'. of Ameni;, who is a mm of truth.and his statement of Gets is entitled to full credit. Further, i know that the ln-alth of his wife is rreatly improved. E. M. SWIFT. Annul we say, call and see the hoi si,m They fully prove that this Balsam i* the only reliable remedy f,,r pains, v\ eakness of the Chest and Lung>, Coughs. Colds, Liver Complaint, Incipient Consumption, Asthma ,,f on-to IS years* st.,,,,in,Raisins of Blood, and every disease pro- Jue-d by a cold and ciiauging dim ite. Itetnember, our certificates md statements of cures are in all cases si S161 i.v nu r.. Principal Office 32 Ann-st, but sold by Dragguts in all parts ofiheeoontry. »27 in No DECEPTJON. Not a week pastes story without ire have to record some of" the mott astonishing cures of Ions, con¬ tinued Asthma, Incipient Consumption, Bleeding at the Lungs, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, and the ran us diseases of the l/ungs, performed by KOLGKK'S OLOSAOMAV. or [AlI<*HeoiIiig Balsam. It has proved Itself to l«e ÜN best medicine ever offered to th- public. The question is no longer asked; C in Asthma i-e cum ,I I Nor do those w ho luve long been under treatment by some of our hesi \<U\ »ici o,s, and b) tb- in given lip tropelest eases, but who have resorted to the use of this great remedy a,,d are eun-d, and now in the enjoyment ofgood le dlh. doubt, that 11 remedy can be found however boneless the ease mar sp- ncartobe. It is sjmrDVi d by the Faculty and reel'inmetided Ly llnan as the f( How in.- c iseol ASTHMA w ill sh-w. A gentlemen, residing 111 l"th str-s-t. had been suf¬ fering under Asthma for many years. It at last becaa. severe tint medical advice wss obtained. He was itteaded by threa of the first physicians in the city of New York. They could BOl relieve him. and t dd him tb'.t hiscasevsas I,op,de«s. Hearing of this goat rernedy be purchased a l~>ttl.'. andtri-d it. lie found perfect relief fr-111 it, and the physicians who tttendrd him di e!-oid the medicine to be wonderful indeed.- They have since rec-rnnu-mlci! it to many of their patients, RAISING PLOOD. A m-.l.i d r.iding in Itroidway. called ibis last week to say that he hid been induced to try the Olosanuiaii as a remedy, and had I", und the ino-t h,] py effects resultiug from its use, lli>, wife w ... iiotiblrd withaseverecongli, and raised blood m some quantities. He h id used one bottle and called foi another, sod -t <t- ,1....', thou.hi th- remedy au invalua¬ ble one. and should recommend it as such Mrs.Tiioei.ornN. vi Monroe st., who lud been sick fur some length of ume..waj relieved by »ne bottle of thu great reuieily. She hid a -eitr- cöughsuo raised bloed- Keu.Ev, vi Warer-st w »s ifilicteJ in the same manner, and hid b ssi under the Care of hi, physician during the wiuirr. He was »tv much reduced, and coughed con¬ stantly when he.commenced the use of.the Olosaooiin. He has used two bottles 01 il.c remedy and-tl now able to return to hl» woik, beiug entirely relieved. i ONSL YIPTiON. Mr. Wisdom, 3S"Wlrite st, wassoldw in the mouth ofDe. eemberlsst, thai he wt igivenspby his phyneian. Bisfnends also had no hopes of his recover-,-. He waS jsjrsnjdcd by a friend to try dir Olö-raonisarn and to bis snrpiise it has so far rest, r. d him to health tliat he is now able to waik about the strerts. A v onng lady whose name is left st the office, has ?o far re- coiered liom diseased lungs mi,!, r the use .It1 Oil i.-iu .hat slie is now ab!e to attend to her usual duti-j. She bad been complaining lor two \-.r.. ,u:d had l»-en attended by the best physicians Itothin Brooklyn and this «ry. They all agtss d in their opinion ofher case and pronounced her Plugs .o lar affected that tbev coald Bi t help ! er.. Her cure is t-vt: f ordinale and will -berth he | ubltshed in fnlL Oth ir personsliaveex-perieneed the cursatreproperties ol tins mt-dicine, and rmrst-sitsiiacly pronosnce it THE GREAT REMED.. , .V. M. Binmger, 191 Bard ly-street, ...r.M iU"u pfHcJboken, v'rs Bell of-M irristown. N.J., Mrs. .YicGaun au U allter-st. Mrs. Archibald 35 While nri-et. ami numerous, other ivrseii. hue been relieved Irom cough* ol big standing, Ditficultj of Ureiihiiig,4ic. and have left their names as -references at lire ° For sale at !(!<" Nasssii-street. one door above Ann; andal Mrs. Hays', ir.. Fulton-str-vt. Urooklyn._m' FOB THE PILES. FOR THE PILES!.Are y.a a!r:, w:-h P:.->' Tr--. then, without delay, Doctor Cpham's 'v eg- ctab!u Electnarv, the best remedy ever offered to public notice. Tlds rekllv excellent medicine Is the result of a th.-rough medical cdt cation and a complete knowledge oi the disease for which it is reeommended. The meV. tri- nmphant success attends Its admiuistratiou. Read the following remarkable cases: r A lady, rc-iding m Norfolk street, was lerkmsly afflicted with Illes; so great w as her suffering that, to use her own expression. Ute wai a burden; for Ihtrtwecksslmhadbeen attended bv one of our most endncnt rhysidans, without the least benefit. Satisfied that It was an aggravated case of llles, I prescribed the Electuary; two boxes were c*l. Six months after, the same lady called on me to rrescri.-c for another complaint, and then informed me that she was r«-rfectly cured of the by 'die two boas, lud Lad ex- ps-iciieid no rctuni sanec. Mrs. g.resiling in Greenestrcet.enllcd on mc last «prius, saving, tliat sbe had U-en affected with Piles for two years, accompanied by pain in the side, palpitation of tho heart, a sense cf straig^ttnes« acr.-s* the chest, and oppression. she was n&ahle; to He dovvu with- nt elevating the head and chest considerably; resting borlaontally produced a scrrsc of >uiT,scalioii. followed by a coush. Br using one box of the Electuary, tl:cpai:i In the side, patpiuition and oppres- sion ceetSOd, she could lie down wlth.-ut tnccnvctiiencc, and the Piles we.-c p-rtiaPy removed, anal a scevmi box made a con lete cere, to Cie great graui'.catiou of the patient. Z Si 01 -ins City by the fropriettr mly, a rvgularly cdu- cated Phvsichtu. conlined to at: O0CC sracticu for thetieat- ine.n ot Cnr.'m> Di.-i.sses. No. 1S6 Bowery. Medical advice in rc!a:: at to the above, or any other cs-^.p-junt. g-iti-. Price of the £ti ' orjfonc dollar. -g-*s. Reme-nher tha- the Electuary Is an Intebnal Kejiedt. uri not an external sntpueatu «. and sold otsLY a; Ii*> Bowery, f ur ds-eis al-uve Spring st. Office hoars from 7 A. M. to u p. M ;J-g tm' «». FOR SALE.A tamerim IsjnS] Hi >P.SE. ^rfectly \V.r*>-enl'e in sinric SM double harness, and aivi a gcxd /nf**V*ssddle Horse. He is sold only for want of use. Ap- 1 ' "t" at 60 Pinestreet. _ "'13 PKl'i I'-sSION" VPS.? million Percussion. Split and Rib'd'brst rntnlity, in bot-s of tOO and 200. Alss, NValker's English I'-rcusaion Lais.for sale low by in,] ^ A. W. SPIES St CO. 21S Pear!-5t. OFFICE NO. 30 ANN-STREET ., SATURDAY JIOR\i\G. ITIAK NEW PUBLICATIONS. MANUAL. ANALYTICAL AND STXCTETJCAX or ORTHOGRAPHY AND DEFINITION". BY JAMES X. KcELUGOTT; Principal of the Mechanics' Society School, N*ev»-"v>rfc. '' Th- enthor nfrhis book i* well ku <. .: as the able principal *oftt,- Mechanics'Society School in this city. In \! ail he his eipUis-J the «vsl-m which he hs* employed with such eniire-u: sacc-ss. render-d it familiar and easy, ami inaJe it* great advantag-s apparent, by a series of rirrcises of a pe- culi instructive chirr:: ;r." Just published, audio: wi- by VAN NORDEN Sc KISG. mal? 2w-.,d 12 William-street. M-rchants Ex.-h inre. R OBINso.Vs GESEN1US' HEBREW LEXK ON '. I Jrerk and Ecjlish .' Le*cr-tt\ Latin Levicon Crturius' Homeric L'xicou Felroaas ireek Reader Sophocles Greek I iramm-r M Lesson* Eaerci*?*A»id Key " Bomaic t Ir.mmar. Fur sale by mit_H 1'NTIN'i ITi 'N at S \V \C.K. ?K Pearl«. DAaNLEL Al'r-r.. ;«7 r L L iUN- <l\ .* r. »> - i vUrT." WILL TUTS MAY rfBLISil SO. 3 OF THE TREASURY OF HISTORY, Compri.ii.; a General Introductory Outline of Universal ilia- lory. Asscieut and Modern, and a S-rie* of Separate Histories of every principal Nation t!*t-tisla, tlieir Rise, Progress and I'r-*eii! Con¬ dition. Ssc. Sic. BY SAMUEL MAUNDER, Author of the" Treasury of Knowledge." " Biocrapincal Tmmry." " Literary and Scientific Tr-astiri," StC. TILE HISTi KV OE AMERICA. EDITED BY JOHN INMAN. T!i- above valuable work will be compli t»J m about twelv- Nos. octavo, printed on tine paper, witli clear type, and will be ...Id .t 25 centa per N<». Tli- first thr-e Noj.have s.lready h-en issned. and the fol- lowing; ones will be published regularly on the first of each month n-itil cumd-ted._ria 11 T HE A R T U tV iVUA VliNli BY IIAND AM) P.Y roWER: With an Intr,»h: torv Account of Its Rise and Progress In ANCIENT AND MODERN TIMES, For the Use of Manufacturers and others. P.Y CLINTON G. CII.ItOY, Prartiral RVarer ami Manufacturer. One larrc ,svo. Volume, Illustrated with nearly 300 En¬ gravings on Wood and Steel, plain and colored, ibis work written n ith admirable clearness and thoroughly practical, must prove useful to every mauuficturrr and o;--ra- tire, :.. die journeyman as well as the employer. It has cost a I-'im an-! ledefct jgxbl- ibor to g-t it out. and sold .,? the low price of Five Dollars, by fJLO. I>. BALDWIN, ski______ 3a Sprui-e sr. valuable standakt> historical wokks. Bancrofts History of the United State*. 1 rols. 10th edition, With map and plates. I're.-c. tt's History of th- Beign of Ferdinand and Ivds-Ila, 3 vols. 1,-th edition, uuinsrou, portraits, uutjgra;lbs and maps. Preicott'i History ofthe Comioest ofMexico, 3 toU; Plates; Ah. n's lli.p ry of Enrope from the commencemeut of the rreiicli Revolution to tie- il-w .r.-.tion the bVtirVu.. 4 vols. I biers' lii.torv of the French Revolution, I vols. lines. Hum-. Smollett and Millet's History ef Eugl-ind. from the Invasion OfJulius Caesar to the Corouaiiou of Georg? Ii Id. I Vo|s. N :pi--r"s History of the Peninsular War, S vols. map-am! plans. Also, a general assortment of Book ; in -nr. departmentOf literature. SCHOOL BOOKS supplied on very favorable terms. TURNER & HA1 DEN'S Cheap Cash B -.A-t ire, m'O v _10 John street, pear Broadway. i i.e subscriber hat just received a very .- re eolk ctiou of OLD ENGLISH Wi IRKS. Among which are the following: Robinson's Scripture Ch traders, 4 sola. Sixteen Discourses on Practical Subjects, by the la;.- Rex-, Benjamin Carter; A M. Lectures on th- Catechism of the Church of England, by William Gilpin, M. A. Sixteen Sermons on Docuiae and Duty ag-ic : the reigni: g Vamti-s ..f the Age. The Ute Bey. Holyburton's Inquiry. A DUsertatioa coacerniag Liberty .and necessity, with re- marksoa v irions other authors, by Jonathan Edwards, D D. A History of the Origin of the British and Foreign Bible Society by th- Rev. .1. Owen. \. V. ofCambridgt The Discourses of Richard Munkhou*. D. I' of Queen's College. Oxford, in 3 vol.. with vaiioii- others For sale by .UJKAILVM MAZK. .at bis old Establishment. ' mT 237 ni. eeki r street unp"«iie Burton. ^SCHOOLS. ITiOJL SALE.A Classical and English School, well estal- lished, in a good location, w ithin fifteen minutes' walk of the Park, ami not excelled in the reipectubility of its patron¬ age. Any person full)' competent, with »hei to SAM ready money, for w bich the nxturea and ap;i-aatui> are more an equivalent, will find an spn irtunitv of nuking a profitable K a line to ' Primus,' at ihia office. CATION AND INDUSTRi hare appropriated a tsns-' m-nt f'r the accommodation of fifteen or twenty hoirdinc pupils. Tl.ey will be m-inber, ofa family under the care of the Director ofEducation, bis wife and other Teachers : will enter into the -vine classes for study and work, and be tahfecl to the same "esersl regnlaljoas a- pupils who are metnbeisof the Association. The did ,f the family excludej meat. Terms for Hoard and Tuition Side a rear, halfpayable in adv.uice. D. MAI K, Director ol Kducatiou. M-*lj,iw, K. I.. l.-.ii. nihl t.iwSl'in BÜAlOllNG SCHOOL.IK. INO INSTITUTE,TAUT- town, x. y..WILLIAM P. LYON, A. M. Princi¬ pal..Snmrner Session will open on the 1st of May. To those who desire to place sons at Boarding School, the advantages offered at tills Institution are believed to be equal. If not superior, to any. It 1ms been in success¬ ful operation seven years The location, delightful and ?a- P.ibrious, is convenient of access from the City. The edi¬ fice is commodious and comfortable.the play grounds am¬ ple aud disconnected from the village. The government is efficient bet mdd, resembling that of a well regulated Christian family.and no day scholars are received to Coun¬ teract the salutary influence of family induing. The system of instruction is designed not merely to ad¬ vance and t>crfcct the pupil In Lhe branches studied, but to dcvelopc and instruct the judgment, to enlighten the un¬ derstanding, to form the habits, and to give a moral and useful direction to the Ir.ellnatiot.s. Further particulars, tticludJn; Catalogue of Students, opiuioiis of patrons. &c. will be fuund m the pamphlet circu¬ lar of the Institute, to U- had on application at the lio.'' 5ton of Bartktt A Weli'ord, Aitur Houia;, and Baynor'-, 75 Bowery. Reference, by permission, to the foUcrwing diatiagtilshcd gcntiemcti t Washington Irving, Esq. Hon. Daniel Webster, C. S. Senate. HomGuUac C. Yerplanck. Cat t. Alex. Slidell Mackenzie. u. S. N*. Nathaniel It. Holmes, Ksq. Tarrytown. Francis Han, Esq. Rear. Nathan Bangs, DD. VVm. C Bryant, Esq. George T. Trimble, J. It. Yau itcusselacr, M. I). Harper & Brothers, New-York City. AL*o to the following who are now or have been, patrons: Rev H W Hunt, Zebebec Cook, Jr. Bcnj L slcr. Rev L M Vincent, M Van Beuren, Oscar Irving, Rev Th..s Bnrcfa, Jas M Heyt, Theo Kcese, Rev J Hewing, J L Mort, I W Knevcis, Rer.JSeweU, C Huscnberry, I. Henisoit, Rev A F Selleck, B L Kip, GeO QinCO, Rev Dr West, P Parmony, HWClapp, J>r Jos Sczlbner, Wm G Boggs, BenJ D Brnsh, Rev I) Batscock, E W Van Voorhls, F Campbell, A U Livingston, Leonard Kirby, V," S Dimhum, Eh.-ha MoircU, Jacob Leroy, B F Howe, Peter Pinckney, Ccn G II Strihsr, II Baynor, Chaa Storm, Harvey Weed. Isaac Adnanee, J Chesterman. B F Wheelwright, Thos I'atUsoa, MorrlVRobinson, w Van Antwerp. M Pels. j30 3m BOARDING SCHOOL FUK MALE PUPlLS^Hemp. st-ad Seminarv. l|eni|i>tead, L. I. on a brat.« hol the L. 1 R uiroad, 21 miles fiom Brooklyn. Term, fr on Sliä to SIM ayear. Iirculars atJ.St J. Chamberliiis". 3 S utli William- street. Also at New man"* Book sure.;139 Broadway. The Principal during the month .of April at 73 Nassau. The Sum¬ mer Term commences the firvt >.! V *'.*. ml... "m« N V'I'H A N E L DI NN*. A. V. Prineii^l. DREPARATOKY (BOAKHLNG' SCHOOL, MLDHLE- I TOWN, CONN". D. IL CHASE, AM.PRINCIPAL Established In >"-*>. Sessions commence May LSth and Oct. lälh. contmidng Sve months, at 5i»0 per session. Thorough preparation for college or business, and person¬ al attentions are secured to pupils as tally as in the most expensive s. !;-,.U. Lada Com New-York are place ::¦ cliarge of a caretal person, going and returning. Circulars at 14 Market-street and 17t Broadway. d'idyc ***.'ULBSVl 1'H'S WRITING ANf BGOK-sCKEI'IN'i i *Jt A«'Ai>E.Mi. La Ii.,- Uml.iiags, ctroer of Br.sidw »y and Beade-street._««_ml.'_ , ISBROW*S RIÜING-P*;H00L.No. ius Bowerj'. near Aster and La Fayette Place. New-xort.Mr. D. !.the honor to announce that his School is ope.: Hay and Kvenu.^. for iL -.urstriia Tuition and ev-icise Kidiag. TEEMS. tgrr. p.x Lissoss- cagarisx niDisp. 16».SI5 00 I Mi nth.»12 >sJ 10 do .11 00130 Bides.10 00 4 Jo . i 0o"|f» do .6 Oil Single Lessons. 2 uOiSmgle Rides. 75 Ko>d do . 2 S«' N. C. Highly trained and mrt Hers«, for the Road or ra¬ mie, to let. KVTSVfa cu.s*. 1? L-ssons .S9 OSISfj Bidesi. .til e* Siagledo . RCLES5 1. *l! Lei-on.sjr Rale* ;vu.i lor on commencing. 2. iirl- boorallowed ou each Le*»ou or Bide in the tciiooL 3. Oue hour anil a half td a Leasoa oa the Road. 4.Honrs t";r Ladir.. from S A. M. to 3 .P. M. _ 5. I'..ars tor I letitl'taeit. from 3 to 5 and Irom i to *H. r. M. 6. No Grctlemea admitted daring the hours aj->rcpriaied to Ladies. \ card of add.e*.* is re.-ue»ted previoos to cmmeceiBg. r-ctletnrn k.i lug. theirbones in this estatduhcecl will liave tlee jrivilege of riding liiem in the sciiocl gratis. Day x; M vkTIN's BLACKING.Warranlrd gesmbse; f. r Vbi the dor. 01 singl- Iwttle by DAVID SANDS fcCO. < hemiats and Apothecaries. 77 Last Br.adway. ennier Ma.ket street. mi* oWr niSil LEECHES.Of5-.esize_andr*Kreetlj b«dtby. s? eons-.<ntlv on hand and for sale by tne han-ired or dozen. M>lied bv DAVli> SANDS at CO herauts end Apo- rj, ¦.'r^.'-l -st Bn ..-wsy r. r. .Va-ket.t._mil N't WTON DVrsi.!N<'> < etecnted :. :.i;um -. rri.av b- h d of lhe .ubsenber «de scent for the sale of them ni tliia city-also. Scribes of tl>e lollow,,,; patterns, bl th- macuiicturers ol tier above : \V aidroq > Urulm s.xiid Lrvd- .1 rd* I i.e.- i^-tug many »ps.-ioua article* in market, llie raldlc are hereby eantio:;ed agatuat any wmch may be stamp- * Darling or Newbery Dsriing .* azy other uvw th >se stamped in full Newton Darfinc.ti*;nn cunine. mlXMwel JA* A. FLF.I'KV. Sole Acer' t-fl lohn-*!, niXE Cl I i lir.Wl.M. Wit >--. KING I OBAC- C CO AND SNÜVK.-JOHN ANDERSON kCo.. No 2 Wall street.213 and tli Duane street, have received Car the last two years, the hithe-l pr-miums awarded by ih-a m-n- can lnstitu'e Fairs, f-r the beat Tobacco and Sonn. 3 bey tii u- to nunuCsCturr 'die win- articles at th- same ;! M s. ai d should be pleased to hare their triends and customers, and ali who deal in th-*e srticrej, to call and examine thera, bar- bag the above high aathortty lor ihsir iuperi-)r excellence. u.9 ICH L5, 1S45. ' TTrjALr.^Iv? PTOTAI REMEDY. LI l.M > !..N :M.-.NT.-T:-;< c .rated remedy i* aow k . i ;! " irrnrJ to !'v New-Fork public: the ce¬ lebrity which it hu obtained in the county l\V«:c»«>r| warn it m rntenaltr ratroducod. ha« ijdm-ed th« rropricto.- ..'' ,u ' ¦-- ''Ulf at aw country. There hu um yet b-«n liiiccitfml an external remedy tha: h-.a proved urtaia in iL»-fleets m permanently ccnng ü-e following diseases :. Raeaianf«.. SeresTcd KsuVs. P«ü, ,B the Chest und Back. Sprainsirur«*. Ncrmu Jiffcctüms. tfesienet, in th, Joint, CjK.rae.toiuuj Ott Muscles. Barns. Salt ÄAcu -a. Owp. Jrj|t««Tn i,i. Ree, TeestAVieAe. 4-, at. The roUomns letters from üv hichly eroi-ent Physicians who luve bad chafit- of the Hospital i. :. ... ,;. Suu State Pnson f.,r mwy w. u »hj. tnost rwwerfitl ernfence m tarnt ol this crlearated Extennl K-rnedv. and is 1 Jiilhcient guaran- u-e that it is worthy the evidence ofthe puttie. Fur partic- ulars. see trie ce.-raccatri accom,in-.iag each bottle Price Zj ceuts. ., . .. . Srsro SisrcD-e-mh-rKth. WM. JU> D'rrr Sir : Heeeived yont not- of yestarday asking my npiaion ius~, inoS to ilnnt s Liniment, prepared be '.It. Ii. E. r>tan:on. Knowing im eonpotntioa, ami hatinc fiiiiuintli ussdit. 1 can rveomm-nd it to y< u a* a safe e\:rrual remedy, ami 1a my opinion the ts»t f linfmanl now in use. Very truly aad resrsc'tu'Ir v>nr« ,. ,. K. HOg F.'.IAN, M. D. ( o|. PirRRF \ lt( ORTt.AXDT. I fully concur m the abose 01 eiiou. WM. S BELCHER, M. D. This Liniment resold by EUudttou Jt Co. in Broadway, tt Astor House; Broadway, corner Fourteenth-street; A. B.& D. Sand». T9 Fnltor.-itreet. n Broadway.77 Broadway; Asptnwall,K'Willuun^Qeet, Meakiiii, ill Broadway: Uni¬ on, 127 Bowery, comer of (Jraad-street; Moss, comer of Can¬ non anil Grand-srreet: P. Hn-stis, ft Nvsni-street, cor. of Ann ; Bousall. cor. Canal and Hudson Austin, cor. Cedar ami Ntism 1. J. C,aldington, ÄI3 Hudson-street; Graham, cornerof Old-slip ami W ater-street: llibturd stCobb, 9GJohn-street; Mrs. Hayes, [35 Fultoc-st, Brooklyn: CJuirk. cornerof Atlantic and Columbia, Brookhn: and Druggists generally throughout the citv and luit-d States: and by HOADLEV, PHELPS k COi 142 Water-street N. V. who are the s, bolesale axeuts. Onlers addressed to lliem or to the proprie! rat Siug Sics will be attended to. ft! Im« ti.-.UlH.K E. ST.WTON. AUE.VriKS. Collections tn Mississippi. I^HEVES A DAVIDSON, Attorneys at Law, Coffce- V> vHIe,Misai. T. A. CHEVES de A. II. DAVIDSOS will give prompt attention to the business of theT profes¬ sion generally 111 the Northern, and to the collection of for¬ eign claims, amounting to live hundred dollars, and up¬ wards, in any part ofthe State. Feb. 3d. IS-S5. REFERENCES. EDWIN C. ESTES, Esq. 7.. _ . Messrs. TOWNSE.VD A BROTHER, j torn. SMITH ft CARROLL, 7 U. D. COOPER ft CO. > New-Orleans. FELLOWES, JOHNSOS A < 0. J REED A BROTHER, 7 CAVE ft SCHAFFEB, > Philadelphia, " GBIOG it ELLIOTT, J GOODMAN ft MEANS,7 .. " 11. P.. FKlKItSON. E-|. tMol"''nla- ft An« / 1 IIA RLES 1. SHELTON, Attosnci imiCoi.ssil- Vy lob at L «>v. intends to the priscipal cities of Eu- ropeinthe course of the Summer, leaving here the first of May. He will at .¦.lid to o:y bu .mess » dh w hich he ran he entrusted, Uaexceptioaabut city reference riven'. Apply port-paid to SHELTON ^ FLAGG. Nt:«s 1! ssi.n. nit :<w* \r B. PALMER'S AMERICAN NEWSPAPER SUB- I »SCKIPTION AND ADVERTISING AGENCY. 30 Ann-street, New-York. 16 State-street, Boston. 59 Pine-trect. Pluladolphia. S. E. corner ofBaltimore ami Calvcrt-sL P.altlmorc. A Ivertisentents and subscriptions are reeei%-esl for some of the best Newspapers ol most, f the principal towns and cities of every State In the United States, for which be is the July authorised Agent. Merchants; Manufacturer*, and Dealers generally are rc- epectrnUy invited to avail themselvesn( the modinm which my sgehcyanords of eosamunicating directly with the peo¬ ple ofthe country, by advertising in the" papers of the country. V. B. l'ALMER, il2fi A_-e::t for Country Newsnmpers, GROCERIES. GENUINE i'tlAb. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE CANTON TEA COMPANY, PRINCIPAL STORE, 121 CHATHAM STREET. Y- Branch Stores: 31* Bleeeker street, N.-w-lYork: 3'il Grand street, near Suffolk. 191 Greenwich street, near Fulton. 116 Pulton street. BrooUyn. B9 Chesnut and IS N. Fifth-at. Iiiiladelplda. 71 Hanover street, Boston. JNVITE the attention .,1 City and Country Families and Purchasers to their several establishments, where they thir.k will be found by Car the liest selections of pure und u, a,', illerati I Teas In tin. United Slates. The universal popularity and renown of their house with reference to high qualities, low prices, and upright dealing, Li too well unde-stood to render farther comments necessary. Origi¬ nal a d only warehouse for the sale of Qowqna's Black Tea." Observe 1".Strangers will po particular to remem¬ ber tho number of the principal store in Chatham street, viz: 121, between Pearl and Bosevelt streets. The public will also be pleased to take notice that the Canton Ten Company have nothing tu do w ith any other stores exrept those described n; the top 01 this idvcrtlscuiwil. sli Y CHI EAP Uli. si'Oi::-:..The »n;.?cnber' rcspecttiiily In- /forms the public that he continues the wholesale and retail Lamp Od and Spirit Oas, at his old stand, ofa very superior quality, ten per cent cheaper than can be pur¬ chased nt any other store In this city, vis: Good Lamp Uli, perg.d.SO 50 Superior quaL Lard do. tidf. Refined oj, ist qsilty. 76 Do do -d do . 621 White Sperm do. Do do 2d do . 1 00 Do do 3d do . 87» Oil Cans ofall Sizes; Lamp Classes of all patterns and descriptions, and a full assortment of lamp wicks, con¬ stantly on hand. Lamps cleaned and repaired. Oil and Camphcne sent to any part of the city riee ofcharge. MERRITT SMITH, -27 Ye Itlfl Greenwich, comer Vesey-st, pi ON AN rsT PA I E N i YE A ST..The beet article for "L' raiainr bread ever used. Warranud to keep in every irnate. The American Institute, at their late fair award- c: the Inventor a Diploma, declaring this Yeast the beat Bi title ever iuanui«etured for raising bread, buckwheat, pastry, Jec. The Yeast Is an add, which, l-clng combined In proper Chemical rsroportlonswlth an alkalLimpregnates thedough With trbonic acid gits, without all'eeting, in any way, the original properties of the dour: and thus, when baked, pro- ducing perieet bread. Sold wholesale and retiul SS cts. per pound, by GASSNER ft YOUNG. 132 Chatham St. Iftf CROCKERY WARE. CilUCislElv-V, dec. & P. DEWBY, Importer sad Dealer i't Freneh and English CHINA, GLASS AND EARTHENWARE, U7 W-ter Jt.eet, (ofÜlOSiU CS. Hütel.J .New-\ ork. Would infirm Iii« rn.tomer« aad the ;,iiblic. that I, «ving b,»u tttsjiias larre additions to his e>tabli$kme,it. he lias now to offer tl,-m the most extensive and complete asjortrnent of loods, 111 Ids line, eres before oj^ued in tnis country, iuelnd- iu't, in addition to the above, ritone Ware, Eookin2-< 'rinssea, Cluck*, Sol^r, Astrd! and Hall Lanipe; Girandoles. See. sVc. iVrc. All of which will be sold on tl rms as favorable as those of any simil tr establuhment in ilw United States. 2»f y GREENWICH I'uTTF.RV No. Ml West Eighteenth st. between 3th aud 15th avenuu. THE attentun of ihe public is called to the numerous ar¬ ticles manufactured at tins E,tab!ijiimeiit, Cousiatiiig in 11;: of the following, sit: Stone Ware, Earthen Ware, Portal !.. Fnrr. ic-s, Fl- w-r-P. tt. Beer Jirgs. Oveo-'i'ile, I'hiinuej To;«s, I Gre-n-House do., B icki It Jambs for grales. Fire-Brick, i Fire < ementatid Clay. Stc. As du» Establishment is only one of thekiad in the city wlien- oil the alsoe articles ar- niiiiiifictured .n l s,.|d. Deaf, ers are respectfully invited to call, and they will be supplied cheaper .,d on belter teruu than can be had in the city: sl'.'-M Portable Fumari-s u>» 00 hind and readI f, r the .pring trade. mrl 6m WASHINGTON SMITH. FRANCIS? MA N I FOLD LETTER WRlTrJL.This truly great invention p-emtnends itseil to all vshn desire an exact copy of their correapoudence. as, by this apparatus, tt,- iifk- f me ivn that writes the letbsr produreS the copy at die sain- time. The mode of w riticg i-. jgreeable and ejpe. ditioru. «tlordiu: grl at facilities to btuict as men and travelers. The ink is periectlj ludrlihl-, and cannot Le erased by any kaown chemied agent. Th» Manifold Writers_s« made of v inoes sixes. l.r bu-uie*. and pris jte nse. mm- with lock and kev,a.,d are sold at ic-.-> ¦» pne-». by tii« ii.-oprieto.-s aud ir^n if-.c-.u.-:,. Ft. IN'I is s; LOl'TREL Manufacturing Ststinssrs,Maiden-lane. F. it L manuficturer a suisiiio.- article of BLACK vid . ARMINE INK.known as the CRO i ONINh. warranted to retain it, color and fluidity m «nv climate, yuantite-s on ..¦¦it t_ml im THO.V !'>'- > -s HU'v-ES, Otflce 13 Beek- \maa street. Ats.u: 300 of the first physicians :.d ? ns Sew-Y' rk ha-.e given their _ decided preference to this Tniis, as you can graduate the jnnuil from one to fifty fjitr.ils oc the ruMure. wiüiout a back pad. which dc-es SO much .njnry to'liie spjie. A fair tr-al being the best test of Its superi- ority. it b arpht-1 aud six day s' tr-U given; and lr it docs not "retain the rupture, while rsirformii.'g every kind ef ex- crciee or cougltinr, and give perfect ea« a word, :'. it Is not satisfactory In every respect, the money is cheerfully returned ; and this is the only condition ra which you should buy any Truss. A permanent e are Is easily errected, and warranted. If directions aie followed. Those sending fix this Truss need onjry Bxeatton the side ptnxed and tlie iaea;ti.-e n.»wud the tVy can g.-ui sate the rr.ssure to^u.; their case. Seid whulesale and retail at U Beetman-st. _au I tf HULL'S TRCSSES..Notice to Raptured V'cr, .:s.. Pets r- aiBlcted with Raptures Jfmay rely ur»-ti the o~t iis-rrtimental aid the world affords, on application at the office, No. 4 Yesey street,-.* to cither of the agents In the prd-dpa! towns bi the United States. Be careful to cxamin* the back pad of nnir» Trosse«, to«see if they are endorbed by Dr. HeJi u: wntu:g. N. ne are grnuifx, or to be relied upou as good, wltliou: his «agn.uure. j Many peaons have undertaken to rend imitations of leJSrated Tntaaes. aad thousands are imposed upon in These ImltaCons cannot be relied opon; they are made by unskilful nteehanies, ai.d are no better than the ordinary Trussee. :,ave been Stted tip a: No. 4 Vesey street, exclu- ctv-elv for udies, ImvTng a «eparate entrance from the bu-i- ness"department, where a female Is in cocatant attendance to wait npon paticau. "21 tf FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. WHOLE i\0. 1*SS. SANDS' SARSAPARILLA All tlx' rheoonvns of magnetic polarity, trrrsctioa mil re¬ pulsion, have at length been resolved icio cae general fact. that two currents trfriectlicity moving ia the same dircctieo repel, mil in contrary directions, attract each other . tad po¬ larity has ever teen communicated to the compass needle by fl-ctrictty. Thu», after a lapse of many veirs. has the treat as-c.-ct Of the magnetic element been discovered .««,1 ,ve ate tie- effect* of the discovery iu mxcy useful iuv.nti>a*, Soalao by patient investigation, and ei.enmeut ha'e the true ncoiw> tin of Santfttrilla Ken disiorepr 1. elicited aaJ applied ; tad ia the form of SANDS' S AUS APARILL A. they are be- liered to developed in their rreafal parity and strength.. The magnetic duid does not Bad tlie way w ith more certainty along the telegraph.c w ire to a given poiut. than doxa the dis- utiectiag and restoring influence of thiv preparation to the teat Of diwiie. Scrofula*. I'tcera, hard or jfOft. Rjrnmtriiss, Scurry, F.rytipeU*. L>r»pep»i.a. g-neral Debility. Merenrial Complaints, Tetter, Ringworm. Salt Rh.-um. Lerroay. Scald Head. and.ill hepatic disorder*, are relieved by its u»e. The inventors do uot tretend to L*rrtUJBiu-rr, but so far ai they have had aa opportunity of ohse.-ving or knowing theeffec jf their Extract, it has. by the blessmg of faristaes, bevu uni¬ formly beneficial The following certiScatea, recently r.-ceived. will be read w ith interest, and for further proof the reader ia referred to a rwmpM-t. which ia fsruishfd without charge bv ail the Agents : », . , Bn.tHiMtov, Oct. tr. IJH. MessrseA. B & P. s4xP._! hive eaten afflicted w,th Scre,- lularoi nine year*. It appeared in rariooa fo,m. from its ccmmcncemrut. hut did not break out ia ulcer., natal, «hont lour years ago a targe swelling appeared on mv arm. I hid if raced. It then commenced eating, and continued to until tre fleshy part of my arm. from mv elbow to neu- i,1% sr.calder. was nearly all ulcers; it then hr..h« out on both sides of my neck, and extended to mv face. I had a Daraber of ulcers cm my xrtcle and bottoms of my feet. My MBerii seeme-i almost intolerable. The most of the time | has,- been ander physicians, hive taken Iodine. Sw urn'. Panacea, and mpamtioas, and I had nearly despaired of getting relief, when I wasinduced by Mr. ttoxfordta tiv yonr Sarsspejüla. My sorea assumed ¦ more healthy ipriearance, auJ I flattered myself with the nlei that I should b- well again. I hi>e aow taken eighteen bottles of your medicine niv ..-res *r~ ill heal¬ ed, and my general health is better than it bat been lore for uine .. ears, vid I a»cril>e my cure to the efficacy of \ oar S lf> npanlla. Had 1 known its virtues years igo, | «hould hoe Ken saved mu. h severe suffering and a di.lignrej fice, and my husband WOald have Ix-eu saved great expense. (Signed) CYNTHIA K. TUTPER. I cheerfully testily to the truth of the a'k.».> st itementa of mvw-ife. MASON F. TITPPER. The follow ing interesting case must commend lUelf to the careful attention ofall similarly afflicted : Saso." Cieutaa v r i u Sabs*t>a bill*. I speak experimentally when I say that this medicine is Tu¬ more effectual in the cure of chronic or icnte rheumvmn. than anv other preparation 1 have ever tested. Having eniiuied eatreme snlfering a: til..ea within the last fire sear, from re¬ peated attacks of mtl immitory or acute rbeumaUtm, I have recently used Sands' S*r* iparilla with the hippie*! success ; my health is now better than i'has been for many months past, my aptietite is good, and mv strength is rapidly return¬ ing, f attribute this bealthfal change entirely to the use of llu* patent medicine. Keeling a d.ep t\ tnpithy with those who are alRicted with this tormenting lad painfal complaint, I cannot refrais from earnestly neconunendinj to such tin- use of this valuable specific Having the most entire confidence in the medicine and medical skill of l>r. "Sands, I w l* induced thereby to try the effects ,1" their Sarsaparili i. and I take plei- sure iu a t.iiug mv testimony to thai of many othets, conimen- datory ofits invaluable pr parties, unknown to and unsolicit¬ ed by the Messrs. Sands. CHARLES UVK.R. Jr. Druggist and Apothecary, . Ill and 12 Westminster st. Providence. R. I. For further particulars and coaclnsive evidence of it. supe¬ rior > able and erficacy, s-e Pamphlets, which may b- obtained ofagents gratis. Pr-pi: d and sold, w hol -sale ami retail, ami for exportation, bv A. B. Si I) SANDS. Druggists, No. 79 FnltOU ,1 27J loo,iy ; 77 Essi Broadway, til im WATCHES, .H WKI.KY. ^ JEWELRY, WATCHES, Ike..Fine Gold and SilverWatches and Jewelry of even description, nf the most Cell braleit makers, and als.» low priced mit Jewelry for peddler.. Sic. For tale by J. P. V AN EPS; UM st. W YTCHF.S..T. F. Cooper. Duplex. J. T. In is Si I ... It. .v G. Beeslyand John Harrii.Gold Lever Watches, warranted perfect tinie-lreepers, lot heap by MOj T BROTHERS, s^edsjifu lllfet"tipiKMIu. m. ¦¦ a nacom rtntfle. Alaojntf received, a splendid assortment of GOLD PEN¬ CIL \SF.S. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS COMBS, Fancy Goods, Buttons, Jewelry, Stc. The siibscrb- r is receiving new Goods daily, for the iig trade, among which are the following uses Vuierican gum Sii*|*-iider* and Garters. no Colone Water and other Perfumery, do Spool Cotton, in. lulling every variety do Hooka and Eyes, in Im«es and d,. S do Twut Back Combs; I do.Percu üou I ipt. ti do Ivory Combs, tr-jm !i-r to S S B ie do Wood t ci.iüs Besides a great variety of Beads, Shoe Thread, Bindings, Cords, Taiie», Thread, Scissors, Bead Work. Shell Comha, Ornaments, fine gold finger ring», do Breastpius, gold Pencils, Eyelet Maidiinines; gilt and lasting Ruft, in, peart and igsre do, German SUrer Ware, Plated Ware, line gold b-ver ...:d ether Watches, Silver Pencil I'rses, Tooth Brushes, 4ic. sail- tble for country or city trade, on the most liberal terms.. Agency for Keudrick Si Co s and It 4l W Robinson', gilt and Military Buttons. ff.'D. s] J. P. VAN EPS. KU Pearl »t. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WAKE, Ac. .The subscribers respectfully Invite the attention ',ol' their friend., and Lhc put.lie lo their select a*aoi i- meut KINK HOLD AND SILVEIt WATCHES, coti-isiing ol Duplex, Lever and Leptne Watches, of the va¬ rious approved maki s, cased in the neatest style,and war¬ ranted correct time keep. rs. Sliver Knives, Forks, Spoon.*, Ladle*, Tea Sols, Cups, Castors, Ac. Plated and Britannia Ware, Spectacles, Pencil Case*. Staate! Clocks, Fine Cutlery, Fancy Goods, ftc. which they arc enabled to offer for sale at very reduced prices. Watches and Clocks earclullv repaired and warranted. & SCRIBNRR, At the Old Established Siorp, 368 Pearl, f I) Corner Fulton-street, opposite t'.S. lintel. RICHARD FI.-sllER. Jr. WA li ll-.M AK ER and Jeweller, is now- prepared to sell Watches at re- _ill lower than any other house in the city. Aj ie is constantly receiving all descriptions direct from tho nanuumtiirtrs In England, France and Switzerland, he ia maided to offer a very large assortment of Hold Watches j-om SI5 to S100 each; Silver do. from So to 540each. ill warranted to keep good time, or the money returm-d.. Abo u vary gixsl assortment Of JeweJry and Silver Ware eery low. N. B_Second hand Watches and old cold an Silver taken In exchange or bought for cash. Watch, .'locks. Music Boxes and Jewelry repaired in the host milli¬ ner and warranted, by experienced workmen, as low us any ither house In the city. RICHARD FISHER, Jr. importer a* Wat. lies and Jewelry, wholesale and retail. No. tl.'ll llroudwav, New-York, a few d.-irs hIhivu tin l ity Hos¬ pital.(nl4)_Kit II \ltt> FISHER. Jr. (IHUitCU BELLS AND TOWN CLOCKS..TILE J subscriber, who was awarded « Diploma at the New- i'ork State Fairs of l-li and 1*P' for the best toned .'liuri h Bell, and Hip', ma tor i'o-.vit liocKs. exhibited at he Fair of the American Institute In <Xtobor last, Ls now irepared at hLs Foundry at West Troy, New-York,to furnish jells of from 'iO to 10.000 lbs. made of the le st materials, uidwan mted to stand and tone to please.fiistens to them mproved Cast-iron \ okes with Movtable Arms. The hi- trcasing demand for his Pells is the beat evidence that eAn ie given of their excellence. Ordert have been received rom the Canadas and almost all Lhc States, and about 400 lave been furnished to different [daces in the State of New fork l*)tn his Foundry. Town Clocks, Leveling and Sur- ^ bag Iiutjumcuta, Copper and Brass Castings, A;c. Ac, Ö2I Ihn ANDREW MKNEELY. riLOBE i i.'n K STORE..J I'- .!//./.'s v < O la" Mannfacturen of the YEAR . LO< KS, would respect- ully call the attention of the public to tla. uuriralleleu im- .rov-nient and decided adianiages the*» i locks have Over aB itlser ti;ne-kee[»-rs now in u*e. They are sttlltated to'ma me year with once winding, and to ke. p good time, and are low for sale at !0*1 Fulton-street. N'ew-Yoik. The motion is produced by weights in the day ' L ea*, ind by a msisesnrnxf wound ujion a fusee in the \^u- < l. ck. l'h« j-iwer of tue weight or spring i. retarded in this ClOCk, ind luiule to retain regularity in lU motion by the un »I .. ios meat Of Ilse e^caL^meut and iiendulum. U t.eo jou o. k at the Clock, von perceiie t eilt bill fonr and a hall aches ia diameter, at the tad ol a email »t"-l r-.d It rej »l( e. :hrec times and a lialf one way. and th- sun- number of limes 1-other. At the upi-r end of tiie red is ... ing- uiou. md le'.icate double-lever itr seiiirnt, reaching to the es. a p. men:, svhich it catches and leave, without any «-noble fnctien. Tb- ,tiring theu r..-acts o\»>n tlie ball, aided by it* own ;r:vitv and the rotary motion ia continued, the e,ea[»-u,ee.i -oiifrolins the pendulum aa in oilier clocks. 1 hi* bail aotlow and less an iuternal ai.paratus. hv which it* rotary motion is regulated. There are fonr irmdl weicht. rsfrbt ing'.-s t.. each ntlatr. two are mounted upon a wire, which is a horizontal diameter of tlie globe. The wire ha* on it th- thread wl" the screw, and each turn Of it produces an exact movement of tin weights 10 or from the ceu>r. « nich can be renlated to the smallest iVction of lim- The oilier Iwo wcinhli are fi»teued to a semi circular bend comi-.«cd of tnre^ nirfeteut iu-tals. the contraction or expansion ..f which il« chang-.a their position wilhio Use bail. The whole interior arrangement insures, it is believed, entire uniformity of mo¬ tion in the globe. .... , , It will al ..ace be seen that llse Iriction *A '.he common ram- dolum is avoide.1. The revolutions of tlie ball are found by expenmesat and observation to be isochropal, Thu Clock ia not iiut t>Otof.beat eaaily rt'iuirea no oil 00 the teal let*. , , . ' , The revolution* ol the awii.g-wre-el are 6S time* leas, or id oilier words, is -0 yean in making a. many rrrolutions « the yj-ineh .,r>ecoud pendulum Clock does in one ,ear In fact, a weight of 7 pound* kceii in motion each |«srt of the time and str-.kini nxMxttTiery for M week*. The hours age .truck by menus ol a rotary The certificates of the American Institute sl.^w that in Mac 1311 oae of th-Twehemouth Clock* wa* placed with them, and dial it baa je-rformed iu ail re»|»-ct. a* w a* expected The pr. -, are mcaleraU. The public aie itsited to call and examine for themselves. *r 7uwi;mc f-lLOl KS ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTV >CTS E.MIH X-/ WD CPAYARDS TO $jc0.At SMI TH S. corner of Bowery and Division street, who i* telling off to suit new arr. s-ttimu the Ut. f May F.veO' *iuc> warranted. Clocks refsireda* usual. Entrauce No. 7t Bowery. I4f2m [..- i. HOW'S, Gculiat, beg* to inform the pub¬ lic that continues bis *-icce»aful treatmen I on ail -*".. of the Eye. and to which caaeaofte'i. anderen for so long a period aa forty years, have yielded, after tney nave baf¬ fled the skill of. ,mi been declared incurable, bv rmicrnt Physicians and Oculist*. Absmi ..x tenth* of op- tiinlmic die-a»e*axe oce-.l by MEASLES and Small-Pox. lat which, if pro[»rrly treated tu in early stage, are m.estly cu¬ rable, ladeed. Dr. B. assert* thit an' instance of failure in bis treatment would be almost unknown, if tlie afflicted would am ly to Utm when dimuintion of night is first noticed, or iu Use early »tage of inflammation, however acute, aud before to many cheap Lot destructive applications ao- made tue of. Bcfer-nce m tlie f.Bowing tore*, which were very invete¬ rate case* ; \ ton of Mr. John Bunstead, of Jersey CUT, a*- fr.-m MEASLr'.S. t.ITia Fi- Bania. 470 Urocme ttreet. bad cate ortltl I Jg. J. ha H. RoKrU-uad ca*e-tn gjdsMOM t. hetwr*? ; ff. ton and fiou.ton. in the r-ar-of PCR'- Lr.NT OPTH-Vl- MIA and ULCERATED I ORNJ-A. ,, Olfice 70 l.lamber*-*t. four dc*r» from Broaifwi) '-o of attendance from It A. M. 10 2 P fit (sunus>* £« .>¦-., Advice to the poor gratis. _ waetko._ XV' A N i i «.»(«¦<. :»al>- Woinau * ntualiou as Cook. *<f Washes-and Iroaer. The best of City rrfrrvnee» gneo. i le»»e «p.-lyMCi.An up.uirv_»I« «* ANTED.Fron to $.100. fbf which an uttreatls a Prodi. .' 1 liasrtwriag Business »i" be »ecured. or a fry liberal fatten** paid for one year. Addrsass a. B. M. at thi« ogee._mil It* UlM KÖ-B) 1 »»iwt,ie > ,Ming .v niaa.atitutliva wits a ir>,«-cr»b|e umily, either aa cook or to do general bonae-worlt. 'I';*-a.:,eifi»ri , good washer and irooer.. No objectiou to the country. City reference* sites. Plea**, apply at No. TM* M*rf*MIwr.m'l It* vv U/ANTit.U.A sitaettOss »» t Irrk. in the V». bolr»al* 1»roc*r \ or ft union Butuir**. by a Young Man wd- ling 10 devote hu whole time to the interest of hi* eaaplayan. Can famish BBdoabttd rrt" rence; and »mall salarv rrsjuired.. Addrasa P li 'b»ir v. tassM'ihs-*._mn it C.\Lr.?.Mr..\ WAS L'El>.TVoorthreeeap»»r»>ic>d Seles- k~ * rtadtaataad the Broadway latrU rradr Apph ia :ht evening to .. V'.D K. MYERS, VI Broadwvv. Also, one or two üoy». mW ft* AN i'Ei>.A »itnition. bv a woman who can produce ce;:. tcs of reoommesidvlissn. a* a Cook. Washer and r. at L iswdrass. No to the coaulry. Apply .. u _ m'i *t* A.S l r .A .">!..»'k> ojh to ,el as v,*ruV»ier. i.e. Ha id rstaad drtviugaud taking car. of lionet. at. _ f|V> bOOi\->-...I.EK:.Wuilrd a »ituati -n it Mdnrun a in a in, N,:. ;., , Youtig Man »ho has bad Wot I? war, eX,Tn, .... ,I; r>fthtl tint Houses in this City-^woold base no otusetioo to CO S>utli or West. Bsfst of nrtarsacsas ________________ \1: In.'it this orbce._ml' It* \|.' A.\|i.Li-.v rc,|s-cubie young married .Mao want* a t T situation u Porter in a tlore. or tome similar btmartss, where be WOaid be wiRtag mika himself generally useful. Any no.l> \s .iiii,(., p-no.i of the above de»eriprion would do >.ell to »sMrskU a lit:, to H. E. N. at the ot&os of this i»ap»r. Sati.factory city reference will be siren._mil ». \ I.U'Y C..111., .- I -iructsoa 111 the Engluh an*. Bran en, M> and Frorteh. wishes to procura a sreissaion U an Arista it i earlier m a Seminary, or to eitre Isxesms in R i" v ¦' taie- Ho»: r'.'wi.v, risen to fss>|>ectablbt* and capne-ty. Pleuse xklreaa R. f. ntrVeoftheTnbnue. rnWlw* \\'A" Beymen L<vk Makers, to work at II bank locks. Neue need apply but sober men and titst ism workmen. 11. c. jones. j 17 7 ('htir\-h-st. Newark. N. J. LOST. On yVestnesday the IXth m,-. .teepuig Irom a carnage. « Uber in Ore- iw uhtt. near Vaudarn-st. or in 1 ro* ly-strxet, dear Spring, 1 Lidies'l.tlLD WATCH, with g Id dill liJr-ip. 1.1'., c\lindar. parachute <ud Cow|veuaation. S 139 Blade by I no. 6. Ihde X Co. There was a small gi Id eh im ind kl f Ittacbed to said Watch, and also an India rubber gtnrd enais. The lind.-.- w ill be liberally rewarded br tearing laid Watch at H. s\L IS III IKS X lO.'S Jewelry Story. No. I7t Broadway. _mil ita 'I'.VS DolJaARS KEWAKIX.VICKSBCBO RANK I STOCK v artMcate of thirty shares Vlcksburg Bank Stock, in the name of Buckley .V Peek, and number¬ ed i' J-, w Ith Power of Attorney attaches], svas lost ou Sa- tJarday, 23d March, it was enclosed In a letter, and lost on t.. WaU-etreet. The above will be {^ald by tear Ing it at's office, 51 Wiill-«t. mh45 tf board" nOARl).A lew Hntlenssn can secsonssacsdsmd wish It.nril, » lh breaklast and tea, and dmnet on Sumlay«. at llBr.-.t _mil 1st» ii yKl).. \ few si igle geiitl.nMO can be accommodates! » it'n b 1 .' d plestsasl nsorns. at S< White-si mltlw* Cs in 11) Hi lAROaod very plenaam Rosnn» for sistyie sillie¬ s' men. or gentlewsn snd their w [(SS, St No. iu \'e»ey-»lreet. Tnn,lent e oopaos solicited. ml Im B HOTKI.S- SHAKSPEARE HOTEL, CORNER OK WfLLIAAl A DCANE-STS., N. Y\ A a 'I'h 'tihsctilser resieetfully inform, the public that jS"!b( ""' leased the sbov- establishment, and u now jire- ssVpareil toe.tnodate them with Board and Lodging, .11 rerj moth rate ternn. It haa been put in the most thorough and coiopli Is Opair, punted aud r> fitted »»Ith addil'onal u-vs* furniture aqd he will not, as usual, say what he intends to do, but solicits tie- tras*elliag community to risil and gtrs lum a trisiand judge for themselves, that the e>tabli»hiuent under bis ntsnsgemsntis desemsgoftha i<*tronat« of ihe public. The stion beiag central to busmea». oder, IsdscesMnts 10 merehauls Irom 'he country, [from its retired situationj aissar- any other house In the city. Terms. $1 per days. [isrweek is prapoition, * The subscribes lie-s to call the attention of parties, that the Assemblj I!.n will be to kt; to ümss gisuig Ball» and ood rts im the remaining i>.irt or the season and that the room will shortly, bs'nnt 111 complete repair, ami fitted up m in ignilieei.-atyle le further call» the attention of Ihe pro- fesSioml rastlenten of the law that his room for arbitrators Old 1 taraes has Undergone alteration, .ud that ha ts ready to scci mmod ite them on reasonable term»^.which will be »eeu by Ins regulation of to,,111 hue. N.fl a wleci number of Permanent Do-.tder» will be taken ,,n ,erv moderate terms. "¦'" "11 _MIN'Oltl) S. THHESHER. NATIONAL HOTEL, No. 5 C'OI'tlTLANDT.STSEET, AND H7 LtBiaiT-STaXIT, N E W -york: rmrKE doom uhoadwYY eVA THIS NEW HOTEL ,. now ,.,.., .iM, the pro- Si t !'m7 ...'......'onidate their fnead* and -*,^ public Wltll board. I he lodging room, ai- large r*a ," anil the internal urrangemeuti inch as caauol (ail '' ''.' Ine location being in the csntreof bmiuea». it oners inducements to merchants from other eine» aud the country, not lurpassed by any other Home in thi» city- i h umitnre. Beds, and U-dJois. axa -ai .simiae rrrrnsly for this ritihjiihmnit. r- unities who wish Parlors with Sleeping Rooms attached. Can be liandsqmely isecommodaled. i subser hers it.snri 'heir friends andRie public, that u-> ell'orts 011 th'-ir pan si-sii »«¦ «.nun i. »»eure the eosnfor" jnl coiieuuiunco of their giieils, and while they solicit a .hare of their patronage, they hope by unceasing atUniioc to tli- duties oCtheir vocation, to give entire taluhwction-- f t2 Im Cll \S. WYl KOKK 4. CO. M AI i ink f. v or m A n11 fa cf i h eOc" IM )SPINN MRS, M \NI I'M 'PI ItEltS ANI) MACHINE MAKERS .The undsreigned would call tho atieution of Spinners. Mai.nlactiirers and Hsehine Makers lo nn Improved Tur-.s' ,- for spinning »II and every variety of twkl from No. 6 JO:-. .. the pound, suitable for Warp ami Welt and for Sewing Thread lb- confident'v hopes to have a Machine running 111 ¦ -holt time, in tho mean tuna liny pai»oii inter¬ ested ca-i have eu-ty pejtleniai end »eo samples of Yarn n;ual t.j Mull >.... from all to IjO hunks to the tHiund, by culling ut 113 Burn Broadway, New York (Irom 1 U>i P.M. or 111 the evening.) Postpaid Coiiiiiiun enlioiis «ImH have ut- tent 101 JollN JOHNSON. N. B. The improvement is ofAmerican origin and isesceed- iorly siiupte, ennoot g»t out of order, easily ui.,b-r.(>,.«I and withal lakes k ¦ power to drive, mid tisnowm successful work¬ ing m Manebetler, Englaisl. rrililü iw* TO IKON MANf'FACTUI{EKS. THE ROLLINO-MII.L MACHINERY of the exten- sivi ralablishmenl formerly, the rrroperty of Wm C Hol¬ ly. «1 Si mil.,nl. 1 t. consisting ofs lull set -,l'g--«rtnu' »halt», e.oiii I, ,-s, Staues 110i roll .for executing a great variety of work: together with slvears, lathe, turning tools, bumlliug benclies, floor plates ruraaCS, Castings, Ste. and implements necessary for performing the work of such an e,tabli»hnieut, are now of¬ ten-.I for sub- ,11 terms very adt intageoiis to the puicliaser. For farther,'», the subscriber ut Stamford, Cl Or al hit Moie, 'ii: Water-»treet, N'tf-I Ork. [J OF.O F. WAHIN'O AMERICAN COOPERS' TOOLS, and Ti 11 il.s, ,. gener-llor 111 it SF.and tslllPCAR- PENTER8, Bl l'< II Elts, fac fcc. can be ob- tamed in all llieir varmty at WHOLESALE and I. ET \ IL, at No. 33 Fl I.TON ST., NEW- YORK, of the moat celebrated iiunufsctuiers. ( M il 1-111/,,/ ,,!*/ s/«e/.l ,UCh is ALIIERT- »SON'S < ONOER >, HORTON S and 110- HESTER. loopers' Doweiiing Um». Ibi Heck Irons. Do Tap and Uuugdtorcrs. 11 Laveliug Plane*. Il-i Vices. Il-i I ompasse«. In, Marking Irons, tut. fcc. ALSO, American lion Rivets. (...,...*.« i mti Hoops, Wood anil Iron. , Do Head and Stave I,unter» Do Stock llor/«ll» and Crp- .ers. Do Uracrs. NOTICE. We hive lie genuine wsiinatTIti Ctat Steel, Joiisr P C<--,..: 1 I, which we wsrrsst is all sest»scts nioal. if not superior, to lohn I oncer's. From winch we give a liberal discount detJers. Ti,-- uilncnis-r, ir-- also Stenn r tin and OrsiaaL Di »:.. 1 ss is ENGLISH, GERMAN and AMERICAN HAIID- w Vi 11., 1 I 1.1. It fce. including a very Ext 1 s»i>> A. mi s 1, which Ihe-/ offer to ' ,u v r 11 v mait» ind others at Msasin Paiccs. OSIIORN & LITTLE. CmsSLRJ 0»iiohn. ( Man-- S lum:. _mil lm WARRANTED ( ast-STEEL EDGE TOOLS..The real genuine Conger's Tools [f an only bo hud at :13 Attorney-street, where they aro ma/le and liulshed with my own hands; therefore I can recom- mend them ; onl at Oeorge Brigs & co.'s, 9 TUtt-street. .i':. tools ttorcd by OsUirn A Little, at 33 Fulton-st. u -her St res, stamped "Conger," aro not my make, and are designed to deceive. Mine aro stamped thus : "Conger, New-York, 33 AtUimey-»t." The name of J. Com Berrj 1, al«-- added.he baviiig an Interest in tho ormt u> Dealers. Please observe [!:,( Zm*) JOHN CONOKR ROLLER MAKERS. rPIIF LTND1 itSP-NED oller« tu make all k'iids of Fluted .1 Bollen Ii r ajttofl ind Wowsw Mnehinery, of ss good a Quality as can Ik: arui e!»ewherr; ami al reasonable oricea. Ail ot.lert thankfully ie> e-vei! and ponetnally attended to. S R MM i:- :lee. Itetli t»-l And Reetirilesl. I,., l-. V. M. HElll .-IMltl) PATF.KSON. N. Jersey. H i. HiSli LATHJid FOR SALh J\\jf>: STEWART te^rs lo inforiii In» fneiid» und tl* pub. 'be tbit be lins r.mstantly on hataiatid for isle, LATHES. at llie'fidlr.winr low prices, vis: I . ,. .li from centre u, shear, 5 feet long, WOO !-,iibl-'-i-:"nr »laSe re-i, compiele.1160 Sseond ../-,inches do., 4 feet long, with slide rest, com¬ plete . 140 Third > /-'. 'j ir.cbes io.. z teet 6 triclio long, with slide rest complete.1» Fourth .ire, iy, inches do., 3 leet long, with .hue rest,com- pete. »5 Push rise.4 inehc» do., i feet 8 inches long, with »hde rest, europlete.... * Bru«h-muker»'laiHies, complete. *. Pimiti- rte Actiesa-nsakers laithes. with boring and saw- lag epparatui. ____} l'n.l,n-;an,.i/ -1»' Ijithei... '"J? Per ICs .crt Uihesfrom.Jx*Jl4\KVtC<k The (;, :-i-er,l:one.d iiriiclsean be found at Mr. HLY.J.ocits Hardware Store, comer .,f Catherwe.rtrsct sndm^"2!j Bstssre, snd al Mr. i'.' il 'NTKEE'S. of 1 l-ntiiam -trstL. also at my Matiutactary. No. 4JJ*,,w^)» II Tl HLNE BANlW.-^»ctv^ 31 Ion of our India Rubber Machine Btvnding. we com¬ mend to the attention of the ^^^cr H. DAT. .. .»,,. Roxbury India lijibbtr Co. Su-.-cesSor to the rtoxnu-/ _ ... mi _Dsau-8''': Above please and .. Norwich,.Ian 1». ^--^utnem of jour account wrr draft on-..far .___. 7,,, My,ng uuu arter a fnn a.v..: ,«r tas-c ^rtW, that for Uie purpose t11 ^'1 it, V> drive heavy or light machines f.r which we have uar.« . M,irfscüon. with a tautb tud, thsi it jp es \ ,^rs, to/ / . r.tteiwterinr Co." ===- ^t.KoMOUM.-HLTCHINSON k KL N- i WAA h^re hand ar.d for nie at tb. warehouse of tha 1 v 0> 1Uob. r Factory,M Maiden Une. PV..V. .Newark. .> ' . j ,(,jhbrt UkuIs m «»e. Onr swek con- -.-.t.-»bCo.u. cioskssnd (.«p»*. Life , iu. .r( irritges, I'or-e Covers, Leggins, Ma- KM HUTCHI\>QN Ac H L N YON, at Maiden lane. TklSTOLlV-ltieO isur Br»*. Ba/iel l iatoU ; W i"» PKr^Eo^ae iwo Seeoiol üffigg- '0f mnx-'"' ripeari-.t-ru-.hswr.-.

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A t the low price ofTWO DOLLARS per annum, in advance.

THE TRIBUNE.Polltlcnl Mnirnanlmlty.

We copy the following paragraph from the Chris¬

tian Politician, published at Cincinnati, and edi¬

ted by KevT Win. H. Brubane, a Baptist clergy¬man, formerly of South Carolina, whoemancipatedhi- slaves some years ago and is now an activemember of the ' Liberty Tarty.' It was by slan¬ders on the personal character of Mr. Clay, Stichus Mr. Brisbane here pronounces 'shameful.' thaihe was defeated at the late election; and tlie*--elanders were circulated with no less zeal by the

'Liberty Tarty'than by the Loco-Focos. If that

party, in fact, had nut given currency through its

lecturers and presses to the grossest falsehoods, Mr.

Clay would now be President of the L'nitcd Statesand the fisul plot of Annexation would have beendefeated for ever. There is a pang ol" bitterne.-s intili.« thought that tempts us to speak with burningseverity, but we forbear.

SiiAMF.rtx 2.Whatever may luve been Mr. Clay's prl-li.i-.o 'er, and however It may have afforded ;ustifla-

b!c roa«oii« for opposing his elevation to Hie Presidency,now that he is no longer a candidate before us, it is indeco¬rous in the highest degree to force him Into a speech for thepurposes of partisan denunciation. At any time, even

when Mr. ('lay was before the people for their suffrages,tei man ought to have been Justified In pronouncing himih«- 'Blackleg of Kentucky,' aa Mr. Fllnn recently ex¬

pressed himself in our llou«e ol Representatives. At anylime it was a libel; and although moral considerationsprevent! d many from voting lor Mr.Clay, yet slander alonecould place ulm In the same category with "blacklegs."Neither politically nor morally have I ever sympathisedwith Mr.Clay, but I should feel ashamed of myself, ii in a

hasty moment, I shouliPuttcr the language of Mr. Fllnn inreference to an aged man, und a citizen who enj..ys thewarmest affections of a large portion of his countrymen..His public acts and principles must necessarily ever be sub¬ject to review, bnt no man has u right to trifle with theprivate character ofln private citizen, nml he who does It.night to te taught by bis constituents better manners. IfIhcro bo virtuecnougb among the Democrats who consti¬tute the majority Of Hamilton county, they will teach theirrepresentative tlmt it is base to slanderacy one, and Igno¬ble to iiiimplciipoii the fellings,,f political opponents. Forthe mika of the honor Of our country lot usbavo rcpic«otl-latives magnanimous enough to do justice to opponents,and tO respect the rights nf all men and the feeling of ttiernom oi hi-own constituents.

How ,in Poor Live.

It is not ut all uncommon to meet sleek, wellfed, comfortable people who really believe thatthere is no considerable distress among the I'oorexcept what is occasioned by their own idlen-=.=,improvidence or dissipation! To sho.v how cruellymistaken is this notion, we make the followingtranscript from the most recent records ol the Mar-rxneti Family Industrial Society, instituted for therelief of the needy families of Seamen. The wri¬ter says:

" Inoiv recall, with a heavy heart, the circumstances ofsome ofthose seamen's families with whom the Vis; Coin,

have come in contact since the publication of our Report,Dec. Si l. and will endeavor to be as concise us possible inthe statement.Mis. B. Siitlor'swlfe.molher of five children, between the

arcs of seven weeks and eight years.has an aged mother(O support. Husband's wages SIS per month, rent JI permouth. Is n good SctlLstre.-s, but can obtain but littleemployment.

Mrs. EL Sailor's widow.sick With dropsy.part of the

time able to sit up and sow has two children under eleven4 vears of age.

.Mrs. S. Sail i's widow.In feeble health, with rlvc ehil-dreh all too \oiing to work.

Mrs. E. Sailor's wife.husband an invalid.has fourchildren.Is a good seamstress, and if supplied with workul our prices, could Sustain herself and family.

Mrs. O. Sailor's widow, with an infant too young to

learn, good scsnistress, but cannot obtain employment.Mrs. It. Husband supposed to Is.' lost in one of Ihc mis¬

sing packets ;.confined to her bed by illness destitutewlDi two children.

Mrs. p. Husband supposed to be lo t in the October gale.Is la feeble health, and tat want ol every thing, save whata sister who goes out washing, cau contribute. The dis¬tress id' mind occasioned by rctlecting upon the husband's

r probable sufferings ami death, and her own destitution, attimes threaten to overthrow her reason.

Mrs. L. Sailor's mother, has had an attack of paralysis ;her son is now at sea, and she is mainly supported by theexertions of her daughter, together with occasional aidflow the Society. We cannot help adding that these wo¬men hin e deprived themselves of every necessary to avoidInclining debt."The funds of the Society being nearly exhaii-ted, the visi¬

tors icel that II these new cases, thus publicly stated, do notelicit ss mpathy, they must refrain from entering the doorsol a; kaiils. as it .scouts but mockery to make such visitswithout ubility to proffer relief.The Store of the Society will bo removed on the first of

May from 70 ( hcrry-street to 325 Pearl-street, and mayGod Incline many to give their castoin to Ihofe who willplace the work In the hands of thw'neody, and employ the

profits In assisting tho aged and infirm, at.d rnntding theIsirs-avvd w idow to keep her children around h«r until theyare old enough to cam their bread.Fearing to trespass too far, I will close my coiuniuiia-a-

tlon without copying all tho urgent ctuws now on the li-t,and if any feel inclined to assist the above named«, by caUiug at tho Society's Store, they can receive theaildress of the visitor who wdl give the requisite infonna-

; ''en. ALAURA.

Corporeal Punishment in Schools.i To the Editor of The Tribune:

Having been much Interested, at a recent examinationby the County Superintendent of District School No. 3.Tenth Ward, I desire through the medium of your paper to

give publicity to a few facts. There were present 1,0JOchildren, 461 of whom were In the Primary Department.The examination of the several Departments was highlysatisfactory, giving evidence that the cUUdrcii were well lu-

* Juneted by their respecUve teachers. The happy coun¬tenances of the children spoke volomcj la favor of the dis-i inline of tho School, which Is that of uioral suasion. Cor¬poreal punishment has been banished from most of thedepartments, proving Indisputably that the Utte of kindiiess

i*i *U! prevail This is to me a most interesting fact, and one

% which I believe will give pleasure to those who desire toä see children treated as creatures. This Is one of' the few Schools where the monitorial system Is not In

j fore?; each child Is under tho instruction of teachers care-

jj fully seloeted. Tho school-house tone of the flucst In the

I City} proves that the Ward idläce» are faithful, and deserve6 the thanks of the comm.anity for the ahlo manner In which

they have discharged their duty. If by these few rrtuarks1 shall incite one hitherto indifferent to look into the mat-

l tcr, or, by well merited approbation, sustain those «!: ire* laboring in the work of Common School Education, 1 shall

have accomplished my ohjcsTt- PaarST.

Gkttimg Ukauy for, tile Nkw Postage.We1 want to put our i ankes neighbors ott the l.HjkoUt in season

to get ready for the new postage law. which takes effect on

,i the lstoi July. After that linns, the postage on Utters

a| will bo rejruJatcd by weight, and not bv the number ofpieces 11 pa,s-r. Half an ounce weight passes for a -in !eicitcr. Ths- first thin; re-imred, then, will bo. a cheap scale

* to weigh letters, iä ever,) mau ut' bnstnsea win require suchr l convenience. Thuro arc »»venu diöerent patterns In ose

in England, but wo have not the slightest dsmbt. of course,ibat Yankee genulty can improve on them all and give"8» a neat artldo tor the writing-desk or centre table, at aw>t ol lurss than hail a dollar. Theother arc. le Is the vn-U... envelope. Ths; half ounce wUl carry two sheets ot"«cauuoii letter j>aper witli a,i envx-lo|<e, which will furnbbuxii^lcte security against ttisi letters t«-:ng pried lnus andreed. Those envoi >pes are made and sold In London for GdSrrliug pur bundled, au.l will go Into general use here, and

* tboe who first go Into thg buslucss will make the money.[Boston Chronicle.

icy A subscriber, who has been indebted to us a

b>ng while, writes that he is determined " to prac¬tice the most uuremitting industry" in order to cu-

^>le himself to pav us. He would please us bettera he were somewliat remitting in his industrv-.

% [Louisville Journal.


VOL. IV. NO. 292.

?Ir. Clny* Antl-Slav« ry Paper.The proposal of Cassitjs M. Clav to establish an

Anti-Slavery journal in Kentucky is not asfavora

bly received by the press ofthat State as we couldwish, though wc cannot help indulging the hopethat there is a strong undercurrent ot opinion in hisfavor which will make itself felt in due time. TheOhio State Journal savs it is reported that .Mr. Clayhas -'WO subscribers in Lexington alone. This, iftrue, is certainly a very cheering fact. We gavesome days ago :he remarks on this subject of theLexington Ob.-' rv.-r; we now give those of theLexington Inquirer:Sla\ rar.'; he Tacz stated la onr last

Hint wc should tak-.- fmc notice of the prospec¬tus of a new paper to be establish! i! in this city, by C 31.. lav and others, but ti|>oii reflection, have thought it bestto act upon the principle thai " $vjfdent fi r the oVry is the"it there"'," and that when the paper makes Its apt«ear-aace and avows more fully iL- principles and objects, it willl.e time enough t-> take up the-iihjcrt, more especially as

avc might place those who are to be concerned in thepublication »f the paper, and Mr. Clay particularly,in an attitude they d noi Intend to occupy..We wiQ, however, sa,' with a correspondent, whose com¬

munication we may hereafter publish. '. that we do not

believe Mr. Clay and tho-e who may onga-e with him willinfuse their feelingson ti e subject ofslavery Into any con

.idcrable portion of the people of Kentucky, and thereforefor his own, and for the sake of the peace Of society, couldhe Und It compatible with the objects of his ambition, weshould be glad to see him cease to agitate the fabject ol

slivery, or if that is Impossible, that he wouldm ike some ether quarter the theatre of ht» operations."For although Mr. Clay may nut Intend that his paper shalllie an Abolition paper, accccdhigto what is now understoodtobe the) abject and principles of that party. //ie« aa-iii i<k>k

upon both Mr. Liar aud his paper, as coadjutors and co-

laborers in the unholy work in which they are engaged ;

aud such ti»o, will I* the opinion of three-fourths.ts-rhapsnine-tenths.of the people of Kentucky. The agitation ofthe subject ai Ibis time can do no OOd, but will dotihtlessdo much harm. It is always calculated 'o c.xaejivratc the

public mind, and to create hopes In the minds of the slaves,that cannot speedily. If ever I* realized, ami rjooeequcntlymake them useless, di-cnnteiited. and disobedient; whichmust inevitably cause their chains to hemore tightly drawnand more flrmly riveted.

Sine.- the foregoing was in type, we havemet with the following remarks of the Farmers'Chronicle, published at Richmond, Ky. It will beseen that the Editor docs not hesitate to expresshis gratification at the prospect of seeing the Slave

question submitted to ihe test of free discussion :

The prospectus of the ' Trae American,' of which wc

¦poke in our la»t nunilier, Is inserted to-day. As we thenstaled, and as will be seen by the prospectus itself, the UCW

paper will advocate, as a principal object of its establish,incut, a gradual riddance of this Slate of iho institution of

Slavery by constitutional means. We Isclieve that few

persons of Intelligence can be i und in Kentucky, or, in¬deed. In any other Stute, hat w ill readily acknowledge thatSlavery is an evil, and a great moral und jsolitieul disad¬vantage to the community in which it is established..Equally general is the opinion that it IS inimical to tinscontinued well-being of society, and thai Inseparably con¬nectedwith its existence ure dangers w hich, however re¬

mote or latent, are yet seen and lelt by all. Another view..j the subject la taken by many good citizens, viz : the In¬justice done the slave by retaining him under Involuntaryhonilage. These considerations, with perhaps others, havebrought the minds of many persons in our Stale to the con-clusloii that somemeasure sho ild be adopted with a view tothe gradual eradication ,d" the evil. Hut iln-re is u differ¬ence ufo; Inlon among those who think such a step neces¬sary as to the time ol commencing the work mid the planof eticcting It.some believing that it should not be de¬layed, whilst others deem the present an uupropiUous pe¬riod for sii.ii a movement.The subject is one of vast moment to the people of Ken

tin iky, and if it b discussed in the proper spirit wc sen nogood rea-oii why It should nut he done new as well as at

any future time. Uur wish is to see il brought fully beforethe people, without agttntlon. w llhout excitement, withouta Mending of It with ..-.her schemes or extraneous matters.There bus been so much mid well grounded feeling engen¬dered against fanatical abolitionism, in slave communities,owing to the course pursued by the mischievous ultralsmOf that unprincipled clan, that it has become, in the viewof many j>crsoiis, almost' treason to the State to expressan opinion ag.siust slavery. This U going to the other ex¬

treme. No Keiitucklan should hesi ate to look any ques¬tion full in the face, avail tiimseli ofev.iv light that bo canCOmmai d, and tlren form and express his opinions nil \

upon ILAs an Individual, and a cltl/en of iho beloved Common¬

wealth in which w e were born, und with ,vhose honor andwelfare we feel all our ileresla and hopes uro Identified, « e

¦ue gratified that a subject so nearly affecting her honorand future destiny. Is about to be submitted to the test ofreason and the best Intellects in the State. Let it be donecalmly and in the spirit of sincere patriotism, and with a

rigid regard to the rights of every citizen, and ne injurecan follow ; while much good may i*.- eflected.

Dedication oy a School H use..Boston dedi¬cated a new Grammar School on Wednesday. It bearsthe name of the' 'ti.-. Grammar School,' in compliment tothe venerable Ilarri-ua Cray Otis. Mr. Otis was presentat the dedication, with Gov. Briggs und the Mayor, andmade an Interesting speech. In^wÜcIi he dwelt upon thet ones of his own school-boy days. Among ether amusingIncidents of the olden time, he s.ud that Ins schoolmasterused to reward all the well- behaved scholar-, i \ ery Wed¬nesday afternoon,with sliellnariu,which he threwoutoithe window, allowing the boys the fun of Scrambling forthem:

Citiriii n KtiutiKii..The Catholic Church in thisvillage "was broken Into, on Sunday night last, and theplate, Priest's dress a canted«if. An attempt was alsomade to tire Ihe Church. The Church lists aud otherpapers were set on (Ire in a chest, where, from the wantof air, the papers only burnt. [Oswcgo Whig.

Dues.Vt Lyons, on the 22d April, Major EZEKJELPKl( F., In tUo 80th year ol bis age.

It is seldom wc arc called upon to record the decease ot

a innti so universally esteeundas Was Major Price, liewas looked upon as a very model of excellence. Heine,too, one of the first settlers of this place, be was held in thepro(bundost veneration by per«ons ofevery grade.The deceased was a native ol Now-J.-sey, from Which

Stale he emigrated to Lyons (with an Interesting family) inthe lall of ISOtf, at which time the whole region of countryNorth of Geneva was little short of an entire wilderness,lie purchased a small Improvement on the lot now occu¬

pied by Es # Biggs wherehe resided someyears, when beremoved to the village, and commenced taverti-keeting.and although, like all others of that day, he did not luDyrealUe the baneful etfects of the traffic In spiritm us liquors,his house was kept strictly arcordtng to law : and. m c-

over, he made It a rule, from which ho could not be Inducedto .u part, to sell no liquor on the Sabbath. He also, ab :.t

ttiis time, for ihe accommodation of the Inhabitants, estab¬lished a store, which was the first, and fur some time theonly one. North ofGeneva.

Major Price was always ready to ns-lst in carrying out,both bj his personal exertions and his pecuniary meansany enterprise intended for the benefit of the town or thegood ef the community. De was mainly instrumental in

securing the establishment of.& Post Office in ilus villasa'>otit the year l-uo, over which he was appointed to pre¬side.and for several years, at a pecuniary loss to himself,curried the mall, in person, to and from Geneva. He COU-tinned to hold this office until some time aster the electionOf Gen. Jackson to the Presidency.when, Hol l»e!itgJackson man. and iherc being .oiue"a:-pl:c itioiis for theplace from among those w ho "bowed the knee to Baal."rather than be supplanted, he resigned, and his son-in-law,K. II. Foster, was appointed to riil the vacancy.The Major, however, continued to perform the duties of

iheotfice as a dork, until the Spring of lsii. when he was

again Invested ¦ Ith the title of Postmaster, by Hon. Fran¬cis Granger, then Postmaster General. Mr. Tyler's guil-lottae was used fredy around as, aud yet, singularlyenough, it did not reach Maj. Price until within threemonths of the ax rirat ion of that rfiguitary's term Of etllce,though Maj. Price made no reserve of bis political princi¬ples when catechised by the Department. It was his wish,as stated hy h!m in a card published In this paper a feww eeks since, to remain at the j-osi thr duties of whll Il hehad so long and so faithfully Discharged, until the tlrst ofApril next, which wish was signified to the PostmasterGeneral; but the place was wanted for one more pliantthan hinueh, am", he was therefore removed.Major pri.-e was a man of the Strictest probity, and of]

enlarged and liberal view s. Tlie comparison h is frequentlybeen made." As honest .is Major PriCC." He had la-en

for many years a professor of religion, and truly adornedthe church Of which he w as a member. He despised everything th it savored oi'bigotry, and though a Pre*byterimla sentiment, he regularly attended,'and sometimes actedas chorister of the .Methodist Church In this place, beforethe organization of the ITesbyteriau Society ; and to punc¬tual was he in attendance at the house of God, that, whenabsent. Inquiries pare set on foot as to the cause of his ab¬sence.As a military man, he r. nderelhis country no small

service. He was Captain ol a Volunteer Company, which,in I7'.»l, under Gen. Bioomlield, of Ncw-Jeisey, marchedto what was then called Fort Pitt, BOW l'ittsburg In Penn¬sylvania, t«assist tu quelling the memorable** »YMskej-Insurrection." And at the commencement of the last w..r.< ;:i Great assisted Capt. Dorsey In raising a

Comonny of Exempts, who volunteered their services tothe Cor. of-Xew-York to act within the bounds of theÜotmf- of Ontario to repel Invasion and to guard ¦. too-en. Thiscampany Maj. Price took much pains in dri.iiiic;and rendering nt for *ervlev.and such w.-.s the martial ..;rcamnce they presented that the Gov. had them sappliedwith arms whl the militia were sadly iu want of them.Tin-mpativ want to Sodus when invasion was ihtrateiiOd, and wasCOmpUinsaUaal In tuviaig the right of tlM r< -.-

ment awarded to löcm.l'l.rmg the w ir Maj. Price's tavern wa- always ois.ii for

the entertainment of the defenders of the country, to wh mparticular attention was shown, whether they had demeans to pay for it ">r not; an" in thi- way aljnc on Im¬portant service -ras rendered the country-.

In addition to his other excellencies. Major lYico was aarm and unwavering Whig. aides* prevented by sick¬lies* or absence from home, always availed hin.self of theuiestlmaMc pr.vilegi- ol" the elective franchise.

This sketch, from It* tmperiectnc-*, avid give the readerhut a faint conception of the true character of the surj-ctof it; and though It cxceecLs In length the generality of suchnonces, " ike half Us not been told."

[Wavue County Whig."mm

EMOVAL-t LAKK Ai COLEMAN nave removedHorn "so. IU Broad jt-awt to No. 18 South St. ml3 31*R


GRABAS! HOUSE.NEW ARRANGEMENT..EOS-WE!.!. GOSS informs hit friends and the public that heh u enlarge his B0ARDIS6 tZSTAShlSnilKST, kn wn

as the G-aham House, 03 Barclay-»-.rcct, by adding to itthe adjoi .ins hous.?, ar: i is preparsd to acccmm~!ate rra«-si-nt or permanent Boarders on the m s: favorable terrr.s.AI! friends of Temperance desiring a qnict home, a:;: fr-dorn from the fumes of aleotiol and tobacco, are Invited to

patronize Ui.s hoa-e. T!ie Vegetable .System, with thechoicest selection o: fruits, Ac. which the market affords,will be strictly adhered to, but a table wiil be served fortho e whe prefer the ordinary mode, or mixed diet.Croton Shower, Warm and Co!d Baths, free.


f.'- LEECHES .\ M>i CPS a, plied byAir. MAGNUS-SON, corner of Broadway ar.d Bro-jme street, entrance inBroome st. New-Tork._References..Tn. Cher-smart, Dr. Mott, Dr. Nelson, I>r.

Francis. l>r. Stearns, Or. I'.'rrer, I>r. Weed, Dr. Sinclair,Dr. 1 >. s-mtb. >r. >..., . ......Best Swedish Leeches constantly on hand. laO .Ira

!'iilMi.\'i AND' li'-'oK !;!.\[)|\',.TRIBUNE JOB PRINTING Oir'ICE,

>'o. 7 SPRUCE-STREET.All kinds of Job Printing, such as

Pamphlets, Mammoth Show-Bills,Catalogues, Lecture-!'.;:'...Checks, Concert-Rills, Plain aniCards, Fancy,Insurance iv-l iclci, Political BUls,Bills of lading, Circalars, (neat) Ac.Chrculars,

Promptly executed at the Office, No. 7 Sprucc-strcct.TRIBUNE BOOI^BLNDERY,


G A Y L 0 R D &. A L E X A N D E ft,Are prepared to execute Binding for BOOK-SELLERS

PUBLIC LIBRARIES, and private individuals.N. B..Particular attention paid to rebinding old Books,

Periodicals, Music. &c. in good style and at reasonablerates.Persons visiting the city can have thc-ir books rebound at

short notice. ii7tfTHE OLD ESTABLlSIIED


JOB BOO K -BINDERY,112 and 111 Fulton-st.

The subscriber continues to give his special attention toall descriptions of

JOB B<>0K-BIN*!jINO,and Invites Liorarians, all persons baying charge of BookInstitutions, and gentlemen having Libraries, to call andinspect his unit;iie and substantial styles of Book-binding,and beg. to reler to the llrat Booksellers and Librarians inthis city.For durability of workmanship, with even- variety of

taste, and very reasonable charges, this extensive estab¬lishment stands unrivaled. EDWARD W ILKER

CHEAP CASH ROOK-STORE.E. WALKER, Bookseller and Publisher, IMFulton-sL

Always on hand .1 g jul assortment of school B-oks; Stan¬dard WorksofAmerican and English editions; Miscellane¬ous Books and Stationery of every kin.', nt greatly rolm-cdprices, tor rash. <Vin«rv dealers «11»., lieil. j-gM'


MENTS."Col. NASE, of .1men in, New-York, irrücs

under date ofJanuary 28, 1843,as folloict:

Mr. Isa sr ItfTTs :Sir: 1 he high estimation in which Wiitar'i Iiilsn-n ofWild

Cherry is In Id is nothing more than it im riu.. Daring -"-11 itsl-on-tici d effects in my own fj-uily. brlicre it to be luialua-b'»* in cases ofliicipient ousumi'riou.My wife, whose constitution i> naturally feeble, in the fall

oflSO took a severe ci Id. whichaflected h-r lungs, producinga harassing cough aud hoarseness, so that she could with diffi¬culty «is-ak.While on a visit to her fri»n,Is last spring,'her attending

physicians h-cain-- alarmed st h»r situation, told in r til ,t un¬

less her cough au,l other symptoms left her as the we itber ap¬proached, it would be not likely u lite warm weather becamecold. At 1 h,- -atne time lie gave some medicine to tak- whii i.tended to lessen her fever, but ill her OL'GII. HOARSE¬NESS and RAISING Ol- IlLOdD continued about the¦asne time. ..\t thisalarming runre of the discssn I proenrsd -.

lew bottbs ol Wistar's Balsam ofWild l. rry. which sl.- te-gantotake. Atter n-ing one bottle I could perceire little orDO benefit from it.(InTaiise she hid l-eroine so Or r. ¦luce,I bythis emaciating düsäse).but 1 prevailed oa her to continueits Ilse, though I freelv Cotifc.-s it was hoping against hop-.!!. fore th, second bottle w as gone I thought therewas somerelief, and sh- persevered m its us-till sin- had t iken >', or Rbottles; and now. sir, the gratifying result is 1 PERFECTRESTORATION to her usual hs-allli. Not 01.f thane,i inning symptoms have re-appeared; and I should do myselfinjustice did 1 sot fully and earnestl) rtconimcud it to oilerswho rosy bo in a sinulir situation.

IvespecrJuUy your friend, W. II. NASE.E. M. Swifi, Esq. DistrictAttorney ofDutclies., Co-writes

February:!, IMS.I am scqiisinted with Col. W. H. Nt-'. of Ameni;, who is

a mm oftruth.and his statement of Gets is entitled to fullcredit. Further, i know that the ln-alth of his wife is rreatlyimproved. E. M. SWIFT.

Annul we say, call and see the hoi si,m

They fully prove that this Balsam i* the only reliable remedyf,,r pains, v\ eakness of the Chest and Lung>, Coughs. Colds,Liver Complaint, Incipient Consumption, Asthma ,,f on-toIS years* st.,,,,in,Raisins of Blood, and every disease pro-Jue-d by a cold and ciiauging dim ite.Itetnember, our certificates md statements of cures are in

all cases si S161 i.v nu r..

Principal Office 32 Ann-st, but sold by Dragguts in all partsofiheeoontry. »27 in

No DECEPTJON.Not a week pastes story without ire have to recordsome of" the mott astonishing cures of Ions, con¬

tinued Asthma, Incipient Consumption,Bleeding at the Lungs, Bronchitis,

Difficulty of Breathing, and theran us diseases of the

l/ungs,performed by


[AlI<*HeoiIiig Balsam.It has proved Itself to l«e ÜN best medicine ever offered to

th- public. The question is no longer asked; C in Asthma i-e

cum ,I I Nor do those w ho luve long been under treatment bysome of our hesi \<U\ »ici o,s, and b) tb- in given lip a» tropelesteases, but who have resorted to the use of this great remedya,,d are eun-d, and now in the enjoyment ofgood le dlh. doubt,that 11 remedy can be found however boneless the ease mar sp-ncartobe. It is sjmrDVi d by the Faculty and reel'inmetidedLy llnan as the f( How in.- c iseol

ASTHMAw ill sh-w. A gentlemen, residing 111 l"th str-s-t. had been suf¬fering under Asthma for many years. It at last becaa.severe tint medical advice wss obtained. He was itteaded bythrea of the first physicians in the city of New York. Theycould BOl relieve him. and t dd him tb'.t hiscasevsas I,op,de«s.Hearing of this goat rernedy be purchased a l~>ttl.'. andtri-dit. lie found perfect relief fr-111 it, and the physicians whotttendrd him di e!-oid the medicine to be wonderful indeed.-They have since rec-rnnu-mlci! it to many of their patients,

RAISING PLOOD.A m-.l.i d r.iding in Itroidway. called ibis last

week to say that he hid been induced to try the Olosanuiaii as

a remedy, and had I", und the ino-t h,] py effects resultiug fromits use, lli>, wife w ... iiotiblrd withaseverecongli, and raisedblood m some quantities. He h id used one bottle and calledfoi another, sod -t <t- ,1....', thou.hi th- remedy au invalua¬ble one. and should recommend it as suchMrs.Tiioei.ornN. vi Monroe st., who lud been sick fur

some length of ume..waj relieved by »ne bottle of thu greatreuieily. She hid a -eitr- cöughsuo raised bloed- Keu.Ev, vi Warer-st w »s ifilicteJ in the same

manner, and hid b ssi under the Care of hi, physician duringthe wiuirr. He was »tv much reduced, and coughed con¬

stantly when he.commenced the use of.the Olosaooiin. Hehas used two bottles 01 il.c remedy and-tl now able to return

to hl» woik, beiug entirely relieved.i ONSL YIPTiON.

Mr. Wisdom, 3S"Wlrite st, wassoldw in the mouth ofDe.eemberlsst, thai he wt igivenspby his phyneian. Bisfnendsalso had no hopes of his recover-,-. He waS jsjrsnjdcd by a

friend to try dir Olö-raonisarn and to bis snrpiise it has so farrest, r. d him to health tliat he is now able to waik about thestrerts.A v onng lady whose name is left st the office, has ?o far re-

coiered liom diseased lungs mi,!, r the use .It1 Oil i.-iu

.hat slie is now ab!e to attend to her usual duti-j. She badbeen complaining lor two \-.r.. ,u:d had l»-en attended by the

best physicians Itothin Brooklyn and this «ry. They allagtss d in their opinion ofher case and pronounced her Plugs .o

lar affected that tbev coald Bi t help ! er.. Her cure is t-vt: f

ordinale and will -berth he | ubltshed in fnlLOth irpersonsliaveex-perieneed the cursatreproperties ol tins

mt-dicine, and rmrst-sitsiiacly pronosnce itTHE GREAT REMED.. ,

.V. M. Binmger, 191 Bard ly-street, ...r.M iU"u pfHcJboken,v'rs Bell of-M irristown. N.J., Mrs. .YicGaun au U allter-st.Mrs. Archibald 35 While nri-et. ami numerous, other ivrseii.hue been relieved Irom cough* ol big standing, Ditficultjof Ureiihiiig,4ic. and have left theirnames as -references at lire

°For sale at !(!<" Nasssii-street. one door above Ann; andal

Mrs. Hays', ir.. Fulton-str-vt. Urooklyn._m'FOB THE PILES.

FOR THE PILES!.Are y.a a!r:, w:-h P:.->'

Tr--. then, without delay, Doctor Cpham's 'v eg-ctab!u Electnarv, the best remedy ever offered to publicnotice. Tlds rekllv excellent medicine Is the result of a

th.-rough medical cdt cation and a complete knowledge oithe disease for which it is reeommended. The meV. tri-

nmphant success attends Its admiuistratiou.Read the following remarkable cases: r

A lady, rc-iding m Norfolk street, was lerkmsly afflictedwith Illes; so great w as her suffering that, to use her own

expression. Ute wai a burden; for Ihtrtwecksslmhadbeenattended bv one of our most endncnt rhysidans, without

the least benefit. Satisfied that It was an aggravated case

of llles, I prescribed the Electuary; two boxes were c*l.Six months after, the same lady called on me to rrescri.-cforanother complaint, and then informed me that she was

r«-rfectly cured of the by 'die two boas, lud Lad ex-

ps-iciieid no rctuni sanec.Mrs. g.resiling in Greenestrcet.enllcd on mc last «prius,

saving, tliat sbe had U-en affected with Piles for two years,accompanied by pain in the side, palpitation of tho heart,

a sense cf straig^ttnes« acr.-s* the chest, and oppression.she was n&ahle; to He dovvu with- nt elevating the head andchest considerably; resting borlaontally produced a scrrsc

of >uiT,scalioii. followed by a coush. Br using one box ofthe Electuary, tl:cpai:i In the side, patpiuition and oppres-sion ceetSOd, she could lie down wlth.-ut tnccnvctiiencc, and

the Piles we.-c p-rtiaPy removed, anal a scevmi box madea con lete cere, to Cie great graui'.catiou of the patient. Z

Si 01 -ins City by the fropriettr mly, a rvgularly cdu-cated Phvsichtu. conlined to at: O0CC sracticu for thetieat-

ine.n ot Cnr.'m> Di.-i.sses. No. 1S6 Bowery. Medicaladvice in rc!a:: at to the above, or any other cs-^.p-junt.g-iti-. Price of the £ti ' orjfonc dollar. -g-*s. Reme-nhertha- the Electuary Is an Intebnal Kejiedt. uri not an

external sntpueatu «. and sold otsLY a; Ii*> Bowery, f ur

ds-eis al-uve Spring st. Office hoars from 7 A. M. to u p.M

;J-g tm'

«». FOR SALE.A tamerim IsjnS] Hi >P.SE. ^rfectly\V.r*>-enl'e in sinric SM double harness, and aivi a gcxd/nf**V*ssddle Horse. He is sold only for want of use. Ap-

1 ' "t" at 60 Pinestreet. _"'13

PKl'i I'-sSION" VPS.? million Percussion. Split andRib'd'brst rntnlity, in bot-s of tOO and 200. Alss,

NValker's English I'-rcusaion Lais.for sale low byin,]^ A. W. SPIES St CO. 21S Pear!-5t.





BY JAMES X. KcELUGOTT;Principal of the Mechanics' Society School, N*ev»-"v>rfc.

'' Th- enthor nfrhis book i* well ku <. .: as the able principal*oftt,- Mechanics'Society School in this city. In \!ail he his eipUis-J the «vsl-m which he hs* employed withsuch eniire-u: sacc-ss. render-d it familiar and easy, ami inaJeit* great advantag-s apparent, by a series of rirrcises of a pe-culi instructive chirr:: ;r."Just published, audio: wi- by

VAN NORDEN Sc KISG.mal? 2w-.,d 12 William-street. M-rchants Ex.-h inre.

R OBINso.Vs GESEN1US' HEBREW LEXK ON'. I Jrerk and Ecjlish .'

Le*cr-tt\ Latin LeviconCrturius' Homeric L'xicouFelroaas ireek ReaderSophocles Greek I iramm-r

M Lesson*Eaerci*?*A»id Key

" Bomaic t Ir.mmar. Fur sale bymit_H 1'NTIN'i ITi 'N at S \V \C.K. ?K Pearl«.DAaNLEL Al'r-r.. ;«7 r L L iUN- <l\ .* r. »> - i vUrT."


Compri.ii.; a General Introductory Outline of Universal ilia-lory. Asscieut and Modern, and a S-rie* of Separate

Histories of every principal Nation t!*t-tisla,tlieir Rise, Progress and I'r-*eii! Con¬

dition. Ssc. Sic.BY SAMUEL MAUNDER,

Author of the" Treasury of Knowledge." " BiocrapincalTmmry." " Literary and Scientific Tr-astiri," StC.


T!i- above valuable work will be compli t»J m about twelv-Nos. octavo, printed on tine paper, witli clear type, and willbe ...Id .t 25 centa per N<».Tli- first thr-e Noj.have s.lready h-en issned. and the fol-

lowing; ones will be published regularlyon the first of eachmonth n-itil cumd-ted._ria 11


With an Intr,»h: torv Account of Its Rise and Progress InANCIENT AND MODERN TIMES,

For the Use of Manufacturers and others.P.Y CLINTON G. CII.ItOY,

Prartiral RVarer ami Manufacturer.One larrc ,svo. Volume, Illustrated with nearly 300 En¬

gravings on Wood and Steel, plain and colored,ibis work written n ith admirable clearness and thoroughly

practical, must prove useful to every mauuficturrr and o;--ra-tire, :.. diejourneyman as well as the employer. It has cost aI-'im an-! ledefct jgxbl- ibor to g-t it out. and sold .,? thelow price of Five Dollars, by fJLO. I>. BALDWIN,

ski______ 3a Sprui-e sr.

valuable standakt> historical wokks.Bancrofts History of the United State*. 1 rols. 10th edition,

With map and plates.I're.-c. tt's History of th- Beign of Ferdinand and Ivds-Ila,3 vols. 1,-th edition, uuinsrou, portraits, uutjgra;lbs andmaps.

Preicott'i History ofthe Comioest ofMexico, 3 toU; Plates;Ah. n's lli.p ry of Enrope from the commencemeut of the

rreiicli Revolution to tie- il-w .r.-.tion the bVtirVu.. 4 vols.I biers' lii.torv of the French Revolution, I vols. lines.Hum-. Smollett and Millet's History ef Eugl-ind. from the

Invasion OfJulius Caesar to the Corouaiiou of Georg? Ii Id.I Vo|s.N :pi--r"s History of the Peninsular War, S vols. map-am!

plans.Also, a general assortment of Book ; in -nr. departmentOf

literature.SCHOOL BOOKS

supplied on very favorable terms.TURNER & HA1 DEN'S Cheap Cash B -.A-t ire,

m'O v _10 John street, pear Broadway.i i.e subscriber hat just received a very .- re eolk ctiou of

OLD ENGLISH Wi IRKS.Among which are the following:

Robinson's Scripture Ch traders, 4 sola.Sixteen Discourses on Practical Subjects, by the la;.- Rex-,

Benjamin Carter; A M.Lectures on th- Catechism of the Church of England, by

William Gilpin, M. A.Sixteen Sermons on Docuiae and Duty ag-ic : the reigni: g

Vamti-s ..f the Age.The Ute Bey. Holyburton's Inquiry.A DUsertatioa coacerniag Liberty .and necessity, with re-

marksoa v irions otherauthors, by Jonathan Edwards, D D.A History of the Origin of the British and Foreign Bible

Societyby th- Rev. .1. Owen. \. V. ofCambridgtThe Discourses of Richard Munkhou*. D. I' of Queen's

College. Oxford, in 3 vol.. with vaiioii- others For sale by.UJKAILVM MAZK. .at bis old Establishment. '

mT 237 ni. eeki r street unp"«iie Burton.

^SCHOOLS.ITiOJL SALE.A Classical and English School, well estal-

lished, in a good location, w ithin fifteen minutes' walk ofthe Park, ami not excelled in the reipectubility of its patron¬age. Any person full)' competent, with »hei to SAM readymoney, for w bich the nxturea and ap;i-aatui> are more anequivalent, will find an spn irtunitv of nuking a profitable

K a line to ' Primus,' at ihia office.

CATION AND INDUSTRi hareappropriated a tsns-'m-nt f'r the accommodation of fifteen or twenty hoirdincpupils. Tl.ey will be m-inber, ofa family under the care ofthe Director ofEducation, bis wifeand other Teachers : willenter into the -vine classes for study and work, and be tahfeclto the same "esersl regnlaljoas a- pupils who are metnbeisofthe Association. The did ,f the family excludej meat.Terms for Hoard and Tuition Side a rear, halfpayable in

adv.uice. D. MAI K, Director ol M-*lj,iw, K. I.. l.-.ii. nihl t.iwSl'in


pal..Snmrner Session will open on the 1st of May.To those who desire to place sons at Boarding School,

the advantages offered at tills Institution are believed to beequal. If not superior, to any. It 1ms been in success¬

ful operation seven years The location, delightful and ?a-

P.ibrious, is convenient of access from the City. The edi¬fice is commodious and comfortable.the play grounds am¬

ple aud disconnected from the village. The government isefficient bet mdd, resembling that of a well regulatedChristian family.and no day scholars are received to Coun¬

teract the salutary influence of family induing.The system of instruction is designed not merely to ad¬

vance and t>crfcct the pupil In Lhe branches studied, but todcvelopc and instruct the judgment, to enlighten the un¬

derstanding, to form the habits, and to give a moral anduseful direction to the Ir.ellnatiot.s.Further particulars, tticludJn; Catalogue of Students,

opiuioiis of patrons. &c. will be fuund m the pamphlet circu¬lar of the Institute, to U- had on application at the lio.''5ton of Bartktt A Weli'ord, Aitur Houia;, and Baynor'-,75 Bowery.

Reference, by permission, to the foUcrwing diatiagtilshcdgcntiemcti t

Washington Irving, Esq.Hon. Daniel Webster, C. S. Senate.HomGuUac C. Yerplanck.Cat t. Alex. Slidell Mackenzie. u. S. N*.Nathaniel It. Holmes, Ksq. Tarrytown.Francis Han, Esq. Rear. Nathan Bangs, DD. VVm. C

Bryant, Esq. George T. Trimble, J. It. Yau itcusselacr, M.I). Harper & Brothers, New-York City.AL*o to the following who are now or have been, patrons:Rev H W Hunt, Zebebec Cook, Jr. Bcnj L slcr.Rev L M Vincent, M Van Beuren, Oscar Irving,Rev Th..s Bnrcfa, Jas M Heyt, Theo Kcese,Rev J Hewing, J L Mort, I W Knevcis,Rer.JSeweU, C Huscnberry, I. Henisoit,Rev A F Selleck, B L Kip, GeO QinCO,Rev Dr West, P Parmony, HWClapp,J>r Jos Sczlbner, Wm G Boggs, BenJ D Brnsh,Rev I) Batscock, E W Van Voorhls, F Campbell,A U Livingston, Leonard Kirby, V," S Dimhum,Eh.-ha MoircU, Jacob Leroy, B F Howe,Peter Pinckney, Ccn G II Strihsr, II Baynor,Chaa Storm, Harvey Weed. Isaac Adnanee,J Chesterman. B F Wheelwright, Thos I'atUsoa,MorrlVRobinson, w Van Antwerp. M Pels. j30 3m

BOARDING SCHOOL FUK MALE PUPlLS^ Seminarv. l|eni|i>tead, L. I. on a brat.« hol the L. 1

R uiroad, 21 miles fiom Brooklyn. Term, fr on Sliä to SIMayear. Iirculars atJ.St J. Chamberliiis". 3 S utli William-street. Also at New man"* Book sure.;139 Broadway. ThePrincipal during the month.of April at 73 Nassau. The Sum¬mer Term commences the firvt >.! V *'.*.

ml... "m« N V'I'H A N E L DI NN*. A. V. Prineii^l.DREPARATOKY (BOAKHLNG' SCHOOL, MLDHLE-I TOWN, CONN". D. IL CHASE,AM.PRINCIPALEstablished In >"-*>. Sessions commence May LSth andOct. lälh. contmidng Sve months, at 5i»0 per session.Thorough preparation for college or business, and person¬al attentions are secured to pupils as tally as in the most

expensive s. !;-,.U. Lada Com New-York are place ::¦

cliarge of a caretal person, going and returning. Circularsat 14 Market-street and 17t Broadway. d'idyc***.'ULBSVl 1'H'S WRITING ANf BGOK-sCKEI'IN'i i

*Jt A«'Ai>E.Mi. La Ii.,- Uml.iiags, ctroer of Br.sidw »yand Beade-street._««_ml.'_ ,

ISBROW*S RIÜING-P*;H00L.No. ius Bowerj'. near

Aster and La Fayette Place. New-xort.Mr. D. !.thehonor to announce that his School is ope.: Hay and Kvenu.^.for iL -.urstriia Tuition and ev-icise Kidiag.

TEEMS.tgrr. p.x Lissoss- cagarisx niDisp.

16».SI5 00 I Mi nth.»12 >sJ

10 do .11 00130 Bides.10 00

4 Jo . i 0o"|f» do .6 Oil

Single Lessons. 2 uOiSmgle Rides. 75Ko>d do . 2 S«'N. C. Highly trained and mrt Hers«, for the Road or ra¬

mie, to let.KVTSVfa cu.s*.

1? L-ssons .S9 OSISfj Bidesi. .til e*

Siagledo . RCLES51. *l! Lei-on.sjr Rale* ;vu.i lor on commencing.2.iirl- boorallowed ou each Le*»ou or Bide in the tciiooL3.Oue hour anil a half td a Leasoa oa the Road.4.Honrs t";r Ladir.. from S A. M. to 3 .P. M.


5. I'..ars tor I letitl'taeit. from 3 to 5 and Irom i to *H. r. M.6. No Grctlemea admitted daring the hours aj->rcpriaied to

Ladies.\ card of add.e*.* is re.-ue»ted previoos to cmmeceiBg.

r-ctletnrn k.i lug. theirbones in this estatduhceclwill liave tlee jrivilege of riding liiem in the sciiocl gratis.

Day x; M vkTIN's BLACKING.Warranlrd gesmbse;f. r Vbi the dor. 01 singl- Iwttle by DAVID SANDS

fcCO. < hemiats and Apothecaries. 77 Last Br.adway. ennier

Ma.ket street. _» mi*

oWr niSil LEECHES.Of5-.esize_andr*Kreetlj b«dtby.s? eons-.<ntlv on hand and for sale by tne han-ired or dozen.

M>lied bv DAVli> SANDS at CO herauts end Apo-rj, ¦.'r^.'-l -st Bn ..-wsy r. r. .Va-ket.t._milN't WTON DVrsi.!N<'> < etecnted :. :.i;um -.

rri.av b- h d of lhe .ubsenber «de scent for the sale of

them ni tliia city-also. Scribes of tl>e lollow,,,; patterns, blth- macuiicturers ol tier above : \V aidroq > Urulm s.xiid Lrvd-.1 rd* I i.e.- i^-tug many »ps.-ioua article* in market, llieraldlc are hereby eantio:;ed agatuat any wmch may be stamp-* Darling or Newbery Dsriing .* azy other uvw th >se

stamped in full Newton Darfinc.ti*;nn cunine.

mlXMwel JA* A. FLF.I'KV. Sole Acer' t-fl lohn-*!,

niXE Cl I i lir.Wl.M. Wit >--. KING I OBAC-C CO AND SNÜVK.-JOHN ANDERSON kCo.. No2 Wall street.213 and tli Duane street, have received Car thelast two years, the hithe-l pr-miums awarded by ih-a m-n-can lnstitu'e Fairs, f-r the beat Tobacco and Sonn. 3 bey

tii u- to nunuCsCturr 'die win- articles at th- same ;! M s.

ai d should be pleased to hare their triends and customers, andali who deal in th-*e srticrej, to call and examine thera, bar-bag the above high aathortty lor ihsir iuperi-)r excellence.


ICH L5, 1S45.'

TTrjALr.^Iv? PTOTAI REMEDY.LI l.M > !..N :M.-.NT.-T:-;< c .rated remedy i* aowk . i

;! " irrnrJ to !'v New-Fork public: the ce¬lebrity which it hu obtained in the county l\V«:c»«>r|warn itm rntenaltr ratroducod. ha« ijdm-ed th« rropricto.-..'' ,u ' ¦-- ''Ulf at aw country. There hu um yetb-«n liiiccitfml an external remedy tha: h-.a proved urtaiain iL»-fleets m permanently ccnng ü-e following diseases :.Raeaianf«.. SeresTcd KsuVs. P«ü, ,B the Chest und Back.Sprainsirur«*. Ncrmu Jiffcctüms. tfesienet, in th,Joint, CjK.rae.toiuuj Ott Muscles. Barns. Salt ÄAcu -a.Owp. Jrj|t««Tn i,i. Ree, TeestAVieAe. 4-, at.The roUomns letters from üv hichly eroi-ent Physicians

who luve bad chafit- of the Hospital i. :. ... ,;. Suu StatePnson f.,r mwy w. u »hj. tnost rwwerfitl ernfence m tarntol this crlearated Extennl K-rnedv. and is 1 Jiilhcient guaran-u-e that it is worthy the evidence ofthe puttie. Fur partic-ulars. see trie ce.-raccatri accom,in-.iag each bottle PriceZj ceuts.

., . .. .Srsro SisrcD-e-mh-rKth. WM.

JU> D'rrr Sir : Heeeived yont not- of yestarday asking mynpiaion ius~, inoS to ilnnt s Liniment, prepared be '.It. Ii. E.r>tan:on. Knowing im eonpotntioa, ami hatinc fiiiiuintliussdit. 1 can rveomm-nd it to y< u a* a safe e\:rrual remedy,ami 1a my opinion the ts»t flinfmanl now in use.

Very truly aad resrsc'tu'Ir v>nr«

,.,.K. HOg F.'.IAN, M. D.

( o|. PirRRF \ lt( ORTt.AXDT.I fully concur m the abose 01 eiiou.

WM. S BELCHER, M. D.This Liniment resold by EUudttou Jt Co. in Broadway, tt

Astor House; Broadway, corner Fourteenth-street; A. B.&D. Sand». T9 Fnltor.-itreet.n Broadway.77 Broadway;Asptnwall,K'Willuun^Qeet, Meakiiii, ill Broadway: Uni¬on, 127 Bowery, comer of (Jraad-street; Moss, comer of Can¬non anil Grand-srreet: P. Hn-stis, ft Nvsni-street, cor.of Ann ; Bousall. cor. Canal and Hudson Austin, cor.Cedar ami Ntism 1. J. C,aldington, ÄI3 Hudson-street;Graham, cornerof Old-slip ami W ater-street: llibturd stCobb,9GJohn-street; Mrs. Hayes, [35 Fultoc-st, Brooklyn: CJuirk.cornerof Atlantic and Columbia, Brookhn: and Druggistsgenerally throughout the citv and luit-d States: and byHOADLEV, PHELPS k COi 142 Water-street N. V. whoare the s, bolesale axeuts. Onlers addressed to lliem or to theproprie! rat Siug Sics will beattended to.

ft!Im« ti.-.UlH.K E. ST.WTON.

AUE.VriKS.Collections tn Mississippi.

I^HEVES A DAVIDSON, Attorneys at Law, Coffce-V> vHIe,Misai. T. A. CHEVES de A. II. DAVIDSOSwill give prompt attention to the business of theT profes¬sion generally 111 the Northern, and to the collection of for¬eign claims, amounting to live hundred dollars, and up¬wards, in any part ofthe State. Feb. 3d. IS-S5.


Messrs. TOWNSE.VD A BROTHER, j torn.



" 11. P.. FKlKItSON. E-|. tMol"''nla- ft An«/ 1 IIA RLES 1. SHELTON, Attosnci imiCoi.ssil-Vy lob at L «>v. intends to the priscipal cities of Eu-ropeinthe course of the Summer, leaving here the first ofMay. He will at .¦.lid to o:y bu .mess » dh w hich he ran heentrusted, Uaexceptioaabut city reference riven'. Applyport-paid to SHELTON ^ FLAGG.

Nt:«s 1! ssi.n. nit :<w*


30 Ann-street, New-York.16 State-street, Boston.59 Pine-trect. Pluladolphia.S. E. corner ofBaltimore ami Calvcrt-sL P.altlmorc.

A Ivertisentents and subscriptions are reeei%-esl for someof the best Newspapers ol most, f the principal towns andcities ofevery State In the United States, for which be isthe July authorised Agent.Merchants; Manufacturer*, and Dealers generally are rc-

epectrnUy invited to avail themselvesn( the modinm whichmy sgehcyanords of eosamunicating directly with the peo¬ple ofthe country, by advertising in the" papers of thecountry. V. B. l'ALMER,

il2fi A_-e::t for Country Newsnmpers,




31* Bleeeker street, N.-w-lYork:3'il Grand street, near Suffolk.191 Greenwich street, near Fulton.116 Pulton street. BrooUyn.B9 Chesnut and IS N. Fifth-at. Iiiiladelplda.71 Hanover street, Boston.

JNVITE the attention .,1 City and Country Families andPurchasers to their several establishments, where they

thir.k will be found by Car the liest selections of pure undu, a,', illerati I Teas In tin. United Slates. The universalpopularity and renown of their house with reference tohigh qualities, low prices, and upright dealing, Li too wellunde-stood to render farther comments necessary. Origi¬nal a d only warehouse for the sale of Qowqna's BlackTea." Observe 1".Strangers will po particular to remem¬ber tho number of the principal store in Chatham street,viz: 121, between Pearl and Bosevelt streets. The publicwill also be pleased to take notice that the Canton TenCompany have nothing tu do w ith any other stores exreptthose described n; the top 01 this idvcrtlscuiwil. sli Y

CHI EAP Uli. si'Oi::-:..The »n;.?cnber' rcspecttiiily In-/forms the public that he continues the wholesale and

retail Lamp Od and Spirit Oas, at his old stand, ofa verysuperior quality, ten per cent cheaper than can be pur¬chased nt any other store In this city, vis:

Good Lamp Uli, perg.d.SO 50Superior quaL Lard do. tidf.Refined oj, ist qsilty. 76Do do -d do . 621

White Sperm do.Do do 2d do . 1 00Do do 3d do . 87»

Oil Cans ofall Sizes; Lamp Classes of all patterns anddescriptions, and a full assortment of lamp wicks, con¬

stantly on hand.Lamps cleaned and repaired. Oil and Camphcne sent to

any part of the city riee ofcharge.MERRITT SMITH,

-27 Ye Itlfl Greenwich, comer Vesey-st,piONANrsT PA I E N i Y EA ST..The beet article for"L' raiainr bread ever used. Warranud to keep in everyirnate. The American Institute, at their late fair award-

c: the Inventor a Diploma, declaring this Yeast the beatBi title ever iuanui«etured for raising bread, buckwheat,pastry, Jec.The Yeast Is an add, which, l-clng combined In proper

Chemical rsroportlonswlth an alkalLimpregnates thedoughWith trbonic acid gits, without all'eeting, in any way, theoriginal properties of the dour: and thus, when baked, pro-ducing perieet bread. Sold wholesale and retiul SS cts. perpound, by GASSNER ftYOUNG. 132Chatham St. Iftf


& P.DEWBY,Importer sad Dealer i't Freneh and English


.New-\ ork.Would infirm Iii« rn.tomer« aad the ;,iiblic. that I, «ving b,»utttsjiias larre additions to his e>tabli$kme,it. he lias now to

offer tl,-m the most extensive and complete asjortrnent ofloods, 111 Ids line, eres before oj^ued in tnis country, iuelnd-

iu't, in addition to the above,ritone Ware, Eookin2-< 'rinssea,

Cluck*, Sol^r, Astrd! and Hall Lanipe;Girandoles. See. sVc. iVrc.

All of which will be sold on tl rms as favorable as those ofany simil tr establuhment in ilw United States. 2»f y

GREENWICH I'uTTF.RVNo. Ml West Eighteenth st. between 3th aud 15th avenuu.

THE attentun of ihe public is called to the numerous ar¬

ticles manufactured at tins E,tab!ijiimeiit, Cousiatiiig in

11;: of the following, sit:Stone Ware, Earthen Ware,Portal !.. Fnrr. ic-s, Fl- w-r-P. tt.Beer Jirgs. Oveo-'i'ile,I'hiinuej To;«s, I Gre-n-House, B icki It Jambs for grales.Fire-Brick, i Fire < ementatid Clay. Stc.

As du» Establishment is only one of thekiad in thecitywlien- oil the alsoe articles ar- niiiiiifictured .n l s,.|d. Deaf,ers are respectfully invited to call, and they will be suppliedcheaper .,d on belter teruu than can be had in the city:

sl'.'-M Portable Fumari-s u>» 00 hind and read I f, r the.pring trade. mrl 6m WASHINGTON SMITH.

FRANCIS? MA N I FOLD LETTER WRlTrJL.Thistruly great invention p-emtnends itseil to all vshn desire

an exact copy of their correapoudence. as, by this apparatus,tt,- iifk- f me ivn that writes the letbsr produreS the copyat die sain- time. The mode of w riticg i-. jgreeable and ejpe.ditioru. «tlordiu: grl at facilities to btuict as men and travelers.The ink is periectlj ludrlihl-, and cannot Le erased by anykaown chemied agent. Th» Manifold Writers_s« made ofv inoes sixes. l.r bu-uie*. and pris jte nse. mm- with lock andkev,a.,d are sold at ic-.-> ¦» pne-». by tii« ii.-oprieto.-s audir^n if-.c-.u.-:,. Ft. IN'I is s; LOl'TREL

Manufacturing Ststinssrs,Maiden-lane.F. it L manuficturer a suisiiio.- article of BLACK vid

. ARMINE INK.known as the CRO i ONINh. warrantedto retain it, color and fluidity m «nv climate, yuantite-s on

..¦¦it t_ml im

THO.V !'>'- > -s HU'v-ES, Otflce 13 Beek-\maa street. Ats.u: 300 of the first physicians

:.d ? ns Sew-Y' rk ha-.e given their

_decided preference to this Tniis, as you can

graduate the jnnuil from one to fifty fjitr.ils oc theruMure. wiüiout a back pad. which dc-es SO much .njnryto'liie spjie. A fair tr-al being the best test of Its superi-ority. it b arpht-1 aud six day s' tr-U given; and lr it docsnot "retain the rupture, while rsirformii.'g every kind ef ex-

crciee or cougltinr, and give perfect ea« a word, :'. it Isnot satisfactory In every respect, the money is cheerfullyreturned ; and this is the only condition ra which youshould buy any Truss. A permanent e are Is easily errected,and warranted. If directions aie followed.Those sending fix this Truss need onjry Bxeatton the side

ptnxed and tlie iaea;ti.-e n.»wud the tVy can g.-uisate the rr.ssure to^u.; their case. Seid whulesale andretail at U Beetman-st. _au I tf

HULL'S TRCSSES..Notice to RapturedV'cr, .:s.. Pets r- aiBlcted with RapturesJfmay rely ur»-ti the o~t iis-rrtimental aid theworld affords, on application at the office,

No. 4 Yesey street,-.* to cither of the agents In the prd-dpa!towns bi the United States. Be careful to cxamin* the

back pad of nnir» Trosse«, to«see if they are endorbed byDr. HeJi u: wntu:g. N. ne are grnuifx, or to be relied upouas good, wltliou: his «agn.uure. jMany peaons have undertaken to rend imitations of

leJSrated Tntaaes. aad thousands are imposed uponin These ImltaCons cannot be relied opon;they are made by unskilful nteehanies, ai.d are no better

than the ordinary Trussee.:,ave been Stted tip a: No. 4 Vesey street, exclu-

ctv-elv for udies, ImvTng a «eparate entrance from the bu-i-

ness"department, where a female Is in cocatant attendanceto wait npon paticau. "21 tf


WHOLE i\0. 1*SS.

SANDS' SARSAPARILLAAll tlx' rheoonvns of magnetic polarity, trrrsctioa mil re¬

pulsion, have at length been resolved icio cae general fact.that two currents trfriectlicity moving ia the same dircctieorepel, mil in contrary directions, attract each other . tad po¬larity has ever teen communicated to the compass needle byfl-ctrictty. Thu», after a lapse of many veirs. has the treat

as-c.-ct Of the magnetic element been discovered .««,1 ,ve ate

tie- effect* of the discovery iu mxcy useful iuv.nti>a*, Soalaoby patient investigation, and ei.enmeut ha'e the true ncoiw>tin of Santfttrilla Ken disiorepr 1. elicited aaJ applied ; tadia the form of SANDS' SAUSAPARILL A. they are be-liered to b» developed in their rreafal parity and strength..The magnetic duid does not Bad tlie way w ith more certaintyalong the telegraph.c w ire to a given poiut. than doxa the dis-utiectiag and restoring influence of thiv preparation to the teatOf diwiie. Scrofula*. I'tcera, hard or jfOft. Rjrnmtriiss,Scurry, F.rytipeU*. L>r»pep»i.a. g-neral Debility. MerenrialComplaints, Tetter, Ringworm. Salt Rh.-um. Lerroay. ScaldHead. and.ill hepatic disorder*, are relieved by its u»e. Theinventors do uot tretend to L*rrtUJBiu-rr, but so far ai theyhave had aa opportunity of ohse.-ving or knowing theeffec jftheir Extract, it has. by the blessmg of faristaes, bevu uni¬

formly beneficialThe following certiScatea, recently r.-ceived. will be read

w ith interest, and for further proof the reader ia referred to a

rwmpM-t. which ia fsruishfd without charge bv ail theAgents :

», . ,Bn.tHiMtov, Oct. tr. IJH.

MessrseA. B & P. s4xP._! hive eaten afflicted w,th Scre,-lularoi nine year*. It appeared in rariooa fo,m. from itsccmmcncemrut. hut did not break out ia ulcer., natal, «hontlour years ago a targe swelling appeared on mv arm. I hidif raced. It then commenced eating, and continued tountil tre fleshy part of my arm. from mv elbow to neu- i,1%sr.calder. was nearly all ulcers; it then hr..h« out on bothsides of my neck, and extended to mv face. I had a Daraber ofulcers cm my xrtcle and bottoms of my feet. My MBeriiseeme-i almost intolerable. The most of the time | has,- beenander physicians, hive taken Iodine. Sw urn'. Panacea, mpamtioas, and I had nearly despaired of getting relief,when I wasinduced by Mr. ttoxfordta tiv yonr Sarsspejüla.My sorea assumed ¦ more healthy ipriearance, auJ I flatteredmyselfwith the nlei that I should b- well again. I hi>e aowtaken eighteen bottles of your medicine niv ..-res *r~ ill heal¬ed, and my general health is better than it bat been I« lore foruine .. ears, vid I a»cril>e my cure to the efficacy of \ oar S lf>npanlla. Had 1 known its virtues years igo, | «hould hoeKen saved mu. h severe suffering and a di.lignrej fice, and myhusband WOald have Ix-eu saved great expense.

(Signed) CYNTHIA K. TUTPER.I cheerfully testily to the truth of the a'k.».> st itementa of

mvw-ife. MASON F. TITPPER.The follow ing interesting case must commend lUelf to the

careful attention ofall similarly afflicted :Saso." Cieutaa v r i u Sabs*t>abill*.

I speak experimentally when I say that this medicine is Tu¬more effectual in the cure of chronic or icnte rheumvmn.than anv other preparation 1 have ever tested. Having eniiuiedeatreme snlfering a: til..ea within the last fire sear, from re¬

peated attacks of mtl immitory or acute rbeumaUtm, I haverecently used Sands' S*r* iparilla with the hippie*! success ;

my health is now better than i'has been for many monthspast, my aptietite is good, and mv strength is rapidly return¬ing, f attribute this bealthfal change entirely to the use ofllu* patent medicine. Keeling a d.ep t\ tnpithy with thosewho are alRicted with this tormenting lad painfal complaint,I cannot refrais from earnestly neconunendinj to such tin- useof this valuable specific Having the most entire confidencein the medicine and medical skill of l>r. "Sands, I w l* inducedthereby to try the effects ,1" their Sarsaparili i. and I take plei-sure iu a t.iiug mv testimony to thai of many othets, conimen-

datory ofits invaluable pr parties, unknown to and unsolicit¬ed by the Messrs. Sands.

CHARLES UVK.R. Jr. Druggist and Apothecary,. Ill and 12 Westminster st. Providence. R. I.

For further particulars and coaclnsive evidence of it. supe¬rior > able and erficacy, s-e Pamphlets, which may b- obtainedofagents gratis.

Pr-pi: d and sold, w hol -sale ami retail, ami for exportation,bv A. B. Si I) SANDS. Druggists, No. 79 FnltOU ,1 27Jloo,iy ; 77 Essi Broadway, til im

WATCHES, .H WKI.KY. ^JEWELRY, WATCHES, Ike..Fine Gold andSilverWatches and Jewelry of even description,nf the most Cell braleit makers, and als.» low pricedmit Jewelry for peddler.. Sic. For tale by

J. P. V AN EPS; UM st.

W YTCHF.S..T. F. Cooper. Duplex. J. T.In is Si I ... It. .v G. Beeslyand John Harrii.GoldLever Watches, warranted perfect tinie-lreepers, lot

heap by MOj T BROTHERS,s^edsjifu lllfet"tipiKMIu. m. ¦¦ a nacom rtntfle.Alaojntf received, a splendid assortment of GOLD PEN¬

CIL \SF.S.TO COUNTRY MERCHANTSCOMBS, Fancy Goods, Buttons, Jewelry, Stc.The siibscrb- r is receiving new Goods daily, for the

iig trade, among which are the followinguses Vuierican gum Sii*|*-iider* and Garters.

no Colone Water and other Perfumery,do Spool Cotton, in. lulling every varietydo Hooka and Eyes, in Im«es and d,.

S do TwutBack Combs; I do.Percu üou I ipt.ti do Ivory Combs, tr-jm !i-r to S S Bie do Wood t ci.iüs

Besides a great variety of Beads, Shoe Thread, Bindings,Cords, Taiie», Thread, Scissors, Bead Work. Shell Comha,Ornaments, fine gold finger ring», do Breastpius, gold Pencils,Eyelet Maidiinines; gilt and lasting Ruft, in, peart and igsredo, German SUrer Ware, Plated Ware, line gold b-ver ...:dether Watches, Silver Pencil I'rses, Tooth Brushes, 4ic. sail-tble for country or city trade, on the most liberal terms..Agency for Keudrick Si Co s and It 4l W Robinson', gilt andMilitary Buttons. ff.'D. s] J. P. VAN EPS. KU Pearl »t.


.The subscribers respectfully Invite the attention',ol' their friend., and Lhc put.lie lo their select a*aoi i-


coti-isiing ol Duplex, Lever and Leptne Watches, of the va¬

rious approved maki s, cased in the neatest style,and war¬

ranted correct time keep. rs.

Sliver Knives, Forks, Spoon.*, Ladle*, Tea Sols, Cups,Castors, Ac.Plated and Britannia Ware, Spectacles, Pencil Case*.Staate! Clocks, Fine Cutlery, Fancy Goods, ftc. which

they arc enabled to offer for sale at very reduced prices.Watches and Clocks earclullv repaired and warranted. & SCRIBNRR,At the Old Established Siorp, 368 Pearl,

f I) Corner Fulton-street, opposite t'.S. lintel.

RICHARD FI.-sllER. Jr. WA l i ll-.M AK ER and

Jeweller, is now- prepared to sell Watches at re-

_ill lower than any other house in the city. Ajie is constantly receiving all descriptions direct from thonanuumtiirtrs In England, France and Switzerland, he iamaided to offer a very large assortment of Hold Watchesj-om SI5 to S100 each; Silver do. from So to 540each.ill warranted to keep good time, or the money returm-d..Abo u vary gixsl assortment Of JeweJry and Silver Ware

eery low. N. B_Second hand Watches and old cold an

Silver taken In exchange or bought for cash. Watch,.'locks. Music Boxes and Jewelry repairedin the host milli¬

ner and warranted, by experienced workmen, as low us anyither house In the city. RICHARD FISHER, Jr. importera* Wat. lies and Jewelry, wholesale and retail. No. tl.'ll

llroudwav, New-York, a few d.-irs hIhivu tin l ity Hos¬

pital.(nl4)_Kit II \ltt> FISHER. Jr.

(IHUitCU BELLS AND TOWN CLOCKS..TILEJ subscriber, who was awarded « Diploma at the New-

i'ork State Fairs of l-li and 1*P' for the best toned.'liuri h Bell, and Hip', ma tor i'o-.vit liocKs. exhibited at

he Fair of the American Institute In <Xtobor last, Ls now

irepared at hLs Foundry at West Troy, New-York,to furnishjells of from 'iO to 10.000 lbs. made of the le st materials,uidwan mted to stand and tone to please.fiistens to them

mproved Cast-iron \ okes with Movtable Arms. The hi-

trcasing demand for his Pells is the beat evidence that eAnie given of their excellence. Ordert have been receivedrom the Canadas and almost all Lhc States, and about 400lave been furnished to different [daces in the State of Newfork l*)tn his Foundry. Town Clocks, Leveling and Sur-^ bag Iiutjumcuta, Copper and Brass Castings, A;c. Ac,Ö2I Ihn ANDREW MKNEELY.

riLOBE i i.'n K STORE..J I'- .!//./.'s v < Ola" Mannfacturen of the YEAR . LO< KS, would respect-ully call the attention of the public to tla. uuriralleleu im-

.rov-nient and decided adianiages the*» i locks have OveraBitlser ti;ne-kee[»-rs now in u*e. They are sttlltated to'mame year with once winding, and to ke. p good time, and are

low for sale at !0*1 Fulton-street. N'ew-Yoik.The motion is produced by weights in the 3« day ' L ea*,

ind by a msisesnrnxf wound ujion a fusee in the \^u- < l. ck.l'h« j-iwer of tue weight or spring i. retarded in this ClOCk,ind luiule to retain regularity in lU motion by the un »I ..

ios meat Of Ilse e^caL^meut and iiendulum. U t.eo jouo. k at the Clock, von perceiie t eilt bill fonr and a hall

aches ia diameter, at the tad ol a email »t"-l r-.d It rej »l( e.

:hrec times and a lialf one way. and th- sun- number of limes

1-other. At the upi-r end of tiie red is ... ing- uiou. mdle'.icate double-lever itr seiiirnt, reaching to the es. a p. men:,svhich it catches and leave, without any «-noble fnctien.Tb- ,tiring theu r..-acts o\»>n tlie ball, aided by it* own

;r:vitv and the rotary motion ia continued, the e,ea[»-u,ee.i-oiifrolins the pendulum aa in oilier clocks. 1 hi* bail i»

aotlow and less an iuternal ai.paratus. hv which it* rotary

motion is regulated. There are fonr irmdl weicht. rsfrbting'.-s t.. each ntlatr. two are mounted upon a wire, which is a

horizontal diameter of tlie globe. The wire ha* on it th-thread wl" the screw, and each turn Of it produces an exact

movement of tin weights 10 or from the ceu>r. « nich can berenlated to the smallest iVction of lim- The oilier Iwo

wcinhli are fi»teued to a semi circular bend comi-.«cd of tnre^

nirfeteut iu-tals. the contraction or expansion ..f which il«

chang-.a their position wilhio Use bail. The whole interior

arrangement insures, it is believed, entire uniformity of mo¬tion in the globe. .... , ,

It will al ..ace be seen that llse Iriction *A '.he common ram-

dolum is avoide.1. The revolutions of tlie ball are found byexpenmesat and observation to be isochropal,Thu Clock ia not iiut t>Otof.beat eaaily rt'iuirea no oil

00 the teal let*. , , .



The revolution* ol the awii.g-wre-el are 6S time* leas, or id

oilier words, is -0 yean in making a. many rrrolutions « theyj-ineh .,r>ecoud pendulum Clock does in one ,ear In fact,a weight of 7 pound* kceii in motion each |«srt of the time

and str-.kini nxMxttTiery for M week*. The hours age .truckby menus ol a rotary certificates of the American Institute sl.^w that in

Mac 1311 oae of th-Twehemouth Clock* wa* placed withthem, and dial it baa je-rformed iu ail re»|»-ct. a* w a* expectedThe pr. -, are mcaleraU. The public aie itsited to call and

examine for themselves. *r 7uwi;mc

f-lLOl KS ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTV >CTS E.MIHX-/ WD CPAYARDS TO $jc0.At SMI TH S. corner ofBowery and Division street, who i* telling off to suit new

arr. s-ttimu the Ut. f May F.veO' *iuc> warranted. Clocksrefsireda* usual. Entrauce No. 7t Bowery. I4f2m

[..- i. HOW'S, Gculiat, beg* to inform the pub¬lic that h» continues bis *-icce»aful treatmen I

on ail -*".. of the Eye. and to whichcaaeaofte'i. anderen for so long a period aa

forty years, have yielded, after tney nave baf¬fled the skill of. ,mi been declared incurable,

bv rmicrnt Physicians and Oculist*. Absmi ..x tenth* of op-tiinlmic die-a»e*axe oce-.l by MEASLES and which, if pro[»rrly treated tu in early stage, are m.estly cu¬rable, ladeed. Dr. B. assert* thit an' instance of failure in bistreatment would be almost unknown, if tlie afflicted wouldam ly to Utm when dimuintion of night is first noticed, or iu

Use early »tage of inflammation, however acute, aud before to

many cheap Lot destructive applications ao- made tue of.Bcfer-nce m tlie f.Bowing tore*, which were very invete¬

rate case* ; \ ton of Mr. John Bunstead, of Jersey CUT, a*-

fr.-m MEASLr'.S. t.ITiaFi- Bania. 470 Urocme ttreet. bad cate ortltl I Jg.J. ha H. RoKrU-uad ca*e-tn gjdsMOM t. hetwr*? ; ff.

ton and fiou.ton. in the r-ar-of PCR'- Lr.NT OPTH-Vl-MIA and ULCERATED I ORNJ-A. ,,

Olfice 70 l.lamber*-*t. four dc*r» from Broaifwi) '-o

of attendance from It A. M. 10 2 P fit (sunus>* £« .>¦-.,

Advice to the poor gratis.

_ waetko._XV' A N i i «.»(«¦<. :»al>- Woinau * ntualiou as Cook.*<f Washes-and Iroaer. The best of City rrfrrvnee» gneo.

i le»»e «p.-lyMCi.An up.uirv_»I« «*ANTED.Fron to $.100. fbf which an uttreatls a

Prodi. .'1 liasrtwriag Business »i" be »ecured. or a

fry liberal fatten** paid for one year. Addrsass a. B. M. atthi« ogee._mil It*

UlM KÖ-B) 1 »»iwt,ie > ,Ming .v niaa.atitutliva witsa ir>,«-cr»b|e umily, either aa cook or to do general

bonae-worlt. 'I';*-a.:,eifi»ri 1» , good washer and irooer..No objectiou to the country. City reference* sites. Plea**,apply at No. TM* M*rf*MIwr.m'l It*


U/ANTit.U.A sitaettOss »» t Irrk. in the V». bolr»al*1»roc*r \ or ft union Butuir**. by a Young Man wd-

ling 10 devote hu whole time to the interest of hi* eaaplayan.Can famish BBdoabttd rrt" rence; and »mall salarv rrsjuired..Addrasa P li 'b»ir v. tassM'ihs-*._mn it

C.\Lr.?.Mr..\ WAS L'El>.TVoorthreeeap»»r»>ic>d Seles-k~ * rtadtaataad theBroadway latrU rradrApph ia :ht evening to

.. V'.D K. MYERS, VI Broadwvv.Also, one or two üoy». mW ft*

AN i'Ei>.A »itnition. bv a woman who can producece;:. tcs of reoommesidvlissn. a* a Cook. Washer and

r. at L iswdrass. No to the coaulry. Apply.. u


m'i *t*

A.S l r t» .A .">!..»'k> ojh to ,el as v,*ruV»ier. i.e. Haid rstaad drtviugaud taking car. of _

f|V> bOOi\->-...I.EK:.Wuilrd a »ituati -n it Mdnruna in a in, N,:. ;., , Youtig Man »ho has bad Wot I?war, eX,Tn, .... ,I; r>fthtl tint Houses in this City-^wooldbase no otusetioo to CO S>utli or West. Bsfst of nrtarsacsas

________________\1: In.'it this orbce._ml' It*

\|.' A.\|i.Li-.v rc,|s-cubie young married .Mao want* at T situation u Porter in a tlore. or tome similar btmartss,where be WOaid be wiRtag mika himself generally useful.Any no.l> \s .iiii,(., p-no.i of the above de»eriprion woulddo >.ell to »sMrskU a lit:, to H. E. N. at the ot&os of this i»ap»r.Sati.factory city reference will be siren._mil ».

\ I.U'Y C..111., .- I -iructsoa 111 the Engluhan*. Bran en, M> and Frorteh. wishes to procura a sreissaionU an Arista it i earlier m a Seminary, or to eitre Isxesms in Ri" v ¦' taie- Ho»: r'.'wi.v, risen *« to fss>|>ectablbt* andcapne-ty. Pleuse xklreaa R. f. ntrVeoftheTnbnue. rnWlw*

\\'A" Beymen L<vk Makers, to work atII bank locks. Neue need apply but sober men and

titst ismworkmen. 11. c. jones.j 17 7 ('htir\-h-st. Newark. N. J.

LOST.On yVestnesday the IXth m,-. .teepuig Irom a

carnage. « Uber in Ore- iw uhtt. near Vaudarn-st. or in

1 ro* ly-strxet, dear Spring, 1 Lidies'l.tlLD WATCH, withg Id dill liJr-ip. 1.1'., c\lindar. parachute <ud Cow|veuaation.S 139 Blade by I no. 6. Ihde X Co. There was a smallgi Id eh im ind kl f Ittacbed to said Watch, and also an Indiarubber gtnrd enais. The lind.-.- w ill be liberally rewarded brtearing laid Watch at H. s\L IS IIIIKS X lO.'S JewelryStory. No. I7t Broadway. _mil ita

'I'.VS DolJaARS KEWAKIX.VICKSBCBO RANKI STOCK v artMcate of thirty shares Vlcksburg

Bank Stock, in the name of Buckley .V Peek, and number¬ed i' J-, w Ith Power of Attorney attaches], svas lost ou Sa-tJarday, 23d March, it was enclosed In a letter, and loston t.. WaU-etreet. The above will be {^ald by tearIng it at's office, 51 Wiill-«t. mh45 tf

board"nOARl).A lew Hntlenssn can b« secsonssacsdsmd wish

It.nril, » lh breaklast and tea, and dmnet on Sumlay«. atllBr.-.t _mil 1st»

ii yKl).. \ few si igle geiitl.nMO can be accommodates!» it'n b 1 .' d plestsasl nsorns. at S< White-si mltlw*

Cs in 11) Hi lAROaod very plenaam Rosnn» for sistyie sillie¬s' men. or gentlewsn snd their w [(SS, St No. iu \'e»ey-»lreet.

Tnn,lent e oopaos solicited. ml Im



CORNER OK WfLLIAAl A DCANE-STS., N. Y\A a 'I'h 'tihsctilser resieetfully inform, the public that

jS"!b( ""' leased the sbov- establishment, and u now jire-ssVpareil toe.tnodate them with Board and Lodging,

.11 rerj moth rate ternn. It haa been put in the most thoroughand coiopli Is Opair, punted aud r> fitted »»Ith addil'onal u-vs*furniture aqd he will not, asusual, say what he intends to do,but solicits tie- tras*elliag community to risil and gtrs lum a

trisiand judge for themselves, that the e>tabli»hiuent underbis ntsnsgemsntis desemsgoftha i<*tronat« of ihe public.The stion beiag central to busmea». oder, IsdscesMnts 10merehauls Irom 'he country, [from its retired situationj aissar-

any other house In the city. Terms. $1 per days.[isrweek is prapoition, *

The subscribes lie-s to call the attention of parties, thatthe Assemblj I!.n will be to kt; to ümss gisuig Ball» andood rts im the remaining i>.irt or the season and that the

room will shortly, bs'nnt 111 complete repair, ami fitted up min ignilieei.-atyle le further call» the attention of Ihe pro-

fesSioml rastlenten of the law that his room for arbitratorsOld 1 taraes has Undergone alteration, .ud that ha ts ready toscci mmod ite them on reasonable term»^.which will be »eeuby Ins regulation of to,,111 hue.N.fl a wleci number of Permanent Do-.tder» will be

taken ,,n ,erv moderate terms."¦'""11 _MIN'Oltl) S. THHESHER.


N E W -york:rmrKE doom uhoadwYY

eVA THIS NEW HOTEL ,. now ,.,.., .iM, the pro-Sit !'m7 ...'......'onidate their fnead* and

-*,^ public Wltll board. I he lodging room, ai- larger*a ," anil the internal urrangemeuti inch as caauol (ail'' ''.' '¦ Ine location being in the csntreof bmiuea». itoners inducements to merchants from other eine» aud thecountry, not lurpassed by any other Home in thi» city-

i h umitnre. Beds, and U-dJois. axa -ai .simiaerrrrnsly for this ritihjiihmnit.

r- unities who wish Parlors with Sleeping Rooms attached.Can be liandsqmely isecommodaled.i h» subser hers it.snri 'heir friends andRie public, that u->

ell'orts 011 th'-ir pan si-sii »«¦ «.nun i. »»eure the eosnfor"jnl coiieuuiunco of their giieils, and while they solicit a.hare of their patronage, they hope by unceasing atUniioc totli- duties oCtheir vocation, to give entire taluhwction--

f t2Im Cll \S. WYl KOKK 4. CO.

M AI i ink f. v or m A n11 fa cf i heOc"IM )SPINN MRS, M \NI I'M 'PI ItEltS ANI) MACHINE

MAKERS .The undsreigned would call tho atieution ofSpinners. Mai.nlactiirers and Hsehine Makers lo nn ImprovedTur-.s' ,- for spinning »II and every variety of twkl from No. 6

JO:-. .. the pound, suitable for Warp ami Welt andfor Sewing Thread lb- confident'v hopes to have a Machinerunning 111 ¦ -holt time, in tho mean tuna liny pai»oii inter¬ested ca-i have eu-ty pejtleniai end »eo samples of Yarnn;ual t.j Mull >.... from all to IjO hunks to the tHiund,by culling ut 113 Burn Broadway, New York (Irom 1 U>i P.M.or 111 the evening.) Postpaid Coiiiiiiun enlioiis «ImH have ut-tent 101 JollN JOHNSON.N. B. The improvement is ofAmerican origin and isesceed-

iorly siiupte, ennoot g»t out of order, easily ui.,b-r.(>,.«I andwithal lakes k ¦ power to drive, mid tisnowm successful work¬ing m Manebetler, Englaisl. rrililü iw*


sivi ralablishmenl formerly, the rrroperty of Wm C Hol¬ly. «1 Si mil.,nl. 1 t. consisting ofs lull set -,l'g--«rtnu' »halt»,e.oiii I, ,-s, Staues 110i roll .for executing a great variety of work:together with slvears, lathe, turning tools, bumlliug benclies,floor plates ruraaCS, Castings, Ste. and implements necessaryfor performing the workof such an e,tabli»hnieut, are now of¬ten-.I for sub- ,11 terms very adt intageoiis to the puicliaser.For farther,'», the subscriber ut Stamford,Cl Or al hit Moie, 'ii: Water-»treet, N'tf-I Ork.


AMERICAN COOPERS' TOOLS, andTi 11 il.s, ,. gener-llor 111 it SF.and tslllPCAR-PENTER8, Bl l'< II Elts, fac fcc. can be ob-tamed in all llieir varmty at WHOLESALE andI. ET \ IL, at No. 33 Fl I.TON ST., NEW-YORK, of the moat celebrated iiunufsctuiers.( M il 1-111/,,/ ,,!*/ s/«e/.l ,UCh is ALIIERT-»SON'S < ONOER >, HORTON S and 110-

HESTER. loopers' Doweiiing Um».Ibi Heck Irons.Do Tap and Uuugdtorcrs.11 Laveliug Plane*.Il-i Vices.Il-i I ompasse«.In, Marking Irons, tut. fcc.

ALSO,American lion Rivets.(...,...*.« i mti Hoops, Wood

anil Iron. ,

Do Head and Stave I,unter»Do Stock llor/«ll» and Crp-

.ers.Do Uracrs. NOTICE.We hive lie genuine wsiinatTIti Ctat Steel, Joiisr P

C<--,..: 1 I, which we wsrrsst is all sest»scts nioal. ifnot superior, to lohn I oncer's. From winch we give a liberaldiscount detJers.

Ti,-- uilncnis-r, ir-- also Stenn r tin and OrsiaaL Di »:..

1 ss is ENGLISH, GERMAN and AMERICAN HAIID-w Vi 11., 1 I 1.1. It fce. including a very Ext 1 s»i>>

A. mi s 1, which Ihe-/ offer to ' ,u v r 11 v mait»ind others at Msasin Paiccs. OSIIORN & LITTLE.CmsSLRJ 0»iiohn.( Man-- S lum:. _mil lm

WARRANTED ( ast-STEEL EDGETOOLS..The real genuine Conger's Tools

[f an only bo hud at :13 Attorney-street,where they aro ma/le and liulshed withmy own hands; therefore I can recom-

mend them ; onl at Oeorge Brigs & co.'s, 9 TUtt-street..i':. tools ttorcd by OsUirn A Little, at 33 Fulton-st.u -her St res, stamped "Conger," aro not my make,and are designed to deceive. Mine aro stamped thus :

"Conger, New-York, 33 AtUimey-»t." The name of J.Com Berrj 1, al«-- added.he baviiig an Interest in tho

ormt u> Dealers. Please observe[!:,( Zm*) JOHN CONOKR

ROLLER MAKERS.rPIIF LTND1 itSP-NED oller« tu make all k'iids of Fluted.1 Bollen Ii r ajttofl ind Wowsw Mnehinery, of ss good a

Quality as can Ik: arui e!»ewherr; ami al reasonable oricea. Ailot.lert thankfully ie> e-vei! and ponetnally attended to.

S R MM i:- :lee. Itetli t»-l And Reetirilesl.I,., l-. V. M. HElll .-IMltl) PATF.KSON. N. Jersey.


J\\jf>: STEWART te^rs lo inforiii In» fneiid» und tl* pub.'be tbit be lins r.mstantly on hataiatid for isle, LATHES.

at llie'fidlr.winr low prices, vis:I . ,. .li from centre u, shear, 5 feet long,WOO !-,iibl-'-i-:"nr »laSe re-i, compiele.1160

Sseond ../-,inches do., 4 feet long, with slide rest, com¬plete . 140

Third > /-'. 'j ir.cbes io.. z teet 6 triclio long, with slide restcomplete.1»

Fourth .ire, iy, inches do., 3 leet long, with .hue rest,com-pete. »5

Push rise.4 inehc» do., i feet 8 inches long, with »hde rest,europlete.... *

Bru«h-muker»'laiHies, complete. *.

Pimiti- rte Actiesa-nsakers laithes. with boring and saw-

lag epparatui. ____}l'n.l,n-;an,.i/ -1»' Ijithei... '"J?Per ICs .crt Uihesfrom.Jx*Jl4\KVtC<kThe (;, :-i-er,l:one.d iiriiclsean be found at Mr. HLY.J.ocits

Hardware Store, comer .,f Catherwe.rtrsct sndm^"2!jBstssre, snd al Mr. i'.' il 'NTKEE'S. of1 l-ntiiam -trstL. also at my Matiutactary. No. 4JJ*,,w^)»II Tl HLNE BANlW.-^»ctv^31 Ion of our India Rubber Machine Btvnding. we com¬

mend to the attention of the ^^^cr H. DAT... .»,,. Roxbury India lijibbtr Co.

Su-.-cesSor to the rtoxnu-/_

... mi _Dsau-8''': Above please and.. Norwich,.Ian 1». ^--^utnem of jour account

wrr drafton-..far .___. 7,,, My,ng uuu arter a fnna.v..: ,«r tas-c ^rtW, that for Uie purpose

t11 ^'1 it, V> drive heavy or light machinesf.r which we have uar.« . M,irfscüon.with a tautb tud, thsi it jp es

\ ,^rs, to/ / . r.tteiwterinr Co."

===- ^t.KoMOUM.-HLTCHINSON k KL N-i WAA h^re 0« hand ar.d for nie at tb. warehouse of tha1 v 0> 1Uob. r Factory,M Maiden Une. PV..V..Newark. >¦ .> '

. j ,(,jhbrt UkuIs m «»e. Onr swek con-

-.-.t.-»bCo.u. cioskssnd (.«p»*. Life, iu. .r( irritges, I'or-e Covers, Leggins, Ma-

KM HUTCHI\>QN Ac H L N YON, at Maiden lane.

TklSTOLlV-ltieO isur Br»*. Ba/iel l iatoU ; W V» i"»

PKr^Eo^ae o« iwo Seeoiol üffigg- '0f

mnx-'"' ripeari-.t-ru-.hswr.-.