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«ЗелёНЫй АВТоМобИль»


Издание выходит с 1923 года

Москва 2014

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УДК 016:629.113

РЕДАКЦИОННАЯ КОЛЛЕГИЯМ.В. Нагайцев (главный редактор), С.В. Бахмутов (зам.главного

редактора), В.Ф. Кутенёв (зам.главного редактора), А.А. Дюжев (зам.главного редактора), И.А. Фисенко (ответственный

секретарь редакционной коллегии), О.И. Гируцкий, С.Н. Девянин, Д.А. Загарин, А.М. Иванов, Н.А. Иващенко, В.Ф. Каменев,

Б.В. Кисуленко, И.А. Коровкин, Г.О. Котиев, В.И. Котляренко, В.М. Фомин, В.М. Шарипов, А.А. Эйдинов, А.И. Яманин

Труды НАМИ / ГНЦ РФ ФГУП «НАМИ». – М., 2014. – 182 с., 13 табл., 71 рис. – Аннот. рус, англ. – (Труды НАМИ; вып. № 257: сб. науч. ст.).

Издание входит в Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий в Российской Федерации (Перечень ВАК), в которых должны

быть опубликованы основные научные результаты диссертаций на соискание учёных степеней доктора и кандидата наук

Ответственный за выпуск К.О. АзаровКорректор Т.П. РаевскаяВерстка А.Б. Дунаевой

Перевод Т.А. МелинковскойОформление обложки Т.А. Мелинковской

Адрес: 125438, г. Москва, ул. Автомоторная, д. 2Тел.: (495) 456-30-81 (справочная по институту «НАМИ»)

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Сайт в Интернете: www.nami.ru

Подписано в печать 14.08.2014. Формат 60х90/16.Печать офсетная. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура «Таймс».

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Отпечатано ООО «ТиРу»: 119049, г. Москва, ул. Донская, д. 4, стр. 2

© ГНЦ РФ ФГУП «НАМИ», 2014© Авторы статей, 2014

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А.Н. Морозов Работы Минпромторга России по экологически чистому транспорту ...............................................7

М.В. Нагайцев О деятельности Технологической платформы «Экологически чистый транспорт «Зеленый автомобиль» ...........10

А.А. Эйдинов, С.В. Павленко, В.В. Чайка Стратегическая программа исследований Технологической платформы «Экологически чистый транспорт «Зеленый автомобиль» ...................................................17

В.К. Азаров, В.Ф. Кутенёв О показателе экологической опасности автотранспортных средств ...............................................................31

А.В. Долголаптев, Дашко О.Г., Л.С. Гаронин, В.Л. Туманов, Д.Н. Золотарев Базовые энергетические компоненты нового поколения – эффективное снижение энергопотребления электроприводных экомобилей ........................................................41

А.Г. Гинзбург Модульный принцип построения базовых компонентов системы электропривода ............................50

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С.Н. Ивлев Электромобиль ellada: проблемы продвижения и меры поддержки ...................................65

А.В. Климов, В.В. Кондрашкин Применение техники с комбинированными энергоустановками (КЭУ) в коммунальном хозяйстве .................76

А.В. Климов Анализ энергетических характеристик систем подрессоривания колёсных машин .................................................83

В.Е. Осипов, А.В. Большаков, И.Е. Крикунов Зарядные станции для электромобилей на тяговых подстанциях трамвая и троллейбуса Москвы .............87

И.А. Куликов, С.Н. Коркин, С.Н. Семикин, А.И. Бокарев Применение технологии HILS в разработке энергоустановки автопоезда с КЭУ ................................................95

Д.О. Иванов, В.В. Ворожейкин Применение суперконденсаторов на автомобильном транспорте .......................................................................................102

М.А. Слепцов Образовательные программы для электрического транспорта современных мегаполисов .........................................105

Т.И. Соин Опыт применения газомоторного топлива в городском таксопарке. Экологическая и экономическая эффективность, проблемы и задачи .............................................. 110

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А.П. Латышев, П.В. Клишин, В.Н. Коноплев Новое семейство газовых двигателей АМО ЗИЛ ........................ 113

Н.А. Крупенский Перевод транспорта на газомоторное топливо: проблемы и перспективы ............................................................... 119

В. А. Лукшо О повышении топливной экономичности автотранспортных средств с газовыми двигателями ...................................................124

Е.С. Евдонин Обзор перспективных технологий для достижения уровня выбросов СО2 в соответствии с законодательными ограничениями ................................................................................139

Решение конференции ....................................................................155

Сведения о членах редакционной коллегии .................................159

Editorial board ..................................................................................161

Сведения об авторах .......................................................................163

About the authors ..............................................................................167

Аннотации .......................................................................................170

Abstracts ...........................................................................................176

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Nagaytsev Maxim (Editor in chief) – Candidate of Technical Sci-ences, associate professor of Moscow State Technical University of N.E. Bauman, General Director of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

Bakhmutov Sergey (Deputy Editor) –D.Sc., Deputy General Di-rector for Research of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

Kutenev Vadim (Deputy Editor) – D. Sc., Chairman of the Expert Council of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI». Honored Scientist of the Rus-sian Federation. Laureate of premium of the Council of Ministers of USSR. Honorary President of the World Forum (P-29) of Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).

Diyjev Andrey (Deputy Editor) – Candidate of Technical Sci-ences, CEO of the State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.”

Fisenko Igor (Executive secretary of the editorial board) – Can-didate of Technical Sciences, leading expert of the Expert Council of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

Girutskiy Olgert – D.Sc., professor, Deputy Chairman of the Ex-pert Councilof SSC RF FSUE «NAMI». Honored Engineer of the Russian Federation. Laureate of the State premium of the Russian Federation in 1998 in the field of science and technology. Laureate of premium of the Government of the Russian Federation in 2008 in the field of science and technology

Devyanin Serey – D.Sc., professor of МSEU.Zagarin Denis – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy CEO–

Director of «NAMI» test center.

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Ivanov Andrey – D.Sc., Vice Rector for Research of МSARTU (МARI).

Ivaschenko Nikolaiy – D.Sc., head of the cathedra of MSTU of N.E. Bauman

Kamenev Vladimir – D.Sc., leading expert of the Expert Council of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

Kisulenko Boris – D.Sc., Deputy CEO of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI» for technical. Honored Engineer of the Russian Federation.

Korovkin Igor – PhD in Economics, executive direct or of UAR.Kotnev Georgiy – D.Sc., head of the cathedraof MSTU of

N.E.BaumanKotlyarenko Vladimir – D.Sc., head of the department of Minis-

try of Transport of Russian Federation.FominValeriy – D.Sc.,professor of MSUME (MAMI).Sharipov Valeriy– D.Sc., head of the cathedra of MSUME

(MAMI).Eydinov Anatoliy – D.Sc., professor, director of center Techno-

logical platform «Green car» of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI». Honored Engineer ofthe Russian Federation

Yamanin Alexander – D.Sc., professor of JSTU.

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Azarov Vadim – Head of Department SSC RF FSUE «NAMI»

Bolshakov Alexey – Chief Designer «SPE Energy»

Bokaryov Alexander – graduate student, SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

Vorozheikin Vladimir. – Nesscap Energy general manager for Eastern Europe.

Garonin Leo – Ph.D., Chief Designer ETS, LLC «TEEMP»

Ginsburg Andrew – CEO “Ë-engineering”.

Dashko Oleg – Ph.D., Deputy Director General, LLC «TEEMP»

Dolgolaptev Anatoly – Ph.D., CEO, LLC «TEEMP»

Evdonin Evgeniy – Director of sales, LLC «Robert Bosch»

Zolotarev Dmitry – Specialist, LLC «TEEMP»

Ivanov Dmitry – General Director of «TPS».

Ivlev Sergey – Head of vehicles with alternative power plants «AvtoVAZ».

Klimov Alexander – Deputy Project Manager Ltd. «Innovation Center KAMAZ».

Klishin P. – Head KB engine assemblies and systems UKER ZIL.

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Kondrashkin Vladimir – Engineer of «Innovation Center KAMAZ».

Kanaplyv Vladimir – doctor of technical sciences, professor MGIU.

Korkin Sergey – Ph.D., director of the project “6 × 6”, SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

Krikunov I. – deputy chief engineer «SPE Energy»

Krupenskii Nikita – Ph.D., senior researcher Kate and TA Research University Higher School of Economics.

Kulikov Ilya – Head of Sector Center “Power plants” SSC RF FSUE “NAMI”.

Kutenev Vadim – D. Sc., Chairman of the Expert Council of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI». Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. Laureate of premium of the Councilof Ministers of USSR. Honorary President of the World Forum (P-29) of Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).

Latyshev Andrei – Chief Designer engines UKER ZIL.

Luksho Vladislav – Head of the Department Energy saving technologies and alternative fuel Energy devices Centre of the SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

Morozov Alexander – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director of the Department of Transport and special machine.

Nagaytsev Maxim – Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor of Moscow State Technical University of N.E. Bauman, General Director of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

Osipov Vladimir – Ph.D., CEO «SPE Energy»

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Pavlenko Sergey – Deputy General Director for Strategy and Forecasting industry SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

Semikin Sergey – Ph.D., chief designer of the project “6 × 6”, SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

Sleptsov Michael – candidate of technical sciences, professor of electrical transport National Research University «MEI».

Soin Timur. – General Director of «ATC service»

Tumanov Vladimir – Deputy General Director – Technical Director «TEEMP»

Chaika Valery – director of Prediction of the industry SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

Eidinov Anatoly – doctor of technical sciences, professor, director of the Technological Platform «Green Car» SSC RF FSUE «NAMI». Honored Engineer of the Russian Federation.

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UDC 656.131Morozov A. Russian Industry and Trade Ministry work on Clean

Transport // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 257. – P. 7–9.

The presentation identified the main activities in the Russian Ministry of Industry to promote and expand the use of new environmentally friendly and energy efficient technologies. A system of prioritization and selection of promising directions of development of environmentally friendly transport, which will place the current priorities and medium-term trends predetermine the development of new technologies.

UDC 621.43.068.8Nagaytsev M. The activities of the Technology Platform clean

transport «Green Car» // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 257. – P. 10–16.

Defined purpose of the task activities carried out within the framework of the Technology Platform «Green Car»


UDC 621.331.001.2Eidinov A. “Strategic Programme for Research Technology

Platform” Environmentally friendly transport «Green Car» / S. Pavlenko, V. Chaika // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 257. – P. 17–30.

Within the renewed Strategy of development of Russian automobile industry prospects of development of vehicles using alternative fuels and electric vehicles. The directions of the introduction of new technologies.


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UDC 621.43.068.8Kutenev V. The vehicles environmental hazards exponents /

V. Azarov // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 257. – P. 31–40.

The dynamics of tightening regulations on the emission of harmful substances from the exhaust of cars by Regulation 83 of the UN and basic directions for their implementation. The necessity to consider particulate emissions from tire wear and the roadway in assessing environmental damage from the operation of cars and trucks.

Fig.2, tab. 5, ref. list – 6 titles.

UDC 629.11.02/.098Dolgolaptev A. Basic components of a new generation of energy –

efficient reduction of energy consumption of electrically ekomobiley / O. Dashko L. Garonin, V. Tumanov. D. Zolotarev // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 257. – P. 41–49.

Environmentally friendly vehicles examples considered (selling price ekomobilya plus operating costs). Identify specific areas of mass adoption of environmentally friendly transport with the greatest effect.

Fig.1, tab. 2, ref. list – 3 titles.

UDC 621.331.5Ginzburg A. The modular design of the basic components electric

drive system / Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 257. – P. 50–51.

Determined that the modular processes must be related to the commercialization of: the activities of all participants in the process from start to finish at all stages associated with primary market demand in the range of micro modules and makromoduley to the final product in the form of the vehicle. Give concrete examples.


UDC 621.331.001.2Ivlev S. Electric ELLADA – problems of promotion and support

measures / Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 257. – P. 65–75.

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About creating an electric ELLADA, difficulties encountered, the necessary measures to support their development and implementation.


UDC 621.331.5Klimov A. The use of technology hybrid electric vehicles (HEV)

in public services. / V. Kondrashkin // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 257. – P. 76–82.

Shows the potential effectiveness of the use of alternative sources of energy to drive the vacuum sweepers, using electric or hydraulic drive of the front axle. The advantages of the use of HEV on other municipal vehicles – garbage.


UDC 62-97/-98Klimov A. Analysis of the energy characteristics of the systems

suspension wheeled vehicles // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 257. – P. 83–86.

UDC 621.331.5Osipov V. Charging stations for electric traction substations tram

and trolleybus in Moscow / A. Bolshakov I. Krikunov // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 257. – P. 87–94.

The possibility of using traction substations tram and trolleybus in Moscow for charging electric vehicles.

UDC 621.331.001.2Kulikov I. The use of technology in the development of power

plants HILS train with HEV / Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 257. – P. 95–101.

It is shown that the flexibility of technology «HILS» its creative use of components can compensate for the lack of information and thus enable to conduct experimental studies with minimal opportunities and resources. Designed to test stand control system HEV.

Fig.2, tab. 3, ref. list – 10 titles.

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UDC 621.331.5Ivanov D. The use of ultracapacitors in road transport /

V. Vorozheikin // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 257. – P. 102–104.

Fig.2, tab. 3, ref. list – 10 titles.

UDC 377.112.4Sleptsov A. Overview of educational programs for electric vehicles

of modern cities / Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 257. – P. 105–109.

Overview of educational programs for electric vehicles of modern cities

Fig.2, tab. 3, ref. list – 10 titles.

UDC 62-623.7Soin T. Experience of using CNG taxi cab in the city. Environmental

and economic impact, challenges // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 257. – P. 110–112.

Ekotaksi Togliatti. Experience of using a gaz az a motor fuel in urban taxi cab.

Fig.2, tab. 3, ref. list – 10 titles.

UDC 62-623.7Latyshev A. A new family of gas engines ZIL / P. Klishin

V. Kanaplyou // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 257. – P. 113–118.

Report is devoted to the development and testing of a new engine family ZIL working on motor fuel, in which can be used in a wide range of traditional hydrocarbons, such as methane, propane, butane mixtures, etc.

Fig.2, tab. 3, ref. list – 10 titles.

UDC 62-623.7Krupenskii N. Translation transport to natural gas. Problems and

Prospects / Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 257. – P. 119–123.

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The problems and prospects of transfer transport to natural gas. Environmental issues, security, Russian and foreign experience.

UDC 656.131Luksho V.A. On increasing fuel efficiency vehicles with gas

engines / Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 257. – P. 124–138.

The article examines the performance and advantages of the original construction engine, working on a gas fuel, developed by specialists of the FSUE “NAMI” based diesel engine capacity of 6,7 liters with four valves per cylinder.

Fig.2, tab. 3, ref. list – 10 titles.

UDC 621.43.068.8Evdonin E. Overview of emerging technologies to achieve the

level of CO2 emissions in accordance with the legal restrictions // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 257. – P. 139–153.

The article provides an overview of current and future requirements for standards of emissions of the greenhouse gas CO2 in the developed and developing countries, and also describes the direction of development and construction engines and vehicles in order to achieve the above standards, such as the further optimization of the combustion process equipment systems perspective «Start –Stop», development of new types of HEVs «Strong-Hybrid».

Fig.2, tab. 3, ref. list – 10 titles.