高 一 英 语 module 4 unit 1 grammar-2 reported speech: statements, questions and imperative...

Module 4 Unit 1 Grammar-2 Reported speech: Statements, questions and imperative sentences

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3. ---Sorry, what did you say, please? ---I ____ you to get the meeting room ready for the meeting tomorrow morning. A. said B. told C. spoke D. talked 4. The father ordered the children ____ too much at the dinner table but Frank and Rose were always very noisy. A. not talkingB. don’t talk C. didn’t to talk D. never to talk B D


Page 1: 高 一 英 语 Module 4 Unit 1 Grammar-2 Reported speech: Statements, questions and imperative sentences

高 一 英 语Module 4 Unit 1

Grammar-2Reported speech:

Statements, questions and imperative sentences

Page 2: 高 一 英 语 Module 4 Unit 1 Grammar-2 Reported speech: Statements, questions and imperative sentences

1. Peter asked me ____ my manager was a Japanese or a Korean. A. that B. how C. whether D. if2. John Smith wanted his secretary to tell him whether _____ an appointment with the president that afternoon. A. there was going to be B. was there going to be C. there was going to have D. was there going to have



Page 3: 高 一 英 语 Module 4 Unit 1 Grammar-2 Reported speech: Statements, questions and imperative sentences

3. ---Sorry, what did you say, please? ---I ____ you to get the meeting room ready for the meeting tomorrow morning. A. said B. told C. spoke D. talked4. The father ordered the children ____ too much at the dinner table but Frank and Rose were always very noisy. A. not talking B. don’t talk C. didn’t to talk D. never to talk



Page 4: 高 一 英 语 Module 4 Unit 1 Grammar-2 Reported speech: Statements, questions and imperative sentences

5. ---What did the teacher tell the boys to do after school? ---He told them ____ to the English Corner to practise their spoken English. A. to go B. going C. about going D. for going6. The little boy asked the teacher if the moon _____ round the earth and the answer was that the moon _____ the earth, as everyone knows. A. travels; travels B. traveled; traveled C. travels; traveled D. traveled; travels



Page 5: 高 一 英 语 Module 4 Unit 1 Grammar-2 Reported speech: Statements, questions and imperative sentences

7. Before he left home in 1909, young Ford said to his parents that he would learn more about machines in Chicago _____. A. next year B. second year C. the next year D. the second year8. Mr. Liu told them at the meeting that they were quite mistaken because he _____ the money. A. would never take B. had never taken C. will never take D. has never taken



Page 6: 高 一 英 语 Module 4 Unit 1 Grammar-2 Reported speech: Statements, questions and imperative sentences

9. ---It is Friday today, isn’t it, Mike? ---No. It is Thursday today. ---Oh, yes, you are right. I ____ it ____ Friday today. I was mistaken. A. I thought; was B. I think; is C. thought; is D. think; was10. My grandfather told me yesterday that he _____ the Party in 1945. A. had joined B. has joined C. joined D. will join



Page 7: 高 一 英 语 Module 4 Unit 1 Grammar-2 Reported speech: Statements, questions and imperative sentences

Rewrite the sentences with reported speech.1. “My name is Harry Hunter and I work for the Daily Times,” he said to Mr. Keller.

2. “What would you like to know about Mr. Gray?” Mr. Keller asked Mr. Hunter

Mr. Hunter told Mr. Keller that his name was Harry Hunter and that he worked for the Daily Times.)

Mr. Keller asked Mr. Hunter what he would like to know about Mr. Gray.

Page 8: 高 一 英 语 Module 4 Unit 1 Grammar-2 Reported speech: Statements, questions and imperative sentences

3. “Is it true that Mr. Gray no long works for your company?” Mr. Hunter asked him.

4. Mr. Keller said, “Mr. Gray was fired yesterday because he is having problems lately.”

Mr. Hunter asked him whether / if it was true that Mr. Gray no longer worked for his company.

Mr. Keller answered / said that Mr. Gray was having problems lately.

Page 9: 高 一 英 语 Module 4 Unit 1 Grammar-2 Reported speech: Statements, questions and imperative sentences

5. “What kind of problem is he having, Mr. Keller?” asked Mr. Hunter.

6. Mr. Keller explained, “He talked too much at work and he was not serious enough.”

Mr. Hunter asked Mr. Keller what kind of problem Mr. Gray was having.

Mr. Keller explained that Mr. Gray had talked too much at work and that he was not serious enough.

Page 10: 高 一 英 语 Module 4 Unit 1 Grammar-2 Reported speech: Statements, questions and imperative sentences

7. “Did other workers like Mr. Gray,” added Mr. Hunter.

8. Mr. Keller answered, “Many people were very unhappy with Mr. Gray because he was rude and said bad things about people.”

Mr. Hunter asked whether / if other workers had liked Gray.

Mr. Keller answered / replied / said that many people had been very unhappy with him had been rude and he had said bad thing about people.

Page 11: 高 一 英 语 Module 4 Unit 1 Grammar-2 Reported speech: Statements, questions and imperative sentences

9. “Were there any other reasons why you fired him, Mr. Keller?” asked Mr. Hunter.

10. Mr. Keller answered, “He was too careless with his money.”

Mr. Hunter asked Mr. Keller whether / if there had been any other reason why he had fired Mr. Gray.

Mr. Keller answered that he had been too careless with his money.”)

Page 12: 高 一 英 语 Module 4 Unit 1 Grammar-2 Reported speech: Statements, questions and imperative sentences

Mr. Hunter asked Lucy, “Was Mr. Gray fired this morning?”

Lucy said, “I don’t understand why Mr. Gray has been fired.”

Change the sentences with the direct speech.1. Mr. Hunter asked Lucy if Mr. Gray had been fired that morning.

2. Lucy said that she didn’t understand why Mr. Gray had been fired.

Page 13: 高 一 英 语 Module 4 Unit 1 Grammar-2 Reported speech: Statements, questions and imperative sentences

Lucy told Mr. Hunter, “I have worked with Gray for ten years.”

Lucy said, “Mr. Gray is one of my best friends.”

3. Lucy told Mr. Hunter that she had worked with Gray for ten years.

4. Lucy said that Mr. Gray was one of her best friends.

Page 14: 高 一 英 语 Module 4 Unit 1 Grammar-2 Reported speech: Statements, questions and imperative sentences

Lucy added, “When he faces difficulty, he will never give up.”

Mr. Hunter asked Lucy, “Was he getting along very well with other workmates?”

5. Lucy added that when he faced difficulty, he would never give up.

6. Mr. Hunter asked Lucy whether / if he was getting along very well with other workmates.

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Lucy said, “He got along very well with other workmates.”

Lucy said, “Mr. Gray was funny and happy and liked to make others laugh.

7. Lucy said that he had got along very well with other workmates.

8. Lucy said that Mr. Gray had been funny and happy and (had) liked to make others laugh.

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Lucy said, “He was always interested in other people and cared about their life and problems.”

Lucy said, “He is always so generous. He was happy to spend money on good meals and gifts.”)

9. Lucy said that he had always been interested in other people and (had) cared about their life and problems.

10. Lucy said that he had always been so generous. He had been happy to spend money on good meals and gifts.”

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