® lecture capture: more than just capturing lectures bill king

® Lecture Capture: More than Just Capturing Lectures Bill King

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Lecture Capture:More than Just Capturing Lectures

Bill King

Page 2: ® Lecture Capture: More than Just Capturing Lectures Bill King

What is Lecture Capture?

Lecture Capture is the use of a set of technologies to capture and then enable

time-shifted and place-shifted viewing of the Lecture


Page 3: ® Lecture Capture: More than Just Capturing Lectures Bill King

Lecture Capture is Not New:Past Capture Approaches

• Note Taking

• Video capture

• Personal audio capture

• Audio podcasting

• PPT+audio / Camtasia / Impatica / Captivate

• PC-based Capture

• Appliance-based Capture

Page 4: ® Lecture Capture: More than Just Capturing Lectures Bill King

Why is Technology-based Lecture Capture exploding now? Technically feasible.

• Capture Technology

• Audio/Video Convergence

• Processor Speed

• Memory

• Storage

• Bandwidth

• The Internet

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Why is Technology-based Lecture Capture exploding now? Students need it.

• By the time today’s students go to college they will: • Have sent 15k text messages• Have played 10k hours of videogames• Do not have the discipline to read books• Demonstrate different brain wave patterns of

discrimination• Consume technology• Collaborate differently

Educause Study: Educating the Net Generation• Mobility is taken for granted• Attention spans are short and interrupt-driven• “Just in time learning” replacing “Just in case learning”• Graphics and “high resolution” are minimal standards

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Does Lecture Capture Help Students?

UMASS Lowell eliminates bi-modal grade patterns

– 10% reduction in Ds, Fs and Ws in feeder calc course

University of Western Australia

– 58% respondents with learning disabilities use Lectopia because they are ‘unable to take notes’

– 64% of students with any disability said class capture was “essential”

Boston University

– Strong positive feedback from students, including quotes like:

– My study group uses the site when we don’t remember exactly what the professor said and we can go right to the part he/she talked about and double check that

Central Wyoming College

– 6.5% increase in exam scores with podcasting

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Other Types of Campus Challenges

• Campuses are competing for students: recruit, retain, matriculate

• Student Athletes, including NCAA compliance

• ESL students and teachers: language fluency

• Special Ed needs (including 508)

• “Non-Traditional” students are now traditional! (working students)

• Hybrid and Distance Education

• Moving beyond Lectures!

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We Need MORE than Just Lecture Capture!

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New Types of Capture

Class (not just Lecture) Capture – the use of a set of technologies to capture the audio and visual elements of class time, to enable time shifted and place shifted viewing. Labs, discussion, student presentations – all of it!

Personal Capture – the use of personal computers like laptops to capture rich media (audio, video, materials) whenever and wherever the professor might be. To create and easily publish “learning objects.”

Other Media Upload – (new in December) the ability to upload other video files for publishing and management.

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Other Media Upload for Flexibility

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Moving BEYOND lectures

• Classic: Capturing class time for review

• Repurpose for hybrid and Distance Education

• Capture class time for assigned reading, so you can do OTHER things in class

• Inverted Classroom

• Use personal capture to build learning objects, remedial work, and use it for you to catch up on lost time

• Use external media upload to support field and lab work, or to capture chalk talk

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Faculty Issues

• I’m nervous– Won’t my students stop coming to class?

– Isn’t the institution trying to take away my job?

– What exactly is intellectual property, anyway?

– Does this mean I have to dress better to class?

Page 13: ® Lecture Capture: More than Just Capturing Lectures Bill King

You HAVE to do this!

• You HAVE to do this– Your students are going virtual

– If you can be replaced by a talking head, it’s not “if” but “when.” ADD MORE VALUE!

– Be careful with intellectual property, but GET YOUR OWN BRAND OUT NOW!

– Figure out how you can use these tools to be part of where education is going, not where it’s been.

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• Lecture Capture has been going on for 1000s of years

• The technology change has accelerated, and so hasn’t lecture capture

• We can now capture lectures and play them back 24X7

• But, we can do so much more. We need to think more broadly than just “lecture” capture

• You have this ability today (and with the new version coming out)

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Page 16: ® Lecture Capture: More than Just Capturing Lectures Bill King

The new Echo360 Rich Media Player, a feature in it’s own right, engages learners and instructors

Skip DemonstrationCurtin University Sample NC State University Sample(with CC)