이공계 연구윤리 및 출판윤리 매뉴얼 - korean council of science …€¦ ·  ·...

Manual for Research and Publication Ethics in Science and Engineering http://dx.doi.org/10.5082/manual_ethics_2014_03 이공계 연구윤리 및 출판윤리 매뉴얼 황은성 · 조은희 · 김영목 · 박기범 · 손화철 · 윤태웅 · 임정묵 XMLARCHIVE

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  • Manual for Research and Publication Ethics

    in Science and Engineering



  • Manual for Research and Publication Ethics in Science and Engineering

  • Authors: Eun Seong Hwang, Eun Hee Cho, Young-Mog Kim, Kibeom Park, Wha-Chul Son, Tae-Woong Yoon, Jeong Mook Lim

    Title: Manual for research and publication ethics in science and engineering

    Published by Korean Council of Science Editors, Seoul, Korea (http://kcse.org) in cooperation with XM-LARCHIVE, Chuncheon, Korea (http://xmlarchive.org)Printed and bound in Korea on April 30, 2014

    Korean Council of Science Editors

    This is an open-access publication distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Li-cense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


    = Manual for research and publication ethics in science and engineering / , , , , , , []. -- : (Korean council of science editors), 2014 p. ; cm

    ISBN 978-89-97020-13-3 93190 :

    [] [] ()[]

    195.94-KDC5 174.9-DDC21 CIP2014011805


    Amount of print copies: 1,000

    Publication of this book was supported by the research grant for project of research ethics for science and en-gineering fields of National Research Foundation of Korea (FundRef URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/5011 00003725), Ministry of Education (FundRef URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100002701), Republic of Korea (2013).

    This book is printed on acid-free paper.

  • Manual for Research and Publication Ethics

    in Science and Engineering


  • iv

    , , Aims & Scope, Reader, Limitation and Use

    aims & scope

    . .


    , . , , , , , (manuscript editor), (statistical editor), (peer reviewer), , , . , .

    level of content

    , . , .


    2014 . .


    Creative Commons Attribution License . , , . .

    expected time for comprehension

    1 96

  • v

    Conflict of Interest and Disclaimer

    conflict of interest



    liability . , .

    / privacy/confidentiality policy . .

    endorsement . .

    accuracy of information






  • vi


    Manual for Research and Publication Ethics in Science and Engineering

    Eun Seong HwangCommittee on Publication Ethics, Korean Council of Science Editors

    In recent times, the demand for guidelines on research and publication ethics has increased in Korean academ-ic societies. Research and publication ethics has always been considered as something that researchers learned from their one-on-one interactions with their mentors. However, most researchers now think there should be common instructions to be followed for research practices. It is very important to build a consensus on what is desirable in research practices. Under such a consensus, it is possible to set up guidelines for research and pub-lication ethics that are applicable to science and engineering fields. This manual is intended to provide guide-lines for good research practices, especially for young scholars in the fields of science and engineering. Follow-ing aspects of research and publication ethics were discussed in this manual: Key principles for ethical conduct and standards in research Research misconduct and inappropriate research practices, with examples explaining the various items and

    underlying principles Guidelines on decision making regarding ethical publications during the process of writing, submission, edit-

    ing, and reviewing, to help editors handle issues of publication ethics Instructions on plagiarism screening methods using CrossCheck Guidelines for institutions on handling cases of research misconduct, following principles and appropriate

    procedures for validation Instructions about the meaning and resolution of conflicts of interests Ethical principles and practical guidelines for studying human and animal subjects Concepts of research integrity and guidelines for its practice in laboratories This manual is also intended for the following purposes: As a reference for researchers to ensure integrity while performing research and writing papers As a reference for universities, institutions, and academic societies when handling ethical issues of their

    members research and as guidelines for practicing good research standards As a textbook or basic reference material for a class on research ethics for students of science and engineering

    It is my great pleasure to provide every reader of this manual with recent and international-level information on research and publication ethics.

  • vii


    Chapter 1. Research ethics in the area of science and engineering 1 Eun Seong Hwang and Kibeom Park

    Chaper 2. Research misconducts and inappropriate research practices 15 Eun Seong Hwang and Young-Mog Kim

    Chaper 3. Publication ethics 45 Eun Hee Cho and Tae-Woong Yoon

    Chaper 4. Principles and procedures of handling research misconducts 71 Kibeom Park

    Chaper 5. Conflicts of interests 93 Wha-Chul Son

    Chaper 6. Bioethics 103 Jeong Mook Lim

    Chaper 7. Guide on good research practice 115 Jeong Mook Lim

  • viii



    Eun Seong Hwang Chair of the Committee on Publication ethics, Korean Council of Science Editors; Department of Life Science, University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea

    Eun Hee Cho Vice-chair of the Committee on Publication ethics, Korean Council of Science Editors; Department of Biology Education, Chosun University, Gwangju, Korea

    Young-Mog KimMember of the Committee on Publication ethics, Korean Council of Science Editors; Department of Food Science & Technology, Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea

    Kibeom ParkMember of the Committee on Publication ethics, Korean Council of Science Editors; Center for S & T Human Resources Policy, Science & Technology Policy Institute, Seoul, Korea

    Wha-Chul SonMember of the Committee on Publication ethics, Korean Council of Science Editors; Global Leadership School, Handong Global University, Pohang, Korea

    Tae-Woong YoonMember of the Committee on Publication ethics, Korean Council of Science Editors; School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea

    Jeong Mook LimMember of the Committee on Publication ethics, Korean Council of Science Editors; Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

  • ix

    , , / iv

    / v

    PREFACE / vi

    CONTENTS / vii


    1. / 1 I. / 3 II. / 7 III. / 9 IV. / 12

    2. / 15 I. / 17 II. - / 19 III. - / 21 IV. / 29 - / 38 V. - / 40 VI. / 42

    3. / 45 I. / 47 II. / 50 III. / 59 IV. / 63

  • x

    4. / 71 I. / 73 II. / 80 III. / 88

    5. / 93 I. / 95 II. / 98

    6. / 103 I. / 105 II. / 109 III. / 112

    7. / 115 I. / 117 II. / 118 III. / 121 IV. / 123 V. / 124

    INDEX / 127

  • xi

    - .

    - , , .

    - .

    - .

    - .

    - , , , .

    - , 2 .

    - 3 .- , 4 .- 5 .- 6 .

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  • I.





  • 31 |



    - . . , . , , . , . . . , .

    - . , . , .

    - , , (David B. Resnick) (Principles for ethical conduct in research) . 1998 12 ( ) . , 2009 12 . 2009 , , . 1998 , 2009 . 1998 1998 2009 . 1998 2009 .1

    (Principles for ethical conduct in research), 19981

    honesty - . .

    carefulness - . , .

    1 Resnik, David B., The Ethics of Science: An Introduction, 1998, London: Routledge, pp.53~73, , , , , , 2001, 27~34 .

  • | 4

    openness - , , , , , . .

    freedom - . .

    credit - . .

    education - . .

    social responsibility - . , , , , .

    legality - . , , , , , .

    opportunity - . , , , .

    mutual respect - . , , .

    efficiency - . .

    respect for subjects - , . .

  • 51 |


    (Principles for ethical conduct in research), 20092

    honesty - , , (publication status), , . , , , . .

    objectivity - , , , , .

    openness - , , , , , , . , .

    confidentiality - , , .

    carefulness - . , , , . . , .

    respect for colleagues - , , . , . , , . , .

    respect for intellectual property - , . , . , .

    respect for the law - .

    respect for subjects - . . . , , . , .

    stewardship - , , . , , , .

    social responsibility - , , , .

    freedom - .

    2 Shamoo, Adil E., and Resnik David B., Responsible conduct of research, 2nd Edition; NewYork: Oxford, 2009, p.28.

  • | 6

    (2) -

    - . , (; research integrity) . . , . (National Academy of Sciences) Integrity in scientific research3 .

    For the individual scientist, integrity embodies above all a commitment to intellectual honesty and personal responsibility for ones actions and to a range of practices that characterize respon-sible research conduct.

    These practices include:

    intellectual honesty in proposing, performing, and reporting research accuracy in representing contributions to research proposals and reports fairness in peer review collegiality in scientific interactions, including communications and sharing of resources transparency in conflicts of interest or potential conflicts of interest protection of human subjects in the conduct of research humane care of animals in the conduct of research adherence to the mutual responsibilities between investigators and their research teams

    3 Committee on Asessing Integrity in Research EnvironmentsBoard on Health Sciences Policy etc, Integrity in scientific research, Washington D.C: National academies press, 2002, pp.34~35.

  • 71 |


    - , .

    : , . , . . 2005 . , . , , , , () .

    : . . . .

    : . . , . .

    : , .

    : . (raw data) , , . , ( ) ( ) .

    : , , .

    : .

  • | 8

    . . , . , .

    : . . , . IRB , . , , .

    - . , , .

  • 91 |


    - . , . , 4 2008~2012 35 169 . 1 . .

    - (60%), (20%), (11%), (6%), (4%) . , 2013 1 BRIC , ? 42% . i) (41%), ii) (20%), iii) (13%), iv) (9%) .5 (BRIC ). .

    - , . , .


    : (duplicate publication).

    : 2006 . , , , . , . , .6

    4 , 5 86%, News, 2013.10.31, (2013.11.5).5 /, , ?, SciON, 2013.1.23~30, (2013.10.30).6 , ' ' , , 2012.7.23, . , . , , , , 2012.7.23, (2013.10.30).

  • | 10

    : (peer review) 7 , .


    - . . , . .

    : 2005 (Science) , . 2006 KAIST 8 2012 9 . , , , (self-deception) (retraction) . , , , .

    : (raw data) , . . , , .


    : . , 2006 .10

    7 , , , , 2006.9.27, (2013.10.30) .8 , , , 2009.2.29, (2013.10.30).9 , , 17 , , 2012.12.5, (2013.10.30).10 , 47 / / , SciON, 2006.11.21~11.30, (2013.10.30).

  • 111 |

    : (mentor) (mentee) . . , , . , . . , , , (whistle-blower) .


    : (IRB) . , .

    (informed consent): . , .

  • | 12



    - 2005 . , , . . () 2007 2 236 , .

    - , .

    - () , . () , , . . .

    - 2008 . , , , . , , , .


    - , . 2010 80% 4 90% .

  • 131 |

    ()2007 19 (10.6%) 82 (18.1%) 20 (55.6%)2007 80 (44.4%) 190 (41.9%) 8 (22.2%)2008 59 (32.8%) 137 (30.2%) 5 (13.9%)2009 22 (12.2%) 45 (9.9%) 3 (8.3%) 180 (100%) 454 (100%) 36 (100%) 35 16 4


    - . 2007 18, 2008 32, 2009 2010 48 .12



    - . , , (2007), 2008 .

    - , (, http://kamje.or.kr) (, http://www.kcse.org) .

    11 , 2010 , , 2011, 22.12 , 38.

  • I.

    II. -

    III. -



    . -



  • 172 |



    - 1 2 , , , .

    - , , , . , . .

    - . , , .

    - , . , . , .3


    - . . . . , . .

    - . ,

    1 [ 2012.8.1], [ 260, 2012.8.1, ].2 , [ 6, 2013.8.5, ].3 2009 6 26 (, [ 2] , , 2009.6.27, (2013.10.30)..

  • | 18

    . .

    - . . , .4

    4 2006 , 2012 (, 17 , , 2013.3.8, (2013.10.30)).

  • 192 |

    II. -

    (1) ()(fabrication)


    - . 1, 3 .

    1, 3

    Time course

    Time course

    1 3 5 1 3 5#1 17 #1 4 10 17#2 20 #2 6 11 20

    - , , , .

    (2) (falsification)


    - , , . 3 .

  • | 20


    Time course

    Time course

    1 3 5 1 3 5#1 5 3 17 #1 5 10 17#2 7 2 20 #2 7 11 20

    - , , .

    - . .

  • 212 |

    III. -

    (1) (plagiarism)

    , -

    - . . .

    - , , . . (3.2. . ).

    - 1 ( ) WAME() .5 .

    - , (unintentional acciden-tal plagiarism). .

    - . , . , , .6

    5 WAME (World Association of Medical Editors) 2006 11 18 medical journal editors are indeed highly tol-erant of one-sentence copying, provided the reference is given. Nevertheless, one-sentence copying creates problems in writing cohe-sion, and is to be avoided. Mary Ellen Kerans (coordinator, Mediterranean Editors & Translators) , I do agreee with Mary Ellen. Diana Mason (Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Nursing) editor (www.wame.org/appropriate-use-of-of-other-authors2019-sentences).6 (, 5000 , , 2008.8.13, (2013.10.30)).

  • | 22

    - . . . 33, . .

    - 50 , (public domain) . . . . . , .7


    - , , . . , , .

    - . (reviewer) . , .

    - , . (JF Weinberg, personal communication) (, ) .

    - . . . , , .

    7 , , , , , 2011, 96.

  • 232 |

    . (verbatim plagiarism; copying)

    - . .

    The process of chemical carcinogenesis can be divided into three general stages, and chemopreventive agents have been categorized according to the stage that they inhibit (6). Resveratrol inhibits cellular events associated with tumor initia-tion, promotion, and progression. As noted above, the compound was identified on the basis of its ability to inhibit the cyclooxygenase activity of COX-1 (median effective dose ED50 = 15 M) (Fig. 2A), and this activity correlates with anti-tumor promotion. Although its inhibitory activity was less than that of certain NSAIDs, such as indomethacin (ED50 = 2.3 M) (Fig. 2A), it was much greater than that mediated by compounds such as aspirin (ED50 = 880 M). Also, unlike indomethacin and most other NSAIDs, resveratrol inhibited the hydroperoxidase activity of COX-1 (ED50 = 3.7 M) (Fig. 2B). Resveratrol-mediated inhibition was specific for the cyclooxygenase activity of COX-1 because there was no discernable activity when oxygen uptake was assessed with COX-2 (Fig. 2A), an inducible form of the enzyme associat-ed with responses such as inflammation (7), and inhibition of the hydroperoxidase activity of COX-2 (ED50 = 85 M) (Fig. 2B) was greatly reduced relative to the activity observed with COX-1.


    . (mosaic plagiarism)

    - . .

    The principal such activity turned out, upon partial purification and inhibitor characterization, to be an 110 kDa thiol metalloendopeptidase indistinguishable from IDE. IDE had previously been shown to degrade insulin, glucagon, atrial naturetic peptide (ANF), and TGF-, among other small peptides of diverse sequence. The recent addition of amylin to this list (Bennett et al., 2000) has furthered the hypothesis that IDE has little sequence specificity but recognizes a con-formation that is prone to conversion to a -pleated sheet structure. Such a property could explain its propensity to de-grade several peptides that undergo concentration-dependent formation of amyloid fibrils (e.g., insulin, ANF, amylin, calcitonin, and A). Importantly, IDE has been found to degrade rat and human amylin peptides similarly, despite the fact that only the latter can form amyloid fibrils. It appears, therefore, that the motif recognized by IDE is not the -pleat-ed sheet region per se but a conformation of the monomer in a pre-amyloid state (Bennett et al., 2000).One concern about the physiological relevance of IDE's ability to degrade secreted peptides such as insulin and A has been that the enzyme occurs principally in a soluble form in the cytoplasm. However, a form of IDE can be labeled on the cell surface, including in neurons, and is also present on intracellular membranes (Vekrellis et al., 2000). Its mode of entry into membranes and the nature of its membrane anchor need to be resolved, as IDE does not have a known signal peptide or transmembrane domain. Nevertheless, the existence of a membrane-anchored form of the protease suggests that it could help regulate insulin signaling at the plasma membrane and could also participate in the degradation of both soluble and membrane-associated forms of A. The cleavage products of A produced by IDE are not neurotoxic and not prone to depositing on amyloid plaques, and therefore recombinant IDE reduces A toxicity in cortical neuro-nal cultures (Mukherjee et al., 2000). While endogenous IDE has been specifically shown to degrade synthetic A monomers in homogenates and membrane


    8 1997 Cancer chemopreventive activity of resveratrol, a natural product derived from grapes (Science 275 [1997]) p.218 resveratrol Chemoprevention of Scutellaria bardata on human cancer cells and tumorigenesis in skin cancer (Phytotherapy Research 21 (2007)) Result and Discussion . 1999 A review of the effects of microgravity and of hyper-gravity on aging and longevity(Experimental Gerontology 34) Effects of microgravity and of hypergravity on aging and longevity of insects(Korean J Biological Science 7(2000)) .9 2001 Clearing the brains amyloid cobwebs.(Neuron 32 pp.177~178)

  • | 24

    . (Inappropriate paraphrasing/summarizing)

    - (parapharasing) (summarizing) . . .

    We cannot legislate the language of the home, the street, the bar, the club, unless we are willing to set up a cadre of language police who will ticket and arrest us if we speak something other than English.-James C. Stalker, Official English or English Only, English Journal 77 (Mar. 1988):21.

    We cannot pass laws about what we speak at home, on the street, or in restaurants, unless we also decide to toler-ate having special police who will take us off to jail if they hear us not speaking English (21).

    Stalker points out that in a democracy like the United States, it is not possible to have laws against the use of a lan-guage and it certainly would not be possible to enforce such laws in homes and public places (21).


    - . . cut-and-paste , .

    - . ( ) . .

    - , . .


    - , . .

    Amyloid precursor protein, presenillins, and alpha-synuclein:..(Pharmacol Rev. 54(2002) p.477) .10 Raimes A. etc, Pocket Keys for Writers, 1st; Cengage Learning, 2003, p.31 .

  • 252 |

    . Daf-2, AGE-1, Daf-16 , Daf-2 AGE-1 2 , Daf-16 2 . , Daf-2 AGE-1 , Daf-16 . , . . , , . , . , - . Daf-2 AGE-1 IGF-1 ,

    .3. - Daf-2, AGE-1, Daf-16 , Daf-2 AGE-1 2 , Daf-16 2 . , Daf-2 AGE-1 , Daf-16 . , . . , , . , .8)

    4. , , ,


    - ( ) . . . .

    - , . . , . .

    - . ( ) ( ) . . , .

    - . .

    11 .

  • | 26

    (Palliative care) . . 30 . . . . . . (Robert Kasterbaum) .

    , , . (practitioners) [11. p.79]




    - , , . , . , .

    (2008) .


    - (, , ) . . , .

    - , . , . .

    12 J.D. Morgan, , , , 2000 .

  • 272 |

    Request for permission to reproduce published material , . , .


    - , , , , , , (metaphor), . .

    - . , . , .


    - , . , , , , , (volume) . , , , , .

    - . . . .

    : ...(Chulsoo Kim, personal communication) : ...(GD Hong, unpublished data) : ...(GD Hong, in preparation GD Hong, will be published elsewhere) : ...(GD Hong, in press in Nature (DOI )) : based on the thesis submitted by GD Hong for Ph.D. degree, University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea, 2011) : Shanker, T. (2011, July 6). Pentagon weighs strategy change to deter terror. The New York Times On the Web. Retrieved July 24, 2011 from http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/05/politics/05strategy. html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 World Health Organization Homepage. Retrieved July 17, 2011 from http:// www.who.int/en( ).

  • | 28

    - (secondary sources) , , 3 , 3 . . 2 . .

    Johnson (1972, as cited in Lee and Leonard, 2009) reported that... It was suggested that the earth is composed of ...(Johnson, 1972, as cited in Lee and Leonard, 2009) [[3] as cited in [4]] [[4] , [3] ]

    - Guide to Authors Introduction to Authors .

  • 292 |


    (1) (self plagiarism text recycling) ( )

    (redundant publication)

    - . , (text recycling) .

    - (, ) , . . , , , , .

    - . , 5 , 3 . . , , . .

    - , ( ) .

    - 4 ...

    , . . , , ( )13 , .

    13 2 12 5.

  • | 30

    - . . .

    - , , . , (meta-analysis) . . .

    Many researchers say that republication without citation violates the premise that each scientific paper should be an original contribution. It can also serve to falsely inflate a researchers CV by suggesting a higher level of pro-ductivity. And although the repetition of the methods section of a paper is not necessarily considered inappropri-ate by the scientific community, we would expect that results, discussion and the abstract present novel results (Nature 468, p.745(2010))


    - . . .

    - (), (). , , ( 3 )14 .

    14 Kinetics of the cell biological changes occurring in the progression of DNA damage-induced senescence. Molecules and Cells 31, 539-546(2011)(), (). . [Salviae miltiorrhizae Radix increases Dopamine Release of Rat and Pheochromocytoma PC12 Cells. Phytother. Res. 20, 191-199(2006)] [Salvae Miltiorrhizae BGE Radix Increases Rat Striatal K+Stimulated Dopamine... Neuro-chemical Res.31, 109-129(2006)]

  • 312 |

    . (Salami publication)

    - . 10 () , 5 , 5 . , 10 . , .

    - . , .- . .

  • | 32

    . IRB . IRB .

    . (imalas publication)

    - . 20 , 100 . , , .

    - ( ) . , , .


    - , .

    (Secondary publication)

    - . . .

    - . 3 . , , . , . , , This article is based on a study first reported in Korean Journal of -- .15

    - . , . , . 3 .

    15 International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journal(http://www.icmje.org/publishing_4overlap.html) .

  • 332 |

    - 2 , 2 . 2 .


    - ? . .16 , . , . , , 1 5 ... .17

    materials and methods methods section

    - , methods section . iThenticate Q&A Forum18 .

    Q6: If a scientist is describing a method that is used in different papers, can they use that same description?A: (Bob) Anecdotal feedback from CrossCheck members indicates that editors are largely unconcerned with pla-giarism in method sections. In fact, it has been requested that iThenticate includes a feature that excludes meth-ods from originality check.(Rachael) Id agree with Bob. An Editor reading the paper as a subject specialist will understand that there will necessarily be a degree of overlap/the same methods section if the same method has been used.(Bob Creutz, Executive Director of iThenticate; Rachael Lammey from CrossRef)

    - .


    16 8( ) .17 (2014.2.3~14) .18 iThenticate Self-Plagiasrism Q&A(http://www.ithenticate.com/resources/webcasts/self-plagiarism/q-and-a).

  • | 34

    . .

    1919 3 1 12 31 .

    - , . 19 .

    If you compared one of President Obamas lines to this very well-known phrase from John F. Kennedys Inaugu-ral Address, Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country, you would not need to provide a citation for that one phrase.

    However, if you were to analyze Kennedys speech substantively and quote additional lines, then you would need to cite anything you quoted from his speech so that your readers could confirm the original language of the speech.

    - . , , . , .

    - (anthology ) . , . .

    - , , .

    19 Harvard Guide to Using Sources The Exception: Common Knowledge(http://isites.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k70847&pageid=icb.page342055) .

  • 352 |

    - . , . . , ( . , ).

    - . (grey literature) . Peer review .

    - , . ( ) . , . .

    - (IEEE) Conference Proceedings Journal . IEEE conference Call for abstracts Call for papers , peer review . peer review , .

    - , IEEE , full paper . IEEE .

    - . .

  • | 36

    letters brief communication

    - , letter brief communication (full paper) . . . IEEE .

    - . Journal of American Chemical Society(JACS) .

    Articles which mainly expand findings that were previously published as Communications in JACS or elsewhere and which only incorporate experimental data, without greatly expanded scope and without providing new in-sights or conceptual breakthroughs, will be declined. Articles that are mainly routine extensions of previously published related work will also be declined with the recommendation for submission to more specialized jour-nals.

    - . .

    - ISBN . .

    - , 76% , 53% .20 public domain , . , .

    - . peer review , . .

    20 , , , 2009, 59.

  • 372 |

    - , , , . , , 1/4 .21 . .

    - . , . ( ) .

    - , . . . . , . , .

    21 .

  • | 38



    - , . . .

    - , , , .22

    - (() ) , DB , , . , .23


    - . 136 1 1 . DB 2 .24

    136() 5 5 . 1. , (93 ) , , , , , , 2 .

    - (2007872) ,

    22 , : , 39 1, 2008, 431-463 .23 .24 .

  • 392 |


    (3) Open Access Journal

    - . Open Access Journal . , Open Access .

    - .

    i) ii) iii) 2 DB ( )

    25 , DB , , 2008.3.22, (2013.10.30).

  • | 40

    V. -

    , , , . ( 6(2013.8.5 ), [ 2012.8.1] [ 260, 2012.8.1, ]).

    (1) ?

    - . , . . , , , . .

    - : . , , , , , . (Au-thor contribution list) .

    - : . , , , , , ( () ).

  • 412 |

    HIV . ?

    , A . B 2 , . C , . C , ., D HPV typing , HPV HIV . , C , HPV , . . E ., HIV strain , F HIV3, HIV4 strain DNA , Fig. 4 . G .

    : C D


    - . 1 , 1 . 1 () 2, 3 . , . . , , . . , .

  • | 42


    - 4 6. . , 1 .

    - , , . . , .

    - (Questionable research practice; QRP) . , QRP .26


    11( ) . 1. 30 .

    - [ 2011-19, 2011.10.4 ]

    - . ( ) .27 . .

    - . , .

    26 Panel on Scientific Responsibility and the Conduct of Research etc, Responsible Science, Volume I: Ensuring the Integrity of the Research Process, National Academies Press; Bound Photocopy edition, 1992 (http://search.nap.edu/napsearch.php?term=Responsible+Science ).27 , [ 2011-19, 2011.10.4 ].

  • 432 |


    - . , .


    - ( ) ( ) . . . . , .


    - . , () . , . , . , .

  • | 44


    - 2005 . , . , .

  • .





  • 473 |



    - , . , , . , .

    - , , . , .

    (embargo) . , , .

    - . .

    , , , , .

    ( ) , .

    (2) ,

    - , , .


    . , .


    - , , .

    , , , . ( 5 ).

    , , , , ,

  • | 48

    . , , , .


    - , .

    . 2 . 2 .

    , , . , .

    - .

    . , .


    - . , , . , ( , X , ) , . . .

    , , , .

    - . , . , .

    . .


    - ,

  • 493 |

    ( 2 5 ).

    - , , , .

    , , . , , .

    . . , .

    . .

    , , 2003 (http://kamje.or.kr/intro.

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    ment developed at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, Singapore, July 22-24, 2010 (http://publi-cationethics.org/international-standards-editors-and-authors).


  • | 50



    - . , .

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    - . .

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    , .

    . , .

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    - , .

    , , , .

    - 3 , .


  • 513 |

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    - , .

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    - . , .


    . , .

    , , .

    , . , .

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  • | 52

    , , . , ( JCB ).

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    : 1

    JCB(Journal of Cell Biology) . . JCB . JCB , . . JCB .

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    ( ) .

    (brightness), (contrast), (color balance) . (nonlinear adjustment) .


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  • 533 |

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    : . , . , . . . .

    . . . . BMC (BMC Medicine) (open peer review) , , , . (European Molecular Biology Organization) EMBO (EMBO Journal) (Reveiw Process File) . .

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  • | 54


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    - . . , , . , .

    . . . .

    , . , .

    - . .

    , .

    , .

    . . . .

    . .

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  • 553 |


    - .


    ( ) , . ( ), .

    ( ) . . , , .

    . . .

    : COPE(Committee on Publication Ethics) . . COPE (http://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts).

  • | 56



    - . .

    , , .

    , . .

    - .

    - , , .

    , .

    , , , , , , , (5 ).

    - . , .

    . .

    , .

  • 573 |

    - . , . . . .

    - , , , .


    - , , , .

    - . .

    - .

    , . .

    . .

    - . .

    - . . . . .2

    2 Benos DJ Kirk KL Hall JE, How to review a paper, Adv Physiol Educ, 2003, 27:47-52.

  • | 58

    . , , , , , .

    , , 2003(http://kamje.or.kr/intro.php?body=publishing_ethics).

    COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors (http://www.publicationethics.org/resources/code-conduct). COPE Flowcharts (http://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts). ICMJE guidelines (http://www.icmje.org/publishing_2corrections.html). Kleinert S & Wager E. Responsible research publication: international standards for editors. A position state-ment developed at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, Singapore, July 22-24, 2010 (http://publi-cationethics.org/international-standards-editors-and-authors).

    Singapore Statement on Research Integrity (http://www.singaporestatement.org). Wager E. Coping with scientific misconduct. BMJ 2011. Wager E, Barbour V, Yentis S, Kleinert S on behalf of COPE Council. Retractions: Guidance from the Commit-tee on Publication Ethics (COPE)(http://publicationethics.org/files/u661/Retractions_COPE_gline_final_3_Sept_09__2_.pdf).


  • 593 |


    (1) (Correction/Erratum)

    - . , , , . , .

    (2) (Editors Note/Expression of Concern)

    - , .

    , , , , , (, ), .

    . , .

    , . . , . .

  • | 60

    - . .

    . , . , .

    - , .

    . . , . , .

    (3) (Retraction)

    - . .

    , .

    , . , .

    , , .

    , . , .

    , . . , , .

  • 613 |

    - . .

    . , , . , . .

    , . . , , , . . , .

    . , . . .

    - . .

    . , .

    . . .

    - . .

    . .

    . .

  • | 62

    - . .

    - . , .

  • 633 |


    (1) ,

    - (DB) . DB , .

    - , DB .

    (CrossCheck) (CrossRef) DB . iParadigm . Virginia Bioinfor-matics Institute eTBLAST(http://etest.vbi.vt.edu/etblast3), DB MEDLINE, arXiv, NASA .

    PlagScan(https://www.plagscan.com) , PlagScan . CopyKiller(https://www.copykiller.co.kr) DB . . DB COPYLESS(http://snboard.mireene.com) . , Copyscape(http://copyscape.com) .

    , . DeVAS DeVAC(http://devac.cs.pusan.ac.kr) .

    - . . eT-BLAST CrossCheck DB . , DB . DB CrossCheck . CrossCheck CrossRef .

  • | 64

    (2) (CrossRef): (CrossCheck)

    - CrossCheck CrossRef DOI(Digital Object Identifier) . DOI (Digital Object Identifier) . CrossRef

    DOI , DOI . (URL) , DOI . DOI CrossRef . DOI (Permanent link).

    DOI http://dx.doi.org/prefix/suffix . , (Elsevier) (Automatica) 2007 DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.automatica.2007.xx.xxx.

    - CrossRef 2000 . 2013 11 CrossRef 24, 18 . . 2012/13 3 , CrossRef 4,500 , DOI 6 3 . 7 , 5 DOI 11% 82% .

    (3) (CrossCheck): (CrossRef)

    - CrossCheck CrossRef , iThenticate CrossCheck .

    CrossCheck = CrossCheck DB + iThenticate

    - CrossCheck DB .

    - iThenticate . (http://www.ithenticate.com) , CrossCheck .

    iThenticate (turnitin) iParadigm . CrossCheck . CrossCheck CrossRef .

    - DB CrossRef . CrossCheck DB CrossRef . 2012/13 , CrossCheck 3 8 .

    CrossCheck PubMed arXiv.org 3 DB , .

    3 2012/13 CrossRef Annual Report (http://goo.gl/C0wZkA).

  • 653 |

    (4) (CrossCheck)

    - . http://www.ithenticate.com . . , , , . , CrossCheck DB . 3 DB , .

    . , , , Abstract Methods and Materials . Methods and Materials .

    - , , , CrossCheck , 3 DB .

    , . (pdf) , .

    - . , . .

    - (Document Viewer) .

  • | 66

    ( )

    (5) (CrossCheck)

    - . CrossCheck .

    , . , . , .

    , . , .

  • 673 |

  • | 68

    CrossCheck CrossCheck , CrossCheck .


  • 693 |


    - CrossCheck . .

  • I.




  • 734 |



    - , . ( ) ( ) .

    , ,

    2007 ( ) . 2011 .

    , .

    11( ) .4. , , ,

    15( ) ( ) . 1 .

  • | 74

    . 1 , 2 3 .

    () 30 31 , , .

    , .

    - , () . ( ) .

    , .

    , , .


    - .

    ()31( ) 1 , .

    ( )13( ) .

    2 , , , .

    - , 1 2 .

  • 754 |

    , .


    - , . . , .

    - , . , .

    - , .

    - .

    ()31( ) , 1 , .

    ( )17( ) 312 .1. 2. 3. 2

    ( )13( ) 1 . .1. 2. 3. 2

  • | 76


    - ( ) 5 , 2011 ( ) .

    . , , .

    - . , .


    - . .

    - . , . , .

    , . . , .

    () .(349), .(350) .


    - , .

    : 5 9 : 30% , 50% 5

    - , .

  • 774 |

    - , , .

    , , .

    - , .

    ( )10( ) 1 5 9 . .

    1. 777 2. () 3.

    ( )18( ) 1 5 . , . 1 .

    1. 50% 2. 30%

    19( ) .1. 777 2. 3. .


    - , , . , .

    - , , , .

  • | 78

    ( )13( ) 55 .1. .2. , .

    3. . , 15 .

    4. , .

    5. .

    ( )11( ) , . . , , , . , . . 3 . . .

    - , .

    - , .

    - , .

    - , . , .

  • 794 |

    , , . , , .

  • | 80



    - -- , 6 .

    - 6 .

    ( )7( ) 53 , , . , ( . ) , . 53 6 . , .

    ( )15( ) , . 1 . .21() 6 . , , .


    - , 30 . .

    - , .

    . ,

  • 814 |


    ( )8() 71 ( ) ( ) , . 30 . 101 6 .

    ( )16() , 30 . . . 202 . 10 , . , .

    - . .

    , . .


    - ( ) .

  • | 82

    - .




    - .

    , .

    , ,

    5 ( )

    1 , , 161.

  • 834 |

    . (Inquiry)

    (Inquiry) Yes/No , .


    ( )

    ( ) (, , )



    - , , , , .


    , .

    - , , , .

    - , .

    - .

    2 , 162.

  • | 84


    ( )



    , .

    , , , , , .

    1) , 2) , 3) , 4) , 5) , 6) , 7) , 8) , , 9) , , 10)


    , ,


    3 , 164.4 , 165.

  • 854 |

    - . , 3 2 .

    - .

    - .

    1. , ,


    3. ,

    4. , , (, , )

    5. 3




    , ,

  • | 86

    9. , ,

    , , , ,

    10. , ,



    - .

    - , .


    - , .


    , .

    - , , , , , .

    - .

    , .

    - , . , .

  • 874 |

    ( )19( ) 30 . 1 60 .

    ( )22( ) 30 . 1 60 . .

  • | 88


    - II , , , .

    , , , , .

    - , () .


    - 2008. 6. 24


    - 2008. 9. 5 XXX

    - 2008. 9. 11 XXX 6, 3

    - 2008. 9. ,

    - 2008. 10. 9 XXX

    - 2008. 11. 25 XXX 4 2008. 11. 25 1 2008. 12. 22. 2009. 1. 6 2009. 1. 20 ( . .)

    - XXX , , ,

  • 894 |

    , . .


    - 2007. 11. 7 2

    - 2007. 12. 18

    - 2008. 1. 3

    - 2008. 1. 4 (7)

    - 2008. 2. 4 ()

    - 2008. 2. 13

    . .


    - 2004 1 2003

    - 2006 2005 ,

    - 2006.

    - 2007. 1

    - 2007. 5.

  • | 90

    1 , ,

    - 2007. 5~9

    - 2007. 9. 3

    - 2007. 10

    . , , .


    - 2009. 9. 7

    2008 2002 , 2008

    - 2008. 12. 18. ( )

    - 2009. 12. 30

    - 2010. 1. 7. ( 3) ,

    - 2010. 1. 18

    - 2010. 1. 27 ()

    - 2010. 2. 8 1

    - 2010. 2. 22 2

  • 914 |

    - 2010. 2. 26. 3 ,

    - 2010. 3.

    . .

  • I.



  • 955 |


    (1) ?

    - (conflict of interest , , ) , .

    , (primary interest) (secondary interest) .1

    - ( ) ( 3 ) . , .

    . . , . .

    - . , .

    - . . , .

    - . .

    1 , , , 2007, 8.

  • | 96

    - . , .


    - , . 18 .

    (2010) 18 ( ) . - - ,


    - , ,

    - 1 4

    - . 1 2 . , 1 .

    - , . , .

    - 1 2 , . , .

    - 1 2 , .

  • 975 |


    - . . .

    - . .

    - , . , , . () , , .

    - , , , . .

  • | 98



    - . . . , .

    - . . , , . . .

    - . , .

    - , . . (19) .

    19 ( ) , . .

  • 995 |


    - . , , , . () .2

    - .

    , , ( 41 2).

    - .

    - . ) , . ) . ) , .

    - (45 CFR 94) (significant financial interest) , .3

    2 , , (), 2006, 11-15 . , , . .3 (http://www.cre.or.kr/article/re-sponsibilities_articles/1382566).

  • | 100

    45 CFR 94.4 :a) (policy) , . ( ) PHS(Public Health Service) , , .b) , PHS (fi-nancial disclosure statement) .

    - .

    , , .

    . .


    - .

    A B

    C D

    E F

    - (A)

    , (): . (): .

    (): , . (): , .

    A A B

  • 1015 |

    - (B)

    (): , .

    (): .

    (): . (): .

    , ( )

    - (C)

    (): . .

    (): .

    (): , .


    - (D)

    (): .

  • | 102

    ( ) (): . (): .

    - (E)

    A A ():

    - (F)

    (): .

  • I.




  • 1056 |


    - () ( ) .

    - , . .

    - . . (institutional review board; IRB) (institutional ani-mal care and use committee; IACUC) .

    - ( ). IRB/IACUC .


    - , , , , , , .


    - . , . (risk) (harm) .1

    - . , (), , , .

    - . , (standardization) . (standard operation protocol) (good laboratory practice) .

    1 , , , 2013, 2~3.

  • | 106

    ( , 2013)


    (observatory study)

    - , , .

    - . , , ,


    . .

    - (IRB )1) ,

    2) 3) ( , - ).

    (experimental study)

    - , . .

    - 1)

  • 1076 |

    2) (, , , ) 3) 4) 5) ( )6) 7) IRB


    - , , , , .

    - (quality assurance) . , , .

    - /(IACUC) . , (association for assessment and accreditation of laboratory animal care international; AAALAC International) .

    - , .

    - 3R (replacement, reduction, refinement) .

    . Replacement () - (use of non-animal methods).

    . Reduction () - (methods which reduce the number

    of animal used).

    . Refinement (/): (methods which improve animal welfare).

  • | 108

    - .

    - , .

    - 5 , , , , .

    1) , 2) 3) 4) , 5)

    - , .

    - 3R (2007) (2010) .

    - .

    - -- - , . , .

    - , . .

  • 1096 |

    II. (institutional review board; IRB)


    - ) , ) , ) , .

    - IRB

    . Bernard (1865) () .

    . IRB 1) (The Nurenburg code): .2) (The declaration of Helsinki): (, , ) IRB .

    3) (The Belmont report): (respect for person), (beneficience), (jus-tice) .

    4) , -- (ICH-GCP) .

    (2) IRB

    - IRB (15).

    - IRB ( , ) .1) .2) .3) .4) .5) IRB () .

    - IRB i) , ) , iii) .


  • | 110

    , ( ).

    (3) IRB

    - IRB , .1) , .2) .

    3) (, , ).

    - IRB , IRB .

    (4) IRB

    - IRB/IACUC . , .

    - IRB ( ), , .

    1) .2) IRB .

    3) .4) .5) .

    1) .

    2) .3) .4) .5) .6) .

  • 1116 |

    7) .

    - , , , .

    - , , , . , , , . , , .

    - . .

    IRB (IRB; http://snuethics.snu.ac.kr)

  • | 112

    III. (institutional animal care and use

    committee; IACUC)


    - 2007 IACUC .

    - IACUC , . - .

    - , .

    (2) IACUC

    - IACUC .

    - IACUC . /

  • 1136 |

    (3) IACUC

    - IACUC , .

    : .- - .

    : .- .

    : .- IACUC .

    - IACUC .

    . . .


  • | 114

    ( IACUC ; http://snuethics.snu.ac.kr)

  • I.






  • 1177 |


    - (rationale) (originality) . : . . , , . , . .

    : i) ii) . .

    - i) , ii) , iii) . (ability of self-correction): , .

    (objectivity): , , , .

    (reproducibility): , .

    , .

    - , . , .

    - , . .

  • | 118


    - (standard operation protocol; SOP) .


    - .

    - , .

    - , . SOP .

    - SOP .

    (2) (6 )

    - , .

    - , IRB IACUC .


    - (prospective study) . SOP , , . . .

    - (retrospective study) , (re-

    cord view study) . , .

  • 1197 |

    (4) , ,

    - .


    , .

    . () .


    . , .


    (duplicate) . . , . , . . . , 1 . 1 (replicate) . , .

    (even distribution)

    , .

    - . : , . 3 3 . 3

  • | 120

    3 , . , 3 , 3 3 , .

  • 1217 |



    - , .

    - . ( ) ( ) .

    - , . , , (trouble shooting) .

    - : : , . e-note: . SOP , . , . .


    (pdf, ). , .

    , . .


    - .- , . , t-test , .- , (, pair test: A, B, C

  • | 122

    A-B, B-C, C-A ) (model effect) . (ANOVA: analysis of variance) , , .

    (3) GLP, GMP, GCP

    - .

    - GLP, GMP, GCP . , , .

    GLP (good laboratory practice)

    , , .

    GLP , ---- .

    GMP (good manufacturing practice)

    GLP . GMP , GLP .

    GCP (good clinical practice)

    . , .

  • 1237 |


    - , . .

    : .

    : , ( 200-250 ). > > , . .

    : . > > .


    : , .(; , ; ) , .

    : ( ) . , .

    : . , . , .

    - , . .


  • | 124

    V. ()

    - ( , ) .

    - SOP , .

    : , .

    - : , . '' .

    - - . , - .

    . , .

    - , . .

    - - .


  • 1257 |

    , , , 2011., , , , , 2001., , , 2009., , (), 2006. , 2010 , , 2011., , , , , 2011. , , , 2013., , , 2007., : , 39 1, 2008.

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  • | 126

    , 5 86%, News, 2013.10.31, (2013.10.30)., 5000 , , 2008.8.13, (2013.10.30)., 17 , , 2013.03.08, (2013.10.30)., , 17 , , 2012.12.5, (2013.10.30).

    , , 2012.2, . (http://www.cre.or.kr/article/respon-sibilities_articles/1382566)., 47 / / , SciON, 2006. 11.21~11.30./, , ?, SciON, 2013.1.23~30, .

    International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedi-cal Journal(http://www.icmje.org/publishing_4overlap.html).iThenticate Self-Plagiasrism Q & A(http://www.ithenticate.com/resources/webcasts/self-plagiarism/q-and-a).Harvard Guide to Using Sources The Exception: Common Knowledge(http://isites.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k70847&pageid=icb.page342055). Panel on Scientific Responsibility and the Conduct of Research etc, Responsible Science, Volume I: Ensuring the Integ-rity of the Research Process, National Academies Press; Bound Photocopy edition, 1992(http://search.nap.edu/nap-search.php?term=Responsible+Science).WAME(World Association of Medical Editors) 2006 11 18 (www.wame.org/appropriate-use-of-of-other-authors2019-sentences).

  • 1277 |


    / 4,5 / 5 / 4 / 13 / 11

    / 59, 60, 61, 62 / 31

    / 9 / 32 / 5

    / 29

    / 5, 7, 9, 10, 17, 19, 20, 48, 51, 55, 60, 61, 83, 88 / 23, 38, 39 / 9 / 5

    / 4, 5, 13, 105 / 9, 12, 105, 109, 110, 118 / 109, 113 / 4 / 11

    / 7, 9, 10, 12, 20, 42, 43, 47, 54, 121 / 7, 9, 11, 17, 29, 42, 43, 44, 88, 89, 96 / 3, 5 / 3, 6, 10, 12, 35, 74, 76, 88 / 17, 79, 20, 26, 48, 51, 55, 60, 61, 76, 83, 88 / 32, 33, 34 / 5, 22, 47, 50, 56, 57, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102

    / 5 / 36, 37, 38, 39, 48, 56, 63, 124 / 11 / 9, 29, 30, 31, 34, 55, 57, 59, 81, 83, 88, 89, 90 / 5

    / 63, 64, 65, 66

    / 5, 9, 12, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 33, 34, 37, 51, 52, 55, 57, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 66, 68, 69, 75, 81, 82, 83, 88, 89, 90, 91, 102

    COPE / 55, 58eTBLAST / 63Open Access Journal / 39