isheeffssg^^ meals psafrlf - nys historic...

Frances Johnaoa Orchids to the Suffolk County Extension Service ' s Home Demon- stration department. Of all the organizations , we feel they have done the most to make us a satisfied peop le in happy homes. Especially should the husbands "take off their hats " to this won- derful service. Given one housewife it turns her into an artist , a marvelous cook ,a desi gner and a tailor , a dressmaker , a nurse , a landscaper , and best of all helps her have an understanding- heart for all her household problems. At present the Famil y Meals project of the Patchogue unit is international cooking. With the leaders , Mrs. William C. Jenkins of Rider avenue and Mrs . Walter Cheshire of Bay avenue , Patch- ogue, starting off with Italian cooking, the cooks are having a marvelous time and lea rning a lot. After we attended the meeting Tuesday in the Four Sisters Com- munit y Center , Patchogue, when they served Vea l Cutlets Pa rmes- an , we could hardly wait until we could tell you how to make them. They ' re superb. Veal Cutlets Parmesan 1 pound veal cutlet , cut % inch thick 3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese ' •i cup bread crumbs 1 egg, beaten 2 tablespoons water 'A cup olive or salad oil Vs pound Mozzarella cheese, sliced thin Salt and pepper to taste Tomato Sauce (see recipe below ) Cut the veal into serving-size p ieces. Mix Parmesan cheese and bread crumbs. Mix beaten egg with water; di p meat into egg, then into bread-cheese crumbs . Cook the meat in hot oil about 5 minutes on each side or until golden brown. Place browned cut- lets in baking dish , pour most of the sauce over them , then p lace thin slices of Mozzarella cheese over the sauce. Top with remain- der of the sauce. Bake in slow oven 325 degrees A Pinch of This and A Pinch of That for 25 minutes. Tomato Sauce 2 onions, sliced thin 1 clove garlic , minced 4 tablespoons oil 1 teaspoon sweet basil 214 cups canned tomatoes (No. 2 can) Salt and pepper to taste Vi teaspoon sugar Cook the sliced onion and garlic in oil about 5 minutes , add basil. Strain tomatoes through a sieve with a wooden spoon , add to the onion and simmer for 15 minutes. Stir occasionally. Add salt , a dash of pepper and sugar, stir. Hadassah Bridge Part y for Hospital A dessert bridge will be spon- sored by the Patchogue chapter of Hadassah at 8 p. m. Tuosday in the Grand ballroom of the Pat- chogue Hotel. All the proceeds will be used for the purchase of X-ray equipment for the Hadas- sah Medical center . Mrs. David Fink , chairman , has announced that an entertaining evening of cards , Mahjongg and Scrabble has been planned. Awards will be made. Players are request- ed to bring their own cards. Des- sert and coffee will be served. Mrs. Arnold Abriss is publicity chairman. Presentation of her nurse' s cap _ to Miss Susan Carolyn Haines of Atlantic avenue, East Moriches , marked the end of her pre-clinical . program at the Albany Medical Center School of Nursing. Miss Haines gradu- ated from Westhampton Beach High school in June. 1957. She will continue her clinical pro - gra m at the Albany Medical Center School of Nursing, com- pleting her course in the fall of 19«0. New Nurse Catholic Girl Scout Leaders Unit Forms BAY SHORE The first meet- ing of the Suffolk County Cath- olic Girl Scout leaders was called February 24 by Mrs. Walter King. Suffolk County Coordinator of the Catholic Youth Organization. This meeting at St. Patrick's R. C. church , here , resulted in the election of Mrs. Richard M. Kul p of St. Joseph' s R. C. church Bab y lon , as president. There will be three meetings a year. The purpose is to set up a program to further the spiritual welfare of all Cath olic Girl Scouts. The first step in this program is an invitation to all Catholic Girl Scouts to attend benediction on Girl Scout Sunday, March 9, at St . Patrick' s church here at 3 p. m. Irene Reidy. president ; Mrs. Dor- othy Schwerdol . senior vice pres- ident ; Mrs. Poll y Haas , junior vice president; Mrs . Honore Maler , re- cordixi g secretary ; Mrs . Rose Hammond , parliamentarian; Mrs . ./une Simecek, treasurer; Mrs. Ed- na Itiggs , chap lain; Mrs . Esther Mit' iiiinnis , liaison officer; Mrs . Grace Morris , public elations offi- eer; Mrs. .Veil Early, sergeant-at- arins; ' and Mrs. Lillian Nogilwich. historian. Refreshments were donated and served by the men of the post. A meeting was he'd at the Ham- mond-Biggs Amvets Post [J! eln. ' ,- house February Li< ) . with L!S women present to form a Ladies * auxil- iary to the post. Meetings will lie held at 8 p. m. the third Wednesday of every month at the Anivets clubhouse on Cedar avenue in Patchogue. All women having a husband. son, or brother who served in World War II or the Korean con- flict are invited to join the aux- iliary. Guest speaker of the evening was the New- York state president ot the ladies ' auxiliary, Mrs. Ger- trude McEnerv. Elected to office were : Mrs » Hammond-Bi ggs Amvets Auxiliary Seeks Members STYLISH Studebaker I Starlight j America' sfewest hardtop Famous Sweepstakes V-8 engine Open airiness or all-weather comfort Twin Traction available •w vjgy Studebaker- Fackard Brookhaven Garage Robinson Blvd., Br o okhav en , N. Y. Tel . BEllport 7-0139 i ' ' * OUR HAIR STYLE OF THE MONTH "RONDO" Enhance your Easter joy . . . A complement to your Easter costume. Make your Easter ap- pointment now to get your fresh lift for Easter. LUCY'S BEAUTY SHOPPE 299 E. Main St., GRover 5-0823 * CLOSED WEDNESDAY our buying -methods save you money on your purchase off a Wttv - J^S^^^^^^S HW m ^S %, J^S^~3^&J TREASURE CHEST DIAMOND ?E2SS53SBSES SSEE SSEMEB Emera 'd-cut , baguettes S1, CG0 8rillianr-cur solita i re, S875 When we buy the fine diamonds -which qualif y as gems of Treasure Chest caliber , we buy with a group of stores. This quantity purchas- ing, plus direct imports from Europe enable us to bring you superior diamonds at lowest possible prices. You get incomparable value when you choose a Rose Treasure Chest Diamond. ^otetf ewwMA iS ^\% u F" M:,in st " ^atch0f^,e L -'• THE KNOWN NAME, -H£§&* THE KNOWN QUALITY . HKWWVWWWWT^VWVWWWVWWWWTW ^i _^ r ^ m_„ ui j. JJU .. ¦ ii IM M ¦ ¦ ¦ M H ^m II ¦ ¦ II ¦ ¦ II ^m II nnr i « rrrr wiw n ¦— n ¦¦ - i i u ^ r r I FREE 21 TV INDIVIDUAL THERMOSTATS j j OVERNITES & APARTMENTS j P ATCHOGUE M OTEL & COUNTRY CLUB I Show Place of Long Is land I SUNRISE EMERSON I HIGHWAY 3-6880—9580 j Wife Paints , Husband Flies: By \le\ Dorczynski From ll y in- j. -ts to painting neckties ami siu-kinir thumbs , t here - are hosts of talents m the Miskos- ky family or. Spruce drive Fust i'atchoL! uc. "I'll never be a neurotic house- r wife . " said .Mrs . Robert (Billie) i Miskusky last week. "Probably ho- i cause the- famil y likes to iio Ihiriv^ l together. " '^ I Jet tUir.o- is .lone b y R ' ,! . -, -^- Miskosky dui-itur Xavy reseivfej- periods at Floyd Bennett liel^RT Tie painting is one of Mrs. Mi ' s- ' kosky ' s hobbies , ami sleeking- , thumbs , well , l h v e e-und-a-h alt' ! year old Linda was caught one day ... | But painting has become the ! family ' s main hobb y. j Mrs. Miskosky has been prac- ticing: the line arts for several years. She has done free lance commercial work i n New Jersey ! and is again branching out into free lance general commercial and fashion illustration. She recentl y exhibited paintings at the Three Village jrallery in Setauket , has made and sold ceramic jewelry, hand-paints designs on ties and blouses and hand-painted ceramic tiles reprt'sentiiiLr various Calif- ornia missions . Then one day a few years back when the Miskoskys wore in Calif- ornia , Mr. Miskosky took a brush, sat down on a beach and started paintinjr. "He had never taken a single lesson ," said Mrs . Miskosky, " and all of a sudden started turning; out terrific paintings- " As for Linda , she is the pride of the fumily. "Wh y, if she takes a pencil and draws a face, you can recognize it ," exclaimed Mrs . Mis- kosky. "That is . you can recognize that she means to draw a face. " That's a pretty good start for a three-and-a-half year old. Little Linda loves colors, con- tinued Mrs . Miskosky. "One ' day, " she recalls , "Linda came to me and said , 'I wanna have an art ex- hibit' . " Those who share Darwin ' s views on heredit y may have a point. "When I was four years old ," recalled Mrs . Miskosky, " my par- ents had to take paint and brushes away from me to make me eat. " Her mother favored a singing career , but Billie stood her ground. She concentrated on art courses in high school. In college, she majored in art education and min- ored in retail advertising, was awarded bachelor of science and master of arts decrees by New- York university. She took courses at Pratt institute , the Parsons School of Design , Knox school , St. James (formerly at Cooperstown), the Corn-Crib studio in Woodstock and is now enrolled in a commer- cial art correspondence course with the Famous Artists school , Westport , Conn. This , no doubt , is a record showing she takes art seriously. While m New Jersey—where she met Mr. Miskosky on a blind date—she taug ht in the secondary school sy stem. Now , she special- izes in general commercial art and high fashion , illustration , "ideas " as well as layouts. A native of Brooklyn , she has been a resident of Patchogue for five years Mr. Miskoskv is engaged in the nursery and flower business and awns an app le orchard in Yap hank. BRUSH AND PALETTE T2f J%J$&Zz is done in studio room , where samples of the famil y ' s artistic endeavors are on display. On the wall behind the artist are one of her paintings and a commercial illustration . —Advance Photo Family Has Host of Talents Patchogue Women s GOP Club Honors Republican Hop efu ls The Patchogue Women ' s Republican club held a reception in honor of the Republican candidates in the coming- Patchog-u e village elections Sunday afternoon in Moose hall on North Ocean avenue Patchogue. ' Candidates who greeted the large group of about 150 guests ».^. ^ iiKuui M i-i . otuueiueiu , ca n- didate for mayor; and Eugene Felice , Donald Hodkin and Sal- vatore Scotto , candidates for trus- tee offices. The reception committee con- sisted of Mesdames Pat Felice , Ralph Robinson . Fred Dobson , Eugene Felice , Vincent Liguori , Richard Schoenfeld . Salvatore Scotto , Donald Hodkin and Ken- neth Clayton. Under the direction of Mrs . Peter Laraia and Mrs. Eleanor Zaffuto refreshments were served bv the members from two beau- tifull y decorated tables . The ladies were presented with red rose corsages. A telegra m was received from Congressman Stuyvesant Wain- wright say ing, "Deeply regret unable to be with you due to conference commitment here in Washington. You constitute the best slate we have fielded in many years. Count on my unqualified * support. Good luck and best wishes." Among: the guests present were Brookhaven Town Leader * . Sheriff Charles Dominy, Receiver of Taxes E. Conwa y Plummer and Mrs. Plummer , Brookhaven Town Clerk Henry F. Ostermann and Mrs . Ostermann , Town Assessor George Lucia and Mrs. Lucia , Justice of the Peace William T. Rogers , Assistant County Attor- ney William T. Underwood , Jr., who is president of the Lincoln Republican club , and Thomas J. Keegan , president of the Young Republican club of Brookhaven Town . - <Lhc fjatrlimutr ADuatuT - Women and their World Page 3 THURSDAY , MARCH 6, 1958 Michele Shaber. daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaber of MO Harris street , has b«vi\ a patient at Brookhaven Memorial hospital since February 2(1. Josep hine Simecek. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sinu'c-U of Franklin street , celebrated her fourteenth birthday >>n ro ' oniarv L'b ' . A meeting of the North Patch- ogue Fire department Ladies' aux- iliary will be held tomorrow- night at the firehouse on Franklir street, Kenny Hodgo. son of Mrs. Paul Birmingham of 10 Katty street . celebrated his sixteenth birthday on Sunday with a famil y gather- ing at his home. Present were Mrs. Edna Nied , Mr. and M rs. Robert Shaher and sons , Robbie and Cruig, Bobby Hodge , and Paul Birmingham. Jr. Frankie Reich , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rohland Reich of Wash ingtor avenue, is a patient at Brookhaven Memorial hosp ital. Bobbv Rustmann , son of Mr. and Mrs . Robert Rustmann of Truberg avenue , whose birthday is February 23, . celebrated his four- teenth birthday Friday at his home. His grandmother , Mrs. Mar- tha Mayers of Richmond Hill , was a guest. On Sunday. Mr. and Mrs . Rustmann and children , Bobb y, Johnny, Bill y and Ginnv. were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rustmann of Valley Stream where another birthday celebration for Bobby was held. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. John Clifford and children , Ray- mond and Sherry. The reunion committee of the class of 1948 held a meeting Feb- ruary 2fi at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Siegel of Roe boulevard. It was decided to hold a dinner- dance on June 28 at the Elks club. Anyone wishing more information should contact Mrs. Robert Sp isak at GRover r>-81&8 or . Mrs. Robert Perry at GRover 5-45-12. Present at the meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zelinski , Mrs. Joh n Bel- zak , Mrs. Robert Perry. Mrs. Rob - ert Spisak. all of Patchogue , and Mrs. William Champlain of Lin- denhurst. Mrs. Anthony Zelinski of Fal- con avenue cel ebrated her birth- day on February 26. A Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Struzeski entertained at dinner on Sunday at their home on ConkVm avenue in celebration of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary which was February 26. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph KulaVowskl and children , Nancy and David, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kulakowski. Jr., and daughters . Lorraine and Suzanne , all of Bellport. Mrs. Jo- seph Orenkiewicz and son. Stan- ley, of Bavport ; Miss Jeannie Struzeski of Brookl yn: and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Link. Mrs. Charles Hunter . Miss Valerie Struzeski. John Wojciechowski and M'ss Patricia Struzeski. The Woman ' s Society of Chris- tian Service of the Methodist church will meet at 8 p. m. Tues- day in the church. Mrs. Edna Bow- den is planning an interesting pro- gram on Japan. Mrs. Minnie Wicld- mer will be in charge of the de- votions. The Enworth circle will serve the re freshments. The Marv- Martha circle of the society will meet with Mrs. Charles Brown of 163 Bay avenue at 2 vp. m. today. Mrs. Frank Hotchkiss will be co- hostess. The Epworth circle will meet at 7:15 p. ni. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Charles Jack- son , 299 Maple avenu e where nn oriental supper will be served, followed at 8:30 p. m. by a meet- ing and program on Japan. Slides of Japan will be shown and manv interesting items from Japan will be on disp lay . The annual dinner of the DYWYK club will be held at the Domino Yacht club at G- .30 p. m. Saturday. The newly elected offi- cers will be installed at this time. They are Claremont Wicks , presi- dent; Wesley Gordon , vice presi- dent; Mrs. Wesley Gordon , secre- tary ; Edward Dew, treasurer: and Mrs. Warren Niemeyer, social sec- retary. The Family club met last Thurs- day afternoon with Mrs. Mabel King at her home on Pine Neck avenue, East Patchogue. Members i present were Mesdames Mabel Wilber , Grayce Dorn , Doris Lucas , S&rah Hammond , Charlotte Wha- ley and Nellie Hammond. The next meeting will be on March 13 at the home of Mrs. Dorn , 40 Grenville avenue . The past presidents of the Pat- chogue American Legion auxiliary- will have their annual dinner to- morrow nigh t at Bronco Char- lie ' s restaurant in Oakdale. Mrs. Raymond Trypuc of 498 I Bay avenue was hostess ^ at a sur- prise stork shower on Friday night in honor of Mrs. Fred Golsner of Mowbray street . Mrs. Golsner was seated in a prettily decorated chair , next to a large stork hover- ing over a large bassinet loaded with lovely gifts. Guests present were Mesdames William Lount Mrs. Charles S.-rhey of Mas- sapen . ua Park visited her sister , Mrs. Clovis Goodhue of Academy street Tuesday. A meeting of the Patchogue Women ' s Republican club will be held at the Suffolk County Repub- lican clubhouse on Atlantic avenue , Blue Point, at S: 15 p.m. today. Harold Mornurgo . J r.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morpurgo of 130 Jennings avenue was gradua- ted from Cortland State Teachers college in January. He will enter the Army Sunday and plans to teach on Long Island in Septem- ber. Mrs. Sidney Sanders was host- ess at a board meeting of the Pat- chogue chapter of Hadassah at her home on Chestnut avenue. Final plans were made for a dessert bridge to be held at 8 p. m. Tuesday in the Grand ballroom of the Patchogue Hotel. Those pres- ent were Mesdames David Fink , Arnold Abriss , Robert Rosenblatt, Samuel Sloano , William Engel , Harry Boi-den. Josenh Forrest, Paul Greene. Lloyd Fener. David Sausner. Julius Jastrow and Na- than Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Figat of Washington avenue announce the birth of a son , Roland David , born February 19 at Brookhaven Memorial hospital. The b a b y weighed 8 pounds , 9 ounces. Mr and Mrs . Figat have a daughter Joyce , and two other sons . Petei Thomas , Jr.. and Michael. Mr. and Mrs. James Bianca accompanied by their daughter , Maureen , of Bailey avenue , at- tended the wedding of their son , James Bianca , Jr., and Miss Eliza- beth Messon of Shelton. Vt., in Shelton on February 17. Miss Bianca attended the Cake Walk week at the University of Vermont where her brothers , James and Daniel , are students. Jay Ira Prigerson , son of Mr. and Mrs . Henry Davis Pri gerson of Roe boulevard , has recently been elected secreiSary-U easurer of Hegeman A. hall dormitory at Brown university in Providence , R. I. A graduate of Stony Brook school , he is a member of the freshman class and is a candidate for the bachelor of arts degree. The Dee ' s went to New York city on Washington ' s birthday. After having lunch at the Savarin they attended the Broadway hit , "Look Homeward Angel , " starring Anthony Perkins. They had dinner in Jack Dempsey 's and later went to the Metropole cafe. Those pres- ent were Mesdames Margie Felice . Hazel Erhardt , Patricia Worthing- ton , Susan Palermo , Ann Zegal , Mary Lou De Leva and Misses Maryann Perry, Patricia Liguon , Anna May Falzone and Dolores Contino. The You th fellowshi p of the Methodist church was in charge of the Famil y night supper held re- cently in the church. Officers of the fellowshi p are Fred Hensen, president : Joan GoMmer. vice pres- ident; and Peter Raynor , treasur- er . About 40 were present. Miss Carol Scbeefe , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Scheefe of Jayne avenue , has been named to the dean ' s list at New Palt'/. State Teachers college for the fall semester. Private 1 , ' c Richard Usher ami Mrs. Usher announce the birth of a son , John William , born February 27 in William Beaumont Army hosp ital at El Paso , Tex. The baby weighed 8 pounds , 15 ounces . Mrs . Usher is the f ormer Miss Anita Cox of Patchogue. Her mother , Mrs. Bailey Brower , will leave today by plane for El Paso to spend some time with her son- in-law and daughter. Mrs . Fanny Goldstein, who has been a natient in Brookhaven Memorial hospital , returned to her home on North Ocean avenue Tuesday. Mrs. Goldstein , who broke a bone in her heel , has been in the hospital for seven weeks. Mrs . Mary Silberbusb , sub-chief of the Companions of the Forest, has announced that a card and bunco party will be held at 8:30 ]). m. today in the K of C hall on Academy street , sponsored by the Companions . Refreshments will be served after the card party. •Sr.. Mi. - guest ¦ i f -lienor ' ' -ram i- oioi her . a-i.l \V i! ii - .m 1 own: , J r. the ' - uce.t-of-li<>:\..r - . -- mother. Also .Mesdames John 1.uthe . IVivy Ham- mond. George lleiinroth. Fred ¦ Wakman , llano- . Gurl- .eet . John I Golsner , .Jr.. 1' os ¦ Stummo , l. ouis i Felice , .Jr . Aaron lo-rvey . Jesse i Brewer , tliadv- . len-kieiiKui . (' . "ii y I Quint, Mary I'iekson , G ra. -e lei. -sy and .Miss Lois .lean Guekert. lie- i fieshments were s,-v\,ii. \l;s. tlols- i ner is the f'rmei Miss Muriel ; Lount , daughter of .M r. and Mrs . ; William Lount . - ft ' ., of [liver ave- i nue. i -Mr. and .Mrs. Leslie Bubii of Ml : Avery avenue have returned home after spending li ve weeks in Flor- ida. While there they visited their son , Donald P.ub' o , in Dunedin. A lso Mrs . Cuhb' s brother. Robot t Swezey in Lake Alfred , and Mr. Bubb' s brother . ILii-dd I' .ubb of West Palm Beach. Staff Sergeant Herbert Caldwell has returned- to Randol ph Air Force base in Texas , after spend- ing a month with his parents . Mr. and Mrs . Herbert Caldwell of 34 Rosalie street. PATCHOGUE LOCALS AMVETS AUXILIARY— "T^ formed ladies ' 'auxiliary to llanimiind-liiggs Amvets Post 111 were elected at meeting held in post clubhouse in Patchogue. last Wednesday. Pictured are , from left to right seated. Mr:: . Poll y Haas , junior vice president ; Mrs. Dorothy Schwcrdcl , . senior vice president ; Mrs. Irene Reirl y, president; Mrs. Gertrude McEnery, New York Stale nri sit!< lit of Ladies ' auxiliary of the Anivtls; Mis . Hammond , parliamen- tarian; Mrs . Nell lvirlv . sergcint-al-arnis . Si aiuliiu v, !ef! !<> rielif . Mrs . Grace .Morris , pub- lic relation officer: Mrs. June Simecek , treasurer; Mrs. Lillian Nogilwich . historian; .Mrs . Kdna I. 'l ggs . chaplain; Mrs . Honore Maler , recording secretary ; ait:l Airs. Ksther MeGinnis . liaison officer . for variety ' to your ' iSHEEffSSg^^ MEALS PSafrlf use... Kc ®e Sr**v as a dip for appetizers , \ . ^ ^ ^a^^ "^ / •In baked dishes , cheese cake , ^^ -; ^^ "^^£r-fhf r~/ and other desserts as well as - ~ __ ^^$* / W in an BAS7BR OUTFIT *> , tn the EVANS RECIPE CONTEST ^L A six-piece ensemble for milady will MtSBSk\ be awarded for the best judged recipe QIJ^G TII using EVANS COTTAGE CHEESE. ^WK ll Three other prizes of Easter floral , v9B~ f) arrangements will be given . Enter NOW flHf '/ ^ ...contest closes midnite , March 27th. |m jK , Get entry blank from any of our milkmen , ^ H8i |j from stores selling E VANS' products or J?; HR^*^' mail your recipe on plain paper to ' 8W j Box 100 , Masaapequa Park , L. I. 1/ II EVANS AM.TYVILlE;f> B WWIlg DAIRY, INC.! ? When your engagement appears in The Patchogue Advance is the time for you to examine our dis- play of Wedding stationery. The Patchogue Advance 11-15 North Ocean Avenue. —Adv. HOLRROOK Professor Nor- man Foote of the Island Agricultural and Technical insti- tute at Farniingdale , who has just returned from two years in the near east will sneak and show slides of Israel and the Holy Land Tuesday at the Holbrook Civic hall here on Grundy avenue. Professor Foote will be the speaker at the Long Island Poul- try association meeting but the imblic is invited to see and heat this talk. Worl d Traveler to Talk At Holbrook on Tuesday

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Frances Johnaoa

Orchids to the Suffolk CountyExtension Service 's Home Demon-stration department.

Of all the organizations, we feelthey have done the most to makeus a satisfied people in happyhomes.

Especially should the husbands"take off their hats" to this won-derful service.

Given one housewife it turnsher into an artist , a marvelouscook ,a designer and a tailor, adressmaker, a nurse, a landscaper,and best of all helps her have anunderstanding- heart for all herhousehold problems.

At present the Family Mealsproject of the Patchogue unit isinternational cooking. With theleaders, Mrs. William C. Jenkinsof Rider avenue and Mrs. WalterCheshire of Bay avenue, Patch-ogue, starting off with Italiancooking, the cooks are having amarvelous time and learning alot.

After we attended the meetingTuesday in the Four Sisters Com-munity Center, Patchogue, whenthey served Veal Cutlets Parmes-an , we could hardly wait until wecould tell you how to make them.They 're superb.

Veal Cutlets Parmesan1 pound veal cutlet , cut %

inch thick3 tablespoons grated Parmesan

cheese'•i cup bread crumbs1 egg, beaten2 tablespoons water'A cup olive or salad oilVs pound Mozzarella cheese,

sliced thinSalt and pepper to tasteTomato Sauce (see recipe

below )Cut the veal into serving-size

pieces. Mix Parmesan cheese andbread crumbs. Mix beaten eggwith water; dip meat into egg,then into bread-cheese crumbs.

Cook the meat in hot oil about5 minutes on each side or untilgolden brown. Place browned cut-lets in baking dish, pour most ofthe sauce over them, then placethin slices of Mozzarella cheeseover the sauce. Top with remain-der of the sauce.

Bake in slow oven 325 degrees

A Pinch of Thisand

A Pinch of That

for 25 minutes.Tomato Sauce

2 onions, sliced thin1 clove garlic, minced4 tablespoons oil1 teaspoon sweet basil214 cups canned tomatoes

(No. 2 can)Salt and pepper to taste

Vi teaspoon sugarCook the sliced onion and garlic

in oil about 5 minutes, add basil.Strain tomatoes through a sieve

with a wooden spoon , add to theonion and simmer for 15 minutes.Stir occasionally. Add salt, a dashof pepper and sugar, stir.

Hadassah BridgeParty for Hospital

A dessert bridge will be spon-sored by the Patchogue chapterof Hadassah at 8 p. m. Tuosdayin the Grand ballroom of the Pat-chogue Hotel. All the proceedswill be used for the purchase ofX-ray equipment for the Hadas-sah Medical center.

Mrs. David Fink , chairman , hasannounced that an entertainingevening of cards , Mahjongg andScrabble has been planned. Awardswill be made. Players are request-ed to bring their own cards. Des-sert and coffee will be served.Mrs. Arnold Abriss is publicitychairman.

Presentation of her nurse'scap_ to Miss Susan CarolynHaines of Atlantic avenue, EastMoriches, marked the end of herpre-clinical . program at theAlbany Medical Center Schoolof Nursing. Miss Haines gradu-ated from Westhampton BeachHigh school in June. 1957. Shewill continue her clinical pro-gram at the Albany MedicalCenter School of Nursing, com-pleting her course in the fallof 19«0.

New Nurse

Catholic Girl ScoutLeaders Unit Forms

BAY SHORE — The first meet-ing of the Suffolk County Cath-olic Girl Scout leaders was calledFebruary 24 by Mrs. Walter King.Suffolk County Coordinator of theCatholic Youth Organization. Thismeeting at St. Patrick's R. C.

church , here , resulted in the electionof Mrs. Richard M. Kulp of St.Joseph's R. C. church Babylon ,as president.

There will be three meetings ayear. The purpose is to set up aprogram to further the spiritualwelfare of all Catholic Girl Scouts.The first step in this program isan invitation to all Catholic GirlScouts to attend benediction onGirl Scout Sunday, March 9, atSt. Patrick's church here at 3p. m.

Irene Reidy. president ; Mrs. Dor-o t h y Schwerdol . senior vice pres-ident ; Mrs. Poll y Haas , j unior vicepresident ; Mrs . Honore Maler , re-cordixi g secretary ; Mrs . RoseH a m m o n d , par l i amenta r ian ; Mrs .. /une Simecek, treasurer; Mrs. Ed-na It i ggs , chap la in; Mrs . EstherM i t 'i i i innis , liaison officer; Mrs .Grace Morris , public elations offi-eer; Mrs. .Veil Early, sergeant-at-arins; ' and Mrs. Lillian Nogilwich.his tor ian.

Refreshments were donated andserved by the men of the post.

A meeting was he'd at the Ham-mond-Biggs Amvets Post [J! eln.' ,-house February Li< ) . w i t h L!S womenpresent to form a Ladies * aux i l -iary to the post.

Meetings will lie held at 8 p. m.the thi rd Wednesday of everymonth at the Anivets clubhouseon Cedar avenue in Patchogue .

Al l women having a husband.son, or brother who served inWorld War II or the Korean con-flict are invited to join the aux-iliary.

Guest speaker of the evening wasthe New- York state president otthe ladies' auxi l iary , Mrs. Ger-trude McEnerv.

Elected to office were : Mrs»

Hammond-BiggsAmvets AuxiliarySeeks Members

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our buying -methods save you money onyour purchase off a

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Emera 'd-cut, baguettes S1,CG0 8rillianr-cur solitaire, S875

When we buy the fine diamonds -which qualif y as gems of TreasureChest caliber , we buy with a group of stores. This quantity purchas-ing, plus direct imports from Europe enable us to bring you superiordiamonds at lowest possible prices. You get incomparable valuewhen you choose a Rose Treasure Chest Diamond.

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I Show Place of Long IslandI SUNRISE EMERSON

I HIGHWAY 3-6880—9580 j

Wife Paints, Husband Flies:

By \ le\ Dorczynsk iFrom ll y in- j. -ts to p a i n t i n g

neckties ami siu-kini r thumbs , t here -are hosts of talents m the Miskos -ky fami ly or. Spruce d r ive Fusti'atchoL! uc.

"I'll never be a neurot ic house- rwi fe ." said .Mrs. Robert (Bi l l ie) iMiskusky last week. "Probably ho- icause the- famil y like s to iio Ihiriv ^ ltogether." ' I

Jet tUir.o- is .lone by R ', ! .-,-^-Miskosky dui-itur Xavy reseivfej-periods at Floyd Bennett liel^RTTie painting is one of Mrs. Mi 's- 'kosky 's hobbies , ami sleeking- ,thumbs , well , l h v e e-und-a-h a l t '!year old Linda was caught oneday . . . |

But paint ing has become the !family 's main hobb y. j

Mrs. Mi skosky has been prac-ticing : the line arts for severalyears. She has done free lancecommercial work i n New Jersey !and is again branching out intofree lance general commercial andfashion i l lustrat ion. She recentl yexhibited paint ings at the ThreeVillage jrallery in Setauket , hasmade and sold ceramic je welry,hand-paints designs on ties andblouses and hand-painted ceramictiles repr t 'sentiiiLr various Calif-ornia missions.

Then one day a few years backwhen the Miskosky s wore in Calif-ornia , Mr. Miskosky took a brush,sat down on a beach and startedpaintinjr.

"He had never taken a singlelesson ," said Mrs . Miskosky, "andall of a sudden started turning; outterrific paintings- "

As for Linda , she is the prideof the fumily. "Wh y, if she takesa pencil and draws a face, you canrecognize it ," exclaimed Mrs . Mis-kosky. "That is. you can recognizethat she means to draw a face."That's a pretty good start fora three-and-a-half year old.

Little Linda loves colors, con-tinued Mrs . Miskosky. "One' day,"she recalls , "Linda came to meand said , 'I wanna have an art ex-hibit'."

Those who share Darwin 's viewson heredit y may have a point.

"When I was four years old ,"recalled Mrs . Miskosky, "my par-ents had to take paint and brushesaway from me to make me eat."

Her mother favored a singingcareer, but Billie stood her ground.She concentrated on art coursesin high school. In college, shemajored in art education and min-ored in retail advertising, wasawarded bachelor of science andmaster of arts decrees by New-York university. She took coursesat Pratt institute , the ParsonsSchool of Design , Knox school , St.James (formerly at Cooperstown),the Corn-Crib studio in Woodstockand is now enrolled in a commer-cial art correspondence coursewith the Famous Artists school ,Westport , Conn. This , no doubt ,is a record showing she takes artseriously.

While m New Jersey—whereshe met Mr. Miskosky on a blinddate—she taught in the secondaryschool sy stem. Now , she special-izes in general commercial art andhigh fashion , illustration , "ideas"as well as layouts.

A native of Brooklyn , she has

been a resident of Patchogue forfive years

Mr. Miskoskv is engaged in thenursery and flower business andawns an app le orchard in Yaphank.

BRUSH AND PALETTE T2f J%J$&Zzis done in studio room, where samples of the family's artisticendeavors are on display. On the wall behind the artist areone of her paintings and a commercial illustration .

—Advance Photo

Family Has Host of Talents

Patchogue Women s GOP ClubHonors Republican Hopefuls

The Patchogue Women 's Republican club held a reception inhonor of the Republican candidates in the coming- Patchog-ue villageelections Sunday afternoon in Moose hall on North Ocean avenuePatchogue. 'Candidates who greeted the large group of about 150 guests». ^ . ^ iiKuui M i-i. otuueiueiu , can-

didate for mayor; and EugeneFelice, Donald Hodkin and Sal-vatore Scotto, candidates for trus-tee offices.

The reception committee con-sisted of Mesdames Pat Felice,Ralph Robinson . Fred Dobson ,Eugene Felice, Vincent Liguori ,Richard Schoenfeld . SalvatoreScotto, Donald Hodkin and Ken-neth Clayton.

Under the direction of Mrs.Peter Laraia and Mrs. EleanorZaffuto refreshments were servedbv the members from two beau-tifull y decorated tables .

The ladies were presented withred rose corsages.

A telegram was received fromCongressman Stuyvesant Wain-wright say ing, "Deeply regretunable to be with you due toconference commitment here inWashington. You constitute thebest slate we have fielded in manyyears. Count on my unqualified


support. Good luck and bestwishes."

Among: the guests present wereBrookhaven Town Leader*. SheriffCharles Dominy, Receiver ofTaxes E. Conway Plummer andMrs. Plummer, Brookhaven TownClerk Henry F. Ostermann andMrs. Ostermann, Town AssessorGeorge Lucia and Mrs. Lucia,Justice of the Peace William T.Rogers, Assistant County Attor-ney William T. Underwood , Jr.,who is president of the LincolnRepublican club, and Thomas J.Keegan , president of the YoungRepublican club of BrookhavenTown.

- <Lhc fj atrlimutr ADuatuT -

Women and their WorldPage 3 THURSDAY , MARCH 6, 1958

Michele Shaber. daughter oiMr. and Mrs. Robert Shaber ofMO Harris street , has b«vi\ apatient at Brookhaven Memor ia lhospital since February 2(1.

Josephine Simecek. daughte r ofMr. and Mrs. Joseph Sinu'c-U ofFranklin street , celebrated herfourteenth birthday >>n ro 'oniarvL'b'.

A meeting of the North Patch-ogue Fire department Ladies' aux-iliary will be held tomorrow - nightat the firehouse on Franklirstreet,

Kenny Hodgo. son of Mrs. PaulBirmingham of 10 Katty street .celebrated his sixteenth bi r thda yon Sunday with a famil y gather-ing at his home. Present wereMrs. Edna Nied , Mr. and M rs.Robert Shaher and sons , Robbi eand Cruig, Bobby Hodge , and PaulBirmingham. Jr.

Frankie Reich , daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Rohland Reich of Washingtor avenue, is a patient atBrookhaven Memorial hosp ital.

Bobbv Rustmann , son of Mr.and Mrs. Robert Rustmann ofTruberg avenue, whose birthday isFebruary 23,. celebrated his four-teenth birthday Friday at hishome. His grandmother, Mrs. Mar-tha Mayers of Richmond Hill , wasa guest. On Sunday . Mr. and Mrs .Rustmann and children , Bobby,Johnny, Bill y and Ginnv. wereguests at the home of Mr. andMrs. Henry Rustmann of ValleyStream where another birthdaycelebration for Bobby was held.Also present were Mr. and Mrs.John Clifford and children , Ray-mond and Sherry.

The reunion committee of theclass of 1948 held a meeting Feb-ruary 2fi at the home of Mr. andMrs. Abe Siegel of Roe boulevard.It was decided to hold a dinner-dance on June 28 at the Elks club.Anyone wishing more informationshould contact Mrs. Robert Spisakat GRover r>-81&8 or. Mrs. RobertPerry at GRover 5-45-12. Presentat the meeting were Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Zelinski , Mrs. John Bel-zak , Mrs. Robert Perry. Mrs. Rob -ert Spisak. all of Patchogue , andMrs. William Champlain of Lin-denhurst.

Mrs. Anthony Zelinski of Fal-con avenue celebrated her birth-day on February 26. A

Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Struzeskientertained at dinner on Sundayat their home on ConkVm avenuein celebration of their twenty-fifthwedding anniversary which wasFebruary 26. Guests present wereMr. and Mrs. Joseph KulaVowskland children , Nancy and David,Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kulakowski.Jr., and daughters. Lorraine andSuzanne, all of Bellport. Mrs. Jo-seph Orenkiewicz and son. Stan-ley, of Bavport ; Miss JeannieStruzeski of Brookl yn: and Mr.and Mrs. Howard Link. Mrs.Charles Hunter. Miss ValerieStruzeski. John Wojciechowski andM'ss Patricia Struzeski.

The Woman's Society of Chris-tian Service of the Methodistchurch will meet at 8 p. m. Tues-day in the church. Mrs. Edna Bow-den is planning an interesting pro-gram on Japan. Mrs. Minnie Wicld-mer will be in charge of the de-votions. The Enworth circle willserve the refreshments. The Marv-Martha circle of the society willmeet with Mrs. Charles Brown of163 Bay avenue at 2 vp. m. today.Mrs. Frank Hotchkiss will be co-hostess. The Epworth circle willmeet at 7:15 p. ni. Wednesday atthe home of Mrs. Charles Jack-son, 299 Maple avenue where nnoriental supper will be served,followed at 8:30 p. m. by a meet-ing and program on Japan. Slidesof Japan will be shown and manvinteresting items from Japan willbe on display.

The annual dinner of theDYWYK club will be held at theDomino Yacht club at G-.30 p. m.Saturday. The newly elected offi-cers will be installed at this time.They are Claremont Wicks, presi-dent; Wesley Gordon , vice presi-dent; Mrs. Wesley Gordon , secre-tary; Edward Dew, treasurer: andMrs. Warren Niemeyer, social sec-retary.

The Family club met last Thurs-day afternoon with Mrs. MabelKing at her home on Pine Neckavenue, East Patchogue. Members ipresent were Mesdames MabelWilber, Grayce Dorn , Doris Lucas,S&rah Hammond , Charlotte Wha-ley and Nellie Hammond. Thenext meeting will be on March 13at the home of Mrs. Dorn , 40Grenville avenue.

The past presidents of the Pat-chogue American Legion auxiliary-will have their annual dinner to-morrow night at Bronco Char-lie's restaurant in Oakdale.

Mrs. Raymond Trypuc of 498I Bay avenue was hostess^

at a sur-prise stork shower on Friday nightin honor of Mrs. Fred Golsner ofMowbray street. Mrs. Golsner wasseated in a prettily decoratedchair, next to a large stork hover-ing over a large bassinet loadedwith lovely gifts. Guests presentwere Mesdames William Lount

Mrs. Charles S.-rhey of Park vis i ted her sister ,Mrs. Clovis Goodhue of Academystreet Tuesday.

A meeting of the PatchogueWomen 's Republican club will beheld at the Suffolk County Repub-lican clubhouse on Atlant ic avenue ,Blue Point , at S: 15 p .m. today.

Harold Mornurgo . J r.. son ofMr. and Mrs. Harold Morpurgo of130 Jennings avenue was gradua-ted from Cortland State Teacherscollege in January. He will enterthe Army Sunday and plans toteach on Long Island in Septem-ber.

Mrs. Sidney Sanders was host-ess at a board meeting of the Pat-chogue chapter of Hadassah ather home on Chestnut avenue.Final plans were made for adessert bridge to be held at 8 p. m.Tuesday in the Grand bal lroom ofthe Patchogue Hotel. Those pres-ent were Mesdames David Fink ,Arnold Abriss , Robert Rosenblatt,Samuel Sloano , William Engel ,Harry Boi-den. Josenh Forrest,Paul Greene. Lloyd Fener. DavidSausner. Julius Jastrow and Na-than Gordon.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Figat ofWashington avenue announce thebirth of a son , Roland David ,born February 19 at BrookhavenMemorial hospital. The b a b yweighed 8 pounds , 9 ounces. Mrand Mrs. Figat have a daughterJoyce, and two other sons . PeteiThomas, Jr.. and Michael.

Mr. and Mrs. James Biancaaccompanied by their daughter ,Maureen , of Bailey avenue, at-tended the wedding of their son ,James Bianca , Jr., and Miss Eliza-beth Messon of Shelton. Vt., inShelton on February 17. MissBianca attended the Cake Walkweek at the University of Vermontwhere her brothers , James andDaniel , are students.

Jay Ira Prigerson , son of Mr.and Mrs . Henry Davis Pri gersonof Roe boulevard , has recentlybeen elected secreiSary-U easurerof Hegeman A. hall dormitory atBrown university in Providence ,R. I. A graduate of Stony Brookschool , he is a member of thefreshman class and is a candidatefor the bachelor of arts degree.

The Dee's went to New Yorkcity on Washington 's birthday.After having lunch at the Savarinthey attended the Broadway hit ,"Look Homeward Angel ," starringAnthony Perkins. They had dinnerin Jack Dempsey 's and later wentto the Metropole cafe. Those pres-ent were Mesdames Margie Felice.Hazel Erhardt , Patricia Worthing-ton , Susan Palermo, Ann Zegal ,Mary Lou De Leva and MissesMaryann Perry, Patricia Liguon ,Anna May Falzone and DoloresContino.

The You th fellowshi p of theMethodist church was in charge ofthe Famil y night supper held re-cently in the church. Officers ofthe fellowshi p are Fred Hensen,president : Joan GoMmer. vice pres-ident; and Peter Raynor , treasur-er. About 40 were present.

Miss Carol Scbeefe , daughterof Mr. and Mrs. George Scheefe ofJayne avenue, has been namedto the dean 's list at New Palt'/.State Teachers college for the fallsemester.

Private 1,'c Richard Usher amiMrs. Usher announce the birthof a son , John William , bornFebruary 27 in William BeaumontArmy hospital at El Paso, Tex.The baby weighed 8 pounds , 15ounces. Mrs. Usher is the f ormerMiss Anita Cox of Patchogue. Hermother , Mrs. Bailey Brower , willleave today by plane for El Pasoto spend some time with her son-in-law and daughter.

Mrs. Fanny Goldstein, who hasbeen a natient in BrookhavenMemorial hospital , returned to herhome on North Ocean avenue

Tuesday. Mrs. Goldstein , whobroke a bone in her heel , has beenin the hospital for seven weeks.

Mrs . Mary Silberbusb, sub-chiefof the Companions of the Forest,has announced that a card andbunco party will be held at 8:30]). m. today in the K of C hall onAcademy street , sponsored by theCompanions. Refreshments will beserved after the card party.

•Sr.. Mi. - guest ¦ i f - l i eno r ' ' - r am i -oioi her . a- i . l \V i ! i i - .m 1 own: , J r.the ' - uce . t -o f - l i<> : \ . . r - .- - mo ther . Also.Mesdames John 1 .u the . IVivy Ham-mond. George l l e i i n r o t h . Fred¦ W a k m a n , l l a n o - . Gur l - .e e t . John

I Golsner , .Jr.. 1'os ¦ S t u m m o , l. ouisi Felice , .Jr . Aaron lo - rvey . Jessei Brewer , t l i a d v - . l e n - k i e i i K u i . ( '."i i yI Q u i n t , Mary I ' i e k s o n , G ra. -e lei. -sy

and .Miss Lois .lean Gueker t . l ie-i f i e shments were s , - v \ , i i . \ l ; s . t lo l s -i ner is the f ' r m e i Miss M u r i e l; Lount , d a u g h t e r of .Mr. and Mrs .; Wi l l iam Lount . - f t ' ., of [liver ave-i nue.i -Mr. and .Mrs. Leslie Bubii of Ml: Avery avenue have re turned home

af te r spending li ve weeks in Flor-ida. While there they visi ted theirson , Donald P.ub'o , in Dunedin.A lso Mrs . Cuhb ' s bro ther . Robot tSwezey in Lake Al f r ed , and Mr.Bubb 's bro ther . ILi i -d d I'.ubb ofWest Palm Beach.

Staff Sergeant Herbert Caldwellhas returned- to Randol ph AirForce base in Texas , af ter spend-ing a month with his parents . Mr.and Mrs . Herbert Caldwell of 34Rosalie street.


AMVETS AUXILIARY—"T^formed ladies' 'auxil iary to l lanimiind- l i iggsAmve t s Post 111 were elected at meet ing heldin post clubhouse in Patchogue. last Wednesday.Pictured are, from left to right seated. Mr:: .Poll y Haas , junior vice president ; Mrs. DorothySchwcrdcl , . senior vice president ; Mrs. IreneReirly, president; Mrs. Gertrude McEnery, New

York Stale nri sit!< lit of Ladies ' aux i l i a ry ofthe A n i v t l s ; M i s . Hammond , par l iamen -t a r i a n ; Mrs . Nel l l v i r l v . se rgc in t -a l -a rn i s .Si aiul i iu v , !ef! !<> r i e l i f . Mrs . Grace .Morris, pub-lic relat ion officer: Mrs. June Simecek , treasurer;Mrs. Li l l i an Nogi lwich . his tor ian; .Mrs. KdnaI.'lggs. chap la in ; Mrs . Honore Maler , recordingsecretary ; ait:l Airs. K s the r MeGinnis . liaisonofficer .

for variety 'to your

' iSHEEffSSg^^MEALS PSafrlfuse... Kc®eSr**vas a dip for appetizers , \. ^ ^a^^ " /•In baked dishes, cheese cake ,—^^

-; ^^" ^£r-fhf r~/and other desserts as well as —-~__ ^^$* /

Win an BAS7BR OUTFIT *> ,tn the EVANS RECIPE CONTEST ^LA six-piece ensemble for milady will M tS B S k\be awarded for the best jud ged recipe QIJ^GTIIusing EVANS COTTAGE CHEESE. ^WK llThree other prizes of Easter floral , v9B~ f )arrangements will be given. Enter NOW flHf '/...contest closes midnite , March 27th. |m jK,Get entry blank from any of our milkmen, H8i| jfrom stores selling E VANS' products or J?; HR^* 'mail your recipe on plain paper to ' 8WjBox 100, Masaapequa Park, L. I. 1/ II


When your engagement appearsin The Patchogue Advance is thetime for you to examine our dis-play of Wedding stationery. ThePatchogue Advance 11-15 NorthOcean Avenue.—Adv.

HOLRROOK — Professor Nor-man Foote of the IslandAgricultural and Technical insti-t u t e at Farniingdale , who has justreturned from two years in thenear east wi l l sneak and showslides of Israel and the Holy LandTuesday at the Holbrook Civichall here on Grundy avenue.

Professor Foote will be thespeaker at the Long Island Poul-try association meeting but theimblic is invited to see and heatthis ta lk.

World Traveler to TalkAt Holbrook on Tuesday