匠心 ingenuity (2012.07.11@ccmhk香港中信)

俞真@ 漁翁撒網.基督教新媒體運動 Calvin Yu @ “NetFish” Christian New Media Movement 2012.07.11 匠心 Ingenuity

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新媒體工作坊(3/3)@香港中信 New Media Workshop@CCMHK YouTube: http://bit.ly/T7glwF


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俞真@ 漁翁撒網.基督教新媒體運動Calvin Yu @ “NetFish” Christian New Media Movement2012.07.11


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留神 Attention

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• 留白令人留神Attention captured by blank

• 「廣告人告白」的故事A story about James Wong

• 注意力管理技巧Attention Management Skills

• 留神與否,存乎一心Pay attention or not: It’s up to you

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例子:BibleSummary@Twitter Example: BibleSummary@Twitter

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Tip #1We have to pay special attention in selecting what to share and how to share, in order to make the readers pay attention!

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印象 Impression

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• 一畫勝千言A picture is worth a thousand words

• John Medina的著作《大腦當家》John Medina’s “Brain Rules”

• 圖優效應Picture Superiority Effect

• 情感連繫Emotional Connection

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例子:OneSlide@漁翁撒網 Example: OneSlide@NetFish

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例子:OneSlide@漁翁撒網 Example: OneSlide@NetFish

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例子:OneSlide@漁翁撒網 Example: OneSlide@NetFish

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例子:OneSlide@漁翁撒網 Example: OneSlide@NetFish

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例子:OneSlide@漁翁撒網 Example: OneSlide@NetFish

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Tip #2Using pictures is not intended to replace reading. But in the era of information overload, we have to think how to attract attention, trigger interest, and emotionally connect readers towards gospel messages!

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從簡 Simplicity

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• “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” ~ Da Vinci

• 資訊發放與讀者觀感Information dissemination vs. Readers’ perception

• 以圖傳意,以字入題Synergy of pictures and text

• 人心憂慮,屈而不伸;一句良言,使心歡樂。(箴言12:25)An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up. (Proverbs 12:25)

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Tip #3Never ignore readers’ perceptions. Follow the rules of simplicity consistently and create appropriate synergies of pictures and text, your information will surely stand out!

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身教 Example

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• 謝公教兒Educate readers by examples

• 推動異象,由我做起Sharing starts with you

• 與讀者的關聯Relevance to the readers

• 「我給你們作了榜樣,叫你們照著我向你們所做的去做。」(約翰福音13:15)I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. (John 13:15)

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Tip #4Education by examples is the first step. Let your targets feel the relevance is critical!

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連繫 Link

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• 適合連結的重要性Importance of appropriate links

• 多媒體資料的整合Integration of multimedia

• 日益廣闊的讀者層面Ever-growing segments of readers

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例子:中信603期 Example: CCM Issue No.603

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Tip #5Don’t underestimate the power of a simple link. Under many circumstances, small change can bring huge improvement!

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細節 Details

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• 喬布斯的故事The story of Steve Jobs

• 貫徹始終Consistency and Persistency

• 用戶體驗的重要性Importance of User Experience

• 例子:錯別字的代價/聖經經文章節/自動分享的連結Examples: Cost of typos / Bible verses / Auto-Share

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Tip #6The lack of attention to details will not only undermine our efforts but also affect the trust of readers!

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匠心 Ingenuity

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• 實際執行:親身參與、累積經驗Execution: Participate and Experience

• 策略制訂:從核心定位起步,並了解讀者習慣的轉變Strategy: Start with core positioning and understand the changes in readers‘ habits

• 團隊組成:要按自身條件,考慮團隊的建立與配搭Team-building: Consider the team formation taking into account the resources and constraints of your organisation

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Tip #7Different implementation will make a huge difference for the same content / resources / team!

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Solidify, Deepen, Extend Reading Experience閱讀體驗的鞏固、深化、延伸

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What do you think?你點睇?

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延伸閱讀 Extended Reading

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[email protected]善用新平台.堅立信望愛

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答客問 Q & A

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