fidl-iunikendustrieslimited · 2018-06-21 · email:[email protected] 28‘hmay,2018. to,...

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Page 1: fiDl-IUNIKENDUSTRIESLIMITED · 2018-06-21 · 28‘hMay,2018. To, TheSecretary TheSecretary TheBSELtdt National StockExchangeofIndia Limited Phiroze

' fiDl-IUNIK ENDUSTRIES LIMITED. (Formerly known as Bhagwuti Resources Ltd.)

Adhunik An ISO 9001:2008 , 14001 : 2004 & 18001 :2007 Organisation

Corporate Office : “LANSDOW'NE TOWERS", 2/1A, SARAT BOSE ROAD, KOLKATA - 700 020

Phone : 033-3051 7100 * Fax : 91-33-2289 0285 * Website :

Email: [email protected]

28‘h May, 2018.


The Secretary The Secretary

The BSE Ltdt National Stock Exchange of India Limited

Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex

Dalal Street Bandra (E)

Mumbai-400 001‘ Mumbai-400 051,

Scrip Code- 538365 Scrip Code— ADHUNIKIND

The Secretary

The Calcutta Stock Exchange Ltd

7 Lyons Range

Kolkata-700 001‘

Scrip Code- 10028188

Dear Sir,

Sub: Audited Financial Result for the Quarter and year ended 31“ March, 2018.

Ref: Regulation 3353! of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Reguirements!

Regulations, 2015

Pursuant to Regulation 33(3) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)

Regulations, 2015, enclose please find herewith Audited Financial Result of the

Company in the prescribed format for the quarter and year ended 313‘ March, 2018 along

with Audit Report from the Statutory Auditor of the Company. The Company hereby

further confirms that audit report issued by the statutory auditors of the Company is with

unmodified opinion and a declaration is also attached herewith in this respect,

Kindly acknowledge its receipt,

Thanking You,

Yours faithfully,

For Adhunik Industries Limited


Managing Director

(Jugal Kishore Agarwal)

(DIN: 00227460)

Encl: As mentioned above

Regd. Office: 14, Netaji Subhas Road, II-Floor, Kolkata - 700 001 © : 2243-4355, 2242-8551

Works : Raturia, Angadpur, Durgapur - 71-3 215, Phone : (0343) 2591105/2591122/1123/1124

CIN L6592>1WB1979PLC032200

Page 2: fiDl-IUNIKENDUSTRIESLIMITED · 2018-06-21 · 28‘hMay,2018. To, TheSecretary TheSecretary TheBSELtdt National StockExchangeofIndia Limited Phiroze

_ Regd. Office : Moon House

Sudhlr Kumar Jain & Assocrates 2‘ G Sip # 31. ones on re venue

Chartered Accountants Kolku’a - 700 m 3

Phone 2 D33 2211 3564 / 65

Fax : 033-2211 3365

E-mail : [email protected]

Audit Re art on Financial Results for the uarter and ear ended 31“ March 2018 ursuant to the

Re ulation 33 of the SEBI Listin 0in ations and Disclosure Re uirement Re ulations 2015



1. We have audited the accompanying statement of Audited Financial Results (‘the Statement‘) of M/s.

Adhunik Industries Limited (‘the Company’) for the quarter and year ended 315' March, 2018, being

submitted by the Company pursuant to the requirement of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing

Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 as modified by Circular No.

CIR/CFD/FAC/62/2016 dated July 5, 2016. Attention is drawn to the fact that the figures for the quarter

ended March 31, 2018 and the corresponding quarter ended in the previous year as reported in the

Statement are the balancing figures between audited figures in respect ofthe full financial year and the

published year to date figures upto the end of third quarter of the current and previous financial year

respectively which were subject to limited review by us.

2. This statement, which is the responsibility of the Company’s Management and approved by the Board

of Directors, have been prepared in accordance with the Indian Accounting Standards ("Ind AS")

prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act. 2013 read with relevant rules issued thereunder

and other accounting principles generally accepted in India. Our responsibility is to express an opinion

on the Statement based on our audit of such financial statements.

We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing issued by The Institute of

Chaltered Accountants of India. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and

plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Statement is free from

material misstatement.


An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in

the Statement. The procedure selected depend on the auditor’sjudgement, including the assessment of

risks of material misstatement of the Statement. whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk

assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Company’s preparation and fair

presentation of the Statement in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the

circumstances. but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s

internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting policies used

and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by the Management, as well as evaluating the

overall presentation ofthe Statement.

We believe that the audit evidence obtained by us is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our

audit opinion.

4. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanation given to us, the


a. is presented in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 33 ofthe SEBI (Listing Obligations

and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as modified by Circular No.»

ClR/CFD/FAC/62/2016 dated— 5'“ July, 2016 and . . »,

Branch Office :— Nirmol Tower. Flat No. : 1005, 10th Floor, 26, Borokhambo Road, New Delhi - 110 001

Phone: 011-4170 4858. Website : www,,in

Page 3: fiDl-IUNIKENDUSTRIESLIMITED · 2018-06-21 · 28‘hMay,2018. To, TheSecretary TheSecretary TheBSELtdt National StockExchangeofIndia Limited Phiroze

b. gives a true and fair view in conformity with the aforesaid Indian Accounting Standards and other

accounting principles generally accepted in India of the net profit, total comprehensive income and

other financial information ofthe Company for the year ended March 31. 2018.

5. The previously issued comparative financial information of the Company for the quarter and year ended

March 31. 2017 included in this statement has been prepared after adjusting the previously issued

financial information prepared in accordance with the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006

to comply with Ind AS. This previously issued financial information has been restated to comply with

1nd AS and included in this Statement as comparative financial information. The adjustments made to

the previously issued financial information to comply with lnd AS have been audited by us,

Our report is not modified in respect ofthis matter.

For Sudhir Kumar Jain & Associates

Firm Reg|1.No. 318016E

Chartered Accountants

CA. S. Jain


Membership No. 053537

Place: Kolkata

Date: 28'“ May. 2018.

Page 4: fiDl-IUNIKENDUSTRIESLIMITED · 2018-06-21 · 28‘hMay,2018. To, TheSecretary TheSecretary TheBSELtdt National StockExchangeofIndia Limited Phiroze


I 14, N.S. ROAD.2ND FLOOR, KOLKATA 700 001

J Tel: 91 33 3175171DDIFax191 33 22390235; E-mail- [email protected]

“"“N” ClN-L65921WE1979PLC032200 Web Site-


(Rs, In lacs excep‘ lo! EPS)

Sr. Particulars Quarter Ended Year Ended

No. 31/03/2015 31/11/2017 31/03/2017 31/03/2018 31/03/2017

And ‘11 Unaudited Audited Autlilcd Audited

(Rem Nate 2) (Refer Nme 2)

1 Revenue Flam Opelallons 13.35672 12,853.37 0.26654 48.71535 40.735 33

11 other Inwmrz 44 38 6.22 50.22 71.63 7‘) 59

111 Tutal [nu-me (1+1!) 13,901.10 12,359 59 9,316 76 4X,7X7,5X 40,814 92

Iv Expenses

(:1) C051 0fN1MC11I116 Comumcd 12,193 20 12,068.04 8,672.76 40,149 91 32.853 37

(1») Changes In lnvemones 01 FmIshcd Goods. Stock-inAdee (270.71) (829.91) (2,085.81) 2,009 53 (941 14)

and WOI'k-III-ngmss

(c) EXCISE Duly on Sale DfGoods r r 605 74 641 24 3,301 73

(n11Emp10ycc Bcnefih Expense 75 81 79,70 55 54 311.70 219 80

(a) finance Costs 429 77 311} 10 501,59 1.511.711.) 1.540 02

(1)Deprccla1lon and AmonIZaIIDn Expense 91.35 91 91 39 92 367.59 371179

(«1) Other Expenses 799 60 967,51 1,246 86 3,093 76 3.123 45

Total Expenses (1V) 13,324.52 12,760 35 9,036.60 43,039 39 40,463 52

V Pmfil/ (Loss) 1N1an exceplional “ems and lax (111-1V) 576.53 99,24 230,16 697.69 346.40

V1 Exceptional Iicms - - r r 7

VII Prufit/ (Loss) Befoie Tax (V-V1) 576 58 99,24 230,16 697.69 346 40

\’111 'lax Fxpense

(1)CIIIIent Tax 197 93 1985 63 24 222.10 84.20

(2) Dcl'cned Tax (2 6|) (2 65) 2146 (ID 56) 32 78

1X 1’10111/(L055HUI (he PeIIod (VII-VIII) 331.26 32 £14 141) 46 486 09 22‘) 36

x Ol11¢1'C0|n|)1¢11¢11b|Vfi1nCOm¢

A (I) 1112111: 111111W111no1bs [86143511181110 profit or 105; (0,97) I 11 (o 05) (0.25) In 37)

(II) Incmne Tax rclrmngln 11ems|ha1w111 Imtbe reclaXSIfiDd 1,0 (0 02) (0.11) (11.11) (1137) (U 43)

prom 61 1055

B (I) 1Lemsxlmlm11 he recIassIr-ed lo pmfn or 10x5 7 ~ - - -

(II) Income I'ax Ielatmg Io i1cms 11m W111 b: Icelassificd ID — — - - -

pIofi1oI loss

X1 T0131 Cmupmhcnsi '1ncnmcf0r1he Period nflcr Tax (L‘(+X) 380 27 83.04 140.30 485 47 223 56

X11 Paul-III) Equny 51mm Capital (Face Value ofRs. 10/- per Share) 4.67638 4,676.33 4,676.38 4,676 38 4,676 38

X111 Ulhu Equl" 6307,47 5,1521 99

XIV EhInIIIgs Fch1Iam(EPS)(D1‘Rs 10 Each)- (*Nm AnnualIch)

(3)1335“: V0.82 ‘0 17 '0,30 104 0 4‘)

(b) Di1II1cd ‘0 82 "017 ‘0 30 104 U 49

Notes :

1 The above rCSII11S 1mm been reviewed by 1110. AIIIIII Conuniltoc nnd nppmved by me Iarnnd or DIreeInrs orche Company 111 men mccnng held on 23m May.

2013 and mm: ncen duIv mined by IIIe smmmiy Audllors as renuIred IInIIer Regu1a1mn 33 01' SEE! (Lisung Ob1igahons nnd DIsclosme quuIreInenIS)

Regulntmns, 2015

2 The figures ofthe qInncI ended 1m March 2m and 3IsI March, 2017 are Ihe naInneIng figures heiween :IIIdiIed figures In respeci III IIIII IInancIaI yeaI

and pubhs11m1 year to dare flguIcs up|o nine Innth 01th relevnn: {InnncInI year.

3. CnIIseqnenI 1n inIrndIIcIInII of Goods and Service Tnx (651‘) mm errecr fivm My 01, 2017, CenIrIII Excise, Sen/Ia: Tax, VIIIIe Added Tnx (VAT) cm

have been subsumed inc GST 1n accordance W11111nd AS and Schedu1c 11| of1hc Compdnies Act, 2013, CST I: nrn Included In Revenue 1i’0nlupemlmm

Thus, Revenue 1mm opemtIoIIs for the cuneln quarier and year ended 3Isr March. mm are n01 comparable wiIh quanel and year ended 3151 March, 2017.

Mncc sales are net erST wheIcns in previous period: sales were grass of Exclsc Duty,

4. The Company had adnpicd Indian Accoumlng Slandfllds (‘lnd AS‘), as presenncd undur Summon 133 uf Compamcs Act, 20 13 read erII Ic1cvan1 ruIes Issued

rherenndu, Wi11I em: from lslApnl,2017 and accordingly Hansnmn was carried uul, from me Accouming Principles generaIIy accepch In 1ndia ('PIcv us I

GAAP') IIIIh 1nd A8710! “First IInIc adopllon nI‘IrIdIan Accounting srnndnrds"

5 A recnncIIIIann bciwccn I'InnneInI rcsulls llm1rcpurlcd under prL‘VIOHS Accnumlng I>I

summumcd I. bcluw ’

ciplcs genemIIy acccpmd 1n IndII (PInvrous I GAAP) and Ind AS arc

(Rs In LIcs)

Parfitulm Qiinrier ended 3 1.03.2017 Venrendcd 31.03.2017

Net PI-nnr (ur the period II; repnrked under previous I GAAI'

E1 wi ofIn1cru§| c031 on defined buncffl plans

(>IIIeI Adjushncnts

Nel Prufil II"- the period as reparled under lud AS

omen Comprehensive Incume (NeI «mm *

Tnlnl CnnIpI-enmsivc Incumc Inr lllc periud (Ner orTnx)



z m





(2 so)

I 03




~ Oiher cumprehenxlve Inennre prlmnnly Includes 11T1pac| nr faIr Va1ua1ion of qumcd rIan.cIIrreIII Invcstments and re-measuremcm (ngnV/RIWES on chIIrIIII

“11112111011 ofposmmploymem defined henems.

Page 5: fiDl-IUNIKENDUSTRIESLIMITED · 2018-06-21 · 28‘hMay,2018. To, TheSecretary TheSecretary TheBSELtdt National StockExchangeofIndia Limited Phiroze

e A1'econc1l1tainn nfequny under IND AS and repaned under plcvmus 1 GAAP rs summarised as below'

m m Lacs!

Particulars As on 31.03.2017

Total Equrr, as per previous 1 GAAP 10,199.59

Changes consequent Io Ind AS adoplion

Gam/(losscs) from Invesunenl ru squ1ry msmunent desrguared n| Fair Value Throuyr Other Comprehenswe 1mm (1,22)


Tmnl IND AS ndfllshnen‘s (I 22)

Tom Equm as per Ind AS 10.491137

7 The Company‘s busmess acuvily falls erhm s 5mg]: primary buslness scgmenx, riz " Iron 81 Slccl Producrs“, me disclosure requucments fol segmem 1s


3 Tlmv an: no cxccpuonal & cxlmordmary items.

9 F1gu1x’3 have 1m. rcgmupwd and 1curranged. whueva considech ncccssaly

10 Statement o1 Assets and Liabilities as a131s1 March. 2013

Paniculnrs (R5. in Lacs}

As at As nl

31.03.2018 31.03.2017

Audited Audned


1 No)! Current ASSMS

1s)1-ruperry.1'lauraud Eqmpmcrn 5,045 46 5,413.06

1b)Fmanc1a1 Assels

1.) Invesmmm 1.41 2.78

1.11 Omcr Frmrrcmr Assrrs 07.15 65 35

Sub Tmmuu Current Assets 5,134,112 5,491.19


m Invenlones 9,680.57 3,307.87


(0111111: Rmcrvablcs 3,732.05 3,786 37

(11) Cash & Cash Equwnlems 278.19 57.96

(111)Br1n1< Bahnce other urau (11) above 596.16 67941

(1v) Omar Fumncml Assets 765 00 859 80

1:) 011m Cur-run Assers 3,339 86 2,303.09

Sub Toml- Current Assets 23,391.83 12,089.50

TOTAL- ASSETS 28515485 17,570.69



1:1) Eqmly 51m Capual 4,576.33 4,676.33

(b)OthcrEqu1\y 6,307.47 5,821.99

Sub Tom-Equin 10,933.35 10,498.37



(1) fiormw mgs — 25.00

(11) Other Fmancml Lmbilmcs 2,168 31 600.64

119; Dcfenmt Tm L1z1b1|rucs(nc1) 9311 74 940.93

Sub ‘l‘olal- Non Current Liabilities 3,099.05 1,566.57

3 CURRENT 1.141“me

1..)Frrmrcra1 L1ab1lnics

1r) Bonowmgs 7249.112 8.644 37

(\11T1mk: Payablas 5,042 52 5,231 10

(111)01hcr F1 411C 1L12b1l111es 19.37 356 38

(b)01hchqun1lIabllilics 2,055.30 1,233 56

(c) pmusmus 45.14 39,244

Sub Tam- Current Liabilm 14,442.95 15,505.75


By Order oflhe Board

Place : Kolkum W MM

Date 28 0520111 Managing Director

Name Jugal Kishmc Agarle

DIN. 00227460

Page 6: fiDl-IUNIKENDUSTRIESLIMITED · 2018-06-21 · 28‘hMay,2018. To, TheSecretary TheSecretary TheBSELtdt National StockExchangeofIndia Limited Phiroze

(” ADHUNIK INDUSTRIES LIMITED' (Formerly known as Bhagwati Resources Ltd.)

Adhunlk An ISO 9001:2008 . 14001 :2004 & 13001 :2007 Organisation

Corporate Office : “LANSDOWNE TOWERS", 2/1A, SARAT BOSE ROAD, KOLKATA - 700 020

Phone : 033-3051 7100 * Fax : 91-33-2289 0285 1!! Website :

E-mail: [email protected]

28‘“ May, 2018


The Secretary The Secretary

The BSE Ltd. National Stock Exchange of India Limited

Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex

Dalal Street - Bandra (E)

Mumbai-400 001. Mumbai-400 051.

Scrip Code- 538365 Scrip Code- ADHUNIKl'ND

The Secretary

The Calcutta Stock Exchange Ltd

7 Lyons Range

Kolkata-700 001,

Scrip Code— 10028188

Dear Sir,

Sub: Declaration with respect to Audit Report for the quarter and year ended 315‘

March, 2018 with unmodified oginion.

Ref: Regulation 33(311d) of SEBI [Listing Obligations and Disclosure Reguirementsl

Regulations, 2015

We hereby confirm that the statutory auditors of the Company M/s, Sudhir Kumar Jain &

Associates, Chartered Accountants, Kolkata have issued their Audit Report on financial

statement of the Company for the quaner and year ended March 31, 2018 with

unmodified opinion,

This declaration is being issued in consonance with the provisions of Regulation 33(3)(d)

of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2016, as

amended from time to time,

Kindly take the same in your records.

Thanking You,

Yours faithfully,

For Adhuuik Industries Limited

Managing Director

(Jugal Kishure Agarwal)

(DIN: 00227460)

Regd. Office : 14, Netaji Subhas Road, II-Floor, Kolkata - 700 001 © : 2243-4355, 2242-8551

Works : Raturia, Angadpur, Durgapur < 713 215, Phone : (0343) 2591105/2591122/1123/1124

CIN L65921WB1979PLC032200