Παρουσίαση του σχολείου της iσπανίας

Our school is a Secondary school in a little town called Patiño, near to the city of Murcia (a southwest region of Spain). The students' ages range from 12 to 20 years old, because they can study here courses of professional training after secondary studies.

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Post on 22-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Παρουσίαση του σχολείου της Iσπανίας

Our school is a Secondary school in a little town called Patiño, near to the city of Murcia (a southwest region of Spain). The students' ages range from 12 to 20 years old, because they can study here courses

of professional training after secondary studies.

Page 2: Παρουσίαση του σχολείου της Iσπανίας

The person in charge of this activity is me, Lorena Lorente. I am teacher of classical languages, but this year I am teaching only Classical Greek and Classical Culture of the Ancient Greece and the Ancient Rome.

The teachers of the department try to transmit to the students the love for the Ancient world, and we do some extra activities: workshops, trips, a little Olympic games...


We are working about this project “Die Jugendlichen beim Tanzen machen SpaB- Ο ΧΟΡΟΣ ΩΣ ΔΡΩΜΕΝΟ, ΩΣ ΑΠΟΔΡΑΣΗ, ΩΣ ΑΝΑΔΡΑΣΗ, ΩΣ ΔΙΑΔΡΑΣΗ( μαθητικές προσεγγίσεις του χορού)” with our students of the 3th course. They are Gloria, Asela, Eva and Juan Antonio. They are very fun, keen and friendly.

Me and my students, with the clothes for a performance.

The students of Classical Culture. They are on the

3th course.

Workshop of the writing in the Ancient Greek