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  • 7/27/2019 G UNITS 5-6



    A |B | C | D |E| F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O| P | Q|R |S | T | U | V | W |Y

    UNIT 5

    bike (noun)Unit 5 Introduction

    (informal) a short form of bicycle or motorcycle,

    Example : My father bought me a bike as a birthday present.

    dentist (noun)Unit 5 Introduction

    a doctor who takes care of the teeth and mouth,

    Example :You should have your teeth checked by a dentist at least twice a year.Word Family :dental

    dye (verb)Unit 5 Introduction

    to change the colour of something using a special liquid,

    Example : She dyed her hair purple for Halloween.

    Synonym : colour, stain, tint

    lexical (adjective)Unit 5 Introduction

    relating to words,

    Example :WordNet is a large lexical database of English.

    Word Family : lexically

    topic (noun)Unit 5 Introduction

    a subject of discussion or conversation,

    Example :The teacher assigned each group a topic to discuss.Synonym :issue, subject, theme

    vs (preposition)Unit 5 Introduction

    (an abbreviation for versus) against; in opposition to; in contrast to, ,

    Example : Tomorrow's game is Newcastle vs. Arsenal.

    LESSON 1

    admission (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    the act, process, or result of allowing to enter,

    Example: Admission to the exhibition will be by invitation only.Synonym :entrance, entry

    archaeology (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    the study of past human life,

    Example :The purpose of archaeology is to learn more about past societies and the

    development of the human race.

    Word Family : archaeologist, archaeological

    artifact (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    any object made by human beings,

    Example :The museum had an exhibit of ancient Mexican artifacts.

    Word Family :artifactual

    be off (exp)Unit 5 Lesson 1turn off,

    Example : It is cold because the heating is off.

    change (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    when something becomes different,

    Example : There are two changes in the class schedule today.

    Word Family: changing

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    coin (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    a piece of metal money that is small, flat, and round

    Example: Pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters are all coins.


    (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    the ability to understand completely and be familiar with a situation, facts, etc.,

    Example: His comprehension of mathematics is good.

    Synonym: knowledge, understanding

    Word Family: comprehent

    dazzling (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    extremely attractive or exciting,

    Example: That was a dazzling performance.

    display (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    a collection of objects or pictures arranged for people to look at,

    Example: There's an Egyptian art collection on display at the museum at the moment.

    Synonym: exhibit

    document (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    a written or printed paper that gives factual information or proof of something,

    Example: Birth certificates, marriage licenses, and passports are kinds of documents.

    exhibit (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    an object such as a painting that is shown to the public,

    Example: He studied the dinosaur exhibits at the museum.

    Word Family: exhibition

    fossil (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    a bone, a shell or the shape of a plant or animal which has been preserved in rock for a

    very long period,

    Example: The branch of geology that studies fossils is called palaeontology.

    fridge (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    (informal for refrigerator); a piece of kitchen equipment which uses electricity to preserve

    food at a cold temperature,

    Example: I put the milk in the fridge to keep it cold.

    Synonym: refrigerator

    In fact (adverb)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    in reality or actuality,

    Example: In fact, it was a wonder anyone survived.

    introduce (verb)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    to bring to public notice, Example: The principal introduced his idea of a special reward for students who do their

    homework on time.


    Word Family: introduction, introductory

    jewellery (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    rings, watches, necklaces, or other ornaments; jewels,

    Example: She wears a lot of gold jewellery.

    Word Family:jeweller

    machine (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    a device with a system of parts that work together to perform a task,

    Example: Cars, computers, hair dryers, and vacuum cleaners are all examples of


    Synonym: mechanism

    Word Family: machinelike, machinery

    manage (verb)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    to succeed in doing in spite of problems,

    Example: Anna finally managed to escape.

    Synonym: succeed at

    Word Family: management, manager

    mineral (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    a substance formed in the earth that is not of an animal or a plant,


    The study of minerals is called mineralogy.

    nature (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    all the animals, plants, rocks, etc. in the world and all the features, forces and processes

    that happen or exist independently of people,

    Example: This new technique of artificially growing cells copies what actually happens

    in nature.

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    Word Family: natural

    notepad (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    a pad of writing paper,

    Example: I wrote down her number on my notepad.

    painting (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    a specific picture done by a painter,

    Example: Her painting won second prize at the art show.

    souvenir (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    something kept as a reminder of a place, event, or friendship, ,

    Example: He bought a glass egg as a souvenir of the ostrich farm.

    Synonym: memento

    speaker (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    a person who talks or gives a speech,

    Example: Everyone turned around to see the speaker of these surprising words.

    Word Family: speak, speech

    suitcase (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    a case used for carrying clothing and personal items,

    Example: I packed my suitcase.

    treasure (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    money or valuable items that have been collected or stored up,

    Example: The king has treasures worth millions of dollars.

    Synonym: fortune

    Tsar (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 1

    the title of male Russian rulers before 1917 (another spelling of czar), Example: The title Tsar is derived from the Latin word for emperor, Caesar.


    Big Ben (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    the nickname for the great bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster

    in London,

    Example: Big Ben has become one of the most prominent symbols of London.

    block (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    a large, usually tall building divided into separate parts for use as offices or homes by

    several different organizations or people, Example: That building over there is an office block.

    block of flats (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    a large building that is divided into flats,

    Example: There is a new block of flats in my neighbourhood.

    bridge (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    a road or path built over a road or river so that you can walk or drive from one side to the


    Example: There are two bridges across the river near here.

    Buckingham Palace


    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    the London home and primary residence of the British monarch,

    Example: Buckingham Palace is used to entertain guests on state, ceremonial and official


    cartoon (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    a drawing or series of drawings that make people laugh or think; comic strip,

    Example: I like watching Tom and Jerry cartoons but my favourite cartoon character is

    Mickey Mouse.

    Word Family: cartoonist

    conversation (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    talk between people,

    Example: There is little time for conversation at work.

    Synonym: communication, dialogue, discussion

    Word Family: converse

    encyclopaedia (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 2

    a book that has information on a wide variety of subjects, or on many aspects of onesubject,

    Example: Encyclopaedias are arranged in alphabetical order.

    experience (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    something that a person has done or lived through,

    Example: The war was a terrible experience for everyone.

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    Synonym: knowledge

    Word Family: experienced

    flat (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    a British word for a group of connected rooms on one floor used as a place to live,

    Example: We'll be staying in a flat in London for six months.

    Synonym: apartment, lodging, residence

    gift (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    a present or something which is given,

    Example: The guests all arrived bringing gifts.

    Synonym: present



    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    having to do with the rules for forming the words and sentences of a language,

    Example: Pete's paper had several grammatical errors in it.

    Word Family: grammar, grammatically, grammaticality

    Greenwich (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    a borough of London,

    Example: Greenwich is best known for its maritime history.

    Harrods (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    a high-end department store located in Brompton Road in Brompton, Kensington,

    ( )

    Example: At Harrods.com you may discover luxury gifts for every occasion and exclusivebeauty products.

    HMS Belfast (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    a museum ship, permanently moored in London on the River Thames and operated by the

    Imperial War Museum,

    Example: HMS Belfast is a unique reminder of Britain's 20th century naval heritage.

    holiday (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    a time, often one or two weeks, when someone does not go to work or school but is free

    to do what they want, such as travel or relax,

    Example: Patricia is on holiday next week.

    information (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    knowledge or facts that come from a source,

    Example: The newspaper is full of information.

    Synonym: data, knowledge, materialWord Family: inform, informative



    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    causing attention to or concern about,

    Example: I've read all her books, because she is an interesting author.

    Synonym: stimulating

    Antonym: dull, monotonous

    Word Family: interest

    London Eye (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    a giant 135-metre tall wheel situated on the banks of the River Thames, in London,

    England, ( )

    Example: The London Eye is also known as the Millennium Wheel.

    Madam Tussauds


    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    a wax museum and a major tourist attraction in London,

    Example: Madam Tussaud's displays waxworks of historical and royal figures, film stars and

    sports stars.

    period (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    a length of time,

    Example: Her work means that she spends long periods away from home.

    practice (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    doing something regularly or repeatedly to improve your skill at doing it,

    Example: Leila spends a few hours every day on violin practice.

    Synonym: drill, exercise, repetition

    Word Family: practise

    receptionist (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    an office worker employed primarily to greet visitors, and answer routine questions,

    Example: A receptionist is often the first business contact a person will meet at any


    Word Family: reception

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    square (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    an open space in a town, with big buildings all round,

    Example: The hotel is in the main square of the town, opposite the town hall.

    St Paul's Cathedral


    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    St Paul's Cathedral is a Church of England cathedral dedicated to Paul the Apostle,

    Example: St Paul's Cathedral is the seat of the Bishop of London.

    Tower Bridge (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    Tower Bridge is a bridge in London, England, over the River Thames,

    ( )

    Example: Tower Bridge is close to the Tower of London, which gives it its name

    Tower of London


    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    a historic castle on the north bank of the River Thames in central London,

    Example:Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress is more commonly known as the Tower of


    Trafalgar Square


    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    a tourist attraction square in central London, England,

    Example: At the centre of Trafalgar Square is Nelson's Column, which is guarded by four

    lion statues at its base.

    trip (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    a journey in which you go somewhere, usually for a short time, and come back again,

    Example:I made two trips to the store today.

    worse (adjective)

    Unit 5 Lesson 2

    comparative of 'bad',

    Example: I think this film is worse than the one I saw last week.

    Antonym: better


    archaeologist (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    someone who studies the buildings, graves, tools and other objects of people who lived in

    the past,

    Example: Archaeologists examine ancient sites and objects to learn about the past.

    Word Family: archaeological, archaeology

    behead (verb)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    to cut off the head of,

    Example: Louis XVI, the King of France, was beheaded during the French Revolution.

    biography (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    the written story of the facts and events of a person's life,

    Example: A new biography of Abraham Lincoln reveals the mystery of his assassination.

    Word Family


    collection (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    a gathering of a group of things of the same type,

    Example: We saw a coin collection at the museum.

    Synonym: accumulation, assortment, group, setWord Family: collect, collector

    cousin (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    the son or daughter of an aunt or uncle, /

    Example: Harry and I are cousins.

    criticism (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    the act of judging what is good or bad in something

    Example: The teacher's criticism helped us to become better learners.

    Synonym: complaint

    Word Family: critisize

    development (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 3

    the act of developing or bringing to a completed state,

    Example: The development of the new shopping mall took several years.

    Synonym: advancement, enlargement, growthAntonym: decline

    Word Family: develop, developemental

    die (verb) to stop living; become dead,

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    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    Example: The plant died because he never watered it.

    Synonym: expire, pass, pass away, perish

    Antonym: live, survive

    Word Family: dead, death

    different (adjective)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    not the same; not alike,

    Example: The twins wore different shirts so the teacher could tell them apart.

    Synonym: distinct

    Antonym: identical, related, same

    Word Family: difference, differently

    dig (verb)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    to make a hole by removing dirt, sand, or the like,

    Example: Pirates dig for buried treasure.

    Synonym: burrow

    divorce (verb)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    to end your marriage by an official or legal process,

    Example: She's divorcing her husband.

    dolphin (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    a mammal that lives in the water,

    Example: Dolphins look like large fish but they breathe air.

    excavate (verb)Unit 5 Lesson 3

    to uncover by digging,

    Example: Archaeologists excavated the ancient city.Synonym: unearth

    Antonym: bury

    Word Family: excavation

    follow (verb)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    to come or go after or behind,

    Example: He followed me down the street.

    gap (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    a space or blank in something that is otherwise connected or complete,

    Example: There are gaps in my diary where I didn't feel like writing anything.

    Synonym: blank, interval, opening

    history (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 3

    the written record of things that happened in the past,

    Example: Abraham Lincoln was a famous president in the history of the United States.Word Family: historic, historical

    material (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    anything used for building or making something else,

    Example: The materials for the tree house included wood, metal, and rope.

    Synonym: stuff, substance

    Minoan (adjective)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    relating to the advanced Bronze Age culture that flourished in Crete from about 3000 to

    1100 B.C.,

    Example: The Minoan civilization was rediscovered at the beginning of the 20th century

    through the work of the British archaeologist Arthur Evans.

    note (noun)Unit 5 Lesson 3

    a short piece of writing, Example: We got caught passing notes in class.

    Synonym: memo

    owner (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    the person that something belongs to,

    Example: We need to find out who the owner of this notebook is and return it.

    Synonym: possessor

    Word Family: ownership

    palace (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    the official home of a king or queen or other persons of high rank or authority,

    Example: Many historic palaces are now put to other uses such as parliaments and


    prison (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    a building for holding and punishing people who have broken the law, Example: People who sell drugs will be sent to prison.

    Synonym: jail

    Word Family: imprison, prisoner

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    pyramid (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    a massive monument of ancient Egypt built over a crypt or tomb,

    Example: The earliest known Egyptian pyramids are found at Saqqara, northwest of


    recent (adjective)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    having to do with or happening in the very near past,

    Example: After the recent storm, many people are still without electricity.

    Synonym: late

    Antonym: distant

    Word Family: recently

    report (verb)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    to tell; state, Example: I reported the good news to my friends.

    Synonym: narrate, relate, say, state, tell

    Word Family: reporter

    role (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    the position or purpose that someone or something has in a situation, organization,

    society or relationship,

    Example: What is his role in this project?

    Synonym: part

    site (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    a place where something is built, or where something happened,

    Example: The council haven't yet chosen the site for the new hospital.

    Synonym: locality

    statue (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    a piece of art that is made out of stone, metal, or other material,

    Example: There are some statues in front of the museum.

    step (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    an act or stage in a series,

    Example: Follow the steps carefully in putting together the bicycle.

    Synonym: procedure, stage

    storeroom (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    a storage room for inventory, supplies, or equipment,

    Example: We have to clean the storeroom twice a year.

    survive (verb)Unit 5 Lesson 3

    to continue to live despite serious threat to one's life,

    Example: They had so little food that it was a miracle they survived.Synonym: exist

    Word Family: survival, surviving, survivor

    text (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    the written words in a book, magazine, etc., not the pictures,

    Example: You can skip the questions at the end of each chapter and read only the text.

    thousand (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    the number 1,000,

    Example: A picture is worth a thousand words.

    understand (verb)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    to get the meaning, nature, or importance of,

    Example: Do you understand what you're reading?

    Synonym: comprehend, follow, perceiveAntonym: misunderstand

    village (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    a small town or community, often in the country,

    Example: We stayed in a charming bed-and-breakfast in a lakeside village.

    Word Family: villager

    wonder (noun)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    a thing or event that causes admiration, surprise, or amazement,

    Example: The mountains in Oregon are natural wonders.

    Synonym: marvel, miracle, phenomenon

    Word Family: wonderful

    wonderful (adjective)

    Unit 5 Lesson 3

    causing feelings of wonder; excellent or amazing,

    Example: She has made wonderful progress in school this year.Synonym: admirable, amazing, excellent, terrific

    Antonym: awful, lousy

    Word Family: wonderfully

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    UNIT 6

    aluminium (noun)Unit 6 Introduction

    a strong, light, silver metal that does not easily rust. Aluminum is a chemical element,


    Aluminium cans can be used for recycling.

    amount (noun)

    Unit 6 Introduction

    measure; quantity,


    This amount of snow isn't enough for skiing.

    average (noun)

    Unit 6 Introduction

    a usual amount or kind; something that is not outside the ordinary,


    The temperature this winter was average for our area.


    mean, normal

    break (verb)

    Unit 6 Introduction

    to separate suddenly into two or more pieces, or to stop working by being damaged,


    The dish fell to the floor and broke.



    Word Family


    break down (verb)

    Unit 6 Introduction

    to cause something to weaken or decay,


    Temperatures were high enough to break down the chemicals.

    can (noun)

    Unit 6 Introduction

    a closed metal container, especially a cylindrical one, in which some types of drink and

    food are sold,


    When we went camping we took with us cans of food.


    container, tin

    Word Family


    cheap (adjective)

    Unit 6 Introduction

    costing little money or less than is usual or expected,

    ExampleI got a cheap flight at the last minute.


    inexpensive, reasonable


    costly, dear, expensive

    cost (verb)

    Unit 6 Introduction

    to have the price of; amount of money, given in exchange for something else,


    "How much does this book cost?" "It costs 25."

    Word Family

    cost (n)

    hypothesis (noun)

    Unit 6 Introduction

    a prediction or educated guess that can be tested and can be used to guide further study,


    This chapter explains scientists' new hypothesis about the birth of stars.

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    Word Family


    make up (something)

    Unit 6 Introduction

    to form a particular thing, amount or number as a whole,


    Road accident victims make up almost a quarter of the hospital's patients.

    pollutant (noun)Unit 6 Introduction

    a waste material that pollutes air, water or soil, and is the cause of pollution,


    The water in this area has a lot of toxic pollutants.Synonym


    Word Family

    pollute, pollution

    unless (conjunction)

    Unit 6 Introduction

    except; on the condition that,


    We won't go unless we're invited.

    waste (noun)Unit 6 Introduction

    unwanted matter or material of any type, often that which is left after useful substances

    or parts have been removed,

    ExampleBritain produces 20 million tonnes of household waste each year.


    garbage, litter, rubbish

    agency (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    a business which represents one group of people when dealing with another group,

    ExampleThere is a large job agency that supplies workers for several companies in the area.



    bill (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    a written list showing the cost of items bought or services provided,


    They sent us a bill for the work they had done.


    check, statement

    breathe (verb)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    to draw air into the lungs and let it out,


    He was breathing hard after running.



    Word Family

    breath, breathless

    breathing (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    the process of taking in air and letting it out,


    I was kept awake by his heavy breathing.



    butt (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    the part of a finished cigarette that has not been smoked,


    Cigarette butts are one of the most commonly found forms of litter on the street.

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    camp (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    a place where people stay in tents or other temporary structures,


    My friends and I had a great time at summer camp this year.

    Word Family


    condition (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    the particular state that something or someone is in,


    They left the flat in a terrible condition - there was mess everywhere.

    Synonymsituation, state

    consequence (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    that which follows; result,


    Her stomach-ache was a consequence of eating too much.


    conclusion, effect, outcome, result

    container (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    something, such as a box, barrel, or can, that holds or can hold something else,


    The tea leaves come in a small metal container.


    countryside (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    land that is outside cities and towns; a rural area,


    We took a long drive through the open countryside.


    country, land

    crisp (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    (usually plural) a very thin, often round piece of fried potato, sometimes with a flavour

    added, and sold especially in plastic bags,


    He bought a packet of salt and vinegar crisps.Word Family


    dawn (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    the period in the day when light from the sun begins to appear in the sky,


    We woke up at dawn.

    decompose (verb)

    Unit 6 Lesson 1

    to decay,


    After our garbage decomposes, we spread it in the garden.


    crumble, disintegrate, rot, spoil

    Word Family


    decrease (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    the amount by which something becomes less,


    The store offered a ten percent decrease in prices.


    cut, decline, drop



    Word Familydecreasing, decreasingly

    dirty (adjective)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    not clean,


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    The windows were so dirty you could hardly see out of them.





    Word Family


    disgrace (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    that which has or causes shame,

    ExampleHe is a disgrace to his family.




    credit, honour

    dizzy (adjective)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    having a feeling of spinning around and being about to lose your balance,


    The children were dizzy after spinning in circles.


    faint, giddyWord Family

    dizzily, dizziness

    drain (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    a device, such as a pipe, through which a liquid is drained,


    A drain is a plumbing fixture that provides an exit-point for waste water or water

    that is to be re-circulated.


    pipe, siphon, tube

    Word Family

    drainable, drainer

    drop (verb)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    to fall or to allow something to fall,


    I'm always dropping things.

    dump (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    a place where people are allowed to leave their rubbish,


    I need to clear out the shed and take everything I don't want to the dump.

    dump (verb)

    Unit 6 Lesson 1

    to get rid of something unwanted, especially by leaving it in a place where it is not

    allowed to be,


    Several old cars had been dumped near the beach.Synonym

    discard, get rid of

    educate (verb)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    to provide knowledge, training, and guidance to,


    A teacher's job is to educate students.


    instruct, teach, coach

    Word Family

    education, educational, educator

    encourage (verb)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    to give hope or courage to; give confidence to, Example

    Winning in the first round encouraged the team and gave them confidence that

    they could win.


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    Word Family


    fine (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    an amount of money that has to be paid as a punishment for not obeying a rule or law,


    The maximum penalty for the offence is a 1,000 euro fine.

    flood (verb)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    to cover or fill with a flow of water,


    The rains flooded the fields.


    overflow, overrun

    Word Family


    fuel (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    a substance which is used to provide heat or power, usually by being burned,


    Wood, coal, oil, petrol and gas are all different kinds of fuel.

    Gypsy (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    a member of a race of people originally from northern India who typically used to travel

    from place to place, and now live especially in Europe and North America,


    Many Gypsy groups have preserved elements of their traditional culture, including

    the Romany language.

    habit (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    a regular action; routine,


    His habit is to brush his teeth before putting on his pyjamas.



    Word Family


    ill (adjective)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    not healthy; sick,


    He became ill with fever.


    sick, unhealthy, unwell


    healthy, well

    Word Family


    infect (verb)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    to spread germs or disease to,


    If you cover your mouth when you cough, you won't infect others with your cold.



    Word Family

    infection, infectious

    intelligence (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    the ability to learn, reason, and understand,


    Those math problems are easy for him because of his high intelligence.

    Synonymintellect, mind, understanding, wit

    Word Family


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    junk (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    things having little worth,


    The garage is filled with junk.


    garbage, rubbish, trash

    key point (exp)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    main point,


    We had to find out the key point of the story.

    laziness (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    when you are not willing to give much effort or to work,


    I could go to the gym - it's just laziness that stops me.


    apathy, inertia, lethargy


    diligence, liveliness

    Word Family


    lead (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    a very dense, soft, dark-grey, poisonous metal, used especially in the past on roofs and for

    pipes and also for protection against radiation, Example

    Lead is used in building construction, batteries, bullets and weights.

    Word Family


    load (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    an amount of something carried,


    The train carried its load of timber down from the mountains.



    local (adjective)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    having to do with a particular place such as a neighbourhood or town, Example

    They called the local police for help.

    Mayor (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    the head of government in a village, town, or city,


    Worldwide, there is a wide variance in local laws and customs regarding the

    powers and responsibilities of a Mayor.

    mess (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    a state of being dirty or not neat,


    I had to agree that my room was a mess.


    disorder, muddle



    Word Family


    mosquito (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    an insect with a thin body and two wings which bites and sucks the blood of animals and



    Did you know that mosquitoes spread diseases?

    on the spot (phrase)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    at the place where an event is happening or has recently happened,


    The police were called and they were on the spot within three minutes.

    policeman (noun) a man who is an officer of the law and works to catch criminals and help keep people

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    Unit 6 Lesson 1



    The policeman stopped the woman because she was driving too fast.

    result (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    something that happens because of something else,


    We were surprised by the result of the experiment.



    reuse (verb)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    to use again or use more than once,


    She will not reuse her glass until it has been washed.

    Word Family


    shame (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    something to feel badly about, ,


    It's a shame you can't take a few weeks off.



    Word Familyshameful

    sick (adjective)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    physically or mentally ill; not well or healthy,


    They rushed the sick child to the hospital.

    Word Family


    smog (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    air pollution, especially in cities, that is caused by a mixture of smoke, gases and

    chemicals, ,


    Smog is a major problem in Athens.

    smoke (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    the grey, black or white mixture of gas and very small pieces of carbon that is produced

    when something burns,


    She leaned back thoughtfully and blew a puff of smoke into the air.

    Word Family


    soap (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    a cleaning substance that is made from fat or oil and comes in the form of a bar, liquid,

    powder, or flakes,


    Soap is mainly used for washing, bathing, and cleaning.

    solution (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    an answer to or explanation of a problem,


    The solution to the puzzle took us several hours.


    answer, explanation

    Word Family


    swimming pool

    (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    a container filled with water intended for swimming,

    ExampleThere are many standard sizes and the largest is the Olympic-size swimming pool.

    throw away (verb)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    to get rid of as worthless or unnecessary,


    I should throw away that torn shirt.

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    toothpaste (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    a paste used to clean the teeth,


    I always buy the same toothpaste.

    traffic cones (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    cone-shaped markers that are placed on roads or footpaths to temporarily redirect traffic

    in a safe manner,


    After the car accident, the policemen put traffic cones on the road to redirect


    tyre (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    a thick rubber ring, often filled with air, which is fitted around the outer edge of the wheel

    of a vehicle, ()


    I've got a flat tyre.

    wrapping (noun)Unit 6 Lesson 1

    paper or some other material that is used to cover something,


    Such beautiful wrapping promises a wonderful present.


    adult (noun)

    Unit 6 Lesson 2

    a person who is fully grown and mature,


    When I am an adult, I will be able to decide for myself.



    child, juvenile

    Word Family


    bakery (noun)

    Unit 6 Lesson 2

    a store in which baked goods, such as bread, cake, and pastry, are made and sold,


    I always buy bread from my local bakery.

    Word Family


    bar (noun)

    Unit 6 Lesson 2

    a substance that has been made into a solid, rectangular shape, ,


    I only need a bar of soap to wash my clothes.

    bread (noun)

    Unit 6 Lesson 2

    food made by baking a dough of flour or meal,


    She bakes bread every day.

    cardboard (noun)

    Unit 6 Lesson 2

    a stiff material made of layers of paper and used to make things like boxes and signs,

    ExampleCover the broken window with cardboard until you get it fixed.

    carton (noun)

    Unit 6 Lesson 2

    a box made of cardboard, paper, or plastic,


    Milk, cereal, and eggs come in cartons.
