• free • free • free • free • free • free • free ... evidence of high-level political...

Tel: 013-007-1155 / 082-624-4098 www.newshorn.co.za The minister’s (t)horny issue Oh, what a tangled web we weave. Worldwide there has been an outcry as the population of the iconic white and black rhinoceros continues to drop alarmingly as a result of illegal rhino horn poaching. Despite global involvement, a veritable war ranges in the Kruger National Park on a daily basis between poachers and rangers who put their lives on the line to ensure a legacy for our children. Now, a video made by Arab TV Network Al Jazeera and aired on its programme “Poacher Pipeline” shows South African minister of State Security, David Mahlobo with a Chinese presidential delegation which has been implicated by verifiable sources in the illegal rhino horn trade. Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit has uncovered evidence of high-level political connections to rhino poaching in Africa and the show raises serious questions about the involvement of Mahlobo. Mahlobo has denied any relationship with the other parties and national media had a field day after he threatened to sue Al Jazeera for what he terms “falsely implicating him in the illegal rhino trade.” In the meantime Environment Minister Edna Molewa, who is a regular visitor to the KNP, lauded the Al Jazeera TV network for its efforts to expose links between rhino poaching and organised crime. In a statement issued to the media, she however rebuked it for casting serious aspersions on State Security Minister David Mahlobo based on what she terms, “wild claims” and “flimsy” evidence. Based on undercover interviews with self- confessed rhino horn dealers, the Al Jazeera documentary aired allegations by these men that Mahlobo and his wife may be involved in smuggling rhino horn via a Chinese national, who owns a massage parlour in Mbombela. The documentary also suggested that • FREE • FREE • FREE • FREE • FREE • FREE • FREE • FREE • FREE Alex Rose-Innes Continued on page 3 FREE Thursday, 24 November 2016 Pet & Equine Sport New Equine & Pet Pages 8-9 16 Dunhill Golf is here again Mahlobo could have been party to the cancelling of a contract with a private intelligence group involved in anti- poaching investigations in the KNP two years ago. Molewa reacted to this allegation with information that the SANPark’s board terminated the professional services agreement with the company in question in full compliance with the law. Mahlobo has flatly denied these allegations and threatened legal action for defamation against Al Jazeera. Whilst allegations are being investigated Ursula Cilliers took this magnificent photo of a leopard enjoying the last scraps of its meal. Ursula is a regular visitor to the Kruger National Park and is a freelance photographer. King’s School in White River hosts matric farewell Ladies in red. For every matriculant, the farewell matric dance will forever be remembered and these bevy of beauties surely did the night justice with one privileged young gentleman in their midst. (Photo supplied.) Last scraps of a meal

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Tel: 013-007-1155 / 082-624-4098www.newshorn.co.za

The minister’s (t)horny issueOh, what a tangled web we weave.Worldwide there has been an outcry as

the population of the iconic white and black rhinoceros continues to drop alarmingly as a result of illegal rhino horn poaching.

Despite global involvement, a veritable war ranges in the Kruger National Park on a daily basis between poachers and rangers who put their lives on the line to ensure a legacy for our children.

Now, a video made by Arab TV Network Al Jazeera and aired on its programme “Poacher Pipeline” shows South African

minister of State Security, David Mahlobo with a Chinese presidential delegation which has been implicated by verifiable sources in the illegal rhino horn trade.

Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit has uncovered evidence of high-level political connections to rhino poaching in Africa and the show raises serious questions about the involvement of Mahlobo.

Mahlobo has denied any relationship with the other parties and national media had a field day after he threatened to sue Al Jazeera for what he terms “falsely implicating him in the illegal rhino trade.”

In the meantime Environment Minister Edna Molewa, who is a regular visitor to

the KNP, lauded the Al Jazeera TV network for its efforts to expose links between rhino poaching and organised crime.

In a statement issued to the media, she however rebuked it for casting serious aspersions on State Security Minister David Mahlobo based on what she terms, “wild claims” and “flimsy” evidence.

Based on undercover interviews with self-confessed rhino horn dealers, the Al Jazeera documentary aired allegations by these men that Mahlobo and his wife may be involved in smuggling rhino horn via a Chinese national, who owns a massage parlour in Mbombela.

The documentary also suggested that

• F R E E • F R E E • F R E E • F R E E • F R E E • F R E E • F R E E • F R E E • F R E E

Alex Rose-Innes

Continued on page 3

FREEThursday, 24 November 2016

Pet & Equine Sport

New Equine & Pet Pages 8-9


Dunhill Golf is here again

Mahlobo could have been party to the cancelling of a contract with a private intelligence group involved in anti-poaching investigations in the KNP two years ago.

Molewa reacted to this allegation with information that the SANPark’s board terminated the professional services agreement with the company in question in full compliance with the law. Mahlobo has flatly denied these allegations and threatened legal action for defamation against Al Jazeera.

Whilst allegations are being investigated

Ursula Cilliers took this magnificent photo of a leopard enjoying the last scraps of its meal. Ursula is a regular visitor to the Kruger National Park and is a freelance photographer.

King’s School in White River hosts matric farewell

Ladies in red. For every matriculant, the farewell matric dance will forever be remembered and these bevy of beauties surely did the night justice with one privileged young gentleman in their midst. (Photo supplied.)

Last scraps of a meal

Community Information Thursday, 24 November 20162

Mpumalanga Business Directory

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KNP feeds communities with culled meatMore than 70 hippos and over

100 buffaloes have been culled in 2016

Although denying that the Kruger National Park (KNP) is culling animals specifically for feeding the hungry surrounding communities, the practice of culling is going to continue as

part of sustainable resource utilisation practise.

According to William Mabasa, acting head of

Communications for SANParks, the increase in biomass over the last ten years have been an eye-opener and the intention is to reintroduce the human factor as an ecosystem driver.

The meat given to local communities became available as a result of the drought when certain animals had to be culled.

Especially hippo and buffalo meat have been processed for this

reason and the surrounding areas’ residents have benefitted from the bush meat which in itself is a roaring illegal trade.

As a result of the foot-and-mouth disease of animals in the Park (the so called Red Zone), raw meat is not allowed to leave the Park and the

abattoir at Skukuza processes the meat.

Future culling will be

undertaken and no exact figure can be released but will, according to Mabasa, only be done based on census figures and proper scientific information.

Earlier, SANParks in a media statement said that the meat of 350 animals will be distributed as a result of the drought.

As the Park is committed to transparency, the management plan for this model is available on the KNP website and public information meetings are to be held regarding this controversial issue.

The meat of 350 animals will

be distributed as a result of the


William Mabasa.

Water losses a result of incompetence - DAWater infrastructure rated at 19%

The Democratic Alliance has called on the Mpumalanga Provincial Government to prioritise the upgrading of infrastructure to curb water losses in the province.

According to the No Drop Report released in May this year, Mpumalanga is losing 40% of its water to leaking taps and pipes.

The report also indicates that an enormous amount of water is lost through inadequate systems and a mentality of not prioritising leakages. It is alarming that water infrastructure systems in Mpumalanga was rated at 19% according to this document.

“This government must avoid a situation where the citizens of Mpumalanga will have to water shed because of the current drought and their inability to contain the water losses,” said James Masango of the DA.

The party has also called on CoGTA MEC Refilwe Mtshweni, to in the interim redirect money budgeted to roll out

boreholes to urgently fixing dilapidated infrastructure to curb water losses.

Although the DA supports the boreholes project, the people of Mpumalanga will not benefit much under the current drought situation.

The province cannot afford to sustain the additional planned 528 boreholes because nearly 60% of our dams are in critical conditions as a result of the drought. 150 out of 851 boreholes are currently not functional because of the drought and limited underground water supplies - coupled with lack of consistent maintenance. Nearly 60% of Mpumalanga dams are in a critical condition which begs the question on the sustainability of boreholes.

“It is concerning that the municipalities’ failure to properly administer water resources under their control and to maintain water infrastructure has failed dismally. This continues to leave many of our communities in danger of not having access to water in the future”, Masango said in a press statement.

NewsThursday, 24 November 2016 3

Let us keep Harry alive

Flip Buys, Chairman of the Solidarity Movement, said the actions of the two men who had allegedly forced a black man into a coffin, threatening to set him alight, reinforce the ANC’s stereotyping of Afrikaners and white people as cruel racists who must be fought by using all the powers of the state.

Buys spoke out strongly against the behaviour of the two men from Middelburg in Mpumalanga, Willem Oosthuizen and Theo Martins Jackson. (See article online www.newshorn.co.za)

The shocking act of which a video went viral on social media provided the EFF’s Julius Malema to incite his followers and call for further land occupations.

Two men were arrested for allegedly having forced a black man into a coffin and threatening to set him alight.

Buys said people such as

those men who assault others deserve to face the full might of the law.

He issued a strong statement in which he called this heinous act as “thwarting efforts in the struggle to contain racism.”

“Behaviour such as this, undertaken by extremist individuals, provide the ANC with a stick with which all white people can be lashed for being guilty of racism and to

condemn and sentence them all as racist criminals,” said Buys.

Several institutions are in the process of submitting

comments on the proposed new bill on racism and to bring Malema to book about his blatantly racist statements.

“When people make themselves guilty of such bad behaviour then it undoes all the good work others try to bring about,” Buys said in referring to Oosthuizen and Jackson’s actions. He also called on all South Africans to strive to achieve mutual recognition and respect.

“Coffin men” not the face of the Afrikaner

Please do not feed the elephant

In a last attempt to keep the roaming elephant, lovingly called Harry from being shot, a renewed plea has been made by animal lovers, councillors and Kruger Park staff to those who feed him.

In the latest incidence, the animal once again broke through the fencing at Kobwa Hall in Fish Eagle Bend in Malalane.

The saga started when residents of Fish Eagle Drive next to the Kruger Park, (which is only an electrified fence and a very low river away from the Park itself,) started feeding the elephant in order to impress their guests.

Well-known business people in town are known for calling it to show friends how tame it is. It is one of the biggest threats to a wild

animal itself, to feed it and teach it to search for food close to a neighbourhood.

It has already once before broken through to a guesthouse property on the banks of the Crocodile River in Malalane and caused havoc and endangered the lives of guests.

This time, a group of concerned citizens burst balloons in an effort to drive it back into the Park.

The Democratic Alliance councillor for Nkomazi, Mariette Preddy, last week managed to get all role players together in an effort to upgrade the existing, totally inadequate fencing which has not been maintained by the local municipality.

According to Len Robberts of the national Department of Agriculture, who is tasked with also maintaining the fence between Malalane and KNP, the short section of fence in Fish Eagle Bend is the responsibility of the municipality.

He told NewsHorn that he had on various occasions asked the town council to fix the dilapidated gate and fence and despite it not being his job, would have electrified it free of charge.

To date nothing has come of it and only now, with Preddy to drive the issue, has the Municipal Manager Dan Ngwenya agreed to ensure that a new electrified fence is erected and a stronger gate installed. The previous electrified fences washed away during the 2000 flood.

It would be sad days for everyone should it become necessary to shoot Harry as a result of a few residents who started feeding it and continue to do so. Not only is his life in danger, but also those residing close to the area where Harry breaks through in his search for food.

Before a tragedy becomes a reality, this is a last appeal to refrain from feeding this wild animal for the pleasure it gives humans.

Mariette Preddy (DA), Wilson Kubela, Velly Makwakwa (manager Nature Conservation) and municipal manager for Nkomazi Local Municipality, Dan Ngwenya at Kobwa Hall in Malalane where a new gate and proper electrified fence are to be erected in a last attempt to keep Harry the elephant from being shot. (Photo: Alex Rose-Innes.)

Alex Rose-Innes

Alex Rose-Innes

People such as those men who assault others

deserve to face the full might of the law

Dirk Buys of Solidarity strongly condemned the actions of the two Middelburg farmers. (Photo sourced.)

Illegal smuggling increases during year-end holidays

It is once again that time of the year when the smuggling of stolen vehicles across the South African borders in Mpumalanga increases.

This is the opinion of the border police who, in conjunction with the South African National Defence Force (SANDF), undertake regular searches for contraband and illegal goods entering the country from the Lebombo and Swaziland borders.

In the most recent operation at the Mozambican border, goods of more than a million Rand were confiscated.

Especially so-called branded clothing and footwear are brought into SA via this route.

Contraband cigarettes are also a favourite item and perpetrators are regularly caught with these with most having a resale street value of more than half a million Rand.

Hijacked and stolen vehicles are also taken across the border at a

higher rate closer to the end of a year and illegal liquor and dagga are high in demand.

The vehicles are leaving SA via KwaZulu-Natal which is accessed from the Swaziland border. Various vehicle tracking operators are working hand-in-hand with the soldiers and police in an effort to nab perpetrators.

During last month alone, 12 vehicles were stopped from crossing the border illegally and their drivers taken into custody.

Alex Rose-Innes

More successes in anti-poaching drive in KNPby the Hawks, SANParks have

announced that 18 more rhino poachers were arrested and 10 firearms recovered during the latest anti-poaching raids.

These arrests took place in different sections of the KNP, as well as areas just outside the boundary of the park and were a joint effort by the SANParks Rangers and K9 Units, including co-operation by the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) and the South African Police Services (SAPS).

During full moons such as the current super moon event, the number of incursions always increase and the subsequent spoor

Continued from page 1 and other poaching related activities keeping anti-poaching teams even busier than usual.

Managing Executive of KNP Glenn Phillips, has warned poachers that they will not get away with wildlife crime. At the same time, he congratulated the Park’s teams, including the SANParks Special Ranger Airborne Response and K9 units who are making a huge difference in their support for the rangers and other anti-poaching teams on the ground, bearing much needed results.

“SANParks remains committed to doing everything in its power to fight the scourge of poaching.

“We also take this opportunity to encourage members of the public

to REPORT WILDLIFE CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES on 013-735-0197 or 076-801-9679, ensuring that those who commit these deeds pay for their sins,” concluded Phillips.

This latest success follows closely on the heels of the October month-end poaching successes wherein 14 suspected poachers were arrested during counter poaching operations in the KNP.

• The Democratic Alliance will lodge a complaint against Mahlobo for “lying to the parliament” in a #FeesMustFall issue. This is the latest in a series of faux pas the minister has made and it begs the question of how reliable his denial of being involved in rhino poaching activities is.

Community Thursday, 24 November 20164

Good news for home buyers

Home buyers no longer need to fear historic debt to municipalities

The Gauteng High Court has declared the unwelcome ruling that new homeowners can be held liable for he “historic debt” owed to municipalities by previous owners, invalid.

The property market was thrown a curveball at the beginning of this year when the Supreme Court of Appeal ruled that new owners could be held responsible for municipal debt - rates, water and electricity - dating back 30 years.

The ruling was made in terms section 118 of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act in order to obtain a clearance certificate. Real estate practitioners and buyers immediately reacted to this blatantly unfair ruling and relief came sooner than expected.

Judge Dawie Fourie in his ruling queried why a

municipality was entitled to “visit the sins of a predecessor in title upon innocent third parties when there is no relationship or connection between that party and the debts in question”, and declared the section of the Act constitutionally invalid.

The consequence of this ruling mans that the existing status prior to January 2016 stands. Fourie also made it clear that local municipalities at all times had and still have legal recourse to deal with arrears.

He called the idea of expecting new owners to pay a previous owner’s debt as simply ludicrous.

The municipalities were also restrained from claiming payment of outstanding amounts from new owners where they have no debt relationship with the municipality concerned in respect of municipal rates, taxes and charges.

Fine and Country Lowveld Kruger’s principals are also

conveyancers and welcomed the decision.

Obviously the restored legal position will encourage prospective buyers to purchase, safe in the knowledge that they won’t be held liable for massive historic debts.

Chris and Jan Engelbrecht of Fine & Country can be contacted on 082-784-5682 (Jan) or 082-561-3301.

SA’s zero growth economy to blame

There are currently almost 700 labour cases referred to the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) and it is predicted to rise in 2017 as labour disputes and retrenchments are predicted to increase.

The possible further deterioration of the economy that is battling to show a 1% growth, will leave business owners with no other option than to even further streamline their companies. However, the Labour

Act is not making it easy and presents

real difficulties if one has to stay on the right side of the law.

The obstacles are legion and disputes can continue for an extended period of time. The role of public interest concerns in mergers is also becoming increasingly prominent and it will be important for companies to be aware of the legal implications.

Human resources specialists are in agreement that disputes over the extension of bargaining council collective agreements to non-parties will be another key issue to watch in the year ahead.

Social MediaThe role of social media in commerce

also continues to result in a number of new cases.

A number of cases relating to potentially damaging Facebook missives are coming before local courts and employers and employees need to take precaution to avoid reputational damage.

Facebook communication obtained by way of hacking an employee’s account could be admissible as evidence against the employee as the right to privacy is not absolute, but the admissibility of such may

only be used in limited circumstances. Does this mean an employee can

be dismissed for posting insolent and threatening comments on social media towards his employer and its management?

It also begs the question whether an employee can be dismissed for posting racially discriminatory and threatening comments on social media?

Employees should be well aware of these issues as the court will not look favourably on issues of racism, hate speech and incitement to violence, even if it is claimed as a mere joke.

Experts predict more labour disputes with increased retrenchments in 2017

Totsiens laerskool!

Die Graad 7’s van Komati Akademie het hul kinderskoene uitgetrek en maak nou gereed vir die hoërskool. Hierdie groot stap is onlangs met ‘n uitstappie na Sabie gevier. Almal het met groot entoesiasme aan die grotkruip-item deelgeneem, die kloof- en watervalbesoek geniet en selfs die koue water by die Mac Mac valle trotseer. Niemand het uitgesit toe daar selfs teen die Sabiewaterval se kranse afgegly is nie. (Foto: Zarlia Engelbrecht.)

Mev Mpumalanga finalis, Adel Nel het onlangs ‘n bakkievrag skenkings aan behoeftige mammas met babas in Lydenburg afgelaai.

Behoeftige babas ontvang skenkings

Community NewsThursday, 24 November 2016 5

Ilanga Pick ‘n Pay not responsible for waste

Supermarket giant Pick ‘n Pay has denied that it is responsible for illegally dumping waste on farm roads and blames independent contractors. Rubbish bags filled with order books, staff attendance figures and notices to customers, originating from the company’s store in Nelspruit have been discovered next to a farm road after a resident living in the area alerted the authorities.

Wim du Toit, who lives on a smallholding just outside the city, discovered the dump site and says, “There has been a big problem with rubbish dumped all along the dirt road leading to our home. I noticed that one of the patches of trash was from the Pick ‘n Pay at iLanga Mall. Some of the items at the dumpsite included delivery books filled with order receipts, as well as staff attendance figures and signs notifying customers about Lotto and third party payments counter.

Pick n Pay regional manager Johan van Zyl said their investigations had found that the trash had most likely been dumped by building contractors working on the construction site at iLanga Mall, where the Pick ‘n Pay store is in the process of being moved to new premises.

“We are extremely happy with the functions of the waste disposal contractors we use. SmartWaste is responsible for collecting and disposing of 80% of the trash and another contractor the other 20%. We are satisfied that both of these contractors are 100% compliant with waste disposal procedures and regulations,” said Van Zyl.

He explained that 10 - 15 building contractors have been on the site since construction started and that the waste had probably been mixed up with their rubbish and improperly disposed of. “Unfortunately it is very difficult to identify the culprit, but we have since cleaned up the illegal dump

site ourselves and held meetings to ensure that our trusted waste disposal contractors are always used to collect any rubbish generated internally from our supermarkets,” Van Zyl said.

Democratic Alliance ward councillor Tersia Marshall said that illegal dumping continued to be a big problem across Nelspruit.

“Our park areas and unimproved properties are especially badly affected. Action against illegal dumping starts at home. Parents should educate their children and if people are not willing to have rubbish on their own lawn then they should not dump it elsewhere,” she said. “Furthermore, companies must discard their waste in a responsible manner and make doubly sure their contractors are compliant,” she added.

Hundreds arrested in Operation Thunderstorm in Mpumalanga

Nearly 300 of the most wanted suspects in Mpumalanga have been arrested during a special operation.

Provincial Police Spokesperson Brigadier Leonard Hlathi, said 293 suspects were nabbed and put behind bars.

“All 293 of the people netted were taken into custody for crimes ranging from murder, rape, assault with the intent to cause bodily harm and robberies, possession of stolen property and burglary, to drug and liquor related crimes.

“Many wanted suspects were among these. All of the perpetrators were located in the black areas of KwaMhlanga Cluster, Siyabuswa, Kwaggafontein, Mmamethlake, Vaalbank and Tweefontein,” said Hlathi.

He told the media that the operation was conducted by multiple forces, including among others, members from Visible Policing, the Tactical Response Team, K9 Unit, Public Order Policing, Mounted Unit and Crime Intelligence.

Numerous items were also seized and these teams wrote 207 fines for violations

of the Road Traffic Act, seized 136 693 grams of dagga, as well as liquor. Six illegal liquor outlets which were not in compliance with the Liquor Act and operating without licenses were also closed down.

Operation Thunderstorm has now rounded up an arrested a total of 532 criminals since it started. The suspects will appear in various Magistrates’ Courts in the province.

- African Eye News Service. (Edited - Alex Rose-Innes.)

Members of the K9 Unit were also involved in Operation Thunderstorm. (Photo sourced.)

The dump site outside Nelspruit filled with trash from a local Pick ‘n Pay. (Photo: Dale Hes/ AENS)

“Even apartheid was better than Eskom”Utility cuts illegal electricity connections in rural areas.

Angry rural dwellers in Tonga in the Onderberg lashed out at Eskom as households were left in the dark after the electricity utility cut illegal connections in the area. Outraged residents claimed the disconnections came without notice and one Martha even said that “apartheid was better than Eskom.”

Senior Advisor, Energy Balance at Eskom, Arthur Rametsi said electricity theft was more than an inconvenience.

He said it caused outages and economic hardship as businesses close down and jobs are lost. Eskom’s Mbombela Zone Manager, Themba Mamushe said most people don’t see electricity theft as crime.

“In most cases children are the victims of electricity theft. We don’t find (target) people because of money, but it is about the innocent lives that are lost from illegal connections and electricity theft,” he said. South Africa loses about R20 billion a year to electricity theft.

Residents however did not agree. “We have been in this place for a long time but they never come to put electricity for us. They should have given us a notice before

they cut the electricity.” Another resident said she pleaded with

Eskom not to cut electricity, said she has two toddlers that she needs to prepare formula for.

The Eskom representative told her to pay R6000 for reconnection, she said. The households and small businesses that had their connections cut will have to pay a R6000 reconnection fee.

- African Eye News Service (Edited - Alex Rose-Innes.)

Photo: Beatrice Shongwe/AENS

Community News Thursday, 24 November 20166

New rehab centre planned for Delmas

Mpumalanga Premier David Mabuza has committed himself to building a rehabilitation centre for drug abusers in Delmas. Mabuza said he has personally observed that drug usage in this small town is at an all-time high.

“To deal with this problem of alcohol and drug abuse, we are going to open a rehabilitation centre and have these youths rehabilitated,” said Mabuza.

He said there would also be an industrial park and skills hub which would benefit local entrepreneurs and youth involved with drugs.

“If it comes to a push, we will have to take them forcefully for rehabilitation, because we cannot allow these children to destroy themselves. I want to create a safe and a prosperous environment for youth to do business,” said Mabuza.

During a recent municipal meeting, business people spoke of how drugs and alcohol were creating an increasingly very negative environment for business. Mabuza heard how these drugged youths broke into businesses and troubled clients by pickpocketing them.

They told the visiting premier that Delmas was a small town to manage, but that criminal activities made it difficult to grow it economically.

Spokesperson for the Premier’s office, Zibonele Mngcwango said that no budget

has been set aside for the construction at the moment. However, the finance committee has already had meetings to discuss the allocation of funds to these centres.

“When the premier announced the construction there was no budget, but the finance committee is currently discussing how funds can be allocated to prioritise the new plans.”

- African Eye News Service (Edited - Alex Rose-Innes)

Cook-off proved and EGG-cellent ideaWhat an EGG-cellent idea

Heidel Eggs regularly hosts cook-offs for their suppliers and clients. The well-known and popular Kiddies cooking event is also on the calendar each year.

This year Heidel invited Lowveld companies to compete against each other in a year end cook-off held at The Bagdad Centre in White River. Heidel Eggs, being the main sponsor of this event, offered R20 000 holiday as the main prize.

Other sponsors also donated superb prizes which saw many smiling winners afterwards.

The Lowveld’s top chefs, in conjunction

with Dr Anthony de Pontes who judged the dishes by their nutritional value, eventually selected the team from Eunanda Fourie Attorneys as the winner.

Marriott’s Protea Hotel donated a further R5 000 to a charity of the winning team’s choice and this will be handed to the Silver Days Old Age Home in Waterfall Boven.

Other winners were:• Best tasting meal - NTT Toyota • Best effort and originality - Big Foot Express Couriers• Best presentation - Numbi Ford • Most nutritious meal - Old Mutual • Best combination of ingredients - BNI Synergy.

Local teenager finalist in Mr Teen SA

The Nel family of White River definitely has been spoilt in the beauty stakes. Mom Adele Nel, a finalist in the Mrs Mpumalanga pageant has just seen her son, Brandon Nel, winning the Mr SA Teen pageant’s Mpumalanga leg of this competition. He will now compete in the national competition which is to take place in April next year.

Image: Sourced

Everyone took the cooking very seriously. (Photos: Cindy Robinson)

The staff from Heidel Eggs thought it was an EGG-cellent idea. What is the verdict? Presentation, nutrition and taste were considered.

Thursday, 24 November 2016 7

Thursday, 24 November 20168


At Midfeeds Nelspruit you will find everything you need to meet all of your animal feeding requirements. With a wide range of brands, including Epol, Feedmaster, Alzu, Molatek, Equifeeds, Equus, Spurwing and Capstone, you will be sure to find the right product for your specific animal needs.

Our services extends beyond horse Feed and riding apparel, we also stock a wide range of dog and cat food, game, livestock and chicken feeds and a complete range of bird seed.

Visiting our shop in Riverside you will be welcomed by our friendly and experienced staff. Our sales team is knowledgeable in animal feeding, animal husbandry, care and health and are always available and willing to give advice and answer all animal-related questions.

We deliver!If you can’t make it out to the store,

give us call and we will deliver! Whether you need a load of hay or lucerne to your game farm, or only require one

bag of dog food to be dropped at your house, we can make that happen. When you use our ”Midfeeds at your door!” service, we will deliver your dog and cat food or bird seeds to your home or office at no extra charge*!

PLEASE NOTE: *This service is available in Nelspruit and White River at the moment but we are looking to extend the service into Malelane, Hazyview and Barberton very soon.

Midfeeds Nelspruit stocks most of the popular high quality dog food brands including Wuma!, Montego, Jock, Royal Canin, Vets choice and Optimizor, all at the best prices!

And all of this is complimented by a complete range of quality pet supplements, grooming products, accessories, toys and beds. Tick and flea control products can be ordered at the same time.

Visit our shop in Riverside for all yur animal needs under one roof or us call us to arrange for a delivery today!

*Terms and conditions apply.

Midfeeds Nelspruit, Mpumalanga’s leading supplier of quality animal feeds

Baby birds in distress!At some stage, you may find a baby

bird, unable to fly and apparently lost or abandoned. Interfering with a baby bird will do more harm than good.

If you find a seemingly abandoned baby bird, try to identify the species and decide whether it really needs your help. Determine whether it is a nestling or a fledgling.

On a windy day or during a storm, Nestlings may be blown out of their nest. There are however other reasons for nestlings to fall or be pushed out of a nest, such as being a sick or weak baby.

Nestlings are featherless or fuzzy and belong in a nest. A nestling is unable to cling to your finger or a branch. They usually cannot move around on the ground, but will stretch their mouths wide open asking for food.

The best is to replace nestlings into the nest they have fallen from. If you can’t find it, you can provide a substitute nest like a small basket or box, lined with tissues or soft material, in a tree. Put the baby bird inside and leave it alone. The parents will usually return and feed the babies as if they were still in the original nest.

Fledglings are fully feathered baby birds, old enough to leave the nest and be on the ground or in shrubs. A fledgling can perch, onto your finger gripping it firmly. If you find a fledgling, the best thing to do is also to replace the baby bird where you found it.

Fledglings usually spend several days on the ground or in a tree or shrub after leaving the nest. During this time, their flight skills develop well enough for them to fly off alone. Their parents will return intermittently to feed it, while it learns how to find its own food and will develop naturally.

If you find a baby bird where there is the danger of it being overrun by a car or trampled on, you could be move it to a safer spot. Ensure that it is within hearing distance of the parents, from where it was found.

Birds have a poor sense of smell so handling a young bird does not cause its parents to abandon it.

When removing a baby bird from any area, do so only if it is injured or has been abandoned or orphaned. If injured, you should take it to the local veterinarian in a small box, adequately ventilated and lined with paper towels. Don’t try to feed it before the species has been identified as to what it can safely eat. Your friendly veterinarian at Van Wijk Street Animal Hospital will give good advice on what to do.

When do I need to take the baby bird to a veterinarian?• the bird was retrieved from a cat or dog• it is not alert• there is blood on it or in its stool• it is breathing rhythmically with its mouth open,• its tail feathers bob up and down when it breaths• it has apparent broken wing(s) or feet • it has developed its feathers but cannot stand or grasp• the bird falls to one side or is weak in one leg or wing.

Van Wijk Street Vets regularly receive orphaned owls, but they are mostly fledglings. Owls are some of the earliest birds to fledge. Young owlets leave the nest and begin exploring nearby branches long before they are able to fly. Sometimes a gust of wind or losing their footing can lead to them falling to the ground. Nests also become overcrowded as the young owls grow rapidly. The larger, more vigorous chicks push the weaker ones out as they vie for food.

If you find an owlet, which remains upright and moves around do not approach it, but leave it as quickly as possible. As soon as it perceives that it’s alone, the owlet will make cries or chittering sounds. Sometimes they try to hide or climb up off the ground. If you find a young owl on the ground, try placing it on the highest nearby branch you can find. They will frequently make their way back up the tree. Remember that all birds with hooked beaks (owls, hawks, eagles) have extremely powerful claws that could harm you.

Hand raising a baby bird should also be a last resort. Taking birds into captivity denies them the opportunity to learn survival skills they need. Birds that have been imprinted on humans cannot interact with other birds and are unsuitable to be released back into the wild.

Thursday, 24 November 2016 9


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A first-time visitor to Uplands is sure to be impressed by the peaceful country setting and beautiful surroundings.

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Uplands - where excellence meets individuality in a campestral environment

Wildlife & Conservation Thursday, 24 November 201610

Alarming information regarding illegal trade in donkey hides came to the fore at the recent Abattoir Rating awards in Mpumalanga. It emerged that donkey skins are now in ever increasing demand from Asian countries and that abattoirs in Gauteng and Mpumalanga were the main suppliers.

A recent BBC report stated that the gelatine made from donkey skin is prized in China as a medicinal tonic to nourish the blood and boost the immune system. The report also mentioned that it is being referred to as one of the “three nourishing treasures,” of which ginseng and the antlers of young deer are the other two. Prices for hides have risen from just over R43 to as much as R723.80 recently.

The topic took centre stage at the Sixth Provincial Abattoir Rating Scheme Awards (PARS). These awards are aimed at regulating meat safety and encouraging the production of safe and wholesome meat for public consumption.

“In our neighbouring province Gauteng,

some suspects have been apprehended,” the MEC

of the

Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Land and Environmental Affairs, Vusi Shongwe said. “We will likewise bring them to book, if they dare try this in this province,” he said.

Foreign nationals have been apprehended and have already appeared in court in other provinces on charges of animal cruelty and have been incarcerated for up to eight months. Four of these men were apprehended in a vehicle travelling from Limpopo to an abattoir in Randfontein in Gauteng with 41 donkeys aboard. Adult males, females and foals were in the same compartment with most of the animals in a state of collapse or either crushed, dead or dying.

The manager of Project Outreach of the Highveld Horse Care Unit, Nadia Saunderson says the epidemic of donkey slaughtering began a little over a year ago, “and is absolutely exploding”. Our contacts in rural areas are finding their donkeys stolen or slaughtered illegally. They often just come across a carcass completely skinned,” she said. “Sometime it’s people from their own community and sometimes they find it is people from outside who are doing it,” she told AENS.

The MEC’s Award at PARS was handed to the Daybreak Abattoir in Sundra and Delmas. It is managed by a group of young black professionals all under 30 years of age. This group slaughter more than 50 000 chickens a day and supply Checkers Hyper,

Pick ‘n Pay, Spar and butcheries all the way to Cape Town. – (African Eye

News Service) Edited: Alex Rose-Innes.

Hope, the baby rhino dies

Slow-moving tortoises have reacted quickly to the first meaningful rains occurring in the Kruger National Park (KNP) this season and visitors to the KNP are warned to be aware of an influx of these creatures drinking water from puddles on the Park’s roads.

Areas across the south of the parched Park eventually received solid rain which saw the waterholes and dried-up river beds starting to flow again. KNP spokesperson William Mabasa said that the administrative hub of Skukuza received 30 mm of rain, whilst Crocodile Bridge received 60mm during the last spate of good rain in November.

“We welcome the first meaningful rain of the season and hope that this will mark the end of the devastating drought season we (are) currently experiencing. Although we are happy that this rainfall will at least create some greenery, we need it to continue for a few more days if a real difference is going to be made to the drought,” said Mabasa.

Mabasa said that large numbers of tortoises, mainly leopard tortoises, have stepped onto or alongside the Park’s roads to drink from puddles formed by the rain. “After such a long period of drought, there isn’t much water for the tortoises anywhere else so they come out and take advantage of the pools forming on the roads, which don’t dry out as quickly as water on the ground. We therefore ask tourists to be wary of this and drive

carefully in the Park,” Mabasa explained. The KNP has been in the grip of its

most extreme drought since 1991, having received only half of the annual average rainfall. Between July 2015 and June 2016, the temperature on 28 days reached more than 40 degrees Celsius, compared to only eight such days during the last crippling drought in1991.

“Droughts have occurred in the past and will continue to in the future. Some scientists predict that weather conditions will become more extreme. Both floods and droughts, as well as days with extreme temperatures may increase,” said Izak Smit, KNP science manager for Systems Ecology.

Species such as buffalo and hippo are especially sensitive to the drought, with buffalo numbers dropping from around 30 000 to about 14 000 in 1991. Buffalo numbers have now recovered to 40 000, with the KNP adopting a controversial plan to cull limited numbers of these and hippo during the current drought in order to feed hungry communities living around the Park. – (African Eye News

Service) Edited: Alex Rose-Innes.

An outpouring of grief is echoing across the globe after Hope died. This baby rhino became the embodiment of hope in the face of the evil of poaching which left its mother dead and her severely disabled with most of her face hacked away by poachers.

Hope captured the hearts of millions worldwide as she underwent several procedures to repair a gaping wound caused when poachers hacked away most of her face to get to her small horn.

It is believed that

Hope died last week from a bacterial infection she picked up earlier this month. The many messages on Facebook and Twitter

show that hope for the human race is dying as well and with that our wildlife legacy.

The recent spate of deaths of an entire African wild dog pack in the Kruger National Park (KNP) has prompted a pioneering initiative to test for diseases and vaccinate wild dog packs against the deadly canine distemper and rabies viruses.

Known as the Lower Sabie Pack, numbering 13 dogs, suffered a painful death from the killer canine distemper virus in May this year. A pregnant female carrying 18 pups was one of the casualties. This contagious virus poses a major threat to these highly endangered predators. Only 180-200 individuals are left in the KNP, almost half of South Africa’s entire wild dog population.

The Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) has now partnered with SANParks to start the first vaccination project against the disease and other viruses including rabies and tuberculosis. Four individuals from a pack residing close to the Lower Sabie Pack were vaccinated in July, and a second pack has subsequently been vaccinated.

Grant Beverley, field officer for the EWT’s Kruger Park Wild Dog Project said that the aim is to vaccinate 30-40% of the adult dogs in the KNP. “This is the first time that wild dogs in the KNP will be vaccinated against these diseases, although dogs have been vaccinated in smaller populations in other reserves,” she said.

A pack of wild dogs was vaccinated against canine distemper in the Tswalu Game Reserve in the Northern Cape in 2015, but was still wiped out by the disease in June 2016. Beverley said that follow-up vaccinations will now be tested on the

KNP’s dogs to boost immunity from canine distemper and rabies. Rabies are rife in the Lowveld and pet owners should have their animals vaccinated against this disease on an annual basis. “It’s all quite experimental at

Alex Rose-Innes

KNP’s adult wild dogs to be vaccinated

this stage, but based on trying to achieve the best possible outcome,” said Beverley.

KNP spokesperson William Mabasa said that the park could not afford further losses of wild dogs. “This is one of the most endangered animals we have and outbreaks of fatal diseases such as canine distemper have a huge impact on populations. Even losing the one pack earlier this year was devastating. All measures therefore have to be taken to protect them,” said Mabasa.

Canine distemper quickly attacks the nervous system and causes discharge from the eyes and nose, excessive diarrhoea, lung damage, vomiting and eventual death. In the KNP, the disease is thought to originate from feral domestic dogs.

The virus also caused the demise of all

12 wild dogs in the Crossroads Pack in the Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park in July this year. The vaccination project is being carried out in this reserve too, with four adults vaccinated so far in the KwaZulu-Natal park.

Beverley said the EWT is calling for donations from organisations and individuals to support the project. “Donations will help to ensure that our staff remains active in the field, monitoring and protecting our precious wild dogs by vaccinating them against these preventable illnesses and making sure we don’t lose any more of these incredible endangered animals.”

(African Eye News Service) Edited: Alex Rose-Innes.

Alex Rose-Innes

Alex Rose-Innes Alex Rose-Innes

Photo: Dale Hes (AENS)

Leopard tortoises drink water from the roads in the KNP. (Photo sourced)

These animals are now killed in the most horrific way to provide Asia with another health- product. (Photo sourced)

Public can become involved by

donating funds.

Drive carefully in KNP – tortoises on road after rains

Illegal donkey hide trade to Asia gains momentum

News to KnowThursday, 24 November 2016 11

KLCBT: main driver in Mpumalanga

Kruger Lowveld Business and Tourism(KLCBT) is definitely not resting on their laurels and in the wake of their IDP input for Nelspruit, the Regional Tourism Organisation Framework (RTO) has just been successfully presented to local municipalities and tourism organisations.

This agreement, which had been initiated by the Department of Tourism, has been signed by all district municipalities, Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Authority (MTPA) and all regional tourism organisations earlier this year and facilitates regular engagement and support between private sector and government with regards to tourism development and promotion.

Although the benefits of this agreement are beneficial in a myriad of ways, the main issues to be addressed will first and foremost be the co-operation between local government and private sector in the tourism industry and collaboration to combine

resources to specifically market and develop tourism. At the same time sharing best practices and expertise will be beneficial to all parties concerned.

A proper integrated planning and strategic cohesion will result through meaningful relationships and the various regions will be in a position to learn from each other. Poorer communities will reap the benefits as proper funding for tourism development is obtained and there is no denying that stellar standards can be achieved with regards to visitor information services and public attractions.

KLCBT is currently driving eight advocacies to the benefit of Mpumalanga.

Gesonde besigheid- en risiko bestuursbeginsels vereis dat boere deeglik oorweeg en beplan hoe om die onsekere omgewing waarin boerderybesighede bedryf word, aan te spreek. Dit is deel van die TLU SA se strategie om sekere te maak dat lede en ander landbouers toegerus is om die regte besluite te neem, aldus Bennie van Zyl, Hoofbestuurder van TLU SA.

Verskeie inisiatiewe en

moontlikhede bestaan vir boere om behoorlike diversifikasie te bewerkstellig maar is moontlik nie bewus van die verskillende opsies, faktore en oorwegings wat in ag geneem moet word nie.

In die lig hiervan het Old Mutual, die TLU SA en Agri All Africa ooreengekom om gesamentlike inligting/voorligting sessies aan te bied in verskillende

streke sodat kommersiële boere die geleentheid kan kry om met kundiges opsies te bepreek en sodoende meer ingeligte besluite te neem.

Hierdie sessies sal vroeg in 2017 in vier streke, waaronder Mpumalanga gehou word. Belangstellendes kan met Lynne Kayser by (012) 804-8031 of [email protected] skakel by die TLU SA. Verdere inligting sal bekend gemaak word sodra die reëlings gefinaliseer is.

Alex Rose-Innes

Alex Rose-Innes

Tanker explodes in Moz – many dead

Spesiale voorligtingsessies vir Mpumalanga boere in 2017

More than 70 people died and over a 100 were seriously burnt when a petrol tanker exploded in north Mozambique last week.

The incident occurred as the truck driver was allegedly illegally selling petrol to residents in Caphirizande on his way to Beira to deliver the petrol. Many bodies, burnt beyond recognition, were found on the scene and at the time of print it was expected that more victims would be found in the surrounding grass areas as many ran

towards a nearby river in a desperate attempt to douse the flames.

According to media reports, a special task force was to be deployed to the scene as it has come to light that people may have been stealing the petrol when the fire started. Other sources claimed the truck driver sold the petrol.

Ambulances rushed to the scene of the carnage and victims were transported to hospitals in the area. The truck was on its way from Malawi.

Alex Rose-Innes

Photo credit: Maroela Media

Provincial News Thursday, 24 November 201612

Teacher replaces under-tree-teaching with a genuine classroom

Jerry Mbowane (58) has been teaching maths and physics classes during afternoons from his home for 27 years. Most have taken place under the large tree in his front garden, but no more as big business noticed his efforts. Caltex will in future sponsor a proper classroom in an established school environment from January next year.

“I am inspired to do better with the partnership from Caltex. I vow to expand the distinctions from the previous years from 14 to 20,” he said. Despite being taught under trees, Mbowane’s passion for these subjects and the empowerment of his immediate community has seen his students achieve excellent results and many exam


Arnold Leroux, Financial and Logistics Director at Caltex said the petroleum giant will be supporting Jerry with new school furniture, stationery and also rent for classrooms. Leroux said Caltex had been moved by Mbowane’s achievements in a newspaper article.

Mbowane’s new facility will be called the Caltex Mathematics and Physical Science Academy and will start in January 2017 with a renewable contract. The intake will also expand to incorporate grades 8 to 12. (African Eye News Service.) Edited – Alex Rose-Innes

The South African National Parks (SANParks) supported by Total SA and First National Bank (FNB) recognises deserving conservationists at their annual Kudu awards and this year Mpumalanga’s Gladys Mathebula from Bushbuckridge Radio 88.4FM won the Environmental Media Award for Best Community Electronic Media/ Radio Journalist of the Year. Ms Mathebula consistently provided

in-depth reporting on rhino poaching issues and created awareness in the local communities about the impact of rhino poaching on conservation and tourism.

Fundisile Mketeni SANParks CEO, said that the Kudu Awards recognises journalists such as Ms Mathebula for their vital contribution to the protection of the environment through the spoken word which reflects the media industry’s role to inform, educate and create awareness.

Donné Barber from Inspire Hair & Beauty Spa in Malalane hosted a make-over session for the ladies of the Onderberg. The John van G range of make-up products were demonstrated by a professional make-up artist and many tricks of the trade were shared.

Inspire has moved from

the old premises in Air Street to the new building next to the water tower opposite SPAR. This top-of-the-range product is available from the shop, as well as other excellent skin products. A full list of spa products and services are available under one

roof with two beauty therapists on duty.

Alex Rose-Innes

Alex Rose-Innes

Soon Jerry Mbowane (front right) will teach his students from a proper classroom.

ADVERTORIALInspire has moved and hosted a ladies’ make-over day

Photo: Yvonne Silaule (AENS)

Learning the tricks of the trade from a professional.

Photos supplied.

So many choices!!! The professional make-up artist from John van G product range assists.

Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?

Local radio journalist wins Kudu award

School NewsThursday, 24 November 2016 13

Daar was dalk nie duidelikheid oor die prestasies van hierdie twee spogleerlinge van Hoërskool Bergvlam in Nelspruit in die uitgawe van 11 November nie. Dié twee meisies het so uitsonderlik presteer dat ons graag met die herplasing hiervan net wil verseker dat hulle die erkenning kry wat hulle toekom.

Anele Nkosi, 2016 head girl of The King’s School in White River walked away with many trophies and awards during the school’s recent prize giving. Not only was she awarded ASDux learner for 2016, but also won top honours in English, Afrikaans, life sciences, physical sciences, life orientation and geography and was the top achiever in grade 12.Well done!

Bergvlam ErratumLaerskool Mallies se hoof is tops!

King’s School DuxKomati Akademie Prysuitdeling

NHS leerders wen met die pen




Komati Akademie op Komatipoort het onlangs hul prysuitdeling gehou en ook is nuwe leiers vir die laerskool vir aanstaande jaar aangewys. Die ambassadeurs van elke graad is beloon, sowel as die sport en kultuur uitblinkers.

Beide die skoolhoof Ormond Lombard en Ds Arrie Preller het

hiertydens weereens beklemtoon dat karakter-ontwikkeling baie van beide leerders en hulle ouers verg en dat dit noodsaaklik is om te begryp dat om op te staan as mens val meer waardevol is as handevol trofees en dat elke leerder as ‘n wenner by dié skool beskou word.

Omdat daar soveel leerders was wat beloon is in hulle onderskeie gebiede, kan meeste van die fotos op www.newshorn.co.za gesien en afgelaai word.

Negentien Nellies het gedurende die afgelope jaar hul beste skryfstukke deur NHS se skryfskool vir die Radikale Skryfkunskompetisie ingeskryf. Elf Afrikaanse opstelle en agt Engelse opstelle is ingeskryf en hierdie leerders het bewys dat Hoërskool Nelspruit dalk weer ‘n Chris Barnard of ‘n Marita van der Vyver kan oplewer.

Zané Maritz, Melandi Lourens, Gerhard van der Merwe en Tayla Kotzee spog met die hoogste punte (96%) vir hulle opstelle. Zané Maritz (Gr 11)het in die Afrikaanse eksperimentele en

Afrikaanse opstel afdelings uitgeblink. Melandi Lourens het in die Afrikaanse prosa-afdeling ‘n wenresep gehad, terwyl Gerhard van der Merwe se aangrypende opstel oor sy diabetes geskryf het, definitief die merk getref het. Hy het ook vir sy Afrikaanse en Engelse opstelle van die hoogste punte behaal. Tayla Kotzee het in die Engelse prosa-afdeling hope talent getoon.

Die ander Nellies wat ook presteer het, was Nerina Visser, Lisa van Rooyen, Neil Henning, Franzel Gruber, Lauren Viljoen, Pieter Swart Jana Rheeder, Christie Kruger, Joshua Matthee, Liesl Hartley, Reece Terblanche en Wizelle Kritzinger.

Die beste laerskoolhoof in Mpumalanga bly toe al die tyd in Malalane! Laerskool Malalane se Gerben Janse van Rensburg is deur die Departement van Opvoeding as beste in die provinsie in die National Teaching Awards kompetisie aangewys. Hy is dus nou finalis in die Excellence in Primary School Leadership kategorie en sal aanstaande jaar in die nasionale kompetisie meeding.

Van die skool en die gemeenskap is daar hope gelukwense en trots op hierdie unieke leierskap! Baie geluk Meneer!!

Alex Rose-Innes

Alex Rose-Innes

Alex Rose-Innes

Cornelis van Dyk Ambassadeurstrofee Graad 5 (Foto verskaf.)

Links na regs: Gerhard van der Merwe, Zané Maritz, Melandi Lourens, Magda van der Merwe (organiseerder skryfskool) en Tayla Kotzee.

Die nuwe hoofleiers in geen spesifieke volgorde op die foto is Theo Preller (hoofseun) en Riani Nieuwenhuis (hoofdogter). Onderleiers is Jandré de Necker en Juané Rousseau. Die ander leiers is Denise de Beer, Nijinka-Lynn Harmse; Johané Cilliers, Lucille Gouveia; Annushka Pienaar, Alexander de Beer, Nico Jansen, Hanro van Heerden, SJ Botha en Thabiso Mdaka. (Foto verskaf.)

Michelle Kasa, Dux leerling 2016. Jesse Thorpe, Vlam van Bergvalm 2016.

Die beste laerskoolhoof in Mpumalanga, Gerben Janse van Rensburg van Malalane. (Foto: Facebook)

Skolenuus Thursday, 24 November 201614

Matrieks skenk hare vir pruike

Hoofleiers groet NHS op gepaste wyse

Graad 7’s sê totsiens aan laerskool dae

Twee KANSA debutante van Hoërskool Nelspruit het besluit om hul matriekjaar op ‘n hoë noot af te sluit deur hul lang hare af te sny en te skenk om pruike daarvan te laat maak wat deur chemoterapie pasiënte gedra kan word.

Melissa Claasen en Ly-mari Marais het ook ‘n mede graad 12 leerder, Janné Oberholzer, motiveer om ook haar 25cm bokstert vir hierdie goeie saak te skenk. Janné het dit gedoen omdat van haar familie ook al kanker gekry het en sy graag so haar ondersteuning wou betoon. Ly-mari en Melissa het besluit om hul 30cm ponies te skenk en vertel dat hulle graag iemand wat swaarkry op ‘n tasbare wyse wou seën. Dit is Melissa se tweede jaar as suksesvolle debutant

en Ly-mari het haar debutantjaar afgesluit deur die toekenning vir die beste dienslewering in die Laeveldstreek by die jaarlikse KANSA bal te ontvang.

Jacqueline Weideman van KANSA sê hare wat 25cm en

langer is, kan geskenk word by die organisasie kantoor (013 7415442) waarna dit na hul hoofkantoor gestuur word om pruike van te maak. Tweedehandse en nuwe pruike is by die plaaslike KANSA kantoor beskikbaar.

Francois Esselen en Henrike Nel, Nelspruit Hoërskool se leiers vir 2016 het NHS al die eer gegee vir die jongsmense wat hulle vandag is. Spesiale vermelding is gemaak van hulle geloof in God en die geleenthede waardeur hulle gesëen is en gegroei het tydens hulle leierskap. Vir hulle was NHS met hoof,

Dr Louis en die personeel huis en familie en nie net ‘n opvoedingsinrigting nie. Francois het met sy sterk karakter en positiewe uitkyk op die lewe ook kanker gedurende sy skoolloopbaan gebied en is deel van die geliefde en bekende Esselen familie van Malalane wat diep spore in die gemeenskap getrap het. (Foto verskaf.)

Tradisie by Komati Akademie Laerskool vereis dat die Graad 7-leerders deur die jaar fondse insamel om aan die einde

van hulle laerskooljaar ‘n geskenk aan die skool te oorhandig. Hierdie jaar is ‘n mobiele elektroniese telbord en twee mobiele pawiljoene deur vanjaar se “groot” kinders aan die skool as afskeidsgeskenk oorhandig. Pieter van Tonder, ingenieur

by TSB was instrumenteel tot die vervaardiging van die hoë tegnologie-instrument. Die skool bedank ook dan vir RCl/TSB en al die ouers wat deur die jaar al die fondsinsamelingsprojekte getrou ondersteun het. (Foto verskaf.)

Alex Rose-Innes

Alex Rose-Innes

School NewsThursday, 24 November 2016 15

Elvis besoek Komatipoort tydens Alegia Musiek-talentfees

Vergeet van Kersvader vir ons grensdorp en laat die Ruk-en-Rol koning en Abba se musiek weerklink!

Die NG Kerk op Komatipoort het vanjaar gasheer gespeel vir 33 uitsonderlike musikante en die talent het die gehoor behoorlik verstom. (En die ma’s se handewerk wat die kostuums gemaak het!) Alegria Musikante het met harp,

siter en blikkitaar groot genot verskaf, skouer aan skouer met die bekende sanger Worsie. Oppas Steve en Bobby, hier kom kompetisie. Komatipoort mag stowwerig en droog wees, maar daar is verseker geen tekort aan talent nie!

Laerskool Witrivier het tydens hulle onlangse prysuitdeling nie net akademiese, kultuur en sport uitblinkers erkenning gegee nie, maar het ook leerders met buitengewone lewensvaardighede vereer. Die

hoof- en onderhoofleiers is ook tydens die prestige-aand aangekondig. Wikus van Biljon en Jannika Verster is as hoofleiers verkies terwyl Pieter Quin, Danny van Staden, Kayla de Villiers en Magdaleen Terblanche as onderhoofleiers aangewys is. Die ouers en onderwysers kan na ʼn jaar van harde werk opreg trots wees op elke leerder.

Lize van Eeden is as Dux-leerling vir 2016 aangewys. Sy het met bykans al die gr. 7-vaktoekennings weggestap. Martiens le Roux is as die gr. 7 met die beste prestasie vir wiskunde aangewys.

Die volgende leerders het uitsonderlike prestasie bereik:• Kultuurtoekenning: Gohann Du Toit• Deursettingsvermoë in sport: Wikus van Biljon• Veelsydigste sportseun: Pieter Burger• Veelsydigste sportdogter: Kayla De Villiers• Junior sportdogter: Amé Quin• Junior sportseun: Henno Hattingh• Senior sportdogter: Kayla De Villiers• Senior sportseun: Pieter Burger• Toekenning vir gebalanseerde prestasie in akademie,

kultuur en sport: Rijk De Kock• Hoof se toekenning: Thabiso Mateba

Voor: Hoofseun Wikus van Biljon en hoofdogter Jannika Verster.

Agter: Onderhoofdogters en onderhoofseuns: Kayla de Villiers, Danny van Staden, Magdaleen Terblanche en Peter Quinn.

Alex Rose-Innes

Alex Rose-Innes

Prestasie by Laerskool Witrivier vergoed

Lize van Eeden is as Dux-leerling vir 2016 van Laerskool Witrivier aangewys. Sy het ook met bykans al die gr. 7-vak-toekennings weggestap.

Pieter Burger het die sporttoekennings vir die veelsydigste speler en senior sportseun ontvang.

Kayla de Villiers - Veelsydigste speelster en senior sport-dogter.

Lize se unieke prestasie

Totsiens aan wyle Shelby JeleThabiso Mateba het die hoof se toeken-ning ontvang. Shelby Jele, ʼn geliefde gr. 5-leerder is ʼn paar weke voor die

prysuitdeling aan leukemie oorlede. Haar pa, Raymond Jele het haar prestasiesertifikaat namens haar ontvang en ook die “Vlam van Hoop” ter herinnering aan Shelby aangesteek. Frannie van der Riet die skoolhoof, het vertel hoe Shelby enkele dae voor haar dood die dokters versoek het om die skool te kontak sodat hulle vir haar skoolwerk kan stuur om in te haal.

Hoofleiers 2017

Abba se musiek het oud en jonk laat saamsing. Vergeet Kersvader, Elvis was hier!

(alle fotos


Sport Thursday, 24 November 201616

Alfred Dunhill Golf Tournament back again

Excellent cricket year for Uplands

Malalane and surrounds will once again play host to the world’s best golfers during the upcoming Alfred Dunhill Tournament which will take place at Leopard Creek in the Onderberg from 1 – 4 December this year.

South Africa’s Charl Schwarzel last year admitted to battling his own demons to win the 2015’s local leg of the competition with fifteen under par. He is currently holding top spot on the leader board for this tournament.

Not only does the influx of visitors, players and their entourages inject much needed capital into Nkomazi, it is also a very lucrative event for the players themselves with prize money of € 1,200,000 (R18-460-013).

Tickets to the public will be available from the gate or from www.ticketpro.co.za before the event. Ticket prices are:

Thursday, 1 December 2016 - R50Friday, 2 December 2016 - R50Saturday, 3 December 2016 - R50Sunday, 4 December 2016 - R50Pensioners (over 65) and children under

the age of 16 free of charge.Public parking will be available on the

Leopard Creek Estate. The entrance ticket automatically qualifies you to park on the estate. Please follow directional signage to the parking areas.

Uplands had an incredibly successful season on the cricket field this year. Through excellent coaching of a talented group of dedicated young players, an incredible 19 boys and one girl were selected in various age groups to represent

Mpumalanga. Five of these players were also chosen to captain their respective sides.

Beon Pienaar will lead the u/13 A-team with Adam Davies at the helm of the B side. Luke Granat is captain of the u/12 B’s, Kyle Klesse of the u/15 B’s end Brandon Brodell will be steering the u/19’s A-team.

Alex Rose-Innes Alex Rose-Innes

Front Row (L-R): Bruce Nel, Sellin de Beer, Sam Brown, Luke Granat and Adam Rogers.Middle Row (L-R): Thomas Paterson, Ozayr Karodia, Bevan Carlse, Mr Joubert, Yusuf Patel and Torr Turner. Back Row (L-R): Cameron Howe-Dreyer, Beon Pienaar, Connor Fletcher, Danyaal Mohamed, Kieran McDonald, Kyle Klesse, Dylan Howe-Dreyer, Adam Davies and Branden Brodell.Absent: Katherine Prior. (Photo supplied.)

Charl Schwarzel won top spot in 2015 at Leopard Creek.

Taken at the tournament in 2015 - a different kind of spectator.

Leopard Creek outside Malalane will once again host the Alfred Dunhill Tournament from 1-4 December.