+ eq: how are emotions communicated nonverbally and across cultures?

+ EQ: How are emotions communicated nonverbally and across cultures?

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Post on 27-Dec-2015




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Page 1: + EQ: How are emotions communicated nonverbally and across cultures?


EQ: How are emotions communicated nonverbally and across cultures?

Page 2: + EQ: How are emotions communicated nonverbally and across cultures?

+Bell ringer

How do you communicate emotions to people? Give a personal example

How can you tell a person is extremely mad or happy without talking to them?

Page 3: + EQ: How are emotions communicated nonverbally and across cultures?

+Communicating emotions nonverbally

Emotions shown on a person’s face and in body language

Page 173: Identify the emotions

Page 4: + EQ: How are emotions communicated nonverbally and across cultures?

+7 primary emotions

Consistent across cultures

People find these are the easiest emotions to correctly identify from facial expressions

Anger, disgust, fear, happiness, surprise, contempt, sadness

Page 5: + EQ: How are emotions communicated nonverbally and across cultures?


Close your eyes

Frown for 30 seconds

Smile for 30 seconds

Page 6: + EQ: How are emotions communicated nonverbally and across cultures?


When you were frowning, did you feel unhappy?

How did you feel when you were smiling?


Pen/comics study

Page 7: + EQ: How are emotions communicated nonverbally and across cultures?

+Facial Feedback hypothesis

Specific facial expressions trigger the experience of specific emotions

Facial muscles send feedback signals to the brain, producing neurological changes that can trigger specific emotions

Page 8: + EQ: How are emotions communicated nonverbally and across cultures?


Have you ever been in a situation that you don’t feel it would be appropriate to express your emotions? Explain

Do you have friends that express their emotions more or less that you do. Explain

Page 9: + EQ: How are emotions communicated nonverbally and across cultures?


Men and women have same ability to experience emotions but usually express emotions differently

Men: express tough emotions-anger, contempt, pride

Women: express tender emotions-sadness, fear, empathy

Page 10: + EQ: How are emotions communicated nonverbally and across cultures?


Reading and answer questions (how to express emotions in other cultures)

Do different cultures physiologically experience emotions differently?

What is different amongst different cultures?

Page 11: + EQ: How are emotions communicated nonverbally and across cultures?

+Can you spot the fake smile (if time)
