· created date: 5/29/2019 1:54:47 pm

Case 9 Myeloid Sarcoma of small intestine Presenting author: Akshay Kumar Tiwari Co-authors : S.V Agale A.G. Valand S. Jibhkate S. Mahajan From: Department of Pathology Grant Govt. Medical College & Sir J.J. Group of Hospitals Mumbai Email lD akshaylucl<[email protected] Dr. Akshay Kumar Tiwari, Resident Department of Pathology Grant Govt. Medical College & Sir J.J. Group of Hospitals Byculla, Mumbai Background Myeloid sarcoma is a extramedullary tumour comprised of myeloblasts and immature myeloid cells. Myeloid sarcoma was previously known as Chloroma due to gross greenish appearance identified in some lesions. Other synonyms lor this neoplasm are extramedullary myeloid tumor and granulocytic sarcoma (GS). According to World Health Organization classification of haematopoietic tumours myeloid sarcoma divided into two major categories. The more common form is GS, composed mainly of myeloblasts, neutrophils, and myeloid precursors. The less common form is known as monoblastic sarcoma. lt can involve any organ of the body hc,wever skin, bone, spine, lymph nodes, soft tissue and genitourinary ttact involved more commonly. Gastrointestinal tract is uncommon site of involvement (7%) and small bowel (1 0%) is the most common region atfected in this system. ln less than 10% cases multiple anatomical sites can be involved. The male to female ratio is1.2:1 and median age of involvement is 56 years. Clinically it may be initial presentation or a relapse of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). lt may also represent blastic transformation of myelodysplastic syndromes or myeloproliferative neoplasms as well as in patients with no known haematological disorders. Clinical symptoms are epigastric pain, chronic anemia and acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding, perforation and small bowel obstruction. AML most lrequently associated with granulocytic sarcoma is acute myeloblastic leukemia with maturation (French-American-British [FAB] M2). Most common cytogenetic abnormalities associatedwithGSist(8;21)translocation andlessfrequentlytheinv(16)type. Case report 60 year old male presented with abdominal distension and pain of 2 days duration. He also had feverwith chills and breathlessness since'l month. USG Features suggestive of small intestinal obstruction with moderate ascitis. CECT shows Diffuse mass (26mm thick) encasing aorta from annulus upward, extending into right atrium; suggestive of malignant tumor. Multifocal eccentric bowel wall thickening with one of the loopg in the pelvis causing complete and another one partial obstruction. Je.iuno-jejunal intussception is also seen. Diffuse infiltratlve mass lesion infiltrating the visualized heart walls described above. Small nodule in superior segment of right lower lobe of lung. Findings were suggestive of disseminated lymphoma. Exploratory laprotomy and resection was pertormed. We received segment of je,junum measuring 1SxS cms. External surface was greyish white with few congested areas. On cutting open a ulceroinfiltrative growth was present. The groMh measured 5x3 cm, The cut section of tumor was greyish white and firm and tumor was seen reaching upto serosa. A small nodule measuring 1.Sx0.7 cm was seen situated 2 cm away lrom growth. The remainihg mucosa appears unremarkable. Microscopy revealed small intestine showing ulceration of mucosawith areas of necrosis and a tumor which extending up to serosa. Tumor was comprised of diffusely arranged discohesive cells without any pattern. The cells were medium to large with scant to moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. The medium cells have round to oval nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli. The large cells have irregular and embryo like vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli, Also seen are binucleate and multinucleate tumor giant cells. Mitotic activity was brisk. Sections lrom the adjacent intestine revealed tumor deposits but cut margins were lree of tumor. From above {eatures we come to the diagnosis of High grade non Hodgkin lymphoma ol small intestine with two ditferentials one was pleomorphic variant of plasmablastic lymphoma and second was anaplastic large cell lymphoma. Conclusion The wide variety of manifestations of myeloid sarcoma makes the diagnosis very difficult, especially in aleukemic cases. lt may be mistaken for difluse large cell lymphoma of small bowel. Gastrointestinal involvement is very unusual and we must maintain a high index of suspicion, lmmunohistochemical techniques are needed lor accurate diagnosis. The prognosis of MS is variable but seemsto be somewhat similarto that of AML. Prompt recognition and early institution of therapy is cruciat, and may delay its progression to a systemic disease. Treatment option for this condition includes surgical resection, systemic chemotherapy and allogeneic bone marrowtransplantation.

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Page 1: · Created Date: 5/29/2019 1:54:47 PM

Case 9

Myeloid Sarcomaof small intestine

Presenting author:

Akshay Kumar Tiwari

Co-authors :

S.V Agale

A.G. Valand

S. Jibhkate

S. Mahajan


Department of Pathology

Grant Govt. Medical College &

Sir J.J. Group of Hospitals


Email lD

akshaylucl<[email protected]

Dr. Akshay Kumar Tiwari,


Department of Pathology

Grant Govt. Medical College &Sir J.J. Group of HospitalsByculla, Mumbai


Myeloid sarcoma is a extramedullary tumour comprised of myeloblasts and immaturemyeloid cells. Myeloid sarcoma was previously known as Chloroma due to grossgreenish appearance identified in some lesions. Other synonyms lor this neoplasm are

extramedullary myeloid tumor and granulocytic sarcoma (GS). According to WorldHealth Organization classification of haematopoietic tumours myeloid sarcoma dividedinto two major categories. The more common form is GS, composed mainly ofmyeloblasts, neutrophils, and myeloid precursors. The less common form is known asmonoblastic sarcoma. lt can involve any organ of the body hc,wever skin, bone, spine,lymph nodes, soft tissue and genitourinary ttact involved more commonly.Gastrointestinal tract is uncommon site of involvement (7%) and small bowel (1 0%) is themost common region atfected in this system. ln less than 10% cases multiple anatomicalsites can be involved. The male to female ratio is1.2:1 and median age of involvement is56 years. Clinically it may be initial presentation or a relapse of acute myeloid leukemia(AML). lt may also represent blastic transformation of myelodysplastic syndromes ormyeloproliferative neoplasms as well as in patients with no known haematologicaldisorders. Clinical symptoms are epigastric pain, chronic anemia and acute uppergastrointestinal bleeding, perforation and small bowel obstruction. AML most lrequentlyassociated with granulocytic sarcoma is acute myeloblastic leukemia with maturation(French-American-British [FAB] M2). Most common cytogenetic abnormalitiesassociatedwithGSist(8;21)translocation andlessfrequentlytheinv(16)type.

Case report

60 year old male presented with abdominal distension and pain of 2 days duration. Healso had feverwith chills and breathlessness since'l month. USG Features suggestive ofsmall intestinal obstruction with moderate ascitis. CECT shows Diffuse mass (26mmthick) encasing aorta from annulus upward, extending into right atrium; suggestive ofmalignant tumor. Multifocal eccentric bowel wall thickening with one of the loopg in thepelvis causing complete and another one partial obstruction. Je.iuno-jejunalintussception is also seen. Diffuse infiltratlve mass lesion infiltrating the visualized heartwalls described above. Small nodule in superior segment of right lower lobe of lung.

Findings were suggestive of disseminated lymphoma. Exploratory laprotomy andresection was pertormed.

We received segment of je,junum measuring 1SxS cms. External surface was greyishwhite with few congested areas. On cutting open a ulceroinfiltrative growth was present.The groMh measured 5x3 cm, The cut section of tumor was greyish white and firm andtumor was seen reaching upto serosa. A small nodule measuring 1.Sx0.7 cm was seensituated 2 cm away lrom growth. The remainihg mucosa appears unremarkable.Microscopy revealed small intestine showing ulceration of mucosawith areas of necrosisand a tumor which extending up to serosa. Tumor was comprised of diffusely arrangeddiscohesive cells without any pattern. The cells were medium to large with scant tomoderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. The medium cells have round to oval nucleiwith inconspicuous nucleoli. The large cells have irregular and embryo like vesicularnuclei with prominent nucleoli, Also seen are binucleate and multinucleate tumor giantcells. Mitotic activity was brisk. Sections lrom the adjacent intestine revealed tumordeposits but cut margins were lree of tumor. From above {eatures we come to thediagnosis of High grade non Hodgkin lymphoma ol small intestine with two ditferentialsone was pleomorphic variant of plasmablastic lymphoma and second was anaplasticlarge cell lymphoma.


The wide variety of manifestations of myeloid sarcoma makes the diagnosis verydifficult, especially in aleukemic cases. lt may be mistaken for difluse large celllymphoma of small bowel. Gastrointestinal involvement is very unusual and we mustmaintain a high index of suspicion, lmmunohistochemical techniques are needed loraccurate diagnosis. The prognosis of MS is variable but seemsto be somewhat similartothat of AML. Prompt recognition and early institution of therapy is cruciat, and may delayits progression to a systemic disease. Treatment option for this condition includessurgical resection, systemic chemotherapy and allogeneic bone marrowtransplantation.