· created date: 1/1/2002 12:27:56 am

{ t\ l.' *s' --,'\r Aii ' J'i;i'Q :-it r:'4-1.v;*-h (;(}\l i1'''\!! \'l ')i [''l'lt\l-'\ Ai(.. ! it \( -'l I Social \Hellare Departme nL- 39o rese.var.i', in appointt,e,ts for ph5sicalll handicapped. ca,dirlates in corpor-atio,s, Iloards,rAuto.rycmous bodies,u*.iqp,gs.!ties and otl:r=r. srrch institirtion:,; rvllich corn.: tilttlei'the SLat'e GoVet'ntnent - ol'tletrs rssrrerL SOCIAL WELFARE {A) DEPARTIUENT GO(P)No.8110/S\'VDl)ated'Thiruvananthapuram'01r02'r20l0 Read: i. GO(PIN o.ZAI}8IP&ARD dated' 14'7'1998 2. GO(P)N o. 1199/P&ARD dated' 1'1'1999 3. G. C(n4S )27i031"5wD daterl,- 23' 06'03 4. GO(P) No. 119i2005/S\\r) dat'ed' 6'8'2005 5. C;.O(IUS)1?i06/SWD dated' 22 t)2 (\6 ; 6. G.O( P)46/O8/|SWD dat'ed' I9'O7-(,8 ?. G(-,iP) No. 11/200S'/SWD dated' 10'2'2009 B. G0(P) No. 43i09/S\ryll datetl' 13'10'2009 . ,r] ORDER s= p",. sectio. 33 of't6e Perscn's \\iiti: Disabilities (Equal opportu,ities' protectio, o[.Rigrrts a,rl Fuil participatiori) Act, lggb, e\reri'approp.iate Government, slrall ap1;oirrt, itr er.er1, establislilrrent strclr percentage of l,acatrcies noL less than 37o for. per.sons or class of perso,s rvir,r'r disabiritv of u'lricli o,e percent eacrr shalr be reser-r,ed for- per.so,s sufl'eri.g rror, i) blirrdness oi' lo*' vision ii) hearilrg irnllai',rerrt iii) lot'()rrrt't'or tlir:alliliL.v ot' cct'r'bt'il1 pals'\'' irr t'he ,.r"'ru."iii*J i;, each disabilil,. or.rrr:r.s ha'e ar.e.ci.-v br:err issued malii,g the abovesaidpror,isionsallplicabletoC}or,et.trtrrentl)etrlat.ttrtentsMoreovet., Governmen'u have ide:rtif ied fl}&ll'i categoi'ies ol pcsts i* Go'r:t'n*retrt Departmetrtsu,l-ricl-raresuitabietbr.eppointrrrentofdiffbr'errtcategoriesof physically handicapped ca*diclates artci ot'clet's ltal'e been issrred accordi,gll'- r'ide Governrne*t o'rler.s 1,2.4,7&g cited rbove. 'ilrc rli{'rirrent, cat.egories of posls suitabre fo. appoir-rt,rent.or' ph.1,sicail,\, riz.i*tric*,ped per"sor-rs \\'e.e ide,lifiecl as per l,5e reco*rrll..ciatio.s o{'the lixpe,:t (lo,rt.il't'oe cousLituted lor tlte prrt'postl' 3. 'l'he :rppointrnent of Ph.vsicallv h:rlrclicurlrl-recl }crsons to the po-<ts reser.ve. {br t,'e,r i* public ser.r.ice ius i;c,en i;r'.trght trrrder rhe Ptrr'ie*'o{:I(er"ala pultlic $1.1,1'j1.1, cornrr-rission fi.orrr Ilte, r'eirr' 2()()4 orrri'at'iis. hltlt't:ovet"" ils pel the (ior.r,r'rrrrrt,rrt ()t'rlt't' t't'ltrl il- ii" l)ltllol 'll"'t.t'' i1 ll:rs lrt't'tt rtt'tlt't't'rl llllrr lltt'ltr'r';rlir Irttlrlrr. Sr.r.r'i,.,, ('ottlllll::'rrrrll "r rli ;l'1" lt" plrr:il('illl\ lt;trltIit';t1rl)r'ti t';ittiliiilttt's

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Page 1:  · Created Date: 1/1/2002 12:27:56 AM


*s'--,'\r Aii '

J'i;i'Q :-itr:'4-1.v;*-h(;(}\l i1'''\!! \'l ')i [''l'lt\l-'\

Ai(.. ! it \( -'l I

Social \Hellare Departme nL- 39o rese.var.i', in appointt,e,ts for ph5sicalll

handicapped. ca,dirlates in corpor-atio,s, Iloards,rAuto.rycmous bodies,u*.iqp,gs.!ties

and otl:r=r. srrch institirtion:,; rvllich corn.: tilttlei'the SLat'e GoVet'ntnent - ol'tletrs




Read: i. GO(PIN o.ZAI}8IP&ARD dated' 14'7'1998

2. GO(P)N o. 1199/P&ARD dated' 1'1'1999

3. G. C(n4S )27i031"5wD daterl,- 23' 06'03

4. GO(P) No. 119i2005/S\\r) dat'ed' 6'8'2005

5. C;.O(IUS)1?i06/SWD dated' 22 t)2 (\6 ;

6. G.O( P)46/O8/|SWD dat'ed' I9'O7-(,8

?. G(-,iP) No. 11/200S'/SWD dated' 10'2'2009

B. G0(P) No. 43i09/S\ryll datetl' 13'10'2009 .



s= p",. sectio. 33 of't6e Perscn's \\iiti: Disabilities (Equal opportu,ities'

protectio, o[.Rigrrts a,rl Fuil participatiori) Act, lggb, e\reri'approp.iate

Government, slrall ap1;oirrt, itr er.er1, establislilrrent strclr percentage of l,acatrcies

noL less than 37o for. per.sons or class of perso,s rvir,r'r disabiritv of u'lricli o,e

percent eacrr shalr be reser-r,ed for- per.so,s sufl'eri.g rror, i) blirrdness oi' lo*'

vision ii) hearilrg irnllai',rerrt iii) lot'()rrrt't'or tlir:alliliL.v ot' cct'r'bt'il1 pals'\'' irr t'he

,.r"'ru."iii*J i;, each disabilil,. or.rrr:r.s ha'e ar.e.ci.-v br:err issued malii,g the

abovesaidpror,isionsallplicabletoC}or,et.trtrrentl)etrlat.ttrtentsMoreovet.,Governmen'u have ide:rtif ied fl}&ll'i categoi'ies ol pcsts i* Go'r:t'n*retrt

Departmetrtsu,l-ricl-raresuitabietbr.eppointrrrentofdiffbr'errtcategoriesofphysically handicapped ca*diclates artci ot'clet's ltal'e been issrred accordi,gll'- r'ide

Governrne*t o'rler.s 1,2.4,7&g cited rbove. 'ilrc rli{'rirrent, cat.egories of posls

suitabre fo. appoir-rt,rent.or' ph.1,sicail,\, riz.i*tric*,ped per"sor-rs \\'e.e ide,lifiecl as

per l,5e reco*rrll..ciatio.s o{'the lixpe,:t (lo,rt.il't'oe cousLituted lor tlte prrt'postl'

3. 'l'he :rppointrnent of Ph.vsicallv h:rlrclicurlrl-recl }crsons to the po-<ts

reser.ve. {br t,'e,r i* public ser.r.ice ius i;c,en i;r'.trght trrrder rhe Ptrr'ie*'o{:I(er"ala

pultlic $1.1,1'j1.1, cornrr-rission fi.orrr Ilte, r'eirr' 2()()4 orrri'at'iis. hltlt't:ovet"" ils pel the

(ior.r,r'rrrrrt,rrt ()t'rlt't' t't'ltrl il- ii" l)ltllol 'll"'t.t'' i1 ll:rs lrt't'tt rtt'tlt't't'rl llllrr lltt'ltr'r';rlir

Irttlrlrr. Sr.r.r'i,.,, ('ottlllll::'rrrrll "r rli ;l'1" lt" plrr:il('illl\ lt;trltIit';t1rl)r'ti t';ittiliiilttt's